“Mittelelbe” Biosphere Reserve Promulgation by the Ministry For
General decree concerning the designation of the “Mittelelbe” Biosphere Reserve Promulgation by the Ministry for Agriculture and the Environment of the State of Saxony- Anhalt (MLU) of 2 February 2006 – 41.11-22421 On the basis of Article 33 in conjunction with Article 39 para 2 of the Nature Conservation Act of the State of Saxony-Anhalt (Naturschutzgesetz des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt – NatSchG LSA) of 23 July 2004 (GVBl. LSA, p. 454), last amended by Art. 3 of the Act of 20 December 2005 (GVBl. LSA pp. 769, 801), and in conjunction with Section II No. 8 of the decision by the state government on the establishment of the government of Saxony-Anhalt and the demarcation of departmental competences of 9/23 July 2002 (MBl. LSA p. 779), last amended by the decision of 13 December 2005 (MBl. LSA 2006 p. 7), and the criteria of the “Man and the Biosphere” programme of UNESCO, the following is decreed: 1. Designation as biosphere reserve Parts of the territories of the districts (Landkreise) and towns constituting districts in their own right (kreisfreie Städte) listed under Number 2 along the course of the Elbe river in the state (Land) of Saxony-Anhalt (Sachsen-Anhalt) from the boundary to the Land of Saxony (Sachsen) to the boundary to the states (Länder) of Brandenburg and Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen) and parts of the Schwarze Elster, Mulde, Saale, Ohre, Tanger, Havel and Aland tributaries to the Elbe are declared a biosphere reserve. The biosphere reserve receives the name “Mittelelbe”. It is a component part of the “Flusslandschaft Elbe” Biosphere Reserve spanning the territories of several Länder as recognised internationally by UNESCO.
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