at Brown·* dear to thè pèopl* of Vlr#lriifc| now, ftWoeltttlon, she never crowds on of Norfolk for be¬ ley. Rejoining General Early j itar-spahgled which the airéela Was ordered to be U -. ite Is in the. uniform dim biemory, who his Gap. (lenernl Wlckhnm therefore, . \ represented tarnished, thé star of Georgia's Indepen¬ ing the firtt soldier hero, split and, on arriving at "Resolved, by· the Senate (the Hfttl** ot blood War tho invad¬ ¦guard .Rockflsh Gap, * for Confederate Brigadier , aid dence before Federal corruption arid ÍttW-lrglnlB,*« against the foot Of thti mbunlalii attacked tho of Dete«;nt«* eon mining). That site A northern fanaticism have dimmed Jt_ ere of« hör. soil,' Foderili cavalry nt Wnynesboro. driving thè wild etèluft be, and the same I* here¬ the sculptor, iilinsíír Virginian,, wit Captain Colqultt says': "Our firing Was re¬ the commonwealth of successful In both pote and portralhtw, lustro and transfer ie'alone'-to adori« lesa of the enemy» .b» them hack. Tho next day tho enemy by dedicateti by Georgia's coat of arms, her banner of frequent than that only two treated down the Valley and Ihe line« of In honor of W* momory, upon "rtß an artlstio achievement''It possess»!·. our ammunition was scarce: the nrinte« wero established nt Bridge- such portion of the Capitol grounds ft« èUierlal bim. rounds left after the engagement, which selected ? «committee consist¬ the highest merit." Tho tolsi height tí ... may be by "This banner, thus designed, gentlemen a half.' Not¬ water. of the tìnti atatue Is. seventeen feti I lasted for one hour and ori Ifi August and September, lli.4, 111« de¬ ing of the president pro-tempore pedestal of the city Light Guards, prèsimi withstanding the Vessels were driven from a the »beaker of the House of Dele¬ und the effect Is impressive at to as one d*\ight«t_ fort, arid fence of the Vitlloy of Virginia Senat«, general you of. Georgia's by thé effective flte from the point of view was essential to gates, nnd the miperlntcndénts of publlo realistic. The presence of the OOvernd protld of Georgia's chivalry. returned· to Old Point. military will·. Offi¬ and nnd full nor a con¬ the further prolongation of the buildings grounds, Iî0wer1"ml of Virginia, and the Governor o£ Norti "Th* banner of freedom already floats There was neither a Virginia cers and men thl« perfectly, authority I« hereby-given said «oommittca Court the of seven south¬ hand, rowtouMently tho understood Cniollnn, Supreme judges, Mayol proudly from heights fedérate flag át ram¬ '??? fighting was desperate nini with the In the premises." .,. _.. nnd Council of thè tlty, nf Hie veteran ern eanltols, and may we not hope ere flag of Georgia was unfurled on tho wero frequent and SessVm Acts «80-», chapter a ß, Ben- Confederate Army« has William K. Tn.vlor. nil aide cavalry the encounters House P. «« organisations nt the lone? to hear'that paltry concession parts by Major act¬ Serious. ate Journal p. 47. Jottf«.*«there was and of thè Volunteer soldiery of ...» eeaaed to check In every Southern Stat¬ of General.Ottynn, who wns present, General Wlckhnm resigned his com¬ .On thè 29th of October, State great dlfcnlty to the ocea> aide of the force» on the In , if81»In the «elly or gave deliver¬ iti« onward march In greatness and pro«· ing te'thè'commander mission In tho Confederate Army unveiled a ""* «ion, while General Fltahugh Loe , his o£ perity'ot ,* grand and united southern lit action, tn which oth of October, Unit, transferred Rlohmond, In the presence yni«y ed lite oration, which was allko worth» fills wns thè first ctignitenient ootbmnnd to General Rosser, who succeed» semhlage of the the and the soldier· Confederacy, Was on the «oil of Virginia divi¬ statue of GeneralpoopIf·,.Wlekhnn»,Jf.n1'?*"bear' of eoltlter-apeaker "Having: every confidence In the pa¬ blood shed und it »>d him In comfnnhd of the cavalry bronw subject, after the ordinance of secciaio», sion, went to Richmond and took his seat lsig the Inscription. ,.?.