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T·H E, DOME PENNSYLV~NIA MILITARY COLLEGE I Vol. 10 Chester, Pa., June 1, 1956 No.8 PMC To Graduate /yinety-Eight Seniors romorrow Eisenhower, Taylor, And Rincliffe! To Re~eive Honorary Doctor Of Laws Degrees Commencement To Be Held In Stadium ;For First Time In History Of College The 1956 Commencement, our 135th, will be held tomorrow in the 'College stadium at 10 a.m., weathex: permitting. This will be the first time in our history that commencement exercises will be hel,d outdoors.. :Should bad weather develop, it will ,be necessary to move the exercises ',indoors to the Hyatt Armory, with admission by ticket only. The decision to move outdoors on commencement was necessitated this year by the increased number of Alumni and other guests of the .College who are expected to retutn for this colorful event. If the Armory, which can accommodate only 1200 persons, were used, as last· yea~, many guests could not be admitted.· 'I! stude~ts A class of 98 will be 'graduated. Fifty of these are from 'Pennsylvania, 17 from NewJe~sey, :Prep School and 13 from New York. Other graduates hail from the states of DR. EISENHOWER GENERAL TAYLOR R. G. RINCLIFFE 'Michigan, Kentucky, Connecticut, To Gra·duate Delaware, Maryland" Illinois, Will Deliver Address Army Chief To Be Honored . Receives Degree Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New PMC, Friday, June 1, 1956-Dr. PMC, Friday, June 1, 1956-Gen I'MC, Friday, June 1, 1956- R. G. Hampshire, Virginia, and the fo1' Milton S. Eisenhower, president of eral Maxwell D. Taylor, chief ~f Rincliffe, president of the Phila Final Class 'eign lands of Nicaragua, philip Pennsylvania State University for staff of the U. S. Army, will be Uelphia Electric Co." for the last Pennsylvania Military Prepar 'pines, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arab'ia, the last six years, will deliver the awarded an ,honorary doctor of four years, will be awarded ~ an atory School, which will eonclude and Venezuela. commencement address tomorrow.' ;aws degree at PMC's 135th com- honorary doctor of laws degree 135 years of operation today Forty-four seniors will. receive Dr. Eisenhower also will be a- mencement exercises tomorrow. during commencement exercises '(June 1st), will graduate a total 'degrees in .engineering, and 39 in warded an honorary doctor of laws General Taylor, who succeeeded tomorrow. of forty-three seniors. Seven stu business administration. Twenty. degree, along with Gen. Maxwell General M. Ridgway in the high Rincliffe, who joined Philadel dents from Chester and eleven graduates are obtaining degrees D. Taylor, chief of staff of the army post almost a year ago, will phia Electric in 1923' as an en others from the Delaware County under their veterans rights. U. S. Army. He is being cited "for fly from Washington to Philadel gineering assistant and advanced area will be among.this number. , An extensive program has been· his incredibly varied service to the phia's International Airport, a1' to the top, is being cited by PMC Richard Burke, one of the more planned for this year's commence U. Government, to .American riving at approximately 9 a.m. S'. for his "untiring activity in the honored graduates of the class, ment week-end. The week-end will education, and to the many people June 2. He will be at PMC for the affairs of his community and for will receive seven different awards open with a· baseball game on the of the . world whose lives have entire graduation program to be his important role in the technical at commencement. Young Burke, athletic field bet:ween Swarthmore been made happier by hh activi- held outdoors in the college stad 'and economic development of son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. and PMC at 1:30 today. (Friday) ties."ium beginning at 10 a.m. This America." Burke of Fort Wayne, Ind., and At 4:00 the president of the 22 Degrees includes military exercises which ,A native of Sandusky, 0., Rin grandson of the preSIdent of Sun Alumni Association and members The d.egree Dr. Eisenhower is start at 1:15 p.m. cliffe has served· with Philadelphia Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., of the classes of 1906 and 1931 receiving from PMC ii') the 22nd General Taylor is due to receive Electric as superintendent of gas will receive the GeOl'ge Hetzel will review the cadet battalion. he has received in -the, last_ 12.]lis honol'ary degree at apPl'oxi manufacturing, purchasing agent, Record Prize for the highest scho This ceremony will be followed years from colleges and universi-. mately 11 a.m'. He is being cited traditio~al manager of electr'ic generating lastic average in the senior class; by the Hollow Square ties throughout the nation for his 