Wednesday, March 12, 1969 Fourth Series1R.17 Phalguna 21, 1890 (Saka)

/2.6$%+$ '(%$7(6

Seventh Session Fourth/RN6DEKD 

/2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 New Delhi CONTENTS

No. J7-Weanflday, MaTch 12, 1969/FilUlguna 21, I/iYO (Sakal


Obituary Reference : Oral Answers to Questions- ·Starred Questions Nos. 421 to 423 and 437 1- 28 Short notice Question No.4 2~ -37 Written Answers to Questions- Starred Questions Nos. 424 10 436 and 438 to 450 37-58 Unstarred Questions Nos. 2650 10 2706, 2708 to 2728, 2730 to 2780, 2782 to 2783, 27~5 to 2791, 2793 t u 2804, 2806 10 2829 and 2831 10 2849 58-194 Papers Laid on the Table 194-98 Message from Rajya Sabba 199 Committee on Private Members' Bills and Resolutions- FOrly-fifth Report 199 Comroittee on Public UnderlaklnllB- Twebty-sixtb Report 199 Constitution (Twenty-second Amendment) 8111- Report of Joint Committee, Evidence and Momoranda 199-200 Matter under Rule 377- Madhya Pradesh Governor's action with regard to formation of Ministry 200-11 Motion reo Madhya "radesh Governor's action with regard to formation of Ministry -flegarived 211-81 Shri Madbu L1maye 212-21 Shrl Ranaa 226-32 Shrl P. Venklltalubbaiah 232-34 Sbrl 'allannath Rao loebi 234-39 Sbrimati Sbarda Mukerjee 240-46 Sbrl SezbiY8n ... 246-49 Sbrl Sbuhl BhUlban 249-~1 Shrl H. N. Mukerjee 251-~~ Shrlmatl SUlhiia Rahat.. 2~~-57 Shrl Nath Pal 2~8-63 Sbd ....baa Kumar Challerjl 263- 64 Shrl Namblar 264-67

*The .I,n + marked above the name of 8 Member Indicates tbat the Question was .~Iu.lly asked aD the ooor of tbe House by that Member.

( I ) ( U )

CohUDDI Shri R. D. Bhandare 267-69 Shrl Tenneti Viswanatham 269-70 Shri Y. B. Cbavan 270-7S General Budget. 1969·70-General Discussion 281-316 Shri Naval Ki.hore Sharma 281-89 Shri D. B. Raju 289-92 Shri Prakash Vir Shastri 292-301 Shrimati Jayaben Shah 301-08 Shri K. Lakkappa 308-12 Shrl Rajasekharan 312-16 Shri M. Sudarsanam 316 Half-An-Hour Discussion- General Motors Corporation of US 316 Shri S. K. Tapurlah 316-21 Shri Bhanu Prakash Singh ... 321-28 WI: SABHA DEBATES


LOK ~ I should like 10 express my ,rief and give my deepe5t sympalhy to the bereaved "m"t.doy. Mat'rh 12. (0691 PhalguIf(J 21. 1890 family as well as \0 our colle_sue. Shri (Saka) Parimal Ghosh.

SHRI RANGA (Srlkakulam): I join you in Ihis cODdolence. Mr. N. R. Ghosh ~ Lok SoMa met at I~ of the CloCk was a frieDd of all of us. He was a col· le"aue of the 181e Shrl Shyama Ptllad [Mr. Speaker /" the Chair) Mukerjee. He was so keen on tbe develop- menl and proloction of our Indian culture. OBITUARY REFERENCE We would like to convey our condolenc" to his 80n. Shri Parim"1 Ghosh. who has MR. SPEAKER : I have 10 inform riSen 10 be one of the members of our the House of the sad demise of Shrl N. R. Ministry here. Ghosh. who passed away al New Delhi this morning al Ihe age of 76. ""' a!'t'r ~l ~ .~ Shrl GlIt"lI was n Memher of the ~1 ~l ~ ~ Second and Third Lok S.bha during Ihe ft m m q'Git years 1958-1967. He was also a Member of ~ lift qh: ~ o;fi ~ 0 ~ liT"" ~ the ~l~ Committee during the years ~ iiT, I'm< ~ lI'«R ~ " ~ ~ OF PLANNING (SIIRIMATI INDIRA ~ it ) fft II'i!T"T" ~ ~ ~ GANDHI): I Join y"u in ellpt.\'t ~ ; i, represenling the same contitueDcy which he was rcpresculing fl>r 1ViO term.,. OUf (w) l~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~~~ iii sympathie, are wilh Shri Parimal Gbosh l~lIlI~ who has I"st hi; f.ther and I ~ thllt you will pluse cnDvey our condolencel to tbe ('T) q(f ~ ~ it ~ ~ ~ iii brr.aved family. M ~ 1fT'lIT it ~ I~ ; ~ '" miTrir ff ~ .~l r,ft ~ (Ii) rn ~ lIlT flAn: ~ IIi1fro;r iii fifli... '1<: ~~... it ;;it ~. 5lfffi "1ft t ~~~~II1~~~II~ ? ~ ~ '1Tit it; to<: ~ ~ 11r

... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ l~ (d) whether Government propose 10 abolish this system of c0mmmissi( n ~ Il~ ~ ~ -lI~ f".filrr't;<'!"T'lT it agency'" -1~1 !IR ~ ~ m ~ (!T ~l SOY let A•• laI.nee to Booat Indl•• f'F ~ ~ ~ itm ~ I q1J' ~ f'F ~ Export. ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ liT ~ lii[ ~1 ·437. SHRI D R. PARMAR.: Will iHllliT I the Minister of FOREIGN TRADE AND SUPPLY be pleased to state: '" • 0 ~ 0 ~ !frr:T ~ (a) whether it is a fact that USSR h ~~~l offering assistanre in findioi market. abroad for our commodities; ~ ~ (b) if so, whether it is conHned to the >.Of, I""' .... : m fm projects financed by the USSR or in a ~I genera I way ; (c) whether similar offers have also '" .0 Ue If'I'': ~Ill ~~l heen received from Western countries: ~ ~ ~ ~ l~ ~ ~ "fr ;;.!if.t \nft and ~ ~ 'l'Q: ~~ if ~ ~ (d) if so, the details thereof 1 m "fcrr. ~ C;;''TT I THE MINISTER OF FOREIGN TRADE AND SUPPLY (SHRI B, R. ~ ~ ~ ~~ .~ If(!r.t BHAGAT): (a) and (b). The Govern- ment of U .S.S R. have agreed In principle ~ ij- ~ ~l em ~~ ... to assist in the export of the products of Soviet-aided projects in to third SHRT B. R. BHAG" r; 1 sh,,11 read countries. out the answer allain I mportina organisa- (c) and (d). Olrers of assislance in our tioDl and enterprises in USSR and other e"port efforts received from Western coun- East European countries aenerally operate trieo are not entirely comparable, but are directly for making purchases nl{ Ifll'T BlfT'lR ~ll ~ l[rn- ~ 15~Il ~ ;;-tt ~~ ? iA'f.t '!it ~ ~ it ~ IfIif sro'if If>i'p SHRJ B. R. BHAGAT: I do not know if they haye. It is, y~ possi- ble that in the course of some such normal ~ .~ "'" ~ 1~ ~ it commercial operation Ihey may he ulilbiny: ;;rT ~ ~ ;;n;r 'fU "f'fT_ ~ rorr ~ I lhe services of (,;'ommis!'iion agrnts. ~~l~ The position i. that Ihese arc commer- cial transactions. Under our laws, they "whether it is a fact that USSR and are not obliged to tell us if they have any- olher European Communist country one. Normally, for making purchJ,e. in have appointed some commtSslon India, they have their represenlaliYes or a.ents to purchase loods from India; tbe purchasing orianisations in the USSR (b) if 10, the names and addresses of here; there is nol hing which comes ~l8 these commh.lon asents ; tbeir appointiDIL any other 8l1ents. Since (c) the quantity of aoods purchased it .s a commerciallransaction, Ihey are not by them for those countries dUriDI the obliaed to give ut any names and l~I. last tbree )ean ; and Bod, thtrdor., we do not have any lofolma. • tioo about Ihat. Ther.fore, we have COUDlry ",bote Ib,re is kWllita,ian '.'-P'. said thnt they may have in lome cases, but wher'1 Ihe ~l and pur'Oi!ui"" eaeDcia we do not know. arc one, Ihe counlry which ~ free eDlOr- prise tends to lose. For, ""lIea they· make .r\ tif.n ~ : ~l~ ~~ ~ purchase here Ihrough so many ageats and so many IlIp,Iie", Iho .... y.r-.ooualr-io& will ;m:r ~ II(ffit ~ I get the maximum advaDtBge of prices aDd the seelliog country loses. Similarly, when ~ ~ : q: ~ ~ til; ;mr Iho country with 'ree enteJp£lse buys 'rom 1ITTJ ~ I a totalitarian regime, smc. the buyers will t be having competition in larger Rumben tbey wiU tead to lose. So, I wouill Uke to .r\ ~~ ~ : ~ uQ\lf ~ koow whetbor when d08lms with sugh fif1Tlf t ffi ~ ~ 'tiT ~ rn I9iT countries where there is .. lintll. solitOJ'Y ~Ill~~1 buying or l,Cili,ng ag.r;acy ~l1ll by the GoveromOOI. ,Uf GOJ/ArllUlCnt will allow SHRI B. R. BHAGAT: This concerns only the STC to deal and not allow compe- their purchases In India and not our tition in such cases 7 k!lPoru from Iho Soviel u.iqJI. T,"y ~ making purcha,ses in India. So, this should SHRI B. R. BHAGA T: I welcome aOI be mixed up wilh Ibe lood. that India the suggestion. We shall oxamine il. purchases from the Sovlel Union for ¥tbi£1a we utilise the STC, we utili.e the STC for SHRI LOBO PRABHU: Will he lake ~Il fcolI\ OOl4ide, iut '" maio ques' actioo oD, Ihat? lion relates to their purchascs in I~. SHRI CHENGALRA Y A NAIDU: ~ 1111~ ~ WI!iT ~ If? Whoo tile R usians import lobacco from our country Ihey corne and selecl lIIe RI9iTOfT ;;r r ~ ~ flfi ,,1fT -u~ it tobacco in our country and when Ihe 'lfT'r ~ ~ ~ q: ~ ~ V 1l~ Q tobacc:o is exported and reaches Russia, tbey inform the man who has sent tbe IfiT1f ~ ~ I tobacco that Ibe quality is ~ and when tbis man goes there or tlley contacl tl;tis ~ .. 0 ~ 0 'II1RI' : ff.t;om;r a: ~ man, Ihey say thaI ;r he would ,Ive so l Ai ;rij ~ ~~ ",.m .rot t, much percentage to the Communlsi Parly ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 in I~ they wQlIld pass the ftAI.I amouDt, Ifilt i{l ffi 1ITTJ and otherwise tbey would nol live the full amounl ...

'I SHRI P. G. SEN: Is it .. facl Ibat ~ ~~ SH,I the USSR wants private 5lu~ ~5 object to Ihis aileaatioD against the GOQl- oven for their finished looda that aro belnl munist Party. importod hore ? SYRI Ci:HBNGALaA Y>A ~I If SHRI B. R. BHAGAT: For imports tho peoplo who OlIPQt1, tobap:o ...." to from Ihe Sovlol UDloD, Ihey bave iD some pay a certain percenla. to tbe Comm,uaul C_ "ICDIS for servico, aftor·saIOl·service Party, then they alfOO '10 !'VI tb. wbole l~. amollJlt ...

SHRI S. K. TAPURIAH: This is ODO SWlI YOGiNDRA SHARMA: I objecl 10018Dce where I would Nke 10 make • to tbi' all.pli08. ..aiDiI Ihe CoDUIIIIDIII depuluro from my uaual plea Ihal lho Party. 1IO",.r of tbe STC'. abould Dot be eIIS-lId- cd But here ~ ODO cue WHee Ib, STC SHRI CHENGALRA Y A NAIDU: II .hould 00_ IDIO pi&)' mono WIIOII .. il .. facl. h hal beea macle kDo_ 10 lbe ~uly with rIce enlcrpriH deals with. public by ODO Kat..... d. R.aja,opal. Rao, \II ..~ ...... _ PHAlOl,1NA ill, tago (SAKA) ~ A.... 1I/#'s 141 eX-editor of V;shaandh,a, who was formerly e- ~ ~ ~ fIJi ;f((f ~1Il it >if) a Communist. He has openly said this. ,hIT 1Ji11:h-r.r !fiT f'H''FlT ~ lr'fT, it Ilf'f May I k now whether this is iJ fal.:[ and ~ things are happening under the very nose fif;l:lT >ifTffT t, iHIif; ~~ '1ft II~ of thi, GO\ernment ? ~ 7 lfln ~ ~ ~ !fir ~ If''tfft MR. SPEAKER: There is no reply. qh: >ifr.r ~ ~~ ;f.'t ;rcrritfft 7 What can I do ? SHRI B. R. BHAGAT: ~ question SHRI CHENGAlRAYA NAIDU If of whether .. nd hn .. fuDds Illrough ~ he caD not reply, the Minister must rCMHn. ';1.<1 chiU1J)els or olber I~ are d.ivencll I waDt a reply to poli';cal parties is within Ihe purview of t he Home Ministry who have been lootiD. SHRI B. R. BHAGAT: The hon. into it. member is not .«king informHtinn but ~- ing it I am benefited by it. ~ ~.-- Qil(rt{ : it ifPl'" T ~ SHRI SURENDRANA1H DWIVEDY: ~ fIJi ~ ~ ~- >ifl;n;n:r t 1fT ~~ ? Hi-; question is whether the Mini"lcr is q"lf, iff,1 ~ ?TT Ifll'T !IlT'i ..m 'Ift __ aware of it. l~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fP .... ~l1l li,t Party has nOlhing 10 ~ if r;rit ~.ll ~~ ~ do witb Ihi. Irade Bul nlain and alliw 'l"T f'" ift\' n:q. ~. ~. it; ~ ~ tn, Ibis is boioll brQUllht in i'lflfiif ~ mitt srmc ~~ ..-r MR. SPEAKER: His prolesl has 80ne ~ iAorT ~ qr I lRT m frr Qn reco[d Afte, .U, when h. PUiS ..., .. - lioos aboul Ihe Cooarau farty bilvina ~ ~ rr{ tft, ~lI l~ IIT1fl'!"t VIft Ijm [eceived mooey from Birlas Hod Talas. tbal ~I 1fT ~~ ~ mt ~ alw loes on record. What can I do sillin, io the Cbair? I cannol perm.i./. onc aDd ~ di.aaJlow Ihe olber. ~ •• U. 1f'f!f : ~ ~- "'f "'" SHRI YOGENDRA SHARMA: Will ~ IV ~ U ~. Ai; you permit me to ~II a couJl!t;r-lIl1eaa- t. l. lion? lit liliAtl< ~ ~ ~ t, ~ ~ ~ ton , I II?: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ JrTM "'R. ~ No If he, wlnt., be pul a queslloo. ~31 ~ ~ qT, IItn: '1'. ~ ~~~ -1~1 it; ... "'liT ~ I Ii MARCH 12, 1969

1I~~~~~ll try. He said tbat Ihey were being investi· gated. That is a different matter. The ~~lu ~~ ~~ ~ ~ if; ml!f mduer now h how far foreigD money bad IIffm: ~ ~ lIT ~I~ ~ '" 'iff ;r'ti flowed iota various political parties eo fight ~ ~ ~ 1lI~ if 1I1~ ~~ elections. A commission is in ellittence to t, look into the transactions by com- ~1I ~ iii&. ~ lIT ~ munist and non·communist countries ~~ w tt ~ rn t ? w ~- and that matter had been placed before the Minister. Tbe question was ~ ~ ~ 'Iihr !liT 'tIfi ;ftf(f if; 1F'f it ~ whether he would investigate the mailer ~ ~ fiI; ~ ~~ IIiT ~ I!iTI{ further and find out ~ truth. ~ ito ~ ..rr 1ff'"('Ii(f tt f'lilIT 'UII' ? SHRI B. R. BHAGAT: As for this particular mailer involvin. tobacco trade, 11ft UO 1fIRf: ~ !liTtn" ~ .0 I had said that tbe han. Member bad given flI; ~ t .. lI~ ~ ito ~ ..rr information and if he were specific we ~..~1 sbould look into it. As for tbe other general malters, that i. being looked Into. 11ft ,,)ill,; ~ : ~ ~ 'fT fi!; ~ ~~~ IfmiiT m t SHRI RANGA He should look into ~ the matter. Information had been liven lIT ? by Mr. Naidu and Mr. Venkatasubbaiah himself had made particular reference to 11ft .0 UO 1I'ftf : ~ ~ ~ the tohacco trade. What more informa' ~ ~ q'<'r'f ~ ~ ~ ~ i'lf tlon does he want? ""t" y~ ~ ~ , I rn SHRI B. R BHAGAT: I said that I would look into it. 11ft ~ "'": "r.f ~ ~ fi!; !h:- ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ "111 ..... 1(\ IfmiiT SHRI RANOA: We ooly want that it lIT qr ? should be Hparaled rrom its political Itance and examined rrom the point of view SHRI S. K.. TAPURIAH I How is this or tbe country's interest. Would it be in queatlon relevant? tbe Interest or tbe country to allow tbis kind of thing in regard to those countries. MR. SPEAK.ER: The Minister will totalitarian countries where there is only bave 10 anlwer it. one orlanization to which we can sell and only one organization from whlcb we can SHRI S. K. TAPURIAH: He may buy. voice bls maller's voice, but not in tbis way. SHRI B. R. BHAGAT: The whole foreign trade witb the East European coun- lIft.o Uo 1I'ftf: tf.t ~ t f'li tries lind tho Soviet Union had been 80ne Into and we are takinK care that the trao· ~~II1l ~~ sactlons reDlaln commercial and whenever ~ nt'l" i I ..• ~ ••• It seems to turn into a political queotlOD, we take C'He. Unle.. a specific cue I. SHRI P. VBNK.ATASUBBAIAH : Wilh brouaht to our Dolice aDd It is 1I0De iDlo n.ard to tbe appointment of commluion particularl,. I cannot .ay. A. I said, I allenll ror lome or tbe communist and Weat .hall look Into tbe tobacco question. European counlries, certain allelations had been made by aome hOD. MeDlbers about ~~~1~~ lhe IraDsaclioD of lobac.o product and they lff'( q ~ ~.. qq;n ~ t rererred to the ,,"oclatlon or w ... 'oro powers 10 Iheir Irado dealiDI' ID tbis coun' I1~ ¢ ~ :: ~ ~IF ~tIP ~*" Y j ~1i ~~ ~ ~.::;! ~ " ~i i t Et: 'E~~ i r ~.- ~~~E i il::.~ ~ i J< 'e: 'i ..if ~...~ H ; i' i ~ i; h i ~ litlf- Ii- f ii!FiE'- t ; l1Il~~..~-1f1f ~~ ~ 'W ~~ If 'J.' ~ o!; Z ~l' i ~ i ~e: Ii ~'" i ~ ! ~: ~lE!I ~ ~ I~11~~i! ,h ~ I~ ....~ 11~~1.*" .~1iii ___i 'If: ~~ ~ . ~~ Itrl -I i tIf- • ~~~ ~~ if ~~ ~~ ~ ~tIr ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~! ~ ~ 1i; ~! J! 0 ~ II" ~ : 0 ~

~ I; ~.; III" .... ~i i ~:tr ~~ ~ ~~ If: ~~ ~ 1 [, ~~J! t! ~ ...."1....~ It, i If~ ~ ~ !i2 ~l ~[ i ~ . i 1: Ii ,r: Ir ~~ ,.,. i Ir""""'"~ u ~I; t....". .ct I>' ~It' i ~~ .;: ~ Ii' ~~ ~~ ~ i Ii: tIr u::. t ~ E I~Ie It:: i' 'iiC; e:Ii- .It· 1i • Ii ~ ~~i ~~ ~ ~ Ir ~ -.,. d'- - k'.., 1< Ilr ' ~ I>' 1+ IV 1; II; e;. i ... Ir IV -,,, AI> Ib ~~~~~~~11 l1~~~~~~ .~~ IE: It> .. ~~~ Jtii i .... ~ .... ~ ..~~II :it;Ir'I\)<,*, Jtfj 10' IT i i ~l~~tif.,i ~~~1-~l~~~~ 1~~~~~~~ ~: ....~-t ! ir 'E .; E ~t j ~~ ~~ ~~ EIf;!; ~ ~i If! ""'fir .tic' 'If ~! t If! ~r:~ !.: ~~. - Ir If & ~4C ~~ IJ' tr<. - ...." 'Ii <,-. IV...." i ~... ET 5' ... ~ Ir II" ~ ~!; &' IEI!:.g f 'J.... ~ .~ii tIf- ~ I~ ~ i tIr ar~ :; lll~.;'W';;C ,Ir ~Ii ,: - .& ~Ii>: ... Ii ~~ii..,~ I; r: ~J! If . ~Il' ~ If: .." ; 'If .~~ 'IT< ~ ~ i .Ir r"" 'i IE I>' ~~ ... "" 'i t< ~r ~t!= ...." ~J! ,u. of; Ii ~t ~ fi ttl ~~ • ~~ ~ I;: 'Wt I;: ~ ~II~ ~ ~~ t ~~ III' 'Ii ~~'Ie I~ ~1.~ j ~'W,g. ~ u ..., ..... "", ~II fl. 1l1li 0,...... " •• 11ft ~ 'liT : ~ m ~ ~ I Bnd IndIa. The Minlater could not aive a 'titar idh of t be poll\:) ot litt GovernMent lflfR ~ Iff ~ f1! cr) ~ I Mill retard tv tbe abolitloll of tbis system of Commiyon ..ents. May J know wbetber .. ~ ~ """; ~ tT t ~ ~ foreian ageilcy is working upOn thIs wR ~ if fI'1T1: 111ft ~ t m q milristt'y to ste that tbWln'tiliilloft ll~ sya*- is not allolishN ? If IWIt, wUl ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t, "fi!;;r the Government take up tbis matter ~ ~. if 'ITTii' if ~I {OIitm , urgeiltl)' aild abolish tbe Iystem forthwith ~

~~Il~l~ SHRI B. R. BHAGAT : Again I ~~~l repeat, that in this matter of purcbases made by the Soviet Union from India. " 5lfT'I'I<: ij; iIl't if ~1 I~ t I 11I~ tbere are no allents. bow can I ,iYe their ~~~ ij; a:n:r 0IfT'fT'{ if flfi1lT ~ W name. ? ~ ~ ~~ I~ if; ~ ~I ~ AN HON. MEMBER: There ate. m4tt! SHRI B. R. BHAGA T : We bave no ..n ~~ W"!' : -l~ l~I It informalloD . ~ ~ ~ fII; ~ olflm: I~ SHRI BALRAJ MADHOK: He i8 Wf , ~ ~ tm 1I~ ~1 i!r ~ on probation. Let us lIiYe some margin t, ~ ~ ~ <'I"TTIfT tm fi!; ~ for that. ~ ~ ~ 1Ii'{ft Iffift ~~ ~ ~ SHRI TENNETI VISWANATHAM : tnn fi!; ~ ~~ m1 ~ m ~ ,,) Altbollllh we haye laken half and hour. the mihister's hesitancy has nOI decreased. but ~ ~ ~ ~ l~ ~ 1ft increased. A.fler the Qlle!itlon reached him, ~ ~ ~ ~ "flfWT ~ QfCfT ~ did II not occur to him 10 rtlalee an enquiry. inltead. of merely saying, it is just possi- ~ ~ ;;rq'f"t ~ ~ ~ t flli ble ? We give \0 days' notice of questions ~ 0IfTIfT'{ '!i<:a- ~ en fq;'{ ~I1 ~ only to get information. He was in the ElIlernal Affairs Mini.try and now he is in Cf'{"t1fi1 en 1ft\" t f'fi mq ~ 0IflT:fr( !fil Commerce. Surely he cannot say, he ha. '};'{1' ~1I 'fi'{ ~ Iff w;it ~ "IR no Information. The hesitancy shows he I~ !!il{ ~~ rofl ~ 'f@ I has Ilot some informiltlon whiCh he Is not lll~ to share wilh UI. Would lie f'1IrCfifT 1llfT'm '!mff'ffC hiT ~ ~l at leasl now make special enqulriu and ~ ~ qr"fTtr ~ ~ I 'ffiT;a-.r giye us Ihe information before tbe lft itt se.,loll ellds ? ~ l~ t I ~ f.r«f m ~ ~ liIillT 1fi{"t"fTtr rn ~ ¢orif It 1IfT

1Il~~~~ SHliU B. JI.. BHAGAT: I do _ halle the cGmparative Ogures nGw. ~ I~ an ~~ it..r ~ ~.I lIfT fit; ~ ~ it; ~ ImPort or Raw Material' 1I'0Il1 USSR ~ m t JflJt "" IffiT ~ ~ ~I n + ~ iITIf ~ ~ ~ f'ti ~~ it; ~- rot • 422. SHRI SITARAM KESRI ~ ~1 m; 'iP'rT ~u ~ ~ m- SHRI A. SREEOHARAN ~ fit; ~ ~ ~ ~ iIIT ifllfT Il'iT q(I1 Will tbe MIDlster of FORE ION ~~.~~~l TRADE AND SUPPLY be pleased to Ilate: SHRI 8. R. BHAGAT: I can look (al wbetber Ibe Soviet Union bu into It, but ~ I said, we have no Infor· agreed to ellport more raw materials to motion that there are any agents. lodia in view 01' tbe latter's pattern or requirements lind if so, the ~~~~~ main terms of Ibe !tareement ; (bl bow rar the imports of raw mater. 1~~ ~~ ~~ f'ti ~ rials from the SGviet Union Inlo India are ~- ~1 ~ I ~ $lJ ~ ~ ~ ~ likely to increase during the forthcoming 1I~ ~ year .,..... ". thGle durintt the prevlou! m It ;;rR ;;rfiI'ifiT'U year; and 'R:1t I (c) Ibe main item. of raw materials to be Imporled aod how far the Import of "" ~~ """ ~ 1~ l~~ each Item Is likely tn increase as a result IIfTIf ~ lll~ it; ~ 5iTmr;;r of this a.reement ? 1~ i);.mca' ~~ I i1:11 ~ ~ THE MINISTER OF FOREIGN ~ I TRADE AND SUPPLY {SHRJ B. R. BHAGATI: (a) and (b). UDder the SHRI SURENDRANATH DWIVEDY: arranlemenls for mutual ellchaole or What i. hLS reply'" the specific question commGdltloa for the year 1969, the propor. whelher he will enquire and place the tion of raw materials to Ihe t.Jtal quantum informati"n before the House 1 of imporls from U. S. S. R. represent. un increase compared to the correspGndlng SHRI B. R. BHAGAT: I will have to proportion for 1968. Tbls is ia cOOionance 8et tbis information from all their repres- wilb JDdill's cbaollinl pattern or import entat;'·es. I will try to aet it. requlremeDts. (c) MaiD items of raw materials to be SHRI MANUBHAI PATEL: Due to imported are :- the faulty method of thi. transactlon, tbere (al Platinum. (bl Asbos1ot. (el is an actute feeling in India that Ram·Ram NeWliprinl, (dl Wood·puIP. (clOy•• is ~ Mara·Mara and Stalin·Lenin I. Intermediates and (0 Raw materials for becominl Ram-Ram in India. Tbis is pbarmaceutlcals. substantiated by the fact that a major bulk of the transaction Is carried aD with the But European countries at the cost of tit thm1r ~ ~ IfF!ft' ~ other Buropean counlTio.. May I know ~ """'" ~ fit; iJ!) IIi....-r lil't'f {II' q whetber it b a fact that tr3nsactlGnl with tho Eagt European block are 10 the lUDe of ~~~~l~ it ~~I 70 per ceot of tbe 11~1 ~I 1 fq ~ q,: {II' ~ 1PM f q rtllR ~ ~ ~ SHRI B R. BHAGAT: 70 per cent it; IIiII' t 1fT ;J1fm ? of tbe tOlal Iran-action with whom? ~ ;J1fT1IT ~ !I't 'I'IfT tt ~. flf> ~ 19 MARCH 12, 11169 20

~ it; ~ it; ~ lIT ,'fiI; ~ ~ ~ Il~ ito ~ it; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t, ~ ~ qqft ~ ~ ~ I ~ !Q'i:'fm ~ ~ ~ \j()fiI; ~ !Q'q'OfT ~ ~~ ~ ffi" ~ ~~~I~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1foTtl:!T !flIT ~ ~~ m it; ~ eft' ;;rr(ft ;ftftr it; ~~ ~ 'fih:f'f q ~ ~ lIT ~ t f!f; ~ itc"l'fu<;r !!iT 'ilfm ~ \9lmT ~~~ ~ ~ ito ~ t mr ~ ~ I

Uo ~ : ~ ~ it; ~ SHRI LOBO PRABHU: ThIs country '" .0 has an appalling foreign debt of Rs, 5,000 ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~l1 ~ it ,'firi crores and it is calculated that every new- ~~ ~ err;;T ~ u~ .~ II'< ~ infant has a debt of Rs. 100 huna round its neck. In such a situ3tion, our ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ ~1 if2'J n "iO,'e with Soviet Russia has Involved Ihat ~ ~ ~1 ~ flf<'T'!T 'lft ~I1 ifll'T ~ country in a debt of Rs. 61 crores to us ~~ f;;r", ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ during the last three years, I would like to know twn thing from the Oovernment. ~ 'l1T'f ~ mt ~ crT m ~ Fi,qly, how are Ihey going to recover tbi. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;fi"fT 'lit ~ ~ I adve"e balance of RI. 61 erores when the commodilies menlioned by the Minister come no where near cancelling Ihese debts? ....n ~ ~~ ff.t ~ ~ \ill Sec"ndly, could we have an assurance from ~~ll ~ ~ *rm ~~ ~ ~ Ihis government that as l~ as there is ~ ~~ ~ ~ 'tlfij a del;';it like Ihal we should tailor our trade 'to'\lrn

MR. SPEAKER : He said tbat befo. e ~. ~.~. 'tiT ~ ~ ~ ~ the), enler into purchases tbey consider the ~ I~ ~ ~ ~.~ comparative filures of prices obtaining in "I1I'flI; 'till" 'tirl1ff dilferrent countries. ~l~~ ~ ~ en ro II'q ~ fir; ~ "lff'=T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "" ~ : IP'lft' ~ if 'fIA m ~~ 31~ it ~ f'ti ~ 31~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "U .n .0 ~. lIITfI': ~ t f'ti;;it. 1~ !!iT ~ ~~ r.nt ~ ~ ~lll1 attll"ff it fl1<'r ~ ~ m ~ ;;rr ~ t ~~ ~ m i;J'lTome- wberc else, why we ~ul purchlUle it Irom t ~ f"fit ri' ai';ft' ~ (r ~ t the Sovlt Union. I answered Ihld jf lome ~ IIi'Ift ofWr ~ ~ iIITtfi t I ~ raw material whleb we need ~ available at a lower price nnd if we have free roreian 'lI"Pm ~ fir; "U ~I ~ I ro ellchanle to pay. we generally II,' In for ~ ~ ~ 1ft' t f1Ai; f'Iit ~ 10 tbat. We lake tba t inlO con,iJ"",tivD But l~ when we ndllher han free forotan exchalll" SHRI B. R. BHAGAT; As ror the nor cheapor raw material available from inevitabilitv of the commission allency sys- lome other covnlry. we 110 to the Soviet lem, I ~ never said that it is inevitable. Umn. What I have said is tbat we are prollres- sively Iryins to brlns in the STC and other .,. a)q mtft : 'fit ~ corporate ll~ inte Iho "ade. To RIll,. abolisb it overnight or say that there will l~~ i\' ~ fiI;- i!lf'!il ~ a;.;ft 1f>"t1fCl' be no co/ml1issit1n agenete. or private trade, OR '1ft ~l 1ff<'l ~ ~ ~ I it ti'tere are practioal difllcolti •. that is what I said; I never said that they arc inevita- ~ ~I~ ~ ~ ~ f!fi lti'1IT m- ble. ~ '1ft ~ ~ fi.f> \iTif ~ 'Il'1 WAT As for the fixation of price, I said that Iti' ...... T lfrn ~11 ~ ~ iIi.mU

30th December. 1968, in front of the Ch'ncse il was Onl)' lasl nilht tbul lOIIIe Eaternal Frnbassy in Nrw Del"i VHr the issue of A fl'airs Ministry officials met some Chinese the in,ult Ibat ",as meled oul to tbJee diplomals here and told Ihem about it. If journali.I., u~ an Indian journals. we have closed Ihe incidelll altoaetber. if Mr. Frank Moraes. on Katbmandu road by our law is allowed to operate in Ihis pani- Chinese ~ on ~61 December. 196M ':lIlar incidenl, why had you nOI told China and, if so. whether Government h .. vo IDld lonl ago and why do you allow China 10 China poinl blank vf her armed compo naggeral. thinss alld aCCuse the Govern- lexity wit h the Naga hosliles and Mizn menl of India of all that ./ rebels aDd al.o her .:ollusion wilh Pakistani hosliles against India and ber encourage- SHRI D1NESH SINGH: rhe hon. meot 10 Naxalit.. in Ihi. country? May Member is .Iware Ihat the tWll issues are I know whether it is also il fact Ibat it was not mixed tngelher. They are enlirely only last night 'hal .ome External AfTairs '.parale issues. This mlllter about Chinese Ministry officials mel Ihe Chinese diplo- letters to our nationals came up before tbe mats in New Delbi to prolesl against Iheir House earlier and my l1~u. Iho Mini.- pr"le,t note after this Question was tabled ler of Siale. had slaled thaI he was lookinll in Ibe List "f Queltion. for today? into the mailer. We hall to look inlo the matter 10 come to cerlain conclusion. be- SHRI DINESH SINGH: As Ihe Hou.c fore we were in a position tu take il up i. aware. Ihe alleg.ltions that China ha, with the Chine.e bmb_"y. As sOOD a' we been making from time to time and the were given the f "h: to.; , we luuk up the mtttlcr. strong exception thlll we have been laking So far as the Cllinese protest for the de- of Chinese complicity in our inlernnl monstrcllion is t.:oncerne4.J. that WeAl much affairs have been broughl 10 the nolice of earlier. Thal 1~ nol done YC!41erday. the H"use (rom time to time. as the hon. The Chine," had prolesled tn tt' earlier and Members wan led information or 8S we cdn' we had re.... cted that. sldered necessary tn give the information. The House is aware thai we have categori- SHRI HEM BARUA Is it not a fact cally lold Ihe Chinese Embassy thai Ihey that Ihe Chill... e 5mba ••y in Deihl ~ be- should rdrain from acls which lanlamount come" honey-comb o( anti-I ndi·an .eli"it- or which lend 10 give an impression that ies. espionage activilies particularly. IIr,!", Ihey are interferinll in our internal affairs. inlo not only defence secrclo but also other I have mtnlioned it in my main reply. So 'enets affecling Ihe solidarity and .~ far as the specific question aboul Ihe demo- ignly of Ihe nat ron '! 'rhe Chtef Midister nstration out,ide the Chinese Embassy is or Kerala h.,s said -he has said a very concerned, there were comph&inl8 of the l~l Ihing Ihat Inonev w(\uld contlrltJe to Chinese Embassy about il. It is a mailer How 10 anli-nalional elemenls _. he did nOI which is before Ihe law l~ in certain say ~l national: he said '" cerlain ele- respecls where it concerns Ihe law anti l~ in thi' ,,"untry -a. long as ale hallt order quesllon and we bave lold the diplomlllic relation with China. He has Chiaese Embassy very calellOrically Ihal said like th.t when it was found Ihat money Ihere was no involvement of tho Govern- Howed ioto some one In Ketala from Ibe menl in Ihal malter. CllinMe 8mbassy lYere. In thai conn.c- lion '"'" I know whether Ihe GovetnlWenl SHill I HBM BARUA: Cillna had hay. admlnislered a Stronll wathinl ro exagseraled the incidenl in tbe Chinese China Ihtlt, if rhe Chinese ~y in Deihl ...... y here I .. lbair ;&dv .... '_. I Iotww I., indulge in these IJntl.national a peaceful demonstrator, a woman, broke actlvil'ies our Government Wl>uld be forced down cryins. "Oive me back my children to uk :he elline,e 8mb"""1 10 be r"lIed up Ihal you killed In L1dakh." The Cbinese hke a int of 3~~. You have laken breakin, of dt.,Jomalic relation. or our such a 10111 IIIDe to _ rile .. a!lbm It. JI ...kIDI them to wind u., Ibe EmblUlMY I, was only luI nilhl Ibat you lold lbem. I concel'lled. Ihal il a matter thll we C8II ",_dted to taO'llt *lrelller it I. a tact tbat con,lder wboa it co_. Toda¥ _ bav. MARCH 12, 1f6l} told them very strongly that they should sider it a right policy to view our relation ont interrtre in our internal ~. wilh China in the tolality of the emerging A,iaD and world situation and would resist SHRI HEM BARUA: He has s"in from heing drawn into mutu11 philippics that he has told them very ~ly that and tit-for-tat action. there should be no Chinese activity again,. the interest aDd securily of Ihis country. SHRI DlNESH SINGH I entirely But what is Ihe response 01 China? ThaI "gree wilh the hon. Member thnt all dip- is what we are l~ 1n knowing. lomatic aclion cannot be taken tit·for-tat. We have to function <.Iccnrding to our con- MR. SPEAKER Mr. Krishna Kumar Ji.ioning '.IOJ our system of working, and Chalterji. o.her countries do what they like. But there is a certain measure of reciprocity in SHRI KRISHNA KUMAR CHAT- .his which we try 10 conform 10. TERJI: Is the hon. Minister for Extern,1 So rar as the question of ChiDe,e hroad- Affairs aware of the fact that, durine the cast is concerned. I do not know the rca- mid-term elections in Wesl Benllal, Ihe pro- sons why they have or have DOl included paganda machinery of Peking was fully India On many l~~ they have put utilised to subvert the democratic process India anJ Souiet Union togelher. of elections 1 Is he also aware of the fact that even the Chinese Embassy in .his coun- SHRI SWELL; My main question try was taking active and keen interest to has Dot been answered. I wanted to know ue thot the resull,; of the mid-term poll in whether Government considered this omis· went again.t the best and real sion as significant. This Is number one. interesls of this country? The second queslion is whether Govern- ment consider 11 conducive to the promo- SHRI DlNESH SINOH How Can I tion of the talk-idea between India and 8Dswer this 1 China without pre-condi.ion cf which the Prime Minister spoke in her New Year SHRI KRISHNA KUMAR CHAT- Day mess age. TERJI; He bas not answered my question SHRI DINESH SINGH: We wel- ",(/,,'erruptI01t). come any chaDge in the Chinese policy and I have already answered the q lIestion re- MR. SPEAKE.R He is nO( in oil garding what the Prime Minister has said. position 10 answer that. But I cannot say .. , [,rtr'ruptlon8) wbether Ihat omission has any significance or not .. SHRI SWELL: While every.hing (Interruprfo,,\ . should be dODe to safelluard the security of the couDtry, I would like to know whe- SHRI SAL RAJ MADHOK (South ther it Is a fact that, ll~ the reeen' Delhi): Why don't you have a cla.s for Sino-Soviet conHict in Amur-ussuri area, probationers in Ihis House? PekiDIl Radio had been blaring away .ha. MR. SPEAKER: The Question Hour the Soviet Union was tryinll to form an is over. Now we take up the Short Notice BDtI-Chlnese block, an unholy alliance, Questi')n . • Ionll wIth such countries as Japan, Thai- laad, Malaysia, Philippines, IDdoDesia. SHORT NOTICE QUESTION South Korea and South Vietnam, but have conspicuously lefl oul India from that list. I would like to know whether Government ~~~.. ~ considers this omiasion as havin. any SigD.- + ficance aDd whether they consider tbat it SNQ. 4. .n If! fttt1N : is aoine to help to promote the Idea of the ~~ 1~ Primo Minister in hor Now Year foreilln pulicy ,tatemont tel have talks with eh:n. ffi ~~ "' ftm!' m ~ wi.hout aay pre-conditioD. May 1 know IP-'fT ~ ~ '1ft ~ "";:it fiI; : whether tbe Government tod"y, in "iew of what the Prime Minister ha, Itated, COD- ~ if.rlt; ~II~ on ~ 29 Oral A",..", PHALGUNA 21, ItiO (SAK.4) Ortll AutHr, 30 ~~~.~~ If>"\';ftftf ll~~~ ~ l1~ ~~~ ~l -m ~ "' ~ ~-~l ~ forit ~ ~~.~~~ m ~ it l~ it ;n't if RT ~I q Ifr ~ it fiRT ~~~ If>"\' Q"ifN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~l ~ ? Q"lI1lffi 'iT'lT !fil ~ if ~~ ~I ~ ~ '" ~ ;m11R!,l ~ q: ~ ~ ~ ~ ('I'T ~~ ~ Itiro!T ;n;iTT< if"1 ~ t, ~~ 1ft ltftf ~ 'r m ~ ~ ~ t I ~ 11m 'I1TAT ~ ~ ~ ~ .wn .n !Ah: nR l~ ~~I ('" ~ ormlf\!j ~ : (If» 1968-69 it ~1l ~ ~~~ -'M"T ~ Q;nU ~~~~~~ l~ iii .~ ~~ 'f"tf('\' mlhrfiflf> ~~l ~ ~ ~ lIT ~ ~ ~~I ;,;'j-lIrlfo e"to mo (r ~ it fiI;IfT 111fT t I /fifl., ('I'm G ~I 1968 if ~ ~ ~ ..n ~ tmm!f ~ : IflfT ~ \J;If .n fGrm ~l srf('\' 6 Q"5['<'I", J 9ti8 if» <'I"Tl(i Hf .rn ;f.t ~Iu iii' flIi __ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i\\i 'f1: ;;JT Wf>T I ~I~~ ~~ ~~~ (\III') q'tt ~ 1968-69 ~ ~ l1~1 i\"T1:fT ~ fit; ~ ~ it ~ .n ~ ~- ~~ ~ ifil l(;)er I~ if ~~ 11ft ~u ~ (t I ~l ~ ~l ~~ fil""'i{('\' ..n ~ ~ : It it ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ?f('I' ;:ftfu it ~ ~ ~ itlfr ~ it I" fit; ijlfl"'ll(q'l ~- ~ !Iff'lllli"f .mt ~ ift" ~ ~ i'lf, ..n ~~ Ifm1RIf ~ ~ p; ~~~ ll~ if ~ 'Ii<: ~~~~ ~ ~ I ~~ SI''lT ~ ~ J968-69 ll1~ ~ 1fT ~ if ~ ~ -n I~ ~ ~- mror If>r 'l1RrU ifil1T'if orn1 ~ I ~ if \J;If ~ Q"f'f1m t fir; ~ ~ 1968-69 it ~ mmlf!f; ~.. 3fT !filer ~ ~ t, ~ if ~ n;ft" ~ ~ 'f1: 1969-70 it f.fiI;r''l'r ~~ "\' ~ ~~~ ~I ~~ 8 ~ ~ 1969-70 it; ~ m ~ if '11f'- ~~~ ~I ~ ~ "In:pft I 11ft ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lIlT "" 1fJ ~ : lflfT ~ ~ t fit; £I4T'l l~ .-rn ~ dh:: 111fT t fiI; ~ 'N- ~ lfli ~- ~ ~ ~ Q.TT ifT-{f ~ fQT"," ~ lITf'T lfT ol ~ if m 1ft mil If'I'tm!r ~ ~~ it ~ m Ifr 'Iit..;rit ~ Ifr ~ fQ"J1R ~ .rt< f'inrTq;i'f it f.rorr.r ~ ",:;f ~ m:rr? ~ 'I';:,fi f m flPm 1ft t I ~l !f;T ~ ~ Ut'r 1ft m 'I1fr ~ fiI; ~ ~ it ~1 ~ ~ 'f1: ~ 1111'. fWwrit : ~ ~ If 'I'PI' ~ Ifr ~ ~ ~ ~ ii1 .... I< .. ron fiorI4T t fiI; 'PI' q..,-(f it m ~ it SI MAttCH 12, 1969

~ ~ iitlfT I fri "'" ott -~~ ~ iii ~ ~ ~ ~l iii ~ it '3';:f ;:rtl ~ ~ I ~ l~ lfi l1T;ffl ~ flli ~ if?:;;r ~ ~ ~ rn ~I ~ ~ fit; ~ ~~ it ~ ~ r,r;f f'liliT ~ 3~ lfT ~ .;rl'ifiml ott l~ 'liT i;ffi:r I ~ l"f'li ~ ~ fl1<'H ~ I ~1I iii I1l~l it lfRmfT 'Ii) 'lR1f rn!!iT ~~ '3'if it " m ~ <:tfe 'til ~l ") ;;r) ~I flf"l"T, W ~ ~ iii l~ t:('Ii' ~ ;r;:ft ~ I ~ <'I1tff it Il~ ~I ~ ~l~ "'" it ifit-ifit f<::'frlf if ~ ~ ~ lill:

~ it qi't' ~ fm1 I ~. ~ (1') ~ it 9'fq:; ~ t flli lfif mr. m ~ ~ fit; ~ ~ ~ ~ Am iIfli, ~ ~ ~ fit; ~ ~~ ~ f'FllT I mr it,...... n ~ ~ ;onif I tI1fl' ~ it; ~ ~ it !!iTi ~~ ift\' flI;1rr ~ ~ IIi1f ~ ~ Ifi{ SHRI S M. BANERJEE : Tbe Qnestion t wbich was PUI by my bon. friend Sbri ~ ~ I II i8 Dot pOSliblc for me to make Madbu Limaye was wbetber tbe ncwsprint aoy commitment. wbich they 80t duriog the strike period which lasted for oearly 59 days was sold io 11ft "0 ,"0 i1f'If: 'I'N itu ~ the blackmarket. They did not pay aoy wages to tbe employees serving uDder 'J'f ~ I itu ~ ~ 9'fq:; ~ The SlolPsman, The Timts of India, Th, ~I~ I ~~~~ ~ Hindu aod Th, Hfnduslon Tim" and otber oewspapers, 00 the grouod thaI tlley had it ~ ~ :a.r 1fiT f'OO t, ~ I!iT sustained heavy losses. Our information ~~~~ is tbat by selling this newsprint in lhe black market or by taking out supplements illim'fl!>"t ~ ~ lfif (I''''''1Ti!: ~ ~ Ihey have not suffered any loss. In view ~ if@ ~ ~~ ~ '1'1'( ifTif-1!"JIlm of Shri Madhu Llmaye's que.tion and the ~ 1Iil, ~ <'f1TrT 1f.T ~ q t fit; information with us which I bave disclosed will ao Invesligation be ordered by a com- '1'1('( ~- ~ ~ flfOlT ~ m: ~ mission or a senior official or the CBI or ~ ~ t ~ ~~ it ~ I!iT( ~ ''IT any other central agency to find out whe- ,""1Iiif ;rtr ~ ~ 1fT ~ it; ~ I her they have suffered auy loss? If they have suffered no loss, will the wages be ~ t, 'I'm: q ~1 ~ t tit ~ ~ paid to those employee, who suffered on ~ ~ ~. account of lbe lock-out. ~~ ~ "I'lf ~ ~ ~~~~~1I ~I~ ~ ~lll ~ ~ ~~ emf qm ~ t I &'f it ;rn: m ifi&T t fit; ~ iIIi ~~~ ~ ~ Itfr ~ ~ i1f it; ,""1Iiif ~ ~ 'frf<,m ~1 ~~ iii ~~II ••• m mill' t mr i1f I!if rrr ~ ... ~ ... "1'1 ~ 0 q) 0 .~ it ~ if&T lfi{ffi I ~ ~I i!r't ~1 .m- 'J'f or1fom;-:- "0 ,". .""': i\ _. '" ~ ... (...... ".,.) ~ ~ ~ ~ 11ft ~ ~11 ~ ~I. 1IT'f- ~ ~ Ifi1IT ~ .n ~ ~1 m ~ if1lf ~~ !!iT it ;rffi;;r ~ ~ flli ~ .- ~ ~ e.l iIITltit I ~ lit ~ ~I 'li1 ~~~ rt t, ~ ~ t fit; ~ ;rr<: ;;[tf'lf1T 70 ftif it; ~ ~ fR'r Ifm1fI:!J fq: ~ ~ ta'f ~ ~ rt, I::RT <'IHI'1 ~ ifgT ~ ,""IFf ~ ~ ~ ""'" 'IT 'I'N it ~ t ~ 30 f«, 34 ~ qn 6<:; ~ ~ lift ~ ~ mIA t fit; ~~ flI;1rr \JIT1( I ~ ~ lit (t t 'fh: I!ilfi lit :a.r llil IIi'm ~ !fiT( trR!ihi ~ '1'1ft ~ "Tty ~ I!im ~ lfllT vn ~ ~ ~ ~I I ~ ~ ""lIT if; f(Of ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ it T

~ ~~ 66.1 per cent and III4ICJIUlD (156) conitHnbed 2j per tent". ~~~ ~ ~~ If,T If>"?: .~ fIf: :a:or tt:t This clearly sbows tllat this Gevera- afrl!' ~ ('mf; ~ fl!ltlT I!1tr t ~ ttt ment shows some discrimination In lavout !f'JfT I!I"t ~ .)!l i3'Pf it; tP'JrTOI'lt f\rq!r- of big papers as apinst small papers. Thi. tt Is one kind of discrimination. That Is the u~~~ ~ ;it ~ kind of discrimination this Government t)'o ttTo if; ~ ~~ ~ ~ !fi) qt- shows ravourinc the Encnsh oe\tspapen as agaln.t the language papers. Prom pue ~ ~ i3'!1" ~ 'fT ~I~ fit! ft crttJIc 70, Table IV ot this book we Hnd tba' ~ ~1I ~ ~ i\' ~~ ~~ Ihere are only 1843 papers publlsbed In ~. lI~ if; fl!l\ll'rq; Il~ ,",[if ~ English as against 8640 papers published in our lancuages. There is not cven oDe-teDtll. AIr"lT'fi (ff'lr ~ ~ lIfiT"fT IIfr:;m: ~ ~ According to Ihls report, thirty per cent of m ~ m lfTiII"n: ~ u~ it ~ ~ the newsprint had been allotted to such Ecglish newspapers. May be they are more .11' ~ If'lffl'fll' 1I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ in circulation. But the point is that they ll~ IAfT'm' Jr"'lfT"l'lf ~ ~ ~ ~ have shown a speciOc favour to English ncwspapers as aloinst Ihe lanllua,es papers ~ lIfiT ~~ ~ ~l if"')' qfuitr"" itm whether c1ailie •. weeklies or monthlies. Why ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ if; ~ ~ should Ihey show such discrimination 7 ~ 8lfTm ~ u'friit ill f'rll; !!itt ,.)er Why &hould Ihey show discrimination In favour or bill papers against small news- ~ 1fTiI!T ~l it ~ Of'!')' 'IT ~ paper. 7 ~~~~ it .wt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ If'lfT''flT, ~ 11l~ SHRI SATYA NARAYAN SINHA: I do not think that .... e arc makin, any ~ 'PiT ~ ~I~ ~ ~ discrimination. We shall examine the ":"I'otl'ottTo ~ 1Irn'l!1f(fT, m~ f..rr('f it puint Glld. by him .... hen we decide about Ihe poilcy next year. But so far. I do nOI rn lI~ l1~l~l lIfiT I:lfT'r l"l' ~ ~~ Iblbk Ihere hbs been tiny distrlminatioll. ~1 ~ 1~ "lfT ~ ~~ ~~ lfmT 'liT If some papers leI more, iI is heeauN Iheir l.'in:uialion rnn)' ht: more. ,}nt,uPf'tlonl) !fi)f 11~ ~ ~ ~~ rn m'lf t ? I said thaI we .hould t4ke into account all ..levant fnclors when deciding the policy -u ~ 1~ fq: ~l l1TififTlf for the next yeer. ~ It ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ lIfiTl1 t tl!t ~~ if"T'I'lf flItot ~ t'Iit ~ ~ ~ ~ u~ ~ 1~ll ~11 .tt1: ~ ~ f... ~ ;;t.f ft ~ ~ ~ -it ~ ~ ~ ttl; ~~ 'ft ~ ~ II~ ~ f", ~11 'f'lft ~ ~ ~1 Orfltrm: ~ ~ it; ~. ~ ~ ~ SfI'1' !foT .'fr ~ r",'l'il'T Ijfw.<'l' lIfiTl1 ~ ? ~I~~~ ~~ t fiI; q" 'T"01f ~ '1\) ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tnt", "0 11"'"",) !fi) 19~ lin: it; ;r.r , "" ~ "'T IfoT"fT 1l~ ~ t I ~ lIfT fq1 '" I ...,. III "t f\t!t SHI\.I J H. PATEL: I would like to ~y draw lilt Mlni,I.,·s *lIcntlon t6 the 12111 Annual Report of I he HOIIisler of Newt- pope... p 8 where he h•• , peclft.:ally ..... ~ "":" it; ~ 'lbleJ I l1l~~~ ~~ "Sillall "'''''papen Dum .... ri.. 1135 I!T I ~ ~ ~ ? ~ ft repre.cnlin, 83.2 pcr ceDt uf the appli· mr"it eJnts availed only 8.'1 per cent or tbe ~ ~ ~ tr'fi '" ~ ~ 'lit ~ if pews print. Bi, papers (73) cOD,udlbtd 'Ill' f I PHALGtJNA !I, 1190 (S.4KA) 'I WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS

Rabber Pialltallllll In Ker.,a 15ft ~1II ~ ~ ifiHi ~y lIT IfA' IIil' tm ~ ~ I *424 SHRI S.K. TAPURIAH ; Will tbe Minister of FOREIGN TRADE AND SUPPLY be pleased to slate; SHRI NATH PAl; IIISP/I& of the (a) the details of the programme, if aoy mallY protests repelted bere by the bon. drawn up for Ihe developmenl of the rub· Mini.ter, the conclusion is irresisliWe thllt ber plantations in Kerala under the Fourth this Goverament IS discrlmiftatiq Ilaalnst Eive Year Plan' indicatir, Ihe outlaYs fOf small papers be it through newsprint quota each scheme under lile programme and the or be it throu.h the tallation policy or his larllets of production of nalural rubber to ,enior colleollue. They are slowl) Iceing, be achieved Iheretllldcr; ror rea sana best knowD to Ihelllselvc:Js, that the small and medium acwapitPCl'l ....e (b) the a.. ~ prollOseJ 10 be lIiven slowly driv.en to deatb. He will again hy Government (or il$ implementalion; protest and I do not excepl a repl!' frol1l (e) ~ in vio .... of the ~u shOJ t· bim. In vicw of the lact tbat nearly 16 age of rubber in tho country, Government per ceot of Ihe quota for the bi8 oeWi· hiiVC lUlY Jcheme fur g,\ ing special aiu or paper. was oav.ed 1.51 year •• 8 result of incentive;; for expansion ~I devf;I)opmcnl of the Mrike which continued for 511 dIIys rubber planlations; anu durina which the tOljll impotence of thia (d) if so, the detail; Iher."f ./ Gov.rnmePI was exhibiled for tbe whole oalion to see, will the Govern_ol llike THE nEPUry MINISTER INfHE into consideralion while illIOI1ADIl their MINISTRY OF FOREIG'I 'fRADE AND quol. for this year the faci Ihal Ihere was SUPPLY (iHRI CHOWDHARY RAM a s"Vlng of aboUl 16-17 ""r cent of Ihe SEWAK) ; (a) to (roduclion uf natural rubber at the end of have already said so We shall keep this In view when we "',ke allolmenl for the Fourth five Year Plan peflod 1973·74 is 1,25,000 lonne,. rhe Rut>ber Bnaru hal 1969· 70. proposed various proarammes and outJa)'!». The malter is under conshler.llion '" ~ fo ~ ~ ~.l ~ ~

THE MINISTER OF SfATE IN THE ~~~~~ MINISTRY OF DEFENCE' ISIIRI LN. lI~~1l ~I M1SHRA) : (al and (b). Ye'. "r. C.".in r.. c:nltlc. arc belnp ~l to enuepre . ...." to ClIp.nd Ihelr caplclly in the c\cc1roDicl Indultr, and 10 iD.tal DCW pl ....1 Written Ans ....'1'r I MARCH 12. 1969 for the menufacture of electronic compo- EvldellCe of Madra. Go,erament OD nent. Recently. Electronic Components Kaccbatbl,u Issue Indu&try has been declared as a "Key Industry" and Radio and Televilion I ndus- *427. SHRI MADHU L1MAYE try a8 "Priority Industry". Tbis would Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS entitle them to get release of forei,n ex- be pleased to state : change for import of capital equipment on (a) whether the evidence given by the priority. Madras Government in regurd to Indian sovereignty over the Kacchathivu Island will be placed before the by Abolition of EsJ!lll't Duty 011 Tea Government: Hnd (b) if not, the reasons therefor?

