Island Civic Centre The Island BT27 4RL

11 December 2019

TO: The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Aldermen & Councillors of Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council

The monthly meeting of Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Island Civic Centre, The Island, Lisburn, BT27 4RL, on Monday, 16 December, 2019 at 6.00 pm for the transaction of the business on the undernoted Agenda.

You are requested to attend.

The Mayor’s Christmas Reception will take place in Lighters Restaurant following the meeting.

DAVID BURNS Chief Executive Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council




3 DECLARATION OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS; (i) Conflict of interest on any matter before the meeting (Members to confirm the specific item) (ii) Pecuniary and non-pecuniary interest (Member to complete the Disclosure of Interest form)

4 COUNCIL MINUTES - Meeting of Council held on 26 November, 2019



7 BUSINESS REQUIRED BY STATUTE (i) Signing of Legal Documents

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Gibson () Limited of 1 Kilmacrew Road, Banbridge, BT32 4ES – Contract for Annual Tender AT3 – supply, delivery, laying of quarry and bituminous bound materials and associated works.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Northstone (NI) Limited of Materials Division, Croaghan Quarry, Shinny Road, Coleraine, BT51 4PS – Contract for Annual Tender AT3 – supply, delivery, laying of quarry and bituminous bound materials and associated works.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Whitemountain Quarries Limited of Whitemountain Quarries Limited, 5 Blackwater Road, Mallusk, BT36 4TZ - Contract for Annual Tender AT3 – supply, delivery, laying of quarry and bituminous bound materials and associated works.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and John McQuillian Contracts Limited of 11 Ballinderry Road, Lisburn, BT28 2SA - Contract for Annual Tender AT3 – supply, delivery, laying of quarry and bituminous bound materials and associated works.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and McCusker Contracts of 77 Kildrum Road, Dromore, County Tyrone, BT78 3EQ – Contract for Bridge Community Centre demolition of garages.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Shannon Roadmarkings Limited of 4 Garnock, Brooke Drive, , BT11 9NP – Contract for AT4 line marking (re- tender).

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and R Heatrick Limited/ta Skipway – Contract for collection and recycling of rubble from council household recycling centres.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Ian Davidson Fabrication of 3 Stewartstown Drive, Larne, County Antrim, BT40 2PL – Contract for welding and fabricating services within the Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council area.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Y & S Fencing Limited of 8 Green Lane, , , BT30 9JL – Contract for welding and fabricating services within the Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council area.


Leisure and Community Development Committee 5 December, 2019 Environmental Services Committee 6 December, 2019 Development Committee 6 December, 2019 Corporate Services Committee (to follow) 11 December, 2019 Planning Committee (For Noting) 4 November, 2019






Report by the Chief Executive in connection with:

13.1 Section 76 in respect of planning application LA05/2017/0950/O (Confidential due to containing information in relation to which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings).

Members are requested to go to the Confidential folder on SharePoint


Engagements undertaken by The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor Alan Givan.

Wednesday 27th November

Afternoon tea with Magheragall Methodist Wednesday Group.

Moira Christmas Lights Switch On.

Hosted reception for Jack Kennedy World Champion Stock Car Driver.

Thursday 28th November

Launch of Lisburn Festival of Lights.

Santa Dash for Mayor’s Charity at Lough Moss Leisure Centre and Christmas Lights Switch On.

Attendance at Elmwood Presbyterian Church Christmas Market.

Friday 29th November

Launch of Sport & Well Being Hub, Brooklands Playing Fields .

Saturday 30th November

Charity Breakfast at Café Vic-Ryn

Attendance at Lisburn Cathedral Christmas Markets

Christmas craft fair at Balance House.

90th Birthday celebrations of Freeman Mr Charlie Poots.

Dromara Christmas Lights Switch On.

Sunday 1st December

Annual Carol Service at Carryduff Baptist Church.

Christmas Church Service in Hillsborough Parish Church followed by Christmas Lights Switch On.

Monday 2nd December

Nursing home visits.

Christmas Lights Switch On at Lagan View Enterprise Centre

Christmas Lights Switch On in Dundrod

Tuesday 3rd December

Nursing home visits.

Christmas Lights Switch On at Moat Park, Dundonald

Wednesday 4th December

Staff visits to Council facilities.

Felt Project, Island Centre.

Stoneyford Youth & Community Association Christmas Tree Light Switch On.

Christmas Lights Switch On Maghaberry.

Thursday 5th December

Nursing home visits.

Anahilt Christmas Lights Switch On

Aghalee Christmas Lights Switch On

Friday 6th December

Nursing home visits.

Christmas Lights Switch On in Ravernet

Saturday 7th December

Staff visit to Laurelhill Sports Zone.

Carol Singing in Bow Street Mall for Mayor’s Charity Air Ambulance NI

Drumlough Community Association Christmas Lights Switch On

Sunday 8th December

Banbridge District Masonic Charity Committee Annual Family Carol Service in aid of the Masonic Widows Fund in Bannside Presbyterian Church.

Monday 9th December

PSNI Christmas Carol Service, Christ Church, Lisburn.

Nursing home visits.

Production of Windows to Christmas by Harmony Hill Primary School in Lagan Valley Island.

Tuesday 10th December

Staff visits to Council facilities.

Community Circus Lisburn Annual Christmas Show Lagan Valley Island.

Attendance at a reception for Dundrod Bowling Club in Lagan Valley Island.

Wednesday 11th December

Nursing Home and staff visits.

Laurelhill Community College production of The Sound of Music.

Thursday 12th December

Nursing home visits.

Lisburn Chamber of Commerce Toy Appeal Lunch in Lisburn Golf Club.

Friday 13th December

Staff visits.

Visit to the Children’s Ward (Maynard Sinclair Unit) in the Ulster Hospital.

Visit to Hillsborough Farmers Market.

Saturday 14th December

Attendance at Castlereagh Hills Golf Club Annual Christmas Lunch and Prize Presentation,

Carol Singing for Mayor’s Charity at Tesco .

Sunday 15th December

Lisburn & District Masonic Charity Fund Annual Carol Service in St Mark’s Church of Ireland, Ballymacash, Lisburn.

Monday 16th December

Nursing home visits.

Engagements undertaken by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Johnny McCarthy.

Tuesday 26th November

Attendance at the William Keown Trust Annual Access Awards in Lagan Valley Island.

Tuesday 3rd December

Drumbeg Christmas Lights Switch On at Drumbeg Orange Hall.

Wednesday 4th December

The Joint Secretaries of the British-Irish Intergovernmental Secretariat, Clare Sloan and Kevin Conmy, Christmas Recpetion in the Merchant Hotel, Belfast.

Friday 6th December

Drumbo Christmas Lights Switch On, Presbyterian Church Hall.

Sunday 15th December

Attendance at the Annual Christmas Carol Service at the Church of the Ascension, Anahilt.


Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Council held in the Island Civic Centre, The Island, Lisburn, on Tuesday, 26 November, 2019 at 7:00 pm

PRESENT: The Right Worshipful the Mayor Councillor A Givan

Deputy Mayor Councillor J McCarthy

Aldermen W J Dillon MBE, A G Ewart MBE, S P Porter and J Tinsley

Councillors N Anderson, R T Beckett, R Carlin, S Carson, D J Craig, A P Ewing, O Gawith, A Gowan, M Gregg, D Honeyford, S Hughes, J Laverty BEM, S Lee, H Legge, C McCready, A McIntyre, U Mackin, T Mitchell, Jenny Palmer, John Palmer, S Skillen and N Trimble

IN ATTENDANCE: Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council

Director of Service Transformation Director of Leisure & Community Wellbeing Head of Building Control Community Planning Manager Member Services Officer Attendance Clerk

Commencement of the Meeting

At the commencement of the meeting, The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor A Givan, welcomed those present to the meeting, in particular to the members of the Lisburn Castlereagh Youth Council who were seated in the public gallery. The Right Worshipful the Mayor advised that the Youth Council had been invited to a reception in the Mayor’s Parlour following the meeting and that Members were also invited to come along and engage with the Youth Council.

The Right Worshipful the Mayor requested that all mobile phones be switched off or put on silent for the duration of the meeting.

The Director of Service Transformation outlined the evacuation procedures in the case of an emergency.

Councillor R Carlin entered the meeting at 7.06 pm.


MM 26.11.2019 1. Business of The Right Worshipful the Mayor

1.1 Prayers

The Right Worshipful Mayor, Councillor A Givan welcomed to the meeting Pastor Geoffrey Ward, Lisburn Baptist Church and advised that Pastor Ward would be retiring at the end of December 2019. Pastor Ward gave an address and said a prayer, during which he remembered the families of Council Members and staff who had suffered bereavement during recent weeks.

At this point The Right Worshipful the Mayor referred to the following bereavements and asked everyone to remember these families at this time:

 Mrs Gemma Lucas, former employee in Human Resources, Service Support, whose son Leo passed away in the Royal Hospital for sick children, aged 41/2 years

 Mr Jonathan Graham, Human Resources, Support Services, and Mr David Graham, Building Control, Environmental Services, on the death of their brother Timothy

 Mrs Helen Alexander, Deputy Registrar, Support Services, on the death of her father, Mr Wilbert Small

 Mrs Gillian Allen, Mayor’s Office, Support Services, on the death of her mother, Mrs Ann Graham

 Mr Richard Treacy, Assets & Estates, Service Transformation, on the death of his mother, Mrs Mia Treacy

 Alderman Amanda Grehan – on the death of her sister-in-law, Ms Yvonne Campbell

The Right Worshipful the Mayor reminded Members of the requirements in regard to the code of conduct during the Purdagh period in particular for those Members standing in the forthcoming General Election. The Right Worshipful the Mayor drew Members’ attention to the NILGA Guidelines on Purdagh which were available on SharePoint.

The Right Worshipful the Mayor made a number of further announcements regarding the PA system and also in regard to unauthorised recordings of the proceedings not being permitted.

1.2 Mayor’s Engagements

The Council noted a number of engagements attended by The Right Worshipful the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor since the last meeting of Council.


MM 26.11.2019 2. Apologies

It was agreed to accept apologies for non-attendance at the meeting on behalf of Aldermen J Baird, D Drysdale, A Grehan, M Henderson, S Martin and T Morrow and Councillors S Eastwood, J Gallen, M Guy, G McCleave, R McLernon and A Swan, the Chief Executive and the Director of Environmental Services.

3. Declarations of Interest

During the course of the meeting a completed Declaration of Interest form was completed by Councillor U Mackin in relation to item 4.1.1 (Leisure & Community Development Minutes of 5 November 2019) Nominations to Lagan Valley Regional Park in view of his membership of Lagan Valley Regional Park.

4. Council Minutes

4.1 Meeting of Council held on 22 October 2019

It was proposed by Councillor M Gregg, seconded by Councillor N Trimble, and agreed that the minutes of the meeting of Council held on 22 October, 2019 be confirmed and signed.

4.2 Special Meeting of Council held on 18 November 2019

It was proposed by Councillor D Honeyford, seconded by Councillor C McCready, and agreed that the minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held on 18 November 2019 be confirmed and signed.

5. Matters Arising

Meeting of Council held on 22 October 2019

Item 1 Page 650 Business of The Right Worshipful the Mayor

Alderman J Tinsley put on record his sincere thanks and appreciation to the Chief Executive, Directors, Members from the various political parties and everyone across the Council who had sent messages of condolence to him and his family on the death of his mother the previous month.

Special Meeting of Council held on 18 November 2019

Item 4.1 Page 736 Department of Infrastructure, Roads (Eastern Division) Autumn Report 2019

Alderman Tinsley referred to the concerns raised at the Special Meeting on 18 November in regard to barriers that had been erected over fire exits to properties in the area around Graham Gardens multi-storey car park and reported that he had received an email from DfI who were the landlord advising that the said barriers were to be removed by the leasee. He stated that the discussion following the presentation had been worthwhile in view of the letter indicating the removal of the barriers without delay. 743

MM 26.11.2019 Item 4.1 Page 736 Department of Infrastructure, Roads (Eastern Division) Autumn Report 2019 (Cont’d)

Councillor N Trimble enquired if a formal response had been received from DfI in connection with a number of issues raised during the presentation.

