Spirit of Might

Cherie Burger Living Word Ministries


I Timothy 2: 1-6, Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth, For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time,

In all my undertakings and studies, I desire first of all to give honor and glory to my Savior and Lord Jesus Christ! I am so thankful that He saved me and called me to be His own. There is nothing and no one who can compare!

I would also like to honor and acknowledge those who are my Spiritual Authority and

2 covering. Without them, I would not have the opportunities I have been given to share Jesus and speak about the wonderful things He has allowed me to see and share. These people do not seek this acknowledgement, but surely are worthy of it.

We are told to give honor to whom honor is due. So, I would like to honor Rev. Judy Covington the Co-Founder of The Missionary Church International along with her husband Bishop Ben Covington, who has now gone on to be with the Lord. Judy has labored tirelessly these last 25 years. Thank you, Judy! None of us would have been able to serve the Lord as we have done had you given up when things became difficult. Thank you, again!

I would also like to honor our Senior Bishop Bob Coulter and his wife, Rev. Ginny Coulter. They have been involved with TMCI for many years. As true servants of the Lord, they have helped bring TMCI to the place it holds today in the world. Bishop Bob is also a man who flows in the anointing of signs, wonders and miracles. The Mantle of the Spirit of Might truly rests on him! As ministers of TMCI, we are

3 blessed to have him as our Senior Bishop. Thank you, Lord! I would also like to say that we have a number of Bishops and Reverends who minister powerfully in the Spirit of the Lord. I have been blessed to know them and see the Spirit of God rest upon them. Many of them have flowed with the Spirit of Might for some time in their ministries. I believe they will operate in a deeper level in this anointing in the days ahead. Amen!


Seven Spirits Before the Throne ...... 6 Hebrew Year Date 5774 ...... 12 Confrontation ...... 14 Weighty Mantles ...... 17 Refining ...... 20 Authority Over all the Power of the Enemy! ...... 25 Prophetic Dream ...... 33 Proper Alignment and Association ...... 37 Commissioned and Empowered! ...... 44 Impartation ...... 49 Do You Know? ...... 53 Prayer of Salvation ...... 54 Power to Live Life ...... 55 Prayer for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit .... 56 About the Author ...... 58

5 Seven Spirits Before the Throne

I have been studying the 7 Spirits found in Isaiah 11:2 for a number of years. I have come to believe the 7 branch Menorah of the Temple represents the 7 Spirits of God before the Throne. (See: Revelation 1:12- 20 and Revelation 4:5)

In Isaiah 11:2, the Spirit of the Lord is represented by the center lamp of the

6 Menorah and is known as the Servant Lamp in Jewish writings. The Menorah also represents the 7 Feasts of the Lord found in Leviticus 23. The Servant lamp as the center lamp, is the 4th one if you are counting from right to left. The 4th Feast just happens to be Pentecost! This is the very same Feast in Acts chapter 2, where the Spirit of the Lord was poured out on the 120 people who were gathered in the upper room.

I personally do not believe in coincidence. Everywhere you look in the Old Testament there are pictures, mysteries, types and shadows of Jesus and Father God’s plan of redemption. When we are willing to become students of the Word of God, He always will reveal to us His marvelous mysteries.

Looking at Isaiah 11:2 after the Spirit of the Lord is mentioned, we then see three groupings of two Spirits each. The first two sets of the Menorah are the Spirit of Wisdom and (Spirit of) Understanding. I believe these two Spirits release to us wisdom and revelation from the Lord. (See Paul’s prayer in Ephesian 1: 16-19.) When

7 the Spirit of Wisdom and the Spirit of Understanding work together, they release the Spirit of Revelation. I spoke about this in my book “7 Spirits before the Throne.”

When the Spirit of Revelation is present there is Holy Fire! He releases understanding and insight, which then produces in us a Holy Zeal for God. We become energized to do the things that God is revealing to us to do and putting in our hearts to accomplish.

The next dual set of the Menorah are the Spirit of Counsel and (Spirit of) Might. It is when these two Spirits function together; that we are able to move in the realm of the miraculous. Demons are cast out. The sick are healed. The maimed are made whole. The Power of God is released into situations that seem hopeless to us. God shows up. People are set free. Lives are transformed. The Lord is glorified!

When these two Spirits are in operation together, the Spirit of Glory is present. We often refer to this as the Manifest Presence of God. The Glory Cloud may be seen tangibly in our midst. I have had the

8 opportunity to see the manifested Glory of God in meetings. It is an amazing and humbling experience to have God show up and do mighty miracles in our midst. Encountering the Manifested Presence of God is one of the things that will bring unbelievers to Jesus.

