Spartan Daily Serving the San Jose State University Community Since 1934

VOLUME 65 NUMBER 24 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1975 PHONE: 277-3181 04k, A.S. supports Coors boycott By Steve Wright petition presented by J. Michael and employment practices at the Coors' "I like Coors beer," Councilman The Coors Boycott Coalition (CBC) Gonzales, CBC spokesman. Golden, Colo., headquarters. Brian Mohr said, but said he would vote received the support of the A.S. Council Clutching a stack of petitions, Gon- Gonzalez explained, "We are not for for the resolution. Wednesday afternoon when the council zales told the council, "We have over closing the Pub, but for suspension of If that many people are concerned, voted 13-1 with two persons abstaining 1,200 signatures from students, faculty, Coors." then it deserves the support of the to "strongly" recommend suspension administrators and State Sen. Jerry Gonzales gave a brief history of council, Mohr explained. of the sale of Coors beer in the Spartan Smith asking for the suspension of charges filed against the Coors The audience of about 40 persons Pub. Coors." headquarters, including a recent gave a loud round of applause after The vote came after an hour-long Councilwoman Laura Klepfer moved federal suit filed against the company Mohr's comments in the S.U. noon rally held by the CBC on the patio that the council go on record as sup- for alleged hiring and employment Umunhum Room. in front of the Student Union. porting the CBC and "strongly discrimination. It was the first time the council has Approximately 95 persons attended the recommends the suspension of Coors Councilwoman Judy Christensen met in that room, which is larger than rally. beer to Spartan Shops until the U.S. said, "1,200 responsible people signed the council chambers. Audio am- A determining factor in gaining A.S. District Court comes to a decision" on that petition, more than voted for any of plification was also used for the first support of the CBC request was a the controversy surrounding the hiring time. Rico won't veto co-op funds despite lettuce, grape ban

By Jim Barrett "green lights" to be successful during Councilwoman Kim Baskett A.S. President John Rico told the A.S. its first year. disagreed with Rico's statement that Council Wednesday he will not veto The decision should be left up to the the council had not adequately con- $1,300 in funding for a food cooperative. co-op members, said Rico, as all money sidered the lettuce and grape issue. Rico had said he was considering used for buying produce comes from Student fees used vetoing the funds because the council them. Baskett said the council had con- had required that the co-op sell no Rico said he was approving the funds sidered that the money to start the co- lettuce or grapes. because of an "intense personal op came from students' A.S. fees and Rico told the council Wednesday he commitment" to the co-op. that many of those students might be had serious doubts and "concerns" Co-op could vote opposed to the co-op buying lettuce and about the stipulation. Councilwoman Josie Cadieux said the grapes not picked by the United Farm "My administration," said Rico, co-op members could vote on the let- Workers (UFW). "has always advocated establishment tuce-grape issue and ask the Council to During the previous council meeting, A.S. President John Rico of a food cooperative" to benefit a large lift the restriction if they decided they the possibility of the co-op buying only number of students with a discount on did not want it. UFW lettuce and grapes was discussed concern the co-op might be boycotted produce. Co-op representative Steve Sereda but was rejected by Sereda as too for selling lettuce and grapes not picked Council didn't consider had previously said a delay in funding difficult to do under the co-op's method by the UFW. But the council, Rico said, had not would probably mean he could not get of operation. Sereda told the council publicity of a considered that the co-op needed all the the co-op started before next semester. Several council members expressed boycott would hurt the co-op. Council rejects bid, 7-6

David YarnoId UFW supporters' $300 request denied Dr. Ben Finney, psychologist charged with sexual misconduct, en route to the counseling center yesterday. Another request to fund $300 for a that Garcia, a councilwoman last year, "We never got along," said Switzer of dance that occurred last May was should have known how to fill out the Garcia with whom he served on council rejected by the AS. Council Wed- forms. last year, and "we probably never nesday, 7 to 6 with one abstaining. SouIds said he had called on the will." SJSU to probe The council had funded the United committee to come in about the forms Forms turned in late Farm Worker Support Committee but received no response. Garcia said contracts for two bands dance last semester, but due to Garcia said no one called until the were signed on May 11 and 12 but not on procedural errors the money reverted middle of summer and it was then too A.S. forms. to the general fund, said Greg SouIds, late to get the funds. The papers were turned in to the prof sex charge business director. She talked to SouIds and learned she business office nine days after the May SouIds said the committee had failed would have to go through the special 14 event, she said. to properly fill out forms and turned allocations committee and the council Garcia said she did not know the By Al Loam who has been practicing since 1954, them in late. again for the money, said Garcia. forms were due two weeks before the President John Bunzel yesterday came after a letter to the State Board of Jessie Garcia, committee UFW too political event. called for an on-campus investigation Medical Examiners from one of his representative, said she had turned in At the allocations committee, said SouIds said the procedures are to of a SJSU psychology professor ac- patients. the forms but did not use the required Garcia, Switzer told her he would not curtail fund requests after the events. cused of unprofessional conduct in his Finney was appointed to the AS. contract form. vote for recommendation of the funds Switzer said he had not voted funding private practice. Psychology Department in 1961 and Garcia contended she was not aware because "we are too political." for the event last year but he would vote Dr. Ben Curley Finney, psychology currently serves half time as a coun- of the procedure but Soulds said a Switzer said "many people," for the funding now if he thought the professor and student counselor, is selor and half-time as a professor. procedure list was given to those who referring to the seven-member mistake was on the side of A.S. charged with having sexual intercourse Finney practices psychology at his sought funds from AS. last year. allocations committee, made the He added he would not vote for the with patients in his Palo Alto clinic. home in Palo Alto. Councilman Michael Switzer said Jessie Garcia comments Garcia attributed to him. funding. The charges were made in a disciplinary hearing in Sacramento last Monday and Tuesday before a com- mittee of the State Board of Medical 'Happy Non-Hooker' golf Examiners. Inquiries to be made Bunzel directed Academic Vice President Hobert Burns to have Robert ball's difference is in dimples Martin, dean of student services, and James Sawrey, dean of social sciences, to make inquiries into possible con- By Karen Minkel give it enough lift to fly down the ball in March, the Washington Post took nections between Finney's private If your fun-filled day on the golf fairway. an editorial stand against the new practice and the university. course consists of tromping through the Difference in dimples concept. Burns told the Daily yesterday, "This bushes looking for mis-hit balls, you Homstrom and Nepela's ball is only "The new ball will make the game is a personnel matter, no comment." may not have to tromp much longer. dimpled around its equator in a thin easier," the Post complained, "That is However, Burns was quoted in the Dr. Fred Holmstrom, chairman of band. This adjustment forces the ball to exactly what golf doesn't need. There is San Jose Mercury Wednesday: the Physics Department, and a friend spin in one direction only (the direction little enough room now on America's "He (Finney) did it in his private have invented a hook-proof, slice-proof of the band of dimples) and does not 9,500 courses without tempting non- practice and that's not under university golf ball, unofficially called the Happy allow it to spin in a way that would golfers to take up the sport." control." Non-Hooker. produce a hook or slice. If the scientists want to do the game Dr. David Newman, chairman of Unlike other golf balls, Holmstrom The ball has been tested, Holmstrom of golf some good, the editorial con- udent counseling services, said, "Ben explained, his ball stoutly refuses to said, by professionals. They tried as cluded, they would invent a ball that idn't expect this (publicity) and his develop the spin that produces a hook hard as they could to hook or slice the hooked or sliced more, not less. ttorney didn't think any of the in- flying to the left or a slice flying to the ball, but could not do it. A few weeks later the Los Angeles ormation would get out." right. Instead it flies in a straight line. The ball was patented by the pair Times printed a rebuttal to the Post Involves private practice Since the golf ball's conception over June 25, 1974, and they are currently editorial and came out in support of the "This involves only his private pie and coffee in a lunch table trying to work out some kind of contract ball. ractice." None of the allegations have discussion five years ago, Holmstrom to produce the ball with either a major "The Washington Post has gone nything to do with his work with the and his friend, Daniel Nepela, an ad- manufacturer or funding from in- mad," the editorial announced. "Golf iversity," Newman said. visory chemist at IBM, have created, dividuals. should be easier. It's a perverse, "Also Ben doesn't, and we do not, among other things, a nation-wide "A major company is interested," frustrating game. It provokes rovide psychotherapy of this type on controversy. Holmstrom explained, "but we can't coronaries, broken marriages and 2ampus," Newman said. After a discussion on the get them on the stick. They lack bickering that destroys lifelong Newman said that a practicing aerodynamic properties of golf balls, foresight. friendships. lsychologist who advertises for a the two decided it shouldn't be too "I don't really want to give their "Nor is it the number of playets on difficult course that slows down play. It's the rivate practice must be licensed by to build the world a better golf name because we are still negotiating. the File photo he State Board of Medical Examiners. ball. There are also two private parties who fault of those hooking, slicing, shanking A section of the medical creed reads Spending less than three dollars for are willing to put the ball into cir- idiots in the foursome in front of you. hat a psychologist should not engage in materials, the revolutionary ball was culation," he added. "A golf ball that always flies straight This is the ball with the different dimples created by Dr. Fred Holmstrom. exual activities with his clients. constructed in a kitchen oven. Holmstrom explained that one of the would do more to increase the life If the accusations are upheld by the The finished prototype was a lot like a problems and the source of the con- expectancy, reduce the divorce rate ive-member psychological examining regular golf ball. It was round, white, troversy surrounding the new ball is and improve the mental health of against the ball," Holmstrom said, intends to stay that way, looks at the 'ommittee of the board, Finney could about the size of a golf ball and weighed "we are fighting four to five hundred Americans than all the doctors, "but all the other reactions have been whole thing as a "worthwhile learning ave his license revoked. about the right weight for a golf ball. years of tradition. Basically we are marriage counselors and psychiatrists favorable. experience," but doesn't plan on letting According to Susan Wogoman, So what made it so special ^ The faced with individual psychological put together," the Times concluded. "And we have never had a single case his life be taken over by the golf ball. xecutive officer for the medical board, difference is in the dimples. reactions." A recent editorial in this month's where anyone has been able to hook or nvestigation results should be com- Regular golf balls are covered with Post editorial against it issue of Industrial Research magazine slice it. As far as the science is con- "I have what I consider one of the lete in two or three weeks. little round dimples that make tiny air For instance, shortly after Science agreed with the Times. cerned, it's finished," he added. finest jobs or professions I could find. I The investigation against Finney, turbulances when the ball is hit and me published an article on the "The Washington Post came out Holmstrom, a non-golfer who said he wouldn't want to give up teaching." Page 2, October 17, 1975 r Spartan Daily opinion Americans don't speak English,

