5Th International Conference on Youth Mental Health 26–28 OCTOBER 2019 BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA
5th International Conference on Youth Mental Health 26–28 OCTOBER 2019 BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA United for Global Change ABSTRACT BOOK 5th International Conference on Youth Mental Health Table of Contents All may not be well in the last Shangrila: mental health, substance use, and sexual behaviour of university students in Bhutan 3 Dr. John Howard (National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Medicine, UNSW Australia), Prof. Kezang Sherab (Paro College of Education, Royal University of Bhutan), Ms. Sherub Tshomo (Paro College of Education, Royal University of Bhutan), Ms. Karma Tshering (UNFPA) Young People Can Do Them Too! An International Knowledge Exchange Visit Between Australia and Canada 4 Mr. Jimmy Tan (ACCESS Open Minds / Esprits Ouverts), Dr. Vidya Iyer (McGill University), Ms. Jo Fitzsimons (Orygen, The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health) A matter of health equity: are rural Australian adolescents with mental health needs using online health technologies to overcome limited service access? 6 Dr. Georgina Luscombe (The University of Sydney), Prof. Catherine Hawke (The University of Sydney), Prof. Melissa Kang (University of Technology Sydney), Ms. Fiona Robards (The University of Sydney), Prof. Katharine Steinbeck (The University of Sydney), Prof. Lena Sanci (The University of Melbourne), Prof. Stephen Jan (The George Institute for Global Health), Dr. Marlene Kong (University of New South Wales), Prof. Tim Usherwood (The University of Sydney) Eudaimonic wellbeing and the ethics of persuasive design 7 Ms. Jessica Phillips (Orygen, The National Centre for Excellence in Youth Mental Health), Mx. Lee Valentine (Ory- gen), Dr. Simon D’alfonso (University of Melbourne) Traumatic Experiences in Youth At-Risk for Serious Mental Illness 8 Dr.
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