Mugombwa Camp Profile as of 15 April 2021 Population : 10,951 (Congolese: 10,942 RWANDA: 9) CAMP OVERVIEW CURRENT SERVICES BACKGROUND SITUATION Coordinates : Lat 2°67’47.82”S The following services are available in the camp: Lon 29°85’03.42”E 01 health posts, 01 multi purpose hall, 02 CFS (Child Friendly Space), 01 The government agency (MINEMA) allocated 28 hectares for Camp Extent : 28 Hectares Community Centre, 01 Implenting partners Office, 01 Distribution Centre, housing and building the assistance structures. Av. Camp Area/Person 26.9 m2 01 Rub-Hall, 1 camp based market, 01 ECD (Early Child Development) MINEMA administers the camp and is responsible for security Centre, 01 Refugees Commitee Office, 01 Volleyball/Basketball Distance from border : 159.1 km and protection of the refugees in coordination with UNHCR. playground. Province/District : Southern /Gisagara Mugombwa is established in 2016. # of Partners : 10 Admin divisions : 14 Zones Authority : Ministry of (MINEMA) - COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION Government of Rwanda The camp community organization is structured around 08 Quarters and 28 Villages. Each organizational level has its elected representatives with currently 08 exceutive leaders and quarters leaders, 28 village leaders and 14 zone leaders. Both men and women are proactively incorporated in all stages of electoral Mugombwa process. SECTOR OVERVIEW Minimum DEMOGRAPHY Sector Indicator Target Achieved Standard Key Figures Age and Gender Refugees 60+ 6,166 95% 100% 100% 4,785 % of identified SGBV survivors offered multi-sectorial/appropriate assistance Male Female Protection 99.83% 10,932 4% 95% 100% 100% Asylum Seekers 7% 7% % of children with specific needs who received individual case management Older people 808 816 % of households living in adequate dwellings (Transitional Shelters) 100% 100% 61% Shelter 10 18-59 % of households provided with emergency shelters 0% 0% 0.48% 0.09% 1,231 11% 11% 1,204 Litres of drinking water received per person per day 20Ltrs 20Ltrs 23.4 Ltrs Households WASH 40% % of households with family latrines -- _ _ 1,010 9% 9% 1,002 % of refugees and asylum-seekers benefiting from food assistance (2100 Adults 75% 100% 100% 2,272 Food kcal/person/day) 0-17 1,534 14% 27% 2,906 -- % of refugee and asylum-seeker women delivering with assistance by qualified 95% 95% 100% 55% 202 2%2% 238 personnel Health SENS Prevalence rate (<%) of GAM global acute malnutrition (6 to 59 months) Children <5% <5% 1.20% Contry of Origin Localites of Origin (influx population) % primary school aged refugee and asylum-seeker children enrolled -- 75% 88% Education % secondary school aged refugee and asylum-seeker children enrolled -- 50% 11% DR Congo 99.9% WHO DOES WHAT WHERE (3W) NORD- 95.8% CCCM Shelter Protection Child Prot. SGBV CBP Education Health Nutrition Food Livelihoods CRIs WASH Environment Logistics KIVU SUD-


UNHCR LAF PLAN Alight Alight WVI AHA AHA WFP GIZ WVI ADRA DR KATAN 0.0% NRC PFR WFP ADRA GA Alight GiveDirectly OTHERS 0.5% GIZ MINEMA Population Professional Backgrounds 3 2 7 7 8 3 5 7 4 3 5 2 5 2 3 RESETTLEMENT Submission per Origin Country of Departure Street food vendors 0.2% Pre-primary education teachers 0.2% Key Figures 86% Congolese USA Housekeepers (including housewives) 0.4% Total Tailors, dressmakers and hatters 0.4% Total departures submissions Canada 7% Social work professionals 0.4% Salespersons 0.9% Australia 7% Sales representatives/merchant/trader 0.9% Farmers (crop and vegetable) 6.6%

Netherlands 0% Farm-hands & labourers 8.9%

Apr Apr 19

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18 Mar 19 May 19 May June June 19 Student 53.2% UNHCR gratefully acknowledges the support of the following partners in Mugombwa Camp : PLAN , LAF, HI, Alight, Give Directly, PF, GIZ WFP; ADRA AHA