The Director reported that he had just received verbal confirmation that a letter from the Permanent Secretary on the issues raised had been received by the Council earlier that day.

6. Deputations

There were no deputations.

7. Business Required by Statute

(i) Signing of Legal Documents

On a proposal by Councillor J Laverty, seconded by Councillor S Carson, it was agreed that the following legal documents be signed at the meeting:

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Morrow Gilchrist Associates Limited of 2nd Floor, The Concourse 1 Building Queens Road, Belfast, BT3 9DT – Consultancy Agreement via a Service Company for the provision of consultancy on the development of an outline business case for Hillsborough Castle and Heritage Village.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Benagh Engineering and Motor Works Limited of 35 Benagh Road, , , , BT34 2JE – Contract for the service and maintenance of the Council’s waste compactor machines and containers in the Council’s HRC sites and other sites.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Civco Limited of 25A Hillside Road, Maghera, BT46 5SD – Contract for Annual Tender AT1 – building maintenance and minor works.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and M & M Contractors (Europe) Limited of 4 Pilots View, 18 Heron Road, Belfast, BT3 9LE – Contract for Annual Tender AT1 – building maintenance and minor works.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Amelio Group of Unit 41 Work West, 301 Glen Road, Belfast, BT11 8BU – Contract for Annual Tender AT1 – building maintenance and minor works.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and BDS Contracts of 11 Forthill Road, Dromore, County Down, BT25 1RF – Contract for Annual Tender AT1 – building maintenance and minor works.


MM 26.11.2019 (i) Signing of Legal Documents (Cont’d)

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Earney Contracts Limited of 120D Road, Lisburn, BT27 5PG – Contract for Annual Tender AT1 – building maintenance and minor works.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and BES Solutions Limited of Unit 13 Ferguson Centre, 53-57 Manse Road, Newtownabbey, BT36 6RW – Contract for PPM 16 – roller shutters.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Baltor Systems of 11 Hulls Lane, Moira Road, Lisburn, BT28 2SR – Contract for PPM 13 – Fuel Tanks.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Thyssenkrupp Elevators Company Limited of Units 25/26 Dunlop Industrial Units, 8 Balloo Drive, Bangor, BT19 7QY – Contract for PPM 09 – passenger lifts.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Gas and Controls Limited of 156 Woodburn Road, Carrickfergus, BT38 9AB – Contract for PPM 2 – gas detection equipment.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and We R Babble of 5th floor, The MAC, 10 Exchange Street West, Belfast, BT1 2NJ – Consultancy Agreement via a Service Contract for delivery of Food and Drink Programme 2019/20.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Pulse Fitness Limited of Pulse Fitness, Radnor Park, Greenfield Road, Congleton, Cheshire – Deed of Variation of the contract to supply, install, operate and maintain Agreement relating to gymnasium facility at Lough Moss Leisure Centre.

 Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Pulse Fitness Limited, Radnor Park, Greenfield Road, Congleton, Cheshire – Letter of intent in relation to the provision, installation and maintenance of gym equipment relating to the gymnasium facility at Lough Moss Leisure Centre.

8. Adoption of Minutes of Committees

Leisure and Community Development Committee 5 November 2019 Proposed by Alderman J Tinsley Seconded by Councillor Jenny Palmer

Environmental Services Committee 6 November 2019 Proposed by Councillor T Mitchell Seconded by Alderman J Tinsley

Adopted subject to Councillor O Gawith’s name being removed as being in attendance at the meeting.


MM 26.11.2019 Development Committee 6 November 2019 Proposed by Alderman A G Ewart Seconded by Alderman W J Dillon

Capital Projects Committee 12 November 2019 Proposed by Councillor R T Beckett Seconded by Alderman A G Ewart

Corporate Services Committee 13 November 2019 Proposed by Councillor R Carlin Seconded by Alderman S P Porter

Planning Committee 7 October 2019

The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting of 7 October, 2019 had been circulated for noting only as these minutes had been agreed at the subsequent meeting of the Planning Committee on 4 November, 2019. It was proposed by Councillor D J Craig, seconded by Councillor O Gawith, and agreed that their contents be noted.

9. Report from Chief Executive

In the absence of the Chief Executive the Director of Service Transformation presented the Chief Executive’s report.

9.1 Amendment to Council’s Standing Orders Item 16.1 (3) On Notice

The Director reminded the Council that at the previous meeting of Council Councillor N Trimble had brought forward a proposal in connection with an amendment by way of additional wording to Standing Order item 16.1 (3) Motions – On Notice. The proposed additional wording (as stated in bold print) was as follows:

“All Notices shall be dated and numbered as received, and entered in a register to be kept for that purpose, and circulated to every Member of Council. This register shall be open to inspection by every Member of the Council.”

In line with Standing order 27.2 Amendment of Standing Orders the proposal by Councillor N Trimble and seconded by Alderman M Henderson had stood adjourned without discussion at the meeting of Council on 22 October 2019.

In response to Councillor S Carson’s request for clarification on the proposed amendment Councillor N Trimble stated that each individual Notice would be circulated to all Members when received by the Council.

The proposal by Councillor N Trimble to amend Standing Order 16.1 (3) was put to the meeting and agreed unanimously.


MM 26.11.2019 9.2 NILGA Annual Conference, Exhibition and Gala Awards Dinner Thursday 20 February, Crowne Plaza Hotel

It was noted that the above item had been withdrawn due to having been considered at the Corporate Services Committee meeting on 13 November 2019.

9.3 NILGA Conference - Changing Places: Planning, Place shaping and Place- Making in NI – Killyhevlin Hotel Enniskillen – 8 October 2019

Members were reminded that an item in regard to the above conference had been included in the Council’s Items for Noting schedule advising that any members wishing to attend this conference should contact the Chief Executive’s office accordingly. This was a free event with the only costs incurred being in respect of mileage.

Also, at the Planning Committee held on 5 August 2019, approval had been granted to the Chair and Vice-chair, or their nominees, to attend the above.

It was noted that in addition, the conference had been attended by Alderman W J Dillon, Alderman S Martin and Councillor Jenny Palmer, as Council NILGA representatives, and retrospective approval was now sought in terms of their mileage expenses for attendance at this event.

The Director responded to comments from Councillor N Trimble who sought clarity in relation to the approval granted previously by Council at its Annual Meeting in June 2019 in regard to attendance at events by those Members who had been nominated by the Council to the outside body in question.

The Director having stated that for the purposes of good governance and clarity this matter was before the Council for approval.

It was proposed by O Gawith, seconded by Councillor U Mackin, and agreed that retrospective approval be granted to mileage expenses incurred by the above- named Members in regard to their attendance at the NILGA Conference in Enniskillen.

10. Reports from Members on Boards

There were no reports from Members on Boards.

11. Reports on Decisions Subject to the Reconsideration Procedure

There were no reports on decisions subject to the reconsideration procedure.

12. Notice of Motion

The Deputy Mayor, Councillor J McCarthy entered the meeting during consideration of the Notice of Motion (7.49 pm).


MM 26.11.2019 12.1 Voting Age at 16

A copy of the following Notice of Motion in the name of Councillor R Carlin had been circulated to Members with the notice convening the meeting:

“This Council supports the extension of the electoral franchise to citizens aged 16 and over as a natural and just equalisation of voting rights to match personal responsibilities.

Council also supports the need for greater engagement with young people, leading to greater involvement of young people in the decisions that affect their community and welcomes the new Youth Council as a response to that.

This Council recognises that a majority in the Assembly have already voted in favour of reducing the voting age to 16 as far back as 2012 but do not have the power to implement this decision.

This Council recognises the ongoing Votes at 16 campaign by the National Youth Council of Ireland, the NUS-USI and the Youth Forum and encourages our own newly formed LCCC Youth Council to pursue their own campaign to lower the voting age to 16.

Council therefore calls on the Chief Executive to write to the National Youth Council of Ireland, the NUS-USI and the Northern Ireland Youth Forum to offer support for the Votes at 16 campaign.

The Council also calls on the Chief Executive to write to the Secretary of State, local MP’s and MLAs calling for the extension of the franchise to 16 and 17 year olds as already passed at the Assembly.”

Councillor R Carlin read out his Notice of Motion to the meeting following which Councillor S Lee seconded the Motion.

Councillor R Carlin having welcomed the fact that the Youth Council were in attendance at the meeting and having wished them well for their year ahead , proceeded to elaborate on his Notice of Motion during which he highlighted the following:

- reducing the voting age to 16 was the next step in strengthening the democratic engagement

- 16-22 year olds were more engaging than the previous generation in regard to social, environmental and political issues

- in recent years the significant number of progressive movements had been spearheaded by the younger generation on issues of equality and environmental issues - Greta Thunberg, the young 16 year old environmentalist from Sweden, being one example.

- in 2012 the Northern Ireland Assembly passed by a two thirds majority a similar motion by Sinn Fein


MM 26.11.2019 12.1 Voting Age at 16 (Cont’d)

- the higher percentage of younger voters at age 16 and 17 in many other countries demonstrates that young voters are more inclined to vote and that those who vote young are more likely to continue voting throughout their lives

Councillor S Lee having seconded the Motion also spoke on the Notice of Motion during which he referred to current legislation which permitted 16 year olds (a) to marry with parental consent, (b) pay taxes and (c) leave home, and stated that anything we can do to encourage democracy should be encouraged. Councillor Lee also stated that young people were going to be most affected by some the changes that are about to be made in regard to climate change and Brexit.

Councillor Lee concluded that participation in democracy was a human right and there was a moral duty to extend the electoral franchise to16 year olds.

Councillor S Hughes on behalf of the UUP spoke in support of the Motion as did Councillors D Honeyford and A McIntyre on behalf of the APNI.

Councillor N Anderson on behalf of the DUP spoke against the Motion citing a number of reasons, including:

- age of adulthood and becoming independent has never been recognised formally in this country

- marriage at age 16 requires parental consent as does entry to the armed forces

- the horrific loss of life by many 16 year olds who had fallen in the line of duty during the First World War

- as a matter of conscience it is not appropriate to give 16 year olds the franchise to vote at 16.

The Right Worshipful the Mayor called upon Councillor R Carlin to sum up his Motion following which the Motion was put to the meeting. There were 14 votes in favour of the Motion and 14 votes against.

The Right Worshipful the Mayor having elaborated briefly on some of his reasons for not supporting the Motion cast his casting vote against the Motion.

There being 14 votes in favour and 15 votes against the Motion was declared “fallen.”

13. Confidential Business

The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor A Givan, advised that the item contained in the confidential report would be dealt with “In Committee” due to containing information in relation to which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings.


MM 26.11.2019 At this juncture The Right Worshipful the Mayor addressed the Youth Council in relation to how confidential business was conducted at Council and Committee meetings and gave examples of confidential business and the need to treat such information sensitively.

“In Committee”

It was proposed by Councillor D J Craig, seconded by Councillor A P Ewing, and agreed that the following item be considered “in committee”, in the absence of members of the press and public being present.

The members of the Youth Council left the meeting at 7.58 pm.

It was agreed that the Confidential report and recommendation of the Chief Executive be adopted, subject to any decisions recorded below.

13.1 Section 76 legal agreement in respect of planning application LA05/2019/0143/F

Having noted information set out in the Chief Executive’s report and having been provided with a copy of the above Deed of Agreement, it was agreed that approval be granted to the signing and sealing of the above Deed of Agreement by The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor A Givan, and the Chief Executive.

Any Other Confidential Business

13.2 Planning Matter Councillor N Anderson

In response to the issue raised by Councillor N Anderson on matters concerning NI Water the Director undertook to circulate the information in question to all Members of Council.

It was proposed by Councillor D J Craig, seconded by Councillor T Mitchell, and agreed to come out of Committee and normal business was resumed.

