
A Dictionary of the Chinese Language, diversity 2–4 Part I 191 geographical origins 2–3 Agagianian, Gregotio 136 Asian geography xv–xvii 1–2 Aglipay, Gregorio 4, 107, 111 Association of Major Superiors of the Albarran, Juan de 99 Philippines 116 Alexander VII, Pope 133 Association for Theological Education Allen, 220 of South East Asia 180 Ambon 63–64 Assumption College 112 Amira, Jirgis 247 Ancestors, veneration of 134, 182, Babai the Great 241 208–9; see also Chinese Rites Baldaues, Philip 47 Controversy Bali 67 Anglican Church Missionary Banda Aceh 63 Society 187 Bandaranaike, S.W.R.D. 52 Anglicans 10, 23, 87, 142, 178, 186, 187, Bangladesh 25–6 210 Baptist Missionary Training Antonio, Caetano 50 School 110 Apolinario, de la Cruz 105 Baptists 10–11, 29, 108–10, 187, 201 Appavoo, James 33–4 Bar Hebraeus 238–9 Aquino, Gaspar de Belen 103 Bardaisan 242–3 Aramaic 233 Barlin, Jorge 111 Armenian Churches 234 Batak 71 Art 68 beatas 104 Arte y regla de la lengua tagala 100 Behaine, Pierre Pigneau de 140 Asia Theological Association 180 Belen, Gaspar Aquino de 103 Asian ChristianityCOPYRIGHTED 2–6 Bellarmine MATERIAL Evidence Guild 113 as agama orang putih (‘‘white man’s Benedict XIV Pope 134–5, 182 religion’’) 82 Benedict XVI Pope 156 as world religion 4–5 Berg, George E. 24

Christianities in Asia, edited by Peter C. Phan Ó 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd except for editorial material and organization Ó 2011 Peter C. Phan 264 Index

Bermejo, Julian 100 Chesterton Evidence Guild 113 Beschi, Constanzo Giuseppe 10, 18 Chin 22, 26, 29 Blancas, Francisco de San Jose 100–1 (Mainland) 149–70 Board of Foreign Missions of the Chinese and World Presbyterian Church 220 Christianity 150–2 Bonifacio, Andres 106 Chinese Christianity in the twenty- Book of Union 241 first century 166–8 Bowring, John 189 Chinese Orthodox Bravi, Joseph Maria 50 Christianity 159–61 Brent, Charles 108 Christianity as a Chinese Brothers of the Christian Schools 51 religion 151–2 Buddhism 11, 12, 26, 45–50, 53–4, 78, ‘‘Christianity Fever’’ 162–6 130, 139, 141, 143, 156, 166, 186, Cultural Revolution 157–9 198, 201 post-denominational Burgos, Jose 106 Protestantism 156–7 Burma see Myanmar regional differences 143 Buzomi, Francesco 133 the Vatican and Chinese Catholicism 153–6 Cadiere, Leolpold 140 ‘‘’’ and the Calderon, Sofronio 109 ‘‘Official Church’’ 156 Campbell, William 176 China Christian Council 4, 158 Cambodia 141–3 China Evangelical Seminary 180 Khmer Angkor Empire 141 Chinese Catholic Patriotic Protestant Churches 142 Association 4 Roman Catholic Church 143 Chinese Rites Controversy 134, 150, Carey, William 10, 21–2 182, 191 Carvalho, Diego 133 Cho, Paul Yonggi 228 Casal, Joao de 190 Chou Sheng-shu 178 Casas, Bartolome de las 101 Chow Lien-hua 182 Caste 12, 29–30 Christian and Missionary Alliance 139 Catholic (Roman) 16–19, 27, 37, 47–8, Christian Federation of Malaysia 87 50, 63–4, 67, 69–70, 81–2, 103–8, ‘‘Christian’’ weddings in Japan 209–10 132–8, 142–3, 150, 153–6, 175–6, Chung Chi College 186, 189 190–3, 198–9, 210–2, 219–20, Church of the East (Nestorian 221–2 Church) 235, 240–2 Central Taiwan Theological Church of the Resurrection 249 Seminary 180 Church Missionary Society 51 Chan, Francis 84 Church-state relations 88–90 Chang Ch’un-shen 182 City Harvest Church 91 Chao Shi Kwang 178 Clain, Pablo 101 Chapelle, Placide 111 Clement XI, Pope 134 Charismatics 117–8, 222 Cofradia de San Jose 105 Index 265

