2018 Emerging Leaders 9 Participant Profiles

Program Staff

Carol Walker Aten, Tegwe Consulting [email protected] “Do or do not. There is no try.” –Yoda

About Carol: I live in Portland with my husband and dog - we moved here as empty nesters. (I'm Mom to two married millennials!) Living near the ocean is wonderful - I've lived in England, Michigan, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire - but I think Maine wins the prize. When I'm not helping nonprofits, I love to travel, do photography, and paint landscapes in oil.

Laughs at: My son, who just got married and graduated from law school in AZ. His 3rd grade teacher was convinced he would end up on Saturday Night Live.

Recommends: Having grown up in England, I'm a sucker for any British period dramas that I can binge-watch, such as Outlander, The Crown, Poldark, Victoria, Downton Abbey....

Molly O'Connell, MANP [email protected] “One’s philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

About Molly: A life-long New Englander, I moved to Maine after college for a year of Amercorps*VISTA service and never left. After ten years in the youth development field I joined the MANP team where I’m inspired and challenged every day. I wear many hats as the Assistant Director, and I’m your go-to gal for resources and tools (a roundabout way to fulfill my dream of being a librarian). I currently live in South Portland with my husband and two young children.

Laughs at: The Good Place, , , baby goats, my four-year- old saying things like “a croissant means thank you upside down” and “camp was boring and frivolous.”

Recommends: I’m a evangelist: Reply All, Nerdette, Every Little Thing, It’s Been a Minute, Pop Culture Happy Hour, 99% Invisible, etc. etc.

2018 MANP Emerging Leaders Program Participant Profiles NonprofitMaine.org


Adam Ithomitis Gorham Savings Bank [email protected]

“The wicked leader is he who the people despise. The good leader is he who the people revere. The great leader is he who the people say, we did it ourselves”- Lao Tzu

About Adam: I am an AVP, Branch Manager for Gorham Savings Bank. I studied at the University of Maine and have been in banking for the last 4 years. I enjoy spending my free time frequenting concerts and spending time with my wife and friends.

Laughs at: Reminiscing and sharing stories always creates laughter amongst family and friends.

Recommends: Too Like the Lightning

Andreea Paine Pemberton & Associates [email protected]

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle

About Andreea: Young professional with strong experience in business development and community outreach; developing professionally in HR & business intelligence. Multilingual, currently proficient in 4 out of the 6 languages studied. Originally from Romania.

Laughs at: Animals!

Recommends: I'll actually recommend the work of a blogger - Benjamin Hardy; he is preoccupied by organizational psychology. He just released a book I didn't put my hands on yet, called Willpower doesn't work.

2018 MANP Emerging Leaders Program Participant Profiles NonprofitMaine.org

Bradford Sprague Systems Engineering [email protected]

“Leaders eat last.”

About Brad: I am a native Mainer and a father of two boys, ages 5 and 7. I am a family man first, trying to enjoy every day of it. I have been doing sales and sales management for Systems Engineering for the last 15 years. I am passionate about finding creative ways to leverage the latest information technology to create business value. My favorite pastimes are downhill skiing, obstacle course races, hiking, and spending time at camp.

Laughs at: Situational humor, particuarly with sarcasm.

Recommends: Slow Burn podcast covering Watergate and the new season covering Bill Clinton's scandals.

Brooke Welty Maine Association of Nonprofits [email protected]

"A leader...is like a shepherd. He stays behind the flock, letting the most nimble go out ahead, whereupon the others follow, not realizing that all along they are being directed from behind." -Nelson Mandela

About Brooke: Brooke Welty was born and raised in Portland, Maine. After graduating from College of the Atlantic, she traveled around the country collecting stories of acts of Kindness for her audio project called The Kindness Project. She lived in San Francisco for a few years where she tended bar in the evening and did a slew of internships with various nonprofits including a public radio station, Big Brothers, Big Sisters of the Bay Area, and Reading Partners. She moved back to Portland two years ago to be closer to her family and to work as the Event Assistant at the Maine Association of Nonprofits. Brooke tends bar at the Thirsty Pig on weekends, and enjoys baking too many cookies while listening to .

Laughs at: Old episodes of the CBC podcast "Wiretap" with Jonathan Goldstein

Recommends: The Power by Naomi Alderman

2018 MANP Emerging Leaders Program Participant Profiles NonprofitMaine.org

Daniel (Dan) Quinn Martin's Point Health Care [email protected]

“If what you did yesterday seems big, you haven't done anything today.”-Lou Holtz

About Dan: Dan Quinn is the Actuary at Martin’s Point Health Care. With more than a decade of actuarial experience, he leads functions that include pricing, financial valuation, medical and pharmacy trend development, product design, risk contracting, and risk adjustment. Coming from Boston, the Quinn family moved to Maine nearly three years ago. Quinn and his wife (Ellen) are raising two children (Peter, 3 and Maura, 1). Assuming all goes well, they will be fans of the Pats and Sox.

