I was born around 5:15 am on Thursday, November 13, 1930 in Flower Hospital in Toledo, . I weighed only 5 pounds, as I was a month premature.

My father was Walter Herman Sondergeld(1901-1982), the second oldest son in a farming family of four children. His father, Jacob Sondergeld(1867-1943), farmed one of the 40 acre plots his father Martin(1823- 1884) left to each of his five sons in Graytown, Ohio. His mother was Magdalena Louis(1875-1951). My father’s siblings all married, and all but Martin had children: Martin(1898-1976), who was a cook on a freighter out of Lake Erie Lester(1904-2000), who bought and farmed his father’s farm Estella Gieske(1906-1987), who was a nurse

My mother was Marie Elizabeth Kinsel Sondergeld(1901-1982), the youngest daughter in a family of eight children. Her father Henry Kinsel(1866-1933) was the custodian of a school in Oak Harbor, Ohio and her mother Amelia Sutter Kinsel(1866-1961) was a wonderful tiny woman. My mother’s siblings all married and had children: Albert(1891-1983), who was a telegraph operator and organist in Huron, OH Agnes Burton(1893-1980), who was deaf and lived in Port Clinton, OH Martha Coligan(1895-1984), who was a teacher, and lived in Cicero, IL Anna Hetrick(1898- ), Special Education teacher, lives in Port Clinton, OH Carl(1906-1996), owed the Oak Harbor Lumber and Kinsel Electric Companies Otto(1909- ), a telephone company supervisor, and inventor and manufacturer of spacers used on telephone lines, lives in Bellevue, OH

1930 TO 1939 My parents were married on May 30, 1928. My father had worked for Davey Company before he was married, but for most of his working life was employed by Spicer Mfg, subsequently Dana Corp in Toledo, OH. The Depression years were rough. Dad was laid off and worked for a time as a gas station attendant and bought a revolver for protection on that job. He subsequently kept it (unloaded) in a dresser in his bedroom. During that time we lived in Elmore, OH, but times were tough so we moved in with my mother's parents (Amelia and Henry Kinsel) on Walnut Street in Oak Harbor, OH. My brother Ralph was born at my grandparent's in Oak Harbor on June 26, 1934. I do remember that my Great Grandmother Mary Reiff Sutter(1846-1943) and my Great Uncle Henry Sutter(1874-1951) lived close by on the same street. One day I was watching my great uncle, who made fancy cement blocks, at work. Some cement blew into one of my eyes and I ran home crying. I have little if any recollection of my grandfather Henry Kinsel, who died in my third year. My grandmother Amelia Kinsel was a wonderful woman, about 4 feet 10 or 11 inches tall. In the morning she would brush out her long hair that almost reached to the floor, then coil it on her head and stick pins in it.

My father went back to work at Spicer and we then moved to Yates Street in Toledo, and from there to 532 Prouty Avenue in the south end of town. I do recall going to Jones Junior High School (which was not yet a high school) to complete my year of Kindergarten. Westfield Elementary (on the corner of Western and Field Avenues) opened and Jones became a Junior High. I continued there until the third grade.

1939 TO 1948: PRE COLLEGE My parents bought a home and an extra lot in a rural area east of Toledo around 1939. It was on Goodrich Avenue in Ross Township in Wood County, and is now called Northwood, OH. About a half mile away on the corner of Wales Road and a main three lane highway Woodville Road, was my school, Olney, that had grades 1-12 in it. After a few years my mother became the third grade teacher. Years after I was graduated, another building was constructed on the school grounds and my school became a high school only.

1 March 26, 2015 Sundays We went to St Paul’s Lutheran Church on Court House Square in Toledo, Ohio every Sunday. It was about five miles away. There were two services: one at 9:15 and one a 10:45. We went to the early one. We often drove to Oak Harbor (20 miles from home) to visit Grandmother Amelia Kinsel, and sometimes stopped in Genoa, half way back, where my Sondergeld grandparents had retired to, and occasionally at my Uncle Lester Sondergeld’s farm in Graytown. We often saw others in my mother’s family when in Oak Harbor. I do recall our occasionally visiting the Harold? and Virgie Schwartz family on Sunday afternoons in Toledo. They had a number of boys and my brother and I always had a good time. My mother, however, would often cry on the way home as she felt so sorry for Virgie, a high school buddy, who played the organ in a Lutheran church, while her Catholic husband took the boys to Mass.

Church Each Eve we had one big midnight service at the Paramount Theater a couple of blocks away to handle both our large congregation and others. During my seventh and eighth grades I attended catechism every Saturday morning from 9 am until noon. We had one hour of catechism, one hour of choir practice, and one hour of gym. I liked the last hour best as I loved to play basketball. We sang each Sunday and we each had to turn in a paper on what the sermon meant. I took a bus from Woodville Road to the Toledo bus station, a few blocks from church. After catechism I went with some other boys to Kreske’s or Woolworth’s for lunch. I always had a hamburger and a cherry sundae. We then went to a movie before I took the bus home.

Early Work When I was between sixth and seventh grade I tried working on a nearby farm topping beets at $1/day. I started work at 8 am instead of 7:30 am and worked hard all day pulling beets, taking off the tops, putting them in a bushel basket, and carrying them to a truck. At the end of the day we were to be paid in cash. The farmer gave me fifty cents as I had not worked a full day. I didn’t go back. I did go to Lakewood Greenhouse, a wholesaler a mile and a half away, where I got a job at 25 cents/hour and was rapidly raised to 35 cents/hour. I worked summers, often from 3:30 until 6 pm and Saturdays during the school year. I prepared raised beds for plantings by steaming the soil, bringing in new soil, loading trucks with flats for Detroit, weeding, white washing the glass for additional shade, etc. One day when I was 16, I was helping someone build a cement block wall there and had a terrible stomach ache. My parents took me to a doctor who said I should rest. While resting at home I read my mother’s medical journal and came to the conclusion I had appendicitis. I asked to go to another doctor the next day and a blood count confirmed an immediate appendectomy. My appendix had ruptured and lodged in a ball of fat so I was alive. Lucky.

Academics I did well academically, graduating first in both my junior high and high school classes. My valedictory address was titled: "The Responsibilities of Graduates in a Troubled World". I discussed three items: The spread of communism, the threat of a third world war, and universal military training. My simple solution was to “get more education”.

High School Friends My best friends were those I worked with at the greenhouse (Don Kettinger* Nick Chase, and to some extent Jim Dillie) and those I played basketball with (Danny Sieving* and a neighbor Ken Moulton along with his older brother Bill). My brother Ralph was three years younger, so we were not as close in high school as when I was in college. Although I seldom dated in high school, I took Joan Poffenbaugh to the Junior-Senior Prom my junior year and Lois Paben my senior year. Two other buddies were Nick Chase and Bruce Reimers**. *a year younger **a year older.

Relatives We were a close family and often saw our relatives. My Uncle Martin was a cook on a Great Lakes steamer, and Aunt Estella Gieseke lived up in with Uncle John, a fireman. I liked to play chess with my Uncle John Gieseke, a good player, when I could. My Uncle Lester farmed his father's 40 acres in Graytown, OH. For many years there was an annual Sondergeld Reunion, subsequently called the Sondergeld/Hageman Reunion, usually in Graytown. My great grandfather Martin Sondergeld's third wife was Anna Barbara Hageman whose brother Jacob Hageman had 40 acres also on Sondergeld Road in Graytown. These two large families were very close.

We visited my Grandmother Kinsel often in Oak Harbor, OH, and saw my mothers four brothers and three sisters often…although Aunt Martha Coligan lived in Cicero, IL so we didn't see her as much.

2 March 26, 2015 Whenever we had a family gathering we played cards: either pinochle or euchre. If at our house, mother would open all the windows after the guests left to air out the cigar smoke from Uncle Lester. We also sang as mother played the piano. Uncle Walter Kinsel had an especially good voice.

Music When I was in the fifth grade I played in a “tonette” band. A tonette was a small plastic instrument with ten holes to cover with one's fingers. I was quite good and the next year was encouraged to learn to play an instrument. I wanted to play the trumpet, but I had crooked teeth and couldn’t blow that horn. As the high school owned a baritone horn, I learned to play it as it has a much larger mouthpiece. I became proficient quickly and my parents bought me my own horn so I wouldn’t have to share it with a classmate. I started playing in the High School Band when I was in the sixth grade. I also played in two other bands: “AFL-CIO” band and the “Old Dutch Beer” band. I learned a lot from playing in these other two bands as there was one old baritone player that was terrific and gave me pointers. I was the youngest in both of these bands as most were older working people with music as a hobby. In my junior or senior year the union band played at the Convention Hall and in hotels in Atlantic City. This was my first trip East and the train ride was interesting as much drinking and gambling occurred. The next youngest musician was a couple of years older than me and we were buddies. On the return train ride the train stopped somewhere and we could get off for awhile. We were shooting pool and we heard the train whistle, but thought it too early. After a little while we thought we should check and saw the caboose going down the track. We hitchhiked to Toledo. My parents were not happy. I played a baritone solo at my commencement before giving the valedictory address. That was the swan song to my musical career. My son Eric played my baritone in HS and, although a math major at UMass, played with its Brass Choir, and went to Spain.

In my junior year I bought a trombone, which took a short time to learn as the slide positions are in one to one correspondence to the finger positions of the baritone horn. Two brothers, Bob Adkins in my class played trumpet and his older brother Howard played the drums, organized a dance band and we practiced at their house. There were five or six of us, including my brother Ralph who also played a mean trumpet. (He now plays the piano). We played at a few wedding receptions in my last two years in high school.

Camping My parents loved camping and traveling. We started out with just a trailer that we tossed all of our camping gear in including two tents: one for my parents and one for my brother Ralph and me. We then had a “tent trailer” that my parents slept in. (Later they bought a series of “High-Low” trailers made in Butler, OH. High for sleeping and Low for traveling). We must have slept in every state park in Ohio and many in Michigan. Once we had a “Willys Overland (a small car like a VW) pulling our trailer up a hill in Chillecothe (southern Ohio) and couldn’t make it. Dad unhooked the trailer, turned it around, hooked it back up, and backed up the hill in reverse gear…the lowest gear. (I tried this a few years ago up Sherburne Pass on Rt. 4 in as the clutch in my Honda was going, but it was too far gone).

Helping my father We did not have a very large lawn, but I never liked pushing the lawn mower around the yard, but did enjoy helping my father. A few years after we moved to Goodrich Avenue, dad removed the cinders from the driveway and put down concrete strips, which I helped make. He also knew someone who said he could have some red leaf maple saplings, which I helped dig up, load on dad’s trailer, and plant along the side of the drive. So, from the garage to the street, there was a large existing silver maple and then about six red leafed maples.

Dad had a utility room (perhaps 10’ by 24’) added across the rear of the house. It was over the well, so dad had steel pipes that were 20 feet long with couplings. There was a hole in the ceiling, so that whenever there was a need to “pull the well”, we would pull up 20 feet, remove it, pull up another 20 feet, etc to get to the submersible pump.

With the addition of the utility room, dad took a portion of the kitchen and made an indoor bathroom. Our old two holer privy was subsequently dismantled. Dad placed a hot water heater in the utility room and we now could take baths in a bathtub. A project that I helped on was replacing the coal burning stoves in the living room and kitchen with a furnace that sent hot water to radiators in each room. There was a living room and a dining room (which eventually was one larger room), two small bedrooms, a bath, a kitchen, and a utility room. Dad bought a set of dies to thread steel pipes, a big pipe cutter and we went to work. Dad cut holes in the floor for the two pipes to each radiator, and I crawled under the floor and measured how long to 3 March 26, 2015 cut all the pipes. We then installed the furnace. I never learned to solder copper pipes until I had to at Beebe Pond in Vermont.

Sports I Played on the freshman basketball team, but did not make the varsity my sophomore year. I was a substitute my junior year. My senior year, the starting five was Paul Kimball, Ken Moulton, Dan Warner, and me, all seniors plus Danny Sieving a junior. Our record was 5 and 7. Although not a great player, I loved the game. I worked at the greenhouse in the fall so did not play baseball, but played basketball in the winter.

Our small school added a third sport…track… my senior year. No, we were too small to have a football team. Well, I ran the 440, the 220, the mile relay, the 110 high hurdles, and high jumped. We started the team late and only had a couple of meets and I did well. The dual meet against our rival Lake High, I had a close race against Johnny Loudenslager our Superintendent’s son who I was a buddy of until the family moved to the Lake school district. Johnny beat me in my favorite race the 440 yard dash. At the Wood County championships I ran against Johnny again but drew a starting position in the second row. I was not aware that I could have traded places with a teammate who was slower and was in the first row. I had a lot to make up and lost again by a hair again to Johnny. I did place third in the 110 meter high hurdles. Johnny was also valedictorian of his class and became a doctor.

1948-1952 COLLEGE YEARS Bowling Green As valedictorian, I had a scholarship to the University of Toledo…but wanted to go away to school. Bowling Green State University was inexpensive (Tuition about $45/semester) and 25 miles away, so I went there and majored in Math and minored in Physics in the College of Liberal Arts. I also enrolled in the College of Education with a minor in physical science and a second minor in English. I did well academically and was graduated with two degrees: a BA plus a BS in Ed. I went eight semesters plus summer school between my junior and senior years(as I had a broken leg and couldn’t work).

Living Arrangements My freshman year was at North Dorm, a wooden army barracks about 1.5 miles from campus that housed freshman men. There were a lot of temporary buildings to handle many on the GI bill. I had a very small room and roomed with Roger ______. My sophomore year was at East Dorm half way from North Dorm to campus. I roomed with Elliott Baron an ex GI who received a government check once a month. He then did his laundry, and played a lot of poker on check night. He was a member of the last non national fraternity(Gamma Theta Nu) on campus, which I joined at the end of my sophomore year. I did meet Elliott and his wife Jo Boss in Naples, FL in 1998, who now live in Asheville, NC.

My junior year, I moved into the frat house, a large rented home, a block from downtown. It contained many ex GI’s. I lived in a room with Pat Mattachione, Joe Marconi, and John Balogach, (or was this Carl Garafalo?). Larry Allen and I were buddies and were bridge partners. We also played a lot of three handed pinochle for a nickle a game and a dime a set…dealer is stuck with the bid at 21, and bidding starts at 25.

The fraternity successfully petitioned to become a chapter of the national fraternity Theta Xi. However, a bottle of whiskey fell out of a blanket on the frat house steps and broke at a fraternity hayride. This caused us to lose our social privileges. Our fraternity still won first place in scholarship that fall.

We had a fraternity policy of throwing one of the brothers in the pond on the golf course if they became pinned or engaged. One night after some beer drinking we decided to do this to Dick Davey. We woke him, got him into a car, and drove to the golf course. Then Dick opened the car door and started running. I was in pursuit, but I knew I had been drinking and was being careful, but it was dark and the greens were being watered. As I crossed a green I didn’t see the sand trap, fell, and broke my leg. I was placed in a large walking cast. As I couldn’t work, I went to summer school between my junior and senior years and lived at East Hall. (I then took up smoking and smoked until 1958).

4 March 26, 2015 My senior year I commuted the 25 miles from Toledo to BGSU the first semester and did a semester of practice teaching the last semester. I lived at home.

New York City When I was at BGSU, it had a powerful basketball team. The field house was always packed at home games. For away games, we went to the Commons (our mess hall) and the games would be broadcast on the radio. It was actually quite a social event. Well BG was invited to the NIT in NYC my freshman year. Gary______and his roommate Dick Strauss, who had a car, and I went. It was my first visit to NYC and we had a ball. There was a rash of pregnancies, however, and parental outrage. BGSU then had some very strict rules. A coed could not ride in a car, unless she had written parental consent

Sports I was on the freshman track team, but as I didn’t have a scholarship…was not invited to travel to away meets. I worked hard, and my weight dropped from 175 to 160 pounds. I ran the 440 yard dash and was on the mile relay team. I consistently beat a guy from Indiana who had a scholarship, yet he got to travel. My best effort was leading all the way, only to be nipped by our best freshman, who set a new freshman record of 49 seconds flat. I decided not to go out for the varsity the next year. Another freshman, Gary ______, lived in my dorm and was a pole vaulter. We were good friends. I did play a lot of intramural basketball each year. In my sophomore year six of us from East Dorm formed a six man touch football team. I played end. We were undefeated and won the Independent championship. We then played the Fraternity champion and the game ended in a scoreless tie. We then played so many downs to see which side of the 50 yard line the ball ended on. We won.

Summer Jobs Before my freshman, sophomore, and junior years, I worked one summer on the C&O(?) railroad from 3pm to 11pm in the roundhouse. My bother Ralph also worked there and we would go out to a bar afterward. He did not like the taste of beer at first and would drink half beer and half orange soda. He finally learned. I also worked on the New York Central RR in Toledo loading and unloading axels and wheels for the journals to be ground. I also dug holes for septic tanks in Ottawa Hills in the north end of Toledo for Scholz (as did brother Ralph who became a drywall contractor). I worked as a hod carrier for a mason, who was an alcohalic. He stopped for beers on the way to work, at lunch, and on the way home.

One summer I was a salesman. I lasted a week trying to sell subscriptions to Collier, American and Women’s Home Companion. People don’t like magazine salesmen. I then worked for a senior at Michigan State. He had plants shipped up from Florida that cost practically nothing that were pulled from rivers so boats could travel. He rented a garage, put four planks on edge, draped a canvas over them, filled this with water, and placed bales of this greenery there. He had four salesmen who carried little baskets, lined with red plastic that held water, and a dozen or so “Japanese water orchids”. We would fill the baskets from a washtub of these plants in the trunk of his car. The four of us then went door to door on two streets selling plants that only needed water and had a beautiful orchid like flower. We got half the gross. If I found a plant with a budded flower, I pinched it off as the flower I described was more beautiful. I was his best salesman and was sorry to see him leave town.

Cards I played a lot of cards at the frat house my junior year. We played three handed pinochle for money: a nickel a game and a dime a set. Larry Allen and I were the best players, and we learned to play bridge. We played bridge at the BGSU Bridge Club once a month. Mary and I visited Larry and his wife Caroline Allen in San Francisco in November 1996, where he retired after being a pilot in the US Air Force. They have a house on the side of a hill in SF with a terrific view. I also found Elliott Baron’s address in Ashville, NC. Elliott and Jo Boss visited us in FL in January 1997.

Academics I did well at BG, graduating with honors in math. I was president of the Kappa Mu Epsilon national honor society for mathematics, and won a math competition award. I had a 3.3 gpa, which was lowered somewhat by getting one overall grade of 3.0 for the last 15 hours of practice teaching. One Friday night a fraternity buddy of mine and I went to a dance at the gym in the Women's Building. We had a bottle of whiskey hidden under a bush across the street at the edge of a cemetery. As I was taking a sip, a campus cop shined a flashlight on me and I threw the bottle into the cemetery. He and another campus cop were looking for hanky panky in the cemetery. One of them retrieved the bottle. They put me in their squad car, took me to their office, made out a report, and told me I would be contacted by the Dean 5 March 26, 2015 of Students. The next morning I was called in to see the Dean. He said he had read the report and was sorry to have to expel a Dean's List Student for drinking on campus. I told him I wasn't drinking on campus. He thought I was lying and got the officer to come to his office. He admitted I was across the street from campus, so all I got was a lecture.

Draft I knew I would be drafted for the Korean conflict…but didn’t know when. I did not want it to be drafted in September or October, which meant my two year obligation would end after graduate school had started. So, I went to my draft board & signed a paper volunteering to be drafted as soon as possible after I graduated. I was graduated in May 1952 and was inducted on my brother’s birthday: June 26, 1952.

1952-1954 US ARMY

Indiantown Gap Military Reservation. This was located outside Harrisburg, PA. Generally everyone took 16 weeks of basic training and came out with an MOS (Military Occupational Serial number) of 1745 (Combat Rifleman). At the end of 16 weeks I had muscles I had never seen before. It was rough and meant to instill fitness and obedience to command…as graduates went to Korea for front line duty. I became quite friendly with Perry Fritz, newly married from Stroudsburg, PA. I occasionally pulled KP duty so he could go home on pass. Well we did not like the Korean odds so we applied to OCS (Officer Candidate School). We were both accepted: Perry to artillery at Ft Sill, OK and me to Finance at Ft Riley, KN. Our orders for OCS, however, did not come through immediately so we were sent to Leadership School for eight more weeks of basic training. We then became acting cadre in a training platoon. We should have been Corporals, but there was a freeze on promotions so we were PFC’s. Often awoke in the barracks and found the water in the cigarette butt cans frozen. Thus ended seven months of hell.

Ft Riley, Kansas OCS was almost identical to basic training. I did well being second in my class academically and first in fitness. Imagine the surprise of my CO when I resigned a few weeks before receiving my commission. If I had accepted the commission as a second lieutenant, I would have to serve for 18 months from that day. As I had already served 11 months, a total of 29 months was unappealing. And, I knew there was no retaliation for dropping out, as the Main Post was run by a lot of ex OC’s. (Not true at Ft Sill, where Perry Fritz dropped out of OCS, was sent to Korea, and was killed at Pork Chop Hill shortly before the cease fire.)

I went to the Main Post for reassignment and was asked to choose among a bunch of jobs. I became head lifeguard. They sent me to Kansas State to get my Red Cross certificate in nearby Manhattan, KN. My job was to see that the swimming pool was safe and clean. There were three of us and I became good friends with Jack Quirk from Oconomowoc, WI. I subsequently gave him the nickname Hoppe…for his pool(billiards type) prowess. He went to college after the army at Whitewater State. He told me that Oconomowoc means “running water” in Indian.

A platoon of new inductees would be marched into the Field House. They would be ordered to strip, and then marched to the pool where they had about a half hour of fun. Many couldn’t swim but would jump off the high board, and try to land near the edge of the pool and splash to the edge. For those that got too far away, we stretched out a 15 foot bamboo pole for them to grab on to.

Here I learned about a Special Off Duty Pass. We lifeguards had no regular hours, and had this pass that permitted one to leave and enter the post at any time. We covered for each other and one of us was never there. I had a car and often went to Kansas City.

However, the swimming pool season ended, so back to the Main Post for reassignment. I wanted to go to SHAPE headquarters in Paris, France, but needed to have at least twelve months left to serve. I had only nine. As my MOS (Recreation Specialist) was needed at Ft Leonardwood, MO, Jack Quirk and I went there. Thus ended eight months in Kansas, the Heat State, of which the last four months was fun.

6 March 26, 2015 Girlfriend I had been dating Esther Elizabeth Dahleiden Pioch called "Billie" the last semester of my senior year. She was ten years older than I was, a divorcee, and a former Army Nurse. After I could get weekend passes at Indiantown Gap, she loaned me her new Studebaker so I could make the 500 mile trip on weekends. I returned it to her when I went to Ft Riley. Once I resigned from OCS at Ft Riley I sent her a Dear Billie letter, deciding our age difference was too great, and it was best to break up.

Ft Leonardwood, Missouri The Army was opening an Induction Center at Ft Leonardwood and needed someone to set up a Recreation Hall and Writing Room. Jack Quirk and I went there and I ordered pool tables, ping pong tables, all kinds of board games, and writing materials. We reported to Sgt. Paul Nibbellink also a short timer like me. His MOS was Troop Information and Education Specialist, which became ours. Our duties were to keep the Rec Hall and Writing Room open occasionally and to show a film to the inductees on saluting and other military behavior. This duty came with a Special Off Duty Pass. Paul was married to Alva and lived off post in Rolle. So Jack and I spent a lot of time off post and covered for one another. I went to the Lake of the Ozarks, Lake Tanneycomo, and to St Louis. I went to the Cotton Carnival in Memphis. I also took a 10 day trip and spent almost a week at Mardi Gras, and then drove to Pensacola to visit my Uncle John Gieseke and Aunt Estella…and played chess with my uncle. Actually, I played a lot of chess in my barracks. There were three of us (John Long from Topeka was one) evenly matched..yet often A would beat B, B would beat C, and C would beat A. After 9 months of great fun, I was discharged on June 26, 1954.

1954-1955 GRADUATE SCHOOL I can’t remember where I worked in Toledo in July and August of 1954. I had been accepted to the U of Michigan Graduate School (which had a good theoretical math department…whereas Ohio State had a good applied math department). Ken Miller had been at the U of M for three years before going into the army. Ken was in my barracks at Ft Leonardwood, in Missouri. Ken planned to return to Ann Arbor to finish his senior year beginning in September 1954. I told him I had already been accepted at grad school at U of M on 2/25/1954. Ken suggested we room together and offered to find a room. I said fine. I was discharged in June 1955.

George Andrews was in an abutting room on the second floor of a private residence at 520 S Forest near Washtenaw. George’s roommate, Fritz Mosher, was a former classmate and friend at Oberlin. George was in the graduate actuarial program. George had graduated from Oberlin, a small liberal arts college that he loved. George, Ken, and I liked basketball and we formed an intramural team that was not nearly as good as the Boston Celtics … but we had fun. Our landlord, who lived downstairs, liked to play chess and I beat him once or twice a week but the games were close.

One weekend I picked up Dave Wakely, only a sophomore at U of M, hitchhiking to Toledo (actually Woodville, OH). Although he was quite ugly, I felt sorry for him and gave him a ride. I had little to do with Dave until I later learned he had accepted a summer actuarial internship at Connecticut General (CG) for the summer of 1956.

There was a graduate actuarial clique at U of M. I tagged along with George, often to hockey games, and learned about a career as an actuary. Dave was not in that group of graduate students and I never had anything to do with Dave, a runny nosed undergraduate. Many of us had a crush on Sally Beauthean. (sp?) Sally was an actuarial student and the clique liked me as I had a car and could drive to Silver Lake. The only grad course I took in which there were actuaries, was a course in Statistics taught by professor Harry Carver. He was both a pilot and a quarter miler of some renown. I was told he had a standing offer to race any student at that distance and to shoot pool. He offered a ride in his small plane to anyone who scored 100% on the midterm. Sally and I both got a plane ride, but I did not make the Mile High Club until later with Mary, although she may deny it.

I went to some evening review sessions that Dr. Cecil Nesbitt, a wonderful professor, gave on the first actuarial math exam. He was terrific.

We also watched the comedian "Lonesome George" (George Goebel) on TV in the Student Union.

7 March 26, 2015

Although I only went to a couple of football games at BG, I went to all the home games at Ann Arbor. To get a seat, not in the end zone, I volunteered for the “Block M” section. Instead of going to the bathroom at halftime, we flipped flip cards and sat on the 40 yard line. When I was in high school you were either a fan of : OSU or U of M, Cleveland Browns or Detroit Lions, Cleveland Indians or Detroit Tigers. I was always for the Ohio team, although Cleveland was 120 miles away to Detroit’s 50. During Michigan’s final home game against OSU, I was in the Block M section rooting for OSU, of course. I am only alive today……. because Michigan won.

George convinced me I should become an actuary instead of getting a PhD in math so in the spring of 1955 we went East together to interview for jobs. George Andrews and I applied for work as actuarial students at many companies: between us we interviewed at Equitable and MONY in NYC, John Hancock in Boston, and Aetna and Connecticut General (now CIGNA) in Hartford. Our travel expenses were paid by these companies so we drove to the East Coast over spring break and had interviews. I was offered $4000 (as I was getting an MS) at both Aetna and CG. As CG was building a beautiful new building in Bloomfield, CT, I accepted the CG offer, as did George. Dave was accepted at CG as a summer intern and he was only a sophomore. This was quite an opportunity for Dave. The three of us decided to room together.

My brother Ralph, had just returned from Korea, was looking for a car and could not decide between a 1953 or a 1952 Chrysler New Yorker. He decided on the 1953. My mother turned to me and said why don’t you turn in your perfectly good 1950 Plymouth and buy the 1952 which was the largest car made by Chrysler. I did. I hoped that the sales tax was lower in CT than in OH, so I drove an unregistered car to CT. I registered it there, and paid the same sales tax rate. A few months later I received a property tax bill for the car. I never had heard of such a thing. I learned I had a $1000 exemption as an ex GI, that would not take effect until I filed my discharge papers, the next year. I had to pay the tax. Others finessed the tax by changing addresses (One town assessed on October 1 and another say on April 1. So if you lived in an October town, you changed your car registration address to that of a friend in the April town in August, and then changed it back in November. Towns thought this practice was not fair, so they all changed to a common date like October 1. Some with expensive cars, would then deregister their cars on September 30 and reregister on October 2 to beat the system. This was corrected when a prorata tax approach was installed).

I arrived first in Hartford and spent a few nights at the YMCA. Ugh. I then found an apartment in Hartford near the West Hartford line (Prospect Street) on Farmington Avenue called The Farmington. It was affordable as the rent was to be split among George Andrews, Dave Wakely, and me. A week after two of us were living there, the third roommate arrived and we learned our rent would increase 50%, so we moved to Highland Avenue a few blocks west in West Hartford. This was a fun summer, with our living in an interesting big old house. We had to use a community bathroom upstairs and there were strict rules about wiping the bathtub completely dry after using it. We had a huge bedroom, a great big living room with a ping pong table in it, and a large kitchen. I loved it!

Dave Don George 8 March 26, 2015 Shortly after arriving in Hartford the clutch was slipping so I dropped the car at a Chrysler dealership who said the fluid in the transmission needs checking. At the end of the day I found the transmission and other parts strewn all over the place and was told that I needed a new torque converter. It helps get the car moving from a dead stop and costs $1000, one quarter of my annual salary. They asked if they should fix it. I said no, put the parts in the trunk and George towed me to our apartment. I went to many garages in the next few weeks, and got a used torque converter installed for only $500 at the Armory Garage on Broad Street across from, what today is, the YWCA. I vowed never to ever get an expensive car. I decided then to buy economical cars in the future.

We had a lot of fun that summer. I dated a cute receptionist in the Personnel Department at CG all summer, but broke off in the fall as she was getting serious and I had to study for my May actuarial exam. I can’t even remember her name. George fell in love with Pete and Dave played golf. We felt sorry for Dave, who did not pass the first actuarial math exam, whereas Don did and George, who had already passed that exam passed the next one math exam. Little did we know that Dave would achieve Fellowship long before Don and also get a law degree. This is one of the world’s mysteries that is beyond the ken of mortals.

At the end of the summer, Dave Wakely returned to Ann Arbor for his Junior year. We needed a roommate and Ron Stewart, another actuarial student at CG, said he would move in with us if we moved to a nicer apartment. We then moved into an apartment on the third floor of a three story triplex on Kenneth Street in the south end of Hartford. The owner lived on the first floor with her husband, and her parents lived on the third. We couldn’t have parties (not a problem as we were studying hard). Most evenings, to help our studying, we ate. I would eat a dishpan of popcorn, George devoured a huge amount of jello, and Ron loved mashed potatoes. One day Ron came home with 50 pounds of potatoes. The bag broke near the top of the stairs creating quite a racket tumbling down the stairs. This resulted in a shouting match between the landlady and me which helped hone my diplomatic leadership abilities.

We would often come back to the apartment and find clothes moved, books straightened out, etc by the landlady to show us how we were to maintain the apartment. One day we bolted the front and back doors to the apartment, and crawled out a pantry window to the back landing. Yes, she somehow fit her fat butt though that little window. I often had shouting matches with her from the top of the stairs regarding her invasion of our privacy. This led to an eviction notice that was not really a problem as Ron Stuart had been in ROTC and entered the Air Force (and tragically was killed when his jet crashed during training). Also, George got drafted. He had dated Marlene (Pete) Erickson in CG’s Pension Department, got married and entered the army. When he was discharged, he returned to U of M and received his PhD in Mathematics the same year I became an FSA which meant he and I reversed our initial career objectives. He subsequently became the head of the Math Department at Oberlin and was succeeded by one of his sons. Poor David, somehow managed to eke out a living as a consulting actuary, moved from Atlanta to the Clearwater FL area, set up his own consulting Actuarial Firm and subsequently bought a small insurance company that his son Steve, an FSA runs for him. I’ve always felt sorry for Dave having to work in the hot south. It is my understanding it wasn’t until relatively recently that Dave was able to afford air conditioning.

At the end of 1955, Bob Goode, who was also an actuarial student at CG, was losing his roommate Steve Niehaus from the Aetna to the army. So I moved in with Bob at 69 Westbourne Parkway off Albany Avenue in the North end of Hartford in early 1956. This was a three story building with two apartments on the first floor, the owner on the second, and one apartment on the third. Bob and I had one first floor apartment and two school teachers, Lilian Mund and Joyce Rounds, had the other. We had a small kitchen and pantry, a small living room and a small bedroom. In September of 1956 Mary Towne and Janet Rosen moved into the third floor apartment. I married Mary on August 3, 1957.

As Paul Harvey said: “And now you know the rest of the story.”


Skiing Bob had skied when in the army in Europe, so we went to Stowe one weekend with his girlfriend Lee Abbott, also from Iowa, who was working in New Haven, CT. We stayed in dorms at the Round Hearth Lodge. I rented skis and was practicing on the Toll House slope prior to my lesson and broke 9 March 26, 2015 a pair of skis. I missed my lesson but rented another pair which I also broke. We had bear trap (non release bindings) and wooden skis with metal edges. When I returned from skiing I soaked my ankles that were both the size of my knee. Strangely I liked the sport. A few weeks later we returned and I broke two more pair of skis. Now I was hooked.

Actuarial Exams We both studied hard for the May 1956 exams. Bob passed part 5 making him a new Associate of the Society of Actuaries(ASA). I passed part 3, of the 8 exams needed to become an FSA.

Golf In the summer of 1956, Bob joined the Hartford Golf Club and played a lot of golf. He had been captain of the golf team at the University of Iowa, and an excellent golfer. Lee Abbott would come up from New Haven on weekends, and my job was to entertain her. As Bob didn’t propose, Lee moved to Denver for a year, which did the trick, and they then got hitched.

Mary Towne In September 1956 two teachers moved into the third floor apartment: Mary Towne from the University of Michigan who taught speech at three schools (Dwight, Vine, and Rawson), and Janet Rosen who taught art. I tried to date Mary, but learned she was pinned to Hugh de loo, who was in the army. I wrote to Dave Wakely who was now a Senior at Michigan to learn what he knew about Mary, a Chi Omega alum. Well Dave was dating a Chi Omega, who then wrote to Mary asking what’s up? As Mary was "taken", I dated Janet. I arrived early for the date and would talk with Mary. Then I talked her into playing bridge socially with other actuarial couples…mostly Charlie and Nancy Smith. In a few months I got her to write a dear John letter. We were married at the Pleasant Street Methodist Church in Waterville, ME on August 3, 1957. Our honey moon was a week at Lac Beauport, outside Quebec City and a second week driving around the Gaspe peninsula, stopping at Fundy National Park, and staying in Camden, ME.


Mary and I moved into a terrific apartment on Farmington Avenue across from Whiting Lane in West Hartford. We had placed an ad in the Hartford Courant “Young businessman and teaching wife desire a four room apartment." Mildred Fineberg, a wonderful old widow, lived alone on the first floor and had a crazy daughter, Ruth, at the Institute for Living. Ruth was able to come back home, and Mildred probably wanted someone there, more than the money. The apartment had a large screened in porch facing Farmington Avenue, a huge living room, a large wood paneled dining room, behind which was a large kitchen and pantry…on the west. On the east there was a long hall, off of which there were three bedrooms. The large one in the back had a nursery off it. When she asked what we thought of it, we said terrific, but we can’t afford it. She said, how about $90/month, a ridiculously low figure. We said fine. Perhaps she thought I was a nice Jewish boy.

I sold my big car, took the bus to CG, and we banked Mary’s paycheck for the purchase of a house. I started studying hard. I had failed part 4 in May 1957, in part because I was courting, but the exam had an “theory of compound interest” part and a “life contingencies” part. My grade was a 5*. The asterisk meant I had enough points to pass the exam, but one needed to score at least 75% of the minimum expected on each part. I could work the “interest” problems but couldn’t find the correct answer among the 8 listed, as I was weak in formula manipulation. Thus began a number of years of trying to catch up. Each year I took two exams in May, passing the one I failed the prior year and failing, by a whisker, the new exam. The problem was I was not good at cramming for two big exams that were given in the same week in May, often on successive days. I would study from 5-7 am, then take the first hour as a study hour from 8-9 am and then try to get in 2 hours at home at night. I studied on Saturday, and would go to Mt Snow 100 miles north often on Sundays for a day of skiing. I passed part 4 in May 1958.

During the latter part of 1958, Mary came home from a party and said that a school teacher friend, Madge Vining, was pregnant and that we needed to practice. Karen arrived 9 months later. We had joined the Hartford Ski Club and did spend a week skiing in February 1959 from the club lodge at Mad River Glen. Don did pass part 5 and became an ASA. 10 March 26, 2015


We bought 1.5 acres of land from John Cosmos and had a 3 bedroom garrison colonial constructed for around $18,000. It was supposed to be ready before Karen’s arrival on September 27, 1959, but it wasn’t. I told Mildred Fineberg, whom I loved, that we would not upset Ruth by bringing a baby to the apartment. She let us keep our furniture in the apartment and we moved to a railroad apartment (you had to go from the kitchen thru the bedroom to the living room) until our new house was ready. Mary’s mother came down for a few days to help out. A few weeks later we moved to Woods Road.

We did a lot of camping in summers, often with Bob and Shirley Vose, neighbors. I passed part 6 in May 1960 and David arrived on election day November 8, 1960. I passed part 7 in May 1961. Eric was born April 30, 1962…just before my last exam. I passed my last exam in May 1962 and became an FSA.

To celebrate, Mary and I took a three week ski trip to Europe in February 1963. We flew into Munich and out of Zurich. We skiied at week at Kitspuehl(staying at the Weisses Rossel), then took a train to Vienna for the weekend and went to the opera, Don in a blue corduroy jacket with thin yellow horizontal and vertical stripes. We then took the train to the Arlberg, staying at a pension in St. Anton, and also skiing Zurs and Lech. We took a small bus thru Lichtenstein to Davos, staying at the Central Sports Hotel. We stayed in Zurich for a few days. I called Swiss Re and told them who I was. Imagine our surprise when a limo was sent and we were wined and dined royally at lunch and an actuary took us to dinner. Paul Nibbellink told me about a Frau Schnellbellilandolt who we thought was a friend. She showed us aroud Zuruch and we had lunch overlooking the lake, which was frozen(each seven years). I thought something was wrong when were trying to say goodbye; it was because she needed to be paid. In Zuruch we went to a night club with a great burlesque show. And we bought the “sunflower print" that we hung in our living room for over 30 years there. We decided that I will have “arrived”, when I pay more for the picture than for the frame. At CG, I had worked my first 2 years in the Group Insurance Department under a bright fireball Jim Ross(who in turn reported to Frank Bush, who reported to Bill Keffer). My next three years were in the Individual Life Actuarial Department, where I had different bosses: John Burleigh, Martina Doyle(one of the few female actuaries in North America), and Roland(Doc) Dorman. Their boss was Russ Schneider. I enjoyed these 5 years. I was then transferred to the Group Pension Department, working two years for Bob Mallory doing financial work and 1 for Shep Holcombe doing actuarial valuations for defined benefit plans. Although I had an excellent pension experience, I did not feel Bob especially, or Shep was interested in furthering my career. I did have a younger actuarial student report to me the last year: Walter Rugland who has always been a good friend, and succeeded me as president of the Society of Actuaries in 1992. In September 1963 I took a job as Assistant Actuary at Hartford Life at 77 Franklin Street in Boston.


We sold our home in Bloomfield, CT and in one weekend, Don found a nice two story colonial, also on a cul de sac in Canton, MA only two miles from the Rt 128 RR station. Don bought a second hand cheve, and left it at the RR station and had a 19 minute commute into South Station. Don and Curt Rosser played chess together on the train.

Hartford Life was looking for both an actuary and an underwriter. They hired Emil Tobler, from Pru, to be the head underwriter. Curt had been a reinsurance underwriter at CG, moved to Aviation Employees Insurance Co and interviewed for the underwriting job. They were impressed with Curt and hired him to develop training programs. Curtis and I became the best of friends. He and his wife Bobbie, and their 4 children lived a couple of miles away in Westwood, MA.

I had a terrific boss Jim Bruce, Vice President and Actuary. He was a fantastic communicator, and I tried to learn from him. I was promoted to Associate Actuary and then to Second Vice President and Actuary. Although there were two actuarial students, I developed a formal training program and went To U of Michigan, , Iowa State, and Drake to hire students. His first success was hiring Jan Pollnow from 11 March 26, 2015 Wisconsin. Jan was the first student Don hired to become an FSA. Jan was also an excellent athlete and later played basketball at the Hartford and participated in my tennis doubles groups. I was his mentor and Jan became my right arm.

Amy She was born in Norwood Hospital in Norwood, MA on April 13, 1965.

Ping pong I played a lot of ping pong with my neighbor Dan Silvia. I was slightly better.

Rock Walls In Canton, MA I had a used Cheve that I drove two miles to the Rt 128 railroad station each day and took a 20 minute train ride to South Station in Boston about four blocks from my office. I used the truck of that car to pick up stones that I then placed in a wheelbarrow and built a 200 foot rock wall along the back of our property. Thus began my building of rock walls. (I did get a huge red table rock for a present from Mary at 20 Farm Hill Road in West Hartford, CT).

David and the Funeral Home One day, I drove my Cheve to a Gulf gas station located on a main street on a hill that went down into Canton. David was in the front seat. I went inside to pay for the gas, and the attendant asked if that was my car. David had shifted the manual transmission out of gear into neutral. I ran, but was too late. The car rolled out onto the busy street. Instead of going down hill into town, it rolled across the steet and dislodged a stone from the stone wall in front of the funeral home. No one was injured and David seemed quite proud of his accomplishment.

Finding Beebe Pond I had written to a bunch of realtors in Vermont in the fall of 1965. We had ruled out the Mt Snow area and the Okemo area, but wanted to see what was available directly on Lake Bomoseen, Lake Hortonia, Lake St Catherine, and Lake Dunmore. We needed a place to ski out of and I wanted it on the water so we could use it year round. We camped at the Bomoseen State Park with Bob and Shirley Vose and our four kids. We liked a lot over the float bridge at Lake Bomoseen, but the realtor said he would like to show us property being offered for sale on Beebe Pond as a girl’s camp (Camp Awanee) had closed. We looked at what is now the Wolon’s property and were impressed. We asked what was across the lake and we met June Sherline and fell in love with the property we bought. She had 300 feet for sale for $10,000. We asked if she would sell us half as the Vose’s decided not to split it with us.

Building our camp We had looked at the only new house that had been built, the Gallaghers. I had asked the contractor Al Greeley, June’s former handyman, how much one like it would cost. He said $4000. I asked how much to go up four more feet and have a two story house. He said the total would be $5000. We closed on the property in the fall of 1965, with the help of Marble Bank. I then asked my father-in-law for a loan to build the camp. He said banks make loans. I went to my bank in MA, borrowed money to buy furniture, which I didn’t buy and used that money to increase my mortgage loan at Marble to build the camp. Simple.

Bedrooms In the spring of 1966 we visited our new 24’ x 38’ two story box in VT. I painted camp in the summer of 1966, had Gael Dundon from Orwell install a furnace for $1300 the summer of 1967. In the fall of 1967, John and Jane Boyle and their six kids visited us one weekend. We had a honeymoon room downstairs (where the kitchen is now in the NW corner), where John and Jane slept. Mary and I slept on the second floor deck with the 10 kids. In the next few months I framed up 4 bedrooms and a bath, put up cheap paneling, and hung 5 doors for a little over $1000. We now had about $12300 invested in Vermont.

Moving from MA to CT In the summer of 1967, Mary and the children lived in Vermont as we had sold our house in Canton, MA. We bought a house at 20 Farm Hill Road in West Hartford, CT that was under construction and not available until late August. Why did we move? Hartford Life was being moved to a new 22 story building on the grounds of Hartford Fire. Don lived in the Netherlands Hotel in Hartford that summer.

