The International School of



COREE INTERNACIONAL JOINVILLE RUA GOTHARD KAESEMODEL 961 89203-400 – Joinville – SC - +55-47-34610500

THE SCHOOL HISTORY COREE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL a ESCOLA INTERNACIONAL DE JOINVILLE - is a bilingual school with a Brazilian identity that offers an international education. It was founded in 2009 under the name of ESCOLA INTERNACIONAL SOCIESC and was supported by So​ ciedade Educacional de ,​ SOCIESC. SOCIESC is an Educational Organization that was founded in 1959 in Joinville by Dieter Schimidt, the owner of a foundry company.

In 2006, SOCIESC’s board made a strategic decision in response to State government demands: The region of Joinville was to become an important global player. This meant creating a global workforce, not only motivating employees from the region of Joinville to move to and work in countries all over the world, but also recruiting the best people regardless of where they come from.

It was clear that in order to attract international talent or prepare employees to work abroad it was necessary to ensure that their families feel welcome and that their children get the highest standard of international education. The obvious answer to that was to found an international school.

Since its foundation, the school has been very important for Joinville by providing high standards of educational, moral, and ethical principles and preparing students for these changing times, equipping them with versatility and c​ reativity​.

We focus on developing learning competencies that go beyond the classroom walls with the objective of giving the students the opportunity to become lifelong learners who are able to communicate bilingually in a spontaneous way.

In 2016, Instituto Core, a non-profit organization, became the legal sponsor company of Escola Internacional Sociesc, changing its name to Escola Internacional de Joinville – Joinville International School. In July 2019, Instituto Core launched a new name and brand for the School, which is now called Coree International School.


Coree International School mission statement is: ​“To p​repare pupils for a promising future.''



Coree ​International School is an educational answer to the challenges faced by our students in a modern, globalized world. We provide a high educational standard, with a solid and broad skill-based curriculum taught in English and Portuguese. We prepare our students to compete in a world of constant changes by developing research, communication and self-management skills. Our carefully designed curriculum aims at developing versatile students who have the ability to identify and solve problems, work cooperatively, and have strong academic skills in both English and Portuguese. Coree International School was established in 2009 to prepare students for admission to universities in Brazil and abroad.

In 2013, Coree​ ​International School was accredited by the International Baccalaureate Organization as an IB School. Since then, students are offered the opportunity of having three different diplomas after finishing high school: the Brazilian; the North- American, accredited by Keystone; and the IB.

Our students are spread through grades 1 to 12 and represent 5 different nationalities; being approx. 98% Brazilian and 2% among Ecuadorian, British, Chilean and Italian.

Students who do not master the languages of instruction in our school are offered ESL and PSL (Portuguese as a Second Language) programs available throughout elementary and middle school years.

School Enrollment Map – 2019 Joinville Grades Numb of Students HIGH SCHOOL 10 to 12 57 MIDDLE SCHOOL 6 to 9 112 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1 to 5 165 EARLY YEARS Nursery, 52 Pre-kinder & Kinder Average class size:19

School Faculty Joinville Administration Head of School Ms. Elza Cristina Giostri IB Coordinator & High School Coordinator Mr. Anderson Madruga PYP Coordinator Mrs. Jamila Effiting Elementary & Early School Coordinator Mrs. Lurdes Mattos Prestes Middle School Coordinator Mrs. Liliane Constantini Kreling Guidance Counselor Mrs. Adriana Bollmann Soares Head Librarian Mrs. Telma Godoi Elementary School GRADE 1 Ms. Janaina Jerlane Coelho Henriques Mrs. Jeovanca Caetano Vieira GRADE 2 Mrs. Marilane Schatzmann Mrs. Patrícia Wagner GRADE 3 Ms. Carolina Cristina Banzato Bernardo Mrs. Jamila Effitng Correia GRADE 4 Mrs. Edimara Luz Mrs. Barbara Martins / Carina Lacava (licença maternidade) GRADE 5 Mrs. Ilani Friedrich 3

Mrs. Dorota Oliveira Mr, Aleíuton Betta Areas, Middle & High School Portuguese – Language Arts Ms. Vanessa Heloisa de Melo Mrs. Liliane Constantini Kreling English – Language Arts Ms. Nicole Spíndola Mrs. Helena Calil Spanish – Ab Initio & SL Ms. Rebeca Alonso Saeta Mathematics Mrs. Helena Calil Mrs. Fernanda Sarnowski de Azevedo Mr. Aleíuton Betta Mrs. Glasiele João Rosa de Sá Visual Arts & Drama Mrs. Daniele Mendes Beltramini Mr. Paulo Ferreira Music Mr. Jorge César Pires Dance Ms. Joyce Padilha Physical Education Mr. Djeimison Rodrigo Correa Mr. Juliano Dittrich Ramos Science, & Chemistry Mr. Anderson Madruga dos Santos Mrs. Gisele Bristotti Mrs. Tassia Goulart Fendrich Social Science Ms. Andréa Gonçalves de Araújo Mr. Paulo Manseira Information & Technology Ms. Elza Cristina Giostri

Coree International School has 33 faculty members, 3 of them hold PhD degree and 10 of them hold a Master’s Degree. Additionally, 2 members are currently pursuing PhD, 2 members are currently pursuing their Master’s Degree.

The school has an in-school program that was developed to offer a continuous in-service professional development program in bilingual education for all of our teachers.


ACCREDITATION Coree ​ ​International School is accredited by: International Baccalaureate – IB Diploma – PYP College Board – allowed to offer AP courses and SAT exams Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC).

