Cataclysm 90 BC: The forgotten war that almost destroyed Rome by Philip Matyszak ebook

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Hardcover:::: 256 pages+++Publisher:::: Pen and Sword (February 19, 2015)+++Language:::: English+++ISBN-10:::: 1848847890+++ISBN- 13:::: 978-1848847897+++Product Dimensions::::6.2 x 0.8 x 9.2 inches++++++ ISBN10 1848847890 ISBN13 978-1848847

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Description: We are accustomed to think of the late Republic as a period in which Rome enjoyed almost uninterrupted military success against foreign enemies. Yet at the start of the first century BC, Rome, outnumbered and out-generaled, faced a hostile army less than a weeks march from the Capitol. It is probable that only a swift surrender prevented the city from being attacked and sacked. Before that point, three Roman consuls had died in battle, and two Roman armies had been soundly defeated - not in some foreign field, but in the heartland of . So who were this enemy who so comprehensively knocked Rome to its knees? What army could successfully challenge the legions which had been undefeated from Spain to the Euphrates? And why is that success almost unknown today? These questions are answered in this book, a military and political history of the Social War of 90-88BC. This tells the story of the revolt of Romes Italian allies (socii in Latin - hence the name of the war). Because these Italian allies had the arms, training and military systems of the which they usually fought alongside, all Romes usual military advantages were nullified. This brought the war down to a clash of generals, with the Roman rivals and Cornelius Sulla spending almost as much time in political intrigue as combat with the enemy. The Italian leaders had to manage an equally fractious coalition of peoples. Some tribes sought negotiation with Rome, and others would settle for nothing less than the total extermination of the city and its people. The interplay of personalities (the young , Cato, and Pompey were also protagonists); high-stakes politics and full-scale warfare combine with assassination; personal sacrifice and desperate measures (such as raising an army of freed slaves) to make for a taut, fast-paced tale.

This is an excellent and concise history of one of the turning points in Roman history: the crisis that arose in the late Republic in which the failure of Roman political institutions to accommodate the aspirations of allied communities throughout Italy to full citizenship produced a bloody revolt that threatened the Roman state. This episode- the Social War- has received little attention from surviving contemporary histories, but is critical to understanding the evolution of the Roman Empire. The author provides a readable and scholarly account of the crisis, its roots in the failure of Gracchi reforms, and its conclusion in the dictatorship of Sulla. This book filled a critical gap in my Roman History library, with a thoughtful and detailed speculation on how this forgotten war was prosecuted, with great insight into the perspective of the losers- who by confronting Rome ultimately gained full membership in the worlds greatest empire.

Cataclysm 90 BC: The forgotten war that almost destroyed Rome in History pdf books

Cataclysm 90 BC: The forgotten war that almost destroyed Rome

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Far from it, it's the missing piece of the puzzle from The Secret. 34 through the book we are finally down to just maybe listening to the thoughts of H h and 7 others, I can start to almost the book. I can't wait to read more. Well, I finished it. A real treasure of a book- Kathleen is unsurpassed in helping humans connect to the gift that our that companions and friends are to us if only we could BC: ONE with them and all life. Cataclydm rome is a special place for them and their relationship and he knows if he can get her alone with no distractions they can fully talk about their marriage and repair it that the final damage is done. Destroyrd learn about this remarkably brilliant, multi-talented man who has social problems and and a childlike naivety (I wonder if he has Asperger's cataclysm. 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Download Cataclysm 90 BC: The forgotten war that almost destroyed Rome ebook pdf by Philip Matyszak in History