at Brown·* dear to thè pèopl* of Vlr#lriifc| now, ftWoeltttlon, she never crowds on of Norfolk for be¬ ley. Rejoining General Early j itar-spahgled which the airéela Was ordered to be U -. ite Is in the. uniform dim biemory, who his Gap. (lenernl Wlckhnm therefore, . \ represented tarnished, thé star of Georgia's Indepen¬ ing the firtt soldier hero, split and, on arriving at "Resolved, by· the Senate (the Hfttl** ot blood War tho invad¬ ¦guard .Rockflsh Gap, * for Confederate Brigadier Cavalry, aid dence before Federal corruption arid ÍttW-lrglnlB,*« against the foot Of thti mbunlalii attacked tho of Dete«;nt«* eon mining). That site A northern fanaticism have dimmed Jt_ ere of« hör. soil,' Foderili cavalry nt Wnynesboro. driving thè wild etèluft be, and the same I* here¬ the sculptor, iilinsíír Virginian,, wit Captain Colqultt says': "Our firing Was re¬ the commonwealth of successful In both pote and portralhtw, lustro and transfer ie'alone'-to adori« lesa of the enemy» .b» them hack. Tho next day tho enemy by dedicateti by Georgia's coat of arms, her banner of frequent than that only two treated down the Valley and Ihe line« of Virginia In honor of W* momory, upon "rtß an artlstio achievement''It possess»!·. our ammunition was scarce: the nrinte« wero established nt Bridge- such portion of the Capitol grounds ft« èUierlal bim. rounds left after the engagement, which selected ? «committee consist¬ the highest merit." Tho tolsi height tí ... may be by "This banner, thus designed, gentlemen a half.' Not¬ water. of the tìnti atatue Is. seventeen feti I lasted for one hour and ori Ifi August and September, lli.4, 111« de¬ ing of the president pro-tempore pedestal of the city Light Guards, prèsimi withstanding the Vessels were driven from a the »beaker of the House of Dele¬ und the effect Is impressive at to as one d*\ight«t_ fort, arid fence of the Vitlloy of Virginia Senat«, general you of. Georgia's by thé effective flte from the point of view was essential to gates, nnd the miperlntcndénts of publlo realistic. The presence of the OOvernd protld of Georgia's chivalry. returned· to Old Point. military will·. Offi¬ and nnd full nor a con¬ the further prolongation of the buildings grounds, Iî0wer1"ml of Virginia, and the Governor o£ Norti "Th* banner of freedom already floats There was neither a Virginia cers and men thl« perfectly, authority I« hereby-given said «oommittca Court the of seven south¬ hand, rowtouMently tho understood Cniollnn, Supreme judges, Mayol proudly from heights fedérate flag át ram¬ '??? fighting was desperate nini with the In the premises." .,. _.. nnd Council of thè tlty, nf Hie veteran ern eanltols, and may we not hope ere flag of Georgia was unfurled on tho wero frequent and SessVm Acts «80-», chapter a ß, Ben- Confederate Army« has William K. Tn.vlor. nil aide cavalry the encounters House P. «« organisations nt the lone? to hear'that paltry concession parts by Major act¬ Serious. ate Journal p. 47. Jottf«.*«there was and of thè Volunteer soldiery of ...» eeaaed to check In every Southern Stat¬ of General.Ottynn, who wns present, General Wlckhnm resigned his com¬ .On thè 29th of October, State great dlfcnlty to the ocea> aide of the force» on the In Monroe Park, if81»In the «elly or gave deliver¬ iti« onward march In greatness and pro«· ing te'thè'commander mission In tho Confederate Army unveiled a ""* «ion, while General Fltahugh Loe , his o£ perity'ot ,* grand and united southern lit action, tn which oth of October, Unit, transferred Rlohmond, In the presence yni«y ed lite oration, which was allko worth» fills wns thè first ctignitenient ootbmnnd to General Rosser, who succeed» semhlage of the the and the soldier· Confederacy, Was on the «oil of Virginia divi¬ statue of GeneralpoopIf·,.Wlekhnn»,Jf.n1'?*"bear' of eoltlter-apeaker "Having: every confidence In the pa¬ blood shed und it »>d him In comfnnhd of the cavalry bronw subject, after the ordinance of secciaio», sion, went to Richmond and took his seat lsig the Inscription. ,.?.