A summary of the changes made to our camp in Vermont follow: Above $12300 12 March 26, 2015 July 1969 700 Upstairs bath October 1970 1000 Well by Prentice Smith Spring 1978 4000 Adding a screened in porch and putting glass in the old screened in porch. Summer 1986 13000 Kitchen Remodeling by Paul Barker Most of 1989 136000 Library Addition by Paul Barker Early 1992 49000 Garage by Paul Barker Fall 1994 11000 Make kitchen larger by Paul Barker Mid 1995 16000 Add Sunroom by Paul Barker 243700

Lake Beebe Property Owners' Association Shortly after purchasing our property, I organized a property owners' association and became its first president, subsequently serving as road commissioner and also as treasurer. Mary has been very active over the years monitoring the lake for water quality and writing grants for Eurasian Milfoil control.

Eagle Rock Racquet Club We started playing tennis at one of the old tennis courts at Twin Lake Camp with Alan and Eva Breckenridge, but due to liability issues were told to stop. So we got a bunch of people together in July 1976 and had tennis courts by July 1977. (See attached Table I)


Diary Curt and Bobbie Rosser and three of their four kids came up for the colors October 7, 1967, and gave us a log(diary). I have written in it every day I have been in Vermont since then, over 30 years. (I also keep a diary in Naples, FL)

Karla She was born in Hartford Hospital on December 13, 1968. We finally succeeded in the perfect child, so she will be the last. (Not to be read by her siblings).

Photo Albums I began taking a lot of pictures and placed them in photo albums. I now have over 200, with an index for each album. My first album starts in August 1972. See attached Table II.

Skiing We started the family skiing at High Pond Ski area (a t-bar and rope tow area in Hubbardton, that we had go to Brandon and then over to). We also skied at the Middlebury Snow Bowl. We soon learned that a terrific major, family oriented ski area called "Pico Peak" was 32 miles and 45 minutes away. We started skiing there and had season passes for the family: Passes Years Passes Years 5 1968-69 5 1977-81 6 1969-73 4 1981-86 7 1973-77 1 1986-87 When we first skied at Pico Peak (which subsequently changed its name to Pico, as Pico means peak in Spanish and was redundant) we skied with the family, but soon joined the Pico Ski Club. This gave us an old building near the old t-bar (the first in North America that serviced A, B, and C slopes where Andrea Mead Lawrence first raced as her parents then owned Pico). There we did not have to fight the lunch crowds and met a lot of people: the "woodchucks", VT locals, and "turkeys", us out of staters. I skied with Stan Joseph, John Holland, Gary Levine, and Woody Friedlander in the early years. Over the years Stan and I always skied together.

Our kids learned to ski in "Sunday Ski School: a series of 10 one our lessons for a total of $10/child. In later years all of our children became "quasi qualified" as ski instructors (and David became fully certified). Once qualified, they became "Sunday Ski School" instructors. By doing that and being gatekeepers for 2-4 ski races they received a season pass. Although some of the kids raced as "class 3 racers" they soon stopped as we could not commit to the amount of time necessary to be technically good racers. The Josephs (Peter, Dough, and Richard), Levin (Susie), and Friedlanders (Jeff and David) were serious racers.

Maxivans For many years we spent about 40 weekends per year in Vermont. With 5 children and 180 miles we learned a lot about one another during the trips. We first had a Ford Country Squire station 13 March 26, 2015 wagon. I built a 4' x 7' box 12" high mounted on two roof bars. We threw the skis, boots in an army duffle bag, poles and other gear in the box and that's how we traveled.

One summer we took a canoe/camping trip on the Lamoille (Gull) River in Northern Vermont with Alan, Eva, John, Jodi, and Jenny Breckenridge. Alan had a maxivan, and we had the station wagon with a trailer and our canoes. Don fell in love with Alan's Dodge maxivan and has had a number of them since. He built a removable loft behind the second bench seat , about 4' x 4'. Some of us, usually me, slept there on the drive back to CT. I also built a removable pallet, placed on the floor of the van behind the second bench seat. Our skis and poles went under, and all luggage, cooler etc. on top of the pallet.

Lake George Camping We had some great camping trips for a few days on the islands in Lake George. The planning and logistics were lengthy. It was the seven Sondergelds, five Breckenridges, and many guests, often Peter, Lisa, Julie and Holly Stern. We took canoes, sun fish, camping gear, and rented a ski boat. It was not as much fun when it rained. When the kids grew up and met us there and we had to do all the transporting and setting up, we decided the cost (work) was more than the benefit (fun).

Renting Camp: Martha's Vineyard and Cape Hatteras One year (19??) we decided we needed to see something other than VT, so we rented a cottage in Vineyard Haven on Martha's Vineyard. We took our sunfish and also saw the Rossers who were renting between Oak Bluffs and Edgarton the same week. We had a nice time so the next year we rented a cottage at Cape Hatteras, NC. Most all of the family got "swimmer's ear" at the Sheraton in Williamsburg on the way to NC. So, we had a large dumpy old cottage right on the water, but the kids were not supposed to go in with their ears. A bummer. One day we had lunch at a place that had crab sandwices on the menu. Don and Mary ordered them, thinking it was a salad…but they put a soft shell crab between two slices of bread and grilled it. When it was served, the legs were sticking out and when you opened it and you could see the two eyes looking at you. Don ate his. Mary didn't.

The Actuary at Work I started my career as an actuarial student at Connecticut General (later called CIGNA) in 1963, became an FSA in 1962, and joined Hartford Life, at 77 Franklin Street in Boston, in 1963 as Assistant Actuary. I was promoted to Second Vice President and Actuary, then to Vice President and Actuary. When Jim Bruce retired I was promoted to Senior Vice President and Actuary. I also served as on the Board of Directors of Hartford Life, Hartford Life and Accident, Hartford Variable Annuity, Abbey Life of Canada, ITT Life, and Abbey Life in Bournemouth . I started the Group Pension operation at The Hartford , was an expert on financial reporting, and was instrumental in getting the National Association of Insurance Commissioners to adopt model legislation on: Modified Guaranteed Annuities".

The Actuarial Profession I became an ASA in 1959, an FSA in 1962, an ACA in 1963, an MAAA in 1965, and an EA in 1976. However most of the work with my professional organizations came after I joined Hartford Life and after 1967.

I served on the exam committee on life contingencies and on many other committees of the Society of Actuaries. I chaired a committee that developed programs to strengthen relationships between universities and the actuarial profession, and I was instrumental in developing the Ambassador program), authored a number of actuarial papers: Asset Shares Involving More Than One Life, Earnings and The Internal Rate Of Return Measurement of Profit, Changing Premium Valuation Method, and Profitability as a Return on Total Capital) and articles (Guaranteed Returns-A Tragedy of the Commons? ), Was Fibonacci an Actuary?, and Actuaries and The Rule of Eleven. I appeared as panelist at many actuarial meetings where I spoke on various topics including the Investment Year Method of allocating Investment income, and the Segregation of Assets and Liabilities. I also served on many committees of the American Council of Life Insurance and task forces of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. I served as Vice Chairman of the Connecticut State Employees' Commission from 1979-1984. 14 March 26, 2015

I was elected to the Board of Governors of the Society of Actuaries for successive terms from 1985-1994, serving as vice president from 1988-1990, president elect from 1990-1991, president from 1991-1992, past president from 1992-1993, and penultimate past president from 1993-1994. I also served on the Board of the American Academy of Actuaries from 1990-1991.

A new job in 1989 When my boss R Fred Richardson retired in 1987, there was a lot of uncertainty whether he would be replaced from within or outside. Well, a real turkey, Bob Lackey, was hired to replace Fred. I couldn’t stand working for him. When I received a call from a headhunter who wanted me to interview for a job as Exeutive VP and CFO at Mutual Benefit Life (MBL) in Newark, NJ…I said yes. I hit it off well with the Chairman of the Board Bob Van Fossen. Although I was his first choice and first to be interviewed, I was told it was necessary to interview others before making a job offer.

In early January, Mary and I went to a big ITT Senior Management Conference in Honolulu. Although we had been to many sales conventions, this was fantastic with terrific speakers: I especially liked Hannah Gray from the University of Chicago. I had received an excellent job offer from MBL just before we left. I spent time on the plane writing a confidential letter to Pete Thomas as to why I was leaving and identified Bob Lackey’s shortcomings. I returned to CT, gave a weeks notice, and joined MBL. Bob Lackey was fired a few months later.


CT/NJ Transition I commuted on weekends from CT to NJ on Continental. I lived at various hotels. Evenings were spent looking for a house. I made an offer on one in Glen Ridge along with someone else using a sealed bid. Mine was the lower. Mary sold the house in West Hartford, CT and we bought a lovely home at 14 Heller Drive in Upper Montclair, NJ only a few blocks from our good friends Sandy and Steve Earl. It was a ranch in a great neighborhood with a huge deck out back, lovely flowers, and a big wooded backyard. There were also, many birds. Mary could take a bus and be in Times Square in 20 minutes. She loved it, and was only 20 minutes from Eva Breckenridge and Linda Contant in Teaneck, NJ. Mary adapted quickly and loved decorating the house.

VT Addition We had started building a large addition (The Library and Master Bedroom) to our Beebe Pond house in the fall of 1988. This was completed in 1989 with a deck. Mary got a hot tub for her birthday in 1989.

Van Fossen dies Unfortunately, Bob Van Fosson came down with lung cancer and died within six months. The president, Hank Kates, became CEO, but a Board member took the title Chairman of the Board. I grew to hate Hank. He came to me and said he wanted a CPA to be CFO. He then brought in a young friend Don Haller to assume that function. I was given the choice of remaining at the same salary as Executive VP and Corporate Actuary or leaving. I elected to stay, but had little effectiveness.

SOA President Shortly thereafter in 1990, I asked Hank Kates if I could run for President Elect of the Society of Actuaries. He thought that would be fine. I was elected the summer of 1990, and became President Elect in October 1990.

MBL's Downfall In early 1991, however, the rating agencies (Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s) were taking a hard look at those life insurance companies that had a lot of real estate investments. I will skip over a lot of background and unsuccessful atempts to merge with Pru, MONY, and Met(close but no cigar). Some bad press and a downgrade resulted in a run on the bank that no company can handle. MBL’s Board asked that the Company be taken over by the NJ Insurance Department, that had the power to restate the liabilities and stop the payment of benefits.

MBL's Rehabilitation In mid 1991 Victor Palmieri was hired to rehabilitate MBL. He was personally paid a million a year and had a big staff so most senior officers were let go. I had a good severence, they paid me a consulting salary until November 1992, when my deferred compensation package was honored. The only bad news was it took a year to sell our home in NJ at a $75,000 loss in November 1992. 15 March 26, 2015

In October 1991, I became President of the Society of Actuaries. I was able to devote as much time to the job as I wished and even had use of my terrific secretary, Vivian Diak. I did purchase a FAX machine to use at home. What a great year I had from October 1991 to October 1992. Mary traveled with me to Asia for a month where I gave speeches and attended actuarial dinners in Tokyo, Hong Kong, Jakarta and Bali, Singapore, Beijing (Nankai U), Xian, Shanghai (Fudan U), and Taiwan. We also attended the banquet of the Institue of Actuaries in London, and many other events.


Florida Condo On January 8, 1993 we closed on a two bedroom furnished condo at Naples Bath & Tennis Club for $108,000. We became Florida residents, to avoid state income taxes. We used our new toy in January and rented it in February and March so we could go skiing. In 1993 we rented our condo thru the tennis club, but in 1994 through 1999 we rented it to Mel and Elane Jacobs from Sharon, MA.

By Pass Operation at Hanover, NH We skiied in Vermont in February 1993, and planned to go to an actuarial meeting in Banff and then on to Whistler/Blackcomb. I had a pain in my neck when skiing...and then getting the newspaper on a cold morning. This was diagnosed as angina and after further tests, had a double by pass in early March 1993 The doctor unhooked a mammary artery and grafted one end below the lesion, thus turning a mammary artery into a coronary artery. They also took a vein from my left ankle and made a small bypass that was perhaps not needed. I was playing doubles tennis in one month.

Heart Attack On December 4, 1995 I played racquetball with Tom Spangenberg at Castleton State. During the second game of a normal three game series, I told Tom I needed to sit down as I was very tired. After a few minutes I told him I couldn't compete (not like me) and we walked to the front of the Field House. I spotted a wooden bench and decided to lay down. Well, I looked awful, so 911 was called and an ambulance dispatched. I actually had a small heart attack in the Emergency Room at Rutland Hospital. Dr. Bonazinga gave me a shot of TPA that immediately dissolved the clot that got stuck in a small artery at the rear of my heart aborting the attack. Luckily, there was only minimal damage.

Broken Leg I was playing doubles with R J Contant, Steve Earl, and Tom Spangenberg. R J served a fault and I decided I would pound the second serve cross court. Well, my left foot was parallel to the net, and it didn't move as I hit the ball. The torque snapped the small bone in my left leg so I had a plate put in with screws. Now I am bionic.

Bridge I joined the ACBL on October 23, 1992. I played in Vermont a couple of nights a week, and six afternoons a week when in Florida. I went to my first National tournament in November 1996 and then became an ACBL “Life Master” in March 1998 in Reno with Mary as a partner. Although an excellent player, Mary does not share my addiction to the game.

I became a Bronze Life Master (500 master points) in November 1999, a Silver Life Master (1000 master points) in March 2002 and a Gold Life Master in July 2007.

Year Total Cumulative Year Total Cumulative Year Total Cumulative 1992 1.93 1.93 2000 208.88 739.51 2008 280.60 2974.29 1993 14.68 16.61 2001 213.13 952.64 2009 156.05 3130.84 1994 45.43 62.04 2002 262.52 1215.16 2010 209.55 3340.39 1995 56.15 118.19 2003 231.63 1446.79 2011 138.12 3476.51 1996 70.59 188.78 2004 329.46 1776.25 2012 128.44 3604.95 1997 133.37 322.15 2005 271.46 2047.71 2013 97.75 3703.70 16 March 26, 2015 1998 112.50 434.65 2006 202.52 2250.23 2014 88.60 3791.30 1999 95.98 530.63 2007 443.96 2694.19 2015-2mo 42.79 3834.09

As you can see from the above, there is only a little activity in 1992 and 1993. Mary and I played on Thursday nights in Rutland, VT at the Marble Valley Duplicate Bridge Club and a few years later on Wednesday nights at the Fair Haven , VT Bridge Club owned by Pierce Smith and Dr. Jim Thomas. In 1998(?) they purchased the club in Rutland. Once we had a condo in FL, I started playing six afternoons a week, and after finding good partners, I learned my bridge was bad. With pointers from good players and studying oodles of bridge books that I bought, I improved.

Often, I called Leona Schneider, the Partnership lady in Naples, for a partner. She would sometimes say, I've got a "Life Master" partner for you. I soon learned there are good and bad "Life Masters" but decided I should become one, and did in 1998.

Don went to at least 10 bridge tournaments each year between 2001 and 2007 in the US and in Canada. He went to only 2 tournaments in 2012 and only one tournament in 2013. The end result is we now spend about 6 months in VT and 6 months in FL and a few days visiting family: 3 in CT, 1 in MA and 1 in CA. Don did not play one hand of bridge in May thru mid October in 2012 or 2013. His last National tournament was in 2010. He attended 3 Regional tournaments in 2011, 2 in 2012, and 1 in 2013. He plays a lot of Club games when he is in Naples, FL.

Omissions Ralph’s Model T Fords, Parents visits, Waterville Thanksgiving, Shotgun story in CT, George Andrews..Phd, Josephs and Sun Valley, Marble Valley Bridge Club, Naples Bridge Club

Attached are some tables:

*I Retirement Travel

*II Travel Days

*III Christmas Letters

* IV Eagle Rock Racquet Club History

*V Photo Album Index (5.1960 – 5.1972)(8.1972 - 2003)

*VI Pictures from Digital Camera (8.2005 on)

TABLE I RETIREMENT TRAVEL 11/91 England, Belgium, Paris, and the Loire Valley 2-3/92 Sun Valley 3/92 Phoenician in Phoenix

17 March 26, 2015 3/92 Big Sur and Mammouth Mountain 4/92 Far East (28 days) 5/92 Edmonton to Vancouver, Vancouver, and Victoria 6/92 International Congress of Actuaries in Montreal…rafting on the Red River. 6/92 Disneyland with David & Shelley 8/92 Mexico City (4 days) 9/92 Calgary, Banff, and Lake Louise 10/92 DC and Duponts in Delaware 11/92 Boca Raton 1/93 Scottsdale Regency and Jim and Helen Bruce in Tucson 9/93 , Savannah, Amelia Island 5/93 Sanibel with Bassetts, St Simonds Island, Biltmore : Ashville, Blue Ridge Parkway, NC, MD, DE, PA 6/93 SOA meeting in Quebec City, Gaspe, PEI, Nova Scotia, ME, NH, VT 11/93 Berlin and Hesse, 11/93 Old Broads trip to and (8 days) 1/94 Cruise from Tampa to Mexico 2-3/94 Australia and New Zealand (37 days) 2/95 Alta, with Walt and Millie Rugland 6/95 Olympic Peninsula, San Juan Islands, Vancouver 1/96 Mary in Costa Rica with the Old Broads 3/96 Sun Valley 4/96 Great Abacos in the Bahamas with John and Connie 6-7/96 with Gralds and Josephs (21 days) 2-3/97 Germany, Austria, and (27 days) 5/97 Ottawa, ON 6/97 Frederickton, NB 7-8/97 and 3/98 Sun Valley 3/98 Skiing at Lake Tahoe 3/98 Aunt Anna is 100 in Ohio 5/98 Mary in the Greek Islands and in Turkey with the Old Broads (16 days) 6-7/98 Denmark, , Sweden, Finland, Russia, and Rome (22 days) 11/98 Durham, NC 2/99 Lake Tahoe 3/99 Skiing in Meribel and eating our way through Provence, France (23 days) 6/99 Africa: Kenya and Tanzania (14 days) 4-5/00 Equador Amazon Basin and Galopagus and Peru (18 days) 3/01 France Spain Portugal (21 days) 5/05 Ireland ( 11 days) 6/05 Italy: Sicily and Sorrento (17 days) 2/06 Dominica ( 9 days) 6/06 Iceland ( 10 days) 6/07 Danube Trip (16 days)

TABLE II TRAVEL DAYS (More detail on web page “About Us”

92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SUM % VERMONT 171 174 177 182 153 156 152 147 151 127 150 163 169 168 156 178 2574 44 FLORIDA 12 86 112 106 116 129 105 116 102 107 107 123 96 92 103 96 1608 28 OTHER 130 84 39 70 93 35 72 43 63 72 82 48 60 69 70 60 1090 19 CANADA 20 11 0 7 3 18 14 19 28 38 26 30 30 19 17 15 295 5 FOREIGN* 32 10 37 0 0 27 22 40 21 21 0 0 11 17 19 16 273 5 TOTAL 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 366 365 365 365 5841 100 VT & FL 183 260 289 288 269 285 257 263 253 234 257 286 265 260 259 274 4182 72 ALASKA 0 0 0 21 0 21 0 18 March 26, 2015 3 0 3 0 CALIF 14 8 11 8 16 10 1 9 6 4 8 15 12 122 2 COL/UTAH 0 14 0 14 0 CONN 2 21 7 6 10 9 8 6 21 7 10 14 14 14 6 155 3 DELAWARE 0 2 3 5 0 DC 8 12 20 0 GEORGIA 1 2 11 14 0 IDAHO 11 0 0 24 5 11 9 11 7 78 1 INDIANA 1 1 0 ILLINOIS 8 2 8 12 30 1 MAINE 6 2 4 3 3 6 2 2 4 32 1 1 1 0 MASS 13 8 11 18 6 6 5 12 11 8 16 5 6 12 9 3 149 3 NEVADA 3 11 10 8 6 11 49 1 NH(Dartmouth) 0 13 4 2 2 5 6 32 1 NEW JER 50 6 4 10 1 71 1 NEW MEX 0 8 8 0 NEW YORK 1 7 2 7 2 19 7 5 19 17 26 19 7 7 8 153 3 N CAROLINA 1 2 5 18 5 3 4 38 1 OHIO 3 5 5 3 16 0 7 7 0 PA&TX(2in'92) 3 1 11 3 18 0 MO & TN 31 31 1 VIRGINIA 1 3 0 0 0 4 0 WASHINGTON 0 0 0 5 1 6 0 WISCONSIN 6 6 0 WYOMING 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 OTHER 130 84 39 70 93 35 72 43 63 72 82 48 60 69 70 60 1090 19 ASIA 28 0 28 0 MEXICO 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 ENGLAND 4 3 0 7 0 AUSTRIA 2 0 2 0 DENMARK 4 4 0 FRANCE 23 9 32 1 GERMANY 6 12 0 18 0 ITALY 13 4 17 34 1 ICELAND 10 10 IRELAND 11 11 0 KENYA/Tanzania 14 14 0 NORWAY 4 4 0 SWEDEN 3 3 0 SWITZERLAND 2 2 0 FINLAND 1 1 0 RUSSIA 6 6 0 EQUADOR/Peru 21 21 0 SPAIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 PORTUGAL 6 6 0 CZ, SLO, HUN, CRO, SER, BUL, ROM 16 16 0 DOMINICA 9 9 AUST & NZ 0 0 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 1 FOREIGN* 32 10 37 0 0 27 22 40 21 21 0 0 11 17 19 16 273 5 8.15.07

19 March 26, 2015

TABLE III CHRISTMAS LETTERS HOLIDAY GREETINGS from Don and Mary (others are available on web under “About Us”)

1996 We still travel a lot. We continue to spend almost six months a year at the lake in Vermont and over four months at our condo at Naples Bath & Tennis...where Don gets his fill of tennis in the mornings and then plays in a duplicate bridge club in the afternoons. Mary plays tennis and enjoys swimming and bird watching.

In March we rented a condo in Sun Valley next to the new Warm Springs base lodge and had a terrific three weeks of skiing. Next March we will be in Europe: visiting German relatives a week, skiing in Garmisch, Innsbruck, and Cortina a week, and sightseeing in northern Italy a week.

And last June and July we had a super three weeks visiting Alaska.

Our three big family events in 1996: a new son-in-law, a new grandson, and Thanksgiving in .

-Karla, after spending the last two summers in Africa with her fiance David Principe (who was in the Peace Corps in Guinea), married David at the Lilac Inn in Brandon, VT last July.

-And then in September, Amy and Lou flew to Moscow to adopt a 15 month old boy...Alekhsei...who has captured our hearts.

-Although Mary had agreed to spend our first Thanksgiving away from Vermont (i.e. Florida), she reneged when she learned that our daughter Karen’s California in laws had asked Karen’s family out to Sonoma Valley for Thanksgiving and the offer was extended to our son David (who lives in SF)...and to us. Well, with five of our six grandchildren in California for Thanksgiving....the result was a terrific 35 person feast. And when Don found out the American Contract Bridge League was having a national tournament in SF, we went early. (We were in SF for 10 days.) 20 March 26, 2015

HOLIDAY GREETINGS from Don and Mary 1997 December in Vermont is cold, snowy, and filled with wonderful light. Our lake is skimmed over with ice, and snow is on the ground. Birds are actively coming to the feeders, as are the squirrels. We walk each day, snow crunches under foot and we watch out for ice patches. Life is good.

We love retirement, as we enjoy travel, different life styles and friends across the country. We continue to spend almost six months a year at the lake in Vermont and over four months at our condo at Naples Bath & Tennis in Naples, FL...where Don gets his fill of tennis in the mornings and then plays duplicate bridge in the afternoons. Mary plays tennis and enjoys swimming, mahjong, bridge, exercising and friends. Mary writes grants to help rid the lake of noxious weeds, serves on the local Planning Board, and is a Lay Lake Monitor.

In February and March we had a super time in Europe: visiting German relatives and friends for 10 days, skiing in Garmisch, Innsbruck, and Cortina one week, and sightseeing in northern Italy a week. In Florence Don had some credit cards inside the breast pocket of his shirt under a sweater, and $200 in his left hand in his left trousers pocket. No problem. He was asked what time it was. So, he carefully removed his left hand and left the money in the pocket and showed the questioner his left wrist. Upon returning his hand to his pocket there was no money. Don yelled at the top of his voice that the man was a thief and pointed at him. Don quickly got everyone’s attention and although there was a denial, the “thief” said there is your money on the must have dropped it...and quickly disappeared.

In August we spent 10 days out west: Jackson Hole, Grand Teton National Park, Yellowstone National Park, and then Richard Joseph’s wedding in Sun Valley. Jackson Lake Lodge and its vista of Jackson Lake and the Tetons deserves special mention. We had such wonderful walks.

Don flew from Idaho to Madison, WI to play in a bridge tournament for 5 days. He is trying to complete the requirements to be an ACBL Life Master. He subsequently entered tournaments in Ottawa, Quebec City, Cromwell, CT, Hartford, CT, Worcester, MA, Portland, ME, Fort Lauderdale, Vero Beach, Daytona Beach, Palm Beach, and St. Louis, MO. Mary says he is obsessed. She will be glad when he wins his last points: 3.25 gold and 6 silver. Don doesn’t play golf, but thinks bridge is similar, although: not as expensive, even less exercise, with unspectacular scenery.

-Amy, Lou, and Aleksey Magno visited us in Florida in April...with Karla and David Principe a week later.

-Cindy Sondergeld, Eric’s wife, was graduated from Law School in May, passed her bar exams, and is now a full fledged working lawyer.

-We celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary in August, highlighted by renting a double deck houseboat one day on Lake Champlain that accommodated our 5 children, their spouses, and 6 grandchildren. -David, Shelley, Owen, and Kyle Sondergeld from SF visited us in Florida for 8 days over Thanksgiving.

-We learned our seventh grandchild, Zachary Towne Principe, is expected on or about February 21, 1998.

Merry Christmas 1997 and we wish you all a very Happy New Year. 21 March 26, 2015

The Sondergelds

HOLIDAY GREETINGS from Don and Mary 1998 Mid December, the sky is blue, the sun is shining, the fir trees are a wonderful green, and the fall berries are still a vibrant red. We walk in the woods, sometimes worrying about the hunters, but enjoy a very unseasonable warmth. Still we savor a dip in the hot tub and a quiet time in front of the fireplace. Last weekend we took our annual shopping trip to the big city, Montreal, such a wonderful place, colorful, exciting and full of fabulous food and good friends. The lake is just beginning to have a slight skim of ice; we are wishful that by Christmas, we will be able to skate.

Retirement continues to be wonderful. Some of our younger friends say that when they grow up, they want to be like the Sondergelds! We continue to spend almost six months a year at the lake in Vermont and about four months at our condo at Naples Bath & Tennis in Naples FL... where we get our fill of daily tennis in the morning, after a brisk two mile walk. Don plays duplicate bridge every day but Sunday when he is forced to spend the day visiting friends, family and on nature walks and boat trips. In Vermont, Mary is still an avid swimmer, a turtle (by swimming across the lake all summer daily) and exercising in the water when the lake is frozen.

In March we had a super time skiing out West : staying 10 days with Stan and Harriet Joseph at their place in Sun Valley and skiing Don’s favorite mountain...and then having a great time skiing with David, Shelley, Owen and Kyle for a week at Lake Tahoe. We stayed two more days in Reno and at the American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) National tournament, Don earned his final “Gold Points” (with Mary) and he proudly became a Life Master.

Mary ran away with the “Old Broads “to Greece and Turkey in April, so Don played more tournament bridge. He is set on racking up many points, and has become a very thoughtful player. In June we spent three weeks in Europe: two in Denmark, Sweden and Norway, one day in Helsinki, a week in St. Petersburg and Moscow and two days in Rome. Scandinavia was lovely, Russia so poor, and Rome so religious.

Highlights of 1998 are certainly visiting our children and grandchildren. We go to Ryan’s basketball games, Sara’s soccer games, and playing with Caitlin, such a character. Aleksey is full of vim and vigor, such fun; Amy and Lou have parted ways but are having great joy in raising him. Owen and Kyle who live in San Francisco are best of friends and budding skiers. The whole family was in Vermont this summer, such a joy to see all the siblings and offspring playing together. Our newest and seventh grandchild is Zachary (February 1), almost walking now, full of laughter and good spirits. We spent Thanksgiving with Karla, David, and Zach in their new home in different from Naples, Maine.

We now have a new E 911 address: with 1000 numbers/mile, 469 Birch Road is 469/1000 of a mile from Route 30...about one half mile.

We wish you the happiest of holidays and a wonderful New Year.

The Sondergelds

22 March 26, 2015

HOLIDAY GREETINGS from Don and Mary 1999 We are under a winter storm warning for sleet and then snow, maybe many inches, and we have great hopes because all early signs pointed to a snowy winter: caterpillars with wide brown bands (wooly bears), high wasp nests, and thick skinned apples, but it hasn't happened yet!

In our retirement we continue to spend almost six months a year at the lake in Vermont and about four months at our condo at Naples Bath & Tennis in Naples Florida, where each day we get our fill of tennis after a brisk two mile morning walk. Don plays duplicate bridge every day but Sunday when we spend the day visiting friends and family, and going on nature walks or boat trips. He became a Life Master in Bridge in March 1998, and went over 500 master points in November 1999 to become a Bronze Life Master. In Vermont, Mary is still an avid swimmer, a turtle (by swimming across the lake all summer daily) and exercising in the swimming pool at the college in Castleton when the lake is frozen.

In March we had a spectacular time skiing in The Three Valleys in France, staying in Meribel, the middle valley. This is the largest ski complex in the world, and was simply outstanding. There are over 200 lifts and 800 ski instructors. It is impossible to ski all the lifts in a day or to sleep with all the ski instructors in a season. We had dinner every night with new found friends, Denis and Helene Cote from Mt Orford, Quebec. Mary often swam in the Olympic pool across the street from our hotel. We then spent a delightful two weeks in Provence, staying in wonderful chateaus. Our friends, Steve and Sandy Earl, joined us for the first week.

In June, Mary turned 65 and wanted to go to Africa, so we took a two week safari to Kenya and Tanzania with Park East Tours. We saw many animals, stayed at wonderful places with great food (including William Holden's Mt Kenya Safari Club), met interesting people, and saw poverty at its most desperate.

The highlights of the year continue to be the enjoyment of our children and grandchildren. With the adoption of our second Russian grandchild: Alexei Jacob Sondergeld, by Eric and Cindy, we now have six grandsons and two granddaughters. Karla is expecting a daughter in March 2000, so that will improve the mix.

The whole family was in Vermont this summer to visit our German relatives. Don's cousin, Peter Sondergeld from Munich, two of his sons (Gregor and Lukas), and a buddy of Gregor's (Mike Wallner) were our guests here at the lake for most of August. We showed them NY City and Montreal, rented a houseboat for a day on Lake Champlain, went water skiing on Lake George, and lost Mike for awhile when climbing Camel's Hump (he went to the base on the north side and we returned to our van to the west). We went camping: two days near North Conway, NH, one in Boothbay Harbor and one in Bar Harbor. Only the crazy Deutschers swam in the ocean in Maine. We also spent three days in Massachusetts at Karen's: beaching it in Gloucester, and touring Beantown.

We loved visiting David, Shelley, Owen, and Kyle in SF for ten days at the end of October, and attending the 50th anniversary bash of the Society of Actuaries.

We wish you the happiest of holidays and a wonderful peaceful New Year. Keep in touch! 23 March 26, 2015

The Sondergelds

HOLIDAY GREETINGS From Don and Mary 2000 Our lake is frozen over, early this year, as Vermont is cold. The December sun shines obliquely, giving a muted lovely wintry glow. We have gathered winter berries, cedar, pine and evergreen boughs to decorate our home. So we light a fire in the fireplace to warm our cold fingers and toes and then we relax and enjoy, and pet our cat, Gray, who is always very pleased to have us return here to visit him.

We continue to spend almost six months at the lake in Vermont and about four months at our condo in Naples Florida, where each day we get our fill of tennis after a brisk two mile morning walk. Don plays duplicate bridge every day but Sunday when we spend the day visiting friends and family, and going on nature walks or boat trips. He became a Life Master in 1998, a Bronze Life Master in 1999, and won more master points this year than in the previous 2 years combined. In Vermont, Mary is still an avid swimmer, a turtle (by swimming across the lake all summer daily) and exercising in the swimming pool at the college in Castleton when the lake is frozen.

In late February we spent a week skiing with David and Karen and their families at Lake Tahoe and, as per usual, staying at Chinquapin, on the lake in North Tahoe. We then stayed with our good friends Stan and Harriet Joseph for 10 days in Sun Valley, Don's favorite ski area.

In May we went to Equator's Amazon Basin for a week visiting the Achuar Indians, primitive people only discovered 30 years ago. At one village, Don impressed everyone by hitting a gourd 50 yards away with a dart from a blowgun on his first try. He modestly declined a second shot. Our 8 days in the Galapagos Islands were spectacular. The seals, iguanas, and birds (we particularly loved the blue footed boobies) were so unafraid that you could get very near them. We made many new friends on the ship. Then off to Peru for a weeks visit to Inca land at Cusco and Machu Picchu, where unbelievable scenery unfolded before our eyes. The political problems are vast in each country, corruption runs rampant as the economy and health and education systems are broken.

Our favorite pastime continues to be the enjoyment of our children and grandchildren. Karla had a daughter in March 2000, Erin Salvia Principe, so that improved the mix to 3 granddaughters and 6 grandsons. All of our children and grandchildren came to Vermont this summer for fun, catching frogs in Opa's frog pond, fishing, swimming, sailing, playing tennis, sitting in the hot tub, and roasting marshmallows on the camp fire.

Mary threw a party for Don on his 70th birthday in mid November at the Naples Bath and Tennis Club. All of our children and most of our grandchildren were able to make it. Also, Don's brother Ralph, cousin Dulcy Stark and husband Richard, friends from the Tennis and Bridge Clubs, skiing friends (the Josephs and Friedlanders), and friends from Vermont (the Gralds, Masons, and Dellamontes) helped celebrate.

We wish you the happiest of holidays and a wonderful peaceful New Year. Keep in touch!

The Sondergelds

24 March 26, 2015

HOLIDAY GREETINGS From Don and Mary 2001

We wish you all the best of holidays this year. Although there has been much sadness and grief, war and strife, we all feel comforted by the blessings of our families and good friends.

In late February we skied at Tahoe with the young Sondergelds from SF, then flew through an ice and snowstorm back to Vermont for a half a day, in order to pack and leave for Geneva, Switzerland for a two- day rest and on to Val d'Isere. It was either raining or snowing or icing, so after four days we went to Paris for five days. Lovely!

We then went to the Basque country in Spain and visited the wonderful new Guggenheim museum in Bilbao. The building is itself a work of art and the city is rushing to keep up. Next, we flew to Lisbon and drove to the southern part of Portugal, the Algarve. It was absolutely delightful…we will go back!

The entire family came to Vermont in August. The grandchildren had fun catching frogs in Opa's frog pond, fishing, swimming, sailing, playing tennis, sitting in the hot tub, and roasting marshmallows at the camp fire circle. Such fun to watch the kids together.

September 11th came as a horrible shock to us all, but we did not fear air travel, so flew to Florida six weeks later. A month later, we flew to Hartford, CT and spent a lovely Thanksgiving with Amy and Eric and families, followed by a wonderful day with them and Karen at kids at Sturbridge Village. We are flying from Florida early in December to spend time with Karla and family in North Carolina before flying to Vermont to visit our gray cat.

Don continues to play Tournament Bridge, every year garnering more points…a real bridge junkie.

We wish you the happiest of holidays and a wonderful peaceful New Year. Keep in touch!

The Sondergelds

25 March 26, 2015


From Don and Mary

Greetings from Vermont. With only 10 days before Christmas, we are looking at only four inches of snow, but we do have a foot of ice on the lake. The December sun arrives late and the night begins early. A fire blazing in the fireplace, good books, friends, family, TV, cell phones, and Don's computer mean we don't need to completely hibernate in the winter.

This past year, we were in Naples, FL in January, six weeks in March-April, and a month plus in November. There we play tennis, and Don pigs out on bridge. Mary's "wicked step mother" spent time in Florida with us and Amy and Aleksey took the train from Hartford, CT to Orlando, FL and we met them at Disney World.

In February we skied with David and Karen and their families for a week at Lake Tahoe, followed by ten days at Don's favorite…Sun Valley.

In May we visited David, Shelley, Owen, and Kyle and then drove up the California and Oregon coasts, flying East from Portland. Beautiful country, especially the Coasts and Crater Lake. This is the year for avalanche deaths, as we were at Timberline Lodge shortly after the tragedy there. Although the climbing was closed, skiing was open. We did neither. Although we have stopped doing Tuckerman's in early May…another fatal avalanche accident occurred there within the last few weeks.

Our summer was largely spent in Vermont…although Don continued to run off to bridge tournaments. He became a Silver Life Master early this year by going over 1000 total points. His 260 master points for the year is by far his best ever.

In August we celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary in grand style as our kids surprised us with a party at the Golf Club at Middlebury College (Vermont) with good food, drinks, and dancing.

We flew north from Florida a little early to celebrate Thanksgiving with Karen and her family in Sudbury, MA. Also saw Amy, Eric, and their families.

Last week we spent five plus days in NY City with the Friedlanders…hitting seven shows in five days.

Both of us are still healthy, happy, and we are looking forward to the coming year.

We wish you the happiest of holidays and a wonderful and peaceful New Year.

The Sondergelds

26 March 26, 2015


Eagle Rock and Lake Beebe The Witch of Hubbardton, Vermont

We have had two Nor’Easters thus far in the last week. The trees are covered with snow, as are the roads, our house, the lake…in fact everything. Even the newspaper has not been delivered, but the mail does come through. In the morning, when we awake, we look through the snow flakes to see the scenery and take a hot tub.. It’s not bad at all. We love it.

We had a fascinating year. We spent last January in Florida, where it was warm and wonderful, came back to Vermont for some skiing in February, returning to Florida on the 27th. Don played tennis the next morning. He tore his left quad tendon away from his patella just warming up…after hitting only three balls. He had surgery and spent six weeks in a cast, followed by six months of therapy. Mary escaped from our condo and sang in the Naples Bath and Tennis Club show and had a great time, while Don pouted when he wasn’t playing bridge.

In June we visited David, Shelley, Owen, and Kyle in San Francisco and then flew to Seattle. We spent three days in Vancouver, took the ferry to Victoria, stayed at the Empress, visited Butchart Gardens for perhaps the 10th time, and drove 300 miles to Port Hardy at the top of Vancouver Island. We then took a 14 hour ferry thru the Inside Passage up to Prince Rupert, almost to Alaska. Slept overnight in our cabin, and returned the next day. Stayed two days at the wonderful Wickaninnish Inn on the west coast of the island, drove back to Victoria, and took a whale watching ferry back to Seattle. It was truly a memorable trip.

We spent the summer at Beebe Pond, most of our kids and grands came up to play. We addressed the Eurasian Milfoil in the lake with a chemical, it seems to be working, but the time it takes to write grants, test the waters, and organize is gigantic. Don played a great deal of tournament bridge and had a successful year garnering gold, red, silver, and black points. He does love to play in Canada.

We spent Halloween with Karla and family in North Carolina and in November Don returned to playing tennis and is 95%. After a wonderful November in Florida, basking in the warmth and sun, we returned to snowy Vermont. Don even went skiing last week before going to NYC for four days. We saw four shows, some with Amy and our grandson, Aleksey. Last Sunday we drove 7 ½ hours home through snow, sleet, and yuk. A drive like that strengthens the bonds of matrimony.

27 March 26, 2015 We wish you all a wonderful holiday season, and we look forward to most of our family coming to Vermont to enjoy the wonders of the season and the winter.

Don and Mary Sondergeld

Eagle Rock Estates Naples Bath and Tennis Club 469 Birch Road 1518B Oyster Catcher Point Hubbardton/Brandon VT 05733 Naples, FL 34105

HOLIDAY GREETINGS 2004 We visited David, Shelley, Owen and Kyle in SF in March. Mary then flew to FL while Don played bridge in a National bridge tournament in Reno. Don won 330 master points this year, a personal record, and now has almost 1800. Don then skied Tahoe with David. Karen, Ryan, Sara, and Caitlin visited us in Naples in April.

In May we went to Ireland for 10 days with Stan and Harriet Joseph. Why anyone drinks Guinness is a mystery.

Ireland in May Blarney Castle

In June our family and friends attended Mary’s 70th at the lake, held under a tent with a DJ for dancing.

Sad news: On November 13, 2004 our friend and neighbor, John Principe, died of small cell cancer. Somewhat glad news: Karla, David, Zach, and Erin spent much of the summer with us, as John was Karla’s father-in-law. 28 March 26, 2015

Last week we did our December NYC theater trip. This year we saw: Wonderful Town, Brooklyn, Hairspray, and Dame Edna. We then drove to West Hartford, CT and spent two days with Amy and Aleksey. On Saturday we saw the at CCSU with Amy, Aleksey, Eric, Cindy, and Alexei. On Sunday morning we saw Aleksey as a Wise Man in the Bethany Lutheran Christmas play. We then drove to Sudbury, MA to have dinner with Karen, Duncan, Ryan, Sara, and Caitlin at the Wayside Inn, returning to VT on Monday. A busy seven days. We wish you all a wonderful holiday season. We are looking forward to seeing friends and family who will come to Vermont to enjoy the wonders of the season and the winter.

Don and Mary Sondergeld Eagle Rock Estates Naples Bath and Tennis Club 469 Birch Road 1518B Oyster Catcher Point Hubbardton/Brandon VT 05733 Naples, FL 34105 802-273-2251 239-434-5840 [email protected] HOLIDAY GREETINGS 2005 In February we stayed with Stan and Harriet Joseph in Sun Valley…Don’s favorite area in which to ski. Their new home was almost completed and is truly lovely, with an uninterrupted view of Mount Baldy.

In May we vacationed in Italy for two weeks. We spent the first week in Sicily and the second week in Sorrento, from which we visited the Amalfi Coast, Naples, Mount Vesuvius, Pompei, Herculaneum, and the Agrigento, Sicily Amalfi Coast beautiful Isle of Capri.

Although we are relatively close to our east coast families (Karen in Massachusetts, Eric and Amy in Connecticut, and Karla in North Carolina) this was the first year Don did not see David, who lives in California.

So Mary flew to California in March while Don was playing bridge in Pittsburg. On the left we see Shelley, Owen, Mary, Kyle, and David. Mary also visited Karla at the end of March while Don played bridge in Orlando.

Don’s addiction to bridge means he competes in eight to ten week long bridge tournaments every year. He now has over 2000 master points.

Swimming continues to be Mary’s first love.

Here we find her with the “Turtles” who swim across Beebe Pond and back every morning at 7:30 AM.

In July we visited Sandy and Steve Earl in their new condo in Cedar Grove, New HISTORY OF Jersey. While there, we enjoyed the play about the Algonquin Club at the HUBBARDTON Algonquin Hotel, and also saw The Jackson County Spelling Bee. VERMONT In his spare time Don published a 200 page book, with 200 pictures, on the History of Hubbardton Vermont. The first printing of 100 copies sold out in 10 days in October, so 130 more were printed, of which less than 100 remain. Truly amazing.

In September the Waterville Opera House presented Mary’s brother, Dr. John Towne, with a “Lifetime Achievement Award”. Also amazing …. as this was accomplished in less than a lifetime. At that time we also visited John and Connie’s Donald R Sondergeld lovely new home on the ocean at Muscongus Bay in Bremen, Maine.

29 March 26, 2015 We spend three months (January, April, and November) at our condo in Florida. Don’s cousins (Doris Burton Bell and Dulcy Burton Stark) and Mary helped Don survive his 75th birthday in Naples, Florida last month.

Our family is healthy. Our nine grandchildren are now all in school. Ryan, our oldest, just received his driver’s license.

We wish you all a wonderful holiday season. We especially look forward to seeing friends and family who come to Vermont to enjoy the wonders of the season and the winter ahead.