Communist Party of the Ephrem the Syrian 238 Philippines 115 Erari, Karel Phil 64 Confucianism 2, 139, 186, 227 Esteban, del Rosario 106 Contextualization 9, 13–14, 27–33, Ethiopian Orthodox Church 234 102–8, 145, 151–2, 181, 189, 206–7 Ex quo singulari 135, 182 Cook, Robert F. 24 Explicacion de la doctrina cristiana en Coptic Orthodox Church 233–4 lengua tagala 101 Council of Chalcedon 236, 249 Eusebius of Caesarea 234 Council of Churches of Malaysia 87 Eutyches 236 Council of Ephesus 235 Evangelical Free Church 91 Council of Nicea 234 Ewha Women’s University 223 Crisostomo, Gregorio 106 Cyril of Alexandria 235, 236, 245 Fang Chi-jung 182 Farquhar, John N. 23 Da-to ta dao (the false Christian Federation of Asian Bishops’ religion) 132 Conferences 3, 145, 257 Dalits 10, 19, 25, 29–30, 33 Federation of Free Workers 113 Dandan, Pedro 106 Feranto, Gregory D. 68 Dandini, Jerome 246 Foreign Missionary Society of the Daoism (Taoism) 77, 82, 147, 154 Methodist Episcopal Church Darmaputera, Eka 70 220 De La Salle College 112 Francke, August 20 Dialogue 145, 209, 256–9 Friends of Reunion 52 Diatessaron 238 Fu Jen University 179 Disciples of Christ 201 Full Gospel Assemblies 91 Doctrina Cristiana 100 Douglas, Carstairs 176 Gainza, Francisco 101 Dupuis, Jacques 36 Gaja Madah University 70 Duta Wacana University 68 gamsahongeum (offering of Dyophysite Chalcedonian gratitude) 228 Churches 236, 245 Gauld, William 177 Giao Hoi Tin Lanh (Vietnamese East Asian Pastoral Institute 119 Protestant Church) 139 East Nusa Tenggara 66 Gil, Mariano 106 East Syrian Church 150 Gil, Sunjoo 222 Ecumenism 87–8, 185 Gittins, Anthony 13 Education 68, 111, 161–2, Gnanapiragasar, S. 54 179–80 Gomez, Mariano 106 El Filibsterismo 105 Gorordo, Juan 111 El Shaddai 118–19, 211 Gou Hi-eng 177 Eliano, Giovanni , 246 Gregory the Illuminator 249 EndoSh usaku 206–7 Gunananda, Mohottivatte 50 266 Index

