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Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (2011) 83(4): 1251-1258 (Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences) Printed version ISSN 0001-3765 / Online version ISSN 1678-2690 www.scielo.br/aabc

Floral biology of majus L. (Tropaeolaceae) and its relation with Astylus variegatus activity (Germar 1824) (Coleoptera: Melyridae)

, MARIA EMÍLIA P.F. SILVA1, ROSILDA M. MUSSURY1 3, MARIA DO CARMO VIEIRA2, VALTER V. ALVES JÚNIOR1, ZEFA V. PEREIRA3 and SILVANA P.Q. SCALON2 1Programa de Pós-Graduação em Entomologia e Conservação da Biodiversidade, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados/UFGD, Faculdade de Ciências Biológicas e Ambientais, Rodovia Dourados-Itahum, Km 12, 79804-970 Dourados, MS, Brasil 2Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia/Produção Vegetal, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados/UFGD, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias, Rodovia Dourados-Itahum, Km 12, 79804-970 Dourados, MS, Brasil 3Programa de Pós Graduação em Biologia Geral/Bioprospecção, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados/UFGD, Faculdade de Ciências Biológicas e Ambientais, Rodovia Dourados-Itahum, Km 12, 79804-970 Dourados, MS, Brasil

Manuscript received on December 15, 2009; accepted for publication on July 6, 2010

ABSTRACT L. () is a culture popularly known by its medicinal, ornamental and culinary utility. This work aimed to evaluate the interaction between Astylus variegatus (Germar 1824) (Coleoptera: Melyridae) and the nasturtium associated to the weeks of flourishing, in order to conceive the floral mechanisms usedbythe to attract A. variegatus. The insects collection was achieved with an entomologic net by the sweeping method, during the weekly flowering, at two hours, from 7am to 5pm. The studies of floral biology were carried outintwenty flowers by the analysis of measures and the arrangement of the floral parts. The nasturtium offerspollenand nectar to the insect as a compensation. However, it was observed that A. variegatus only collects pollen as a nutritious resource. Tropaeolum majus presents several flowers for each individual and, during the visits, A. variegatus walked throughout the interior of the flower, among the and contacting the ventral region of its body, andwhile passing through the it lodged the pollen. Sometimes, it uses the internal cavity for sheltering and mating. The visits occurred preferably on the second and fifth weeks of flourishing, with a populational fluctuation between 9am and 11am. Key words: nasturtium, coleoptera, pollinization.

INTRODUCTION and for nutritious use, with its and flowers being used in and sandwiches (Sangalli et al. 2004). Tropaeolum majus L. (Tropaeolaceae) is known as nas- Astylus variegatus (Germar 1824) (Coleoptera: turtium, indian cress, , wormseed, garden balsam, Melyridae) are coleopters that are found on the flowers bloody-flower, mexican water cress and big-nasturtium of native and exotic in South America (Matioli (Corrêa 1926, Font Quer 1993, Dematti and Coan 1999). et al. 1990). The adults are found from January to June This species is widely used as a medicinal and ornamen- at high environmental temperatures (Rossetto and Ros- tal ; it is a durable, melliferous, natural dyeing and setto 1976). They feed on the sweating of the plants, non-conventional potherb, and it has an enormous im- nectar and pollen, and are not considered as main pests portance for the commercial apiculture (Ortiz de Boada in cultivations (Willemstein 1987, Embrapa 2000). In and Cogua 1989). Due to the beauty of its flowers and sunflower, Camargo and Amabile (2001) observed that leaves, it is used in landscaping projects (Bremness 1993) adults of A. variegatus attack the stem, and their lar- Correspondence to: Rosilda Mara Mussury vae attack the roots of the plants. According to Cruz et E-mail: [email protected]