The Hebrew word for the Glory is Kavod. It is the weighty Presence of God. We can sometimes feel such weight upon us that it is difficult to stand up under the Power of God. There is a great deal that I could say about the Kavod, ( the Glory of God.) That in itself would take a whole book. What I do know is that humility is required of the minister of God when walking and operating in this realm. We are not the source of power. It is God’s Glory, God’s Presence, and His Power alone through which these signs, wonders and miracles occur. We are privileged to be the vessels He chooses to use. It is always about Jesus and all that He has accomplished for us and in us.

Often the man or woman of God who flows under this weighty Mantle begins to receive such adulation and acclaim that people begin to “worship and revere” them as though they

9 were the source of the power. It is in this place that we must always acknowledge that the Glory belongs to God and not to us. It is correct to give honor to the men and women of God, but the Glory is the Lord’s.

An Old Testament example of the Glory of God manifesting is when Solomon dedicated the temple. When the Cloud of Glory came in, the priests were not able to stand and minister. They all hit the floor! ( 2 Chronicles 6: 41 through 7: 1-3.)

To have the Spirit of Counsel and Might upon your life is a desirable thing. Who does not want to be able to cast out demons, heal the sick, make the maimed whole and walk in the Power of God? It is never a thing to be taken lightly. Some people have the faith to believe for and walk in demonstrations of the Miraculous. But the more of God one has or desires to have, the greater the cost required. God is a Holy and Powerful Creator. Because God is kind, He will sometimes withhold a gift from us, if that gift or mantle would destroy us or others. The reason He would withhold the gift is because our character is not yet ready to support the weight of the mantle of the

10 Miraculous. There is a maturing process and preparation needed to carry the responsibility of such a weighty ministry. It takes prayer, fasting and a Holy lifestyle.

None of us want to start strong, but finish in disgrace because our lives could not support the weight of the mantles or gifting we had been given. What I have heard recently from the Lord is “Finish Strong!” I take that seriously. Jesus said to count the cost! Are we willing to pay the price? Are we willing to walk through the dealings of God and have our hearts refined? The dealings of God will come to all of us, but how will we respond to them?


Hebrew Year Date 5774

It was the Jewish year of 5774, the year of the open door! It signified the opening of strategic doors of opportunity and the empowerment to flow in the miraculous for the needs of this hour. The open door signified the releasing of the Spirit of Might into the lives of those who have been diligently seeking the Lord, to minister in this new season with greater authority and power. The need for the miraculous in people’s lives is always great. Those with compassionate eyes see the reality of suffering in the lives of others.

How do we go beyond the sympathy we feel when observing the hurt and need in others to release the Power of God to relieve their pain?

God Himself has released the empowerment and mantels necessary for us that we may now take up the call to minister in the Mighty Name of Jesus and set free those who have been laboring under sickness, disease and the bondages of the enemy.


Because the hour is so late, and the need of humanity is great; I challenge you to read on, renew your call and receive the increase of God’s Power necessary to fulfill the Divine mandate on your life.

13 Confrontation

Where are the Elijahs? Elijah walked in the Spirit of Might. Power and authority accompanied his ministry. He confronted the Prophets of Baal and won! There was no compromise in him. (I Kings 17- 2 Kings 2)

Peter confronted Simon the Sorcerer in Acts 8: 14-25. History tells us that Simon the Sorcerer became the father of the false Gnostic cult. Likewise, the man or woman of God may expect confrontations with the enemy and with those who are his followers. Holy confrontations will be seen in the days ahead. Holy boldness and courage are part of the equipping of the Spirit of Might.

The Mantle of the Spirit of Might confronts the works of the enemy. These are: Sickness! Disease! Demon Possession! Darkness! Lies! Compromise! The Spirit of Might calls for repentance and commands us to run to Jesus!

With the Spirit of Might, victory is released!

14 John the Baptist, who came in the Spirit of Elijah, fearlessly confronted the religious and political strongholds of the day. He called for repentance and prepared the people for the coming of the Messiah!

In 5774, the Year of the Open Door, people are being thrust into the Harvest Field. That is why miracles, signs and wonders are being released through the Spirit of Might. New opportunities, new Mantles and new Exploits are being released by the Spirit of the Living God.

We are commanded to be clothed with the Spirit and to be endued with power from on High! Let the Spirit fill you, clothe you and mantle you for the Harvest of the Nations. The Call is going forth now! Laborers go into the Harvest Field. Do all that the Lord God commands you! The time is now! The doors are opening now to fulfill the call of God on your life.

We are in a season where the mysteries of God are being revealed. This whole decade has been the Ayin of God, the Eye of God, the Revelation of God. There is new revelation of the understanding of the Blood

15 Moons and the Shemitah Year. We are coming closer to the coming of the Lord.

Increased revelation and insight is given to the Body of Christ that we may understand the Mind of the Lord in this season. God wants us to be prepared ahead of time. God is giving warning and signs in these days that we may not be caught unaware of what is coming. We are to be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Obedient to the Spirit! We are to be holy-set apart-sanctified in this season. That call is becoming stronger as we move forward. We also are to be empowered to move in the Spirit of Might. Awesome days are upon us!