Laughs at: As my young kids learn to speak, the wild things they say cause me to laugh the hardest.

Recommends: Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science (Charles Wheelan)

Danielle Violette Machias Savings Bank [email protected]

“ The art of communication is the language of leadership.” - James Humes

About Danielle: I grew up in Caribou, Maine pretty much as far North as you can go. After high school I moved to Bangor and completed my MBA at Husson. I currently live in Westbrook and love the Portland area. Some of my favorite things are going to the beach and trying all the great restaurants in Portland.

Laughs at: Family & Friends

Recommends: “How to Win Friends & Influence People” - Dale Carnegie

2018 MANP Emerging Leaders Program Participant Profiles NonprofitMaine.org

Dori A. Lam Drummond Woodsum [email protected]

"It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love."

About Dori: I love food, beer, hiking, camping, and learning new things! I have possibly the worlds worst sense of direction, and I think the world would benefit greatly if everybody was a bit more empathetic.

Laughs at: Almost everything! Dad jokes, bad puns, and pets generally do the trick.

Recommends: Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed. Doctor Who. The IT Crowd. Planet Earth.

Frank Higiro Maine Youth Court [email protected]

“Leadership is influence” -John C Maxwell

About Frank: Hello! My name is Frank, and I enjoy moonlight trolls on the beach, hiking and playing soccer. Music is therapy for me and I enjoy playing my piano after an exhaustive day at work. My professional journey started as a news anchor on , then I became Director of Communications for World Vision International in 2008. I am currently working at the Maine Youth Court as project coordinator.

Laughs at: A light conversation between 5 year old kids

Recommends: I have been watching Law and Order (SVU) for a while and I find this TV show to be revealing of how we need to be sensitive to victims of sexual assult and or harassment.

2018 MANP Emerging Leaders Program Participant Profiles NonprofitMaine.org

Jazmine Duran Gorham Savings Bank [email protected]

“Be stronger than your excuses” AND “Don’t make a habit out of choosing what feels good over what’s actually feels good for you” -Eric Thomas

About Jazmine: Jazmine Duran the West Falmouth manager for Gorham Savings Bank. I enjoy building lasting relationship with internal and external customers and give them back to the community. Outside of work I enjoy a heated yoga class and trying new restaurants with close friends.

Laughs at: Movies like Dumb & Dumber, the Mask, Napoleon Dynamite . Comedians like , , Ricky Gervais. I also enjoy making a fool out of myself.

Recommends: I enjoy watching Ted talks or different types of Documentaries. But I recommend anything from Simon Sinek. A must watch is his video on millennials in a work place. Or for a podcast I love listening to intelligence for your life by John Tesh, Connie Selle

Kaitlyn Husar Drummond Woodsum [email protected]

“True leadership stems from individuality that is honestly and sometimes imperfectly expressed… Leaders should strive for authenticity over perfection.” – Sheryl Sandberg

About Kaitlyn: Originally from Wisconsin, I love living in Maine! I live in Portland with my partner, Darren, two cats (Bernie and Smitty) and two turtles (Sancho and Not-Sancho). I work as an attorney at Drummond Woodsum focusing on commercial litigation and corporate bankruptcy. My job is more fun than it sounds.

Laughs at: I laugh easily and think everyday life is deeply humorous. This morning I cracked up at the reader submitted captions to the cartoons on the last page of the New Yorker.

Recommends: Two podcasts I'm digging right now: Slow Burn (season 1 and 2) and Reply All.

2018 MANP Emerging Leaders Program Participant Profiles NonprofitMaine.org

Kara Auclair Maine Volunteer Lawyers Project [email protected]

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

About Kara: Kara is currently working as the Justice Project Coordinator at the Maine Volunteer Lawyers Project. She has an MSW and is passionate about advocacy and supporting her community. She lives in South Portland with her husband, cat and turtle, and enjoys exploring Maine and playing guitar.

Laughs at: John Mulaney

Recommends: Startalk Radio

Kathleen Dodge Camden National Bank [email protected]

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” – Marianne Williamson

About Kathleen Dodge: 29 year old lifelong Mainer- sun worshipper, animal lover, feminist, exercise enthusiast, and movie buff. Currently studying Social and Behavioral Science at University of Southern Maine in Portland. Looking forward to being my best self, exploring the world, and creating a beautiful life.

