EU cooperation for a successful

Development and Cooperation border links. It aims at addressing several challenges I What is the Eastern faced in the neighbourhood, including protracted Partnership? confl icts, poverty and social inequalities. It also provides a framework to address cross-border problems such as “The Eastern Partnership is an EU policy aimed at traffi cking, irregular migration or pollution. bringing our Eastern neighbours closer to the . The instruments of the Eastern Partnership To support the implementation of the Neighbourhood are used to help the participating countries with their Policy and fi nance cooperation programmes with the transformation. The EU’s support for democratic concerned countries, a specifi c fi nancial instrument has and economic reforms in the neighbourhood helps to been established, the European Neighbourhood and strengthen stability and prosperity which brings direct Partnership Instrument (ENPI). benefi ts to the citizens both in these countries and in the EU. This support goes not only to the reform efforts of In this overall framework, the Eastern Partnership the governments but is also designed to increase the role (EaP) was launched in Prague in 2009 as the Eastern of the civil society which has an important part in the dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy. It transformation.” covers the Republic of , the Republic of Commissioner for Enlargement and European , the Republic of , , Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle the Republic of and . The Partnership’s main objective is to accelerate political association and further economic integration between the EU and its Eastern Neighbours and for that, to support their political and socio-economic reforms. The Prague summit also agreed to support mobility of citizens and visa liberalisation as a long term goal for 2 individual partner countries, provided that conditions for well-managed and secure mobility are in place.

At the second Eastern Partnership Summit held in Warsaw in September 2011, the participants re- affi rmed their commitment to the guiding principles of Following the EU’s enlargement in 2004 and 2007, a the Eastern Partnership. deeper relationship is being built between the EU and the countries on its Eastern and Southern borders through To achieve the ambitious goals of the Eastern Partnership the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The policy two parallel paths are followed: a bilateral one, to seeks to build and consolidate healthy democracies, strengthen the already well established relations with pursue sustainable economic growth and manage cross- each of the partner countries and a multilateral one, to address challenges which are common to all partners. Large assistance programmes have been developed The deepening of the bilateral and multilateral over the last years to support the reform process, relations is supported by comprehensive cooperation democratisation as well as economic and social programmes. With the establishment of the Eastern development. These programmes, which contribute to the Partnership, the already important cooperation deepening of the bilateral relations between the EU and budget for EU Eastern partners has been increased its Eastern partners, are based on the priorities identifi ed by EUR 350 million for the period 2010-2013. This jointly with the partner country in the framework of a brings the fi nancial resources made available for the multiannual “National Indicative Programme”. implementation of the Neighbourhood Policy in the EU’s Eastern partners to about EUR 1.9 billion. In addition, two new initiatives have been launched in the framework of the Eastern Partnership: the Comprehensive Institution Building Programmes to support II The bilateral path partner countries institutional reforms (EUR 173 million over the period 2011-2013) and Pilot Regional Deepening the bilateral relations between the EU and Development Programmes to address regional economic each Eastern partner will be formalised through the and social disparities within the Eastern Partnership negotiation and conclusion of Association Agreements – countries (61 million Euros for 2011-2013). currently the closest contractual tie that exists between the EU and a third country. Given the political situation in the country, Belarus has currently no access to these new initiatives. Gradual economic integration will be formalised, as and when the partner country will be ready, through a 2.1 Bilateral cooperation programmes “Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area” (DCFTA), with Eastern partner countries granting it enhanced access to the European market and providing the tools to modernise and maximise the Bilateral cooperation covers a large range of activities benefi ts of that access. which can be broadly grouped under the following 3

Both the Association Agreement and the DCFTA, as an integral part of the Association Agreement, present a strong incentive towards reforms but also a huge challenge for each partner country which has to adopt and fully apply a broad range of EU standards and regulations, including in highly technical fi elds such as transport, environment and taxation. This will necessarily be a long-term endeavour. three main dimensions: good governance; rule of law multifunctional VET Centres. They have been renovated and fundamental freedoms; sustainable economic and and have received relevant equipment in order to social development, trade and investment. strengthen the links between labour market and employment strategies. Furthermore, the directors and Bilateral fi nancial envelopes are signifi cant, amounting teachers of VET colleges were trained in a new teaching up to EUR 596 million for Ukraine, the largest country, and management methodology. Building upon these for the period 2010-2013. Armenia will benefi t from achievements, the EU is providing further budget support EUR 185 million, Azerbaijan EUR 129 million, Belarus (EUR 15 million from 2011 onwards) for continued VET EUR 80 million, Georgia EUR 217 million, and reforms and development of an employment strategy. Moldova EUR 339 million for the same period. These total amounts include the amount foreseen for CIB and PRDP programmes. Assistance to the Milli Mejlis (Parliament) of the Republic of Azerbaijan (twinning operation)