Don and Mary Sondergeld Eagle Rock Estates Naples Bath and Tennis Club [email protected] 469 Birch Road in Hubbardton 1518B Oyster Catcher Point [email protected] Brandon VT 05733 Naples, FL 34105 802-273-2251 239-434-5840 HOLIDAY GREETINGS 2006

In February Mary and Brita Tate had a terrific 8 days They also took a ferry to in Dominica and Guadaloupe. Dominica, is English Guadeloupe for 2 days. speaking and the scenery is spectacular. Two nights at It is French speaking the Fort Young Hotel in Rosseau and four nights at the and very depressed but lovely Papillote Wilderness Retreat. Pirates of the Carnival was extremely Caribbean II and III were filmed on this lovely island. colorful and festive.

In mid March we flew to Los Angeles and visited La Brea Tar Pits and the beautiful Getty Museum building. We then took a whale watching trip from Ventura to the Channel Islands, and saw a number of humpback whales and thousands of dolphins. We stayed at the Cliff House in Pismo Beach and took two tours of Hearst Castle at San Simeon.

Next a night at Carmel and visited one of our favorite spots, Point Lobos, to see sea lions and otters. We even saw a bluebird. Also drove the 17 mile drive around the Monterey Peninsula. We then spent four days with the Sondergeld family: David, Shelley, Owen, and Kyle in Daly City.

In early May, after six weeks in Naples, Florida, we flew to Durham, NC and visited with Karla, David, Zachary, and Erin Principe for four days. This was our last trip to NC as Karla has accepted an English teaching position in Somers, CT. (The Principe family moved to West Hartford, CT this summer.) We then rented a car and drove to Wilmington, DE. We visited Winterthur, New Castle, Wilmington Art Museum (where we saw a Liza Myers, of Brandon VT, exhibit), Wyeth paintings at the Brandywine River Museum at Chadds Ford, PA and of course Longwood Gardens. We spent the night at John and Betty Moran's lovely home in , PA and then toured a "Show House" that Betty did a magnificent job of coordinating all the work for this fund raiser for the Allentown Art Museum.

At the end of May we went on an 8 day tour of Iceland. We took a City Tour of Reykjavik where about two thirds of Iceland's 300,000 people live. The next morning the tour bus for Scanam World Tours met the 12 of us in our tour group. We did a counterclockwise tour of the island, logging 1200 miles in 7 days. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery: the Foss (waterfall), glaciers, a glacial lagoon, mountains, lava, geysers, whale watching, many sheep, sod houses, eider ducks, the Icelandic Horse, and the terrific Blue Lagoon, the most famous hot spring in Iceland

30 March 26, 2015 We continue to spend at least three months (January, April, and November) at our condo in Florida, the summers at Beebe Pond, and traveling. Mary still swims across the lake with the turtles and Don goes to bridge tournaments. Don has sold all of the 230 books he had printed on The History of Hubbardton, Vermont and plans to have a slightly larger version printed in 2007.

Our family is healthy. Although healthy, Don dislocated and broke his right thumb in January and had a left shoulder replacement at the end of October. Gray, our wonderful cat, We wish you all a wonderful holiday season and look forward to seeing friends and died on October 3rd. family who come to Vermont to enjoy the wonders of the season and the winter ahead.

Don and Mary Sondergeld Eagle Rock Estates Naples Bath and Tennis Club [email protected] 469 Birch Road in Hubbardton 1518B Oyster Catcher Point [email protected] Brandon VT 05733 Naples, FL 34105 802-273-2251 239-434-5840

HOLIDAY GREETINGS 2007 Family We see more of Karla and her family as they now live in West Hartford, Connecticut (as does Amy) and closer to the house they own on Beebe Pond in Vermont. In April Eric was listed as one of the 10 people who have made a significant impact in the annuity market. This fall he resigned as Vice President of LIMRA and accepted a position as Director of Retirement Marketing at Black Rock in Princeton, New Jersey and will move into a new home in Princeton early next year. We returned from Florida in mid February and found 30 inches of snow. So, Karen and her gang came to Vermont to ski. Caitlin complained of a stomach ache while skiing at Killington. That evening she had her appendix removed at Porter Hospital in Middlebury. At right: Karla, Karen, & Amy

We usually see Don’s cousin Dulcy Cousins In February we had lunch at in Ft Myers three times a year. Dulcy Burton Stark's home in Ft Myers However, her twin sister Doris Florida. Sister Doris Burton Bell was there recently moved from Clifton, plus 85 year old brother Art Burton and Virginia to a lovely apartment also wife Irene. This summer Art and Irene located at The Lexington Country celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. Club, so we can visit both of them. . At right: Dulcy, Irene, Art & Doris

Eastern Europe We traveled the last two weeks of June with our friends Bev and Jack Grald. We enjoyed three days in beautiful Prague in the Czech Republic followed by a bus trip to Bratislava in Slovakia for lunch and on to Budapest in Hungary for 2 days. We then boarded the M/S Aria a wonderful river boat (410 feet long and 38 feet wide) that carried 129 of us on the Danube. We sailed at night and went on guided sightseeing trips in cities along the way: Vukovar in Croatia, Belgrade in Serbia, Veliko Tarnova and Arbanassi in Bulgaria (where we saw fields of sunflowers), and thru a canal to Constanta, Romania's chief port on the Black Sea. In Prague we saw many beautiful buildings and visited the old and new Jewish cemeteries. Budapest was lovely with Buda on one side of the Danube and Pest on the other. The most beautiful part of the Danube was thru a section called the Iron Gates with high cliffs on both sides of the river. From Constanta we took a 4.5 hour train ride about 150 miles to Bucharest, Romania. The Danube, historically the boundary between countries, has seen many wars. Recently, in the war resulting from Croatia declaring independence, Vukovar fell to the Serbs in November 1991 after a three-month siege and the Vukovar massacre took place. Survivors were transported to prison camps. The town of Vukovar was almost completely destroyed. We now better appreciate the war torn history of these very small countries and the horrible life under communism, which ended not too long ago.

August 3, 2007 We celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary with dinner and dancing at the Mountain Top Inn in Chittenden, Vermont. There were 70 family and friends that attended. The head table contained most of our wedding party: Don and Mary, Don's brother and best man Ralph, ushers John (and Connie) Towne, Bob (and Lee) Goode and Bob (and Mary Lou) Vose with Ann Smith (Dave McDonald's daughter). Dave McDonald one of Don's best friends and an associate from The Hartford and daughter Ann also sat at the head table. Our family gave us a lovely picture of Beebe Pond taken from Eagle Rock, 700 feet above the lake. Each of the many little squares in this unique picture contains a picture of our family.

31 March 26, 2015

Thanksgiving In November we flew from Florida to San Francisco to have Thanksgiving with David, Shelley, Owen, and Kyle. The following Saturday David treated Don, Mary, Owen, and Kyle plus Ken Davis to a boat trip to the Farallon Islands, 28 miles off shore. We started from Fort Mason on a catamaran, going under the Golden Gate bridge. A great day. We saw sea lions, elephant seals, many birds and two orcas. Don stayed an extra week to play in a National bridge tournament. He continues to be a bridge junkie and became a Gold Life Master reaching 2500 total master points mid year. This year was his most prolific ever, winning 444 points. The last of the 230 copies of Don’s book, History of Hubbardton, have been sold, so he had 260 copies reprinted in July of this year.

We continue to spend at least three months (January, April, and November) at our condo in Florida, the summers at Beebe Pond, and traveling. Mary still swims across the lake with the turtles and is busy as president of the Lake Beebe Property Owners’ Association, while Don goes to bridge tournaments.

We wish you all a wonderful holiday season and look forward to seeing friends and family who come to Vermont to enjoy the wonders of the season and the winter ahead. HOLIDAY GREETINGS 2008 Family We have a wonderful family, who were a terrific support during our cardiac events. Karen’s oldest is Ryan, a sophomore at the University of Denver and Sara and Caitlin are in High School. David’s Owen and Kyle are also in High School. Eric’s Alexei is home schooled. Amy, who received a Masters Degree from CCSC earlier this year has Aleksey in Middle School. Karla’s Zach and Erin

are both in Elementary School.

Egypt In early March we flew to Cairo with Steve and Sandy Earl, Don’s Cousins Doris has moved from Jack and Bev Grald, Anne Holland Virginia to the Lexington C C in Ft Myers, and David Westring for two weeks. the same complex in which her twin sister We spent 5 days at the Marriott and Dulcy has a home. We see both of them toured the Cairo area and once a month when we are in Florida. Here Alexandria. We then flew to Luxor they are at the performance of the Capitol and boarded a small ship and spent Steps. They are now 80. 7 days on the Nile before flying from Aswan back to Cairo for our last night.

East Coast We drove Nova Scotia In June back to Vermont from we flew to Halifax and Naples in May so we spent a week touring could visit Longwood the scenic Cabot Trail Gardens and other on Cape Breton Island. beautiful places in the We also enjoyed Bird Wilmington Delaware Watching and Whale area. Watching cruises.

32 March 26, 2015 Gray After our cat Gray Heart Attacks In August, Mary was swimming died in October 2006, we across our lake, as she usually does with the have been catless. Upon “turtles”, and felt fatigued on the return and our return from Nova was helped to shore. She was not aware she had Scotia in early July, we a heart attack and did not get to Dartmouth adopted a two year old Hitchcock until late afternoon where she had 2 male from the Addison stents inserted. The delay in getting her to County Humane Society. Dartmouth probably caused her to be there 27 He is a great replacement days. Don then had a small heart attack in and resides at Amy’s Naples in late October and had 3 stents inserted. when we travel. He is now one up. We are the first couple taking

cardiac rehab together at Rutland Hospital.

We continue to spend at least three months (January, April, and November) at our condo in Florida, the summers at Beebe Pond, and traveling. Mary swims across the lake with the turtles and is busy as president of the Lake Beebe Property Owners’ Association, while Don goes to bridge tournaments.

We wish you all a wonderful holiday season and look forward to seeing friends and family who come to Vermont to enjoy the wonders of the season and the winter ahead.

Don and Mary Sondergeld


Family We have a terrific family. All of our Costa Rica & Panama A three week trip in February. In Costa Rica we toured San Jose, children, except David, live within 3.25 hours then the Tortugero National Park on the Carribean (Saw Anhinga babies, Howler of the lake, so we see them and the monkeys, tree frogs, and the “JC” lizard that walks on water), then Arenal Volcano (Saw grandchildren a lot. We had Thanksgiving Toucans and a “Hawke-Eagle”. Don enjoyed “zip lining”), then Monteverde Cloud with Karla’s family here at the lake and also Forest (Saw many crocs, a reptilian exhibit, a butterfly garden, an orchid garden, a fox, Karen, Eric, and Amy that weekend. We will Howler monkeys, quetzels, humming birds, 3 and 5 toed sloths), next was Quepas on the visit David in San Francisco in March 2010, as Pacific Coast (Toured Manuel Antonio National Park. Took an all day Catamaran Cruise. we plan to fly to SF from Florida for a week. Finally a terrific all day white water rafting trip on the Savage River which included a The entire family will get together next August trip in a Hummer), and then on to Panama. (Took a City Tour of Panama City & its at Amy’s wedding. skyscrapers. The main attraction was a full transit of the Panama Canal.)

Sara Kinsel Whitney The Amy She became two oldest of our 9 engaged on June grandchildren are in 20 to Tom college. Ryan Whitney is a Kullgren. They junior at University of are getting Denver. Here is Sara on married at the June 8 the day of her high Waybury Inn in school graduation in East Middlebury, Sudbury, MA. She is now Vermont in a freshman at UVM in August 2010. Burlington, VT. 33 March 26, 2015

Mary continued Georgian Bay In September we took an 8 day “cruise” in Ontario. Our “cruises” to help doctors were day trips on various boats. We drove to one of our favorite cities Ottawa (Took and hospitals in a cruise on the Rideau Canal, visited Parliament Hill, and the Farmers Market and 2009. She is had a great dinner at “18”), then one night at the Killarney Lodge in the Algonquin doing well after Provincial Park), then a cruise on Georgian Bay out of Parry Sound on the Island having her right Queen (stayed at the beautiful Inn at Manitau), then two nights in Midland (stayed at knee replaced the The Little Lake Inn B&B, truly terrific, and took two cruises on Georgian Bay, one in October. on Miss Midland and a 3.5 hour dinner cruise with live music on the Georgian Queen. We attended an We also saw an outstanding exhibition of trained birds of prey at Wye Marsh), then excellent Peterborough (We cruised the Trent Canal on the Island Princess which went thru the production of largest dual hydraulic lift in the world), then to the Thousand Islands on Lake Ontario the Producers in (The 3.5 hour luncheon cruise out of Kingston had live music. We stayed at the June in Rutland Victoria Rose B&B in Gananoque)), then returned to Vermont thru Lake Placid on her 75th . where we had lunch. Our final cruise was the 3 minute ferry across Lake Champlain.

We wish you all a wonderful holiday season. We look forward to seeing family and friends who come to Vermont to enjoy the wonders of the season and the winter ahead.

Don and Mary Sondergeld HOLIDAY GREETINGS 2011

Eagle Rock is across the lake from our house Our house on Beebe Pond, in center, west of Eagle Rock

We spent a record amount of time at our condo in Naples, Florida: the entire first four months of 2011 and the six weeks before Thanksgiving. This will probably be our schedule for the next 20 years or so. We apparently like the hospital there. (Mary had a pain in her back in January so she was told to take a drug she should not have taken. The result was she spent two separate five days in the hospital with a bleeding ulcer -which was repaired.)

Florida visitors included Amy, David, Eric, Mary’s brother John, and Mary’s good friends Brita Tate and Rhoda Bannon. Don is cutting way back on bridge tournaments. He did not play at all in May thru September. Don wrote another history book (History of Sudbury, VT) he published in September. Retirement in Florida Brita Tate & Mary January 2011 Rita and David March 2011

34 March 26, 2015 We flew to Florida in January but had someone drive one of our cars to Florida so we did not need to rent a car as we normally do.

In May, we took our time and drove from Florida to Vermont. We first visited Savannah with lunch at Paula Deen's restaurant "The Lady and Sons".

We then drove to Charleston, SC and stayed at Middleton Inn. The next morning we toured beautiful Charleston.

The next stop was Richmond, VA where we visited and had lunch at the lovely Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens. We then stayed at one of our favorites: The Jefferson Hotel.

We also toured Winterthur and Longwood Gardens.We do not see our friends very often, which is why they are still friends. Friends in April: Stan & Harriet Joseph in center, + Ilse & Alan Stone We drove from Florida to Vermont in May

In June, we flew to San Francisco to visit son David for a week and attend Owen’s High School graduation. (We also spent a few days in Yosemite at the lovely Ahwahnee Lodge.) Owen began his freshman year this fall at the University of BC in Vancouver.

Two of Karen’s kids: Ryan graduated in June from the U of Denver and has a job in Boulder, CO. Sara is now a junior at UVM and spent time in Thailand last January. Amy. Karen, Karla, and Eric in May Don is 81 with Dulcy & Doris (twin cousins) College Age Grandchildren HOLIDAY GREETINGS 2012

Eagle Rock is across the lake from our house Our house is west of Eagle Rock in the center. Adirondacks Mountains are in the background

January - April in Naples Florida Amy Don Aleksey Mary (at Michelbob’s) Tom Don plays tennis three or four days and bridge six days each week. Mary plays about four afternoons in different bridge groups. We see Steve & Sandy Earl socially almost once a week. Visitors from the north included Rhoda Babcock, Amy & Eric and families, and Mary’s brother John and wife Connie. We met Don’s college roommate Dave Wakely and wife Fran at the Crow’s Nest in Venice for lunch and had time to swap lies. We see Don’s twin cousins Dulcy & Doris) monthly for lunch and bridge.

May through September Top: Cindy & Eric Karla, Erin, Zach, David Bottom: Alexei S Duncan, Sara, Karen, Caitlin, Ryan Mary May through September

35 March 26, 2015 We saw Sister Act, then Porgy & We saw Sister Act, then Porgy & Bess in NY Bess in NY City in early May. Helen City in early May. Helen Fine had driven our Fine had driven our car to NY. We car to NY. We then drove up to CT for a then drove up to CT for a cookout at cookout at Eric’s house (Amy and Karla and Eric’s house (Amy and Karla and families plus Karen from Boston). families plus Karen from Boston). June 11 we stayed at Friends Lake June 11 we stayed at Friends Lake Inn in the Inn in the Adirondacks to celebrate Adirondacks to celebrate Mary’s 78th Mary’s 78th birthday, which included birthday, which included a helicopter ride. a helicopter ride. Attended a HS Attended a HS graduation celebration in graduation celebration in Sudbury Sudbury MA for Caitlin. Also in June we had MA for Caitlin. Also in June we had lunch in Queeche VT at Simon Pearce with lunch in Queeche VT at Simon Stan & Harriet Joseph. Pearce with Stan & Harriet Joseph. In September we had a nice day in In September we had a nice day in Stowe, VT, Stowe, VT, staying at the Top Notch. staying at the Top Notch. We also had drinks We also had drinks with one of Don’s with one of Don’s bridge partners, Jay bridge partners, Jay Friedenson and Friedenson and his wife Ingrid at their lovely his wife Ingrid at their lovely home home followed by dinner in Stowe. followed by dinner in Stowe.

October through December Rita David Owen Kyle Doris Don Dulcy In early October, we met Mary’s brother John, and wife Connie, at the beautiful Franconia Inn in NH. Don then flew to Naples for a Bridge Tournament in mid October. Mary flew to Naples a week later. The Earls helped Don celebrate his 82nd on November 13 with dinner at . On Thanksgiving, we flew to San Francisco for one week to visit David, Owen (Sophomore at University of BC), Kyle (Senior in HS), and Rita (David’s lovely lady). We fly north on December 15 for the holidays and will be at the lake until the third of January.

36 March 26, 2015 HOLIDAY GREETINGS 2013

Eagle Rock across the lake from us Our house is west of Eagle Rock in the center. Adirondacks in the west. Don built an Innukshuk

Mary in FL in January with Rhoda Bannon & Lake George in August when Rhoda turned 80 Mary’s bridge group in FL in February

Burton cousins: Doris B Bell Dulcy B Stark & Gail Stark Winans Dave & Fran Wakely in FL in April Betty Jo Crosby. a Chi O in March

Sara UVM Grad Harriet & Stan Joseph in June in Burlington Arnold & Mildred Abelson’s 70th Wedding Anniversary

Pina Colada: Rod & Gun Cub in October Evelyn, Connie, John Towne in NH in October Don is 83 in FL with Steve & Sandy Earl We wish you all a wonderful holiday season. We look forward to seeing family and friends who come to Vermont to enjoy the wonders of the holiday season and later to Florida for warm weather. Don and Mary Sondergeld 37 March 26, 2015

HOLIDAY GREETINGS 2013 Continued On May 11 we attended a "rememberance" celebration for David Principe's parents. They would have been 70 this year. Betty died at age 49 and John died at age 61. We then had a Mother's Day Brunch at Amy's on May 12:

Mary Zach P Karla P Erin P Mary Mary Amy Zach P Karla Amy Aleksey David On August 3, grandson Owen visited us on our 56th wedding anniversary. We played "Crazy Hat Oh Hell".

Don Mary Caitlin Whitney Erin Principe Owen Sondergeld

Zach Principe Mary Karen Whitney Owen Sondergeld

Caitlin Whitney Duncan Whitney David & Karla Principe

Still wishing you all a wonderful holiday season. We look forward to seeing family and friends who come to Vermont to enjoy the wonders of the holiday season and later to Florida for warm weather. Don and Mary Sondergeld

38 March 26, 2015 HOLIDAY GREETINGS 2014

Eagle Rock across the lake from us Our house is west of Eagle Rock in the center. Adirondacks in the west. Sunset at Beebe Pond

Sunset on the Gulf in Naples, FL Mary Sondergeld’s Bridge Group in FL

Cindy & Eric in Naples Amy & Aleksey in Naples Rhoda Bannon in Naples

Don & Mary with Fran & Dave Wakely: Lunch at Crows Nest in Venice, FL Aleksey: HS Graduate Alexei: HS Graduate

We wish you all a wonderful holiday season. We look forward to seeing family and friends who come to Vermont to enjoy the wonders of the holiday season and later to Florida for warm weather. Don and Mary Sondergeld

39 March 26, 2015 HOLIDAY GREETINGS 2014 Continued We were able to meet our good friends, Stan and Harriet Joseph for lunch in June. The Kullgren family had a week long Family Reunion at Beebe Pond in August, which was a lot of fun. In August, to celebrate our 57th wedding anniversary, we rented a helicopter to view Beebe Pond from the air, and Karla squeezed in. Pilar Pla and her daughter Maria visited us from Spain in August. We visited David & Kyle in San Francisco for a week in September, but missed Owen who was away at the University of British C in Vancouver.

In October we attended the annual meeting of the Society of Actuaries at the beautiful Shingle Creek Resort near Orlando. We had a great time. Don was one of the past presidents. He hasn't attended a meeting since 2005. He was president from October 1991 to October1992. Don was the oldest past president at the meeting, and was probably the oldest actuary in attendance.

Mary riding Shotgun Beebe Pond from Helicopter Stan & Harriet Joseph: At Mountain Top Inn

David Shelley Kyle Maria Pilar Mary & Don at Shingle Creek

A highlight of the summer was celebrating Mary’s 80th birthday in June. This gave us the opportunity for a large family get together. We replicated the weekend long celebration of Mary’s 70th including a tent, a DJ, and a dinner on a Saturday night. Visit and open the “On The Go” page for the first half of 2014 to see our grandchildren. Below on the left are Don, Mary, Karla, Karen, Eric, David, and Amy. On the right are Mary and her brother John Towne and his family.

Sondergelds Townes

Still wishing you all a wonderful holiday season. We look forward to seeing family and friends who come to Vermont to enjoy the wonders of the holiday season and later to Florida for warm weather. Don and Mary Sondergeld

40 March 26, 2015 TABLE IV


A- THE LAKE BEEBE TENNIS CLUB (A Partnership) 1976-1977

July 3, 1976 There was a meeting at the Wolons to discuss the formation of the Lake Beebe Tennis Club, the predecessor to the Eagle Rock Racquet Club (ERRC).

July 10, 1976 The Breckenridges, Pritchards, Sondergelds, and Zeolis met at the Wolons and hammered out a set of By-laws .

July 14, 1976 A flyer was put together stating that we planned to lease two acres of land (from Joe and Mary Wolons, adjacent to Route 30 on the south road to Lake Beebe) for 10 years with an option to buy at a predetermined price. The estimated cost of construction two courts was about $15,000. We indicated we were looking for 10- 15 members who would pay $1500 to $1000 per membership. Eva Breckenridge, Mary Sondergeld and Nick Zeoli stuffed mail boxes with these flyers with little success. We ran into some resistance from potential members to being an unincorporated association.

July 24, 1976 We had an organizational meeting of the Lake Beebe Tennis Club and elected officers (President-Don Sondergeld, Vice President and Treasurer-Joe Wolons, Secretary-Jody Zeoli, also Directors are Alan Breckenridge and Gene Ravkin).

August 14, 1976 People at the Lake Beebe Property Owners' Association meeting questioned whether we would be violating the restrictive provisions in our deeds by building tennis courts as a tennis club would be a multi family use. After the meeting Alan and Don inspected two sites-i) property owned by the Wolons behind the Menagh's, and ii) a triangular parcel of land owned by Addie Marcell.

41 March 26, 2015 August 29, 1976 Don and Mary Sondergeld stopped at the Kings and Solomkas to see if they might be interested in joining the tennis club.

September 4, 1976 Don and Alan tried to lay out three tennis courts on the Marcell property-but could only fit in two. They then went to the Lake Hortonia Property Owner's' meeting and tried to get people to join us in our tennis club but had no takers. They stopped at the Kings and learned the Kings are still interested.

October 10 1976 Seven families (Abelsons, Breckenridges, Kings, Ravkins, Sondergelds, Wolons, and Zeolis) purchased a triangular piece of land from Addie Marcell for $3000 ($1500 cash and a $1500 mortgage). The dimensions are: 375’ feet on Delancey Road, 250 feet along Route 30 and 333.99 feet thru the woods. We decided to build two tennis courts. The deed is recorded in Book 22 Page 522 and includes a right of way to Echo Lake.

October 23, 1976 Alan Breckenridge and Don Sondergeld cleared the property of trees from 0945 to 1630 hours.

April 27, 1977 Don Sondergeld wrote to John Wehse, Manager of the Vermont National Bank telling him that seven families had formed a partnership and each planned to invest $1500, a total of $10,500 and asked for a $7500 loan to cover the estimated $18,000 for land and construction of two tennis courts.

May 10, 1977 Don wrote to the directors (Alan Breckenridge and Nick Zeoli) and furnished the latest total cost estimate of $23,900.

May 20, 1977 A letter to the seven family partnership stated the cost would be about $24,000. We hoped to reduce that by $1500 and get additional families to further reduce the cost.

May 28, 1977 Herve Chartrand completed grading the tennis court site.

May 31, 1977 Don wrote another letter to John Wehse, Manager of Vermont National Bank stating we had signed a contract with Wilk Brothers for $18,000, which with the $3,000 in land, means our total needs are $21,000. As the seven partners are investing 10,500,we need a $10,500 loan.

May 31, 1977 Don's letter to the seven family partnership indicated we could build the courts for a total cost of $21,000 by using Wilk Brothers, who will start work early June. Each family was assessed an additional $900 by June 15 bringing the total assessment to $1500 per family or $10,500 in total. Each family was asked to send a net worth statement to Vermont National Bank, so we could borrow $10,500.

June 8, 1977 Arnold Abelson felt that we should change from the loose partnership arrangement to a corporate form of ownership.

42 March 26, 2015 B- THE EAGLE ROCK RACQUET CLUB (A Corporation) 1977-to date

June 20, 1977 The Vermont National Bank said they would not loan us the $10,500 we had requested - unless we incorporate. They must have been talking to Arnold. So, we incorporated as the Eagle Rock Racquet Club Inc., and borrowed $11,100. The additional $600 covered incorporating.

June 21, 1977 The asphalt was put down.

July 1, 1977 Mary and Eric Sondergeld drove to Rutland to meet with Norm Storrs of Vermont National Bank and our attorney Bart Costello regarding the mortgage.

July 4, 1977 The first meeting of the Eagle Rock Racquet Club, Inc. was held at our new tennis courts. There were the same seven families, (Abelsons, Breckenridges, Kings, Ravkins, Sondergelds, Wolons, Zeolis) from the Lake Beebe Tennis Club, who have each invested $1500. The Directors voted to borrow $11,100 from the Vermont National Bank, and to also purchase the land from the Lake Beebe Tennis Club for $3000. Nick Zeoli agreed to get combination locks for the gates. We needed to have a membership drive. All but the Kings were able to attend this meeting.

July 9, 1977 The fencing was completed.

July 13, 1977 Four coats of slurry were completed. Alan and John Breckenridge, Don, David, and Eric Sondergeld, and Nick, Steve, and Nicki Zeoli transplanted lilies to the west side of the tennis courts. Mary Sondergeld and Alan Breckenridge planted pachysandra around a pine tree on the east side.

July 14, 1977 The lines were painted on the surface. Of course-where else? We also had a tennis court open house and ribbon cutting ceremony--attended by the Abelsons, Breckenridges, Sondergelds, and Zeolis plus guests: Contants and Vanderventers.

September 3, 1977 We had a Special Meeting at the Ablesons on Echo Lake . All seven stockholders were represented. We needed cash. If we couldn't get the Chapins, Shibers, Wrights, Solomkas, Capitans, Delanceys, or Dubois to join, we would each pay in $150. Arnold Abelson volunteered to do the tax reporting.

December 5, 1977 Each of the seven stockholders was assessed $150, as we have no new members.

April 14, 1978 A financial statement showed that each of the seven families had paid in $1650 or a $11,550 total. That plus an $11,100 mortgage gave a total of $22,650. We had spent $22,366.82 : $782 to Herve Chartrand for grading and fill between 3/14/77 and 6/21/77; $16,760.00 to Wilk Brothers for courts, nets, fencing, etc., $3100.00 for land, $929.43($295.06 for land closing on 3/14/77 and $634.37 for incorporation) to Webber & Costello, $255.92 Miscellaneous and Insurance, and $539.47 to Vermont National Bank for Interest on the Mortgage. The net cash on hand was therefore $283.18.

The courts had survived their first winter, and we were hopeful the Chapin and Ziontz families would each pay $1500 for stock. 43 March 26, 2015

July 3,1978 The annual meeting was held at the tennis courts. The price of shares of stock will increase to $1650 on 1/1/79. We discussed possible new members. Members were assessed $100.

September 1, 1979 The annual meeting was held at the tennis courts. With the addition of the Chapins and Morans, as new members, we have 9 stockholders. The bank has changed our interest only mortgage to monthly installments over a three year period. At the end of the meeting the Tuckers joined by paying $1650 bringing our membership to ten. The cost of a membership will become $1800 on January 1, 1980.

August 30, 1980 The annual meeting was held at the tennis courts. The Holts had recently purchased a membership for $1800, bringing our stockholder count to eleven. At the meeting the Earls purchased the twelfth membership for $1800. We increased the price of memberships to $2000 for subsequent memberships - if any. All members were assessed $25. Our loan at the bank can now be paid off.

August 22, 1981 The annual meeting was held at the tennis courts. The price of stock was increased to $2200. We assessed each member $35. We agreed to purchase a sign that says "Private Club, Members only". It was subsequently stolen.

August 21, 1982 The annual meeting was held at the Sondergelds. The Kings are negotiating a sale of their stock to the Contants. The price of stock was increased to $2500. Alan Breckenridge was thanked for donating three benches to the tennis courts. Members were assessed $50. We again decided to keep our membership at twelve families.

September 3, 1983 The annual meeting was held at the Sondergelds. The price of stock was increased to $3000. We decided to keep the membership at twelve families. Dick Contant and John Moran patched some cracks. Arnold Abelson's motion to change "Loans to Members" on our books to "Paid in Surplus" was passed. Members were assessed $45.

August 25, 1984 The annual meeting was held at the Earl's. We agreed to purchase two new nets. The price of stock was increased to $3200. The suggestion to erect a bubble over the courts was ignored. Members were assessed $60. Mary Wolons agreed to replace Joe Wolons and officially became Treasurer. The cream does rise to the top.

August 24, 1985 The annual meeting was held at the Abelson’s. The price of stock was raised to $3500. Members were assessed $20. It was agreed that President Sondergeld would talk informally with the Dellamontes, Eldens, and Masons about their being able to play free on a non priority basis. John Moran and Nick Zeoli are to get in touch with Pike Paving to get materials to repair cracks.

August 16, 1986 The annual meeting was held at the Wolons. The price of stock remains at $3500. When a motion to purchase a second squeegee was narrowly defeated, Dick Contant said he'd pay for it. A motion of appreciation with applause for the new bench - was awarded to Dick Contant - master carpenter. Members were assessed $110. We discussed the new tax assessment by Hubbardton, which indicates we are being assessed on 2.7 acres - whereas we only own about 1 acre.

44 March 26, 2015 August 22, 1987 The annual meeting was held at the Wolons’. The price of stock was increased to $4000. Members were assessed $80. Property taxes increased from about $100 in 1985 to $640.34 in 1986. On appeal Joe Wolons was able to get that reduced to $510.87, about a $10 saving per membership.

August 20, 1988 The annual meeting was held at the Contant’s. The price of stock remained at $4000. Each membership was assessed $125. John Moran, a crack engineer, had repaired cracks.

August 26, 1989 The annual meeting was held at the Sondergeld’s. The price of stock remains at $4000. Our crack engineer, John Moran, said he found many. We decided to start to accumulate capitol for repairs. We made a special assessment of $100 per membership plus the annual assessment of $125.

August 25, 1990 The annual meeting was held at the Sondergeld’s. The price of stock stayed at $4000. Members were each assessed $225 for the coming year. We discussed how to handle delinquent amounts owed the Corporation by members. Dick Contant was asked to draft an appropriate amendment to our by-laws, which would enable the corporation to collect delinquent amounts before stock ownership is changed. It was also agreed we need an estimate from Wilk Brothers on repairing cracks in the courts.

August 17, 1991 The annual meeting was held at the Breckenridge’s. The price of stock stays at $4000. Members were each assessed $250. Wilk Brothers will charge: (a) $670 to repair cracks, (b) $4400 for cracks and resurfacing, and (c) an additional $990 per court to replace nets and net posts. We voted to do (a), or $670. The by-laws were amended to delineate the procedures to follow in (i) making major assessments and (ii) collecting debts before stock ownership is changed.

August 29, 1992 The annual meeting was held at John and Betty Moran’s and was followed by a pot luck dinner co-hosted by Jeanne and Sol Holt. The price of stock was voted to stay at $4000. Members were assessed $400. Don Sondergeld and R J Contant tied for first in the Betty Moran Tennis Tournament with 12 points and Mary Sondergeld came in third with 11 points. We voted to have the cracks repaired, new concrete for the center net posts, new concrete bases for 6-8 fence posts and the courts resurfaced for $7500, or less, if John Moran, our crack engineer, can negotiate a lower price with Wilk Brothers of Center Rutland.

August 28, 1993 The annual meeting was held at the Contant’s. Members were each assessed $200. There was a four way tie for first in the Betty Moran Tennis Tournament (run by Eva Breckenridge in Betty's absence). Alan and Jenny Breckenridge, R J Contant, and Nick Zeoli were the competitors. Stock price stays at $4000.

July 3, 1994 The annual meeting was held at the home of Joe and Mary Wolons, our first Sunday. The assessment and stock price remain at $200 and $4000 respectively. Wilk Bros. have agreed to repair the cracks that opened from last year's repair. R J Contant won the Betty Moran Tennis Tournament by one point.

July 1, 1995 The annual meeting was held at the Abelson’s. We admired their remodeled home. The assessment and stock price stay at $200 and $4000 respectively. The cracks have reappeared in the tennis courts. Don has written Steve Wilk. The Betty Moran Tennis Tournament was rained out.

45 March 26, 2015 August 24, 1996 The annual meeting was held at the Sondergelds. The assessment and stock price stay at $200 and $4000 respectively. Mary Sondergeld and R J Contant were co champions of the rain delayed Tennis Tournament.

August 31, 1997 The annual meeting was held at the Zeoli’s. The assessment and stock price stay at $200 and $4000 respectively. Much discussion on court repair. Linda Sue Contant won the Ladies Tournament, and Eva Breckenridge was runner up. R J Contant and Steve Earl were co champions for the Gentlemen.

July 11, 1998 The annual meeting was held at the Contant’s. The assessment and stock price stay at $200 and $4000 respectively. Again, we decided $20000 for Har-Tru plus a well was not practical. Decided to purchase new chains for the locks. The Betty Moran Tennis Tournament was rained out, but rescheduled for Labor Day Sunday.. A motion to increase the number of memberships was defeated.

July 10, 1999 The annual meeting was held at the Sondergeld’s. Our crack engineer, John Moran, indicated the courts have cracks…but are playable. At some point we need to resurface the courts. The assessment and stock price stay at $200 and $4000 respectively. John Moran won the rain delayed Tennis Tournament held on July 11, 1999.

July 8, 2000 The annual meeting was held at the Moran’s. Arnold Abelson suggested purchasing a ball machine. Joe Wolons voluteered a generator. RJ Contant offered to build a shed. A motion was passed to spend no more than $1000 for this endeavor. The assessment and stock price stay at $200 and $4000 respectively.

A Resolution was passed to make Sol and Jean Holt Honorary members for Life and Thereafter, once they have transferred their stock to their two daughters Barbara Apstein and Marjorie Heins.

July 14, 2001 The annual meeting was held at the Breckenridge’s. We rescinded last year’s motion to purchase a ball machine. The cost of building a shed, getting electricity brought in, and purchasing a ball machine exceeded $1000. Don bought another new lock. Arnold suggested a three week training course. The Town of Hubbardton has increased our assessment 17% from $38000 to $45000. The Tennis Tournament was postponed until September 2, 2001. We assessed members $500. The stock price remains at $4000.

August 17, 2002 The annual meeting was held at the Sondergeld’s. A motion was approved to spend up to $40,000 for court resurfacing sometime within the next three years. We assessed members $500. The stock price remains at $4000. Don Sondergeld and Carl Apstein were co champions of the Tennis Tournament.

August 31, 2003 Two meetings, the Annual Meeting and a Special Meeting, were held at the Contant’s.

Annual Meeting: A motion was passed to accept Vermont Recreational’s quote of budgeting $41,206 and hope we only spend $34,706. The $34,706 includes all new fence posts (uses the existing fence), $2,000 for 130 lineal feet of drainage along the north edge of our courts, new net posts and nets, and reclaimed and resurfaced courts, lines, etc. An extra $6,500 is budgeted for an additional six inches of gravel base, if during the reconstruction process we agree it is needed.

Betty Moran Tennis Tournament: R J Contant won. Eva Breckenridge and John Moran tied for second.

46 March 26, 2015 The following motion on stockholders with excessive debt was passed. If the outstanding indebtedness for a stockholder equals or exceeds $3,500, the president may offer the indebted stockholder the right to tender such stock in exchange for the debt, in which event the stockholder’s debt to the corporation would be extinguished and the stockholder’s stock would be redeemed. It was agreed that after the courts are reconstructed, new stock memberships may be issued for $4,000, if the membership has dropped below 12, to bring our memberships back to 12.

We were saddened to learn of the recent death of Jeanne Holt, a dear and former member.

Special Meeting: A motion was passed to assess each of our 12 stockholders $3,100 for the coming year. This assessment is due on or before November 1, 2003. As the work on reconstructing the tennis courts will begin this fall, we need this money by November 1, 2003.

May 16, 2004 A Special Meeting was held at the Zeoli’s. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the funding of the $3000 cost of an additional 3 inches of gravel base your directors had recently voted to spend. It was noted an additional $900 had also been authorized by your directors during the reconstruction process to: excavate and add 4 additional loads of gravel in a “soft area” in the SE corner of the courts. The extra $3000 + $900 = $3900 (not previously budgeted) is the reason for this special assessment.

A motion was passed to assess each of our 12 stockholders $300. This assessment is due immediately as the work on reconstructing the tennis courts is almost finished.

Results to date: *The drainage along the north fence was the first item completed. *The fence and fence posts were then removed. *The courts have been reclaimed, 9 inches of gravel have been added to the base, the “soft area” has been strengthened, net posts have been installed, and the fine grading has been completed. *Asphalt paving was done last week, and the fence and fence posts reinstalled.

August 21, 2004 The meeting was held at the Earl’s. We have two new memberships, the Klisivitch family, whom we welcomed, and Charles T Reller (Chuck’s son), who was not in attendance, but was welcomed in absentia.. There are now 12 active memberships. Sandy Chapin has exchanged her stock for the debt she owed. Sue Ravkin, an inactive member, has indicated she expects to do the same. This keeps the number of “Active Memberships” at 12. A motion was passed to set the value of a membership again at $4,000. There was no assessment this year. The Tennis Tournament was postponed one week with Carl Apstein and RJ Contant becoming co champions.

August 20, 2005 The meeting was held at the Earl’s. There are still 12 active memberships. Sue Ravkin has exchanged her stock for the debt she owed. A motion was passed to set the value of a membership again at $4,000. There was a $50 assessment this year. The Tennis Tournament was won by John Moran with Linda Contant the runnerup. A Resolution was adopted. “The Eagle Rock Racquet Club expresses to our colleague and tennis champion Carl Apstein, our best wishes for a speedy recovery and his return to Vermont in order that we may continue to experience his dry sense of humor, delight in his ready smile, and be victims of his lascivious “lefty” reverse spin serve and forehand.”

August 19, 2006 The meeting was held at the Wolons. There was a $200 assessment. A motion was passed to set the value this year again at $4,000. The Betty Moran Tennis tournament was rained out and rescheduled for Sunday September 6, 2006.

47 March 26, 2015 August 23, 2008 The meeting was held at the Breckenridge’s. The assessment of $200 was continued, as was the $4000 value of stock. Eight people participated in the Betty Moran Tennis Tournament. Alan Breckenrige is the new Club Champion.

August 15, 2009 The meeting was held at the Wolons. The waterfront landscaping Joe has done and the steaks Mary cooked were fantastic. The assessment of $200 was continued, as was the $4000 value of the stock. Sol Holt, our Honorary Member and Chairman of our Centennial Committee, was present and in fine fettle. Sol will be 99 in December and looks terrific. In Betty’s absence, RJ ran the tennis tournament. There were only five fierce competitors: RJ, Don, Alan, Barb, and Betty’s sister Joan Burns. RJ “reported” a five way tie so they are co champions.

August 21, 2010 The annual meeting was held at the Sondergeld’s. The assessment of $200 was continued, as was the $4000 value of the stock. A motion was made that we purchase Officers and Directors insurance for about $250 to $300. The motion was defeated. No one felt that we needed this insurance unless we were worried about someone running off with our money. It was suggested that a better approach was to amend our By Laws to indicate our corporation will bear the cost of the defense of any officer or director in a suit brought against such individual(s). That motion was passed and our By Laws were amended with “Article VIII INDEMNIFICATION” added. RJ was the winner of the Betty Moran Tennis Tournament.

August 20, 2011 The annual meeting was held at the Contant’s. The assessment of $200 was continued, as was the $4000 value of the stock. RJ retained his title as the winner of the Betty Moran Tennis Tournament. There was an extensive didcussion of the pros and cons of having additional members, but no decision was made.

February 18, 2012 Solomon Holt, age 101 died. Sol, born December 14, 1910, died February 18, 2012. Loving father of Barbara and Marjorie, grandfather of Matthew, Catherine, Daniel, and Andrew, and great-grandfather of Lily, Cole, Melanie, Alex, and Daphne, he was also a devoted husband to Jeanne for 68 years of marriage. A dedicated teacher and chairman in the NYC schools for more than 30 years and author of many social studies textbooks, he had wide-ranging interests and an inquiring mind into very old age. Friends and family were amazed at his robust health and mental alertness until the very last days of his life.

August 18, 2012. The annual meeting was held at the Moran’s. The assessment is now $203, but the $4000 value of the stock remained the same. RJ retained his title as the winner of the Betty Moran tennis Tournament , and has now won three years in a row. Betty designed, bought, and presented a new trophy: an inspirational Eagle atop a small Rock. It was agreed there is no need to build a large surplus for repaving the courts at some date in the future. That cost should be a cost for the existing stockholders at that time. Sol Holt was 101 when he died last February Our beloved Honorary Member’s obit follows:

HOLT--Solomon. Born December 14, 1910, died February 18, 2012. Loving father of Barbara and Marjorie, grandfather of Matthew, Catherine, Daniel, and Andrew, and great-grandfather of Lily, Cole, Melanie, Alex, and Daphne, he was also a devoted husband to Jeanne for 68 years of marriage. A dedicated teacher and chairman in the NYC schools for more than 30 years and author of many social studies textbooks, he had wide-ranging interests and an inquiring mind into very old age. Friends and family were amazed at his robust health and mental alertness until the very last days of his life. New York Times on February 21, 2012

August 17, 2013 The annual meeting was held at the Breckenridge’s. The assessment is now $204, but the $4000 value of the stock remained the same. The Betty Moran Tennis Tournament was rained out.

48 March 26, 2015 August 16, 2014 The annual meeting was held at the Wolons. The assessment is now $205, but the $4000 value of the stock remained the same. There was no clear cut winner of the Betty Moran Tennis Tournament. That eliminated the problem regarding the new trophy awarded to RJ two years ago … although there is no winner to give it to … RJ can’t find it. Don worked out a problem with the Secretary of State as we have never filed our annual reports. We paid $535 instead of $1890 to become Active. We discussed how best to advertise and get new members due to the underutilization of our courts, including the possibility of adding Pickeball as an attraction.

August 19, 2015 The meeting will be held at the Sondergeld’s.


