herefore gird up the and move forward.” Review and “By educating yourself to fear loins of your mind, Herald, May 16, 1899. God, and to love all around you, “Wbe sober, and hope “Hold fast your integrity in yours can be a useful, happy life, to the end for the grace that is to be Jesus Christ. Set your face as a fl int and your example can be such as brought unto you at the revelation heavenward.” The Youth’s Instructor, to lead others to choose the humble of Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 1:13. November 9, 1899. path of holiness. Have moral cour- This “wherefore” here is refer- We must maintain the resolve age at all times to do right and to ring to what was addressed just now. This part is up to us. A er all honor your Redeemer.” Testimonies, previously in the earlier verses of has been shown, all has been done vol. 2, 314. 1 Peter 1—that Jesus Christ and the for us, the way has been prepared, Then, as we are walking, we plan of salvation was prophesied, we know the way to go, it is now need to be sober, clear minded, the grace of God was to be mani- our turn to choose and keep choosing focused, recognizing the brevity fested, and it is all for us. the right path. or seriousness of the situation. The When all of these things are con- “It is our duty to love Jesus as stakes are high! Our eternity hangs sidered, what God is doing for us, our Redeemer. He has a right to in the balance. This is no time for and has done; we are now to gird command our love, but He invites half-hearted eff orts. We have a goal up the “loins” of our minds, or steel us to give Him our heart. He calls to reach, and millions of evil angels ourselves, strengthen ourselves, us to walk with Him in the path have in their hearts a desire to stop prepare ourselves, get resolved, etc. of humble, truthful obedience. His us from reaching that goal. Now that we have had revealed invitation to us is a call to a pure, Then, as we make this resolve, to us the plan, we should, as Jesus holy, and happy life—a life of peace we are to hope to the end. Never did, set our faces as a fl int and head and rest, of liberty and love—and to lose sight of Jesus who is our off in the right direction, toward a rich inheritance in the future, im- “Blessed Hope.” Keep to the front heaven. mortal life. Which will we choose— of our minds the reasons for what “Let your language be: ‘The liberty in Christ, or bondage and we are doing and why. We are to Lord God will help me; therefore tyranny in the service of Satan? receive the grace, or gi , from Jesus shall I not be confounded: therefore . . . If we choose to live with Christ at His coming. And what grace or have I set my face like a fl int, and I through the ceaseless ages of eter- gi is this? It is the re-admi ance know that I shall not be ashamed.’ nity, why not choose Him now as into the heavenly abodes. We are to Isaiah 50:7.” Testimonies, vol. 7, 244. our most loved and trusted friend, be re-united with all those who are “Since God is working in you, our best and wisest counselor.” LiĞ our brothers and sisters in the faith. you can safely set your face as a Him Up, 98. We are to be re-connected with fl int to do His will, and you may “The day of test and trial is just our heavenly Father and our elder trust the Lord perfectly.” Our High before us. Let every man put on his Brother. We will once more be part Calling, 124. true colors. Do you choose loyalty of God’s family, heirs according to “God would have us advance al- or rebellion? Show your colors to the promise! O, how I wait for the ways, trusting in His power. Angels men and angels. We are safe only day!  of God minister to every believing when we are commi ed to the child. Only believe the promises of right. Then the world knows where Joe Olson serves as the exec- God; and when temptation comes, we shall be found in the day of trial utive director and chairman set your face as a fl int Zionward, and trouble.” Testimonies, vol. 8, 96. of the board of Hope Interna- tional. He also travels as an international speaker.



Our Mission 0RAISETHE,ORD It is the mis sion of Hope In ter na tion al Ellen G. White and the ed i tors of Our Firm Foun da tion to clear ly present Christ and His truth. The (OWCANWEBEUNHAPPYWHENWESEESOMANY days remaining for this world are few, and  EVIDENCESOFTHELOVEOF'ODTOUS we must work quick ly. We must bold ly pro claim the his tor ic truths of Ad vent ism that place us on so fi rm a founda tion in the midst of this trou bled world.—Editors 4HE3ACRED#ANON F. M. Wilcox Executive Editor: Ron Spear 4HE"IBLEISNOTMERELYTHEWORDSOFVARIOUS Executive Director: Joe Olson  PROPHETSITISTHEWORDSOFTHE,ORDTRANSMITTED Director of Development: George Gomoll Managing Editor: Harvey Steck THROUGHTHEM Bookstore Manager: Barbara Gomoll Layout: KHPtech.com 4HE3CANDALOFA"OOK 0ART Our Firm Foundation is published monthly by: 4HE#OLOSSAL1UESTION 7HY (OPE)NTERNATIONAL Ralph Larson 0/"OX +NOXVILLE ),53! 7HYWASABOOKSODESTRUCTIVEANDDISHONESTAS  1UESTIONSON$OCTRINEREPRINTED 0HONE    -ONDAYn4HURSDAY!-n0- &RIDAY!-n0- &AX    %MAIL offi [email protected] (E4OUCHED(ER(AND 7EB h p://www.hopeint.org Joe Olson &ORWHATPURPOSE(AS#HRISTREDEEMEDUS About Hope International  Hope International is a lay ministry founded, supported, and operated by Seventh- day Adventists to assist the Seventh-day #HRIST/UR%XAMPLE 0ART Adventist church in the proclamation of the Everlasting Gospel in every way that Ellen G. White is consistent with the principles of God as $OWEAPPRECIATETHEBLESSINGS'ODHASBESTOWED revealed in Inspiration.  UPONUS Invitation to Writers We are accepting article-length manuscripts %DITORIAL (750 to 3000 words) for possible publication PAGE in Our Firm Foundation. We prefer that submissions be neatly typed, submi ed 'LIMPSESOFTHE0IONEERS either as a computer fi le or on paper. Please PAGE address all correspondence to Editors, Our %CHOESOFTHE0IONEERS Firm Foundation, PO Box 220, Knoxville, IL PAGE 61448, or by email to [email protected]. .EWS7ATCH Subscription Information: See page 29 PAGE ,ETTERSTOTHE%DITOR Shipping & Sales Tax: See page 29 PAGE

#OPYRIGHT¹(OPE)NTERNATIONAL #ONTENTCREDITEDINTHISPUBLICATIONISTHEPROPERTYOFITSRESPECTIVEOWNERS ANDIS Hope International does not solicit tithes; however, we are a tithe-worthy LICENSEDORUSEDWITHPERMISSION/THERITEMSARETHEPROPERTYOF(OPE)NTERNATIONAL #OVER)LLUSTRATION*OE-ANISCALCO organization and accept tithes. We use the tithe only for the gospel ministry. Donations designated “Gospel Ministry” will be considered tithe. men.” Acts 24:16. men.” Acts o have al ways aconsciencevoid of the Saviour, headds: education, even beforeheaccepted 10:2. And ofhisowntrainingand ac cording toknowledge.”Romans they have azealofGod,butnot of them:“Ibearthemrecordthat dent fromtheScrip tures. Paul says hon est, zealous,andsincere,isevi- Moses’ seat. recognized astheleaderswhosatin by thePhar isees whiletheywere harmonize therejectionofJesus well-nigh inex plicable forsometo done throughignorance.Itseems Their sacri not have cruci the peopleknownit,theywould apostles re peatedly statethat,had Jesus asMessiahwhenin refusal oftheSan hedrin toacclaim 4 seem di into ourworld. Especiallydoesit prophecy regardingHisadvent fi Old Testament Scriptureswere so Saviour andMessiah,whenthe Jewish nationrejectedJesusasthe to understandhoworwhythe T lled withprediction,type,and ff ence toward God,andtoward “Herein doIexer cise myself, to That theJewishpeoplewere It seemsdi article isano he questionhead ing this ffi cult tounderstandthe fi cing ofHislifewas fi ed theLordofglory. ffi cult for many -repeated one. spired 'OD 4HE*EWS!NXIOUSTO&OLLOW ate injudgment; trainupmany 1, paragraph2,says:“Bedeliber- ond centurybeforeChrist, chapter erance fromtheirBabylonianexile, for seventy years, a passed inthecaptivityofBabylon through whichtheseedof Abraham lief.” 1Timothy1:12–13. because Ididitignorantlyinunbe- and injurious:butIob tained mercy, a blasphemer, andapersecutor, into theministry;whowas before counted mefaithful,pu who hathenabledme,forthathe the Fathers, The in to rejectthecounselofGod’s Word. the leadersdeterminednever again nant norescaping?”Ezra9:14. us, sothatthereshouldbe no rem- with ustillthouhadstconsumed tions? wouldest notthoubeangry with thepeopleoftheseabomina- com mand ments, andjoinina is tothepoint: The followingstatementfromEzra again ledaway fromthetrueGod. might overtake themiftheywere the seriousconse *ESUSTHE-ESSIAH F. C.Gilbert Because ofthebi “I thankChristJesusourLord, A Jewishbooken titled “Should we againbreakthy fl uential menofIsraelfeared 1 wri THE*EWS2EJECT en aboutthesec- quences which er theirdeliv- er experience ing me Ethics of ffi nity

7HY$ID the highpriest, following hisreceptionbyJaddua shiped inthetempleatJerusalem, over agreatstumblingstone. for followingGod,theystumbled requirements containedinScrip ture to familiarizethepeoplewith Unfortunately, intheiren deavor the teachingofWord ofGod. the peoplemightbe other religioushelps,inorderthat planations, treatises,targums,and They multipliedcomments,ex- their beste law.” ThesagesofIs disciples; andmakeafenceforthe number ofrabbis fromJerusalemto entered intothatallowed alarge the Hebrews. An ar rangement was ous oflearn ing moreofthe Godof and benefactors. they desiredtobetheirtrue friends worshiping theGodofJaddua. privilege ofenteringthetempleand in Macedonia,andhewanted the to himinavi sion whenhewas what oc curred thatdaywas shown instead ofpu when theymetonMountScopus, their chiefem braced thehighpriest, found itdi and theJews. Alexander’s generals ness developed between theGreeks Alexander toldhiso A Greece assuredtheJewsthat er Alexander theGreatwor- ffi ff cult tounderstandwhy ort tofenceinthelaw. Our Firm Foundation ing himtodeath. 2 aspiritoffriendli- 3 They were desir- rael putforth ffi er understand cials that

