14/03/2021 Grant Hackett settles case with lawyers over ex-wife's pre-nup

Culture Celebrity

This was published 4 years ago Grant Hackett settles case with lawyers over ex-wife's pre-nup

By Mark Russell Updated April 22, 2016 — 10.43am, first published at 10.18am

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Troubled former Olympic champion Grant Hackett has settled a lawsuit against two legal firms over a pre-nuptial agreement with his ex-wife, singer and actress Candice Alley.

The case had been set down for a five-day trial starting on April 18 - the day after Hackett was thrown off a Virgin flight from for allegedly giving another passenger a nipple cripple.

Grant Hacket expresses regret for his behaviour through a statement admitting he has "stuffed up more than once" and is embarrassed by his actions.

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Hackett, 35, admitted to having been intoxicated on the 6am flight last Sunday after missing out on selection for the Rio Olympics but denied being under the influence of the prescription drug Stilnox.

He has not been charged over the in-flight incident, but police are still investigating.

Grant Hackett and Candice Alley split in May 2012. PAUL ROVERE

Fairfax Media has confirmed Supreme Court Associate Justice Melissa Daly agreed to dismiss Hackett's pre-nuptial case with no orders for costs.

Hackett, who filed the first writ in the case in March 2013, had been given until February 8 to file and serve any expert reports he intended to rely on at trial before the case against Brisbane-based Mullins Lawyers and -based Nevile & Co was settled.

In a brief statement released to , the principal of law firm Taussig Cherrie Fildes, Debra Cherrie, said: "We confirm that the Supreme Court of Victoria proceedings involving our client were resolved on terms satisfactory to our client.

"The settlement terms are confidential to the parties. We are not authorised to provide any further comment."

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Grant Hackett was thrown off a Virgin flight from Adelaide for allegedly giving another passenger a nipple cripple. SEVEN NEWS Alley, who has joined Neighbours in a recurring guest role, signed the original pre-nup agreement on March 19, 2007, where she was to receive 15 per cent of Hackett's assets if their marriage broke down after less than 10 years, and 25 per cent if they split after more than 10 years.

In documents filed with the court, Nevile & Co revealed Hackett retained Mullins Lawyers in May 2009 to change the pre-nup to give Ms Alley 40 per cent if the couple had children before splitting.

Grant Hackett, the 2000 and 2004 Olympics 1500m freestyle champion, retired from swimming in 2008 but attempted a comeback this year, only to miss out on selection for the Rio Olympics. GETTY IMAGES In Hackett's statement of claim, he said Alley applied to a court to have their pre- nup declared null and void in June 2012, claiming she had never received any legal advice in 2007 from Joseph Buccheri, who was acting as a consultant solicitor for Nevile & Co, about the impact of the agreement on her rights, had simply been told where to sign and did not really understand the nature and effect of what she was signing.

But Nevile & Co claimed Alley had signed a document acknowledging she had been given independent legal advice and understood the details of the pre-nup.

Hackett said that following Alley's claims in June 2012, he agreed to vary the pre- nup to give her a greater share of his wealth which caused him financial loss.

Hackett sued the two law firms over the allegedly botched agreement, claiming their negligence caused him financial loss because it was found to be not binding. https://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/celebrity/grant-hackett-settles-case-with-lawyers-over-exwifes-prenup-20160422-goch84.html 3/4 14/03/2021 Grant Hackett settles case with lawyers over ex-wife's pre-nup Both law firms denied negligence.

Hackett and Alley had married in April 2007 and twins, Jagger and Charlize, were born in September 2009.

They split in May 2012, seven months after Hackett trashed his Melbourne city apartment, overturning a piano and furniture, smashing a door and putting holes in the walls during a drunken rage on Derby Day in October 2011.

Hackett, the 2000 and 2004 Olympics 1500m freestyle champion, retired from swimming in 2008 but attempted a comeback only to miss out on selection for the Rio Olympics.

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