A few examples of recent or ongoing bilateral Twinning is a joint implementation tool of cooperation programmes are presented below. between public administrations of an EU Member State and a benefi ciary country. It aims at helping Supporting vocational education and training in the Republic of Armenia (Budget support benefi ciary countries to develop modern and effi cient operation) administrations. Institutional twinning programmes will always consist of sending to the benefi ciary The EU is supporting the Armenian government in its country at least one resident adviser and a number of efforts to reduce the high unemployment rates and boost medium and short-term missions, all to be carried out job creation. A large programme has been initiated in by public offi cials of the EU Member State institution. 2008 funded under the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) with the aim to increase The EU currently funds 10 institutional twinning 4 the quality of vocational education and training (VET), so operations with different Azerbaijani administrations, that it becomes more relevant to the needs of the labour including in the areas of statistics, food security, market. The newly established National VET Council support to Parliament, energy and anti-corruption, mainly provides strategic guidance while its operational among others. For example; a twinning operation arm, the National Centre for VET Development, follows was launched in September 2009 (budget: EUR 950 up the reform in relation to curricula, standards and 000) bringing together the Milli Mejlis (Parliament) teachers training. In addition a partial reorganisation of the of the Republic of Azerbaijan and its twin partner VET department was carried out and newly established the Offi ce of the Seimas (Parliament) of the Republic college management boards were introduced. of Lithuania. The operation aims at supporting the process of aligning the Azerbaijani legislation more From the already existing 81 colleges in the Republic with European Union norms and standards (what of Armenia 12 were selected to become regional is called EU law “approximation”) and at the same time raising awareness about EU institutions, policies, strategy, a redefi nition of the role of the Centre for laws and law-making processes among both Milli Economic Crimes and Corruption, the drafting of a Mejlis personal and the civil society. With the support Road Map for police reform, and the preparation of a of the twinning partner, a team of 5 lawyers was Migration and Asylum strategy. established in the Apparatus of Milli Mejlis to work on EU law “approximation”. A new Constitutional law on “Normative Legal Acts” has also been prepared Supporting environmental protection in the and a virtual European Union Information Centre, Republic of Belarus accessible from the Milli Mejlis website, has been launched. EU’s assistance to Belarus aims at supporting the population and civil society organisations in different areas including higher education, environment, energy High Level Policy Advice to the Republic of and regional and sustainable development. The Moldova environment is one of the three key dimensions of The European Union High Level Policy Advice sustainable development (together with economic and Mission (EUHLPAM) was established to provide social development). Environmental policies in line with high-level EU experts with hand-on experience of international standards contribute to a better health and EU legislation and standards. The Mission has made quality of life of the population and are in the common a substantial contribution to the furtherance of the interest of both the EU and its partner countries. Government’s reform agenda – : Freedom, Democracy, Welfare (2009-2013) – and to the Belarus has a number of bilateral environmental negotiation of the Association Agreement. projects, providing institutional support to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Broad agreement has been reached on Political Protection and its bodies. The main areas are eco- Dialogue and Reform, Cooperation in the fi eld of tourism (creating additional jobs and touristic Foreign and Security Policy and Justice, Liberty and attractiveness of the country), waste management and 5 Security. Substantial progress has also been made with protection and improvement of biodiversity. respect to the introduction of visa liberation. At the same time the EUHLPAM mission has supported Since 2011 the EU funds a project (5 million Euros) well the preparatory work of the negotiation of the aiming at the development of a comprehensive Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA), framework of international environmental notably through the advice provided to Ministries, cooperation in Belarus. Among the main activities Customs Service and the Public Procurement Agency. is the implementation of Belarus’s environmental policies as well as pilot projects in the fi eld of solid Furthermore EU experts have provided particular waste management. Education and dissemination input to the elaboration of a Justice Sector reform activities promote awareness raising, capacity building and development of grassroots initiatives at local level. border guard experts from 19 EU Member States For example an information campaign was launched and national staff from the Republic of Moldova and involving Belarusian citizens, NGOs, schools, Ukraine. Through its work, the Mission is contributing universities, businesses, as well as local and regional to the peaceful settlement of the Transnistrian confl ict authorities. in the Republic of Moldova.