Directors and Officers of ERRC Directors have been: Alan Breckenridge, Don Sondergeld, and Nick Zeoli. Officers have been: President-Don Sondergeld, Vice President-Joe Wolons, Secretary-Jody Zeoli, and Treasurer- Wolons(Joe 1977-1983 and Mary 1984 on). Arnold Abelson has been our Federal and State Income Tax preparer and filer, John Moran is our Crack Engineer, and RJ Contant has provided legal assistance.

Betty Moran Tennis Tournament This annual event has been a highlight of annual meeting day. Remember ARF-BY-BB (273-2922). Of course the pot luck dinner that follows has terrific food and fellowship.

Stockholders We started with seven stockholders: (Abelson, Breckenridge, King, Ravkin, Sondergeld, Wolon, and Zeoli). We have built the active membership to twelve, where it has held steady.

Year Paid # 1976 $600 Ab Br Ki Rav Son Wol Z 7 1977 900 Ab Br Ki Rav Son Wol Z 7 1978 150 Ab Br Ki Rav Son Wol Z 7 1979 100 Ab Br Ki Rav Son Wol Z Cha Mor Tuc 10 1980 25 Ab Br Ki Rav Son Wol Z Cha Mor Tuc Hlt Ea 12 1981 35 Ab Br Co Rav Son Wol Z Cha Mor Tuc Hlt Ea 12 1982 50 1983 45 1984 60 1985 20 1986 110 1987 80 1988 125 1989 125 1990 225 Ab Br Co Rav Son Wol Z Cha Mor Tuc Hlt Ea 12 1991 250 1992 400 1993 200 1994 200 1995 200 49 March 26, 2015 1996 200 1997 200 1998 200 1999 200 2000 200 Ab Br Co Rav Son Wol Z Cha Mor Tuc Hlt Ea 12 2001 500 Ab Br Co Rav Son Wol Z Cha Mor Tuc A/H Ea 12 2002 500 Ab Br Co Rav Son Wol Z Cha Mor Tuc A/H Ea 12 2003 3100 Ab Br Co Rav Son Wol Z Cha Mor Tuc A/H Ea 12 2004 300 Ab Br Co Kli Son Wol Z Rel Mor Tuc A/H Ea 12 2005 0 2006 50 2007 200 2008 200 2009 200 2010 200 2011 200 2012 203 2013 204 2014 205


Most of the original investors have spent $10,962 and have stock worth about $4,000, or $6,962 net. Ignoring interest, the $6,962 cost of using the courts for 39 years is about $179 per year.


DATE PLACE July 3,1976 Wolons (the first organizational meeting) July 4,1977 ERRC(our first meeting at the courts) July 3,1978 ERRC Sept 1, 1979 ERRC August 30,1980 ERRC August 22,1981 ERRC August 21,1982 Sondergeld Sept 3, 1983 Sondergeld August 25, 1984 Earl August 24, 1985 Abelson August 16, 1986 Wolons August 27, 1987 Wolons August 20, 1988 Contant August 26, 1989 Sondergeld August 25, 1990 Sondergeld August 17, 1991 Breckenridge August 29, 1992 Moran/Holt co hosts, held at Moran’s August 28, 1993 Contant July 3, 1994 Wolons July 1, 1995 Abelson August 24, 1996 Sondergeld August 31, 1997 Zeoli

50 March 26, 2015 July 11, 1998 Contant July 10, 1999 Sondergeld July 8, 2000 Moran July 14, 2001 Breckenridge August 17, 2002 Sondergeld August 31, 2003 Contant August 21, 2004 Earl August 20, 2005 Abelson August 19, 2006 Wolons August 25, 2007 Breckenridge August 23, 2008 Moran August 15,2009 Wolons August 21, 2010 Sondergeld August 20, 2011 Contant August 18, 2012 Moran August 17, 2013 Breckenridge August 16, 2014 Wolons August 19, 2015 Sondergeld

Right of Way to Echo Lake It is somewhere over the Greenfield property (Hubbardton Map 2 Lot 14.01) and referred to in the Baum to Greenfield deed in Hubbardton’s Book 40 Page 456. Our deed refers to the right of way originally described in Hubbardton’s Book 14 Page 295.

“Together with an irrevocable easement and way for a wagon or automobile path or road across the Northeasterly portion of the Grantor’s property, at a convenient place to be mutually agreed upon, to give the Grantees and their successors free access from the above described property to Echo Lake, and the right of the Grantees to construct, at their own expense, a dock or other landing to be used by them, their successors, or their designees for bathing, boating, fishing, removal of ice, and other lawful purposes.”

Trivia: Lot 10 is owned by Larry Steele. Lot 13.1 is owned by the Town of Hubbardton and is the site of the former Mott School.

51 March 26, 2015

TABLE V PHOTO ALBUM INDEX Here are some things I see in looking at the index (but not the albums, so some may be in the wrong year):

1972: Vacationing at Cape Hatteras, Disneyworld, Daytona, Busch Gardens, Sales convention in Acapulco 1973: Phoenix, Salt Lake city, Four Corners area, Black Forest Glier Port in Colorado Springs, Hubbardton Battlefied, Climbing Camels Hump, vacationing with my parents at Lake Keuka, 1974: London England, Lake Tahoe, Doral in Miami, Key Largo, Doctor Towne’s wedding, Ralph in CT, my parents in VT, Grandpa Towne in VT 1975: Canoeing trip on the Lamoille with the Brecks, Hiking the Monroe skyline, New Orleans, Key Biscayne, Skiing with Harry Chapin,Pete’s Pearls at Pico, Santa Fe and Taos, NM 1976: Mt Washington , Skyline Drive, The Homestead, Sondergeld grandparents in CT, Cape Cod, Hiking in the Adirondacks, climbing Mt Chocorua, Skiing Mt Washington, Macinaw Island, Montreal Olympics, Ottawa, Toledo, Niagara Falls, San Diego Zoo, Tiajauno, Mt Baldy 1977: Grandparents in Toledo, Hiking Mt Washington an Noonmark.ERRC opening, Hubbardton Battle, Sondergeld Grandparents in VT, Lake George, Ralph at Thhe Dog Team Tavern 1978: Colby College, Kiawah Island, Raitt's at Queeche, Gobes skiing in VT, Goode's at Sugarbush, Skiing with Joserph's, Downe's, Tim Owens; David's prom, Napa and Sonoma, Carmel, Monterey, Big Sur, Hearst Castle, Palm Springs, Portland, Mt Hood, Grandparents 50th in Ohio, Grandpre's sailboat, Ed and Doris Bell in VT, Cris Caballero, Joseph's, Andrews, Peggy Hattings, Ralph and Patti in VT; Greenbrier, WVA;Sailboat races on Beebe, Lake George, Glascione's in VT, Saratoga, Sondergeld Grandparents in VT, Waterville, ME; Palm Springs, CA; NYC, John and Connie in CT, Toledo, OH

Here is my Index for Photo Albums:


0. 7/60 5/72 Children

1. 8/72 ?/73 Pond Hill Ranch, Vt; Sturbridge Village; Cape Hatteras, NC; Beebe Pond, Vt; Disneyworld, Fl; Daytona Beach, Fl; Busch Garden, Fl; Miami Seaquarium; Acapulco, Mexico; Mexico City, Mexico; Mt. Mansfield (Stowe) Vt; Beebe Pond, Vt; Squaw Mt, Me

2. ?/73 ?/73 Botanical Garden, Phoenix, AZ; Salt Lake City, Bryce; Zion; Four Corners; Page; Mesa Verde; Royal Gorge;' Broadmoor, Colorado Springs; Black Forest Glider Port; Hubbardton Battle, Lake Keuka, KY; Watkins Glen,.NY; Beebe Pond, Vt

3. ?/73 8/74 Killington, Vt; Climbing Camelback, Vt; Reigers at Beebe Pond, Vt; Grandpre's at Beebe Pond,'Vt; Waterville, Me; London England;'Lake Tahoe; Gobes in VT, Jim & Beede :Bruce- Tucson, AZ; Phoen ix Doral Country Club in Miami, FL; Key Largo, Pico,'-VT; Raoul's Sailboat; Mary in San Francisco; Coast; Dr. Towne's wedding; Ralph Sondergeld in Connecticut; Walter & Marie Sondergeld in Vermont; Jim & Brita Tate in Vermont; Dr. C.E.Towne in Vermont

4. 8/74 4/75 Canoeing on Lamoille & Winooski Rivers, Vt; Lake George, NY; Monroe Skyline, Vt;

52 March 26, 2015 Karen's Confirmation; Danbury Fair; Beebe Pond, Vt; Hang Gliding at High Pond, Vt; New Orleans, LA; Key Biscayne, FL; Harry Chapin skiing; Don & Karen at Sugarbush, VT; Pico, Vt; Hang Gliding at Pico, Vt; Frank Petty, Gary Levin, Joel Aronson, Wolans, Gobes, Josephs at Pico; "Pete's Pearls" at Pico, Vt; Santa Fe and Taos, NM; Eagle Rock, Vt

5. 5/75 6/76 Mt. Washington, NE; Skyline Drive & Blue Ridge Parkway; The Homestead; Walter & Marie Sondergeld at Labor Day Parade in W. Htfd, CT;Cape Cod; Dead Creek, Vt; Mandon Mt: Lake George(7/8/75), NY; Sunfish on Beebe Pond; Grandpa's Knob, Vt; Adirondacks (High Peaks),NY; Pico, Vt; Chocorua, NH; Mt. Washington NH;West Hartford. track; Adirondacks, NY

6. 6/76 1/77 Macinac Island; Ann Arbor; Northwood, Ohio; Bowling Green; Montreal, Olympics; Ottawas Ont; John Cooley in the Adirondacks; Pico Ski Club at Lake Bomoseen, Vt; Quarry in Toledo, Ohio; Dining in Sandusky, Ohio; Niagara Falls, NY; Lake Beebe Property Owners' Association; Alpine Slide at Bromley Mt, Vt; Quarry north of Manchester, Vt; Capistrano, CA; San Diego Zoo;Tijauno MX; Mt Baldy, LA, CA; Tarpan Springs, Fl; Pico, VT

7. 1/77 9/77 J. Ryan at Pico, Vt; Molly Facey at Pico, Vt; Gobes' at Pico, Vt; Walter & Marie Sondergeld in Ohio; Slush Cup at Pico, Vt; Mt. Washington, NH; Mt Mooselauke, NH; Noonmark Mt, NY; Flying over Beebe Pond from Quebec to Hartford; Peggy Linehan and John Skahill's wedding; Eagle Rock Racquet Club's Grand Opening; Hubbardton Battle Reenactment; Walter and Marie Sondergeld in Vermont; Lake George, NY; McDonald's in Vermont; Ralph Sondergeld at the Dog Team Tavern in Middlebury, Vt; Wolff's and Shibers' and Dean Lodmill in Vt; Connecticut

8.1/77 2/78 Colby College, Me; Kiawah Is, SC; ERRC at Beebe Pond; Burned down Ski Club; The Raitt's at (Zueeche, Vt; HIG in autumn; West Hartford X country; Manchester Thanksgiving Race; John & Connie Towne in Conn; Vermont in Winter; Pic0 Ski Club; Connecticut in Winter; Gobes in Vt; Killington,- Vt; Suga'rbush, Vt

9. 2/78 5/78 Goode's at Sugarbush, Vt; Ryan's, Leopard's, Contant's, Joseph's at Pico, Vt; Downe's at Okemo, Vt;--Tim Owens and Nick Zeoli at Pico, Vt; Slush Cup at Pico, David's Prom; San Francisco; Napa and Sonoma Valleys;Point Lobos; Carmel; Monterey Peninsula; Big Sur; Hearst Castle at San Simeon; Shore Cliff Motel at Pismo Beach; Santa Barbara; Palm Springs; Mt. San Jacinto at Palm Springs

10. 6/78 7/78 Portland,'Oregon; Mt. Hood; Timberline Lodge; Oregon coast; Toledo, Ohio; 50th Wedding Anniversary; New Porch in Vermont; Vermont; On Raoul Grandpre's sailboat;'Ed & Doris Bell in Vt; Cris Caballero, Stan Joseph, Bob Andrews, Peggy Hattings in Vt; Kopsacks and Leggetts etc. in Vt; Ralph and Patti in Vt; Greenbrier, W. Va

53 March 26, 2015 11. 7/78 12/78 Sailboat races in Vt; Lake George, NY; Galasciones in Vt; Waterskiing on Lake Bomoseen, Vt; Harseracing at Saratoga, NY; Adirondacks, NY; Caballero, McDonalds, Wolffs in Vt; Cross Country (Eric) in Ct; Walter & Marie Sondergeld in Vt; Walter & Marie Sondergeld in Ct; Winslow and Waterville, Me; Gas Balloon In CT; Palm Springs, CA; Breckenridges & NY City; John & Connie Towne in Ct; Toledo, Ohio; Connecticut; Vermont; New Year's Eve in Vt; Skiing in Vt

12. 12/78 4/79 Andrew Knorz from Wales; Goodes at Pico, Vt; Pico, Vt; Mt. Mansfield, Vt; Pico, Vt; Connecticut; Rex Hill's Party; Hilton Head; Owl in Vt; Pico, Vt

13. 4/79 6/79 Denver; Keystone; Vail; Winter Park; Arapahoe Basin; Copper Mt; Loveland; Gobes at Pico, Vt; Hilton Head; Andrews & Josephs canoeing in Ct; David's Prom; Amy's Crosscountry; Doris & Ed Bell in Basking Ridge, NJ; Crown Center in K.C.; Karen and Duncan in Vt at Dog Team; Walter Marie Sondergeld in Toledo 14. 6/79 6/79 Don & David in Banff, Lake Louise, and & Connie Towne in the Adirondacks; The Wasmuns from West Berlin; Wells Whitney;Zeolis; Breckenridges; Aichers, etc. At the Dog Team; Beebe Pond, Vt; Waterville, Me; Maine Coast; Actuarial Cocktail Party Jasper, Canada

15. 7/79 10/79 Beebe Pond, Vt; Lake Ceorge, NY; Beebe Pond, Vt; John

16. 10/79 12/79 Mt. Ranier, Washington; Olympia National Park; Hurricane Ridge Drive; Seattle,'Washington; Eric winning Hall- Conard XCountry meet; St. Thomas, V.I.; St. John, V.I.; Cerramar Beach Hotel in Puerto Rico; Colby College;, XCountry at Colby; Halloween; Beebe Pond, Vt; Hot tub at Haeflecks in Ct, Beebe Pond, Vt

17. 12/79 4/80 1979 Christmas in Vt; New Year's Eve in Vt; 1980 Winter Olympics at Lake Placid, NY; Woodlands Inn in Houston, TX; Pico, Vt; Pico Ski Club Banquet; Duncan Whitney'in Vt; "Lost Lake" in Hubbardton; Spring.skiing at Pico; Beni Hana's in Farmington, CT; David 'and Don on Mt. Monadnock, NH

18. 5/80 7/80 Boston, Mass; Tarifville Corge; Woods Rd, Ct; CE Towne in Ct; Amy's Xcountry gang; Wildflowers in Vt; Gatehouse torched; Beebe Pond, Vt;BGSU; Walter & Marie Sondergeld in Northwood, Ohio;Yien Koo King and Jody Zeoli; Barb Cooper; Eric's graduation; McDonalds; Senior Staff picnic at Fox-hollow Inn in Lenox, MA; Karen & friends at the beach; Eric's prom; Newfane Inn, Vt; Beebe Pond, Vt;Pico Ski Club Picnic at Beebe

19. 8/80 8/80 Beebe Pond, Karen leaving for the Adirondacks; Hubbardton Battle Reenactment; Pollnows in Vt; Auction; Dog Team Restaurant; Lake Beebe Annual Meeting; Lake George; Doris & Ed Bell in Vt; Middlebury, Vt; Don & the girls climb Mt Dix; Sondergelds and Underhills 54 March 26, 2015 on Wallace Ledge; Log House being built for Arnie Mooz

20. 8/80 10/80 Beebe Pond, Vt; Saratoga, NY; The Kings; Porcupine; Northeast Kingdom camping trip; Big Mushroom; Party at the Breckenridges; Wolffs; Earls; Duncan Whitney; John Calascione; Trinity Tennis; Durham Fair in Ct; Amy's Confirmation; Croots, Youngs, & Holcombes at The Greenbrier; Ann Leggett & Karen at Colby; Waterville, Me; Karen is 21; Kirsten Ronnau from Marburg, West Germany

.21. 10/80 12/80 Amy running Xcountry; Kirsten Ronnau at Beni Hana's; Halloween; CE Towne in Ct; Don is 50; UMass Football; Cris Caballero; Luis Miquel Martin; Beepa Stern's birthday; The Cloister at Sea Island; Georgia; Sawgrass, Florida; St. Augustine, Florida; Karla is 12

22. 12/80 2/81 Karla & Jeremiah as kittens; Luis Miguel Martin; in Vt; Christmas in Vt; Ralph and Sandra Sondergeld in Vt; Harry Chapin; New Year's Eve in Vt; Tennis at Brookside in Rutland; New slipcovers; Skiing at Pico; Jamie Chapin; Don & Miguel on Wallace Ledge; Farm Hill Rd in Winter; Pico Ski Club; Brookside Tennis; Pico, Vt; Beebe Pond, Vt; Pico, Vt

23. 3/81 4/81 Sun Valley, Idaho; Beebe Pond, Vt; Pico, Vt; ITT- Hartford Basketball Game; Pico Ski Club Banquet; Peter & Brenda Welch and Brenda's father; Pico Ski Club; Spring Skiing at Pico; Queecbe Gorge; Northwood,-Ohio; Jeremiah 24. 4/81 5/81 Scottsdale Conference Center, AZ; The Pointe in Phoenix, AZ; Taos, NM; Albuquerque, NM; Sandia Peak, NM; Tina Jeremiah; Amy is 16; Spring in Ct; Beebe Pond, Vt in Spring; Key Largo, Florida; The Doral Country Country Club outside Miami, Florida; Sailing with Grandpres and Streeters; Mike and Ann Greene

25. 5/81 8/81 Karla, Amy & Miry'in Florida at The Towne’s; Mt. Washingtou, NH; Mt Chocorua, NH; Whites, Croots, Rosses,,Dormans, Gobes at Burleigh's; Amy's Prom; At RalpH’S in Sandusky; Walter's Funeral; Cedar Point; - Karen's graduation; Beni Hana's in Farmington, CT; Spring in Ct; Beebe Pond, Vt; Hubbardton Battle Reenactment; Elizabeth-Kollar in Vt; ERRC; The Aroras in Vt; Pico's New Alpine Slide; Lake Beebe Annual Meeting; Building the Contant's float; ERRCAnnual Meeting; Chris and Steve Zeoli's Bike Trip (13,000 miles) Party; Australian Tennis at Stratton 26. 8/81 10/81 Allison Towne at Beebe Pond; The Josephs Beebe 55 March 26, 2015 Pond; David & Eric painting camp; The Bob Martins at Beebe Pond; Actuarial Cocktail Party; With the Josephs & friends in NYCity; Karen is 22; Arizona Biltmore near Phoenix, AZ; Grand Canyon; Flagstaff, AZ; Botanical Gardens in Phoenix; Harvey Breckenridge in Tempe, AZ

27. 10/81 11/81 Hartford Insurance Group; ERRC, Vt; October in Vt; Krakauers, Zeolis,; Ernst & Alfreda;Earls; Kollar; Eric's Room at UMass; Wolonses in CT; Raitt's Retirement Party; Halloween in Ct; Downeses, Beldens, Herrises, Havertys, Haeflecks; David is 21; West Hartford Reservoir; Don is 51; CETowne in Ct; Karen, Chestnut Hill & Boston; Thanksgiving in Vt; Beepa Stern's Birthday Party

28. 11/81 12/81 Friedlanders & Josephs at Pico, Vt.; Duncan Whitney in Ct.; Nan Streeter's Retirement as Mayor; Karla is 13; Dinner at Contants'; Steve Earl's Birthday Party; Skiing at Pico, Vt.; Tim Owens & Ellen Kelly in Ct.; Christmas Eve Party in Vt.; Christmas in Vt.; Mausy & Lilo & Ernest Krakauer; Pico Ski Club and friends of the Josephs; Contants & Josephs & Sondergelds at dinner in Rutland, Vt.; Tennis after dinner; The Kings; Beebe Pond & Pico, Vt.; Stern Party at the Earls'; New Year's Eve Party at Sondergelds'. 29. 1/82 - 2/82 Peggy Hattings, Duncan Whitney, Steve Laury, Denny Cortell, skiing in Vt.; Dale Comey & the Aronsons; Bavarian Castle; Rhoda Babcock in the deck, new carpet. Vt.; Ellen Kelly in Vt.; The Raitts at Queeche, Vt.; La Flamms at Echo Lake, Vt.; Sun Valley, Idaho.

30. 2/82 -2/82 More of Sun Valley, Idaho; Northwood, Ohio; Marie Sondergeld's Funeral; Beebe Pond, Vt

31. 2/82 - 4/82 Beebe Pond in a Big Winter; Peggy Hattings and Ellen Reinholter in Vt.; Elizabeth Kollar; Pico Ski Club; At the Contants; Shoveling the Porch Roof in Vt.; Lynn Schoeder and her Father in Vt.; Chris Zeoli & Lisa Cutting Down The Dead Pine Tree in Vt.; Ellen Kelly, Lee Green, and Liz Ct.; John at Bear Mt. at Killington, Vt.; Judy Leopard & Kathy Harris at Pico; Easter at Pico; Amy is 17 at Beni Hanals; Jeff Morander; Allison, Nathan, and Connie Towne; Karen, Peter, & Sandy at Pico; Omlands.

32. 2/82 -5/82 New Hampshire Black Cap Mt, Kangamangus, Mt.Washington; South Carolina: Charleston, Bohickett River, Streeters, Kiawah Island; Colorado,Denver 33: 5/82- 5/82 Colorado: Loveland, A Basin, Black Forest Glider, Pikes Peak, Cog RR, Broadmoor Connecticut: Financial Advisory Board at Hartford Town & County 56 March 26, 2015 Vermont: Contants, Ernest Krakauer, Tim Owens, Voses Rock Connecticut: Amy & Jeff Morander - Prom, Peggy Hattings, Bill McMahon's Retirement Party at Wilders, Harris Pool, Gledhill Nursery

34: 6/82- 7/82 Connecticut: Bill McMahon's Retirement Party Vermont: Shrewsbury Inn, Party @ Earls, Zeolis, Gallaghers, Theater in Williamstown, Barrows Inn in Dorset, Party @ Sheffield's, @ Contant's, Hubbardton Battle, Party @ Krakauer's, Party @ Sondergeld's, Orwell, Dinner @ Breck's. Crystal Beach, Barb Croft, Party on Float, Peggy Hattings, John Beese, Julie Dyer 35: 7/82- 8/82 Vermont: Beebe Pond Sailboat, Crystal Beach, Fair Haven Inn, Eva B's Tennis Group MA: Amy Returns from , Karen & Julie Dyer Vermont: Contant Cocktails, Monterellis, Jeff Morander, Harv Breck @ , Earls, Sterns, Shiber's, Doa & Maryta 25th Wedding Anniversary, Zeolis @ Aanabelle's, Windsurfing, Party @ Sherlinels, Party @ Hubbards, Sondergelds, Contants, Racoon, Dr. Towne, Pig Roast (Prentice), Party on Float. 36: 8/82 -9/82 Vermont: Racoon, Hot Tub @ Wolons, George Goodwin, Linda Babcock on Eagle Rock, Linda & Sunshine, Contant Party, Nora & Bill Harris, Jack & Margaret Haeflick, Party @ Moran’s, Alpine Slide, Racoon, The Kings MA: Danny Cottum is Married in Belmont, Karen's Apartment in Chestnut Hill. Connecticut: Noah Webster's Birthday, Bob Steele, Nan Streeter, Dinner in Danbury With Brecks & Zeolis, Sue Andrews Texas: Austin Vermont: Karen & Friends, Cemetery, Bunny Bixler

37: 10/82 -11/82 Vermont: Tennis w/ Nora & Bill Harris Connecticut: W. Hartford Parade, Punk Karla, Shaleen Vermont: Nice Colors, Patric von Pflug from Marburg NH: David's Apartment in Keene Connecticut: HIG - Don's Office, Anne Randazzo, Jan Pollnow, German Party, Halloween, Dave MacKeller, Jackie Haeflick, Witch, David's Birthday Illinois: Chicago Connecticut: David's Birthday, Luis & Pilar, Dr. Towne, Party @ Dysons, MA: Karen is Moving, Julie Dyer

57 March 26, 2015 38. 11/82-1/83

Vermont: Pilar Pla, Jeff Moranders New Year's Eve New Jersey: Eva Breckenridge is 50. Boston: Karen's Apartmeat, Canton, MA Hartford: Mark Twain House, Facey's Party, Bridge Vermont: Christmas Eve at Brecks, Christmas, John & Connie Towne, Tennis at Brookside, New Year's Eve, Pilar Pla

39. 2/83-3/83

Vermont: Pilar Plat Karen & Duncan, Stan & Harriet, Giesela, Jan Pollnow, Gil Rivard, Steve Earl, Mary B. Underhill

40. 3/83-4/83

Connecticut: Giesela, Pilar Pla Vermont: Barb Croft, Pilar, Contants, Josephs, Welch, Masons, Healds, Pico Banquet California: Del Coronado, San Diego Nevada: Las Vegas, Hoover Dam

41. 4/83-5/83

Nevada: Las Vegas, Alan King Tennis Vermont: Pilar Pla Connecituct: Pilar Pla, Lane Burleigh's Wedding, Prom Canada: Karla in Calgary, Banf, Vancouver

42. 5/83-5/83 Canada: Vancouver (Karla) (Don)

43. 6/83-3/83 Connecticut: Hartford Life in Windsor, Pilar Pla & Amy's graduation Vermont: Sally MacKain, Pilar Plat Windsurfer, Barb Croft, Tracy Contant, Abelsons, Earlso Montarellis New York: Lake George - Camping

44. 7/83-9/83 New York: Lake George - Camping Vermont: Sailing at Charlotte, Montarellis Tennis, Josephs at "Somewherels', Cooley's, Tennis at Stratton w/ Earls & Contants Manchester, Kravauja, Giesela, Wolon's Hot Tub, Lawrence - The Lamb Connecticut: Peggy Hatting's Shower Vermont: Rock Wall & Garden in Triangle

45. 9/83-10/83 New Hampshire: Amy at College 58 March 26, 2015 Vermont: Brodericks' New House, Julie Dyer Florida: Eric & Don at Penny Camp & KeyWest Vermont: Great Colors

46. 10/83-12/83 Illinois: Society of Actuaries in Itasca Vermont: Karla & Shaliae Connecticut: Peggy Hatting's Wedding D.C. Don in Washington Vermont. Beauer Dam, Brodericks, Shaline, Snow Sterns, Judy Leopard

47: 12/83-2/84 Connecticut: Karla is 15, Bloodgood's, Jeremiah Vermont: Christmas, Shibers, Josephs, Beavers, June Sherline Barb Croft, New Year's Eve, Sally MacKain, Chris Zeoli, Scott Arnold, Adam Klotz, Holly Stern, Steve Gent, Sunday Ski School Connecticut: Snowstorm, Windsor, Alan Gibb

48: 2/84-2/84 Vermont: Contants, kikers, Josephs, Tauber Idaho: Sun Valley (Sondergelds & Josephs)

48.5 2/85-3/84 Louisiana: New Orleans England: Stonehenge, Bournemouth, Institute of Actuaries, Oxford, Blenheim Palace, Stratford, Cotswolds 49: 3/84-4/84 Vermont: Omland, Joseph, Judy Ieopard, Kathy ? Spring Skiing Connecticut: CM run Vermont: Uncle Charlie's (Earls & Zeolis), Easter

50. 4/84-5/84 Connecticut: Don's Gold Medal, Eric's Birthday, Mass: Boston Florida: Mary & Karla @ the Townes New Hampshire: Tuckermans, Chocorua Connecticut: Ellen Scanlon is married, Sally MacKain MA: Eric's graduation, Sally MacKain New York: SOA, Pollnow, Young, Frances, Panels, Garrett 51. 5/84-6/84 New York: SOA, Dick Robertson, Paul Seymour, Walt Rugland Lousiana: New Orleans Connecticut: Party at Downels, Sally MacYain New York: Josephs' Lobster Party Connecticut: Gledhill Sculpture Missouri: Kansas City England: Don, Mary, Karla, Eric, Wimbledon

52. 6/84-6/84 59 March 26, 2015 England: Don, Marys Karla, Eric (Wales), Bath Connecticut: Barb Croft, Sally MacKain

53. 6/84-7/84 Connecticut: David's Apartment Rhode Island: Beach - Duncan, Dwight., Sally, Barb C. Connecticut: Ainsley Ferguson, Alan Gibb Retires Vermont: White: Whitney, Sally MacKain, Barb Croft New York: Albany Vermont: Mt. Independence, Basin Harbor, Addison Gardens Bill Steele, Cruise on Lake Bomoseen, Dick Coutant's New Outdoor Fireplace, Moran's New Dog, Chester, Whitney & Biff & Peter 54. 7/84-8/84

New York: Racetrack @ Saratoga w/ the Earls Vermont: Sailing at Charlotte w/ Earls, Sally MacKain, Josephs Connecticut: Karen's Bridal Shower at Bloodgoods Vermont: Meeting at Gallaghers Party, Rope Swing, Biff, Peter, Dwight 54.5 8/84-8/84 Connecticut: Rehearsal Dinner & Karen's Wedding 55: 8/84-9/84 Vermont: Mary & Joe Wolons are 50., Dinner w/ Abelsons at Summit Lodge, Dinner w/ Brecks at Basin Harbor, Houseboat Trip on Lake Champlain, Mary & Joe Wolons are 50, Party at Moran's. Barb Croft, Biffs Scott, Peter Connecticut: Old State House

56. 9/84-10/84 Vermont: Principe's House, Biff, Monroe Skyline, Fall Colors, Pleasant View Cemetery Lake Hortonia, Top of Eagle Rock Canada: Toronto Actuarial Meeting

57. 10/84-1/85 Canada:: Toronto Actuarial Meeting Mass.: Boston w/ the Whites & Whitneys, Head of the Charles Louisiana: Society of Actuaries Meeting in New Orleans Connecticut: David & Don's Birthdays Vermont: Tina Jeremiah, Party-at Masons, Skylites Connecticut: Karla's Birthday Vermont: Christmas Eve at Brecks, Christmas, Pollnows, Beaver Dams New Year's Eve.

58. 1/85-2/85 Connecticut: Herb Schoen Museum, Vermont: Shelley Wargo, Susan Gordon, Hartness House Inn in Springfield Connecticut: Simsbury Home Office Vermont: Inn at Wethersfield, Duncan's Broken Leg, Principe's House, Sirloin Saloon, Earls, Josephs 60 March 26, 2015 Connecticut: Karla at Cathy Johns, Herb Schoen Vermont: Grafton Inn, Contants

59. 2/85-3/85 Vermont: Pico New York: Steve Earl at Whiteface Mt. California: San Francisco Vermont: Principe's House, Ice Skating, Contants, Principe's House, Pico Virginia: Williamsburg D.C.: Arlington Cemetery Vermont: Reluctant Panther in Manchester, Pico Principe's House, Brooks Washburn Connecticut: Retirement Commission Dinner

60. 4/85-4/85

Utah: Deer Valley, Park City, Salt Lake City Easter Sunday Vermont: Principe's House, Ducks New Hampshire: Chocorua, Mt. Washington Connecticut: Simsbury Home Office Missouri: St. Louis Vermont: Sally MacKain

62. 5/83-6/85 England: Don & Amy Canada: Quebec Actuarial Meeting Missouri: Kansas City Actuarial Meeting Connecticut: Mary's Birthday New York: Josephs' Lobsters Connecticut: A.I. Prince Graduation, Elisabeth Rose Gardens, Sally MacKain

63. 6/85-7/85 Vermont: Sally MacCain's Birthday, Basin Harbor Club, Attic Fan, Arnie Mooz, Captn' Johns, Scott Arnold Jim Gerard, Mary B, Fireworks England: Bournemouth Spain: Karla, Pilar Pla Connecticut: Sally MacKain

64. 8/85-8/85 Vermont: Mason's, Principe's Maine: Hancock Pond, Ida Jane & Rocks Vermont: Stan Joseph Windsurfing, Sally MacKain Stratton Tennis, Party @ Masons, Jim Gobes, Morans, Pico, New Roof, Croquet, Terry Whites Megan Donahue, Morans New York: Houseboat on Lake Champlain

65. 9/85-9/85 Vermont: Taking out Float England: Bournemouth 61 March 26, 2015 Germany: Marburg, Unterhaun New Jersey: Breckenridge - Eva is 50 Mass.: Smith College Hawaii: Three Islands

66. 9/85-9/85 Hawaii: Hawaii

67. 10/85-12/85 Vermont: Apple Picking Louisiana: Actuarial Meeting in New Orleans Ohio: Sondergeld Houses in Graytown, Ralph Gets Married Mass.: David & Shelley in Gloucester Connecticut: Dr. Towne Vermont: Earls 6 Captul John's, Josephs' New House California: Squaw Valley Nevada: Virginia City CA: Kirkwood

68. 12/85-2/86

Connecticut: Brown Thompson II, New Life Building in Simsbury, Ct. Vermont: Ice Fishing in Vt.; Christmas Eve, Christmas, Pico, Earls, Hockey, Josephs' New House in Sherwood Park in Mendon, Vt., Contants Europe: England (Bournemouth), Germany (Munich) - Peter Sondergeld, Lilo Schubert in Ottobrun, Sondergelds in Unterhaun

69. 2/86-2/86

Germany: Frankfurt Airport Boston: Logan Airport, Pier 4 w/ Karen & Duncan Utah: Park City, Deer Valley, Snowbird Idaho: Sun Valley Vermont: Beebe Pond

70: 2/86-4/86

Vermont: Pico New York: New York City California: San Francisco Vermont: Pico, Sunday Ski School# Equinox House with Stan & Harriet, Pico Mass.: Smith College. Canada: Montreal Vermont: Mt. Mansfield, Annabelle's Restaurant, Pico (David & Eric), Easter @ Pico Connecticut: Pinchot Sycamore in Simsbury, Hartford Life Building in Simsbury Nevada: Flying to Reno

62 March 26, 2015 71. 4/86-4/86 Nevada: Josephs at Heavenly Valley in South Tahoe, Karla & Don at Heavenly Valley California: Mammouth Mt., Palm Springs, San Diego (Del Coronado and LaJolla) Connecticut: Karla & Megan Prom Dresses Florida: Mary in Florida at the Townes' Mass.: Smith College Connecticut: Eric's Birthday

72. 4/86-6/86 Connecticut: West Hartford Vermont: Beebe Pond, Morgan Horse Farms Addison Gardens, Capt'n John's Mass.: Actuarial Meeting in Boston (Karen, Duncan, Don, Francis) Vermont: Putting in Float Mass.: Gloucester (David & Shelley) Connecticut: CREC Teacher Party Vermont: Martins & Hendersons Missouri: Actuarial Meeting in Kansas City, Harry S. Truman Home in Independence Connecticut: The Wargos in Ct., David & Shelley Departing Ct. for San Fransisco, Open House at Hartford Life New York: Josephs' in Mt. Kisco Connecticut: Party at Hartford Life Vermont: Arnie Mooz

73. 6/86-7/86 Vermont: Grafton Maine: Dr. Towne is 80 Vermont: Fourth of July, Basketball Hoop, Poultney Auction, Dinner Lake St. Catherine w/ Arnold &Mildred Abelson, Parties Abelsons' & Farps', Croquet @ Gallaghers New York: Peter Joseph's WEDDING Vermont: Condos at Pico; Addison Gardens, Earls' for Dinner, Cocktails @ Brecks' 74. 8/86-9/86 Vermont: Hersford's Nursery & Addison Gardens with the Brecks New York Camping on LAKE GEORGE Vermont: Volvo Tennis @ Stratton; Dinner @ Somewhere's, Stephanie in Vt., Annual Meeting & Dinner of Lake Association @ Masons, Don's New Rock Walls Josephs & Taubers, New Kitchen, Zeolis' Well, Contants' Party Wolans Dinner for ERRC, Sally Mackain & Bob in Vt., Party @ Sondergelds' Mass.: Smith College Connecticut: Linda Bloodgood is 50.

75. 9/86-11/86 Connecticut: Linda Bloodgood is 50, Luis Ribelles from Madrid 63 March 26, 2015 New York: Albany Vermont: October Illinois: Actuarial Meeting in Chicago Vermont: John & Connie Towne Connecticut: Hartford Life in Simsbury Mass.: HEAD OF THE CHARLES Connecticut: Josephs in New Haven to see Winslow Homer's Watercolors, Halloween - Mary is a Witch, Danbury Fair Mall, Dr. C. E. Towne

76. 11/86-12/86 Connecticut: Wadsworth Atheneum, Hillstead Museum New York: Ithaca and Syracuse : Minneapolis, Over Lake Erie

77. 12/86 - 2/87 Vermont: Shrewsbury Moose, At the Josephs, New Year's Eve; Kemlers, Greenmans & Taubers, Governor's Inn in Ludlow Connecticut: Ice Storm, Don's New Office Vermont: Hubbardton, Pico, John Holland, Belly Dancer at Pico Ski Club, Porcupine at Pico, Peggy & Steve Lowry, Cindy & Ed Bednarz, Karen & Duncan, Karla & Gary Otten, Henry Sigourney 78. 2/87 - 3/87 Vermont: David at Pico, John, Connie & Allison skiing in Vermont, Kemlers & Josephs at Sugarbush, Killington, Mt. Mansfield, Mad River, Jodi & Manfred at Pico, Amy and Amy Huffman at Pico, Greenmans at the Josephs Texas: Mary in San Antonio Maine: Don & Mary in Portland and at UNUM Florida: Don, Mary & Karla in Naples and Sanibel Island 79. 3/87 - 3/87 Florida: Don, Mary & Karla in Naples Vermont: Karla, Karen, Megan Donahue, Jodi Fredlake, Joe Mary Wolons, Jack Facey, Jr. Wash, D.C.: New ACLI Headquarters on Ave., Bill Carroll Utah: Snowbird, (Walt Ruglaud, Steve Kraysler, Steve Patzman, David Sondergeld) 80. 3/87 - 4/87 Utah: Snowbird Vermont: Building dam on stream at south end of Beebe Pond, VouRhee's, Sue Gordon, Brandon Tate Connecticut: Karla, Amy, Eric and friends Massachusetts: Amy at Smith College Vermont: Nick & Jodi Feoli, the Contants, Ed & Cindy Bednarz, Alan Breckenridge, Aunt "Isabelle", Amy Connecticut: Farm Hill Road Colorado: Arapahoe Ski Basin, Pool at Glenwood Springs, Vail, Copper Mt. (Bill Husic and Craig Morrow), Leadville 81. 4/87 - 5/87 64 March 26, 2015 Colorado: Colorado Springs (Actuaries), Garden of the Gods, Black Forest Glider Port Connecticut: Eric's Apartment (Karen & Duncan), Simsbury New Jersey: Passaic (Earl's 25th Wedding Anniversary) Connecticut: 20 Farm Hill (redecorating) Vermont: Earl's (new kitchen), Property Tax Appeal (Hearing) New York: Lobsters at the Joseph's (Greenman, Tauber, Kemler) Connecticut: Eric's Apartment, Dr. Towne in West Hartford Massachusetts: Amy's graduation from Smith College, Jeff Andrews gets married. Connecticut: Karla's prom (with Megan) Vermont Masons & Moran's & Breckenridges at Addison Gardens, Capt'n Johns Holland: Zwolsche England: Excess in London, Amy in Brighton

82: 5/87 - 7/87 England: Sussex and Kent (Amy & Don Sondergeld, Michelle Bouchard) Massachusetts: Dr. Duncan (PhD. party) and 24 Whitney Ave. in Beverly Connecticut: Mary's birthday with male stripper, Karla's high school graduation Vermont: Karla Sondergeld & Megan Donahue, Karen & Duncan Connecticut: David & Shelly; Don, Mary, Karla, Megan leaving for Germany Germany: Frankfurt, Unterhaun, Kassel

83: 6/87 - 6/87 Germany: Unterhaun, Rudesheim (Megan's birthday), , (Luisenpark)

84: 6/87 - 7/87 Germany Mannheim, Marburg, The Ronnaus, Baden Baden, Freiberg, Titisee, Basel, Lake Constance, (Bodensee), Lindau, King Ludwig's castles

85: 7/87 - 7/87 Germany: King Ludwig's castles (Hohschwangau, Neuschwanstein, Linderhof), Garmisch (Pension Neuner), Zugspitze, Partnach Klamms Bavarian Restaurant in Parten Kirchen, Seefeld, Innsbruck, Igls (Hotel Zitt) (Cable car), Innsbruck (Hotel Sailer Bavarian Show), Hiking in Innsbruck Italy: To buy shoes? Three times thru the Brenner Pass

86: 7/87 - 7/87 Germany: Berchtesgaden, Haus Waldmaus in Oberau, Eagle's Nest, Konig See, Jennerbahn, Salt Mine Austria: Salzburg, Schloss Mirabell, Mozarts Glockenspiel Germany: Chiemsee, Herrenchiemsee, Munich, (Peter , Dagmar, and Gregor Sondergeld, Beer Garden, Bostei Apartment, Dagmar's garden, Schloss Nymphenberg, Dachau, Schwabing, Frankfurt Vermont: Modarellis at Earls* Somewhere's Restaurant (Stern, Breckenridge, Linda Fried, Bobby Bruttomesso, Amy. Karen & Duncan, Party at Sheffield's for Elaine Shiber, Contant's house is flattened for remodeling, Volvo tennis at Stratton, Dinner at Somewhere's 87: 7/87 - 10/87 Vermont: Dancing at Somewhere's, Reconstruction of Contant's house, Mike McMahon, Croquet at the Gallaghers, Abigail Sondergeld, Patty Whitney of Smith College, Aaron Maine: Mary visiting Dr. Towne Vermont: Hot tub at Wolons, ERRC Annual Meeting at Wolons 65 March 26, 2015 Canada: Toronto New York: Karla at Syracuse Vermont: New footbridge at Beebe Pond Connecticut: Goodspeed Opera House - Anniversary present Massachusetts: Beverly (Karen & Duncan), Rebecca Towne Nourse House, Karen's Birthday, Rockport Connecticut: Gledhill Nursery Vermont: Fall colors, Amy and Matt Connecticut: Jan-Hein Engel from Zwolsche, Fishing with Mary's students Canada: Toronto (Actuarial Meeting) (Don & Mary)

88: 10/87 - 12/87 Connecticut: Jeremiah New York: Don, Mary, Amy & Karla at Syracuse. David Sondergeld, Tim Owens, Linda Bloodgood, Charles & Evelyn Towne Vermont: Lealiele Restaurant in Rockingham, Fall Colors Canada: ITT Jet to Toronto and National Life of Canada Vermont: David & Shelly, John & Jenny Breckenridge, Amy & Karla, Earls and Josepheg Morans Arizona: Jim & Helen Bruce in Tucson, Scottsdale, Desert Botanical Garden, Camelback Connecticut: Fred Richardson's retirement party Vermont: The Mason's

89: 12/87 - 1/88 Vermont: Alan B's lake pump, David Shelly, Cbristmas Eve at the Brock's, Christmas Day at the Sondergeld's, Amy & Lou. Magno, Karen & Duacan, Karla, Dinner at Governor Williams' House In Rutland with the Joseph's, Karl& and her friends at Pico, Dinner with the Joseph's at Inn at Wethersfield, Cocktails at Contants, Dinner at Cooley's, Party at the Joseph's in Sherwood Park in Mendon, Dinner at Red Clover, New Year's Eve at Sondergelds, Hubbardton cemetery, Ice skating with Karen & Duncan, Dinner at the Earls' with Modarellis, Joseph's & Facey's at Pico. New York: Karla at Syracuse with Chris Therrian and his parents, U Conn bests Syracuse 51 - 50 in the Carrier Dome

Vermont: Skiing at Pico and at Okemo (Downe's) Connecticut: Dinner at Standish House in Wethersfield with Eric Cindy

90: 1/88 - 2/88 Vermont: Din ner In Manchester (Ye Olde Tavern), Skiing Pico with the Josephs Connecticut: Theresa our cleaning lady Vermont: Dinner at Ye Olde Tavern in Manchester with the Josephs, Diane & Dean Lodmell at Pico, Richard Joseph racing Idaho: Sun Valley and Elkhorn (93 The Ridge with the Josephs) Mike Murphy at Creekside, Dinner at Pioneer Saloon, Cross Country at Galena, Boise 91: 2/88 - 3/88 Maine: Dr. Charles Edwin Towne (funeral), Freeport, Winslow (at John and Conniels) (Izumi Sasaki), Skiing at Sugarloaf (Karen, Duncan, Don, Mary, Amy, Lou, John, Connie, Allison, Nathan, Izumi) Connecticut: Mailboxes Vermont: Don & Karla skiing Pico with the Earls, and then Magic Mt. Dinner at the Contents

66 March 26, 2015 New Mexico Albuquerque, Turquoise Trail & Sandia Mt., Santa Fe Ski Basin# Los Alamos Ski Club

92: 3/88 - 5/88 New Mexico; Los Alamos, Bandelier National Monument, Jemez Mts, Rio Grando, Taos Ski Valley, Los Alamos Ski Club (Bruce Gavett), Jemez Mts., Albuquerque Vermont: Good Friday - Easter, Staa Joseph at Pico, The Josephs at the Vermont Inn

93: 4/88 - 5/88 Vermont: Leslie's Restaurant, Middlebury, ice going out. Connecticut: Daffodils, Amy's birthday. California: Mary at David's in Daly City, whale watch. Connecticut: Daffodils, Bloodgood Stonewall, Abigail & Jermeiah. Illinois: Street scenes. Connecticut: Westminister Drive, Walt Rugland, Long Estate, Dusty and House of Paws, Kentucky, Louisville, Churchill Downs, Belle of Louisville.