·.?.» » Collected arid compiled by Luther ?, triotism'and courage ot yoiir company, wns fought Georgians nnd Virginian« Up "Soldier;" "Statesman," "Patriot, Fourla this banner to your by banner of In Congress when the session opened., ?. Vatighan, private Company G, gentlemen, îcontldo under tho singlo atar, blue to that timo he'had devoted .his whqlo "Friend." . Cavalry. In tho full assurance that If State, of the South. of was to the city by the" Virginia \ custody Georgia, tho Empito nnd be¬ attention to the care nnd comfort his which presented the commander-ln-chlcf of our beloved The old earthworks still aland, men nnd horses nnd to the proper hand¬ «tat* shell find It necessary to order you on the. èlle -of the Jamestown Ter¬ In battle. Now It became to ing should be,put ling of them look came within full vlow of Jackson's line, from your homes to the tented field centennial BÄpoftltlon, »hey Who his duty to take ? wider scope end and were hero received with a terrific northern Invasion resist Federal In order for 1BW to receive Georgiana welfare of.the country, It took repel Ot old battle flag to. to tho nsstmbllng fire of musketry at short range, They authority not a member of your gallant may return with their century on htm huta few dnys attor the hesitated for an Instant, recoiling alight« corn* will ever prove recreant to south¬ see the sight«* of tho nowConstitution. of the Confederate Congress to «»certain ly. and then advanced to near the em* ern honor or the glorious eauee of south· Hampton Ròads.-Atlanla tlmt' the end of .the Confederacy was biinkinent. Twice did -Ï see this lino ad¬ ern southern equality and south¬ ¦ II HI. >'i drawing near and for a brief period he n«_ freedom, had tho that reunion could b* j vance and to ? close hope retire, exposed ern Independence.'' ·,--. '»' GEN. WMS. C. WICKHAM. a which! whlltit fire ot musketry. Seeing a second It to say that these burning brought about \ipon basis,· ANSWER^») deadly thè I* needless It would in no way t«fnish the honor «f line. Issutng from tho wood« upon words, gracefully and eloquently Spoken Permanent South, would , a bat¬ for the arm le1» or people of the IQUERÏËS? ;. ; ^¿; ..>tttié4«»»»»»4>è»»«»«»4-»T>»»TTT»»M»M»»»»> net Paper Prepared field, 1 was in tho of ordering by a patriotic daughter of. Columbus, save the lives of thousands' of noble men tery to bo placed In position to flro upon aroused tho enthusiasm of the soldier* to Record In War Archives. and preserve some of their property' from them when a battery was directed by the the highest strain, · Williams Carter Wlckham· was the son the wreck of war. After the failure ot Namei. > Tour grandfather's will Is your «aurea major-general commanding to fife upon In the perilous time* of war, woman'* of V. il!».· m Tanning Wickliatn and Anno the Hampton Ronds Conference, h« «on* A Group of of title, and upon application to th« them, this battery being near the turn¬ I* the greatest lhcentlve tò Carter the grands m of Gen¬ at his In Richmond waiting of The ? approbation and great tinned post' Editor Tini*«-Dispatch commissioner of the rcvenuo tit·7· land GUNS pike In an excellent and commanding the ohivalrlo deed* of men, and the en¬ eral ThomA» Nelson, ono of the signer« the end,''' eir.-Pl*»»e give the correct pronuncia·· NOTED and Gould, position. Tho flro of this battery was couragement bestowed on this occasion of tho Declaration of Independence, After the surrender of the nrrnles (Sen- tien for the following word*?. will, bo listed in your nanfe for taxes, dellvored upon this ad¬ aim for the tho colnmander.ln-ehlm* of th*'Virginia crnl Wlckhiim addressed himself· to ths Cur*on, Bother«, Rll»,'Tolstoi, the, land loti fath¬ moat opportunely made the City taght Guards lie be- -kyiMVftHV a rule Concerning by your line of the enemy. They were mark of chivalry In the conflict line in the Revolutionary Army, wns «.ffort to restore friendly relation* Señor, »enorlla,- fraullen. Glv* who tiled vancing of highest born m Richmond. vn. September 21, ttsecil tho soollons of Ihe Union; to re· what ore to be ac¬ er, intestate, tho käme step caught in the open field. Tho effect between the eeetlbns. to Hick¬ basis concerning syllables word«, ho seen. A fir* 1820, and moved With his parents organlre on a muluitlly satisfactory or In French mny bo lake«, the Virginia Cdde, 188Y, ATMANASSAS every shot could rapid When thl* company, under eommand'of In county, in 1827; he necessary for the' farming cented emphasised A READER. ory Hill. Hanover the., labor section the of shot, shell and spherical case, de¬ Captain Foyton It. colqultt, arrived In schools of Rev, J. nnd to Induce 474, providing that "whfrn was educated at the opération« of tho country, Kerion, Hutltcin, In test n