Laughs at: Cats and standup

Recommends: Every book by and HBOs Westworld

2018 MANP Emerging Leaders Program Participant Profiles NonprofitMaine.org

Kelly Pelletier Baker Newman & Noyes [email protected]

"I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

About Kelly: I grew up in Falmouth, ME with three siblings and five cats (plus or minus a few over the years) I went to college at Northeastern University in Boston, majoring in psychology and minoring in sociology. After college, I took a year off and then attended law school at the University of North Carolina, graduating in 2015. I passed the bar in Maine and Massachusetts, and started working at Baker Newman Noyes LLC as a tax accountant in September of 2015. I specialize in high net wealth individuals, with a focus on estate, fiduciary, and gift tax. My husband, Paul, and I currently live in Windham with our two cats, Toby and Addie. I’m studying for the CPA exam this year, so I don’t really have any hobbies!

Laughs at: Videos of animals doing silly things Recommends: The Handmaid’s Tale

Kira Bennett Hamilton The Carrot Project [email protected]

"Drink water. Get sunlight. You're basically a house plant with more complicated emotions."

About Kira: Kira Bennett Hamilton coordinates client services for The Carrot Project, a regional nonprofit providing loans, business assistance, and financial management trainings to small farmers and food entrepreneurs. She studied food culture and communications at the University of Gastronomic Sciences, in Italy, and has a BA in philosophy from the University of Chicago. Kira has worked to promote sustainable farming and combat hunger and food waste through work with farmers' cooperatives, food banks, and nonprofits in the Midwest and Northern California. She has a background in publishing and writes about food justice, feminism, and parenting at kirabhamilton.com.

Laughs at: Jane the Virgin (TV Show) Recommends: "Feminism is for Everybody" by bell hooks.

2018 MANP Emerging Leaders Program Participant Profiles NonprofitMaine.org

Lena Geraghty Johns Hopkins University Center for Government Excellence [email protected]

"I learned to always take on things I'd never done before. Growth and comfort do not coexist." - Ginni Rometty, CEO, IBM

About Lena: Originally from Upstate NY, I completed my undergrad in Italian lit at McGill University. I moved to San Francisco for a legal aide job at a wage-and-hour class action law firm after stereotypically backpacking around Western Europe for 3 months. After finishing up my Masters in Public Administration from UNC Chapel, I moved to Baltimore and into a job at the Center for Government Excellence at Johns Hopkins University. My husband and I finally made the move to Maine (our dream place!) last fall. I still commute down to Baltimore for work a few days a month, but spend the rest of my time working from home and helping local governments use their data better to serve their communities.

Laughs at: Ironic abbreviations Recommends: Book: "Neverwhere" by Neil Gaiman; Podcast: Someone Knows Something; TV Show: The Great British Bake Off

Lisa Van Dyk Maine Medical Center [email protected]

“What we take, how and what we make, what we waste, is in fact a question of ethics.” -Yvon Chouinard

About Lisa: I joined Maine Medical Center's philanthropy team as grants officer in 2017. In my role, I work with private and corporate foundations whose philanthropic interests align with Maine Med's strategic priorities. Prior to joining Maine Med, I held development and advocacy positions at the YMCA of Delaware and the Boothbay Region YMCA. Born and raised in Wilmington, Delaware, I earned my MBA from the University of Delaware and a BS in biology from Calvin College. I love living in Portland, and enjoy traveling, exploring Maine, and spending time in the summer with family on Peaks Island.

Laughs at: Parks & Rec Recommends: Politico's "Women Rule" podcast

2018 MANP Emerging Leaders Program Participant Profiles NonprofitMaine.org

Lydia Coburn Maine Audubon [email protected]

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”

About Lydia: Lydia here! Obtained a BA from a small liberal arts college in western Massachusetts where I got my degree in conservation biology and environmental sustainability. Spent the last couple of years working seasonally as an outdoor educator and wildlife care, most recently full time with Maine Audubon as their nature store manager. My spare time is taken over by traveling, cooking, running, thrifting, and being outdoors!

Laughs at: Puns

Recommends: The Office

Mark Cheever Maine Appalachian Trail Land Trust [email protected]

The poem "If" by Rudyard Kipling

About Mark: I'm new to Maine and most recently lived in New York City where I worked in environmental education, community engagement and corporate philanthropy for Hudson River Park. I currently live in Portland and work for Maine Appalachian Trail Land Trust. I'm passionate about the environment and think the key to American success is an investment in civil society at the local level.

Laughs at: My dog

Recommends: 99% Invisible

2018 MANP Emerging Leaders Program Participant Profiles NonprofitMaine.org

Matt Flaherty Mano en Mano / Hand in Hand [email protected]

"Hard choices, easy life. Easy choices, hard life." Leadership is about making the tough choices!