94: 5/88 - 6/88 Kentucky: Sondergeld Family, Falls of Ohio, Galt House, My Old Kentucky Home. Connecticut: Don, Eric, and Lou building deck, Stamford. Vermont: Memorial Day weekend and building new float, Elizabeth Whitney. Whiskey barrels at tennis courts. Connecticut: Party for Mary's staff, lobster cookout and all Sondergelds for Mary's birthday, Steve and Peggy Lowry, Timmy Owens, Lobster and Godzilla. New York: Lobsters at the Josephs. Sculpture at Pepsico. Connecticut: Cindy's shower.

95: 6/88 - 7/89 Connecticut: More of Cindy's-shower. Vermont: Dinner in Weston, Contants, Earls, Modarellis, Helen Bednarz, Kareals friends, Steve, Liz, Chris Therrien, Cheryl Kotch, Mausy Krakauer. Dinner at Mary's in Bristol, Nursery in Bristol, racoon. Breckenridge's addition. Connecticut: Racoon in shagbark hickory, prewedding for Eric and Cindy. Rehearsal dinner at Standish House. More prewedding, swimming at Harris.

96: 7/88 - 7/89 Connecticut: Eric and Cindy's wedding and reception. Vermont: Diedra Moran's baby. John-0 Chapin at Brecks, David at Middlebury, Breck's addition. Alan and Linda Freid, cocktails at Contants, Chris Therrien and mailbox,, party at Sondergelds, dancing at Somewheres in Fair Haven, "Glen Lake, Moscow Pond, Halfmoon Walk", Volvo Tennis at Stratton Mt., dancing at Somewheres in Fair Haven, Flying Squirrels. Josephs and Stones at Camp Beebe. Dinner party on Sondergeld's porch. Blueberrying in Charlotte.

97: 8/88 - 9/88 Vermont: Bagels on Zeoli's porcho,rained out at Shelburne Mozart concert, desert at Brecks,, Bob,, Tina,, Rob, Jeremiah. Lake Beebe Annual meeting and dinner at Mason, PA Sigmund, Chris Zeoli the tree chopper, Meadowsweet Herb Farm, Pico's new pool, duck family at Beebe, Red Suspenders, Arnie Mooz, Chapin brothers, Karla in Middlebury, Scott family reunion at Zeolis, cocktails at

67 March 26, 2015 Cooleys, Bill Jans' addition, ERRC tournament and meeting at Contants, Pollnows, Chris and Bos Zeoli's wedding. Reception in Brandon. Eagle Rock climb, duck family at Beebe; Walter, Eric and Duncan skinny dipping, party at Moran's, dancing at Somewheres in Fair Haven, Modarellis at the Earls.

98: 9/88 10/88 Vermont: Karen's friends, backhoe starting the cellar for Sondergeld addition. Georgia: SOA Board Meeting in Atlanta. Rhode Island: Lisa Bloodgood wedding in Weakapaug, R.I. Connecticut: 25 Year Club in Granby. Vermont: Breckenridge addition, Proctor Marble Exhibit. Connecticut: New sliding glass door. Rhode Island: John & Laura Breckenridge's wedding in Providence. Blythewold in Bristol, lunch at Clark's Cook House in Newport with Contants, Earl, Moran, Breckenridge and Vanderventers; Vermont: Foundation, cellar, and first floor of addition. Sally MacKain and Bob Cutting,. Linda Contant, birthday party, Spud McCray building and fireplace taking out float, party at Sondergelds, Sondergeld addition has roof on, Jodi Breckenridge wedding. 99: 10/88 - 10/88 Vermont: More of Jodi Breckenridge's wedding, brunch after wedding. Dellamonte addition. New York: Karla at bus station in Albany after wedding. Connecticut: State Legislative Office Building (ITT Board), street scenes of Hartford, Old State House. Vermont: Lealies Restaurant tii Rockingham. Addition almost framed up, dinner at Middlebury Inn with Von Rhees, cows in Hubbardton, junk in Hortonville, purchasing hot tub in Clarendon. Maine: Union Mutual, dinner at Mike Cowells. Massachusetts Beverly with KareniDuncan. SOA meeting in Boston.

100: 10/88 - 12/88

Washington, D.C. New Jersey: Mutual Benefit in Newark. Vermont: Addition. Massachusetts More of SOA annual meeting in Boston. Vermont: Breckenridge's. Connecticut: Eric, Cindy's house in Canton, Zwolshe. Vermont: Brostek garage, Sondergeld addition,, Mason breezeway. Massachusetts: Log Cabin Restaurant in East Hampton. Connecticut: Don's birthday. Vermont: Hot tub delivery. Sally MacKain, Leslies in Rockingham, Roxanne Contant, Thanksgiving, Lara Whitney, Peter Stern, Jessica (the cat) Sondergeld. Joseph's & Friedlander's party at Sondergelds, David Joseph, Chris Therrien. Connecticut: Amy & Lou moving to East Hartford. Vermont: Leslies in Rockingham, George McCray the mason, Breckenridge in hot tub.

101: 12/88 - 1/89 Vermont: Orwell. Ohio: Cleveland, Sandusky, Rob Soule's wedding, Carl Kinsel, Anne Hetrick, Otto Kinsel, Nick Chase. Connecticut: Amy & Lou in East Hartford.

68 March 26, 2015 Vermont: Winchester Inn in Ludlow, Southworths. Connecticut: Amy & Lou in East Hartford, Jessica the cat, Abigail the dog. New York: Dinner in Saratoga with Karla. Vermont: Paul Barker and Barry Smith, Cooley's in hot tub, Christmas Eve at Breckenridges, David and Shelly and Karla on Christmas, Karen and Duncan Christmas night, ice skating, Basel the Brecks (Jodi) dog, 31 mile walk, lunch with Brecks and Josephs in Middlebury at Mr. Ups, dinner at Josephs, trapping a wildcat, Prentis Smith at the Earls. Roxanne Contant, caged wildcat, Brostek party, Jinene Cooley.

102: 1/89 - 2/89 Vermont: New Year's Eve party; Amy, Karla, Chris, Stan, and Don at Pico, Jessica the cat, Mary and Lisa at Principe's. What is a Kinsel? Bruce Kinsel. Connecticut: Dinner with Amy, Lew, Eric and Cindy. Vermont: Central vacuum installation. Connecticut: Karla, Megan, & Jeff; Magno party at Farm Hill. Vermont: Dinner at Earls & friends. New Jersey: Newark. Vermont: Amy & Lou; Super Bowl; Tracy Contant; (Kinsel family pictures). Illinois: SOA Board of Governors. California: Don & Mary in San Francisco, Napa Valley.

103: 2/89 - 2/89 Hawaii: ITT Conference; PA & Harry California: David & Shelley Connecticut: Don retires from Hartford Life; Dinner at Erics Vermont: Karla; Paul Barker; skiing at Pico; Dinner at Earls. Amy, Karen, Lou & Duncan cross country skiing; Tracy Contant and friends in hot tub; skiing at Pico. 104: 2/89 - 4/89 Vermont: Karen & Duncan New Jersey: At the Earls in UMC; Madison Hotel in Convent Station Vermont: Dinner at Leslies; Harriet Moniker, Sue Gordon, Rhoda Babcock; Karla, Chris & friends to be married in November. New Jersey: John & Angela Galascione in Essex Fells. Vermont: Hot tub with Florence Mason & friends from Denmark. California: SOA Board of Governors in Laguna Nigel Nevada: Reno with David California: Squaw Valley with David Connecticut: Karen's baby shower; Brita Tate's lunch for Muscular Distrophy. New York: Madison Square Garden Basketball game Vermont: Amy & Lou & Karla, & Chris ice skating New Jersey: Gene Tuit Vermont: Hot tub (Feolis & Susie Hamen), Stan & Harriet Joseph dinner New Jersey: Glen Ridge Vermont: Dinner at Leslies; Hot tub; Prentice Smith's well drilling rig California: Mary & Barbara Tatro in S.F.; David & Shelley New Jersey: Don & Mary, Mildred Stone at High Lawn Pavilian; dinner . with Joseph, Contants, & Earls:Tenafly; @ Brecks: Teaneck 105: 4/89 - 5/89 Vermont: Amy, Lou & Tina Magno New Jersey: Horseracing at Meadowlands 69 March 26, 2015 Vermont: Don & Mary Connecticut: Daffodils; Eric's birthday; Chart House in Simsbury for dinner; Apple tree; Evelyn Towne; Amy's bridal shower Massachusetts: Ryan Charles Whitney is born British Columbia: Don, Eric, Karla & Cindy in Vancouver; Grouse Mt; Stanley Park; Vancouver Island; Bouchard Gardens, Ferry to Seattle. Washington: Seattle Zoo

106: 5/89 - 6/89 Vermont: Karen & Duncan Whitney plus Karla & Chris; Eric & Cindy; Boz & Chris Zeoli in Hot tub; Ryan Whitney. Massachusetts: Ryan Whitney New Jersey: MBL Connecticut: Amy is married (rehearsal dinner; wedding; reception) Mary's birthday (55) Washington, D.C. SOA Board of Governors (Don & Mary)

107: 6/89 - 7/89 Connecticut: Mary's Roast at Sue Gordon's; Pictures of Hartford New York: Lobsters at the Josephs' Connecticut: Party at Stefanies; Neighborhood farewell party at Nora & Bill Harris' Vermont: Barbara Tatro & Natalie Smith; Karen Duncan & Ryan; Steve Mannis; Karla & Chris; Amy & Lou; Stan, Harriet, Peter, Theresa & Daniel Joseph; Fireworks at Contants; Beebe Pond Bridge tournament; Bristol Vermont Garden with Breckenridges; Dinner at Swift House in Middlebury with Breckenridges; Reenactment of Hubbardton Battle; Von Rhee's 20th Anniversary at Beebe Pond party; Lou Magno's sister & family; Cocktail party at Gralds; Raspberry picking Connecticut: Moving Van; dinner at Eric & Cindy's Vermont: Moving hot tube to new location

108: 8/89 - 89 Vermont: Don, Mary, Megan, Karla, Karen & Ryan in Burlington; Middlebury (dinner at Swift House with Townes, Abelson's, Zeolis, Breckenridges & Giesela); Volvo at Stratton; Dancing in Fair Haven; Mozart concert at Shelburne Farms Connecticut: Moving; dinner at Eric & Cindy's Vermont: Annual Lake meeting; Croquet tournament at Mason's; flying squirrels; British girls to Ft. David Sondergeld & Tim Owens; Party at Sondergeld's; Karen, Duncan & Ryan; Barb & John Spillane & son; ERRC tennis tournament and meeting and dinner at Sondergelds; Don, Amy & Lou & Abigail on Camel's Hump; new propane tank -1000 gallons; 3 Sondergeld girls.

109: 8/89 - 10/89

Vermont: Dinner at Dog Team (Karen, Duncan, Ryan, Amy, Lou, Karla, Don, Mary); Lobster dinner with Alan, Eva & Mousy at Sondergelds with Karen; Sue Gordon; Abelsons & Holts at Sondergeld's Connecticut: Moving Vermont: Chris, Boz, Jodi, Zeoli; Florence & Mike Mason; Kareh for dinner; party at Moran's 70 March 26, 2015 Massachusetts: Karla to Mt. Holyoke Vermont: Tennis with Earls & Modarelli's New York: Mary at U.S. Open with Eva Breckenridge, Harriet Joseph, Linda Fried New Jersey: Don & Mary in Cape May Washington, D.C.: SOA Executive Committee Meeting (Don & Mary) Massachusetts: Karla & Mary having lunch at Mt. Holyoke Vermont: Picture of house; flower arrangements; Don & Mary having lunch at The Gables in Brandon; Amy & Lou; Patti Whitney & Peter; Karen, Duncan & Ryan Whitney; apple picking; two bay windows; Lou splitting wood; Don, Duncan & Lou taking out float. New Jersey: House at 14 Heller Drive, Upper Montclair; Nefertiti Massachusetts: Dinner at Yankee Pedlar (with Don, Mary, Karla, Amy & Lou); Karla at Mt. Holyoke on parents weekend; climbing Mt. Holyoke Vermont: Bill Jans at Brecks; Susie Hamen; Dick, Linda & John Contant; Pascal; Nick Zeoli; Alan & Eva Breckenridge; new house on Rt. 30 south of Red Suspenders.

110: 10/89 - 11/89 Vermont: Climbing Eagle Rock (Dan, Pascal, Susie, Andy & Nick); Old pictures of new addition; Karla; fall pictures; Karla & Chris, Don & Mary at Dockside Restaurant; New bay windows; Bill Steele's 65th birthday party in Sudbury New York: Don & Mary at Marriott Marquis New Jersey: 14 Heller Drive, Upper Montclair Vermont: New house on Rt 30; Fair Haven, Vt.; Amy, Lou, Karen, Duncan & Ryan; Don & Mary at Wolons looking at canvas back duck Massachusetts: Ryan Whitney - a devil on Halloween Vermont: David Sondergeld; Karen, Duncan, Ryan, Amy, Lou, Eric, and Cindy; Don is 59 and David is 29

111: 11/89-12/89 Vermont: Thanksgiving at Contants. New York: Marriott-Actuarial Meeting Washington, D.C.: ACLI Meeting New Jersey: Karla, Army Navy Game, Tatro & Tate, dinner with Brecks, Josephs, Earls at Sea Shack. New York: Paul Winter at St. John the Devine. Vermont: Christmas

112. 12/89-2/90 Vermont: Pico, Somewheres, Hockey, New Year's Eve. New Jersey: Katie Davison Vermont: Old Broads, Megan Donahue. Illinois: SOA office Vermont: Eric, Amy, Keven, Josephs, Hot Tub, Swift House with Earls. New York: Don't Tell Mama, Eric New Jersey: Morristown Flower show with Brecks.

113. 2/90-3/90 New Jersey: Medieval Times with Brecks and Earls. Idaho: Sun Valley Ketcham and Elkhorn with the Josephs Harriet's knee operation, Mike Murphy, Carmen. New York: Don't Tell Mama with Ralph and June Sondergeld. 114. 3/90-4/90 New Jersey: Jennifer Noble, Ralph & June Sondergeld, Amy & Lou. 71 March 26, 2015 New York: St. Patrick's Day Parade, IBM Fractals, Don the plumber under the deck, new carpet. Florida: SOA at Naples, Evelyn Towne, Shark Valley, snorkeling at John Penneycamp at Key Largo, Lipton Tennis at Key Biscayne with Agassi beating Edberg. Massachusetts: Karen, Eric, Amy, viewing Monet in Boston. 115. 4/90-6/90 Massachusetts: Monet Exhibit in Boston, Don & Terry Sylvia in Canton. Connecticut: Nick, Jodi, & Steve Zioli. Washington, D.C.: Matisse in Morocco. New York: Mary, Barbara Tatro, Brita Tate at Algonquin Hotel, Top of World Trade Tower. New Jersey: Ryan Whitney in bathtub. New York: Times Square on Earth Day with Paul Winter. New Jersey: Meadowland Race Track, David & Shelley. Connecticut: Eric's birthday. New Jersey: Alan, Eva, Jodi, Manny Breckenridge. Connecticut: SOA meeting in Hartford, Bob & Sue Andrews; Eric's office, Linda & Don Dyson. New Jersy: Earls at Glen Ridge Country Club; Dinner at Brecks with Contants and friends. Vermont: Addison Gardens with Florence Mason; Zeioli's & Josephs at Beebe Pond. New York: Dinner with Kemlers, Earls, and Josephs; dinner with Earls in Montclair at Mongolian Restaurant. Washington, D.C.: Dinner with Doris Bell. Vermont: Putting in docks and floats. New York: Lobster dinner at Josephs with Greenmans & Taubers. New Jersey: Monclair Iris Gardens.

116. 6/90-6/90 New Jersey: Montclair Iris Gardens New York: David Friedlander's wedding at the Eagle's Nest. California: Don, Mary & Karla with David & Shelley in San Francisco; Yosemite. 117. 6/90-7/90 California: Hyatt Embarcadero, SOA Board of Governors dinner, Mary, Karla, & Feuers in Napa Valley; Sailing in San Francisco Bay with John Whitney, David, Shelley, Karla, etc. New York: Stan & Harriet Joseph at Sky Pape Exhibition. New Jersey: Dinner with Earls at Restorante on Rt. 46. Vermont: Whitneys, Susie Hamen, Chris and Boz Zeoli, Earls, Ralph & Will from Boston. New Jersey: Heini Schott and Sophie Sondergeld arrive on Hapag Lloyd from Hanover. New York: Heini and Sophie at Marriott and GRAND HOTEL New Jersey: Heini and Sophie in Upper Montclait and Shanghai Red's. New York: Heini and Sophie at Lake George Vermont: Heini and Sophie and the Whitneys at Beebe Pond, at Arnie Mooz, at Burlington, Mt. Mansfield, at Ben and Jerrys, at Rutland Concert.Eric and Cindy windsurfing. Terry & Allison White. Earls and Modarelli's on the Fourth. Karla, the waitress, at Middlebury Inn. Raccoon and flying squirrels. Cooley's 30th anniversary party. Amy and Lou Magno. Tom and Mary Cohen. 118. 7/90-7/90 Vermont: Houseboat trip on Lake Champlain from Plunder Bay in Orwell. Peter, Theresa, & Daniel' Joseph. Massachusetts: Heini and Sophie in Beverly and Gloucester. Whitneys and others a Sailloft in Cambridge. 72 March 26, 2015 Connecticut: Peggy Hattings Lowry and Julie Dyer. Vermont: Morans, Jodi Zeoli, Karla Sondergeld. New Jersey: Upper Montclair Connecticut: Zeoli wedding in Westport. Eric & Cindy in Collinsville. Massachusetts: Clark Museum in Williamstown. Vermont: Manchester plus Peele Gallery. New Jersey: Heini and Sophie and the Earls in Montclair at Concert. Pennsylvania: Heini and Sophie at Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, Franklin Institute, and Rodin Museum. Maryland: Mason's in Monkton; LaDew Topiary Garden with Heini and Sophie. Wash., D.C. National Gallery of Art with Heini and Sophie. Virginia: Doris Bell in Clifton with Heini and Sophie. Wash., D.C. Jefferson Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, National Air and Space Museum -- with Heini and Sophie. Also Botanical Gardens. Virginia: Doris Bell and Jamie with Heini and Sophie. Wash., D.C. Heini and Sophie at Capitol.

119. 7/90-8/90 Delaware: Heini and Sophie in Annapolis. Pennsylvania: Heini and Sophie at Longwood Gardens and Brandywine Museum at Chadd's Ford. Delaware: Lunch in Centerville plus Heini and Sophie at Winterthur. New Jersey: Upper Montclair. Eric, Cindy, Helen Bednorz New York: Soho (Heini, Sophie, Eric, Cindy, Helen, Don and Mary) New Jersey: Heini & Sophie go to Germany Vermont: Dick & Evelyn Contant playing bridge; Ryan with Aselyn "Gustafson" and Joshua "Moran", new basketball pole, Stephanie Goldstein, Alan & Eva B for dinner with Nancy, Ricky, Amy, Lou, Karen, Duncan, & Ryan; Concert at Shelburne Farms; Eric & Cindy, David & Shelley, Karla at Middlebury Inn. Lake Beebe Property Owners' Association Meeting and dinner at Masons.

120. 8/90-9/90 Vermont: Wheel Inn in Benson, Dinner at Chapin's, Karla at Swift House, ERRC Annual Meeting, New Basketball pole, taking out float. Connecticut: Harris party for John & Linda Bloodgood, who are moving to Kiawah Island. New Jersey: David Earl wedding in Spring Lake. New York: Rene Pujol Restaurant in NY City. Wash., D.C.: Doris Bell and Mike Winn Connecticut: Dinner in Westport with the Zeoli clan. New York: German restaurant with Breckenridge group in Hempstead, L.I.

121. 9/90-10/90 Vermont: Cafe Shelburne, Van Rhee Heron in Chafee Art Gallery. New York: Dinner in Nyak with Earl's and Joseph's. California: David para gliding. New Jersey: MBL Black Tie in Jersey City. Vermont: Dick Contant's hot tub installation, Climbing Camel's hump. Florida: SOA Annual Meeting in Disneyland. Vermont: Alan Breckenridge's hot tub installation. New Jersey: High Point State Park. Pennsylvania: Delaware River Water Gap. New Jersey: Dinner at La Fontanellos with the Earls. 73 March 26, 2015 New York: Plaza Hotel in NY City, New York City Marathon with John and Carol Farr.

122. 11/90-12/90 New Jersey: Don's 60th birthday party. Vermont: Chris & Boz Zeoli and our family, Middlebury. New Jersey: Party at German Teacher's house. New York: Dinner in SOHO with Josephs, Stones, Kemlers, and Taubers; dinner with Earls at Cote Basque. New Jersey: Don rollerblading. Vermont: at Earls Red House, Party at Sondergelds, Christmas Eve at Breckenridges, Men's tennis at Brookside, Steve Pollnow, Rhoda & Danny Babcock, Christmas morning. 123. 12/90-1/91 Vermont: Casa Bianca with Joseph's and Friedlanders, Beebe Pond, Fire destroying Hardy's, Rhoda Babcock, Flash Gordon, party at Brosteks; Steve Pollnow, Chris Hutt, Megan Donahue, Sarah Uphoff, Tim Owens and Linda Borders, Stan, Harriet, Peter, Theresa, Daniel' Joseph; Party at Earls, New Years Eve at Sondergelds; George and Priscilla Hardy; ice skating on Beebe Pond; swimming at Castleton College; skiing at Pico, Dinner at Swift House with Stan & Harriet Joseph; Ice skating at Lost Pond. New Jersey: Dinner with Karla at La Fontanello's; Whitney's and Eric and and Amy and Lou. New York: Phantom of The Opera. South Carolina: John and Linda Bloodgood at Kiawah, Drive through Columbia. Georgia: Stone Mountain and SOA Executive Committee Meeting in Buckhead, a suburb of Atlanta.

124. 1/91-3/91 Vermont: Sudbury Church, Peter and Deb Whitney and English friends. Wash., D.C: Hollands, Chang's, Mike Cowell, Council of Presidents meeting. New York: Dinner at Rainbow Room in Rockefeller Center, Lincoln Center Ballet, Ellis Island, Staten Island. Vermont: Pico, Middlebury, Killington, Dean Lodmell, Sledding with Ryan, London Bridge, Winooski Mill, Dinner at Cafe Shelburne, Skiing with Mary at Killington, Karla Ice Skating and dinner at Marble Inn in Fair Haven, Bob and Molly and Kelly Morin, Peggy, Steve, Rob & Julie Lowry. New York: Don, Mary & Karla at Algonquin Hotel to see Sally Ann Howe. Pennsylvania: Philadelphia Flower Show with Alan and Eva Breckenridge, then dinner at John and Betty Moran's estate. Vermont: Amy & Lou. New Jersey: Tennis with Bob Rispoli and Squash with Harvey Feuer

125. 3/91-4/91 Nevada: Carson City, Heavenly Valley. California: Tahoe City condo with David and Shelley, Alpine Meadows, Squaw Valley, North Star. Nevada: Reno (Balley's Casino and Harrahs). California: Hotel Del Coronado in San Diego; San Francisco, Monterey, Carmel, Pt. Lobos with David and Shelley; David para gliding; John Whitney. New York: Our first Seder with the Joseph family in Mt. Kisco. New Jersey: Easter Sunday brunch and egg hunt at Breckenridges in Teaneck.

74 March 26, 2015 New York: Easter Parade on 5th Avenue. Vermont: At Brecks.

126. 4/91-5/91 Connecticut: Zeolis in Westport. New York: Eric & Walter at Blue Note. New Jersey: Amy, Lou, Karla, Karen, Duncan, Ryan. New York: Family at Bronx Zoo. New Jersey: Amy and gang at Medieval Times. Louisiana: SOA meeting in New Orleans, Torres Swamp Tour, Tezcucu Plantation, Germans at Lafite Restaurant, Oaklawn Manor, Live Oaks Gardens, Lafayette, Baton Rouge, LSU. New Jersey: Bob Moskowitz, LaCite with Brecks and Earls. New York: Botanical Gardens with Brecks and then dinner at Josephs. New Jersey: Newark Art Museum Reception, dinner at Earls. New York: SOA Meeting at Waldorf Astoria. Massachusetts: Beverly at Karens, Cranes Beach with Wells and Elizabeth. New York: Karla's Mt Holyoke friends at South Street Seaport.

127. 5/91-6/91 New York: Karla's Mt Holyoke friends at South Street Seaport. Massachusetts: Karla and Amy at Delancy House in Holyoke, Karla's graduation. Colorado: Denver, Leadville, Aspen, Royal Gorge, Colorado Springs (SOA Meeting), Pikes Peak., British Columbia: Stanley Park, CIA Meeting and and Don Francis, Victoria.

128. 6/91-7/91 British Columbia: Butchart Gardens, Victoria, Vancouver. New Jersey: On the Park with the Earls, Evelyn Towne. Vermont: Evelyn Towne and Karla. New York: Evelyn Towne, Harriet Joseph, Karla and Will Rogers. New Jersey: Natalie Smith, Amy and Lou, Don landscaping. Vermont: Addison Gardens, Woody's with Karla in Middlebury, Petrones on Lake Bomoseen with Earls, Rocky Dale in Bristol, cook out at Contants. Massachusetts Beverly and Sara. Vermont: Josephs, Montpelier, SOA at Trapp Family Lodge, Mike Toothman. 129. 7/91-8/91 Vermont: Mike Toothman: Karen, Ryan and Sara. David, Vermont Symphony at Shelburne Farms (Toby Stein), Shelley Wargo. New Jersey John D'Amico. Vermont: Whitney's, John O'Chapin, Annual Meeting of Beebe Pond Property Owners, Ida Jane CroquaetTournement, Landy and Ann Gobes.

New Jersey: Bill Butner painting, Earl's.

Vermont: Jen Noble, Amy ERRC Tournament and Meeting at Brecks, John Whitney, Allison White. Maine: John, Mary, Evelyn, Connie, Karla in Naples.

Vermont: Brita Tate and Barbara Tatro, Zeoli's Horses, Chapins, Jen Noble, Eric and Cindy, Tina Magno, Ryan Whitney, Sailing Winds, Moran's Annual Cocktail Party, Don's Pond, taking out the Floats.

75 March 26, 2015

130. 8/91-11/91 New York: Niagara Falls. Ontario: Niagara Falls and Niagara on the Lake. New Jersey: 14 Heller Drive in Upper Montclair. Connecticut: Harris, 20 Farm Hill Road in West Hartford, Farr's, Flash Gordon, Rhoda Babcock's Wedding. New York: Mary, Harriet Joseph, Eva Breckenridge, Omi Stern, at Chapins in Huntington Bay. Connecticut: Canoeing with Eric and Cindy in Litchfield, White Flower Farm, Dave and Lois McDonald. Vermont: Hubbardton Battlefield, Hubbardton Cemetery, Fall Colors, Whitney's and Magno's, Karla, Eric and Cindy, Dick and Linda Contant. Ontario: Toronto (Annual Meeting of SOA) Don becomes SOA President, Hugh and Jill Scurfield, Alistair Neill, Walt Rugland, Mary Adams, Bill Carroll, Yuan Chang. New Jersey: 14 Heller Drive in Upper Montclair. New York: Don't Tell Mamas with Earls, Toni and Tinals Wedding with Josephs, etc, Peter and Deb Whitney at Rosels Turn.

131. 11/91-11/91 England: Mary and Cooley's in Attenborough near Nottingham, Peaks District in Derbyshire, Don arriving, Nottingham Castle, London's Grosvenor House Hotel, Ironmonger's Hall, Staple Inn, Westminster Abbey, National Gallery, Tate Museum, Insititue of Actuaries Biennial Dinner, Seminar. England: Canterbury Cathedral, Dover and jet foil. Belgium: Ostende, Bruges, Brussels (Andres and Claudine Lamens).

132. 11/91-11/91

BELGIUM: City Bus Tour of Brussels, The Atonium, Mannekin Pis, Metro. FRANCE: Louvre, Seine (Bateau Mouches) , City Bus Tour, Musee D'Orsay, Hotel Varenne, Crazy Horse Cafe, Loire Valley (Chateau Blois, Chateau Chambord, Chateau D'Artigny Chateau Chernanceau, Clois Luce, Chateau Amboise), Chartes, Versailles, Fountainebleau, shopping in Paris and dinner. 133. 12/91-1/92 Pennsylvania: SOA Executive Committee Meeting and meeting John and Betty Moran in Philadelphia. New Jersey: Ruth Frew in Upper Montclair. Vermont: Garage foundation, Tim Owens, Earls, Brecks, David parasailing on Beebe Pond, Christmas Eve at Breck's (Josephs and Kemlers), Contants, Christmas Day, Stephanie Goldstein, Jim Gerard, Matt Longo, Earls, Zeolis, Peter and Theresa Joseph, Sara Uphoff, New Year's Eve, Stan and Daniel Joseph at Pico, Swift House. Florida: SOA Executive Committee Meeting at BOAC Raton, Evelyn Towne, Ft.Lauderdale, Ocean World, Flamingo Garden. New York: Deb Whitney in Soho.

76 March 26, 2015 134. 1/92-2/92 Massachusetts Whitneys in Beverly Maine: Karla in Naples, Karla and Karen skiing at Sunday River. Vermont: Masons at Blueberry Hill Inn for dinner, Rebecca Earl and friends, Stone's at Joseph's in Mendon. New Jersey: Mike Berkowitz at Spanish Pavilion Restaurant in Harrison, Alan and Eva Breckenridge in Upper Montclair. New York: Don and Mary at Mama Leone's Restaurant New Jersey: Mildred Stone, Rebecca Earl. New York: Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. Vermont: Jan Pollnow and Stan Joseph at Pico, Vanderventers and Frieds at Breck's for dinner, Sudbury Church, Middlebury. Georgia: Don speaking to Actuarial Club in Atlanta. Massachusetts: Ryan and Sara Whitney at Aquarium in Boston, Amy in Beverly. Georgia: Dave Wakely's son in Atlanta. Massachusetts: Beverly. Connecticut: East Hartford New Jersey: Katie Davison and Karla. Idaho: Sun Valley.

135. 2/92-3/92 Idaho: Sun Valley. Texas: Four Seasons Racquet Club in Dallas for SOA Fellowship Admissions Course, (Don Jones). New Jersey: Earls. Vermont: Karla and the Earls in Rutland, Bonnie at Chafee Art Gallery. Iowa: Don speaking at Actuarial Club in Des Moines. Illinois: SOA Headquarters in Schaumburg. Ohio: Toledo, Northwood, Elliston Cemetery, Oak Harbor, Ralph Sondergeld Anna Hetrick and Carl Kinsel dining in Port Clinton, Ralph's warehouse in Sandusky, Bruce and Otto Kinsel in Bellvue, Elliston Cemetery, Lester Sondergeld in Genoa, Dining with Ralph and June Sondergeld at Bay Harbor Inn, George and Marlene (Pete) Andrews in Oberlin. Virginia: Fellowship Admissions Course at McLean. New York: Flower Show in NYC. Washington DC: Enrolled Actuaries Meeting New Jersey: 14 Helller Drive Upper Montclair Vermont: Garage, Karla Sondergeld, The Whitneys. New Jersey: Upper Montclair. Vermont: Stephanie Goldstein. Connecticut: Nick and Jody Zeoli and Amy and Lou Magno dining in Westport.

136. 3/92-3/92 Vermont: Garage. Arizona: SOA Executive Committee Meeting at the Phoenician. California: David Sondergeld parasailing, Parade on Market Street in SF, Monterey Penninsula, Carmel, Big Sur, Sandra Sondergeld at Vandenburg Air Force Base, Pismo Beach, San Louis Obispo, Bakersfield, Bishop. 137. 3/92-4/92 California: Skiing at Mammouth Mountain, Lone Pine, Alabama Hills, Death Valley. Nevada: Los Vegas, Lake Mead. New Jersey: Irv Golden and Earls dining at Charlie Browns in Upper Montclair. Vermont: New garage, Chris and Boz Zeoli. 77 March 26, 2015

138. 4/92-4/92 Japan: Tokyo, Allan Affleck. Singapore: Orchids and Botanical Gardens. Indonesia: Nusa Dua Sheraton in Bali with the Afflecks, Boat ride on Bali Hai with Aussies, Easter Sunday, monkeys, Paragliding behind speedboat. Indonesia: Grand Hyatt Hotel in Jarkarta.

139. 4/92-4/92 Singapore: John Chen, Boat ride, Steve Wong's house. Hong Kong: Nathan Street in Kowloon China Beijing; Nankai University in Tianjian, Imperial Palace and T square in Beijing; Summer palace; Temple of Heaven; Ming Tombs; GREAT WALL.

140. 4/92 - 5/92 China: Beijing China: Xian and Terra Cotta Warriors, Germans at Sheraton China: Shanghai and Fuan University Hong Kong: Aberdeen on Hong Kong Island; ferry boat ride Taiwan: Taipai

141 5/92 - 5/92 Taiwan: Grand Hotel in Taipei; Cathay Life', Toroko Gorge; General Chiang Memorial Connecticut: Amy & Lou & Karla in E Hartford, Cindy Sondergeld's Graduation celebration in Collinsville Illinois: Chicago Hilton Ohio: Cincinnati Illinois: Chicago River Cruise

142. 4/92/5/92 Chicago Chicago River Alberta: Edmonton Train to Vancouver British Columbia: Train ride thru Canadian Rockies; Ferry from Horseshoe Bay to Sunshine Coast; Sun Yat-Sen garden in Vancouver; dinner with Don Francis; Van Dusen gardens in Vancouver; CIA dinner on boat; Victoria; Butchart Gardens; Van Dusen Gardens inVancouver Quebec: International Congress of Actuaries in Montreal

143 5/92 - 7/92 Quebec: International Congress of Actuaries in Montreal; Robin Leckie Dinner; Botanical Gardens in Montreal near Olympics; Circus; Rafting in the Red River north of Montreal. Vermont: Rockydale Nursery in Bristol; Whitney's and Karla at Beebe Pond, New garage. California SOA meeting at Disneyland in Anaheim with David and Shelley;: eclipse of moon. New Jersey Flowers at 14 Heller Drive, Upper Montclair; Breckenridges and Earls for dinner New York Lobsters at Josephs Vermont: Karla with Jen Noble and Diedre, and "Joker"; band concert in Orwell Connecticut Eric and Amy in East Hartford Vermont: Party at Earls, Sondergeld family at camp 78 March 26, 2015

144 7/92 - 8/92

Vermont: Party at Morans, dinner at Principes's, party at Von Rhee's, dinner at Sondergeld's, party at Cooley's, Whitney's and Karla at Dog Team; party at Von Rhee's; aunts at Contants' dinner at Brecks'; carpet for garage; lunch at Mary's in Bristol; Karla and Chandra Miller; Surprise 35th anniversary party at Hubbardton Grange; Flowers at Beebe Pond; dinner with Contants at Hemingways'; LBPO Assoc. at Masons. New Jersey: 14 Heller Drive Upper Montclair Vermont Wells and Anne Whitney; party at Cooleys; Walt and Millie Rugland, Mt Independence; auction at Brewers on Monument Rd Jodi and Manny Hilker's new house in Shelburne; concert at Shelburne Farms. New Hampshire Jack Moorhead north of Hanover, Vermont: Colonial days in Castleton

145. 8/92-9/92 Vermont: Lara Pollnow; Addison Gardens; Omi Stern, David Sondergeld; Morgan Horse Farm in Weybridge; roller blading in Middlebury with David & Karla Sondergeld and David Principe'; Lipzaners' in North Hero; dinner at Brecks. Connecticut: Family at Amy's; Timmy Owens, David and Shelley Vermont: Party at Morans; lunch at Queeche; Maine: Karla in Harrison; John and Connie's Anniversary outside Wtvl; John and Pam Burleigh's island at Winnepesake Massachusetts: Boston Sheraton MEXICO: Mexico City

146. 9/92 -9/92 Massachusetts: SOA meeting at Ritz Carlton, Whitney's in Concord Ontario: SOC FAC in Toronto Alberta: Calgary, Banff with Mary Riebold and Ruth Frew; Lake Louise; Calgary Ontario: SOA FAC in Toronto NewYork: New York City New Jersey: 14 Heller Drive, Upper Montclair

147. 9/92 - 11/92 Alberta: Banff New Jersey: 14 Heller Drive, Upper Montclair Washington DC:Washington Court Hotel Indiana: Ft Wayne Maryland: Annapolis Massachusetts:Boston Vermont: Burlington, Basin Harbor, Hildene, Rutland, Middlebury; Whitney's & Magno's at Beebe Pond; Masons at Shelburne Cafe; Hebron; St John's new pond Connecticut: Amy and Lou Magno New Jersey: 14 Heller Drive New York: NY City Washington DC: SOA Annual Meeting Delaware: Dupont stuff Vermont: Leslie's in Rockingham, ST John's Pond; Middlebury, Deer Camp 79 March 26, 2015 Massachusetts: Beverly

148. 11/92 - 12/92 Connecticut: Amy and Lou New Jersey: Mutual Benefit, Amy and Lou in Bloomfield, Empty Heller Drive Vermont: Full Garage, Paul Barker's deer Connecticut: West Farms Mall Florida: Boca Raton, Ft Myers Sheraton, Condos at NBTC, Evelyn Town in Naples, Raoul and Catherine Grandpre'; SOA past presidents at Ft Myers; Ed Boynton at Quail Creek. Connecticut: Amy and Lou at Bradley Field Vermont: At Contants, Earls at Sondergelds, Masons and Eva at Sondergelds, dancing at Somewhere's in Fair Haven, Pauline's Restaurant in S. Burlington. Illinois: Chicago Airport Vermont: Flying over Burlington, Paul; Barker and Jeff Brown and Leaching Field, Eve at Breck's, New Year's Eve.

149. 12/92 - 2/93 Vermont: New Years' Eve Party, ice skating with Amy and Lou, Katie D, Sara U. and Megan D with Karla in hot tub, Contant's and Earls at Rehnquists, new pool table, Amy, Lou, Tina, Eric, and Cindy. Florida: NBTC condo artist Betty Williams, boat trip, Dulcey and Richard Stark Arizona: Scotsdale Regency, Jim and Helen Bruce in Tucson Florida: Greyhound race track; Eva, Omi, etc; Evelyn and old friends from Maine. Connecticut: Amy and Lou, Eric and Cindy in Collinsville, and Amy and Lou in E Htfd Vermont: Lilac Inn in Brandon; tons of snow; catching squirrels at Brecks; skiing at Pico, dinner with Josephs and Karla at Pappy's; Whitneys in Vermont 150. 2/93 - 3/93 Vermont: Flash Gordon, skiing at Sugarbush with Kemlers, Greenmans, and Josephs; tons of snow; Ranhofers; catching more squirrels at Brecks; Pico Ski Club Dinner; new pantry. Connecticut: David and Shelley's wedding (bowling on Fri. and wedding in Glastonbury) New Hampshire: Don at Dartmouth Hitchcock for double by-pass.