16 Weighty Mantles

True Mantles from the Lord are weighty. The Man or Woman of God who would wear them must be tried in the fire of God. What gives a person the strength to carry them is proven character. Without proven character you will fall or collapse under the weight of the mantle. The fame that accompanies signs, wonders and miracles will be difficult to stand up under without pride creeping into our hearts. History has been littered with great ministers of God who actually did have true miracles occur in their services or prayer ministries. The adulation that came with the successes too often revealed flaws in the character of the one who stood under the mantle of the miraculous.

Paul warned Timothy in I Timothy 3:6 not to put someone who was not mature into the office of a Deacon, “not a novice, lest being puffed up with pride, he fall into the same condemnation as the devil.”

It is absolutely imperative that God is allowed to do a deep work in our hearts.


It is in the fiery trials of life that our character, belief systems and our very nature are tested and tried. I Peter 4: 12, “Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you;” It is in those dark hours of the soul and spirit that we are tried. They come to us all. How we respond to them, whether we go deeper with the Lord or wrap ourselves in self-pity, self-justification or self-comfort determine the outcome of the call of God upon our lives. They are sent for our refining. None of them seem welcome or desirable. But it is here in God’s crucible that we become truly known. Humility, Humility, Humility! The humble servant of God becomes His friend and is now trust worthy of the greater things in the Spirit.

It is in these times when life seems to not going well for us or our loved ones that our character is being tried and formed. We have choices to make. We can turn from God and become angry, bitter, rage and take charge to do things our own way or we can submit to God on a much deeper level than previously experienced.


Deeper, deeper in Jesus! Let Him take us down to our roots and core beliefs. It is here that He will form a stability and foundation for our future. Then we can carry the weight of the Mantle He has prepared for us.

19 Refining

I don’t know about you, but I really don’t like the testings, trials and refinings of God at the time they are happening to me! No one is immune to the refining process if they choose to go deeper into God. Testings and trials can come very quickly into our lives. Often it seems they come, just when we thought things were going so well. Bam…we find ourselves in situations and trials we did not see coming! Sometimes, it feels like the trial or affliction in our life will never end. I have had a few trials in my life that have driven me to my knees for an extended period of time.

But God is faithful. If we can somehow trust in Him, turn our focus on Him and His Promises in His Word and let the Holy Spirit be our comfort and guide, we will come through it all in victory!

How long will it take? Depends! It depends upon how deep a work God is doing, how easily we yield to His will, and how trusting and loving is our attitude.

20 Not all circumstances are the same. Not everything is all about us. If we endure true persecution, it may be about the ones who are persecuting us for Jesus sake. Or it may be about those who are observing how we respond. It might be about them and not us at all!

How well we respond to our circumstances, hurts, wounds, losses, injustices etc. reveals our character and true relationship with the Lord. Sometimes we need to welcome what is happening to us. We must allow God’s perfect work to be done in our hearts. Please understand me; I am not saying we should not pursue healing or any good thing from God. But there really are some things beyond our ability to change. Some circumstances just might be there to develop the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We perceive so many things from a negative perspective. If we can just look beyond the negative and see Jesus, they may not be for our harm after all.

It is here in the crucible of our lives that our character, nature and belief systems are formed. Our core values are discovered in the midst of trials. These things give us the

21 strength we need to carry the Mantle of the Miraculous released with the Spirit of Might. Do we really want to be used of the Lord? If so, soldier on! We need to keep our hearts right! Proverbs 4: 23, Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. Another important promise in the midst of a trial is: Psalm 139: 8, If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.

I actually had a night a few years ago, that felt as though I was living in Hell! The Lord gave me this Scripture in the midst of that horrible trial. He strengthened me through it and brought me out on the other side of it in Victory!

Whatever “hell” our situation feels like: Jesus has been there first! He has preceded us. He literally went into hell and He arose again in victory! He arose from the dead. Hell could not restrain or keep Him! He

22 won the victory over death, hell and the grave for us! Yes, Lord!

He is a Prophetic Picture for us as well! If we are in Him, then “hell” cannot restrain or keep us as well. We have the victory, too!

He has revealed to us that no matter what we are walking through, He has been there first. He brought captivity captive when he came out of the grave. (Ephesians 4: 8, 9)

This Scripture also shows us that He is taking us up before the Throne. We do not just get out of the “hell” of our situations, but we are presented to God before the Throne! Therefore, we have a future and a hope,(Jeremiah 29: 11.) We must see Jesus and look beyond our situations.