)LLUSTRATION*OE-ANISCALCO go to Alexandria and trans late the former said that God would help man became exalted and God was writings of the Jewish Scriptures their young men to be true to their less thought of. The rabbi was ex- into the Greek language. Greek religion, and the training schools of tolled; the unlearned were depreci- scholarship and learning was seek- Jewry would have a be er standing ated. Piety gradually diminished ing every possible avenue of infor- in the eyes of the nations. The men as form and ceremony increased. mation to en hance the value of its of Israel were made to feel that the Many laws were passed favoring own culture and re fi nement. It was ad vantages to the Jewish scholars rabbinism and school customs, yet also suggested by the Greeks that would be immeasurable, for they students were en couraged to love the Jews send their talented young would have incentives or goals to and obey God. men to Alexandria for training and instruction in the philosophies, sci- ences, and learning of the Greeks. Many of the elders of Israel It was . . . suggested by the Greeks feared the results of such a course; the sages remembered the sorrows that the Jews send their talented young men of their an cestors who came into contact with heathen manners and to Alexandria for training and instruction customs. They counseled the young- er men against such a procedure. in the philosophies, sciences, These, in turn, argued that it would be an ad vantage for strong, thought- and learning of the Greeks. ful, vigorous young men to enter the schools of Greece, as they might in- fl uence the philosophers and Greek reach. The young men would gain In Ethics of the Fathers, the rabbis scholars to see the value and beauty knowledge, infl uence, prestige; and taught: “A child of fi ve years should of the Jewish religion, and some of the more they advanced in learning, study the Bible, at ten the Mishna, the learned Greeks might embrace the higher would be their a ain- at fi een the Gemara.” Judaism. Yet, the aged men of Israel ments. The Mishna is a voluminous advised against it. They maintained Gradually the Jewish schools com mentary of the Bible; the that should the younger men be came to confer degrees upon their Gemara is the commentary of the given encouragement to come into graduates. There was the Rav, Mishna. So, as the student ad- contact with the learning of the or rabbi, the Tana, the Gayon, vanced in years and developed in heathen, it might be ruinous to the the Sadi, and the Rabbon. It was mental acumen, he studied God’s future of the Jewish race. thought necessary for the gradu- Word less, and man’s writings Greece assured the fathers of ates of the rabbinical schools to more. Israel that they might hold to their show the mark of their rank by own standards of religion. They wearing diff erent clothing. The )NTELLECTUALISM3ETS!SIDE were en couraged to believe that man with a degree must wear a )NSPIRATION the syna gogues where the children peculiar, distinctive gown and In order for men to be accepted were taught their religion would cap. Li le by li le an educational by Jewish assemblies, they must not be in terfered with; their Beth aristocracy was formed, which was have completed a course in the rab- Hamedrosh (house of learning, called the Sanhedrin. This term is binical schools. Those who failed to their high schools), where their of Greek origin, the Hebrew name follow the procedure mapped out young people received preparatory being Beth Din Hagodol, Great by the Great Sanhedrin (or by the training, would continue as here- House of Judgment. lesser Sanhedrin located in cities tofore; the Talmud Torah (their col- and towns of Palestine outside the leges where advanced studies were $ECLINEOF3PIRITUALITY city of Jerusalem, headquarters of conducted) would be strengthened While the religious schools the Beth Din Hagodol, the Great if the teachers of the law should con tinued to operate, a marked House of Judgment), received no only imbibe the wisdom and learn- declen sion in spiritual infl uence recognition by the populace. The ing of the scholars of Greece; and and power was visible. Year by year graduate rabbi was known by his by receiving recognition from the the Word of God was studied less, garb. It was vital that rabbinical world’s greatest nation, the gradu- as the courses of studies based on qualifi cations be met in order for ates of Jewish schools would fi nd it culture and philosophy increased. a person to gain a hear ing by the greatly to their advantage. The curriculum of the rabbinical children of Abraham. Many of Israel’s infl uential men schools was infl uenced toward Such were existing conditions in yielded to Greek insistence. The intellectualism. As the years passed, the land of Judæa at the time when Volume 19, Number 12 5 John and Jesus appeared in the land minate the future. The words of the ted all classes to meet Him when of Israel. prophets were uncomprehended.” “He came to his own, and his own The following from The Desire of Ibid., 32. received him not.” John 1:11. His Ages, 28–29, is pertinent here: Since John and Jesus were not claims were heavenly; the people “By the Babylonish captivity a endants at rabbinical schools, the were of the earth, earthly. Heaven the Israelites were eff ectually cured people would not recognize their and earth did not harmonize. of the worship of graven images. authority as teachers. However, God At the beginning of His work, During the centuries that followed, gave these men a message fi lled Jesus told the people that the popu- they suff ered from the oppression with divine power and with the lace would kill Him. The Pharisees of heathen foes, until the conviction heavenly Spirit. Because the leaders accused Him of being a Samaritan became fi xed that their prosperity of Israel failed to accept the message and of having a devil. Being depended upon their obedience to of John as coming from God, they blinded by sin, infl uenced and hyp- the law of God. . . . were unpre pared to receive the mes- notized by human learning and rab- “A er the return from Babylon, sage of the Saviour, although He as- binical tradition, the masses were much a ention was given to sured them that His life and advent void of spiritual intuition. In the religious instruction. All over the were based on the Sacred Scriptures. end they rejected their only hope, country, synagogues were erected, The rabbis argued, “How knoweth their one source of deliverance. No where the law was expounded this man le ers, having never honesty, zeal, or earnestness could by the priests and scribes. And learned?” John 7:15. deliver or save them from sin. Only Jesus, the Light of the world, the Saviour of men, could bring deliv- erance. By mingling human philosophy The leaders of Israel had, to a great extent, yielded to the de- with the Word of God, teachers and laymen mands of Greek culture and learn- ing, thereby hoping to gain prestige had come to lack the spiritual force and and infl uence. They had been led to believe that they could make be er power of the Scrip tures in their lives. progress in their God-given task by assimilating worldly standards of education than by clinging schools were established, which, Since the family of Jesus was with tenacity to the old standards together with the arts and sciences, loyal to the synagogues, His own bequeathed to them by their godly professed to teach the prin ciples brothers did not believe on Him ancestors. So the Israelites lost of righteousness. But these agen- as the Messiah. See verses 4–5. much of their infl uence, failed to cies became corrupted. . . . In many Because the standards of learning retain their prestige, and rejected things they conformed to the prac- were set up by the Sanhedrin, and their long-looked-for Messiah and tices of idolaters. none who re fused to accept the Saviour.  “As they departed from God, the teaching of the rabbis were given Jews in a great degree lost sight of recognition, it is not diffi cult to Notes: the teaching of the ritual service. . . . understand why, when the Saviour 1 Incorporated in Jewish Daily Prayer Book, The Jews lost the spiritual life from came to those who were custodians edition of 1890, published by Rosen baum & Worbelowsky, New York City. their ceremonies, and clung to dead of the Oracles of God, they failed to 2 Josephus, Antiquities, book 11, chapter forms. . . . In order to supply the recognize Him as the fulfi llment of 8, paragraph 5, “New Testament Times place of that which they had lost, the types and prophecies noted in in Palestine,” Shailer Mathews, chapter the priests and rabbis multiplied Moses and the prophets. By min- 1, 13–14; Palestine Guide, G. O. Matson, edition of 1930, published by American require ments of their own; and the gling human philo sophy with the Colony Stores, Jerusalem, Palestine. more rigid they grew, the less of the Word of God, teachers and laymen 3 Graetz’s History of the Jews, vol. 1, 440, 457, love of God was manifested. They had come to lack the spir itual force 487; Schurer’s History of the Jewish People mea sured their holiness by the mul- and power of the Scrip tures in their in the Times of Jesus Christ, div. 1, 199–218; Ewald’s History of Israel, chapter 5, 260, 293– titude of their ceremonies, while lives. They did not have spiritual 302; New Testament Times in Palestine, by their hearts were fi lled with pride discernment. Greek philosophy, Shailer Mathews, chapter 2, 15–26; chapter and hypocrisy.” Alexandrian and Athenian culture 3, 30; chapter 4, 38, 40, 42. “As the Jews had departed from had sapped the spiritual strength of God, faith had grown dim, and the house of Israel. The infl uence of F. C. Gilbert, a converted Jewish Adventist hope had well-nigh ceased to illu- this worldly religious training unfi t- minister, wrote this article in 1928.

6 Our Firm Foundation 0HOTO¹0HOTO$ISC He hasclothedtheearthwith acar- matchless andwonderful splendor. has garnishedtheHeavens with beauties ofthematerialworld. He dences ofHislove forman,inthe He hasgiven unmistakable evi- God isalover ofthebeautiful,and of natureisthe Author oftheBible. truth. Itisevidentthatthe Author very purposeofillustratingBible seem tohave beendesignedforthe and perfectgi ly drawntotheGiver ofevery good nature, themindwillbeinstinctive- then, inlookingupontheworks of things tothespiritualtruthsofGod; seek toseetherelationofnatural praise andthanksgiving.We should for us,myheartisdrawnoutin enly Fatherwhohasplantedthem and contemplatethelovingheav- When Ilookuponthelo of God’s regard fortheirhappiness! with indi His createdworks? Howmanylook the love ofGodtous,expressedin when we seesomanyevidencesof Heaven. Howcanwe beunhappy ness, becauseholinessisapartof Galatians 6:8.Holinessishappi- of theSpiritreaplifeeverlasting.” “he thatsoweth totheSpiritshall T 0RAISETHE,ORD Volume 19, Number 12 The gloriousthingsofnature people intheearth,because God shouldbethehappiest he lovers ofthetruth ff erence uponthetokens . y trees, 5NAPPRECIATED'IFTS of Heaven. we seereasonsforpraisingtheGod varied tints.Everywhere we look to the pet ofvelvet-like green,andgiven manifest nogratitude,and have no and charmingtothesenses, and preciate thethingsthatare lovely in nature?Dowe notfailtoap- overlook themost preciousthings bestowed uponus?Dowe not the gi ing giver? no gratefulremembranceofthelov- worthy ofsuchblessings,forhehas Would you notsaythismanis you notdisapprove ofthiscourse? the beautifularrangements,would isfaction, bypointingoutdefectsin ference, andeven manifestdissat- gi Suppose thattherecipientofthese him, andhisinterestinwelfare. give himanevidenceofhislove for to makethepoormanhappy, and has noothermotive inthisactthan grateful heart.Thebenevolent man ing togive inexchangeforitbuta ent ittoapoormanwhohadnoth- thing tobedesired,andthenpres- home, andsurrounditwithevery- person shouldprovideabeautiful Ellen G.White s shouldregardthemwithindif- Well, whatare we doingwith Suppose thatabenevolent fl s thatGodhassorichly owers theirbeautifuland the wonderful love ofGodtoward with indi the And shallwe beinconsiderateof one ofthese.”Ma in allhisglorywas notarrayed like say untoyou, Thateven Solomon not, neitherdotheyspin;andyet I the you of Hischaracterandmajesty. created works, andnatureteaches great name?HeisdescribedinHis Him theglorythatisdueuntoHis look uponthosewhonever give to of Hislove tothem?HowcanHe with whichmenreceive thetokens enly Fatherregardtheindi own heart.Buthowdoesourheav- to Godabove, andjoykindlesinmy caroling forththeirhymnsofpraise there—that Godloves you? of the in thewaving grass,inthe God? Doyou readinthelo hearts grateful,happythoughtsof and sea,sky, kindleinour and delight?Dothegloriesofearth, in providingthemforourcomfort may takeinallthedepthofHislove treasures invarious ways, thatwe us? Dowe closelyinvestigate these an expressionofHislove toward has providedthesevery thingsas thankfulness toreturnGod,who Said Jesus,“Considertheliliesof I listentothehappysongsters fl fi eld, howthey grow; theytoil owers of God? Shallwe regard fi eld, thelessonthatistaught ff erence thesetokensof hew 6:28–29. ff fl erence owers y trees, 7 8 was given towinthesethingsfor and Redeemer. Talk ofthepricethat wonderful works ofyour Creator Think onthesethings,talk ofthe loveliness ofthat whichisbeautiful. from thesethingstothea your spirit.Turn your eyes away and bruiseyour the thorns,thatwould wound these. Hedidnotbidyou grasp God didnottellyou tolook upon because we seethistlesandthorns. things richlytoenjoy. enly Father, whohathprovidedall talk ofthecompassionourheav- surrounded us.Letusnotforgetto derful thingswithwhichGodhas to seeandappreciatethewon- not gothroughtheworld neglecting for thosewholove Him.Thenletus sions thatJesushasgonetoprepare behold ifwe are we maycontemplatewhatwe shall upon theworks ofGod,byfaith His owngreatness;andinlooking who willever actinharmonywith should be gleaming ofHisglory. Ourhearts nature, butwe seebutthefaintest 4ALKOFTHE"LESSINGS love him.”1Corinthians2:9. God hathpreparedforthemthat the heartofman,thingswhich ear heard,neitherhave enteredinto declares, “Eye hathnotseen,nor ent childofHeaven. Theapostle that await thefaithfulandobedi- We aretolookuptheroyal gi tions aretobeputthestretch. works ofHishand,ourimagina- fallen man?Incontemplatingthe Let usnotbegintogrumble, We seethevaried gi God’s dearSontosaveaperishingworld. Let usstopeverybreath ofcomplaint, joy andthankfulnessforthegi fi and shapeourwordsintosongsof lled withpraisetoHim fl fi esh, andgrieve