*426. SHRI R. BARUA : THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL SHRI BHARAT SINGH AFFAIRS (SHRI D1NESH SINGH) : (a) CHAUHAN: and (bl. The evidence provided by the SHRIMATI JYOTSNA Tumil Nadu Government with regard to CHANDA: India's sovereIgnty over Kachchatlvu Island is being evaluated. Further evidence Will the Minister of FOREIGN TRADE is stm being obtained from • number of AND SUPPLY be pleased to state: sources including Tamil Nadu. It is not (a) whether it is a fact tbat the Assam in the public interest to place this and other mattrial before the House while Government have u.~ for aholitlon of export duty on tea which nccon'log to discussions with the Ceylon Government thtm would help the tea Industry to re- arC pro,ressing. establisb its I<:>slng export market: A,I.. ClIIDm.,n Market (b) if so, whether the Cbief Mlni.ter met the Prime Minister and the Deputy ·428 SHRI KAMESHWAR SINGH: Prime Ministtr on the 3rd January 1969 SHRI YAJNA DATT SHARMA: and t.plained the Implications of the Will the Minister of FOREIGN TRADE deepening crisis in the tea industry of AND SUPPLY be plea>ed to state: Assam on which depends the entire econo- (a) whether Government are taking my of the State; and measures for the formation of the Asian Common Market; and (c) if so. the reaction of Government thereto? (b) if so, the progress made so far? THE MINISTER OF FOREIGN THE MINISTER OF FOREIGN TRADE ~ SUPPLY (SHRI B. R. TRADE AND SUPPLY (SHRI B.R. BHAGAT) : (a) and (b) Govern'llent are BHAGAT) (a) The Chief MiDister of not considering any proposals for an Assam has in h is letter dated the 3rd Jan· Asian Common Mark,t. However, closer uary, 1969 addressed to the Depuly Prime economil.: ties between Asian countries are Minister sugpested in,,, a/,a reduction or to be welcomed. al>olition of export duty on tea. Sirat"llic Defeace Road p..,.ramme (b) Yes, Sir. The Chief Minister of met tbe Prime Minister aDd the *4Z9. SHRI R. K. AMIN : Deputy Prime Minister on the 2nd January, SHRI K. M. KAUSHIK ; 1969. SHRI MEETHA LAL MEENA: (e) A reduction in export duty on bulk SHRI R. R. SINGH DEO : tea from 20% and valorem reduced by H SHRI N. SHIVAPPA : paise per kllolram Or R.. 2.65 per k •. Will the MinIster of DEFENCE be v.hichever is less to 15% ad valorem redu- pleased to stat e : ced by 55 paise per k,. or Rs. 1.70 per k,. (a) whether tbere is a proposal Ibat \\!·i,!:\!vcr is less ~ been ,Iven in the the Strate.ic Defence Roads Pro,ramme \,'cntral [,uJjet 1969·70. sbould be fiDaDced oUliide tbe Plan ; PHALOUNA 21, tl96 (SAKAJ

(b) ~ there is a demand (or the (c) any other steps taken or proposed allocation o( sllfficient funds for the hard to be taken by Government to meet the core of tbe ~ roads required to be acute shortage of tyres in the country. completed within two yean for maintain- and ing operationa I efficiency; and (d) the difference between the cost of (c) if so, the details thereof along with each ~ of indigenous manufactured the programme (or construction of roads tYTes and Ihose imported from abroad? during Ihe next (our yrars ? THE MINISTER OF FOREIGN THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE ISHRI TRADE AND SUPPLY ISHRI B. R. SWARAN SINGH) : la) to (cl. The BHAGAT) : (a) Import of limited quantity requirement of strategic roads, other than of tyres has bten permitted to Actual those undeTtaken by BordeT Roads Develop- Users. ment Board and National Highways, was (h) A st.temenl i. laid on the Table indicated to the MinistTY o( Trensport. of the House. rPltlced /" Library. Set No. These weTe subsequently discussed in the LT- 301/691 Planning Commis.ion. It wa, agreed that (e) Besides allowing imports, the funds required in connection with the following steps have been taken to meet development of these strategic roads should the situation created hy the shortale of be provided as a part of the plan. As the tvres : Fourth Five Year Plan is vet to be finalised no firm figures for al10cat ions to be made (i) IndiRenolJ. f'Toductlon capacity fOT strateaic roads can be indicated at this i. beinl rais.d ; stage (iii Limited ImpoT's of natural rubber hove been allowed ; T he plans fonnulated by the De(ence (111) V.rious types of tyres have been Ministry invol .. e cnnstruc1ion of new declared as essential commodities roads. improvement and stTenRthening of under the E.,ential CommodltletJ evbting Toads, construction of permanent Act, 19S5, and po .... ers have been bridges and ~ of the cx;,tlnll

1m ...... or Trano.. rrom U. S. S. R. I mpo.t of Ty ...o -431. i'iiHRI K. LAKKAPPA : -430. SHRI MANIBHAI J. PATEL: SHRIMATI ILA PAL- SHRI BHAGABAN DAS : CHOUDHURI: SHRI P. GOPALAN : SHRIMATI SAVITRI SHYAM: SHRI JYOTIRMOY BASU : SHRI R. K. SINHA : SHRIC.K.CHAKRAPANI: DR, SUSHILL NAYAR : Will the Minisltr of FOREIGN TRADE Will the Minister o( FOREIGN be AND SUPPLY plea.ed to state: TRADE AND SUPPLY be plea led to (a) whether Government have permItted Itate : large·scale import of tyres : (a) whether it I. a 'act that an ..... (h) i( so, the count rico from wbleh the ment .hrned with the Government or ~. are to be impor ted and the amount U.S.SR. In December, 1968 for the Import of forel.., ncbanp iDvolved tbenlD ; or tracto.. ; (b) If so, Ille number of tractors 10 be THE MINISTER OF FOREIGN Importee! ,nd the value thereof: TRADE AND SUPPLY (SHRI B. R_ BHAGA T): (a) 10 (c). II is understood (c) the mode of pay ment ; that some orders for the purchase of (d) whrtbcr they will be supplied to woollen ready-made garments have been the farmers directly or throullh some placed by Ihe Soviet trading organisation Baency and the price at which they wonld on Indian traders in the private sector. be made available to the purchasers ; and Government have no information 00 the (e) how do the prices of these tr"ctors details of the agreements and the value of ctlmpare with simitar categories of tractor> individual order•. manufactured in our country? ~-7 to be held in Japan THE MINISrER OF FOREIGN TJiADE AND SUPPLY (SHRI B. R. *433_ SHRI ONKAR LAL BERWA BHAGAT): (a) Yes, Sir. SHRI N. K. SOMANI. (b) 6000 Nos. of 14 H. P. aDd 500 Nos. Will Ihe Minister of FOREIGN of SO H. P. tractors are to be imported TRADE AND SUPPLY be pleased to duriDa tbe year 1969 of an approximate state: 'otlll value of as. 4.25 crores. (a) whether Governmenl have decided (c) The tractors are being imported on to participale in the Japan World Expo.l- deferred pa)ment terms. The period of lion Osaka (Expo-70) scheduled to he held the payment of instalments, to be made in from March, 15 10 September 13. 1970 ; Indian rupees, is eight years. (b) if 80, whether il is a fact that (d) The trllctOrs would be di.trlbuted Government have decided to put up a to the farmers through the Siale Agro- national pavilion so as to participate in Jndustries Corporations and/or 'Ieneies cultural events; and nomioa1eoi by the Ministry of Food and (c) if so, the things to be exhibited in A.,.lcutture. The approximate sale price Expo-70 ? for 14 and 15 H. P. tractors wuuld be Rs. 8000/- and Rs. 16,500/· respeclively. THE MINISTER OF FOREIGN TRADE AND SUPPLY (SHRI B R. (e) Tractors below 25 H. P. are not BHAGAT): (a) to ('). Yes, Sir. It has being manufactured in the country. The been decided to set up a national pavilion sale price of the 50 H. P. tractors will be to project Ind;a's contribulion to the considerably ,heaper than iimilar calegory Basic Concept of Expo-70. which is "Pro- of tractors manufactured in the country. gress and H.rmnny for Mankind". India', achievements In the economic and indu.- Eaport of Hosiery Good. to U. S. S. R. trial fields agalnOi the hackground of its *432. SARI K. RAMANI : herituge of art. cnliurc &nd traditions are SHRI E.K.NAYANAR al,o proposed to he suitably highlighted. SHRI VISWANATHA GovernmCflt are also considering the possibilily of participation in the cultural MENON: SHRI UMANATH : events associated .. ilh the Eaposition. It is too early to specify the specific items that Will th Mlaisler of FOlUiKiN will I.e eJlhibit.d ... Expo'70. TRADE AND SUPPLY be pleased to Itale : Bbarat E ..ct .....le. Ltd., BanK_lore (a) whether it is a fact tbat U.S S.R. ha, placed (lrders for the purchase of *4)4. SHRI GADJLlNOANA GOWD : banians aod other woo11en ready-made Will the NioiBUr of DEFENCE be plused ..rmeDll wortb Rs. 2t "r.... os frem I.di" ; to stnle : (bl wbether an agreement has been (a) whether it is a fact Ihat the slsned with a private Indian concern for Dharat Elec:ronics Ltd., Banllilore, iD Ihrir -"WI, ;and collaboration with a British firm, Is expected (c) If so, the name of that Cf'ncern 10 deliver Indian computers sometime ia and the del ails of Ihe aareement? 1969 ; PHALOUNA 21, 11190 (SAKA

(b) if so, the annual production of ~~1 6Qrql,{ (If" ~1 suvh computers 00 full utilization' of ct'!'} (-41 iostalled capacity; aod '10 ~ ~ : (iii) ;;it ~ I (c) the aavings of foreign exchange eXpected per annum? ('if) if"; 1967 (!"IT 1068 it ~ • f-mf'Tl' "ITll ~ P qfnmu- Cf'IT ~ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI L. N. ~ ~ :- MISHRA): (a) to (c). Mis loternolional -----_._------Computers (india) Pvl. Ltd. -ICL -the ifti ~~ ~ Indian subsidiary of a British firm were 'RTi' ~ if ~ ~ licensed to maoufacture 56 computers over it a period of 4 years They have collaborat· 19()7 21.37 189.0 ed with Bharat Electronic Ltd, (BEL) Bansalore for the maoufacture of the 1968 20.93 174.6 Data .~ Unit of the computer . --~---.---. system. The BEL's programme is to ~ ~ ~ produce 2 systems in 1969·70 anll the (tT) CIh: (tf). it IIi1i ermaining systems thereafler. The annual ~1 ~ 'Tl:"1: W l~ll1 1FT ~1 1fi1;'f1 production at the end of the 4th ) ear qs ~I ~ ~ f\,-ir ~ll ~ q1; ~l would be 20 systems. The foreign e,ch:lnge content of the computers will I'rngre'.sivel) 'TITT !!fICIlIl'f> :a-q;;rrm'f1li IIl1l~ ;it tTllT go down from 865% in the first year to ~ I lTWflT ifti 19()R if :a-mr ~ it; "" 465% In the 4th year. The approximate .aving in foreign exchange over this period 1: f"TlIT tTlIT ~ I ~ if 'IfTf flfmC ... 435. ~ ~ ~ ~~ : '!7t ~u rn t ~ ~~ fWll(f ~ ~ ~ ~ : Tfll')- ¥IT : (I) ~1 ~ q1; W I!iT 24 'flIT ~~1 ~ ~ 'fet IP-fT ~ srfi"f f'f>Ol'T IfT1f ~ ~ 1-10-10(;8 ~ If"ff.t !f.t 'PIT IFiit fIF : ~ 35 ~~ srfOl'T m+r If>'{ ~lI 1flIT, (Ifi) 'flIT llll' ij''if ~ flI; !f'i 196M if 2~ -~~ ~ t 20 srfdmT IfiT ~ ~ 1FT f'flltr ~ 'f>lf rrr ~ ~ m ~ ~I 1·10-11I6R ~ r.i':T ~ll1 1flIT, ~I <{T ifi'Jf ~ .-m ~ ; (3) l~ ~ it; f<'l11; 3500 ~ ~ ~ ;f.t en: ~ lllh: ~~ .r1fTlf it; f'fit ("f) !f'i 1967 ~ HH;R if T''f.'. 4fiOO l.!fff ~ IliT ~ ~ ~ 'lif'f> fIF(!it ~ll. lll'R f!f;'f'fT 'ifTll 1FT m :a"m'1 llnr'll fir"l!TI ~ flfi'lIT IflIT (!l1'1 :nm flfi''f'fT !!fill "'T II>'t 1ft flimIfir ~~ll ~ ~ !fiT ~ ~ eh1 rn it ;a-mtT 'fiT ~ll ~ tTl' IfQ 1IhAT, ~ (tT) 'flIT ll~ ~ ~ flfi' f.fln". !f.t lfT'JIT i!T ;a-q","", ~ ~lllll .m 'IfTlf 11ft it !f;1fT t ~I 'ifTll' :a-wrtT it ~ '1ft mf'f"f m it; f"ft:!; ~ fiR:m ~ ff.rr". -~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~1~ ~ q1;, "ITll Ifri' it; ~ {r 5fTqf ( tf) lIT;:: 1l:t, 11 ~ ~ rn ff'if

~I4II 20 ~~ ~ ~ 35 ~ ~ only. The fUDelions of Ihe Slanding Com- millee will be 10 cO'ordinale Ihe imple- ~ll "'11' ~ 2.!iti qo:rit ~ f"'.rr- meDIation of agreemenls between Ihe two lfT'I'f, "11 lfT lfi1f \'[1', ~ m<: ;q-or 'fi?: ~ counlries and 10 keep a watcb on the ~ ~~ Hi l~ it ~ fi5 ~ progress of the mulually agreed joint om action programme in respect of promotion ~l lfi1f ~ 1.70 qo:rit IIf., ~ and research. IfTIf, ;;it lfT "'Ii lit, ~ fw l11IT ~ I (d) II is too early 10 make an assess- ment of Ihe beRefils Ihal be accruiDII to India thereby. Indo·Ceylon StandlDK Committee on l'oa

- 416. SHR I CHENGALRA Y" Sick Textile Mill, ID Gujarat NAIDU : SHRI BAL RAJ MADHOK : -438. SHRI NARENDRA SINGH SHRI RANJIT SINGH: MAHIDA Will Ihe Minister of SHRI D. C. SHARMA: FOREIGN TRADE AND SUPPLY be SHRI BENI SHANKER pleased 10 .I.le : SHARMA: (a) whelher Goverement have taken SHRI HARDAYAL OEVGUN: any final decisi(ln rellarding laking over SHRI S. S. KOTHARI: Ihe ,;ck l"lile mWs in Gujarul ; Will the Minister of FOREIGN (b) if w. whelher any proposal has TRADE AND SUPPLY he pleased to "Iso been received from Ihat Stale 10 brinll state: f(,rward a legislalion 10 lake over tho

consideration in consultation with 11ft ~ f1ni the State Government, 4 (5) Mills in respect of wbich Jlquida- • 440, .;r nm .m- IDmft : tion ~ are pending in the ~~ HIgh Court. I "' ..... ,,1fT Qmlli anm IfIQT,m Ifo'!fi Ifi[ No proposal for undertaklDa legislation for the take over of cotton textile mills bas if\'I'R 'lIT 'li'!T 1Jiii'r fit; : been received from the Gujarat Government. (ifi') ~ ~'G ~ 69 flr.ITit ~ That Gouernment have however proposed legislation in regard to the merger of weak f'fi'ffifT lIl~ f"''''T it 'filli ~1 'R: ~1 textile mills with strons units, and the pro- ~ posal is undcr consideration. ~ ffi ~ if m IIi'G ~ ~ if; trnl!lT ~ 'IIT;f.t 'fi'I snfHf f1fi'!fT ~ ; fimft IIIJT1fT{ """ ~ ....'"\IPI' it;.mt- ~1 it; ~ ~~ it; I~ (If) {;r f11<'fT if; 1I'i'G ~ iiITit ~ ~ olif'ffi ~ ~ 'lit ~ ; • 439. ~ rn "'" ~ : ,,1fT (I;f) rn ~I~ ~ ~ ~ mifr .~ ",rem ~ "If" ~ l~ ~ 't q'llf it ttilft ~ ~ ? 'iT'" ,,1fT ~ ~ ~ l1fi ~ ~ 'Qff: itm ~ f'RT 'Ifmr ~I ~ fifi' ~I ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ I "fl< if; q-flmmr if; ~ it ;;rm;r(t ~ ~ ~II w...... M_'_I.I I .....'ry ., I flPl(f 1ftif ffi if aw C.IaMI. ~~ ~ ~ ~ it;fq't -441. SHRI M, L. SONDHI: \ViII ~ t 1.~ ii!>Tt ~ lfICff ~ the Minialer 0' FOREIGN TRADE AND iii SUPPLY be pleased to Itate : I.) whether It I, a fact that the Ind,,- ~ .rn ('1), lA'f ~ m , Soviet Trade Protocol rai" to cbeer up SI Writ/en An.we,. MAI{CH 11, \969 Sl

Calcutta Wagons manuf.cturing industry; ~1 ~ I~ "U$ W'lf ~ and iti :rom: ~ ~l ~ ·442. SHRI P M SAYEED: Will "'T ifTfer fiji fC!'ffi'f'IT"fll iti the Minisler of FOREIGN TRADE AND W'lf ~. 'fRi,1l1;!i+f iti ~ ;) CfQl it ~ SUPPLY be plea,cd to 'tate: flJlilIT'fi'''fTq iti erTif ~ ~ (a) the quantity of Indian Seeds ex- ifp:pr itifl'c ",),(, ~ ~ ~ ported to olher countries, c0untry-wise. m"l' during the years 1976~ ;Jnei 1968-69 so Llr ~ l~ l~ lI~~ if fm and targelS for lhe y,,"r, 1969-70 ; n:'" if miT or' I ~ll W'Jf1 iti f"fn: l~. (b) the vallie of their export, counlry- it ij- 1"('" if miT ~ ~~ ~I~ wise; ~ I ~l ~ .l~ (c) whrlher Government have made a q'( (f;fq, ifTfer 'fl('fT study of Ih'm::rkcls in the cOllntries of 'fi ~ 'f>T'«(!)1crn 'ifrOJ; 1fq it ~11 ~ ~ East Asia. West Asia ;Ind Africa for ex- 'ITl:Tr I \) fC!'fficmr"fl:TI ~ ~

"'" ",", ~ miff!' "",1 ft'I!fT IfT'AT for reduction of prices of rayon yarn by Rs. 4 CO per kg was not agreed to. """ (">iI'"'' "rT m&l1): (iii) m (Ilr). ;fttlT ~~ l[);sr;rr ~ m it IfT;;r;:rr (c) and (d). In the report which ap- peared in the "Economic Times". the 'ITlfTIT it W srlliT<: it; iIIT'JI!i 1if1f1li fq:qT<: weavers had demanded price and distribu- fljiit ~ ~ if; ~Il CflTT it; ifflT'l'f tion control on royon yarn. Remedidl measures. if any, called for, can be can· ~ ~~ Q¥fT ~~I srrCQ ~ ~ I IiT'3TifT .Idered by Government only after the re- if; IliTlflf"'f1iif if; <:,hr.,. w ~ it; 1~ ceipt of the interim report of the Tariff Commission which is expected to be r,,'e;v- if'IT fif'fH ~~ ~ llir srfifTif >;jHT ed by the end of March, 1969. ~I ( 1]');:nIT !!ii\fm sro rnOf fi 'fT5ifT I fq;<: 'IlT IiT;;r;:rr the Minister of FOREIGN TRADE AND 1f;T -.l~1 if; ~ ;;rr.r<1'i'i ~ ~ SUPPLY be pleased to "ate: I~ ?NT !R'ffif<:l!i ~ if; I~ll (a) whether the Indian Machine Tools ~lI !f\ ;ftI!fT ~ lI1~ !R'T'lTf«r Manufacturers Association has chalked out a plan to form an export consortium of i'tl machine tools manufacturers; (b) if so, the precise position and func- tions of the proposed consortium and its Art Silk We.vlng Indu.try role;

-445. SHRI V. NARASIMHA RAO ; (e) the assistance proposed to be given SHRI P. N. SOLANKI by Goveroment in the promotion of the SHRI R. V. NAIK: cause of machine tools exports throush SHRI C. C. DESAI: this consorllum; and Will the Minister of FOREIGN TRADE (d) the steps laken so far in the direc- AND SUPPLY b. pleased te state: tion of formation of such a consortium? (a) whether Ihe Joint Textile Com- missioner had a meeting with the represen- THE DEPUfY MINISTER IN THE tatives of Indian art silk weaving industry MINISTRY OF FOREIGN fRADE AND in Bombay: SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM (b) if so. whether most of the indus- SEWAK) . (a) and (h). The Indian trialists who attended the meeting went Machine Tool:; Manufacturers As"ociation back completely dissatisfied; have indicated that they propose to set up a consorl ium ()f mi:6chine tool manufac- (c) whether Government's attention has turers. It i. understood that this proposal been drawn to a report which appeared in ha, not yet been finalised and •• such il i. the "Economic Times" of the 8th January, not possible to define the precise funclion .• 1969 in this rtgard ; and and objective, of the proposed con,or! ium

(d) if so, the reactIon of Government (c) There are no specia I or preferential thereto '1 measures or a'isi!itance for the ~u beyond the normal assistance available to THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE exporters. MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM (d) AssiManee frOID Government in the SEWAK): (.> Yes, Sir. formation of the cOn'Orlillm ha:i not been (b) Some represeDtatives of weavers souaht by the Indian Machine fool. M:mu- appeared dislBtisfiod beeaulD their demand f J.cturcrs ASlociatioD. ~ Allswer. MARCH 12. 1969 Wrlttell AIllW". Export to Ne",,1 ~~ "IlIfT iIi!JTtT mo-l1"io rn ;;rt.r if *447. SHRI N. R. LASKAR: Will fq"l"";. m 'fiT if;'\fft Ifi<:: ~~ ~ ? the Minister or FOREIGN TRADE AND SUPPLY be pleased to state: ~~ i'fT'm """ ~ 1I'"m'fQ' it (a) whether it i. a fact that India has ~ ~ .mro ~ ~ (Ifi) ~ asked Nepal to submit a list of Indian (IT). ~ ~ lfit'itm:, ~ '1<: goods which are Dot required by it so tbat ~ 0lfT'fT<: fif1T1T ifi ~ ~~ \iliT steps could be taken to stop the export of such items to Nepal; Ififii'1lf afl:fltiTf<:lfT ~ I~.. 1ft (h) wheth!r the list has been sup- 1!1T, if; ~~ if ~ srro:;; rt liT m<: plied; If f...... I(I .."l"1 ~ I (c) if so. the details thereof; and Id) the action taken by Government lftt I 906-68 if it;;itlf "If;r orFi ;:r thereon 7 ~l 0lfT1lT<: fiflTlf ifi lfifii'1lf ~l~l THE MINISTER OF FOREIGN mr fiftfm rrit ~ ~l IfTIf'" ifi ~~ TRADE AND SUPPLY (SHRI B. R. if ~ II>'\" uI~ f.nn : "I1;:r qTrin11" ~ ~ [TU f;f+rT ~ ..rr ;;n ~ ~ I ~ .~~ l~ ~ 'fi'r 1P'lTT ~ ~. ~ FIT ~ f'fi : ('J) "IT, il1!:T I

('fi) 'U'ilf 6lf1"'1"n: R111f ~ ~ 3f&de "Itb ~ Kor •• Il~ ,,'0;{ ~~l ~~ (iIiT iii ~ SHRI GEORGE FERNA- 'fil': '!it "IT ~l1l nr<'fT ~ ~~ al1m NDES: ,,1fT ~ ,.m: ;oif on: mIf>n: ;:r ,,1fT 1~~ SHRI SURAJ BHAN : SHRI ATAL BIHARI 'fiT ~ ; VAJPAYEE: (I..'f) f;;r-r uI~ ~ it ~ 'Ii'\" SHRI JAGANNATH RAO m JOSHI: 1ft ~ ~ -lim ,,1fT t m.: ~ ;;rt.r iii SHRI BRU BHUSHAN LAL : IflfT ~1 ~ ~ ; Will the Minister of FOREIGN TRADE AND SUPPLY be pleased to state: (IT) ~~~Il '5T) ~ ~ (01 the total value of India's export. to ~l ~ ~ ~ ,.m: ~ m it and imports from North Korea durinll the qf.{'flf ~ ~ ;;IT;f ~ Ii:T 'ITt t ~ last three years ; 'f'U t ; an: (bl the important items of imports from the aDd ~ to North Korea and ('Of) 11m ll~ ~~ ~ fit; It afl,m-6- tbe qUAntity and value "f each item ; PHALGUNA 21, 18911 (SAKA)

(c) whetber Government are aware Ceylon, as such, was not discussed at the thot North Kortn eXI'OriS to Communht first meeting of the Indo·Ceylon Joint Com- China several items imported from India; mittee on Economic Co-operation held io and Colombo in January. 1969. (d) if so, whether North Korea has (b) and (e). Do not arise. heen approached in this malter ? (d) and (e). The subjects discussed and decisions taken at the meetin. of the THE MINISTER OF FOREIGN Joint Committee, are indicated in the Com· TRADE AND SUPPLY (SHRI B R. munique issued after the talks. A copy of BHAGAT): Ca) and (b). J\ >!atement is tbe C.)mmunique is placed on the Table of placed on the Table of the House. l~ the House. Ll'laced ill l.ibrory. Se. No. III Library. :'ee No. LT.303/69]. LT·304/69]. (e) No. case of re·export of any Indian commodity by DPRK to China has come ~I ~ 1m ~ ~ 'lit to Ihe notice of the Government of India. ~ ~l ~ Undrr the trade and payment arrangements aN),,'. "'''' • concluded on 9th December, 1968, the com· 2650. lfmf ~ .: modit;'s exchanged between the two parties 1ft. rn are ror con!'umption in their respective ~.. ~ ~ "" ~ ~ ~ It>'\' count,ies and are not to be re-exported. FlY ~ fiJ> ~ ll'lffinf, ~ (d) Does not arise. ~lI " ~ ~ ~~ ~ SI''Im: ~ ~. ~ ~. ~ If 1ft (f'fT Indo- CeyloD Economic CO'operatloD mJfffflit iITU mr ffi;r 'fliT if 1~ (f1IT *450. SHRI P. C. ADICHAN : ~ ~ ~~ ~ 'fTll'. SHRI SHIVA CHANDRA JHA: If'mR f'ff.... ~ W'1f <'m ~ ~ SHRI [NDRAJIT GUPTA: ~ 'I>"t ~ 'flIT ~ ? SHRIKM.MADHUKAR: SHRI DEVEN SEN: ~. ~ ~ W" '"""' if SHRI SRADHAKAR ~ ~ ..''''n:) mf nlll): il!T-'I'IfiT6' SUPAKAR: SHRI B. K. DASCHOW- ~ iJ>1 ;;rr 'Qft' ~ r.m: 1'f'lfT-1fC"f

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE It may be stated here that the repatri- MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND .tes entering India from the Island are SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM allowed to avail themselves of all concess- SEWAK) : (a) Yes, Sir. ions granled by Ihe Goverment o( r ndl. (b) A statement showing the details of under the Jlberalised Transfer of Residence the schemes (or promotion of the Handi- Rules to enable them 10 set up their homes crafts Industry in Gujoral, indicaling its all over again and to earn a livelihood in lay-oul and Ihe a .. istance granled by IndIa. Governmenl, i. given in Annexure I laid on the Table o( tbe Hou,e [I'/aerty of pc"on, of AfFAIRS (SHRI DINESH SINGH) : (a) IDdlan oriain which hus been confiscated Precise information about Ihe number and by the authorities in Zanzibar since 1964. investmenl of Indian traders in Kenya i. It is, however, estimated thut these persons nOI available. had even sometime back luffered a los. to the extent o( about III crore. of rupees in (bl The salient features of the Trade the process. Almost all such perSODS .r. LicensiDK Bill of Kellya which came into holders o( British passports. force on 1st April, '968, are: (b) These properties have been confis- (i) that all business should be licensed; caled in terms of a Presidential Decr .. (ii) that as far as possible only Kenya I.. ued by the Zanzibar Government in citizens should be permitted to March. 1964. No compensation has beon enadlle io busiooss of.ltside tbe to the owne ... urban areas; and ~I Yea. Sir. (iii) that tradina in speci6ed cOlllmodi- (d) The Government of Indi.. hav< ti.. should, a. far u proeticable, teken up Iht, mailer with the Government be restricted to tbe citizens of that 01 Zauibar OD levoral oco;altODI. cOUDtry alone, 61 PHALOUNA 21. 1190 (SAKA; W,ltten 14",·",/" 6!

By a Gazette Notification dated 12.8.68 follows the Government of Kenva "nnounced that after 31.12.68 alien traders will not be per- Years Prod uClion of Estimated value mitted to trade in certain specific commo- nutural rubber at Ihe average dities such as maize and maize meal, sugar, (Tonnel) price prevallinl charcoal. rice. fresh vegitable of any dis- durina the peri- cription. biscuits, ahee and ghee products. od (Its. ~ khaki drill, second hand clothes, soap. 1965·66 50530 20_21 matches, sweet, salt cigarettes and kerosene 1966·67 etc. 54810 29.60 1967-68 64468 24.18 (c) The Government of Kenva delegale to the Commonwcallh Conference is repor- (b) The names of the ten top rubber ted to have said that Kenya had no inten- producers are given below :- tion of aoing back on its policy of (I) Malayalam Planlations Ltd, progressively wilhdrawing wprk ,md MIs. Quilon, Kerala States. residcnl:c permils for forei&n re8idents. (21 Mis. Cochin Malabar Estale. Ltd (d) Nearlly all the persons of Indian Race Course Road, Colmbatore: origin a!feoted in Kenya arc Briti,h pass- 18. Tamil Nadu. port holJers and are, Iherefore. primarily the responsibility of the Government of (3) Mis Rajagiri Rubber & Produce United Kingdom. However. an ~ Cn. Ltd., Boach Road. Alleppey, ment has been finalised between the Keral. State. Government of India and Ihe United King- (4) Mis. Travancore Rubber '" Ten dom in ~ to the resettlement of those Cn, Ltd., Trivandrum-4. who may be compelled to leave Kenya and 15) Mis. Midland Rubber '" Produce wish to come to India, Co. lid" Alleppey. Kerala State. I~ Mis. M'IIankara Rubber '" Pro- Production of Rubber duce Co. Ltd., KoltaYBm. Kerola Slate. 2654. SHRIBABURAO PATEL: Will (7) Mis. New Ambadi Estat •• (P) the Minister of FOREIGN TRADE AND Ltd., Kanyakumari, Tamil N.du. SUPPLY be pleased to stille: (8) Mis. Kailas Rubber Co. Ltd., (a) th. places in Indiol whero rubber is Kollayam, Kerala Stale. prnduced and the: qlnnlity and value of rubber produced annually durina Ihe last (9) MIs. Puilanlode Rubber Bnd Pro· three ye;'Hs, y~ duce Co Ltd., Cochln-I. (b) the numes of the teo top rubber (10) Mis. Troplcnl Planl.tlons Lid., producers, the names of forelwn companies MOltayam, Kerala State. among them, and the amount they repat- Of these, MI.. Malayalam PlanlatloDI riate every year; and Ltd . MI •. Cochin Malabar Estale. Ltd., (c) the amount of annual shortaae in and MI •. Pullangode Rubber and Produce rubber rejuircments of the countr), and Co. Lid, are forelan-owned rubber plant- Ihe manner in which this shortaae is made alion companies. up with cost of annual supplies and Ihe The amoun," repatriated out or Jndla names of the countries from which natural by the abov .. 3 foreign-owned compani .. and .ynthetic rubber is imported? are liven below :-

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MI- Year Amount NISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND SUP- (RI. MlllloD.) PLY (SHRI CHOWDHARV RAM SEWAK): 1965-66 307 (8) In India, natural rubber is commercially 1966 67 853 produced mainly in Kerala, Madras and 1967-68 Mysore Slates. A small quantity of ruhber 862 is produced in Andamans al'o The lolal te) The lap betweeD the produclloa and quantity and value of rubber produced conlumptinn ;. met by Imporll. Tbe de6c1t ~lI~ I~ Iut three ) were 'IS or rubber (naiural and ,ynthetlcl I~l 63 MARCH 12, 1969 year 1968·69 is estimated to be of the order to provide trainina, research and develop. or 22,000 tonnes. It has been decided to ment facilities in the satellile communica. allow the import of 19,000 tonnes of natural tioos tecboology. Tbese arc being imple- rubber and 3,000 tonnes of special purpose mented fully. As the Station is not for synthetic rubber during 1968·69. The cost commercial operatioo, the question of any or the imported rut-ber is of the order of loss to Government doe. not arise. Rs. 8 crores (Rs. 6.5 crores of import of natural rubber and Rs. 1.5 crores for the Import of special purpose Inylhetic rubber). ~~ if ~ ~ ~ f.m Bulk of imporls of natural rubber is f'Om Malaysia, Sinaapore, Ceylon and USA. 266/j . ..n t't flfi : SIII.llte Communication Eartb St"tlon.t (Ifi) ifliT ~~ ~I it itimlf Ahmedabad ~~ ~~~ll 2655. SHRI BABURAO PATEL: Will "f'R ~ if ¥t reign ~ c",t, (b) the total number of race horses Rs. 30.36 lakhs wa, contribuled by Ihe UN imported during the above period, year· Special Fund towards the c,>

Improvement or Backward Areas of SHRI R. R. SINGH DEO : GUjal'llt SHRI N. K. SANGHI : Will the Ministor of FOREIGN TRADE 26S8. SHRI S. M. SOLANKI: Will AND SUPPLY to pleased to state: the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state: (a) whetber Government are consider- (a) whetber there is any scheme to ing a proposal to allow the India repatria- tes from KeDya for making investments in improve the backward areas of Oujarat India's Free Trade Zone ; during the next financial year; (b) If so. the details of the proposal; (b) if so, how much amount is propo- and sed to he sanctioned for Kutch and Baoaskantha ; and (c) by what time it is likely to be finalised? (c) the details thereof? THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE THE PRIME MINISTER. MINIS- MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE TER OF ATOMIC ENERGY AND AND SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY MINISTER OF PLANINNG (SHRIMATI RAM SEWAK) : (a) Indian repatriatos are INDIRA GANDHI) : (a) to (c). The State even at present permitted to invest in Government have budgeled for R •. 225 Kandla Free Trade Zone, subject to lakh. for seleCled d;Slricl level schemes observance of the extant regulattons. No aDd R •. 26 Inkhs for economically back- special proposal in this reaard I. under ward Tillukas during 1969-70. Dotails of consideration. Ihe provisions made for Kutch aDd Banaskahlha districls are not available. (b) and (c). Do not arise.

Arms "lth Nalla Rebels

2659 SHRI RAMCHANDRA 2661. ~ tm .~ VEERAPPA: '1\ "0 "0 : SHRI HUKAM CHAND ~l "' ,m IP-fi ~ _\'fA ~ Ii'IT KACHWAI: ~l SHRI N. K. SANGHI : ~ !!'iT S7ITlf ~ Will Ihe Minister of EXTERNAL ('ti) tm smr AFFAIRS be plca,ed 10 Slale : It ,",('R, Iffnrr, ~I ~ f,""" ~~ (a) whether it is a fact that Chinese ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ of",) It ~ made guns and 01 her "rms have been 3l~ ~. ~ ~ seized from Naga Jebels in January, 1969 ; '!iT 'tiift If1lT If1lT ; and ('!I') Iif{ ~ m~ ~ flffil: (b) if so. Ihe delails Ihereof and tbe the reacti0n of Go\crnment in the ~ ~ ~ It ~ .m ~ ~.1 malter ? ~~ rn 'til arn'ti \H 01," !!'iT ~- THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL frr'ti A-tmf ~ "' ; AFFAIRS (SHRI DlNESH SINGH): (a) Some arms aGd ammunllioD were (If) 1I~. \'IT ~ If1IAT it ~ recovered iD the clashes between the ~- ~ !!'iT ~~ ~ SecurilY Forces and Ihe Underground rn Nalas. on the 14th January, 1969 in the .m WftI; !!'iT ~ tm ~ ~ ~ Mokochuntl District of Nagaland, but tbere ~ it; ft;rit f"",,," Ifif ufu f.rll'lf '!iT was no indication of these belnl of ChInen orIlln. rrtt;.m (b) Does not arise. ('If) 11ft 1ftT. \'IT m tm !!'iTrPr

2660. SHRI RAMCHANDRA .ttn III1'1m ""'!fir '"'""' if VEE RAPPA : l1'-r..iI' (.tt ~~ ~ imr): ~ q. 67 II ,illen AnsK e" MARCH 12,1969 68

(q). ~ ~ 'tft ;;rr ~ ~ ~ National Cadet CorP! In Madbya Pradesb ll''1'T ~11 ~ qC

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE :!IiO[,. rjo ~ 'flIT ••- MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI M. R. oil ,.0 KR ISHNA) : (a) 10 (c). The informali"n ~~ OltTcm: t'I''fr ofi'f lI'it lfii ~ ~ is being oblained from Ihe Stale Govern· 'PIT ~ ~ ment and will be laid on Ihe Tuble of the : House in d lie course. ~ 'flfT lfi: «'i'f ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 'i'\'Tf"" ~ mr ~ mf.11'T if; ~ Madhya Pradesb De.elopmeol Scheme 'l\ l~ "frrri'r ifiT q'fifiT fifl:!tlf ~l ;>. , 2663. SHRI G. C. DIXIT: Will the " ('iI) 11~ ~ ffi ~ ~ PRIME MINISTER be pleased to refer 10 'iT the reply given to Un,tarred Questioo No. ~ 'flf r «\ifOTr 'f;(' ~ ~ 1f'l"fr 47.10 C'n tl:e 21s1 Augu.,I. 196H and state: ~l if; ';ifit 'l\

(a) of the Rubber Act, 1947 (XXIV of 1947) THE PRIME MINISTER, MINISTER and Section 413) of the Coir Industry Act, OF ATOMIC ENERGY AND MINISTER 1953 respectively. 'I'he appointment of OF PLANNING (SHRIMATI INDIRA non·officials as Chairman, Rubber Board, GANDHI): (8) Government have under between the yoars 1947 to August, 1955 was discussion and study a collaborative e"peri' by elect ion from amongst the members of ment with National AerODautics and Space the Board. Administration (NASA) of the United States of America in which tbe feasibility Corruption Cases agliinst State Trading of the direct broadcast of television signals Curpuratlon Ollke", from satellitcs would be tested; tbe pro' gramme, to be transmitted will be entirely 2669. DR. SUSHI LA NAYAR our responsibility. SHRI A. SREEDHARAN : (b) No, Sir. SHRI K. LAKKAPPA : (c) Does not arise. Will the Minister of FOREION TRADE AND SUPPLY be pleased to ForelllD Excbange ProTlded for Impartlag state: Spares of Tractors (al whether it is a fact that during Audit in tho year 1968, some corruption 2671. SHRI KAMESHWAR SINGH: case! against some officers of the State Will tbe Minister of FOREIGN TRADE Trading Corporation of India were found; AND SUPPLY be pleased to ;tate : and (a) whether it is a fact that Govern- (b) if so, the number of officer. so ment provided foreign exchange for the involved and the action taken by GJvero· import of spare parts for tbe already ment against those Officers ? imporred tractors in 1968-69 ; and (b) if so, the amount of foreign THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE exchange provided 1 MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND SUPPLY (SHRI RAM SEWAK CHOW· THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE DHARY): (a) Nq, Sir. MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND SUPPLY (SHRI RAM SEWAK CHOW- (b) Does not arise. DHARY): (a) Yes, Sir. Satellite for Broadcasting of Educational (b) The actual imports of tractors parts Prolrammes for VIJ\Bllers during 1967·68 and 1968·69 (upto October, 1969) ~ been of tbe order oi Rs. 630.0 2~7. SHRI K. P. SINGH DEO : lakhs and Rs. 491.0 lakhs respeeti,ely. SHRIHARDAYAL DEVGUN: Import of Cart SHRICHENGALRAYA NAIDU: 2672. SHRI KANWAR LAL GUPTA: SHRI NARAIN SWARUP Will the Minister of FOREIGN TRADE SHARMA: AND SUPPLY be pleased to state: SHRI RAM SWARUP (a) the names and addresses of tbe VIDYARTHI: persons who imported cars from abroad SHRI OM PRAKASH durinll tbe last three years; TYAGJ : (b) the cases in which Government Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased took preliminary objection for permittinll to state: the import of cars from .broad ; and (a) whether it I•• fact that Govern- (e) tbe number 01 cascs In which can ment have been considering a U.S. propo- sal to install a •• tellite for broadcastlnll were not allowed to be imported, aivinl tbe names and addretlset> of lucb penons 7 educatlnnal programmes for villagers In the country; THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (b) whether the proposal has been fina- MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND H'cd ; and SUPPLY (SHRI RAM SEWAK CHOW- (e) If ~ the details thereof? DHARY) : (8) Details of CuatOlllS Cleara- 73 PHAtGUNA 21, I" rSAK.-4:

nce Permit. issued for the Import of cars THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE are puhlished in the "Weekly Bulletin of MINISTERY OF FeRE1GN TRA.DE AND InduAtrial Licences. I mport Licences and SUPPLY (SHRI RAM SEWAK Export Licences", copies of which are CAOWDHARY) : (a) Yes, Sir. available in the Parliament Library. (b) Copies of Ihe Trade Agreement Onring 1966, 1967 and 1968, Customs have been placed 10 the P4r1illllleDt Library, Clearance Permits were issued for the and are available there for the informatiOll importation of 1003, 1158 and 1117 cars of I he M.eID.bers. respectively. In addition, Indian Heads Ie) It is 100 early to assess the effects of Mission returning from abroad, foreigo of the Trade ~ on the volume of diplomats and certain categories of foreign trade between the two cnuntrles. experts are exempted from Import Trade Control restrictions for import of their (d) and (e). 'fhe matter is under con- cars. sideration. (b) aDd (c). During the years 1966·1967 and 1968, the number of cases in wbich WA III"!" qqqm- wf -' ~ preliminary objections were raised before Customs Clearance Permits for cars were 2674. 1ft ~ '"" ~ issued and the number of applications rejected were as follows :- ~~ 'i) ii1T ~ ~ : Number of cases Number of app· ~ : Year in which prelimi· lications reje· 1~ nary objections cted -tt .. raised ~l~ l!il66 456 719 ~~~ 1967 570 65H ~~ 1968 389 451 ~ 1fft!r"fTf 'lr 0 qiw : '", ~ rm : ~~~ 2673. SHRI P. C. ADICHAN : '" i.IliT ~ SHRI HIMATSJNGKA : .mmn : SARI S. K. TAPURIAH: '" a11m' IIt'IIt ~I : SHRI SHIVA CHANDRA 11ft mil' ~ JHA: 'm ~ Will the Minister of FOJlEIGN ,(ifa'J IIini Jp.ft qA IIfl' TRADE AND SUPPLY qc pleased to atate : !m rn f1!i: (a) whether an Indo·Thailand trade ~~ 1!fJif. ~~ agreement wass;ped in December, 1968; ('t» it 'fIJq;TT (b) if 80, tbe main terms of the ~ 'liT 'fttfi ~ ~ ~ ~ If"( aarecmeol ; m"«r 'fTit "'l' ~~ ~ t ; (cl tbe eKtenl to ,wDk:1I tbe. volume of trade between I...w., *Id. Thailand, parti· ~ l~ (f) I!fJif ~ ~ cularly the Indian exports 10 that country, ~ it ~ ..~ "'l' ~ 1I~ "'l' ~ is likely to increllSe in lbe lilAt of the DeW ~~- allreement ; Id) whetber India's Irade reprc,scptatioD lq) ·"1fT ~ f;T ~ Wl'f ~ In Banllkok has beeD strenlllhcned for 'T'Pm ~ lIlT 4+;r;fiffi11., ~ it elIports of Indial! loodl to ThaillUld in fir. terms of that a,reemc:nt ; and ~ ~~l (oJ if 00, laow far aDd in what reopecta India's representalioD bas been .... me- ~ ~ IP'Iit <'" fml f"q) nled 1 (iii) ;1ft Iff! I MARCH 12, 1969

(I!f) ~l I :c) whether this improvement is real and la,ting or ju,t a temporary revival; (IT) ~ ~~ I~ 19tH; anJ l~lI~ ~ ~ ~ if (dj Government"s expectalion of eX- "fT, ~~ ~ "1ft ;:rrfcr ~ t I port earnings during the year 1969-70 ?