Hall, Ronald 192 future of Christianity 72–3 Hakka people 174 Jakarta 70–1 Han Mac Tu 140 Java 67–70 Han Wan-sang 227 land and language 61–2 Harbin 160 Papua 63–4 Heraclius, emperor 245 Sulawesi 64–5 Hernandez, Jose 101 Sumatra 71 ‘‘Hidden Christians’’ (Kakure Indriatno, Suryo 69 Kirishitan) 200 Innocent II, Pope 246 Hinduism 11, 12, 35, 54–5, 78, 87 Institute of Social Order 113 Ho Chi Minh 130, 131 Islam 12, 26, 63, 78–9, 85–7, 141, 143, Hogan, Walter 113 186, 236–7, 247–9 Holy Light Theological Seminary 180 Hong Kong 183–9 Jacob Baradaeus, Bishop of Edessa 244 Catholic and Protestant Jacob of Serug 238 presence 184–7 Jaffna 46, 50 Christianity as local 187–9 Jaffrey, Robert 139 future of Christianity 189 Jainism 12, 77 political system 183–4 Jansens, Francisco 101 Huang Po-ho 181 Japan 197–215 Hung Xiu-quan 174 Christianity as a Japanese Huria Kristen Batak Protestan 71 religion 206 Hutabarat-Lebang, Henriett Tabita cultural diversity 198 (Ibu Ery) 65 early Catholic missions 198–9 education and welfare 204–5 Iglesia Filipina Independiente future of Japanese 4, 107 Christianity 210–12 Iglesia ni Cristo 4, 109, 118 ‘‘Hidden Christians’’ 200 India 14–24 land and people 197–8 caste system 12–13 Nagasaki Catholics 197–8 evangelical movement 10 ‘‘paternal’’ and ‘‘maternal’’ Syrian Orthodox Church 14–15, religion 206–7 21, 34 persecutions and martyrdom theology 27–8 198–9 Thomas Christians 14–16 State Shinto and Christianity 201 Indonesia 61–75 Java 67–70 Ambon 64 jidujiao re (Christianity fever) 162 Bali 67 jidujiao wenhua re (Christian culture Christian diversity 62 fever) 162 Christians and Muslims 63 Jinjiao 150 cultural diversity 61–2 John Paul II, Pope 31, 138, 221 East Nusa Tenggara 66 John XXIII, Pope 136 Index 267

Kachins 22 Little Flock Church 185 Kagawa Toyohiko 204–5 Liturgy 27–8 Kandy 51–2 Lo Kuang, Stanislaus 182 Karens 25, 29, 32 Local traditions 11–2 Katoppo, Henriette Marianne 65 London Missionary Society 186–7 Kerala 23, 25, 36, 242 Lumentut, Agustina 65 Khmer Rouge 129–30, 141 Lund, Eric 108 Kim, Andrew 221–2 Lutherans 4, 19, 21, 35, 87, 178 Kim Dae Jung 225 Kim Ikdu 222–3 Macau 189–93 Kim Youngsam 225 Catholic missions 190–1 Kitamori Kazoh 206 future of Christianity 193 Korea (South) 217–30 Protestant missions 191–2 beginnings of Christianity 219–21 Mackey, George 177, 179 Christianity and Mackenzie, H.L. 176 modernization 223–26 Madjid, Nurcholish 70 Christianity and industrialization Maiorica, Geronimo 140 and urbanization 226–7 Malabar Rites 18 future of Korean Malankara Catholic Church 234 Christianity 228–29 Malankara Syrian Orthodox indigenous leaders 221–23 Church 234 individual religiosity 228 Malaysia 77–94 Korean Protestantism 227–8 beginning and developments of land and people 217–19 Christianity 81–2 Kotte 46 British imperialism and racial-ethnic Kussudiardla, Bagong 68 politics 79–81 Christian demographics 78 Lal Tin Hre 30 Christianity as a foreign Lallave, Nicolas Manrique religion 82–3 Alfonso 108–9 Church-state relations 88–90 Laos (The Lao People’s Democratic ecumenism 87–8 Republic) 142–3 Islamization 85–7 Protestant Churches 142–3 future of Christianity 90–1 Roman Catholic Church 142–3 political, cultural and religious Latinization 245–6 history 78–9 Latter Rain Church 91 Manalo, Felix Ysagun 4, 109 Lebanon 247–9 Mangunwijaya, Yusuf B. 69 Leitao, Belchior Carneiro 190 Manikan, Braulio 109 Leo, Pope 235–6 Mao Zedong 151 Li Tim Oi, Florence 192 Marcos, Ferdinand 98, 116, 117, Ling Leung Church (Bread of Life Maronite Church 245–9 Church) 178 Marun, Saint 245 268 Index