It is here in those dark places, the dark night of the soul and the dark night of the spirit, that our roots and character are formed. These provide the ability to sustain the weight of the mantles that God has released for His people in this season.

We are in extraordinary times in God. Things will be happening that are far beyond

23 our understanding and expectations. Things will happen that we have no concept for! Our God is a Big God! He is Mighty!! In fact, He is Almighty!

24 Authority Over all the Power of the Enemy!

Luke 10: 19, Jesus said, “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

The Spirit of Might not only mantles you with Power (dunamis) it mantles you with Authority (exousia).

Authority is much stronger than raw power alone. We are given the Authority and the Power to set the captives free!

The Spirit of Might confronts the demonic. The demonic needs to be confronted! Demons will stay in a person’s life wreaking havoc and destruction as long as they are able to. The demonic will use people under their influence to cause chaos and damage to others. The Authority given by Jesus to cast them out releases the power needed to remove them.

25 Sickness and disease also need to be confronted. They are not anyone’s friend! They bring damage and destruction where ever they have the opportunity to do so.

The Spirit of Might reveals the enemy. Remember when Jesus would walk into a synagogue? How many times did the demons cry out? I am sure they visited the synagogue before, but never made their presence known. But when Jesus came into their midst, they did not remain silent and hidden. The more we carry the Spirit of Might and the Authority given by Jesus, we can also expect to have the demons manifest when we come around. In the Name of Jesus, they have to flee! Use your authority to cast them out and keep them out!

The Spirit of Might, the Power of God, carries the Breaker Anointing to raise the dead, cast out demons, heal the sick, work miracles, signs and wonders. The Power of God is released into every situation. The Glory of God is seen in the working of these miracles. Lives are transformed and Jesus is seen as Lord!

26 The Power Gifts of I Corinthians 12: 9-10, Faith, Gifts of Healings and Workings of Miracles accompany the Spirit of Might. The Gift of Faith is a supernatural manifestation of the Spirit of God to believe Him for the answer in any situation we may face. This Gift of Faith is absolutely necessary to operate in the Gifts of Healing and the Working of Miracles. They function with each other.

The Fruit of the Sprit that flows in the Believer as they operate in the Spirit of Might with the Gifts of the Spirit manifesting are: Longsuffering or endurance needed to stick with it as Faith has her perfect work. Kindness is demonstrated with Gifts of Healing. Goodness accompanies the Working of Miracles. Everything in God flows together, cooperates with one another and balances out the Gifts, Fruits and Mantles that God releases into a person’s life.

Jesus was the Perfect model of how the Spirit filled life is to look. All things flowed properly in Him. He was complete with all 7 Spirits manifesting in His life with all 9 of the Gifts and all 9 of the Fruits. We seem to

27 fall short of this, but we are encouraged to press into the things of God that we might grow in grace and be filled with the Spirit of the Living God!

Father, we pray, Let the Spirit of Might go forth. Mantle us, breath upon us that we might carry the weight of the signs, wonders and miracles to break the bondages that are over the lives of your people.

During the year of the Open Door, the Power of God goes out through the men and women of God to release those who have been kept in bondage.

The Spirit of Might breaks open territories that are Gospel hardened. Even in places of great darkness. When healings and miracles are manifest, when the deaf and the blind are healed, the people who do not know Him will take notice and give God the Glory.

I Corinthians 2: 3-5, Paul tells us: I was with you in weakness, in fear and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom,

28 but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, That your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.

If Paul needed this, how much more do we?

The door of the Harvest is open. As we are moving deeper into the last days, the enemy is making his move, because he knows his time is short.

God’s people need to awaken. The men and women of God need to arise and do the work of the ministry.

TMCI and other Ministries are being propelled forward because the Harvest Field is white.

We have never been this way before. And we will never come this way again. God is doing a new thing. We are being catapulted – propelled into the things of God, into our destinies by the Spirit of God through the Open Doors that are put before us by God.

We have been aligning, preparing and positioning ourselves for this season in the

29 Lord. God has been doing a refining work. He has been increasing humility in us. Life seems to be about being humbled and our responses to these experiences. We are being refined by these experiences and learning to walk in humility dependent upon the Lord. Then God can use us. He is ever increasing our faith in the circumstances we have endured in these last seasons.

This last year was a Prophetic Year of adjustment and alignment to bring us into the new season. There has been and there will be a release of the Power of God as we go through the doors of ministry set before us. We will need the Spirit of Might to empower us for this next season.

Let me give you another piece of insight that came out of a conversation I had with a friend of mine. We were talking about the differences between open doors and other related names given to them:

There are different ways at looking at Open Doors and other related names given to them. Open Doors speak of opportunity. Open Gates speak of our own personal gates (eyes, ears, mouth). Open Portals speak of

30 Open Heavens either to the 3rd Heaven or into the 2nd Heaven. The 3rd Heaven is where the Throne of God is located. We want those open Portals! We desire to experience Him and receive from Him as well.

