Word & Work, Vol. 53, No. 11

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Word & Work, Vol. 53, No. 11 Oral Roberts University Digital Showcase Word & Work HSRC Digitized Periodical Collection 11-1931 Word & Work, vol. 53, no. 11 (November 1931) Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalshowcase.oru.edu/word_work Recommended Citation ORU Library, Holy Spirit Research Center, "Word & Work, vol. 53, no. 11 (November 1931)" (1931). Word & Work. 2. https://digitalshowcase.oru.edu/word_work/2 This Periodical is brought to you for free and open access by the HSRC Digitized Periodical Collection at Digital Showcase. It has been accepted for inclusion in Word & Work by an authorized administrator of Digital Showcase. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOL. LIII. NO. I l. FRAMINGHAM. MASS., NOVEMBER. 1931. $1.00 a year, 10 cents a copy. ,...\, :pra~tr nf ~ l1anksnittin11 By Charles Arthur Vandermeulen Dear Lord, l thank Thee for the grit of health- I thank Thee, Lord. dear Lord, for just today, J\ body sound, red blood. a swrdy heart! With all its joys outnumbering far its sorrows, For all of earth's cime-tarnrshed tinsel. wealth, And with its chance to loue. live. work, and play, J' d ne'er exchange my good health's smallest part. And for the luring. beckoning tomorrows. I thank Thee, Lord, for Friends, trial-tested, /rue, I thank Thee for the home, sweet home 1hat's mine. Who fail me nor in times of strife and stress. Its fireside rest and dreams, the looed ones there, Oh, those big-hearted, faithful friends, true blue, The laughing eyes wherein soft love-lights shine, Who come each honest life to cheer and bless. The gleaming wonder-gold of silken hair. I thank Thee for a worth-while task and work, For all home's blessings, Lord, I thank Thee much­ Though it seem humble, difficult, obscure; A drowsy little fellow's peaceful sigh, And if 1 do my best, no duty shirk, A child's bright laughter, baby fingers' touch. OF good success and larger chance I'm sure. A wee tot's murmured prayer as night draws nigh. I thank Thee For a deep and settled joy. And for my natwe land I thank Thee. Lord­ And inward peace, ir,creasing with the years. The land l love, the wonderful, the free! Which daily cares and burdens can·t destroy; Mu native land, the honored and adored! An<i so l smile e'en through grief's bitter tears. But most of all I thanh Thee. Lord, for Thee. Others May -- -- You Cannot If God has called you to be really noc allow you to do any such thing, shade. He may let others be great, like Jesus He will draw you into a and if you begin it, He will lead you but keep you small. He may let life of crucifixion and humility, and into some deep mortification that ochers do a work for Hirn and get put upon you such demands of will make you despise yourself and the credit of it, but He will make obedience, that you will not be able all your gooct works. you work and toil on without know­ to follow other people, or measure Otbers may be allowed to succeed ing how much you are doing: and yourself by other Christians, and in in making money. or may have a leg• then to make your work still more many ways He will seem to let other acy left co them. but it is likely God precious He may let others get the good people do things which He will will keep you poor, because He want~ credit for the work which you have not let you do. you to have something far better done, and thus make your reward Other Christians and m1msters than gold, namely, a helpless de­ ren times greater when Jesus comes. who seem very religious and Llsef ul. pendence on Him, that He may have The Holy Spirit will put a strict may push themselves, pull wires. and the privilege of supplying your needs watch over you. with a jealous Jove, work schemes to carry out their plans, day by day out of an unseen treas­ ,1nd will rebuke you for little words but you cannot do it: and if you at­ ury. and feelings. or for wasting your tempt it, you will meet with such The Lord may Jet others be hon­ time, which other Christians never failure and rebuke from the Lord as ored and put forward. and keep you seem distressed over. So make up to make you sorely penitent. hidden in obscurity, because He your min<l that God is an infinite Others may boast of themselves. ,,£ wants to produce some choice. fra­ Sovereign. and has a right to do as their work, of their success, of their grant