ed fortheman- s ofGodin ractive s ings praise Godfromwhomallbless- Shall we notnowtuneourheartsto less love ofourheavenly Father? capable ofappreciatingthematch- possession ofit,whichmakesusin- of thebasethingthathastaken of God!Shallwe notridthe heart every dayintheunspeakablegi into possessionofeternalriches. die onCalvary, thatwe mightcome who gave Hisonlybego tion. Talk ofthetenderlove ofGod, you. Dwell upon thethemeofsalva- ties innature,andwe aretoletthe to seeandappreciateallthe beau- but we arenottobeofit.We are now do.We aretobeintheworld, of theBiblemuchbe they would represent thereligion that Christiswillingtogive them, Christians would manifestthejoy might befull.”John15:10–11.If remain inyou, andthatyour joy spoken untoyou, thatmy joymight in hislove. Thesethingshave I Father’s commandments,andabide my love; even asIhave keptmy commandments, ye shallabidein ing intheatmosphereofHeaven. are Christ-like,thattheybreath- ever. LetChristiansshowthatthey God andtotheLambforever and music ofHeaven, whichispraiseto We musttuneourheartstothe begin topraiseHimhere,andnow. in theworld tocome,we must among thosewhowillpraiseGod a perishingworld. Ifwe would be for thegi into songsofjoyandthankfulness of complaint,andshapeourwords Oh, whatvalue we maysee Jesus says,“Ifye keepmy fl ow? Letusstopevery breath ofHisdearSontosave Ğ of er thanthey en Sonto s fragrant withgoodworks. are togive outagaintoothersalife hope, peace,joy, andsupport.They garden ofGod’s promises,faithand are privilegedtogatherfromthe to delightoursenses,soChristians and develop intothingsofbeauty hidden propertiesofearthandair, fl purposes ofGodtoward us. As the precious pearls,we maydiscern the through Hispromises,richerthan love andpraiseinourhearts,that trust, andfullnessofjoy. we arethepossessorsofpeace,and press, bypreceptandexample,that the bountifulGiver. We aretoex- favors ofGodli our soulsthedisgustingpollutions tion, we have noneed togather world teeming with moralcorrup- this lily? Although we areina spotless lily. that willaiditsdevelopment intoa only drawstoitselfthoseproperties would taintandpolluteitspurity. It lake, andrefuseseverything that sands, farbeneaththesurfaceof still deeperintothepurewaters and The lilystrikesitsstemdeeperand unseemly andobnoxiousthings. it, onthesurfaceofwater, are spotless loveliness, whileallaround of thelake.The white blossomsuponthebosom from thelilythatopensitspure spirituality? aging, andwillbringdeathtoour an atmospherethatisonlydiscour- souls, andenshroudourselves in the cloudsofunbeliefaboutour forbidding? Whydowe gatherup upon thethingsthataredarkand saints inlight,and loveliness intheinheritanceof from thesethingsofunsurpassed so constantlytakeourgazeaway those wholove Him.Whydowe look intotheglorypreparedfor the veil fromHeaven, andbidsus #ONSIDERTHE7ATER,ILY owers gatherforthemselves the We aretocultivate gratitudeand Shall we notlearnlessonsfrom God would have uslearnlessons In thepromises,Godwithdraws Our Firm Foundation fl upourmindsto ower reposesin fi x oureyes

0HOTO¹0HOTO$ISC 0HOTO¹0HOTO$ISC through lust. the corruptionthatisinworld divine nature,you have escaped you have become apartakerofthe works. Letmenseethatbecause ter thatwilldevelop itselfingood Spirit, weave themintoacharac- Draw toyourself thegracesof your faithpenetrateevery cloud. of joy. You willdothis,ifyou let no evil,incheerfulness,fullness su kindness, inforbearance,long- to Christ.Representyour Lordin tinual testimonythatyou belong the case.Letyour lifebeacon- the pathsofdestruction. Satan, tobeguilesoulsaway into with Christwe shallbeagentsof Christians, ifwe donotgather unto death.Whilewe claimtobe savor oflifeuntolife,butdeath words andworks willnotbea will leadothersintodarkness.Our will beblessedbythegrace thatis hard placesintheway toHeaven, present needsofHispeople. reward, but itisabundantforthe all reserved for thefuture,eternal The lovingkindnessofGodisnot in themidstoftemptationandevil. who isabletosuccorthoseare We maycometo thedivineHelper, given toallthatsincerelydesireit. sinful habits,specialgracewillbe ,AY(OLDOFTHE"LESSINGS thoughts, ourwords, ourin our character-building; and our unworthy, unsoundtimbersinto the Princeoflight.We mayput prince ofdarkness,andrefuse We maycommunicatewiththe tions, anddoubtsimpurities. gather tooursoulsevilsugges- indwelling oftheHolySpirit. that willmakea our character-building solid timber, pure, theheavenly; we mayputinto gather tooursoulstheprecious, We maychoosethegood.We may of earth.We mayrefusetheevil. Volume 19, Number 12 ff ering, inpatience,thinking God forbidthatthisshouldbe All thechangesoflife,all the In thework ofovercoming On theotherhandwe may fi t templeforthe fl uence, with us. right tocomplainofGod’s dealings and bruiseourselves, we have no thorns andthethistles,towound us, ifwe willonlygraspholdofthe the blessingsGodhasprovidedfor faculty. Ifwe willnotlayholdon for theheart,andvigorevery There islightfortheintellect,love for inthepromisesofHisgrace. ity orwisdom,allareprovided wealth, sicknessorhealth,simplic- sustain, anduphold.Poverty or will bebeneathustoencourage, and help.Theeverlasting arms assuring promisesofprotection su Signs oftheTimes Heaven. be learningtosingthesongsof soul, andvoice, andthusyou will sisters. PraiseHimwithheart,and 3:1–4. PraiseGod,brethrenand with himinglory.” Colossians appear, thenshallye alsoappear When Christ,whoisourlife,shall your lifeishidwithChristinGod. the earth.Forye aredead,and on thingsabove, notonthings hand ofGod.Setyour a where Christsi seek thosethingswhichareabove, around theworld. are anincalculableblessingtoGod’s people ffi cient forevery trial.We have The lovingkindnessofGodisnotallreserved “If ye thenberisenwithChrist, abundant forthepresent needs ofHispeople. for thefuture, eternalreward, butitis  eth ontheright , June29,1888. ff ection 9 10 of thedivineSaviour, arecord of of theentrancesin,promise human family, thesadportrayal will, arecordofthehistory ofthe the expressionofsovereign Scriptures. InthisBookisfound of divinerevelation intheHoly the bookofnatureiswitness and promotestheirwelfare. by whichHeseekstheirhappiness inhabitants ofearth,andthemeans His love andthoughtfulnessforthe decorating theearth,allspeakof lea landscape, thejoyous bird inthe life-giving sunshine,thesmiling nature reveals Hislove aswell. The children ofmen. And thebookof claim Hispower andmajestytothe exhibitions ofHishandiwork pro- the decreeofIn held withinitsproperboundsby restless andever-changing ocean, its towering mountainranges;the each initsownorbit;theearthwith through thesky, allinorderlyarray, worlds movinginmajesticsplendor less love. Themyriadsofheavenly searchable wisdom,andHisbound- testify ofHisin and theBookofrevelation both dren ofmen.Thebooknature T Added tothisrevelation in 4HE3ACRED#ANON y bower, thebeautiful without witnesstothechil- the earthhasnotle he Creatoroftheheavens and fi nite power, Hisun- fi nite—these Himself fl owers whereby thissacri His lifeandministry, thedirections and regeneration, through repentance,confession, e 20:34), theprophecyof Ah the bookofJehu(2Chronicles prophet Iddo(2Chronicles13:22), (1 Chronicles29:29),thestoryof 9:29), thebookofGadseer Nathan theprophet(2Chronicles 10:13),thebookof of Jasher(Joshua Canon. TheBiblementionsthebook son were notincludedintheSacred writings whichforsomegoodrea- ages ofeternity. dren ofGodthroughouttheendless glorious heritageawaiting thechil- tion inrighteousness:that the man reproof, forcorrection, instruc- a groundwork “for doctrine,for which inevery age would prove of thechurchinevery period,and instruction aswould meettheneeds The wisdomofGodpreserved such cies hadamerelylocalapplication. Doubtless, manyoftheirprophe- the othercanonicalprophetswrote. Canon allthatJeremiahorIsaiah there was includedintheSacred names. Norcanwe besurethat li 12:15). Ofthesewritings,we know Shemaiah theprophet(2Chronicles (2 Chronicles9:29),thebookof ff ective inChristianexperience le ornothingtodayexceptthe F. M.Wilcox There were manyprophetic fi ce maybemade fi nally the ij ah rancy. themselves astotheirdivineiner- fi many strikingevidences.Consider of Godisabundantlya expression ofthecharacterandwill of Scripture. test imposedbytheSacredCanon divine inspirationmuststandthe every succeedingprophetclaiming is tested.Thewritingsandwork of dard bywhichevery otherwriting dentials. Itthusbecomesthestan- down tousbearingthedivinecre- it aloneofallwritingshascome this, thatintheprovidenceofGod Timothy 3:16–17. furnished untoallgoodworks.” 2 of Godmaybeperfect,throughly do thewritersof supernaturally, andintheirwrit- ets, asthenameimplies,speak hath spoken.” Amos 3:1. Theproph- said, “Hearthisword thattheL unto Joshua.”Joshua1:1. Amos the deathofMoses“theL 23:3); anditisrecordedthata of Israelspaketome”(2Samuel they wrote.Davidsaid,“TheRock the Lordasauthorityforwhat books oftheOldTestament give 7HATTHE"IBLE3AYSOF)TSELF rst thetestimonyofScriptures That theHolyScripturesarean The SacredCanonisuniquein More thanonethousandtimes Our Firm Foundation fi rst sixteen ested by ord spake er ord

