Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-10-31
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30, 1945 =~ ~Al' , MIlA'I' , bo.' ,... ,d .lam,. I Ihr•• ,b I , •• a lbrou,b 001. at; t'l thr.u,b Kl , ••, U.... '10 CloeMIY. N ••. 10; Ll \br•• ,b QI JO" \br ..,b De.. 11: In 'Io, ..,b VI 10.' ~",11 all. II. IlJOAJt, lI ..lL f"r IOWA: CIowl)r and !looter """" sa , ... f.r lin .....,. \Ioroa,b D ••. a1. IROE8, boolL throe .I'pl.... llalll,' I, 2. S abd • (0 •• IDd.ll. with CMll!Uklnal RhoweJ' aUol,. THE DAILY IOWAN low City's Morning Newspaper tonlrht. r[jeld !o- --- .MeENTS TRI! AS800lATeD .IIB8. IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31. 1945 "8. AlIOCIA"U ..... VOLUME xxn NUMBER 32 I cullllln_ ... ..4- he slate !parttnen; which he ~, Charles cer, Ida oines lind ew phYsi. ruman vocates a ge Increases OPA Ends Agree Truman to Meet With A"lee, Military Authorizes ~hoe Rationing On Jap King to Discuss Atomic Energy Merger Higher Prices WASHINGTON (AP) - Great this greatest issue of modern President Says Cuts Administrator Bowl~s Co un c i J Britain, Canada and the United times. Unveiled U Foresees No Hardship, States, creators of the atomic There was no sign that any of In Earnings 'Road Cites Increased Output bomb, have decided on a meeting the other Allies, including Russia, To Unemployment' 13 WASHINGTON (AP) - The here around Nov. ]] to talk about had been invited to the parley. WASHINGTON (AP) - Amid WASHINGTON (AP)-The end United States and Russia were be~ the future of atomic energy. Also the house military com praise from sympathetic senators, WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi o! shoe rationing was ordered yes lieved near agreement last night Announcement was made simul- mittee approved, 17 to 10, a bill the army yesterday unveiled its dent Truman last night backed terday, effective at 12:01 u. m. on a 'plan to create a four-power taneously in London and Wash- estabJJshing a nine-man com mis detailed charts for a single cabi higher wages for American work (local time) today. council for Japan which would ington yesterday t hat Britlsh sion with vast power over all net department with authority ers generally and in some cases not abridge the supreme authoqity Prime Minister Clemlmt AttJee and sources of atomic energy and re- over land, sea and air forces. Terminating a program which of General MacArthur. Canada's Mackenzie King wiJI search. authoriz.ed price increases to make Sensitive to strong navy op them possible. began on February 8, 1943, OPA High United States officials in- meet with President Truman on The commission would serve position to any "merger" of the In a broadcast to the nation, he Administrator Chester Bow Ie s dicated this government would part time and be paid by the day, navy and war departments, the said rationing can be lifted be- accept such a council in return for but would appoint a full-time, said most of industry could grant T" CI b PI army spokesman quickly assured its employes more pay without gei cause s hoe production has in- Russia's participation in the AI- nange u ans ' $15,000 a xear director and a $12,- legisla tors "this is not a proposal creased substantially sin c e V-J lied Far Eastern advisory com- 000 deputy. It could acquire all SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY Fred Vinson sells PreSident Tru- tiog higher ceilings on the goods to merge the army, navy and air man one of the first "Victory Loan Bonds" at the White House, produced. day. mission which met for the tirst available mineral deposits used in force into a single service." Some trouble spots can be ex- time in Washington yesterday Homecoml"ng Party atomic development and would su- inaugurating the drive which Is expected to top eleven billion dollars. I But in industries considered by peeted for a while, Bowles said, without a Soviet representative. _____ pervise, as well as "encourage," Instead, Lieut. General J. Law the government to be "essential ton Collins described the proposal to reconverSion," wage boosts ne- adding that customers may not al- Russia long has contended that further scientific research In the as one that would "guarantee ade "" hAT ways be able to buy the styles the four-power council _ com- I Wrestling, Boxing, subject. ntis rrange ruce cessary ~o attract needed man.