Allr.emen! lor I)uly Free Import uI THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Commodities Frum U S. A. MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND SUPPLY (SHRI RAM SEWAK 2675. SHRI R. BARUA : CHOWDHARY) : (a) Yes, Sir. SHRI ONKAR LAL BERWA (h) The rise in exports is atlri hutable SHRI N. R. LASKAR : to various factMs like devalu.tion of the Will the Minbler of EXTERNAL rupee, Government's efforts to incrtase AFFAIRS be pleased to state: exports by various export promotion meas- (a) l~ il is a hcl lhal India and ures, upsurge in agricultural production. U. S. A. have signed an agreemenl pro· industrjal revival in the r.:ouotry, iocreasing viding for lhe conlinual duty·free import demand in developtng countries a. also 1D 01' commodille, and supplies donated by some developed c0untrics for our manu- the U. S. Government to India; factured and semi·manufaclured goods. (b) if so, lhe lotal amount of aid to ~ elc. It is difficult to say to whal extenl supplied to India durina 1969 under lhis devaluatioD of the rupee contributed 10 aarecmeDt ; and the rise in exports. (c) the total amounl supplied to ludia (e) In lerms of competitive cODdilions since the July alreemenl was signed? al present encountered. the imporovement THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL is real and last;ng provided effort is AFFAIRS (SHRI DINESH SINGH) : (a) ';onslanl. It may be mentioned that most The Governmenl of India and lhe Govern- of the rise in exports is ~ul for by ment of lhe United Slale, of America ~ the increase in "porls of non·tradilional

on 5th December I 196~. an agrec:mcnt provi. manuractured and semi-manufactured diDa for dUly-free entry and Ihe defr.lY· goods like engineeriDIl goods, iron and meot of inland transponalioD charges on steel, handkr.fts. chemicals etc. Also il supplies and equipment Jonated through may be flointed out that the rise in exports nOD-profit .oluntary ageDcies in the United Wd' achieved de.,p:u Ihe lIener.1I trend Slatel including Ihe Americ,," N.llion.,1 Iowa rd. fall in the unit value realisation Rcd Cross. Thl> AKrecmenl replaced rhe from our traditional allrieuitural exports. earlier one of July 1951. The allreemenl (d) Assuming that the present trend docs not rclale to duty-free imports of towards rise in cllports would cODlinue, commoditlcs tlDd supplies donated hy the the eslimated ex porI earning' during 1969- U. S. Government. 70 would be around Rs. 1410 crore•. (b) The allreemenl does not quantify Bucb supplies. A._.menl of the De.elopment Prolramme (c) The informal Ion is ~ll collected of Hlmadual Prad .... by tbe I'lnnlnl and will be placed on the Table of the Commlaslon HOUle. 2677. SHRI HEM RAJ; Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to Itale : 2676. SHRI k. K. AMIN : Will tbe la) whelher the PlaDning CommissioD Minislor of I'ORIiIGN TRADE AND P,oaramme Advisor aDd hi. Group have SUPPLY be pl .... ~ 10 .Ialc : complcted their tour of Hlmach .. 1 Pradcab (II) whother (bere lS II ..;ontiouod to assoss the deyelopment prOlrammes or l~ iu Ihe caporl carnioaa of IndIA ; HIIDu.h .. 1 Pradesb for the Fourtb Flv, (b) If 10, 10 wbal caleDt il i. due 10 Ycar PlaD; aDd Qe'Valu.'ioD of I1.Ipcte i I") If 10, wbal arc their rucrio ... 1 77 PHALGUNA 21. 1890 (SAKA) ~ IIII~ S 78

THE PRIME MINISTER, MINISTER ncering goods. excluding prime iron and OF ATOMIC ENERGY AND MINISTER sleel from Rs. 2799 crores during April, OF PLANNING (SHRIMATI INDIRA 1967 to January, 1968, to Rs. 69.89 crotes GANDHI) : (a) Yes, Sir. during April, 1968 to January, 1969; the (h) Their report is under consideration. exportS of chemicals and allied products (rom R< 14.88 cror.s during April-Novem- Foreign Official Dignitaries' Visits to India ber, 1%710 Rs. 21.69 crores durioll Aprll- November, 1968. 2678. SHRI JYOTIRMOY BASU : SHRI GANESH GHOSH: Sona Shop. SHRI K M. ABRAHAM: SHRI BHAGABAN DAS : 2680. SHRIMATI lLA PALCHOU- DHURI: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL SHRI K. LAKKAPPA ; AFFAIRS be plellsed to &tale : DR. SUSHILA NAYAR (a) the 10lal number of foreign official SHRI A. SREEDHARAN : dillnitaries who visited India during the Wil, Ihe Minisler of FOREIGN TRADE last twenty-one months; and AN\) SUPPLY be pleased to stale: (h) the total dmount spent on them 1 (a) Ihe lotal annua I sale. and expendl- THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL !lIre incurred ('0 the five retail shops known AFFAIRS (SHRI DlNESH SINGH) : (a) ," 'S0na' set up in New York. Boston, PMis, Nairobi and Montreal. separately, and (b). The information is being collected. since they were sCI up ; (b) whether it is a fact that more such Cash Subsidies to Exporters of shops are proposed to be opened in other Non-TradllJonll Item. lu~ ; (c) if ''', the detail, thereof; SHRI CHINTAMANI 2!}Y' (1I) when they are likely 10 be scI up: PANIGRAHI: and \SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES' Will the Minisler of FOREIGN TRADE (e) the lolal initial estimated ~ lure Ilkelv to be incurred and cupit.I, in AND SUPPLY be pleased to state: lhe sh 'pe of goods, sel up, elc. 10 he In- (a) whether Government offered in- ves1ed ? creased cash ,uh,iJies to exporter. of non- traditiconRl items in the years 1967·68 and THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THB 1968-69 ; MINISTRY OF FOREIGN lRADE AND (b) If so, the amount offered so far; SUPPLY (SHRI RAM SEWAK CHOW- and DHARY): (a) A slalemenl is laid on 'he (c) to what extent his has helped in Ihe Table of the Hou,e I~ In Lib,ary. Su N". LT-30S!691. Increased export. of non-Iraditional ilem,. ilem-wise ? (b) 10 (e). The queslion of opeoin. more such ihup, i" under cumlnatioa. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Deluli .• .~ location. "pendlture, elc. MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND h:lve yet fo he worked nut. SUPPLY (SHRI RAM SEWAK CHOW· DHARY): ta) and (bl. Yes. Sir. HiKher St-a,clty or DyelllJl a.d Blnelll•• rates of Ca!ilh Assbtance were allowed on M.t.,I.I. selected non-Iraditional export producls !Oubjecl to cenain conjilion'i. I~ 2681. SHR I NAMBIAR ; in the Cash assistance rales were of Ihe SHRI K. RAMANI : order of 5~ and I~~ of r. o. b. export SHRIE. K. NAYANAR value. SHIH UMANATH :

(e) The increased usistance (0 ~ Will ,he Mioi"er or FOREIGN TRADE as well a. variou, olher menure. have A NO SUPPLY be pleucd to Ila" : ~ul in ~ in the exportl of ODli· (a) whetber Go.enameal ha.e ~.I 79 MARCH 12, 1969 Illl~I ,4f1SII'U, representations from the textile dyers. (h) the names of the countries visited printers and bleachers of T1rupur town, by those deleaations ; Colmbatore regarding the scarcity of dyeing (c) the amount spent by each delCjJ8- aDd blellchinJ materials; tion ; aod (b) if 80. Ihe steps taken by Govern- (d) the result achieved thereby? ment to meet the scarcity; and (c) whether Government propose to THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE give import licence. to the actual users? MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE SEWAK): (a) to (c). A statement is laid MINISTRY OF FOREiGN TRADE AND 00 the Table of the House. [P:ac,d In SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM Librar)' See No. L T-309/69]. SEWAK): (0) ~ Sir. (d) Delegations are sent aboroad to (b) al)(! ~. The following steps have negotiate/conclude/extend and/or review the been taken :- trade ~ with foreigll countries and to survey the markets and (I) A. U. Provision for import of negotiate business deals. They have help- SodIum Nitrite has been made ed to diversify our trade and promote our (ii) Ad-hoc imporl of 1000 lonnes of exports. Hydrosulphile of Soda and 200 tonnts of Sodium Sulphoylate is being allowed throulh the S.T.C. ~~lll~~

Production of Syntbetlc FIbre and 2684 . ~~ ~ '""": 'fln' Superfine Clotb .n .~. ~ """ ~ 1PJI1 lIll .(fR 2682. SHRI MAHARAJ SINGH 'lIT F1! 'fi'"{lt flfi' : BHARATI: Will the Min"ter of FORE, IGN TRADE AND SUPPLY be pleased to ('fi) "Ill ~. if srlfi'Tftr('l' W state: ~ 'lIT ~1~ ~ "'l 61fl'l' ~l (a) whether it is a fact that as a resliit 1TlfT f'fi ~~ mv'f if; lTI'l' 0lfT'm: of larle scale production of synthetic fibre t and superfine cloth, there is a crisis in the ':ll'iI"!I' ~ll m 'fiT ~ t ~ mills manufacruring coarse and medium ~~ i!t mWIf ~ iii f'flffT ~ In this regard? m srf(ffo:lilfT ffi ~ ? THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND IIIlT'm ~ ,m """'"': ~ SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM .'Im; ~~ u-f ~ : ("') StlWAK): (a) No, Sir. if (.n .llfU (b) Does not arise. ;;rT Q:i' I ~~ m'f ~ IndIan Trade Delellatlons lent Abroad ('-'f) iii atn

SHRI YAJNA OATT In.estment OpportunIties In SHARMA: SHRI K. P. SINGH DEO : 2687. SHRI V. NARSIMHA RAO : SHRI B. K. DAS CHOW- SHRI P. N. SOLANKI : DHURY: SHRI D. R. PARMAR: SHRI R. KAMIN: Will the MInister of FOREIGN TRADE SHRIJ MOHAMED IMAM: AND SUPPLY be pleased to state: SHRI C. C. DESAI: (a) whetiler the report of Ihe Torlff Will the Minister of FOREIGN TRADE Commission "ppoinled by Government to AND SUPPLY be pleased to state: inquire Into the prico structute of all types (a) whether attention of Government of man-made lIbre aIId yarn has been has been invited to a news lIem whlcb ap- received. peared in tbe "Economic Times" of the (b) whether the recommendat: L!lS made 1st January, 1969 tht Malaysia offers good t>y the Commission bave heen accepted by opporlunltles for new inveslments ; Government; and (b) if so, whelher Government have (c) if so, the salient feature. thereof? IOken any iniliative in Ihis regard; and (e) if so, the details thereof? THE DEPUTY MINISTER TN THE THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM SEWAK): (a) No, Sir. SEWAK): (a) Yes, Sir. (b) and (c). Do not arise. (b) and (e). Besides livinl wide pub- licily to the inveslment opportunltie. thai Import of Rougb Diamonds from Gbana <"orne to Its nolice, and encouraging Indian enlrepreneurs 10 visit couotries like Malay- 2686. SHRI SITARAM KESRI : Will sia, .-hieh baye .rowth potentials, pro- thc Minister of FOREIGN TRADE AND posals for turn-key projects and joint. Yeo- SUPPLY be ple"ed to stair : tures are sympathetically conSIdered lubject, (a) whether it i, a fact that Ghana has or course, to Ihe Government of India', offered to supply rough diamonds to the normal policy on the subject. The Govern- IndIan Jewellery E'porters ; ment have already approved 7 proposal. of t he Indian parties for settiol up joint ven- (b) whether Guvernmenl have made t ures in Malaysia. any arrangements for Ihe purchase of the oiamonds Ihrough the Slate Trau'"l Cor- Qureohl Committee on All India Hadl- poration ; and "",fll Boa rd (c) if so, the totul yalue of the expect- ed Imports? 26H8. SHRI CHENGALRAYA NAIDU: Will the Minl.ter 01 FOREIGN TRADE THE DEPury MINISrER IN THe AND SUPPLY be pleased 10 sl.,te : MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND (a) whether it is a facl thaI the Qureshi SUPPLY (SURI CHOWDHARY RAM Committee cOfl5tituled to review (he work- SEWAK): (a) There is an indicalion of ing of Ihe All India Handlcnfll Board, in availability of rough diamonds from ilS report submilled to Gavernment, com- Gbana. mended the propo,als made by the Handl- (b) and (,). The prospect of imporls era'" aDd Handlooms Exports Corpora- tiOD; are proposed to be InYestillated with refer- eDce to tbe quality and suitability of rou,b (b) If 10, the main proposals made by diamonds for conversion inlo finished pro- the Handicrafts aDd "and looms Export. ducts fur exports. The M.M.T.C. would Corpnratioo ; and be alSo"iated with the arrangementl if (c) bow far the luapstions mad. hv neee.. ary. At thl, "ale. it i. Dot pOIII"I. the Qure,hi Committee have beeo accepte;l 10 furnish any eslimile of expected im- by Goyernmeot aDd the Sleps takeo to im- ports. plemenl Ihe same? 83 WrItten An,wers MARCH 12, 1969

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRRDE AND MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM SEWAK): (a) to (c), The Committee SEWAKl: (a) No such request has been set up to review the workins of the All received from the Indian Cotton Mills' IndIa Handicrafts Board, All India HaDd- Federation. loom Board etc., has not yet submitted its (b) Does not arise. final report to the Government.

Import LIcences to Small-Scale Unit. Bulfer Stock of Cotton 2691. SHRI K. HALDER : 2689. SHRI CIIENGALRAYA NAIDU: SHRI RAMAVATAR Will the Minister of FOREIGN TRADE SHASTRI: AND SUPPLY be pleasPd to state: SHRI DHIRESHWAR (8) '" bether Government had decided KALlTA: that small-scale nnits which were issued DR. RANEN SEN: licences for imports of raw materials com- SHRICJANARDHANAN: ponents and spares for the period from Will the Minister of FOREIGN April. 1967 to March 1968 could convert TRADE AND SUPPLY be pleased to refer their licences in & certain specified man' to the reply given to Unstarred Question ner ; No 2067 on the 26th November, 1968 aod (h) if so, the reason! therefore; and slate: (c) how far it i. likely to help Govern- (a) whether the Committee appointed ment as well as the u~1 7 to study the question of buffer stock for cotton has submitted its report: THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND (b) If so, the maio recommendations SUPPLY ISHRI CHOWDHARY RAM contained in the report ; and SEWAK): (al Yes, Sir. (c) the decIsions takeD thereon 1 (b) Bnd (c). Facility for conversion of licences has been provided to small-scale THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE uoits so that in case the material required MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND by them is not available from the curreocy SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM area for which the licence is originally SEWAK): (a) No, Sir. issued. they Cdn import their requlremenll (b) and (c). Do oot arise. from another currency area and thus utilise their IIceoce to meet their oeeds of import Closed Textile Mills In GuJarat muterials. This belps tbem in maIntaining their production which beoefits oot ooly 2692. SHRI NARENDRA SINGH these units but the country as well. MAHIDA : Will the Minister of FOREIGN TRADE AND SUPPLY be pleased to Export of Cotton Textl\e. state: 2690 SURI D. R. PARMAR: (al tbo effort. made by Governmeot to SHRI R. K. AMIN : reopen the closed textile mills in Gujarat Slate; Will the Mloister of FOREIGN TRADE AND SUPPL Y be pleased to (b) the number of mills optned so Itate : far; (a) whether it i. a fact that the Indian (c) whether Government propose to Cotton Mills Federadon has requested take further action to reopen the remaininll Government 10 raise the targets of expons mill. ; of colton texltles upto Rs. 130 to 140 erores for the year 1969·70 ; aod (d) if so, the detail. of the steps con· (b) if so, the react inn of GoverDmept templated ; aDd ,herelO 1 (e) If not. the rcasoDS ther,for ? I'HALGUNA 2i, 1890 (SAKA) Wrlttett Answers

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Australia MINISTRY Or FOREIGN TRADE AND Austria SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM Burma SEWAK): (a) to (e). Excluding 2 mills Belaium declared fit to be scrapped, IS COllOD textile Bulgaria mills were Iyin. closed at the end of Canada January, 1969. Four of these mills have .Ceylon already been investigated under the Indus- Co 0110 tries (Development and Rellulation) Act, Czechoslovakia 1951, but since liquidation petitions in res- Damman pect of them are pendin. in the High Dubai Cuurt, action under that Act could not be Ethiopia taken. The affairs of four mills have Finland recently been investillated by the Com· France mittees appoInted under the Act mentioned Formosa above. After considerinll the report of G. D. R.. the lovesti•• tion Committee. Government Germany (F. R. G.) have appointed Authorised Controller under Ghana the above mentioned Act for one of these Hungary mills and the reports in respect of the Hongkong remaininll 3 mills are under exa mination. Indonesia The affairs of two mills arc under invest illa- Iran tion and further action will be consIdered Iraq after the reports of the Investigatiou Com' Israel millees are received. While liquidation Italy petition is pending in respect of one mill Japan in the High Court, the cases of the remain· Kenya ing 4 mills arc being examined in consulta- Korea South tion with the State Government. Kuwait Lebanon Trade Allre.menl. c.... dud.d by Slate Malaysia Trading Corperatina Muscat Nepal 2693. SHRJ P. M. SA YEED : Netherland SHRI MANIBHAI J. PATEL: Nilleria Will the Minister of FOREIGN New Zealand TRADE AND SUPPLY be pleased to Phillipines state: Poland (a) the names of the countries with Rwanda which State Trading Corporation entered Saudi'Arahia into agreements for the export of Indian Sinllapore goods during 1967-68 and 1968-69 so far; Spain, Sweden Switzerland (b) the value of luch exporu year-wise; Tanzania (c) how do they compare with thooe Thailand for the year 1966·67 ; and Turkey (d) the improvements broullht about in U. A. R. this Orlanisation during 1967·68 and Ulanda 1968-69 ? United Kin8dom U. S. A. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE U. S. S. R. MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND YUllollavia SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM Zambia SEWAK): (a) The State Trading Corpo- (b) 1967-68 ratioo entered ioto agreement for exports Rs. 23.57 crOTe.'. of Indian Bood. with trading or8anilations 1968·69 aDd firms in tbe followin. couDlrica : (upto 31.12.1968) Rs. 31 14 ero... 117 Writt .." A .... werJ MARCH 12, 1969- 88

(c! Exports in 1966-67 amounted to ExtellSlons ginn to Class I Officers In Rs. 30.99 crores. The value of export in tbe Mlni&tryof Defence 1966·67 gained consequent upon devalua- tion. In 1967·68, the export effort of the 2695. DR. SUSHILA NAY AR : Will Cor poration was affected by a fall in the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to exportable surpluses of ulu~1 pro- state: duels; further, there was 11 chanlle in the (a) the number of cases in 1968 in accounting procedure by which only exporls which extension or reappointment was lIivcn directly negot iated and implemented by the to Class I Officers who were going to retire Corporation were taken into account. at the age of 58 : (b) the names of such Officers: and (d) Government appointed a Committee in May. 1968 to review the trading techni- (c! the reasons for their extension or ques and methods of the State Trading reappointment? Corporation and its organ;s3[ional structure THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE (SHRI with a view to taking necessary steps for SWARAN SINGH): (3) to (C). The further strengthening and improving its required information is being collected and operational efficiency. The COtDmillee will be laid on the Tablo of the House as submitted its Inlerim Report in September, soon as possible. 1968. The Interim Report emphasised the need to give early attention to organisa- N.C.C. In Tamil Nadu tional and systems aspects. Government have accepted these recomendation> and 2696. SHRI CHENGALR·\YA expressed their broad agreement with the NAIDU: views of the Committee in the Interim SHRI IAJNA DATT Report. The Corporation is implementing SHARMA: these recommendations. The final report Will the Minister of DEFENCE be of the Committee is awaited. pleased to state; (a! whether it is a fact that the Govern- ment of Tamil Nadu have refused to accept ~l if 1~ll ~ iii • ~ the request of the Cent.e for re.i,ing the ,,1fT if; Vf'1!f;lU N.C.C. in th. State WIth Hindi words of command; (b) if so, the reacti.on 0l the Central 2694. ~ ~ Simq : lflff ~~~ Government ; and ~l I~ 18 ~~ J !l61l if; ~ (e) the steps being taken by Govern- ment to re;olve the deadlock? ~ ~~lI 840 if; ~~ if; ~ if lf12 THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE iI<1'f.r!f;T ~ flf,: ,,'1'T MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI M. R. (If,) lflIT ~ if;

11ft ~1 ~ awt: difficuitiea in J'ltMtrltlnl ovenl4ias markets. These dilliculties Ilem from the .tagt "f 'tZlT .~ l1~ ~ orarit 'fil induslrial production, its ~y cost of !pfT ~ flfi : cerlain raw materisls and intermediate pro- ducts. To put our exporters in a position ("') lUff if; .~ it ~ ~1I1 to overcome Iheir difficulties Goyernment ~ ~ flfiWft 'Ufu ~II ~ ; provides assistance to ~ul up their mar· keting competence and competitive export (!.If) ~ ~ ~ ~ f'P ~ iJ 11~ produclion. from the Marketing Develop- ~l ~ 'lIT _Iff if;;A;r ~ ~ ment Fund, delails of which are lIiven in rhe Budget. t{;r ~ ~ ~ ~I ~ f.\''Prniit it The nature and range of assistmce to ~ be provided i, kept under constaD! review in the light of internatioDal competition ~ 'I;I''l''ll!-.R ~ ~ ('T) l if; ~ if; ~~ orl1T 2699. SHRI HIMA'fSINOKA ~ ~ l~II ~l ~ u~ SURI CHfNTM4ANT if; ii I!rl PANIGRAHf: ;;r11T :2 ~~ ~ t I ;;rt :I ~ iJ ~ SHRI P. C A.DICHAoN : ..~ ~ if; iiJm'l ~ I 1965 if; ~ ~ SHRI S. K TAPUIUAH: SHRI MANIBHAI J. urn ii ~~ qfr;ffl"f ~l ~ ~ I PATEl. : SHRI P. M.SA¥EED: (f

u~ IIlnn t. Export.,s (c) to 'IIhat eoxtent our presenl nport / of imn ore to Japan w",ild be iftcl'tllsN ~ SRltl OEVRGE FERNANDES: in the ~ of the said agreement: and Will the Minister of FOH.EIGN TRADE (d) the total quantity of Iron Ore pro- AND SUPPLY be pleased to st.lte . duced in India per year at pr.. .m .nd th, (a) the rate of suhsidy offered to vari- names of the cOllntries importing this ore ous exports of Indian Boeds during the last frnm, 1Ia6 ;m' to what _etlt in each four years; case ? (b) the impact of such suhsidies on the lWE DiPUTY MlJ)l1STEIt. tN. THE national' hudget ; and MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND (c) 'llhether Government woul.!· .top SUPPl.Y (SHRl CPlOWDHARY ItAM subsidies in ruture 7 Si-'ilAK).: (8) to (c). A del.'Wia of the Minerals and Metals Tradinjl Corpo- THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE ration visited .lapan in ~. 1968 MINISTIt'Y Oil FORJiJKJN TRADE AND cOllllltided. a C""'ftct for lib. •• 01 I. ~~ SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM million Ions, with an option of 0 15 million SEWA\K): \11) til 1<;). A number of tons of Balladila ore to be delivered durin. Indian inclustrial .~ (ace a ranle of the periitd '.461 10· 31.3.69. Dllclosure of MAIlCk 12, 1t69 the terms of commercial contract wou Id not 31-3-1968 99,94,233 lje be in the u~ interest of M.M.T.e.. ~ who is charged with the responsibility of 31-12-1\)68 04,63,390 promoting sales of iron ore to all coun- ~ ~Ill ~l ~ .~ 1'fTOf II>'t tries. ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ (d) 27.02 million tonnes of iron ore it it I were produced in the country during 1968. ~ ~~ ~l

SHRI B. K. DASCHOW- (b) if so, their recommendatioas and DHURY: Government's reaction thereto? Will the Minister of FOREIGN TRADE THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE AND SUPPLY be pleased 10 state: MINISTRY OF FOREION TRADE AND (a) the value in rupees of the bananas SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM exporled from Gujarat during the lasl live SEWAK): (a) Yes, Sir. years. year-wise ; (b) The Report is under euminatioa. (b) Ihe names of the countries to which The report of the Commillee and Govern- tbolo bananas are "ported and also the ment's deci.ions on its recommendalioos name of the country which purchase the will be released as soon as possible. mulmum quantity of it ; (e) the annual earnings of foreilln ex- Export of WI.I aad HU.aa Hair change from its export from Gujaral ; (d) whether Government have drawn SHRI GEOROE FERNANDES: up any scheme to promote the export 01' SHRI HUKAM CHAND banana. from Gujarat ; and KACHWAI; SHRI S. K. TAPURIAH : (e) if so, the outline thereof? SHRI P. L. BARUPAL : THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Will the Minister of FOREIGN TRADE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND AND SUPPLY be pleased to state: SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM (al the total value of wig. and human SEWAK): (a) to (c). Information re- hair exported during the last three years, lardinl ahe quaatity and vaiue of hananas country-wise; exported from Gujarat State is not availa- (b) the share of the State Tradinl Cor- ble as the export .tatistics are compiled poration in the export of these Items ; for the country as a whole and nol state- (c) whether it is a fact that the con- wise. tract entered into between WII India and (d) and (e). 2,000 additional hectares the S.T.C. and the U.S. 8rm of MIs. Faa- are propo.ed to be put under Dwarf Caven· hion Tress Inc. for the supply of WIIS haa dish variety of banlnas in the Stat'" of been cancelled; and Gujarat during the IV Plan period in order (d) if so, the implication. thereof? to increase the availability of bananas for export•. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THB MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND BanlO8b Committee on Tea Industry SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM SEWAK): (a) A statement is laid oa tho 2703. SHRI SURAJ BHAN : Table of the House. [P/tJc"/ /" Library, Su SHRI JAGANATH RAO No. LT-312/69j. JOSHI : (b) The exports made by the State SHRI RAM GOPAL Trading Corporation are Rs. 3.73 laleh., SHALWALE: Rs. 38.71 lakhs and Rs. 62.S6 lalehs during SHRI ATAL BIHARI 1965·66, 1966·66 and 1967-68 respectively. VAJPAYEE: SHRI BRIJ BHUSHAN LAL : (c) The notice of 60 days for terml- SHRI RANJIT SINOH : nall"n of lhe alreemeal as required under SHRI S. K. TAPURIAH : the agreement has been received from MIa. SHRI HIMATSINGKA ; Fashion Tress Inc., MilAmi and has been SHRI K. LAKKAPPA ; accepted by the State Tradlnl Corporation SHRI YASHPAL SINOH: of India Ltd. Will tho Minister of FOREIGN TRADE (d) With the termination of the alree- AND SUPPLY t" pteHed to ,tate: ment witb MIs, FashloD Tr"•• , alternative (a) whether the report of Barooah ~~ are heing made in tbo U.S.A. Committee on Tea Indu.cry hal heen recel- and CaDada for the sale of hair producll y~ ; .~ manufactured by Wil Il~ P5 MAtteA 12, 1969 W,llIen Anrwe"

11~ ir fifQ'M If1t ~ ~ m if fiflffir I:fTl;f ~ ~ ~ ~ fl.'fit ~~ 1"1011'1 ~~ l~ 'l"VfT ~llll wf!Jff.r· lfI'f, 1963 IIffltf'ifI

11ft 1~I "Tq : 2706. SHRI SITARAM KESRI : ~ ,tort QI .. tfti4(l SHRI M SUDARSANAM : SHRI N. R. LASKAR : 'fill ~~-. I11~ ,f1'l ~ l~ SHRI R. BARUA : I~ ;(., ~ 'f'fi't fIfO : SHR1MATI ILA PALCHOU· DHURI; ~ IfIlT I~ ~ ~ ~ mlf '1"1<: 'n: Will the Minister of FOREIGN TRADE ~ ~ ~l flf"

~ 'iT lIff;mzr ~ "" ~ ~ I a porI Oat, OM Mica ~ ~I~ ~ ilfGllIf ~ ~I ~ 2708. SHill M. SUDARSANAM: ~ ~ -~ II1~ ~ itfuf i!loft Wiil the Minister of FOREIGN 'Q'Tfll' if ~~ ;f.t If<:1 , ~ ~ ~ if TRADE AND SUPPLY be pleased to i'Il f.rm t ~ it ~ ~ ~ ~ stale: (u) whether any representation has been Of ~~ ~I 'Ith: "-:JrT'U it 1'fTi'f Ifi't received to reduce a.d a.e. wlthd,.. tb. srR ~ tt !!iTt !I'm' ~~ ellport duty 00 mica ; Wrlllrn All",.'" PHALGUNA 21, )890 (SAj;A) 98

(b) if so, the salient features thereof, (If). ~ IlI~ it; ~ ~~ 'l<: and ~ ~ ~ l~ I~ :c) Goveramenl'. reaclioD liaer.lo ? mt;1I" t iii, t ~~~~~I THB DEPUTY MINISTER TN THE MINISTRY OP FOREIGN TRADE AND SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM SEWAK): (a) Yes, Sir. 2710. SHIll GADILINGANA GOWD : (b) The reprrsentations were for with- Will the Minister of FOREIGN TRADE dr.wal of export duty or reduction .bout AND SUPPLY be plellsed to stale: 20% ad-'d/Ortm with corresponding (a) whelher it i, a fact that there is a incrnse in FAS prices of different .rad.. of proposal to start a few Export OrieDted mica. Spinninll Mill. during the Fourth Five Year (0) Export duty on proce»cd mica Plan by Government: powder was reduced to 20% ud va/Orfm with (b) if 10, the detail. tbereof lind tho effect from 13-7-1968_ Reduction of 20% amount allocated for the purpose: aDd "d-.a/,,"m on export duty on No_ and 5t (c) the basi, for selection of the sites? No.6 loose split lings was announced on 28-2-1569 alonll wltb Ihe budllel proposals. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM ~~~~ ~ ~ SEWAK): (I) The Fourth Five Year Plan i. uDdor preparation at present and it is 27011 '" rn "'" T" : not possible 10 Indicate at Ibis staye whe' ~ l~ tber an" eKport oriented "pJnnlna mill will be set up ill Fourth Plan iD the public Imt ~ .tt fqR"T sector. ~~ (b) •• d (c). Do 1101 .ri••. 11ft ~ ~ EKp.rt (roo Or. t. J .... 11..... ,. 1m"'" ~ .r qT PIlradeep I'ort 'III"T ...m. ~ ~ ,M I'f.-ft 19 2711. SHItI CHINTAMANI PANI· l~ 19118 it; ;mtfif;;; ~ ~~ IS:! GRAHl: Will the Minister of FOIU,IGN ~ ~ t ~I it 1I"i'; ;rmil" 1f.t FIT TRADE AND SUPPLY be ple... od 10 state: ~ ~ (a> Ibe lotal quantity of Iron ore ~ ~ 'fit ~ ~ ellJ)orlod 10 Japan throuab tbe P.r.deep rn port in the yoar 1967-611 ; >m:n: ;!t ~ .nm om- t 1Irt if n"l'l'f (b) the quantity contracted with Japan ~~lI~ for eKport throulh the .aid Port I ~ l~ ~ 111 ~ t rn ~ (c) th. total quantity 01 iron ore con- tracted for uport to Japan throujlh th. ~ m ~~ ml1" if '" 1!'I!r ~l1 f'RT Paradeep Port durlna 1969-70; and ~ (d) lb. reasons for whicb no lon"ranle contr&ell .re bolnl OIIIOrod IDto witb Japan (IT) ~ 11>1 ~ ~I~ ~l for export of iroll ore throulh Ihe Par.- rn ~ ~ it; <'I'tm ~ 'flIT 'WI' {r.t decp Port 7 ~~~ THE OEPUTY MINISTER IN TilE ~ ~ ffi ~ MINISTIlY OF FOREIGN TRADE ANn t") 'lft IJ" SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RA\-f SBW,t,K) : (a) Quantity of 6.80 lakh lonn •• •m .. 1ItTtm: ""1' tM ~ if w •• exported to Japan IhrOUllh ParUdl

(b) and (e). QUAntitIes contracted for (e) Ihe tolal amouot or UDpaid loans export to .'apan through ParadeeI' Port are with full break-up of Ihe amount eompris- IDdlcaled b41low : In, Ihe principal amount and the interest 7

1968·69 5.~ lakh dry laD II tODs THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE 1969· 70 650 I"kh dry long Ions MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND 1970·71 7.2S lakh dry 1008 tons SUprLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM (d) Firm conlracls have already been SEWAK): (a) and (b). Tbe Ellporl Credit made for the nexl Ihree years. and Guaranlee Corporalion originally known as Exporl Risks Insurance Corpora- tion LImited, came into being in Ihe year Exporl Cr.dil and GUaraDtee Curporation 1957. The Corporation helps .xpnrtera by underwritio, tbeir ~ on account of 2712 SHRI I'REM CHAND VERMA sh;pm!.. of FOREI

1966 1967 1968

Policie. uod G unr"nlee. in force 1715 2273 3100

Maximum Iiahility RI. 4,414 lakhl Ro. 6,399 lakh. RI. 10,623 lakb. Risk value R •. 7,464 Rs. Il,m Its. 18,025 Premium l~ RI. 1998 Rs. 25.19 R •. 47.19

Sep"r.l. lI~u. for the exporl Irade SHltt R. R. SINOH DEO : undo indulilry nrc nut avuilJblC'. SHRI N. K. SANGHI : SHRI RAMACHANDRA (e) to (,.). The Curpuralion Is nol a ~ : lending in.lilulion. It is an insur8",'e SHRI Y. A. PRASAD: organis"ti"n .1".1 question of an. bad ~l SHR I B, K. DAS- und unp.\ld h-an"'. Clc. doC's not arise. CHOWDHURY: SHRI N. R. LASKAR : .~ BAre_mont "lib G ...... D_.. llc SHRICHBNOALRAYA R.publlc NAIDU: SHIt' ONKAR LAL 8ERWA : ~713 SHRI P C. ADICHAN : SHitl IlISm"ANATH ROY: Will lhe !'tfiDialer " ~I tOl PHALOUNA 21, 1890 (SAKAl 102

TRADE AND SUPPLY be pleased 10 link the l~ with productiviry in the stale: lextile mills 10 .1 10 obi aiD .peedy revival (a) whether. ftve· IrlHle a.retmenl of the industr) ; IIDd has been sillned belween India and German (h) If la, the Ittps belDY token In this Democratic Republic ; rBlLard ? (b If so, the main I.rllll of the a.r_ THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE ment; MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND (c) Ihe items 10 be exported to and SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM imported from Ihat country under the SEWAK): (a) No, Sir. I.rrement and Ihe eltlDI tbereof ; (b) Docs not arise. (d) "helher most of Ihe imporls will comrrise fortilisers and if so. to whal I_port at Synthellc !,Ihr. P'tIbrJc8 from nlent; and N .. ,..I (e) the realKlns for not Ihal country despite increasinl trade relations 2715. SHRI M. L. SONDHI with it? SHRI P. C ADICHAN: THE DEPUTY MINISTBR IN THF. Will Ihe Mlni"er of FOREIGN MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND TRADE AND SUPPI.Y be pledscd 10 SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM state: SEWAK) fa) 10 (e). A lonlt lerm trade Ind (ul whelher il " .1 f .. ,,1 Ih,'1 Silk and payments ~ has been .ilDed be· Art Silk industr), i. f .... ing difficulties on Iween the Delegalion of Ihe Govl. of India account of in"liscrimilialc imports of and the Delellalion of the Gov!. of Germall synthetic fibre foh!'ks f,,·m Nepdl ; and I)emocrluic Republic on 23rd Jaauary, 1969 (b) if su, the re,ll.'liu, of Gllvcrnlnent al New Delhi, which is valid for a period therelo ./ of three "(:lrS uplO 31s1 December. 1971. THE Df.PUTY MI\lISTER IN THE Cory IIf . Ih·e "IIr •• lI1IIot indicatio, ~ MINISTRY OF FOREI(;N TRADE AND anti conditions a, well HI item. to be SUPPLY (SHRI CI/OWDHARY RAM oKporleJ t<> and imported from G. D. R • Sj,;WAK): (uj lilld fh). Owm. to Ihe has _I"aoy been rlaced in the P,uliamonl dlll'er.nce in Ihe import .,nd ftscal p<>Ucie. Library. of the two counlries, the unre\rncred movo. fd) FCrlili,er i. one of Ihe item. imporl' meDI into India of synthetic fthrlc, m,tnu- .ble fwm G. D. R. It is expected Ihat factllred ia NeplIl. oul of imporled r .. w during 1%9 impor\5 of ferlillzers may be meterials, Wd:; call"l'l1g lHfficuIt ie."i, Ihc in Ihe vicini.y t>f 120.000 IOflne. or even maUcr was dis ...·ussed al Ihe Minhrrial lc!ve1 more suhject to availabilily dependilJl on talks belween Ihe two counlries in our demands. Kathmandu frum NO'Ycml"cr I, lu No\'em- (c) Diplumalic Recugnition of G D.R. ber Ill, 196M. The uU'mme uf Ihe lalks ;, is ba,ic,liIY u polilkally issue connecled .el OUI in Ihe Jolnl Press RepI"'. a copy wlfh Ihe 5CfI1iement t>f the Oer_n question. of which h •• "Irc.dy been p",ced on Ihe NeG·rcco.:';". las 801 cOlIN in the way Table of the Houor. Government of Nepal of !olcad:v int"rease 10 trade between Ihe two have a,reed 10 limit Ih. upor.. or .ynlh •• counlno'. In raCl, II has been our policy lie yarD f.brics 10 Ihe level of 1967'68, .nd 10 develop trIOde wilb G. D. R 10 IDcre"s· tu re!tlricl th.,ion nf (l,reilft ingly hillh levels. ..hkh i. reflected in Ihe cxchanle for PloductlOn 01 Ihe.. lIems to arow,b el two way trade from RI. J-.20 1967-68 level. The elf.clive .. e.. of Ihe tNlUo. ill 1953 10 Rs 417.68 million in stePii taken by the H.M.G. of Nel)al would 1967. be reviewe.. · '" Woe ...1 ..eetial 0( the JDter-GovernmeDtal Joint Commitlee. Te.fn. ' ...... r' SoaII Car Projecl 2714 SWRI R. K. AMIN: WIN the Mini.ter 01 FOREIGN TRADE A.ND 2716. ilWltt .I\L MADIJOK ; SUPPLY be pl ....ed to ll.u. : ."J SHRI OM I'RAKI\11f (a) whetber Govern_t jItOlI08I to- TYACH: 1M MARCH 12, 1969 l~1I A",,,,,,, 104

SHRI ~I.I SWARUP '" 1fmI' ~ .; SHARMA: IIit a)1r ftm ~ : SHRI RAM SWARUP VIDYARTHI: ~ *1111 If,," ~ II1ff.t ..,er ~ KUMARI KAMALA ~ KUMARI: SHRI P. C. ADICHAN : ('tr) ""'" W ~ '!1l' rolft SHRI S. K TAPURIAH : ~~ ~~ ."I:fFI' if SHRI DEORAO PATIL : ~~ ~l ~ ~ ~ ~ if; Will Ihe PIlIWE MINISTEIl be l.~. ~ ~~ ~ ~ to stale: it qfonl'flf #rot; fllmr M \lfr.t ~ WI' '1( Tf: fll';m ""it (a) whelher the Plannln. Commission 1f;l' ~ ; ~ have receiveJ .ny propo•• 1 In regard to Ihe ~ll CcH project: (l!\') m ~. ~ ~~ ro ~ ~ ?

(h) if so. when ~ proposal w", ~I ..n ~ ~. u~ (1f;) rece: ved and I he ael ion taken so far by the tro (I!f). ~1l ~ ~ ~l ~ Plannin, Commi.sion in this regard; ~ ~~1 !IIh: ~ if ~ tit (c) the rea sons for inordinate delay in #rot; mrlR'l!! ~l i;fT\1T ~ ~. taking dCI:i!don in reaard to this project; and it 196:1 ~ ~ l!Tn" I ~ fl!f;m ~ ftf; und schemes rc..:civcd from various MiDlS- :;rirt ~ ~ ~ ~ 'fiT ~ ~ Irlrs 10 be Included in Ihe Plan in Ihe I~ t of rcl'ltivt priClritirs und the uVilll:lbiliry 0 ( ~ 1ft 'IT'fnr ~ if ~l QI .. _4 ... (\IQ) re,oun.:c!\. A firm view will be laken when ~~ ~I ~~lI1I~~ Ih. F"urth Plnn i, finalised. Thrre has ~ I thus bern no inllr.!inate delay in consider· ina the prop".al in the Pilnnlna Cc>mmis' I. A. F. Groand SI•• ,ioo. 2718. SHRI MADHU L1MAYE: Will the Minister of DEFENCE be ple.led to stale: (a) whelher it I. a fact thai Govern- ment have received a nole aboul the 2717. 1ft Pm"! ~ ,rlev3nee! of the ,. A. F. ,round olall' (mainlclllIllce slall') ; ll~~~~ (II) If 10, Ihe mlln ,ri... nces of the ~ ~ '" ''''" fiIowTtrl: lround 'taft"; aDd PHALOUNA 21, 1190 (SAGA

(c) Ihe action taken by Governmenl 10 ~ fhc:st f:!J l~ ? sm'f "'"' .. ",tiM ~ ~ '""'" ~ ~ tf'ro Iri\ft) : (If;) "h THE MINISTER OF DEFENC'E (\!r). I~ \I:'f'fT ~ ~ iJIT ~ t (SHRI SWARAN SINGH) : (a) Yes. 'Q'r;: ~ If;t ~ 'R ~ ~ ;;fllftfi I (b) and (cl. A .Ialemenl is laid of Ih. ('T) ~ ~ ~ f.r.iltft it; lI~. 'fi<:'fT ~ ~ >.infr if; if;flr- ~Il if,"! ~ T"fi" ~ if m ~ ift ~I ~~ if ~~ if;<:;rr (;fr.r) ~ 'f;Tlf ~ ;;flit if; 'IiTf.t ('fT') I ... rot 191; I If;t 45 ~ "" f'f'<;;.r 'I\"r ;rt'T If;H T C" r, ) I .,..,...-ft , !f;lf IIf11l; ~ ~1l1 'Iil .~ lfmel{IT ~ ~ IIHi I If;t 45 "fl{ it ~ Ilfll! ~ ~ it.,..,.,. if; ffR'l" if; f.;rir m .,;;r ~~ ~ (m",) f,;;;it ~ hll1 ~ ~ 'liT f?"t mr ..~ mr .~ if; .~ m:If;T-ft ~~ ~ it.,-;:rr if; Ilf""r'flf er fiRT q'"1frit 'liT IiT{;:oft ~ wr-rf.t Ilf" ~ srfuwrr Il~ ~ qT ~ 3!Rit m ~ 'Iil 'f;Tm ~ if; f.;w. ~ .,.r.R .;.,n ~ll ~ f'fl!lf"f rn it; f"fit 1fllT-wT m.. ;;fttff .t\" ~ ~l ~l m ~l~ ~ m;rlf if; 'fit If< ~ ~ ; ("') ~~ -mmlft" ~-1 /fTfuff (w) a"Ff ~ fq-fq fiorf'f 'Iil 'liT Iff ~ ~ m ~- 'ffunTlf 'Iil 'liT Irt wft 'If" ~~ ~ !ffu!mr ~~ f.rd' ; "'"' (,,) m IP'i!"f1'I11 it ~ fPft (If) ~~ ~~ ~ if 7.~ ~~~ m it; ~ l~Il~ m it; ~ 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~.. t? t? MARCH 12. 1969 lOs

rimn .", (11ft ~ ~ ~ Promotions of Ollleers or Armed Portts ~ ~ ('1'1<:), ~ ~l ~ iIfT ~~ 2727. SHIH SHARDA NAND; SHRI J. B. SINGH: t 11th: ~ ~ it; ~ If'{ 'm f

10 brina ull Natiopal Sample Survey work. uDder upified control has beeD taken 2'26, DR. S\.1SHILA NAYAR : Will (bl if Dot, Ihe rensons therefor; tbe PRIME MINISTER be pleased to (c) when the final decision is likely 10 stale' be lakeD; and (a) the amount of loss whicb IndiMD (d) how for the decision will help in Rare '.!fths Ltd, has suffered durin, the the beller l~ of Ihe Nalional last three years on accounl of irreJularlties. Sample Surycy ? thefts and stock shortage. ; (bl whether Ihe matters were locked THE PRIME MINISTER, MINISTER inlo and if so lhe resulls thereof; aDd OF ATOMIC ENERGY AND MINISTER lei lhe sleps laken by GovernmeDt 10 OF PLANNING ISHIlIMATI INDIRA find 0111 the drawhacks and "' bring about GANDHI) : I,,) to Id). The recommenti,l- improvements In its working? lion of the Indian St,ti,tical In,titute Review Coml1'ince in this rep;urd is under THE PRIME MINISTER, MINISTER consideration, Since it involves many OF ATOMIC ENERGY AND MINISTER complex technical, (ldmini"trutive and OF PLANNING (SHRIMATI INDIRA orpanisalional issues, a (Iecision will still GA NflH I): (a) ,md (bl, Siock Ihort- take some time, ages valued at Rs, 6OIJO/- approximately had l)('Cllrred during the l~ three years due to sea erosion A fler due investigatIon thcse E"IrndltiOll of Dr, Dh.naa Teja and shortages were wrilten off by the Board of hi' Wife flir

(b) the difficultie. which are being (a) what ~. blve I>etp made durlDI faced by Governmenl in Iht' rellard ; and the last three month. towards a settlement on the disarmamtnl issue, particularly (c) the time by wbich Ihey arc lik.ely banninl of nuclear lests and explosloDS at to be brought back to this country? tbe Disarrqament Crtnforeoce under the aegis of the United Nations and whal was THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL Ihe Indian contribution to theae elfort. ; AFFAIRS (SHRI nINESH SINGH): (a, and to (cl, Our request for the extradition of Dr, Dharma Tej. aad his wife i. s.ill pen..!· Ib) what is Ihe latest posilion In Ihis iDa consideration before the Supreme Court reg-trd 1 of C(,ISla kka. Th, .~~ opiniou of THE MINISTER OF EXfERNAL tbe Supreme Court of C"sl. Rica to the AFFAIRS (SHRI DINESH SINGH): (al Government of Cosla Rica is still awaited, The ~l of di'3rmalllCnl. iocludia. Ibe Efforts are being made to npedite the qucllion or banoina nuclear Ie'.... was dJ .... m.tter. cuosed in December, 1968 al the XXIII The arraDaemeDIS for the extradilion of Souion of .he U, N, General Allembly. A Dr. Teja aDd hi. wife are expecled to be number or resolutions we're adopted, iQ" mad. .. SOOD as clearaDco of the COlt a cludio. Resolution 24~~ in wbich tbe Oeae- Rican G" •• rameot is avail4!Jlc, ral Assembly called upon all lIuclear ~- 111 ",1"." A"'; .. ~ MARCH 12, 1969 112 pon States to suspend nnelear weapon tests ban property YRlue., were the broad areas in all environments. Further more. it re- suggested to the States for additional re- u~ the IS-Nation Disarmament Com- source mobilisation ; mIttee to take up as a malter of urgency (b) The State GoVernmeDts indicated the formulation of a treaty banning under· Ihat they would try to raise as much addi- ground nuclear weapon te5ts. India co· lional resources as possible throuah mea- sponsored thl. resolution. sures appropriate to local conditions. In another reaolulion No. 2456-0 tho General AS5embly lIr,ed the Governments of the USSR and the USA to enler illto bilateral discussions at an tarly dale on Ihe limitation of offen,iv. ,traleaie nuclear weapon delivery syslem, and systems of de- 2730. -n ~~ ~ ~l fence againsl ballislic missiles. ~ '"' uq ~~~ The General Assembly at-" requested the IS-Nadon Disarma",ent Committee 10 iflfT ~~~1l ~ l~ ifi"ITit ,.;r renew ils elTorts to analyse the u~ disa- !7o.fT ~ f'" : rmameDt proposals before it anJ to examine in particular how rapid progress can be ("') iflfT ~ ~I ~ f'" f,nr)!ft 'fTIfT made iD Ihe fi.ld of nuclear disarmam