which is why the British like us OUP

By John A. Ylreus Their interpreter for Secretary of Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace is State Henry Kissinger, who speaks currently touring the European con- comment Hun-American, also charges a pretty onvispiorv shy tinent in search of a diplomatic image. penny for his services. gratenes 7/ During his discussions with the slurs usually the racial type). This specialist knows that "zis" leaders of England, Belgium and other Prime Minister Wilson speaks the means "this" and "zat" means "that." countries, Wallace has probably told same way his ancestors didtypically Without his services, British-American his listeners that he did not say all those British with slight variations through relations would sever and grind to a terrible things about American foreign time and wars. halt all communication between the policy last summer. While this juicy tidbit has been two. It was that pesky Washington Post, overlooked by the American and During his summer trip to Europe, he points out, quoting him to the British media, it has posed a problem Ford was very successful in com- minute, embarrassing detail. for the Tories. municating with Wilson. The Alabaman obviously believes They can hardly afford to pay for an Unfortunately, what Ford had to say that he will someday become President AlabamianEnglish interpreter while to the Tories was "hello," "how are Recognize gay contributions, I if Ford can, why can't he?) and the they suffering through financial hard you?" and "I'm fine, thanks." trip is to show Europe's prime times. Besides, it is difficult to find an Strictly speaking, relations between ministers and presidents, as well as the interpreter and pay his exorbitant fee the two countries has been cordial American voters, that he is of sound for a mere 30 minute chat with a because its been over 160 years since 1 mind concerning foreign affairs. Presidential candidate. the nations have been at war and both don't worry about 'normality Although the event has not been To keep his trip afloat, Wallace may countries like Monty Python and Archie trumpeted in the press, the trip does have dipped into his $2 million plus Bunker. By Dana Bottorff idea of admitting homosexuals to his contain unusual elements. campaign budget to foot the bill. Currently, Wilson fears a visit from Changing societal attitudes towards force. This remark struck me as rather First of all, how does the governor The British apparently, are tired of Presidential Candidate Hubert H. homosexuality were reflected last May ( comment ) odd at the time, because there is no way speak with foreign leaders, like accomodating Americans who use Humphrey. when the legislature and Gov. Brown the chief can be so sure that his huge Britian's Harold Wilson, without an unusual variations of the grand old God save the Queen and the Prime passed a law making all sexual acts department doesn't already have some interpreter? English language. Minister, too. between consenting adults legal. Thus, when the law takes effect Jan. homosexuals. . After all, the English language is 1, homosexuality and other sexual It is difficult for many people, and much like politicsits never the same orientations traditionally thought of as will be for a long time, to accept the In every place it's spoken. Wallace, of aberrant will be legal in California. idea that homosexuality will not course, basically speaks in grunts and These changing attitudes, and some destroy the moral structure of the free lack thereof, have been apparent at world. SJSU in the last couple of weeks. This is not to deny that Bias against other ideas Gay Pride Day on Oct. 3 was an at- heterosexuality is the "normal" state tempt to show us "straights" that gays of affairs. are not necessarily the panting, But if homosexuality exists in levels Christians, drooling child molesters that our of the animal world other than man, as grandmothers (if they dared speak of some believe it does, and if its existence them) told us they were. is no threat to society as a whole or reader charges Bunzel has been a reactionary The lack of sensitivity toward gays "straights," as I do not believe it is, has been shown, however, by the Alpha then why not accept gays as a natural Editor: Phi Omega fraternity. A letter ap- part of society and recognize their After reading Sydnie Wauson's ar- peared on this page Oct. 15 protesting contributions as creating a fuller un- ticle on Leroy Eimes, head of a the fraternity's upcoming showing of derstanding of sexual orientations and Christian organization called the throughout his academic career "The Laughing Policeman" as a attitudes? Navigators, I could hardly believe the Friday Flick, contending it was ex- Perhaps one of the biggest reasons ploitive and anti-gay. for society's traditional taboos on way in which it had been reported. Editor: enrollment and faculty and for ethhnic he's well known to Rotary Club Spencer Nutting, the author of the homosexuality is fear. The fear that It is the newspaper's responsibility to Our present university president, studies programs. members for his speeches against letter, said the fraternity had failed to some unkown force is going to destroy relate facts, not one-sided, close John Bunzel, was appointed here ( fall He was closely aligned with S.I. affirmative action. Though California reply to his complaints addressed to our nice comfy little role playing minded opinions. 1970) during a period of backlash Hayakawa, who enjoyed taunting law directs the state college and them. Even if the fraternity were to lifestyles. After all, if two women make Why is it that articles on such things against dissent and "student unrest." students as he presided over a campus university systems to as far as possible disregard the objections of the gay love together, who takes the dominant, as a lesbian mother, Willie Tate (one of Many of the political symbols and largely on strike. Police were on "provide secure, stable employment" community, as they apparently have, superior, "masculine" role? the San Quentin six and the porno spokesmen for the this backlash have campus frequently and the media based on merit, Bunzel implemented they could have at least contacted Or is it a more instinctive fear that flick, "Deep Throat," can be reported now been discredited morally, and recorded bloodied victims of police the 80-20 policy after an overwhelming Nutting and justified their actions. the human species, if "overrun" with in a very objective manner ( which is politically and are convicted crminals: violence unmatched on Calif. cam- student referendum against it. The 80- This lack of sensitivity was shown on homosexuality, would "group good, yet an article on a Christian Agnew, John Mitchell, Nixon and Co. puses. 20 policy kept 20 per cent of the faculty a more public level last spring when masturbate" itself into extinction? evangelist is written in an obviously Reagan is reduced to denying against At noon on Jan. 23, 1969, 1,000 strikers always temporary and ineligible for Chief Ed Davis of the Los Angeles I think both classes of fears are un- biased and libelous way? recorded history that he ever called for attended a rally at S. F. State to support tenure. Police Department railed against the founded. I just want to read the facts. I am a "bloodbath to quiet the campuses." third world demands. Bunzel has overridden A. S. Council capable of drawing my own con- Bunzel was appointed by a board of Within 25 minutes police had to force AS. to fund athletic grants-in- clusions. trustees, packed with Reagan ap- surrounded and arrested 435 of them on aid. Most current and outrageous is the Bob Berg pointees, representing the conservative charges of disturbing the peace, failure blatant purge in the Economics Sicular explains his views Law Enforcement Senior class of corporation, bank and industry to disperse, and unlawful assembly. Department of socialist professors owners and directors. ( This passes for freedom of speech ( some of them natonally known and Editor's note: The term libel has a Bunzel came to us from the Political the rationale Bunzel used to justify distinguished) and anyone else who legal meaning, w hich is printed Science Department at San Francisco calling police on campus to defend opposes his chairman there. on Econ vote for Willis defamation of someone that can be State where he was chairman at a time recruiters for war profiteering in- Bunzel uses the same evasion, redressed by collecting damages from when that campus was embroiled in dustries. As a result of that con- double-talk and "stone-walling" tactics the responsible party. Berg may conflict. frontation a student from this campus that kept Nixon from ruin for so long. Editor: them with new faculty who are aware of believe the article on &Imes was The Third World Liberation Front spent one year in prison.) But students know that their education Please permit me to respond to Prof. what happened to their predecessors. biased, but the charge of libel Marvin Snowbarger's remarks in was had mobilized a campus strike to press Then as now, Bunzel's priorities were is sufferingthat good professors are Under the circumstances, the 9 to 8 completely unfounded. Wednesday's Daily concerning my demands for increased Third world to defend his concept of a university leaving or being fired. No other campus vote for Willis indicates a supreme lack statements about the "vote of con- "meritocracy" in the face of students' in the state college system is seeing an of confidence in him. demands. Then as now the pretense enrollment decline like San Jose. fidence" given to Prof. James Willis by was to protect the campus from being the Department of Economics. With regard to the question how The faculty is faced with lay offs and Econ schedule practical, politicized. Then as now the ad- Snowbarger is correct. Willis voted, I surmised that he voted we know that the young and affirmative ministration conducted a purge of non- There was a slip up in- for himself. If Willis wishes to correct action hired will be first to go. tenured faculty who aligned themselves communications. What I said was that me on this point I shall be happy to with students and criticized ad- Let's start declines and layoffs of during the past one and a half years the tender an apology to him. not reprisal, prof says ministrators. For his efforts there, self-serving bureaucratic ad- administration has weeded out many George M. Sicular some students placed a bomb in his ministrators. We have some pride and people who opposed Willis and replaced Professor of Civil Engineering Editor: pressed preferences for day, time of office, which failed to go off. For his won't be lied to. Let's support the fired The article in Tuesday's Daily on the day, favorite classroom, etc.), created efforts there, the ruling class trustees economics professors in staying here scheduling problems within the the spring schedule with primary gave him our campus to control. with us. Letters of protest requested Economics Department included regard for the student's general in- The record even improves here. Mark Owens various charges of harassment, ven- terest. These priorities affected every Though inaccessible on this campus, Social Science Senior detta, vindictiveness, reprisal, and faculty member in the department. for Iranian political prisoners personal incompetence. The issue is not one of departmental But this is not the consensus of feeling NO . , Editor: social, economic, and literary activities politics. It is a matter of perspective. SALE within the department. Most of us As the United Nations celebrated of their country has made them subject The solution is not public spectacle, but respect the integrity and competence of International Women's Year in the to torture and detention. an awareness of the adjustments Don Anthrop, acting chairman, and we name of peace, equality and We call on all people concerned with necessary do not impugn his motives. to satisfy the academic development, Vida Hadjebi Tabrizi, a the violations of human and democratic needs and Unfortunately, however, everything enrollment constraints of the sociologist and a researcher at the rights to send letters of protest to the , students. associated with the Economics University of Tehran entered her third Iranian Ambassador in Washington, ' Department is couched in in- When conspiracy and persecution year of imprisonment in Iran. D.C. demanding the immediate release flammatory rhetoric designed to ap- syndromes are mixed with changing In July, 1972 Tabrizi was stopped by of all the Shah's political prisoners peal to the conspiratorial and per- circumstances, there is bound to be a the police as she was driving home. including Vida Hadjebi Tabrizi. secution reflexes of those who will reaction. However, the academic Although the government of Iran has Committee for Artisitic and Intellectual listen. community should view the underlying not yet officially made her arrest Freedom in Iran The rational explanation for the event rationally, and reject the public, she has been in Tehran's Evin dissatisfaction is that Prof. Anthrop, fanatically contrived hysteria. prison ever since. with secondary regard for the faculty's Marvin Snowbarger According to the Stockholm daily, special interests I i.e. previously ex- Professor of Economics Dagens Nyheter, before her arrest Tabrizi was investigating the "living Spartan Daily conditions of Iran's peasent Serving the San Jose State University population." Community Since 1931 Frat is not for boycott Since that time, Vida Tabrizi has Editor Terry LaPorte Advertising Manager Bob Young been subjected to such harsh torture Chief Photographer H Lorren Au, Jr that she has "lost any sense of feeling in News Editor Karen Minkel Editor: discriminatory hiring practices. Assignment Editor Chris Smith In recent Spartan Daily articles The brothers of Tau Delta Phi feel her hands and feet, has developed a bad Opinion Page Editor Jeff Mapes heart, bad blood circulation, Layout Editor Cheryl Downey concerning the Coors Boycott Coalition that a boycott at this time is premature, Copy Editor Mark Steil for in i (CBC and the picketing at the Spartan inasmuch as the allegations against meningitis, and no longer menstruates Arts Editor Ray Manley Sports Editor Nick Nesch Pub, the implication from the articles is Coors have not been proven in a court of at all." Photo Editor 000A Sparks that Tau Delta Phi supports the law. Tabrizi's case highlights a system of Retail Advertising Manager bath i Jones torture imposed on the Shah's political National Ad Manager Dermid Ewen boycott. We, the Tau Delta Phi We hold that information about the Classified Ad Manager Allison Edwards brothers, wish to clarify our position. alleged discriminatory hiring practices dissidents whose number has been Art Director Marilyn Bailey estimatc(i at above 45,000. These Business Manager Diane Crosby Our sole official action as a fraternity should be presented, with students, Assistant Editor John Sadie was to send a representative to a CBC faculty and the general public tree to prisoners of . anscience belong to the Assistant Editor Doug Ernst growing number of men and women Assistant Editor Carla Marinucci meeting with the Spartan Pub officials. do what they want with the information. Staff Cartoonist John Karl whose increased role in the political, He was to express our dissatisfaction of Wayne Gribling, Tau Delta Phi