Resumption of Normal Business

The Youth Council returned to the meeting

14. Any Other Business

14.1 Additional Day’s Leave on Christmas Eve The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor A Givan

The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor A Givan, having paid tribute to the staff of the Council for their work and commitment during the year, proposed that in recognition of their efforts Christmas Eve, 24 December 2019, be granted as an additional day’s leave. The proposal by The Right Worshipful the Mayor was put to the meeting and agreed.


MM 26.11.2019 14.2 Adopt a Kiosk Scheme Councillor S Carson

Councillor S Carson outlined the community initiative by BT whereby their iconic red phone boxes were being offered for adoption by local communities at a cost of £1.00 each. Councillor Carson stated that there were approximately 13 phone boxes across the Lisburn City area alone which could be put to good use, for example mini libraries, art museums, cake shops, or even to house portable defibrillators in rural areas.

It was proposed by Councillor S Carson, seconded by Councillor O Gawith and agreed that the Director of Leisure & Community Wellbeing bring forward a report on the Adopt a Kiosk Scheme to include details on the locations of the various kiosks across the Council area and also identifying suitable funding with a view to the Council assisting various community groups to avail of the Adopt a Kiosk Scheme across the Lisburn and Castlereagh City area.

14.3 Success of Lisburn and Moira in 2019 Best Kept Awards Alderman J Tinsley

Alderman J Tinsley highlighted the Council’s success in the 2019 Best Kept Awards which were sponsored by the George Best Belfast City Airport – Lisburn having won the Northern Ireland Best Kept Large Town award and also Moira in being runner up in the Best Kept Small Town category.

It was agreed that the winning prize money in the sum of £200 be donated to the Mayor’s Charity – Northern Ireland Air Ambulance.

14.4 Members’ Catering Councillor O Gawith

Councillor O Gawith expressed concern in regard to the amount of leftover food at a number of Council/Committee meetings and suggested that local charities could avail of leftover food.

It was proposed by Councillor A Gawith, seconded by Councillor D Honeyford, and agreed that Officers investigate the issue of leftover food that was made available for Council/Committee meetings and for the various training sessions could be managed going forward.

14.5 Thanks and Congratulations Councillor N Anderson

Councillor N Anderson having expressed thanks to those Members and Officers who had sent him good wishes during his recent period of ill health also extended congratulations to Councillor S Hughes on his recent marriage.

14.6 Christmas Switch On Event Alderman S P Porter

Alderman S P Porter commended the standard of this year’s Christmas Switch On event which had taken place on Thursday, 21 November 2919 and in this regard 751

MM 26.11.2019 14.6 Christmas Switch On Event (Cont’d) Alderman S P Porter

expressed thanks and appreciation for the efforts of all the staff and Officers involved, in particular the team from Leisure & Community Development, which he said resulted in a tremendous event. Alderman Porter advised that he had received a number of positive comments and feedback in recent days.

The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor A Givan, wished to be associated with the comments by Alderman S P Porter, and put on record that the efforts of all staff involved in any way should be acknowledged.

14.7 ‘Grand Choice’ Community Initiative – Killultagh District Councillor A P Ewing

Councillor A P Ewing drew Members’ attention to the ‘Grand Choice’ initiative currently being progressed by the Council’s PCSP in the Killultagh DEA (in association with a number of other organisations) whereby residents and local community groups could apply for funding up to £1,000 towards an event or an idea that would benefit the local community.

Councillor Ewing advised that the closing date for this worthwhile initiative closed on Thursday, 19 December 2019.

It was noted that the above initiative was a pilot scheme for Killultagh DEA and that if successful further initiatives would be considered for other districts across the Lisburn & Castlereagh Council area.

14.8 Thanks re Marriage Congratulations Councillor S Hughes

Councillor S Hughes expressed thanks to Councillor N Anderson for the sentiments of congratulations and good wishes on the occasion of his recent marriage and also to those other Members and staff members throughout the Council who had conveyed good wishes to him.

Councillor Hughes also extended good wishes to Councillor N Anderson following his recent illness.

Conclusion of the Meeting

At the conclusion of the meeting, The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor A Givan, thanked those present for their attendance and reminded Members that the December meeting of Council had been brought forward to Monday 16 December 2019 at 6.00 pm.

There being no further business for consideration, the meeting was terminated at 8.20 pm.

Mayor 752


Minutes of the Meeting of the Leisure and Community Development Committee held in the Island Civic Centre, The Island, Lisburn, on Tuesday, 3rd December 2019 at 5:01pm

PRESENT: Alderman J Tinsley (Chairman)

Councillor H Legge (Vice-Chairman)

Aldermen T Morrow

Councillors N Anderson, R T Beckett, D J Craig, A Gowan, M Guy, R McLernon, Jenny Palmer, S Skillen and N Trimble

OTHER MEMBERS: Alderman S Martin Councillor D Honeyford

IN ATTENDANCE: Director of Leisure and Community Wellbeing Head of Parks & Amenities Head of Sports Services Head of Cultural & Community Services (Acting) Community Planning Manager Member Services Officer

Commencement of the Meeting

The Chairman, Alderman J Tinsley, having welcomed those present, proceeded to outline the safety announcement in the case of an emergency.

1. Apologies

It was agreed to accept apologies for non-attendance at the meeting on behalf of the Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor A Givan, Alderman A Grehan and Councillors R Carlin and A McIntyre.

2. Declarations of Interest

The Chairman invited Members to declare any Conflicts of Interest they might have in relation to the business of the meeting and reminded them of the requirement that they complete Declaration of Interest forms in this regard, which had been provided at the meeting.

The following declarations of non-pecuniary interests were made:

 Councillor M Guy in respect of item 6.1 Lough Moss Leisure Centre Synthetic Pitch - Update due to her husband and son’s involvement in Carryduff Colts FC as well as both her and her son being members of Carryduff GAC;


LCDC 03.12.2019  Councillor S Skillen in respect of item 7.5 MUGA Leases – Sinking Funds as she is a member of Ballybeen Improvement Group (BIG) Health and Wellbeing sub group; and

 Alderman S Martin in respect of item 7.6 Ballybeen Mens Motivation Group – Update Report due to a reference made to Inspire Business Park which he holds a Director role.

3. Report from Director of Leisure & Community Wellbeing

It was agreed that the main report and recommendations of the Director of Leisure and Community Wellbeing be adopted, subject to any decisions recorded below.

3.1 Leisure & Community Wellbeing Directorate: Performance Update – Quarter 2

The Director furnished the Committee with a copy of the Leisure and Community Wellbeing Directorate’s KPI Performance Summary, Monitoring Update, Budget Report and Departmental Risk Register for Quarter 2 (July to September 2019) for Members’ consideration. The Director of Leisure and Community Wellbeing responded to a number of questions raised by Members.

It was agreed to recommend that the Council note the performance information for Leisure and Community Wellbeing Directorate for Quarter 2.

4. Report of Head of Parks & Amenities

It was agreed that the report and recommendations of the Head of Parks & Amenities be adopted, subject to any decisions recorded below.

4.1 Northern Ireland Forest Schools Association

The Head of Parks & Amenities reminded Members that the Council had previously agreed to support the Northern Ireland Forest Schools Association (NIFSA), a local charity which aims to promote outdoor environmental education for children, by providing financial assistance for a three year period until 31st March 2020. The Head of Parks & Amenities informed Members that the Forest Schools Association had proven to be hugely beneficial for the three local schools each year who benefitted from the Council in this regard and Members were asked to consider if the Council would continue to support this programme. A number of Members stated that they were aware of the excellent work done by the NIFSA and were happy to support this request.

It was agreed to recommend that Council should continue to support the NI Forest Schools Association initiative through the funding of three local schools by providing £2,000 per school per annum.

4.2 George Best Community Cup 2020

The Head of Parks & Amenities provided Members with information regarding the George Best Community Cup, the biggest Football Tournament for people with


LCDC 03.12.2019 4.2 George Best Community Cup 2020 (cont.)

disabilities in the UK, including the request that the Council support the IFA in hosting this tournament in 2020.

It was agreed to recommend that the Council approve the award of a grant to the IFA to off-set the costs of facility hire for the annual George Best Community Cup at the Billy Neill MBE Country Park on 25th – 26th June 2020.

During the discussion of this item Alderman T Morrow entered the meeting at 5.06pm.

4.3 Department for Communities Access & Inclusion Programme 2019/20

Members noted the update from the Head of Parks & Amenities in relation to the Unit’s success in securing a grant from the Department for Communities, Access and Inclusion Programme 2019/2020 which would be used to create Tactile Maps for visually impaired users of McIlroy Park, Aberdelghy Wood and Derriaghy Glen Linear Park within the Council area. The Committee further noted that a grant of £10,000 was awarded to the Council for this project with the Council providing match funding of £4,000 as part of the award agreement.

At this point, the (Acting) Head of Cultural and Community Services advised the Committee that the Cultural and Community Services Unit was also successful in securing £18,300 from this fund, with a Council contribution of £200, which would be used to install two CMAX Chairs and an Infra-Red Loop System to improve disabled access to, and use of the Studio Theatre at Island Arts Centre.

5. Report of Head of Cultural and Community Services (Acting)

It was agreed that the report and recommendations of the (Acting) Head of Cultural and Community Services be adopted, subject to any decisions recorded below.

5.1 Foodbanks, Social Supermarket and Holiday Hunger

Members were provided with a report regarding the increasing level of food poverty being experienced across the Council area. The report outlined the work undertaken by the foodbanks based in the area (registered foodbanks in Lisburn and Dundonald and unregistered foodbank in Moira), the impact that ‘Holiday Hunger’ was having on children particularly during the summer holidays and the schemes established to ease pressures faced by low income families including Social Supermarkets and Holiday (Meals) Clubs.

The Committee welcomed this report and the recommendations outlined within, with Members making special reference to a report being brought back regarding how the Council can contribute to easing Period Poverty. Councillors also highlighted the invaluable work being undertaken by foodbanks and paid homage to the large number of volunteers who help run them. It was requested by Councillor D J Craig that the Mayor be asked to write a letter of thanks on behalf of the Council to the three foodbanks within the Council area and pass on the Council’s thanks to the volunteers. 770

LCDC 03.12.2019

5.1 Foodbanks, Social Supermarket and Holiday Hunger (Cont.)

During the discussion of this item, Councillor M Guy asked if details regarding the provision of meals in connection of the Holidays Clubs could be collated and listed in connection with the Notice of Motion agreed at October’s meeting of Full Council in relation to Parenting.

Following a discussion of this report, it was agreed to recommend that the Council, along with Community Planning partners, agree to support foodbanks, Social Supermarkets and Holiday (Meal) Clubs by implementing the following recommendations outlined in the report:

 Provide information on Council services and grants which help the Foodbanks to support vulnerable people;  Promote volunteering opportunities in Foodbanks;  Ensure the Support Hub has details of the Foodbanks to give to vulnerable people known to agencies;  Consider the use of Council facilities to hold cookery classes and other activities in partnership with the Foodbanks, e.g. the Enler Centre;  Liaise with Public Health Agency and South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust to train local people in the Cook It training programme to provide cooking classes;  Consider the use of Council facilities for use as satellite centres for food distribution, such as Lough Moss, Maghaberry and ;  Promote donations to Foodbanks from Council Members and staff;  Consider joint funding to ensure the continued service provided by the Social Supermarkets, if the Department for Communities funding ceases; and  Consider providing free sanitary products in all Council facilities. [A separate report including costings to be brought back to Committee in regard to this in the New Year.]

During the discussion of this item, Councillor N Anderson entered the meeting at 5.11pm. A Member of the Press entered the meeting at 5.28pm. 5.2 World Health Organisation – Age Friendly Action Plan &Update

Members were furnished with a copy of the Age Friendly Action Plan by the Community Planning Manager who then provided an update regarding the World Health Organisation’s Age Friendly Programme. This programme aims to improve the lives of people of all ages under eight themes, incorporating both social and environmental issues, with a focus on the aging and older population. The Committee was reminded that that Council shares an Age Friendly co-ordinator post with Ards and North Down Borough Council and that the post holder has produced an Action Plan reflecting outcomes listed in the Community Plan.

