SPORTS FEATURES NEWS Get to know the new cross- This is one music festival in Learn how the new moon country runner hailing from Texas most people would love relates to students’ safety Kenya PAGE 6. fo attend. If you missed Austin TOMMOROW. City Limits, check out PAGE 4, TOL Wednesday September 20, 2006 DAILY SKIF Vol. 104 Issue 17 EST. 1902 A WWW.DAILYSKIFF.COM

Perry visits campus, discusses gubernatorial race BY SARAILEYNN FRANKLIN “Every campaign has its own personality, Staff Reporter and this one's no different,” Perry said. “We Gov. Rick Perry was planning to answer just have more personalities. I only know how questions about the National Child Identifica- to do it one way, and that's run real hard, stay tion Program in a press conference held Tues- real focused, be very disciplined, and then day at the Justin Athletic Center, but instead we'll look around on Nov. 8 and see how it was questioned about the Nov. 7 gubernato- worked out.” rial election. Before being questioned regarding the Perry's support continues to drop in the polls race for governor, Perry talked about child according to, an online identification. newsletter that tracks public opinion, Polls The Governor's office is awarding $1.8 mil- showed Perry had 40 percent of the public's lion to the Sheriff's Association of Texas to support in July and, as of Sept. 13, his support provide child identification kits to Texas par- had dropped to only 33 percent, ents, so they can easily record and store their Perry told the audience he takes all candi- child's fingerprints, DNA and physical charac- dates seriously, but is not concerned with his teristics, Perry said. This will aid in the recov- recent drops in the election polls, ery of missing children, he said. “I worry about polls on Nov. 7," Perry said Ed Smart, whose daughter Elizabeth Smart “It's called Election Day.” was abducted in 2002 and recovered due to Historically, Perry said, there have been the Child Identification Program, said he urges two major parties in elections: Democrats and others to “be prepared, not scared.” Republicans, Chris Bell is the opposing Demo- College students should be concerned with hotographer cratic candidate in this election, he said the Child Identification Program, Chancellor “Chris is probably going to be number two.” Victor Boschini said, even if only for their Perry said siblings. Perry also said the number of candidates this “I think it is successful on a limited basis year, five, does not change his views toward only because not enough people are doing it,” STEPHEN SPILLMAN / Stal! Photographer the race Boschini said, Head football coach Gary Patterson introduces Gov. Rick Perry at a press conference Tuesday for the National Child Identification Program, Perry answered questions about the governor's race and said he will worry about poll numbers on Election Day Students to vote on plus/minus

By JOHN BOLLER Staff Reporter Students with an opinion on the plus/minus system will soon have an opportunity to voice it, said the Student Government Association speaker of the house Tuesday, Tori Hutchens, SGA speaker of the house, said students can tell administrators how they feel about the plus/minus system by logging on to between 7 a.m. and noon Thursday and taking a survey regarding the issue, Chris Ulmet, a junior computer science major and member of the Student Relations Commit. tee, said students may participate in an opin- ion poll by responding either for or against the 1 Photographer Texas Tech plus/minus system, the TCU vs “The survey will be available on, and will have unbiased material and will be very professional,” said Hutchen, CHAD SNYDER / Stat! Photographer Brian Andrew, senior economics major, speaks at the SGA The survey, set up by the Student Relations meeting about students running for positions in SGA e Big 12; Committee, will include information about cam that the plus/minus system, the survey itself and lavers, | testimonials from both faculty and students the plus/minus system for Mike about the new grading system SGA Communications Director Clint

and the “Students will also have the option of read Edwards, a junior geography major, said SGA tom line CHAD SNYDER / Stal! Photographer ing material that explains how the plus/minus Sigma Lambda Alpha members participate in Hispanic Heritage Month by building Aztec sand pyramids Tuesday at the Rec Center hopes students participate in the poll little bit system works,” Ulmet said, “We hope that at least 2,000 people do vote