I October 11. 1975, Page 3 Radicals plan Nobel medicine prize more breaks awarded Americans

STOCKHOLM, Sweden moved to London 10 years Temin said in Madison, r AP iThree American ago and now works at the Wis., that he was "over- from prisons scientists were named Imperial Cancer Research whelmed and honored" when winners of the 1975 Nobel Fund Laboratory. he received the news from Prize for Physiology or Discoveries cited Baltimore, who telephoned SAN FRANCISCO I AP) bodies to get past security Medicine yesterday for The prize -awarding from New York, where he is Helping and assembled a bomb in a research into possible links faculty of Sweden's Caroline a visiting professor at break out of prison was a small room inside the between viruses and cancer. Medical Institution cited the Rockefeller University. "wonderful experience" building. The terrorists Dr. Renato Dulbecco, 61, three microbiologists for Research parallel even though the LSD guru called police and media that an Italian-born American, discoveries showing "the Through parallel research, later turned government night to say the bomb was will share the $143,000 award interaction between tumor Temin and Baltimore informer, a member of the planted. with Howard Martin Temin, viruses and the genetic achieved a major fugitive Weather Added bomb 40, of the University of material in the cell." breakthrough in tumor virus Underground says in an The device, however, and David Dulbecco said in London mechanisms in 1970. unreleased documentary rolled off a slanted ledge and Baltimore, 37, of the he was surprised that Temin A central dogma in the film. did not explode. But it was Massachusetts Institute of and Baltimore were co- field of molecular biology at Breaks planned not found by authorities, so Technology (MIT). winners since, while all three one time ilnplied that in- Bernardine Dohrn and members of the organization Dulbecco most of his were well acquainted, el did they formation transfer in nature four other radicals long returned to the Capitol to research in California but had done their research could only occur from the sought by the FBI also say plant a smaller bomb next to independently. genetic material DNA there may be more such the first one"sort of like a Shown here before his illness, Marty, San Jose's marijuana -eating mouse, is recovering, Dulbecco said he felt ( deoxyribonucleic acid) to prison breaks and disclose little starter motor"which almost like a father to both of the alternate genetic that the March 1971 bombing eventually detonated. Hearst them. material RNA (ribonucleic of the U.S. Capitol followed Freeing Leary Marijuana mouse infected "I know them very, very acid) and not in the other an abortive first effort, In another excerpt from well and see them direction. according to the three film the sound track, Miss Dohrn frequently, but it's only Both Temin and Baltimore makers who made the said of Leary's escape, "It smuggle recently that we realized our were able to accumulate documentary. was a lot of fun. To free efforts were converging," he indirect evidence showing Printed account anybody from prison is a Marty recovering said. "We thought we had the occurrence of a specific An account of the filming wonderful experience; it is been doing quite different enzyme in RNA tumor virus and quotations from the our intention to have the things." particles which could make a By Keith Muraoka Marty's problem has also caused hini denied soundtrack appear in the capability to do that a lot Temin was one of DNA copy from RNA, the Marty the marijuana-eating mouse is to lose hair on his head. Nov. 6 issue of Rolling Stone more." Dulbecco's students in the Caroline Institute said. recovering from a deep infection and a "We're planning to get him a toupee," magazine. After the 1970 escape from SAN FRANCISCO (AP) 1950s at the California Temin said his present high fever in a local veterinary hospital. said an unidentified undercover nar- Director Emile de Antonio a minimum security prison A girlhood friend of Patricia Institute of Technology while research is an attempt to The tiny field mouse was adopted by cotics officer. "The bald spot destroys his said in the interview that at San Luis Obispo, Leary Hearst reportedly has denied Baltimore was part of a "understand the relationship San Jose police a year ago as a mascot, public image. He looks bad. You can Miss Dohrn, Jeffrey Carl took asylum in Algiers, fled that she smuggled a tape Dulbecco-led team at the of the laboratory tumor after narcotics agents caught him imagine what a bald-headed mouse looks Jones, Kathie Boudin, to Europe, was later eating recorder in and out of the jail Salk Institute at La Jolla. versus natural cancer." William Charles Ayers and recaptured and turned out of their evidence locker. like." where the newspaper heiress Cathlyn Platt -Wilkerson government informer. Last Saturday Sgt. Gordon Sherman A local veternarian volunteered his is being held. gathered in a Weather "As an informer for the escorted Marty (in a towel-wrapped cage services after reading about Marty's San Mateo County Sheriff Underground "safe house" state, trying to save his own to avoid the drafts) to the hospital in a plight and that's where Marty is now. John R. McDonald Jr. said for the film, scheduled for hide, it's pathetic and so he's paddy wagon after the mouse's condition One theory is that Marty's problem is on Monday that security at release Nov. 7. been made to be his weaker deteriorated overnight. old age and a lack of companionship. the county jail in Redwood '33,500,000 Elude police self. He lost," Miss Dohrn is The confirmed cannabis-seed cruncher Police got another mouse named "Mats City had been increased, The radicals have eluded quoted as saying of Leary. became ill earlier last week. Hari" to keep Marty company. partly because Tricia Tobin Unclaimed the FBI for years, and last The Weather "He developed a rash on his left Unfortunately "Mata Hari" turned out had taken a tape recorder spring the government Underground, called shoulder, possible from hitting the to be a male. He died three weeks ago. inside. Scholarships subpoenaed de Antonio and Weathermen when it broke cage," said Officer Ann Moore, who Another knowledgable source said, "I However, Miss Tobin has works in the narcotics division. "He think his problem is that he hasn't been Over $33,500,000 unclaimed scholarships, grants, aids, and fellow film makers Haskell off from Students for a told Ann Hearst, Patty's fellowships ranging from $50 to $10,000. Current list ca irritated it by scratching and it became getting his favorite food. Maybe he's in a Wexler and Mary Lampson. Democratic Society in 1969, sister, that the report was these sources researched and compiled as of Sept. 15, 1975 The subpoenas later were has claimed responsibility infected." sort of a marijuana withdrawal." "ridiculous," according to withdrawn, and the three for a number of bombings. the San Francisco UNCLAIMED SCHOLARSHIPS 11275 Massachusetts Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025 have vowed they will not Examiner, which is owned cooperate with any govern- by the Hearst family. I I am enclosing $9.95 plus $1.00 for postage and handling ment inquiry. The newspaper reported Radical volunteered Fair trial for Hearst doubtful, that Miss Hearst's father, PLEASE RUSH YOUR CURRENT LIST OF In the Rolling Stone ac- Randolph, said that Miss UNCLAIMED SCHOLARSHIPS SOURCES TO: count, Jones is quoted as Tobin did walk into a saying that several Weather with Miss Hearst ac- Name Underground members had companied by Dr. Seymour volunteered to carry out the SJSU prof says in rebuttal Pollack, one of the doctors Address bombing of the Capitol on appointed by the court to City State Zip March 1, 1971. He gave these examine the heiress. Pollack (California residents please add 6% sales tax.) details: By Alan Lonzo article written by Harry proven guilty," Grey added. itself to be caught in the is authorized' to have a tape The volunteers carried "I'm not sure Patty Hearst Farrell in last Sunday's Farrell wrote in reference middle," said Grey. recorder. explosive materials on their can get a fair trial anywhere, Mercury News. "The spirit to a panel discussion on "The prosecuting at- not in the spirit of fair trial," of fair trial is the trial it- sensationalism that was torneys and the defense said David Grey, SJSU self," Grey explained. broadcast Sept. 26 on the attorneys are using the journalism associate "The defendant is "Update" program on KSJS. press, and what is the press professor, in rebuttal to an presumed innocent until Jury system impugned going to do about it?" Farrell wrote, "To argue "I am concerned with the that intensive coverage of jury system," said Grey. Senior fee such legitimate and im- "Juries tend to be respon- Hiring policy portant stories as Hearst, sible, but what this leads to is Birth Control Fromme and Moore will a certain type of jury that not waived render any jury unable to doesn't read newspapers, reach a fair verdict is to doesn't listen to radio and impugn the jury system." doesn't watch television." and Your Independence as stated rally subject Farrell further said that And if a jury is picked even though the press has from that group, Grey asked, hilt 4111ItIgh .111111 Academic Senator David impugned on fair trials in the "do you really have a 1011 knoll (hill Sc' 11111/ willima birth Newman pointed out to the An "affirmative action in workers could retain jobs past, particularly in the representative jury?" III IIII!;l14)1Ity. .11ilybe Ho/ rea,l.l /Or they might otherwise lose Sheppard Daily yesterday that senior education" rally will be helot to case, "My point is, Farrell later told the Ill! i birth control methotl is a re- Can you trust it? Ves. BECALM:. Birth citizens will not have their today at U.C. Berkeley, whites who have more even recognizing such Daily, "It should not be hard seniority, sponsiklii S. lila ,sour insispentlence per- Control Foam contains a highl elleci c fees waived under the Senior according to Dean Peoples, Peoples said. abuses occur, it is seldom to find a jury that is willing mits are one v,ho can't spermicide. thoroughls tested and cc- Citizens Admissions pilot member of the Student Peoples said the minorities that they do any real to assume the responsibility programs on lake III,.' pill . iir li11 simpls don't vs alit ',c,ire heti. II does not is ork through your program. Coalition Against Racism. many cam- violence to justice." of 'the spirit of a fair trial' The rally, said Peoples, puses, including SJSU, have to. \%Ill thin.' sstein. so it voln.1 :liter your hormone The Daily quoted Newman Grey said, "the First such as Grey mentioned." was organized by former suffered because of cut- %%e he lilt CC /NT RA - hal.ince or .ignilicantl ;iffeet hotl in Thursday's paper as Amendment is not absolute. cheniistr. SJSU sociology instructor backs. "We (the press) cannot r I) hl? a sensible aliernalise 11, saying the senior citizens There are legal restrictions, Harry Edwards, who also A car-pool to the rally will lead the people around like pill. 11S1.,,,I lsirth till ill Ill C At .M: v. as deeloped in vonsidiation who will participate in the libel, ethics, privacy and 1.111111,11,1/ell 1M11. a1111 pleaS. 51111 doeiors and birth control dimes ht program will have their fees organized the black boycott meet at the Student Union lambs. People don't accept good taste." 1111 Ili 11SC. I l SI ('1 )',I help IitI pr's ehl Lirmanied prelnianey vs aived. of the 1968 Olympics. information desk and leave everything verbatim from Rally speakers will include at 12 noon today, Peoples Press caught in middle what they read out of the CI I'll IR is so comenieni II can al - Angela Davis, Dick Gregory, said. "The press is allowing paper," Farrell said. %,IS s a1ailable. Herbert Marcuse and the Available without prescription at drug counters and pharmacies Rev. Jesse Jackson, Peoples S,,,mesled retail price St 89 II you don t seed dglg lot It said. in Sunnyvale Minority layoffs ITS TIME TO The rally concerns the %parlate. Daily layoffs of minorities under Serving the San Jon. State the "last hired, first fired" 450 N Mathilda Ave. 245-3030 University Community policy which exists in Since 1934 education as well as in other MOVE! II) Cupertino Second class postage paid at San fields, Peoples explained. Jose, California. Member of California Newspaper Publishers "In times of economic 5 Superb Association and the Associated upswing," Peoples said, "it's Press. Published daily by San Jose State University, except Saturday, easy to hire minorities under Sunday and Monday, during the affirmative action, but with college year. The opinions ex Adult Communities 175 Calvert Dr. 246-4046 pressed herein are not necessarily the present national Super Large those of the Associated Students, economic problems," many Bedroom Apartments the College Administration or the studios, 1 & 2 Department of Journalism and minority people are being Available at Sensible Rates in West San Jose AdvertiSing Subscriptions or laid off because they have Furnished or Unfurnished reefed only on a remainder of semester basis. Full academic not acquired the seniority Spacious interiors with shag carpets year. S9 each Semester, 54 50 Ott white workers have. Decorator wall -coverings and drapes campus price per copy, 10 cents Heated swimming pool and sauna Phone 277-3)81, Advertising 277 "Proportional seniority" Great recreation centers 3171. Press Of Fricke Park, What the rally supports is Fremont. Beautifully maintained landscaped grounds a program of "proportional .All electric kitchens by G.E. Ave. 296 6841 seniority," said Peoples. Private patios and balconies 3900 Moorpark This means some minority Air conditioning and outdoor barbecues Planned recreation programs in Campbell Close to shopping and freeways oe 111 Bey. BUY JUNK VW'S samm011111Aa Oakland GWe SELL VW'S AND VW PARTS 1510 So. Bascom 377-6900