0HOTO,INDA3HIN 0HOTO¹0HOTO$ISC not primarilyDavidwhospoke, not testi The SpiritofChristintheprophets which theScriptureswere given. 1 Peter 1:10–11. and theglorythatshouldfollow.” beforehand thesu in themdidsignify, whenittesti time theSpiritofChristwhichwas searching what,orwhatmannerof grace thatshouldcomeuntoyou: diligently, whoprophesiedofthe ets have enquiredandsearched says: through ourLordandSaviour, he of thesalvation thatcomestous emphasizes thispoint.Inspeaking breathed.” TheapostlePeter is declaredtobeinspired—“God- in theScripturesuptothattime are excluded;allthatwas embraced yet unwri compiled; indeed,muchofitwas the NewTestament canonwas not when Paul pennedthesewords, the OldTestament writings,for works.” 2Timothy3:16–17. throughly furnisheduntoallgood that themanofGodmaybeperfect, for instructioninrighteousness: doctrine, forreproof,correction, ration ofGod,andispro thus statedbytheapostlePaul: were given andtheirpurposeis The mannerinwhichtheScriptures might becitedinthisconnection. Other referencesofsimilarimport the writingsofMoses.(Malachi4:4). Malachi indicatedhisacceptanceof Psalms. (Acts1:16,20).Theprophet Peter placeshisapproval uponthe tory. (Isaiah6:11–13).Theapostle Israel’s deliverance as afactofhis- prophet Isaiahmakesmentionof (Luke 24:25;John5:46–47).The all thattheprophetshadwri ent psalms. writers quotefrom for whattheywrite.NewTestament times theygive credittotheLord ings, morethanthirteenhundred Volume 19, Number 12 Here isrevealed themannerin “Of whichsalvation theproph- The referenceheremadeisto “All scriptureisgiven byinspi- Christ placedHisapproval upon fi ed throughthem.Thenitwas en. Noneoftheprophets ff erings ofChrist, fi

y-nine di fi table for en. ff er- fi ed and humblemaybethechannels message ofGod,however frail instruments ofclay, butitisthe Bible hasbeengiven through worth. they areincasedincasketsofli rarest pearlsnonethelesspreciousif date theirmessage.Itmakesthe forbidding, butthatdidnotinvali- surrounding themmightbemost be sinfulmen,andtheconditions speaking throughthem.Theymight that spoke,buttheSpiritofChrist Holy Spirit,thenitwas notthey only astheywere moved bythe prophets’ ownwill,iftheyspoke the HolyGhost.”2Peter 1:20–21. God spakeastheywere moved by the willofman:butholymen prophecy camenotinoldtimeby any private interpretation.Forthe prophecy ofthescriptureis dacity. (Acts8:9–24). a rebukeforhisblasphemousau- use theSpirit’s power, butsu sure. SimonMagusthoughtthusto Christ was nottheirstouseatplea- prophesied notatwill.TheSpiritof fi themselves andbeyond theirown prophesied. to God hadrevealed throughthem, and withothershadtosearchwhat understand theirownprophecies, by grace;ando were fallible,sinfulmen,butsaved ing throughthem.Theprophets Isaiah, notDaniel,butChristspeak- nite understanding.Theprophets fi nd thatsalvation ofwhichthey So withGod’s message.The If theprophecycamenotby The Spiritcarriedthemoutof “Knowing this Again, theapostlePeter says: The SpiritofChristintheprophets testi David whospoke,notIsaiah,Daniel, through them.Thenitwas notprimarily but Christspeakingthrough them. times theyfailedto fi rst, thatno ff ered le (2 Corinthians4:7). through whichitcomestous. 3CRIPTURES 4HE.EW4ESTAMENT wrote atdi ment ofthefourevangelists, who concurrent andharmoniousagree- the gospelrecordisa earthly work. Thetruthfulnessof writing ofthehistoryHisSon’s He would likewiseguideinthe cies pertainingtoChrist’s mission, that ifGoddirectedintheprophe- likewise guideHisapostles;and was withHisprophetswould that thesameSpiritofChristwhich to theNew. Itissafetoconclude Scriptures applieswithequalforce ment concerningtheOldTestament declares: claimed, theapostlePaul further teacheth.” 1Corinthians2:13. teacheth, butwhichtheHoly Ghost in thewords whichman’s wisdom “Which thingsalsowe speak,not Paul himselfsaysofhisepistles, “other Scriptures.”2Peter 3:15–16. and classeshisepistleswiththe to thewisdomgiven untohim,” Peter saysthathewrote“according number oftheepistles,andhim cept theother. who believe theonemustalsoac- the prophecyofDanielthatthose Revelation issonearlyparallelwith that inmanyrespectsthebookof one another’s work. Again, we ably ingeneralwithoutreferenceto di ff erent pointsofview, andprob- The sameapostolicpronounce- Of thegospelwhichhepro- Paul was thewriteroflarger CONTINUEDONPAGE ff erent timesandfrom ested bythe fi ed fi nd 11 12 B injury thathadbeendone to the were unaware ofthe enormous publishers? reprinted? Whatwas thepurposeofits from afewlinestopages. Annotated Edition publishers. Itisthereforecalledan ments andnotesbythepresent is therewrappedaroundbycom- reprint. 2004.) Firm Foundation of articlesearlierthisyear. (See which we have examinedinaseries scandalous mind. Thebookisareprintofthe money camefrom. I ammoved towonder wherethe fi investment, whichrequiredstrong ers madeavery heavy apparent thatthebook’s publish- my copyIpaidagoodlysum.Itis binding, withgoldle ity paperinahandsometwo-color nancial backingfromsomewhere. Could itbepossiblethatthey So whywasthisscandalousbook No, itisnota But thetitleiswhatstretchesmy It consistsof597pagesqual- impressive volume. efore me,asIwrite,isabook. All oftheoriginaledition In appearanceitisamost Questions onDoctrine , February–June, . Thenotesrange revision ering. For fi nancial . Itisa Our , Doctrine result hasbeenthat around it.” Adventist factionsthatgrewup alienation andseparationto the . Itsreleasebroughtprolonged history.Seventh-day Adventist fi “ logical tension.” se Adventist dialoguesincethe1950s, that hasstoodatthevery centerof denomination.” nently warring factionswithinthe create whatappearstobeperma- single event in Adventist history to Doctrine the that hadbeendonetothechurchby fully aware oftheenormousinjuries of thenew dantly clearthatthepublishers pages ofthebook,makeitabun- following lines,takenfromvarious 1957? church bythe page beforetheprefacetheywrote: Questions onDoctrine es asthemostdivisive bookin Ralph Larson On page516we read:“The The The No, thatisnotpossible.The “The publicationof ing thestageforongoingtheo- 4HE3CANDALOFA"OOK fi 4HE#OLOSSAL1UESTION rst edition.Onthe Introduction Preface hasbeenvili didmorethananyother Annotated Edition adds:“Itisavolume fi rst publicationin tellsusthat: Questions on fi easilyquali- ed bymany Questions on Viewpoints were Why?

0ART various placesinthebookthereare integrity inthe the grievousviolationsofprocedural ers oftheneweditionwere unaware of Could itbepossiblethatthepublish- as we move ontoournextquestion. ing thisnewedition? the purposeofpublishersinprint- question, confronts usagainwithourcolossal lishers ofthenewedition,which were very well knowntothepub- fi had beendonetothechurchby may never heal.” healed inthelast had beenopenedwhichhasnot world, butintheprocessabreach ing Christianfromtheevangelical have gainedrecognitionasbe- come. O Adventist ranksintheyears to sult would spelldisasterinthe year history.” other documentinitsmorethan150 in the Adventist churchthanany more tocreatetheologicaldivision Adventists andhasprobablydone expressions thatreveal very clearly rst editionof No, thatisnotapossibility. At And ourpuzzlementincreases So theenormousinjuriesthat And onpage522:“There- ffi Why? Whatcouldhavebeen cial Adventism may cial Adventism Our Firm Foundation fi Questions onDoctrine rst edition? fi y years and

0HOTO+EVIN(0ATTERSON that the publishers knew about the 4HE'RIM&ACTS they did not revise it, they reprinted violations of procedural integrity. Three facts, three grim realities, it as it was, untruths, manipulations Rather than put forth a series of that are established beyond ques- of evidence, and all. long quotations I will just present tion, are before us: Why? some of the words or phrases with 1. The publishers of the new The editor of this Annotated their page numbers. Observe: Annotated Edition were fully aware Edition states his hope that “a of the enormous injury that had forthright treatment of the explo- Page xv “less than transparent” been done to the church by the fi rst sive issues opened up by Questions xxx “push the facts a bit too edition. on Doctrine and the answers this far” 2. The publishers of the new edition provides will be enlight- xxx “present their data in a Annotated Edition were fully aware ening to both the larger commu- way that creates a false of the sheer dishonesty, the viola- nity of readers and to Adventists.” impression” tions of integrity, in the fi rst edition. Annotated Edition, xi. xxxiv “misleading title” 41 “masks the fact” 45 “in a historic sense, false” 324 “not accurate” 516 “a misleading heading” The publishers of the new Annotated Edition 517 “less than straightforward” 520 “data was manipulated” were fully aware of the enormous injury that 521 “had not told the truth” 522 “elements of betrayal in the had been done to the church by the fi rst edition. manipulation of data and in untruths” 524 “misleading heading” 3. With full knowledge of these Despite the wonderful hopes ex- So there can be no doubt that things, they nevertheless made a pressed by the editor, it appears we the publishers of this new edition conscious decision to republish the have but two choices as to why the were fully aware of the violations of book, at great expense. book has been reprinted: Either . . .  procedural and intellectual integ- Why? Why? WHY??? What is the rity, the sheer dishonesty, in the fi rst purpose of this? What are they trying To be concluded. . . . edition. If you question that reality, to do? just read the list again. It makes me If they had removed all of the Ralph Larson, retired pastor shudder. And the question that con- evils from the book, and then print- and theologian, last served fronts us now is agonizing. Why? ed a revision of it, we could to some as dean of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Semi- What is going on here? What are we extent understand that, though nary, Far East. looking at? questioning its hope of success. But


“I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not a er man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.” Galatians 1:11–12. The importance which the apostle John a ached to his writings, is stated in his emphatic declaration which we fi nd in Revelation 22:18–19. Then, as we turn to the Bible, we do not read merely the words of Paul, or Peter, or Samuel, or any of the prophets; we read the words of the Lord transmi ed through them. Each, in giving his message, could truly say, as did David, “The Spirit of the Lord spake by me, and his word was in my tongue.” 2 Samuel 23:2. No, the words were not David’s, but, as Peter declares in Acts 1:16, they were the words “which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake.” 

Source: “The Sacred Canon: The Foundation of Christian Doctrine and the Test of Christian Experience,” The Testimony of Jesus: A Review of the Work and Teachings of Mrs. Ellen Gould White, Review and Herald Publ. Assoc., Takoma Park, Washington, D.C, 1944, 5–10.

Francis McLellan Wilcox served the Seventh-day Adventist church as author, minister, and administrator and was the editor of the Review and Herald from 1911 to 1944.

