ICSEA 2011 : The Sixth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances Usage of Robot Framework in Automation of Functional Test Regression Stanislav Stresnjak Zeljko Hocenski Siemens CMT Computer and Software Engineering Department Osijek, Croatia University Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek e-mail:
[email protected] Osijek, Croatia e-mail:
[email protected] Abstract — Manual testing is a time consuming process. In to a programmer, using a coding language, writing program addition, regression testing, because of its repetitive nature, is in order to automate any other manual process [3]. error-prone, so automation is highly desirable. Robot This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 explains Framework is simple, yet powerful and easily extensible tool how the tool choosing is done. Section 3 describes why which utilizes the keyword driven testing approach. Easy to specific tool was chosen. Section 4 describes the use tabular syntax enables creating test cases in a uniform way. implementation of the tool. Section 5 is about benefits of the Ability to create reusable high-level keywords from existing automation. Section 6 draws conclusions. keyword ensures easy extensibility and reusability. Simple library API, for creating customized test libraries in Python or II. CHOOSING THE TOOL Java, is available, while command line interface and XML based output files ease integration into existing build What was needed was a tool simple enough to make fast infrastructure, for example continuous integration systems. All automation and in the same time powerful so these tests can these features ensure that Robot Framework can be quickly be extended and produce less error prone.