Newport Beckons 2003 Congress NONUESW S See Page 2 Vol. XX, No. 1 On the Web at W inter/Spring 2003 Form er President George H. W. Bush Receives ADM Dewey Award Ex-Pres. Made Life Nation, Naval Order Lose Heroes Mem ber of NOUS And Citizens The nation and the Naval Order lost of VMF-115 in the South Pacific. two of its most famous citizens, Briga- Following W W II, he helped organize dier General Joe Foss, USAFR(Ret) and and was commissioned in the South Da- Captain Edward L. —Ned“ Beach, USN (Ret). These two gentlemen served their country for long and distinguished ca- reers, both as military heroes and as pri- vate citizens. Brig. Gen. Foss was awarded the Medal of Honor in 1943 for his combat From L to R: CAPT King, CAPT Holy- prowess as a Marine aviator flying F4F field, President Bush, RADM Brown, W ildcats from Henderson Field, Guadal- LCDR Coldren, CAPT Conlin. canal from October through November, General Thomas F. Brown, III, together with a delegation of several members of the Texas Com- mandery, presented the ADM George CAPT Ned Beach, USN(Ret) Dewey Award to former President George H. W . Bush in his Houston of- kota Air National Guard. He was fices on Friday, February 14, 2003. This elected to the South Dakota House of award was planned for presentation at (Continued on page 3) the Annual Congress in October 2002. However, prior commitments prevented CG Sends: the former President‘s attendance at that My Fellow Companions, time. Accompanying the Commander Please take a close look at the en- General were LCDR Clarke L. Coldren, closed insert. It contains the details of USN(Ret) (Commander, Texas Com- our forthcoming Annual Congress to be mandery), CAPT Carter B. Conlin, USN held during the period 23-26 Oct. 2003 (Ret), CAPT George W . Holyfield, USN BRIG GEN Joe Foss, USAFR(Ret),during at Newport, RI. Our Congress Host (Ret), and CAPT W . O. King, Jr., USN his Marine Corps career in WWII Committee Chairman this year is (Ret). RADM Doug Moore, SC, USNR(Ret) RADM Brown explained to the for- 1942. He became an ace in his first nine and he is the immediate past Com- mer President that the ADM George days of combat there and ended this pe- mander of the Com- Dewey Award was being presented to riod with a total of 23 kills. After a mandery. RADM Glenn W hisler, USN him by the Naval Order for his leader- medical stay in Australia, then-CAPT (Ret) Commander of the Newport Com- ship and dauntless professionalism in the Foss returned to Henderson Field on mandery, and other local Commandery service of the . New Year‘s Day, 1943 and achieved members will provide support at New- Former President Bush said that he three more kills for a total of 26, before port in the planning and execution of the was very honored to be the recipient of being returned to the United States to Congress. this award and was very impressed with support the war effort back home. Later RADM Moore is off to a great start! (Continued on page 3) on, he became the Commanding Officer (Continued on page 2) have luncheon speakers of national Another highlight of the Congress Make Plans for prominence, and the Distinguished Sea will be a special brunch aboard the Service Award will be presented at our 46,000 ton battleship USS Massachu- Saturday evening banquet. setts (BB-59) moored at Battleship Cove Congress 2003! This year‘s theme commemorates the in nearby Fall River. The battleship is legacy of the Naval W ar College. Senior part of the world‘s largest collection of Newport, Rhode Island members of the Naval W ar College fac- historic naval vessels. After brunch you October 23-26, 2003 ulty will present a symposium Saturday will be able to tour the cruiser USS Fall afternoon that will trace the history of River (CA-38), destroyer USS Joseph P. The plans are complete for the An- the W ar College, with particular empha- Kennedy (DD-850), a submarine USS nual Congress to be held in Newport, sis on war gaming and the strategy and Lionfish (SS-298) and a Russian built Rhode Island 23-26 October 2003 at the tactics developed between the two Tarntul-class destroyer. Also located at prestigious Hotel Viking. W orld W ars. The symposium speakers Battleship Cove is the Maritime Mu- The Hotel Viking, located on famous will also focus on the current programs seum, which contains a