te livered with admirable precision,.checked Portsmouth, Vai, it wa* first quartered living Wbnet, near Alexandria, and of his fellow-oltixcnfl to accept the situa· Oootd, Ro-ie-velt, owner dies the 'commissioner their advance. Aa «hells and spherical at tho Naval and soon after¬ and which *ur- who are the of the An Error in Current History and Hospital, Thomas HAnson, in preiloTleksbnrg, lion und lmow off the gloom R«e», Tolstoy,, may ascertain, heir« caso would burst over, In front wards assigned a*. Company A, of the at tho University, of Virginia. Admitted rounded them, and .endeavor to regain Intestate, and charge the land to eatd and Now Put near them their ranks would break, hes¬ Fourth Georgia Battalton. to tho bar In ?84? In lfnnover county, he In the state. The condition of Attendane·. Corrected This 'artillery fire circuit for a few 'properly Generai \Vlck- World's Fair heirs." itate and scatter. The company^ wa* ordered ta protect practiced In a country the South was terrible; Inquiries eon· to Record. nlone broke regiment after.regiment and the construction of a fort near the mouth yearn and then gave UP the bur for tho hnm"stood side,by sido with'his Old con¬ We have received several Liquor License. drove them bnck into the wods. of the Elisabeth River, where the battle life of a Virginia planter. On 11th of Jan- stituents and shared their fat*. kerning th_ attendance at the St, Loul* Editor of The Tlmes-Dlspatchi ' Incidente connocted with which the "banner tuiry, 1848, ho married I,ucy Penn. Tay¬ "As h cavalry loader in the war he hr<_ of all such I will relate re¬ of Seawell's Point, in second none In tho Exposition. For the benefit Slr.-I wish to know whether thè State, .this matter which you wlU probably or floated, was lor, daughter of Henry Taylor, deceased, made ? reputation to having granted a license.on the' 1st ot CARTER WICKHAM member. Georgia triumphantly and granddaughter of John Taylor,, ot saddle," he was one of the most skillful inquirers, th« following tablai* printed: WILLIAMS the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock on fought by the troops-under command of of th* cavalry of 80. 187.733 May to sell merchandise nny and every¬ Between the Caroline, and -.great-granddaughter and hardest fightersrOf Opening day, April where In a given for ono is tho evening of tho 80th I had. ridden'to Captain Colqultt. John Penn, one of the. signers of· the the South, and had led hi«, meh In fltty- Week May 7. 137.80« cobnty year, position occupied by Fcatherston's Bri¬ He was -afterwards made of the from North the conlllot of ending 184,399 Justified In allowing any town within to which I had been as¬ Declaration of independence nlno engagements, ?\hen Week ending May 14. said on 1st Life a Brave Vir¬ gade, brigade at Forty-sixth Georgia Regiment, which af¬ Ho was elected to tho Vir¬ ho wa« as much tho Idol of 21. 257.647 county, Incorporated the of .The Story.of signed for this campaign, and while Carolina. arms ended Week ending May July following, to cliargo nn extra license tho point occupied by It we could ter serving some, time in defenso of ginia House of Delegates In 1849, and was the Confederate soldier ft« hi« highest am-, Week May *. 299.090 for Per¬ highest about a mile 8. was transferred to the Court of desired. ending for selling within said town? Kindly ginian Compiled see the enemy's infantry, Charleston, C, presiding Justice of the County could have Week ending June'4..'. 378.146 answer distant, moving In largo bodies' to the western and In-the Hanover tor ninny-years prior bjtlon a 499.228 question.of last week, as well aa Record. a of woods In army, participating county He. had been educated a-Whig and Week ending June 11...... the and manent left and disappear In DOdy of on Sunday, to the war, In 1858 he was commissioned DemocraUo 18....;.... 475,187 -..' above, greatly oblige, front of Jncksop's right wing. I hurried blody battle Chlckamauga Cavalry. Union man.. Ho regufded the Week ending June A SUBSCRIBER. hack to«my battery, which was on the left September 20. 1893. colonel Colqultt fell captain of Virginia Volunteer .party, us .responsible-for the war and Its Week ending June 25....,'.·. 