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1252 MARIA EMÍLIA P.F. SILVA et al. al. (2008), the adult is a pest in corn plantations due describing these phases, the buds were measured and to the mechanical damages to the floral organs. It was analyzed as for the arrangement of the floral parts. For also observed in literature that A. variegatus may com- verifying the scent emission, the floral parts separated pete with bees for floral resources, contributing for the from three individuals were put into a glass recipient reduction of nectar disposal to other pollinators. The with a lid and, then, uncovered and smelled after thirty floral morphology and the insect behavior are closely minutes (Dafni 1992). related to the pollinated efficiency from any floral vis- itor. The flowers developed mechanisms like colored RESULTS AND DISCUSSION , scent, nectar compensation, pollen, essences and The study on flower morphology leads to the compre- oils to attract the interested floral visitor and to obtain hension of a plant-pollinator interaction and, so, in this the pollination. Yet, not all floral visitors are efficient current work, T. majus morphology was determinant pollinators since there is an adaptation among the char- for A. variegatus attraction. T. majus L. is a herbal and acteristics of the flower and its effective pollinator (Cou- low plant, with irregular, campanulated, axillary, flashy, to and Couto 2006). The pollinators have time synchro- solitary, hermaphordite, asymmetrical and zigomorphic nisms with their main nourishment sources, which allow flowers. The corolla is pentamerous, varying from yel- them to be present in a higher number when the plant low to red. The calyx appears as a single part, but it is offers more flowers (Freitas 1998). As the role of A. divided into five on the apex, and one of them variegatus on T. majus flowers is not established, the is elongated, forming the calcar where the nectary is current work aimed to: 1. study its interaction with the placed. There are eight stamens (Fig. 1) with differ- nasturtium flowers during the weeks of flourishing; 2. ent sizes (Fig. 2), being four bigger, three medium and figure out the floral mechanisms used by the species to one smaller, but occasionally the flower may have nine attract A. variegatus. stamens, free and with anthers (Fig. 3) turned outside and rimous, which are yellow and with a fixed basis MATERIALS AND METHODS and diteca insertion. This study was carried out at the Experimental Area The (Fig. 4), which ranges from green- of Medicinal Plants at Universidade Federal da Grande wish to yellowish, presents a stigma divided into three Dourados (UFGD), in Dourados-MS, from April to parts, an elongated style and a superior , with three July, 2008. The size of the area used for the study was carpels joined on the basis, containing one egg on each 300 m2, which was divided into six quadrants. The in- loculus and with an apical placentation. sects collection was weekly achieved with an entomo- It was noted that the anthesis is diurnal and the logic net by the sweeping method, during the flower- flower duration is six days, on average. The scent of ing, at 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm and 5pm, for seven the flower was strongly smelled on the petals and sta- weeks, at 7 days, no matter the climatic conditions. For mens, defining an aroma of a rotten material or inde- each schedule, five sweeping nets were achieved at ran- composition. dom points, and the chosen ones were excluded from Five phases of development were determined for the next samplings. Later, the collected individuals were the nasturtium flowers according to the differences on wrapped into plastic bags with cotton soaked in ethyl the buds size and on the position of floral verticils acetate and taken to the laboratory to be selected and (Figs. 5 and 6). On the first and second phases (bud), counted. The mean number of insects caught on the the calyx completely covered the bud. The bud pres- flowers was calculated during the weeks of flowering. ented a 4 mm length with eight green stamens, three of The studies of floral morphology were carried out them were slightly bigger than the others. The anthers in twenty flowers that were collected and observed in were closed and the styles were not apparent. When a stereoscope microscope, which allowed the identifi- the petals reached 1.5 cm length, they stood out the cation and the characterization of the floral structures, calyx and four bigger stamens were observed. In the as well as the definition of the flowering phases. For beginning of the pre-anthesis, it was noted that the

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Figs. 1-4 – Tropaeolum majus L. flowers. 1. Group of stamens; 2. Detail of the stamens with different sizes; 3. ; 4. Gynoecium. Bars = 2 cm. petals were unrolling and the bud was 2 cm length. As On this phase, T. majus flowers remained opened the pre-anthesis evolved (3), the petals were kept away for six days, with the petals well kept away exposing and a non-synchronized increase of the stamens was the stigmas and the stamens. This easily allowed the observed. The anthers presented a slight curvature to insect to contact both the receptive stigmas and the the outside, the petals were alternately arranged with stamens at the moment they were releasing pollen. the sepals and the anthers curvature was bigger, con- The fact that T. majus presents stamens with differ- cluding their opening. On the anthesis (4), the petals ent sizes may favor the pollination and the nutrition by were totally separated and arranged among the sepals, A. variegatus. The difference on the size of the stamens and with the flower presenting a diameter of 4.5 cmto helps to attract and dispose the pollen as an easy-access 4.8 cm. The nectar guide is well visible. The androe- resource. Lopes and Machado (1996) observed a dif- cium presented four bigger stamens, two medium and ference on the size of the stamens of Swartzia pickelii two smaller ones. The anther dehiscence was longitud- flowers (leguminosae-Faboidae) and gave them the role inal with a totally twist to the outside (an extrorse de- of attracting the foragers. hiscence). On the post-anthesis or senescence (5), the During its visits to the flowers, A. variegatus petals presented purplish. searched for a shelter and a place for copulation and In relation to A. variegatus presence, it was ob- nutrition, collecting only pollen. During its visits, A. served that the 4th phase (anthesis) was preferred (Fig. variegatus walked through all the interior of the flower 5), with only one or several visitants (Fig. 7) formed by and among the stamens, contacting the ventral region of three to six on each flower (Figs. 8 and 8a). The period its body and, while passing through the stigma, it de- of the visit on a flower varied from 2 to 10 minutes and, posited the pollen. Sometimes, they arrived inside the later, the insects could also visit other opened flowers flower and stayed there piled up and motionless, indic- nearby or abandoned the place. ating that this was a shelter place. Occasionaly the

