Nevada Public Radio Agenda

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Nevada Public Radio Agenda NEVADA PUBLIC RADIO Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, December 05, 2018 8:00 am – 9:00 am Donald W Reynolds Broadcast Center 1289 S Torrey Pines Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89146 Audio Conference Call In Number: (702) 359-0270; Conference Code: 452993 AGENDA 1. Call to Order and Determination of Quorum 2. Additions, deletions or change of agenda order may be requested by a Board member 3. Approval of Minutes from September 26, 2018 meeting ACTION REQUIRED (pgs. 2-3) 4. Public Comment Open Session: Limited to no more than three (3) minutes per person. No action may be taken on any matter raised during public comment until the matter is specifically included on an agenda as an item. Public comments are not accepted during individual agenda items. 5. Executive Session 6. Committee Reports Finance Committee, Chair Kathe Nylen (pgs. 4-12) a. Financial Dashboard for the period ending September 30, 2018 b. Statement of Operating Activities for the period ending September 30, 2018 c. Statement of Operating Activities – Reno Breakout for the period ending September 30, 2018 d. Balance Sheet as of September 30, 2018 (to be distributed at meeting) Investment Committee, Chair Robert Glaser (pg. 13) a. Investment Executive Summary, September 30, 2018 Fundraising Committee, Chair Anthony Pearl (pgs. 14-18) a. Membership b. Special Events c. Underwriting d. Grants Board Development Committee, Chair Bill Mason ACTION REQUIRED (pgs. 19-22) Governance Committee, Chair Richard Dreitzer ACTION REQUIRED (pgs. 23-28) 7. President’s Report (pgs. 29-37) 8. Adjournment 9. The next meeting of the Nevada Public Radio Board of Directors will be held on Wednesday, January 30, 2019 at 8:00 am at the Donald W Reynolds Broadcast Center. Please note that this will be an extended meeting to review and approve the FY17-18 audit report. Please allow an additional 30 minutes. Thank you. 1 Board of Directors Meeting ~MINUTES~ Wednesday, September 26, 2018 8:00 am Donald W Reynolds Broadcast Center Attendance Present at the meeting were Jerry Nadal, Tim Wong, Anthony Pearl, Flo Rogers, Richard Dreitzer, Don Hamrick, Amanda Moore, Renee Yackira, Bill Mason, Bob Glaser, Dan Hamilton, Phil Burger, Michelle LaBonney, Favian Perez, Laura Armeni-Kneesel and Lisa Kelly. William Grounds and Todd Avery-Lenahan attended via phone conference. Call to Order and Determination of Quorum Chair Jerry Nadal called the meeting to order at 8:04 am requesting additions, deletions or changes to the agenda. None were heard. A quorum was present. Approval of Minutes A motion to approve the minutes of the August 1, 2018 NVPR Board meeting carried in favor by a quorum of the voting members of the Board. Public Comment No members of the public were present at the Donald W Reynolds Broadcast Center on the scheduled meeting date to attend the meeting and be heard. Executive Session Chair Jerry Nadal called an Executive Session to review and discuss CEO evaluation materials. Finance Committee Tim Wong, Committee Chair presented the FY18-19 NVPR Budget Plan. Significant discussion was provided regarding the activities in committee including revisions. Tim suggested to the Board that they be given additional time to review the budget plan and recommended that the plan be voted on electronically in the next two weeks. This recommendation was accepted. NOTE: On October 8, the NVPR FY18-19 Budget Plan was unanimously approved electronically by a majority of voting members of the Board of Directors. The financial statements presented in the Board packet stand as written. Investment Committee Committee Chair Bob Glaser reported: • The ending portfolio value of the Endowment accounts as of August 31, 2018 were $2,153,904. • Year-to-date NVPR has a gain of $42K with a 2% return. • Endowment #1 is showing a balance of $950,861 with an excess above corpus of $44K. • Endowment #2 is showing a balance of $839,305, which is below the floor by $11K with the expectation of recovery. • Program Fund is showing a balance of $362,564. • Bob Glaser provided an update to the Board on the current status of the financial markets. Fundraising Committee Committee Chair Anthony Pearl stated the Fundraising report stands as written. 