640,485 about yards from at of his com¬ In 1869 he wa« elected .to the Stato Senate the war ended his 640.142 Since the name »of the town and the of the turnpike, fifty mortally wouhdèa' the head of Hanover results. When politi¬ Week ending. July 2...... ,ï who was the II, and Immediately behind Hood's divis¬ and soon ending from the district composed cal -fulth remained unchanged, and as th* July ». M2.80S date fas to year) of the license Captain W. H. Chapman, reached there a few mand expired,'thus a a J Week ending particular and ion. I had only a life full of and Henrico, as Whig, overcoming had disappeared he adopted ' July 16. '$00,359 commander of the "Dixie Artljlery." minutes when 1 saw you, accompanied brilliant promise and heroic large Democratic majority. In 1861 elect¬ AVhlg party Week ending D12,1M Is not glvçn, we can only answer the of staff and orderlies* pass¬ rich and noblest patriotism. The the principles of the Republican party, Week ending July 23...... · afterwards lieutenant-colonel of Mosby's bv some your Be¬ promise ed by .the people-of Henrico to the.Stato as ¿It* suc¬ " 80...... 661.842 question in general terms. ing along tho turnpike to the front... division commander's report said: "The ho was the which liei regarded- legitimate Week ending July battalion, some years ago went to con¬ that It you passed through the Convention na a Urilori man, cessor. ."¦;..- August ...... 601.411 It Is a fundamental principle that there lieving us would noble, brave and chivalrous Colqultt, who member of that representing his ; Week ending to correct· certain errors skirt of woods In front of you a only .body "With the earnest hope of Inducing Week ending -August 13.. 666,607 Is no Inherent right In a eltuten or lu siderable trouble movements of the-enemy fell In contend of Gist'* Brigade, was a of which he was a non-resident. to the situation so fnr as we discover these men and a county fellow-citizens accept one te» concerning his battery, and and need batteries., I directed my" soldier, a gentleman, a Christian He was bitterly, opposed to the war and and brace themselves "for'the exertions Recapitulation: l day. 1?7.7? any »ell Intoxicating liquors by between him and drivers to be ready to move. My friend." T ivôtcd against, the ordlnnnco of ^Secession. from-the shock Attendance, April, retail, and that there Is no vested right know tho correspondence recollection Is that hardly five minutes Secession of Vir¬ recuperate' Attendance, May.' 26 day«....1.1*1,4*1 and Gcnornl Longstreot has never been before a messenger, whom I On Saturday, the llth day of May, 1861, Immediately Upon the und losses resulting troni the war, and to June, 26 day»....2,114,6« In any person to have a llouor license. had elapsed came back at .a «mall freight steamer, ginia he determined to share tho fortune to resume their affec¬ Attendance, Here-it Is: took to be Colonel Manning, the Knhukee, was born urge them proper Attendance, July, 2? d«y»....î,U3,8*7 And, after s license la granted, It In sub¬ published. full speed, saying that General Longs tree t Captain Babel Taylor, after landing a of "thè people" among whom he tion for their country," h*. on the 2Sd 12 day«..1.168.01* Atlanta. Ga., August 27, 1&S7. Beine ready.'we moved from and IlVèd, and,took his company. "The an lettor Attendance, August, ject toi rI|·· regulations established by wanted batteries. soon, reached force of laborers, wens chased away of April, 180.5, addressed open James Longstreet, Instantly, and at.a galloï) Point the U. ß. S". Star, aí- Hanover Dragoons," Into active service.· to Franklin -learns, aligning himself with legislation subséquent to the grant of the General the point where vou were, on tho left of Seawell's by He participated In' tho first battle of estrang¬ Total ....·...... 6.&2S.4M Gainesville, Ga.: flfty or one hundred yards tèrwards named the. ponticello. the' Republican parly. Thl* »ten been larger, license. Therefore, If ?.. Is granted a the turnpike, of brigade Manassas und the preceding outpost ed ninny of his old assoemtes from Of late the attendane« ha* Dear General..I havo long thought of from It. and In front Whiting's Pursuing the Kahukee up the Elisa¬ In IS«, he very ''- the attendance to do business at a of Hood's division. We went into position the Star reached a .point ..Mrhiiehee.idnd September;,, -him. ; -- ¦'',(. ..;·, ,' and It is estimated that llq^Or-tjcohsb, particu¬ as a matter, of justice to the and commenced fir¬ beth River, was commissioned by Governor «Letcher.