REPAIR VW'S NM* in South? San Jose Gertie's rounranss F.: Foreign Auto Wrecking 1697 Pomona lye Ernko Company St Louis MO 63143 San Jose Discount with A.S.B. Card 5150 Monterey Rd. 226-6500 288-6684 age 4, October 17, 1975 Mineta attacks Ford, Need for Chicanos spending-tax plans in health field cited have low- be made aware of careers in By Keith Muraoka forums asking constituents Just really say the hell with A man lay in a hospital bed Valley hospitals low -skilled health sciences attainable to President Ford's ex- "to look at the facts and see the compromise and you in the Santa Clara Valley last paying, jobs, December for according to Lostaunau. us all," a BARCH pamphlet penditure and tax cut plan is what's happening." speak your piece and vote a more than three weeks, unable to states. a "very blatant move and The inability of Congress certain way." "The few Spanish describe his symptoms to the BARCH provides the frankly, bad economics and to override the President's He admitted there is a speaking people are being doctors. Directory of Health bad politics," said U.S. Rep. vetoes is "unfortunate," strong feeling among the used as interpreters when The man spoke no English. Professional Schools in the Norman Mineta, D-San Jose. according to Mineta. freshmen members that they have regular duties His doctors spoke no Greater Bay Area which Mineta made the com- Overriding a veto takes a they're not there to do things they should be performing. Spanish. Neither did the includes admission, pre- ments at a news conference two-thirds majority or 291 as they've been done all nurses, orderlies or other requisite and financial aid in the KSJS news room votes. There are 290 along. "If they want interpreters, persons charged with information. Wednesday afternoon. Democrats and 145 -We're there to do a little his they should hire them. daily care. Marquez will show a film Questions came from Republicans in Congress. heel and shin kicking and to That's a professional skill Finally, a janitor was describing available careers representatives from the "The problem is we'll lose change the ways of and they should be paid as called in to translate and the and how to prepare for them. Radio-TV News Center, at least 50 Democrats right Congress," he said. such," Lostaunau said. A man was scheduled for gall A presentation will follow Veteran's Affairs and the off the top because they're "We are in opposition of bladder surgery the same Describing a situation in with a question and answer Spartan Daily. more conservatively some of the ways that day. which he was hospitalized period. The former mayor of San oriented and with the Congress deals with things. I This is just one example of with a Spanish speaking Jose and leader of freshman Republicans on more guess naiveness is one the poor health care Spanish roommate, Lostaunau said Democratic Congressmen issues," said the charge that is made to resist Dave Whaley speaking people receive, he was asked by the doctors SAN JOSE ART I attacked President Ford's congressman. change." discusses PAINT S. VVALLPARER Rep. Norman Mineta Congress at conference. according to Maria ( also to translate. plan, which calls for a $28 "To try and override the Veteran's concerns known as Mary) Rodriguez, million tax cut to begin in veto is really a very difficult A recent house bill that "My Spanish is poor," he a junior in nursing at SJSU. January 1976, and ex- thing." would extend veteran in- Jose office is set up to help But I see no reason for said. "I could have been 1 A counselor aide for the penditure cuts to begin in A Time magazine article struction program benefits veterans. Five assistants are the kind of nonsense that the giving them wrong in- CIA he ad- Educational Opportunities October. quoted Speaker of the House from 36 to 45 months, but on hand, with two is involved in," formation." Carl Albert as saying fresh- would also delete benefits for specifically working on ded. "A much stronger Program (EOP) on campus, "There's no question that Lostaunau said he feels it man congressmen are anyone entering the service veteran's affairs, to assist a control is needed." Rodriguez is working to this is a replay of what Nixon is essential for more Spanish -naive to Washington in 1976 was also a major veteran when he has a Mineta also disclosed his encourage Chicano students did back in 1971 and 1972," speaking students to attempt politics." In reply, Mineta topic of concern. problem. dissatisfaction at having to to get into health-related said Mineta. professional health care said he thinks the speaker is It was approved by The CIA was also keep the United States fields. -President Nixon did the careers locally because "the referring to naiveness in Congress on Oct. 6, by a vote discussed during the news equally armed v,ith thi. Interest needed same thing of releasing ethnic make-up of the ser- terms of legislative com- of 298-106. conference. Soviet Union. "They have to come with money to get the economy vice area has a high percent promise. "I was opposed to this "The agency ( CIA) to some motivation," she said. rolling and then he imposed "When you talk about Spanish surname." very severe moratoriums." "The common move to cut the funds," whom we called to protect arms limitation, it seems to "I'm interested in opening civil rights in the '60s are up interest in students when He's spreading the word denominator among all 75 Mineta said. "Hopefully, a our me that you should go from Both counselors said the3 now surfacing as the biggest I see it." Mineta is spreading the new Democratic members is new bill by Sen (Alan) where you are today and say would like to help more ARTISTS transgressors, in terms of Development of students' word about President Ford's that we feel there is a job Cranston will restore those in 1985, we're going to have Chicanos attempt trainiv civil liberties," Mineta skills through improving plan. Since returning to the that has to be done," said benefits." Cranston .s a our less weapons," he explained. for professional health care study habits, finding tutors, OILS/ area last Friday, he has Mineta. California Democrat. said. Other subjects touched by jobs. suggesting extra in- attended three community "In some instances, you Mineta added that his San He admitted this is par- the congressman were the fault of Congress' troductory courses in math tially the "Saturday night special" SJSU speaking date performing its over- and science and "just talking not hand guns and future Evelyn Marquez, Oakland function of over problems," is what seeing transportation in San Jose. coordinator for The Bay nonitoring agencies such as Rodriguez said she offers, Bellini z Area Raza Coalition for FBI. Mineta urged banning the through EOP. the CIA or Health (BARCH) will speak Being in military in- importation, manufacture "Many students haven't Artist Monday at noon in the telligence in Korea and and sale of "Saturday night acquired the basic math and Umunhum Room of the Japan, Mineta said he specials." He also felt that science foundations in Student Union on Oils mass transit may be a future high school," Rodriguez health care recognized the need for job opportunities. national intelligence. look for San Jose. explained. Studio They are afraid to attempt "Our main goal is to tubes a health-related major provide a means through because the requirements which the numbers of scare them, according to identifiable Chicano health Rodriguez. care professionals can be spartaguide "My primary concern is if augmented and used to serve 20% they had the skills, they the needs of the Spanish off regular price 87 VALLEY FAiRCENTEis could make a choice instead speaking community. L CREEK BLVD SISTEVENS of feeling handicapped," To do this, Chicanos must SAN JOSE. CALIF 9512r ., 408 2498100 Thousands of used library Keyes Street and Senter Rodriguez said. books will go on sale from 9 Road. The nursing program is a.m. until 5:30 p.m. today small and therefore very CALIFORNIA and tomorrow in the There will be a folk jadtfor competitive, according to McDaniel Community Room guitar players who want to Rodriguez. FIRST BANK ST of the main City Library, 180 meet other players at 12:30 Only 40 spaces were open W. San Carlos. Sunday at Alum Rock Park to the approximately 250 (Formerly The Bank of Tokyo of Cfl!fof Ind) in the picnic area. For in- students that applied for the People interested in folk formation call Donald nursing program as junior music who want to meet Milburn, 274-4796. college transfers, according FREE CHECKING to Nancy C. Sprotte, other players should bring with $100. MINIMUM BALANCE their instruments to the folk Alpha Lambda Delta will assistant admissions officer. jam at 12:30 this afternoon meet at 4 p.m. Monday in Chicanos pushed out by the fountain. F.O. 219. Henry Lostaunau, another Bank by EOP counselor, said he feels mail services available The Ski Club will hold a ski systems in the elementary for your convenience. swap from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Olga Rodriquez will speak and junior high schools tomorrow in the Women's at 12:30 Monday afternoon in pushed Chicano students out SAN Joe's seiteiNcm of advanced science and 990 NORTH FIRST STREET Gym Dance room. the S.U. Costanoan Room. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95112 math classes. Member FDIC Rodriquez, sponsored by TE LE PHONE 14081 2.0. ;441 The Chinese the Young Socialist Alliance, Most Spanish-speaking Undergraduate -Graduate will speak on Chicano workers in Santa Clara Student Association is liberation. She organized the sponsoring an entertainment Chicana Task Force for the night at 6 p.m. tomorrow at Women's National Abortion the YWCA, 375 S. Third St. Action Coalition and was the There will be dinner followed Socialist Workers Party by a Chinese movie, "Valley candidate for mayor of Los of the Fallen Eagle." For Angeles in 1973 and for Clarence and his friends ticket information call 998- governor of California in 4243 or 297-3382. 1974. Clarence Meyers spent an afternoon in the park recently with some friends, enjoying the late fall sunshine. Though his feathery buddies are not good listeners, they are atten- The Vietnamese-American Students Stoneground, presented by tive to the gestures Meyers makes with his right hand. Many times birdseed comes out. Club invites the public to a picnic at 2 the A.S., will appear with SKYLitiE,SPORTS tomorrow afternoon at Kelly Madweather at 8:30 tonight Park. Vietnamese im- in the S.U. Ballroom. migrants from throughout Tickets are available at Pre-natal advice offered the county are expected to the A.S. Business Office or at GRAND OPENING attend. the door and cost $1.50 for ALMADEN FASHION PLAZA ,SAN JOSE A pre-natal care program Battle explained that he Wednesday from 12:30 p.m. Everyone should bring students and $2.50 for the is being offered through the initiated the program after a to 3 p.m. their own food to the park off general public. student health center to woman complained there \y/ Grand Opening Specials At BothStores inform women about how to was no such program on SPECIAL SEASONS LEASE handle pregnancy. campus. He added that most Hoots, 575 retail value lease lie $78 ss r,. L boots available too of the programs he starts According to Oscar Battle, begin with a student health educator, the JEAN-CLAUDE KILLY SKI GOGGLES suggestion. PI program offers tests to Sale iced $2 00 to $600 Save 50-,i detect genetic disease in the KASTINGER TARGA 76 MODEL BOOTS fetus, infant disease and Most women could save Sale Pr iced $4995 Save $25 001 discussions of child care. money by taking advantage of the health-center program Best New Ski Guarantee In The Valley! In addition, the women are since a doctor would charge Free tune up each year lie ss I told what they should do them for the service, he said. IT'S A SOLE REVOLUTION TENNIS SPECIAL during a pregnancy, he said. Fire.. $12 so orris All, IleW acquei A whole new walking "You're paying for the experience( Regular exercise, Famolare's fantastic "GET BACK PACK SPECIAL meals and ab- health services," Battle nourishing THERES" are at Heroldsstyles Mountain Soft Rack Sale Piece 519.95. Save $10 All Bike Pack, I 3 of I drugs such as said, "so take advantage of stinance from for men and women. For her: alcohol, cigarettes and even them." SPECIALS NEW STORE Collina, in camel or navy. aspirin are essential, Battle IN ALL BRANDS ONLY! A discussion is held every said. Hart K 2 FREE TAHOE no Thursday at 1 p.m. in SPerials the Ilynastar He,..1 Speedy So, "She's not eating for Health Center on pre-natal SKI TRIP herself anymore, but for the care with individual ap- W. SAN CARLOS I.. 111111' elthet 51,11e 4,111 register ALL TENNIS fetus also," he added. pointments available every STORE ONLY! for a FREE TAHOE TRIP. Includes CLOTHING UsPil equtprnent Lodgmg, Meals and all Equipment, 40% OFF & rentals sold at DRAWING HELD OCT 7,7, 1975. weal savmq,

