Midlands Connect in Leicester and Leicestershire
Midlands Connect in Leicester and Leicestershire About Midlands Connect Midlands Connect is a partnership of Local Authories, Local Enterprise Partnerships, two airports, the Chambers of Commerce, Highways England, HS Ltd, Network Rail and the Department for Transport. Our transport network serves several markets, commuters and freight, visitors and business, local, regional, and naonal traffic traverses our roads and rails. For man ears the region has been underfunded in terms of transport development and we need to act now to ensure that we don’t become a blockage for not just the region – but the whole of the U%. Midlands Connect has developed a Strateg which iden'es transport connecvit improvements across the region to resolve ke issues and ma(imise long-term economic growth in the Midlands. Two main objecves underpin the Strateg : Naonal Space Centre, Leicester 1. -e are speaking together with 'One )oice* to ensure the Leicester and Leicestershire, Home to- Midlands reaches a uni'ed posion on strategic transport investment. and • The largest logiscs park in Europe, Magna 2. 0ll potenal investments have been reached b an 'evidenced Park in Lu5erworth, which nestles in the approach* focused on clearl arculang the transport needs, centre of the 6olden Triangle for Logiscs in opportunies, and investment priories for the region. This technical anal sis enables us to shape our priories for the Midlands investment over the ne(t 11-20 ears. • East Midlands 0irport, a ke internaonal connecvit gatewa and the U%’s second largest air freight hub • MI80 Technolog Park Enterprise 9one which hosts leading companies such as 0ston Marn, Connental and :osch, is prime to become a global centre for transport 8esearch and Development Our Strateg , published in March 2017, includes our full programme for investment in transport iniaves and infrastructure to accelerate economic growth and to improve the .uality of /ourneys for residents, visitors, and businesses in the Midlands and beyond.
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