î in' a county,, and by asking you, where you indicated was. to one of thé In November, 1955,, General Wlckham for will exceed -3,000,00ft. lar pièce particular officers and men of my battery (DIx.'o Ar¬ at a heavily massed body of infantry where, ehe exposed, Lieutenant-Colonel of'the Fourth Virginia August this well ing mora than -MO yards dis¬ Battery. Th* gun he ré was elected president-of-the,'Virginia subsequent legislation particular tillery from Page county. Va.), as on our left, not " minutes gun* at'Boush Bluff Cavalry. On thè 4th of May, 1862, in-Novem¬ the truth of history, tant. You remained several was trained by Thaddeus Gray, of th· c.elved a severe wound In a cav¬ Central Railroad Company,; placo becomes part of an. Incorporated as to myself, and for effects of the shots, and ber, ho was elected president of the Fort to set aright the matter as to whoso bat¬ watching the shot. I fired Norfolk Juniors; Company H, Twaltth alry charge at WUUamsburg, which pre¬ 1868, Duquetne. town, Which town has, by legislative liane- of asked me If I had any grape Soon It from In tho bat¬ Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Company, ,TJme*-DI*patchl tery It was that broke up the charge from this position until their ranks were Virginia Regiment, nñd a* a« vented him participating In Central .Railroad Editor of-'îh* th* tlon./the· right to require: a liquor license John Porter's corps at .the second driven back, and moved· to¬ be to bear" on the ship, on* tles around« Richmond. While wounded Which, the Virginia etr,-Wlll you please »tate |n Jtuerjr Fitz broken and In an could made at his in Company-had been merged by contract of Duqueene I* sov of- {hose wishing to sell liquor wlthlh Ita battle of Manassas.just twenty-five years ward Groveton and took a position shot was fired by Captain Young, the he was taken prisoner home," and West column why the name old apple orchard, from which we fired McClellari'r advance, paroled and speed¬ between the States of Virginia rmieh connected tprlth th* town of Pitts¬ iorporatô,llmlte.'It, can require A. to take ago. the retreating about thirty instructor In heavy artillery. cartel for his Virginia. In 1869. G'eneral Wlckham hay¬ that name, For some unaccountable reason history at Infantry to posi¬ the credit Of firing the first hostile ily exohanged by special found It to bring new men burg, PeiTTif any person by out an additional town llouor license. The name of the battu y minutes, ana afterwards changed So. wife's kinsman, Lieutenant-Colonel Tho¬ ing .necessary done for docs not give the tions at and Groveton. The fir¬ cannon shot on the Ell-abeth River ftl and mean.··. Into the'compáhy, was. maue living or dead;- ba«j anything grant of a license by one jurisdiction does in official of your¬ beyond at us while In mas L. Kane, of the Pennsylvania Buck-: ·''..,··' .'¦ referred to the reports ing from their batteries the war of the sovereign State Vir¬ ·:.'¦· vice-president of. the company; 'With C. tlie -welfare "of FittaburgT1' not affect self and General C. M. Wllcox. as the the was terrific; while there the .of .'tails.'-. :¦·%'¦ con* thé right,of another jurisdic¬ orchard both hind the. belongs lie was commissioned P. -Huntington a«: president, .and A CONSTANT READJSR. one which first opened fire under your horse I was riding had lege ginia against In August, 1882, such tintll .1875;-,whin he wa* »Ito of tion In the same territory tò exact an ad¬ °f "Whiting's bri¬ carried away by a cannon ball, and while to Captain William Young. colonel of the: Fourth Virginia Cavalry.' tlnued as* -Pittsburg ??.-vHt ón tWformet immediate eye. in front the second one was killed the appointed Its receiver, which position' he ditional license fee; nor 'authorise the Hood's division, on the left of at Groveton mt. The shot stopped the chase, and and fought'through that campaign, par¬ wa* erected by. gade of a shell which exploded in front of and, Second held until the 1st of Jilly, ltîs, when, For* Duque*n*;which licensee' to Sell In violation of the; law the Gainesville and. Alexandria turnpike, by to make such an en¬ Star returned to Bewell's Point, ticipating In the battles ofVtho of company, h« *nd' taken by the 11*52. I would thank you the unfinished tort there, Boonsboro. and upon reorganization the; the Fr*nchvlh 1784.,," of the other. at S:30 P. M. on the 30th August. dorsement