Members were asked to provide any feedback on the Action Plan to the Community Planning Manager. It was agreed to recommend that the Age Friendly Action Plan be noted. 771

LCDC 03.12.2019 5.3 Community Plan Action Leads Update

The Community Planning Manager provided the Committee with an update on the Community Plan Action Plan and on how each of the 13 actions listed were progressing. As part of the presentation, the Community Planning Manager stated that she would provide Members with a copy of the Lisburn and Castlereagh Community Planning Partnership Statement of Progress.

It was agreed that the Community Plan Action Plan update be noted by the Council.

5.4 Seeding Grant Request – The Strokers

The Committee was advised that a request had been received for a seeding grant from The Strokers Group, Lisburn and Members were assured that the formation of this group complied with the relevant policy allowing it to be considered for a seeding grant. Members were advised that under delegated authority, the Director of Leisure and Community Wellbeing awarded a seeding grant in the sum of £200 and it was agreed that this award be noted by the Council.

6. Report of Head of Sports Services

It was agreed that the report and recommendations of the Head of Sports Services be adopted, subject to any decisions recorded below.

6.1 Lough Moss Leisure Centre Synthetic Pitch - Update

The Head of Sports Services provided the Committee with a verbal update relating to the provision of a 4G pitch at Lough Moss Leisure Centre, following a request made by Members arising from the presentations made by Carryduff Colts FC and Carryduff GAC at the November Committee meeting. The Head of Sport Services advised that the provision of a 4G pitch was part of the Capital Projects process which the Council has in place and outlined the stages required for the installation of this pitch. Members noted that the report would be brought back to the Committee prior to planning approval being requested. Members noted the potential loss of income in relation to the existing 2G facility and requested that both 4G projects at Lough Moss Leisure Centre and Laurelhill Community College be expedited.


6.2 Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs: Environmental Strategy for Northern Ireland – Draft Consultation Response

The Chairman, Alderman J Tinsley, informed Members that he had agreed that this item should be considered by the Committee as a tabled item due to the deadline of the draft consultation and asked the Director of Leisure and Community Wellbeing to present the item.

The Director stated that a draft consultation had been launched on September 2019 regarding the Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs


LCDC 03.12.2019 6.2 Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs: Environmental Strategy for Northern Ireland – Draft Consultation Response (Cont.)

Environmental Strategy for Northern Ireland and that the Head of Parks & Amenities had complied a draft response for Members consideration.

Councillor N Anderson sought a point of clarification in relation to Question 8 of the Council’s draft response and following a discussion, it was agreed this be amended to highlight the importance of ensuring there was primacy of response when dealing with evasive species such as Japanese Knotweed.

Taking cognisance of the concern expressed by Councillor Jenny Palmer that the tabling of this item had not allowed sufficient time for Members to review the response, it was agreed that Members could review the draft response in further detail and provide any further comments to the Environmental Services Committee on Thursday 4th December 2019, where the response would be tabled for noting, and if no comments were provided, that the draft response would be forwarded on behalf of the Council by the 23rd December 2019 deadline.

7. Any Other Business

It was agreed that the Committee would take items of Any Other Business before moving to ‘in Committee’ to consider the Director’s Confidential Report.

7.1 Access to Swimming Pools Councillor S Skillen

Councillor S Skillen stated that she was aware of constituents in Dundonald who were required to catch three buses in order to access a swimming pool in their Council area and asked if there were any arrangements that could be made with neighbouring Councils to allow access to their pools at a discounted rate. The Head of Sports Services agreed to investigate if there were any options available and update Councillor S Skillen accordingly.

7.2 Trees at Billy Neil MBE Country Park Councillor S Skillen

Councillor S Skillen raised an issue regarding the possibility of planting memorial trees at Billy Neil MBE Country Park and was advised by the Head of Parks & Amenities that a report relating to this would be brought to the Committee for consideration in February 2020, following further discussions with the Woodland Trust.

7.3 Record of Thanks and Congratulations Councillor S Skillen

Councillor S Skillen attended an event recently which showcased the 3G facility at Ballybeen and wanted to record her thanks and congratulations to all the Council staff involved in providing this fantastic facility.


LCDC 03.12.2019 8. Confidential Report from the Director of Leisure & Community Wellbeing

The Chairman advised that the reasons for confidentiality for the items contained in the Confidential Report were as set out in the agenda, namely;

8.1 Procurement of Small Horticultural Equipment – Tender Report

[Confidential for reason of information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Council holding that information)]

8.2 To Provide a Service Lifting and Segregating Litter for Recycling - Tender Report

[Confidential for reason of information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Council holding that information)]

8.3 Everybody Active 2020 Year 5 Funding

[Confidential for reason of Information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual]

8.4 Moat Park Garden of Reflection & Bells Lane Allotments – Variations to Landscape Architectural Services Contracts

[Confidential for reason of information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Council holding that information)]

8.5 MUGA Leases – Sinking Funds

[Confidential for reason of information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Council holding that information)]

8.6 Ballybeen Mens Motivation Group – Update Report

[Confidential for reason of information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Council holding that information)]

8.7 Leisure & Community Wellbeing Directorate – Proposed Charges 2020- 2021

[Confidential for reason of information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Council holding that information)]

“In Committee”

It was proposed by Councillor S Skillen, seconded by Councillor R McLernon, and agreed that the Confidential Report of the Director of Leisure & Community Wellbeing be considered “In Committee”, in the absence of members of the press and public being present.

The member of the press who was seated in the Public Gallery left the meeting.


LCDC 03.12.2019 It was agreed that the Confidential Report and recommendations of the Director of Leisure & Community Wellbeing be adopted, subject to any decisions recorded below and other items noted:

8.1 Procurement of Small Horticultural Equipment – Tender Report (Agenda Item 7.1 Refers)

It was agreed to note the recommendation of the tender report for the Procurement of Small Horticultural Equipment as outlined in the report.

8.2 To Provide a Service Lifting and Segregating Litter for Recycling - Tender Report (Agenda Item 7.2 Refers)

It was agreed to note the recommendation of the tender report to provide a service lifting and segregating litter for recycling as outlined in the report.

8.3 Everybody Active 2020 Year 5 Funding (Agenda Item 7.3 Refers)

It was agreed to recommend that the Council approve the Year 5 extension of the Everybody Active 2020 programme and accept the associated award from Sport NI. It was further agreed to recommend that a letter should be sent to Sport NI expressing the Council’s disappointment in relation to the reduction in grant provided by Sport NI. It was agreed to recommend that an additional £10,000 be provided in the 2020/21 estimates to cover programme and end of programme event costs.

8.4 Moat Park Garden of Reflection & Bells Lane Allotments – Variations to Landscape Architectural Services Contracts (Agenda Item 7.4 Refers)

It was agreed to recommend that the Council retrospectively approve the contract variations in relation to the projects at Moat Park Garden of Reflection and Bells Lane Allotments as outlined in the report.

During the discussion of this item Councillor A Gowan entered the meeting at 5.42pm.

8.5 MUGA Leases – Sinking Funds (Agenda Item 7.5 Refers)

Councillor S Skillen left the meeting at 5.44pm for the duration of this item.

It was agreed to recommend that the Council does not progress with the establishment of a ‘sinking fund’ whereby Community Organisations who operate Council established MUGA’s would be required to contribute to the costs of replacing playing surfaces at the end of the surface natural life.

Following a discussion relating to the maintenance of MUGA playing surfaces, it was proposed by Councillor Jenny Palmer, seconded by Councillor N Anderson and agreed that the weekly/monthly servicing of the pitches should be maintained 775

LCDC 03.12.2019 8.5 MUGA Leases – Sinking Funds (Cont.) (Agenda Item 7.5 Refers)

through the Council’s in-house services with payment for this service being included in future new leases and at the time of renewal of existing leases.

Members noted that the Tolerton Sports Zone lease already had Council approval and an identical lease would now be brought before Council for the Ballybeen Sport & Wellbeing Hub to be signed under seal.

During the discussion of this item Alderman S Martin left the meeting at 5.59pm and returned again at 6.01pm.

8.6 Ballybeen Mens Motivation Group – Update Report (Agenda Item 7.6 Refers)

Councillor S Skillen returned to the meeting at 6.03pm at the commencement of this item.

Members were furnished with an appendix relating to this item at the meeting.

It was agreed to recommend that the Council note the progress outlined relating to the Council’s engagement with Ballybeen Mens Motivation Group and agreed that approval be given for officers to continue to work with the group. It was further agreed that an update report in relation to this item would be brought back to the Committee for review at a later date.

8.7 Leisure & Community Wellbeing Directorate – Proposed Charges 2020- 2021 (Agenda Item 7.7 Refers)

Members were furnished with ‘Appendix 8 Culture and Community Services Recommended Charges 2020 – 2021’ at the meeting.

It was agreed to recommend that the Council approve the Leisure and Community Wellbeing Directorate charges for 2020 – 2021.

Alderman T Morrow and Councillor S Skillen left the meeting at 6.21pm.

9. Any Other Business

It was agreed that the following confidential items of Any Other Business would be considered whilst ‘in committee’.

9.1 Staffing in Confidence Councillor Hon. N Trimble

Councillor Hon. N Trimble asked for an update regarding a number of staffing positions within the Communities Unit within the Leisure & Community Wellbeing Directorate, to which the Director provided a response. The Director also advised Members of the recent appointment of a new Head of Service [Communities] who would take up post with effect from 1st January 2020. The Director also wished to


LCDC 03.12.2019 9.1 Staffing in Confidence (Cont.) Councillor Hon. N Trimble thank the (Acting) Head of Cultural and Community Services for her recent work in the role.

During the discussion of this item, it was noted that due to the number of temporary staff within the Council’s Community Services section, some local community groups had reported a negative impact on the previously good communication and service provided. The (Acting) Head of Cultural and Community Services provided the Committee with information relating to the circumstances that have required the Council in recent months to rely more heavily on agency staff.

During the discussion of this item the Vice-Chairman, Councillor H Legge left the meeting at 6.22pm.

9.2 Derriaghy Primary School Councillor D J Craig

Councillor D J Craig raised concerns regarding the site of the former Derriaghy Primary School following a recent meeting attended by Councillors and asked if the Council could provide the local community with some information relating to the status of this issue. Other Members raised a number of issues in connection with this item and it was agreed that officers would engage with the local community association to address these.

9.3 Cairnshill Playing Fields Director of Leisure and Community Wellbeing

The Director appraised Members of an ownership issue that had been identified at this location and advised Members that legal advice was being sought in this regard, and that a further report would be provided in due course.

“Resumption of Normal Business”

It was proposed by Councillor Hon. N Trimble, seconded by Councillor D J Craig, and agreed to come out of Committee and normal business was resumed.

9.4 Site of the Former Hilden Primary School Director of Leisure and Community Wellbeing

The Director reminded Members that the Council had received a Stage 1 Development Grant Award from the Heritage Lottery Fund in connection with the regeneration scheme for the Former Hilden Primary School. The Director advised that work on the Stage 2 submission was underway, but that in the interim the need for some urgent health & safety repair work had been identified including to a boundary wall at a cost of £6,000. In addition he sought permission to progress the removal of an portacabin located in the former playground and to arrange temporary weatherproofing repairs to the building roof which had been estimated at between £6,000 -£10,000.


LCDC 03.12.2019 It was agreed to recommend that the Council approve the works outlined.

Conclusion of Meeting

There being no further business, the meeting was terminated at 6.33pm.



ES 04.12.2019


Minutes of the Meeting of the Environmental Services Committee held in the Island Civic Centre, The Island, Lisburn, on Wednesday 4 December 2019 at 5:30 pm

PRESENT Alderman J Baird (Chairman)

Aldermen T Morrow, SP Porter and J Tinsley

Councillors J Craig, AP Ewing, O Gawith, S Lee, C McCready, R McLernon, T Mitchell and S Skillen


IN ATTENDANCE Director of Environmental Services Head of Service (Building Control) Head of Service (Environmental Health) Head of Service (Waste Management and Operational Services) Member Services Officer

Commencement of Meeting

The Chairman, Alderman J Baird, welcomed Members to the December meeting of the Environmental Services Committee.