Suez Caual Clolure THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THB MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI L. N. 2731. SHRI HEM BARUA MISHRA): (a) Bhara! Electronics Limit- SHRlSRADHAKAR ed was '01 up 00 llsl AprU 1954. The SlJPAKI\R : mlliD aims and objects of Ihe Company Will the Minister "I EX rLRNAL AF· were 10 e,tablish Ihe manu"cIU" of pro- FA l~ t-e plea\eu ,<' ""te : (e,,;'mal Wircless/Electraoic equipmcnls. illstrumenls, Radio Componenls and allied (J) whether It is 6 f:rcl Ih. I the Sue. apparatus, primarily to meet the requirr- Canal still u~ 10 he closed ~ menls of tbe Deron,. Ser.lces and (:Ivti internation.1 Iraffic, a fael tllat has affected Govel"nmcDI DeparlmCDls. India's economy con.ider8t>ly ; and (b) if so, "Iut steps Govelnmenl bave (b) The Produclion Proaramllle 8S lakeD to ~l tht: Cao.1 opened LO tratti\.: .lI iginally fnrDlulale alms Hnd object! ; ments of I ~ u\en, rtWlher l~1 ~ll (bl wheihe.c the large" of ,elling up bor"tion II.greemenl, were CJJociuded wllb l.Il~ accorJio,. !o Plojt'\:t reporb tlDO lhell ofbc! MARCH 12. 1969 Wrillell All...... ,. 116

Collaboration with other foreilo l~ It (if) 'ITf'li"mif e- ~ ~~ !tiT is npt con,idereli in t he public ioterest to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- disclose these. ;;ftZ'frit it; i't (d) B. E. L. i, at preseot producing ~~~ Wirelcss/E!cclronic Equipments, in5trumenls and certain electrollic component< e.g. ('Sf) f;;r.r .mn """ .~ ~ Radi" Valves, Tra"sislors, Cryshls, Capa- rnr ~ 'foT ~ ~ ; 'flIT ~~ ~ ~ citors, Trammilting Tube., etc. The quali- t) of products u~u by B. E. L. l!I"'3r lH "I[Hf'f or fni 1;; ",1if l;fT ~ l.~ m ..,.1i!r ~ ~ ~1l :it ~. m stale! 'l'T'T 7 'IT ~ ~. '?,"l''Ii"-'M''Ii" olITu 'flIT ~ ; (a) whether 8 6nal decision has ~~ PHALOUNA 21. 1190 (SAKAl ~ 8111~I 118

take. to abolish the contract system ,0 (c) if so, the ~. for not I~ MiliLJrY ~ System; and these employees back? (b) if DOt, tbe reasoo tberefore ? THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE THE MINISTER OF QEFENCE (SHIt I MINISTERY OF DEFENCE (SHill M. R. SWARN SINGH): (3) and (b). It is not KRISHNA) : (a) 10 Ie). Though a numher coosidered feasible at pre5ent to abolish of employees l~ took part io the the contract system in the MES, though strike on 191hoieptember 1968, there we:'e OffONS are beloe increasingly made to others who resorted 10 morc objeclionable uodertake departmentally "pecial works activities, e J,': intimidation, instigation to or works in areas where contractors are others to join Ihe 'trike, pre,enting not readily available or with a view to sct wi1ling workers from working or going to standards. work elc, alld b.llce had to be treated differently. RIpon 01 11_ ....ufaetlll'ed In ~. Factories Manufaclore of H. F. 2~ Alrcralt "Y H. A L. 2735. SHRI S. M. BANERJEIO : Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to 2737. SHRI CHENGALRAYA state: .. NAIDU : Will the Mill;!er of DEFENCE (a) whether some of the items manu· he pleased to slate: factured in Ordnaoce factories are likely (a) whether it is a fact thaI over Rs 2 to be exported to other countries' erores were wasted in under·laking the (b) if so, whether arrangemen'.s have project lor manufacturing H. F. 24 been made to popularize these items in aircraft by the Hindustan Aeronaulics other countries; and Ltd .. Bangalore : (c) the machinery evolved for Ihis (b) if so, whether :lny enquiry has purpose ./ been conductod as tll wL,) nre Ihe ,.rsons responsible for initial in!, this propos,,1 for THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE manufacturing H. F. 24 which has not MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI L. N achieved the desired r,sults ; and MISHRAi : (a) Efforts arc belog made to (c) whether the maoufae: ure of any find overseas markels for clothill, aDd olher alternative airamft in place of H. F. general stores items as well a< shotguns. 24 is proposed to be u~ ? (b) and (c). Our Embassies and High Commiso;;ions ahroad have been taking THE MINlsrER OF srATE IN THE interest in this direction. "'0 distin':l MINlsrRY OF DbFENCE (SPIRI L N. machinery has been evolved for the MISHRA) : la) HI'·24 airer.. f, uesigned purpose; Ihe assislance of Ihe Stale and m'1Oufdctured by HAL, lIJogal"re, is Trading Corporation is also l119uehl, already in I)crvice. wherever possible. (b) III v,ew of Ihe answer to (a), the QUCllfuion of any enquiry docs not ~. Defence Employe.. ' Participation in Tokl'n Strike on I"lb Septelllber, 196H (c) There is a proposal 10 develop and mAnufacture a new mititary aircr.lfl 10 273t>. Shri S. M. BANERJEE: Will meel the future requirement oi Ihe Air the Mioister of DEFENCE be plened 10 Force. stale: (a) whether it i. a faci Ibal 00 the ""'If ~ or P. M'. S.cretarlat 19tb September, 196.~ Ihe day 00 whicb token slrike look place, Ibe Defence 2738. SHRI YAJNA BATT SHARMA: employees merely participated in the Wilt Ihe PRIME MINISTEK be l~ to slrilt:e ; ~ : (b) whether il i. also a fact thaI there (a) tho strength of I'. M's Secretarial was 00 case of violeoce or cas.. ioYolvlol in tbe year 1948, 19«1, 1964, 1966 and at moral turpitude; aad the end of 1968. aivinl del ails of ('erson::. 119 .~II 12. 1969

~y in various grades like Secretaries, (1,0) and (d). llhere i. no increase in the Joint Sc.cfftarks. neplJty Secretari,s, Bnder "laff al ,.,ffi..:er Je\'t!'. Instead or a Director, ~ ~. S()Ct10n Office!s, lher" will soon be it se.oud Joiot Secretary; Clerk. an(j allss IV ~y ....,eparately ; and a ... ~ an Information (in (ob) the de-tail5 nf the expenditure the raok tot JOIDI Secretary) a. well as a incllrred l~ the same period ; Dcpuly Information Advber, there is al PII:S.or one ofl4:er or Director level desig- (c) whether there i< • ~ 10 nAted as Director (Information). Further increase the .laff at the officers level; and u~~ ~ ~ a:l'f """" (011) if SQ, the detail:i for the current lll~III~ ~I finuncial year 1 ::!731l . ...n 'flIT JJf,,- '{Ilfl ll fm middle of 1964·65. on the pal tern of a m ~ul IHpartment of the Governmenl if; 5T'Pf ~ ClifT it ~ mr II~ I!III1If .-.r um!er a full'6edJlcd Secret,·ry. >ftif lI~ i\' ~ ~1l ~ m!fh: (Q;ifo mo mo) ~ ~u ~ (If'l'o Note (,I : The increase in txpenditure ~ ~ ~ on estahlishment i, nscribalMe maInly l'ffo) m<: "'<'1' (l!;ifo ~ 0 0 ), ~ ~ tn Ihe change in the set up of the ql fifi'l'ff if it q'CT1!l!' ;rm Secretariat. Another rcason for the .r I ~ ~ ~ fm ~ it ~~ ~ iDcrease is thut, aport from normal 1ft lI~ \'r ~. «I 'tfi!; ~l ~ ~ anDual incr •••os in \be pay of offico", ~ '{$ ~ ~ !fiT ~1 ~ -m;f q- .rod .tufl', \ .~ have been, from Pebru- ~~ If"( ~ ~ IIif1;;f ~ ~ Br), 1964 to September. 1%8. a number of ..visions in Ihe rale of dearness Wt>1 ~ l~ if; 'f>Tll Ifi't ~ .. !!o .. ance .. dmi .. i"le 10 Government ~~ ) 9611-69 " IIrrolf fiRT tT1fT Sen,nl•• ~I ,*,rlt,,,. ~ll PHAi:..GUNA 21, lItO (SAKA) 12i

~ II ~ll.l ~ ~~ ~ ~ cd in 1965·66 wa. lb. 672.86 Lakha. r"lIowing devaillalion, Ihe expond'lure in ~~ ~1 !If'fil l1~ ~~ll l\" if 1967-1;8 couJd have becn Rs. IOJ9.7S Lakhs ~. '!it ~~

E.!onomy In Expenditure of Indl,,, Mi •• lonl The overall requiremenl for 1968-69 2741. SHRI G1\[lILINGANA GOWD would have Ileen of the order of Rs. 1126.70 Will the '-fini,tcr '.1 f EXTERNAL illkhs, hut on aCCouDt of adoption of conti- AFFAIRS be plc •• ed 10 state the •• vings nuinll economy me".u". after deyaluation effected as 8 res lilt of ado"tioD of ecoDomy of Ille Indian rupee in Juu, 1966, it i. 8ntt· mea.ures to ~l expenditure in Indian cil'ated I hft t the expenditure durin, 1961,69 Mis,jon. ,"road dlrillg th. year 1968-69 so would be around Rs. 1060 34 lakhs. This far? will show a savini of RI. 66.36 lath •. Fven ir .he aClual npendilure of THE MINISTER OF I:XTERNAL Ro. 1039.06 lakhl for 1967-68 is laken as AFFAIRS (SHRI DINESH SINGH): A Ihe ~ Che overall requlremenl, .fler lail- statement to pleaced on the Table of the inK in'o account !he .um of Ih. 66.95 lakh. House. mentioned above, wOlild bave beaD oIlhe order of Rs 1106.01 as a,llnlt STATEMENT Rs. 1060." lakhl. On Ilti. basH •• , the saviOR will be of .be order of Ri. 4'.67 ConseQueDt OR devalualion of Indian IRkh •. rupee with elrec. frnm June. 1.66, Ihe rupee R.s.... atl"" ef Seat. 18 StaIBlk Sell ..... equivalent of the foreign cxchanle COMpo' nent of tbe IlIpendilllre of lhe Indian 2742. SHRI GADILINGANA GOWD : Million. abra.,:! ~lI liP by .~. To Will the Mlnisler of DEFENCE be plealcd delermine Ihe increale in ...,.nditure, tbe lo.talc : pl"C"devalualion year 1965·66 hal boen laken (al wbetber any relOrvallon of leal. as tile bale. Tbe aClual ei:peDdllure incurr- for admluioD iD nrlolll S.lalk Selloo.. I. Ih ",I"a AnlWe" MARCH 12, 1969 Wrltt. AMw., 124 made for the candidates .f Scheduled (b) whelher many of these vehicles are CastC6/Tribes ; being subjected to climatic corrosion ror (b) if so, the details thereof; years for want llf speedy arrangemenl of (c) the number of Scheduled Castes/ their disposal Ihrough sale; Tribes candidates who app!ied during the (c) whether repairing arragement in ~ 1966, 1967 and 1968 for admission in such Depots are too meagre to cope with various Sainik Sehools State-wise; and the vasl number of damaged or uD.used (d) Ihe number of sucb candidates vehicles ; "nd admitted during the period State-wi.e ? (d) wheth.r Government will set up a Committee to .uggest wavs and means for THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE proper ulilisation of such vehicles? (SHRI SWARAN SINGH): (0) and (b). The Board of Governors of the Sainik THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE (SHRI School. Society has laid down the policy SWARAN SINGHI: (a) It is not in the tbat every scheduled caste/scheduled tribe public intere.t to divulge this informal ion. candidate who obtllins the minimum quali- (b) The vehicles dedared for disposal fying marks at the Entrance Examination are auctioned by the DGS apd D as soon should be offered admission, irrespective of as possible. The actual disposal however his rank in the merit list. takes some time 'tince certain procedural (c) and (d). While no statistics are formalities have 10 he gone through. As on readily available rClLardinll the lIumber of lsI Janu.ry 1969. 1016 vehicles were lIendin" SC/ST candidates who applied the disposal for more than one year. Every years 1966 to 196M for admission the actual effort is made to arrest deterioratioll during number admitted in the Sainik Schools is slorage. Riven in the statement laid on the Table (c) To the extenl Ihat there is inade- of the House. [Placed In LIbrary. See No. quale capacity in Depot. Workshops. LT·316/69]. vehicles are transferred 10 Base Workshops for repairs. Export. of Aircraft Manufactured al Hindustan (d) These matter> are under constant Aeronautical' Ltd. review and sludy, and the settin" up of a separale Committee is not oonsidered 2743. SHRI OADILINGANA GOWD ; necessary. Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to stale: Air Link between Baat and West (a) whether il is a fact Ihal " lew Pakistan orden from foreign countries have been received for export of aircraft. manufaClur- 2745. SHRI : Will ed by Hlndustan Aeronautlcals, Limited the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be durinll 1968 ; pleased 10 state(: (b) if so. the delails thereof; and (a) whether it i. a .facl ~ the Prime (c) the action taken by Government 1 Minister warned Pak.istan in one of b.. r speeches in London OD the 9:h January. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE 1969 thaI if Ihe latter conlinues Ihe attitude MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI L. N. of hosillitv tow.rds India. Ihen present MISHRA): (a) No. Sir. .trrangcment of aerial link bet weent Iwo (b) and (c). Do not arise. win.s of Pakislan over IndiJ will be dis- continued; and VeIIIdeI LylBa ID Central V,hiele (b) If so, whether "ny stells are DepOt. propollCld to be taken as a result of the persistent efforts by Pakistan to disbonour 2744. SHRI SAMAR GUHA: Will Tashkent Accord 7 Ih. Minister of DEFENCE be pleaied to state: THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL (I) the lotal Dumber of l~ lying AFFAIRS (SHRI D1NESH SINOH): (a) In sloeb In varioul Central Vehicle Depot> No Sir. under ~ Minialry ; (b) Does nOI arlle. 12' Wrl"en A'l$werl PHALGUNA 21. '890 (SAXA; 126

Re.lslon of Forelga AlIowaace to (c) whether the Government have also OtIIcerl Postpd Abroad reviewed their stand to establish diplomatic 2746. SHl" KAMIoSHWAR SINGH: relations in any form with that couDtry; Wili tbe Minister of EXTERNAL AF- and FAIRS be pleased to state: (d) if so, Government's recoasidered (a) whether the foreign allowance. re- stand in this regard: presentational ~5 and rental ceihngs THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE have been revised to suit the increased cost MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND of living abrodd of the Ind:an Foreign SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM Service officers and others posted abroad SEWAK) : (u) No, Sir. in various countries; (b) if so, in how m.,lny countries and (h) A statement showing the extent of in wbich year : and total imports from and exports to East (c) if not, 1 he reasons therefor? GermJny item·wise during the years 1966-67, 1967·68 and 1968-69 (April-NoYember) is THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL Llili on the T.lble of the House. [Placed III AFFAIRS (SHRI DINESH SIHGH): (8) to (c). Yes, Sir. The rates of foreign Lib"'r. See No. LT.3J7!69]. allowance, represenlational grant and rental (c) No, Sir. ceilings are ~ reviewed prriodkally nnd (d) Does not ar;'e. revised JS and when f(luna nece'isary. u~ ing the last live yo:"s (1964-1968). the ralC' Rdl.f Operations Undertakea by I.A.F. of foreign .Bowance and repre5'ntational Durin!! 196x grant for 75 Mission were revised on lhe basis of variations ih the cost of living. 2748. SIiR1 SITARAM KESRI : Will Durinll the sam" peri(>d, rental ceiling. (or the Minisl .. of DEFENCE be pleased 10 29 Missions were fhed or revised !'!nte : Trade Relations with East Germany (a\ :he number of relief operations un- 2747. SHRI P. C. ADICHAN : derlaken bv lhe Indian Air Force duriDIl SHRI BEDABRATA BARUA 1968 ; SHRI VASUDEVAN NAIR 1 (b) the number of persons saved hy SHRIBHOGENDRAJHA: the3e (lperatioDS ; and SHRI BIBHUn MISHRA Ie) the value of the supplies dropped to SHRI R. K. AMIN : neeuy persons 1 SHRI V. NARASIMHA RAO; THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE (SHRI SHR I MEETHA LAL SWARAN SINGH): (a) Four. MEENA: (b) 1,727 ~ were evacuated. SHRI K. M. KAUSHIK : (c) Thl< information Is nol readily SHRI D. N. PATODIA available. SHRI B. K. DAS CHOWDHURY: Ddenee ProductioD In Prl"'. Sector SHRIHARDAYAL Enalneerlng U.ltl DEVGUN: Will the Minister of FOREIGN 1749. SHRI R. K. AMIN: Will TRADE AND SUPPLY be pleased 10 ,re Mintster of DEFENCE be plealed to state: slate: (a) whether in view of the increasing trade with Eaq Germany. Government have (a) whether it i. a fact that tho lome decided to eSlablish a trade commission or of the defence production can be done in to reorg;lOise and strengthen the exhlioif privJIC"! sCClor cnaineeriui units ir the extent Indian trade representative's e"ablishment of secretivene" maintained in defence pro. in that country; and if so. in what way: duction i. relexed : and (b) the eXlent of tOlal imporls from (b) whether it ia a fact thai many items aDd exports to Ea.t Germany item-wioc are kept ~ ~l which ere Dot kept .1 durlo. the yean 1966-67, 1967-68 aad 1968· secret in other countriea aDd if 10, tbo ..... 1969 so far; 8001 tbcrcror 7 MARCH 12, 1%9 WrltUII ,4I1SW',.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE '.r«1f it; fioA ~~ ~ ~I -nm 'fT1T MINISTRY Of' DEFENCE (SHRI L N. MISHRA) : (.) A numt>er of item, reqll1r' 275"2 . "{I1:t" ~ ~ cd for Defeno. are alrc]dy being manuftc· .n : tured by engineerin8 units in the private '1') ;nUl ~ • : sector. The drawings and spedn.:alions ~ ~I : have to be Ireated as secrel TQ' it ~ ('[If; f'fo('f'fT ~ ~9~ SftTfff ~ ~ 'fTI!!T q''Ilfq1lf ll"T>II'IT '1ft t.:ft _IIR ~ ... : nf'l ~ Wff ff" ~ elllffT flf;('f'fT ~ Il~~ """ n.n . i[TT ~~ 1 ~ ~~I ('!f) ~ ll11 ij"'f ~ f'li" ~ ~~ 'fiT 'lf1tft q''f'foffll" 1fT.,.;rT ~ 1A''f Of'" ~ qf''''l"rr ~~ trrn "T'Tlil" 'Til" ~ IIu~ ll~~ IOOU IlTfc:f1:'fi C:'f >.fT'f" ~ 'li') ilCl;f it; f9"1:( 1:('" ~ ;1;1 ;f ~I I~ ~~1 ~~I~ 129 PHALOUNA 21,1890 (SAKA) 130

('I'} ~~ ~ (1') w ~ it; ~ a dii" ~~ DEVGUN: rn SHRI D. C. SHARMA: 1~ 'I>i" ~ ~ ~ fif'm"<'f ~l ~ SHRI BEN I SHANKER ~ n!!fi fif7:!1\"T il it..- ~ .mt I SHARMA: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL ~ ~~ flfi11Tlf if wrrGT ~ it; AFFAIRS be pleased to state: ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ;r 6 ~ (a) whetber UDited States of America 1969 ll~ ~ 't liT flfi ~ mlf- exploded ODe of the mightiest nuclear blasts in Nevadn desert on the 19th December, ~ 'fi1<.J ~

THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE (SHRI 2756 SHRI VISHWANATHA SWARAN SINGH): (a) 83. MENON: (b) Efforts are made to provide accom- SHRI JOYTJRMOV BASU : modutioD in the proximity of the place. of SHRI GANESH GHOSH: work, but thi> is not al ..... vs possible. SHAI K. RAMANI : (c) Officers and civilian. are Dot Will the Miaiuer of FOREIG N entitled to free Iran'port from residence 10 TRADE AND SUPPLY be pleased to office. JeOs and ORs (and equivalents) sl.te : reliding in GoverDmeDt c.ruartcrct situated at (a) wbclbcr GovcrnmCDt bave complete 131 Wrillt.n Answer. MARCH 12, 1%9 ed negotiatiom with foreign firms for the (b) whether Government have examined purchase of fertilizers ; the report; (b) if so, the details of nellotiation with (c) if so, the action taken thereoD ; each firm; (d) if not, whon the examination is (e) if not, the reasons for the delay; likely to be completed ; and lind (e) the reasons for t Le delay 1 (d) whether one of tbe reasons for delay i, the High prices proposed to be THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE charged by tht: ~ 'I MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE SEWAK): (a) The report being a confi- MINISTRY OF FOREIGN 1 RADE AND uential document, it is not possible to glYe SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM the details asked for. SEWAK): (a) Out of 1430 million S (b) Yes, Sir. West Eur(1pean Credits and S 6 million (c) The Mill was placed under an U. K. credit, negolhltions have been com- Authorised Controller in May, 1966. pleled in respect of $ 9.35 mi:lion and $ 6 mill!.", respeclively ; (d) and (e). Do not arise. (b) As a result of the nelotiations, ~ VictorIa Mills, Kanpur contracts have been placed with the firms as follows: 2758. SHIH BHAGA BANDAS ; MI .• NITREX AG. ZURICH SHRI GANESH GHOSH: Urea 37,000 metric tonnes SHRI K. RAMANI : SHRI P. RAMAMURTII Calcium - ~9. Ammonium Will the Minister of FOREIGN Nitrate TRADE AND SUPPLY be pleased to Ammonium 20,000 rerer to the reply given to Starred QuestIon Sull'h"le No. 46 on the 12th November, 196R Rnd state: In. UK (a) the sugse.tions made hy the Govern- Urea 71000 ment of U.P. ~. rt!starting the New Victoria' (e) and (d). Negolia'ion fM the utili;·,· Mills, KJnpur ; tion of I he balance of I he West European (b) whether Government have since Credits of S 4.95 million were proposed to considered the question of appointing an be held af,er fin.Ii,lng Ihe negotiolion, AUI tloriseu Controller; with the Japanese supplle". Negotiations (c) if so, the decisIon taken thereon: with the ~. Delegalion; and which were held during January 1969 were inconclusive as the prices quoted by them (d) if not, the reasons therefor? were not cons.iderell rc.\'\ona ble. THE DEPU fY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND IIhanathi Mill' Pondlch.. ry SUPPLY ISHRI CHOWDHARY RAM SEWAK) : ('I) The Government of Uttar 2757. SHRI VISHWANATHA Pradesh had suggested the appointment of MENON: "n ;\uthoristd Controller for the New SHRI NA!'.1HIAR : Vicroria Mills. They had also sURllesled SHRI K. RAMANI ; that nClloliation whh the workers 10 respect SHRI lIMANATH : of the workers who would remain un- Will the Mini"er or FOREIGN TRA[)E employed after the partial restarting of the AND SUPI'LY be plc.l«d 10 rcfer to the mills and with the bankers in rellard to repl; s,ven t., Ulhtarrod Question No. 12~ the funds required (or this purpose .houlel on the 19.1, N.,vembcr. 1968 an.1 state; be undertaken by the Authorised Controi- (a) the dctJils of the report submitted ler. That Government also offered to by the Inve'tis"ti"n Committee on the defer recovery of Government duel frOID j)f;j;rs l,r the Hh :r.llLi Mlil:-;, PHIlJkherr)' ; the "lill. f"r a perio<.l of one year ill tl1e PH \ LOUNA 21 1890 (SAKA) Wrl,,'11 .4"""'".< 134

first inl)tance and to freeze certain ~ ~ "I''I1'!'f it; if;;;it ~ ~~ ll~lI ~ ,ibl. liabilities of the Company under the (f"lT ~l

Recommendations or Ihe Energy Su".y iffI'! ~ "'liT ~ ~.~ ~ (II[) Cummillee ~ II[) ~l fcrli'l" it ~ ~

2759. SHRI M N REDDY: Will Ihe ~ I l~ll~II ~lll ~1 ~l \T'J1f PRI ME MINISTER be ple,,.ed 10 stale: ",<:Im: JI',{I ~ f'f;l:rT lfl:rT ~ 'f1'{ (ill Ihe mea.ures t"ken to pivc effeci ~ ;m ~1 ~ f'{,M ~ ~ ~ 10 the recommendations made by the ~I Energy Survey Committee to meel the eslimaled requiremenls of installed cap"cily wirh 6'Ya growth in National Income at 19.2 million kw in 1970·71 rbing to 28.12% million kw in 1975·76 ; Export or Coal (h) whether phased programme has already been laid down 10 "dhere strlclly 2761. SHRI P. VISWAMBHARAN: In t!1C Implemenlation of the scheme; Will the MiDlSl.r ot I OREIGN TRADE and AND SUPPLY be pleased 10 refer lu Ihe (1') Ir not. the reasons theJeror ? repl)' given to Unstun ell Questh'lI No. 2454 nn the 2~ No. (mber, 1968 "nu THE PRIME MINISTER, MINlsrER ~I ; OF ATOMIC ENERGY AND MINISTER OF PU,NNING (SHRIMATI INDIRA (") whether the Minerai. and Melal. CiANDH!) : (a) The Energy Survey Trading Curporation h"ve invited any Commitlee made projections uf l~ lenders since Septemher, 196H for Ihe requirements on the b ... ~ of .dternative exporl of coal; assumptions of annual ~ of growlh of (b) It' 80, whelher il i, one of the the t:l'onomy in general and the industrial i..:onJ itions uf the tender that the pUfchuhCS scch,r in IMrtLul.H, with 1960·61 a'i 111&: would b,,' l'llnfincJ 10 lollicri(s fully imple .. ~ It did not ~ that power menting 'he rr-commt'l1(hlions of the Wf.1gc development pl""s he based on allY ~ Board for Coal Inuu'tl'Y ; '''lU figure' SllCh as 6 per cent growl h of nation,,1 im:ume. (c) whether Governmenl through the Minerals and Trading Corporal ion (bl Doe. not arise. purchaseu coal ill the year 1968·69 ;01 lower (e) Poel not arise. rates from collieri.. which have Dot implemeDted Waf,e Bo. .ud recHnmendaliuns ~I srTtff ~ ~ ~~ ~~ III full? WCWll iiir ~. ...... 'Mqi IHE DEPUIY MINISTER IN IHE MINIST[RY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND :l7t1U. -ft ttlff srm'{en 1m•• 'p' : SUPPLY (SHkl CHOWDHARY RAM IfP'llT I~ .~. FlT ~l fll[ : SEWAKI : (al Yes, Sir. ("') iflfT ~ W'f ~ ~ .~.~ (bi Nn. Sir. 'fntTtr !fit ~ ~ 'Til M'R it W -mllf (.ft f... mITf"f implemented Wale Boafd", reC(lmmend4'" ff'fT ~ ~~ 1it'{ ~~ ~1ll~ 'R tlO[JS. Ib MARCH 12. 196!i ll~1I A",,_.

l~ ~I I~ 'tiT f.tIffcr if ~~ it; frrT ~~. ~1 CflT l!>T ~ 'flfl ~ 'fi'T l~ ~ ~I R<1T;l if; ~~~l e- : ~~~~~ (II» 'flfT ~ ~ ~. 1969 27M. ~ ~ "". ; 137 pHALOUNA 21, M90 ~ ,."Ilte. AMWtrI .31

'" ~ 'Ir.i ~ : (!if) Il~~ CIT f'li1Jit qf.:;ft ~~..... : ~I 1~~~l (l!T) l~ (ll). ".,., 'liT 'liT" ,Tif;c: ~1I ~ ~ it; 'F! lfi"l 'lift \II'lTRT ;r ~ ~ IIrTll'- 16ft ~ "PI hIfT : om: ~ ';PilT ~ '1lf (Chaff) if; t>i'i'r f'li : ~ ~ iliTll ;; 'Ii<: ~ ~ iIiT,l![ '1lf ~ (it i':<'f m l!I !lFn IfTfimI'l1f it .~ I~ ~ ~ '"""" ~l it 'fllT iliTlfifTji"t 'fiT t ? it "", tTt-rT .~ ~ 'PIft (.rt ftim ~ : 2766, lifT ~ ..~ ~~ : (iii) ~ (til). ~ ~l~1l * n ~ ~~ : it «f!f; ~ it, H ~ 1961l .r '" ~ ~ 11 ~ qrn..:t '1'); ~~I ~ iflfT i ~~1 If'N ".it ~ if.rr.t ~ I1'fI ~ fili : ~ QI'R ~ f... ~ ..rm ~ ~ (iii) iflfT ~I ~ 'I'tt ~ (IT) ~ flf; tmr 1f;lT 1f'IfT t. \m1T ~~~~~~ ~~~~ I~ i!t ;roT ~ 3I'A it; ~ >¢t ~~ I ~~..~~ ;@f'ti'hft; • ~ ~ W. """ ~11l 13'> MARCH 12. 1969 Wrl//II" AII6IHrI 140

!!iT ~ ~ t fifO ~ mqr ~ ~~ 'P-rT 'fiT ~ Cf'fO 'IiTt om;,m iiQ"T ~ f'1Cf ~ ,ft"!) q)"( ij 'IT'll liFff'iP-'lT 'fOl ~I ~ll ij, ~1l ~ fq;, ij 1l~ rn ('f) "llT"(Cf if; l~ ii 1~ 'Ift;;y) ~ 1l1~ ~ ~ ""'1Tii '1"( ~ if; ~ ~ m<: q-Tf;m-rii if; ~ ii ~ fiimii <,['fTit if; ~ 'fit fiiqcrtt I '1ft 'iT) ~~ ~~ il1lu ~lI if ~ ~ it iOT('ifTf'fO ii(l"( ~ it, !1.4 "') ~ ~ It" ~ 'fin ~ I l 'P"1fiT'I1f qh 26 ""'flFT, !1Jt\1J 'fOr, ~ if"!" el"T ij "{lrllflTT I ~~ mr LT-311J/61J it ~I fiil thereof; and f"fl<, limiT<: it "lIT ~ '1ft ~ ~ l~ (e) Ihe stt:ps taken 10 m,tinLlin high flli'f fm..,n 1F) '1ft iflfi ~ ; standards and also for ~ exports '! !flIT 1~ ~ ~ ~~ THE DI:I'UTY MINISTER IN (!!\") IHE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN ~ it ~ I'm fij;u; tro: llll~ 'fOT TRADE AND SUPPLY (SHItI CHOWDHARY RAM SEWAK) : ~I ~ fGlIT ~ ~ (a) dOJ (b). As an illeenllve and enco- (IT) ~ ~ ml:Cf it; '1HJ 1ll~ uragement to gpod export perfurmam.:c. 1li1 ~~ ~ '1rf;m-Tii ~ qrn ml:CfTll" Guvernment had cvolveJ aod aunouo,ed a Scheme of Awards to Exporter. for ~~ IIiT ~1 "tTT ~ ? outstanding export performlloce. Tbo Resolution on the subject is published io u~ "'" "''l[T (11ft rtiro ~ the G,:zetlc of loJ;a, Extraordinary, dated (iii) ~II ~~ q"{ ~ ~ if; 23rd November, 1968, as amended by the Resolution notifieu in Iht: Gazette OD the m ~l ~~ it lfH....-r'"{ ~ 16th Jaouary, 1969. ~ Ifi't ;fu: ~1I ~ ~ flt; throu&h the good 1{'"{ ~ ifll"T ~ I [J"'!fiT"I" ~ 'lIfT I offices of our Commercial representat ivea .~ w..n LT-319/691 abroad. the Dtrector General of Commer- ,'ial Ill~ and StaIlMlc•• 3t11eocics I~~~ I~ I,ke Export Promotioo Couocil, aoo 141 PHALGUNA 21.1890 (SAKA) 142

Commodity Boards, and tbe Indian ~~~~~ ~~ Council of Arbitration. ~~~1 Tbe Sleps taken for booslinl eaporls include the supply of imported raw ~ form ~~ (flIT for"6m!r) ma'eria!. for export produC:lion Ibroullh the import replenishment policy. supply of qf'fforll'lf t 'I'm ~ ~ "" selecled, impOrlant indigenous raw ;;flit 'lTorr ~1I ~ 'fiT .~- materials 3: ~l ~. l~ ll~ ~ m;mli ~ I assistance to make selecled exporl producls competitive in international markets, bank Airport ., Cbol••• ram (M...... s) credit al conce ..iC'nal rale C'f interest. drawback of u~ and concessiooul 1',,,1 2771. SHRI SEZHIYAN: Will the freight on Ihe movemenl of selecled export Minister of DEFENCE be plealed 10 products from inlaod centres of production stale: to the ports of export. (a) Ihe prollress made in bulldin, • modern airport at Choluvaram near llri ,,",'1'T'ft ~ 1I~ ...-f mT fm' Madrils; iii) ~. IfiT ~ (b) whether I'relimlnary studies have been completed by experts; and (c) whether the scbeme is propoled to 2770 . .n m ~ ~ .trelli be laken up in the Fourlh Five Year Pillo I511~ "ttl ~ 1f'lfT lI'il Iffilit IliT !o'IT period 7 -RiT ~ : THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE ~. ~ ~ ~ ISHRI SWARAN SINGH): (a) 10 (c). (iii) liri 1 herr are no plans at pr•• ent to develop it qiT CI"ti "tUif ~ f'li'f ~ lffiilll'T 'fiT Cholavaram airfie'd for the usc of tbe Air ll.~~~~~ ; Forer. ~ 'l'1IT ~ ~ ~ ~ it "tuor Import or Nickel r.... OIbII

~ ~ ~ 1fT<'T 'ti'T III'fIrnl' ~ I!JT I~ 2772. SHRI INDRA!IT GUPTA ll~ i[t, mIII'TIim ~ f;rll' fa' it flf>('f'ifT Wi'l Ihe Minisler of FOREIGN TRADE AND SUPPLY be pleased to Itale : I!JT ; !If\'R: (a) whelher any proposal hi. been (rr) 'flIT ~ ~ mr ~ it; received from the Government of Culla for I he sale of nickel 10 India In exehan.e ror qfu-f71f(l', ~ 1~ it; I~ 'fill' ~ "eel products; and mr iTifTt rr"t ~ iii! 1ft' ~ flli1lT (b) if so, Government', r ••ctloo ~ m thereto? (iii') 'flIT ~11 ~ l~ 11~. THE OErUTY MINISTER IN THE ~ iTn forllt.,- ~ ;if.{ 'ui;f 1fT<'T 'lOT MiNISTRY OF FOREIGN TR"DE AND SUl'l'l Y (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM ~~ ~. m 'fiT ~ ~ q ~ SEWAKI . (a) No specinc propolal for ~ IfT<'T IfiT f.rmf ~ Il~ ~ ~ I h. sa Ie of nickel 10 I ndi. In ~.. or steel product. has heen received from ~~~ l~ Cuba. (b) Does 001 arl,e. •"mlli -n.m: "trT '1"" ~I if ...-'F-ft ~~ ~ ~ ..): ('ti') Q (If). qRf ~ ~ f"l''f it ~ 1ft mflr" 2171 DR. KARNI SINGH: t, flliit ;if.t ~ ~ "'trT To!' tm...;. SHRI NARAIN SWARUP ~ !fA 'Ifror it; Rqfa) t ~ q;Jfm SHARMA: 143 MAReH I~. '969 W,men Aft",,,, I'"