The 2nd Heaven experiences are not so nice. That is the place the demonic is located. 2nd Heaven although it is not specifically mentioned in Scripture is a logical conclusion based on the premise that our atmosphere is the 1st Heaven and the 3rd Heaven is where the Throne of God is. Logically then, the 2nd Heaven is the spiritual realm of the fallen angels and the demonic entities.

This year of the Open Doors will bring greater opportunities of ministry and greater experiences in the Lord. But do not be surprised, because we will also see greater opposition as there will be an opening of opportunity for the enemy. These things we have seen in the increase of persecution of the church as well as such things as Ebola, etc. We should be aware that there will be greater spiritual activity in both realms as we see the Day of the Lord approaching.


Remember, the Spirit of Might confronts. It isn’t just for the days of Elijah or the Apostle Peter. We have the same God. He is the Almighty, Creator of the Universe and He has filled us with His Holy Spirit and commissioned us to go forth in Power and Authority in the Name of Jesus!

We will have power encounters. God give us the Authority to overcome! No fear! Go forth in the Mighty Name of Jesus!

32 Prophetic Dream

I want to share with you a dream experience I had this last year. It was disturbing to me at the time, because it involved people I knew. I have since come to believe that it was not so much about them, but that God used people I knew to help me remember the dream after I woke up. There was an important prophetic lesson He wanted me to see. We are in a time when many forces have come to play upon the church to influence her to lose her message and ministry.

The Dream of No More Compromise:

I was in Casper, WY (close to the center of our state) at a conference with a well-known Prophetic minister. There was somewhere around 300 to 350 people most of whom I knew. It was intermission and the speaker had not yet begun the session.

I was sitting behind a couple of people that I knew. Directly behind me was someone that also was an old friend. That person began to catch me up on the last few years

33 of their life. They had made a decision a number of years ago, that they did not realize would affect their whole future and take them off course from the call of God on their life. They had been a strong prophetic intercessor involved with a well-known ministry. Now as they were relating the details of their life, they were telling me that there had been a complete role reversal for them. It affected their faith and they no longer believed that “tongues” was of God. They had given everything up.

Deep within me came a holy anger. This was not because I was angry at this person, but because the enemy had stolen their Spiritual Destiny! I jumped up and began to command in a firm voice with my prophetic finger pointing at them, “No more compromise, No more compromise, No more compromise.”

One of the people who sat in front of me, tried to hush me as I was embarrassing them. Others around the room were uncomfortable and wanted me to stop.

What I believe the Lord was saying was that as the Prophets begin to cry out “No more

34 compromise!” Many in the Body of Christ will be uncomfortable and try to hush the Prophetic Voices.

God is calling us to Holiness, to choose Jesus before anything else. That means before us or our own desires or preferences. The cry of our very being is to choose Jesus! We must not cease from following Him!

We cannot have the fire and the zeal of God with the Spirit of Might mantling us and walk in compromise! We must sell out to God. God requires that we love Him with all our heart, soul and might. (Deuteronomy 6: 4-6) When we make this commitment, this will bring us to the inner branches of the Menorah of the Spirit of the Understanding (of the Lord) and the (Spirit) of the Fear of the Lord. But that is for another book.

God has a definite plan and protocol in bringing us into intimacy with Him. He desires it even more than we do. Can you not hear Him wooing you? His love has been reaching out to us down through the ages calling us back to Himself. His love is fiery!! It burns intensely within His being. He loved us enough He would

35 die for us. It is an all-consuming love. When we look into the eyes of Jesus, we will see that intense, burning, consuming love for us. Then we will know true love that never goes out or grows cold.

Compromise will cause our love for Him to grow cold and die out. Catch fire for Him. Allow Him to mantle you with the Spirit of Might for miraculous ministry. Allow Him to so flow through you that the desperate cries and needs of others can be met by the Savior. His glory will be seen. His mercy will be experienced and souls will be saved!

36 Proper Alignment and Association

Those of us who love the Lord want to be mantled and clothed with the Spirit of the Living God; endued with power from on High! It is a life quest and heart’s desire to be found walking in the Spirit and also filled with the Spirit continually. We need to be clothed with the mantles of the 7 Spirits found in Isaiah 11:2.

We desire the things of God to manifest in our lives. The choices we make either draw us closer to the Lord or cause us to step further and further away. Sometimes we do not really understand the full intent of our choices. What we choose reveals our true heart condition.

We receive the plan of God for our lives by faith and obedience. It takes not only believing for God’s best, but a consistency in our daily walk. We are called to align ourselves with men and women of God as the Spirit leads. There is true Godly influence from these men and women upon our lives.