The Chairman then proceeded to outline the evacuation procedures in the case of an emergency.

1. Apologies

Apologies for non-attendance were received on behalf of the Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor A Givan, Alderman M Henderson MBE, Councillor S Eastwood and Councillor M Gregg.

2. Declarations of Interest

The Chairman invited Members to declare any Conflicts of Interest they might have in relation to the business of the meeting and reminded them of the requirement to complete Declaration of Interest forms in this regard, which had been provided at the meeting. There were no Declarations of Interest.

3. Report by the Director of Environmental Services


ES 04.12.2019

3.1 Performance Reports 2019/2020 – Quarter 2 (July, August and September 2019)

The Committee was provided with copy and noted the following Quarter 2 Performance Reports for the Environmental Services Directorate:

 Affordable Warmth Scheme (1 July – 30 September 2019)  Building Control applications – full plan applications and regularisation certificates (1 July – 30 September 2019)  Department of Finance (DoF) – Completion Notice Ready report to Land & Property Services - (1 July – 30 September 2019)  Departmental Risk Register - quarterly review up until 30 September 2019  Building Control Service Unit Risk Register  Environmental Health Service Unit Risk Register  Waste Management and Operations Service Unit Risk Register  Dog Control Statistics – 1 July 2019 to 30 September 2019  Illegal Dumping Outcomes – 1 July 2019 to 30 September 2019  ES KPI Performance Summary (1 July 2019 – 30 September 2019)  Licensing Statistics – 1 July 2019 to 30 September 2019  Planning Enforcement Statistics – 1 July 2019 – 30 September 2019  Refuse Collection & Illegal Dumping Data – 1 July 2019 to 30 September 2019  Trading Accounts: (Period 4 – July) (Period 5 – August) and (Period 6 – September)

4. Report by the Head of Service (Building Control)

4.1 Environmental and Sustainability Policy

(Councillor S Skillen arrived at 5.42 pm)

The Committee was provided with copy documents as follows: Notices of Motion carried by Council relating to greenhouse gas emissions and single use plastics; copy report considered by the Corporate Management Team at its meeting in November; a baseline report of existing Council projects and mitigation measures; and draft terms of reference for the establishment of a working group on these issues.

With regard to the proposed Working Group’s terms of reference, it was proposed by Councillor J Craig, seconded by Councillor O Gawith and agreed that the paragraph relating to Accountability and Governance be amended to reinforce the primary position of the overarching policy within the remit of the Environmental Services Committee, and respective workstreams being progressed through the other standing and appropriate Committees.

It was then proposed by Alderman T Morrow, seconded by Alderman SP Porter and agreed that the paragraph on Working Group Membership be amended to include one Member and substitute nominee from each party group or individual, for those without a party grouping, within the Council. 4.1 Environmental and Sustainability Policy (Contd) 780

ES 04.12.2019

It was proposed by Councillor S Lee, seconded by Alderman T Morrow, and agreed to recommend that Council:

 note the content of the report and attached appendices  approve the Terms of Reference for the Working Group subject to the amendments agreed above  ask each Party Group Leader provide a nomination for membership of the Working Group  note that a developed Council Environmental & Sustainability Policy would be brought back to Council for consideration and adoption.

4.2 Annual Building Control Northern Ireland Fire Safety Conference – 6th and 7th February 2020

The Committee was provided with information and copy programme of the 24th Annual Building Control NI Fire Safety Conference to be held in the Armagh City Hotel on 6-7 February 2020.

It was proposed by Councillor S Lee, seconded by Councillor AP Ewing, and agreed to recommend that Council approve attendance by any interested Member at the 24th Annual Building Control NI Fire Safety Conference.

5. Report by the Head of Service (Environmental Health)

5.1 Agency Agreement for Off Street Car Parking Enforcement and Penalty Charge Notice Processing Service

The Committee was provided with copy of a new Draft Agency Agreement which has been received from Department for Infrastructure (DfI) in relation to the provision of Off Street Car Parking Enforcement and Penalty Charge Notice Processing Service post 2019.

The Committee was also provided with copy report, appendix and associated minute tabled at its meeting in December 2017 when AECOM consultants had outlined options available for future service delivery and it had been agreed in principle to proceed with Option 1 being renewal of the contract with the Department for Infrastructure when that became due in October 2019.

The Committee received a detailed report on the terms of the agreement, service delivery arrangements by other Councils and financial issues relating to provision of free of charge car parking. In response to queries by Alderman SP Porter, the Head of Service (Environmental Health) and the Director of Environmental Services provided further clarification on these matters.

It was proposed by Councillor T Mitchell, seconded by Alderman T Morrow, and agreed to recommend that Council note the officer’s report and consent to the Agreement being signed on behalf of the Council by the Chair of the Environmental Services Committee and the Chief Executive.

5.2 Food Control Service Plan 2019/2020 781

ES 04.12.2019

The Committee was provided with copy of the Food Control Service Plan 2019/2020. It was proposed by Councillor S Lee, seconded by Councillor T Mitchell, and agreed to recommend that Council approve the content of the Food Control Service Plan for 2019/2020 in terms of the service to be provided.

5.3 Keeping Northern Ireland Beautiful – Live Here Love Here Initiative

The Committee was provided with copy correspondence from the Chief Executive of KNIB, detailing some of the outcomes of the Live Here Love Here initiative and seeking the Council’s continuing support.

The Chair referred to a small grant scheme being provided by KNIB and asked Members to bring this to the attention of local community groups. Councillor AP Ewing referred to a potential new initiative by fast food outlets that could identify litter offenders to which the Director of Environmental Services clarified.

It was proposed by Councillor AP Ewing, seconded by Councillor R McLernon, and agreed to recommend that Council approve continuation of its commitment to the Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful Live Here Love Here initiative for 2020/2021.

(Alderman J Tinsley left the meeting at 6.15 pm)

6. Report by the Head of Service (Waste Management and Operational Services)

6.1 Internal Waste Management Policy

The Committee was provided with copy draft Internal Waste Management Policy, Implementation Procedures and EQIA Screening Form documents. The Director of Environmental Services responded to Members queries clarifying issues regarding operational adjustments and the incremental roll-out of the policy

It was proposed by Councillor S Lee, seconded by Alderman T Morrow, and agreed to recommend that Council note the draft Internal Waste Management Policy, Implementation Procedures and EQIA Screening Form documents and approve the policy.

6.2 Notice of Motion – Single Use Plastics (SUP) (Referred from Council)

The Committee was advised regarding a Notice of Motion on Single Use Plastics that had been considered by Council in October 2019 and had been referred to the Committee for further consideration.

It was proposed by Councillor T Mitchell, seconded by Councillor O Gawith, and agreed to recommend that Council note that the proposals to progress corporate policies on Environmental and Sustainability and Internal Waste Management, as agreed earlier in the meeting and that these would include the needs around a commitment to SUP within the Council where possible.

“In Committee”


ES 04.12.2019

It was proposed by Councillor J Craig, seconded by Councillor AP Ewing, and agreed that the following matters be considered “in committee”, in the absence of members of the press and public.

7. Confidential Business

It was agreed that the report and recommendations of the Director of Environmental Services be adopted, subject to any decisions recorded below.

The Chairman, Alderman J Baird, advised that the matters contained in the confidential report would be dealt with “In Committee” for the following reasons:

Item 7.1: Confidential due to information relating to the financial or business affairs of the organisation concerned (including the Council holding that information)

7.1 Environmental Services Charges Scheme – 2020/2021

The Committee was provided with copy of the Environmental Services Charge Scheme for 2020/2021. In response to Members’ queries, the Head of Services (Environmental Health) provided clarification on some of the charges.

It was proposed by Councillor O Gawith, seconded by Alderman T Morrow, and agreed to recommend that Council approve the Environmental Services Directorate charges for 2020/2021.

Resumption of Normal Business

It was proposed by Councillor T Mitchell, seconded by Councillor J Craig, and agreed to come out of committee and normal business was resumed.

8. Any Other Business

8.1 Environmental Strategy for Northern Ireland – Director of Environmental Services

The Committee was advised that, at its meeting on 3 December 2019, the Leisure and Community Development Committee had considered draft comments prepared by officers by way of a Council response to consultation being carried out by DAERA in respect of Environmental Strategy for Northern Ireland and had recommended that these be approved.

Members were advised that the response prepared by officers was available on Sharepoint for Members’ information and any additional comments Members might wish to make would be forwarded to DAERA as part of the Council response before the consultation deadline of 23 December 2019. The Director also advised that arc21 would also be responding to the consultation.


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8.1 Environmental Strategy for Northern Ireland – Director of Environmental Services (Contd)

It was proposed by Councillor S Lee, seconded by Councillor AP Ewing, and agreed to note the Council’s response to DAERA’s Environmental Strategy for Northern Ireland.

8.2 Opening Hours of Household Recycling Centres (HRCs) – Head of Service (Waste Management and Operational Services)

The Head of Service (Waste Management and Operational Services) advised that promotion of the new opening hours of HRCs as previously agreed by the Committee had commenced. He also reported that, due to heavy demand in and around the Christmas period, the HRCs would continue with some variation from 9.00am to 4.00 pm during the period between Christmas and the New Year so as to try and meet customer demands.

8.3 Tickets Purchasing Arrangements for On and Off Street Parking – Councillor J Craig

Councillor J Craig referred to a visitor to Lisburn being fined after they had mistakenly purchased a ticket from the wrong machine to cover their parking arrangements. Councillor AP Ewing advised that he too was aware of a similar incident. The Director of Environmental Services advised Members of the Parkmobile app which could assist in finding and paying for on and off street parking and help prevent errors such as those outlined by the Members.

The Head of Service (Environmental Services) indicated that he would ask for the signage for the Council controlled off street carparks to be reviewed to ensure it was sufficient and report back to Committee.

(During discussion on this item, the Chairman, Alderman J Baird, left the meeting briefly and returned at 6.45 pm. The Vice-Chairman, Alderman T Morrow, chaired the discussion during that brief interval.)

8.4 Arc21 Site Visit – Alderman T Morrow

In response to a query by Alderman T Morrow regarding the recent visit arranged by arc21 to an Energy from Waste Plant in Dublin, the Head of Service (Waste Management and Operational Services) and Councillor C McCready who had participated in the visit reported on the operation and output of the facility.

The Director of Environmental Services responded to Members’ queries regarding matters relating to the arc21 residual waste project.

There being no further business, the meeting was terminated at 6.58 pm.




Minutes of the proceedings of the Development Committee Meeting of Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council held in the Island Civic Centre, Lisburn, BT27 4RL on Wednesday 4th December 2019 at 7.05 pm

PRESENT: Alderman A G Ewart MBE (Chairman)

Aldermen J Baird, W J Dillon MBE and T Morrow

Councillors N Anderson, S Carson, J Gallen, D Honeyford, H Legge, G McCleave, U Mackin and T Mitchell

OTHER MEMBER: Councillor C McCready

IN ATTENDANCE: Director of Service Transformation Head of Assets & Technical Services Head of Economic Development Head of Planning and Capital Development Portfolio Manager Member Services Officer

Commencement of Meeting

The Chairman, Alderman A G Ewart, extended a welcome to all present and proceeded to outline the evacuation procedures in the case of an emergency. The Chairman welcomed Councillor C McCready, a non-Member of the Committee, to the meeting

The Chairman reminded everyone to ensure mobile phones were turned off or on silent mode for the duration of the meeting and also advised that unauthorized recording was not permitted as per 8.5 of the Council’s Standing Orders. Finally the Chairman asked that any Member entering or leaving the meeting alert the Member Services Officer accordingly so that this might be accurately reflected in the minutes.

1. Apologies

It was agreed that apologies for non-attendance at the meeting be accepted on behalf of The Right Worshipful The Mayor, Councillor A Givan; Alderman A Grehan; and Councillor R T Beckett.

2. Declarations of Interest

The Chairman invited Members to declare any Conflicts of Interest they might have in relation to the business of the meeting and reminded them of the requirement that they


DC 04.12.2019 2. Declarations of Interest (Cont’d)

complete Declaration of Interest forms in this regard, which had been provided at the meeting.