Maryknoll 115, Naga 22, 33 Mashtots, Mesrop 249–6 Nagasaki 202–3 ‘‘Maternal’’ religion 206–7 Natera, Jose 107 Maxwell, James L. 176 National Council of Churches in McGilvrey, Daniel 143, 144 Korea 224 Meany, James 112 National Council of Churches in the Memorial de la vida cristiana 101 Philippines 110 Mennonites 4 National Evangelical Christian Merentek-Abram, Sientje 65 Fellowship of Malaysia 87 Methodists 4, 84, 87, 108–9, 141, 158, Navalar, Arumuga 54 177, 187, 201 Nestorius 235–6 Miaphysite (monophysite) Ngo Dinh Diem 140 Churches 236, 244, 249 Nguyen Van Thuan 136 Miche, Jean-Claude 142 Nobili, Roberto de 17–8, 20 Middle East 233–54 Noli me Tangere 105 Armenians in the Middle ‘‘Non-Church’’ movement East 249–51 (Mukyokai) 207–8 Church of the East 240–2 Churches in Arabia 243–5 Oblates of Mary Immaculate 50 Maronite Church 245–9 Orthodox Church , 3, 10, 13, 20, 34–5, missionary activities 242–3 36, 159–61, 178, 185, 186, 198, 200 Syriac Orthodox Church of otokorashii Kirisutokyo (Manly Antioch 234–40 expression of Christianity) 208 Milicia de Jesucristo 101 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Shrine 112 Mill Hill Missionaries 83, 111 Ming Mang 135 padroado (patronato) 99, 134 Minjung theology 225 Pakistan 26–7 Monastery of Al-Za‘afaran 239 Pallegoix, Jean-Baptiste 143 Monastery of Louisa 247 Pallu, Fran¸cois 133, 134 Monastery of Marun 245 Pancasila ideology 70 Monastery of Mor Gabriel 239 Panikkar, Raimon 36 Monastery of Mor Matta 239 Paris Foreign Missions Society Monastery of St. Mark 240 (Missions Etrangeres de Paris) 84, Monophysite 14 134, 141, 142, 201 Monotheletism 245 Park Chung Hee 224 Morrison, Robert 191–2 Pasiong Mahal 103 Motte, Pierre Lambert de la 132 Payong Henesis 103 Mulry, Joseph 112 Pelaez, Pedro 106 Murniati, Agustina N.P. (Ibu Pentecostals 23–4, 36, 117–8 Nunuk) 70 Philippines 97–127 Music 33–7, , 68 Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Myanmar (Burma) 22, 31–2 Philippines 116 Index 269

Christianity and Spanish colonial Reyes, Isabelo de los Sr 107 rule 102–8 Reyes, Tomas de los 101 Cofradia de San Jose 105 Rhee Syngman 223, 224 Communist Party of the Rhodes, Alexandre de 132–3, 140 Philippines 115 Ricci, Matteo 18, 150, 190 Couples for Christ 117 Rizal, Jose 105 El Shaddai 118 Roberts, Issacher 187 future of Filipino Rodgers, James B. 108 Christianity 119–21 Ruggieri, Michele 190 Iglesia Filipina Independiente 131 Ruis, Lorenzo 104 Institute of Social Order 113 Ruiz, Miguel 101 ‘‘People Power’’ (EDSA) 117–8 saebyeokgido (dawn prayer) 222 Protestant Churches 108–11 Salazar, Francisco de 101 recent missions of the Catholic Sanata Dharma University 68 Church 110–3 Sanlucar, Pedro de 100 social engagement 113–21 Santa Ana, Alonso de 101 Spanish Catholicism 198–102 School of Edessa 241 Philippine Council of Evangelical Sedeno,~ Antonio 100 Churches 110 Semeria, Stephen 50 Pilapil, mariano 103 Seventh-Day Adventists 4, 108, 177, Piong, Cornelius 84 179, 201 Pius XII, Pope 112, 134, 182 Severus of Antioch 237 Plane Compertum Est 182 Shan Kuo-shi 182 Poerwowidagdo, Timur 69 Shinto 2, 198, 201, 209–10 Popular devotions 97, 103–4 Shoki Coe (Hwang Chang-hue) Presbyterians 4, 10, 22, 30, 87, 110, 176, 181 218, 220–21 Sikhism 12, 78, 87 Propaganda Fide (Congregation Simatupang, Tahi Bonar 71 for the Propagation of the Sin, Jaime Cardinal 117 Faith) 134, 135, 154 Singapore 77–8, 87–91 Protestant National Council of Singarajar, David 54 Churches 116 Singzon, Pablo 110 Sisters of the Congregation of the Good Quiapo church 112 Shepherd 51 Sisters of the Holy Family 50 Rabban Sauma 243 Slater, Thomas 23 Race 78–9 Society of Divine Word 111 Rahner, Karl 11 Song, Choan-seng 181 Rajapaksha, Mahinda 56 Soochow University 179 Religious pluralism 11 Sowonhongeum (offering of remontados (apostates) 104 petition) 228 270 Index