- quate autonomy" for the navy, the Truck Fire Leaves B . power Will be permitted, even If they want. posed of United States, Russian, Tumbling Exhibitions The bill provides 30 years in marines and navy air units, as "But both the war production British and Chinese representa- jail and $300,000 fine for anyone well as the air forces and the Omelet, Fried Chicken In Soerabaja Fighting prices ris~ther Retreats board and the OPA have agreed Uves-should be established in Features of Program who wilfully jeopardizes the inter- army. All would be placed under that no general hardship should Tokyo in advance of the Wash- ests ot the United States by Im- Fried chicken and egg omelet He authorized, also, some other result from the discontinuance o.f ington advisory commission. The Two wrestling exhibitions will parting any atomic energy secrets a single civilian "secretary of the I armed forces." was all that was left of a truck retreats from the stern hold-the , shoe rationing." commission adjourned yesterday be among the features of the Tri- to a foreign power. load of frozen chIckens and eggs Indonesians Share line price policy he laid down im Team Pla,. The OPA chief reported that for a week with the hope that angle club's athletic program at its The commission would not be that were destroyed by fire yes Control of Java Base mediately after J apanese sunen shoe output climbed from 20,000- Russia would be on hand for the annual Homecoming party tbis permitted to pass on to any foreign Senator Hill (D., Ala.), who terday at 1:15 a. m. der. presided at the senate military With English Troops 000 pairs in August to around 28,- second meeting. year, according to William J . Pe- power any atomic energy secret H. L. Harvey, driver 01 the Declarine that peacetime cuts in 000,000 pairs this month. I American ?fficials, who. asked ter en of the history deportment, without the approval of the presi- affairs committee hearing, said the Des Moines Transportation Co. unifIcation proposal would "carry BATAVIA, Java (AP)-A re eamines are a "sure road to wide Bowles said the outlook for N0-I not (0 be Identified, said the chairman. The party will be given dent. The committee rejected a truck, reported to officials that unemployment" If not corrected, I ·t d st t B't ' d Ch' on the third floor of Iowa Union .. tl t Id h . on the team play" that won the he went to sleep at the wheel, vember and December is for 29 to U m e a"es,. fI am an. ma prOVISion la wou ave given newed battle at Soerabaja finally he named three classs of workers shortly after the pep rally Friday et thO b' t war. causing his truck to leave the 30 million pairs of shoes e a c h' h.a d "eenb d omg ~very th.. l!1g. pos- congress a v 0 on 15 su lec . ended last night after the British entitled to wage boosts although month. Thi S", he added, would be Sible to get R~ssla to " Sit In on evening. In London, tormer Prime Mlnis- Senator Austin (R., Vt.), asked road. Harvey sutlered a h e a d general there arra~ged a truce they mean rise 111 prices of the equal to demand before the war. the Japanese ~ltuation. Loy Julius, Big Ten champion in ter Winston Cburchill expressed General Collins, chief of staff of goods they produce. OPA called on shoe merchants The four p.owers have been car- 1940 and 1941 , will meet Dick Bar- hope yesterday that the British~ the ground forces, how the army wound, and the truck was badly said to give Indonesjan naj.ion to give preferential treatment to ?mg on uninterrupted conversa- ker of Osage, second place winner American-Canadilln talks in Wash- plan differed from one presented damaged by fir the sherllf's aJists a large measure of control "I wonder how many of you know that.many war workers have " bans upon the matter through in the Iowa state high school meet. ington early next month would by secretary of the navy James report said. The accident oc of the big Java naval base. returning servIcemen and women. diplomatic channels in Moscow, An army air corps pilot during cover a much wider field of jnter curred two miles west of Coral already had to take, or will soon Forrestal at earlier hearings. Maj. Gen, D. C. Hawthorne officials said. They disclosed that the war, Julius flew 60 missions national problems than the ques- ville on highway 6. have to take, a cut in their war "The navy study reached the entered nationalist lines yester time pay by one-quarter or more," • three possible solutions had been over Germany. tion ot atomic energy alone. very strange conclusion there discussed: A wrestling coach lor 24 years, Churchill sald he would like to day afternoon with President Soe he said in his long-awaited wage , Penalties Advocated should be additional diversion price broadcast. 1. Expansion of the advisory H. M. (Mike) Howard of the see the conversations "range over into three cabinet. departments karno of the "Indonesian Repub commission's powers. physical education department will every\jJing which will lead to good instead of one," Collins replied.