'for "his brilliant intellectual a station~, vice ,President in charge the. Cha'rIes E. Hy.att Prize for Formation, the awarding of mil prominent work in education, ag- chievem'ents, his contributions to of electric operations, executive the highest average in English; itary medals, and the exchange of riculture, government and interna- American military education, and class courtesies, all of which will vice president, and a director. :and the Bausch' and Lomb awa~d tional affairs. for his incalculable service to his A resident of 633 Strath Haven for showing the greatest progress take place in the stadium. One-time city editor of his country in two great wars," Ave., Swarthmore, Rincliffe is as in science. • At 6,:00 there will be an Alumni hometown newspaper at Albilene, The army chief of staff, who banquet and an annual meeting in '~()ciated with dozens of companies, Other outstanding students in !Can., later a journalism tea- .~peaks five languages and reads and organizations, banks and clubs. the Alumni Lodge. , cher, Dr. Eisenhower became the, 'Greek 'tragedies for relaxation, the class include Harold Berglund, One of his most important posts This evening's events will in 11th president of Penn State July follows in the fvotsteps of many Jr., who won the american history nationally is executive vice presi prize, and John· Dalgaard, who won clude a band concert at the mem 1, 1950. Jlustriolls armed forces leaders orial flag pole and will be high previously, he had been presi- to receive honorary degrees at dent and a member of the board the Babe Ruth Award for sports of trustees of the Power Reactor manship. lighted by the President's recep dent of Kansas State College. PMC. Those honored in' the past .tion and dancing in the Hyatt Before becoming a college pres- include Hap Arnold, Omar Brad Development Co., a group of util ities concerned with the applica Armory from 9 to midnight. jdeni~ he had estaMished and ley, George C. Marshall, Douglas tion of atomic' energy to electric T.omorrow morning, after the served as first' director of the MacArthur, Mark Clark, Smedley Bagpipers To Play power generation which now is Board of Trustees annual pre-' War Relocation Authority, orga- Butler, John Edwin Hull, John J. beginning an experimental nuc At Commencement commencement meeting, the Com nized and served as associate di- Pershing, Walter' Bedell Smith; mencement Exercises will get un l'ector of the Office of War Infor- Hoyt S. Vandenburg and others. lear plant hi Michigan. An unusual feature of this year's derway with the academic pro mation, served 16 yeal's in high General Taylor climbed rapidly , The company. he controls is one commencement program will be a cession at 10:00 a.m. Immediately positions in the U. S. Department in the army after being named concert by the Second Army Bag of the great U. S. utilities, Ii' com following, at 10:30, the conferring of Agriculture, a:Jd earlier had chief of staff 'of the 8't-nd Infantry ,pipers. pany representing an investment of degrees will take place, and been affiliated with the U. S. State Division at Camp Claiborne, La., of more than 860 million dollars in' Visitors watching a parade at Dr. Eisenhower will address the Department as vice consul at Ed- in July, 1942. It was here that he Fort Meade may think it strange electrical, gas and steam facilities, graduates. inburg, Scotland. helped develop the first airborne to heal' strains of music which Military exercises are planned divisions of the army which were serving more th.an 3,000,000 peo appear to come from a unit of to fill the afternoon. These' will to play such an important role in pie in Pennsylvania and Maryland. the Scottish Guard. Only, the 18 include a review by honored guests Abner Mitchell '54 the European campaigns of VI'orId men responsible are not members and Trustees; .the Hollow Square War II. of the Scottish Guards. They are Formation; the Alumni mem6rial Killed In Connecticut After the war, he became super all members of the United States service; exhibitions by the Per-' Abner' Peter Mitchell, Jr., a intendent at West Point, the Army and a few can even claim (lood otuct shing Rifles unit, and the Second PMC graduate of the class of '54, ,youngest officer to hold that post Scottish descent. was killed instantly on Friday, Tomorrow we of the DOME Army Band with its Pipe and ;since MacArthur. In February, The Scotch Pipe1'3 is a unit of May 25th, in Old Greenwich, Conn., '1953, he succeeded General ·James sf aff will bid farewell to two Drum Corps; the Alumni Broom men who have worked ·along the Second Army Band; it is com when his motorcycle skidded off commandf~r th~ Drill; the awarding of commis yan Fleet as 0i eJrised of ten pipers and eight the highway and struck a tree.