OPEN 24 HOURS HEROLD'S DOWNTOWN: 60S. FIRST ST. NOW TWO COMPLETE SPORTING GOODS STORES FRIDAY & SATURDAY open daily 9:30-5:30 1020W. SAN CAR LOS BLAOLMAIH LLEINF:SATADENPNLAExZpwA y I "21" SPECIAL LUCKY ALSO AT TOWN & COUNTRY VILLAGE NEAR LINCOLN SAN 2 EGGS, HASH BROWNS, TOAST, COFFEE 295-5600 285-2882 Midnight to 4am Er 1day rod Saturday AND EASTRIDGE New Expanded Rental Facilities ’JOSE Expanded Tennis Dept Remodeled Sales Area SALE ENDS Sprrdo Raring Swimwrai $1.21 Larger Parking Facilities SUNDAY OCT. 19 1415 S. F IRST ST. SAN JOSE 294 7716 October 17, 1975, Page 5 DOWNTOWN FIRST ST. Kohler's new photo course Council denies 2925811 -OPEN 12 DAILY warren bean), Instructor sees nude tour fund request julie thrisiie gulch.. hewn By Susan Richardson was already "earmarked" The AS. Council Wed- for the Theatre Arts nesday turned down, 9-2, a Department. outdoor art as 'natural' request for $3,250 by Richard ’The council wants to Parks, director of theater for disperse the money at their the Theatre Arts Depart- discretion," charged Parks. PLUS By Judy Girt. ment. "Which means we won't For photographer David According to Parks, NICHOLSON csparian the receive the money if Burns [JACK Kohler and the students of funds would have been used "LAST DETAIL" R turns it over to the council." his Extension Services for taking department photography class, "nude is EXTRA FEATURE productions on tour. "My concern is a moral "STEPFORD WIVES" natural." According to Parks, the concern because AS. of- MIONITE SHOW "The real difference funding denial will limit the ficials are supposed to FRI.SATOPEN 11:30 NOSTALGIA NOTE between photographing number of trips to hospitals, reflect student polls and the W. C. FIELDS nudes and other photograph) arts high schools and clubs this poll priorities have placed "BANK DICK - MARK BROS.- is the erotic feelings felt by year to about 15 whereas 60 theatrical productions at the -ANIMAL C R AC KS RS' nude photographers," ex- had been planned by the top," Parks said. STUDENTS-ID. CARD plained Kohler. models rather than entirely shooting. At the beach their department. 50! The naked body represents on the photographer. lenses were affected by the A.S. Council President art to 16 members of David "I teach my class how to salt spray and the models John Rico recommended the Kohler's Environmental relate to the modelsnot to were often cold and un- request be denied. Rico Nude Photography class treat them like a Campbell comfortable. stated the council was offered this semester for the soup can," he said. "The girls were very easy already responsible for the first time at San Jose State. Only two students to work withI saw no funding of too many in- The first of two extension photograph each model at tension at any time," said structionally related ac- services courses offered this one time Kohler explained. Stanley Goldstein, one tivities (IRA). semester in nude This lends to a more per- student. photography, the class is sonal and successful ap- -The approach of the "Why look at new designed for both amateur proach he said. photographers was great," programs when we can't THE and professional "A lot of classes are remarked Cheryl Coronado, even sustain our old photographers. conducted like nude press one model. "One time I was programs?" Rico asked the This is the first time en- conferences." washed off the rocks but council. Touring costs before WOCIEN vironmental nude Many other photo in- everything else went fine." had been funded by box j photography has been of- structors have their class At the final meeting of office receipts. fered at the university. members all snapping Kohler's class a critique on NM EL Yesterday Rico told the The pictures together but they the photo results was given. two paid models used Daily he had received a A unique establishment only end up Each photographer brought in the class were taken to Los tripping over memo from Hobert Burns, Gatos each other Kohler slides of his best shots along woods and Panther added. academic vice president, Beach near The three-week photo with both color and black Fri. Oct. 17 Santa Cruz, the class saying he (Burns) would finishing this and white photographing sites. week was photos. look at the actions of council preceeded by Kohler's The models were also The most important step, before giving any state IRA according to Kohler is "to "Studio Nude" class taught present interjecting their Sky Creek money to Theatre Arts. establish the proper last semester. opinions on the class and relationship between the Immediately following the photos. "I had more fun The state government last models and photographers in nature course will be "The laughing at the expression on year passed Assembly Bill Sat. Oct. 18 the class" before actual Nude Indoors" class where their faces," said one model Student Standley Goldstein's outdoor nude. 3116 providing funds for shooting is done. natural lighting techniques to the photographers at the instructionally related ac- EAST BAY STROKE During the first class will be used. critique. work but was fun as well. photo classes, his specialty, tivities. The bill gives each photographers meet and talk The chief differences Kohler's students are all During the critique Kohler two years ago. university president final w/Frank Biner with both models which between the two according to ages and several attend discussed photo color, Like the nature class, authority on how the funds Kohler said is necessary to Kohler are the surroundings, SJSU regularly. He ex- balance and lighting "The Nude Indoors" are distributed to campus relieve everyone of the lighting and poses used. plained that extension allowing the class to join in beginning Oct. 21-Nov. 11 activities. natural tension they feel. When photographing nudes services was the only group photo criticism. He said the costs $39 plus $4-5 modeling "Parks can go to Burns "When I walked into in nature, the photographers bold enough to offer the results were exceptional. fees. The class meets Mon. Oct. 20 the and make his appeal," Rico first class I wanted are limited by weather, light course. Kohler received both his Tuesdays and Saturdays for to go said. "If we give the $3,250 to home I and location. Kohler's class was their B.A. and M.A. in Philosophy three weeks. Audition Night was so nervous," one Theatre Arts we are out that He prefers first attempt at nude at SJSU. He minored in Interested photographers model said. "I was very his studio class much more." , comfortable after awhile because the photographer modeling and both said the photography and decided he can phone 277-2182 for in- they treated me like I had can control lighting and class involved alot of hard would try to teach nude formation. "Last year the council decided not to fund Theatre Jim Bacon clothes on." posing techniques more Kohler explained that easily. Arts...Burns just wanted to the council would unlike other photographers Many of the 16 students, all see what Happy Hour 4-7 pill do this year," Rico said. he feels a picture's success male, listed weather as the LIVE' Entertainment Mon. through Sat. depends equally on the chief problem during their 'Mail Process' show Parks claimed the council 2505 The Alameda 247-0552 would not be losing any looks like junk art money because the money

By Terry Gilles actually are is never made definebut it also seems On a pink pedestal sits a clear. 200 students wander that this exhibit displays no ROUND We CORNER plexiglass box. Photos inside through the gallery each artistic skill. plastic covers are thrown day, according to director Appearing Tonight: haphazardly. Stephen Moore. The drawings are crude and rough, the letters Bishop Towards the back of the The collection comprises uningeniously written. And CALIFORNIA ZEPHER room, six green plastic work from Tavenner's perhaps the biggest com- Foosball tourney 900 PM buckets, SPECIAL GUESTS with foam cushions "Book of Tongues" which is plaint, none of the exhibit Appearing Saturday for convenient seating are a collection (presumably) of seems to fit together. LYDIA PENSE arranged. photos, drawings, and AND stories about tongues. It would be best if some MYSTRY TRAIN Inside, there are more short explanation of the xeroxs of letters and photos "Living Letters" are what exhibit were available for Sat: Beer after 5:00 PM, $1.25 pitcher in COLD BLOOD plastic covers. are in the green plastic the viewer besides an in- Sun: All the spaghetti you can eat, $1.75 bucketsfunny letters comprehensible press AND INTRODUCING Letters and drawings, are Appearing Sunday: Stein, Kraus, Smith & Keys, 6 PM written to Tavenner, with release. As such, it is con- hung on the wall, along with 10th and Williams. 293-8303 Cecilio & Kapono cute drawings and things fusing. what looks like junk mail like, "Say hi to Roasanne, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 12:30 P.M. advertising. FROST A MPHITHEATER, Stanford University can't wait to see you when I Tickets: $4.50 general, Stanford StudentS What is all this? get to NYC.". $3.50. $5.50 at the gate It is the new exhibit in the STUMP 11/1B13117 Union Gallery on the third Chain letters, and totally ALL TICKETS on sale at Tresidder box floor of the student union. unrelated advertisements office on campus and all BASS outlets; wall, with no phone reservations, dial T.E.L.E.T-IX are on the Associated Students Presents Entitled "Mail Process explanation as to how they Pieces", this show is a relate, and what Tavenner in the Student Union Ballroom collection of Pat Tavenner's has to do with them. CI4L works, and art she has r PRESENTS collected through the mail. "Art," it seems, is a word Ill What mail process pieces that has always been hard tn