AMERICAN DIPLOMA (9-11) REQUIREMENT In order to earn the American high school diploma students are required to attend at least three academic years and take at least twenty-one credits, including 5 credits from The Keystone School.

Area Keystone Requirement Health/PE 1 Art and/or Humanities 1 Mathematics (at least one must be Algebra 1 or higher) 3 Science 3 English 4 Social Studies 4 Electives 5

1 IB DIPLOMA (11-12) REQUIREMENT To be awarded with an IB diploma, students are required to attend two academic years, and undertake the mandatory core elements and class requirements (subjects distributed into 6 groups). To fulfill the class requirements, students must take courses from six subject groups, one from each group 1-5, and either one from group 6 or a substitute from one of the other groups. ​Three of the class subjects have to be taken at a higher level. In our school, it is mandatory to take studies in language and literature - Portuguese and English at higher level.

The core elements are: • Theory of knowledge (TOK), in which students reflect on the nature of knowledge and on how we know what we claim to know. • The extended essay (EE), which is an independent, self-directed piece of research, to be presented as 4,000-word paper. • Creativity, activity, service (CAS), 150 ​hours of CAS in which students ​complete a project related to those three concepts.

The six subject groups are: ● Studies in language and literature o Portuguese High Level – 240h (mandatory) o English High Level – 240h (mandatory) o Spanish High Level – 240h (mandatory) o Spanish Std Level – 150h (mandatory) ● Language acquisition​ – replaced by 2 studies in language and literature o Spanish B High Level – 240h ● Individuals and societies o ITGS Information and Technology in Global Society High Level – 240h o ITGS Information and Technology in Global Society Std Level – 150h

1 5

o History High Level – 240h o History Std Level – 150h ● Sciences​. o Biology High Level – 240h o Biology Std Level -150h o Physics High Level – 240h o Physics Std Level – 150h o Chemistry Std Level - 150h o Chemistry High Level - 240h ● Mathematics o Mathematics High Level – 240h o Mathematics Std Level -150h ● The arts o Visual Arts High Level – 240h o Visual Arts Std Level – 150h

BRAZILIAN DIPLOMA (10-12) REQUIREMENT The Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC) requires high school to be a 3-year program of at least 2400 hours of instruction. Each year must consist of 200 academic days. To earn a high school diploma from Coree International School, students must have 4299 hours of instruction throughout three academic years. The table below presents the total hours of instruction offered in our 3-year High School program, which also includes the 2-year IB program. When the total of hours of instructions of a subject is not enough to cover a HL IB subject, complement hours are offered to the students or group of students willing to take HL subjects. In addition, our school requires 40 hours of work experience: 20 hours during one week while in Grade 10 and 20 hours while in Grade 11. Those 40 hours count for CAS (IBDP Core Subject).

AREA COURSES HOURS (60’) Portuguese 500 Languages Arts Spanish 200 English 400

Fines Arts Visual Arts 166

HPE Health And Physical Education 200

Mathematics Mathematics 600

Science Chemistry 400 Physical Science 400 Biologia / Biology 400

Geografia / Geography 200 Social Science História / History 300 Filosofia / Philosophy 100 Sociologia / Sociology 100

CAS (Creativity – Action – Service) 100 Complements TOK 150 IB Requirements EE 100 TOTAL 4316


STUDENT EVALUATION AND GRADE POINT AVERAGE (GPA) Coree International School uses a numerical grading system that is associated with a letter grade. A student's GPA is calculated using all course grades starting in 9th Grade. Top ten students tend to have grades in the range of 9.0 – 9.5 points. Students with an overall average of 9.0 with no grades below 8.5 are selected to the Honors Roll. The GPA and grade equivalencies are as follows:

LETTER GRADE GPA 9.7 - 10 A+ 4.3 9.4 - 9.6 A 4.0 9.0 - 9.3 A- 3.7 8.6 - 8.9 B+ 3.3 8.3 - 8.5 B 3.0 8.0 - 8.2 B- 2.7 7.6 - 7.9 C+ 2.3 7.3 - 7.5 C 2.0 7.0 - 7.2 C- 1.7 6.6 - 6.9 D+ 1.3 6.3 - 6.5 D 1.0 6.0 - 6.2 D- 0.7 0 - 5.9 F 0

ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT • Rank: Students at Coree International School are not ranked in compliance with school policies. • Cambridge FCE: Grade 9 students take the FCE.

SPECIAL PROJECTS During academic life, elementary, middle and high school students are required, as part of their curriculum, to take part in annual projects such as: Science Fair, Arts Exhibition and Olympic Games.

FIELD TRIPS The school offers many opportunities for students to learn through real experience. Field trips are one of them. During the elementary years students go for a day-trip to visit rural areas, museums and take part in local events. While in middle school, they have trips to , , Florianopolis, . Some take 4 days. At the end of Grade 7, they have the opportunity to spend a month in Canada, attending a regular school and living in a typical Canadian home. In the middle of Grade 9, they can enjoy a Summer Camp in England, having the experience to live in a University Campus and to visit Great Britain. Besides, improving their language they have chance to be in touch with multiple cultures.


o Health Living club o Current issues club o Game-study club o Literature & Film o Yearbook club


● Circus ● Creative crafts ● Sewing ● Taekwondo ● Soccer ● Dance ● Classical Ballet ● Roller figure skating ● Judo ● French ● Chess ● Swimming ● Handball ● Robotics ● Drama ● Tennis