The EU Border Assistance Mission to the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM)

Borders are a vital tool in promoting a safe environment in which trade and people to people contacts can fl ourish. The EU Border Assistance Mission to the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM) has helped to achieve those goals by supporting the two countries to harmonize and modernize their border management standards and procedures in accordance with European standards. It also aims to enhance the professional capacities of the Moldovan and Ukrainian customs and border guard services at operational level, making a concrete difference on the ground.

Since November 2007 the EU has provided funding for the Mission under the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI). Additionally, 6 19 EU Member States provide direct contributions by funding the secondments of their border and 2.2 Eastern Partnership Comprehensive customs professionals to the Mission. EUBAM has Institution Building Programme (CIB) its headquarters in Odessa and six fi eld offi ces on the Moldovan-Ukrainian border and in Odessa Port. The process of institutional reforms, required for The programme is being implemented by the EU the negotiation and implementation of Association Delegation in Kiev. All parties included agreed recently Agreements, Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade to extend the EUBAM mandate until December 2015. Areas or visa liberalisation regimes is supported specifi cally through the Comprehensive Institution Over 200 EUBAM staff members work on issues Building programme. affecting the 1 222km-long Moldova-Ukraine border. Its objective is to strengthen the capacities of the This includes around one hundred customs and institutions that are instrumental in preparing the negotiations of and, further along the road, the fl exible manner to the institutions’ changing needs. implementation of Association Agreements and Deep They outline the priorities to be pursued to fully and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements. EUR 173 upgrade the institution, the measures to be taken, the million has been dedicated to the implementation of the input to be provided and the sources of support. CIB over 2011-2013. The EU will then fi nance part of the measures defi ned The CIB programme is divided in two main phases: in the Institutional Reform Plans. Other donors, in particular EU Member States may also contribute to • In the fi rst phase, a list of institutions to be strengthened the IRP implementation. is jointly agreed to with the partner government, taking into account the current situation and needs CIB state of play in the light of Association Agreement negotiations. These institutions and the key challenges they face are CIB Framework Documents were signed by the EU set out in a Framework Document. with all fi ve participating partner countries (Republic of Armenia, Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of • In the second phase, the selected institutions draw Moldova, Ukraine) in 2011. Work on the Institutional up Institutional Reform Plans (IPRs). These are Reform Plans (IRPs) for the selected institutions is multi-annual documents designed to respond in a almost fi nalised. A few have already been adopted and most of the others should be formally adopted by the end of 2011. The development of IRPs has been assisted by the EU, which provided technical assistance to that end.

In July 2011 the EU adopted a budget of EUR 43 million for the 2011 CIB programmes, which is progressively made available as and when IRPs are fi nalised. 7