upon this letter as you deem when abreast of Manassas, onarpsburg, became Its second vice-president., an_ go ;' *-·*-' in his "Memoirs of .Rob¬ In the interest of the truth of she proceeded to vigorously bombard it. the frequent engagements of the Con¬ '-' British la 1758. , General Ijong, proper to the officers and federate under General Stuart. continued until his death. ert E. I>îe." in writing of this battle, sayj, history and in Justice The Star, commanded by Captain Henry cavalry In 1871, General Wlckham wa* elected critical moment, men of my battery. a constant fire During the advance of the..Army of. Home-Made Wine. on page 1SS: "At the Eagle, TJ. S.;Nw kept up battiotho.| chairman of the BoaTd of Supervisore* of Marie CorreHi. the fate of Jackson's corps was Very respectfullv, hour; when the steam Potomac Into Virginia, after the and was re- Editor of T'ho' Tlmes-Dlspatch: ¦when ¡jhc W. H. CHAPMAN, for more,than«an of Colonel Wlckham waa Hanover county continuously Editor of The" Tlme'»-DI»p»tch: trembling In the balance. Colonel Late Captain Dixie Artillery. Freeborn, Commander James Sharpsburg, elected as a3 he lived. answer through, your umirI Sir,.Kindly inform mo through your Into a tug Thom'a* again wounded by a piece of shell in the long Sir..Please column If a In a dashed with his- artillery position (Copy.) H. Ward, U. S. N., carrying one gun, of In 1872 General Wlckham was a member column the following Query person living the Federal right wing Ga., '¿Sth August, ISST. neck. While temporarily in command of and Sunday's query ccunty which le dry Is allowed to gather that enfiladed Gainesville, are true came to her aid, and the two vessels Re- of »the Electoral College .Virginia, thereby greutly obliging an old upon It a storm of shot and The statements herein made Fltz Lee's brigade at Uppervllle. for General U.'S. Gràht. In questions, grapes and sell'the wlno If bo. how. and hurled correctly narrated. As I' rode to the continued the cannonade until the close of covering from this wound ho.regained hie cast his vote and subscriber to your valu¬ shell. At the same moment Longstreei's and referred to 1 rec¬ serious Injury to 1ÍS0 he ,was honored by a tender of tho appreciated much at· a time like a tempest against front on the occasion the day, without any. command. In time to take, part In the Presi¬ able paper7 A SUBSCRIBER. infantry rushed battery of six guns. Upon on the of then vacant Naval Portfolio, by au¬ driving everything before il. ognized Rlley's with ar¬ the works except burying unmounted, battle of Frederlcksburg 12lh declined on. account of 1. What la the name of the .English Pope's left, the opportunity of opening ' dent Hayes, but The first clause of section i'.l of the was irresistible, and speed¬ seeing and reverse fire upon guns. December, 1862. After the battle of Fred¬ thoress known under the nom de plume This assault tillery un entllade Jackson, to Old Point and the erlcksburg .the army went Into winter business engagements. tax bill, (Acta 11*04, pago 42), leads as ily decided the fortune of the day. Pope's the Federal mass»js attacking The tug returned He the Garfleld ticket of "Marie CorrelH"? It at evçry were Colonel Manning, of with on, with quarters, and Colonel Wlckham waa 'on headed electoral gave way before ' orders given Star moored broadside., What "is her addreeeî follows: left wing In to send me two or three bat¬ the picket lines on the R&ppahannock hi Virginia, was chairman of the. Repub¬ 2. point, and hi* right, being assailed the staff, and Included the Intention of continuing the attack, lican and managed y STYLUS. Sec. »l. No person, corporation, Com¬ in rear, relaxed its teries as soon as possible, as the work» or river from Frederlcksburg to a point party, the-campaign flank and threatened the order Rlley's. who had six guns, in order to demolish prevent, of "'the " and In the State. On the 12th of August, Is her real name. Her efforts and began to retire." In Without noting the par- their above the Junction Rapidem, Tor Marie CorrelH pany linn, partnership or .association» of the 1 now remember. I was left completion. was on thoso lines when 'Burnslde' made 1881," ho; was tendered the.'nomination on Avon. In the painting by PhiUepetcau, tlcular battery first reporting, was ad¬ óf. the State the address i» Stratford shall, within the limits of th.» Slate, on