Ieee Fellow Grade Nomination Form (2006/2007)
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IEEE MetropolitanSectionsActivities Council(METSAC) IEEE Fellow Nomination Preparation Guide (2006) This guideis intended to be an aid in the preparationof IEEE Fellow nominations. IEEEPoliciesand Procedures should always be referenced to insurea nomination is in compliance. Nomination and Referenceforms periodicallychange. I. The Nominator Nominators are not requiredto be IEEEmembers. Nominators be knowledgeableof a nominee’s professionalbackground including technical achievementsand where appropriate leadership qualities. Desirablenominators are current or former co-workers, subordinates or supervisors. Nominators mustnever be IEEEFellows. A valued referencewould be lost if a nominatoris an IEEEE Fellow. The “BottomLine” is a nominatormust knowhis candidate’scontributionsand capabilities that distinguish the candidate. II. Starting Nomination Preparation Nominations should notbe “Last Minute”efforts. Successful Nominationsrequirededicating manyweeks to preparation and recruiting Fellow References. Fellow references maysources of importantinformationthat may be overlooked. Begin soliciting IEEEFellow references before completing the Nomination Form. A minimumof 5 IEEEFellows should be recruited, more are better. IEEEFellow references should possessprofessional knowledge, not necessarilypersonal, of a candidate and value of contributions,particularlyuniqueness and advances. Years a referencehas known a candidate and/or his workis important. IEEE Fellow references that have similarbackground and experienceare valuable references. An exampleis an IEEEFellow referencethat used a candidate'scontributionsin his own work. Candidates may also be managers who fosteredadvances. Carefullyconsider which of the following 4 cate4goriesappropriatefor a candidate: a) ResearchEngineer/Scientist,b) TechnicalLeader,c) Educatoror d) Application Engineer/Practitioner. Carefullyplanand outlineeach sectionof the Nomination Form. Use brief sentences in the active tense. Whereappropriatelink portionsof the formto emphasize importance. Remembera candidate competeswithhundredsof other candidates. Qualityis usuallyassuredby repeatedreviews. III. Nomination Form- Considercommentsincluded in the following sample Nomination Form IEEE FELLOW GRADE NOMINATION FORM (2006/2007) 1.1.CANDIDATEINFORMATION CANDIDATE INFORMATION Last (Family)Name First Middle Prefix Page 1 of 5 Organization’s Name (If None,Please leaveblank) Organization's Affiliation (Education/Industry/Government/Other) Mailing Address City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Telephone# Fax# Email IEEE MemberNumber 2. EDUCATION Degrees Year Educational Institution Location PHD Masters Bachelors Other * The above Parts 1 and 2 are self-explanatory 3. PROFESSIONALHISTORY. Current positionfirst. Ifnecessary,cite onlymost recent positions. From (year) to (year) Name of Company Position Held and Responsibilities * Be sure this informationis verifiableand complete. Consider reviewersmay referenceback when reviewingin subsequentparts. 4. PROPOSEDCITATION (not more than thirty words) Citationsshould be draftedafter other parts are complete. Rememberthispartis an opportunity to begin promotingthe electionof the candidate 5. NOMINATOR INFORMATION Last (Family)Name First Middle Prefix Organization’s Name Mailing Address Page 2 of 5 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Telephone# Fax# Email 6. INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTIONS (SpecifySuccinctly) (not more than 250 wordsforeach part) CHECKONLY ONE. Identifythe categoryin which the candidatehas made significant contributions that wouldqualify him/her for Fellowgrade. ____ ResearchEngineer/Scientist ____Technical Leader____Educator _____Application Engineer/Practitioner Explain howthe candidate’s contributions have contributed to the advancementor application of engineering,science,and technology. Focus on the nominee’skeycontributions of unusual distinctionin theprofession. It is importantto identify specific attributes of thecandidatethat qualify him/her for elevationto Fellow. Hasthe candidatebeen responsible for the developmentof particular devices or techniques? If so,specify. Is the candidate rankednear the top of those in his/her discipline? (not more than 750words total) * Carefullyconsider the category applicablefor a candidate. Where uncertaintyexistspreparethe followingpart beforeselection. The following must supportthe selection. Supplythe followinginformationin twoparts. PART 1: List the three most importantitems of tangibleand verifiable evidenceof technicalaccomplishment, such as: technicalpublications; technicalreports andpresentations; patents; development of products, applicationsand systems;and, applicationof facilities and services. State theengineering significance of each. PART 2: List not more than 15 additional items, subdivided into distinct areas of contributions. Wherepossible,identify their individual importance. (See Item 7 in the instructionsfor method of listing and documentingaccomplishments.) List titlesof publicationsin English. PART 1: (Three items of evidence of technical accomplishment) * Note the term representative. Patentsare extremelyimportant evidence of contributions. Candidatesfrom the industrialor publicsectors have other applicableand importantcontributions. Candidatesfrom the industrialor privatesector often publishlittle becauseof competitiveconcerns. Consider the influencesof contributionssuch as advances that resultfrom contributions. I. TechnicalPublications(representative): II. Invited Presentations (representative): III. Patents: PART 2: (Distinct areas of contributions) * Another and importantopportunityto emphasizedvaluesand importance 8. IEEE ACTIVITIES – AWARDS, OFFICESHELD, COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS (not more than250 words) (1) Honors and Offices Held Page 3 of 5 (2) Committee Membership (representative) (3) Other IEEE Activities 9. NON-IEEE ACTIVITIES AWARDS, PROFESSIONALSOCIETYMEMBERSHIPS, COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS (Major Professional,Government, or International) PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER’S LICENSE. (not more than 250words) *Do not overlookcompany awards, appointed and electedpublic positions and more (1) Honors and Offices Held (2) Professional Society and CommitteeMemberships (3) Other Activities (representative) * Part 10 below allows up to 8 IEEE Fellow References 10. IEEE FELLOW GRADE REFERENCES. List alphabeticallythe complete names of a minimumof 5 (maximum of 8) ows. 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8. 11. ENDORSEMENT OF NOMINATION. (Optional) Provide name of IEEE Section,Chapter, Committee or non-IEEE organizationor non-IEEE individual *Endorsementsby our RegionDirector, Section Chair,Chapterand such help a candidate. 1. 3. 2. 12. EVALUATION BY IEEE TECHNICAL SOCIETY/COUNCIL. It is essential that the nominationbe evaluated by the Society engagedin the technical fieldmentioned in the citation. Thenominatoris required to:(1)list below only the IEEE societythat best reflects the candidate’sfieldof technical accomplishments. Name of Society/Council to EvaluateCandidate’s IEEE FellowNomination (one only): *One of many reasons for planning a nomination Page 4 of 5 1. NOTE: If the abovenominee is elected to Fellowgrade,the nominatoragrees to release the contents of this form to authorized IEEE committees of the AwardsBoard for the purpose of recommendingcandidates for IEEE Awards. Only this nominationform will be releasedfor this purpose. Page 5 of 5.