About Matt Flaherty: I was born and raised in Portland, ME and plan to live in this wonderful city for my whole life. I went to college at Norwich University in the green mountains of Vermont. Now I work for the Migrant Education Program here in Maine and several other states. When I am not working, I am coaching and playing lacrosse, exploring Maine's outdoors and reading.

Laughs at: Sometimes, I am guilty of laughing at things that I shouldn't be laughing at...

Recommends: Podcast - The Tim Ferriss Show, I attribute a lot of growth as a person to listening to this podcast almost daily throughout 2017. Tim's selfless attitude and curiosity is extremely contagious, everything he does is so thoughtful.

Michael Young Unum [email protected]

Stephen Colbert, to Jon Stewart on Stewart’s final episode of the Daily Show: “You said to me and many other people here years ago never to thank you because we owe you nothing. It is one of the few times I’ve known you to be dead wrong…We owe you because we learned from you.”

About Michael: I have worked at Unum since moving to Maine 3 years ago. Before that, I managed a highly regarded coffee house in Cambridge, MA. My experience at the coffee house showed me how a business can succeed by being a good neighbor and engaging with its community. I am looking forward to helping businesses in the Greater Portland area succeed through community involvement and participation.

Laughs at: Watching the NY Giants lose

Recommends: I recommend Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, who couples investigative reporting with lowbrow humor, and makes difficult to digest information more accessible to the public.

2018 MANP Emerging Leaders Program Participant Profiles NonprofitMaine.org

Pat Skall L.L. Bean [email protected]

"A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.”

About Pat: I loved growing up in Maine. I left Maine to travel and develop my expertise. Came back to Maine to raise a family in the place i love, with the people i love. I'm interested in giving back to those people and places to ensure my family can do the same when they come of an age to do so.

Laughs at: My three year old son

Recommends: Extreme Ownership (Book), The Alchemist (Book), The Art of Manliness (Podcast)

Samantha Commeau Bank of America [email protected]

“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny.” ― Aristotle

About Samantha: Samantha Commeau is a Senior Vice President and Senior Relationship Manager for the Maine Market in Commercial Banking at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. In this capacity, her responsibilities include leading a team of specialists focused on understanding each client’s unique needs to deliver strategic financial guidelines and solutions. Bringing 20 years of experience, Samantha joined Bank of America Merrill Lynch in 1997. Samantha also volunteers a great deal with the American Heart Association focused on education, research, and awareness for heart disease and stroke.

Laughs at: Animals especially the compilation videos of them being silly.

Recommends: Chasing Excellence by Ben Bergeron (Book and Podcast) and Five Love Languages (Book)

2018 MANP Emerging Leaders Program Participant Profiles NonprofitMaine.org

Stephen Tyzik Maine Medical Center [email protected]

"Successful teams are bound together by a common mission, and to the principles of shared and servant leadership.”

About Stephen: Currently, I am a Performance Improvement Consultant within Operational Excellence at Maine Medical Center, a 637-bed academic medical center in Portland. Previously, I lived in Washington D.C. working for the VA Center for Applied Systems Engineering as a Lean Sensei. My expertise lies in facilitating multidisciplinary Kaizen (improvement) work in clinical and administrative settings to improve patient experience, drive strategically aligned outcomes, and enhance care team well-being. In this work I coach both leaders and care team members in learning how Lean methodologies, combined with shared understanding, can yield sustainable outcomes. I received a bachelor’s degree from the State University of New York, Geneseo, and an MBA in Health Care Management from Clarkson University.

Laughs at: Twitter Recommends: Conversational Intelligence (book)

Victoria Kulwicki Maine Farmland Trust [email protected]

"To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work." -Mary Oliver, from Yes! No!

About Victoria: Currently working as Grants Officer at Maine Farmland Trust, I am relatively new to Portland. My journey to Maine has included stops in upstate New York, Boston, Vermont, and Cleveland. I received my Master of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning from Tufts University in 2016, and much of my academic and professional work is focused on food systems and sustainable agriculture. In 2017, I fulfilled a lifelong dream by thru-hiking the 2,189-mile Appalachian Trail, which stretches from Springer Mountain in Georgia to Mount Katahdin in Maine.

Laughs at: My dog, Bean. She's ridiculous. Recommends: Book: The Fly Trap, by Fredrik Sjöberg; Podcast: Milk Street Radio w/ Chris Kimball; and TV: The Office (always).

2018 MANP Emerging Leaders Program Participant Profiles NonprofitMaine.org