Volume 19, Number 12 13 14 “A unto them.”Ma her: andshearose,ministered touched herhand,andthefever le laid, andsickofafever. And he sick.” Verse 16. word, andhealed and hecastoutthespiritswith his that were possessedwithdevils: come, theybroughtuntohim many in Ma evidenced bythenextfewverses Lessons to ourfellowmen.” ing linkwhichbindsustoGodand law ofservicebecomestheconnect- God andtotheirfellowmen..The gives thelawofservice—serviceto worker, andtoallHisfollowers He life isministry Lord teachesthat been redeemedforservice.Our us here:“Christ’s followers have ministered untothem.” a sult ofherhealing?Whathappened Or maybebe touched her. Why didHedothat? down sick,andHecametoher and sawPeter’s mother-in-law lying (E4OUCHED er shewas healed? Jesus wants tohealusall,asis Let uslookatwhatGodtold The Biblesays,“shearose,and Jesus cameintoPeter’s house (ER(AND hew: “Whentheeven was , 326. All emphasissupplied. he sawhiswife’s mother come intoPeter’s house, nd whenJesuswas . ChristHimselfwas a er, what was there- hew 8:14–15. the trueobjectof all Christ’s Object thatwere Joe Olson

h)7ILL&OLLOW4HEEv public declarationwas ascribe. would seementirely appropriate. asking mentofollowHim, so this Jesus wants? HestartedHisministry you,” thescribesays.Isn’t thatwhat every dayofourlives. “Iwillfollow make asimilarcommitmenttoJesus, ment. Would thatallof uswould goest.” Verse 19. will followtheewhithersoever thou comes toHimandsays,“Master, I following Jesus,andacertainscribe even sawthehealing. anyone whohasjustbeenhealed,or This isavery naturalresponsefrom could healthemoftheirdiseases. of a“man,”oreven aSavior, who are tudes thatarefollowingJesusnow, in chapter8ofMa that asyou readon Testimonies His service to member church- every Lord want ofusthen? enter And themanwhomadethis This appearstobeaworthy state- So, these“greatmultitudes”are It isinteresting “God callsupon And whatdoesthe great . Everybody likedthisidea .” , vol. 8,47. hew, themulti- Our Firm Foundation

)LLUSTRATION*OE-ANISCALCO What would you expect Jesus’ re- ing here for worldly gain, he had followers with worldly treasure. sponse to be? What would you have be er think again. I don’t even have He therefore eagerly addressed said? Jesus was starting His own a bed, much less a home, Jesus says! him, as had Judas, saying, ‘Master, ministry, apart from the church of Don’t expect a position of authority; I will follow thee whithersoever the day, and here is a scribe saying, with all its trappings and benefi ts, I thou goest.’ The Saviour read the I want to join your ministry. Let’s have come to serve. unworthy thought that actuated his read what Jesus says to him: Jesus knew what Judas was there heart and answered him as he had “And Jesus saith unto him, The for, and it wasn’t to be of service answered Judas, ‘The foxes have foxes have holes, and the birds to others: “Judas believed Jesus to holes, and the birds of the air have of the air have nests; but the Son be the Messiah; and by joining the nests; but the Son of Man hath not of man hath not where to lay his apostles, he hoped to secure a high posi- where to lay his head.’ “ The Spirit of head.” Verse 20. tion in the new kingdom. This hope Prophecy, vol. 2, 305. What kind of answer is that? Why is He starting His ministry, and then, when someone promising comes along, He tells him that He “Many in these days would accept the truth Himself has not so much as a place to lay His head. That may be true, if there was no self-denial connected with it. but do you really want to focus on that right now? Might that not be If they could have the world with Christ, they be er to reveal a li le later on—af- ter he is connected with the work? would enlist in His army.” Besides, this is a scribe, a teacher in Israel. Wouldn’t it behoove Jesus to try to make some overtures Jesus designed to cut off by the state- This scribe approached Jesus for toward the religious leaders? Here ment of His poverty.” Ibid., 294. his own selfi sh interest. He was not is one in authority among the Jews; Jesus came to serve, not to be there because he wanted to simply why rebuff him in this way? Can’t served. be a follower of the Master, as he He just get along? “Let this mind be in you, which had pronounced; his motive was Well, Jesus knew who this scribe was also in Christ Jesus: who, be- greed. was, and what his interest was in ing in the form of God, thought it “This Jewish teacher had only being connected with Him. This not robbery to be equal with God: his own selfi sh interest in view scribe was none other than Judas but made himself of no reputation, when he proposed to follow Jesus. Iscariot himself! and took upon him the form of a He hoped that the Saviour would “While Jesus was preparing the servant.” Philippians 2:5–7. soon establish his kingdom on disciples for their ordination, one “Christ humbled Himself from earth, and that the wealth and sta- who had not been summoned urged the highest authority, from the tion which would then accrue to his his presence among them. It was position of one equal with God, to disciples, were the riches of which Judas Iscariot, a man who professed the lowest place, that of a servant.” Jesus had spoken.” Ibid., 306. to be a follower of Christ. He now Testimonies, vol. 3, 566. came forward, soliciting a place in And He says, “For I have given 7HY!RE9OU&OLLOWING*ESUS this inner circle of disciples. With you an example, that ye should do How many of us today are fol- great earnestness and apparent sin- as I have done to you.” John 13:15. lowing Jesus for what we will get cerity he declared, ‘Master, I will fol- out of it? Are we here for service? low thee whithersoever thou goest.’ !NOTHER3CRIBE Do we truly want to “follow the Jesus neither repulsed nor welcomed We can learn additional lessons Master?” Are we willing to deny him, but u ered only the mournful from the case of another scribe ourselves for His cause? words: ‘The foxes have holes, and who had a conversation with Jesus “Many in these days would the birds of the air have nests; but identical to the one between Judas accept the truth if there was no the Son of man hath not where to and Jesus. This scribe was not plan- self-denial connected with it. If they lay his head.’ Ma hew 8:19–20.” The ning on being connected with Jesus could have the world with Christ, Desire of Ages, 293–294. so that he could be a servant. He they would enlist in His army. But I praise God that He can read wanted the riches of this world. to follow Him in His humiliation, the heart and knows what we are “In the grossness of his dark- with no prospect of an earthly coming to Him for. Jesus tried to get ened mind, the scribe conceived reward thereby, is more than their across to Judas that if he was com- that Jesus designed to enrich his CONTINUEDONPAGE

Volume 19, Number 12 15 treasures uponearth,where moth Master Artist, andhedeclares: roses, delicatelytintedbythe great of thevalley, thefragrantpinksand them thebeautiful good andevil.Hespreadsbefore working inbehalfofhumanbeings, sustains theworld, thepower ever senses heshowsthemthehandthat and touchingtheeyes oftheir abroad intotheopen fested intheirbehalf.Heleadsmen the divinegoodnessGodhasmani- gives adistinctrepresentationof love. with Hisjustice,condescension,and sons thatmenmightbeimpressed given totheworld. Christgave les- He gave ittoHisdisciplesbe tive toimpartthisknowledge,and brought toman.Itwas Hispreroga- of Godwas thechieftreasureChrist God inJesusChrist.Theknowledge Him. Thiswas therevelation of world tolive thelawandrepresent 16 G “Lay notupforyourselves To thejustandunjustHe Christ OurExample, and HesentChristintothe destitute oftrueknowledge, od sawthattheworld was fl owers, the lily fi eld ofnature, %VERY0ROVISION-ADE 6:19–21, 26. much be Father feedeththem. Are ye not gather intobarns;yet your heavenly sow not,neitherdotheyreap,nor Behold thefowlsofair:forthey there willyour heartbealso.. steal: forwhereyour treasureis, thieves donotbreakthroughnor nor rustdothcorrupt,andwhere in heaven, whereneithermoth but layupforyourselves treasures thieves breakthroughandsteal: and rustdothcorrupt,where ye notmuchbe souls, yet Godcaresforthem.“Are preserved unto eternallife. all God’s requirementsthesoulis temptations. Throughobedience to which willenableustoovercome for ustoreceive divinepower, life. Every provisionhasbeenmade has purchasedbythegi preciates every soulwhomHisSon secure eternallife.TheFatherap- possible formenandwomen to Ellen G.White The dumbanimalshave no Jesus gave hislifetomakeit Part 1 er thanthey?”Ma er thanthey?” ofHis hew you.” Verses 27–33. these thingsshallbeaddedunto God, andhisrighteousness;all But seekye that ye have needofallthesethings. for your heavenly Fatherknoweth these thingsdotheGentilesseek:) shall we beclothed?(Fora shall we drink?or, Wherewithal saying, Whatshallwe eat?or, What faith? Thereforetakenothought, much moreclotheyou, Oye ofli is castintotheoven, shallhenot fi if Godsoclothethegrassof rayed likeoneofthese.Wherefore, Solomon inallhisglorywas notar- and yet Isayuntoyou, Thateven they toilnot,neitherdospin: lilies ofthe thought forraiment?Considerthe unto hisstature? And whytakeye taking thoughtcanaddonecubit Christ asks.“Whichofyou by ments. TheOnewhogave Hislife love GodandkeepHiscommand- 'IFTS 6ALUE0ROPORTIONATETOTHE eld, whichtodayis,andtomorrow This lessonisgiven toallwho fi fi eld, howtheygrow; Our Firm Foundation rst thekingdom of er all le