Sri Lanka 45–59 Tang Yi 166–7 future of Christianity 55–8 Thailand 143–4 independence 52–5 Protestant Churches 144 land and people 45–6 Roman Catholic missions 143 under British colonialism 48–52 The Bells of Nagasaki 202 under Dutch colonialism 47–8 Theodora, empress 244 under Portuguese colonialism 46–7 Theodore of Mposuestia 241 St. Andrew’s Theological Theodorus, Bishop of Arabia 244 Seminary 110 Theology of Struggle 115 St. Bartholomew 249 Theology of the Pain of God 206 St. James Monastery 249 theotokos (bearer of God) 235 St. Scholastica’s College 111 Thieu Tri 135 St. Thaddeus 249 Third Council of Constantinople 245 St. Thomas the Apostle 3, 17, 234, 236, Thoburn, James 108 240 Three-Self Movement 4, 153–7 Stertemius, Johannes 47 Timothy I. 243 Sulawesi 64–5 Timur Leng (Tamerlane) 239, 243 Sumatra 71 Tome of Leo 236 Surapranata, Kiai sadrach 67–68 tongsong gido (speaking out one’s Symeon the Stylite 240 prayer) 222 syncretism 19, 28, 98 Torre, Edicio de la 116 Synod of Diamper 17 Tran Luc, Petrus 140 Syriac Orthodox Church 234–40 True Jesus Church 156, 158, 178, 185 Syro-Malabar Church 234 Truong Vinh Ky 140 Tu Duc 135 Taberd, Jean-Louis 140 Tung Hai University 179 T’ai-Tsung 243 Tainan Theological College 176, 180 Uchimura Kanzo 207–8 Taiping Uprising 174 Union Theological Seminary 110 Taiwan 173–183 United Church of Christ in Japan 203, changing faces of Taiwanese 210 Christianity 178–79 United Church of Christ in the early Catholic and Protestant Philippines 110 missions 175–6 United Malays’ National linguistic and ethnic Organization 85 diversity 174–175 Unity Front of Eelam Tamils (Eela theological education 180–182 Tamil Ottrumai Munnani)54 Taiwan Baptist Theological University of Santo Tomas 113 Seminary 180 Uy Ban Doan Ket Cong Giao Yeu Takashi Nagai 202 Nuoc 137 tam giao (three religions) 132 Tamil United Liberation Front 55 Valignano, Alessandro 210 Index 271

Vatican II 10, 30, 52, 53, 56, 114, 136 Wickrametilleke de Silva, Daid 50 Vendargon, Dominic 84 Wickremesinghe, Narme 52 Vey, Jean-Louis 142, 143 Vietnam 130–40 Xavier, Francis 199 contributions of Christianity to Vietnam 139–40 Yap Kim Hao 84 early history of Roman Yasukuni Shrine 211 Catholicism 132–3 Yi Yongdo 222–3 Our Lady of La Vang 138 Yoido Full Gospel Church 4, 218, 227 persecutions and martyrdom 133–5 Yong, Francis 84 popular devotions 138 Yu Bin 182 Protestant Churches 138–9 Yuhanna al-Safrari, Patriarch 247 recent history of Roman Catholicism 135–6 Zamora, Jacinto 106 Socialist Republic of Vietnam 130 Zamora, Nicolas 109 Vietnamese Communist Party 130 Ziegenbalg, Bartholom€aus 19–20 Vittoria, Juan de 101 Zinzendorf, Nicolaus von 19 Vocabulario de la lengua tagala 101 Zoroastrianism 2, 12