Kislev 5779 December 2018 SAPIR CENTER JEWISH EDUCATION AND CULTURE Israel-Diaspora Encounter Programs A Mapping and Analysis Regev Ben-David Dr. Hagit Hacohen Wolf חשוון ה'תשע"ט אוקטובר 2018 Copyright © The Sapir Center for Jewish Education and Culture Jerusalem 2018 Sapir Center, P.O.B 979 Jerusalem, Israel Telephone: 972-2-6286121 | Fax: 972-2-6272495 |
[email protected] All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be translated, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without express written permission from the publisher. Graphic Design: Dov Abramson studio ISBN 978-965-92735-1-5 2 Israel-Diaspora Encounter Programs A Mapping and Analysis 3 Contents Executive Summary 6 Introduction 14 The Goal of the Mapping 16 Data Collection and the Limits of the Mapping 16 Demarcating the Field 17 Conceptual Framework: Key Parameters of the Mapping 20 1. The Paradigm: Classic Zionist or Jewish Peoplehood 21 2. Primary and Secondary Target Audience 23 3. Intensity of the Encounters 24 4. Main Categories 25 Findings 28 The Classic Zionist Paradigm 29 The Jewish Peoplehood Paradigm 30 Discussion, Conclusions, and Directions for Future Action 34 The Gulf between the Two Directions 35 The Goals of the Programs in which Israelis Participate 39 Taglit-Birthright 40 Emissaries (“Shelihim”) 42 Encounters between Partner Communities 43 Study Missions 44 Directions for Future Activity: Several Ideas for the Jewish Peoplehood Paradigm