37 The opposite is true when one chooses to spend time with and become in close relationship with those who lives are full of sin and violence. We become like those we associate with. So often, little thought is given as to whom we put in our lives.

Good questions to ask ourselves are: Whom do I spend my time with? Whom do I talk with daily? Whom do I admire and want to be like? What are they about? What is important to them? How do they treat other people and God? If we can honestly answer those questions, we have a window into our desires and ambitions for life. If we desire to be like Elijah then we must first be an Elisha and give ourselves to serving, following after and just plain spending time with an Elijah.

In October 2010, I heard the Spirit speak, “Governmental Change” while taking Communion with another TMCI minister before our Women’s Conference in Aurora, Colorado. The Prophetic Word that the Spirit of the Lord gave me for the Time of Transition we were moving into was as follows:

38 In this Time of Transition, God is giving us Increased levels of Influence, Increased levels of Influence by the Spirit of God and Expanded Territories. Our outreach in this world, countries and nations and in our personal territories will be expanded.

However, I heard the Lord say into my spirit, “this Word is conditional, not an automatic word for every minister or every person associated with TMCI. There are conditions to it.

The conditions were obedience to the dealings of God. God has been dealing with all of us in areas of our lives. He is calling us to obedience to submit to those things He is speaking to us about. He said, “Who your alliances are in this season are very important.”

These things, your obedience to the dealings of the Holy Spirit and whom you align yourself with will determine if you are able to move into this time of Governmental Change, Increased Influence and Expanded Territory. Each one of us has to answer that between us and God.


We can corporately go forward as the leadership of TMCI. Choose obedience; prayerfully consider whom we align with, but as for the individual minister: You must choose for yourself to go forward and to come up higher. God wants to bring us to new levels of service.

I also heard Him say, “Those who have been given in ministry to personal profit and personal ambition will not come up into this Governmental Change.” Our hearts must be pure and it must be about Jesus. It must be about Jesus.

He said one more thing, “The Wind of Holiness is blowing.” It’s not coming. It’s blowing! We had a major move of the Wind of Holiness many years ago. But as we are getting ready for the Harvest, God is refining His servants, the Harvesters!

And Holiness is blowing! We are seeing it. We will see more! It uncovers. The wind uncovers and exposes! And all will see our hearts! This a good thing. It may cause us to be fearful, because none of us are perfect. But as we obey and yield to the

40 Holy Spirit, it will be a good thing. We will be closer to the coming of Jesus!

Since I heard the Holy Spirit speak these words to me, I have seen the increase of influence and expanded territory given to the ministry of TMCI. God has been faithful to increase favor upon TMCI, its leadership and individual ministers. It has been wonderful to see the expansion of the Mission Field these last few years and not only in our ministries, but in all those who love the Lord and follow Him.

Obedience, proper alignment with others and allowing the Holy Spirit to do a work of holiness in our lives is key. This is fundamental to being positioned now for release of the Mantle of the Miraculous to be operative in our lives.

That Mantle has now been released. It has been exciting to watch those who are now operating in the Mantle heal the sick, cast out devils and move in the miraculous. Signs and wonders follow them as they obey the leading of the Spirit and walk in Holy Boldness. God is moving mightily and will continue to do so in the days ahead!


There are those who seem to have the natural bent and Spiritual calling to move in the miraculous. I believe that we have different giftings, callings, natural make- up and mantles, but there is also a general call on the Body of Believers to cast out demons, speak with new tongues, heal the sick and be exposed to deadly things such as poisons and serpents without being harmed. (Mark 16:17, 18.) This promise is for all of us. May the Lord release the Spirit of Faith needed to move in these things as we have opportunity. Is there not a heart cry in each one of us to walk in the miraculous? God by His Spirit has made it possible!

James 1: 17, Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of Lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.

God has given good gifts. He has released them to us by His Spirit to be received by faith in Jesus Christ!

42 Ephesians 1: 3, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,

We must position ourselves to receive the promises now! It is from the Lord Himself that we receive. We must pursue intimate relationship with Him! He is our source. Our choices will reflect what we value the most. Do we really desire and value the things of God? Then what we choose, our life relationships and acts of obedience to the known will of God will be evident in how we live our lives.

There is not one person that God does not have something for. So, we must open our hearts, our spirits and our eyes and ears to receive from the Lord! The cry of Heaven is that we must position ourselves and receive.

43 Commissioned and Empowered!

I am releasing the Prophetic Word given at our Women’s Conference to our TMCI Senior Bishop Bob Coulter and Co-Founder Judy Covington. I have two intentions for this. First of all, they give spiritual covering for all of the TMCI Ministers. What is placed upon them by the Lord affects all who are submitted to their covering. God’s call, mandates and mantles on them are also released upon the rest of us. Secondly, there are others within the Body of Christ in positions of ministry who are experiencing this increased release to move in the miraculous!

