Secretary: Alison Ellis TheSuite Dovecote E Cotgrave Business Hub 1aCandleby Main Street, Lane, East Cotgrave, Leake NG12 3US LE12 6LE Tel: 07882289083 Tel:Fax: 07882289083 01509 734322 Email:
[email protected] Fax: 01509 734322 Email:
[email protected]/ ).k -lpc/ 1 THE 138th MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE WAS HELD VIA ZOOM CONFERENCE CALL ON WEDNESDAY 20th JANUARY 2021 AT 10AM Present In the Chair: Rob Severn (RS) Chief Officer: Nick Hunter (NH) Secretary: Alison Ellis (AE) Treasurer: Gordon Heeley (GH) Members: Raza Ali (RA), Mandeep Bassi (MB), Rebecca Butterworth (RB), Beth Chamberlain (BC), Linda Ferguson (LF), Dave Fernley (DF), Saikiran Koneru (SK) – only attended beginning of meeting, Vijay Pujara (VP), Jon Such (JonS), James Sutcliffe (JS), Randeep Tak (RT) 1.1 Attended • Jackie Buxton, Derbyshire LPC chief officer and NHS England Pharmacy Integration Programme 1.2 Apologies • Kate Dawson, AHSN • Garry Myers, PSNC Regional Representative • Samantha Travis, NHSE Midlands, Clinical Leadership Adviser • Dhiren Raval, LPC member 1.3 Acceptance of the minutes from 18th November 2020 - Attachment 1A The minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 18th November 2020 after the following correction. Page 5 Item 7 - Clinical Lead Dr Ahmed – VP discussed flu vacs with him and he felt that pharmacies are doing all the mobile patients but not doing housebound and care home patients. It was Girish Lad and not VP who spoke to Dr Ahmed. 1.4 Action points from 18th November 2020 not on the agenda 1.4.1 Controlled Drugs reporting on private prescriptions Not had anything through at the moment re article on controlled drugs reporting – NHSE very busy concentrating on COVID-19 site inspections.