There were no Declarations of Interest.

3. Report by the Director of Service Transformation

It was agreed that the report and recommendation of the Director of Service Transformation be agreed subject to any decisions recorded below.

3.1 Quarterly Reports on Performance, Budgets and Risk

Members had been provided with the following:-

 Performance Improvement KPIs for the period July – September 2019;  Budget Report for Service Transformation for 2019/2020 as at the 30th September 2019;  Updated Risk Register for Service Transformation.

The Head of Planning and Capital Development outlined a number of factors which affected target objectives in relation to planning applications, both within the Council and compared to other Councils.

The Director of Service Transformation explained the increase in overspend as contained within the Budget Report.

In regard to the Risk Register, the Director commended the work being done by the Portfolio Manager within her remit of the IT Unit.

During presentation of the quarterly reports, Councillor N Anderson left and re-entered the meeting at 7.09 pm and 7.10 pm respectively and Alderman J Baird entered it at 7.11 pm.

It was proposed by Councillor N Anderson, seconded by Alderman T Morrow and agreed that the Quarterly Performance Reports on Performance, Budgets and Risk in relation to the Service Transformation Directorate for the period July – September 2019 be approved.

The Director also agreed to:-

 apprise Alderman W J Dillon in regard to a planning application associated with a Council scheme at Duncan’s Dam, Lisburn;

 clarify for Councillor U Mackin the manner by which certain expenditure was presented in the Budget Report.


DC 04.12.2019 4. Report of Head of Planning & Capital Development

It was agreed that the report and recommendation of the Head of Planning & Capital Development be agreed subject to any decisions recorded below.

4.1 Local Development Plan Public Consultation, Initial Feedback and Next Steps (Consultation period: 8th November 2019 - 10th January 2020)

The Head of Service reported on the public consultation exercise which had taken place to date in respect of the Local Development Plan together with the initial feedback which had been received in this regard. Proposed “next steps” to be put in place after the closure of the consultation process on the 10th January 2020 were also provided.

It was proposed by Councillor N Anderson, seconded by Councillor D Honeyford and agreed to recommend that:-

 details of the public consultation exercise and the feedback to date be noted;

 the following steps be put in place after the closure of the consultation on the 10th January 2020:-

 a copy of all representations to be made available for public inspection;  a statement to be made indicating the timescale within which counter representations might be made;  a notice to be placed indicating the address to which counter representations could be sent;  the representations to be published on the Council’s website;  formal notice to be placed in the Belfast Gazette and by local advertisement;  consultation bodies to be notified of the availability of representations for inspection;  any person who had made (and not withdrawn) a representation under Regulation 16 of the Planning (Local Development Plan) Regulations (NI) 2015 be notified.

Further to the above, there would be an eight week period for counter representations for any site specific representations. These would also be published on the Council’s website.

When collated, further details of both representations and counter representations received would be presented to Members at a subsequent meeting.

5. Report of the Portfolio Manager

It was agreed that the report and recommendations of the Portfolio Manager be agreed subject to any decisions recorded below.


DC 04.12.2019 5.1 Lisburn Area Learning Community

The Portfolio Manager reported extensively on the Lisburn Area Learning Community in terms of its aims, membership and activities. The Lisburn Area Learning Community comprised 10 post-primary establishments with a combined enrolment of 5900 pupils. Three other schools located in the catchment area of the Council could be contacted by the Lisburn Area Learning Community.

Dialogue between the Lisburn Area Learning Community Forum and the Council was ongoing and positive within the context of Community Planning and Belfast Region City Deal. An update from Council officers is included on the agenda for each meeting of the Learning Community Forum with input and feedback gained from the schools attending.

The Learning Community Forum was keen to make further linkages with local businesses through the Council’s Economic Development Team. This would include best practice visits and placement opportunities for local pupils.

The forum met four times per year had had requested the use of a meeting room at Lagan Valley Island.

It was proposed by Councillor H Legge, seconded by Councillor T Mitchell and agreed to recommend that – given the huge potential for collaboration with the Lisburn Area Learning Community which will help to meet Council objectives in relation to a number of strategic initiatives:-

 a suitable room at Lagan Valley Island be made available for future meetings of the Lisburn Area Learning Community Forum, such meetings to be hosted by the Council;

 the Council meet the costs of catering at the meetings to a maximum cost of £30.00 per meeting, ie £120.00 per annum.

It was noted that Council officers would be in attendance at the meetings so as to provide updates on Council initiatives.

Councillor Legge stated that - in her capacity as Chair of the Board of Governors of Dundonald High School (one of the schools having its catchment area within the Council boundaries), she would encourage that school’s membership of the Lisburn Area Learning Community.

A discussion took place about how best the Council could assist in maximising young people’s potential in the field of employment by promoting apprenticeships, local employers and dialogue with children in their final years of primary school.


DC 04.12.2019 6. Report of the Head of Economic Development

It was agreed that the report and recommendations of the Head of Economic Development be agreed subject to any decisions recorded below.

6.1 European Union: ERDF Investment for Growth and Jobs Programme (2014-2020) – Update Report

Members had been provided with copy of a letter dated the 6th November 2019 from Invest NI advising of the deadline of the 31st December 2019 for submission of Local Economic Development (LED) applications under the LED Measure of EU Investment for Growth & Jobs (IGJ) Programme 2014-2020. Intention to submit applications had been required to be with Invest NI by the 22nd November 2019.

In his report, the Head of Economic Development detailed those EU ERDF applications which had been approved to date and also their current status. He also detailed the committed expenditure from the maximum notional ERDF allocation to the Council. Invest NI had sight of one additional potential application from the Council (NI Business Start Up Programme NIBSUP2). Subject to positive appraisal, a further amount could be utilised by the Council, resulting in a potential unused ERDF allocation of approximately E227,536.

The Head of Economic Development confirmed that the Council’s intention to submit applications had been conveyed to Invest NI by the 22nd November 2019. He also advised that Officers would be minded to submit a new funding application for the remaining ERDF allocation (or part thereof). The nature of the project and funding bid was being developed but would relate to SME growth.

It was proposed by Alderman W J Dillon, seconded by Councillor D Honeyford and agreed to recommend that:-

 a new funding application for the remaining ERDF allocation (or part thereof) be submitted to Invest NI;

 further details in relation to the nature of the project and the associated bid be reported to the Committee in due course.

7. Confidential Report by the Director of Service Transformation

The Chairman, Alderman A G Ewart, advised that the items contained in the Confidential Report were required to be considered “in Committee” due to the following reasons:-

7.1 Lisburn Commerce Against Crime – Update (Confidential due to containing information relating to the financial or business affairs of the organisation concerned (including the Council holding that information))

7.2 Flexible Retirement Request – Assets Unit (Confidential due to containing information likely to reveal the identity of an individual) 789

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7.3 Annual Tender Report - Schedule AT2, Hire of Plant & Machinery (Confidential due to information relating to the financial or business affairs of the organisation concerned (including the Council holding that information))

7.4 Review of Departmental Charges (Confidential due to information relating to the financial or business affairs of the organisation concerned (including the Council holding that information))

7.5 Lisburn Castlereagh Seasonal Marketing Campaign – DFC Funding Offer (Confidential due to information relating to the financial or business affairs of the organisation concerned (including the Council holding that information))

It was proposed by Councillor N Anderson, seconded by Alderman J Baird and agreed that the Confidential Business be considered “in Committee” in the absence of press or members of the public.

“In Committee”

It was agreed that the Confidential report and recommendations of the Director of Service Transformation be adopted subject to any decisions recorded below.

7.1 Lisburn Commerce Against Crime – Update

Members had been provided with the following:-

 a Management Report from Lisburn Commerce Against Crime as at the 25th November 2019;

 an update report from the CCTV Working Group;

 an activity report from CityWatch in respect of the period 1st – 31st October 2019.

It was proposed by Councillor U Mackin, seconded by Councillor N Anderson and agreed that:-

 the Management Report from Lisburn Commerce Against Crime as at the 25th November 2019 be noted;

 Lisburn Commerce Against Crime (including their accountant) be invited to the next meeting of the Committee in order to discuss their management report and funding arrangements;

 the update report from the CCTV Working Group be noted and the next steps contained therein be agreed;

 the activity report from CityWatch in respect of the period 1st – 31st October 2019 be noted. 790

DC 04.12.2019 7.2 Flexible Retirement Request – Assets Unit

The Committee had been made aware of a request for Flexible Retirement from a member of staff within the Assets Unit.

It was proposed by Alderman T Morrow, seconded by Councillor H Legge and agreed to recommend that - subject to a Business Case being agreed with the Director of Service Transformation and the HR & OD Unit - a request for Flexible Retirement from a member of staff in the Assets Unit be approved.

7.3 Annual Tender Report - Schedule AT2, Hire of Plant & Machinery

The Committee had been furnished with a copy of the annual tender report for the Hire of Plant & Machinery.

It was proposed by Councillor D Honeyford, seconded by Alderman J Baird and agreed to recommend that the tender award for the contract in rank order for the Hire of Plant & Machinery as outlined in the tender report circulated be approved, it being noted that the most economically advantageous combination would be used as appropriate.

7.4 Review of Departmental Charges

Members had been provided with a schedule of opportunities for the revision of charges within the Transformation Directorate so as to maximize Council income.

It was proposed by Councillor N Anderson, seconded by Alderman T Morrow and agreed to recommend that the schedule of opportunities for the revision of charges within the Transformation Directorate so as to maximize Council income be approved.

7.5 Lisburn Castlereagh Seasonal Marketing Campaign Funding Offer from Department for Communities

Members were advised that – following a spending review – the Department for Communities had provided an opportunity for the Council to apply for a grant to deliver a Seasonal Marketing Campaign.

It was proposed by Councillor N Anderson, seconded by Councillor H Legge and agreed to recommend that a funding offer by the Department for Communities be accepted with 20% match funding provided by the Council.

It was proposed by Alderman J Baird, seconded by Alderman T Morrow and agreed to come “out of Committee” and normal business was resumed.

Resumption of Normal Business


DC 04.12.2019 8. Any Other Business

There was no other business.

The Chairman, Alderman A G Ewart, wished those present the Compliments of the Season, and thanked Members and Staff for their help and support over the past year. Alderman W J Dillon endorsed these comments and wished the Chairman and Staff a Happy and Peaceful Christmas and New Year.

There being no further business the meeting terminated at 8.15 pm.



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Minutes of Meeting of the Planning Committee held in the Council Chamber, Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council Offices, Island Civic Centre, The Island, Lisburn on Monday 4 November 2019 at 12.30 p.m.

PRESENT: Councillor JD Craig (Chairman)

Councillor O Gawith (Vice-Chairman)

Aldermen D Drysdale, A Grehan and W.J. Dillon

Councillors M Gregg, U Mackin, J McCarthy, C McCready and John Palmer

OTHER MEMBERS: Alderman J Tinsley

IN ATTENDANCE: Director of Service Transformation Head of Planning and Capital Development Principal Planning Officer (RH) Senior Planning Officer (RT) Member Services Officer Attendance Clerk

Legal Advisor: B Martyn - Cleaver Fulton & Rankin

Department for Infrastructure, Roads Service Mr B Finlay

Commencement of Meeting

The Chairman, Councillor JD Craig, welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Introductions were made by the Chairman and some housekeeping and evacuation announcements were made by the Director of Service Transformation who also highlighted to those in the public gallery that information on the procedures of the Committee was available at the rear of the Council Chamber.

(Alderman D Drysdale arrived at 12.40 pm)

1. Apologies

It was agreed that apologies be recorded on behalf of Councillor A Swan.


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2. Declarations of Interest

The Chairman sought Declarations of Interest from Members and reminded them to complete the supporting forms which had been left at each desk.