0HOTO¹0HOTO$ISC 0HOTO¹0HOTO$ISC His gi do nomoretoexpressHis love. work outoursalvation. Godcould in harmonywiththedivinemind appreciate themeansprovided,and be restoredinman.Ourpartisto that themoralimageofGodmight With ChristHegave all heaven, God showed Hislove forman. everlasting life.”John3:16.Thus in himshouldnotperish,buthave ten Son,thatwhosoever believeth world, thathegave hisonlybegot- die fortheworld. “Godsoloved the by givingHisonlybego think ofthelove ofGodmanifested head. to thenumberingofhairs every particularofhishistory, even assigned eachindividualiswri of every individual,thatinthepage that inthisbookiswri the wholerevelation. Hetellsthem bids them,asfarpossible,takein the volume ofHisprovidence,and of eternity. Heopensbeforethem unfolding beforethemthetreasures leads themuptothehighergrade, love thatiswithoutaparallel.He dross, thathemayappreciatethe man’s mind, purifyingitfromall retain sel vastness isprovidedforall. embraces in the beingsformedinHisimage? ings whichGodwillbestowupon plied, canwe appreciatethebless- wants ofdumbanimalsaresup- in thescaleofcreation.Ifeven the ate totheplacethatobjectoccupies object ofcreationareproportion- the blessingsbestowed uponany would have Hispeoplerealizethat goodness ofHisFather. TheLord Christ’s testimonytothesupreme speak toevery soul,con The bountiesofGod’s providence en aliketothankfulandunthankful. the dew, theglorioussunlight,giv- the showers thatfallupontheearth, every blessingofthenaturalworld, divine Teacher, andHeappealsto that we shouldnotperishisthe Volume 19, Number 12 He leadsthehumanagentto There isnoexcuseforany to Christ would elevate andre couldnotbegreater;forit fi shness. Intheheartsof fi nity. Hisgraceinallits en thename fi rming en Sonto fi ne en the world. God cancommunicateHislightto become alivingchannel,bywhich grace you have received. Thusyou with Godthatyou willimpartthe tion. You mustbecomesounited Holy Spirit,theSpiritofadop- He hasdied,You mustreceive the Saviour saystoevery oneforwhom be formed,thehopeofglory. The all whoreceive Him,Christwill love. is fullofcompassion,mercy, and made withNoah.TheLord God them becauseofthecovenant He didnotdothis.has spared fl could have swept themaway bya of theworld fortheiriniquity. He place topunishtheinhabitants could have comeforthoutofHis a raceofrebellioussubjects.He Sabbath trampledunderfootby upon Hisprostratelaw, uponHis passeth knowledge.Heislooking receive andimpartthelove which propensities. Godcallsuponusto of hisli earthward. o divine benevolence hasnotbeencut ing. Butnotwithstandingthis,the prevalence, anditisstillincreas- has beenincreasinginvolume and and Eve. Butever sincethensin gates ofparadiseagainst Adam small transgressionthatclosedthe sel while ithasinonethreadof ood, asHedidinNoah’s day. But ff . God’s love andcarestill fi whether theyare usingsacred orcommon This shouldmakemanafraid God cannotapprove ourwork shness. Itwas apparentlya leness, ofhissin-loving Those whoare intheserviceofGod, should closelyexaminethemselves, to seewhethertheyare inthefaith, who profess tobelievethetruth, fl ow using sacredorcommon are inthefaith,whetherthey themselves, toseewhetherthey truth, shouldcloselyexamine God, whoprofesstobelieve the Those whoareintheserviceof History willtestifyagainstthem. ments, theygreatlydishonorHim. and actcontrarytoHisarrange- of HisbusinessmisrepresentHim, 2:19. depart frominiquity. See2Timothy all whonametheofChrist sancti the L declared to Aaron, “Thisisitthat death ofNadaband Abihu, Moses be glori me, andbeforeallthepeopleIwill 4OTAL6ICTORY!VAILABLE of acruci Each onemustrelyonthemerits has madetheymayovercome. that throughtheprovisionsGod of Adam unmistakableevidence Christ gave every sonanddaughter will consenttoceasefromsin. receive power toovercome, ifthey From Himmenandwomen may to save therace,were successful. e every temptationoftheenemy. His human gaining aneverlasting victory In ourbehalfHeovercame Satan, of thehumanraceasHisenemies. covenant relation withhimself. He takesevery repenting soulinto ff orts ofsuperhumanlove, made When Hisservants, thestewards The LordJesusChrist,whenin Christ regardedtheenemies ord fi ed inthemthatcomenigh fi fl ed.” Leviticus10:3.Let esh, successfullyresisted spake,saying,Iwillbe fi ed andrisenSaviour. fi re. At the fi re. 17 for all who will receive Him. He and endure, that we might pass Those who had lived in close alli- engaged in the warfare, and did triumphantly through all the temp- ance with the leaders of rebellion not give up, but resisted even unto tations Satan may invent to destroy were to bear to them a message death; and in dying He gained the our faith. of pardon and forgiveness. Some victory for which He came to our In Christ is our only hope. God who had been united with those world. Before He died He cried out, has daily victories for His people to who had planned and compassed “It is fi nished.” “Father, into thy gain. A er His resurrection Christ Christ’s death, who had said, hands I commend my spirit.” John said to His disciples: “Thus it is “This is the heir; come, let us kill 19:30; Luke 23:46. wri en, and thus it behoved Christ him” (Ma hew 21:38), were to be To his disciples he said, “Be of to suff er, and to rise from the dead reclaimed from disobedience and good cheer; I have overcome the the third day: and that repentance apostasy. “Ye have not chosen me,” world.” John 16:33. Christ has le and remission of sins should be Christ said, “but I have chosen us a perfect, sinless example. His preached in his name among all na- you.” John 15:16. The Lord forgave them; for they had not known what they were doing; and He sent them forth to proclaim a risen and ascended Saviour. They published Christ’s followers are to walk in His footsteps. the truth that Jesus of Nazareth was If they are not transformed in character, they the Messiah.  can never dwell with Him in His kingdom. To be continued. . . . The General Conference Bulletin, October 1, 1899. followers are to walk in His foot- tions, beginning at Jerusalem. And Ellen G. White, 1827- steps. If they are not transformed ye are witnesses of these things. 1915, received the spiri- in character, they can never dwell And, behold, I send the promise of tual gift of prophecy, and the fruits of her life and with Him in His kingdom. Christ my Father upon you: but tarry ye work accord with the died to elevate and ennoble them, in the city of Jerusalem until ye be biblical tests of a true and those who retain hereditary endued with power from on high.” messenger of God. To tendencies to wrong cannot dwell Luke 24:46–49. this day, her counsels with Him. He suff ered all that it is The very ones who had rejected are an incalculable blessing to God’s people possible for human fl esh to suff er Christ were to hear His message. around the world.

CONTINUEDFROMPAGE feeble faith can endure. They turn He requires of us a full and entire for the great day of Judgment. Get back crest-fallen, as did the scribe consecration. There are sacrifi ces to ready. Let not cold unbelief hold from the rebuke of Jesus.” The Spirit be made for the interests of God’s your souls away from God; but let of Prophecy, vol. 2, 306. cause.” Testimonies, vol. 3, 500. His love burn on the altar of your To serve the Master means an What will we do in light of what hearts.” Testimonies, vol. 5, 590. entire consecration. All must be we are told? Will we, like Judas, be Jesus touched the hand of Peter’s subordinate to Him. Even family! disappointed in what Jesus says mother-in-law and she arose and “He that loveth father or mother to us? Will we, like the rich young “ministered unto them.” more than me is not worthy of me: ruler, walk away? What is our Has Jesus “touched” us? Has He and he that loveth son or daughter heart’s response to the Master’s call? “healed” us? more than me is not worthy of me.” “I cannot express to you the What are we doing in service for Ma hew 10:37. intense desire of my soul that you Him?  “No earthly ties, no earthly should all seek the Lord most considerations, should weigh one earnestly while He may be found. Joe Olson serves as the exec- moment in the scale against duty We are in the day of God’s prepara- utive director and chairman to the cause and work of God. tion. Let nothing be regarded as of the board of Hope Interna- tional. He also travels as an Jesus severed His connection from of suffi cient worth to draw your international speaker. everything to save a lost world, and minds from the work of preparing


Virgil Robinson

uring the spring of 1843 Recognizing James as the youth ful must give you credit for being far James White was far less preacher from Palmyra, and fi ercely ahead of us and the best mower we Dactive as a preacher than he resenting his presence, they plo ed ever saw. You have taken no beer had been during the previ ous win- to make things so hard for him he nor liquor, and the sun is hot. We ter. Most people were busy on their would quit. Their plan was to place give up.”1 farms, and could a end meetings him at the head of the line, intend- only on Sundays. James took ad- ing to crowd in be hind him and run 3INGINGFOR2OOMAND"OARD vantage of this lull. Wishing to learn him out of the fi eld. That fall, word went out that all he could from the Adventist So, professing great respect for an important conference of Chris- leaders, he went to Portland, Maine, him as a minister, they invited him tian ministers would be held in the and spent some time there. He to lead them across the fi eld. James town of Knox, Maine. Deacon John, found warm fellowship with many accepted the position and began now an ardent Adventist, decided fi rm believers in the near Advent. energetically, cu ing a wide swath. to a end. With James and two of These true friends wel comed him The others took nar rower ones. his daughters, Mary and Elizabeth, into their homes. They had heard of Soon the plo ers found the Father White set out for the confer- his fruitful cam paign of the previ- distance between them and their ence. Running into a heavy shower ous winter. leader becoming greater. They sim- in the late a ernoon, they drove While a ending one of the ply couldn’t keep up with him. their team and carriage into the Adventist meetings in Portland, Li le did they know that with yard of a hotel, where they put up James was deeply impressed as every swing of the scythe James for the night. he listened to the testimony of a was sending up a prayer to heaven The Whites were a musical 16-year-old girl. He may have been for physical strength. Back across family. Deacon John had at one introduced to her at the time, but, the fi eld they came, the others fall- time been a teacher of voice. James if so, the occasion apparently made ing ever farther behind James. At and his sisters were fi rst-class li le impression on her. the end of the second time across, singers. To pass the time at the Back at his parents’ home in James paused to rest under a tree. hotel, the four began singing some Palmyra, James determined to Exhausted, the others came up of the old, stirring revival hymns, become fi nancially independent. one by one, laid down their scythes, as well as the newer popular songs Since he had worked on his fa ther’s and sat on the grass. Their leader of the Advent. The landlord, his farm, he decided to earn some walked up to James, placed his family, and many guests crowded money mowing hay. Off ering his hands on his hips and asked a ques- into the room where the visitors services to a prosperous farmer, tion: were singing, and listened to the he was handed a scythe and sent “White, do you mean to kill music. into the fi eld. Engaged to cut hay yourself and us? We thought you The next morning, when the for this same farmer was a group were a minister and wouldn’t know time came to leave, Father White

0HOTO¹0HOTO$ISC of rough, irreligious young men. how to handle a scythe, but we asked the landlord for the bill.

Volume 19, Number 12 19 “There is no bill for you,” the to take His waiting saints to glory. their confi dence. As might be ex- man replied with a smile. “How The believers thought they had pected for a retired sea captain, he do you fi gure that out?” asked the endured their last winter on earth. compared the Advent movement to deacon. The Jewish year ended on March a ship at sea, blown a bit off course “Your singing last evening more 21, but March 22 came and went, perhaps, delayed by contrary than paid for your room and sup- and there was no sign of the. Son winds, but sure to reach the harbor per. Anytime you come along this of man. Unbelievers mocked the at last. way again, just stop in and we’ll Adventists and asked sarcastically, As he was speaking, the a en- put you up in exchange for a simi- “Why haven’t you gone to heaven?” tion of the audience was a racted lar concert.”2 A verse from the book of by a man on a horse, riding up to As winter drew on, opportuni- Habakkuk brought the sorrow- the tent. Quickly tying his pant- ties for preaching increased for ing ones much comfort. “Though ing horse, the man entered the James and for his fellow Advent it tarry, wait for it; because it will tent, sat down beside a woman, preachers. Doors began opening for surely come, it will not tarry” (chap. and whispered something to her. them on every side. James found 2:3). They also remembered the It was Samuel Snow. When he particular satisfaction in returning parable of the ten virgins and of had fi nished his whispering, the to se lements where he had labored how the bridegroom had tar ried. woman stood up and addressed the previous winter, fi nding his William Miller and his companions Elder Bates, telling him it was too converts and helping to strengthen studied the Bible as never before. late for worn-out preaching; that their faith. Rechecking their fi gures, they a man had just arrived with new light. She urged Bates to let Snow speak. He agreed and invited Snow into the desk, where he ex pounded “new light.” The cleansing of the “I am in the land of the dying, sanctuary, Snow de clared, would take place on the Jewish Day of but at the soon coming of the Lord Atonement, which would fall on October 22 of that year. I hope to go to the land of the living.” It was new light indeed. Joseph Bates accepted it, and so did James White. When that fi ve-day meeting ended, and the wagons had rolled Not all of the ministers of the found no errors of computation. away to their respective destina- Christian Church joined in pro- All they could do was to watch and tions, the granite hills of New claiming the Advent message. One pray and be ready.4 . . . Hampshire rang with the shout, man felt that the work was against “Behold the Bridegroom cometh, go the best interests of the church and .EW,IGHT ye out to meet Him. . . . Get ready! opposed White contin ually. One Spring gave way to summer, and Get ready!”6 day James met this man on the still there was no sign of Christ’s James White returned to Maine road. As they passed, the minister coming. Toward the close of July, to proclaim this Midnight Cry in his expressed surprise at seeing White James read a notice in an Adventist, area. And how li le time he had; again. paper stating that there would be only about ten weeks re mained. “Mr. White,” he exclaimed, “are an important meet ing of Adventist As October 22 drew nearer, James you still in the land of the living?” leaders and laity in the town of White’s labors be came more fer- “No, sir,” came the quick retort, Exeter, New Hampshire, in August. vent.7 “I am in the land of the dying, but Although it meant a journey of at the soon coming of the Lord I nearly two hundred miles, James !3AD$AY hope to go to the land of the liv- decided to a end. He arranged to At last the great day arrived. We ing.”3 join a group leaving from Portland. are not told where the White family The meeting opened on August spent it, but probably they waited 4HEh4ARRYING4IMEv 12 and lasted fi ve days. At fi rst for their Lord at their home on the The winter wore on, and 1843 there seemed to be no new light. farm, near Palmyra. All up and gave place to 1844. James White, Adventist leaders simply took turns down the Atlantic Coast thousands along with thousands of others, speaking to the people. One a er- of believers watched the sky. The believed this was the year that noon Joseph Bates was preaching, sun sank into the west, clocks ticked would bring the Saviour to earth exhorting the be lievers to hold fast off the hours, and fi nally midnight

