Common Abbreviations Introduction
Notes Common abbreviations Channel Islands Monthly Review CIMR Channel Islands Occupation Society CIOS Guernsey Archives Service GAS Imperial War Museum IWM Jersey Archives Service ]AS Public Record Office - now National Archives PRO Lord Countanche Library Societe ]ersiaise Soc. Jersiaise Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force SHAEF Introduction 1. Asa Briggs: Fifth joan Stevens Memorial Lecture, 26 April 1996: 'Memory and, History: The Case of the Channel Islands' Gersey: no pub.). 2. David Thelan, 'Memory and American History', Journal of American History 75 (1989), p. 1127. 3. R.C.F. Maugham, Jersey under the Jackboot (Coronet, 1946), p. 106. 4. Frank Stroobant, One Man's War (Burbridge, 1967), p. 162. 5. Frank Falla, The Silent War (Burbridge, 1967). 6. Carel Toms, Hitler's Fortress Island (Burbridge, 1967), p. 11. 7. Madeleine Bunting, The Model Occupation (Harper Collins, 1995), p. 321. 8. John Lewis, A Doctor's Occupation (Corgi, 1982). 9. Falla, p. 167. 10. Ibid., p. 144. 11. M.St.j. Packe and M. Dreyfus, The Aldemey Story, 1939-1949 (Guernsey Press, 1971). 12. T.X.H. Pantcheff, Alderney Fortress Island (Phillimore, 1981). 13. S. Steckoll, The Alderney Death Camp (A Mayflower Book, 1982). 14. Roy McLoughlin, Inside jersey, Issue 3, 1995, p. 12. 15. Ibid. 16. Societe Jersiaise (Soc. Jersiaise) Box 14/2. 17. Channel Islands Occupation Society (CIOS) Review (25 October 1997), p. 51. 18. Ibid., p. 52. 19. Tom Freeman Keel, From Auschwitz to Alderney and Beyond (Seek, 1995). 20. David Fraser, The Jews of the Channel Islands and the Rule ofLaw, 1940-1945 (Sussex Academic Press, 2000). 21.
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