The following Declarations of Interest were made:

 The Deputy Mayor, Councillor J McCarthy, declared in an interest in Item 4.1(1), Application No LAO5/2018/1133/F, and Item 4.1(2), Application No LAO5/2018/1100/O, on the basis that his employer would be speaking in support of these applications.  The Chairman, Councillor J Craig, referred to Item 4.1(5), Application No LAO5/2018/0887/F, and advised that the speaker on this application was a distant relative but that he had not predetermined the outcome of the application.  Councillor U Mackin referred to Item 4.1(5), Application No LAO5/2018/0887/F, and advised that he had met with the objectors to this application but had not given advice on the matter and had not predetermined the outcome of the application.  Councillor U Mackin referred to Item 4.1(3) Application No LAO5/2018/0931/O, and advised that he had called this application in and had met with the objectors but he had not predetermined the outcome of the application.  Councillor John Palmer referred to Item 4.1(2), Application No LAO5/2019/0625/O, and stated that he had called this application in on behalf of the applicant, he had advised on the process but had not predetermined the outcome of the application.  Alderman A Grehan declared an interest in Item 4.1(7), LAO5/2019/0677/F, on the basis that she had lobbied for a play area at this area  During the course of the meeting, Councillor John Palmer declared an interest in Item 4.1(7), Application No LAO5/2019/0677/F, on the basis that he had lobbied on behalf of the community.

3. Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on Monday 7 October 2019

It was proposed by Alderman WJ Dillon, seconded by Councillor M Gregg, and agreed that the Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Monday 7 October 2019 as circulated be confirmed and signed.

4. Report of the Head of Planning and Capital Development

4.1 Schedule of Applications:

The Chairman reminded Members that they needed to be present for the entire determination of an application. If absent for any part of the discussion they would render themselves unable to vote on the application.


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The Legal Adviser highlighted paragraphs 46 - 48 of the Protocol for the Operation of the Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council Planning Committee which, he advised, needed to be borne in mind when determinations were being made.

The Chairman advised that there were a number of speakers in attendance making representation on some of the applications and therefore the Schedule of Applications would be taken out of order to enable these applications to be taken first.

The Chair advised that he had agreed to allow consideration of Items 4.1(1) and 4.1(2) to be deferred to later in the meeting as the speakers had indicated that that they had been delayed from attending due to particular circumstances. Alderman WJ Dillon stated that, while he concurred with the Chairman’s decision in this instance, he considered that such a decision should be taken rarely.

(5) LA05/2018/0887/F – Replacement dwelling in conjunction with detached garage/wood store at 60 Ballynahinch Road,

The Principal Planning Officer (RH) presented this application as outlined in the circulated report,

The Committee received Mr Jonathan Wilson who wished to speak in opposition to the application, highlighting the following:

 The Planning Service did not carry out its procedures with due diligence  The Roads Service was not allowed to do its job  The NIEA had not been given full information  He read out correspondence from the Roads Service indicating that initially it had considered the vehicular entrance to the site to be unacceptable and that the applicant had not demonstrated how the display lines had been improved  The original entrance was 30-40ft away from the bad bend and the first entrance was always a pedestrian entrance  The new vehicular entrance was only made by removing the hedge along the frontage of the site  There was no evidence of any tarmacked entrance  The applicant had not provided evidence that the new entrance was the original entrance to the site

There then followed a question and answer session and Mr Wilson responded to Members comments and queries as follows:

 In response to a query by Councillor U Mackin, Mr Wilson stated that the size of the replacement dwelling was considerably larger than the original one and the windows were not all to the back or on gable walls  With regard to the survey carried out by NIEA, he stated that this did not take account of expanding foam filling window gaps and replacement tiles which were evidence that there had been attempts to prevent bats getting into the building  He advised that the evidence to support his objections was the correspondence with the Roads Service. He stated that sight lines for a building on a 60mph road should be 80 metres either side and in this case 669

PC 04.11.2019

the measurements were 50 metres to one side and 30 metres to the other side  He referred to a serious road traffic accident on the road where one person had been hospitalised.

The Committee welcomed Mr Sam Hawthorne and Ms Sharon McMurray who wished to speak in support of the application. Mr Hawthorne advised that he and Ms McMurray did not intend to make a presentation but were available to answer Members’ queries.

There then followed a question and answer session, during which Mr Hawthorne responded to Members’ queries as follows:

 It was not possible to provide an alternative entrance to the replacement dwelling due to third party issues on the land  There was no attempt to block the entry of bats and the survey was carried out by one of the leading specialists in Northern Ireland  There were always 2 entrances to the property, one pedestrian and one vehicular. The applicant had the option of using either as the new entrance and they had gone for a position in the middle of the site in order to achieve the best sight lines  This was a replacement dwelling and the applicant could have renovated the existing dwelling and retained the existing entrance  The allegation regarding attempts to block bats was unfounded. The survey carried out indicated that there was no evidence of bats  Mr Hawthorne referred to a photograph he had recently taken showing gates leaning against the gable of the property. He indicated that these were the original gates that had been removed. The Chair ruled that photo would not be circulated at the meeting  In response to further queries by Members, Mr Hawthorne provided further clarification regarding the location of the original pedestrian and vehicular entrances. He advised that the two entrances had been clearly noted in drawings provided to the Roads Service

There then followed a question and answer session with the Planning Officers and the representative of DfI Roads Service when the following issues arose:

 Mr B Finlay advised that the Roads Service was only aware of one set of gates at the frontage because the hedge had been taken away at the time of its inspection. He stated that a roads order had not been required for the removal of the hedge  Following the site visit, he indicated that Roads Service had sought further clarification from the agent regarding entrances and, following this, it took the view that the proposed new entrance was a better option than where the previous pedestrian or vehicular entrances appeared to have been located.  In response to the Chair’s query regarding any evidence that indicated there had been vehicular access to the property, the Head of Planning and Capital Development referred to a photograph in the file showing a vehicle parked to the right hand side of the dwelling and a pedestrian gate at the south west corner. The Chair ruled that this photo be circulated to Members at the meeting 670

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 The Head of Planning and Capital Development outlined the chronology of the application and advised that, at the completion of the planning process, the response from the Roads Service was that the application was acceptable  Mr B Finlay advised on the Roads Service mapping system highlighting reports of accidents and reported that there had been 2 traffic accidents in recent years that had occurred at some distance from the site  Mr B Finlay advised on standard sight lines and on the variation from the standard that occurred at the site. He stated that the new entrance was an improvement on what would have been there had the applicant opted to renovate the property rather than seek a replacement dwelling  The Principal Planning Officer provided information on the increased floor area and ridge height of the new dwelling compared to the original building; she advised that the second floor in the new building would accommodate a play room and study  The Head of Planning and Capital Development clarified the extent to which the original building could be extended under permitted development

During the debate that followed, Alderman D Drysdale stated that he was satisfied that it had been demonstrated that there had been a vehicular entrance to the original property. He did not consider that there was enough evidence presented to persuade him to overturn the Planning Officer’s recommendation.

Alderman A Grehan stated that she would like a site visit to clarify issues such as the entrances to the site and replacement roof tiles on the original property. The Chairman, Councillor J Craig agreed with that suggestion.

Alderman WJ Dillon stated that this was a replacement dwelling rather than a new development and he considered that the Planning Officer’s recommendation was correct.

It was proposed by Alderman A Grehan and seconded by the Chairman, Councillor J Craig, and, following a vote of 8:0, it was agreed that determination of this application be deferred for a site visit.

(3) LA05/2018/0931/O – Proposed 1 no infill dwelling and garage (Biodiversity Checklist submitted) on lands 104m north west of no 48 Ballycoan Road, Belfast

The Principal Planning Officer (RH) presented this application as outlined in the circulated report.

The Committee received Ms Jennifer Mawhinney who wished to speak in opposition to the application, highlighting the following:

 The application was located in an area of outstanding natural beauty but, because it was an outline application, no detail had been provided showing existing site conditions or boundary vegetation  As a preliminary point it was indicated that the application was invalid asey information was lacking to enable the Committee to reach a decision and a site visit would be useful 671

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 The CTY13 weighting given by the planners regarding integration of the development was wrong  CTY13 stated that a new building would be unacceptable if it was prominent or lacked natural boundaries or relied on new landscaping  Three of the four boundaries had no existing landscaping; there was no boundary to the north east; mature vegetation providing screening at the frontage to Ballycoan Road would be removed to provide satisfactory sight lines  The site was located on a hill with landscaping to the rear. Further screening was proposed with substantial planting required on all four boundaries

There was a question and answer session during which Ms Mawhinney responded as follow:

 The lack of integration meant the proposal was out of character with neighbouring properties. There were 2 types of sites in the area: those where dwellings were on the road and those where dwellings were set further back and screened. This development proposal would be set back on the site but would not be screened  There were other issues raised by objectors including roads, wildlife and infill policy  Ms Mawhinney did not believe that the Committee had sufficient information to take a decision on this application

There then followed questions to the Planning Officers and the following issues arose:

 The Head of Planning and Capital Development advised that planning officer had visited the site and would not have brought a report in front of the Committee if they considered there not to be sufficient information to make a recommendation  With regard to integration, the Planning Officer had set out in the report why they considered that application to be compliant with CTY13. The Head of Planning and Capital Development also noted Ms Mawhinney did not raise any in principle concerns with policy CTY 8  Councillor John Palmer queried whether the site lay within the Lagan Valley Regional Park or just outside it and whether there had been any consultation with LVRP  While the proximity to the LVRP was being checked, in a query raised by Councillor Caleb McCready the Head of Planning and Capital Development explained that a neighbouring property did not appear on the Google map due to it being a fairly new development

Adjournment of Meeting

The Chairman, Councillor JD Craig, declared the meeting adjourned at 2.18 pm

Resumption of Meeting

The Chairman, Councillor JD Craig, declared the meeting resumed at 2.36 pm


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(Councillor C McCready did not return to the meeting at 2.36 pm)

 The Head of Planning and Capital Development advised that, during the break, officers had checked the position and could confirm that the site did not lie within the Lagan Valley Regional Park and therefore consultation was not required with LVRP.  Clarification was also provided in relation to the provision of a Design and Access Statement.

(Councillor C McCready returned to the meeting at 2.38 pm)

 The Head of Planning and Capital Development advised that the site frontage of 45 metres was in keeping with other nearby frontages and the pattern of development in the area.  With regard to integration, officers were satisfied that the site had the ability to meet requirements regarding level of enclosure. In this case, some hedging to the front would be opened up to improve access but there was hedging to the side, the land sloped upwards to the rear and the hill behind provided a backdrop and sense of enclosure; and additional landscaping would supplement this.

During the debate which followed, Councillor Mackin indicated that he was not convinced the site was fully occupied with one dwelling and he feared that, if approval were granted, there would be a further application submitted for an additional dwelling.

Alderman D Drysdale stated that this was an outline planning application; he considered that there was enough information supplied and he agreed with the Planning Officer’s recommendation.

The Committee, having considered the information provided within the Report of the Principal Planning Officer and by those making representations, agreed by a majority of 8:1 with 1 abstention to approve the application as outlined in the Officer’s report and subject to the conditions stated therein.

Councillor C McCready abstained from the vote as he had not been present for the entirety of the discussions on this application.

(2) LA05/2019/0625/O – Proposed site for 2 no dwelling and garages on lands adjoining south west of no.40 Eglantine Road, Lisburn

The Senior Planning Officer (RT) presented this application as outlined in the circulated report.

There was no speakers to this application.

There were no questions for the Planning Officers.

At this stage a representative for the applicant indicated that he had wished to speak to the meeting. It was however confirmed by the Head of Planning and


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Capital Development that the Unit had not received a formal request for speaking rights on behalf of the applicant.

In the debate that followed, Alderman D Drysdale indicated that he felt that the Committee should uphold the Planning Officer’s recommendation.

Councillor U Mackin queried whether the matter could be deferred to allow the applicant speaking rights at a future meeting. The Head of Planning and Capital Development advised the Committee on the grounds on which an application could be deferred as specified in the Planning Protocol. A proposal by Councillor John Palmer that the application be deferred to allow the applicant speaking rights was withdrawn.

The Committee, having considered the information provided within the Report of the Senior Planning Officer, agreed by a majority of 9:0 with 1 abstention to refuse the application as outlined in the Officer’s report.