wonderful col- Bellevue and Ocean Drive, has been and special CNO study groups that are lection of models and replicas of the in- completely renovated and will provide a developing strategy and doctrine for cur- famous RMS Titanic and the Andrea wonderful venue for our meeting. This rent and future naval operations Doria. year most of the committee meetings Two wonderful tours have been Included as an insert with this news- will be held on Thursday afternoon so scheduled for the spouses: on Friday letter is the registration form for the An- that ample time will be available on Fri- morning, a tour of one of the Newport nual Congress. The registration fee in- day for the Annual Congress General mansions and on Saturday morning a cludes two continental breakfasts, two Session. special tour of the Naval W ar College lunches, three evening receptions and On both Friday and Saturday we will and its magnificent museum and library. the DSSA banquet. CG Sends: family, and the extensive tasks involved tend an invitation by letter to each of the with the Registrar General voluntary as- active duty Flag/General officers in the (Continued from page 1) signment. W e must provide some relief U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and the Coast Please see the article located elsewhere by way of an assistant who can share Guard. There has been a reasonable in this newsletter for additional com- part of the workload. If you have a few amount of interest in response. If noth- ments/details from him. Remember– hours a week to volunteer it will be ing else we have upped the awareness this is your Congress and we are greatly appreciated. Please contact Chris and knowledge regarding the Naval Or- counting on your support! This is an at: navyvet@ or 281-732- der among this important group of po- election year, and we will select the 7729 (cell) or me at tfbiii@ or tential members. Remember we are aim- team to lead your Naval Order for the 415-885-4284 to volunteer. ing to increase our total membership to next two years at this Congress. Please Historian General Committee W e 1800 this year and we need your support mark your calendars right now and start now have two companions to assist His- and assistance. Make a commitment to the planning process to join us in New- torian General Dean Mosher with the get a new member today! port in October. Thanks in advance for addition of RADM Jim Grealish of the The Turner Book Final proofing is now your support. SF Commandery. CAPT Kent Siegel is in progress by CAPT John Rice, our Dewey Award As I write the other committee member. Still need Historian General Emeritus. W hen that this in mid-February, Marty and I are two more volunteers! is complete the publishers indicate the getting ready to fly to Houston, TX to Follow-on Annual Congresses En- book will be available for distribution in attend the Texas Commandery‘s Annual couraging news! Our site committee two months time. Formal Banquet, where they will present Chairman, RADM Bill Merlin, USCG Donations W e received $750 in end-of- the Admiral Nimitz Leadership award to (Ret.) has recently reported that we now the-year donations in response to my Medal of Honor recipient MGEN James have site commitments for the 2004 and appeal in the December newsletter. My E. Livingston, USMC(Ret). W hile there 2005 Annual Congresses. CAPT Elaine thanks to all who donated. For those we will present the NOUS Admiral of Allen, the San Diego Commandery who still wish to make a donation, it is the Navy George Dewey Award to for- Commander, and her local companions not too late. Please forward same to our mer President George Bush on your be- will host the 2004 Congress. Then in Treasurer General: CAPT M ichelle H. half. You will recall that we were un- 2005 we will return to New Orleans Lockwood, 2222 Alameda de las Pul- able to present the award to him at the where that Congress will be hosted by gas, San M ateo, CA 94403-1216. All Annual Congress last October because CAPT Gary Bair and his fellow compan- donations to the Naval Order are fully of a scheduling conflict. ions. These are two terrific sites, which deductible as a charitable contribution. Assistant Registrar General Mr. will provide exceptional venues for these That‘s it for now. W ith best wishes, Chris Cummings, our