fruit for His coming glory, He pleases with His own. He ma}' w ritings, but the Holy Spirit will which can only be produced in the not explain to you a thousand things J/ ORO Libl'e.rJ Boli S~irit Re1earcb Cent•~ 2 WORD AND WOJ<K. Notes and Comments Bc1 1he Editor BEWARE OF TIIlS is made to read in the new version. chus: BtRT E:ow. W1LUAMs. Eo1ToR The United Press announces the ''lf your sins be like scarlet, can publication of "J\ modern 1\merican CoNTRJ8UTINC UITORS they become white as snow? lf they Bihle." that "written in simple, DoNALD Cu W. E. MoooY is, be red like crimson. can they become H.uRY l.oNc J. N. Hoovu vigorous and easy-to-read English.'' like wool?" THE .-\RCUt FAMILY The men responsible for this new book are Dr. Edgar J. Goodspeed and Just Another Question Mark Su~ription price in U. S. A. and poncuions, Dr. J. M. Powis Smith, and the book This interpretation may be correct, $1.00 per year; Canada, $1.25; Ct. Britain but if so. where is the assurance and and Possession,. 6s. In bundle,. 20 copies. will be issued from the University of $1.00: 50 copic,. $2.00: 100 co1•ies, $3.00, Chicago presses this month. It is hope that has lifted the burden from po1tpaid. said to be the first complete transl.i the hearts of thousands of sinners as Entered ,.t the Frami~ham P. 0, as second• tion of its kind. It will be printed they looked in faith at the atoning dus mailer. like a modern book. with open pag-es Saviour bleeding on Calvary? The Accepted for m.t.iling al special rates of pc»tagc and full us~ of quotation marks. assurance and hope is gone and in provided for in Section 1103, Act of Oct, 3, their place is just another question 1917, authori1.ed Nov. 5, 1920. There will be no double columns. summaries, headings, cross-references mark with which the world is sadly cursed at the present writing. Publ.. !u,d monthly by or notes. The narrative rnns along CHRISTIAN WORKF.RS UNION smoothly. as though it were an ex­ (INCORPORATID) quisitely written modern novel. so IS AMERICA RID OF PLAGUES? 7 Auburn S1r«1, the dispatch reads. Fraainsl,am, Mau .. U.S. A. Recently we read the statement Guaranteed to Be All Right that "Science has rid America of pla­ IMPORTANT INFORMATION Dr. Goodspeed says. "lt will be gues." Evidently the writer does not I. Send money by Check, Bank Draft, Ex­ the Bible itself. Recently discovered know that in one week during this preu or P.O. Money Order, or rctittored letter, payablc lo Christian Workers Union. ancient Greek manuscripts clearly in­ last summer grasshoppers ravaged 2. Be ,ure lo notify ua p,omptly of any dicate that the Greek in which the 55.000 square miles of farm land in change in your addreu. giving both the old and New Test,1mcnt w.1s written was nor Utah. South Dakota, North Dakota, new addrcaa. colloquial Greek of the day. We seek Iowa and Nebraska. They destroy­ consequl.'ntly to crc,1tc on the modern ed orchards and left the trees stand­ TRUST£f.S ASD On-lCEIU OF CIIRISTIAN WORKERS UNION reader the samt• impression the Bible ing torally bare. They ate up the ANl> BETm:1. HoME FOR TH£ AcEo made in the first century." The same sugar beets and devoured the wheat ;id\'antage is claimed for the more re­ and corn. Of course the farmers tl\£D T. CORUM, l'u.,. (f\ttornc)' at Law) cent knowledge of the Hebrew of the foughr them vigorously and by every PtTRU5 5WART7., Vice Prc,. (Mini,tcr) CHARLES F. RrANS, Sec").,. (s, ...., Construction) Old 'Testament. possible means that their genius could OTio KARLSON, contrive. Some sprayed them with Trros. (Painting Contractor) /1 Grea1 U ndertahing BuT Eow. Wn.l.lAMS, Editor. (E,·a11gdi,t) oil and then raked them into piles WrLLIAM R. MORRIS, (Floriil) I wonder if Dr. Goodspeed really and burned them. Some with more PAUL B. N£1.l>ON, (Mini11er) comprehends what would happen if NELSON J. MACOOS, (Minister) scientific turn of mind. charged upon the people of the t wenticth century them with wire net contraptions should come to have the same im­ charged with electricity from storage which puzzle your reason in His pression of the Bible that the people batteries. Utah offered le per pound dealings with you, but if you will ab­ of the first century had. In fact, this for grasshoppers dead or alive and one solutely sell yourself to be His love is just what lhc- people of the twen­ farmer gathered 120 bushel.
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