exhibition, at that It was Rlley's, The. battery not sufficiently his unsuccessful attempt to cross .the, Governor by Republi¬ battle, which has been under the impression several occasions, at time to receive Its ar¬ river When the opened' can Convention, but, owing to thedivlalott engage in the business ot rectifying or the of the Second Hattie of and have so stated on vanced thl*. again. campaign the move¬ ','Cyclorama D. C, tor This is clearly a mistake, and It Is equally mament and garrison. In the spring of 1863 Colonel Wlckham arid In tho party caused by "Mahone Garnishment of Infants. oi nuinufucturng or distilling malt or Manassas," in Washington, was the flrst on fort In i~j ment,'! declined to accept It, ·''¦; .'-.. months. It Is there represente- as clear that Chapman's lines. In Tho Confederates .worked the hie commapd participated'actively Editor of- Th*. Tlmes-Dlspatch: alcoholic liquor», other than wine, .or twelve Colonel battery to open on the. Federal and next morn¬ outpost conflicts preceding the:-battle' of* In'1883 General Wlckham was chosen In next Sun¬ that the artillery, commanded by the In which they were during· the night, early, Please answer your paper tell, or otter tp sell, by sample or repre¬ the attack on and broke awkward position by Its Are alone, ing, May ltth, other guns and equipment Chancellorsvllle and Wits posted on the president of the Virginia Agricultural If.a minor can be garnlsheed under 8. X>. Lee openedj exposed, and this.battery, which flank during that battle. Prior to Which he held for the day sentation or ardent tho charge ot Fit- Jolm Porter's corp¿, broke up tho attack on Jackson, were hurried to the works. The city right Society, position .any condition*, and It so, please statt Otherwise, wine, ( up Wlloox's was about to break the opening of tho. campaign .in.1863, whilst constitutional limita ton of throe year«. ' from a the left ot I at the moment field of Light Guards, of Columbus, Ga.. detach¬ thenìt »pirite, mult liquors, or .any rnlxTur· positlo_i_onthe battery, referred to by through Jackson's position. The In.command ot his regiment at the front, In 1883 ino"'.'Mahone movement,·.' under SIMPSON. division, while and of Are was so clear there ments from tho Woodie Rifles, Company ho announced himself" candidate, for tho tho name of the "Coalition JOSEPH ir.iercof, alcoholic bitters, bittern coa. and General ^Vllcox Is not repre¬ vision of others to the. Virginia Regiment; the Nor¬ .a Readjustee an yourself which It Is no room for claims After the C, Sixth Confederate Congress from the, Richmond Party,!' having gotten control of the Stato There are.four, kinds of contract« tu uing alcohol, or fruits preserved ?a sented, and the piftltlons.'.from 1 credit of this part of tho fight. folk Light Artillery Blues. Lieutenant District, and, without: going. Into the dis¬ and threatening, In his opinion, the safe¬ enforcible left a bl_t»k öh "the canvas, as fat- wan broken and the Federals were Infant may make, which are ardent spirits,- cither by wholesale, re¬ fired Is attack to reform, they Thomas Nash. and the Norfolk Juniors, trict was elected shortly after the battle ty of society, General Wlckham denounc¬ us batterica aro concerned. retiring and attempting via.: (1) Contract« for ne¬ tail, or to be drunk at tho place whore In 'Official in view of other batteries, those Lieutenant Holmes, were ordered from of Chancellorsvllle, by an unparalleled, ed it as "corrupting in Its practice and against him. In your report published came as well a« to the fort and however, remained at hie hostile to holiest of marriage set¬ Xdd, ór In ¡my way, without first hav¬ Hocords ot Union and Confederate sent In addition tö Chapman's,,rthe rieht and neighboring posts garrison majority, ho, utterly every principio cessaries: (2) contracts those in position between occupy contiguous point*. post.In the army, leaving his seat In,Con¬ of government," and, after a campaign contract« of apprenticeship: ing obtaliu-d license therefor; nor 'hall Armies, Series I., Vol, XII, part II., left wings ot tho army, when all Joined the Juniors con¬ gres«· vacant until the-'???·* of the memo¬ of-unprecedented, excitement In Virginia, tlement; (3) ou say: fire agalnet the retiring foe. The contingent fromj and ot to do what the law would 'the.«censo confer the privilege of selling pago f