AN EVENING OF COMEDY with Stoneground 1 S Pre,ent, ROBERT The Films of and Ingmar Bergman KLEIN Madweather FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 7:30 and 10:00 P.M. Smiles of a UINKELSPIEL AUDITORIUM Stanford University Summer Night An Evening of Acoustic Music with Tonight October 17 This elegant comedy is a classical exeicise LEO spicy sport of partner switching. KOTTKE in the GUITARIST EXTRAORDINAIRE and the keyboard artistry of General MARK NAFTALIN Tickets $1.50 Students$2.50 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 7:30 P.M. Doors open at 7:30. Show begins at 8:30. MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM Stanford University Tickets to each event $5.00, $4.50 In advance; Stanford MondayOct 20 Students 113.50 in advance only at Tresidder Box office. Available at the A.S. Business Office Public Events Presents An Experience in Jazz 7:00 The L.A. Four Discount RecordsUnderground Records, Leurendo Almeids (guitar) Shelly Mann* (drums) 10:00 Bud Shenk (ux) Ray Brown (bawl all Bass Outlets FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 5:00 P.M. Dailey Auditorium MEMORIAL AUDI1ORIUM Stanford University Morris at the door BUITIEONIVUSITT 50 cents 50 cents and ALL TICKETS on sale at TresIdder box office on campus and all BASS outlets I. phone reservations, dial T.E-L-ET1X. Rage 6, October 17, 1975 .Spari an Dail, be right all the time Even the coach can't sports

Grid tickets available; two radio stations to cover UOP game

Student tickets, costing $1 gameKXRX, 1500 on the for tomorrow's football AM dial and KSJS, 90.7 FM. 1 game against University of the Pacific will be available FOREIGN Al: TO PARTS at the Cashier's office as well ,vstU M pit as the athletic ticket office until 5 p.m. today.

On Saturday, tickets may + ets4A1 be purchased at the Spartan Stadium ticket booth on the west side of the field. NEW & USED RESTORATION a.. SPEED EQUIPMENT 1580 OLD BAYSHORE HWY' Two local radio stations SAN JOSE, CA 95112i will be broadcasting the BUS (408) 286-3958

HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY I alms and discussions Films: Alan Watts' Buddhism, Man and Nature Elmer Green's Bio-feedback: the Yoga of the West Discussion: Integrative Humanistic Psychology. Consciousness Ent and West by C. Singh Wallis, Ph. D . Friday 7:30 to 9 p.m. (the program will be repeated each Friday through NO,. 28) photos by Ken HI . students Si; general 52

UC-Berkeley in the Nor-Cal Water polo coach Mike Monsees gives his team a quick strategy talk, but a few minutes later wonders what went wrong in the squad's 14-5 loss to in the Las Vegas water polo tour - tournament two weeks ago at Stanford. Monsees and his charges took third in the Nor-Cal and hope to improve on that when SJSU competes Psychological Studies Institute :lament tomorrow at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas campus. 580 College Avenue Palo Alto is a nonprofit Graduate School in Humanistic Psychology_

Grid rematch tomorrow night SJSU out to avenge UOP loss Take two years off By Tom Stienstra Defensively, Pacific uses an eight-man front. It will go with It's no accident the University of Pacific UOP football an extra defensive back in obvious passing situations. press guide features five pictures of last year's UOP-SJSU Pacific's offensive line blocks in a fashion which may game on the cover. cause problems for the Spartans, Manninni said. this summer. Pacific won 29-27 for the Tigers' biggest win of the year. "The big lineman, like Stanford has, like to sit back and And it was one of SJSU's most frustrating losses. read the play," Manninni said. "They're no problem." The Spartans were leading 27-3 at halftime but experienced Manninni said Pacific's front line jumps forward for the a horrendous chain of events in the second half and lost 29-27. block when the ball is hiked rather than waiting for the on- The Spartans aren't about to let that happen again as they coming rush. meet Pacific 7:30 Saturday night at Spartan Stadium. Spartan starters Wilson Faumuina, Kim Bokamper and With the Army ROTC Two-Year Program. Loss embarrassing Fred Ford are the lineman which hope to solve any problems. "They beat us last year," quarterback Roger Proffitt said. Ralph Zermeno and Durbin also see action at those spots. "It gives us a little more incentivewe got embarrassed." Kane, Stewart to start Coach Darryl Rogers expects a tough game and wishes his In the offensive backfield for the Spartans, Rick Kane will memory wasn't that good. make his first start of the year, replacing Mary Stewart. "I don't want to say I remember last year," Rogers said. Stewart is on crutches and out of action with a severe ankle "But I remember." sprain. The Spartans will be playing their first home game since Darrell Jenkins will be at fullback, Proffitt at quarterback the season opener against Santa Clara University. The and Gary Maddocks and Gary Dudley will fill the receiving players are hoping for a sellout. slots. "A big home crowd really brings out the inspiration," The SJSU-Pacific rivalry is the longest in the PCAA, dating noseguard Dan Durbin said. back to 1921. The Spartans have a 24-19-4 edge in the series. Pacific has a 3-2-1 record and stands 1-1 in PCAA action. The Spartans are still steaming about their lone defeat of The Spartans are 4-1 this season and 1-0 in league play after the season, the last-minute 27-24 loss to UC-Berkeley two last weekend's 30-7 win over Long Beach State. weeks ago. Pacific has a new offensive backfield alignment which Emotionally ready places an ex-quarterback in the tailback slot. "We will not allow that to happen again," the mountainous Quarterback Bruce Keplinger has completed 14 of 24 (6-5, 250 pounds) F'aumuina said. "Our emotions are back to passes for 235 yards the last two games and ex-quarterback where they should be." John Ertrnan has gained 179 yards on the ground in the same period. Receiver Dudley and the Spartans are pointing for nothing UOP runs well but wins for the remainder of the season. "They have a strong running game," defensive back coach "Roger ( Proffitt) has been throwing the ball good all Dick Manninni. "And they have found a new weapon called season," Dudley said. "If Proffitt keeps it up, we could do the forward pass." really good like 10-1."

Bears, Chico to meet 2 TOP NEW HITS The lean, mean 30's, JAMES when America laughed women's swim squad WHITMORE TOGETHER AT as Harry S Truman in 2 THEATRES!

The SJSU's women's swimmer is only at her best GIVE 'EM ALMADEN TWIN I swimming team will enter a for two or three meets a HELL, 'SAN JOSE' *.ri-meet this Saturday with year. We aim for our best PLAZA ii 'r DC Berkeley and Chico State performance during the HARRY! AMORE LL' in Chico with less than championships and the a full force according to nationals. coach Jane Koivisto. "We will hope that our Eight of the 24 swimmers girls on an average day are You start the Two-Year Program by going for this six-week catch-up. are inflicted with various better than their swimmers "STAVISKY is one of to our six-week Basic Camp the summer fol- Maybe you can use the $100 per month illnesses and aches ranging similarly," Koivisto said. the most rewarding films I've lowing your sophomore year. subsistence allowance you will get for up to from coughs to sore Campa little classroom work; some chal- 10 months of each school year. shoulders, Koivisto said. seen this v e;ir.9, Nora Sayro.Now York Times lenging physical trainingreplaces the Basic Maybe qualifying for two careers simul- CAMIRA ONO taken during your tarieouslymilitary or civilianis insurance However, Koivisto will not "Resnais never makes a Course you would have use this as an excuse if the 366 S. First St. 294-3800 false move ...creates the first two years of college. You're well-paid against job uncertainties. crOSI from '0,19.a' Jo,' by 'The should loose. mond missed I ;rent Gatsby.' The east t hurl., Fri. is splendid." "It will be an interesting THE GRAPES -Newsweek Magsvoli match," said Koivisto. "I OF WRATH don't know a thing about "l'hotographed likes posh Glacial FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION: CONTACT: Berkeley has Connie '30s illustration. Chico. VIVA ZAPATA elegance." Fenton, a backstroker and - rime Magazine Two Year Program .College sophomore entry Major Bill Walden an individual medleyist but m!dnite Fri. & Sat. Co-hatr Women's Program Veterans Program Macquarrie Hall, Room 311 can't win a match." F IL LMORE -Mad Ad- San Jose State University one girl irtfARR45.PGELOSAIL ficri PLimoNocei.ents ovef nstiaibrabs. Scholarships Flight training benefits Language training San Jose, Calif. 95192 Jacob" Cash "We have a chance to take REEFER MADNESS !!!Al AIN RESNAIS enrollment Markmanship training (408) 277-2985 first in every event but the Free trial Sal Sun. & Mon. Fenton events, however, we STAVISKY should take second and third SCENES FROM Slailing CHARLES ROVER 1 01 ; 1.1111,1y INIMICI !LUST. in those. A MARRIAGE Distribulad E5CPNEMATION and Koivisto added that she LES BICHES SAN JOSE NOW! ALMADEN TWIN II 2111-7374 will try not to exert the STUDENTS $1.50 women themselves. "A October 17, 1975, Page 7 Fencers to practice in Santa Cruz match