To the honor and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, may the weight of His glory increase upon all those called into His Service! Let Jesus be glorified and the captives set free!

Judy Covington is my Spiritual Mother and dear Friend! I have known her now for some time and have found her to be a genuine and true Sister and Mother in the Lord. To think of her brings me to tears that the Lord would be so kind as to allow me

44 the privilege of having such a woman of God in my life. You may think that I exaggerate, but I assure you I do not. She is a blessed, blessed woman!

What I heard from the Lord is: Increased, Increased, Increased in Spiritual Authority and Favor with Heaven. Your words! Mark your words, because they have power in Heaven. Things are changing.

What I saw is that you will be speaking things in the night seasons and in prayer that Heaven is going to act upon immediately. You have come to a new level.

I heard the Lord say: Proven Character, Proven Character, Proven Character! You have been refined. You’ve been through the fire. Faithfulness, Faithfulness, Faithfulness! Humility, Humility, Humility!

The Lord is extending your tent pegs, Judy, and the covering you give to those who are sent out into the Mission Field from TMCI.

45 What I heard also, Judy, is because you walk in humility, this favor that God is releasing to you is not given to fill your heart with pride, but with thankfulness, that He has allowed you to be the vehicle that thrusts out laborers in to the Harvest field all over the world.

Ginny Coulter: The Lord told me to have you stand with him (Bishop Bob Coulter), because you really are his right arm. Everything God chooses to do with him, you are a full partner! The anointing and blessing and authority that rests on him, rests on you. So, as I share this, I want you to stand with him.

Bishop Bob Coulter: Bishop Bob, what the Lord has shown me: because you have chosen a number of years ago to align yourself, sit under and receive from the Prophet’s mantle on Hayst Harold, your mantle, authority and office has expanded. You have come to a new level in the Spirit.

46 New Vision, New Revelation! The Spirit of Revelation has been upon you for some time. I’ve seen it. He, the Spirit of Revelation, will continue to increase in the days ahead.

And now, the Spirit of Might mantles you with new authority and power over the enemy and the works of the flesh!

God is releasing to you fresh courage and boldness. There is an increase of the gifts of healing, miracles, signs and wonders.

Because that mantle is upon you, this will also increase upon the TMCI ministers this year.

The door has opened for the miraculous.

And you (and Judy this is also upon you!), you will see into the darkest corners of the earth and release the Spirit of Might upon the TMCI ministers thrust there.

You will see that the Spirit of the Lord is transferable to those under your authority in the Lord.

47 New levels of Power, New levels of Vision, New levels of Courage, Faith and new levels of Intercession!

And New Mantles are released this night upon you and upon TMCI worldwide. Amen!

48 Impartation

Perhaps you have wondered, “What is a Mantle?” “How do I get one?” “If God has released them, is it just automatic?” Good questions!

A Mantle simply put is a covering. A good example would be the Prayer Shawl that the Jews use in the synagogue or as you see them at the Western Wall. Elijah’s Mantle most likely was his Prayer Shawl. There is a Spiritual covering that is given to believers. Sometimes we refer to being anointed.

There are different expressions for the same or similar things. On the Day of Pentecost, the Believers were endued with Power from on high. Some translations refer to being clothed with the Spirit. They received the Holy Spirit when He came upon them with the manifestations of wind and cloven tongues of fire. They were changed by Him. When you encounter the different aspects of the Holy Spirit you will be empowered and changed. You are given a Spiritual ability beyond what you possess naturally.

49 Whenever we receive a gift, we should take care of it and respect it. When we do, we honor the person who has given us the gift. If this is true in the natural, how much more when the Giver of the Gift is the Lord?

Are there some requirements to being able to receive from the Lord?

I would say the first requirement is faith. We must believe that the Lord is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11: 6)

Within our believing or desiring a spiritual gift from the Lord, we must believe that it is a genuine gift and it is for us! We come to that place by studying and understand the Scriptures.

Then we must position ourselves to receive. Whom we align ourselves with becomes very important. The example given was Elisha and Elijah. Elisha deliberately chose to serve, accompany and learn from Elijah. There were many prophets in Israel at that time, but only Elisha received Elijah’s Mantle.

50 Then we allow the refining process to have its complete result in developing within us a mature character. Elisha did not receive the Mantle from Elijah immediately after he had been chosen to replace Elijah! There was a process of development even for Elisha.

After we have obtained the desired Mantle, we must guard our hearts giving Glory to the Lord for every victory, success and miracle. After all, it is His Power and Glory that gave us the victories, successes and miracles. It is all about Him.

Then we must press on to know Him. We can’t stop with the signs and wonders, giving ourselves to doing the work of the ministry that we have no time left for Him. Jesus Himself found time in the wee hours of the morning to fellowship with His Father. How much more should we. It’s not about the Power, but it’s all about Him!