(6) LA05/2019/0536/F - Proposed replacement changing rooms and new security fence to same and minor alterations to existing car park at Aghalee Playing Fields, Lurgan Road, Aghalee

The Senior Planning Officer (RT) presented this application as outlined in the circulated report.

There was no speakers to this application.

There were no questions for the Planning Officers.

In the debate which followed, Alderman D Drysdale stated that this development fitted in with the Council’s drive to improve the health and well-being of the community and the update of facilities was overdue.

The Committee, having considered the information provided within the Report of the Senior Planning Officer, agreed by a majority of 10:0 with 0 abstention to approve the application as outlined in the Officer’s report and subject to the conditions contained therein.

(Alderman A Grehan and Councillor John Palmer left the meeting at 3.19 pm)

(7) LA05/2019/0677/F – Construction of a children's play area age range 2 to 14 to cater for toddler, junior and accessible play. The works shall include installation of play equipment, impact absorbent surfacing, fencing and landscaping at Open green space at The Green, Tonagh Drive, Lisburn

The Principal Planning Officer (RH) presented this application as outlined in the circulated report.

There was no speakers to this application.

There were no questions for the Planning Officers.


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In the debate that followed, Councillor C McCready welcomed the proposal saying it was good for the community and for the children in the area. In response to his query as to whether there would be any removal of trees to accommodate the proposal, the Head of Planning and Capital Development advised that any landscape changes would be made good on completion.

The Committee, having considered the information provided within the Report of the Principal Planning Officer, agreed by a majority of 8:0 with 0 abstention to approve the application as outlined in the Officer’s report and subject to the conditions contained therein.

(Alderman A Grehan and Councillor John Palmer returned to the meeting at 3.26 pm; Alderman D Drysdale left the meeting at 3.27 pm))

(8) LA05/2019/0814/F - Proposed enclosure over the green waste area at Carryduff Household Recycling Centre, 8 Road, Carryduff – (Mandatory)

The Principal Planning Officer (RH) presented this application as outlined in the circulated report.

There was no speakers to this application.

There were no questions for the Planning Officers.

The Committee, having considered the information provided within the Report of the Principal Planning Officer, agreed by a majority of 9:0 with 0 abstention to approve the application as outlined in the Officer’s report and subject to the conditions contained therein.

Adjournment of Meeting

The Chairman, Councillor JD Craig, declared the meeting adjourned at 3.32 pm

Resumption of Meeting

The Chairman, Councillor JD Craig, declared the meeting resumed at 3.52 pm

(The Deputy Mayor, Councillor J McCarthy, did not return to the meeting at 3.52 pm)

(1) LA05/2018/1133/F – Application under Section 54 of the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 to remove Condition 3 attached to Appeal 2015/A0175 (S/2015/0073) - The dwelling shall be sited within the area hatched black on approved map on lands adjacent to 28 Lany Road, Lisburn

The senior Planning Officer (RT) presented this application as outlined in the circulated report.

The Committee received Mr Andy Stevens who wished to speak in support of the application, highlighting the following:


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 Mr Stevens advised that a planning appeal had been granted in 2016 and imposed a siting condition in respect of the proposed replacement dwelling.  Since the appeal decision, the development of holiday lets and camping pods on the site restricted the area within which a replacement dwelling was to be located  The appeal specification dealt with the principle of a replacement dwelling and, while it stated that the proposed dwelling should be contained within the curtilage of the original building, he argued that the use of the term ‘should’ was not mandatory  Planning Office considered the curtilage was not so restricted that it could not accommodate a modest dwelling  He disputed the Planning Office’s contention that there was no evidence of any benefits of an alternative position for the replacement dwelling  He stated that Planning Office should indicate how or where a modest development could be accommodated within the hatched area  He asked the Committee to overturn the planning recommendation or to defer the application to allow further negotiation to take place regarding a suitable site for the replacement dwelling

This was followed by a question and answer session during which the following issue arose:

 Alderman WJ Dillon referred to the condition imposed by PAC and queried whether the Planning Committee could remove that condition when it had not been imposed by the Council. Mr Stevens stated that the PAC condition was based on the site as it was in 2016 but that a number of planning permissions had been issued in the intervening period that changed the situation. The main issue now was the position of the replacement dwelling and the possibility of achieving a compromise either to vary the PAC condition or to remove it.

The Committee received Mr Pat Catney MLA who wished to speak in support of the application highlighting the following:

 He suggested that a common sense approach to the issue would be to issue a deferral on the basis that new evidence had been submitted  The granting of permissions for holiday lets and camping pods had created a change in circumstances since the appeal decision  There was room for compromise in order to achieve solutions to the issues and a short deferral could bring this to a speedy conclusion  It was not feasible to accommodate 2 dwellings and 2 tourist units within the original curtilage

There then followed a question and answer session where the following issues arose:

 In response to a query by Alderman WJ Dillon regarding the new evidence referred to, Mr Catney stated that, when the appeal was granted, there had been no holiday lets or camping pods on the site


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 He suggested that it was a material fact that permission had been given to camping pods situated outside the curtilage area. He suggested that the condition could be varied and the hatch area expanded  Both the Chairman, Councillor J Craig, and Alderman WJ Dillon queried why the applicant had submitted an application for other buildings within the curtilage just a year after the PAC had imposed the condition regarding siting of the replacement dwelling. Mr Catney stated that these were queries for the applicant rather than for him  With the agreement of the Chair, Mr Stevens was asked to respond to these queries. He advised that the applicant was entitled to submit other planning applications

There then followed questions to the Planning Officers. Alderman WJ Dillon enquired whether, if the Council was minded to remove the condition, would that then open up the possibility of further development on the site.

The Head of Planning and Capital Development advised that this issue had been dealt with in the Planning Officer’s report and he outlined the various proposals and permissions associated with the site.

(Councillor John Palmer left the meeting at 4.24 pm)

In Committee

At this stage it was proposed by Councillor M Gregg, seconded by Councillor U Mackin, and agreed to go into committee to receive legal advice in the absence of the press and the public.

Legal advice was received.

Resumption of Normal Business

It was proposed by Councillor M Gregg, seconded by Alderman WJ Dillon, and agreed to come out of Committee and normal business was resumed.

The Committee, having considered the information provided within the Report of the Principal Planning Officer and by those making representations, agreed by a majority of 7:0 with 0 abstention to refuse the application as outlined in the Officer’s report.

(4) LA05/2018/1100/O – Proposed infill dwelling and garage on lands between Nos 124 and Nos 126 Moira Road, Hillsborough

The Principal Planning Officer (RH) presented this application as outlined in the circulated report.

The Committee received Mr Andy Stevens who wished to speak in support of the application, highlighting the following:

 The Planning Office disputed that this was an infill opportunity.


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 The Planning Office had initially indicated that it was considering approval but then decided to refuse on one minor consideration  PAC did not preclude the sub-division of side gardens being considered as infill opportunities  The Planning Office had solely concentrated on the site frontage of 33 metres. However planning policy made it clear that the gap between buildings on either side was a material consideration and in this case the gap was 58 metres  This was a small gap site that had always existed  He outlined why he did not consider this to be ribbon development.  The applicant would be allowed to build an ancillary building on this site under permitted development and there would be no great difference between the proposed building and an ancillary building  The proposed development would be screened by vegetation and would not impact upon the rural character of the area  The proposal was contained by development on either side  There had been no objections from neighbours or from statutory agencies

There then followed a question and answer session when the following issues arose:

 Mr Stevens clarified that the gap between one dwelling to another was 58 metres  In response to a comment by Councillor O Gawith that, if the proposal was approved, there would be 3 dwellings at the location with permitted development rights, Mr Stevens suggested that conditions could be imposed on an approval to limit permitted development rights for the development

The Committee then received Mr Pat Catney MLA who wished to speak in support of the application highlighting the following:

 The main issue was whether this was a gap site.  There was 58 metres between the buildings and this constituted a gap site.  The applicant could go for an ancillary building on the site  He had thought that the application was being passed for approval and was surprised to see it being presented as a refusal  The proposal fitted in perfectly with the layout of the road  The buildings could be screened off with vegetation  A small gap site was not defined in planning policy  He considered that this was a clear cut case for the Committee and that a refusal was not the correct decision

There then followed a question and answer session during which Mr Catney responded to Members’ queries which included the issue regarding the length of the frontage.

The Committee received Mr Edwin Poots MLA who wished to speak in support of the application highlighting the following:


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 He stated that dwellings in the area had originally been labourers’ cottages with large gardens generally to the rear  In this instance the dwelling had a large garden to one side and the opportunity existed for development in the side garden  PAC had found cases with similar side garden development to be acceptable  The issue was whether the site provided adequate amenity space and parking for the existing residents  He referred to previous planning applications at Lisburn Road, Glenavy, and Clogher Road, Lisburn, and said the latter was approved based on the critical issue of the gap between the buildings on either side.  He referred to the lengths of the gap between buildings on the site and the frontage and suggested that too much emphasis was being placed on these measurements  He stated that planning policy allowed development if there was no demonstrable harm and he argued that, in this case, there was no such harm  He stated that this site clearly met the criteria of a gap site  Any refusal would be on very narrow grounds and in contravention of what had been approved by PAC on previous occasions

There were no questions for Mr Poots MLA

There then followed questions to the Planning Officers during which the following issues arose:

 The Head of Planning and Capital Development clarified issues regarding the cases referred to by Mr Poots. He explained why one appeal decision which was the subject of judicial review proceeding was not considered and how the learning from the other was applied to this application as the gap was accepted  In response to a query by Alderman Grehan, he advised that a group of dwellings further up the Moira Road with similar sized frontages as the proposed site had not been taken into account because there was a separation distance of over 400 metres between those buildings and the site  In response to a query by Alderman WJ Dillon regarding the earlier indication that approval would be issued, the Head of Planning and Capital Development stated that a final recommendation on an application was not made until the assessment had been completed

Alderman WJ Dillon then expressed the view that he did not have enough evidence in front of him to reach a decision on this application.

It was proposed by Alderman WJ Dillon, seconded by the Chairman, Councillor J Craig, and agreed, on a vote of 5:2 with 0 abstention, that determination of this application be deferred for a site visit.

(Councillor John Palmer returned to the meeting at 5.29 pm; Alderman A Grehan left the meeting at 5.30 pm)

4.2 Submission of Pre-Application Notices (PAN)

4.2.1 Modification to PAN in respect of DIIB (amended consultation dates) 679

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The Committee was provided with copy of the report, proposal form and site location plan and it was proposed by Councillor M Gregg, seconded by Councillor C McCready, and agreed to note the information provided in relation to the above Pre-Application Notice.

(Alderman A Grehan returned to the meeting at 5.33 pm)

4.3 Appeal Decision in respect of 2018/E0069 Your ref EN/2019/0034/CA

It was proposed by Alderman WJ Dillon, seconded by Councillor John Palmer, and agreed that the Committee note the information provided in respect of the above Appeal Decision.

4.4 Statutory Performance Indicators September 2019

The Committee was provided with copy and it was proposed by Councillor M Gregg, seconded by Councillor C McCready, and agreed to note a draft monthly performance indicator from the Department of Infrastructure.

4.5 Advance Notice of Listing in respect of Hangars (Former Aircraft Assembly Hangers), Gate 3, Maze, Long Kesh, 94B Halftown Road, Lisburn

The Committee was provided with copy and it was proposed by Councillor C McCready, seconded by Alderman WJ Dillon, and agreed to note correspondence including a location map from the Department for Communities regarding a notice of listing in respect of hangars (former aircraft assembly hangars) at Gate 3, Maze, Long Kesh, 84B Halftown Road, Lisburn.

5. Any Other Business

5.1 Replacement IT Equipment – Councillor M Gregg

In response to a query by Councillor M Gregg, the Head of Planning and Community Development advised any request for upgrade of IT equipment should be directed to the IT section and would be dealt with on a case by case basis. He also advised that work was ongoing in respect of a software package in relation to the planning portal.

There being no further business, the meeting concluded at 5.38 pm.