By Pablo Rozal Differences between the edge as well as the tip of the Members of the SJSU foil, sabre and epee are in sword, so therefore the edges men's fencing team will the blade size and rules. are broader. compete this Saturday in the The foil blade is the more Points are scored from Northern California Inter- flexible of the three. Points touching areas of the body can collegiate Athletic Con- only be earned from the from the hips on up. ference Tournament in balled tip of the sword when Santa Cruz. struck at the torso. The epee blade is the The participating mem- The sabre blade is a bit heaviest and broadest of the bers had not yet been more stiffer and heavier. three. Points can be scored determined at press time. Points can be scored with the anywhere on the body. The tournament is an I' individual practice meet. . Schools will not be represented and as a result MI IN MI MI IN IN MI NI IM IM INI NI there will be no team ....., standings kept. The Santa Cruz tour- I 0 u)1 nament will hold contests in 14E' FREE admission E* ! the epee and sabre events. I cp pkrwaw II Women are allowed to I No WITH THIS COUPON CD I compete only in a foil. 1 = = I in fencing, there are three 4.0 With this coupon Friday night Pla 1 types of blades, the foil, the ll (1) only before 9:30. sabre and the epee. I Y, price after 9:30 II Women excluded I MO MOMMiMIMMMOMOIMMIMmminlmeall I Women are allowed to 1 fence with the foil and are excluded from the par- 1 ticipation with other blades 1 because of the so-called 1 "danger" involved ac- 1 cording to Bill Niden, a volunteer fencing coach for 1 beginners at SJSU. Nite Club 1 Niden stated that injuries Restaurant 1 were very nominal and Presents 1 usually result from moving sprained ankles rather than 1 from the blade itself. 1 Accidents resulting 1 directly from the blade occur when a blade breaks. This happens around the world 1 about once a year and often 1 Ray Laskowitz it is not very serious, Niden 1 Stacey Johnson (left) and Vincent Hurley, members of the SJSU women's fencing team, practice in their attacks. said. ARale!xcz CACKUS 1 1 Women's Friday and Saturday 9:00 PM Marc For your dancing Genet injures leg THE BREAD BOX pleasure 721 Willow St. 1 volleyball Bread & Bagel Shop San Jose at Invitational Offer expires 10-24 1 UC Davis Please (.1.1%, ResrrY7table Dress 1 Caen ...... .... LIP wins set Ntoor se*. 1 The SJSU cross country ponent. 24:51. c' X 1 Both the SJSU varsity and team had some good news Host UC-Davis won the Other Spartan finishers MI IN NO IM IN MI III MIN I and some bad news after meet with 43 points. Fresno included Art Tello, 25th a), / "IS 294-2 1 12 Junior varsity volleyball 478 S. William teams coasted to straight competing in Sunday's UC- and SJSU finished two-three place, and Bob Ebert, 26th sets victories over UC- Davis Invitational. with 47 and 51 points, place. Berkeley last Tuesday in a Marc Genet, the returning respectively. Cross country has a reverse scoring Fast, accurate typing, ti practice match at Cal. PCAA champion, ran his Reports BM Carbon) Marcre .firet-raceof theyearanchvorr- -system .. - Reynolds 578 7584 The varsity won by SCOPES the five-mile event with a of 15-5 and Coach Don Riggs was Quality Wedding Photography at low 15-7, while the time of 24:14. student rates Complete wedding disappointed in the per- junior varsity com- Genet outpaced more than package of 60 color prints S100. Call formance of Dan Gruber. Lima Photography 5713 NMI plemented with scores of 15-7 150 runners and his time Gruber won the Chico classified Professional Typing and 15-5. f- broke the previous course Invitational the previous 3 Call evenings 266 5727 Liz Santie led varsity record by 37 seconds. week but finished 15th at HELP WANTED Unwanted Hair Removed Per. So much for the good news. announcements SAVE THIS A13111 Men & scorers with seven points in Women drivers for ice cream, personals manently 235 E Santa Clara St Davis. purchase any TV.. Genet injured his right leg Before you candy, soft drink route. Full or part Suite 811 Phone 294 4499 A.L the first game while Janis Stereo, or Tape Equipment, time. Car Arrange a work schedule Nantelle Registered Electrologist at the conclusion of the race "He ate the olive," Riggs check with us for big discounts on compatible with Petersen added eight points SPARTAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS classes. 3010 Single Adults Enrich your life by at over 300 major brands. We also percent Comm Tropical Ice Cream and won't be able to run for said. "He just didn't run Reach over 23.000 people in the 5.15 tending coffee. fellowship 8. Bible Typing-Term papers, theses. etc in the second. manufacture a complete line of Co. 330 Race St community in the SPARTAN San Jose 297-4220 study. 8 45 to 10:15 arn. Sundays. Bit Experienced and Fast Call 269 8674 at least two weeks. well." quality speaker systems and DAILY -3rd largest daily in Santa 0 Sweden Restaurant (behind Sears. recording tapes wholesale to the Security for A.S. Program Babs Kopp of the junior The cross country squad Grover Prowell ran his Clara County San Carlos & Meridian) Provision BRIDAL FAIRE PHOTOGRAPHY Public. shows is needed. Apply MWF 10 12:301:303:00 in board for children. High quality Wedding Photography varsity squad added a finished in third place among lifetime best for the Spar- SOUNDS UNIQUE 998.2693 office, 3rd floor of student union or TTH 11 11,30 1.30.3:00 anywhere in the San Francisco Bay call 177.1807 for more information leading six points in the first 12 schools and was also tans, however, placing 12th Dept Of Journalism and Advertising Area. One low price of $W includes BOOKS NEW AND USED sellers and takers Second FlOor Ticket are also Friday Flicks Presents The Laughing the full service of a .1V game while Jill Mallett defeated by Fresno State and slicing two minutes off a left bookstore specializing in We're needed. Policeman. starring Walter Mathau PROFESSIONAL Marxist. women's. Afro America, led with five in the second. University, a PCAA op- his last year's time. He ran Sprout Sandwiches with tomato, F riday, Oc t 24. Morris Dailey Aud 7 PHOTOGRAPHER, sixty color Chicano and anti imperialist lettuce and avocado all kinds. Milk Female Native Speaker Spanish. in and 10p.m. S1,00 Law and Disorder prints of your chomp, a gold and studies: poetry, fiction, biography. exchange for room. board shakes, fresh carrot juice. Food has been cancelled. no Friday Flick white "Our Wedding" album. a children's books and lots more. References required yr. Stamps OK. M ha's Sand. 3rd stu Oct 17 complete set of color slides, and Personal service: special orders 734 1821 116 E. San Salvador. bet BRIDE KEEPS ALL NEGATIVES. welcome. Get on our mailing list for ween 3rd and 4th. wierk-1 love you Hugs and Kisses, There is no extra charge for special events. Drop by soon. Kathy. photography anywhere in Northern Leisure Services seeks Browsers welcome Ballet-For fun, agility. exercise and California. and no time limits. Bread and Roses Bookshop housing grace. Special classes for the Is the earth one country and mankind Additional retouched textured 136 South First Street college.age beginner. Classes now ,ts citizens? sanewien Says yes colorprints may be purchased at any (between San Fernando forming for beginning and in Baha.i Student Forum 7 30 Tuesday time, with So 7's at 51.00 each, and e The Brick mall) Beautiful Rooms across campus - terrnediate students. Eufrazia Pacheco Room, Student Union o 10's at $2.00 each. All work is 294 2930 kitchen privileges, ample parking. School of Ballet 211.1300 guaranteed to your satisfaction. Wit. pd., cozy lounge; superb decor, student referees, players Bob and Barbara Lindsay Anyone with Elton John concert an appointment to see our Make Located at 278 S. 10th St Double Ski Swap October 5.12, 3 pm. Bring tickets to sell, PLEASE contact me samples- then decide. A complete "Cluctensize Waterbed Kit" Frame, Room 575 mo. Single 5115 mo 575 articles 9-29-10,3, 1 pm 5 pm to after 6 p m 295 1438 line of wedding invitations and Hardware, Matt, Liner S55. Can deposit. Call 168 1750 Leave message Saratoga Community Center. For accessories are available at a 20 deliver. 275-9774 more into 667 3430 Percent discount Our professional Licensed Prof. Man seeking 2nd Psych florist win help you design VOW' PHD. Share 3 OR new townhouse: 15 for For Salo: Complete ski package. 205 wedding bouquets and church intramural nts presents The Flicks basketball Friday min to SJS. 446-0547 67 PM ing Policeman. starring cm., Kastle skis, Marker Rotomat services flowers Open every evening until 11) Water Mathau Friday, Oct. 14, briclgs. Henke Foam boOts, 10.7 pm For FREE BRIDAL PACKET New and Beautiful Rooms; A Morris Dailey Aud 7 and 10 poles. All S85 Call Greg, 293.1218 call 257 3161 Both student players and participate in an intramural for each player. In addition lo delightful place to live 185 up. 234 51.00. Law and Disorder has been South Eleventh 998 0803 eferees are being sought to basketball program. each team must pay a 810 cancelled, no Friday Flick Oct. 17 Handmade Quilts-small to large, nice Suana and Student rates 11 Physics Tutoring. also chem and math tor gifts, reversible too, Call after 2 a m to 6 p.m Hotel Ste. Claire 298 by grad student LOW rates Call The leagues are being forfeit fee at the A.S. 2 be. house. 5160. 145 N 6th St , and Is the earth one country and mankind pm 795.6781 or 795.2355 1603. Gary at 2721302 evenings Business Office in the studio apt S98. 440 5 10th, both sponsored by the A.S. its citizens? Bahaullah says yes speed w Mum , nr campus ph 225936/ Booters Leisure Services Office and Student Union. Barra', Student Forum 7.30 Tuesday '70 P140 100 Snyder convert. 4 North valley S ial Service Writing and R Assistance Pacheco Room, Student Union tech. Low mine 39.5 mpg! Engine Term papers resumes senior Papers, Theses, Dissertations. Secluded, quiet, fent 2 Dr sign-ups will be held through Referees are also needed top shape. Looks like new Radio, projects -theses letters 75 cents Typing. editing Call John 226.7031 not. 327 duplex in Monte Vista area. Flea Market-Oct, 23 6 24 10 4, 7th St. htr, black int, yellow S1050 page and up. Fast. Accurate. 362. Oct. 24. for the basketball program. Cupertino Ready 111 ?S. WW crpts, SO cents a space. For info call 777- 3538 1923 Rosters may be obtained Applications can be picked drps. stove rfrg. no wax hitch, and to meet 8105. 295 9633, or 298,5591 after Open bth firs. 5725 Singles OK No Fee at the Leisure Services up in the Leisure Services Man's 10- bicyCle, excellent Experienced typist for SJSU students or will trade for Agent 247 3330 or 247.6467. Office Office and Office Space Available-575 per monM condition. 060 and business Short Notice 267 3119, on Seventh Street, must be returned and up PASEO BUILDING, 210 smaller bike Call 2250036 Nan Share clean 1 bdrm house. 0100 plus South First Street, San Jose Mr adjacent to the Student by 4 p.m. on Oct. 23. size front and back yard Diego Typewriter 530 Sewing machine 5.40 util Good an Manager, 297 2737 Owsley, Union. Additional information can Hoover Vacuum 525. Phone 297 7619 Call 9910403 Getting Married? Discount Flowers =MN guarantees you the most beautiful "Acupuncture Without Needles" Completed rosters are due be obtained by calling Kim Fern. Apts. nr. Campus: Fern Hskpg bridal bouquets and wedding Polarity therapy basic treatment, EUROPE.I AFRICA The SJSU soccer team will by Oct. 24 and they must Collins at the Leisure Ser- rm S35. Fern. Studio 585. Male decorations. Whether your wedding sell massage, exercise, diet 6-week Student blights year round CONTACT Hskpg em 565. Studio 595. Christian .s a small one or a large formal one, ay a non-conference en- include a student ID number Office, 277-2972, Tuesday eve class starts Oct 28 !SCA 11687 San Vicente Blvd No So vices help wanted 5tudent Center 279 3887 you should know that we have been Phone Darryl 730.8:30 am or Angeles, Ca 90049 12131 826 5669, ounter at 8 tonight against S40 saving our customers 30 50 percent Los 6 30 7 30 pm for reservations 836 0955 an Diego State University foi i.Student Discount Si. / Student Rush off most florist prices! Why pay more? Call for a free estimate 12 Need tutor for Physics 2A. Call Julie at tit San Jose Municipal years experience 906 1252 241 3085 after 10 Pm stadium. "TRULY HILARIOUS!" lost and found Christmas Charter e. Round Trip NY 5199 automotive Grubb I Ellis Commercial prolowag YogaMeditatIon The booters are 5-3-4 for EVERYBODY I Chicago, London Company is hiring salespersons for Weight loss, figure control, good Beehive Travel overall on the year with a 5-3- Industrial, Commercial, Office health. strength, energy, flexibility, 377.1400 Investment DivisiOns. pictures mark in NCAA play. A Ten Percent Discount with this aid Leasing and Kathy Morrison-found some tranquility, joy, peace Of mind. is desirable. San my car Coach Julie Menendez said for an EiectronicOynamometer Sales experience and etc of yours outside FREE introductory classes. Climes at Jose office. !IOU 21165900 Equal Call 923 6099 Ask for Cathie held Mon thru Thurs. T30 TuneUp tors the Pm. Paris Amsterdam.. Employment Opportunities Christananda Yoga Center, 977 he game was shifted from Automotive Tune up Specialists 1537 Madrid . London Student 1.0 Your Asbury St.. SJ fOff the Alameda, W San Carlos S.J cost will be Cards Ships Rail Passes Low wartan Stadium to across from the YMCA) Call us at Your cat is 4 cyl 031.50 6 cyl 533.000 cyl 035.10 Cost Transatlantic Flights Youth dead! 192-6351