Vermont: Amy & Lou; Karla & David Principe, the Whitneys; lots of snow; Mr. Up's in Middlebury; the Morans at Lilac Inn 151. 3/93 - 5/93 Vermont: Earls at auction at Horseshoe; Earls at Lilac Inn New Hampshire: Karen at Hanover Vermont: Windsor; Woodstock; dinner at Brecks, lots of snow Virginia: Botanical garden, Doris Bell, George Washington's mother's house, Richmond, Edgar Allen Poe's house. Georgia: Savannah Florida: Amelia Island Tennis; Dave and Fran Wakely in Clearwater; Art Burton too; Corkscrew Swamp; Beach; Saks Fifth Ave.; NBTC; Evelyn Towne; Doris Bell, Dulcy and Richard Stark; Boat ride with Evelyn; condo; old Maine friends; Rene and Don Strong; Dulcy and Richard Stark; beach; boat ride; Pennycamp; Shark Valley; boat ride; Evelyn Towne at Registry; Dick and Linda Contant 80 March 26, 2015 152. 5/93 - 5/93 Florida: SE of Naples; Great Dock Canoe Race; boat ride; Bassets at Sanibel Island; boat ride; Georgia: St Simons Island North Carolina: Biltmore Estate in Ashville; Blue Ridge Parkway Virginia: Peaks of Otter and Tour Du Pont; Blowing Rock Maryland: Sisley Exhibit in Baltimore Delaware: New Castle house and garden tour, Green Room at Hotel Dupont Pennsylvannia: Longwood Gardens, Brandywine River Museum; Winterthur New Jersey: Princeton, lunch with Earls at Sheraton Meadowlands. Connecticut: Amy & Lou in E. Hartford Vermont: Addison Gardens; Mary's in Bristol; Rocky Dale Nursery

153. 5/93-6/93 Vermont: Karla's garden, Jenny Breckenridge, David Principe' Massachusetts: Beverly, Yard Sale Connecticut: East Hartford at Amy and Lou Magno's New York: Joseph's Lobster Party with Taubers and Greenmans. Connecticut: Eric and Cindy's garden, hiking in Collinsville, White Flower Farm in Litchfield Vermont: Arnie Mooz tennis, Bulldozer at Morans, Montpelier for lunch, Craftsbury Inn in Craftsbury Common, Harold and Yvette Wood in Newport, Lake Memphremagog Quebec: SOA Meeting, Chateau Frontenac, Yuan and Mary Chang, Jim and Liz Reisktyl, Walt and Millie Rugland, Gardens east of Quebec City, Gaspe', Perce, Bonaventure Island 154. 6/93-7/93 Quebec: Perce on Gaspe' New Brunswick: ? Ferry to P. E. I. P. E. I.: Museum and Restaurant in Charlottetown, Micmac Village, Anne of Green Gables and authorLucy Maud Montgomery's home and grandmother's house, Summerside, Dalvay by the Sea hotel and dunes,seal watching at Murray River, Ferry to Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia: Halifax, Peggy's Cove, Halifax, Yarmouth, Bluenose Ferry from Yarmouth to Bar Harbor, ME. Maine: Bar Harbor, Some's Sound fjiord, Gardens, Thunder Hole, Cadillac Mountain, Quimby House Inn, Perry's Nut House, East Vasselboro Houses and cemetery, John Towne in Winslow, Colby College, Evelyn at 5 Highland and lunch at Lobster Pot,Towne plot in Waterville Cemetery, Karla in Harrison New Hampshire: Lake Winnepasaukee Vermont: Moran's foundation, Eva and Sidney, Linda and Anne, Karla and Katie Davison Alan Breckenridge and John Principe', Dick and Linda Contant. Fourth of July in Brandon with the Whitney's. Eric & Cindy. Amy & Lou. Resurfacing ERRC by Wilk. Jody and Manny Hilker. Fourth of July cookout at Contant fireplace. 155. 7/93-9/93 Vermont: Fourth of July cookout at Contant fireplace. Earls at Lilac Inn. Whitney's and Moran's at Pico Concert. Sunnymeade Gardens in Hinesburg. Ryan and Sara Whitney. California: David, Shelley, and Owen. David parasailing. Sara Uphoff and Tracy Contant

81 March 26, 2015 Vermont: Remodeling at Morans. Ryan and Sara Whitney. Party at Contants. Ida Jane and Jack Gallagher. Hardings and Contants at Shelburne for dinner. Omi Stern and Giesela Brandes. John Gallagher and Family. Elaine Shiber at Sheffields. Arnold and Mildred Abelson. New TV antenna. Cardiac Rehab at Rutland Hospital. Diane and Peter Fish. Karla and Joka. Ruth Frew at Lilac Inn. Old Broads from W Hartford, CT. LBPO Association Meeting at Masons. Mausy Krakauer and family at Brecks. New rock garden. Party at Cooleys. ERRC tennis. Party at Von Rhees.Water leak in stairwell. ERRC meeting at Contants. Raptor Center in Woodstock. New Grand Union in Brandon. Fiocca Party. Party at Sondergelds. Mountain Top Inn. Back of Birds Eye Mountain. 156. 9/93-11/93 Vermont: Amy and Lou. Addison Gardens. Walthan Orchard. Middlebury. Meadowsweet Herb Farm. Inn at Old Weathersfield. New York: Stan Joseph is 60. Vermont: Middlebury. Karen and Duncan and their neighbors from Beverly, MA. Massachusetts: Curt and Bobbi Rosser and Ann Mills in E Orleans. Vermont: David, Shelley, and Owen. Amy, Lou, Karla, Evelyn Towne, and Brooks Washburn. New garden north of porch Train ride from Chester to Bellows Falls. New well across and north of ER Country Store. New Jersey: Earls and 14 Heller Drive remodeling. New York: Marriott Marquis. SOA annual meeting. Linda and Tracy Contant. Connecticut: Eric and Cindy. Florida: Naples. Halloween witches. Giesela Brandes. Bob and Sue Andrews on Sanibel Island. Gordon and Betty Sondergeld. Gail Stark Winans and TJ Winans. Contants at West Palm Beach.

157. 11/93-12/93 Vermont: J Principe, Amy and Lou, Chris and Boz. ENGLAND: London: Sheraton Belgravia,Staple Inn and Actuaries, Noel Coward's "Present Laughter". GERMANY: Berlin: Weinachtmarkt, KaDeWe,Brandeburg Gate, Potsdam, Hesse: Oberhaun: Heini and Sophie, Peter, Dagmar, Gregor, and Lucas;Eugen,Cornelia,Katja,Christina, and Julia, Herman, Herlinde, and Alexander; Candle in Schlitz;Bad Hersfeld,Eisenacht and Wartburg Massachusetts: Karen, Duncan, Ryan, and Sara in Beverly New Jersey: Glen Ridge Country Club: Steve Earl is 60 Teaneck: Contant's and Breckenridge's

158. 10/93-1/94 (Transition from 3.5 to 4 inch photos and includes album overlap) GERMANY: Pictures from Heini Schott Vermont: Ron and Marion Champion from Melbourne. David , Shelley, and Owen. New garden on north side of porch. New York: Ruth Frew New Mexico: Old Broads trip Colorado: Old Broads trip New Jersey: 14 Heller Drive, Upper Montclair 82 March 26, 2015 Florida: Naples Connecticut: Eric and Cindy Sondergeld in collinsville Vermont: Amy and Lou, Karla. The Contants Connecticut: Brita Tate Xmas Party Vermont: Tom Spangenberg, Bill and Mary Ellen Evans, Tom Spangenberg at Pi co, Christmas Eve at Breck's,Christmas, John and Laura Breckenridge,Family Skiing at Pico, New Year's Eve, Megan Donahue.

159. 1/94-2/94 MEXICO: Cruise to Yucatan Florida: Dave and Fran Wakely and Art and Irene Burton in the Clearwater area., Myakka River Cruise, Selby Botanical Gardens in Sarasota,Great Cypress Swamp, Stan and Harriet Jopseph and Roger and Jill Hill, Key Largo, Snorkeling in Marathon, Sunset and dinner with Stan and Harriet Joseph in Key West., Lunch in Coconut Grove. Dinner at NBTC with Steve and Betty Martin and others, Lunch at NBTC with Dulcey and Richard Stark, Doris Bell, and Perry and Margaret Allen. Cocktails with MelandElane Jacobs. Vermont: Steam Jenny for septic tank, Walt and Milly Rugland, dinner with Ruglands, Josephs, and Friedlanders, SNOW, Tom Spangenber's house, Skiing at Pico with Duncan Whitney and Tom Spangenberg. 160. 2/94-2/94 Connecticut: Hartford: Amy and airplane to Dulles, to LAX, to Sydney, to Cairns, Australia.

AUSTRALIA: Port Douglas, Sheraton Mirage, Snorkeling, Rain forest Safari ,Daintree River, Fruit bats, Kuranda Rail, Snorkeling on big boat Brisbane and Toowoomba: Neville and Joy Sondergeld 161. 2/94-3/94 AUSTRALIA: Brisbane: Leaving for Sydney Sydney: Rocks area, Captain Cook coffee tour of the harbour, Zoo, Opera House, Rocks area, Stan and Janice Niehaus and the beach tour, Kareoke Bar, BlueMountains. Canberra: Museum, and Capitol building Snowy Mountains to Thredbow, Chairlift, Kosciusko National Park Melbourne: Sheraton on Yarra River 162. 3/94-3/94 AUSTRALIA: Melbourne: Farmer's Market, Japanese Building over a building, Yarra River Tour, Tennis and cookout at Ron and Marian Champion's, Bus tour, Museum NEW ZEALAND: Auckland: Little John's Restaurant Rotorua: Sulfur Sptings, Maori's, drive to Wellington Wellington: Gardens, Bus tour, Boat tour, City, Dancers Christ Church: Park Royal Hotel, Botanical Garden, City 163. 3/94-4/94 NEW ZEALAND: Arthur's Pass from Christ Church to Westport and Greymouth, Westport seals, Pancake Rocks, The Breakers Homestay, Hokitika jade, Franz Joseph and Fox Glaciers, helicopter ride, Wilderness Lodge at Lake Moeraki, Lake Winaka and maze

83 March 26, 2015 164. 3/94-3/94 NEW ZEALAND: Queenstown: Garden tour, Jet boat ride, bungee jumping Te Annau: Town, Milford Sound, Doubtful Sound Pukerau: Dawn and David Connor

165. 3/94-3/94 NEW ZEALAND Doubtful Sound big camera Dunedin: Boat trip to see seals, Albatross Colony, Larnach Castle, Olveston House Tour, Moeraki Boulders Oamaru: Botanical Gardens Auckland: Bus tour of Zoo and Acquarium, Boat Tour, Victoria Park Market Vermont: Joseph's at Pico California: Pictures of Owen Sondergeld, David parasailing Vermont: Walt and Milly Rugland, Whitney's, Skiing at Pico, Fred and Betty Richardson at Sugarbush 166. 4/94-5/94 Vermont: Skiing at Sugarbush with Bob and Lee Goode and Don and Caroline MacDonald, Dinner with Alan and Eva Breckenridge, Lisa Stern, John and Betty Moran, Karla and Eric, Don at Pico Florida: Naples: Armadillo, Dulcey and Richard Stark at Marco for jazz and dinner at the Marriott, Steve and Sandy Earl, Rainee Cowdrie Jenette Strong Orlando: Karla, Meeting of the Society of Actuaries Lake Worth: Bok Tower and Gardens Naples: Evelyn Towne and Karla Sondergeld, Florida: Ft Myers: Henry Ford Home Naples: Dinner at Steve and Betty Martin's West Palm Beach: Dick and Linda Contant Naples:Tennis Academy, Great Cypress Swamp, NBTC houses and condos, Beach scenes Massachusetts: Whitney's at the beach, Caitlin Rose Whitney Florida: Naples: Removal of Australian Pines at NBTC California: San Francisco area: 398 Northgate in Daly City

167. 5/94-6/94 California: San Francisco, San Jose, Point Lobos, Monterey, San Francisco, Evelyn Towne in Muir Woods and Napa Valley, Daly City, Cliff House, David Parasailing Massachusetts: Beverly Vermont: Dinner at Fair Haven Inn with John and Betty Moran and at Tom Spangenbergs with Bill Evans, Mary is 60!, Eric and Cindy planting garden, Old Broads, putting in the float, Don's broken leg, Rocky Dale in Bristol 168. 6/94-8/94 California: David, Shelley, and Owen in SF. Massachusetts: Karen's building lot in Sudbury Vermont: Beebe Pond, Rocky Dale and Mary's in Bristol New York: Karla to Africa Vermont: Beebe Pond, Hubbardton Battle California: David, Shelley, and Owen Sondergeld Vermont: Mary is 60, Don's broken leg, Abelsons and Holts, Neville and Joy Sondergeld from Australia, Middlebury, Stowe, Trapp Family Lodge with John and Joan Harding, Lilac Inn, Vt Symphony in Middlebury Field House 84 March 26, 2015 Massachusetts: Neville and Joy Sondergeld in Boston Vermont: Hermann, Herlinde, and Alexander Sondergeld from Kassel, John Gallagher's wedding in Waitsfield, Climbing Eagle Rock, Alpine Slide at Pico New Hampshire:Kangamangus picnic, Mt Washington Cog Railway with German Sondergelds, dinner at Mt Washington lodge 169. 8/94-10/94 Maine: Rocks at Pemaquid, Boothbay Harbour, Yarmouth, Marginal Way in Ogunquit Massachusetts: Rockport, Sudbury house construction, Vermont: Brecks, Allison White, Hiking at Mt Zion in Hubbardton New York: Hermann, Herlinde, and Alex in NYC Vermont: Jan and Georgia Pollnow at LilacInn, Carillon Boat trip: Lake Champlain, White duck at Beebe, lunch: Woodstock Inn Massachusetts: House under construction in Sudbury, Omi in Andover Vermont: Pico, Dead Creek, White duck at Beebe, Chris Dundon house in Orwell, Carillon at Lake Champlain, Ruth Frew in Middlebury, Serpentine patio at Beebe, Sondergeld kithen remodeling, Dave and Karen Braverman, Hubbardton cemetery Illinois: Flight to Chicago, actuaries on bus 170. 10/94-1/95 Illinois: SOA Annual Meeting in Chicago Florida: Bridge Club Halloween, Sunset at HB's, Philharmonic,Steve and Bette Martin at the Phil, RJ and Linda Contant at Nick's, Line Dancing at NBTC Vermont: The Whitneys, Eric and Cindy, Terry and Allison White, Karla, Amy and Lou, Capitol Christmas tree in Rutland Massachusetts: Karen and Duncan's new house in Sudbury plus Karla, Amy, and Lou Vermont: Paulines in S Burlington, white duck at Beebe, Karla, Jokka,David Principe, David, Shelley, Owen, Amy, Lou, The Whitneys, John Breckenridge, Pinata on New year's Eve, New Year's Eve party, Megan, Sledding with the Whitneys Florida: Mary's parrot, Sunset at HB's, Bob and Rob Haughey, Dulcy and Richard Stark and Doris Bell, Evelyn Towne 171. 1/95-3/95 Florida: Omi, Eva, Jodi, and Sidney at Sarasota, Harvey and Bernice Feuer, Stan and Harriet Joseph, Doris Bell at Keewaydin Club, Mel and Elane Jacobs and Jack andEddie Englund, Woodstork Florida: Bill and Larry Steele; Friedlanders and Earls at Saudis Restaurant; Facey’s, Amy and Lou, Bob and Molly and Kelly, Steve and Rebecca Pico. Alan Breckenridge, Lisa Stern, Tom Spangenberg and Don S at Killington. (Pictures from David, Shelley, and Owen in CA). Colorado: Don and Mary and Steve and Sandy Earl at Steamboat Springs. Also Tom and Barb Aicher. Utah: Don and Mary with the Ruglands at the Peruvian Lodge at Alta. Also George and Lois Swick. Salt Lake City. California: Don in Daly City with David, Shelley, and Owen.

85 March 26, 2015 172. 3/95-4/95 California: Don in Daly City with David, Shelley, and Owen. Don in SF. David parasailing. Don on horseback. Don and David skiing Squaw Valley. David parasailing. Shelley’s baby shower. Vermont: Dinner at Pauline’s in S Burlington. Massachusetts:` Lunch at Hillary’s. The Whitney’s in Sudbury. Vermont: Lunch at Simon Pierce in Queechee. Canada geese at Beebe Pond. Florida: Doris Bell. California: Mary in Daly City with Kyle Sondergeld. Florida: Naples Bath and Tennis. Birds and alligators. Boat trip. Corkscrew Swamp. Bob and Pat Haughey and Jerry and Bev Haverty. Great Cypress Swamp. Ospreys in Everglade City. 173. 5/95-6/95 California: Mary in Daly City with David, Shelley, Owen, and Kyle Sondergeld. Florida: Near Corkscrew Swamp. Great Cypress Swamp. Naples. Naples Pier. Also some Everglades City pictures. Ken Jones from Yorkshire, England and Marjorie. Giesela Brandes. Boat trip in Naples Bay and to Keywadin Island. Savannah Restaurant. Snorkeling in Key Largo. Dining with Mary Lakin at Andre’s. Vermont: Excavation for Sunroom. New York: Reisktyls, Changs and Fred Townsend. Wakelys and Curtis Huntington at the Algonquin Hotel. Earls and Wakelys at dinner at Rene’ Pujol. Showboat and Sunset Blvd. New Jersey: 14 Heller Drive. 35 The Fairway. Preseley (Iris) Gardens in Upper Montclair. Connecticut: Dave and Lois McDonald, Eric and Cindy Sondergeld. Massachusetts: Mt. Greylock. Clark Museum in Williamstown. Vermont: Manchester. Whitneys and Magnos. Paul and Carl Barker and Barry Smith. The Abelsons, Tom Spangenberg and Jody Zeoli. Massachusetts: Eric and Cindy, Karla, at Whitneys in Sudbury. Also Gerhardt and Ingrid Riegel from Germany. Vermont: Riegels at L:ilac Inn. Foundation for Sunroom. Karla. Ducks. Dinner at Von Rhees with Zeolis and Sheffields. OtterCreekCruise from Vergennes with Karla.Basin Harbor. 174. 6/95-6/95 Washington: Tacoma. Quinnault Lodge. Elk in Rain Forest. Olympic Penninsula Coast . Hurricane Ridge. Manresa Castle and Renee Bergstrom in Port Townsend . Victorian Port Townsend and gardens. Seattle. San Juan Islands. Bloedel Preserve on Bainbridge Island. Space Needle in Seattle. Pike Street Market and Etta’s Restaurant Whales on San Juan Island boat trip. Lunch at Friday Harbor. Amtrak from Seattle to Vancouver, BC.

86 March 26, 2015

British Columbia: Vancouver: Stanley Park and Killer Whales, dinner at Grouse Mt., Gastown, Bob Vose, Tom Corcoran, Cathy Gobes, Tim Feury.Elizabeth Park and Bloedel Conservatory. Vandusen Gardens. U of BC Botanical Garden and Japanese garden. Mo Chambers and Rob Brown and Cecil Bycerk. Dinner at Hermitage with Don and Patricia Francis Massachusetts: Whitneys in Sudbury. Omi Stern in Andover.

175. 7/95-9/95 Vermont: Whitneys at Beebe Pond. ERRC annual meeting at the Abelsons. Ducks. Battle of Hubbardton. (pictures from CA) Sara’s birthday as Pocohantas. The Camillos from Harleysville, PA. Manny Hilker’s parents. Party at Sondergelds. Buying maple syrup in Benson. Mettowee Valley Nursery north of Dorset on Rt 30. VT Symphony: Jazz at Frost Cabin in Ripton with the Cooleys. Mr Up’s. Rocky Dale Nursery in Bristol. Dinner with Contants and Harding Shelburne Farms. Sunroom construction. Sondergelds, Holts, Contants, and De Aults in Middlebury. Whitneys. Dinner with the Earls at Swift House in Middlebury. PA Contant. Amy, Lou, Eric, and Cindy. Sunroom construction. Ida Jane Gallagher’s birthday croquet tea party. Stuck on a tractor at Bill Evans’. Canoeing with Amy and Lou on Dead Creek. Sunroom construction. Karla and David Principe. Sunroom construction. Clarendon Gorge. Sunroom addition. Weston. Cook’s Garden. Lois and David McDonald. Sunroom. Sara and Sidney. Joka the flying squirrel killer. Gralds, Dellamontes and Nick on train from Middlebury to Burlington. D Principe. Wolons. Abelsons. Flower Show in Proctor. New York Josephs in Mt Kisco. US Open. Vermont Cocktail party at Morans. New York Mary on Amtrak in Whitehall New Jersey Party for Eva Breckenridge on her 60th. Vermont Party for Eva Breckenridge on her 60th.

176. 9/95-10/95 Connecticut Fife and Drum in Kent New York At Josephs in Mt Kisco. Grandma Moses in Hoosic Falls. Vermont Tom Spangenberg and Diane Gray. Mr Twitters in Rutland. New Hampshire Lake Winnepesaukee Maine David P and Karla in Naples. New Hampshire Kancamagus Highway Vermont Queeche. Massachusetts Sudbury...Karen is 36. New York Ticonderoga Vermont Auction in Fair Haven, Leslie’s Restaurant in Rockingham, Boat ride in Burlington, Pauline’s Restaurant, Von Rhee’s railroad tie wall, Rick and Alice,Queeche and Woodstock. New York Bridge in Ticonderoga Vermont Dinner at Contant’s, Jenny B and Germans, Fall pictures, Patrick Farrow’s Gallery in Castleton. Massachusetts Nathan, Amy, Lou at Karen’s in Sudbury, SOA Meeting in Boston (Board dinner at the Fogg, Duck tour, Nathan and Karen, Bob Berin,Sam Gutterman, and Dave Holland

177. 10/95-11/95 Massachusetts SOA meeting...Faye Holland at art museum Florida Gary and Mary Lakin, Mike and Florence Mason, John and Connie Towne, Halloween at Naples Bridge Club, Whitneys 87 March 26, 2015 in Orlando and Naples (Magic Kingdom, Watermania, EPCOT, Sea World and Busch Gardens, Jungle Larry’s, Boating to Keywaydin Island, Don’s 65th at HBs on the Gulf) California Pictures of David and Shelley’s family with RJ and Tracy Contant Vermont High Pond

178. 11/95-1/96 Vermont Whitney’s and Hilker’s and David Earl’s Quebec Montreal (Nick and Julie Bauer at Chez Ma MereMichelle’s Restaurant, Shopping in the Underground, Macbeth) Vermont Pauline’s Restaurant, David, Amy and Lou at Beebe California Pictures of October in Daly City area Vermont Mary and Kyle’s Three Bears rug, Valerie (an Actuarial Assistant ) winning $76000 on Jeapordy, Alan Breckenridge and Sidney New York Hyde Museum in Glens Falls (picked up a 72x56 inch painting for the Morans) Vermont Mendon (Josephs and Friedlanders), Christmas Eve at Brecks, Christmas, Chapins, Wolons, New Year’s Eve Florida Goodes, Lakins,Von Rhees and Josephs in Saratoga, Linda Contant and Giesela Brandes in Ft Myers at Peters Restaurant, Cumpstons 179. 1/96- 2/96 Florida Miami Beach, Naples, “Good Old Days” musical at NBTC,Great Cypress Swamp, Richard and Dulcy Stark COSTA RICA Brita Tate and “Old Broads” Florida Joe’s Stone Crabs Vermont Lilac Inn, Tom Spangenberg at Killington California Daly City, John and Jenny Whitney, Napa Valley, Monteray, SF Museum 180. 2/96-4/96 Vermont Whitneys and Magnos, Hardings in Montpelier, Cemetery by Larry Steele’s Idaho Sun Valley Vermont Beebe Pond, Killington, Whitneys and Team Rebound at Pico, Whitneys, Amy and Lou, and John Principe at Beebe 181. 4/96-5/96 Florida Ken Jones and Janice Wilhelm, Dulcy and Richard Stark, Armadillos, Everglades City, Gordon River with Steve and Sandy Earl and Ken and Janice, Golde’s high rise Bahamas Great Abacos with John and Connie Towne New York Dough Joseph reception in Pound Ridge Florida Naples Bridge Center, Joe and Irene Muth

182. 5/96-6/96 Florida Naples New Jersey Karla’s bridal shower at Earls, theater in New York, Van Lears on Heller Drive Vermont Zeoli log cabin Massachusetts Whitneys in Sudbury Vermont Zeolis cabin, Lake George bridge RJ Contant, Sheffields Connecticut Megan Donahue’s bridal shower at Davisons, Eric and Cindy in Collinsville Vermont Zeolis log cabin, Bristal falls, Cafe Shelburne 88 March 26, 2015 Connecticut Deck at Amy and Lou’s in E Hartford Vermont Leslie’s in Rockingham, Waltham Gardens, Bomoseen Lakehouse Alaska Anchorage (Farmer’s market, Museum and Whale Fat Follies), Flying to Brooks Lodge 183. 6/96-7/96 Alaska Bears at Brooks Lodge, Fairbanks, Riverboat Discovery, train from Fairbanks to Denali, North Face Lodge in Denali, train from Denali to Anchorage, drive from Anchorage to Cooper Landing and lunch at Kenai Princess 184. 7/96-7/96 Alaska Kenai Penninsula, Homer, Gull Island, Seldovia, Halibut Cove, Lunch at Kenai Princess and Rafting in Cooper Landing, Seward and Kenai Fjords Tour, Mt Alyeska, Anchorage, flying to Juneau, Juneau, flying to Gustavus, Glacier Bay Lodge and glacier trip, kayaking.

185. 7/96-8/96 Alaska Flying from Gustavus to Juneau, Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau, Juneau Washington Seattle Vermont Jenny Breckenridge wedding in Sudbury, David and Shelley in Middlebury, Dinner at Waybury Inn, Wedding Rehearsal at Lilac Inn, Karla Sondergeld and David Principe wedding and reception at Lilac Inn, Beebe Pond wedding guests and flowers. Ann Gilcher’s birthday. Battle of Hubbardton. Steve, Nick, and Nicki Zeoli at Mt. Independence, (Caddy Labate). Patrick Farrow’s Gallery in Castleton. 186. 8/96-10/96 Vermont Ruth Frew. Leslie’s Restaurant in Rockingham Connecticut Megan Donahue’s Wedding in Old Saybrook. Amy and Lou in E. Hartford. Vermont Ida Jane Party. Sally and David Cutting, Karen, Karla, etc. Massachusetts Sudbury Vermont ERRC Meeting at Sondergeld’s New York US Open. Linda Contant modeling. Jenny Chapin singing in the Village. Earls and Brecks : “When Pigs Fly”. Connecticut Amy and Lou. Vermont Moran’s and Contant’s at Paulines. Zeoli Log Cabin. Pictures of Mason House for Variance Request Maine Allison Towne and Chris DiMatteo Wedding. Vermont Taking out Float. Connecticut Aleksey Magno Party in Glastonbury. Gledhill Nursery. Vermont Cooley addition. Dinner in Rutland with Earls, Marxs and Josephs. Zeoli wreath and housewarming. Maine David and Karla Principe. Massachusetts Sudbury Soccer.

187. 10/96-12/96 Florida Great Cypress Swamp, Everglade City, Masons at Ciaos, Drive to Orlando, SOA Meeting in Orlando, Epcot, Dave Wakely in Bellaire,Marie Selby Gardens in Sarasota, Von Rhee house, Venice, Lakins and Blochs in Everglade City, (White Pelicans), Murray and Mary Sue Maclain, Ken Jones, Janice Wilhelm, Ian, and Vivian on Gordon River,

89 March 26, 2015 Kyle’s Frog Pond Rug, Murray and Mary Sue Maclain, Model of house Janice Wilhelm is building, Murray and Mary Sue Maclain, Sunset at HB’s, Sand Hill Cranes at airport. California National ACBL tournament in SF, Larry and Caroline Allen, Sondergelds in Daly City, Thanksgiving at the Whitney’s in Sonoma Valley, Dinner with David and Shelley and Karen and Duncan and Jim and Anne Gerard, David and Karens families: The 12 Days of Christmas, Beach. Vermont Pauline’s. Flood at Reller’s and Mason’s new construction. Quebec Montreal Vermont Burlington. Massachusetts Fish’s and Amy at Karen’s Vermont Dinner with Brostek’s and Dellamonte’s and concert at St Jo’s. 188. 12/96-2/97 Massachusetts Allison and Terry White at Karen’s. Vermont Lunch at Woodstock Inn, Karla, Dinner with Josephs and Friedlanders in Rutland, Dinner with Josephs at Principes, Christmas Eve at Brecks, Lunch with Stan, Harriet, Doug, and Thuy Joseph at Mr Ups in middlebury, Magnos and Whitneys and Pinata, Mason construction, Party at Brosteks. Florida Von Rhee’s in Sarasota, Lunch at Island Club, Babcock Wilderness, Bev and Jack Grald, Mary Savco and daughter Jane, Great Cypress Swamp, Gralds at Andre’s Steak House, Eric Sondergeld at Corkscrew Swamp, Super sunset, Eric and Gralds on Gordon River. Eric, Stan and Harriet Joseph and Alan and Ilse Stone at Joe’s Stone Crabs in Miami. Key Largo. Anhinga Trail in Everglades. Stan and Harriet Joseph at The Breakers in W Palm Beach and at the Henry Flagler house. Dinner with Evelyn Towne at Chardonnay. Naples Pier. Dulcy and Doris and Richard at The Real Macaw. Construction at area where Janice Wilhelm is building in Naples. Elliot Baron and Jo Boss Baron. Wateside Crossing. Vermont Grald Garage. (Janice Wilhem model house, Gordon River in FL) Skiing with Tom Spangenberg at Killington. Breck’s condo in Burlington. Skiing with Tom Spangenberg, Karen Whitney, and the Gralds at Stowe. Reller’s new house at Beebe. Magnos and Morins at Beebe. David and Mary Earl at Pico. John Contant and Betsy. Karla at Paulines. Bob Karp’s new house in Williston. Dinner with Karla and the Earls at Marble Innin Fair Haven. Massachusetts Lunch in Holyoke with Karla. Connecticut Car wash accident. 69 Westbourne Parkway(where it all began). Baptism of Aleksey Sondergeld Magno.(Pictures from California). 189. 2/97-3/97 GERMANY Frankfurt Airport: Tom Herget Heidelberg: Hochteufel Hotel and flooded River. Leiman: Jane, Andreas, Amelia, Thomas, and Annabelle Roessel and Kirsten Ronnau Marburg: Hans-Otto, Crystal, and Kirsten Ronnau Kassel: Herlinde, Hermann, and Alexander Sondergeld Hannover Munden; With Hermann and Herlinde 90 March 26, 2015 Kassel: Botanical Garden, Dinner at City Hotel. Gottingen: Botanical Garden and Lunch Kassel: Downtown Hunfeld: With Heinrich and Sophie (Lunch at Hotel Berghof) Fulda: With Heinrich and Sophie Oberhaun: With Heinrich and Sophie Bad Hersfeld: Museum and Ruins Unterhaun: With Eugen, Connie, Katja, Christina, and Julia Munich: Peter, Dagmar, Gregor, and Lucas. Botanical Garden , African Masks, Dagmar wins at “Columbus”, Earls arrive, Van Gogh, Rathaus, lunch at beerhall, Dinner at nearby restaurant with Peter’s friends. Lunch at Nymphenberg Park and Castle. Ulf Ronnau and Suzanne. Garmisch: Skiing at Zugspitze with Peter Sondergeld and the Earls Partenkirchen: Post Hotel AUSTRIA Innsbruck: Skiing at Kuhtai, and staying at Goldener Adler

190. 3/97-3/97 AUSTRIA Innsbruck: Skiing at Axamer Lizum ITALY Cortina: Thru Dolomites to Cortina. BeppaeSello Hotel. Skiing at Tofano with Peter. Beppe Sello Hotel. Skiing at Faloria: Mary & Earls. Fur coat walk ITALY Cortina: Skiing at Passo Falzarego(Lagazuoi) with Peter Skiing at Bai de Dones with Peter Venice: Harry’s Bar with the Earls. Venitian Glass. Lunch. Gondolas. Masks. Peggy Guggenheim Museum. Florence: Museums. Pickpockets. Churches. The Bridge over the Arno. David. San Gimignano: Lovely towers Pisa: Leaning Tower Portofino:Lunch 191. 3/97-4/97 ITALY Portofino:Lunch San Remo: Hotl Paradiso. Casino Drive to Ventimiglia MONACO Monte Carlo: Cactus Garden. Changing of the guard. Casino. Dinner at Ciao Restaurant. ITALY Aosta: Mountain drive to Aosta. Roman Ruins. Cable car to view Mt Blanc. Lake Como: Boat trip. Verese: Ristorante Teatro. Crystal (Best Western) Hotel. Milan: High above the clouds. Vermont Mason’s addition. Don and Tom Spangenberg at Killington. Bill Evans and Dick Nordmeyer houses on Monument Hill Road. Beebe Pond house. Easter Egg hunt at Brecks. Grey Boy. Florida Dulcy and Richard Stark at Ft Meyers Beach. Naples Beach. Edison and Ford homes in Ft Meyers and Corkscrew Swamp with Amy and Lou. Amy and Lou in pool and at HB’s and at Michelbob’s with Evelyn Towne. Dinner with Gretchen Oster and Hugh and Jane Judges at The Real Macaw. Dinner with John and Jean Steffen at HB’s.

91 March 26, 2015

192. 4/97-6/97 Florida Karla and David Principe at Naples Pier. At Evelyn Town’s for dinner. At Neopolitan Bay. Karla and David on Gordon River. At Lakins. Anhinga Trail. Key Largo Snorkeling. Joe’s Stone Crabs for dinner. (Misc pictures of grandchildren) Birds and alligators. Brita Tate. Janice Wilhelm’s house under construction. California Mary in SF with David, Shelley, Owen, and Kyle. (Old pictures from CA) (Mary in VT and MA) Connecticut 20 Farm Hill Road. Gledhill Nursery. Amy at work in City Place. Massachusetts Cindy Sondergeld graduates from Law School. Vermont Red Breasted Grossbeak. Memorial Day Parade in Brandon Massachusetts Whitneys in Sudbury Vermont Earls at Lilac Inn, Rocky Dale in Bristol, Waltham Nursery, John Principe, Abelsons in Middlebury,.Beebe Pond, Mr. Twitters. Ontario Ottawa, City Tour Vermont Sudbury Church Connecticut Aleksey Magno, Elizabeth Park Vermont Cooleys, Eric Sondergeld Quebec Montreal, Botanical Gardens, SOA Meeting, Lucette & Real Gaudreault New York Lake George: Sagamore Hotel and Silver Bay Connecticut Amys in E Hartford ( Karen, Eric, etc.) Vermont Karla and Amy New Brunswick Frederickton Maine Gray: David Principe Vermont Beebe Pond: The Whitneys 193 7/97-8/97 Vermont Whitneys, Chapin in Middlebury with VT Symphony, Whitneys and Amy at July 4th parade in Brandon, Party at Morans, Lilac Inn, Hubbardton Battle, Ray White and pasta at Brecks, Divers, Flowers, Duplicate Bridge at BB, New Guardrail on Rt 30, VT Symphony at Shelburne Farms, David Shelley and grandsons in VT, pre 40th wedding Anniversary Dinner at Lilac Inn, Houseboat trip on Lake Champlain, Chris Zeoli removing Sondergeld Pine Tree, Swift House in Middlebury, Harvey and Bernice Feuer at Lake House on Bomoseen, Organ recital in Orwell. Utah Salt Lake City, (Chris and pine tree), Idaho Falls Wyoming Rafting on the Snake, Jackson Hole Ski area, Jackson, Rafting on the Snake, Museum, Grand Teton National Park and Jackson Lake Lodge,. 194 8/97-9/97 Wyoming Grand Teton National Park, Yellowstone National Park.

Idaho Falls: south of W Yellowstone, Craters of the Moon, Ketcham and Sun Valley, Glider ride over MT Baldy, Murray and Mary Sue McClean, Tennis, Josephs in 92 March 26, 2015 Elkhorn, Party at Baldy Base Club, Wildflower Walk, Richard Joseph and Maggie’s wedding at Trail Creek. Wisconsin Bridge tournament in Madison, Vermont Nick Zeoli in a cast (broken achilles tendon), Amy and Jineen, ERRC meeting at Zeolis, Leslie’s Restaurant in Rockingham, Dinner at Morans Massachusetts Whitneys and Amy in Sudbury Vermont John and Connie Towne Maine Don and Mary in Ogunquit.

195 9/97-11/97

New York NYC US OPEN Vermont ERRC Tennis Tournament, (More of Sun Valley wedding) New York Tracy Contant wedding in Dobbs Ferry Vermont Open House at the Karps in Williston, VT , Slate walk at Bomoseen/Glen Lake area New York Old Broads at Lake George Vermont Kaminski wedding at BB, Fire & Ice in Middlebury Maine Portlan with Nate, Karla, and David Vermont Duplicate broidge party for Sandy and Ginger Marx at BB Quebec Bridge with LucetteGaudreault in Quebec City, Lac Beauport, Zoo, Downtown Quebec City Vermont Montpelier, Jenny Mendenhall’s baby in Burlington, Nursery in Brandon, Karla and David P, Fire at Phyllis Levy’s, Dellamomte Hot Tub, Dinner at Gralds Florida Ft Lauderdale, Naples, Janice Wilhelm new house, Vero Beach (Jim Goldin), Daytona BEAch (Sally Helble)Lunch at La Playa, Ft Lauferdale Beach, Halloween @ Naples Bridge Club, Dulcy and Richard Starks at The Lexington in Ft Myers, Dinner At Peters in Ft Myers, Marilyn Ownby in N Palm Beach,NBTC Women’s Tennis Tournament, Jack and Edie England at The Real Macaw. Missouri Ruben Egeberg in St Louis:ACBL National Tournament.

196 11/97-12/97 Missouri St Louis with Ruben Egeberg Florida David, Shelley, Owen and Kyle in Naples: at Beach and Jungle Larrys, at Busch Gardens in Tampa, Gordon River and Keywadin Island in Naples, Turner River Road, and Ft Lauderdale. With Josephs in Boca Raton Extra Pictures from Shelley from Florida and from SF over Christmas Vermont Marble Valley Bridge Christmas Party Massachusetts Sudbury with Whitneys Vermont At Nordmeyers, Christmas Eve at Brecks, Christmas At Beebe, Amy’s pottery, Karla’s baby shower. Maine The Olde house in Raymond Vermont RJ Contant is 60 at Swift House in Middlebury, Winter scenes at Beebe Pond, New Year’s Eve at Sondergelds, Wolons snowmobiling.

197 1/98-3/98

Florida Don at ACBL Regional in Orlando with Sally Helble, Dave and Fran Wakely in Bellaire (Clearwater), Don at ACBL Sectional in Daytona Beach with Sally Helble, Snorleling with Alan and Eva 93 March 26, 2015 Breckenridge in Key Largo and visiting Anhinga Trail, Brecks at Corscrew Swamp, Dinner with Dave and Pam Patterson and Alan and Eva, John and Betty Moran and boat trip on Gordon River, Boat ride on Myaka River, Lunch with Gisela Brandes, the Brecks and Gralds in Sarasota, Ed and Barb Dellamonte at NBTC, Dulcy and Doris and Richard at NBTC, Ken Jones and Janice Wilhelm at her new house in Naples. Vermont Brecks at Paulines in S Burlington. Maine Zachary Towne Principe Vermont Woodstock New Hampshire Sheraton Tara Connecticut ACBL Regional in Cromwell (Ogden Bigelow, Claire Sauer) Amy and Aleksey, Dinner with Amy, Aleksey, Eric, and Cindy in Hartford Vermont Whitneys at Pico, Old John(Civil War horse) in Mendon, Hubbardton Gulf. Whitney neighbors at Beebe. Maine John William Towne’s retirement party @ age 62 in Waterville. Principe’s in Raymond, Maine. Vermont Gralds and Breckenridges at Beebe Montreal Don and Ray Johnson at ACBL Sectional

198 3/98-5/98 Idaho Sun Valley with Stan and Harriet Joseph (Woody and Marjorie Friedlander, Ray and Dottie Brox, Joan and Lee Belshin, Jack Cowan, Yeltzin and Sally ,Hugh and Phyllis Vanderventer, Bob and Joan Feldman Oregon Driving thru. Nevada Chinquapin at North Tahoe with David, Shelley, Owen, and Kyle. Dan, Lisa, and Drittany Byrne. Skiing at North Star, Squaw Valley with Holy Stern), Alpine Meadows, Heavenly Valley. Reno at ACBL Nationals. Winning last god points for Don with Sheila Moore and Donna Sakawasky from Prince George, BC.. Vermont Bridge dinner at Fair Haven Inn with Bill Becker, Jean Seward, June Dorion, Deem Schoenfeld, Jim and Carolyn Preston, and Ray Johnson. Alan and Eva Breckenridge with Pearl and Mike Bernstein in Burlington. Mary S at airport. Ohio Aunt Anna Kinsel Hetrick’s 100th party with relatives in LaCarne. Ralph and June Sondergeld in Sandusky and at Kelly’s Island.. Uncle Lester Sondergeld and Agnes White in Genoa. Oak Harbor houses. Aunt Anna and cousin Carol Kinsel White in Port Clinton. Otto and Bruce Kinsel in Bellvue. George and Marlene (Pete) Andrews in Oberlin. Florida Cypress Gardens with Eric and Ciny Sondergeld and Helen Bednarz. Amy and Aleksey Magno at Anhinga Trail, in Key Largo, at Ben and Jerry’ Naples, visiting Dulcy and Richard Stark at The Lexindton CC in Ft Myers, dinner at HB’s on the Gulf, Boat ride on the Imperial River in Bonita Springs. Jim Tate. Ft Lauderdale ACBL Regional: Visiting The Bonnet House, Lucette Gaudreault and Marie ,Ted Joseph, and Ron Friend. The Malloy Cup (Ages 80 up)and the Austria Cup(ages 55- 60)Leopold is born

94 March 26, 2015 199 5/98-6/98 GREECE TURKEY Vermont Megan, Bruce, plus Katie D; Kara, David, and Zach; Dinner at Fair Haven Inn; Amy and Aleksey; The Whitneys; Osmun roof damage, Bridge in Saratoga Springs with Joan Harvey, Scott Aborn becomes a Life Master, Saratoga Battlefield, Rutland, Van breakdown on way to Woodstock. DENMARK Copenhagen (Tivoli, Canals, Little Mermaid), Elsinore Castle, Church and lovely cemetery, Bridge to Jutland, HCAndersen in Odense, Hotel Randers, Ferry to Gothenburg, Sweden SWEDEN Water by Gothenburg, Sweden NORWAY (Vigeland Sculpture Park, National Gallery(Edvard Munch), Ski Jump, drive over snowy mountains, lovely Stalheim Hotel, drive to Fjord Fjord Trip, Medieval Church, Walk along mountain stream to waterfall, Hotel Beito(ski area and Grete Marit Mork painter), Lillehammer

