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Congressional Record—House H322 H322 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 1, 2012 prevent that. Shutting down ATM’s in those lo- ceedings on this question will be post- 5 months before the President’s plan cations doesn’t stop the money being spent poned. was even considered on the Senate there. In addition, this bill would force states to f floor. Members from both sides of the certify nearly every small business as a non- aisle also raised concerns about the FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY AND RE- liquor store and how are the standards to be program’s long-term sustainability TIREMENT SECURITY ACT OF established and maintained? during this debate. Most disturbing is This bill would create an entire nation wide 2011 what we came to find in a bicameral in- bureaucracy to address a problem that affects Mr. GINGREY of Georgia. Madam vestigation last year that revealed con- less than 4 one hundredths of one percent Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that cerns from within HHS were rampant (.04%) of all TANF funds and would com- all Members may have 5 legislative during PPACA debate, but they were pletely fail to save any money at all. days in which to revise and extend never brought to light by the Demo- Instead of passing a jobs bill, Republicans their remarks on H.R. 1173 and insert cratic leadership or the Obama admin- are once again just looking to distract from the any extraneous material on the bill. istration. Yet the program was rushed real issues, this time by attacking American The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there through so that we can, as then-Speak- families in need. objection to the request of the gen- er PELOSI noted, ‘‘find out what’s in This bill is just a sad attempt to divide our tleman from Georgia? it.’’ nation by mimicking the Ronald Reagan myth There was no objection. On October 14, 2011, Secretary about the Cadillac driving welfare queen. It The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Sebelius announced what honest ac- was untrue then and it is still untrue today. BOUSTANY). Pursuant to House Resolu- counting told us was inevitable: the As a single mother who once relied on food tion 522 and rule XVIII, the Chair de- Obama administration finally admitted stamps and assistance to get by during a very clares the House in the Committee of there was no viable path forward and, difficult period in my life, I am appalled to see the Whole House on the state of the therefore, was halting any further ef- Republican politicians attack struggling Amer- Union for the consideration of the bill, forts of implementing the CLASS pro- ican families just because they need a helping H.R. 1173. gram. hand. TANF benefits keep children in homes The failure of Health and Human b 1425 and in school. TANF benefits keep American Services to implement the CLASS pro- families from suffering abject poverty. IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE gram certainly is not a surprise. How- What we should be doing is helping these Accordingly, the House resolved ever, it is a catastrophic consequence families reignite their American Dreams, not itself into the Committee of the Whole of what happens when Congress rushes making blanket accusations against every low House on the state of the Union for the to enact costly policies and dismisses income family in America. consideration of the bill (H.R. 1173) to warnings from independent experts. Mr. PAULSEN. Madam Speaker, thank you repeal the CLASS program, with Mrs. Most troubling are the budget gim- and thank you Dr. BOUSTANY for introducing MILLER of Michigan in the chair. micks used to sell the CLASS program this legislation. The Clerk read the title of the bill. and, indeed, the entire law. I rise today as a co-sponsor of H.R. 3567, The CHAIR. Pursuant to the rule, the The Congressional Budget Office, the Welfare Integrity Now for Children and bill is considered read the first time. CBO, estimated the CLASS program Families Act because at a time when millions General debate shall be confined to would save money by collecting pre- of Americans are still out of work, and our the bill and shall not exceed 1 hour, miums from enrollees, premiums that economy is struggling to recover, we must with 40 minutes equally divided and will now never be collected in light of take every step available to safeguard tax- controlled by the chair and ranking a failed implementation. payer dollars. minority member of the Committee on We knew, Madam Chair, the savings Madam Speaker, between January of 2007 Energy and Commerce, and 20 minutes estimates for the President’s health and June of 2010 nearly $5 million in state- equally divided and controlled by the care plan were wrong. It defied com- issued benefits were withdrawn from ATMs in chair and ranking minority member of mon sense that such a massive spend- California casinos alone. the Committee on Ways and Means. ing expansion would have no cost. Now We need to correct this problem, and H.R. The gentleman from Georgia (Mr. the President will have to explain to the American people why the health 3567 does just that. GINGREY) and the gentleman from New care law—ObamaCare, PPACA, Patient This provision requires all states to take Jersey (Mr. PALLONE) each will control steps to end this abusive practice, safe- 20 minutes. The gentleman from Lou- Protection, Affordable Care Act, Unaffordable Care Act—he’ll now have guarding taxpayer funds from abuse by ensur- isiana (Mr. BOUSTANY) and the gen- to explain to the American people why ing that welfare funds are not accessed in tleman from California (Mr. STARK) strip clubs, liquor stores, and casinos—a prac- each will control 10 minutes. this health care law will cost them $80- tice which has been highlighted in news sto- The Chair recognizes the gentleman plus billion more than what they were ries across the country. from Georgia. told. This bill ensures all states take action to Mr. GINGREY of Georgia. Madam b 1430 close this loophole. I note that this policy is Chair, I yield myself such time as I That is more than $80 billion on top the same as that introduced by Senators may consume. HATCH and BAUCUS, the Ranking Member and of the trillions the President has added Madam Chair, it has been more than to the books since he took office in Chairman, respectively, of the Senate Finance 2 years since the CLASS Act was first Committee, so it has strong support in the January of 2009. debated as part of the President’s Today, we will have the opportunity other body as well. health care takeover debate. We knew Let’s continue the momentum, pass this leg- to start over on long-term care reform, then that the program was flawed and islation, and prove to the American people that an issue that’s important to all of us as unworkable; yet the Democratic-con- we are here to get things done in 2012. we hear from constituents regularly The SPEAKER pro tempore. The trolled Congress ignored these concerns about the growing cost of long-term question is on the motion offered by and instead rushed the CLASS program care services. The market has not even the gentleman from Louisiana (Mr. through as part of the President’s been penetrated 10 percent, Madam health care law. BOUSTANY) that the House suspend the Chair. We will now begin that process. rules and pass the bill, H.R. 3567, as Now, 2 years and more than $800 bil- But first, we must take this section amended. lion later, we have finally heard from out of the health care bill known as The question was taken. the President and his administration CLASS. We must take it off the books. The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the that while they have wasted taxpayer I urge my colleagues to support just opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being dollars, this program is in fact not what this bill does, remove CLASS in the affirmative, the ayes have it. implementable. Surprised? Well, you from the statute, H.R. 1173, repeal the Mr. BOUSTANY. Madam Speaker, on shouldn’t be. failed CLASS program so that we can that I demand the yeas and nays. The truth is that unbiased analysts now move forward with reforms that do The yeas and nays were ordered. such as the American Academy of Ac- work. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tuaries had raised concerns with the With that, Madam Chairman, I re- ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- program as early as July of 2009, some serve the balance of my time. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:21 Feb 02, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00100 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01FE7.045 H01FEPT1 rfrederick on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE February 1, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H323 Mr. PALLONE. Madam Chair, I yield negative attitude, the idea that Con- health care in the United States. Now myself such time as I may consume. gress can’t address any problem. And I we have Medicare, and the Republican Madam Chair, there are millions of just sincerely hope that my colleagues, alternative to Medicare is to just shift Americans currently in need of a long- when they come to the table, come up more costs on to seniors, give them a term care program and many more with a workable solution. Don’t just voucher and let them pay more if they that will require these services in the tell me we have to repeal things, we want more than that voucher will pro- future.
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