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Figs. 5-6 – Tropaeolum majus L. flower, development of the floral bud, flower in anthesis andpost- anthesis (from left to right); 5. Phases of flower development with protective verticils; 6. Phases of flower development with protective verticils removed. Bars = 1 cm. copulation occurred. At other times, they were observed Lam., Fabbri and Valla (1998) observed that the flower near the calcar, but they did not reach the nectar de- presents typical characteristics of the ornitophilous syn- posited inside it. On corn flowers, A. varigatus was drome. Two species of Trochilidae, Vespidae,Halictidae observed collecting nectar (Embrapa 2000), but on this and Apidae were observed, as well as one species of work this activity was not confirmed probably because Syrphidae and Aphida as floral visitors, but no coleop- the nectary was placed in the calcar and was difficult teran visits were mentioned. to access. In general, A. variegatus may be considered as Studies on insect-plant interaction for the Tropae- a possible pollinator due to its behavior during the olum are scarce. However, in T. pentaphyllum visits. It presents grains of pollen held on the abdomen

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Figs. 7-8 – Astylus variegatus on a Tropaeolum majus L. flowers (7. individual; 8. attached; 8a. detail). since it walks through all the reproductive system of the ented as a possible pollinator. According to Gullan and flower. Moreover, the compatibility of size between A. Cranston (2007), the coleoptera visit the flowers mainly varigatus and the flowers offers an efficient contact with due to its pollen attraction (Faegri and Van Der Pilj their reproductive organs. Based on considerations by 1979). The flower may use its nectar as a way to easy Couto and Couto (2006), the adaptation between the the access of the coleopera, which does not happen to floral characteristics of T. majus and A. variegatus be- T. majus. Similarly to the interaction described above, havior is confirmed and, therefore, this species is pres- in Grobya amherstiae Lindl. (Orchidaceae: Cyrtopodi-

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25 7am 9am 11am 1pm 3pm 5pm



10 Number Number of individuals 5

0 I II III IV V VI VII Flowering weeks Fig. 9 – Temporary populational fluctuation of Astylus variegatus on a Tropaeolum majus flowers (nasturtium) during the flowering weeks ofthe culture, from 7am to 5pm. inae), Mickeliunas et al. (2006) observed the beetle of (Fig. 9). On the third and fourth weeks, it was noticed the Montella genus (Curculionidae: Centrinini) during a reduction on the number of insects. The standard of all the flowering. They observed an agglomeration and, T. majus synchronized flowering had probably favored during the visits, the beetle displaced the anther of G. the reduction on the insects frequency as the flowers amherstiae, consumed the walls that share the pollinia from the previous week (second one) on anthesis had al- and handled the pollinarium up to the stigma. ready been senescent. The low number of insects Other reports about beetles as possible pollinators observed from 7am to 11am on the third week and at are known by Silva and Domingues Neta (2010). While 7am on the fourth week probably occurred because few studying Duguetia marcgraviana Mart. (Anonaceae), flowers had available pollen. they found Lobiopa sp., Colopterus sp. (Nitidulideae) On the fifth week, it was observed an increase in and Epitragus sp. (Tenebrionidae) into its floral cham- the number of flowers on anthesis probably due tothe ber, with a high frequency of visits on the flowers and factor that increased the number of insects on the nastur- the presence of pollen in their bodies. tium flowers. It was verified that, on the first week of flower- On the sixth and seventh weeks, it was observed a ing, the number of A. variegatus was low probably due lower frequency of the insects on the flowers, since some to few flowers for each individual (around 5). Onthe of them were on senescence or producing . So, the second week of flowering, the number of flowers on insect did not have access to the sought resource. anthesis was higher, with sixteen flowers for each indi- In the presence of this explanation, it is observed vidual and, therefore, A. variegatus frequency increased that the frequency of these insects is related to the num- significantly. It visited the flowers from 7am to5pm, ber of flowers for each individual, with the flowers offer with a populational peak between 9am and 11am a reasonable amount of pollen as a nutritious resource

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