Registrar General, follow-on Congresses! is maxed out with his job, USAF Re- M embership CAPT Ken Johnson T.F. Brown III serve drill weekends, taking care of his and I have completed our project to ex- Commander General Catching Up with the Com m anderies President Bush Gets Dewey was held at the J. W . Marriott hotel in (Continued from page 1) Illinois - The Commandery held their the beautiful wood and brass plaque and annual Pearl Harbor observance dinner Houston, TX on Feb. 15, 2003. The ADM Nimitz Leadership Award was certificate of Life Membership in the at the Prime Minister Restaurant in Naval Order. RADM Brown explained Glenview. The thirty-three attendees the mission of the Naval Order with re- heard a very informative talk by RADM. gard to the recording and preservation of Robert L. Zralek on exactly how the sea service history. LCDR Coldren fur- USS Arizona was really sunk on Decem- ther amplified this by describing the ber 7, 1941. Texas Commandery‘s role in building A moment of silence was held in the memorial for the cruiser USS Hous- memory of the Pearl Harbor casualties ton (CA-30) in downtown Houston. He and a prayer was offered for the safety also pointed out that the annual reunion of all members of our Armed Forces. and memorial ceremony will take place National Capitol - The Commandery on March 1, 2003. The survivors and Pearl Harbor W reathlaying was held at families welcome the recognition and the Tomb of the Unknowns at 12:05 PM, MGEN James E. Livingston addressing remembrance of the memorial service. December 7, 2002. Later that evening, the Texas Commandery, 15 Feb. 2003 Former President Bush showed the annual Pearl Harbor Remembrance pieces of memorabilia from his W orld Dinner was held at the Holiday Inn in presented to MGEN James Livingston, W ar II service and related how thrilled Rosslyn, VA. he was to have the last Nimitz-class nu- Texas - The Texas Commandery‘s Pearl USMC(Ret), a Medal of Honor recipient from Vietnam. clear aircraft carrier named in his honor, Harbor Day Commemoration at the USS the USS George Bush (CVN-77). Texas (BB-35) on December 7, 2002 was the best in recent memory. W e had the way in early June 1942, as a part of the honor of hosting 130 Pearl Harbor survi- Heroes Pass total of 12 combat patrols he made. He (Continued from page 1) served on USS Trigger (SS-237) and Representatives. During the Korean USS Tirante (SS-420) and commanded W ar, he returned to active duty and be- USS Piper (SS-409). He was awarded came Chief of Staff of the South Dakota the Navy Cross while aboard Tirante for Air National Guard and promoted to his role in sinking Japanese ships in Brigadier General. In 1954, he was over- shallow waters mere miles from the en- whelmingly elected as Governor of emy coast. South Dakota where he served two terms CAPT Beach transitioned from diesel until 1956. He served as the first Com- technology to the modern nuclear Navy missioner of the American Football and commanded USS Triton (SSRN-586) League and as President of the National when she completed a completely sub- Rifle Association from 1988 œ 1990. merged 41,500 mile circumnavigation of Brig. Gen. Foss died Dec. 2, 2002 in the globe in 84 days, garnering much Aboard the USS Texas for the Pearl Har- Scottsdale, AZ at the age of 87. He is attention and credit for the Silent Ser- bor Remembrance ceremony, 7 Dec. 2002 survived by his wife, Donna W ild "Didi" vice. This record still stands today. He Foss, two children from his first mar- retired from the US Navy in 1966 after vors as the National Pearl Harbor Survi- riage, two stepchildren, a sister, and six 27 years of active service. His fame to vors Association was holding their an- grandchildren. His burial at Arlington many stemmed from his work as an au- nual meeting in Houston that weekend. National Cemetery was attended by Vice thor, penning such classics as Run Silent, W ith their families and the public, there President Richard Cheney, Assistant Run Deep in 1955, while still on active were over 600 people in attendance. Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen- duty. This book was made into a movie The speaker was RADM Paul J. Ryan, eral W illiam Nyland, USMC, LTCOL starring Clarke Gable and Burt Lancaster USN, Commander Mine W arfare. The Oliver North, USMC(Ret), Companions in 1958. CAF provided a 10 plane flyover timed CAPT Jim Brooke and CAPT Dave Kai- CAPT Beach continued his prolific to coincide with the actual attack at 1155 ser, and numerous Medal of Honor re- writing with a dozen more books and local (0755 Hawaii time). As usual we cipients. He was a Companion in the innumerable articles in professional pub- had excellent music from the Houston Arizona Commandery. lications. He served as Staff Director of Brass Band. Marines provided our rifle CAPT Edward L. —Ned“ Beach, USN the Senate Republican Policy Commit- squad and the Sea Cadets provided the (Ret) was a submariner who fought with tee. He passed away on December 1, Color Guard and ushers. The staff of the great courage and honor in W orld W ar 2002 and is survived by his wife Ingrid, state park and the USS Texas were es- II. He graduated from the Naval Acad- three children and four grandchildren. sential to the success of the day. emy in 1939, graduating second in his He was a Companion in the National The Commandery‘s Annual Banquet class. He took part in the Battle of Mid- Capitol Commandery. Calling for ADM Dewey This award is for a civilian ineligible services, no vita of Record of Service is for the DSSA, but whose record of ser- needed. Award Nom inees vice to the United States would set him/ The nominations will be made BY Local should note that her apart among their peers. Only one MAIL to the National Awards Chair- the nominations for the Admiral of the name may be submitted from each com- man, CAPT W allace H. Lloyd, Navy George Dewey Award will be due mandery. Since the nominees should and Jr. 8634 M eadowbrook Drive, Pensa- on May 1, 2003. will be so well known by the entire sea cola, FL 32514. any questions may be directed to CAPT Lloyd at W elc o m e, N ew C o m p a nio ns! New York City captwhljr@ or (850) 494-0326. MAJ Karl A. Senn Annapolis CAPT Douglas Chin MIDN Joel I. Holwitt CAPT Steven R. Lapp Seattle Cdry. Organized MIDN Brandr W . Beekman-Ellner RADM Joseph F. Callo CAPT W arren H. Ide Jr. The Naval Order Commander General, /Delaware Valley RADM Tom Brown, announced on 16 Arizona STS1 Christopher L. Cunningham Dec 2002 that the Seattle Commandery CAPT Frederick E. Jaeggi (SEA) had been organized under the

Pensacola leadership of Mr. Scott H. Swanson. He Atlanta CAPT Frank S. Virden MR Thomas M. Rodgers Jr. has been tasked with recruiting new PROF Ralph B. Johnson San Diego Companions in the Pacific Northwest. MR John F. Stampfli W e wish him luck in the new role! CDR Jeffrey S. Nilsson San Francisco NOUS News is published quarterly by the General MR Derik V. Armstrong Commandery, Naval Order of the United States, First Coast STS3 Scott H. Swanson P. O. Box 271, Merrifield, VA 22116-2741. MGEN Gerald S. Maloney ADM Archie Clemins RADM Thomas F. Brown III, USN(Ret.), Com- CPL Brett A. Gordon PhD GSM2 Joseph W . Fick mander General and Publisher CAPT Paul M. Goorjian M r. Charles L. Berry III, Editor, NOUS News Massachusetts GSE2 Mark A. W hitehead 1805 Crocker Street, #1; Houston, TX 77006. COMM Edward Preble CAPT James R. Anthony E-mail: cberrya6e@ CDR Robert W . Selle MD S 1/C Edward P. Allegretti CAPT Edward W . Swenson MD CHANGES OF ADDRESS National Capitol CDR Carl D. Burch Please advise the NOUS Registrar General of all SK2 Carl D. Jennings changes of address. Doing so will assure delivery not DR Llewllyn M. Toulmin PhD Texas only of NOUS News but of other important mail CAPT Robert M. Morrison PRESIDENT George H. W . Bush from the General Commandery. CW O4 George T. Hubbard CAPT Larry M. Denton RADM Duret S. Smith MD MR Travis Lagrone M r. Chris Cummings, Registrar General CAPT Glen A. Cook LT Charles A. Alcorn Naval Order of the United States CAPT Martin Menez TM2 John R. Smith P. O. Box 508, Alief, TX 77411-0508 CDR Thomas F. Burgess CAPT W illiam B. Mahaffey E-mail: navyvet@ MM2 Gilbert J. Raynor E-m ail the General Com m andery New Orleans CAPT James K. York C/M Glenn M. Cummings You can save on postage and help the Order do like- EM3 Paul M. Crenshaw COL W illiam C. W alker Jr. wise by using e-mail. (please!).

RADM John P. Debbout

LtCOL James R. W allace navalorder@

CAPT James W . Carrington Sr.

r e d r o l a v a n g r o . . w w w


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