SHRI RAM SWARUP international machinery (or the promotion. VIDYARTHI: of the exploration "nd exploitation of the KUMAR I KAMALA resourcos of this area Bnd' ahe UJe of these K UIICA R I : resources in t,he inter""t. of mankind, SHRI OM PRA"'ASH taking into special consideration the needs TYAGI: of the dovelapin. couatries. Will Ihe Minisler of EXTERNAL Furlhermore, Ihe 18·nation Disarma- AFFAIRS be pleased to state: ment Commtttee has also been instructed (a) whether India is fully represented to eXlmine ways and means of demililaris- on the 42·natlon permanenl committee set ing the .ea-bed and the ocean floor. up by the U. N. General As>embly for the ~ll of the sea ~ ; Review Committee on S T C (b) if so, by whom: 2774. SHRI YISHWA NATH (c) which are the other p.lfticipating PANDEY; nations; SHRI K. LAKK ... PPA : (d) what precautions GovemmeDt SMa. A. SREEDHIIRAN have taken 10 safeguard against any SHRI HAIWAYAL nation establishing naval outpoSiS Hnd DEVGUN: submarine bases in the I ndiun Ocean u~ SHRI SITARAM KESRI the garb of inlernational sea-bed exploita- SHRI B. K. DAS- tion ; und CHOWDHUltY : (e) whelher any agreement has been SHRI CHENGALRAYA made as 10 in whal proportion the NAIDU : exploited wealth beneath the Indian Ocean SHRI D. N. PATODIA : will be shared between Ihe participant Will the Minister of FOREIGN D.tloBS VI,,"u·vts India? TRADE AND SUPPLY be ,,;oased to refer to the roply givell to Unit;",e\! THE MINISTER OF EXfERN ... L Question No 263 on the 12th November, AFFAIRS (SHRI DINESl-I SINGH) : (a) 1968 and state: Yes, Sir. (a) whether Government ha"" ,ioce (b) The Parmancnt Ropre,entalive of considered the rewmmendations made by Indin to the United Nations. the Review Committee on the State lei Argentinl, Au,tralia. Austria. Trading Corporation ; Be1aium. Brazil, Bulgaria. Cameroon, (bl if .0. lbe ~u thereof; lind Canada. Ceylon. Chile. Czechoslovakia. (c) if 1101. when tbey are likely to be EI Slllvador, France. Iceland. Italy, Japan, considered? Kenya. Kuwait, Liberia. Libya, Mada,nscRr. Malaysia, Malta, Mauritania. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Mexico, Nigeria, Norway. Pakistan, Peru, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE POllilld, Romania. Sierra Leone, Sudan, AND SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDH ... RY Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago. U. S. SR. RAM SEWAK): (a) to (c). Government U. A. R. U. K. United Republic of have con,idered Ine views and rrcommell· Tanzania. U. S. A. and Yugoslavia. dations contained in the interim report of (d) and (0) : The General A.sembly in tne STC's Review Committee and are in ill Resolo:tlon No. 2467 adopted at its east gtneral air cement with them. The session has inslrucled the Committee on recommendat ioos In tbe R.port for tbe Peaceful Uses of the Se.·bed and the ~ of tho Board and other organi- OCean Floor beyond the Limits of National sational m.tterl have bee" aareed to by Jurisdiction of study measures for ensurinl the Government. Most of them have been the reserv"tlon exclusively r", peaceful implemented by the Corporation. Tbe purposes of tl>e sea-bed and the ocean final report of the Review Commiuee il floor. It has ai,,, requested the U. N. ~ ip a few week's time. Govern- SecratarY-Oeneral to undertake a study on ment will take suitable further action When '!ucatlon of ••tabU,bins appropriate they receive tina' roport. 145 Wrl"e" A"...,'I PHALOUNA 21. U9J (SAKA) W,/lI." AlISwe" 146

~~~ ~ ~ fi;r'iltl, .~ ~~ ~~l ~ ~. ~ ~ 2775 . .n ~ "" : I~~ 2776 . .n .rmT ~ : ro I~ lIQlqn: i,'IlqT 'Jfi.'l ~ ~ .~~~ .erA 'lit 'FfT ifii:it flli : om ~. Rfrm "1IfT,m ~ ~ (iii) ~ f'ffif -~ ~ it ~ 'lit F'1T 1I~ flli : ~ it; ~ ~ IR' fe:llT ~ m: (iii) i'!it ~ ~I ~~ l~~~~ ; I!iPfo:ft ;1r I~ if; f.,-if mm ~ ~ ~ W ' i!; 'fiT'l' rn 'fT ~ll ll~~~ ~IIl 1I~ ~l f1I;1rr ; ~1 9;fR "'Q ~ 5f'fR '!iT ~ lfiTlf 1Ii{ ~~ ~ W q;1f ~ ~~ if; ~ if ~ ~1 ~ ~ llif ('1') ~~ q;lT 'lit l'll'T'f;:rT i!; ~ 9;fTi[ ro 'IIh fl!i;r-fl!i;r 3~ iii{ ~ ~ ; (flli ~ f"fi'9''IT ~~ ~ ~ 7 m: ('1') ~1I ifi'll if ~II pnq;;r ~ ~ If"mrlli ~ (f," ~ 'I"'lm'fII' if qr;;r (fI!i ~ ~ ,,<'I'm' F ~ ? --~ ~ ~.ll WI' m) : (iii) 1511~ ~ "m'1' ~~ '1''IT f'ff'l1PR) ~ll11 I\'"im..- ,,1fT "'""" if ~ (.n ~ m): ~ 1951 'r't ~ 19Ci I ;if. OfTlJ: ~ ~ ;]1I ~I ~ ~ ft'crf..l;r ri. VI' ~I~1 lIil''I'ift 0 i!; f\i1Z 9;fTm fllillT ?1'T I f\i ~~~~~ HUj.195:! (l!f) ~9 ~1I W"T ~ if; ~ ~ ~~ ~. i!; ~ ~l (f""fiTlI 9'lIT f'ff.f- lfiT f('fif fllillT \/fl I lfll"-) ~-l 1951 'tt ~- f"-lfl1 1t f.:rlfIi ri ifliT (f'-l'T wIT

1965 III 7r.2 95 (1Of) ~ (IT) iIr mit, lIi! ~ 1966 123 751 107 :mr'f 'flfT ~ I 1967 124 766 107 196H 1:14 82H 105 9~.~ fimf",",", ...t

2~7. osn ~ ... ~ {TnT fimI" ~~ '""1'" .n ~~1l1 ~ 2777. o;fl 5~ ~ : 'fr.rr ~~ ~ ~ ~~ IF'lft ...1 lf5T ~ ~ : .~ i[1\f.t ;tT !>'lr l~ fiF : 'f11"T cf ifm; e1fT'm: iflifT ~ ll~ (iF) ~ I~ f;mr ll~ lTQ i[1\f.t

(1Of) ~ f.:T, crT ;Oll'fr ol:l"r 'flTl ~ ? f{" ..mlfi IqfQIT ~I ~ ~ q ~5I alfT'lH <{lIIT ';1m ~l111 i!i :;Q1'f"llT (.u ~u mI' ~~ (iF) ;JQ1Of1 (... 1 ..1",,1 l:T" ~I : ('Ii) ~~ ;0 ~I (f'I'FT!l 'filT .ll~ l~ "li[ ~ '1T ~~ ~. ~- ~ fJl<'!l f"f 0 'fFT,!, if ~l 19f.1 "ITlJ ;o.r !lI'Tq (f'fiFHf Cf·'n f9f'flT1H) .~ll III" 1 -~ ~ f"fo ~ f'fillTI'f t:('ti'ti it. ;J'W"f! it. 'f'CfITIT ~ CWlff if; ~ '-TT ~ 14.8.11152 ifi't ~~l it. f.nt q!f.r ~Il n:'Ii'Ii it. ~ it; .~ qrm f'FlTT 'iT I ~ f'flTl "fT I ~ ~ ~ wrT ~ it; ("l) iF.'l'fr OfT 311ft 1954 ~ of"fr· ~ if; ~ ~ ~ (fIl\T f!ff'f· . 'fT'/IO(o:r)/49 !l"ll'f) m'ff.:nni, 1951 ~ ~~ 23 (I) If.<:ITf 'l"l1rn:'l'l !l 0_ --'-l~ .. 2~I47 it' o;Nt;r ~I1 ~ ITlTT ?;IT I ~ f

;mr) it ~l i't 1961 it ~ (

~~ ,"lTr (fann) lWlf ~ ~~ ~ 'fi'iI'<'TT $ ~~ q'{ ~ f'Fit l'f'it Iflit!fT if; ~ If{ ~ ~ 1m: 1963 42 247 14000 ~ ~ 3i'ifT{ q'{ ~ ifTt lTt ~ 1 1964 40 305 l1wf'l' ~~ (f'fi ~ it. 450 lTifG"T 'fiT 196;' 16 (6 I~ 133 qr:;rJfTlH 'fl1T ~ ~ .~. 'fiT IF{ ~l (6 l'frn) ~ ~ I.~ 3~l1 'l',{ ~~ ~ 1966 16 (9 l~ 98 'iI"Fi:r 'Tlr arr;;r) 1FT H 'liTJfl if; l~ll ~ it 9;JT"Tl'fTl1T !flIT lIT 1

2779, ..n ~ ~I : iflIT rimn 'liiifG"R 'tm if; ~~ ilJif-\fT ~ ~ ~ ~ 1FT Fn lfiii\' fIF : Il~ 11167 it ~ Ifi'T 'Tf tft' I ~ (IF) 'flIT ~ ~ ~ fIF '«f'fIF ~l ~~ ilTcmi ~ ~. it '[el i'j I~ t% i'r!ii it ~ ;;m;:ft i't ~ $ ~ ill' "fin, ~ el"f it ~ el':f if ~l if li'fTtlfi If{ ~ ~ ~ ~l ~~ fWOf ill';:rr W'l7.T ~ 20()()O" ~ lfT;;r;r lff,qq. I .~ "'rlf ;itt "fl I~ ~ eh ~ foru: fWOf ~ it snrTlJWI"F ~ll mr ~I if; 'Ft;{ 'fit it ihrr 'fll"T "

~ ~ .. q ~. ~ our Embas.y and Governmellt is also namining the method of recruitment and ~ ~ ~ """ 1.~~ ~~ rt connected malterI->. ~~~~ I 1967-68lt ~ ~ ~ 484204,85 ~ If;"t l~ """ Reputrlation of Indian Seamen Detained at Durban 1n';;n' ~ 'li;;r, lII~ ClfTi;f ~~ ,;mr ~- ~ ~ f";-lIT ~ I 1 2782. SHRI K. LAKKAPPA : n;;r 1968 ~ 31 ~ 1968 1!'1f; it; f;:rtz SHRI SAMAR GUHA : SHRI SURENDRANATH ~ t 14-8340,97 m I DWIVEDY :

Indian 'feacber. W"rklnlln EtIIl"pla Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state

2780, SHRI E, K, NAYANAR : (a) whether it is a fact that Govern- SHRI A. K. GOPALAN : ment have represented to the South SHRI GANESH GHOSH: Africdn Goveroment for the repatriation SHRI P. RAMAMURTI : to India of 36 Indian seamen of a Will the Minister of EXTERNAL freiahter which was arrested in Durban AFFA I RS be pleased to st ate: recently; and (a) the number of Indian Teachers (h) if SI', the rewlts therrof? working in Elbiopi. at present: Ib) whether it is a fact tha' the THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL Elhopian Government are directly lecrui- AFFAIRS (SHRI DINESH SINGH): (a) ling teachers from India: and (b). The 36 members of the Indian (c) whetker Government have made crew ",ere stranded In Durban as their any allrecment with Ethiopia with rellard ship "CYRUS II" of Iranian Registry was to their deputation; attached by the Sherrif for nonpayment of wales and other dues to its crew and (d) if so, the main points of the laree- harbour authorities. nlent ; Ie) whether it is al.e a fact that the The Government nf India did not make Ethiopian Government have not hen fully any representation to the South African implemenlinp the "BTten>ent ; and Government hut in8lructed its High Commission in London to arranse repatria- (f) if the .clion I.lken by the so. tion of the 36 Indian seamen by the British Government "f I ndia for ito implementa- India Steamship Comp"ny's ship S. S tion? "KARANJA", which sailed from Durban THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL on January 13, 1969, and arrived in Bombay AFFAIRS (SHRI DINESH SINGH): (a) on February 7, 1969. Our Emba.,y in Ethiopia has reported the latest estimate of the number of Indian Teacher. in that country a. 840. Reception In F"rt Wlllla... at CaJcqtta (b) Yer, Sir. (c) No. Sir. 2783. SHRI SURENDRANATH DWIVEDY: cd) Does not arise. SHRI KANWAR LAL (e) and (f). Indian teachers selected by GUPTA: the Ethiopian Authorities enter into direct SHRI BHARAT SINGH contracts with the Ethiopian ~. CHAUHAN: Our Embassy in Addis Ababa have received SHR I HUKAM CHAND complaints from Indian teachers alleging KACHWAI: th"t the terms of Ihese contract. are nor SHRI K. LAICKAPPA : full) obs

SHRI SATYANARAIN (b) The action taken by Governmeot SINGH: on the various recommendation made by Will the Mllli.ter of DEFENCE be lhe U-N. ream on Export Production was pleased 10 slale : indicated in the statement attacbed to Unstarred Question No. 4744. Given below (a) wbetber it is a facl Ihal G. O. C.- is further progress in reepect of some of tbe in-Chief, Ea,tern Command had issued recommendalions. Position reaardinl permilson to hold reception at the Officers' other recommendations remains unchanaed. Instltule in Fort William on De,ember 27, 1968 ; SALES PROMOTION (b) if so. w:,eth er th!s re..:cption was A projrcl 10 deIPl'min" the Iype of export held on the appropriate dale; and sale. rfforl "eeded i" pr.· .• e"t major ~ (c) the number of invitees invited for menlJ of I~ o"gunic ;:I.em,eul i"dustre" the reception? UNDP has suggested that, to bealn THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE (SHRI with, India may con

A.IBm RIDes Personnel's Clash In Section 125 of Ih. Army Act. The recording Varanasl of summary of evidence allainst them is In progress. 2786. SHRI VISHWANATH PANDEY: Will the Minister of DEFENCE be pleased Export 01 Cloth to refer to Ibe reply given to Unstarred Question No 1416 on the 20tb November, 2787. SHRI VISHWANATH ~ 1968 and stat" : Will the Minister of FOREIGN TRADE (a) whelhar the polke ha; since finished AND SUPPLY be pleased to state: their investigations in regard to the Assam (al the special incentives given for the Riftes Personnel's clash in Varsnasi and export I)f cloth to the mill. powerloom and submilted the report; handloom sectors; dnd (b) if so, the resul! tbereof ; and (h) tbe e


(All fi&ures in Rs. Crores] ------Yasr Mill Exports of Cotlon Powerloom Total Sector Textiles H.lOdloom Sector Sector

1966 70.61 8.14 .42 79.17 1967 M2.21 8.64 .70 9~ 1968 94.71 7.27 .96 102.94 (Provisional) ------_._---- Trade "lth USSR from U.S S R. during 1968 (January-Novem- her) is Rs. 1172 ~I million. 2788. SHRI VISHWANATH PANDEY: (bl The main Items imported are Will the MinisttT of FOREIGN TRADE machine lools, power and clcctro·tccbDical AND SUPPLY be pleased to state: equipment, mining equipment. generatiD& (a) the value of 1I0ods Imported from sets, construction and earlhmuvin. equip. U .S.S. R_ durin. 1968 ; ment. lifling anJ transport equipment, (b) Ihe main Items imported: and metallurllical equipment, geolusical pros- (c) the total value or exports of Indian pecting and 011 drilling equipment. printiD, loods 10 U.S.S,R. and the bal.J.Il';1.! ~ tr.Hje machiocry. labllralory equipment. ball roller with tbat country during the year under and taper bearings. wheel tractors, oil pro- review and durin8 the proccdina ye,lr ? ducts, rulled steel products. tin plates, sine. platinum, chemicals, dye-intermediates, THE DEPUry MINISER IN THE ammonium sulpbate. muriate or potash MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND f.lW asb.:,uos. refra\,;torics. wood pulp. SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM newsprint. medicines and drulls in bull... SEWAK) : (II) Tbe value of .oods imported Ie) Total value of exports from India PHALOUNA 21, 1190 (SAKA) ISS

10 U.S.S.R. durinll January to November, AIRS be plea.ed to state the full text of 1968 i, Rs. 1301.19 million. Balance the Commonwealth Treaty between Indiu of [rade wilh U.S S R. during 1968 (January and U. K. ? -November) was favourable [0 India to THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL the eztent of Rs. 68 million. During 128 AFFAIRS ISHRI DINESH SINOH) : the corresponding period (January 10 There i, no Commonwealth Treaty between November, 1967), the balance of trade was India anJ U. K. favourable to India to Ihe exlent of Rs. 329.35 million. Recruitment of Minorities In Defence Senlcts

Arrest ." an Indian Stud .. n t in West 2791. SHRI JYOTIRMOY BASU : GermftllY Will Ihe Min,sler of DEFENCE be pleased to 'laic the Slatewise recruitment of eacb ~ SHRI GEORGE minority community in the defence services FERNANDES: during Ihe la,t three year. ? SHRI JYOTIRMOY HASU : Will the Minhler of EXTERNAL THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE (SHRI AFFAI ~ be please:' 10 slale : SWARN SINGH) : Community.wise stati- (a) whelher hL, allention has been stic.;; of recruitment into the Air Force nnd drawn 10 press reports on the 161h January, Ihe Navy aro nol maintained. In the case PI' the Army, some statistics are kept relat. 1969 that an Indian student, who W,IS ing 10 recruil'llenl from dllferent Iraditional arrested in the ~lllll demoostralion at Heildelberg UniverSIty In West Germ"n). '''"rees. II will not he pos.,hle to Indi. is In be expelled; \.:i:lte commllnity·wisc recruitment into the DeFence Services during the last three (b) whether the Indian Ambassador in years. Bonn was approached in the matter; and (c) if so, the result thereof? sn"fut.; ~ THE MINISTER OF EXfERNAL ~~ ~ ~ AFFAIRS (SHRI DINESH SINGH) : (a) to 2793. II;fi rn (e). An Indian sludent, Shri PJdJms

~ ~1 I ~ ll~ ~ ~ ~ (b) and (e). The States are expe,·ted to make suilable provision in their respec- ~ ~~ ~1 ~- I ll~u ~ iArf live Plans for lhe speedy development of ~~l1l~I ~ ~ ~ lhese areas. Outlays will be finalised by I!>'T ~l ~ ~ ~ oft ~ ~ lhe Slates afler the National Oovelopment Con(,cil has considered lhe Drafl Fourlh ~ 9 l~ ~ it"" Cl'if;, ~ Five Year Plan. ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~~ qr{ iti if 'Ff ful!; R<",ntn,,·nt By MiDlstrl •• Cuts In qN lfHf ~ it"!";:r ~ 1~ ~1l ~~ F3Urtb PlaD ~ m!;f";p.T ~ ;;rti't ~ ; 2795. 01(. MAHADEVA PRASAD: ~ ~ ~~ iTT(l ~ fif; ~ SHRI O. C. SHARMA : SHRI BEN! SHANKER el'\1" if ~~ ~l I" lfm ~ i\7r;; SHARMA : ~~ ll~~ ~ ~l ~ F,n: ~ SHRI HARDAYAL DEVGUN: SHRI RANJIT SINGH: ~ ~ qiIT ~ ;;IT ~ ~ 'I< ~ I f;:rll'- Will lhe PlUME MINIS fER e pleased flf(l ~ if nr.if ;'t ~ ~ f<'ltT ~~ to ::;tate : ~ ~ ~1 '!it i;T(lT, ~ ~ 'H (a) whelh« it is a fact lhat Rlnsl of ".g lhe Cenlral Mini,tries have resenled lhe ~ lIUo'I' f!f;ll'T ;;rT'fT ~ I qi?: ~ II'Tit- culs in lhe FUlI"h Plan Seclorial aliocalioDs fuif; ~ ~ ~~l ~ f'fn: I~ ~ ';3',"", proposed hy lhe Planning Commission; and ~I (b) if so, Governmenl's reactL)Jl ( If) ~ ('if) . ll~ if; ~ ~ll thereto ? ~l ~ f"n: ';3'wrr 't. ;ffilfR I~

2798. SHRI HEM RAJ: Will the (0) whether any rules have been framed by Government for their recogni.lon 7 Minist" of DFfENCE h' ple"',,, to sta!e : (a) whelher the .. Id mililury pen- THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE sioners have represented to Government (or MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI M. R. the enl1anl'cme-ol ur their pensioQ due KRISHNA) : (a) to (c). Governmenl have 10 the riling co,1 of J:ving; not recognised anv Association or Union of ex.-servicemen as such and there lire no (b) if so, whether ~ have rule. framed for ouch recognition. No ~ rheir l"tSe aDd the decision ritatistics about u~ ~l8 ore taken thereon: maintained. OoYCrnmcDt, however. coni i- (c) whClhtr il is R fact that there is nue to b" interested In Ihe welfare of ex- great resentment a"ong the ~ .trvicemen throuah the Indian Soldien' men on Ihe u~l of discrimination 01 Sailo ..' and Airmen'. Board and deal on 'he rates 01' pensioo') to the old and new merits with Munestion. emanating from pensioner! ; and any orllanisation concerned with the wei· (d) if.o whetber Oovernmenl propose fare of ex.-servicemen. to do away with this diSparity bel ween the old and the new pen\ioner!\? Fund. Instituted fnr Welrare or -~l ... n

THE MINiSTER OF DEFENCE (SHRI 2800. SHRI HEM RAJ; Will Ihe SWARAN SINOH): (d) Yes. Sir. Min;'ler of DEFENCE be ple.oed 10 stal, . (b) Old Military pen"oners have been (a) the different kinds of funds which jven relir in Ibe shape oltelDparary have been iostituled by OoverDlIICnt r"f 163 W,i'tln An.'we" MARCH 12. 11169 164 the welfare of ex-servicemen and service to tbe State/U.T. coacemed. If, however, personnel which are administered throulh tbe collections made b)' anov State/U.T. is Soldien, 'Sailors' and Airmen', Boards; more tban the larllel fiud for them, Ihe (b) the amount of money that has been ellcess amount collected by It is also allo- collected or alloated to each one of them; caled 10 il after dcductin, 10% for Ihe and Resene Fund The balance is distributed to tbc Ihree Services and other orlanlla- (c) the amount< which have been liven tions like Services Sports Control Board, to the different States and Union Terri- Indian Red Cross Societ)', Military Hospi- tories in 1966·67. 1967 68, and 1968-69 and tal, A UNDH and Mililary Hospilal the principles on which they are allotted NAMKUM. to them? THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE NIIIIl1ler of Ex-aer,lee_. io ladl_ MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI M. R. KRISHNA) : (a) There arc a number of 2801. SHRI HEM RAJ : Will Ibe funds instituted by the Government for Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to slate: the welhre of ex·Stryicemen and service (a) whether aoy enumeration bas been personnel which are administered by a made of the ex·servlcemen in the couatry: separate Managinl Committee for each ~ funds. The followinll t",o fund. are (b) if so, their number, State and administered Ihrough the Soldiers, 'Sailors' Union Territory-wise? and Airmen's Board :- THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (i) ISS & A Board Fund administered throulh the Indian Soldiers, 'Sai- MiNiSTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI M. R. lors' and Airmen', BOllrd directly; KRISHNA) (a) No, Sir. and (b) Does nol arise. (ii) amounll allocated to the various Siale Boards out of the Flal Day /PpolntmeDt of Cllle'. of Stall' Fuad collected every year on ds02. SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES t Armed Forces' FlaB Day. Will tbe Minister of DEFENCE be pleased (b) (i) ISS & A Buard Fuad corpus to slate: consists of Rs. 17,21,919/-. The interest adsiol out of it i§ (a) whether Government have chanaed .pent in giyintl special peasioas the exlsling rule/coavealion of appointing to bliaded ex·servicemea @ Rs. the Chief. of Staff in the Defence Senice 15/- p.m. directly by the ISS 6 montbs prior to the retiremenl of the ct A Board. exist ina incumbent; and (ii) Flail Day Fund (b) if so, the reasons for the chanae? Rs. 22,99.510.10 Collected in 1966 THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE Rs. 27,18,613.73 Collected in 1967 (SHR! SW!\RAN SINGH): (a) Tbe selec· Figures for Ihe year 1968 are nol yet tioa of Ihe Chief. of Ihe Army, Navy and Air Siaff is limed so as 10 allow for a available. smooth handioll over of charae by the (c) Tbe amount allotted to the various outgoina Chief OD the due date and the Stale Boards out of Ihe Flag Day Fuad In filling up of the resultlnl cbala of vacancies. 1966 & 1967 arc giyen in the statement No rule or convention ellists in this rellard. laid un the Table of the House [Placed I" (b) Docs aot arise. l.,b,ar.v. ~ Nil. LT·320'691 The alloca· tinn h mude on the followiag basis : 'adeDtltlcatioa of Back"ard Areal ID Orl_ 10% of the total collections made by various l~l ii retained at the 2803. SHRI CHINTAMANI PANI- Centre ia tbe Resene Fund, subject 10 GRAHl: Wlllihe PRIME MINISTER be a minimum of Rs. I lakh. Oul of Ihe pleased 10 slate: remainder 4'% of thc collections made (a) wbelher Ibe Orusa Govern_at by a pClfticul;lr StRictU T. IS reallocale,1 was asked 10 identif,. mutedl)' bac Itw;'rd PHALGUNA 21, 1890 (SAKAI Wrltte" AIISWers 166 areas on the basis of selected indicators "I' economic and social developmenl; (b) if so, wbether this was done by the 2806. '" ~ ~~ : Iflfr ,,·ifutlr Orissa Government; and Rnm ff'n 'iff..r..-"t ~ ~ ~ !i'fl' (e) the details thereof and the basis rn fiI;: for ideDtifylnl such areas? (IF) 'I'mi' ':f'fT ~ "" lfmrrlf q;"l THE PRIME MINISTER, MINISTER ITU "I1TWT 50 ~ ~ ~ it ~ ~ OF AUTOMIC ENERGY AND MINISTER ~-l 1FT f'l'lfT<:f f'fiif·f'fiif {m ~ f.I;lrr OF PLANNING (SHRIMA11 INDIRA GANDHI): (a) to (e). Yes, Sir. Alleniion orriflJT q-h ~ 5~ IfIfT ~ ; is in\'ited 10 the replies given to Slarred ~ ~ l~6l ~ ~ Question No. 1265 on July 20. 1967 anJ IIiT Unstarred Question No. 3698 on December fffia' ~~ il'iJR ~ ~ ~ ~ II, 1967. (q) ~~ ~ll it ~I 1m IfIfT 'fit ~ ~ ;;rr ~ ~ ? Export of Rail Wallons 10 U.S.S.R. ~I lift,", CI '" if" if 2804. SHRI BHAGABAN DAS: """'"' ... If ("'I ~ "" ~ SHRI NAMBIAR : .r.n 911'1Ii) : 1ft SHRI B. K. MODAK; ~u ~ ~l ~ t ~ Il~ frrm SHRI MOHAMMAD ISMAIL: ~I ~ it;

IDdla-Ja\NUI COIIaDtt,t1n Meeting THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI DENESH SINGH): 2807_ SHRI D_ N. PATODIA : ,a) No indication has 80 far been SHRI VALMIKI received officially from any State CHOUDHARY: specially In respeci of pereon. of India SHRI P C. ADICHAN origin likely to be forced 10 SHRI MAHANT leave cerlain African countries. However, DlGVIJAINATH: immigrants are still admitted into various SHRI DEVEN SEN: u~ under varj ing L:onditions prescri- SHRI P. N. SOLANKI bed by the Government> concerned. SHRI D. R. PARMAR (h) Doe. not arise. SIIRI ONKAR LAL BERWA: (c) Does nOI arise. SHRI KIKAR SINGH: ll~. of Films "lth Pakistan Will the Minisler of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pltased to .tate : 2R09. SHRI D. N. PATODIA (al whether it is a ~ that the fourth SHRI SRADHAKAR con'lIi1uti\'e meeting between India and SUPAKAR: Japa ... was held «cenlly ; SHRIMATI TARA SUPRE SHRI BIBHUTI MISHkA : (bl If 50, the points discussed thereat; and Will the Minister of FOREIGN (c) the decision taken in this re,ard ? TRADE AND SUPPLY be pleased to slate: THE MINISTER OF EXTfRNAl (H) whether it i. a fact thul ~l AFFAIRS (SHRI DlNESH SINGH, : (a) have once again been ~ between lndia Yes. Sir; from Ihe 3rd to the 5th Februa- and Paki,tan for Ihe exchange of films bel- ry, 1969. ween the two ul~ which remain (h) Bilateral relations belween India 8u"pended tit present; and ~l. ctJrrent !iiilu8tion in Asia, (b) whether it i, also a faci Ihal issues lit rhe- Unittd Natioo8 and inlerna- Motion Pictures PrC'uucers' ~~l ~ lipnn\ qllt!-.tlon of 1('1 both hR. already covered some ~u in the count. ies. matter and some favourable re,\ctions have (e) These con'lIi1atl,e meetlnps, are been r of manganese ore of emh""ies "nd High Commi"ions : and dilferent grades for shipmen, In 1969 to West EUfl>pean countries. k) the exp"rt orden that have (c) No, Sir. materi,IIsed tbroulh tbeir efforts durina lhe I~ three yenrs ? (d) DoCIO not ari... THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE ~l of Manlane•• Or. MINI!'iTRY OF FOREIGN TRADF AND SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM 2MI!. SHR I S R. DAMAN1 : Will SEWAKI : (a) Yes, SIr An order for 9 Ihe Mini"., of FOREIGN TRADE AND units of Tal. P & H Roller Crane Sl'PPLY be pI.... ed t(l >late: Acce,.ori« and parts yalued at R, 37.58 (al ",be, her it b a Is,t tba, l"dI. can lakho ha. been received from ~ll by im.:rea!ie her maogHoeec orc exports hy Mis Tata Enainecring and lowDlotiyel of brlnllng about benetidation of the ore; India. (bl and (e) The Commercial/Trade (b) the efforts made 10 'Iudy and ll~ of the Governme,,' olt'ein fore.., pla.t practice. ; and or India In foreiln c(luntri.. are kert (c) ",lwKher blenlll..., or.. hom of informed of India's dcYelopln, ••~ different areas i, being followed '0 reduce capabilitl.... Th_ rrpr_ntatw. __I pboaphorous content 10 aca:plable pel'CCen- considerable etro,lt aad loa- 18 tage for export purpose. and if DO', tile pr_DI of orde.. part.icWarI, ..h. an reasons tbereof ~ impon.. happeD' to be "Govcram.'. It i., h_... er, 80t POlllblc 10 mate aar THE! D!!PUTY MINISTER IN THE ]neumenl or Ihe value or orden procur.d MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND tluout/l 'he ..cluliYe .ffOrl or theoe SUPPLY ,.HRl CHOWDHARY IlAM representallYCS. SeW",,) : C.) Not IleClllllariiy. 1M.. Pro.... I. PakAI&M \bl A Bub-committee 0' the Mtnenl 0.. £aport Adviaory Cclllllll"... that hal 281). SHRI S. R. DAMANI : • ...u.d the .....ed.liOll ~ .. ado ....s SHR.I BAL ILAJ MADHOIe. in U. S. S. R., Bru,l. euoa, U_ I. A .• Will 1M MlDla ..r or EXTUNAL Ga.Ioo. eCc., i. of tile o.i ...... that I .... AFFAIRS be .,..... 10 Ital. : 0 .. are more c.... _ II8d reqt*e_ON (a) _batber. decMIoD ~.. beea ..... I?I MARCH 12. 1969 ~ III~ on the question of takina to the World (b) No, Sir. The contracts were fina- Court the auction of Indian properties in lised by negotiation. Pakistan by that Government ; (c) The prices for both the items are (b) if not, what is the present tbink- competitive in comparison into those of 11'11 of tbe Government on t his issue; other countries who are already supplying (c) whether this topic came up for these commodities to IDdia. discussion t>etween the representatives of the two countries at any subsequent meet- Inll and with wbat , resull ; and (d) whether Government would consi- 28];,. 15ft • W"!f 'flIT lI~ der tbe withholdinll of any kind of payment due by India to Pakistao till the i .. ue is ~ ~ 'if! l'fr"lJ'f ~ ~ iFf WIT settled; and if not the reasons tharefor? ;Rtt ~ TH£ MINISTER OF EXTERNAL ~ 'Ill]' lR1fm: ~ ~ ~ if; AFFAIRS (SHItI DINESH SINGH) : (a) ~.. ~ ~ ~I 11~~ and (b). After due consideration. 'he Go- if; 'f>"T1i if U'ilf vernment continue to hold the view ~ ollT'l'l1: f"flTl'f '1>1 ~ '1'l: ~ ~ ~ tbe whole question of properties and assel, taken over by either side in connection wit h ~ the 1965 confilct shoud be resolved bilat ..- ~ ~ ri, m- ~ Ifll]' ~ ~ ; ally between India and Pakistan as provi- ded for in tbe Tashkent Declaration. (If) ~ ~l ~ ifF; mlITCf ~~ (c) No Sir. ~ I1~.. oll]''1rfDii '1>1 'Ill]' ~u (d) In view of the answer given tll f;r<;it ~ ~ ? parts (a) and (b) above. no such proposal w,nm(

(h) wbetber it is also a fact tbat some (e) the number of meetings beld during nf the Staff member of the High Commis- the last two years ? sion are knwon to hold pro-Cbina views and they have been fraternl,ing with THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Chinese and pro-China elements in U. K. ; MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI M. R. aDd KRISHNA): (al Yes, Sir. (c) if so, what steps Government have (b) ~ of offl clal & non-official taken to tone up the working of Indian members of the Central Advisory Commi- High Commission in London? ttce for Territorial Army l~ constituted In 1.ouary. 1~69 are:- THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI DlNESH SINGH) : CI,uirm"n: (a) In tbe past, some complaints were The Minister of Defence received but these were found to b: wilh- ou t substance. o /ficia/ Member> : (b) No, Sir. No such case has been Minister for Defence Production. brought to the notice of thc Government. Deputy Defence MInister. (c) Any specific complaint I_ always Defence Secretary. looked iDto and suitable action taken. Chief of the Army Stall'. Financial Adviser, Ministry of Finance (Defence). Werkin!! Parties In Defncr Se"lces Secrotary, Minbtry of Home AII'alra. 2817. SHRI RANJIT SINGH: Will Chairman, Railway Board. the MiDlster of DEFENCE be pleased to Secretary, Departmcnt of Communi- state : cations. Secretary, Dtpartment of Transport. (a) whether a system of workiDg Secretary, Department of Health. parties exists In tbe .ervices 10int Secretary, (0), Ministry of (b) whether a larae number of jawans Defence. arc wnstanly employed on such workins parties ; and Non-Official Mtmb." : (c) if so, the steps Government Shri G S. Dhillon, MP. propose to tate in order to reduce such Snri Yajna Datt Sharma, MP. workine panieo so that they do not inter- ShIi Kushok Bakula. MP. fere with iawan's traininr. ? Shri Hem Rai, MP. Lt. Cui. H. H. Maharaja MaDabondra THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE (SHRI Sbah of Tehri Garhwal, MP. SWARAN SINGH) (al to (c). The Shri J. K. Choudhury, MP. use of workiag parties for employment on Shri R. S. PanJhazarl, MP. special occaSIOns, such as inspections, Shri Ram Niwas Mlrdha, MP. parades and occasioDs c.llinll for handliDg Sbri , MP. of military stores a nd equipment I. tradi- Silri Melhupra Vero, MP. tioDal in the Services but the numbers Shri Major Ranjeet Sinllh, MP. involved arc invariably kept to the mini- Shri Anirudha Dipa, MP. mum and tbe use of workin& parties is President, Federation of Indian Cbam- not allowed to interfere with the training bers of Commerce and Indultry. of jawans. President, A'lociated Cbamben of Commerce and Industry of India. C.-ral Ad,llOry Bod, for Territorial Army OrKanilin, Secretary. Indian National Trade Union CoD,re••. 2818. SHRI RANJIT SINGH: Will H. H. Maharaja Vadavlndra SID.b of the Mini.ter of DEFENCE be pleased 10 Patiala. state : Shrl Mihir SeD. (a) wbcther a Central Advisor) body Hon)' LI. Col. Ch Ra,bvondra Sio.h. exists for tbe Torritorial Army Hony 1-1. Col. V. R Mohan. (b) if 10, tbe D8mea of It. _ben; Dr. S. M. Patil. anll Lt. Oen. S. D. VerJDa (IWtd., 175 MARCH 12. 1969 176

Major OeD D. Prem ChaDd (Retd). (b) If so, the reasons for entrusting this Col. B. N. Khanna (Retd). work to this particular Institution: and

~.. (e) wbether sucb a survey has not al· ready been undertaken on more ~ one Director. Territorial Army. occasion by Go,·eroment and the Indian (e) Nil. Jute Mill. Association agencies 1

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE 'HlI' ~~ ~ ~. f-"'T .n'"i'i .... , rrl!l

(rr) 1:1J "lC'f r '1:\ ;;ri'f ~ if; f"fO: Mission's Study Repprt about Indian ~l [T"(f "liT ifil1i1fTgT If;T 'liT ~ ~ 7 Exports and Import.

2821. SHRI LOBO PRABHU : Will srfifl:m """) (11ft ~ ~ (If;) ~ Ihe Minister of FOREIGN TRADE AND (rr"). ~l ~llI.l if; ~~ "'* i'ffffi SUPPLY be pleased 10 state: ~l if; ~~ it. ~ if f'f'f"'lll!! 'l"lT 1fT (a) whether Indian Mi"ions abroad study and report on economic opportunities ~~ 'f'!fi ~ fii!'fI 'fT m 'fl' ~ ~ I for otlr exports and imports; .~~ if; I~ if ~~ 'tTiI if; 19"0: Ilf'ff"i- (b) if so, whe,her their reports .re '!ilit oqf'l" 'fT 'fiT ~~ ~ liT IlJmT availahle to the public; ,!Od (c) if not, the reasons tberefor '! iHU ~~ ~ .,-R ifil .~ lITI'lm m1f.t ~ 1lJT1fT ~ I ~ ~ lffiTTq ~ f'fi THE DEPUTY MINISTER iN THE IlJrrn ~ ~.~ if; ~ it ~~ 'I>'\" ~~ MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE AND SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY kAM ~ ~ ~ 'fT"f f"f!1; 'fiT IlJfq'll" f'filll SEWAK) : (a) Rnd (b). Yes, Sir, Reports ilITl!; I submitted by (lur Missions abroad on major economIc and commercial opport- unities in forciaD countries are lenerally Suncy of Indian Jute Goods by tbe AdmlnlOlratl.e Stair Colleg., liyderabad published in the Commercial Bulletins, Journals, and otber publications broullht 2820. SHRI INDRAJIT GUPfA : Will out by the Directorate of Commer.::al 'he Mini,ter of FOREIGN TRADE AND Publkity_ Directorate Oeneral of Commer- SUPPLY be pleased :0 state: .:101 Intelligence and S,atistics, the Export Promotion Council aDd Commodity Boards (ft) whetber the Administra'ive S,"1f concerned which are aVli1able to Ihe College, Hyderabad has been requested by public. OovernmeDt to undertake a wnrld-wide Diarkot survey of Indian Jute lIoodsj Ie) 0001 no\ ~ 177 PHALGUNA 21. 1890 (SAKAl 178

Selliall up ", Steel Mill in Iran Demon,fral/on In Koraput Dlylslon or Hlndu.lan Aeronaullce:, LId. 2822. SHRI BHOGEI'4DRA JHA ; WI1J the Minister of FOREIGN TRADE AND 2824. SHRI RABI RAY: Will the SUPPLY be pleased to state; Minister of DEFENCE be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that '"dia has (a) whatber it il a fact thaI a crowd of aareed to set up one steel mill in Iran: local people Silled demollllratloni deman· and ding more employment In Koraput division (b) if so. the details thereof! of Hindustan Aeronautics. limited on the 2nd Januar,. 1969; and I~ THR DEPUTY MINISTER THE (b) if 10, .. betber Onvenament have MII'4ISTRY OF FORBIGM TRADE AMD token aay steps 10 tbis rellard 7 SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM SEWAK.) : (a) No. Sir. THE MII'41STER OF STATE IN THE (b) DUI. Dot ori ••. MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (SHRI L. N. MISHRA) : (a) There "as a demonstration Chln ••e Arml "ItII NIII. 00 2ad Jaounry. 1969 at the tim. of delivery of 1st eOlLine from Koraput Dlvisioo by 2823. SHRI SITARAM ICF.SRI: Chief Minisler. Orissa. The IIrievances SHRI BAL RAJ MADHOIC : Ii,teu in a pampbl.t dlilributed at Ihe SHRI HARDAYAL DEVGUN: time. indude • demand for mare employ· SHRI BENISHANK:ER ment of local people. SHARMA: (h) The GoverDmell1 has namined this SHRI D. C. SH.'RMA : mailer. Tbe recruitment at Konpul is SHRI RANJIT SINOH : beiDa done II accordanc. with l~.l Will the Minister of EXTERNAL rules of tb. Company. AFFAIRS be pleased 10 .Iate : (a) .. hether II il • facl Ihal Cbi_e- H",.bllc 0., P ....d •• IHll mad. ~ ,*orc reco•• red from Ibe uDdcr- iroulld Naga, ~ pi 10 Motolt:cbune Cialrict In JaDuary I".t; 212'. SHRI RABI RAY ; SHRI HUKAM CHAND (b) if ~ detaill of the arms '0. KACHWAI : recovered: SHRI NIHAL SINGH I (t) tbe Dumber of peTions takeo ialo Will tbe MINISTER OF DEFENCE h. custC'dy; "001 pleased to .ta•• tb. total amouDt .pent ilt (d) whcaher Gov.rumenl hi'. eaquired org"nl,iDll Repuhllc Da, of 1969 and the into the manuer il "hid. tbe Mai.' obta- Beltloll of Ihe ret rat Ibis ,.ar under tho ioed arm. from Chill. alld other coun- followllli beads; trie. ? (i) T.A. and D.A. of olllcers "ho THE! MINISTER OF BXTBRMAL ••r. hroullbl to Delbi 10 palllc;. AFFAIRS (SHRI DlNESH SINOH): (a) pate in the •• Id Parade; to (c). In the between lbe Securltv (Ii) upanditure illcurnsd o. cull ural Forcel and Ihe UoderllrollDd Nallas. 00 the trouPi. 14th January. 1969 io the Mokokcbuo& (ill) lIIuminatloD'; District of Nagsland. seven hootil •• Napa were captured aod Doe wu killed. Some (j.) arrao,emCAIi of Ibe Parad,,: aDd arms aad 1IIIII'unitioD "en: recoyered (v) otber lIIiscollaneou. eKpensco 7 but there wu no indicatioD of any of Ib ..." bela, of Chloe,e ori,in. THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE (SHRI (d) Government of hadia are of SWARAN SINOH) Account. fur the the efforts 01 Ihe UDdcr&round Nilsal to Rrpubllc Day colebr"lions 1969 have not secure arms Iud ammuOItlon from Cbina been linali.ed. A ""Iement livinl the and Palcl"an by acndial 18nl' 10 lb ... requi-ed informatl"n "Ill be Ioid on the countries. and are lakioll DCCC5lary Iteps 10 Table of tbe House after tbe account. b tve preveot thi,_ been lioalised ll~ Answers MARCH 12,INt Wrln...... r. 180

M. Po. Treated by PM'.. Stair on 29.1.69 Minister did not have advance Informat ion about the visit of the Hon'ble Members, 2826. SHRI MEETHA LAL MEENA : ~ they could have been .pared the SHRI D. N. DI!B : trouble of coming at a limo when Ihe Prime SHRI P. K. DEO : Mini.ter was not available. SHRI GADlLlNGANA GOWD : Tbe Primo Mi ni.ter has been lIiveo SHRI K. P SINGH DEO : strict standing instructions to en.ure tbat SHRI K. M. KOUSHIK : maximum COUneoy and consideration Is SHRI D. N. PATODIA : extended to Members whenever they come SHRI HI!KAM CHAl'ID to StIC her. Accordini to the enquiries KACHWi\I: wtU.b have been ma4c. the members of tbe SHRI ONKAR LAL BBRWA : pCUQllal staff WI dnty did do their best to Will the PRIME MINISTER be Pleased extend such courtesies. to Slate: The Prime Minister regrets tbat tbere (a) whether several ~ of l~ should have been any misunderslanding In ment went in procession to the Prime minds of lbe Members and thaI they Minister's House on 29th January. 1969 to should have got the feeling that adequate hand over a memorandum regardi\l,g recent courtesie, were not shown to them. developments in Czecboslovakla and Bul· lIarian Prime Minister's statement justifying Soviet interference in C7.echoslovakia ; (bl whether they were not shown due 2R27 SHRI YAINA DATT SHARMA courtesy by the porsonal staff of the Prime Will the Mlnkter of DEP£NC£ be pleased Minlster's Secretariat; 10 state: (c) whether the Membus of Parlic Prime Mini.tor was Ii.t of ilriHee. to such fUDCtioDs i. under- not in the house wben the Members arrived. 18ftn by hi. minislry ? She was allC'numg one of the annuHI THE MINISTER. or DEFENCE ~I u~. Repub'j.- Oa. namely. a recep- SW4RAN !UNGH) : (a) rQ (c). Abo", tion fllr some NSC Cadets, at Hydcrabad SIlO Member. of PartialDCAl ••kd .... House. issue of cards for about 6.800 $C.II for The Prime ~ makes it a point to their rcJ,.u.tioDs. Iue1lt. ciC. for the Ropubli c receive Hon'ble Members of Parliamenl Day Pdrade 1969. Apinst Ibis cards for whenever they desire to meet bet and an at)Qul 4,700 sea", were iuued. Aaai.D5t appoinlment is Oxcd at mutual cODvenieDec. about 10.400 seals asked for by Union On this ~Iul (l(',",:H"jOll. th!! Prime Mln ..t ...... cards for about 7.500 .~ ~9 i'l PH.UGUNA 21.1190 (SAKA) issued. In addition to invitation card,. -~ flU ~ .,., ..l~ ~ admit cards for ~ full dress rehearsal of Ihe P,,'ade held OD 241h JaDuary, 1969 were also issued ill a Dumber of cases rdr ,uests. """ ~ Ifi.... relations. etc. of the dlgllitaries. ~ due 10 28!?1l. -tt ~ ~ ~ "lit limited seIltlns ~ly il was not ~l q;:_T ll~ .(ff.f f!;T fi'n f!;t"lT 10 issue larger Dumber of illvitatiOfl cards "im.-m Tf!; : . for Ihe Republic Day Parade OD the 26th Jannary. 1969. In the case of Ministers. (!f;) 'flit Il"Q ~ ~ f!f; 1~ if requesl s for issue of card. were 1101 Dnly in respect of Iheir rclalions and luests but also ~ ~1 ~ I~1 '" ~ If>{ in respect of persons who approached them f"Il"T ~ ~~ 91~ ~ as members of GovrrnmeDt alld to a DAmber t qrf Jjf<'f of whom cards migbt have been issued t; eVeD otherwi.e had ~y approacbed Ihe l~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~y o( 1~ direct. (III") IIln f!f; 'l';:rfl{- ~.~ if; ~ll ~ ~ ij") The compilalion of the det.iled inform- 'If, alion a,ked for will involve conliderable ~- ~ ~l ~ !fit ~ ; m time and I"hour whi"h may not be cum- memurate wilh Ihe results achieved. (!f) Il"fe: ~ 'l'T ~ Ifif!\rt>'l' ~ f!;t (d) Decisions are taken on the ~ 1Jt,;ft !firtil' ~ f"fit m:'m it ~ ~ Iflit ~ o;f't, ~1 qciTI'Il ~ has tl) b!! di.H1C under pressure of time, every elTllrt ls rnaJe to lh::JI with the cases ~ !fit ~ if; f"flt ifq-T ~~ m wilhout any discrimiDation. ArraDgemenTS ~ ~ ~ ? made In conneCtioD with Repuhlic Oay Celehr.J.lion, arc reviewed every year and Tl!mf"oial mCJ.sures arc taken. where ~..-~.. ~~ ~ considered necessary. (if;) ;;IT

Selling up of Atomic Power PJaau (\!f) m (If). l~ if!!') m I

22~. SHRI SHRI MAHARAJ SINGH: ~1I11.- ~ P ~~ BHARATI: ~..~ SHRI GADILINGANA GOWD. 2831. ~ ~ Will the PRIME MINISTI!R be pleased 10 slate: -it ~~ f.-tiQlf '"" : (d) 1iI'hetllet th",. i8 Uty ,",o!'os.1 '" ~..~ qmf",,: IHIdtt cOOI,ide,allod to ",I 11P tbru more akJll'Ji< powet "lalllS In 1M OIIlHItry ; 'f1fT .' ~-.1 q''JfT ll"iI( .m t¢'r (b) If so. rhe broad detail. lhereof; PI'!' ~ f. : atld (If.) ro !f)'l'T if; ~ ~I if; (e) whethe, these plaOts are likely to be .et up during the Fourth Pllih ' m ~ 'li\" ~ ~ l~I ~ if; ~ 14 '"" if ~. it ~ THE PRIME MINISTER. MINISTI::R fioftt, .", OF A TOMle ENERGY AND MINISTER ~ Ifim.,.m ~ ~ ~ 'l

enllineering goods, m3nufacture. of lIIotals. i ron and steel machinery and ~ 2835 SHRI LOBO PRABHU: Will equipment, footwear. developed cinomato- Ihe PRIME MINISTER he ple.sed 10 graphic films and mi.cellaneous manu- stale: f,letured goods) dllrinll 1967-68 to Africa (a) whether the Plaaainil Commi'Sioll were valued at Rs. 41.55 crores. The h.. calculated the output o( educational export prospects for the fulure are still institutions in ilS propo;als (or the Fourlh l>eing worked out in the context of tbo Plan; Fourth Five Year Plan, (h) whit is rr.uRhly the halance sheel (b) It will be seen t hat there is a very between the l~ C'lpportunities wide range of ~ covered by the term arising from the Fourlh PI.n and Ihe "manufacture.... and within each cKtelory Educa:ed employees availahle ; and there are further variotiolls in 'pecifications (e) whether the Commission has and qualities. It hdS not therefore boon considered raising the ,t.lldard of livinR found ~l 10 make a meanlnlful and working in rural arras to Ihe level of price comparison, urban areas, as a means of creating (c) Many other countries are ea,er to employment opportunities if employment enler into joint ventures In Africa, Such opportunities are insufficient in urban joint ventures would be established in an}' are:::ls ? case, even without out participation. Where we ,)0 partkipale, this will be of THE PRIME MINISTER, MINISTER advantage in ull~ exports of our OF A lOMIC ENERGY AND MINISTER machinery and capital goods OF PLANNING (SHRIMATI 'l'\DlRA (d) The cntreprencllr. who had evinced GANDHI) : (a) to (e), A< the proposals L'ons;derable interesl in the brginnina in for Ihr Fourth Plan have not yel heen ,,"ing up factories in the Kandla Pree finally sell led, It is not possible to Indicate Trade Zone and to whom licence. totallina the posilion at this stale. Rs, 1.46 crores for the impOrl of muchinery T rad, with Afril'afl Coanlries were issued, have not been active In making lise uf those licence., They have 2836, SHRI LOBO PRABHU: Will howe\lrr not ~l their reasons for Ihe Minister of POIl.EIGN TRADE AND not utilising the licences issued to them, SUPPLY he pleeled state, Idle CaplIClty III Tutlle Mill. (8) wilh refereflce to his speech at the meeting of the Board of Trade. what i. the 2837, SHRI LOBO PRABHU: Will quantum of our export trade in manu· Ihe Minister of FOREIGS TRADE AND factu," with Atrica and future projections SUPPLY be pleased to state: of the same; (h) the averalle difference in prices (a) the percentalc of idle capadty in between our exports and those of the the Textile Mill. : developed countri .. for the.e item. ; (hi the "lent of reduction In tbe (c) wbether the establishment of joInt production of hand loom. dUrinl tho year venlure. is likely to reduce our export 1967-68 ; trade beyond the exports of spares and (c) the power loom capacity to be componen ta ; and llconced and whether this fa not likely to (d) tho reasons for which import. of increase the idle capacilles in tutlle mill. tbe value of Ro. 25 lakb. were effected a. and handlooms ; allainst Import licence. worth RI. 146 (d) the capacit y or power-Iooml to be crores I8nctloned ? licenced In the Co-operarlve Sector and THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE how much finance at cORces.ional rales MINISTRY OF POREION TRADE AND would be made available in the toral ; and SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHAY RAM (e) In view of the changed panern of SEWAK,: (a) India's exPOrlS of manu- production and conlumptlon whelher factures (ViI. collon and jute manufacturoe. Government clo not cOllllder the Med ror MARCH II, 1969 appraisement of tlte proposals of the Ashok not come acroat! any dollnite information Mebta Committee ? of the nalure indicated in tbe question. THE DEPUry MIN"ISfBR iN rHE MINISTR.Y OF FOREION TRADE ANU (h) and (e). Do nOI arise. SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHARY RAM S!WAK) : (a) to (e). Information is being collected and will be laid on Ihe Table of tbe House. 2840, ~ ('till' 'W't ....~ 'flIT ~l1 r ~6 ~ "(!mill f(q 1111 .n. twil- t ~ ~lII~ m'ti tf'fI 1Ji'liT ;refit 'Il'T 1i'lT ~ fIF : 2831:1. "" ~ 'flIT UIIf : srnr- ('to) I ~ 1962 ~ ~ ItTIfT ,'" "'" ~ II'ffiif 'tiT ii'IT ~ f'fi' : .m: 'Il'T1t6 ~ it) iii ~ IfiT .~ Ifl1 ('to) 'flIT IJ{!I'O'1''lI f?,:"ij' 'tOT rn ~~ ~ ~ IJlfT : m iii f;;rit ~ ;;rn:T ~ 'tiT II~ (I!!I') ~ 19611-70 it; <:'11:T;IJ' ~ iii ll~~ t j 'T'" ~ iii tt-u'tOr f;rqfu 1~ 'tOT ~ (iii') ~ ~ "lIT 1~ ~ ? lfR 01 ~ ? liftHIR''''T (-n ~ ~ (IF) ~~ll HfTm: ~ ~ ~ ~ (111'). ~ ~~ f'ti 'JTIH lJl!T6;:lIf ~~ ""l'fII' ~lI ("ll 1I111~ "II' m) : (IF) Q'T<:t ~ iii ~ it ~ Ii; ~I1 iii forq 'tiT form;r;'r 'Tnr\lr11f ~l iii 'TTlm: 'R I~ it ~ ~ IH1:T ~l ~~~ ~ ~ ~ S), 1~-lI ~ iii ~ it; ~ it; 1962 ~ ~ 1008 'J1f; iii forqicf ~ ~ If'{ ~ ~ ~ ;;rfit mr !fit ~ ~ qz;;r '1'7 ~ IJlfT ~ I ~~~l ~~ ~ ~ 'fin I nil' " ...... Arrest of Vadergroand Naga .~. LT-321/69] (l!!') ~ 1969-70 ~ I~ 40 ~ 2839. SHRI D. C- SHARMA: SHRI BENI SHANKER lll~~~~ I SHARMA: SHRI HARDAYAL DEVOUN : SHRI RANJIT SINOH : SHRI BAL RAJ MADHOK: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFF- 2841. ..rt ~~ "'" : IfIfI AIRS be pi cased to state: lI'°mtlJl-llllTli ~ ~ ~ 'Il'T Ii'l'T ~1 (e) whether an UDder.rouDd ~l fiI;: who carried a mes.ale from Ihe Chlna- trained rebels, has been arresled in early (IF) IfIfI ~ IfiT urr;t ~ ~ January, 1969 In Burma while returDing ~~ ~-ll aftcr deJiveriol the mllssale to rebel com- w mander Mown Allmi : wn mmrr 'I1n ~ f.Jrri ~ 'tiT (h) If so, the Dature of the 9Tif1Wl1' f"fIiI'T F t j m add the DDt cOIM M Ihe Investigations ~ ~I ~ ~ made; and (II{) qf;:: 01 IIIIT (c) the action taken In the mailer? ~

THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFF- IIftft ('" ~ "") : AlaS (SHRI DINESH SINOH) : (8) i"" .... 00,, __1 have iliad, enqlliri. but bave (Ifi) ~~ I PHALOUNA 20, 1890 (SAKA,

~~ ~I ~ ((!f) if>T QIlO ~. ~ ,,""'m "'" "" '""" if wrTIT I~ ~ i ~ it; ~3I6~ ~I~ ~ .l~ UJf M) : (.-) ~ q-tro ~ ~ if ~ ~ q'fffi" ((!f). ;;fT 6t I ~ if ~ ~ foArT ~ IfiT q'T"lH ~ (IT) n(fm it; ~ '" if ~l ~I "-;fllil V"",,, fi \IT 1950 '-T t ; omf ~ {-m<: it; ~l ~ ~ I srftr- fn!f;lf «f"l" ~ ~ \frill ~ I m ~ ~I 1 it; ~ if, qt ~ ~~I I~ IliT ITt ~ I ~I 2 it; ~~ 1I~~~ if, ~1 ~ ~ Ai ~~ ~ mrl 'liT ;r;;r;:(f ~ f;r.r) it; llT1!f fi(9l'lf rn it; 284~.~~~ ~ 'F 'fir "1ft" fif'fn: I{T ~ t I '1T ;:To "0 ~ : sit ~ .~ ~ : AemdrolDe. ID MaDI ..., -~~~~ : 2H43. SHRI M. MEGHACHANDRA : ~ ~ ~ : Wii! the Minililer "f DEFENCE bo pleased 11ft fifo ~ ~l : to state: -n ~1~11 ";fT1fl : (a) whether tbe Minlstr, have takoo final (teci.ion on the dispo.. 1 of tbe unused -n ~ ~. aDd discarded ~ in M"nipur o,ft ~~ ~ and (b) if so, the natu,e thereof 1 ~ -n If. ifo mwlliT : THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE (SHRI ~ ~ SWARAN S!NGH): (a) Yeo, Sir. Two abandoDed airfields in M.nipur have been ~ .n.rn: """ ~ : declared .urplus to requiremeDts. -~~ (b) The lands and asset. lit tbe.e -n§o "!,o ~ airfields wiil be di5posod of accord iDa to the prescribed procedure. -n ~ "0 ,,"'" -n ~ Iflj: IfRmtT l~I1 .T V-.p\ 11ft n1'I'ft IfIfT .0Cful!i IIfTIrn!'AT tlij 11~ "I 2H44. ~ ~ ~ "'" dmn lI~~lll ~ !If; ~ ;f.t Ii"T m flIr : (iii) '1'111 ll<:'IiR if>T RfA" ~ U"11 ( iii) 'flU ~ "f.rI!i 1~ t!?t '1ft ll<:'f'n: vn >.;T lP}'lfTt ~ I!'1t ~ f;rrglit ~I ~ ~ it; ~ ~ «l!("tf if fif'1'fCf ",1m ,!';r llf;rfCf if. l~ it 11T1f f.

~ iii f'fi'JT I~ II>l ~l Of;) ~ ~ ~ -~1 ;f.r fu1i 'I'ty ~ 1 Ifilf fqJ"lfif1f('f SI'Ttq' ~ ~ ~ I (Jf) 1m' if(f \mIT I ~ mllll 11ft • if ~

:!845. ~ ~ ~ : lflfT lI' ~~ lfi"lft' ~ ~ II>l ,"'H I~ flfi : 284'. SHR1 VALMIKI CHOUDHARY: \'ViII the Minister of ~ AFF- (If;) iflfT 11'i!; ~ ~ flfi 19M if l:rt'l'n: AIRS be pleased to slate: ~ ;f.r Ifi'I" ~ Ifi'I" 7.50 i\' W "1Wf if (a) the progress.o far made in Ihe ~ ~.l om 6l~ ~ ~ ; imj)lemenl"tiL'n of the Indo-Ceylon Agree- ment with ~ to stateless persons of (!if) iflfT ~ ~~ IfiT l~ om Indian oriain in Ceylon, both by Indian .~ qf ~ ~ ~ G"T Iff ~ ; ~~ and Ceylooese allthorltie. ; (b) whether Ihe Ceylon Governmeot are (if) ~ ~~ 'lifT 1~ ~ 'fi':T, ('fT ? slow in implementing the alrccment; ~ ~ ~ ~ (iii) 'f'l'T and ~. -~ if; ~ ~ ~~ f'f1f1l1l'\'fT (c) if so. the reasons aS$igoed there- for '! oqh ~-~~1 ~ f1;ro, qqrifT if im fit; ~ ~l iflfT ~ 5 ~ 10 THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL m m Al FAIRS (SHRI DINESH SINGH) : (a) m l~ \ ~ qt '1'1, 'fh: 1 ~~.~ Hill;; ~ ~ ~ ~1 it; ~1 it; fl'l'l!; '1ft I tb) if.o ,Ihe OIlIDOl of Ibose mills T '93 PHALGlJNA 21. 1890 (SAKAl I" THE ~ MtNrsT'tlR IN nlE unit Is dauificd as " sduH ~.l in¢lItlrial MINISTRY OP f:'OJlrErGM TRADE AND urril. SUPPLY (SHit I CHOWDHAKY RAM (e) No. Sir. ~~ : la) Yes, SII'. (It) It Is difficult to Dtltic!pate lIod 12.lO hrs. state the nall1es 0' the mills to be takeD O'Ier duriog the year 1969. PAPERS LAND ON TIlB TABLE

Bharat EI.ctronlc Factory at Calirut Audit Report. POliti and Telearapha, I 1\l69 and ApproprlatiOD A_II. 2848. SHlti J H. PATEL: Pons and Telegraphs ror 1967·68. sl·m! E. K. NAYANAR: THE DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER Will Ih. M'nisler of DEFENCE be AND MINISTER OF FINANCE (SHRI ploa,ed to ,lolC ; MORARJI DESAI): I bello lay on Ibe (a) whelher Iho Enquiry Committee Table ... on the eSlablishment of 6 Unit of Bbarat (I) A copy of the Audit Reporl. Posts l~l~ 1'" "Illl 1 in Lhe Peru,")al and Telegraphs. 1969. under article Paojayam area near Mavoor the C.liilut lSI (/) of the C<>nstitution. lJislrk;1 ,Klm!;, lil.",,) h ..., vi,iled t hal ~ :md made 60:nf.! sUi!gestions ahoul the (2) A copy of Approprialion Acxounls. sullability of the above pla·.:c to eroCI the Posts and Telegraphs. for the year (actory ; and 1967-68. lu~ to Ubrury. ~ No. LT.293/69.j (b) if so. tile, thereof 1 THE MINIHER OF STATE IN THE .'ule Telf 4 w&ro knhin. 11ft '" fnl: tw WJr ~ m if "' atblQft ii I.~I tban Ib 1 S I.hl III~ a I~11 MARCH 12, 1969 196

MR. SPEAKER : No, no. Please sit SHRI S. M. BANERJEE (Kanpur) : Sir, down. J do not think till now we have ! have been a Member of this House since allowed such a discussion. On the day 1957. I know whenever a paper is laid on when the paper is laid on the Table. J do the Table, if there is any spencitic objection, not think we have allowed any discussion it is raised here. Now, we have started so far. writinll to you, but previously, without any- thina in writing, supposing there was some o,ft '1q ~ : it "f"fT if i1"T ~~ ~ item on which we thouaht there should be a poinl raised, the Chair lIsed to say that !l;fT'tl; "01TFf it rr:r. ",T". <;fT'fT 'fT?,T f I it could be done. Supposing there is some !l;fm:;r rn: ;7jfT'l"T f;r-:ft ~ ;:iteTfq;if;- I Kendrapara): Never in this House has there been any discussion, as you have held. but ~ if, 'lTif''l it :'1.f of, 'Ti:! ~ 'fT 'R when such papers are laid on the Table of ~I I ?'ltm ....nOf'f ~. 'fill ,!"{RT the Ilou.e l~ thi •. if there are delays, or any other things, then they are pointed out 'fi"Jri

MR. SPEAKER : The point is this. ~ ~ tlcTif ~ ~ ~~ it I have heen allowing Members to point out ~ ~1 ~I ~. ,,,)1]' 3~ irregularities or delays or something like "fTff,'! 'TT, if; that. But the han. member says he wants 1Wl' ~ ~ ~~ ~ t l~ 30-40 -nfc- to point out some irregularities in the textile ~ ~ ,!l1T ~ ~ I that when some papers are to be laid under certain statutes passed hy the Hou.. , like rules. notifications, orders, etc. made under MR. SPEAKER: I am not allowing those statutes, within a specified time. if there the Minister to reply to it now. During is undue delay in ~ fayina them the hudget ll~~. if somehody rai!\es it, on the Table. the attention of the HOllse can he may refer to it in tho rerly. I would he drawn to the fact of delay. It does not appeal to 110n. memhcrs to foIlO\\' what we mean any irregularity can be raised. ha\'e been following for the last t\\'o years. If there is some delay or technical objection, SHRI NAMIlIAR (TiruchirapaJli) any member can rM'int i' out. But if they ror instance today, the minister has laid on go into merits and ~.l a u~ it the Table a copy of the Audit Report, P & would be difficult. I CJnnot regulate the r, 196Y under article 151(1) of the Cons- work of the House. 1 hat is my difficulty. titution. Suppose under this atriclc, it need Otherwise, I do not mind :tnybody [lointin!: not be placed. Any member can get up and out something wrong. say t hat placing it is wrong. Unless and until YOLI allow him to point out that irre- gularity, how can you give any judgment ., Lentral Silk Bonrd ~l Amrndln,'nt, That is \\'hy members were:: allo\'r'cd in the Rules and Colton ]',,\til.s Control) past to raise such things. Then the Speaker (Sixth Am.ndnlcnt Ord"r can give his Judgment. If he over-rules the objection, the next item is taken up. THE DEPUTY MINISTtR IN THE MIN[STRY OF FORFlGN TRADE AND MR. SPEAKER: Hon. members ma} SUPPLY (SHRI CHOWDHAR Y RAM have been hrre for much lon&:er than me, SEWAKj: I beg to lay on the Table :-- but for the l~ two years, what we ha\ e been following is, in regard to papers laid. (I) A WI'" or tile Central Silk Hoard if there is delay or any technical objection. (Second Amendment) Rules. 196R. it can be raised. Ilut we cannot go int" publisheu in Nlltlfi(:ation No. {i. S, the merits at that stage. R. 65 in Gazette of India dated the 11th January. 1969. under sub- section (3) 01' section 13 of the ~ ~ PI' ~~ ~~ IlIi : 'fi1 ,,) "T"'1 'fif H !!omil]'T "'" to 1968. Published in Notification "lT3;'m No. S. O. 4336 in Gaulte of India dated the 7th December, 1968, under "Contrary to the usual trade usage, a sub-section (6) of section 3 of the section of the colton textile mills here Essential Commodities Act. [955. have sought to retain with themselves I "I ... ~.I. L./.",,),. S"e No. LT- the benefit of reduction in the excise levy 296/69.J in some CaiCS proposed by the Finance Minister." MAll.eH 12, 1969

MESSAGE FROM RAlY A SABHA further to amend the Conotitution of India. SECRETARY: Sir, 1 have to report Sir, I beg to lay on the Table 11 copy of the following measage received from the the Evidence given before the Joint Commi- Secretary of Rajya Sabha :- ttee on the Bill further to amend the Con- 'I am directed to inform the Lok Sabha stitution of India. that the Rajya Sabha, at its sitting held on I lay on Ihe Table copies of Memor- Tuesday, the 11th March, 1969, adopted the anda/Representations/Telegrams received by fol1owini molion in regard to the presell- the Joint Committee 01) the Bill further to tation of the Reporl of the Joint Committee amend the Constitution 01" India. of the Houses on the Contempt of Courts Bill, 1968 :-" "That the time appointt'd for the 12.30 hro. presentation of the Report of the Joint Committee of the Houses on the Bill to MATTER UNDER RULE 377 define and limit the powers of certain courls in punishing contempts of courts l\1adhva Prad,'sh Governor', Action and to regulate their procedure in relation ~ ith R;.v,ard to Formation of Ministry thereto be extended up to the last day of the Sixty-ninth Session of the Rajya .~ fUf;n'\ ~l (iI'T 'f'F,fh If;'I '1 fqr,rT'i «+IT it SHIH G. S. DHILLON (Taran q1!i'fi f'l'.fTl:[lf.' ~ 'fiT il'gl1i1 ~ "I'h sr;f!, Taran) : beg to present the Twenty- sixth Rep,'rl of the Committee on Public il'g'Jf<'\' ~ I f""1'Tif ~ 'Df ioif,' ll'T ~ ~ Undertakings on Trombay Unit of Fertiliser ~l. ~ srfutJer 'f;Y '- ~l llt;r Ii' ;;ptif« Corporation of India Ltd-Paras in Section II of Audit Report (Commercial), 1968, srfijlRf it ~ \II"1iff ~ ;;pT !f<:feHlJ lI~ 'fiT ~ ~l ~I I ~9 f1f"lTll'1ti ~ ~ 1If'1''lT 'fln' iit,", '!'IT I 'fit ~ if; '3'iTq if; CONSTITUTION (TWENTY -SECOND ~lI !{el:[ ~ f'ItITif ij"ll'f AMENDMENT) BILL

~ if ~~ i:rit if; f"f". ~l f'RT W1TilfT irG'f ~ I~ ~ ~ I ~ iI"'i!T ~ ~ ~. 11"11" !>I ~1 if; 'U'i11"'lm "U('[ lit ??; if; fl"f l~ if; '!f'iiIT1f \f'jl[QT<'f ~ 'R: ;:r;:T t;frif I .•. l~ ., ~l. f'f. g 'lRT if;) ll?; g;rflflf,R f;r<'fffi ~I M""" <:T'iIl'TF1 ~ ~ ~l ij ~ 7~~ I 'r '3I'fCfT il'T 'll"ror"r'R:r 'f.t 'q''f.Tfiffiff'l, ~~1. >Til"" If ~ .~ 'fT ~ : "'I 7~ u uf'l" if 5I'Tl'LfifJ:1 i:! 'IT OfT11IlT, "Suspicions that Mr, Reddy's illness may be m(Jrc poliliCilI Ihan physical are S''I 1JG"'.T :a1J1: oilf'qf'.T 'Aifif'lill if 'n: h(>,md to be exrrcsscd, e.pocialiy in «r if f,T 'f.<:ifT ~I I ~l~ r.. 'f ;;rif view of the way·ward nature of politics in Madhya Prndesh. To delay the form- ,T'ill'lT," ~ll fl10f ciT :a;orit llF: if,rlr 'F[ 1JToT'" ~ fr. qg 11f;1l lI~~ ~11 ~l l~I ~ t I ,r'itf,;'f 71'ill'lll'f ll'ERl< ~ lfl!: ~ 'if'1Ti; if; hIT 'If, "f'f(f ;r 'An- qf, ;q,'F[, ifF,T f?"'lT orl l.~ ~ f't', it ~1 :T7 'f"T im:rr 7lor ll~ it 'f"7 qh 'R'rr7 +fell ~ it ~Il '1) Elg"ff SIr"''! f1"1f'l "on 'H'F[7 'f.1 'fIll i!'f.7 ''" 'f.T 'if '1"\'f.17 if., "R;rft ~ "lh 'H; ~ fl!l'l'T'f I~ ~ fRfllT iT ~~ ~ ~ i; MIiWf «"lIT 1i m ~~ ~ ~ ~I "i'F[ ~ llf. ~I if; 51f1f'J:"f ~ I ,.., l1'f.nT ~ I 'A1l7 qf, ;q,'f.!' 'R'<"l'll(f ~ >Tii"l, ~ .~l 'la wn ttl rrt ~ I jj ;;:tifl n) ~17 1:1 ~l I if l!rr ~ ~ "lfT q'f,;r ~ litsmT ~~ll t 1fT ~. .~ ~ <:T'lf'fT'1 ~ ~ l~ ~ ~ ~ "f"fT ~ ~~ ~ I ~ ~ ilT if '1"111[, ~ ;t't 4lT'lTU ";r ~ ~~ ffi u: ;j'r1f1 Ifftt .~ ""it 11'1,< ~ l~ iJ itt >nIT UGlNT"I' =itJl'Ot 'T>: ~ 'l>t: ~ ~ ? IfMf! VIIT'Il'T\ ~ll ~- ~5l III ~ it"" ~ it ~~ I~ "'iflliJJf ~ ~ ~ I if 4Iili« If; ~ e- Ip.fJifll ~1 mf;w ~ r it ~ I f'" l~ I~ 'f><: "Q;r ~ If'Tq'. '1>1 mt'fi f,",",T ll'Ilft «-f if; ~ ~ it ,qq ~ I q ~ ~ f",(folf t

MR, SPEAKER: I would request all ~ ~ ~ (fT ~~ ~ ~. I of you to sit down, ('nlerrup/ioll') .. ,(iq!{'"fA) •••

>;(1 If, ~ ('!'ir,) : \1:lR ~ I!..lT m'<'f .~~ ~ q11T-q11T ~ ~ "fT, :;r,,!f;'t "r qrf.r 3~ ~ ~ flforr ~ f'fi' <:PQQT<'f ~ f'l'OnrTUt[ 'fi'<: f<:'11'T ~ I ••• (;;q"qA) SHRI S. M. BANERJEE (Kanpur): Sir, we should discuss this now. ...n rt'fl: l~ 'XC(f ~ !J<:") 1:lf. ITq;h if; ~ 'fi'I fl1!J7il'iT f;T 7'f.T ~ I 11ft "1 f"lfit: ~ 'iiT,;:r1

0" ••• (,,-""'II,)IitJ "I) SHRI HEM BARUA (Mangaldai) May I submit that your office is now using a new expression? They do not now say -,it I'f!! f"'l'flf: 11 FFlH 1FT ~ 'l\'T . your motion is not allowed" ; they say "it ~ ~ I .._ (r.{iif'fA) ... is not selected" I have submitted a motion. MR. SPEAKER: I am not allowing '.it If,! f<'llflf : qrq f'fi'm if; ~ rnT'I anybody to spe.k. I am on my legs (i."/nrllf',iom I would request Shri Kripalani ~ .,-1f'iTQ; ~ 'f'qt gtir 'fTfifr:J: I to resume his seat.

SHRI P. VENKATASlJBBAIAH SHRI .1. B. KRIPALANI (Guna) : I (Nandya\) : This i. a very important constitu- want to say something about ~ matter. tional aspect. So. 1 would request you to You allow everybody to shout. allow us to give our ,)pinion on this matter. MR. SPEAKER: IF he feels like that. MR. SPEAKER: Not when I am on he can also shout; I ha\'e no objection. But my leas. I have not permitted anybody to speak I am nClt going to permit him either SHRI NAMBIAR (Tiruchirappalil): (in1e r rllpllO'1,J) This serious disease of the Governor has to be considered. ~ frn : 'iIlq ;it ~ 1~ f'fi' fq'qlw.rrr ~ I ~ 'fQ:l 'fi'Q:T ff; fif"!'- SHRI RABI RAY (Puri): It is a poli- tical disease. "'firr ~ I ... ~.l ...

MR. SPEAKER : I am still on my ~ ~ """'q : ~l1 ~ ~ 'fi'<: ~ legs. Will you all kindly sit down. I do ~ ~ f".,;rOf ~ I qrq' {11 'f"I:\l: ~ t[1f;j, remember that last time, during the budget session, when the Assembly was adjourned, ~ ~ 'f"IT ~ ~ I ..• 81~ ... we had a discussion. Now also we can have a quiet discussion (i "I,· 'UPllUlI!;) MR. SPEAKER Whatever it is what decision can I give In this conslitu· ~1 lfir-h::" f

MR. SPEAKER: Just now, when I was SHRI SPEAEKER : let me ask bim speaking, I got this information about the to say something. proroption of the A.oembly ... ('nte-rUI"iM') If this goes on like this, what can I do 'l'fT ~ fm: 1(''1'"{ ~ ~ ~ except adjourn the House" 'fort 'f:fll aT ;;rT'T ~l~ m;;r't ~ ll~ Just now I al'll told that the Madhya Pradesh Assembl y has been prorolued by MR. SPEAKER : Nothing is to be the Governor. taken down. First of all, all of you must ,it down. Then only somethinc can be SOME HON. MEMBERS Shame, uone (/me"",JliOlIJ').·· The first ~ shame. requisite is that all of you must sit. Now, let me hear Shri Kripalani. MR. SPEAKER Under what circum- stances ('I/tutU",! 'on SHRI J. B. KRIPALANI; I alll very sorr), to have 10 say that Ibe Conlireu .cems SHRI P. YENKATASUBBAIAH It is 1(1 have lo,t its head, This is sometbiDI most unfortucate. preposterous.

SARI S. M. BANERJEE Sir. I rise SOME HON. MEMBERS : Shame, on a point of order ..... (tnl'rr,'plions) shame,

SHRI J. B. KRIPALANI : I am not "" qlf,_ ~ : I('ETt' ~ 'flli- or the Communist Party rules or any other party rules; but let there be at least lIOme I~ 'fi\' "1'i;rm I 'l;fIOT ~ it lfE'l l~ del:cney There ~ no decency in the ~. 'f:it' it; '1f',f'fT ~ of.T"{ '.[1 'f"l'l Governo!' falling ill for three days. He cOIdd 'I'll 'f"TIJ'T I ~~ ~1 it ,ft ~ I have called the new leader. He could have '*" even not admini'itered to him the oath but he ~ ~111 1~ should have told him to form the new JOver- 'iii : r:Tlf 1',,[;":;0' 'f:T nment. f'l'IIn'f<"Tit I That has been done in Bihar; that has been done in U. P. That has been done "I' ~ f{lt'"q : ~ f(t 'foT ~l everywhere. What is the meaning of this? I would appeal to the Government to see ~ ~ 'lfl" I Ihal Ihe Assembly L, immediately called. (fnte""fl/1on.) I would humbly request the MR. SPEAKER aUlhorities that the Assembly be called at Mini5ter .... " (,n ('rruption) once and the new leader be asked to form the Government. It is these things that SHRI BAL RAJ MADHOK (South make people to shout. Their, the conquerors Delhi): You never took nolice of the serio {lwn house is not in order. They do not ousness 01 the situation . (intnrllf1lil ns) know whal is harpeninll. This is preposter- ous. Nothing like that has ever happened .tt ~ ~ : I!l'!;lru I~l "".- m'T i'1 any democracy. ~l~. ~ il'fi ~~ qrjiit

SHRI RANGA (Srikakulam) How SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: On a point cna we put up with a thin, I ike this? of order, Sir.

SHRI KANWAR LAL GUPTA: You SHRI SURENDRANATH DWIVEDY ask for the resilD.tion of the Home Minister (Kaudrayara): May I make a humblc .••••• (inlt!',.,uPI1uns) request to you. Sir? Since the matter II 10 •• Not m;ordcd. ----- ._- -,- 207 1r#IItter u"d.r MARCH 12, 1969 208.

[Shri Surendranath Dwivedy] serious. I would beg of you to adjourn all 'IlT "\{ ~ it'ill!' ~ 'fiT the business before the House and discuss this matter right now. ~ it Il~ '1 cA \ /f;T ~1 ~ l!trft' I ...~1 ... SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: Sir. under rule 340, J move 8 motion that the I' :siness MR. SPEAKER Mr. V.nkatasubbaiah before the IIouse be adjourned. Even the has PlIt it more effectively. It is a simple motion has been moved that this matter be Ihing. 11 is the ""cmbly that has to discussed in the House. I think, my han. dCl:idc the majority friend. Mr. u~l Dwivedy. has tabled a motion. Right rrom the morning. SHRI ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE: we have been tabling adjournment motions. How can the Assembly decide? It has The Governor has behaved in this fashion. hl:en prorogued. I feel that the other business should not be taken lip in the H.)use. There is a rape on MR. SPEAKER That is not my democrai.:Y. In West Bengal, it is Dharam hliSillCS'i. I shuuld allo\\' a fair dis<.:ussion Vira ; in Madhya Pradesh. It is Dharam here in this House. May I request the Patni wh,) is fUllctioning there as the !-fome Mini:-.tcr 10 tell me whether we c.:an Governor. The Governor should be lake il lip straightway or arter two or three dismissed immediately. Otherwise. he will hOUTS' time '? be physically lifted fmm thut place. ( Inlt'rrupt;"rrs) THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI Y. R. CHAVAN): I understanJ SHIH SHIVAJIRAO S. DESHMUKH the reeling of Ihe hon. House. I can only (rarbhani) The Rule... of Procedure m;lke a 'itatcmcnl aboul the facts that 1 have u~ lhat all ilolil.:C,> Ill' motions arc to be "ll far. I I:JI1 a:-'SUTC the hl)n. members that ~ in \vriting to th.:- Sreakcr nnd. un Ie", ... in thio;; malleT, we have ~ given any advice the Speaker give... Il~l. nobody can ju!-ot or cxpr("ssed any opinion about it rise and say lhal J move. (lrr'crruf"i Ins) (/'rH'rr:ljl",,,·S)

SHRI P. VENTAKASUnRAIAH (Nand- AN HON MEMBER He is respon- yah: Mr. Spl.!ukcr. Sir, may I have a word '? sible for it. J am src.d,ing as a Congress Member. I also deeply regret the manner in which thl! Madhya PrJdc"ih A'Iscmhly has been prorogu- SIIRI Y. n. CH"VAN If the hon. House wants to ~llI this matter, certainly ed. Certain t:onstilulional proprieties have it is better that it is discussed, and I assure to be adopted III preserve p.,Uliamclltary this han. House that I will be prepared to demo:racy in our country. When Mr. Govind Narain Singh has resigned and Raja be guided by the hun. House in this matter. Naresh Chandra Singh has been elect"d as a leader, it i'i an internal matter of the raJ'1!'. SHRI J. B. KIRPALANJ : Why is it It is incumbent 011 the Gllvcrnor to invite Ihat the Home Minister want3 to be u~ Raja Narcsh Chandra ~ tel 1\"," Ihe by this Hou..; c '! Why does he not exercise Government. As has been ~ by t111,a his own judgment and say whether this ~ Presiding Olliecrs' Conrerence. the trial or be done or not? strength should htlvc hecn tosted on the.: Iloor or the H'ase. rhe Governor is not MR. SPEAKER: 'am in tntlre agret- to judge or to Ie'" the strenghth or the ment that we should have 8 discussion. House. Sll. I also join in the request made There is no t1ilTtrence (If opinion about it. that this malteT I1UY he discussed in the I only \1I(8nl00 (0 know from the Home House. Minister whether he would be able to give any additional infotl'hation 10 us in one hour MR. SPEAKER Order. order. Mn, or t"" hours. The only point is whether w. appeal to the House to h ••r me. can usefully take it up at 4 O' Clock or take ( Inre,.,"pric)lU,) it up straightway 209 PHAlGUNA 21, 1890 (SAKA) 210

SHRI SURENDRANATH DWIVEDY : MR. SPEAKER: Then. I shall fix h Straightway. No other business should be up at four 0' clock, and let the discussion be taken up. there for four hOUR and it may go on till 8 p.m. (/",,,ruplifJn8) May I appeal to the SHRI KANWAR LAL GUPTA: No House that it is not as though it is a party other busines. except this. issue where the ConareSl Party and the Opposition are havinll diverJent views 1 let 'lit am ~~ ~ : ~~ ~ it not be taken that way at all. I could see the feellings of Members. As the Home ':If, ~ l~~I if."'T ~ ~ f;;; F:lf sii Minister has suggested, we may give him mlf it ~I 5i'MTil' q;: ~ "I'f,T ~ ~ two hours, and we shall have this discussion between 4 p. m. aDd 8 p. m. ~ I ~-l- ;'t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'for '1'11 q;: ';f"l''IT ';fTm ~ I ~1.ll ~~ SHRI S. M. BANERJEE: May I make one submilsion ? ~ ~ '3''l'l:f F,'it "I'lT1fT ~ f;;; lfF,' qrtf If.T ""'1"1' "I'f,1 ~. 'AT, 'All' ~ 1:1',,1'1 q;: 1:TT;11' fl>1:1'r

MR. SPEAKER: cannot compel 11Q: ~ f1fi' l~ 1iTl'fm ~I ~ ~ flj; anybody to do anything. All that I can 1:1';.t' t11 q;: '!'-if fif'ifr, ~ 1II't, it;{ it allow is a discussion here. I wanted to tell ~ ~1l l~1 'f f,,11'T ;;rTlr I 2 'I';;r Q'!' the House that there were some adjourn- ~ ~. I1~ ment motions. Four adjournment motions "';ft 1 'le: '!'rft Ij;T or) have been given. But now for discussion lflC; ~ ill, ~ ~ Ifii', q;: ,"T under rule 184. he has given somelhing. 2 it ~ ~ ~ ..-rfQit 1 It ~ not matter what the motion i•. Instead of !ping intD the controversy about SHIU SURENDRANATH DWIVEDY: the motion, we .hall diocuss it party by Let us take it up at 2 p. m. We do not party. want to discus. aoy other subject. We do not want tD take up any other business. 'lit ~ 1~1 II~ ~ 'liT SHRI S. KANDAPPAN (Meltur) : '1fT 'IT'!' ;.:), ~ ';frfi!:1t i i'!l:f do not know wbat sort of information the Home Minister is 1I0ing to gct. If he wants MR. SPEAKER: I thoUllh! that for a time to make up his mind before the dis- useful discussion to be had. ODe or two cussion, that is somethinll which we can hours may be given. and we might begin at uodorstand and appreciate. three 0' dock or something like that. May ( know from the Home Minister whether we oould have this discussion from two o' clock MR. SPEAKER: After all. I am slIre. hon. Members want the Home Minister to onwards? reply at the eod of the debate. SHRI Y. 8. CHAVAN: Let US dis- CUP it by all meana, but I would like to SHRI S. KANDAPPAN: We do not have some more time \0 get fun her infor- want him to reply; Wf; waDt thinp to ~ mation. So. let it be at four 0' clocIc rectified 211 MARCH 12, 1969 and MIIIlslry ForltUJlloII In 212 M.I'. (M) MR. SPEAI(ER: That means that the The 1-ok Sabho r,-o.,.mbled o/Ier Lunch hon. Member will be satisfied with his ar E'/lh/ Minul'l 1'0"1 Four/,en of Ih, hearing the speechel and theD lOina away Clock aDd doing what he thi"ks is riaht. J' [Mr. Speaker in Ihe Chair) SHRI S. KANDAPPAN: Before the discussion, let him rectify thiDIS. MOTION RE : MADHYA PRADESH GOVERNOR'S ACTION WITH REGARD \ SHRI H N. MUKERJEE (Calcutta TO FORMATION OF MINISTRY North-East): It is a matter of principle which is involved. Let the Home Minister "1) "1! ~ ~~ ~ll be in a position here and now to contradict the report which has come, namely that the House there has been ~u and so TIlE M[NISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS many other Ihinss ha"e happened. Unless (SIlRJ Y. u. CHAVAN): Sir, may [ place he is in a ~ to contradict that, the tile information before Ihe hon. House matter of principle remains. Therefore, proceeds to ~u '! (Intr'''tlplrunn whatever information he may K,t from Madhya PraLiesh not an'

MR. SPEAKER: [f the desire of Ihe ~ ~ ~~~l ~~l l~ House is that the discussion sholl[d ~ at 2 p.m. then no other business can perhaps f;q liT OfTif'foT'T ~ I \' IfnT liT 'OfT'" be transacted, because in the mood of flif'ffn if ~ 'H ~ ~ ~ I f,ii excitement speeches on other subjoctslllay ~I I not be useful. 'l'fT ¥it mq-

SHR[ M. L. SONDH[ (New Delhi): -U "'; f'fll ~ i;iOlfeT I~. QT'l'I>T It is a Question of conviction and not of wrlff'f If it f'fl''f IfA'T'I '<" .,-.n it. excitement. It is a questi"" of a democratic ~~~ ~ 'fTf,!'fT ~ : convention. itliT "That this House disapproves the MR. SPEAKER; Thitt iff ~ • ... r,T ~ I 'li:T ~ IJ1t fif,)!;1 ~ 'Ii\" ~~ orf"", ~ ~ 'foT ~ n ~ ~ I ~~ ~ ~ ~ # if)(=[ ~ ~ 'l'frn I.~ lI~ ~ ~ ~ it, ;:",T (f,f[ IJ1t tri!- ;;rifCf! atr ~ ~~ ~~ !lffllllffil 'fol ifllf ~ ~ q'r\ '3"if ~ if l~ IJ1t ~I f'I"fTif ~ it. ~ll ~IT rrif;f,,"{OJ"!lJ;fT MR. SPEAKER : Very embarrassine 'f.T, or) <19" 'qT, il"n I9~ ~~~ compliment,. ~ '!!)rrr 'f.T l~9 ~ f'fo l~ ~1 '" ~ ~ 'illT'n ~. ~I- ;;r) it. qTIT' ~ 'lr, 9.I-~1 ~I I l~ ~I ~ ifil ll;;rn 'fiOi'. rrr 1 II 'flfT .~ g-f ? ;oqif,f 'fiHl!! ~ ~ I ~ '1m- ~ ~~ : ~l ~ ~ ~ 'fo'!! AA 'lifT'!! '1,-aoTlIT, ~~. ~ $IT'!, ~ 'lr't ~ ~~ it >iff ;o'I 'llil1 ~ (=[ m ~ ~l it ~~l if 'fTc ;:ril:l 11~ iiI"T'1 ~ ij',:;'fCI" f'i"fTtr'f> <{ ~ 11i'fTil: <{T '!l"T f'fi '«f'f> ~1 ;; ~ll If<'I", Pm lflfT <.in: ~ f?,";r iT'f,f, 'fiffilfT ~. ~9 ~ ~ Oll"f'fi'f ~ f>;li'fT'f, ~ ~ itf<:1f f!:T'f>, 'foT1f orR 'llfi'l"trTifc if ~ ~ I~~ '3"tt ~~ trit' n fT;fo'fi m'fiR ~ ~ll.1. I il ~ 11"4; 'W'ITcrT'l ~ 'f!:T ? ~ ~I lfi<:ilT 'lsr ~ ~ ~~ 'fit il:i:t ~ it fl.lCflll.r 1~. f( I tt ~ '3"1J lJ'ftr ~ lflfT 'fT I ,.,.T iiI"T'f ~~ f <{9" if; iimil' it 1I"f if '-1"1, ~ ;a-;tfif ~~-~ iiI"T"fr fq;, l~I f'i"fl;:r 'I+lT "ziT norT I WI, I~ J;TOtrlff ~ f'flf>T<'f " ~ ~~ 'fTc ~ 'fTi'I"T trT, f<{ll"T "fraT, ;:,-T ii-lf ~~ 'fiT C;frc i:t <.in: ~ ~ ~ll ~ •..ft" ilf'lfi"T ~ ~ 9"T'fii'!'''' ~ ~ ~ ~1 I f'f..... 'f>T ilT'f>T ~~ it ~ 'flc il1l:1 ~ if 'fit f;::trT ~ f 'f>T ~l SHRI SRADHAKAR SUPAKAR (Sam- balpur): On a point of order. Can we 1'f f'fillT ~ ~1 trf<{ "il: ~ ~ MR. SPEAKER : No. 'foT "'Iii ~ 9;Ii, ~ ;Iff,r .,;:'l'il ~ "fTn:iTT I (1"T 'f>T'foT 'li¥tr ;;,-T ~ lj;"4; -~1 fi:"lfT f'fi 'f>i:'[ ~~ SARI P. G. SEN (Purnea) : That is not the subject-matter of discussion. "fT 'IT il:T, 'f>i:'[ r!li:!.r I '3"{f f;il '3""t to the action of the Speaker of the Assembly ~l1 ~ I~ ~ .....T ~l ~ aaain ? f'f>.:i ;; ~1 ~l IT<'fit 'fiT ~~ r'fiT mlj" are discu.ins the present situlltion, Dot what j« f1(il if. '2Hf<{ ~I '3"ri:!.lit 'fTc it; was done some time back. ~~ 'tiP 'I"R 'ITc ~- MR. SPEAKER : Whatever it is, he can m ;IT;:: it ;l) ~ ~ ~ House. There il no doubt about it. il7 PHALGUNA 21, tR90 (SAKi, and Mi"'.I", Fo,mtllinn 21' IIIM.P.(M) -n ...... ~l : ~l ~~l~ it ~ .rfmr ~ 'l" 'fil"! ~I I '07f iff'" !fl >ir ~~ !fTit 'fliT (IIf,{!fR) m qrqf" ,"I Ifll"T ;rr'f ~ ? ~ if'lHT 'fT.!··ft ~ if.,rrr"· (lAf1II'llOf) 'f>iVolfl ,r.rr ~ ~ g !!Oh fiHT"l1 -~ ~ ,PIT ~ RTF. .r.t ~ If'JfR If'''TT it; ~11l1 if, -l~ 'fT if'fT'fT 'frgc 'H lit Ili[ 'l';:'·ft"lfl ~ 'TorT ;ft norl ~ I ~ Q"lflf il ~ ~~ ~ iff; "lfl "nftHT' ~ rrl ~ if ~ rrore1if>" ~ g!"( -n I~I~ RT;: >il ~I ..~ ir if'fT'fT 'ifTg1r ~ ,'r ifliT ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~111 'f>T 'fTIf ~ 1~ 'l>f. '11f;,T ~ f'f> ~4 e:nm ~ lI"'f>T<: 1l~ ",,;n ~ '1Trrt ;;-1' ~l 'ftH f'l> 'fir itifT if; ,!'fTif if; ~ ll~ 'TTtf ~ ~ I it 1fi! ~ 'Ii' 'f.T '-iT f!f> orif 'fliT 'l>T 'lTf.l"lITlTc if ifQ"liif ~ lIT ;rtf, ~I it," 'YfT 'flIT ifI' ~ ~ 'f'm qh orf'if if; ~ ~I tt 'frnlffT[ ~ q'h: «far;;: if; i!ffT 1l~ ~ Pi! l~ ~ ~ t flf. 'fl:r ;'CiT if; 9" fH>n;;rT if ~ ifrlf ~ \If! qh: qor if .~ 'f..-T 'if1'-T ~ If>T l~ '"IlT f", T ~ e:'fr 'f'l'T ~ t iflfTf;r. ~ ",,7!f>, ~l1 q'h: iJcIT'1T ~l f'" ~ m if ;m ''ff"f ~ f;r. ~I ~ if ifTIiT' ~ I I!lfiir "flT'fT ~ f'll" {Tf,fl .. rli ~ Iff. ~l ~~ if; for\'fit ll~ ~ flf .... 't iff,f 'lifT'll fOfiMIf ~.~ ~ .'f'l>T 'l>i('fr ~ f'f; If'f;f, ""I GT cft;r ~ ~l. ~I limql "" T "if ~ ~ lIlY .,;r OR ~ Tm 'l'iIJTf'f'" ~ ~ "" ~I q-T 'l1 'f7.T. ~. ~l ~ t, q"lfT'lf,1iT if; !f>T fifnTlf ~ f'f> f'f>«t .,qr Wl'r ~1l 'fiT ~ '.{'T ~ '!I'm olfntnrrr -~ 'fT? III~ ~ ~ if \'fT iPs ~ it lIT ~~ rI 'f>'r, ... 'Ii'f .,;r Q"If.r rr ~.~~ Il~1 ... ~ srA ~ l!f!f>f i!f if norliH it ... ~1 Q"TIJT, it; -iT 'ifl'fi ;;rfffir ~ ~4 Hfll"lfRT IfRW :;'f'f>T i'lfflT fif'lT'f 'f)fT 'lft ~ if (tifT I ito rOIl{ 'fm ~ fclR ~ • \'fT .ft'i flf"ofA" ~ Q ~ q-) I ~ ~ ~ 1i9 Gov"no,'" ActIon MARCH j 2, :%9 and MI"ilfry P,'rntQtion in M. 1'. (M) [o,ft ~ ft:f;ra] m '!iT l~1 fm l~ ? ll~ >;rr ~ ~ ~ if ~ ~ >:rT, ;rr if ~ 'fffi ;a' .~ ~I ~ f'lrlfT, ~1 'I1t fT''f.n: it ;rnT' f'f'lTT I crT "The Government of India does not ~ QRT"<: "for ;n;m; ~ ~ ~~ '1T ~~ fil"i'fT ~~ i£iffT{ ~~ ~ ~ ~ .ll~ ~1 ~ if; ll'f(l ~ I Fl" ~ ~l ~ ~ ~ l.~ I '1"T (,'R'f it it i\ 'qT'" ~ ~l ~ ~ fi!j;" ~ ~l 1\ ~I l~ $ fl[; I~~ ij; rnT ;;il 1~ 'if'f'fT srf"f'fflfliT i!j;") ~ ll~ 'f.T fif{!f'l ~~ ~ qii iT If'tf'fC:: if; ;:rTUlil!T ~ 'liT ~ 1~ ~l iJ ~ i'fl';T ~ liT ,,) f'f>n'f ~l 'fn' ~ U'Jlftli- ~1 i!j;") liT "TT'f;;rlfT i!j;") ~ ifirlrTli ~ I m '1''1\lr if 'l1; if;i;ifT ~ f... ~ ",;;i1 ff'1f., ;mrif 'fliT gt ? lff'nf""" if;[ I ~~~ ~ gt 'f ~ ~ fIR" "<:1"1" , PD",lQtlotl 2~2 ,,,M. I'. 1M) ~ ;fIfT ~ "if .rr ill posi lion. (/11/1 l~ You may laugh at ,.10 ifnI'!' 'l7T 'ifl Il~ ifFf ~ <:[;': l~1 it. YOl! will be (lnly laullhinll at yourself. l~1 ~ ~ .~ ~ 'f!! "l''f;'iT ~ I The I'oi"t is that the Governor was in the R".i IIhavan. He was not keeping 1I00d ·;p:it ~ 'lITtf'!T ifi'! ~ 'f;>;! ? I Il~ health yesterday. He has developed !lOme '1"er if ~ ~8 ~ T\fif q ~ ):['i.H'f If·if fever. He has got some trouble. In the J110rnillll Ihe Chief Minisler called on the ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~I f'fir<::'f 'ifTf;ilf tif; >;fT'lit; Governor and advised him in writina to lJ<'ICfT ~ ~ '3'fl'''''' >;fT'l ~ f I >;ff'l ~. if.TTf prof0£,1": the HOllse and it was only on the ~ ~ '1'1'{ 0;:1 l~l >;f'T"fl' ~ aUlicc of Ihe Chief Minister. ..

~ ~ m~~ ~ lJ U7.[ .n 'f;! if.! i, AN HON. MEMBER : Who was the i'rfifi''f lttT 'ifl "T ~ fifO ~ 111'·n ,,! 'Fr ~ Chief Minister? 'Im'fT"f'l1 it; ifT<:: lR'T'lE '1'",1 ~l fifO 11;", SHRI Y.B. CHAVAN : .. the Governor ~ 'IT" if! I "ifi'f 'lHT 1't l:f0 f;r. >;fFf I'rorollued the House. That fact the Governor told me and I ~ n'ilT l~ ~ >rifT l-~ alll conveyina this to the hon House. The Governor h.. already I~ it; F:!1 'T7.[;h "7.[19'T ~.. ~ 7.[;>; invited Raja of Sarana.rh. Raja Naresh fir. ~ ~ it JI1 9',p; ~ ~ Singh ... it ~~Ill- flf'iT ~~ "f'{'ff'fTU ~ ir r.. AN HUN. MEMBER : Raja NarNh Ifi:T q"{ ~ ~ ~~ P. ~ Of! .l~ !f.t Chandra Singh. ~ ~l. .:<'<:: i!t ;;n;<:: ~I ;r,t 'fT;ff'i[ oTT He had in vited Raja Naresh Chandra Sin&h ~ ~~l l~ to me..,t him to form the Government at 3 'flf,if 'r r"'lfT O'clock to-day. ~ ~ '1<, ~I it ~ (m I m mlf m 1. f'f> ~ 'f>"Ift 'l'rq- ·oft ll~ '" ~ ~1 ~~ II~ ;roiT, '!"fFllf if'i!it 'fT l~ ~l. ~~ ~. l-~ fJi( JI"lf'T 1I.~ll~ -~ It ~ ~ ~ fir. 'll'T'l It ~ lfITlflf ~ tf, f"lil ~9 ::1 ~ If/: arTiflf.Ttt ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ 'l'mrlJ'f flf<'r ~ 'mf '1ft ~ I 711" it; ~--~ tfoit ~ ~ ~ ~ lll~ ~ it it; m q '1';:1 I ~ q'T ilTa' ~ ~ '1'1\ ~ ~ ~ !lIT ~I fifi ~ If.T ~ r"fl' ~~~ ~ fifi-rr MAP.CH 12, 1969 lind Mlnl$"}' I~ InM P.IM) ~ ~ ~ ~l ITlfT ~ I ~1 1:« -wr been invited to form a MR. SPEAKER : That is what I said, Government to-day at 3 O'clock, I I~ It is a cI""titulional point whether a Chief /llIns) Minister who has resigned caR advise the Goverl1or. j cannot give my opinion on it. SHRI S.M. UANERJEE : Mr. Speaker. . That can bo discu"od. We have begun it at 2 o'clock and we shall finish it at S o'clock MR. SPEAKER : I do not think Ill" I will givo 3 hours. The point whether the stwutbing would ~ roached Bhopal now. held of a caretaker Government can advise Shri Banerjee shouts very well. Even his Ihe Governor to prorogue the Assembly can voice cannot reach Bhoral. be discussed. SHRI S.M. BA.NERJEE : Through Mr. SHRI 1.B. KRIPALANI (Guna) : On a Chavan, Sir. point of information. Sir, who was the Chief Minister who advised the Governor? ~ QZ", .~I~ "fT1lQ IT: 7~

~~I1 ~ ;{T'f o;fh ~ ~ I o;fT'l ;tf

MR SPEAKER : That is exactly the SHRI K. LAKKAPPA (Tumkur): T point to be discussed, beg to move That at the end of the motion. the SHRI P,G, Sen (Purnea): the Home following be added, namely :- Minister has said that the Governor is going "and requests the President to recall to call the Raja at 3 o'clock, So, what is the Governor of Madhya Pradesh" (2) there to be di!ICussed ? SHRI NATH PAl (Rajapur) : T beg to SHRI eK BHATTACHARYVA (Raj move ganj) : This motion seeks to disapprove of the conduct of the Governor (If the ground That at the end of the motion. the that he has not invited the Leadc, of Oppo- following he added, namely >- sition to form a GovernmenL The Home "and of prorogation of the State Minister says, the Governor has called the A ..embly and recommends to the Presi- Leader of the Opposition to form the Minis- dent that the Governor should be recal- try, What is the meaning of 1110l'ing this led forthwith" ot (3) motion DOW? You give your ruling whether this can at all come after what the Home SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES (Bom- Minister has stated, I submit this motion bay South) : I beg to move cannot come after the Home Minister's That at the end of the motion, the statemenL following be added, namely :- "and recommends to the Council of SHRIMATI SARDA MUKERJEf of Ministers to advise the President to (Ratnagiri) The situation over which the dismiss the Governor forthwith," opposition were exercised does not exist any more, Arc we going to have a debate on constitutional technicalities in the lIouse '! SHRI SHlVA CHANDRA JHA (Madhu- bani) : I beg to move MR, SPEAKER: The motion says; That at Ihe end of the 1110tion, the . 'Ihe aCI of the Governor of Madhya following be added, namely:-- Pradesh in not inviting immediately the new leader of the S.V.O .. "and recolwDends to the President to dismiss the Governor at once." (5) Having taken up the disclIsMon, you cannot stop it in between, The House can discu" whether the head of a care-taker SHRI RANGA (Srikalmlam) : Mr. Spea- Governor can advise the Governor. That is ker, Sir, there i. nothina else to be ~ why I reduced the time, It will not go on of the pre'ICnt Home Minister, It certainly for the whole day. I appeal to the hon. .taDd. to his credit that he has brought the members to be brief so that we may fin., institution of IIOvernorship into disrepute it by 5 O'c1ock, There are some amend- and contempt. Some time ago, last time ments. when the Madhya Pradesh affair waa being diacusse. lie tricJ to allow the was unwise, anai unconstitutional. same sort uf game 10 he played in Madhy.l My han. frind ... rnts us to believe all Pradesh. At that I illlc alS,1 this HUlIse Iud I hat he said allli when some uf us were not to intervene in li:no: ~111l1 (liell it was that the inclined to rut so rQucb raith in wbot be S.V.D. IC:Hkr •.:;Jll1e to be invited to form the ha" saig--nf co .. rse. we were not prepared to Ministry. Then at ... o the HOll<.;e .~ proro- dismiss what he has said outright -he said gued. There is an evil genius there. 1 hOilVC you elln laugh as you like; it is not that. no ~ to their continuing their alfec- flut .. y ~. friend caD not dillClaim tilln for hirn ~ll l~ lut.'> heen one or tile fact and th. flel is that the HOllie their veten'!, holh in the Oppo.ition as ..,ell \1inisoter, .."henever .~y is in con- as 011 their side. f'herr-fore they afC very tnct \.ith the Governor. May be, accor- much attach,"d III Ilil11. 11.1 th"l should n"t ding to the kind of constitutional he a rea'lon that they should allo'tv, .~- mia'"sIJ the Home Minister is not supposed to be deRected from thcir duties. to be in touch with the Governor ",t all, but My bon. friend. Shri J(ripalani 1't'as I~ in actual practice the Home Minister i') illg, who is the Chier Minister who has the generally in touch with the Governor. right to be:""e as the Chier Minister.Onel' 5HRI SURI::NDRANATH DWIVEDY a Chief Mini'>ter resigns he has ~lIu tll I'he Governors are in tOllch with him, perform lllle other dUh' :1" he take" leave' or the Governor. Thb convention has comc SHIH RANG A : Ye., the Governors from England. We hale been tryin! to are also in touch with the Home ~. ohserve it. lll~ W-:iT certain breacht''l, Ilow lung can we go on deceiving ourselves All those breaches were due 10 the Iud in thi" manner? How long can my bon. advice of my hon. friend, Shri ehavan. His friend go on asking us "Please accept my one and only duty while ~ IC:lve is that \\"unJs"? Now. words they arc ; quite he could advise the Gover:1or whom to call ~- which is open, word which is to take the l~ul (11' llffke as the C11!er not upen. word which is tied to the apron Minister. 1t can he ~u. bv some people strinls of the Governor and ;"lCt' ~l. They that he may givl..' the -~ but it is for the or< words all right. Rut I am prepared to Ge"ernor tll accept it or not. But the other Jccept a word which is open, not a word part of it is. how could he give that advice? \I hich is tied. Ht:: euuld give tlul advice' only on the basis What we have to examine is this. Has of cerf(lin facls. One of them \\l'uld be to this Home Minister been behaving as a nlime ~ ;H.:cn.:dih:d leaJ\.!r or Ihe ll~ trustee of this Constitution and not merely ~ll party in tll.\t legislature if that is as the Home Minister of a party-led govern- already dear. If Ihat has already happened. ment? We want him to behave as a trustee he need nl't h:l\'C any doubts at all, he can act as a trustee. rise far above the moment- aive the advk-e and the ~l ... ~ is cxpe<.:ted ary interest. 1I00d or bad. real or ima&ined ; to honnur that advice. because. he may imasine Ihat somethilll is Beyond that. he has no other advice to in the inlercllt he-re OJ' may he bcl.'f.lllSC he was attitude of my Congress friends. Not Inng 1~ here in order i'l s:\ve LIS rrom the ago 1 was also one of thelll. For many enemies ahfC1ad, he has ~ it into his head years I put lip with many of their had things, that he should ~ an l'!lemy in every non- ~ t hey are putting Hi' today. One has got Congressman in the ~ nr India thouah to do it ! that. even \9hen Shri JawaharlClI I'hat i:; where my trnll'ie also comcs an. Nehru WJS the Prime Minister. So. I was that is the be.lllty ('. the parliamentary hoping ".ainst h,)pc that there Mig"t be systePll, Man to m"," h..: is one of thc best some body among them who would .udd.. ly but as a lIome Minister he is one of the get himself stung by the [lromJ'ting or worsl. Therefore I wnllid like !Iim to take .~~ and protest against it. It is this warning, For God's sake do not touch bct.:ause of hof'C and that confidence also these Ciovcrnnrs. They arc l~ the electric.:: that I dared this morning-- Sir, you \.... erc instrumenh wldcll gi\>c yoa ~. They witnes'lo to it---to ~l to their conscience. arc ."our inCltrllmenh, it is true, but treat I> there any wonder at all, fortunately for them c'llfcl·uliy, honourably, decently other- our democracy but unforttmately for this wise they will smite )Ill! and will smile us Home Minister and unfortuAotely for the also. Governnr, there was one meraber who rose: but there were many r.a.ny more also, !.ure SHII.J C. C. DESAI (Sabaskantha) : as anything bO;oluse I had previous experience The8e l1~ Governors are like snakes i. thot wav, w"o wanted to get u". i. the lI'a5S.