vlunicipal Stadium because San F rancisco's Newest Adult Comedy Hit by JAMES K I R KWOOD iMost cars) Parts & labor included. Hostel Cards Free Travel in, If the football game MONTGOMERY PLAYHOUSE 622 Broadway at Grant Guaranteed 6 months Takes about to Inter .European Flight Tun thru Fri 8 30 / Sat 7 00 & 10 00 / Sun. 3 7 30 30 minutes phone 286 3546 Discount 0O& Wedding Consultants will bring to B ookings Work Abroad In morrow. good through October. 1975 Find it fast - you Information 788-8282 personal service at the lowest Ce Contact kneChael Or Ro$ at at BOX OFFICE, Student \JICKETS TICKETRON, MACY'S, BASS & All Agencies.j prices Fragrant bouquets and Service West, 235 E Santa 1969 Lincoln Cool, 4 dr full power w Clara No 710 San Jose, 14081 lovely arrangements will create a Ca 287 air, new tires, runs and looks great 1301 1111 MI IN INIM IN IN NI MI 211 MI NI IN 111 11111 IN splendid look for your wedding You SI650 Or best offer Call 736 4193 pm can also design a special memory with with our invitations, custom veils, a and other wedding items Order one by Train Daily departures or all A special gift with your floral Nogales 6 days. S nights, 009 per for sale order Call Lou's Flowers for in Person Plus tan service Incl ROW* formation or appointment 769 49S5 Rip to Mazatlan vla or 378 0044 eves Private cot" small Coke with pertinent Pullman accomm Deluxe *St 'TURQUOISE RUGS 14 motel for three nights Fiesta Cruise Tye dye and India edspreada, 15 00 Spartan Daily into ReSery TOII tree 800 634 3151 any purchase over 40 c plus Bracelets, rings, chokers. 57 SO and over Incense, glasses, clothing, of this purses, rugs with presentation ad. Men-Woment JOSS ON SHIPS! FUNKY JIM'S Friday Flicks Presents The Limpopo, American. Foreign No experience 74 E San Fernando 990 2581 Policemen starring Walter Mathilll required Excellent Pay Worldwide fashioned classified an old head ad! Cos :1-7,ader; "Just shop" Friday. Oct 24, Morris Dailey /sod 7 travel Summer job Or career Send 284 S 11th and 10 p m $100 Law and Disorder 13 00 for information Seattle. Dent B 9 005 2049, or First and Laurel, Next to 7 11 Fish Et Chips '48 Chevy Bus 1450 or best offer 17091 has been fled, no Friday Flick ? EN IM IN III IN NI IM NI IN MI IN NI IN NM 026 2728 Oct. 17. Port Angeles. Washington 911362 Page 8, October 17, 1975 Falling rock still a mystery;' Tower path remains closed

The walkway around be blocked until workers cement have been dropping owner of a burned out home lower Hall will continue to discover why chucks of off the tower sides, ac- sued the city." cording to Byron Bollinger, If a ladder truck is not superintendent of the found, Bollinger said his Buildings and Grounds department will have to Department. Burton elected erect expensive scaffolding. The fist-sized cement chucks started falling off the Walls scaled tower two weeks ago. He said he wouldn't scale to state group The roped-off walkway is the tower walls the same to prevent anyone from way he did in 1956, when he getting hit by cement, placed the chime loud An SJSU equipment employed in the School of Bollinger said. speakers on the tower's roof technician, Edd Burton, has Science for 15 years after Cause unknown been elected director of earning a degree from SJSU He said there is no way to operations of the California in industrial arts (now in- tell exactly what is causing -or State Employees dustrial studies) in 1960. the fall-out until his Association. The association is an in- department finds a scaffold RAI k This is the first time a dependent labor or ladder truck for a close member of the SJSU chapter organization, Burton said. look at the tower sides. 1FFN; has held state office in the He added that it is the "We tried to get a city fire organization, according to largest such group in the department ladder truck," 20% GUYS & GALS Kingly game passes students' time Dr. Gus Lease, president of United States, with a total OFF STY LE CUTS said Bollinger, but last time WAVES the SJSU chapter. membership of about 110,000 CURLY absorbing chess game takes the student mind away vancing steadily, but neither look to be in immediate the city let a non-profit nith coupon An Burton, 37, has been employees of the state from campus cares. Jeff Grayish (right) and Darrell danger of losing a kingdom. And if one does, after all, organization use one of their 294-4086 university and college trucks, it was needed at a SOUTH FOURTH ST. Ubick play the "game of kings" with skill and concen- it's lust a game. 52 system, University of fire. Consequently, the 'A blk. from SJSU camp, tration. From the state of the board, both have been ad Cotati bans California and civil service. The organization has a yearly budget of 87.5 million OF lib FRENCH BREAD FREEJLOAFOvITEE A I on $100 given for Wednesday rally selling of and employs 200 people, PURCHASE Arh., HIS AD Burton said. October 24, 1975 Burton was elected during Good through spray cans the association's 45th general council held Oct. 11- protest COTATI (AP)The city 13 in Anaheim. 311111S141\ II funds econ council in this college town Council His new job as director has voted to ban the sale of includes such respon- By Jim Barrett Thomassen said the "corp- about the economy and the aerosol sprays starting next sibilities as membership A representative from the se" would be buried where university and about what June 1 on grounds they are recruitment, in-service Economics Student the rally participants wanted has been happening in the harmful to the environment. training programs, publicity NOW OPEN Association told AS. Council it. Economics Department. The council voted 3-1 and legislative programs. "We are going to generate yesterday to outlaw the The collective bargaining Wednesday a casket to There will also be a short NEW THRIFT BAKE SHOP support to show the ad- controversial sprays after issue is one of Burton's main symbolize the death of the skit concerning the 1854 SOUTH 7th STREET SAN JOSE Department ministration and people in City Atty. Jay Cantor said concerns in his work, he Economics Economics Department, 293-3040 on President the Economics Department the action would not conflict said. would be "put said Thomassen. John Bunzel's doorstep." we are tired of all the with -any state of federal Tom Thomassen made the firings," said Thomassen. "We are going to follow up laws. remarks in asking for 6100 in Thomassen said there on the rally with more Aerosol sprays have Garage Europa funding for a rally set for have been 15 firings in the events," said Thomassen. become the center of con- troversy since scientists Wednesday to protest faculty past year and a half and that The 3 0 -member OFFICIAL BRAKE reported gases used in them firings in the department. the 16th will be in June for association, Thomassen break down ozone in the LAMP SMOG STATION The council approved the Martin Davis, economics said, has the support of other atmosphere that blocks funding. instructor. organizations, including the The 'rally harmful solar rays. For Councilwoman Sheryl will begin at Tom Thomassen Boycott Coalition. foreign car service with precision Coor's Cotati's population of 2,500 Petersen said, "It sounds 12:30 p.m. Wednesday experience, quality, and fast service, like we're going back to the outside Dudley Moorhead about one hour. The association had a is divided among rural GARAGE EUROPA is the place. Nos radical '60s." Hall on the lawn, said Thomassen said he and picket line outside DMH residents and students from After the meeting. Thommassen, and will last others will make speeches Tuesday through Thursday. nearby Sonoma State 850 Lincoln Avenue, San Jose, 295-9082 It=01 College. Fees Soft drink tax proposed 7th ANNUAL due to finance dental health ALL CAMPUS BOWLING TOURNEY

SACRAMENTO (AP) - A products who advertise in mendations to Gov. Edmund today war on tooth decay including California. Brown Jr., who has so far Friday, Oct 24 Men's & a soft drink tax and a Ads financed by the opposed any general tax "counter-advertising" cam- "counter-advertising" fund increase. (6 games qualifying) Today is the deadline Women's paign against sugar-based would discourage purchase Deputy Secretary Robert for payment of fall products was proposed of sugar-based products and Gnaizda said all the semester registration Thursday by California's top recommend more nutritious proposals had been Divisions fees, according to Garvin health official. alternatives. suggested by the task force. Friday, Oct 31 J. Ivans, SJSU controller. Health and Welfare The proposals, described which recommended other Students could lose Secretary Mario Obledo said as "preliminary recom- ideas that Obledo did not (6 games finals) Entry fee their classes if required a tax of 1s-cent per 8-ounce mendations," were released adopt. fees are not paid by 5 p.m. drink on carbonated by Obledo's office in con- today, Ivans said. beverages would raise $80 nection with a report issued Obledo said 95 per cent of by a all Californians suffer from lie stressed that the million a year to finance a dental task force he 2:30 pm 12.50 some sort of dental disease, information & signups at the desk deadline is not for wide range of dental health appointed. Recommendations and blamed sugar- students who owe fees for programs. to Brown dominated, non-nutritious classes added after walk- Diet drinks exempt Obledo told the task force he diets as the basic couse. STUDENT UNION GAMES AREA 277-3226 through registration. Diet beverages that don't would make his recom- include sugar would be The deadline is for exempt. those students who have The anti-sugar "counter- not paid for classes advertising" fund could total signed up for through $50 million a year, Obledo SJSU STUDENTS! CAR and walk-through said. That sum would come registration from required payments by makers of sugar-based CHECK OUT OUR 'Two' identified SUPER FALL SALE FINALE by Texas cops SAT., OCT. 18 NEWPORT, Ore. (AP) identified "The Two" who fashion shows special guests Lincoln County sheriff's are leading a mysterious deputies here say they have UFO cult as Marshall Herff Applewhite, 44, and Bonnie 1.0 Trousdale Nettles, 48, John McCleod from KLIVThe Earthquakes Hirohito both formerly of Texas. Investigator Ron Sutton of Krazy George HendersonThe Shakers the Sheriff's department would not elaborate, and said he does not know the journey couple's last home town of *plus* record. The identities were con- firmed through the couple's all regularly priced merchandise rapped photographs with help from Texas authorities, Sutton said. with student ID or this ad TOKYO (API - off Emperor 20% The couple showed up in Hirohito's tour of the United Harlingen, Texas, Aug. 28 States has brought criticism and told newsmen they were 4 days onlyOct. 15, 16, 17, 18 from a Japanese newspaper messengers for another columnist who says the level. emperor should tour Japan. A check of their license autographs! posters! plates showed the plates to The unidentified writer of be stolen six weeks earlier in a "Jottings" column in the San Francisco. balloons! casual savings! newspaper Yomiuri Police learned that she Shirnbun said that in Japan was wanted in Houston on the emperor could "come in credit card charges prizes! and that special gifts! coher. close touch with people, as he was sought in St. Louis, he did during his trip to the Mo., on a charge involving a United States." car rental. EASTRIDGE SHOPPING CENTER