Properties of Quarks Isospin Many Groupings of Particles of Similar Mass and Properties Fitted in to Common Patterns
Properties of Quarks Isospin Many groupings of particles of similar mass and properties fitted in to common patterns. So far, we have discussed three families of leptons but isotopic spin or principally concentrated on one doublet of quarks , the One way to characterise these is using isospin , I. u and d. This quantity has nothing to do with the real spin of the particle, but obeys the same addition laws as the We will now introduce other types of quarks, along quantum mechanical rules for adding angular with the new quantum numbers which characterise momentum or spin. them. When the orientation of an isospin vector is considered, it is in some hypothetical space, not in terms of the x, y and z axes of normal co-ordinates. 1 2 Nucleons (p, n) , pi mesons ( π+, π0, π–) and the baryons known as ∆ (∆++ , ∆+, ∆0, ∆–) are three examples of groups of similar mass particles differing in charge by one unit. The rule for electric charge can then be written, The charge Q in each case can be considered as due to =( 1 + ) Q e2 B I 3 the orientation of an “isospin vector” in some where B is the baryon number which is 1 for nucleons hypothetical space, such that Q depends on the third and the ∆ and 0 for mesons such as the π. component I3. Thus the nucleons belong to an isospin doublet ≡ = 1 1 =1 − 1 In terms of quarks, the u and d form an isospin doublet, pI , I 3 2 , 2 n2 , 2 u= 1 , 1 =1 − 1 Similarly the pions form an isospin triplet , 2 2 d2 , 2 + 0 − 1 π = 1,1 π = 1, 0 π =1, − 1 (both with B = /3).
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