SHRI D. N. T1WARY (Gopalr:anj): 51111.1 RANGA What arc theso He is C1 e Secretary of the ConSfess porty. Gov.rnors ? My hon. friend ba., broughl this Governorship into the u~l. ~~ SHRI RANGA: That is why I say are tllese Governors to be" Are they to he there must have been many more. It happens the nominees of the mini"itry whkh is in like that in any gathering. Those several JlOwer everywhere'! I am not ill favour of members were also stung by the injustice of it. They ought abo not to be the nominee. it all, by the unfairness of it all, with the of this party in power. No; it is dangerous. shamelessness of what is happening that they Kindly imagine for yourself. [ need not supported him spontaneously, even silently, go into details. Therefbre, from now on and yet even that silence was eloquent, so at least !ICC to it that these Governors are much so that the Home Minister was not ex-Congressmen or present u..~ 231 MARCH 12, 1%9 a"d Mln'''''JI F.r_,io" ,,, M.P.(M) [Shri Ranga) or Congress Ministe", because as my hon. hell' them to discharge their duties with friend, Shri C. C. Desai, is suggesting, the dignity. wit h decorum and becoming of the feeling is growing all over the country that Constitution and also of the State Govern- these Congress Governors are acting like ment. vipers or cobras in the grass; you do not know when they would hit you, poison you, SHRI P. VENKATASUBBAIAH destroy you. Do not allow this feeling to (Nandyal) : Mr. Speaker, Sir, today, I would get the better of our affection for the institu- like to make an appeal to this honourable tion of Governorship. We want this House that we are discussing a very impor- institution of Governorship. Please do not tant constitutional issue that will hell' os in allow this atmosphere to grow to such an preserving the parliamentary democracy in extent that people do not want any institu- our country. When this matter was brought tion of Governorship at all. Please also up in H'le House in the afternoon, I rose to see thaI they are no longer chosen from express the feelings of not only myself but among Congress people alone. of the party to which I belong. I echoed the Here is this gentleman, Shri K. C. sentiments and the deep concern exrressed Reddy. He also is an old friend of mine. by members of my Party to which I belong. We were together in the national struggle. T went to aid him in our struggle against the SHRI RANGA Very good. Maharaja those days. He was also a labour leader. He was the Chief Minister of the State and a Minister here over a long, long SHRI P. VENKATASUIJBAIAH time. He shouid have left much eal'iier, must congratulate the H0me Minister for but he would not. Then. in the end, anyhow, he has demonstrated that he i, the Home they thought that they had found a very Minister who upholds the dignity of not only good job for him, a very good responsibility this HOll« but also ul'lwld, the parliamentary for him. I also felt happy because I u~ democracy in this country \\ hen he said .. 1] really that he would make an excellent am in the hands or the Hllu,e. I would like Governor in the light of all the experiences to be guided by this H0use." that he has had, even as a Chief Minister. But now I pity that Governor. l am After all this, I am very much pained tll extremely sorry for my hon. friend, Shri K. to hear from some hon. friends in trying to C. Reduy, bCl:ausc he has oeen turned into, cost aspersions on the Home Minister. That what should I say, a letter without an has rained me much more than anything. address. He docs not know where to go, The Home Minister has stated categorically in whkh way to turn, whose advice he has that he has not sent any advice to the Go- to seck, how to behave, whether to go to vernor and the Governor has acted on his sleep or whether to remain in bed. own accnrding to the circumstances pre- vailing. But here, the Opposition rarties, He has IlL'en I'ut in an unenviable "light in their ever-enthusiasm, are trying to secure of having to say to an ex-Chief Minister. to debating point rather than disccussing the chosen leader of the S. V .D" and also to the constitutional propriety involved in Rajmata that he ~ meet them. He is th is, a very chivalrous man. I have known him so well. And my friend has robbed him The whole ..,atter, as Mr. Madhu Limaye even or that chivalry with the resull the has correctly put it. is not the prorogation of ~ man had to send a message to Rajmala, the Assembly, the prol'riety or otherwise •• ] cannot meet you Mom." What a shwlle. of it, whether the care-taker Chief Minister Whut a degradation to which the institution of Governorship has been brought on tbe has got a right to advise the Governor to prorouge the Assembly-it is not germane advice, on the dictates, Oil the expressed or un-cxprcs.... cd, sfXlken or unspoken wishes of at all to th< "rellent J'I'Oblem-but the "ro- blem is very .imple. nlY friend the Home Miuister. This is not f.i,. Plea,c. for God sake, learn to deal willi (i,'vernon, honour them, treat them as SHRI J, B. KRlPALANI lIUy I tell hl' . "ll';'. as Jianiticd people, and also you that that is the Question ? 233 PHALGUNA 21, 1890 (SAKA) iUId Mlnist,y ~I 2M InM.P.(M) 15 hrs. a Constitutional expert aor a lawyer; do not know anything about SHRI P. VENKATASLJl:lBAIAH : Please {'t t fn: 'fit arisen in Madhya Pradesb. Shribrahma- 11If11' ~ t;l'rt:;r.. 7'[711''11''1'1 it. -~ t nanda Reddy became the Chief Minister and you continued to be the Leader of the Con- m il ~I 'fiFI if 'if'ffli gi ~ cr'h .,->.:- gress lqislature Party for some time. Tbis ill' ~ llf'f-IT" 'l.;7, ll..rt ~ Ifif\' ~ ~ is the point which I want to bring home to F.lf .~ 'l"I'T?: 'f;7,r ~ the hon. members here, whether in this res- f'f; ir 1ft pect the Governor has acted in a manner that is in accordance with the Constitution. 15.06 h ... With deep regret I have to say that there has (Mr. O"..,,-S,.,uker·n ClIT ;:T Il~ fG'''fT ;;or f'ifit "i:r 1~ if 'T;;>:f1T"f 11~l ~ ~ ~Il r,fT o'fl1Q.r' f'-r.'H t ,,/ i;i:rm ~ '1' f,,<::rrf.,.;; ~ ~ 'f'1'1T ~ I ~ f!T !f;l,.'TI' i'1 '11,:'1;1 7 fOf fif;::T" ~ <.:i;;:' it1T 'IIl'lt it if1rT '-ff'lr I ~~ ~l ~ 'IT 'f.'ir.Trft P,';"'T ,it f:f,?' fiw, iT ,!"!'TlfT ~~ l~~ I ~I 11: l{". ;fT1T i: "Ah ~ ~ ~~l ~1 ~1 f'PTT 'fP:-7h k'l 'P l1'T'l1" ~l >;ffifT g f'fi" ~I qQ. ~ oft f 'f'lel if; l1~ it ~ ;[ <.T qHT lfhl1'S"f ~ if; frt ~ 'l7T ~ ~ I '.fo1'T I l~ 'T;z1.l''lF'f 11;:IT",," ,[:T '-IT'-HI.!T ~ 17~ '171 1f""!''TT'': g fq; f:1:rUT ~l ~ {t ifr l<1n:+r "fer t'li' ,PT- nJ!T'TT"f 1f?T;1l 17r m,,"'nr ~ '1 1; l':T ~l ~ 18{ l~I1 ~ fiNT'!' .. +rr it ~~ 'fe'f it ;;rr(iT )( I ~ l'fTl!f H:! l'f".'flf ,;r q"h;o'f "c '''fT ,<;t, "rT 'l1'T U:;rHrrr if; ;fT ~ if; n-T"[ ~ ~- if rriT 'f"f"T· '1'f'f"lH "fT Cf'll \Ol'11T;;:'m ~ it :;'1' '1;T fiRl1T 4 'f JT \:ref[, 7, '1'7. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !fk ..f'l!ff'f ~ ~ il11; {t ~ '1' lff""!'u,,,,!, ~ otT ",'FITI]" P'f, ;;:i'f f:i!" if; ~1 if ~ t, _if it fG'lfT 1f!fT I ~ l~ f;1'ir ~ ",Tir crT >WIt ~ q'llT »fi ~~l1 it ~ fOf ";,; 'f;'rt: Iu~~ ~ ~ .nei qjl" ~I 1~ ..", I l7~l.~ ,;rllH ~ ~ r",.<,! l~ Il'iT ~ "f;:r'.fFT "q if, f<'Tir -FlT ~ ;0" '<'T ~- 1~ it ... " "Til 'fit ~ fif; 'if" ~ 1it ~ ;j Tit I ~I~ ~ 1f;T U1f Ifm 'fQ:T 1ft I iii 'lH1' I~ ff ~ lfl: f'f1fl'f ;f oft ~ i{1iIl sri{qr it ~~ ~ ~ "l'q ~ ~ g7r I ~lu or) ~ ~ ~ 'l;l1<:T ifm ~ ;f) ~ iii "fir $'rt if;T ~~ fn1t'!:Tn ~ !;!fij':1 'A'l, '3'T;fif mil' fllf"fT'li 'ifT ~ 1!'''l1' I~~ if; If.. i; 'FT'f

~l lTqe'!irfll' Il~ I~ll~ r 1 ~l 'FT iTT'1.rr ~ '{[ 1 f P2 ~1 ~ Il~~l ~~ .1.~ nl'f:'H 'fir f'f'lfT WIT 'TT f'li' l~ 'Ofn: '1'7lf'1TOf I.~ ~ ~~ Il~ Ji;>ft ","fq; "!'fT ~ olffffi f.1'fT ~ :'I'f.'fIT ryr;rQ'f1f otT lIT I;fT"f: l.~ ~ ~ ~ 'I! 'l, ,T;Zlf'H"f llil lTI 'I'fT" ;:liT1 efT ~1 ~ OfT OfT ""fit!: ~ ~ 1fT ~ ~I ;;it lI~ ~ ~ ifl'" it ;m 'JrlqPH it ~ ri;;r it Jf'V!f l'P!fi ~ JirifiT 7 ~1 ~ .~~ OfT ~ ~ i'toff it R ~ '" l~I Q If';fT'1''''f if; 9;lNn: cr' 1T::rl on' '1F,9' Of'fT Of OfT If.'T mlfmJ ~ ~ ~ fif7 ~I if; ~~ll ;f.t -/iCfnT ;f.1 ;"1 for. l~ ~ ~ t, \;"ifIIiT 'ffQ' mil' ~ i1' ft Ifll"T ~~ 'Fol 1;1 l~ ;ft iTt ~ I If, .4~ IT:;r;fiic ~1 ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~l u~ 'f;;:f ~ f", ~ ilHT 'f"I'T- ~ ;"T ~ ~ I ~ 'I'lTT t ~ ;fa iTi: ilqf'fi ~I ~ J;l'1· ~11 rrm?t 'ff,i I~l " 'ill f':l/'T ~ ~ lTI If 1IfIrIIil'!T' 'frli ~ t I ~ it'fT ~l 'f ilt Ifi. ~ ~ ~ 219 M o\RCH 12, 1969 and Mini",." &rlllQllOn InM. P. (MJ [llift 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~1 ~1 it ftffITIf 'fi<: minutes. We have hardly I hour and 45 minutes more left. ron ~ l!;!"Ol',y 'fOr ~1 ~ I 01'11' ~l ~ ~~ Q:TiT ill' 'l;IP::"!:1f;<: IT'I".rif'!." 1' ~1 'f7r .~ oT'l; <:P1l- rf:g>i't guidance. ~ 'f01' ~lI~l iUT (l"c,rt if; ~ oT'I> \":)'1T I think thai it is just as well to remember ~ ~ I 1~ 1~ ~ ~ I 1~ "liT ;;rr 'PI Ihat in essence, in the final an .. dysis. the ~~ll ~ F."T 1'3'flJ<{ liE'. 51~~ UJ'(ln the Central Government, it is no use t -~ ~ ~ n:"

SHRfMATI SHARDA MUKERJEE : MR. DEPlTrY-SPEAKER: The Home The final responsibility for internal oec:urity Minister has aiven us an assurance. ~ rest upon the Central Government. If , nterrup,'iCln,fi) my hon. friends expect the Central Govern- ment to ab!!Olve itself of that re8ponsibility. thon they will be the first to aet Dp and 'IT ~ ~ iTt rtllQl/tI" 244 /"M.P.(M) MR. DEPUTY·SPEAKER: Mr. Owl. ~ll~~~ 00 Ifi't ~ ( f<::I.lT vedy, the Home Miaister has clarified the pclSltlon. His message was, 3! I have under· stood him, that he would be invited and later on, he would be asked to form the Mil.. DEPUTY·SPEAKER : So far, Government. every han. Mcmbor of this House has said about it. And once the I lome Minister has Shrimati Sharda Mukerjee, you please given some information with a full sense of conclude. authority and responsibility, I think that we must be guided by that. Let there be no SHRJ SEZHIY AN Mr. Deruty more questions raised on it. Speaker, I rise on a point of order. If you go through the record, when the Speakor SHRI J. B. KRIPALANI : The time was here .. i'H('flllpI 1onS 3 0' cio.:k is not relevant. At 3 0' clock, the Governor mi&ht have fallen ill. So, let MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : I know, I us wait. YOll arc v.ry impatient. was here. SHRI S. KUNDU (Balasore): It does SHRI SHEO NARAIN : Sir, I also rige not matter; the time is immaterial. The on a point of order. feeling which we want to convey to you is t hat this House is concerned over this matter. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER : Mr. SheD I request you to ask the Home Minister to come again with some additional information Narain. I shall listen to you. (jn/l'NlfPI10flSJ at 4 O'clock or 4.30 and say if the Governor has callad a meeting and whether is going to SHRI SEZHIYAN : If you go through be a swearing in ceremony tomorrow. the record, the hon. Sreaker made it dear that the situatioll had changed and that at MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKFR : We have 3 0' clock the new S.Y.D. leader would be yet sometime till 5 O'clock. Let us rroceed asked to form the Government. (lnlerrllption.n with the debate now {[nt.rrll!'tion.:dure. II i, now 3.20 p.lll. but still we do not know the correct position. q) Il~ ~ : ~II~ l1~ The other dav it so happened that at the ~ Ifl';:r.ftll ~ll it {ffl'q;T"" ::ri\ll1m'TT ~ I time of lhe Budget S""och the han. Primo Minisler came the minutes laIC. What is ~ ~ ~ 1l~1 'liT ~II ~~~Il ~ I (!1I'

SHItIMATI SHARDA MUKERJEE Let me quote : MR. DEPUTY -SPEAKER : Plea!e re- "Ihe decision of the Governor in sume your seat. I had ruled yesterday when his discretion shall be final, and the this point was raised by Mr. Limaye that validity of anythiOll done by the Governor this Hl>use will not be guided by messages shall not be called in question on the received by private Members. I do not ground that he ought or oUllht not to want to allow anybody to raise a point of have acted in his discretion." order on the basis of some private informa- It is the submission of my hon, friends tion ",llliarupIIOlP". that the Governor should not have proro- gued Ihe AS!lembly, I a,k you, how we are >..tT lI!iI'{<'fI'" ~ lI~ 11~1I in II position to be able to say whether the ';PTlt;!l'l if I);it q'q',ft orr'f iJi'll,fr 1fT ~lI Governor should or should not have done it, apart from the fact thai constitutionally n 'l1t<: 'Ail' qrr I);it

SHRI M.L. SaNDHI: If the statement MR, DEPUTY-SPEAKER Order, is incorrect. how can you allow it? The order Please conclude, House was being misled. II is more than 3 o 'ciock now. SHRIMATJ SHARDA MUKEItJEE : he can decide whether the constitutional MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: The procee- machinery has hroken down. Even the dings of the House should not he held up reports we have had in the papers have given like thi< if you want to communicate .ome us enough evidence that the majC>rity held by privalc information. Mrs. Mukerjee. Mr, (; N. Singh was not the same. and there- fore. a \.'ef'tain situation had arisen. If my SHRIMATI SHARDA MUKERJEE: It hon. friends in the Opposit ion could have has been our sad experience in the past th.t waited for a day or two, maybe the situation when our colleagues have been bu,y making would have become clarified and people ministries. we have had peace in the House. could have argued on a better basis, Today, If this is an indication of what is happening we do not know what we arc arguing about. ~ I say that the constitutIonal machinery has broken down and we see evidence or it. SHRI J,B, KRIPALANI : Sir, even the We have never had peace in the House when 1I0me Minister did not say that the Consti- they were not ~y in the :'Itllle. I/lw''''fI- tution there had broken down. There was a ''!In','. I was sayinll that the constitutional Government which was the care-taker govern- machinery seem! to have broIeC ~ ACIIon MARCH IZ, 1969 and M",I."y Formation in M. ,.. 'M) [Shri Sezhiyan] that the han, Members in the House here SHRIMATI SHARDA MUKERJEE irrespective of their party affiliations unani- It is unf)arliamentary. (/nterrlltil!,;sl mously agree with the concern that has been shown by a section of the Members here. SHRI SEZHlY AN When the Cons- do not want to use this occasion to cast any titution of this country was framed by our aspersion on any Minister. This is an occa- rounding fathers in the year 1948-49, when sion to show our protest against the anti- the office or Governor was discussed in the democratic measures that are being taken, Constituent Assembly, even then Members of and to protest against the autocratk way in standing like Dr. Kher, Shri Biswanath Das which the Governor has behaved in Madhya and Pandit Kunzru expressed grave doubts Pradesh. 'fherefore, nobody needs to have about the office (If Governor and how it was any qualms tha t they are being singled out. going to fare in the future. Here I can Here, by a whole procedure, an office qUl'te Shri Biswanat" Das. He was the has been brought to ridicule for the past two Chief Minister of Oris.a and he was a years especially. Arter the genera I election Member of the Constituent Assembly at the Congress found itself in a minority, and that time. He said : onsted from the pedestal of power in many "In the provinces you are going to States whereas the Centre continued to be ha ve democracy from toe to neck and controlled by the Congress. In the Slates autocracy at tlie head. 1 "ould have where the power went to the non-Congress ciLed how the Cioycrnor who was an parties, the office of the Governor was used agent or British imperialism has all l~ unscrupulously to topple down the v1rious he.n attempting to smash my party. Ministries that have bocn set lip there:. What was being done by the Governor under British l~ muy also be The anthentic message that we have ~. received so far about the happenings in Madhya Pradesh is from a PTi news agency Thest arc the wonls exrre"ed by Shri at about I O'dock, which reads like this: Bi.wanath Das. a leadin" Coogressman, on 30th September, 1949 ill the Constituent "The MP Assembly was rrorogued Assembly. About 20 years have passed. today under orders or the Governor. As What Ilc feared unuer the British imperia· soon as the House, now in budget session lism has come too true. And another impera- met at II a.m the Speaker, Mr. K.P. lism is here. Pande, shid that he had received a mes- sage from the Governor to prorogue the ~ standards are adopted in differeJlt Assembly under sleet ion 174 (2AJ of the Slatcs. Tile otfil..'e of Governor has been Constitution. The announcement was chosen in some States to adjourn the Assem- greeted with shouts of 'shame, shame'. bly. in some States to dissolve the Assembly, 'Rajyapal Moradabad' from S.Y.D. in .ome States to Jismi.. the Ministry and Benches". in some States to torple the Ministry. The very first act the Present Government under The next sentence is even more revealinll : Mrs. Indira Gandhi, did. was to approve the "There were counter-shouts from action of the Governor of Rajasthan to Congress Benches". suspend the Assembly. At that ~ the Congress was not returned in majority in While I appreciate the concern shown by Rajasthan. There the Assembly was sus- the Congress Members here in Parliament, rended till better times were available to I am sorry to note that the same sentiments ush.r in a Congress Government. A week and the same concern have not been expres- later in Pondicherry, where there was a sed or felt hy their partymen in the State of Congress Government totterinl, the Assembly- Madhya Pradesh. was adjourned. Now we know wbat the I do not like the word 'prorogue' itselL people's verdict is. In the recent ICnral \! is in the Constitution. As a layman-I election, there, the COl1lress has been defea- am ~ a constitutional expert-when I read ted ond the DMK Government bas come. the word 'prol'Ol!lIe' sometimes it looks like (Jru(I·":ljHln1ls). In Haryana the Governor -I~~. ('I'lerrlIPti(Jn) simply dissolved tbe Al8embly. In the Governor', Actio" PHflLGUNA 21,1890 (SAAA, and Mlnl,tr)' tormQ/;OIl ~ ,,,M.P.IM) Report he sent to the President, he has lI~ ~ ~I ..rt ~ if yrr ~ stated: ~l~ 'l:t l~lI 'flIT flIT I ~ ~ll ...T "Rao BirendL, Singh still commands a majority of 40 members in an effective it. '1To ~ ... ~ ~ ~ ~ House of 78." ~ I~ ~

Though the Chief Minister had the 'PT +rlr ~ ~ ;;rTll' t ~ ~~ ~I lIT I majority on his side. still the Governor ~ .~~ ~~I ~ dissolved the Assembly. iflITU if; q. irm 1~I ~ ~-11 ~ ~ We know too well wilat happened in ;rfi I lflRf fqp,;[ West Bengal. The Ministry was unceremon- :;[1 ~ 'fi'l'fT fii' 'l;ff1l ~ ~l ~ ~ iously dismi>scd. This the otlke of the Gover- ;',:rf;;rq, ~~ ;ft'n fl'!'f.m7 1T, ~ is a leading Congressman, if he is elected. he hecomes a Minister. if he is defeated he ~ t f, ~l 'f ~ ~ r-- ifrr .:rT "'!. f.o:Io," . f'Fi:r.t ~I. ;ft ? ~~ party comes to power at the centre will. the Congressmen reli.h it if '"IT 1~ ~1II~I l1~~7 i the office of Covernor is utilised to topple if its Governments in a State ? p';[T ~ f<'nf" : "lTq; ~ ~l ~ ? I am told today is the Home Minister's birthday. I want him to give a real birthday ~ ~ : 'f)f'fiG :nUIfl1T ~ present to the people. Once Tilal.: said, >.IT ? Swaraj is my birth-right. At least on his birthday. let the Home Minister say that ~T "tJ"""'" q,;: :: '3"rfTit o;rf.\' "flIT parliamentary democracy if it can deliver the f.,it I i'rf'f>"l'r"f.r; 'Im">:: 1r 110fT "n<:'lIT'j: goods, . ~ ~ ~ lfllT, l);it 'il ~l if 'f1 It is. therefore. rather significant that damage to parliamentary democracy, by ~l ~l~ "f(';1 %~ it ~l if; which they swear not [, is being done deli- ~~~ 'f1 "fty f, 'q'l"1 ~ ~1 'll;9" Toiir'1" berately and in a sustained fashion in this country. and there an open invitation is it 'lHr l~ ;q. ~I l~~ 1~~ 'l'i"r'i'1" n- being given by this Government to the ~~ ~ 'Ilt "-t, 'FT 'fi': 'fllT ~- reople of this country to go out into the barricades. If that happens some oT us I~ ~ ifHTl.f'!T f'rc; 'TT.rn 'l'h '1' i':'lT't might not he too unhapry, but wc feel ~ it; l1rt urHil ~ I .,.)f'f'r.:- ~l1l that thcre arc Cl1f it, ~Il ~1 it; ~ it; 1~~ 7T.,- I had occasion in this House. I think it 'ifrt m q, ~ ~1 ~ 'flit it 'iT was last year, to say one thing which I wish to repeat. that I would rather be overtaktn ~ ~~ ~l crT ~ l.fF: ~ ~ «fllG" i:T by the bandits of Chambal Valley than by tit; en; ~ ~ I ~ i if, 1:('0 ~1l 1~~l. the political orerators of Madhya Pradesh. I have no particular love for the political i\ ~ f," tftf'R ifTl1'll)T fui; ~ 40 "fT"l personalities involved all either side in the W'lT ~ ur1 '01 it f<::'ll ~ "drm iff"fT game which seems to be going on in Madhya Pradesh, but certain very basic principles, as ~ fu"m I en;i If; ;;rT'l '3"" ~ tl" i'H<'I''q it JfTa ~I W l~ ~ F.'l'!i'1 if at 2 0' Clock Mr. Chavan could come .1~ ;;rri; ~ f;l'h ll'ft ~. 'f.lf"l' ~ ~- and make the announcement that tbe leader of the party who commands a mojorlty in 1l'T'11 if; ~ I';T iitt ~ orf"", ~ U'lJT tr<: the Legislature has been asked by the Gover- nor to come and form the Government, we ~l ~ I "''''' : 'l"i!.' l'fl't ~1 11) ~~ of the Lok Sabha. This should justify if I say, what a wonderful thing the Lok Sabha ~ I o;rTiif ffr.r l~ m iiTr\a' Pradesh AlIOCmbly. I do not reprd that ~ ~ I it Tof.f.T If'!,,,.! IfOT rolA lR1'I'1 Government as a shining examrlc of demo- cracy. I do not regard thai Government ~ q'h: ;a-'f ~ ~I IfOT Tofit. it "'f'" "itb any particular glory. Tbat is not my ~I lit jl'1fil" ~1 f'fi1fT t 5~ ifil concern. Whose Governmenl it is, what is m !tf mTCf ~ I(Tfilq- [;r ~ I the colour of the Governtnenl i. DOt my 259 ~.ll. Acrion MARCH 12, 1969 lind Mlnl6,ry F.rmarion 260 iIlM,P,(M) [Shri Nath Pail concern. It is something deeper we should that we are trying to evolve in this House-. try to concern ourselves with. Mr. K. C. Reddy, who has over the past 20 months completely forgotten the oath which We are told about the health of Mr. K. C. Reddy. I hope he i. not really seri- he took under article 1S9 when he took the office of Governor. He only romembeT! that ously ill. But my worry i. not about the health of the Governor of Madhya Pradesh. he was once a Congre,sman. he never remem- My worry is about the dangerous symptom, bers that he is the guardian of the Constitu.' of iIIne .. of our country. The kind of tio" 0 f the country there, that he has his constitutional duty, but perennially, perpetu- periodic infect 011 from which the Governor ally, all the time he has been trying to use of Madhya Pradesh is inflicted with scems to be a chronic type of eridemic with which every strategy and means to get the Congress Governors become invariably afflicted when- into power. Vou will ask. how is it relevant ever a C'lngr.s. Gllv.rnment is in danaer, be to what he has done today. It is. In the first plJce. he tried to feign illness. Nobody it in Jaipur. be it in Bhopal, be it in Paton i, convinced by that illness. I hope that he or be it in Calcutta. This kind of affliction, by a sudden kind of onslaught of illness. is has really restored if he was seriously ill. Rut we arc not convinced by hi. feign illness. not a new phenomenon. It is this thing we He refused to see ; he avoided calling, should try to go into. It was at this stage today afta what had We. on the previous occasion. tried to t l'anspi red in the Lok Sabba that he called. raise the basic i.. ue which we are trying to By agreeing to prorogue the Assembly once avoid. Mr. Chavan's announcement was again he has shown the basic weakness of welcome. It Wd5 a healthy announcement. Ihe position that he has been taking. I want We are very happy. Rut that is not the to submit to you by readina what Mr. issue. The basic issue ~ still valid which Santhanam has said in this. That is the basic remains in the from of m, amendment. If issue. how should Governors function. Every- failure to call the leader of the porty which time a debate comes, you. Mr. Chavan. try claims to have or has proved its claim that I" Justify younelf by tbe particular facts of it still has a majorit;. if that port bas become 1he case and sometimes you succeed and irrelevant, the second part of m, amendment sometimes YOIl do not succeed. But then remains. Dada will be pleased to ~ what we do is this: go on living from hand it. It is: to mounth. Instead of going to the basic issue "Disapproves of the prorogation of of the powers. duties and responsibilities of the State Assembh and recommends ...... the Governor. you try to take shelter under 'Disappruves'. This is Illy amendment the plu'ase, 'discretion of the Governor'. We tll Shri Lima)c's oriainal motion : are seeinJ that new conditions, new situations and new challenles are emerging. We need "Disapproves of the prrol8tion of to create healthy precedents. There are the State Assembly and recommends to some gaps and lacunae in the Constitution, the President that the Governor should Everything could not have been foreseen by be recalled fothwith." those who framed tbe Constitution. New I do not bear a particular IIrudle Blainst situa!i,,"s have developed. and Mr. Chavan, Mr. K. C. Reddy. We had him here and. this Government and this Parliament should as ministers go. he also left; he was not a seize every opportunity to strengthen the particularl,. bad Minister; he tried to be very demecratic content of the Constitution by honest and if he could not be ver)' brilliant ensuring that every opportunity becomes a and very convincing. it was not his fault; it challen.. to us which we meet firmly and was ~ he could not. but he tried to not in ...... be honest and fair. As far as this is concerned. we must take Mr. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: The hon. the facts fiirst and then. behind the facts. the Member will try to conclude. deeper iss.ue. Let us lirst t .. kc the facts. Here is the Governor of Madhya Pradesh- SHRI NATH PAl Mr. Deputy- I 11m constrained to make tbis kind of criti- Speaker. I would bel of yOU to five ~ a .ism : I know t he precedents and ~ couple of minutes. 261 Gover_'s AclltM PHALOuNA 21,1190 (SAKAI allli MI"IJtry FtlrnrQIIQ" 262 i" III. I'. (M) I was submitting that we take thi, will, by the same tactics, be favouring Shri occasion not to score a debating point. I D.P. Mishra. It is not a question of favour- will not try to do that. But why does this ing this individual or that individual, this crisis come? This crisis has come because we party or that. It was his duty to let the are not evolving the kind of instructions AS5embly continue and give it a chance to which, at that time Sir B. N. Rao and oth- decide the issue. ers thought, should be available to the Gover- nors. Mr. Chavan is not prepared; he said At the very outset. [want to make it that he would be prepared to do whatever the clear bow much importance we attach to House wanted him to do. We have qeen plea- certain hasic principles, and I hope we shall ding for this. In an emergency like this, in a suceed in persuading the other side to fall case like this, in a twilight case, Governors in line with that stand. Thi5 is what Shri do not do. The only thing that they Santhanam has said : remember is not the oath to the Constitution "It i5 entirely wrong to think that it which they took when they became Govcron is the duty of the Governor to take note hut they remember only the colour of the of the increase or decrease in party cab I am sorry. this is what has invariably strength from day to day." happened. This happened to no less a person than Dr. Sampurnand, who w"' basically a In the condition whkh arc rrevailing in scholar and a man who nothing but the good Shoral today. "ramgatilll is an incitement, an of nllr democracy, but he manoeuvred to sec invitation. a ble ..ins, to that dangerous disease from which the ,'ountry is suffering- that Congress got into power; had it not been for his partisan spirit, CODgress would defections. When he ordered this proroga- not haye come to power in Rajasthan. I do tion, he was inviting defections. not know if Swatantra would have done Therefore. once lie has formed the better t han Congress. but the basic fact is Ministry, it is for the State Assembly to not that; the basic fact is that the voice of decide whether or not it should continue in the reople .. ···(Int< ""PI 0") They have done office. Here the Asscl1lhly is not given a some goou things, but] am not very satisfied. chance to decide whether it shall adjourn or But that is not the issue today. The issue is not. which is the forum, which is the platform. on which the fate of the Government should Let us not usc this ol1Portunity to score be decided. Once this issue came- a debating point. The Home Minister can this dodging of the issue by the Governor. succeed in deflating the debate by his announ. First it was to be Governor's chamber. Now cement; he IS entitled to take credit for that. it is lending to be the bed-chamber of the But I would like to make this plea. Every Governor where the fate of the Government now and then, in every session, this issue has is to he decided. I have claimed when we been coming ur. Shall "e not arrl)' our raised this famous motion on the [5th Nove- mind and see that I here is snmc lacuna in mber, 1967, that it is the floor of the House; the Constitution and we shall try to remedy it is the Assembly. it it the chosen represen- it by issuing clear-cut instructinns and tatives of the r"ople, who must decide the directives to the Goyernor that it is the the fate and future of Government. But this A.sembly which shall decide this issue and is not haprening. You will try to get not the Governor. not ili, prejudices, not his away saying, 'Who advised ?'. This is what predilections? If we usc this debate to that the charming lady did. Portias arc very rurpose, it will have served a good pur""se dangerous when they come to defend. so that nobody tries to emulate Shri G. K. Reddy who has been guilt y ... [ quite admire the skill and charm with which she spoke. But what is the issue? AN HaN. MEMBER: Shri K.C. Reddy. She tried to turn the tables against us, and Shri Chavan was noddinl very approvingly. It does not matter if the Assembly was SHRI NATH PAl : Did I .ay'G.K.' prorogued at the request of Shri G.N. Singh. Reddy? I am sorry-He is a good fri(nd The point is that the Assembly ought not to of mine. have been Prorogued at all. It should have continued in session. Today he may be SHRI Y.B. CHAVAN : Perhap. he wu favouring Shri G.N. Sinah. Tomorrow be addres5inl the press gallery, Goor,,,,,, • "'''011 MARCH 12, 1969 and M ,lfl"" Fi>fWffIrron 264 '"M.P. (M) SHRI NATH PAl : I do not know the is full and complete. Then again under names of all the Governors by heart. I never Article 174(2), the Go,ernor may from time appoint them. to time prorogue the House. That very I therefore, recommend to the Hou,e that right is there. And maybe the Governor since the Governor has been guilty of an might have exercised that right. But, we impropriety, he should be recalled. To this have not got all the facts, But, rrom the end. I haye moved my amendment to Shri short statement that we have heard from the Madhu Lima),c', original motion, for the Home Minister the de}",,· Chief Minister, acceptance of the House. Shri Govind Narain Singh, while communi- cating to the Governor that he has resigned, might have advised him that under the SHRI KRISHNA KUMAR CHATTER- present circumstances, since the Assembly JI (Howr"h) : The purpose of the debate h" had been already adjourned by the Speaker. been lost by the disclosure made by our the HOllse should be prorogued. We do not Home Minister. Even so, as the debate is know the facts or the case. Therefore, I proceedin" I have to give my views. think that this Motion has lost its purpore I am sorry I cannot agree with the views and I feel that we should not convert the expre"cd by my han. friend, Shri Yenkata- Office of Governor into some kind of a subbaiah, who happens to be General thing so that he cannot even take an inde- Secretary of the rarty to whidl I have the pendent decision when ~ with a particular honour and privilege to belong. I yield to situation in the State. Under the present none in my adherence to the tenets or demo- political situation in the country, I think cracy. But democracy clln survive in this that it would be not only folly but a folly or country in this great Parliament of ours can a great magnitude also and we shall be

steadfastly urhold the sanctity and ,,,Iidaritl' fadng such a situation wheD t pr('bably, the of con9titutional provisions without beini.! integrity and solidarity or the nation might swayed by considerations of rolitical exre- be jeopardisedr. diency. Therefor, 1 think that the mover of this We IHlve to remember that in the present Motion should withdraw it in \·ie", of the drcumstanccs when the political pattern or fact that there is a possibility of a new the country is uudergoing a basic change. Government being rormed there. There is the olike of Governor is assuming a new an indication from the Home Minister's silPlificance. At no distant dAte, the Gover- statement that the Governor had already nors will have to perform a national service asked the new leader or the S.Y.D. party by maintaining the solidarity and unity of to form the Government. Although it is all India by the ~ of their constitutional publicised in to-day'. -~ National rights withaut fear or favour. Herald-that 48 Member of the S.Y.D. have 111 this case "r Madhya Prallesh, what do already defected anll a plenty of them have we find'! The Srcaker adjourned the House formed a progressive legislators' front and as soon as it mel without assinging any are going to join the Congress Party, to me, reason. Later. taking to newsmen, he to all these are Irrelevant. But, we must justified his decision on the ground thot a consider dispas.ionately the Constitutional caretaker Chief Minister and Government prorriety involved hare. Only the other were all right for the purpose l,r running the day, the Parliament had lIiven t.,is verdict administration, but not for transacting legis- that the Governor. hall got the constitution lative business. Here the Governor was rights. So. let us not go back upon that faced \\ith a situation in which it \\'3S impo- verdict. To-day when \\e are in such a ssible for him to continue the Assembly in situation, I would recommend to this House se.sion. The Constitution has given certain that we should reject that Resolution together ri8hts to Governors. This Parliament must with all the amendments that have been be considered supreme in upholding the ver- moved in this House. dict which the other day we haw li-. in this House while debating on the Govornor's SHRI NAMBIAR u~lll : Mr. Alldress in West Hengal. That verdict was Deputy Spc.,ker. Sir. durina the 186t three very clear. This collstitution 1Ii- the months, three new records have been erealed. .~. \" .! l'C: Ipin ~ll~ ~. And First is the skipI'm, ovcr of a portion of yll\ler Alltde I bJP) the discretionary power the Addreos by tho Governor 10 WC6I.8cup.I IJI/d Mil/lstry Formaiion /1/ M.P. 1M) Legislature. Second record is the prorogue say: I have a right to hang 111m. It looks of the Madhya Pradesh A-sembly by the as if he can when we see what is happening. Governor while the A.sembly is in its budset rllerc is a ~ to ",orogue the ASlCmbly. session. The budget sessi they want to brillll and the Spc; is informed by t he Governor the Cong!".,." back to power through the that this Assembly is rrorogued. All this oRice of the lIovcrnor through Mr. K. C. was happening. Hut. still. the Home Minis- Redd). Whether it is K. C. Reddy or ter. in the ll1~ of honourable Y.H. Chavan. Dharma Vira. they arc paid by the Central says that he has nothing to do \\ ith that. Dovcrnmcnt and true to the salt they CIl. Ho w;onts us to belei"c that. He thinks Ihey must hehave and should not throw the :,)onstitutional prnvisions to the WiRds and too much of himself "nd think> that we are urchins. If this ih a I..:,-,mplimcnt on the run afk;r the Hpmc Mini"tlcr who dictates to birt hday. let it be accepted by him. As Mr. thcm to bt:havc Ilkc that. That is what is done in hoth these cases Dharma Vir. and Nath Pai has ~ Iny party or 1 are DDt C. Reddy. enamoured about the sort of the Govern- K. ment that ruled Madhva Pradesh. not because they be.lo/li to a difiCrem raety but because MR. DErUTY-SrEAKFR : Two minutes their rerformancc was not satisfactory from 111OfC. our standard. But whal I say i. that the Assembly canllol be proro"u.::d in the milr>tlCl" SIIRI NAMHIAR I must h.'t my it was done. This House is in session kJday ran)"', full ten minutes. There arc two and in the evening you adj(lurn it to m""t ~ IA hkh give th iii news: if only one newspaper gave it, you may say it is again tomort"". Tomorrow at II ~ when lhe Speaker or you yourself come here, partial or biassed. This is whu they "8y : if we get a leiter from the President saying In his letter. Mr. G. N. Singh stated that that Parliament. i. prorollued. what will you the SVI> majority was intact arid that it was think ~ It may be that tWo Government an internal arrangement within the SVD that fails and another Government may be the Raja .hould SLk."CCt!d him. If that w. formed. Rut that is all to be d.cided by the so. ir he had a majority.· -... i. reported in Parliament. today', .stu't,,·mun. than. under whal cilVUll'l- Hon. !l&mbers Olio this side spoM< of stam:"" he could have med for Pl'or0lltltiOlt ? article 174. That il exactly the article I Even if he had asked for I'rornption. when ..Iy upon. h Sll'fS that the Go""rntlr ""'II there is a clear lotter written by Mr. G. N . from rime to time summon the Hou!\e ... Sill&h. who is the Chief Minister in the care- meet at """b and sucII place. Ho hM taker l!O\"ernment that there is a majority. he surmnoned it: it is ;" 5Cl8ion MId dilc:hara- could ~ simrly a=Pled it. i ... ill duriaL u-ll~ l says IhM Tilon oomes the other part where.ia you dIic Go_nor may proro.... He h_ 101 will find the real _po.. or thia PfOI'O\IIIlion. dial· rillht- But i. it unresrrictlld? A lUI*'- TIle report says : ~ til a jail '- the"",t 10 .... a "When tile Govenoor did not invite ~ But Qln he ""II any peno_ or Raja ... form a Miniatry, preSQ_bl,. on ewn all!l pri.. ,". he Iik4!!l? When the account of hi. ill ...... lOme SVD ..~ Miaister of jail WIIi3 or inspects the jail, reacted .:rT it { ~ll IIiT ~ Oelhi) : The Governor was out of Madhya .m forlif fit; Pradesh. The Chief Minister sent a special ~ ~ ~~ ~l rrm !!iTt ~ plane and brought him saying that some 'ft;1 'f><: ij''flcfT IIiT I developments were taking place. He asked the Governor how long he would be available and the Governor said that he would be SHRI Y. B. CHAVAN : What happened available up to 11.00 in the night. But when between them, I have no details with me, the Chief Minister and leader of the party But when he had not taken a decision, how went to him at 10,30 they were told that he can he act on it'l Possibly, he might have was asleep, It was a politkal sleep, wanted time to study the matter. What is wrong about it? (!nurrilpt/ons.) If you SHRI y, S, CHAVAN : The hon. Mem· want to take your argument about taking a ber has a tendency or merely accepting the decision to its logical conclusion, may I ask ... tories that his workers ~ him. you one thing? When Raja Naresh Chandra Singh was invited to form a government SHRI II. N, MUKFRJr[ 1 do not today and when he asked for time to take a want to interrupt but I want to be cleAr on decision, was it not (!fltcrrllPtlons), Why one thing. I hold no brief for Shri G, N, are you impatient? (lnl-rruPllon). I am Singh or anybody. Is it, or is it not, a fact not trying to justify or criticise, My only that Shri G. N. Singh had advised the point is that the Governor has acted logically Governor to call his SUCt'essor, who has been when he accepted the prorogation recommen· elected by a democratic process as a leader dation of the previous Chief Minister and of his own rarty, to form I he government? he has not done anything wrong. (/nl.."lIp' That was hi' first advice, In that case, why lion.f I [am sure if the Governor has rejec- is it that the Governor u~ to accept that ted t he advice of prorogation of the Chief advit:c and peremptorily' accepted the alterna- Minister t these vel y members would have tive <.\d\'ice, which; in regard to proroga- ",ood up and said that tbe Governor acted tion : That is the only point. wrongly because two years ago the sarno Governor had accepted the advice of proroga· SHRI y, B, CHAVAN I have dealt tion of the Congress Chief Mini,ter and it i, with it. It is true that the Chief ~1. only because the advice has come from the Shri G, N, Singh. "ith the Deputy Cbief SVD Chief Minister that he has not accepted Minister and "I", the leader of another the recommendation of prorogation, so, plea!K" party. possihly the leader of SSP went to recall him or impeach him, They would call on the Governor and offer his resigna· have raised all those points. You musl be tion, At the same time. they did tell him gracious enough to concede that there were that there \\'3<; a new leader: that is true, as no political considerations in the mind "f far as facts are concerned, I have no doubt the Governor in this matter. And what can about it and I have not tried to conceal be the political consideration '! When he those facts. Rut the point is this, The has accepted the advice of the SVD Chief Governor had not taken any decision on that Minisler, Shri G N, Singh, what can be the /nr"rrllpriu 7 \ J political motive? (Inff'rruPI10nJ There can be no politkal consideration. He .ctl·d SOME HON, MEMBERS: Why? Why" logically,

SHRI Y. B, CHAVAN The point is that he had not taken a decision, Without SHRI UMANATH fPudukkottail : Why taking a decision, how can he act on it has he taken the second advi<::e and not I he U.tu,uptlOn" first advi<::e ? Governor's Ac,lon MARCH 12, 1969 and Mlnlltry FarmQ/lon 276 InM. P. (M) SHRI Y. B. CHAVAN : He has accepted The Chief Minister who wanted to resian that advice also. and the virtual leader of the party and the real leader of the party went and told the SHRI llMANATH : You say that the Governor the name of the new leader. On action of the Governor was in order when the second occasion when he advised the he readily accepted the second advice of the Governor to prorogue, why did it not occur Chief Minister. But you have not explained to the Governor tbat he ,hould consult the how is it that the same Governor was not new gentleman whose name was already readily deciding immediately on the first before him? advice of the Chief Minister. SHRI Y. B. CHAVAN : I have no infor- SHRI Y. B. CHAVAN : He has accepted mation. the advice of the Chief Minister. It is a fact. That is the first point I maue. If he had lilT ~~ ~~ 'U:j[T '1 ~~ 'q'i:' n) If Professor Ranga does not want me to speak, I will l~ i -~~ f;T 't'f itcH ll'g' Q'1HT House. As that position is there, I do not ~I 'fTIl"lT ~ 1 Q:fT, f;;ri'r 'F'f" 1~

SHRI TENNETI VISWNATHAM it 'fof:(T 'iT. "'1if.) 1fT':fl ~ f'li lfer;f, ~~l ~ il'T<'IT ~ i'ITaT ~ ;fP;IT"RT 't"f ';fl;;r «f >;fmT'f'lT rn ~ I f;;r'1 ~ .. ~1~l1 ii i:fi.'fT'IiT ~ll1 ~ f;;rlT'f;[ 't:ffffq:;1 ~ g-m >·n, ''IT l!1.!ll" ~l 't"f lTi'fTer 't") ~ ~~ l~ ifEll"1ff l1~ll im 'fT'I H gT"3"'1 ;flTlTfT ~ ~ l~ ,T ~ %q), ~ ~11 I1t'!T I ;;ril' ~11 '1ft *r it '''!It ~l 'lll"T a) ,,'1ifi qTlT il,'t oit'! «f 'ferr I1~ 1~ ~ I iq ... ~ .•• ~~~1 'lif IT>it '1ir ;fffT 'f.T (f(,'<7F, ·'There shall be a Council of Ministers "r0HT ~ qT I ~ iT 'IF-I, ~l "'(,,'; with the Chief Minister at the head to ~ :ill tre'f. ;;<'1' ~ l~ iT'fT ~ 'H Ill~ aid and advise the Governor in the exer- cise of his runctions, except in so far as qi<: '3'1 ~ if f'f'1'f.' 'f;i'IT qT iT <'I'T.-fi h; he is by or under t his Constitution ~l '1ir iri.'fT 'liT i'I'f ll1~1 'Ii, ~ ~ required to exercise his functions on any of them in his doe ret ion. " ofl l~ qr:rii 'liT ll~ iI''fT'H .~ ~ ~ k,f@ff ~ it c:-rf;;rir, ;::IT'f.T I1ff<'l'iI'- ~ iffflq) ifi ~ '1<: ~l 't", ,;::T ~ If[qq, (qr;;rI1'l'?): "IT ~ ~ li'f.e ~ ~ ~ f't" ~ C:-"lT ;f/f, qf\"fff'f f,hI ~ 'f'lT iflf qrffl ~ """'1.1 I1l[T"-ll" , ~~ l!@;;rr;f ~ 1fT ~ ;::'fiT C:-Tf" ~ 'f;r I~ ilfi-1

17.00 hr•. SHRI K, LAKKAPPA : I also withdraw.

~ll~ l1~Il ~ 'Z'" arRf ~ 'li0T Amendment N!). 2. WOf. hy i('m'c, withdraw". "fTQi'fT ~ f'li cn:[T '!iT ~l n I now put Mr. Nath Pai's amendment to the vote of the House : His amendment 01T for,nOf «"T if; ~~ll 'fiO!:T ~ ~ f'fi"«T '1ft reads: ifTE;1:1 lI~I1 .,;y ii-IT 5~ it llT q;:1T U;;lf "and of proroption of the State it l~l l1'l1't IT! il'lfT ififrir if; qe{ it if ('IT Assembly and recommends .... tt ~ t\T ~ ~ ilI'), 'l ilI'T"I ~ ~ I ~l fn MR. SPEAKER ; I put Mr. Nath Pai', Of'l'fT it. 'll'f\f1f;f'T...:'t ~ "ITt\ff ~ l"h ~ ~ ii "it 9"llT rn ~~ ii ~l ff"1"f'f ii ~ Il~ ~l ;m'f,<:"liT ~ ~ I~ ~ '3"if'fol \ 1~ ~ 17.04 hrs. f"fT"' 1:ifT oT 'lim I .~1~ ~ Iir'lfT ~ GENERAl. BUDGET-GENERAL DISCUSSION--Co-./d l[if 'foG"IiT 'foT "liT it fCfTlT'f 'fo,CfT ~ 'l·F!l l~ F.'T ~ it Il~ '>l"ifH "f.'1T 'fT(':CfT ~ MR SPEAKER : Now we resume the il"sT 1~ f'f," ~ I~ 1~11 it general discussion on the General Budget. Shri Naval Kishore Sharma was on his legs. f;P:fTifT n 'liT ifir 'fo<: 9l~~ '3"ifii; cm,/ H. has taken three mioutes. i:t ~ ~. I 'n:T IfFIlCfT if; ~

>.<1 iflf<'I" ~ mf1(mrr): '>l"olle1Iif.'T- ~ Ifr'lfT Ha '3",h;f.f 'F;;rl l"'l,f if'fc +rlQ"l:!! '1ft !HCfflfifT "liT, fIl'+rTi'Ii t;jij" ~~l ~ I~ fIi ~ olU ;:f t ;; if 'l'fq"'lr'1 ~ IfT9" ~ ~ if;;rc ~ ~ a1 Qlf l~ ifffT;;q';" l~ ~ l~ ';l; "IT ll~ ;(.T ~~~ ~ f'fo ~ If"lfT;;IT it ~ em: I~~ '1fT ~ I "'Iif ~ ~ If>"t Il~ "t ~~ ~Il ~ ~ 3~ f"ll"( l1if ~ ~ ~ 1~ ii; ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ Cf) m- 'l'f" "3"c'iRif 'FT ~9 IIrMr ~ If;'{ ~ ~

[P,;fT iflr.f ~ ~l it ifiI'fT ~ ~ fif l~ ~~ if >;pfl' m ,i; 'H ~ it. i'fTITT ifT qri'f ~~.l~ l~ 'lJ:flf ~ "l1TG:T ~l 'lJ:flf ~ ~ I 'IT ~ ~ f'.{'f ~~ "f1t ir ~ CfQ: ~~ ~~ 1i>') f.ppft ~ 11'T'1f WJ:f ~ \3'lf1i>r ~~ m <'[it ~ fer. \3'i'f1i>r 'lfl11' ~ "f)':rrt if 'IT lfJ:f l~ I~ 18 11'(.!.0 f"rf'ifr(T ~ "flf;!f'l'lf -~ ~~ l1T qfirf"f<:f WJ:f 'l<. I';T Wifl 1i>m ~ I \3'i'f ~ J:f ~ ~ 1i>T "f'f"f ~ "fTi'fT ifT 9~ 'll WTCfTi'f it. o;q, lJ,i'ff-.j ~~ if "f'f ~ 'f;q- ~ I ~Il 11~ ~ if ~ l~ ~ ~ I ~~ it. ... f'l'ifi:H 4M -~ ~ lfT ~Il1 f1i>lfr ~ f'i>"fTi'f q'lT 'IT qHfJ:fTi'f 1i>1 >;iT' 1~- ri- g I ~-I1 ~l1 it. ~ ~ if .~ m'1 \3'ifi/i 'lr<'l' 'fiT i"f<'TT ~~ 'l1T'TTi'f ~I 'fi,<:f TfT qfof1i> I1ITG: Ha-IlF'l '1ft 'lTaT ft I