200 6/98-7/98 SWEDEN Mora Hotel on Lake Mora, Dala horses, Cathedral at Uppsala, Stockholm(Old Town, Changing of the Guard, Canal Tour, Kontiki and Viking Ship museums, Old Town) Viking Line ship to cross Baltic to Helsinki, The Crossing FINLAND Helsinki(Town Hall, Market, City Tour, Lutheran Church in a rock) bus ride to St Petersburg, Russia RUSSIA St Petersburg(Hermitage, Folk Dancers, Summer Palace, Peter and Paul Cathedral and toums of the Czars, Ballet “Giselle”, War Memorial, train station) Train ride to Moscow, Moscow(Hotel Cosmos, Grand Hotel, Upscale shopping, 201 7/98-10/98 RUSSIA Moscow(Kremlin, Hotel Cosmos, Art, Kremlin, Tornado damage, Moscow Circus, Metro Tour) ITALY Rome(Sistene Chapel, St Peters, Vatican Guard, Colliseum, Dinner @ Sheraton, Rome airport) Vermont Birthday parties for Sara and Aleksey with magician. Barrrows Inn in Dorset, Metowee Valley Nursery, Dorset Playhouse, Hubbardton Battle reenactment. Mary’s 25 years of Lake Monitoring Award in Burlington, Dinner with Brosteks at Pauline’s. Nathan Towne and roommate.Wheel Inn in Benson. Lake Assoc Mtg. Hubbardton slum on Hortonia Road. Children and grandchildren on Eagle Rock. Magician at Birthday Party. Hazel Stannard is 80 at Fair Haven Inn. More Eagle Rock pictures. Children and grandchildren at VT Symphony at Shelburne Farms. Grandchildren swimming. Ryan’s fish. Whitney’s at Marsh Billings Farm plus House and Garden Tour in Woodstock. VT Symphony with Morans and Brecks. Rock of Ages Quarry in Barre. Owls Head summit. Gardens in NE Kingdom. Inn on the Common. Bread and Puppet Museum in Glover. Lake Willloughby. Island Pond. St Johnsbury (Fairbanks scales, etc.) Jim and Cynthia Hunt at Lakeview B&B in Greensboro. Inn on the Common. Moss Glen Falls. Stowe. Beebe Pond flowers. 95 March 26, 2015 New York Schnectady and Joan Harvey. Vermont Marijuana @ Houghtons, .Paradiso’s addition and fireplace. Hunter’s woodcarving studio in Orwell. New York Don and Mary in Saranac Lake. Vermont Earls at Fair Haven Inn. Catamount statue in Middlebury. Lake House on Bomoseen. Lincoln Gap flooding in Bristol. Pine wood Gardens in Brandon. Karen and Bunko Babes at BB.Hubbardton Cemetary. Reller Reconstruction. Mason’s drainage ditch. Dellamonte’s wider driveway. Anne Holland’s garage. Hazel Stannard’s 80th at F H Inn 202 10/98-12/98 Mass Sudbury Schools New Hamp Mt. Monadnock Vermont Leslies Restaurant Ontario Ottawa and Bernice Butler Connecticut Mary Gobes Wedding, Eric and Cindy Sondergeld at home Mass Sudbury Vermont Bill Carter the painter with broken leg Quebec Laval Vermont Max (Contant puppy) party, October colors @ Beebe Pond Party @ Cooleys New York NY City: Museums, Amy @Grand Central Station, Dinner @ Windows of the World, Don’t Tell Mamas, Marriott Marquis, Linda Contant Florida Beach in Naples, Turner River Road, Dinner @ Roger & Jill Hill.s, Grald.s condo at Pelican Landing, HS Bans, Corkscrew Swamp, With Ken and Janice on Gordon River, Dinner @ Chardonnay with John & Jean Steffen, Dinner @ NBTC,, Dinner with Dulcy and Richard Stark, Bridge with Ron Friend at ACBL National in Orlando. N Carolina Karla, David, and Zachary Principe in Durham. Duke Gardens, Jim, Brita, Brandon, and Tamara Tate @ Bill’s Barbeque in Wilson, NC, Downtown Durham. Vermont Leslie’s Restaurant Mass Sudbury, Wayside Inn Dinner Vermont Norton & Marlene Latourelle’s Pileated woodpecker, Samantha Quebec Montreal, Denyse & Giancarlo Pisano, Sheraton Vermont Breck’s in Burlington and “Garden Center”, New metal roof on porch, Brunch @ Nordmyers, Dinner for 14 @ Sondergelds. 203 12/98-2/99 Vermont Grald’s addition, Joseph’s and Friedlander’s at Breck’s, Amy and Aleksey on Christmas, The Principe’s arrive from NC, Eric and Cindy, Megan and Bruce Warrick, Ice Skating St John’s pond,Grald’s addition, New Year’s Eve at Beebe. Florida: Amy and Aleksey on Gordon River, Dinner with Mel and Elane Jacobs, The Whitney’s on the Gordon River, Whitney’s snorkeling in Key Largo, Whitney’s at Wild Kingdom and Magic Kingdom in Orlando, Stan and Harriet Joseph at Palm City, The Von Rhee’s and Sheffield’s in Naples. California: David parasailing, Benihana’s, Windmill Park and Museum, Kyle’s haircut,Staying at Chinquipin in Tahoe City, Skiing at: Alpine Meadows, Squaw Valley, and (Homewood in next album) with Owen and Kyle 204. 2/99-3/99 California: Homewood Vermont: Grald’s addition at Beebe Pond, Chris Zeoli removing big pine tree, Whitneys at Pico, and Killington, John McKeon? and the Rutter’s from Sudbury MA, Amy and Aleksey, Don and Amy at Sugarbush California Extra Tahoe pictures FRANCE Eterlou Hotel in Meribel (in The Three Valees) Chateau La Commanderie in Grenoble, Valence, Abenas, Gorges de L Ardeche, Chateay des Alpilles in St Remy, Roman Amphitheater in Arles, Le Baux, Lunch at Oustau Le Baumaniere, 96 March 26, 2015 Castle at Tarascon, Palace of Popes in Avignon, Chateau Neuf-du-Pape, Orange, Pont du Garde, Les Marronniers in La Brugiere, Uzes, Nimes and Musee Carre, Dinner with Two Monsieurs, Uzes, Cavaillon, Gordes, Roussillon, Chateau La Pauline in Aix, Cezanne Museum, Cezanne Studio, Antibes and Picasso Museum in Grimaldi Chateau, Le Manoir de L' Etang in Mougins, Cannes 205. 3/99-5/99 FRANCE La Gruppi for lunch in St Maxime(across from Sat Tropez), Chateau de Vergiers in St Martin,Marseille airport, La Bastide de Moustiers in Moustiers, Grand Canyon of Verdun, Perfume factory in Grasse, Le Moulin de Mougins in Mougins, Pourriers, Vauvenargues, Lourmarin, Borges, beautiful Buoux, Hotellierie du Prieure in Bonnieux, L' Isles la Sorgue, Fontanne de Vancluse, red ochre cliffs and David's restaurant in Roussillon, Glanum Roman Ruins and Van Gogh asylum in St Remy, Vieux Port and lunch in Marseille, Chateau Auberge Borrelly in Calas, returning from Marseille. Connecticut League Of Women Voters 75th Anniversary, Amy and Aleksey Magno, Mass Lunch @ Bill's Bar in Greenfield New Jersey Mutual Benefit: Vivian Diak, Kathy Koerber, and Frank Cascianno Florida Ft Lauderdale: Ted Joseph and Lucette Gaudreault Naples: Betty and Pete Holbrooke and Mike and Florence Mason on the Gordon River, plus lots of Osprey. On the Gordon River with Ken Jones and Janice Wilhelm. Then dinner at Janice Wilhelm's in North Naples. Dinner at the Bay House with Bev and Jack Grald and with Mike and Florence Mason. At The Lexington CC with Dulcey and Richard Stark. Dinner at The Sign of the V ine with Grald's and Mason's. Ron Roth's estate sale at NBYC (asking $585K) Ft Myers Slough. Andre's Steak House. Vero Beach and Terry and Allison's Condo. N Carolina David, Karla, and Zachary Princvipe Vermont Rocky Dale Nursery in Bristol. Fair Haven Inn. Grald's addition. Ontario Ted Joseph in Ottawa. Market Place. Parliament. Locks. 206. 5/99-6/99 Vermont At Brecks, Swift House with the Earls NC & CA Pictures from Karla P and David S Vermont Rutland, Ryan at Coolidge Homestead in Plymouth England Gatwick's Meridien Hotel Kenya Safari Park Hotel in Nairobi, Aberdare CC, The Ark, The Equqror and Woodcarvers, Mt Kenya Safari Club, Masai Mara Intrepids Club(Tented site), Masai dancers, Lions, Norfolk Hotel in Nairobi, Amboseli Serena Lodge, Sunset Tanzania Lunch at Mountain Village outside Arusha, Lake Manyara, Ngorongo Crater, 207. 6/99-8/99 Tanzania Ngorongo Crater, Olduvai Gorge, Serengeti National Park, Sunset, Serengeti Serena Lodge, Acrobats Kenya Safari Park Hotel in Nairobi England Gatwick Airport Mass Whitneys in Sudbury Vermont Lake Champlain Connecticut Eric, Cindy and ALEXEI and Helen Bednarz in Collinsville. Amy and Akeksey in E Hartford. Vermont Whitneys at Dog Team Tavern, Waltham Gardens New Hamp Dick Conley, Ray Johnson, Betty Holbrook Vermont Movie @ ERCStore, Dellamonte addition, Norton's Art Gallery New York Ticonderoga Vermont Party at Von Rhees for Sheffields, Fourth of July(Karen's neighbors from Sudbury, and the Magician) Connecticut Pictures of Alexei Jacob Sondergeld Vermont Alexei's rug, Dellamontes addition, dinner with Contants at Masons, Anne Gilcher's birthday at Contants, Zach in VT. 97 March 26, 2015 New Jersey Sonergelds and Mike Wallner arrive from Munich New York World Trade Tower, South Street Seaport, Fifth Ave, Plaza Hotel, Central Park, Rockefeller Center,Guggenheim, Top of Marriott Marquis, Circle Tour of Manhattan, Metro, Macy's Connecticut Megan Donahue Roarick and Karla and others in Old Saybrook, Swimming in LI Sound Vermont Dental Higenist, Addison County Fair, John Breckenridge and family, David Sondergeld and family, rope swing, Eric and Karen and family, group picture of everyone, hot tub, climbing Eagle Rock, swimming, four cousins in the bathtub, climbing Camel's HumpDellamonte addition, Dog Team Tavern

208. 8/99-10/99 Vermont Houseboat on Lake Champlain Mt Independence, SCHWEINFEST, Gregor Sondergeld becomes a Turtle, hot tub, Dellamonte addition, Concerts in Castleton and Fair Haven, Ida Jane Gallagher annual costumed croquet tournament, Peter Sonderrgeld becomes a Turtle Montreal Art Museum, Old Town, Montreal Tower, Biosphere (four zones), Botanical Gardens Vermont Dellamonte addition New York Water skiing out of Dunhams Bay on Lake George Vermont Gregor Sondergeld is 15, Lukas and four spoons, Woodstock art gallery, Queeche Gorge New Hampshire Dining beside the Connecticut River, Rocky Gorge on Rt 112, Camping along the Saco River in North Conway, North Conway RR station, Pinkham Notch, Hike to Glen Ellis Falls, Old Man and Cannon Mt in Franconia Notch, Mt Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, Swimming in Crawford Notch, Dining at Pinkham Notch Maine LLBean in Freeport, Sailing in Boothbay Harbour, Lobsters for dinner in Boothbay Harbour, Breakfast in Damarascotta, Perry's Nut House in Belfast, Caddilac Mt in Acadia National Park, Swimming at Sand Beach, Thunder Hole, Dining at Northeast Harbour, Camping at Somes Sound View, Shoes at Timberlandand and lumch in Freeport, swimming at Old Orchard Beach, Marginal Way in Ogunquit Mass Boston(Duck Tour, Top of John Hancock, The T, Quincy Market and Fanniel Hall), at Karen's in Sudbury, Amy and Aleksey for dinner, Swimming at Gloucester, Karen's addition Vermont Chester houses, Army/Navy stire in Rutland, Turkey dinner, Dellamontes addition, Peter's farewell wreath. New Jersey Sondergelds leave for Munich New York Whitneys at Peter Pan and top of Marriott Marquis, Saratoga Race Track Vermont Dinner at Rellers with the Zeolis, Baptism in the lake @ Zeolis, New hole on pantry for larger beer refrig, Clarendon Gorge, Chester, Rockingham, Newfane Ontario Ottawa, Chima Hotel lobby and time zones, Rideau Hall where Governor General lives, Prime Minister's home across the street, Rockin' Johnny's Diner Vermont Grald's new bedroom, Amy, Aleksey, and Nate Towne at Fair Haven Inn, Storm damage at Beebe Connecticut Amy @ Carbone's, Lithuanian Hall and EJ Haverty work on Franklin Ave Vermont Amtrack Station in Rutland, Brandon, Woodstock, Bradford Quebec Denis and Helene Cote near Mt Orford, Quebec City

209. 10/1999-2/2000 Quebec Quebec City New York Westport Vermont Sudbury church, Beebe Pond Connecticut Eric, Cindy, and Alexei Vermont Beebe Pond, California Owen and Kyle, Soccer, SoA Boar Dinner, Harbor Boat 98 March 26, 2015 Dinner, David at top of Marriott, SoA Reception with Steve, Dave, and Fran Wakely, Black tie dinner and Tony Bennett, Kyle and Shelley in SF, Dinner with Larry Allen in SF, Lunch in Monteray, Carmel, Point Lobos, Angel Island, Ocean in Daly City, dinner at Chart House, Parasailing Florida Naples Beach, Masons, Gralds, Von Rhees at lunch with Sheffields in Venice, Ken Jones and Janice Wilhelm, Dinner at Andre's Steak House with Mike and Florence Mason, Sand sculptures at Holiday Inn on Ft Myers Beach, Turtle and Park Ranger on horseback at Barefoot Beach, Roger Hill, Tennis ladies, Dancing at NBTC with Janicek, Keller, England, Waterside Mall, Ken Jones and Janice Wilhelm at their house, Boat trip out of Everglades City with the Masons(conducted by Frank and Georgia Garrett), Bridge at Safety Harbor, staying with Dave and Fran Wakely in Belleair, Dinner with the Masons, Don Janicek, and Ann Merrick @ Xafe Des Artistes, 42 foot sailboat outing from Ft Myers Beach Massachusetts Whitneys in Sudbury, New Room Addition Vermont Simon Pearce, New Killington Hotel, Dinner at Gralds, Holiday brunch at Nordmyers, Mike Masons hot tub, Katie Davison, Karla and family, Eric and family, Joanne Zeoli and new dog Toby, Mike Mason and two new Maine Coon Cats, Zach and Gray, Eclipse of moon, Xmas Eve @ Brecks, Katie Davison, Zach and Aleksey @ Xmas, Marble, then Albank, now Charter One in Rutland. Marble Valley Regional Transit Center in Rutland. The Whitneys @ Beebe and Killington. Brita Tate, Chris and Basi Zeoli. Sandy and Jamie Chapin. Amy and Doug. Others on New Years Eve at Sondergelds. Don and Caitlin in Hot Tub. Florida ACBL Regional at Peabody Hotel in Orlando and Anna Kuhns. Boat trip with Frank and Georgia Garrett. Manatees on Orange River. Corkscrew Swamp. Lovers Key. Evelyn Town. Dulcy and Richard Stark and Doris Bell. Florida Dinner at Gralds at Pelican Sound. Dinner with Mel and Elane Jacobs. Ken Jones. Gralds at art exhibit at Nature Conservancy. Eric Sondergeld at Doral in Miami and Anhinga Trail in Everglades. Evelyn Towne, May and Ken Jones, Janice Wilhelm. BZ and Zions and Alan and Ilse Stone at Andres Steak House. Vermont Masons and Zeolis Quebec Montreal, Mt Tremblant. Francois and Marie Vachon skiing. Montreal with Alan and Eva Breckenridge.

210. 2/2000-4/2000 Vermont Beebe Pond California Daly City with David, Shelley, Owen, and Kyle Sondergeld Donner Pass, Skiing with David Shelley, Owen, and Kyle Sondergeld, plus Karen, Duncan, Ryan, Sara, and Caotlin Whitney. Also visiting wit John, Jenny, and Chase Whitney, plus Wells Whitney and Ann Halsted, plus Ann's sister Mary and Dick Lonergan. Skiing at Homewood and Squaw Valley. Nevada Circus Circus with the Whitney Family Idaho Staying with Stan Joseph and seeing Woody and Marjorie Friedlander and Hugh and Phyllis Vanderventer and Lee and Joan Belshin and Fred , Janet, and Dina Greenman and Bud and Jean Aronson and Eli and Mary Dubrow.. Skiing with Jack Cowen (from San Diego), Yeltsin Okaya (seeing wife Sally), Dick Kreuger from Stowe, Jack (another airline pilot, Trudy from Germany, Ray and Dottie Brox, Yeltsin's house guest Lloyd(Orthodontist from Chicago and wife Kay) two doctors(originally from Italy) Benito and ?, Kirsten and Ned Lumpkin from Seattle, Bob and Joan Feldman (from Palm Springs) Vermont Beebe Pond with "Felix" (Caitlin's rabbit), Jody Zeoli VW Crash on Birch Road, Amy and Aleksey at Snowshed, The Whitneys at Killington, Eric, Cindy and Alexei at Beebe Pond. Florida Naples Dinner Theater with Janice Wilhelm, John and Jean Steffen North Carolina Principes in Durham. Erin is a baby, New Gardens Florida Grald's Motor Boat 9 9 March 26, 2015 Vermont Von Rhees, Brecks, Brostecks, and Jody Z for dinner, occurred before North Carolina Florida Orlando and Ft Lauderdale Ohio George & Pete Andrews in Oberlin. Bon & Janet Hetrick in Port Clinton. Ralph, Uncle Otto, Blanche & family, Nita & Joe Chambers, @ Uncle Lester's funeral Florida Laughing Gulls, Masons and Gralds in Key est and Dry Tortugas. Corkscrew Swamp 211. 5/2000-5/2000 Florida Masons and Gralds in Key West Equdor Quito Marriott, Hacienda, Tagua Nuts, Riobamba Train, Quito Marriott, Palane and canoe to Kapawi Ecological LOG Reserve in Amazon Rain Forest, Face Painting, Basket Weaving, Achuar Village, Quito Marriott, GALAPAGUS ISLANDS, Prom @ Marriott in Quito, Equator, Shopping in Otovalo, Marriott Hotel in Quito.

212. 5/2000-7/2000 Peru Lima, Cusco and beautiful Hotel Monasterio, Tour of Cusco, Fantastic Machu Picchu, Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel, Hummingbirds, Machu Picchu ruins and bus ride, terrific views, street scenes along the train tracks from restaurant, Hotel Monasterio in Cusco, Tour of Lima, (Vermont Flowers), Dolphin show at Hotel Los Delfines. New York Earls @ Liberty Eatery Vermont Jody Zeoli's birthday party at Sondergelds, Wolons and Zeolis at Fair Haven Inn, Hubbardton Historical Society Exhibit in Tunbridge, Justin Smith Morrill Homestead in Strafford, Dinner with Gralds @ Fox Stand Inn in Royalton, Massachusetts Whitneys in Sudbury Vermont Chester, Earls house is painted, Scully's deck, Whitneys, Magnos, Principes , Erics family, and Earls, Jenny Breckenridge, The Sheffields, Hilkers, Magician @ Lakeside in band with Whitneys and Magnos, Erin Principe, Whitneys at Castleton Playground, Tea Party, Sampras and Venus Williams are Wimbledon champs, 40th Anniversary Party @ Cooleys plus dinner @ Fair Haven Inn, ERRC Meeting @ Morans, Battle of Hubbardton

213. 7/2000-9/2000 Vermont R J's deck, Friedlanders and Contants at Vivtorian Inn, Aichers, Hellys, and Joe Muscatello at Wolons, Dinner @ Hemingways on 43rd wedding anniversary, Whitneys and neighbors in VT, David and family in VT, Hubbardton Battlefield, Amy, Mike and Teresa McLaud, Ida Jane Gallagher Croquet Tournament, Canada Geese, David S & Family at Lake House, Brita Tate in VT, Amy, Aleksey, David, Shelley in VT; Nate Town in VT; Dinner @ Dellamontes, Jazz with Brita at Carving Studio, Colonial Nie @ Town Hall Ontario: Kingston, Bill & Ruth Valliant, Ted Joseph, Bob Parlin, Gananoque Inn Vermont: Erin, Zach, David & Karla P New York: Crown Point Vermont: Mary Wolons, Jody Z, Carol Loud @ Brecks, Sudbury Church, Jack & Bev Grald's flower bed, Barb c, Zeolis, & John P at dinner Mass: Student Prince Restaurant (Fort) Connecticut: 103 Meadowbrook in W Hartford Vermont: Zach, Moran's cocktail Party, Taking out the float, RJ Contant's BUNKER, Tracy & family, VT State Fair (Pig Race & Zach on tractors), Amtrack in Fair Haven, Tracy Contant and family, Zach and Erin New York Crown Point Bridge, Jail 100 March 26, 2015 Ontario Ottawa River, Parliament, Rideau Canal, Market Vermont Sudbury cows, Bruce & Megan and family, Whitneys New York US Open Vemont Bruce & Megan, John Principe Connecticut Amy and Eric and family, Amy's house in W Hartford Vermont Debbie's wedding in GRAFTON, Omi Stern in Burlington, Quebec Manoir St Sauveur, Deana, Marie, and Jacques; Street scenes New York Westport, Crown Point Bridg Vermont Removing Mike Mason's 100 and 75 foot pine trees, Ann Bove on Sonar, Pat Curry's remodeling, Rt 30 wetland filling, Hubbardton Battlefield. New York Barb Philpet, June Dorion, Mike Rogers @ Lake George, Vermont: Newfane Connecticut: 64 Ferncrest Vermont: Roy Elden and his addition. Tree removal at Kaminsky's. Addition at former Von Rhee's. Susie Reck and the Contant "bunker". Quebec: At Piano's in Montreal. New York: Bridge with Charles Coffin in Kerhonkson

214. Misc 2000 - 12/2000 Vermont: Karl, David, Amy, Eric iv VT in summer. California: Miscellaneous pictures from September 2000 Vermont: Removing trees on Birch Road. ERRC, Roy Elden's addition, Connecticut: Amy, Eric, Jeff Harris Vermont: Leslie's in Rockingham, Mass: Brita and Old Broads at Wellfleet on Cape Cod Florida: Dave and Fran Wakely in Venice, HS Marching Bands, NBTC, Grald's boat, David & family and Ralph in Naples, Amy, Karla, Eric, and Karen in Naples. Don's 70th birthday celebration at NBTC. Boat trip to Keywaydin Island with family, Ralph, Stan and Harriet and Woody and Margery. Dinner with Janice Wilhelm and Ken Jones. At The Rod and Gun Club in Everglades City. North Car Thanksgiving with Karla, David, Zach, and Erin Principe. Duke Gardens. Florida: Gralds @ Corkscrew Swamp. Ken & Janice @ 42nd Street, Shopping @ Waterside Crossing with Florence Mason and Janice Wilhelm. Vermont: Krakauer Foundation, Don skiing @ Killington and Pico, Woody and Margery @ Victorian Inn in Wallingford, Moscow Boy's Choir, pat Curry's remodeling. Mass Karen's in Sudbury Connecticut: Amy's in W Hartford. Vermont: Brunch @ Nordmeyer's. Earl's @ Fair Haven Inn. Xmas Eve @ Breck's. Amy and Aleksey on Christmas. At Contant's.

215. 12/2000-3/2001 North Carolina: Misc pictures of Zach and Erin Vermont: Carol Loud in summer Vermont: Brita Tate, Amy and Aleksey, New Year's Eve. Florida: Dave and Fran Wakely in Clearwater, Rhoda Babcock Bannon, Walter and Jean Creitz, Naples Dinner Theater, Canoeing with Manatees, Earls @ Café De Artiste, Dale CHIHULY Glass Exhibit at new Naples Art Museum. Evelyn @ The Dining Room at the Ritz in Naples. Steve And Sandy Earl, and Dave Landers at Ft Myers Beach. Dulc and Richard Stark and Doris Bell. Vermont Snow. Pat Curry's Addition at Beebe Pond. California Fall and Winter Pictures of David etc at Daly City and Homewood Ski Area. Vermont Sudbury Church, Denis and Helene Cote. Connecticut Amy's Office and Guest Bedroom repainted. Ed Babcock.

101 March 26, 2015 Vermont Chester, Okemo, Bavarian Castle. Fishing Derby at Bomoseen. Ray and Kathy White's house at Beebe. Amy and Karen T Beebe. Whitneys at Dog Team Tavern in Middlebury. Whitneys at Killington. California Daly City. Lake Tahoe (Homewood Ski Area). Nevada Circus Circus in Reno. California Alpine Meadows and Homewood Vermont MUCH SNOW Schweiss Cornavin Hotel in Geneva, Dinner at "l Evidence",Don and the Alpenhorn France Christianna Hotel in Val d Isere, La Grande Ourse Restaurant, Fondue @ La Vielle Maisson, Expensive dinner @ Le Chalet Du Cret. Hotel Varenne on Bourgogne in PARIS, Ile De La Cite and Conciergie, Carrosel, Musee d Orsay, Signac Exhibit, Eiffel Tower, LIDO

216. 3/2001-3/2001 France Napoleon's Tomb, Opera House, Musee Marmottan Monet, La Petite Cour Restaurant Spain Paradore Hondarribia (Super), Bilbao and the Guggenheim, Hotel Lopez de Haro, Bilbao bus trip, Lunch @ El Caserio in Suances, Paradore Gil Blas in Santillana del Mar, New Airport in Bilbao. Potugal Visited Pousada Gastelo de Alcacer do Sal for lunch , Hotel Vivenda Miranda (Germans) in Lagos, Visited Pousada De Sagres in Sagres, Visited St Vincente, lunced @ Pousada Fortaleza Do Beliche, Dolly Schlingensiepen at Casa Tres Palmeiras for 2 nites, Fantastic lunch at Vila Joya in Praia de Gale in Albufeira 217. 3/2001-6/2001 Portugal Sailboat trip, Lunch at Alcacar, Stayed at 400 year old castle in Setubal New York Flying over Manhattan Vermont LOTS OF SNOW AGAIN. Florida Masons and Dellamontes, New Art Museum, Naples Princess Vermont US Air over Beebe, Music in Brandon Florida Gralds and Masons at Gralds, Don Janicek and Anne Merrick's new house, Ken Jones and Janice Wilhelm, Naples Beach. Vermont Zeolis and John Principe, Mike Mason's new retaining wall for his patio. New York Noonmark, Mt Marcy, Lake Placid Ontario Ottawa(Ida Riddell, Deanna Goh, Doug Brenner, Marie France Benoit, and Barh Hastings), Downtown Ottawa, Car Accident New York High Falls Park Vermont Keeler Bay Lilies in S Hero, Gralds Masons, and Zeolis at Wheel Inn in Benson, Amy, Mason's new retaining wall. New York Stan and Harriet Joseph @ The Full Monty Delaware Shipley's "Rockwood" mansion, Penn Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square Delaware DuPont Hotel, John Contant Rehearsal Dinner at former Governor's Mansion, NEMOURS, Hagley Museum, John and Betsey's wedding, Delaware Art Museum in Wilmington Penn At John and Betty Moran's in Bethlehem Vermont Kathy and Raymond White's house Connecticut Amy's Patio, Eric, Cindy, Alexei, and Helen Bednarz

218. 6/2001-8/2001 New York Bridge at Saratoga Springs Mass Shopping in Framingham, Whitney's in Sudbury, Cape Cod 102 March 26, 2015 New York Niagara Falls Ontario Niagara on the Lake, Niagara Falls, Maid of the Mist, Skylon Tower Ohio George and Pete Andrews in Oberlin, Ralph and June Sondergeld on Kellys Island, Dulcy Stark, Otto and Bruce Kinsel, Oak Harbor Cemetery, Bob and Janet Hetrick, Ralph and June in sandusky, Ferry from Sandusky to Pelee Island Ontario and then to mainland Ontario. Ontario Best Western in London, Tall Ships and Canada Day in Kingston, Lunch and Thousand Islands trip in Gananoque. Mass June pictures at Karen's in Sudbury Connecticut Alexei Sondergeld, Waldo, Amy and Aleksey Vermont Lupine and Lilies, Mary Earl and family, Concert and fireworks at Crystal Beach, Pot Luck dinner at Mason's, Reenactment of Battle of Hubbardton, Mason's flowers. John Moran's stone wall, Breckenridge family and ERRC meeting, Cris Zeoli removing trees. Ontario Toronto Vermont Flowers, Otter Creek Falls in Brandon,Anniversary Dinner at Victorian Inn, Mr. Ups in Middlebury, John Principe at Lake House, Mason Family at concert in Castleton, Principes arrive from NC, David sondergeld and family, Karen and family, Amy and Aleksey, Eric and family, Family picture, Krakauer/White house, Train ride Charlotte to Burlington Turtles @ Dellamontes Pasta Fajul dinner, John, David, and Katie Principe, Megan Donahue Roarick and family New York Concert on lawn in Waestport Quebec Champlain bridge, Barb Hastins and KO team, Laval Sheraton, St Rose in Laval, Lawn Bowling in Montreal, Old Montreal California Old pictures of San Francisco and skiing at Homewood North Carolina Old pictures of Zach and Erin

219. 8/2001- New Jersey John Earl and Julie Katz Rehearsal Dinner at Glen Ridge CC 14 Heller Drive REMODELED New York Met Museum of Fine Art, Parker Meridien Hotel, John Earl and Julie Katz Wedding at Russian Tea Room, Naked Cowboy, Kiss Me Kate Connecticut Amy, Eric, Lou, Ilse Aleksey's first bus trip to school Mass Pittsford and Williamstown Vermont Victorian Inn in Wallingford, Whitneys on Rope Swing, ((Anna Towne DeMateo; and Ruglands in Alaska)Earl family, John Moran's rock wall, New York Crown Poinr Bridge, Camels Hump from Westport Ottawa Parliament, Vermont John and Connie Towne, low water at Beebe, Pritchards, Warren Kimbles in Brandon, Mt Independence, Quebec St Sauveur, Carlo Pisano, Vermont S Hero on Grand Isle, Keeler Bay Lilies, New Dry Well at Earls, Mary in Middlebury Masss Maze at an Orchard, Karen's 42nd birthday in Sudbury Vermont Gralds, Bill Beckers farewell bridge tournament Quebec Old Quebec City, Barb Hastings, Mike Young, Serge, Deanna Goh, Marie Falardeau, 15 year old Jean Francois Evrard Vermont Ferry from Plattsburg to South Hero, Fall @ Beebe Pond, Russ Fish & Bette Long(mother was a Hanley), Amy, Waldo, & Aleksey New York Hudson Vallet Resort in Kerhonkson, Alaskan Huskies, Huguenot's houses in New Paltz, MOHONK Mountain House, Courtney Nelson, Raymond White house at Beebe, Florida DuRaMa, Turner River Road, Rod & Gun Club in Everglades City, Dulcy and sand sculptures at Ft Myers Beach, Janice Wilhelm, Jean steffen and her twin sister, Connecticut Race, Amy, Eric 103 March 26, 2015 Florida`` Jan & Georgia Pollnow, Women's Team Tennis, Connecticut Amy, Eric on Thanksgiving, Amy Eric, Karen and families at Sturbridge Village in Mass, Aleksey on school bus Florida` Naples Bridge Center Christmas party North Carolina Principes, Life and Science Museum in Durham, Museum in Greensboro, Parade in Greensboro, Vermont Schneeweiss house, Crystal Beach New York Broadway Inn with Friedlanders, Ground Zero, SOHO, Times Square, Metropolitam, Neue Galerie, Top of Marriott Marquis 220. 1/2002-4/2002 Vermont Schneeweiss house framed up on Beebe, Cooley's, Ann Holland's house on cribbing, @ Brostecks, Eric and Amy in VT, Friedlanders at Brecks Xmas Eve, Amy and Aleksey on Xmas, Sandy Chapin and pinata New Year's Eve Florida Ed Bernstei, Jim and Linda Hansell and Peter and Linda Bouyeau and Gene and Lucette Flanagan at Peabody in Orlando, Josephs and Stones at Stonebridge in Naples, Jacobs etc at NBTC, Evelyn Towne, Joan Hausmann at beach, Dave and Fran Wakely Vermont Sudbury church, John Principe at Zeolis, Contants and Brecks at Fair Haven Inn Connecticut Eric and family, Hartford scenes Vermont Amy and Aleksey ice skating California John and Jenny and Karen and Duncan Whitney, Norma and Neil Gordon, David and Shelly Sondergeld at Chinquipin at Tahoe City on Lake Tahoe. Skiing at Squaw Valley, alpine Meadows, and Homewood. Nevada Reno Utah S L City airport Idaho Stan, Harriet, Rich, and Maggie Joseph. Jack and Lois Cowens, Woody and Marge Friedlander, Andre and Claudine Saloma. Bob and Joan Feldman, Lee and Joan Belshin, Ray Brox, Maria, Lance, Kristin, and Pete. Raphael and Guido. Vermont Beebe Pond outlet, Wolons, Schneeweiss house after sheetrocking, White's, Green Mountain Festival in Poultney. Raymond White sing to the Barkers, Turners, and Sondergelds, Florida New house at NBTC, Earls at Cote D' Azur, C orkscrew Swamp, Sunset, Homecoming at NBT, Mel Jacobs, Bev Grald, Jack and Jean Seward, Ken Jones A& Janice Wilhelm, Evelyn Towne, Dulcy and Doris at La Playa, Grand Opening at NBTC, Le Bistro, Don at Ft Lauderdale Beach and Boat Bus trip, Swimming and Diving meet. 221. 4/2002-5/2002 Arizona Sunset & sunrise at the south rim of the Grand Canyon, flight over and Bright Angel Lodge, Oak Creek Canyon to Sedona, Phoenix Desert Botanical Garden, New Mexico Bosque Del Aapache Natural Wildlife Refuge, Brita Tate and Pick Up Truck, Albuquerque to Santa Fe and Mary Sarty. Georgia O Keefe and Cochiti Reservation. Florida Mel Jacobs bean soup, Naples to Orlando, Amy and Aleksey on Amtrack, Disneyworld's Magic Kingdom, Cirque du Soleil, Discovery Cove swimming with dolphins, Sea World, Disney's Animal Kingdom, Principe's at Corkscrew Swamp, on Gordon river to Keywaydin Island, on Naples Pier, with Kirsten Tate at Bonita Beach, at Turtle Club, at HB's on the Gulf, at the Beach. Steve Earl andd Eileen Golden at her penthouse, Bleu Provence Restaurant, and at Earl's villa in Wyndemere. Vermont Pauline's Restaurant. Masons, Gralds, and Zeolis at Fair Haven Inn. Doors at Lake House. Schneeweiss house. Tulips and daffodils at Beebe Pond. Dinner with Friedlanders at Victorian Inn in Wallingford. Connecticut At Amy's and Eric's in CT. Ontario Kingston with Barb Hastings, Andre Chartrand, Mike Young, Serge Chevalier, and Robert . Beach Volleyball in Kingston. Connecticut Old Broads. Bob and Sue Andrews. Aleksey and Alexei. House in Farmington Massachusetts Whitneys 104 March 26, 2015 California David, Shelley, Owen, and Kyle. Pier 39.Buca di Beppo Restaurant in SF. Sausalito, McCallum House Inn in Mendocino. Mendocino Botanical Gardens in Ft Bragg. Chandelier Redwood Tree. Benbow Inn in Garberville. Trinidad and Elk. 222. 6/2002- 7/2002 Oregon Jet Boat thru Hellgate on Rogue River in Grant's Pass. Dinner at R Haus. BEAUTIFUL Crater Lake. Umpqua Lighthouse in Reedsport. Dune Buggy ride in Florence. Sea Lion Cave. Hecerta Head Lighthouse. Bay House Restaurant in Lincoln City. Cape Meares Lighthouse. Cheese Factory in Tillamook. Portland Rose Gardens. Mt Hood and Timberline L:odge. Salmon Ladders on the Columbia River. Bonneville Dam. Wakeena and other Waterfalls. Portland Classical Chinese Gardens. Dinner at Café des Amis. New York Bridge: Saratoga Springs. Louise and Robert T. Jim Thomas. Vermont Phil and Joe Rollman remodeling the Gustafson House, Mass Whitneys in Sudbury. Don and Bill Mmartzloff playing bridge in Sturbridge. Vermont Juniper Hill Antiques on Rt 73. Amy and Aleksey at Lake House. Concert in Castleton. June and Red Dorion. Vermont Garden Tour. Cathy Aicher. Betty Phelps. Don, Mary, and Whitneys at Lake House. Middlebury. Whitneys at Dog Team. Gettung hay for battle at Chris Zeoli's. Sally and Bob Cuttings and Whitney families watching fireworks at Crystal Beach. Whitney's in VT. Lake Assoc Pot Luck at Masons. Hubbardton Battle 225th anniversary. Sondergelds and Morans in Dorset for dinner and theater. ERRC lilies. Home Depot opening in Rutland. John Principe and sister Mary and in law Jeff. WashingtonDC Bridge Tournament at Marriott. Jean Seward. Kate.

223. 8/2002-10/2002 Vermont Family at Beebe, Walmart, Starting new pond, Anne Gilcher is 95. Don and Mary's 45 Wedding anniversary celebration in Middlebury. RJ Contant, John and Connie and Don at ERRC. Whitneys and Sondergelds at: Lake House, Camels's Hump, and Snowflake Bentley in Jerocho. Family at Beebe. Construction of Don's new ponds. Trip to Gardens and Trapp Family Lodge. Vermont History Center in Barre. Montreal City and Bridge Tournament. Larry Friedman, Paddy Guthro, Directors, Serge Chevalier, Mike Young, Marie France Benoit, Claude Tremblay.

Vermont Ferry from Plattsburg, Brandon Waterfalls and Park, Wild Women and their Chapeaus at Beebe Pond, ERRC Meeting, Earls and Joe at Victorian Inn in Wallingford, Karen in VT, Planting more day lilies, Party at Morans (Terry and Allison White were there), Amy and Aleksey, Accident across from ER Country Store, Low water at dam on Beebe, Auction on Monument Hill road, Middlebury, Eva in Burlington, Fire and Ice, Don's new ponds, Gray Boy, Blue/Gree Algae, Chris Zeoli removing pine trees and branches at Sondergelds, Zeoli Dogs: Sambo & Hiltz. , Concert at Paramount, Phil Rollman's toilet. Connecticut Amy and James. Eric, Cindy, Alexei, and Helen. Vermont Crystal Beach, Guilford Info Center, Don's ponds, Phil Rollman, Hubbardton Historical Society Hayride to E Hubbardton Cemetery, Pleasant ?View Cemetery, Cris Zeoli at Dellamonte's, Dinner at Mason's/ Massachusetts Brita at Karen's,Mount Auburn Cemetery, Karen's Birthday, Playing pool and dancing, Karen's potential 3rd floor bathroom. Quebec/Ottawa Hilton, Casino,Ottawa New York Ferry at Ti, Bridge in Kerhonkson, Student Prince Restaurant, Inn at Stone Ridge (Hasbrouck House) Vermont October colors at Beebe Pond, HIGH POND SKI AREA, Hubbardton town Hall, Zeoli's Garage, Florence Mason and Jodi Zeoli atFair Haven Inn, Snow in Ludlow. Massachusetts The Whitneys and Evelyn Towne in Sudbury and at SOA meeting at Kennedy Center and Boston Marriott (Baqrb Lautzenheiser, Eric S, Jim Trimble, Jan & Georgia Pollnow, Tom Herget, Mo Chambers. 105 March 26, 2015

224. 11/2002-??/2003

Florida Elane and Mel Jacobs & Monica Bart Riley @ NBTC, LaPlaya Restaurant with Bev and Jack Grald, Japanese Gardens near Del Ray Beach, Friedlanders and Josephs', Ed and Dot Von Rhee, Frank and Kay Scanlon, Ed Potrykus, Steve and Sandy Earl, Turner river Road, Rod and Gun Club in everglades City, Dinner with Mel and Elane Jacobs at Macaronis. Massachusetts Thanksgiving with Karen, Allison and Terry White. Also Amy and James, Eric and Cindy, Peter and Deb, Annette. Vermont Friedlanders and Josephs at Fair Haven Inn. Roy Elden, Gralds, and dellamontes at Okemo. New York New York City with Woody and Marjorie Friedlander, and the Earls at Algonquin Hotel on Steve's 69th birthday. Vermont Skiing with Roy Elden @ Okemo. Brostek’s party. Chris Zeoli TV tree work @ Sondergelds and Brecks. Xmas Eve @ Brecks. Christmas with Amy and Aleksey. Tubing on Principes drive. Dinnere with Brecks, Joanie Imperato’s dog, Zeolis Garage, Sudbury Church, Delanceys house on Echo Lake. Cabaret at Paramount Theater in Rutland (Terrific) (Thanksgiving pictures in Sudbury, MA and Winslow, Maine.