CIB country example: supporting the Civil Registry Agency in Georgia

The Civil Registry Agency, a key institution in the lives of citizens and residents of Georgia, has embarked upon ambitious reforms aiming at a more accurate registration process and citizens’ database, as well as more effective and reliable services to the population it serves. The new Reform Plan 2011-2015 of the Civil Registry EUR 62 million are available for the period 2012-2013 Agency established in the framework of the CIB for the implementation of PRDPs in the fi ve partner includes initiatives aimed at developing a unifi ed and countries concerned and the fi rst concrete actions will accurate system for registering addresses throughout be fi nanced in 2012. Georgia, deploying infrastructure for the introduction of multi-functional e-ID cards, enhancing capacities of III The multilateral path the State Commission for Coordination of Migration Issues, and introducing an e-governance system for 3.1 Thematic platforms the local self-governments. Meetings at regional level – the main innovation of For the year 2012, the EU will support these reforms the Eastern Partnership – aim at supporting reforms through the CIB programme with funding of about 1.8 through the exchange of best practice on subjects of million Euros. These reforms will lead to the formation common interest, namely: of an effective electoral process through the creation of • good governance; a reliable and updateable voters list. They will also result • economic integration and growth (including in easier access to various public and private services for environment); the population through application of the e-ID cards. • and transport and • people to people contacts. Four platforms covering these themes have been set up. They serve as fora for open discussion and 2.3 Eastern Partnership Pilot Regional include representatives from government ministries Development Programmes (PRDPs) and agencies, parliaments, civil society, international organisations, international fi nancial institutions, the Pilot Regional Development Programmes have private sector as well as economic and social partners. 8 been proposed to help partner countries to address important structural problems such as economic Platforms have established expert panels in various areas and social disparities among regions and population to guide the implementation of their work programmes. groups (often divided by historical, cultural, These expert panels complement the work conducted ethnic and religious differences). Such disparities with the EaP partners bilaterally. In the area of good represent a major obstacle to economic and social governance, the implementation of some activities is development at the national level. The programmes supported by the Council of Europe through a facility are inspired by the EU cohesion policy experience that has been established for that purpose. and will help partner countries to develop or update and implement regional development strategies 3.2 Flagship initiatives and programmes aimed at reducing disparities and overcoming structural de ciencies. Five Flagship Initiatives have been launched at regional level to give substance and focus to the and facilitating mobility of people across non-EU multilateral cooperation under the Eastern Partnership. borders. It is also meant to help partners approximate The Flagship Initiatives are implemented through border management rules and adopt best practices regional projects in the framework of the Regional East in line with EU border management standards. Programme for 2010-2013. A series of other regional Exchange of best practices is taking place in the cooperation projects funded from previous years framework of a dedicated Panel on Integrated Border are also ongoing, covering a broad range of sectors, Management (IBM) established under the thematic from border management, to economic development, Platform on Democracy, Good Governance and energy, transport, environmental protection and social Stability. and human dimension, which also contribute to the objectives of the Flagship Initiatives and the multilateral 44 million Euros are dedicated to support border path of the Eastern Partnership. management issues in the framework of this Flagship, for the period of 2010-2013. Integrated Border Management Flagship Initiative A fi rst project, the IBM Flagship Initiative Training Cooperation on border management in the Eastern Project – with a budget of EUR 2 million – is ongoing, Partnership countries is focused on improving focusing on training and capacity building of partner security, reducing smuggling and human traffi cking countries’ border authorities, on support to the implementation of border management and action plans, document integrity and security, detection of drugs and smuggled products, protection of intellectual property rights. For more information: http://eap-fi

Concrete support for selected border crossing points at the borders between Eastern Partnership countries 9 is also considered in the framework of this Flagship Initiative. The fi rst pilot programmes approved concerned the Belarus-Ukraine border (“Strengthening Surveillance Capacity on the “Green” and “Blue” Border between the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine” for an amount of EUR 2.7 million) and border crossing points on the Georgia-Armenia border (“Enhancement of the border management capabilities at the Ninotsminda-Bavra border crossing point between Georgia and Armenia”, for EUR 2.9 million). These projects will provide expertise, foster exchange of East-Invest is a regional investment and trade experience and best practices and provide equipment enhancement project for the economic development of and infrastructure. the Eastern Partnership region. It targets and provides technical assistance to business support organisations Support to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and SMEs from the six Eastern Partnership countries (SMEs) Flagship Initiative which have the potential for developing mutual cooperation and attracting EU investments. This Flagship Initiative was set up to support the needs of SMEs in the Eastern Partnership countries and In July 2011 around 40 representatives of business provide external stimulus to growth and employment, organisations from the six Eastern Partnership with a total budget of EUR 34 million. It aims to achieve countries participated in a one week East-Invest this by supporting existing and new initiatives for the Academy organised in Irpen, Ukraine. The improvement of the business climate, improving and purpose of the academy was to improve their skills extending the provision of advisory services to SMEs and consequently enhance their organisations’ and by establishing an SME funding facility. Three EU responsiveness to today’s fast changing economic funded projects are currently running in support of this environment. fl agship: For more information: 1. East-Invest, an investment and trade facilitation project, with a total budget of approximately 9 million Euros. Turn Around Management and Business Advisory Services - TAM-BAS 2. Turn Around Management and Business Advisory Services - TAM-BAS, a tailored Under the TAM-BAS programme implemented by the technical assistance programme, implemented by the EBRD with EU funding, up to 600 small and medium- 10 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development sized enterprises receive tailored technical assistance (EBRD) and funded entirely by the EU with a budget aiming at supporting sustainable development of the of EUR 10 million. SME sector in the six Eastern Partnership countries 3. SMEs Funding Facility Project, an envelope of and building a competitive infrastructure of local EUR 15 million provided by the EU as risk sharing advisory services. cushion to leverage loans for SMEs, from European Financial Institutions. TAM (Turn Around Management): Eastern Partnership enterprises are advised by international Other programs, which are not part of this fl agship but experts over 24 months on how to make structural are aiming at the development of SMEs and business changes, introduce new technologies and develop new climate in general in the region, are supported by the skills at senior management level. European Commission as well. BAS (Business Advisory Services) is working with local consultants, selected and trained by EBRD of Sustainable Energy Action Plans. Already over 3000 experts prior to the project, who engage on shorter cities have signed up to this commitment of which projects with rapid payback, such as market study, more than 30 cities are from the Eastern Partnership business plans etc. region. A branch offi ce of the Covenant of Mayors was opened in the Eastern Partnership region in 2011. For more information: For more information: workingwithus/tambas.shtml index_en.html