There’s no one and nothing like Jesus! He fills our hearts with joy and wonder. How could He so freely give us everything? He alone is worthy of all our Praise!

51 Prayer of Impartation:

Take us deeper Father, right into your very heart! Clothe us with your Presence. Fill us with your love. Direct our lives that we might be useful in Your Hands!

We love you and commit ourselves once again to Your plan for our lives. Mantle and clothe us with Your Spirit that we might bring You Glory and pleasure. Let others know that Jesus is real by breaking their bondages and healing their afflictions. May Jesus be Lord over all!

52 Do You Know?

Perhaps you have arrived at this point and realize that you do not know Jesus as your personal Savior, or are unsure about your personal destiny. We have included here a simple prayer to pray that will change your life and bring assurance and peace to you. The Bible says, “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9 Salvation is God’s gift to you. “The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” Romans 6:23. When someone offers you a priceless gift, the wisest thing you can do is accept it! This very moment you can receive Christ’s gift of salvation [and the ASSURANCE of your salvation] by sincerely praying this simple prayer from your heart. Just praying this simple prayer from the depths of your heart right now assures you’ll have a home in Heaven with Him, and after you die. You will receive His Covenant Blessings of Peace, Presence, Power, Protection and Provision here on earth:

53 Prayer of Salvation

Dear God, know that I am a sinner. I know that you love me and want to save me. Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God, who died on the cross to pay for my sins. I believe God raised you to pay for my sin and by faith I now receive you as my personal Lord and Savior. Come into my heart, forgive my sins, and save me, Lord Jesus. In your name I pray, Amen.

If you prayed this prayer, and meant it with all your heart, you are saved! I John 1: 9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Please contact us so we can rejoice with you and offer you assistance as you begin your new journey as a child of God!

To contact me, E-mail [email protected]

54 Power to Live Life

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit releases the Holy Spirit in the believer to overflow and manifest outwardly.

Once you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior you ASK God to baptize you in the Holy Spirit.

The Bible says, “Ask, and it shall be given you” Luke 11:9.

Secondly, believe you have, in fact, received this gift from God.

The apostle Paul, writing to the Galatians, said, “Did you receive the Spirit by the work of the law, or by hearing with faith?” Galatians 3:2

You will have to believe that if you ask, you will receive.

55 Prayer for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Heavenly Father, I come to You in faith. I thank You that Jesus saved me. Holy Spirit, come upon me. I ask You to baptize me in the Holy Spirit. Right now, I receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit by faith in Your Word. Manifest the gifts of the Holy Spirit in my life, Lord Jesus, with the initial sign of speaking in tongues. May the anointing, the glory, and the power of God come upon me and into my life that I will be empowered for service from this day forward. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for baptizing me in Your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now, having asked and received begin to practice the power of the Spirit.

“What is it, then? I WILL pray with the Spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the Spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also. I Corinthians 14:15

56 A good place to begin is where the first apostles did, praising God in a new language. How? Simply begin praising God out loud in whatever words come to you, whether one word or several. Tell Him how much you love Him. Thank Him, worship Him and yield your voice to Him. Let Him give you new words of praise you have never heard before.

The Bible states, “…open wide your mouth and I will fill it.” Psalm 81: 10. “And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues” Mark 16: 17

57 Cherie Burger is the founder of Living Word Ministries, along with her husband, Charles Burger.

How do you condense a ministry into a few words? Is it about teaching? ... Ministering prophetically? ... Prayer and fasting? ... Making disciples? ... Doing prayer ministry to help someone find freedom, inner peace and healing? ... Coming alongside others in ministry with support and encouragement? Yes, all of that is true…but the heart of the matter is this ministry is about Jesus Christ; serving Him and giving Him to those seeking Him, doing whatever is needed to be obedient to the Holy Spirit. It is only in Jesus that we can give life and hope to others. He calls this ministry to teach and encourage others to know Him and learn how to have their own personal relationship with Him.

Living Word Ministries purpose is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry, for edifying of the Body of Christ. Ephesians 4: 12. Our desire is to: 1.) Help others become the person God created them to be, to fulfill the call and potential on their lives; 2.) Introduce others to Jesus and strengthen their relationship with Him (this is of utmost importance); and 3.) Encourage those who have been in life’s battles to not lose their courage, hope and faith (this is absolutely necessary).

You see, Jesus is the Living Word given to us by the Father. He is love Himself fresh from the heart of our Father. He so loved this lost and dying world that He gave Himself for us. He is full of love and full of life for each one of us.

The Living Word is the Prophetic Word. The angel in Revelations 19:10 rebuked John for falling down at his feet and worshiping him. “See that you do not do that! I am your fellow servant and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

58 2018 Edition