~ I 9;flfl; l~ ~ ~ ~ crT '3i'f'fi1 ~l ir"fT j ~l1 it "[ t:1l' ~1 <:f'fi ~. if 8~ 'll 1:!iI i.r @TG: it. ~ ~ crT ,a- ~ \3'''f ~ ~ \ ifT 6.:1J:C-I <'[If li'fr >;iT'f ~ i'm f'fi 1i>f-.T 1l1~ 8 ~ 'fT,T ~l1 'if n;1i> O:lfT ;i), fi m i;fhT >;iTJ:fTfi'f'l'J:f ~ 'f\ ;a ~ "f'fi<:f'T ~ I ~~ i'tu ~ ~ f1i> ~I I I~ ifT l'''f ~~ ~ f'f'ff J:f""TT r;m ~ 11'0' "fTi'f ~ f1i> ~ f'i>"fTi'f ~ I~ ~ 11'll: Q;if; O:"fT ~~ ~ fif f;;rq q, if 20 ~ ~~ 21, .TU fTif I1ITG: ~111 ~ ""i'fT 9~l1 ~ I m ~ m"{ ~ ~~ 'IT iTqmfc'f mmr 'IT it .lI.~ 'fTi'[<:f'T ~ I !lff'flf ffi 'fi;rT crT "11'T \Hit. ~l Iff, ~ ~l «s.lJ if; ~l f'i>"fTi'f <'[TIT \JlfRcrT ~ ~I /7 mq iij;(''lrrr ~ >;1'), ~ ~ fif;fTTil <'[TIT ~ ~ q'fi'r ft ~ <:f)"{ '11: !IfT W<:fT it 'fTi'fT ,"i'fr ~~ ~~ "fhl ~ ~ If"{i'fT ~ ~~l ~ ~ >;I'if;m _i'fT '1ft ~~ i:t ""filf ~~ ~ ~~ :ffl ~ if ~ ~ l~ ~u 'fQ Q;lfT'f.("'Hi'f ro 'fiT lfJ:f ""i'fT 11~ ~ f'f>"fTi'f ~ 'f>T ;o"fT ';1''' ~ ~ it; ~ ~~ ~ ~ fif ~ ~ 20 ~~ 0T'IfT "" \:tif; itfTr 'fiTJ:f f'f>'/1T ~ 11m lin' ~ 1!fTU ~ if ~ l1'T i'f ~ fif 'I\''lT mUiTT mlR ~ <111T1 it; If'IfT'f ~ m fTlt ~ ~ it; l~1 ~ ~ 3~ ~l II!i't 3l~ it; lf1fT" it 9;ff 'Tit «, ;orr mrr it ~fq q1'\ ;;riff'f. ~ qrn ml1;:;:ft '1ft ~ 'f mliRT it t'T 'f.,i{ 'f:t ~I~~ ~ qll"( \,!T ~ fif; ~I ;ifTcr'f ~~~ "{'fr ~l ~ f", qlj'"( fu'int: "'T l1fcrlllli' '-TT'1'T f.17JfT if. ~I~ if ~11 f!f;/ ~~ ~ if;if"f ~ "fTIl .If.<: ~ ~ ~I it lfi', 'f>1IT ;;fH f", ~ ~ ~1 fcr 71" ~1 "fTIT 'Ii"( ~ ~ .nf'li.' f'limlJ ~.~ l1'" Ilt f; I !!l'Pl '11'1 ~ if. ~ '17 it I~ ~1l ~ f.,; ~ flf>m;;) 'fiT rrtci'f 'iiI F,T"f;:r cr;;:'f"( ~ I !!l'1;;r '11'1 qF,t q'\ ~7. 'O'i it 'fort: I 'l;1f>m'f ~~ ifT1'IT ;;tt !fi': il:" ~I1 ~ ~ I ~~ t1f ifT'l 'l\ ~I lfTiflfilf l~ mer! it '1;I1"T"(o;T ~- ~ qlT"( ~ qq'fl ~ fflT"( fif>''"('ff ~ ~ eft l;1f ~ ~~ ~ 'tl:l 'iT f,.; ~ Wrr .~ if; '1rqf if '(f!'t 'fl"ff 11>1 ,T"fr ~1-I~ ~l ~ I ~ ;fm ~ '!tm:rrT ,,",'IT I ~~II mvrr 1~I PI' ilflmn ~ ~ fem 11~ oft !fit !fiTt 'Ff ifm if; f..-o: f'f>'f ~ Wlf'fti" ft'if'1 ~ ~7.~ ~I i;'t't ' !II"Ift ~ fmif ~ qrf ~ ~ m 19ft Ifi'!'T ~1 iIfT ~ " 19ft If{ f.,;m'f tlffi ~~. I WI'1 ~ on ~ ~ IIf.1fi 1I.~ iii( n% t I ~ 287 u~ ~. - MARCH 12, 1969 288

[>.ft rr'f;;;r ~ "l'ilf] '?;T'ill' Ifr'fT ~ 'fi'., ~ 'u f'fi' «'if 'fi'T 'fi'ifr ~I "'Of,,", ~~ : ll'f'fll'T 'lit "llT 'lit ;'-t ifTFf ~ 'Rfr ~ ~ ~ ~ (HIif,' 'fT 1~ ~I fr'ifl ~ ~ if!:fl if ~I ~ I 'fil ifFT rr",l ;;rFFfFfT m 'fi'Tf ~ lilT "''''' ~ ~ : oTif, g if IfTrrffi' ~ll ~l f:'TT ffll'T ~ ~ f r. ~ ~ f'f." m'flii '1ft "llT "l'1?ll'T ~ '9' ~l if Til" if 'filfl 'f."1 'ifT ~.. WrRmT ~ ~ I 5'T ~ l~ 7T'fi" "l'TTt if ~ Ifr'11 I~l ~ ~ 'fi'HT 'ifTrrT ~ I it l!R 'ff;1 'fi'Rrrr "fTQ'i'fT 'ifTi'l(fT ~ fr. ll~l if l~~ "fr>; '9HT f'fi' m'l ~ if; ~ 'fi"T ~ 'fi"T I ~ 'f."1 i't ll~ 1f.T ~1~ rIT'fi'WTQ'T 'fi'T f'if'9' ~ if; f;;;r(( m1f.t ~~ if; ~ ij 'ifr <[,,'tiHT 'fi"T ~ :oer'IiT rnffFf 'HFfT ~ if'if IffFf ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ;W,T it i1f'fi'T 'ifT rr:ffr ~l~ll ~ g, 'ill'T'tT '1'7. ~ 1.~ I ll't: 'T'tF"l'Tit 'ifTPr. 'iRT ~ 0;« ~llll 'l'?; '3'ii'fi'T <.t'fi ;;;rffT'TI ~-~ ~ Mr g ~1~ .~ f'fi' ~ 'If,ff-g ~l~ "nlfo[ ~I f. ~ ~ f;r, ~ I ~ ifFf"fT lfr ~9 I~ ';FTTFfH ~I 'ifT ~ "llT'?;Ff "P:'fiP: if; f:rrT "fT",Ffr ~ fif,' ll~ ~~ if ~1 ~ ~ 'f"fTlfT m "it I 'ifllf 9~ I!l(j I if T-'f ~ ;;r;n:;;;r, ~~ "fT'f -HT'1' If"fTf7ll'T if,1 ~~ll if ~ rT'3ll' ~~7 I~ '3'ff'fi"T ffl!f"fFf l~I ~l ~ ~ ~ 'fi'>f'fTf7ll'f 'li'T 'lT1 ~ if ~1 if'if Iff'T o;r1\ S'lTlill' ~ \i7 HT"!' ~ ~ ""'fiT"!' ~ '[f.11' ~ ~ "fRT ll': ~~ I !l60 if ::?s '3'Hit f;frN!f; ;;q-7 25 "IT\!!' 3(1 ~ ~ If'{ ~ I flfi!fT ~ ;nf{tz 1 289 BlldKet ~- PHALOUNA 21, 1890 (SAKA G.'!, DI,. 290

~ ~ 'R"1fT f,; U:5frool" ~ Finance Minister for providilll relief to stimulate our exports ; the reduction in the tnfi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~l en: ~~ export duty on jute, tea and mica is a ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~ ~ VI' ~ "A' welcome measure which may accelerate the increasing trend in exports and we will be ~~I able to find a bigg;r foreign market for our U'IPTTif ~. wrlt mfll""Ii lJT'Ff'T goods. The proposal for increasiDI the value of imported motor-cars also is a good if ~ IlfiTI1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I it one. The proposal to convert the existinl 'l'rtAi I1~11 ~ f"l''!'!' If;'!1"r Ofr ~ ~ gpecific rates into (J,f rrlorrm rates for certaiD items is also a welcome measure, 2fW!T ~l fifo" ~ F'1'Tl' ~ u<:r if,r As reaards the imposition of. tax on ~ ~I it 'li'r "fiT'f! it 'ifrf,'fr ~l sugar at reasonable prices. There is ~ f'f. ~~ if; .'1 q'PR"f ~ ~1 if also no justification for raisinK the rates of duty on processed fond and domestic electri- ~ ;;it WI!' ~ ~ ~~ .~ hT !I'm cal appliances, if ~l iHT ~ itm ~~ ~ll1 f1fi7.rT The Finance Minister in his bullaet ~l if,T{ ~ 7.l~ 'fo"T "ITil" ~~ speech had referred to the increase in food production and the necessity for further in- ~ ~ ,!('f ~ OfT"!'T f':Tf'f7.fT ij; u't il' crease in order to ensure satisfactory levels of ~ f'ffi!'if'1' "'''If '3"orn: ;;rT ri' I consumption for our arowin& population, Hut, are the new imports proposed now in ~.1 ~ ~ ~ it f'f'l'f fnor 'IlT m '1fTli production. It is well known that the in- 'ifrf;:n: I i1"f\' I1F'f'1'T ~ fif, ~ ~ ~l crease in production is due tn the favour- g I lTf' fl'[lfT ~1I IIfiT "fI"I' I ~ able weather conditions and to the new alri- r. cultural strateBY which has just started pay- lfi level are sure to rise, MR, SPEAKER Sbri D, R. Ilaju; wbich in turn may atJect the cost of produc- maiden-speech, tion of foodarains. Similar is the calC with the proposed 20 per cent lid valo,.m lax on SHRI D, B. RAJU (Narasap"r) : Mr. power-driven pump ...ts. Small eultivat ors Speaker, Sir, r rise to support the budFt and farmers 00 the marlin have to bor row propo8Rl. that have been pnctenlod 10 \be money from the banks to purchase fertilisers House by the bon. Finance Minister, It is and pump-sets. Borrowina from the banks indeed a very difficult ta.k for any Finance is not possible below a rate of interest of Minister to frarne the budFt of a country ni"" or 10 per ceDt. The cost of credit, the like ours. He could not il11ore, the owno- COM of borrowinl, in an eucntial inlredient mic conditions that oblain in Ihis country of the egot of production in every aspect of and he could not ignore the kind and extent of pur economy. There cannot be any pf Ibe resourrces Ihal we bav;. I ~ tbe industry, any trade, whicb can fUnctiOn 291 Burlttl Gtn.- MARCH 12. I!IIII!I

[Shri D. B. RaJu] without borrowing. That is also addinll to rlemenlation of safetillffds anti SO On. In the cost of production. Every little thing in many cases, politicians or other schemina every aspect of life is adding to the cost of persons from behind by fnstipling innocent living. students and youths are creating lawless acti- Both these levies will con,iderably affect vities in some parts of the co untry and the the people e'recially in Andhra Pradesh lesult is the senseless destruction of public which is a predominantly apicultural Stale, prorerties and hllman lives and dislocation consuming lar!:e quantities of fertilisers and o( the law and order situation. The motives also having the lar!!"st number of I'ower- of politicians are always clouded in ambi- driven pUIllI1-\ets in the country next to guity. One does not know how their eternally Tamil Nadu. interpretable actions or statements should be regarded at any specific moment before, To Impose these levies at this stage of during or after such a storm. The tirst agricultural develo"ment is just like killinl! claim of any citizen in the country is of the floose which ,tnrted laying lolden CIISS. ,ccurity of lire, property and honour. The These levies should not be imposed until we Government should be firm in dealing with reach a sufficiently hillh and stable level or anti-,ocial elemonts and see that there is no or agricultural rroduct ion. reretition of such kind of incidents in any The prorosed weB Ith .~ on agricultural part of th.e country. lands including the houses standing on it is also not a sOllnd ~. 17.29 hu. This proposal c\tn thouih the theoreti- IRhti R. D. Bhftnda,e;n ,,,, C"a;r) cally sound from the point of view of equity. is very complicated and difficult in practice. I arpeal to the han. Members "hiehever Complieat ions as to the competenc)' of the ,ide they are Ihat we should get togelher to Centre to levy such a tax, and identificat ion overcome these lawless elements of to-day of the genuine ~lu ror rurpose of and we shOUld give correct lead to tbe people exemption are there. Valuation of ~l as well as younter generations in order culturOlI lands is a very complicated one. to abide by the Comtitution and rarliamen- The great scope for difference in valu- tary methods. atian lel1us tu ~u and so on. tf agriculture is sound, steady and prosperous, With these words. Sir, I support the then our country will be sound, steady and Budle!. ~u. If unnecessary and wasteful e.penditure had been Cllt down, we would ..t\ ~~~ .rml1 ~ nyqffl have balanced the budget witl1011t additional taution on landed properties. 1~ll ~~~ ~ ~~ ~l~ if Qfi{ In the public sector undertakin.. where ~ ~ ~ l~ ~ <1ll'r ~ ~I it. hUi;e investments \\ere maue, the returns are ~ «fTlf.r ll~ ;';'H "fT 'lri1!r ~~ ~ not adequate and are not uptn expectation. Every etrort should be made to ensUre Ihat oll'F;I ~1 'liT ~ "" ~ t I1IT f.1:t the public sector u.~ should be as JfllfT '1fT ~ i{CfP-lT 'fr ~ 163 ~ ~ efficient as the pri vale sector units ~l ~ T ~ 1~ ~ I ~ '1

I~ 'Ii W'T !!fh \;IT 'a"lJ'IiT cqr;;r ~ I~ \;IT -q;:T ~ ? ~I W'f'n'..fTl'f''fTUll"(1T ~ 1'('" il'Tif ~ l!"J f':T "" qq'fT ~~ f!I 'T1flf ~ ~ .tf¥ "IB timT ;J(W I Pk ~ ~ ~~ UWil ~I '111 ~ ~ ~ ill ~ ~ mfllIiR lIiJ ~ ~ ~ ~- ....~l ~ ...1 ~.1 ;om: f,(llT 'TIf1 ~ Budget Gen.- MARCH 12, 11169 Gen. DI,.

~ 1u~ ~ f'l' <'IlT'lflT 'JT'9' ~~ ~ \3''('1', l~ it ;0 ~ 'fit orF\!T ~.. '1fT ~ fif; *il'l'<'l" m;jf ~~ \3"IT7.f ~ ~ l:nrit ~ 7~ m ~ ~~ if ~ I ~ WTite, ifii:T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ir€tOflfT<: ~ ..~ ~ ~ ~ fir. l~ <'lIft Il~ ~ ;jfT ~ ~ if;T ~ it; 'Q"NT ~ ~ ~ I W if; iii ~~ ~ o;rqi:[ Of)'f><:T 'I'T<'I f{ '1fT ~ if Il~1 ~ 'FIll' "li<:'fT ~ ~ ? q)<: f'f'i1\r ~~7 ~~ ~ @ ~ ~- ~ m'fT if ~ 'I'<: ~ ""OfT If'liH if; ;;rT \3"f,.;r 'l"fT' ~ ~- ~ I ~ \3''fif,T fTrqT if ~ ~ ~~ 'Il"TN'f. ~~l~ iJ: '1T if wf.r if; \3"'!T11 ~l ~ I \3"f;FT ~ 'Q"fcrf,rfj ~ hT >H ~ ~ 'I'<: 1~ ll't'o ~ lil'it ~ 'foT erfCf ~ ~ ~ • moir "liT ~ 'if<'I"AT ~ ~ I il "TIf;i1T t f'f. f""fe1 ,it it ~ Sf1fi1<: 1fi1 ~ ~ j;Tli! I o;rh ~ OfT lfl1 ~ Ofil.t ~ ilf'ff !fi't ~ ~ m ~ "'<'IT OfT W ~ f", ~ 'T ~l 'fl?:T 'Q[ ;;JTll;fTT I o;rr;;r ~l-l if D:'f> orFf "',;.iT 'fTigill ~ I ~ ~ q. ~~ ~ ~ ? ~ ~ SfT''T lIWft 'fiT 'Q"'IIW.T lI~ ;jfT t;;rTf'flT< HALOUNA 21. 1890 (SA KA'

ft lI~ f.f; ~ ~ ~ '1,,,ftlJ Q:OlTr "lJif.T ~ lPf ~ ~. ~ flI; ~111 ;;fT "fr'!iT<: if; '1rn o;rTit ;fPfT ~ iff 2200 ~ ~ lJrif.Tr lJIlT'ifm'll'l it ~ lllfRT7.: ml1T ~ flI; if.T f'Mf;n- ~ I~ 1':Tit ~ w: tT111 ? 1: -r", 'fEll"Tffi frr'lT"frr 1':Ti't >.r, ~l qrm 'Z1f; 01ff'n. it ~-l ;r?fT7.!T f!f; ~ it S"lJ!f;T .,.-l'f ~ ~ sr;fT ~- '!>l: if; l~1 if ll: nq f<,111 1T1iT f'li' ~ ~ 'f7.fT ot I Wif.T o;rm ~ gm f'f; 'Z'I; ~.. if ~ l'f "'T ft:l!ff1f qr ~ ~ ~ 'f;T 'ifTrT ~~ gT tTt I q1':i'r ~ if q? I m;;r{T lJ't;n ITl1T f", ~ ~~I if; ~~~ if; "H"1 it "3'f'f;T '-I'f ~ ~ ~ 3~ .-~ W ~- ~ ~ ~ >;[T q;r ;or '\;lit fiTOl"TT if; ~~~ if, it "TT1llT I "111 ll"i!" "f'q .-r.f"f ~ ;3'll'fi Q1j;T C''f; f,P1T rr ;{.T ~ I lJrif.T,;f f.,-.,;f ~ sr;t;n: '!>l: ~.. ~ I rn tfq l~ If;' ~ ~ ~l "TlTTit ~ ~ lJifif I't ~ If"[ if "I1"T 11m'll 'Iii: fit; ~ ~ ~ t'lJ 0Iir Ill; ~ m ~ f"lt::J: fIr"t :rrif"f tm-n i; l~ ~ if;(t;;ff ",I ;oq- if ~ ~lIl iifl1:r I m Sl'if.T' If'il' ~ ~ 31~ ~l ~ ~ ~ l11tr ~l I ~ if; ~ ~ '11'q 11~ 'Ii't 100 if 98 en ~ it ~ ~1I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ crh ~I ~ ~~ ~ if; ;,m- * *'"t :rr'fi1 +1'1 ~ "fTit i'flf... ~l ~ '\'iT ~l I ~ ~ ~ if fariif"fl 'Ii't ;r =:ru ;rrf'"fCf '11'qT q, m~ "I'm f;;11'T >f.t 'if\;:ft if; '<{flfir if; f<'l'l1: .~ ~ 1:I;ij'o ito 'lflJ iI iifr'fT ~ ~ lfIfl ~ I I':':IfO if; qi lfT wf.t f.t ~ ifit q;'( ~ lit ~1 ~ f", ~ Q"\ ;;fT t'iij' ;;WrT, ~ pi' ~ ~ 'm:i'fT I I ttil' moll' it ~ ~ "'i!:t ~

<'mm, ~ Ii<: ~ ;;rl'mn \iflil"llT I ~ ~~ rt ~ ~ ~ Ifil: ~ t qR ~ Sl"'I>n: ~.~ ~1 'fl'n:r !foT 'IT(;;i. ~ ",WTm: ~ 'liT ;;rT+r fl1;;n t wn: m a 1~1. ~ ~ll '" +r'( f<:"IH ~ I ~~ li'ltT ~~ ~.~ ~~ ~ f;;rl:!; ~ l~ ~. oT ~ 'l>1 ~ ~~ if 'liT f1f'lI,( !RifT ~~ I 3~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I itt 'l'I'J lTf: ~ ~~~ ~I ~ .~ 11''1"T it ~ "IT "til lll~. liftt I~ ::iIHH ~ I ~ q, ~~ ~ I~ ~ l~ ~ ~I~ fJff;r!;iO'{ t>\" ~ t I ;;rmlTT ~ I l~ ~ l~~l1 if; ~ fq"f- :«f.11:!; it ~1 "'11r.fiti! rnT w Irft it ~l1 flf;lTT Olilt 'flTt q, ~I ~1 ~ I fif.ftl'fT if ~1 ~ ~ l~ ~ "Tmlt "Tri't ~ l~ ~ ~ '1"1 «.+rTCf'fT ~ q, +rT ifTU,::iIr +rTf if ~ it 2 fiO 1~- it. ~ ,r.Tif _ ~ J 111[ ~~ \" f;;rIl'T ~ ~ l.l1~11 I 2. 000 l~ if; ;r;r,r, ~ if, f.,q; ~ ~ if; l~ ~ I ~ if,T ~ ~ I ~ if.T ~ :[ ~ ~ 'ifT Ul1 If'fiC if.T ~ if ~ f'fi' ~11 '3i!i>:[ ~ f:T ~ 3~l ~ 1~I t I 1~ it ifi ~ oT 'f.'T1i;;n{r if,T 'l'f''!lTIl ~ ~u !?:! l.~ I Hifm'1 Pi'r ~~ i'lf'f'l ~ ~~ ~ m"fl:!; if,':i 1f>'T ill'l;nrrhif,CfT '1', ~ ~ +rT '3'Wr.1 '3'fliflT if,VfT ~ !fo1: f1{l1'T ~ I ~lIl ~ ~ I t'"f.'Tn: q'l["( ~ n:: if,T '3' if.t ~~ ~ ~~ it 1ft It ~ ~1 ~ flf> 'lff'Y '!JlT' It"i fffT;fi if ~I Q;m CfQ ~ ~ ifill" t,Ol) Q;4't 'ifTlT i(if rr-t t. ml'!' <'1111 ~ IIil 303 MARCH 12, 1969

(>..ftlf;::; "iT1f 'OI'l1m<: ~ " ~ llf!:T OlfT'l" m ~ ~l qh 'qT!f qt, l!s fll'"TT;;1 ~ ~ o;rh ;;rifT;; ~ fiti'fT ~ I it l~ 1f,";";'iT ~ 'qT"I omT ~ .~ if; f<'lrr I ifT ~ ~ ~ flo I~ ~~ 'f>"1 n:'f>" ~ ~I ml1irrr 'IT";.'1fT f'f>" qrq- H'fit ~l f;p llf!: if'Ii'f ~ f'f>";tfr.T ~ I 1l1~ lfQT 50 -~ "T ~ '< 9:T ?:'P1R ~~1 I 'li'q ~ ~ l~ 'it'll);; ~ <:fT ,,;;it ~~ it ~ ~ '1lff.r it ~~ 'qT ~l 'r.1 f1f,"IrrT "111 cit :qc:: ;tfT'q"ff 'lilTf f'f>";";11 '3'"m 'fiT ~ I~ fl1<'1T ~ ~ ~ ",Tif "IT ~111~ I~ ,.'l t, '3';;iTi) l~~ fl1';[t ~ '3';;'f>"T ~ flf<'f ~ ~ ififT{ ~ 'fB ~ ,"f;;T 'qTWIT ~ I I 97 fi I '3'''f'f>") "fif ~ flf<'lT ~ I 'liT<: :;r) ~11~ ll;;:if'fTlf,T "1'1 ~ "'1TiT'f ~ 3~ on: "IT ~11 ~ ~ ~ "IT ~II~ ~~ ~ "1!' ~ -~l ~ I 'I) II t;;rTf'f1f ~ ~1 II ~ 'f>"Q'iT 'ifTfl''fT ~ f'l> 311m 1~ ~ ~ Il';ft f!; "If,iZ l[f. ~ l~ "IT l-;;rTq;);; 'li T ll~~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 f'f> ~~ ..~ ii ~ ~l r) ~ ll~ ~ fifi ~ 1';11 '!it ~ ;;l:I'T if) '3';;'I>T ~ 'f>"i I '3"'1'fit l~ ~ ~ 'flfQ":, ~ ~.1l ~ll ~~ fifo ~ ~ 0;'1<: ~3 I ZiT.. '1'f>" if) fl1<'R'T ~ if;;T I~ ~ f'l> l~~ 'f>"1:T 11"" 0;'1"\ ;;1:T 3~ i'fif 'l'f>" ~ '11";; if; l~ "IT ~1 I or" 'f>"i:a- ~ 1"1> ~~ ~ if '3'm;r;; i:j ~ ~~ 1~ QTit "QfT ~ f'f>" 7;' if ~ ~ m'fil!lfc • .,. l~ ~ ~1 ~ iorf'!l'i 'fqT 'l>T ~~l3 "ITiiiT I ~ ~ it l~ iF'f<'f ~I !q"h: I';I1T,T ~~ 'IlT ~l ~ ~ I :orif <:f1f, 11~ I~ it ~ o;rT'r'" ~ ~ I crT it l:I'(! 1~ ~ f'f>" "Iii' 'lfm;; omT ~I <:fif if'f>" llf!: ~ 'fii'l <:f'f>" ~I1 lf1: ~ ~~~ ;; ift ~ ~ I i;tf<:'T ~l il l~ ifiWTT l~I ~ ~ <1'if '1'f>" l:I'i!, q-m it'fI '1T f'f>" lfQ ~~ ~u if "I'r ~ C<'fT;; if'iT l!'fIfij'i(' ~ 'lf1, ~ ~ ~ lfQ ~~~ (iT;; -<1'T;; ~ 1I"'lT") ~~~~ ~ I <:f) ~ if; ~ if ~ =fr 'li'Tt mJfi'!T 'flfT ~l ~~ ~ fij; foP!if f'fi fll1TU 1ft'll" '1'T ~ <:rr ~ I ilfil' "f. 1~ ~ ~ll COfTi'! ifif ,,1'<: ~ ~ cf'lf'f'ff'T lfT;;r;:rT 'f'f'lT ~ ~ if'fTff ~ f'fi ~I ~ 7 ~ ~-~1 if Tn' 'fi5T "fTifT Pf;r ~ !fOT <:T;;r/[T<: ~l ~ ~l ~ f" lfo' :;rT C'>'H if'f l.~ 'l'T't-OTT't S'1;!' iA;n: ~~ ~~ If IT'Ii' il'm mCfi efn it ~ t!"!it'1TI1'T 1~~ i1:T'fi,( ~ ef'O ~ ~ 'ifTf,ift t f'O ~l1 If'ful '11, 'lJ1! ;;rrn:'fT ~ <-rTIf 3'.'R '3'?;it I 11''1<: lfi!: titiit- c.Wr "f'l'ft"l'ff 1f.T"f 'l''fi' ~~ ~~ ;:rf\' ifT:;rT i1:T <:,;T ~ I lfi.; ~ aT Qt 'fi.;T ~ ~ me ~ ilfT ~ Ifi\ ~ ~ ~ ~I ;;rT 'li'T "fC'T if rilfT "IT "fT ~ ~11 ~~ I 1ft ~ f,T ~ ~~ if; 10 CPT "fC'T if l~ ~~I "ff 't.<: iff!' >;flff ~ "IT'1 "I'T;ffl' ~ flf, ~ "fTIjl' "'T 'fliT 1ft ~ I ~ :ifT GlT'f.<: ~ ~ "fl '1<:TCf ~ ~ ~ ,,'f'f; l~ ~ ~l1l ~ ~ '0111 ~~ ~ l1tllll o;r)<: l~ 'f; ~l11 'f\'['Y ~ ~~ "If,1 I~ t I~.~. HT<: if; "TTIT ~ 'Nt '1T1;!' lfi; ~. ~~ ~ "Ai ~~I l~1 ~ ~ mq ~ i.l'8'''f 't.+r 1~ g • '1'r it ~~ ~l- 'fi'T 'H'fi 1~ ~~ ~ I ~~ ~ 'fliT ~I >;f1T<: tThr<: "fT 1~ l~ iTif "fT ~ '1'1, ~ - if.'t .~ if ItIlfT f't. I~ q. ifu ITM "fT if 't.f.'T ql r't. Ojif 'li'H 'fiT+r ~ crT"!! T,lTif'{-'f;f[lfT ~- ~ '1<:TCf "fT'f ?;"f't fITi-ff,c ~ f'O it ~ ~ ~ 'flfT 'fi'ro!T ~ ~~ "'l'li' ~ it l~ ~~ I;;rT it'if ~ l~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~l 'fiT<:'!l' lfg 1fT fOf'!7f.T "111O'fT .\IT ~ ~ f"f'l'if.t ~ ~ f'li' '3'''Iit> f<:""f "" Cl'l'n';;f\' ~1 t f'O 'l7'iff 307 Slid,., Gtll.- MARCH 12, 1969 308

~lI~ ;;rI1Ti{.,- ~~ ~Il .-~ 'IlT ~~I 3-~I .~ ~~ if; qOm; ll1:a- ~ crif ifl1T ~lI ~ ~~ >t{f ~ ~l -~ IIfHfl' ~ I ~ ~ ~ ? ... (.... ISJA) ... \?:1iT"t i!tit q'llT'lfa Il~I1 it l~~ f<:".,.T f;ri;T<: 1l~ ~ lI~ ~ ~ iii' ~ ~ ~ 'IlT W "In: ~ OfIfQT 'l' I~ ><1. ~ ~I ~ :: ~ ~~ f'f.llT ~l I m;;r ~ 'f.T IIfT'l "!H<:"T ~ ~ I l);'fUff it; iTTt it ll~ ~ll ~l -1Ifl.rT. ;rifT iTl'fT 'fir f,Ta'1 ~ I who is KOlna to liquidate the Conlress ori.nisation. Of COline, it is not rny '['1T !:T'f.I\ ~ ~I iffq",i'I l~~1 ~ l~ to ,sy it here. ;rT11 ~ IIfl'li ~ f;f"rlf if;r 'fT;; ~ I lifT, MR. CHAIRMAN: Speak on the il:il

SHRI CHENGALRAYA NAIDl' between the industrialist and monopolist (Chiltoor): The PSP has already been groups in the ConSSe5s. liq"iu"ted. Let him bother about his party's Article 263 speaks of co-ordination fate. hetween the States and the Centre. I repre- sent one of the Southern States, I can SHRI K, LAKKAPPA: Here is a quote figures to prove how the southern Finance Minister who is going to liquidate States had heen neglected by the North the tinanees of this country. If we take Indian rulers, specially U. P. which had heen the taxation measures here from 1947. we ruling India all along through Nehru. The come across many Finance Ministers, their irrigation facililies provided in Mysore State re!'.ignalions and their episodes. Hefe is a arc the Yrorst. they me worse (han Rajasthan. man who goes on increasing taxes, who In the matter of puhlic sector investments, sticks to his bureaucratic principle of taxing from 1951-52 to 1967~8 over Rs. 2,400 the country very heavily, crorc!) had been invested but Mysorc's share is only Rs, 48 crorcs, Even expansion Shri Palkhiwala, an authority on taxa- schemes of the ITI and : IEL had been taken tion. has calculated hy statistics that Indin away from Mys()re hy a conspiracy to take is the only country which is so heavily taxed. things i.lway from Mysorc. Krishna and This is the socialism they want to celebrate Godavari disputes had heen referred to the in the Gandhi Centenary year. Tribunal and they arc hanging in the air. In the name of Gandhi Centenary, I Politics come into play t', en clearance is not want two revolutions in this country. One given to certain schemcs, '''Jell as the Manga- is to fight alit unemployment and the other lore fertiliser factory. Roth Ihe ('onllress is to bring about a revolution in the agri- and the non-Congress Chief Ministers cultural field, welcome the suggestion made unuer article 263; I mean that evell Shri Rrahmananda What is the social revolution indicated Reddi who is a ~ Chief Minister had by the Finance Minister to this country. He made this poillt. has a cruel heart towards the farmers of We want a perma lI:nt Commission to India who represent eighty per cent of the meet out justice ·..vith rc'_peet to all financial population. He has taxed ferlilisers, We arc not eyen sclr-sufficient in fertiIieers and allocations and the resources with respect to they conlcmplatc imporling fertilisers from the de\'elormont of all backward States in the country. Its duty must be : "makinll abroad. Fertiliser factories are not allowed to he started, even if they arc sponsored and recommendations upon any such subject and, in particular. recommendations ror the better collaboration agreements had been arrived co-ordination of policy and action with at. This is the kind of agricultural economy respect to that subject;" And which the Congress Govcrnmcnt advocating socialism wants to build. Our needs of "it shall he lawful I'llr the Presi- nilrogenous fertilisers are 1.7 minion tonnes dent by order to ~l SUdl a Council, of which we produce only 0,55 million, and to define the nature of the duties resulting in the import of 1.05 million to be performed hy it and its oraanisa- tonnes. We need 0,65 million tonnes of tion and procedure." phosphatic fertilisers of p, O. 2.5 We So far, after 20 yea!" of rule by the produce 0,23 million tonnes and our imports Congress Government I the Congress GOYeI n- are 0.14 million tonnes. Similarly we need ment has not made any prollress in this potassic fertilisers of 0.45 million tonnes. respect in order to give a uniform develop- We do not produce anything at all and we ment to the country and all the Statc,. I can import only 0.213 million tonnes of want all the financial allocations to the K20. This is not a budllet aimed at further- States to be made on the basis of population. ing social ism : it is business-orientcd and For that alone. an independent Commission gives export incentive and is meant to help should be appointed. Some Finance Com- big business houses. The Hazare report had mission headed by Shri Mahavir Tya,; will been rejected. I doubt even whether Mr. not suffice. All the suggestions made by Desai would reply to this debate because the States have not heen agreed to by him. his position is in the doldrums. There is Therefore, with these suggestion ... , I resume coldwar lIoinl on inside the Conlress my seat. Budg" G,n.- ~I 12, 1969 G,If Di .•. 3t2

lShri K. Lakkappaj One small point, and I have done. The fore, this is the first time that I am calling Ministry is taxing the people heavily. There him as·· are a number of problems pertaining to the States, and a number of problems with MR. CHAIRMAN That will be respect to border disputes between Maharash- expunged. (fn,,,rruptio·,s. tra and Mysore. The Congress Working Committee has been scheduled to meet to SHRT P. GOPAT.AN (Tellicherry): It take a decision on the Mahajan Commission will be there on the record. report and it has perpetually played a fraud, yielding to the tactics played by this venomous SHRT RAJASEKHARAN (Kanakapura): cobra or the country, the Home ministry, Sir. I must congratulate our Finance Minis- under Mr. Chavan who is using all unconsti- ter and neyuty Prime Minister on his having tutional methods. (lIIII'rrlll'''O"1. tried to rresent the best rossible budget out of the existing situation. He has tried his AN HON. MEMBER: Wrong. best to consolidate the gains which have been made during the recent months. While SHRI K. LAKKAPPA: You better doing so, the Finance Minister has been resign from the Congress and join the very harsh to the farming community. The Opposition. us all go and join the vitals of our country are being caten away Opposition parties. You have no business every day by our unproductive labour force to say that it is wrong. and the inefficient Government employees. Whatever resources the Finance Minister has MR. CHAIRMAN Order, order. heen able to mop up are being drained away Please conclude. in paying more wages to the labour forcc and more dearne" allowance to the inefficient SHRI K. LAKKAPPA: This has becn emrloye,·s. It looks to me as though this hanging fire: is this country going to give country and this Government are only the impression that we have to adopt existing to feed the unproductive lahour violence in this country? Because, Mr. force and the inefficient Government emplo- Chavan has been nursing the Shiv Sena yees. The labour force in our country which has created fraud, arson. looting of unfortunately is most unproductive and the South Indians; they have done a bar- costly. barous act under the very nose of Mr. It was mentioned in this House the other Chavan, and so I call him". day with regard to Bhilai and Bokaro that we are employing 18000 to 20000 people to MR. CHAIRMAN The allegations produce I million tons of steel. whereas in made by Mr. Lakkappa against Mr. Chavan Japan they employ only 2.000 people. This have already been refuted. Therefore, they ereats a doubt whether we are producing may be xpunged. steel or silver in these steel plants. We have invested about Rs. 2400 crores in our public SHRI K. LAKKAPPA Why should sector. I know public sector is essential it be expunged? (/IIIerruptiorIJ. \ and after sometime, they wtll take care of the productive aspect of our country. But MR. CHAIRMAN Order, order. at present, we have spent much of our capital Plea.rth onc rupee to the peopk. his production. ben if he gets a good we spend Rs. 4 on the administration. This production he will not get a good price. should be taken care of. Unfortunately. llur Government has not ~ forward to give price support to all \Ve have heen hearing from the ~ lbe produces that the farmers ilre growina beginning that agriculture will receive top in this country. I wouid just quote what priority. but if we see the allocations made Or. Ashnk Mitra. Chairman, Agriculture in all the plans. agriculture has not received Prices Commission. has said about the green top priority. In the fourth plan. for instance rl!volution. He" rot in Tilt' .\'ra/t lf11tln of they ha\'e allotted only 20.6 per cent to (ktnoer 14th and 15th agriculture whercas industry gets 24.8 PCI' cent. 50 per cent of our national income "Foodgrain production in 1%7-68 has come.'; from agriculture ~. It employes been e"cclient : optimism has accordingly abOl!: two-thirds of the labour force in our filled the air, fostering a widespread rural areas. II contributes two-third to our impression thai the &lgrkultural rcvolu- export carnini!s. But stiJI it is not rec.:eiving t ion is more than three quarters accom- proper treatment rrOI11 the Government. The pli'hecl. Much of this optimism is rural people arc living in j] very miserable owing to the increase in this year's wheat way. They do not have good roads, good output over last year's by almost 45 per houses, enough drinking water. good lighting cent; compared with our ll~ best facilities, ctc. I understand the average earn- achievement, which was in 1964-6~ the ing of a villager i. about 50 raise per day. increase in the production of wheat this How can the Government put taxes on the year is nearly 35 rer cent. farmers when this is their plight? Unfortu And yet. it will not dl> to lose sight nately. Government is rutting a levy on of some of the other elements in the fertilisers. In 1966. after devaluation, the cost situation. As Table I shows despite this of fertilisers went up by 57.7 per cent. Now year's record output, the compound rate we are putting more taxes on it. At this of growth of olltrut of all roodarains. cost. can our farmers purchase fertilisers? with I Y50-5 I as base. is hardly 2.25 per Every year more and more farmers are cent. This is not even enough to keep begining to WII) fertilisers. So, we must race with the annual rise in population. make it available to them at cbeaper rates. What is more, a substantial part or this As you are aware, Sir, one tonne of modest growth was in fact achieved fertiliser put to the land would ordinarily during the 1950s. The rate of growth giYe two tonnes of food8raiM. Therefore, I for the period 1949-50 to IY58-S9 was a. would advocate to thc Finance Minister to high as 3,29 per cent per annum: in consider withdrawing this levy on fertilisers. contrast that for the last IeIn year. has Men only 0.67 rer cent per annum. Even I would now come to the agricultural lOr "heat, the stUpendoul strides regis- taxation which the Finance Minisler ha:I IeI'ed ~ year merely mean that \Ie are included in his budget proposals. To justify stili struggling to return 1(. the t ..nd line this he lIIid that """'" people who have got of growtl! reacbed earlier, around 4 per black money invest it in agriculture in an at- eatlt per aMImI." tempt to convert their black money Into white money. If it is so, Id Finance M1nislor brinll for- This would reveal that we have not real- ward a separate lqialation toe urb that. Why ly made our arcen revolution IUQ;ItUCuJ MARCH 12, 1"69 Gerr.,a/ Mottlr. C",fltJrtJtlott ~16 U.S.A. (H.A.H. D/s.) [Shri Rajasekharan] We have just started. As you are aware. we are discussing on the floor of the House the new startegy in agriculture has just and which we are reading in newspapers started. We have started implementing it depend on agricultural research. But IIhat since 1966-67. I would. therefore. request are we doing for agricultural research? We the Finance Minister to give a complete tax- are allotting hardly ten per ceot of our holiday for our agricultural sector at least science budget on agticultural research where- for ten to twenty years. We have been as countries like Australia and New Zealand proposing tax-holidays to the industrial arc spending 45 per cent of their science bud- sector. We are giving development rebHte get un agricultural research. I would appeal to the industrial sector. We have been giving to the Finnnce Minister that at lenst during a lot of concessions to the industrial sector. the Fourth Plan period substantial amounts Why not we give this particular sector, the should be set apart for agricultural research. agricultural sector. a tax-holiday,? This Then ] come to regional imbalances. sector has sulTered for years together. This !Juring the reriod 1951-52 to 196768 we sector deserves a good lreatment at least no, ..· have made an investment of Rs. 2,400 crores at the hands of the Government. in the public sector. How much of it has If the money is put in the pockets of gone to Mysure" Only ahout Rs. 48 crores uur formers those people will be the biggest Though we have been talking much about c mmon market in our country. They arc giving proper or better treatment to States prepared to consume most of our iudustrial which are backward, these figures would production, most of our consumer goods. [n indicate that the Centre has not treated all Japan, whieh is a a highly industrialised backward States on an equal footing. country. about 80 per cent of its product; In this connection, I would like to make produced by them are consumed by the one sUBsestiun. I understand that the farmers in Japan itself. gOl'crnl11cnt is thinking of setting lip a second So. our rural population will be the unit of Bharat Electricals and I ndian tele- biggest market for all our industrial output phone Industries. Technical opinion has and the ,-=onsumer goods in OUf country. been in favour of setting up these industries Therefore, let the Kovernment give more a in the Southern States because they want attention to agro-based industries in this the area to be cool and dust-free. The tech- country so that the employment potential nical committee ~ given a clear opinion will increase. that they should be set up in the area where Then I would say that the government they arc already working. Here I may say should immediately corne forward with a that there is already a move to get these price support policy, so far as agricultur al industries located in Uttar Pradesh or some products are concerned. Now what unfor- other northern State. I would plead with tunately happens is that the farmer puts all the Finan..;e Minister to see that these indus· his efforts nnd makes a good produ-:e. Rut tries are set up in an area where they will he is not able to get a good price, because be abk to produce in an economic way. he is at the mercy of the middleman. This SHRI M. SUDARSANAM (Narasarao- should go. For that the government should pet) ; Mr. Chairman, Sir, in a developing come forward with a strong agl'icu Iturwl pricc country like ours, the budget has a tremend- support policy. The earlier it is done the ous impact on the economy of the country. better it will be for ihe farmors. MR. CHAIRMAN ; He may continue Here would like to say what other his speech tomorrow. We will now take up countries are doing in this connection. Take ths half an hour discussion. the case of Japan. Every year Japan is spending about 200 billion yen for aiving price support to paddy. We should certainly 18_30 brL emulate this example. Then I would like to point out to the HALF AN HOUR DISCUSSION Finance Minister that agricultural develop- General Motors Corporation or u.s. mellt depends llreatly on research. The success of new startegies and strains which SHRT S. K. TAPURIAH (Pali): Mr. 317 PHALOUNA 21, 1890 (SAKA) USA 318 c.,pO,.,'."(H.A.H. DI,,) Chairman, at the beainnlnll let me say that enllineerina 1I00ds of Rs. 8S crarcs which I it would have been better if the Minister of mentioned some time alia, our exports of External Trade were also here because this automobile components is only worth about matter would directly relate to his Ministry. Rg. 1.5 crores. This BlaiD shows what scope But, somehow or other, the original question there is for increasing the exports of our that was asked was asked of the Minister automobile goods. What our businessmen, of Industrial Development and hence this our GOlernment and our planners failed to important discussion also relates to him. foresec had to be told to us by a foreilln While replying to the debate. if the Minister concern, the General Motors. Their people now takes the plea that the matter concerns were here recently and what they said indi- another Minister, that would not be tenable. cates once again that a red-hot market In that case, he should have asked his colle- exists in foreign countries for Indian pro- ague to be prescnt here. ducts, specially for Indian automobile com- ponents. In the beginning I must admit one thing about this government. What this govern- The General Motors people know their ment lacks in talent, in sincerity of purp"se business. Our Ministers should know- and desire for progress is, to a good extent, many of us know-that the annual sales of made ur by its luck. that Corporation is equal to the total Budaet of the Government of India. When they say If we look around oursolves, agricllltur.1 that a tremendous scope exists, they could production has gone up without the Govern- not possibly have been talking loosely, Accor- ment having done much for it; or, if we ding to I'eWlpaper reports, the General look into the industrial field, the aggravation Motors representatives who were here said of the situation caused by recession at least that the General Motors buys components has been stopped and the situation has not worth ~I billion annually from outside worsened though the Government did not manufacture". That team allO indicated do anything to avoid the recession or to speed that evee if they b\1Ullht I per cent of their up the economy. Similarly, in exports this total requirements from India, it wDuld year there has been a tremendous rise though mean e'Port of goods worth more than $100 it may have been a result of the recession. million annually. What would that mean? Things have looked a little better but as a That would mean that our export, in a single friend I can warn this Government, let them year can go up by Ro. 7S crores. Putting it not stretch their luck too far because they in another way, it would mean that there is might snap it. a possibility of a cent per cent increase in Coming closer to the subject of "ports, our exports of engineering goods; or, putting let us take the exrort of enllineering goods. it still in another way, it would mean that Out of" taro I world export of Rs. 1,200 our eJtports of automobile components can be thousand crores, our share this year i'i steplled up fifty times in a year or two or expected to be only about Rs. 85 crores. In U'i soon as the Government permits or as the coming year the target is about Rs. 100 fast as our industrialist\) can move. crores wort h of goods. The total export of As has been said, we only have news- Rs. 85 crores that we have made is only 2 papcr reports. That is why this discussion, per cent of the total pmduction of engineer- so that the Mini'iters can enlighten us more ing goods in our country. What does that about it. But to achieve this. one docs not indicate? It indicates that there is a tremen- have to bat even an eyelid. Probably what dous potentiality in the field of e>ports of is needed is that the Government will have engineering goods. If this Government gave to oren its eyes. It has been said that the it the sreed, the direction and the purpose scopc exists. It has been shown by other that is required, there is an endless potentiality developing countries that the automobile for us to increase our exports of engineeing industry puts the egineering industry in a goods. developing country into high gear. This is what lays down the foundation for further Having said that I would like to come e'pansion and the Government here should 1~ to the particular subject under discus- take it seriously. sion, namely, exports of automobile com- poDents and prDducts of automobile ancill- I understand that when the team visited ary u~. Out of the total exports of India to look into the various Rm:i1Jary ~- "9 MARCH 12 1969 Corporariof/ (lSA (If A.If. D16) 320 (Shri S. K. Tapuriahl ries and assess their capabilities. it come to and technicians? Since these goods will be Delhi to meet the officials; who arc paid by exported to countries tliousands of milea the people of Jndia to ,tick to their jobs. away. there is a difficulty which will arise But jU$t at that time the Commerce Minister If a thing is defective, if the buyer and seller Mr. Dincsh Singh at the last momcnt can- are here, the buyer can go to the manufac- celled his appoitment with the team' .d went turer or the buyer can reject the goods or to Lucknow for some Congress party work. accept them after seeing them. What I do not know whether the people of India happens if those goods are exported to expected him to look after the Congress England or America and rejectected there? Party work or to tal

SHRI BHANU PRAKASH SINGH: SHRI BHANU PRAKASH SINGH: I hope this luck in the offilll remains a aood stand to correction. But that i5 what I hope IIlte a carrot dllltlina before you. feel. Rellirding the expor" that have lOne up, be has said it is due to luck.. I would like to SHRT SHRI CHAND GOYAL (Chandi- ..-tion one thine. AI he himself is an garh): Exported to Nepal. induatriaJist of some repute ... SHIU JlHANU PRAKASH SINGH: SHRI S. K. TAPURIAH: Am I 7 ~ly. But the noint is. that we do not have an export market for cars. Therefore. SHRI BHANU PRAKASH SINGH: If I would make an appeal that the quality of you lire not, I stand to correction. I would these cars should he improved. like him to go back 21 years and see what were the nports then. and what are the SHRI D. N. PATODIA He should ~ now. That way, this country bas be able to tell us the reafOas why C1t\lOrt ~ 323 G,'nerol Molor.- MARCH 12, 1969 CQrporallem U.S,f. (B A.B. DI4.) 324

rShri D. N. Patodia]

not possible and there being no market for SHRI BHANU PRAKASH SINGH : it. Is it because the cost is high, produc- Cases will be considered independently on tivity is low or there is very hiah taxation? merits. The Government of India have told these representatives that within their SHRI RHANU PRAKASH SINGH: It policy, export-oriented industries and their is for him to consider those thin.. , He ancilIaries will receive careful consideration must hear my reply first. Then I will for encourallement of export, But merely listen to him. saying t hat so and so are experts and A team from General Motors had come Hindustan Motors saying that there is good in January \969. They had discussions scope for ellport or that there is a sublltantial with the Commerce Ministry. There were market available for export will not suffice. two rcpresentiycs from Vauxhall Motors, one In concillsion, I can only say that when from the Overseas Division of General Government receive 50me definite and con- Motors and one representative from the crete proposals from these representatives. Opal Division of General Motors and there they will consider what to do. were representatives of Hindustan Motors also present during the discussion with the ~ ~ ~~~ (.iif.T): ~l Commerce Ministry. Nobody from the mri Ministry of Industrial Development was ~1 '!'i ~ if; mq I!it; f,T ~ l~ ~~ They said they were in a position to buy f", ;(lfrt: lJirt ;;It from Hundustan Motors these parts. Dis- ~ ~ if ~ .iffi ~ ~ ~ QT ~ cussions were held with the Commerce ,"I IJ'f.CfT ~ t ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ Ministry. The Commerce Ministry asked these representatives to submit a concrete 1I~ ",'I ~ 'f6T ~ ~I g I ~~ proposal. That has not yet ,orne. So to f.t lfT 'fi':'T it IJ'VH I illT'mT ~ .. ~ i''f say anything now is premature because we are awaiting their scheme which the Com- 'ft jjT or.t 'filT .'fTCn ~ I .'flit ~ ~ merce Ministry had ~ them to send to f'fll\ itir ~ 'l;fh 3~ ~ l1~~ n:: 'H ~~I ~1I ~ f!f; ~ ~I ;pr11 'l'llT testina of the facilities rcquire4. Detailed 'l7m ~ I 11~ f.t ~ ~1 ~ :ffirn proposals from the Hindustan Motors are awaited by the Government of India. 1~ ~ II ~1. 'fWlT'lT ~ I ~ Regarding Hindustan Motors, they had II ~ lfT "ll'f.'H ~ f

SHRI S. K. TAPURIAH: We want a 1;fflI'{1f1f; t I ~ ~ ~ ~ .. nfiI; >pcI.:illl,.· UlIswc-r. n(t1 a General one. ~~I~~~ ~~I~ 32' Gtnlral Molor! PHALOUNA 21, 18!1O (SAKA) Cor,.,.I.,. U:S . .4. 326 (B.A.H./)/6. ) ~ ~~ 'iiI 1lI~ ~ ~ 1IfT'Iififfl nenls. will 5upplyiDi Ihe demand DOt be still further delayed and will the internal I~ I ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ fit; ~ prices of passenaer cars not 10 up still ~ lilt ~ mri ~ ~~ further? Th_ an! my doubts and I hope, the Minister will reply to these. ~ ,,)-1: ~ iit ~l ~ "h ~ ~~ ~ ;rift ~ IfiT ~ ~~ t I SHRI BHANU PRAKASH SINGH: The hon. Member has expressed his doubts. ~ ~ : IIfTq ~~ i!'l ~. I They may be true or may not be true. W• ..'lq; ~ I shall ~ them and thell inform him.

~ .{!IT ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f'li forlriff ilfT'll;: 'iiI Illi.'l'lTfi!ff 'Ii;:it ~ '" ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ fOf'Z ffi ~ \(ft ~ I ~ ~I ~ 'flOf"tfC'li"f ~ oft ll:€ .... 'Ii<: ~ «. ~ 'Ii"t ~~ oft IIfT't !!iT I ~ ll~ l~ «~ if .nt lPTfu 'flft 'If''t ~ ~1 Ill~~ I m f,1 ~~ ~ ?' (4) qt i!IfTU ..m"fit ~ ~ have to wait in tbe waitina list per year •. In thaI .~ I want to know this. If we ~~l~ .. "' ~ ~ permit these people to export these compo- ~ ~ ~~ 'IiTt-f ~ flf1/f ~ ? 3Z7 MItIlQKI2.t9d9 'CO/flOfatlon U.S If (fI.,4.1I. DI,.) 328

-'ft ~ """' ~ (I }lfQ: .. ~ ~ "6ifl4'fi(lr)" Ifl'r ~ lIII~ ~ 1~ it fipf'lf{!f 'l\ if0 .;rTf 8ft I (2) ~~ll ~ ~ lft,'CIT ...~~ ~ it ~ ~ if q'f •• ~~~I1Il1Il cr;r if1I> ~ ~~ ~ l~ ~ -a-mt ..n .m. ~ ~ : if "'T ~ ~ ~ l~ 'fiT'tif ~ if; ~ it ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ Wifil mT ~ orR emit ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ Il~.~ ~ I vm srmr if; ~ tt flt;o;ft t '? ~ -.,rit oCR: ~ ~~ ~ ~ flPfT 'lfTitI'JT fIJI; flJl;aifT ~~ ~ flJl;a'ifT ~ srtmT ~ o;rm ~ ~1 ~ ~l iftTT ~ lJ1;To{;ifur;r ~l ~ ~ I ~~ v'li 4!ilt..-ra- f('qTUtftif ~~ ~ grift, ~ I ~ ;rl't it ~1 t I 'lIif if ~ ~ m~I l~ on: ~ ~-l~ ll~ ~ ~ I ~ ~~l ~ ..~ I ~ ~l 1iTT ~ ~ qA iii ~~ tT ~~ IfTV: it ~~ ~ 'liT ~ q{ ~ ~ fir;ln' ;;rrittrr I ~ ~ 1~ ~ !JiIi!'IT I (3) .:ror;f!fu IJ1;T 18.58 hrs. ift\' VTm ~ I '{fIJI; ~l V'I1'T ~ 01'1:1 Th,' Luk .:>abhu I~ 4iJj"'IrIl

~ al Akasbdeep Printef$ 20. .~. Dlllbi.6,