Regional Electricity Markets, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources Flagship Initiative

This fl agship has a focus on improving the integration of the electricity net and encouraging sustainable energy as ways to address security of energy supply.

Regional energy cooperation in the countries of the Eastern Partnership is supported through the INOGATE programme. Energy security and The International Conference on the Covenant of Mayors diversifi cation of supply cannot be seen in isolation organised by the Commission and hosted by (Georgia) and the INOGATE programme also links the attracted more than 150 participants from 45 cities presented at Eastern Partnership region to Central Asia. In 2011 mayor and deputy mayor level. the INOGATE programme includes approximately EUR 51 million of ongoing projects in support of regional energy markets and the Eastern Partnership Prevention, Preparedness and Response to natural Energy Flagship in particular (e.g. energy regulation, and man-made Disasters Flagship Initiative 11 harmonisation of standards and legislation, but also (PPRD-East) activities in support of renewable energy and energy effi ciency in the building sector). This Flagship develops and reinforces the capacity For more information: of participating countries for disaster prevention, preparedness and response at local, national and Covenant of Mayors regional level, and promotes cooperation with the EU An important initiative under the Flagship concerns and among Eastern Partnership countries themselves. the Covenant of Mayors, a commitment of Mayors of participating countries to reduce the CO2 emission of The fi rst phase of the Flagship, already under their cities by 20% in 2020 through the implementation implementation, with a budget of EUR 6 million, will review existing resources and available mechanisms regional level. EUR 10 million has been allocated, within in Eastern Partnership countries and prepare a the ENPI East regional envelope, to support this initiative. regional Risk Atlas. Capacity building, study visits and exchanges of experts involved in disaster management, 3.3 A partnership with societies as well as technical assistance missions in response to specific demands by the countries’ authorities will The EU attaches great importance to the development also be deployed. Further activities include a full- of a thriving civil society as it empowers citizens to scale simulation exercise and awareness-raising for express their concerns, contribute to policy-making and stakeholders and the general population. hold governments to account. The EU has developed a series of initiatives and programmes to support civil Additionally EUR 5 million are foreseen for a second society organisations in Eastern Partnership countries. phase to be launched in 2013. Civil Society Environmental Governance Flagship Initiative The Civil Society Forum was launched to promote The Eastern Partnership Flagship Initiative on civil society involvement in the civil and social Environmental Governance is aimed at promoting dimension of the Eastern Partnership. The Forum environment protection and climate change adaptation aims at promoting contacts among Civil Society by strengthening environmental governance in the Organisations (CSOs) and facilitates their dialogue partner countries. Four ENPI regional projects are with public authorities. Organisations coming together ongoing and contribute to the Flagship Initiative (Waste Governance, Shared Environmental Information System - SEIS, Air Quality Governance and Forest Law Enforcement and Governance; with a budget of 12 EUR 22 million). In addition, EUR 13 millions are allocated for the protection of freshwater and marine environments in the wider region.

Further climate change projects will start in 2012 with a budget of EUR 18 million, to ensure a follow-up to the ongoing “Support to Kyoto Protocol Implementation”.