2 Favian Perez reported: • Corporate Support as of September 17th has secured over $2.6M of the $2.9M budget reaching 90.94% of the budget. Broadcast continues to perform strongly and is pacing at 7.7% growth year-over-year. Board Development Committee No report. Governance Committee Richard Dreitzer reported that Mary Beth Hartleb, PRISM Global Management is working with NVPR management on a job share memorandum of understanding with Capital Public Radio to meet the needs of legislative coverage in Nevada. “Give Voice” Major Gift Initiative Laura Armeni-Kneesel announced the “Give Voice” event recognizing and celebrating Jerry Nadal and Tim Wong for their Board service on Thursday, September 27, 2018 at Michael Tang’s residence. The immediate goal is to raise $3M by the date of this event (which will also serve as the public launch of the campaign). Amount raised to date exceeds $2.8M. President’s Report Flo Rogers provided an update on the record broadcast audience making NVPR a part of the only 6 stations nationwide that beat all other news outlets on radio in their market. Desert Companion is a finalist nominated for a Folio Award on their October 1 coverage. Flo Rogers updated the Board on the technical upgrade starting after the Fall Membership Campaign. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:31 am. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Nevada Public Radio Board of Directors is scheduled for Wednesday, December 5, 2018 at 8:00 am at the Donald W Reynolds Broadcast Center. Respectfully submitted, Amanda Edwardson Recording Secretary 3 Financial Dashboard For Presentation at the Nevada Public Radio Board of Directors Meeting December 5, 2018 Presented by: Kathe Nylen, Nevada Public Radio Treasurer 4 End-of-Year Review Oct 17 - Sep 18 Actual Full-Year Financial Performance 8,000 7,000 6,000 Thousands 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 - Revenue Expense Surplus/(Deficit) (1,000) Actual Budget $ Variance Oct 17-Sep 18 Actual Budget $ Variance % Variance Revenue 6,621,001 7,154,887 (533,886) -7.5% Expense 6,791,862 7,138,352 346,490 5.0% Surplus/(Deficit) (170,861) 16,536 (187,397) GV Campaign Exp 146,377 Adjusted Surplus/(Deficit) (24,484) 16,536 (41,020) Notes: End-of-Year results show revenues under budget by 7.5% and expenses under budget by 5%, the net is a $187K negative variance to budget. We had projected a 7.1% negative variance to revenue and a 5.5% positive variance to expense. Including reimbursement for Give Voice campaign expenses within the operational budget, the deficit is reduced to $24K, which is a $41K negative variance to budget. Below are the notes that provide detail on the positive and negative variances on specific line items: • Total negative variance to budget for Federal grants is $28,166. CPB funding calculation is done during budgeting in July and August. The CPB can and very often does reduce the amount available for distribution throughout the year depending on several factors; i.e., number of stations qualifying, emergency funding for news events, etc. • Overall Corporate Support revenue at 91.67% of budget for FYE 09/30/18, which is a $243,810 negative variance to budget with New Business over budget by 79% but Renewal Business under budget by 16.5%. 5 • Overall Membership and Special Events revenue ended the year at 92% of budget with overall Membership revenue posting a 5% negative variance to budget of $137,580. • On-air membership campaigns with an overall positive revenue variance to budget of $29,399 or 3.42%. • Sustaining Membership revenue line item at 81.5% of budget at $964,496, which is a negative variance of $219K. • Negative revenue variance of $126,259K (or 23%) in Benefits and Special Events; online auction under budget by $73K (20%) and membership events under budget by $53K (30%). Two clients reduced their expected commitments at short notice. • Total expense for FYE 09/30/18 was positive to budget by $346,490 (5% under budget). • There was $10,192 in savings in Admin payroll expense related to Administrative Manager medical leave, which is a positive variance to expense. • With the departure of Carrie Kaufman, we did not rehire her position, but rather increased the responsibility of two of the current news staff to fill in as host of State of Nevada and increased their salaries commensurately. The total savings in payroll and benefits costs is $36K, which is a positive variance to budget. • We did not hire the last budgeted Account Executive position in Corporate Support in this fiscal year. This provided a total of $45,600 in savings for payroll and benefits. • Annual year-end bonuses paid out in December 2017 were budgeted at $58,253. Actual year-end bonuses paid were $51,834. Accounting for payroll taxes and 403b match, a savings of $7,425 was realized on this line item and is a positive variance to expense. • With the negative revenue variance for Corporate Support, we realized savings related to sales and agency commission. Even though we pay more sales commission on new business and the new business revenue line item is over budget, we still had savings for sales commission of $34,563. • We had budgeted $15K for Media Buying; however, we did not spend the majority of that budget. $13,994 has been realized as savings and is a positive variance to expense of 93%.
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