·.?.» » Collected arid compiled by Luther ?, triotism'and courage ot yoiir company, wns fought Georgians nnd Virginian« Up "Soldier;" "Statesman," "Patriot, Fourla this banner to your by banner of In Congress when the session opened., ?. Vatighan, private Company G, gentlemen, îcontldo under tho singlo atar, blue to that timo he'had devoted .his whqlo "Friend." . Cavalry. In tho full assurance that If State, of the South. of was to the city by the" Virginia \ custody Georgia, tho Empito nnd be¬ attention to the care nnd comfort his which presented the commander-ln-chlcf of our beloved The old earthworks still aland, men nnd horses nnd to the proper hand¬ «tat* shell find It necessary to order you on the. èlle -of the Jamestown Ter¬ In battle. Now It became to ing should be,put ling of them look came within full vlow of Jackson's line, from your homes to the tented field centennial BÄpoftltlon, »hey Who his duty to take ? wider scope end and were hero received with a terrific northern Invasion resist Federal In order for 1BW to receive Georgiana welfare of.the country, It took repel Ot old battle flag to. to tho nsstmbllng fire of musketry at short range, They authority not a member of your gallant may return with their century on htm huta few dnys attor the hesitated for an Instant, recoiling alight« corn* will ever prove recreant to south¬ see the sight«* of tho nowConstitution. of the Confederate Congress to «»certain ly. and then advanced to near the em* ern honor or the glorious eauee of south· Hampton Ròads.-Atlanla tlmt' the end of .the Confederacy was biinkinent. Twice did -Ï see this lino ad¬ ern southern equality and south¬ ¦ II HI. >'i drawing near and for a brief period he n«_ freedom, had tho that reunion could b* j vance and to ? close hope retire, exposed ern Independence.'' ·,--. '»' GEN. WMS. C. WICKHAM. a which! whlltit fire ot musketry. Seeing a second It to say that these burning brought about \ipon basis,· ANSWER^») deadly thè I* needless It would in no way t«fnish the honor «f line. Issutng from tho wood« upon words, gracefully and eloquently Spoken Permanent South, would , a bat¬ for the arm le1» or people of the IQUERÏËS? ;. ; ^¿; ..>tttié4«»»»»»4>è»»«»«»4-»T>»»TTT»»M»M»»»»> net Paper Prepared field, 1 was in tho of ordering by a patriotic daughter of. Columbus, save the lives of thousands' of noble men tery to bo placed In position to flro upon aroused tho enthusiasm of the soldier* to Record In War Archives. and preserve some of their property' from them when a battery was directed by the the highest strain, · Williams Carter Wlckham· was the son the wreck of war. After the failure ot Namei. > Tour grandfather's will Is your «aurea major-general commanding to fife upon In the perilous time* of war, woman'* of V. il!».· m Tanning Wickliatn and Anno the Hampton Ronds Conference, h« «on* A Group of of title, and upon application to th« them, this battery being near the turn¬ I* the greatest lhcentlve tò Carter the grands m of Gen¬ at his In Richmond waiting of The ? approbation and great tinned post' Editor Tini*«-Dispatch commissioner of the rcvenuo tit·7· land GUNS pike In an excellent and commanding the ohivalrlo deed* of men, and the en¬ eral ThomA» Nelson, ono of the signer« the end,''' eir.-Pl*»»e give the correct pronuncia·· NOTED and Gould, position. Tho flro of this battery was couragement bestowed on this occasion of tho Declaration of Independence, After the surrender of the nrrnles (Sen- tien for the following word*?. will, bo listed in your nanfe for taxes, dellvored upon this ad¬ aim for the tho colnmander.ln-ehlm* of th*'Virginia crnl Wlckhiim addressed himself· to ths Cur*on, Bother«, Rll»,'Tolstoi, the, land loti fath¬ moat opportunely made the City taght Guards lie be- -kyiMVftHV a rule Concerning by your line of the enemy. They were mark of chivalry In the conflict line in the Revolutionary Army, wns «.ffort to restore friendly relation* Señor, »enorlla,- fraullen. Glv* who tiled vancing of highest born m Richmond. vn. September 21, ttsecil tho soollons of Ihe Union; to re· what ore to be ac¬ er, intestate, tho käme step caught in the open field. Tho effect between the eeetlbns. to Hick¬ basis concerning syllables word«, ho seen. A fir* 1820, and moved With his parents organlre on a muluitlly satisfactory or In French mny bo lake«, the Virginia Cdde, 188Y, ATMANASSAS every shot could rapid When thl* company, under eommand'of In county, in 1827; he necessary for the' farming cented emphasised A READER. ory Hill. Hanover the., labor section the of shot, shell and spherical case, de¬ Captain Foyton It. colqultt, arrived In schools of Rev, J. nnd to Induce 474, providing that "whfrn was educated at the opération« of tho country, Kerion, Hutltcin, In test n te livered with admirable precision,.checked Portsmouth, Vai, it wa* first quartered living Wbnet, near Alexandria, and of his fellow-oltixcnfl to accept the situa· Oootd, Ro-ie-velt, owner dies the 'commissioner their advance. Aa «hells and spherical at tho Naval and soon after¬ and which *ur- who are the of the An Error in Current History and Hospital, Thomas HAnson, in preiloTleksbnrg, lion und lmow off the gloom R«e», Tolstoy,, may ascertain, heir« caso would burst over, In front wards assigned a*. Company A, of the at tho University, of Virginia.
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