20 Our Firm Foundation came, and beyond. The day had FFKEFK

7 Arthur Spalding, Origin and History of 6.c; 7.c; 8.d; 9.c; 10.c. 9.c; 8.d; 7.c; 6.c; B%LI

Seventh-day Adventists, Re view and Herald C 4IGLATH0ILESER Pub. Assn., Washington, D.C., 1961, vol. 1, 5.d; 4.d; 3.a; 2.a; 1.b; Answers: pp. 92-94. D &IDO 8 Life Incidents, 182.



F. M. Wilcox

number of our schools have been Aso situated in relation to legal requirements that they have deemed it necessary to advise some of their teachers to seek university accrediting. As this has seemed necessary, we pray God to keep in the love of His truth those exposed to great danger. We feel the utmost confi dence in the men and women composing our school staff s. We believe that they are actuated only by the highest and holiest purposes in their work. They have been instrumental in training, through the years, a great army of noble young men and women for lives of usefulness. We thank God for the youth of this denomination, for their consecration, their zeal, their energy, their enthusiasm. Many already are occupying places of responsibility, and many others still in training will become, we believe, under God, mighty leaders in the fi nishing of this work. It is that their integrity to God and to His truth may be preserved and their souls remain unsullied and untainted with the delusive error of these last days, that the warnings in this symposium are being sounded. 0HOTO¹0HOTO$ISC

22 Our Firm Foundation When the exigencies of the situa- 4HE#ONTAGIONOF%RROR into his very spiritual life blood. tion require that one should expose Why are some of our youth so This has been demonstrated again himself to danger, then he can willing to subject themselves to and again in the school experience confi dently expect the protection of the atmosphere of these worldly of some of the brightest and most God, even as did Joseph and Moses schools? The larger number, in their talented young men and women of and Daniel, who by the exigencies simplicity, fail to realize the dan- the great churches of the world, and of the situation in which they were ger. Others, in self-confi dence and also of the Seventh-day Adventist placed, and not of their own choice youthful adventure, are willing to Church. It proves that when one or volition, were subjected to the run the risk for the gain they hope voluntarily places himself on the wicked and corrupting infl uences to to secure in higher learning or in enemy’s ground, he cannot expect be found in the court and offi cial life the obtaining of a degree. the protecting power of the Master; of Egypt and Babylon; but it is an We talked with a young man he takes himself out of the hands entirely diff erent thing for one vol- some time ago. He saw no danger to of Christ, and trusts in his own untarily to subject himself to infl u- himself in such contacts. He told us wisdom, and this wisdom proves ences which are designed to weaken how he had met teachers of pagan foolishness in the end. his faith and separate him from God. philosophies and silenced their rea- But this, unfortunately, many sonings. He saw no possibility of los- h$OCTRINESOF$EVILSv of our young men and women are ing his faith by si ing in the classes of The deceptive working of the doing today. And too, we fear that those who taught theories subversive enemy of all righteousness is clearly some of our teachers are being tempted to do this on their own will and volition, when there exists actually no reason, so far as their schools are concerned, for such When one voluntarily places himself on choice on their part. Even as we write we have before the enemy’s ground, he cannot expect the us a le er just received from one of our conference presidents, who protecting power of the Master. tells us that in his union alone there are more than one hundred teach- ers this summer in a endance at universities. What spirit and infl u- of the gospel. He confi dently felt that portrayed in the Word of God. ence will these teachers take back to he could hold his ground and even He is represented in the last days their schools? Is it too much to hope overthrow their theories. as deceiving the nations of men that none of these teachers will be We thought, How li le does this and gathering them together for aff ected by the seductive theories young man realize his own weak- the great day of the ba le of the with which they will be brought into ness! And he stands as a representa- Lord. (See Revelation 16:13–14.) He contact? We believe it is. Some, we tive of a large class. We thought of will deceive, if possible, the very believe many, we pray all, will have self-confi dent Peter, who gloried in elect, and sad to say, some will wisdom to discern between truth his own loyalty, but proved in the depart from the faith, giving heed and error, to choose the good and end weak and disloyal. We thought to the doctrines of devils. Read reject the bad. But we fear some will of the talented Moses Hull of our this prophecy in the words of the carry back into their schools a spirit own movement,1 who boasted of apostle Paul to Timothy: inimical to the genius of this work. his ability to overthrow the argu- “Now the Spirit speaketh And the infl uence of all these ments of Spiritualism, but suc- expressly, that in the la er times teachers upon the young men and cumbed to its devilish power before some shall depart from the faith, women who are in training will be he had concluded a debate with a giving heed to seducing spirits, and to lead them, even though it is done Spiritualist lecturer—a debate upon doctrines of devils; speaking lies in unconsciously and unwi ingly, to which he entered against the ear- hypocrisy; having their conscience seek for advanced crediting in these nest warnings of the brethren. seared with a hot iron; forbidding higher institutions of learning, and There is the same satanic power to marry, and commanding to ab- thus hazard their own Christian expe- in the theories taught today. There stain from meats, which God hath rience in coming days. And thus there is in them a contagion, an insidious created to be received with thanks- is formed a pernicious circle that goes power, which unconsciously enters giving of them which believe and on and on in ever-widening infl uence the mind of the listener, and just know the truth.” 1 Timothy 4:1–3. and power unto the fateful end. as unconsciously works its poison

Volume 19, Number 12 23 Years ago the Spirit of Prophecy This warning had special ap- Word of no eff ect, and those who likewise sounded a very defi nite plication to conditions existing accept them are in great danger warning against the entrance of twenty-fi ve years ago. And thank of being led fi nally to look upon these “doctrines of devils” into the God, the warning at that time was the whole Bible as a fi ction. They remnant church. We quote the fol- heeded, and scores of our brethren may regard virtue as be er than lowing from Testimonies, vol. 8, 291: and sisters were saved who oth- vice; but God being removed from “Already there are coming in erwise would have become en- His position of sovereignty, they among our people spiritualistic snared and have entirely lost their place their dependence upon hu- teachings that will undermine the Christian experience. This warning man power, which, without God, faith of those who give heed to is needed just as greatly today. is worthless. The unaided human them. The theory that God is an es- will has no real power to resist sence pervading all nature is one of 4HE&RUITOF3PIRITUALISTIC and overcome evil. The defenses Satan’s most subtle devices. It mis- 4HEORIES of the soul are broken down. Man represents God and is a dishonor to The evil fruit which would fol- has no barrier against sin. When His greatness and majesty. low the acceptance of these theo- once the restraints of God’s Word “Pantheistic theories are not ries was pointed out faithfully. We and His Spirit are rejected, we sustained by the Word of God. The quote again: know not to what depths one may light of His truth shows that these “These theories, followed to sink. theories are soul-destroying agen- their logical conclusion, sweep “Those who continue to hold cies. Darkness is their element, away the whole Christian econ- these spiritualistic theories will sensuality their sphere. They gratify omy. They do away with the surely spoil their Christian experi- the natural heart and give license to necessity for the atonement and ence, sever their connection with inclination. Separation from God is make man his own savior. These God, and lose eternal life. the result of accepting them.” theories regarding God make His “The sophistries regarding God and nature that are fl ooding the world with skepticism are the inspiration of the fallen foe, who is himself a Bible student, who knows the truth that it is essential for the people to receive, and whose study it is to divert minds from the great truths given to prepare them for what is coming upon the world.” Ibid., 291–292. 

To be continued . . .

Note: 1 See Testimonies, vol. 1, 426–442; ibid., vol. 3, 212; Manuscript Releases, vol. 6, 98–100.

Source: “Why Our Educational Sym- posium? The Alpha and the Omega of Deadly Error: A Review of Signifi cant Warnings and Special Instruction from the Spirit of Prophecy, in Two Parts—Part 1,” Review and Herald, Takoma Park, Wash- ington, D.C., October 16, 1930, vol. 107, no. 53, 4–5.

Francis McLellan Wilcox served the Sev- enth-day Adventist church as author, minister, and admin- istrator and was the editor of the Review and Herald from 1911 to 1944.

24 Our Firm Foundation ff Hot O 4HE&INAL the Press! 'ENERATION ANDTHE &OURTH!NGEL BY2ON3PEAR



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Volume 19, Number 12 25 .EWS7ATCH