Florida Allison and Terry White @ Harry and Cappy Cumpstons. North Carolina Principes Florida Corkscrew Swamp. Joe and Mary Wolons. Corkscrew Swamp. Alan & Ilse Stone,Bonita Art Show. Von Rhees and Masons and Sheffields and Gralds in Sarasota. Sewards’ and Marx’ in Naples. The “Burton” twins: Dulcy and Doris in Ft Myers. World Tennis. Vermont Stone Houses in Chester and Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, MA Connecticut Don and Susie Petrocelli. John Berry, Barb Fitx-Gerald, and Bernice Gilman (New Bronze Life Master), Waldo, Amy, Aleksey, and James. Two feet of new snow, Sandy Sloan, Sandy Hammer, Courtney Nelson and Lynne Omstead (New Life Master). Vermont 45th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY PICTORES FROM 8/2002 Vermont Broken Skylight in sun Room Florida Mary in Camp Run-A-Muck, Serena Williams and Monica Seles at NBTC, Earls and I Golden, Keywadin Island, New Libe in Naples, Art Burton and Dulcy, Mary and the granddaughters having afternoon tea at the Ritz, Alliso Demitteo and family in Naples NorthCarolina New porch and new dog at Principes British Columbia Ferry from Port Hardy to Prince Rupert, fabulous Wickininnish Inn in Tofino. # 11 Rudesheim Heidelberg Hochteufel and Hollander Hof Freiberg Victoria Hotel Lindau Hotel Kochlin Garmisch Pension Neuner Igls Pension Zitt Berchesgarden Hans Walmoos(outside) Salzburg Goldener Ente Hotel

106 March 26, 2015


Folder PATH listing Volume serial number is 0007EE48 F848:B571 C:. ├───#01 Ending 2003.07.04 │ ├───2003.02.20 Amy in CT Karen Skiing │ ├───2003.04.11 Karen in FL & Key Largo │ ├───2003.04.30 Vt and FL │ ├───2003.05.11 Hubbardton VT │ ├───2003.06.16 CT and VT │ ├───2003.06.17 Beebe Flowers │ ├───2003.06.17 San Fran │ ├───2003.06.21 British Columbia │ ├───2003.06.28 British Columbia │ ├───2003.07.02 BC & VT │ └───2003.07.04 Fourth of July ├───#02 Ending 2003.12.19 │ └───Adobe │ ├───Digital Camera Photos │ ├───Outgoing E-mail Attachments │ └───Scanned Photos ├───#03 Ending 2004.03.18 │ ├───2003.09.20 Erin & Zach │ ├───2003.12.22 Amy & Karla + Erin & Zach in Sept │ ├───2003.12.25 Amy 2 │ │ └───2003.12.25 Amy │ ├───2003.12.25 Xmas in CA │ ├───2003.12.29 Christmas + │ │ └───2003.12.29 Christmas │ ├───2003.12.31 New Year's Eve │ ├───2004.01.31 Florida │ ├───2004.02.05 SNOW │ ├───2004.02.07 Greenman's │ ├───2004.02.09 Alan Breck is 70 │ ├───2004.02.14 Ilse Krisst │ ├───2004.02.21 Turners & Duct Relocation │ ├───2004.02.23 Gallery in the Field │ │ └───2004.02.23 Gallery in Brandon │ ├───2004.02.29 Montreal Bridge │ └───2004.03.18 Don in CA │ └───2004 Don in CA in March │ ├───1 Dave fly │ ├───2 Boat trip plus │ └───3 Safari plus ├───#04 Ending 2004.06.08 │ ├───2004.03.28 Reno Bridge │ ├───2004.04.04 Masons Party │ ├───2004.05.01 CA & FL │ ├───2004.05.02 FL Condo │ ├───2004.05.04 VT Daffodils │ ├───2004.05.05 Ireland 1 │ ├───2004.05.08 Ireland 2 │ ├───2004.05.13 Ireland 3 │ ├───2004.05.16 Spring Flowers │ ├───2004.05.24 Kingston & Toby (Well) │ ├───2004.05.27 ERRC │ └───2004.06.08 Earls & Morans

107 March 26, 2015 ├───#05 Ending 2004.08.08 │ ├───2004.06.10 Flowers at Beebe │ ├───2004.06.19 Evelyn is 80 │ ├───2004.06.21 ERRC │ ├───2004.06.24 Dave CT │ ├───2004.06.25 Dave VT │ ├───2004.06.26 A Pre 70th │ ├───2004.06.26 Amy's Pics │ ├───2004.06.26 B Dave's Pics │ ├───2004.06.26 C Don's Pics │ ├───2004.06.26 CD Show at Party │ │ └───pix for nana │ ├───2004.06.28 Battlefield │ ├───2004.07.04 Griswold Peak & High Point │ ├───2004.07.07 Quilt & Sara's Bday │ ├───2004.07.11 Eagle Rock Hike │ ├───2004.07.21 Battlefield Hike │ ├───2004.07.24 Flowers at Beebe │ ├───2004.07.26 Karens Table │ ├───2004.08.02 Heron │ ├───2004.08.05 Dellamonte's │ ├───2004.08.07 Amy at Martha Vineyard │ ├───2004.08.07 Wolons 70th │ └───2004.08.08 Burdock Festival ├───#06 Ending 2004.12.13 │ ├───2004.08.00 VT Grandchildren │ ├───2004.08.20 Amy's House │ ├───2004.08.21 ERRC Annl Mtg │ ├───2004.08.22 Karen Democrat │ ├───2004.08.24 Granville Slate │ ├───2004.08.28 Riverside Farm PITTSFIELD │ ├───2004.09.03 Whitney's @ Mr Ups │ ├───2004.09.04 Andie Earl │ ├───2004.09.05 Amy & Aleksey │ ├───2004.09.08 Abelson Grald │ ├───2004.09.10 Ottawa │ ├───2004.09.11 Amy & Michelle │ ├───2004.09.17 Beebe Beaver │ ├───2004.09.18 Mnts VT & NY │ ├───2004.09.19 MapleGroveLeGassesAdams │ ├───2004.09.20 Vail House in Sudbury VT │ ├───2004.09.21 Jim & Lilian Sheren │ ├───2004.09.23 Contant Pine │ ├───2004.09.24 Beaver Dam on Beebe │ ├───2004.09.26 Manchester&Whipple Hollow │ ├───2004.09.28 Howard Dean │ ├───2004.09.29 Echo Lake & Erin's Pics │ ├───2004.09.30 VT Kitchen │ ├───2004.10.01 Benson & Mt Independence │ ├───2004.10.02 Poultney Beebe Echo │ ├───2004.10.09 OTTAWA │ ├───2004.10.10 Day Lillies Gardeners Supply │ ├───2004.10.11 Amy & Aleksey │ ├───2004.10.15 Bald Mt West Haven VT │ ├───2004.10.16 BillSteele80AmyVT │ ├───2004.10.24 Amy's Lights │ ├───2004.10.25 Andrea Mead Lawrence │ ├───2004.10.26 Earl's Remodeling │ ├───2004.10.29 Witch at NBTC │ ├───2004.11.13 Sanibel Island │ ├───2004.11.15 Ft Myers Sand Sculptures │ ├───2004.11.18 Orlando Marriott │ ├───2004.11.25 Thanksgiving 108 March 26, 2015 │ ├───2004.12.02 Golden Gate Parkway │ ├───2004.12.03 FLORIDA │ ├───2004.12.05 VT Alpaca & Trees │ ├───2004.12.07 Earls Windows │ ├───2004.12.08 NY City │ ├───2004.12.10 Amy's │ ├───2004.12.12 Karen's │ └───2004.12.13 VT ├───#07 Ending 2005.02.28 │ ├───2004.12.18 Harriet J │ ├───2004.12.20 Nordmeyer Holiday Brunch │ ├───2004.12.21 │ ├───2004.12.22 Brostek Xmas Party │ ├───2004.12.24 Jared Contant │ ├───2004.12.24 Xmas Eve │ ├───2004.12.25 Xmas │ ├───2004.12.27 Ralph Carbo Eagle Rock Camp │ ├───2004.12.29 Whitney & Magno │ ├───2004.12.30 Ice Skating │ ├───2004.12.30 Restaurant Fire & Ice │ ├───2004.12.31 New Years Eve │ ├───2005.01.01 Aleksey Ice Skating │ ├───2005.01.01 Elden's Party │ ├───2005.01.02 Aleksey and Waldo │ ├───2005.01.22 FL │ │ └───2005.02.01 FL │ ├───2005.02.01 FL │ ├───2005.02.03 VT │ ├───2005.02.05 VT to ID │ ├───2005.02.06 Sun Valley Joseph Condo │ ├───2005.02.07 Joseph House │ ├───2005.02.08 Friedlanders House │ ├───2005.02.09 Mike Murphy │ ├───2005.02.10 Sun Valley People │ ├───2005.02.11 Sun Valley Skiing │ ├───2005.02.12 Sun Valley to Boise │ ├───2005.02.15 Vt Kitchen │ ├───2005.02.22 Vt Whitneys │ ├───2005.02.23 Killington │ ├───2005.02.24 Killington │ ├───2005.02.25 Karen Skiing VT │ ├───2005.02.25 Pico │ └───2005.02.28 Hubbardton Town Meeting ├───#08 Italy Alpha Beta Gamma │ ├───Alpha Italy │ ├───Beta Italy │ └───Gamma Italy ├───#09 Italy Details May 2005 │ ├───2005.05.06 Palermo Alpha │ ├───2005.05.07 Palermo Alpha │ ├───2005.05.08 Erice Alpha │ ├───2005.05.09 Agrigento Alpha │ ├───2005.05.09 Agrigento Beta │ ├───2005.05.10 Siracusa Beta │ ├───2005.05.11 MazzaroTaormina Beta │ ├───2005.05.12 Maratea Beta │ ├───2005.05.13 Sorrento Gamma │ ├───2005.05.14 Amalfi Coast Gamma │ ├───2005.05.15 Pompei & Vesuvius Gamma │ ├───2005.05.16 Capri Gamma │ ├───2005.05.17 Herculaneum Gamma │ ├───2005.05.18 Naples Gamma │ ├───2005.05.19 Sorrento Gamma 109 March 26, 2015 │ ├───2005.05.20 Roma Gamma │ └───2005.05.21Boston Gamma ├───#10 Ending 2005.07.12 │ ├───2005.03.01 Amy's Chocolate Party │ ├───2005.03.01 Snow Butterfly │ ├───2005.03.03 Washing Machine & Kitchen │ ├───2005.03.05 Whitneys │ ├───2005.03.06 Elizabeth and Bill Snowshoeing Ganson Hill │ ├───2005.03.09 Kitchen │ ├───2005.03.09 Snow │ ├───2005.03.15 Mary in SF │ ├───2005.03.20 Killington │ ├───2005.03.23 Funeral Clothes │ ├───2005.04.01 Orlando Bridge │ ├───2005.04.12 Corkscrew with Gralds │ ├───2005.04.13 Buca de Beppas │ ├───2005.04.15 Florida │ ├───2005.04.17 FL Karen & Amy │ ├───2005.04.18 Miami Seaquarium │ ├───2005.04.19 Key Largo │ ├───2005.04.20 Jean Mulvihill │ ├───2005.04.20 Michelbobs Karen Amy │ ├───2005.04.20 Mourning Doves │ ├───2005.04.21 Corkscrew Karen │ ├───2005.04.21 LaPlaya w Karen Amy │ ├───2005.05.01 Naples & Port Royal │ ├───2005.05.04 Principe Dafodills │ ├───2005.05.05 Beebe Pond │ ├───2005.05.22 Erics House │ ├───2005.05.29 Memorial Day Weekend │ ├───2005.06.05 Earls Flowers │ ├───2005.06.05 Earls Garage │ ├───2005.06.05 Earls Lab │ ├───2005.06.06 PrincipesCatConcert │ ├───2005.06.07 TV & Drywell │ ├───2005.06.10 Principe House Lake Beebe │ ├───2005.06.11 Mary is 70 │ ├───2005.06.13 TURTLES │ ├───2005.06.18 Sidney Hilker │ ├───2005.06.19 Loging on 60 Acres on Rt 30 │ ├───2005.06.20 Austin Pond & Chandlers │ ├───2005.06.21 Earling at Castleton Concert │ ├───2005.06.22 Mt Zion │ ├───2005.06.23 Chandler and Navin │ ├───2005.06.24 Sturbridge MA │ ├───2005.06.30 Thad Poremski │ ├───2005.07.01 ERRC │ ├───2005.07.01 Hubbardton │ ├───2005.07.01 Jon Julie Andy Earl │ ├───2005.07.02 Lake Association Pot Luck │ ├───2005.07.03 Bonfire │ ├───2005.07.04 Karen's Pictures of VT │ ├───2005.07.06 Lights │ ├───2005.07.07 Sol Holt Hemenways Dinner │ ├───2005.07.09 Bomo + Fire and Ice │ ├───2005.07.10 Amy's Fence │ ├───2005.07.10 Hubbardton to Middlebury │ └───2005.07.12 Delamonte Turtle Party ├───#11 Ending 2005.09.17 │ ├───2005.07.12 Milfoil Masons Flowers │ ├───2005.07.12 Samantha │ ├───2005.07.13 High Pond Trail │ ├───2005.07.15 Ilya 110 March 26, 2015 │ ├───2005.07.20 NY NJ CT VT │ ├───2005.08.02 Atlanta & Flowers │ ├───2005.08.03 Dunmore, Leicester, Sudbury │ ├───2005.08.03 Karen, Amy, Karla in CT │ ├───2005.08.04 Earls Window & Door │ ├───2005.08.04 Swimming │ ├───2005.08.04 Tavern Dog Team │ ├───2005.08.04 Tavern Dog Team Small │ ├───2005.08.06 Beebe Flowers │ ├───2005.08.06 Beebe Waterfront │ ├───2005.08.06 Cameron McLaud @Hollands │ ├───2005.08.07 Turtle │ ├───2005.08.07 Whitney Girls │ ├───2005.08.08 Earls Reconstruction │ ├───2005.08.09 Karlas Pictures │ ├───2005.08.14 Canadian Sunset │ ├───2005.08.14 Karla in VT │ ├───2005.08.16 Earls Work │ ├───2005.08.18 Fair Haven Inn │ ├───2005.08.20 ERRC │ ├───2005.08.23 Castleton Concert │ ├───2005.08.26 Lake House Dinner │ ├───2005.08.26 Snake Eating Frog │ ├───2005.08.26 Swimming │ ├───2005.08.27 Rollman Footings for Dock │ ├───2005.08.29 Earls │ ├───2005.08.29 Erin Kindergarden │ ├───2005.08.29 Rollman │ ├───2005.08.29 Sondergeld Basement │ ├───2005.08.30 Amy, Aleksey and LIMRA │ ├───2005.09.05 Labor Day Weekend │ ├───2005.09.06 Earls Second Satellite Dish │ ├───2005.09.07 Green Camp on Rt 30 │ ├───2005.09.10 Benson Pond, Amy at Bomo, Driveway Garden │ ├───2005.09.10 Eva is 70 │ ├───2005.09.11 Amy & Aleksey on Eagle Rock │ ├───2005.09.12 Aleksey and French Horn │ ├───2005.09.14 Earls Tree │ ├───2005.09.14 Samantha & Hot Tub Repair │ ├───2005.09.16 Delancey Clear Cut │ └───2005.09.17 Bennington Battle ├───#11.1 KARLA 2005.05.04 to 2006.01.09 │ ├───2003.07.07 Karla too │ ├───2003.09.20 Erin & Zach │ ├───2003.12.22 Amy & Karla + Erin & Zach in Sept │ ├───2003.12.25 Amy 2 │ │ └───2003.12.25 Amy │ ├───2004.06.24 Dave CT │ ├───2004.06.25 Dave VT │ ├───2004.06.26 A Pre 70th │ ├───2004.06.26 Amy's Pics │ ├───2004.06.26 B Dave's Pics │ ├───2004.06.26 C Don's Pics │ ├───2004.06.26 CD Show at Party │ │ └───pix for nana │ ├───2004.06.28 Battlefield │ ├───2004.08.00 VT Grandchildren │ ├───2004.08.20 Amy's House │ ├───2004.08.21 ERRC Annl Mtg │ ├───2004.09.17 Beebe Beaver │ ├───2004.09.24 Beaver Dam on Beebe │ ├───2004.11.25 Thanksgiving │ ├───2005.05.04 Principe Dafodills 111 March 26, 2015 │ ├───2005.08.04 Tavern Dog Team │ ├───2005.08.04 Tavern Dog Team Small │ ├───2005.08.06 Beebe Waterfront │ ├───2005.08.09 Karlas Pictures │ ├───2005.08.14 Karla in VT │ ├───2005.08.26 Snake Eating Frog │ ├───2005.08.29 Erin Kindergarden │ ├───2005.09.21 Zach at Dentist │ ├───2005.10.31 Principe Tree │ └───2006.01.09 Finger ├───#11.1 KARLA 5.04.2005 to 1.09.2006 │ ├───2003.07.07 Karla too │ ├───2003.09.20 Erin & Zach │ ├───2003.12.22 Amy & Karla + Erin & Zach in Sept │ ├───2003.12.25 Amy 2 │ │ └───2003.12.25 Amy │ ├───2004.06.24 Dave CT │ ├───2004.06.25 Dave VT │ ├───2004.06.26 A Pre 70th │ ├───2004.06.26 Amy's Pics │ ├───2004.06.26 B Dave's Pics │ ├───2004.06.26 C Don's Pics │ ├───2004.06.26 CD Show at Party │ │ └───pix for nana │ ├───2004.06.28 Battlefield │ ├───2004.08.00 VT Grandchildren │ ├───2004.08.20 Amy's House │ ├───2004.08.21 ERRC Annl Mtg │ ├───2004.09.17 Beebe Beaver │ ├───2004.09.24 Beaver Dam on Beebe │ ├───2004.11.25 Thanksgiving │ ├───2005.05.04 Principe Dafodills │ ├───2005.08.04 Tavern Dog Team │ ├───2005.08.04 Tavern Dog Team Small │ ├───2005.08.06 Beebe Waterfront │ ├───2005.08.09 Karlas Pictures │ ├───2005.08.14 Karla in VT │ ├───2005.08.26 Snake Eating Frog │ ├───2005.08.29 Erin Kindergarden │ ├───2005.09.21 Zach at Dentist │ ├───2005.10.31 Principe Tree │ └───2006.01.09 Finger ├───#12 Ending 2006.02.13 │ ├───2004.11.24 Thanksgiving Amy VT │ ├───2005.09..26 ME Coast Don & Mary │ ├───2005.09.05 Duncan │ ├───2005.09.21 Ticonderoga & Mt Defiance │ ├───2005.09.21 Zach at Dentist │ ├───2005.09.22 Broderick Foundation │ ├───2005.09.22 NH Kangamagus │ ├───2005.09.23 ME Coast John & Connie │ ├───2005.09.25 E Vassalboro ME │ ├───2005.09.25 Waterville ME Awards │ ├───2005.09.27 Karen's Garage Location │ ├───2005.09.27 NH Fort # 4 │ ├───2005.09.27 VT │ ├───2005.10.01 Pond Hill & Poultney Chili │ ├───2005.10.08 Connecticut │ ├───2005.10.11 Rhoda at Lake George │ ├───2005.10.15 Betsey Chandler & Marsha Thompson │ ├───2005.10.15 Bill Steele is 81 │ ├───2005.10.15 FL │ ├───2005.10.20 LLoyd Avenon 112 March 26, 2015 │ ├───2005.10.21 CT │ ├───2005.10.21. Fall Scenery │ ├───2005.10.26 Broderick Foundation │ ├───2005.10.26 Snow │ ├───2005.10.29 Wolons Brosteks Zeolis │ ├───2005.10.31 Halloween Aleksey & Cameron │ ├───2005.10.31 Principe Tree │ ├───2005.11.01 Owen and Kyle │ ├───2005.11.05 Amy in CA │ ├───2005.11.05 Hurricane Wilma │ ├───2005.11.11 Herlinde │ ├───2005.11.11 Kassel │ ├───2005.11.14 Everglades City & Turner River Road │ ├───2005.11.14 Samantha │ ├───2005.11.15 Dulcy & Doris │ ├───2005.11.24 Thanksgiving Maine │ ├───2005.11.24 Thanksgiving Sudbury │ ├───2005.11.24 Thanksgiving Sudbury Amy │ ├───2005.11.24 Thanksgiving Sudbury Karen │ ├───2005.11.25 Mexico │ ├───2005.12.02 Amy in CT │ ├───2005.12.02 Eric in CT │ ├───2005.12.07 Dinner Party │ ├───2005.12.07 Karens Garage │ ├───2005.12.08 Honda Odessey │ ├───2005.12.08 M H School Woodshed │ ├───2005.12.09 Bonnie Heald, Lake, Cats │ ├───2005.12.10 Brecks Bridge and Lantern │ ├───2005.12.11 Fair Haven Marble House │ ├───2005.12.12 Eagle Rock Estates Sign │ ├───2005.12.13 Amy in CT │ ├───2005.12.15 Brita & Aleksey Concert │ ├───2005.12.16 Karen in Sudbury │ ├───2005.12.18 Castleton Higley House │ ├───2005.12.21 Nordmeyers Brunch │ ├───2005.12.22 Brostek Party │ ├───2005.12.23 Broderick Addition │ ├───2005.12.24 Xmas Eve at Brecks │ ├───2005.12.25 Xmas │ ├───2005.12.27 Aleksey & Caitlin │ ├───2005.12.28 Broderick Remodeling & Addition │ ├───2005.12.31 New Year's Eve │ ├───2006.01.01 Amy & Karen │ ├───2006.01.01 David in CA │ ├───2006.01.02 Peabody Hotel in Orlando │ ├───2006.01.09 Finger │ ├───2006.01.12 Manatees and Babcock Ranch │ ├───2006.01.15 Corkscrew Swamp │ ├───2006.01.16 Dave Landers at Bayside │ ├───2006.01.17 Dave Landers Tennis │ ├───2006.01.21 Ft Myers Theater │ ├───2006.01.22 Birds │ ├───2006.01.29 Earl Moran Grald │ ├───2006.02.06 Beavers at Beebe │ ├───2006.02.12 Ct Big Snow │ └───2006.02.13 Brita in VT ├───#13 Ending 2006.03.16 │ ├───2006.02.16 Dominica │ ├───2006.02.18 Dominica Brita's Pics │ ├───2006.02.20 Dominica Disposable Camera │ ├───2006.02.23 Amy in Hawaii │ ├───2006.02.26 Amy snorkeling │ ├───2006.03.05 VT Amy & Karen 113 March 26, 2015 │ ├───2006.03.07 VT Houses │ ├───2006.03.10 Brandon Pittsford Proctor John Burning │ ├───2006.03.11 Karen at Killington │ ├───2006.03.15 La Brea, Getty,Ventura Whale Watch │ └───2006.03.16 Pismo Beach, Hearst Castl, Big Sur, Carmel ├───#14 Ending 2006.04.16 │ ├───2006.03.16.5 Carmel Luganos Swiss Restaurant │ ├───2006.03.17 Pt Lobos & 17 Mile Drive │ ├───2006.03.18 Daly City │ ├───2006.03.19 Owen & Kyle Soccer │ ├───2006.03.20 Fishermans Wharf │ ├───2006.03.20.5 Cliff House │ ├───2006.03.24 California Flowers & Helium │ ├───2006.03.25 Doves April 2005 │ ├───2006.03.25 Doves April 2006 │ ├───2006.03.26 Doves March 2006 │ ├───2006.03.26 Orchids │ ├───2006.03.28 Breckenridges et al │ ├───2006.03.31 Alexei's Pottery │ ├───2006.03.31 Condo │ ├───2006.03.31 Golden Gate Flyover │ ├───2006.04.01 Botanical Garden Boardwalk │ ├───2006.04.01 Harold's Restaurant Ft Myers │ ├───2006.04.01 Spankeys Restaurant │ ├───2006.04.02 Bridge Party │ ├───2006.04.06 Kyles Birthday @ Amys │ ├───2006.04.06 World Tennis BBQ │ ├───2006.04.07 Flower Show │ ├───2006.04.09 La Playa Lunch @ Baleen │ ├───2006.04.10 Broderick House │ ├───2006.04.10 Spoons │ ├───2006.04.12 Turtle Club │ ├───2006.04.13 Amy and David │ ├───2006.04.13 Bayside │ ├───2006.04.14 Easter in CT │ ├───2006.04.15 Marie Michelle's │ └───2006.04.16 Doves April 2006 ├───#15 Ending 2006.05.10 │ ├───2006.04.17 Amy in VT │ ├───2006.04.20 Gardenias │ ├───2006.04.21 Le Bistro Earls │ ├───2006.04.21 Whitneys in Mexico │ ├───2006.04.22 Jean Mulvahill Birthdat at Campiello │ ├───2006.04.23 Ft Lauderdale Bridge │ ├───2006.04.24 Ft Lauderdale Wolons │ ├───2006.04.25 Ft Lauderdale Beach │ ├───2006.04.27 Evelyn and Mary │ ├───2006.05.01 Evelyn at Naples Beach & Golf Hotel │ ├───2006.05.05 Duke Gardens │ ├───2006.05.05 Raleigh │ ├───2006.05.06 Durham Bulls Baseball │ ├───2006.05.07 Birthday Party Emily and Harley │ ├───2006.05.08 Birds at Karlas │ ├───2006.05.08 Richmond Jefferson Hotel │ ├───2006.05.08 Richmond to Delaware │ ├───2006.05.09 DE Wilmington │ ├───2006.05.09 New Castle │ ├───2006.05.09 Winterthur │ ├───2006.05.10 A Rockland Gardens │ ├───2006.05.10 B Chadds Ford Brandywine Museum │ └───2006.05.10 C Longwood ├───#16 Ending 2006.06.05 │ ├───2006.05.11 Bethlehem Moran House 114 March 26, 2015 │ ├───2006.05.11 Bettys Show House │ ├───2006.05.11 NJ to VT │ ├───2006.05.12 Nefertiti │ ├───2006.05.13 Beebe Pond South │ ├───2006.05.13 Hortonia ERRC DB Kennel │ ├───2006.05.13 Mc Laud │ ├───2006.05.13 Sondergeld Flowers │ ├───2006.05.14 Flannel Face │ ├───2006.05.15 Kingston ON │ ├───2006.05.28 Beebe Pond Fire │ ├───2006.05.30 Flowers and Gray Boy │ ├───2006.05.30 Sudbury MA │ ├───2006.05.31 Reykjavik ICELAND │ ├───2006.06.01 Reykjavik to Vik │ ├───2006.06.02 Vik to Hofn │ ├───2006.06.03 Hofn tto Egillstadir │ ├───2006.06.04 Egillstadir to Lake Myvatn │ └───2006.06.05 Myvatn to Akureyri ├───#17 Ending 2006.07.02 │ ├───2006.06.06 Akureyri to Selfoss │ ├───2006.06.07 Selfoss to Reykjavic │ ├───2006.06.08 Reykjavic Whale Watching │ ├───2006.06.09 Amy Blue Card │ ├───2006.06.11 Alexei and Violin │ ├───2006.06.11 Mary is 72 │ ├───2006.06.18 Saratoga & Principes │ ├───2006.06.19 Water Snake, Turtle, Frog │ ├───2006.06.19 Z Principes & Rainbow │ ├───2006.06.21 Karens New Rock Wall │ ├───2006.06.21 Mount Monadnock │ ├───2006.06.23 Ludlow etc │ ├───2006.06.23 New Deck and Float by Cooleys │ ├───2006.06.23 Principe Dog Pen │ ├───2006.06.23 Rellers New Foundation │ ├───2006.06.23 Turkey │ ├───2006.06.24 Aleksey │ ├───2006.06.24 Principe Roarick │ ├───2006.06.25 Sunfish Hardware K & Z Hot Tub │ ├───2006.06.29 Brandon (Cats @ Vet & Watershed Tavern) │ ├───2006.06.30 HUBBARDTON Misc │ ├───2006.06.30 New Roof Ridge Vents │ ├───2006.07.01 Masons Pot Luck │ ├───2006.07.02 Crystal Beach Fireworks │ └───2006.07.02 Tea Party ├───#17.5 Pond Hill Ranch 2006.07 │ └───Pond Hill Ranch ├───#18 Ending 2006.07.26 │ ├───2006.07.03 Beebe Pond Lapinski Driveway │ ├───2006.07.03 Whitehall │ ├───2006.07.04 Marold Deck & Dock │ ├───2006.07.04 Patrick Farrow Church │ ├───2006.07.05 Fair Haven Inn Cat │ ├───2006.07.05 Flowers at Birch Road │ ├───2006.07.07 Mia Farrow │ ├───2006.07.08 Brandon Watershed Tavern │ ├───2006.07.08 Raspberry Pictures │ ├───2006.07.09 Hubbardton Battle │ ├───2006.07.10 Caitlin & Principes │ ├───2006.07.11 Driveway Gravel │ ├───2006.07.12 Driveway Drainage Problem │ ├───2006.07.12 Water Damage SW Bed Room │ ├───2006.07.13 Leaking Dormer │ ├───2006.07.14 Principes at Beebe Pond 115 March 26, 2015 │ ├───2006.07.14 Sucker Brook Waterfall │ ├───2006.07.15 Chicago NABC │ ├───2006.07.23 Gray and Samantha │ ├───2006.07.24 Lilies Mostly │ ├───2006.07.25 Dog Team Tavern │ ├───2006.07.25 Furniture for CT │ └───2006.07.26 Champlain Canal Lock Ride ├───#19 Ending 2006.09.07 │ ├───2006.07.28 More on 5.28 Fire │ ├───2006.07.28 Mushroomers │ ├───2006.07.29 Turtle & Granite Bench │ ├───2006.07.30 Antique Furniture │ ├───2006.07.30 Principe House in CT │ ├───2006.07.31 Amy's Dining Room │ ├───2006.08.01 CIGNA │ ├───2006.08.01 Dorset Lilies and more │ ├───2006.08.01 Earls Desk │ ├───2006.08.01 Farm Camp in W Htfd │ ├───2006.08.01 Hubbardton Lilies │ ├───2006.08.02 Amy Dressers Sideboards │ ├───2006.08.03 Monet Haystack │ ├───2006.08.03 Mountain Top Inn │ ├───2006.08.04 Granite Bench & Brick Path │ ├───2006.08.04 Phil's Dock │ ├───2006.08.05 Phil's sister │ ├───2006.08.06 Principe at Eagle Rock │ ├───2006.08.07 Amy's Buffet │ ├───2006.08.10 Beebe Milfoil Float │ ├───2006.08.10 Montreal │ ├───2006.08.11 Crouquet Tournament │ ├───2006.08.12 Joe Wolons is 72 │ ├───2006.08.12 Stairwell Mirror │ ├───2006.08.13 Gangplank at Dock │ ├───2006.08.13 Water Damage Pictures NEW │ ├───2006.08.15 Principe Tree and Kitchen Floor │ ├───2006.08.16 Earls Garage area │ ├───2006.08.17 Cortina Inn & Abelsons │ ├───2006.08.17 Mosesson Driveway & Lawn │ ├───2006.08.19 ERRC Meeting │ ├───2006.08.20 Docks on Birch Road │ ├───2006.08.20 Principe Scratches │ ├───2006.08.21 David Sondergeld Family │ ├───2006.08.21 Saratoga Racetrack │ ├───2006.08.22 Marold Deck │ ├───2006.08.22 Orwell │ ├───2006.08.23 Gledhill Nursery │ ├───2006.08.23 Rt 30 Guard Rails │ ├───2006.08.23 W Htfd Dinner │ ├───2006.08.24 Avon Eric House │ ├───2006.08.24 W Htfd Trees & Dinner │ ├───2006.08.25 Beebe Float │ ├───2006.08.25 Dry Wall Partial Ceiling │ ├───2006.08.26 Bunk Bed Rails │ ├───2006.08.26 Pond Hill Ranch Amy and Steve │ ├───2006.08.26 Steve Steph Vanna Amy │ ├───2006.08.28 Auntie EM │ ├───2006.08.28 Mason Flowers and Cheryl Koch │ ├───2006.08.30 Sandra Sondergeld Iraq │ ├───2006.08.30 Woodstock VT │ ├───2006.08.31 Nashua NH │ ├───2006.09.02 Beebe Pond Float │ ├───2006.09.02 Morans Party │ ├───2006.09.02 Whitneys in VT 116 March 26, 2015 │ ├───2006.09.03 Beebe Pond Hut │ ├───2006.09.03 Chris & Baz Zeoli │ ├───2006.09.07 Castleton North Road │ ├───2006.09.07 Ganson Hill Road Buildings │ └───2006.09.07 Sheetrock at Earls ├───#20 Ending 2006.10 Caroline Diericx ├───#21 Ending 2006.10.14 │ ├───2006.09.09 Aleksey at School and Labor Day in VT │ ├───2006.09.10 Ottawa │ ├───2006.09.10 Westport NY & Camels Hump │ ├───2006.09.12 Contant Septic System │ ├───2006.09.13 TURTLES │ ├───2006.09.14 Earl's Sheet Rock │ ├───2006.09.14 Wolfgang Schneeweiss │ │ └───2006.09.16 Camp Awanee Campers 7 │ ├───2006.09.16 McLaudWoods Party at Barbara Cooleys │ ├───2006.09.18 Diamond Brook Kennel │ ├───2006.09.19 Earls Carpet Clam Shell and Phone line │ ├───2006.09.21 Earls Electric Heaters │ ├───2006.09.21 Principe Driveway Kevin Eagan │ ├───2006.09.23 Beagle & Porcupine Quills │ ├───2006.09.23 McLauds │ ├───2006.09.25 Trombley Rollman Trees │ ├───2006.09.26 Middlebury and ROYAL TOMBS OF UR │ ├───2006.09.26 National Breast Appreciation Day from Beckwith

│ ├───2006.09.27.0 French Drain at Earls │ ├───2006.09.27.2 French Drain at Earls │ ├───2006.09.27.5 Rubber Roof at Contants │ ├───2006.09.28 Shelburne Museum │ ├───2006.10.03 Gray is Dead │ │ └───2006.05.14 Flannel Face │ ├───2006.10.03 Principe Tree Removal │ ├───2006.10.05 Ganson Hill Buildings Burned │ ├───2006.10.05 Naples │ ├───2006.10.05 Principe Tree Removal │ ├───2006.10.05R Principe Tree Removal │ ├───2006.10.06 Greg Goggins │ ├───2006.10.10 Novack Leaching Field │ ├───2006.10.10 Polley Leaching Field │ ├───2006.10.12 Birch Road Drain │ ├───2006.10.12 Novack Leaching Field │ ├───2006.10.12 Novack Leaching Field Internal Organs │ ├───2006.10.13 Basement for Steve Morse │ ├───2006.10.13 Beebe Pond in October │ ├───2006.10.13 Earl │ ├───2006.10.13 Karlas Yard │ ├───2006.10.13 Novack Holding Tank and Leaching Field │ ├───2006.10.13 Polley Leaching Field │ ├───2006.10.13 Three New Septic Systems │ └───2006.10.14 Principe Driveway & Dinner ├───#22 Ending 2006.12.27 │ ├───2006.10.15 Swing Pole │ ├───2006.10.16 Sheds │ ├───2006.10.17 Amy in CT │ ├───2006.10.18 Aleksey and Amelia │ ├───2006.10.21 Karla in CT │ ├───2006.10.23 Septic Systems Mannys Giddings GBrook │ ├───2006.10.25 GIDDINGS BROOK │ ├───2006.10.25 Septic Tanks │ ├───2006.10.29 Florida │ ├───2006.11.02 Rehab │ ├───2006.11.03 John and Connie Towne 117 March 26, 2015 │ ├───2006.11.07 John and Nonnie Jennings │ ├───2006.11.12 Dulcy in Ft Myers & Ft Myers Beach │ ├───2006.11.12 NBTC Roller Blading and Impatience │ ├───2006.11.14 FL Stove and Refrigerator │ ├───2006.11.15 LaPlaya Earl Stone │ ├───2006.11.17 Amy & Aleksey │ ├───2006.11.19 Turtle Club │ ├───2006.11.20 FL VT │ ├───2006.11.21 Birch Road and Columbia Drive │ ├───2006.11.21 Marolds Patio Deck │ ├───2006.11.22 Don Thanksgiving at Karlas │ ├───2006.11.25 Amy Shed │ ├───2006.11.26 Amys Attic │ ├───2006.11.26 MA and VT │ ├───2006.11.27 Fern Lane Landscaping │ ├───2006.11.27 Amys Rocks │ ├───2006.11.28 Anti M │ ├───2006.11.28 John Marolds Pond and Fern Lane │ ├───2006.12.01 Amy & Karla │ ├───2006.12.01 Old Broads │ ├───2006.12.02 Eric in Canton │ ├───2006.12.02 Yankee Pedlar │ ├───2006.12.05 Linda Babcock │ ├───2006.12.06 Principe Circuit Breakers and Mast │ ├───2006.12.07 Principes in CT │ ├───2006.12.08 Amy's Shed │ ├───2006.12.09 Greenman, Broderick, Breckenridge │ ├───2006.12.13 Karlas Birthday │ ├───2006.12.14 Alekseys Concert │ ├───2006.12.14 Amys Shed │ ├───2006.12.15 Nordmeyer Brunch │ ├───2006.12.15 Nordmeyer Federated Church Singing │ ├───2006.12.16 Earls Slate Floor │ ├───2006.12.16 NanoStorm in CA │ ├───2006.12.17 Principe CT & VT │ ├───2006.12.18 Amy's Attic │ ├───2006.12.19 Misc │ ├───2006.12.22 Chapin Addition │ ├───2006.12.22 Marold Patio │ ├───2006.12.23 Xmas in SF │ ├───2006.12.23 Xmas Tree at 469 Birch Road │ ├───2006.12.24 Xmas Eve │ ├───2006.12.24 Xmas Eve Princ │ ├───2006.12.25 Christmas Principe │ ├───2006.12.25 Christmas Sondergeld │ ├───2006.12.26 Day After │ ├───2006.12.27 Amy's Attic │ ├───2006.12.27 Bookcase Cost │ └───2006.12.27 Day Later ├───#23 Ending 2007.03.12 │ ├───2006.12.27 Amy's Attic │ ├───2006.12.29 RJs 70th Ed & Barbs 50th │ ├───2006.12.29 Tate Principe E Sondergeld │ ├───2006.12.31 New Years Eve │ ├───2006.12.31 New Years Eve 2 │ ├───2006.12.31 Whitney Black Tie │ ├───2006.12.31A New Years Eve │ ├───2007.01.11 Amy's Attic │ ├───2007.01.12 Kitchen Cabinet Doors │ ├───2007.01.13 Amy's Attic Pipes │ ├───2007.01.14 PORT OF CALL │ ├───2007.01.14 Rod & Gun Club │ ├───2007.01.14 Steve & Eddie Kraysler Chokoloskee 118 March 26, 2015 │ ├───2007.01.15 Amys Garage │ ├───2007.01.15 Kitchen Tile Area │ ├───2007.01.16 Golden Gate Flyover │ ├───2007.01.19 Art Show and Real Macaw │ ├───2007.01.21 Corkscrew Swamp │ ├───2007.01.21 Turtle Club │ ├───2007.01.25 Amys Carpet │ ├───2007.01.28 HBs on the Gulf

│ ├───2007.01.28 Naples │ ├───2007.01.30 Allison & Chris Di Matteo │ ├───2007.01.31 Earls House at Wyndemere │ ├───2007.01.31 Sondergeld and Earl at Bayside │ ├───2007.02.02 Amys Attic │ ├───2007.02.04 Waterside Crossing │ ├───2007.02.05 Amys Pics │ ├───2007.02.09 Ibis at Oyster Catcher │ ├───2007.02.10 Brian Brent was 70 yesterday │ ├───2007.02.11 Dulcy Doris Art Irene │ ├───2007.02.12 Hilda is 76 │ ├───2007.02.14 Valentines Day in Atlanta │ ├───2007.02.16 Snow in VT 30 inches │ ├───2007.02.17 More Snow Pics │ ├───2007.02.19 Allison Towne Di Mitteo │ ├───2007.02.20 Whitneys and Principes in VT │ ├───2007.02.21 Pico Skiing │ ├───2007.02.22 Caitlin in Middlebury │ ├───2007.02.24 Eric and Whitneys │ ├───2007.02.24 Principes and Roaricks │ ├───2007.02.25 Applewood Manor in Castleton │ ├───2007.02.26 Galveston Mexico Houston with Amy and Aleksey │ ├───2007.02.27 Montreal Bridge │ ├───2007.03.04 Amys TV and Furniture │ ├───2007.03.04 Middlebury To Kill A Mockingbird │ ├───2007.03.11 Eric & Science │ └───2007.03.12 Amys Bookcases ├───#24 Ending 2007.04.09 │ ├───2007.03.14 Rennasance Hotel in St Louis │ ├───2007.03.15 Arch and Buildings in St Louis │ ├───2007.03.16 People in St Louis │ ├───2007.03.16 St Louis Restaurants │ ├───2007.03.19 St Louis to Hubbardton VT │ ├───2007.03.20 Alexei Science Competition │ ├───2007.03.20 Brandon Waterfalls │ ├───2007.03.20 Ripton to Goshen VT │ ├───2007.03.20 Snow at Beebe Pond │ ├───2007.03.20 Woodys in Middlebury │ ├───2007.03.22 Dartmouth and Hospital │ ├───2007.03.22 Pico │ ├───2007.03.22 Simom Pearce Glassblowing │ ├───2007.03.22 Simon Pearce Inside │ ├───2007.03.22 Simon Pearce Ottauqueeche River │ ├───2007.03.22 Simon Pearce Outside │ ├───2007.03.23 Eagle Rock │ ├───2007.03.23 Lake House │ ├───2007.03.24 Sugar Houses │ ├───2007.03.25 Duncan Sara and Ashley │ ├───2007.03.26 Mountain Top Inn │ ├───2007.03.27 Erin is 7 │ ├───2007.03.27 Principe Sliding Door to Backyard │ ├───2007.03.28 Bill Steele in Brandon │ ├───2007.03.28 Brandon │ ├───2007.03.28 Earls Minor Water Damage 119 March 26, 2015 │ ├───2007.03.28 Middlebury Snow Bowl │ ├───2007.03.28 Otter Creek │ ├───2007.03.28 Sudbury Church and Beebe Pond │ ├───2007.03.29 and 3.23 Chapin Addition & Wolons │ ├───2007.03.29 Manny's │ ├───2007.03.29 Otter Creek │ ├───2007.03.29 Pruniers Reopens │ ├───2007.03.29 Samantha │ ├───2007.03.30 Ice at Beebe Pond │ ├───2007.03.30 Waybury Inn in E Middlebury │ ├───2007.04.01 Albany to Florida │ ├───2007.04.03 Bridge in Naples │ ├───2007.04.06 Amy at Dinner │ ├───2007.04.06 Easter Egg Hunt at Amy's │ ├───2007.04.08 Naples and Earls │ └───2007.04.09 Gatlinburg ├───#25 Ending 2007.06.13 │ ├───#26 │ ├───2007.04.15 Knoxville Cincinnati Ft Myers │ ├───2007.04.18 Condo in Naples FL │ ├───2007.04.19 Jennings Party │ ├───2007.04.19 VT Trees Down │ ├───2007.04.26 Gralds Holland Dellamonte │ ├───2007.04.28 Amys Shed Storage │ ├───2007.04.28 NBTC │ ├───2007.04.29 FL to VT │ ├───2007.05.02 Flowers at Principes in CT │ ├───2007.05.03 Saratoga Springs and Skidmore College │ ├───2007.05.04 Aleksey Lacrosse │ ├───2007.05.07 Pictures from Eugen und Heini │ ├───2007.05.08 Aleksey Concert │ ├───2007.05.09 Hubbardton Sign │ ├───2007.05.09 Vermont Misc │ ├───2007.05.09 Weston Vermont │ ├───2007.05.10 Burden Farm House │ ├───2007.05.10 Burden Property │ ├───2007.05.10 Diamond Brook Kennel Ponds │ ├───2007.05.10 Griswold Peak & Grandpa's Knob │ ├───2007.05.10 Hubbardton Gulf │ ├───2007.05.10 Hubbardton Horses │ ├───2007.05.10 Hubbardton Road Sign │ ├───2007.05.10 Japanese Garden │ ├───2007.05.10 Manny's │ ├───2007.05.10 Marcell Stream │ ├───2007.05.10 Marold's Patio Deck │ ├───2007.05.10 Pareti's Sucker Brook Waterfalls │ ├───2007.05.10 Rubicon │ ├───2007.05.11 Whitneys in Sudbury │ ├───2007.05.12 Alexei Violin Concert │ ├───2007.05.12 Circus in CT │ ├───2007.05.12 Dinner at Carbones │ ├───2007.05.13 Ct to VT │ ├───2007.05.13 Mothers Day at Karlas │ ├───2007.05.14 Sandra Sue Reenlisting │ │ └───New Folder │ ├───2007.05.17 Birds at Beebe │ ├───2007.05.17 Woodstock VT │ ├───2007.05.18 Don inside of Back Cover │ ├───2007.05.18 Merganser Ducks at Beebe │ ├───2007.05.18 Waybury Inn E Middlebury VT │ ├───2007.05.19 Eugens Celebration │ ├───2007.05.22 Cooleys New Septic Tank │ ├───2007.05.22 Rollman Dock Repair 120 March 26, 2015 │ ├───2007.05.23 Anne Holland Dinner │ ├───2007.05.23 Anti M Skirt │ ├───2007.05.23 Earls Septic Tank │ ├───2007.05.23 Polley Septic Fill │ ├───2007.05.24 David Kayaking on Russian River │ ├───2007.05.24 Marolds Tree Removal │ ├───2007.05.25 Wolons Neighbors Parking Lot │ ├───2007.05.26 Castleton Parade │ ├───2007.05.26 Earls Impatience │ ├───2007.05.26 High Pond Ski Area │ ├───2007.05.26 Ryan's Prom │ ├───2007.05.27 Smith College Reunion │ ├───2007.05.28 Barn at High Pond Mountain Inn │ ├───2007.05.28 High Pond Mountain Inn │ ├───2007.05.28 High Pond Ski Area │ ├───2007.05.28 Kyle at 6th Grade Greek Festival │ ├───2007.05.28 Memorial Day Parade in W Hartford │ ├───2007.05.28 Nine tenths of a mile from Farmhouse to High Pond Inn │ ├───2007.05.28 Waterfalls by High Pond Mountain Inn │ ├───2007.05.29 Aleksey & Zach │ ├───2007.05.29 Amys cat │ ├───2007.05.29 Ganson Hill Hiking Trail to High Pond │ ├───2007.05.29 Marold Lawn │ ├───2007.05.31 Lake House on Bomoseen │ ├───2007.06.02 Anti M │ ├───2007.06.02 Little Women at West Rutland Town Hall │ ├───2007.06.02 Principe Fence │ ├───2007.06.02 West Rutland Town Hall │ ├───2007.06.05 Anti M │ ├───2007.06.06 Anne Holland's Trees │ ├───2007.06.06 Iris │ ├───2007.06.07 Ryan graduates │ ├───2007.06.08 MA to VT │ ├───2007.06.10 Visitor Center & Flagg School │ ├───2007.06.11 Air Filter on Furnace │ ├───2007.06.11 Mary is 73 and receives a present from Amy & Aleksey │ ├───2007.06.11 Mary is 73 at Fair Haven Inn │ ├───2007.06.12 Anne Hollands Septic and Lakefront Patio │ ├───2007.06.13 Owen and Aleksey graduate │ ├───2007.06.14 Danube A │ └───2007.06.14 Danube B ├───#26 Danube A Small ├───#27 Danube B Small ├───#27 Danube BB BIG ├───#28 Danube Details by City │ ├───2006.06.15-17 Prague in Czech Republic │ ├───2006.06.18 To Bratislava, Slovakia to Budapest, Hungary │ ├───2006.06.19-21 Budapest │ ├───2006.06.22 Vukovar & Osijek, Croatia │ ├───2006.06.23 Belgrade, Serbia │ ├───2006.06.24 Iron Gates A │ ├───2006.06.24 Iron Gates B │ ├───2006.06.25 Veliko Tarnova & Ruse, Bulgaria │ ├───2006.06.26 Black Sea Canal to Constanta, Romania │ ├───2006.06.27 Train to Bucharest, Romania

│ ├───2006.06.28 Bucharest, Romania │ └───2006.06.29 Bucharest to Boston └───#29 Ending ├───2007.07.01 Pico, Anne Holland Septic and Mound System & Dehumidifier ├───2007.07.08 Hubbartdon Battle Reenactment ├───2007.07.11 Brandon Cats & Dogs ├───2007.07.11 Burden House in Charlotte 121 March 26, 2015 ├───2007.07.11 Doug Wright House Foundation ├───2007.07.12 Echo Lake New Foundation ├───2007.07.12 Mountain Top Inn ├───2007.07.14 Whitehall auction & Liberty Eatery ├───2007.07.15 Iron Lantern ├───2007.07.17 Kittens ├───2007.07.22 ERC Store Fire ├───2007.07.30 Nashville to VT ├───2007.08.01 Brita, ERC Store, Echo Lake Foundation ├───2007.08.02 & .03 Family ├───2007.08.03 M T INN 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration ├───2007.08.03 MT INN Towne Pics ├───2007.08.04 MT INN Dancing & Chittenden Reservoir Pontoon Boat ├───2007.08.04.2 Beebe Pond & Family ├───2007.08.05 Eagle Rock Climb ├───2007.08.05 Lake House on Bomoseen at Dinner ├───2007.08.11 Montreal ├───2007.08.13 Hubbardton ├───2007.08.14 Flowers ├───2007.08.14 Nordmeyer Concert on the Green ├───2007.08.16 VT Storm ├───2007.08.17 VT ├───2007.08.18 Pond Hill Ranch ├───2007.08.18 Restaurant Fire & Ice └───2007.08.19 Beebe Pond Snake

122 March 26, 2015