Department of Public Works
1935. (SECOND SESSION.) LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. NEW SOUTH WALES, REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE, 1935. Ordered by the Legislative Assembly to be printed, 11 December, 1935. SYDNEY: ALFRED JAMES KENT. I.SO. GOVERNMENT PRINTER. 1936 80803 •lOG—A INDEX. Branch. Paget Accounts—Financial 11 Electrical Engineering 31 Engineering Design 44 Government Architect 36 Ooneral 5 Harbours, Roads, and Bridges... 21 River Murray "Waters Commission DO Survey and Survey Drafting ... 46 Testing and Inspection... 49 Water Supply and Sewerage ... 14 TEE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WOKKS, N.S.W. (ANNUAL REPORT KOR THE YEAR 1834-35.) The Under Secretary, Dejiartment of Public Works to the Honorable E. S. Bpoonerj M.L.A., Minister for Works and Local Government. Department of Public Wori<R, New South Wales, f5ydney, 10 December, 1935. Bear Sir, I have the honour to Buhmit the following report upon the operatione of the Department of Public Works for the year ended .lOth June, 1935. FINANCIAL. The Statementfi of Acrounte disclose that the total expemliture for the year amounted to £4,105,2ijl 148. 3d., an incroaw of £252,4ilO over tlio precedinj; year. Tlie exjioiiditure was met from the following sources:— £ 8. d. Consolidiitca llcvcnue Fund 466,687 11 10 Oenenil liOans 1.056,442 17 4 Special Expenditure Loann 1,488,278 15 5 Si)ecial Depositfl Accounts ... 694,714 7 5 Payments by other Departments ... 399,128 2 3 £4,105,251 14 3 The Departmental adiniuirttratiou and supervision of works occupied a total general staff nuniberin}^ 799, involving salaries anioinitinf! to £246,OiHi.
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