In parallel, a study was conducted to identify the obstacles in applying green economy principles in the partner countries, analyse the strengths and weaknesses of each of the countries and recommend actions at national and in the Forum provide input to the work of ministerial in implementing and evaluating EU programmes. EUR meetings and of the multilateral thematic platforms. 14 million has been made available under the Facility The Forum is structured into working groups mirroring in 2011 for Eastern partners’ civil society organisations. the intergovernmental Eastern Partnership platforms. National Forum Platforms in partner countries ensure Education the ownership of Forum activities at country level and reflect the local realities of civil society organisations. The EU is also supporting education and in particular higher education in Eastern Partnership countries The Forum has already established itself as a dynamic to contribute to developing the capacities of both component of the Eastern Partnership, and participates individuals and institutions. actively in several thematic platforms. The Tempus programme supports the modernisation “Civil Society involvement is a condition sine qua of higher education in partner countries, with a focus non for the success of our common endeavour, the on institutional cooperation. The Eastern Partnership Eastern Partnership. This conviction stems from countries joined the programme in the 1990s and a a deep belief that Civil Society is a fundamental total budget of EUR 136 million was attributed to this part of the democratic process. Reforms, which are region (1993-2011) to finance more than 250 joint necessary to complete the process of transition and projects and 50 structural measures and some hundreds approximation to European standards, cannot be of individual mobility grants. implemented without the backing of the public. Therefore I do hope that the Civil Society Forum The Erasmus Mundus programme supports the will prove to be instrumental in promoting Eastern mobility of individual students and staff from partner Partnership goals in societies and mobilising their countries to the EU and, to a lesser extent, from the support for reforms. “ EU to partner countries. To date the programme has Štefan Füle, Commissioner for Enlargement and funded thirteen partnerships of universities from the European Neighbourhood Policy EU and Eastern Partnership countries to manage 13 mobility schemes, for a budget of EUR 55 million, Increasing engagement with civil society in the Eastern providing for 2 300 scholarships for students and staff Partnership is also emphasised in the Communication from the region to study in Europe. of “A new response to a changing Neighbourhood” of 25 May 2011, which announces the setting up of a For 2012-2013, significant extra funding will be allocated Neighbourhood Civil Society Facility. The Facility to both Erasmus Mundus and Tempus in order to further aims at promoting civil society’s role in reforms and support education in Eastern Partnership countries. democratic changes. It will thus support civil society organisations in building their advocacy capacity, their Finally, the eTwinning programme, which allows ability to monitor reforms at national level and their role teachers and pupils from participating countries to improve “professionalization” of the culture sector in the region. It will contribute to exchange of information, experience and best practices among cultural operators at the regional level and with the European Union and support regional initiatives and partnerships which demonstrate positive cultural contributions to economic development, social inclusion, conflict resolution and intercultural dialogue. Over the period 2011-2014, EUR 12 million will be devoted to this programme.


As regards youth, a regional Eastern Partnership Youth Programme will be launched in 2012 to support and strengthen the response of the Eastern Partnership countries to the needs of youth in their societies, through find partner schools, team up in groups, and engage in the promotion of regional cooperation between policy online-based projects, will also be partially extended to institutions, youth organisations, youth workers and young the Eastern Partnership countries from 2012 onwards. people. The programme will provide a holistic coverage of the youth sphere – from capacity-building in the policy Culture domain, to the support of practical projects involving young people. The Eastern Partnership recognises cultural cooperation 14 and inter-cultural dialogue as an integral part of external In addition a new “Eastern Partnership Window” policies and has underlined the importance of cultural will be established under the EU Youth in Action cooperation in addressing political processes and programme. Under this “window”, young people and challenges. A specific Eastern Partnership Culture youth organisations from the Eastern Partnership Programme has been established to strengthen the countries will be given, for the first time, the opportunity capacity of the cultural sector in the region and enhance to directly apply for EU funding to take part in Youth the role of culture as a force for reform, promotion of Exchanges, the European Voluntary Service and tolerance, and social cohesion. training and networking actions. Priority will be given to projects that support disadvantaged young people More precisely, the programme will support and living in rural or deprived urban areas. promote cultural policy reforms at the governmental level, build capacities of cultural organisations and 15

EU and Eastern Partnership countries MN-30-11-367-EN-C

For more information:

• ENPI Info Centre: • DG Development and Cooperation – EuropeAid: EU cooperation for a successful • European External Action Service (EEAS): Eastern Partnership

© European Union, 2012 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

ISBN 978-92-79-22511-6