0REPARINGTO,EGISLATE -ORALITY -AKEOVER.ATION +IDSON$RUGS News Item: “A San Francisco “Americans are rushing to get News Item: “Americans spent Bay Area high school is being threat- tucked, suctioned, tightened, and more last year on medications like ened with a lawsuit over its decision tweaked like never before. More Ritalin than on any other kind to censor a Christian student club. than 8.7 million people underwent of medicine for kids, according The Hayward, California, school has cosmetic surgery in 2003, up 33 per- to a new study by Medco Health barred a Christian group from put- cent from the year before, according Solutions. Spending on medications ting up posters with Bible verses to to the American Society of Plastic to treat a ention defi cit hyperactiv- announce their meetings. A feminist Surgeons. . . . ity disorder, depression, and other club and the Gay Straight Alliance, “Last year consumers paid $9.4 behavioral conditions went up by however, have been allowed to billion for cosmetic procedures, 77 percent between 2000 and 2003 put up their posters. Brad Dacus, equal to about one third of the among the 300,000 children stud- president of the Pacifi c Justice budget of the National Institutes of ied. Until last year, antibiotics and Institute, has sent a demand le er to Health.”—Nancy Shute, “Makeover asthma meds for kids topped the the school, claiming its ‘viewpoint Nation,” U.S. News & World Report, spending charts.”—Helen Fields, discrimination’ was in clear violation May 31, 2004, 53, 55. “In Brief,” U.S. News & World of the Equal Access Act. ‘Everything End-time perspective: “I was Report, May 31, 2004, 66. will be fi ne,’ he says, if the school directed to the following Scriptures. End-time perspective: This is stops what he describes as ‘dis- Said the angel, ‘They are to instruct no doubt the result of bad eating crimination, hostility, and intoler- God’s people.’ 1 Timothy 2:9, 10: ‘In habits, but how much of this is ance’ toward Christian clubs. ‘But like manner also that women adorn also because of other unhealthful if they don’t [decide to do what’s themselves in modest apparel, practices? right], then we at the Pacifi c Justice with shamefacedness and sobriety; “Those who are old enough Institute have pledged to repre- not with broided hair, or gold, or should every day that the weather sent this Christian club in a court pearls, or costly array; but (which will admit, have a portion of their of law to seek full and complete becometh women professing godli- work in the open air and sunshine. justice,’ Dacus promises.”—Religion ness) with good works.’ 1 Peter 3: Children and women should not Today Summaries (August 19, 2004), 3–5: ‘Whose adorning let it not be fail to spend some hours each day crosswalk.com. that outward adorning of plaiting in exercise out of doors. This has End-time perspective: This type the hair, and of wearing of gold, or proved a great blessing to me. of activity infl uences public opinion of pu ing on of apparel; but let it When in very feeble health, I have toward legislating morality, and be the hidden man of the heart, in occupied some time in my fl ower eventually, to requiring Sunday that which is not corruptible, even garden, and among the small fruits, worship. the ornament of a meek and quiet doing light work, which has never “Any movement in favor of re- spirit, which is in the sight of God failed to prove a success in recov- ligious legislation is really an act of of great price. For a er this man- ering my health, and overcoming concession to the papacy, which for ner in the old time the holy women depression of spirits.” The Health so many ages has steadily warred also, . . . adorned themselves.’ “ Reformer, April 1, 1871. against liberty of conscience.” Child Guidance, 416.


26 Our Firm Foundation God has traced, ‘Is it not to deal thy of men. He came not to destroy the bread to the hungry . . . ?’ Let all, old sacred relationship of marriage, but and young, consider that it is not a to exalt it and restore it to its original light ma er to be the Lord’s steward. sanctity. He looks with pleasure upon . . . The needy, the oppressed, are le the family relationship where sacred in want, while the Lord’s money is and unselfi sh love bears sway.”—The selfi shly squandered in extravagance Adventist Home, 121. and luxury. O that all will remember “Priests and popes have made that God is no respecter of persons! It laws forbidding priests to marry, and is a great thing to be a steward, faith- secluding them in monasteries. These ,OGONFOR3ALVATION ful and true, before a just, impartial laws and restrictions were devised News Item: “If people won’t God.” Our High Calling, 190. by Satan to place men and women in come to church, the church will unnatural positions. Thus Satan has have to come to them—or, at least, tempted human beings to disregard to their computers. That’s the think- the law of marriage as a thing unholy, ing of the Methodist Church of but at the same time he has opened Great Britain, which is sponsoring a door for the indulgence of hu- the Internet’s fi rst virtual church man passion. Thus have come into (churchoff ools.com). Users can slip existence the greatest evils that curse into an ‘avatar,’ or computer char- our world—adultery, fornication, the acter, ‘kneel’ down in worship and murder of innocent children born out listen to a sermon. . . . of wedlock.” Manuscript Releases, vol. “The Church of Fools got 68,000 10, 198. visitors in its fi rst two days.”—Liat !BUSIVE0RIESTS Radcliff e, “Log On for Salvation,” News Item: “The National 'AY46 Newsweek, May 31, 2004, 10. Review Board, a lay watchdog panel News Item: “MTV is forging End-time perspective: “Not for- formed by the U.S. Conference of ahead with plans for an all-gay televi- saking the assembling of ourselves Catholic Bishops, last week an- sion network that will be on all basic together, as the manner of some is; nounced its review of the causes of cable plans. Outlet, the name of the but exhorting one another: and so the priest abuse crisis. It also issued 24-hour network, will feature gay- much the more, as ye see the day a long-awaited study by the John Jay themed lifestyle and entertainment approaching.” Hebrews 10:25. College of Criminal Justice. Among programming.”—”The Buzz,” World, the major fi ndings: 10,667 individu- February 28, 2004, 8. als made allegations of child sexual End-time perspective: “For men abuse by priests, 81 percent of victims shall be lovers of their own selves were male and, of all priests against . . . without natural aff ection. . . .” whom allegations were made, only 2 2 Timothy 3:2–3. percent received prison sentences.”— “The outlook in our world is Julie Scelfo, “A ‘Shameful’ Failure,” indeed alarming. God is withdraw- Newsweek, August 8, 2004, 8. ing His Spirit from the wicked cities, “ ‘They did good ministry, they which have become as the cities were good to their people, they were of the antediluvian world, and as kind, compassionate. It was that era Sodom and Gomorrah. The inhabit- 0RICEY$ELECACIES of the 60’s . . . the whole atmosphere ants of these cities have been tested News Item: “ ‘I thought it was out there was, it was OK, it was OK and tried. We have reached a time the calorie count.’ Virginia Marnell, to do.’ Monsignor Richard S. Sniezyk, when God is about to punish the pre- a customer at Norma’s restaurant temporary leader of the Diocese of sumptuous wrongdoers, who refuse in New York’s Parker Meridian Springfi eld, Mass., on the culture sur- to keep His commandments and dis- hotel, on the restaurant’s new $1,000 rounding the pedophiliac practices regard His messages of warning. He omelet, which contains six eggs, a of some priests from the 1960s to the who bears long with evildoers gives lobster and 10 ounces of sevruga 1980s. He’s since clarifi ed that sexual everyone an opportunity to seek Him caviar.”—”Perspectives,” Newsweek, misconduct in any context is unac- and humble their hearts before Him.” May 31, 2004, 21. ceptable.”—”Perspectives,” Ibid.,8, This Day with God, 152. End-time perspective: “In the 21. dining room, where the table is laden End-time perspective: “Jesus did Contributor: Joe Olson

0HOTOS¹"RAND80ICTURES #OMSTOCK #OREL with abundant food, the fi nger of not enforce celibacy upon any class


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ship. As has been so many times in mandments, ye shall abide in my the past, the mercy of God can be love; even as I have kept my Father’s seen in the form of slavery, for when commandments, and abide in his a people are prosperous as we have love.” been in this country, and then forget NB, Georgia the Lord in return for His kindness, bondage has been a means to awak- Thank you so much for your Our en them to right doing. But alas, the Firm Foundation. I am writing to ask I would like to take this oppor- fullness of the time is at hand. you to please send me your catalog. tunity to tell you how much I enjoy It is our prayer that we all may I feel it will be a great blessing to and am blessed by your magazine. I be awakened to a sense of need and my children and loved ones to give look forward to every issue. urgency. We pray that you will con- them a book. I plan to order right UH, Maryland tinue as a group to devote your time away. and eff ort in the Lord’s service. He Thank you so much, and I am so I was fi rst introduced to Hope knows your name. happy for your concern for all peo- International by a brother when LB, Alaska ple. I feel it is providential not only I was in Florida. Then a brother for sending me the Firm Foundation, visited us, bringing a copy of Our I would love to be a penpal to but for all your work for others. Firm Foundation. I got interested in lonely people. This is a nice service WP, North Carolina reading them and decided to sub- you are providing in even trying to scribe. I pass along the copies to contact all these people. Thank you so much for the off er the Philippines for our laymen who Your quote about the angels from of a year’s subscription. How won- seldom have access to the Ellen G. Early Writings in the last two pages derful and caring you are. Because White writings. of your newsle er really cheered of your le er, I am sending the sub- By September, I will be leaving me up and made me realize there is scription money. The Lord blesses, for the Philippines and will distrib- hope and that I shouldn’t give up. I and my faith in Him will never fail. ute more copies. They read them read it to my Jewish friend who is I have enjoyed every edition of over and over again. May God bless struggling with depression, and it Our Firm Foundation that I have re- your work. cheered him up, too. ceived, and I share the magazines NG, Illinois I really think you are doing a with others. In fact, I re-read and wonderful work. I love reading mark up many of the articles. Over the years it has been the Our Firm Foundation. I read what I will be looking forward to more delight of God to bless our fam- they said about going to see “The of the magazine. ily through your service to Him. Passion” at the theater. I went AH, Hawaii The way our association with your because a Christian friend encour- ministry came about many years aged me to go, but I’ll never go Thanks for your personal note ago was truly a miracle. We have to a theater again a er reading regarding my subscription. I don’t enjoyed the many timely articles those articles. Someday it could be know who sent me the fi rst three God has motivated your staff to Satan impersonating Christ, so we issues of Our Firm Foundation, but I make available to the souls thirsting shouldn’t go. thank the Lord that they did. I am a er righteousness in this our time Thank you for the fi ne magazines a lifelong Adventist but have been of need. you’ve sent through the years. They sliding away from God for some There is so much corruption have helped me become a well- time. Each compromise I made in our world today. Justice is gone grounded Seventh-day Adventist. I opened the door for an even larger from the courts of our country. Our was deep into the Wheeling camp compromise the next time. I know system of government is a shambles when I was younger, and your we are in the last moments of earth’s and inspires no loyalty in its people. magazine cleared up some things history and the articles jolted me Evil is elevated, and righteousness and stabilized me. awake. They are fi lled with truth is condemned. Now, the last place PO, Oregon and inspiration; not watered down where followers of Christ were or diluted with earthly infl uences as blessed by His Father with freedom Thank you for your timely maga- are some publications. to worship, the chains of idolatry are zine in the promulgation of the three May God continue to bless the about to be fully enclosed about this angels’ messages. Our Lord said in ministry at Hope International. nation in the form of Sunday wor- John 15:10, “If ye keep my com- SK, California

Volume 19, Number 12 31 &!,,#!-0-%%4).' September 29 to October 3, Hope Clark Floyd Joe Olson International held its fi rst camp ● All that Live Godly ● Don’t Go to Egypt! meeting at its Illinois location. in Christ Shall Each message was “present Suffer Persecution truth” for the hour, and those who came said how thankful Lee Forbes J. C. Perozo they were for the wonderful ● It Is For Us ● Dead or Alive? camp meeting and the Christian ● Portugal Report fellowship. Now you can receive the blessing of our 2004 fall camp meeting and share it with friends and family. George Gomoll Ron Spear ● Do We Expect ● These Times Miracles? ● Preparing for the Prices End Audio Casse es: $1.99 each Audio CDs: $2.99 each Video Tapes: $4.99 each* Richard Harris Colin Standish *includes free video tape album for ● Simple Simon ● Ecumenism and each 8 videos purchased. ● Teasing the Beast Persecution DVD Videos: $5.99 each ● True Lies

Save more— Diane Herbert Harvey Steck buy the entire set! ● Simple Home ● Let This Mind Be Set of 20 audio casse es: $32.95 Remedies in You Set of 20 audio CDs: $51.95 ● Arguments for 20 Messages on 1 MP3 CD: $14.95 Vegetarianism Set of 20 video tapes: $84.95 *includes 3 video tape albums valued Patrick Herbert Speaker Panel at $10 each ● Drinking, But Not ● Talk Back Live, Part 1 Set of 20 DVD videos: $94.95 Drunk ● Talk Back Live, Part 2 ● Keeping the Camp ● Talk Back Live, Part 3 See page 29 for shipping and sales tax charges. Clean