annual report Always good service and excellent customer care at Clas Ohlson 5 markets 7.3 billion SEK in sales Meet the people 15,000 products behind the brand 4,700 employees CLAS OHLSON ÅRSREDOVISNING 2014/2015 1 Clas Ohlson is a Swedish company and is subject to Swedish law. All values are stated in Swedish kronor (SEK). Values in millions of SEK are abbreviated Clas Ohlson AB, SE-793 85 Insjön, Sweden MSEK and thousands of SEK as SEK 000. Unless otherwise specified, figu- Tel: +46 247 444 00, e-mail:
[email protected] res in parenthesis pertain to 2013/14. Data regarding markets and competi- tion reflect Clas Ohlson’s own assessments if a specific source is not quoted. Registered office: Insjön, Sweden These assessments are based on the best and most recent factual data from Corporate Registration Number: 556035-8672 published sources in the public sector and the consumer goods industry. 2 CLAS OHLSON ÅRSREDOVISNING 2014/2015 Contents This is Clas Ohlson 4 The year in brief 6 CEO’s statement 8 STRATEGIC ORIENTATION Operating framework 10 Targets and target fulfilment 12 Strategic focus areas 14 Prioritised areas for sustainability efforts 16 BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT AND MARKET Business environment trends 18 Market development 20 OPERATIONS Our business model 22 Our customer offer 24 Customer interaction 28 Expansion 32 Supply network 36 Our ways of working 38 Our people 40 ANNUAL REPORT Directors’ Report 44 - Proposed allocation of earnings 47 - Risks and uncertainties 48 - Corporate governance 52 - Board of Directors and auditors 60 - Senior management 62 Consolidated financial statements 64 Parent Company financial statements 67 Notes 70 Certification of the Annual Report 84 Audit report 85 Sustainability report The share 86 Clas Ohlson applies a long-term and integrated approach to Quarterly data 90 sustainability issues to create value and a favourable customer Key ratio definitions 91 offering, and do good business.