The faculty and student testimonials con this Thursday at,” he said, “If we get ve about sist of four stories from two faculty members, our goal of 2,000, then we will have enough for their Castles made of sand both for and one against the plus/minus sys votes to confidently say that this is how TCU | Conter tem, and one student testimonial in favor of students feel about the plus/minus system.” the 1-2 wn Cart Cats gain nine more lives Scholarships to allow students to study abroad

By LAURA FLORES People “don't understand, you By AMBER PARCHER wanted most from the cam international communica so they spend money travel Staff Reporter Staff Reporter can't take them somewhere else paign, they said increased tion major who studied in ing and doing things,” Gos Since 2004, faculty members there is nowhere else to take The provost is working to scholarships for students, Seville, Spain, said most stu lee said have volunteered to trap, neu them,” Alexander said. “They go raise money for scholarships Tracy Rundstrom Williams, dents spend more money in American Airlines awards 20 ter and release feral cats living to animal control and die.” that could allow more stu. associate director for the Cen- a semester abroad than they vouchers a year for students on and around campus, as part Alexander said she counted 30 dents to study abroad. ter for International Studies, said do in a semester at TCI with financial needs, Williams of Frogs and Cats Together, a cats when the program began. Nowell Donovan, provost she has had several students who “Students want to get the said, and is considering offering project aimed at controlling Cats have survival instincts and vice chancellor for aca- were not able to study abroad most they can out of Europe See ABROAD, page 2 the feral cat population, and are territorial, Alexander demic affairs, said he believes because costs were too high, Cari Alexander, TCU librar said, and university campus studying abroad is an impor. “We know finances are a ian and founder of Frogs and es are great sources for food, tant part of the college experi- concern, so we have to think Cats Together, began the orga water and shelter. ence and would like to make it creatively about how to reduce nization after 34 cats were cap Carol Thompson, a member of more affordable for students, costs,” Williams said. tured in Worth Hills, taken to Frogs and Cats Together, said a “TCU has a commitment to Williams said adding schol animal control and euthanized trap-neuter-release method is the giving our students an inter- arships would increase the during summer 2004, See CATS page 2 national experience, even popularity of the study-abroad students who can't afford an program. She said 450 under- overseas trip,” Donovan said, graduate students study abroad The scholarships would most every year through the program, likely come from donors and and predicted that at least 100 would consist of several thou- more would be able to study sand dollars each, Donovan said. abroad with financial aid He said he wants them to be A semester trip to Flor- available as soon as possible. ence, Italy, for example, costs Raising scholarships is a $17,000 plus airfare and addi- iH Photographer large part of the $250 million tional spending money. There t, and fresh Vision in Action campaign, are currently no scholarships jump up to Donovan said, JENNIFER BICKERSTAFF / Photo Editor available for semester study srnoon, The He said when faculty mem- abroad, Williams said. JENNIFER BICKERSTAFF / Photo Editor Feral cats take a cat-nap outside of a duplex across from the Smith Entrepreneurs Hall The study abroad program offers students travel destinations all over the world warts Tuesday afternoon. The cats are taken care of by TCU librarian Carl Alexander, bers were asked what they Missy Goslee, a senior The Pantheon in Rome is a historical architecture monument for tourists to visit

TT —————— ke it was “| WEATHER PECULIAR FACT | TODAY'S HEADLINES CONTACT US ainst Air Today: Sunny, 87/67 NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J, ~~ A doctor has pleaded FEATURES: DJ Shadow’s album disappoints, page 4 Send your questions, Springs, Thursday: Partly Cloudy, 88/72 not guilty to stealing a hand from a New compliments, complaints y to build OPINION: Honesty the best policy in dating, page 3 Jersey medical school cadaver and giving and hot tips to the staff at % of con EE — — Friday: Partly Cloudy, 94/73 it to an exotic dancer, authorities sald, ~ AP | SPORTS: Track star talks about his goals, page 6 [email protected] A W a i Ll i A i he i au ——..

THE JUMP PAGE TCU Daily Skiff | Wednesday, September 20, 2006 they have no owners and do not group to trap the cats on Recovering sex addict to discuss porn effects CATS live on specific properties. How campus, but enly during the From page i ever, many are still being cared day so there isn't prowling By MICHELLE THOMAS a national issue that students lar perspective, Syme said, Staff Reporter for voluntarily. at night should be aware of,” Syme adding that students are most effective way to reduce the Alexander said TCU has Each cat that is trapped has Pornography will be a hot said. “It hurts the people clos- encouraged to attend even topic tonight at “Porn Nation,” number of wild cats because it tried to capture and eutha- an ear clipped, is neutered est to you and destroys rela though the topic may be Ridicu stops reproduction, limiting the nize feral cats, but others take and given vaccinations paid a multimedia-based event that tionships.” unconventional, will discuss the truth and con- amount of cats in the area. the place of these euthanized for through fundraisers and Leahy said he founded the Kristine Tisinger, a soph- She said cats stop mating cats, With T-N-R, the popula members of Frogs and Cats sequences of pornography and omore nursing major, said 0 pac organization BraveHearts LLC behaviors such as fighting and tion will naturally decrease as Together, Thompson said sexual addiction, said the event to bring awareness to this shie was unsure if she would force or sc spraying once they are neu- cats die, she said promoter. issue, which he said affects attend the event, Speaker Michael Leahy will Wait? Scave tered, and the trap-neuter “TCU is a pilot project and millions of people “It’s an awkward topic that ABROAD talk about how pornography While an a release program is cheaper good example of stabilizing an According to the organi will be uncomfortable for a than euthanizing cats area,” Thomason said From page 1 has affected his life and will to the succes zations Web site, the United lot of students,” she said, “But some of the TCU is working with the Fort Although Frogs and Cats share with students the dan States is the largest producer the important things aren't Worth’s Animal Care and Con- Together is not an official all TCU students a 5 percent gers of addiction, said the and consumer of pornogra- always easy to talk about.” bit extreme. TCU's gene trol Division to protect semi- group, Alexander said the discount. That discount would event's promoter, Matt Syme, phy in the world, and young lisinger said she sees por as state law ¢ wild cats in Fort Worth's pet administration gave consent take affect this spring a freshman broadcast journal people are among the most nography as one of the big CAUSE NEw m ordinance, said Anne Thom. for T-N-R on campus ‘We know the costs of ism major affected by it issues young people face, Leahy, who calls himself tions any me ason, senior administrator at If the ordinance is changed, studying abroad are high, Leahy has a three-year especially in college, and said Fort Worth Animal Care and they will be able to set up but the opposite costs of not a recovering sex addict, lost goal of reaching 100,000 col she thinks it is an issue that embarrassme his wife of 15 years and his Control clean feeding stations, Thomp going are higher,” Williams lege students on 250 cam shouldn't be ignored However, sol I'he current ordinance only son said said “Studying abroad is two sons because of his addic puses in the United States although cre tion and is sharing his story affects pet cats and controls the Currently, there are feed not only a transformational and Canada need to be p learning experience, but it is to make students aware of Porn Nation Clearly, fo number allowed to roam on the ing spots on campus and food “Porn Nation” will also the weight of their decisions, property owners, Thomason and water is taken up daily, an investment in the future feature video clips and tes sively, engag Syme said said. She said a pet rule does Thompson said. She also said because it develops skills timonials from people who 8 p.m. in Ed Landreth Hall undergo bel that employers look for” ‘Pornography has become but is there : not work for feral cats because the administration allows the say they fell into the trap ol Auditorium, pornography and how they a scavenger recovered For more information about Porn music or hol Although “Porn Nation Nation and BraveHearts, LLC, If taken to Adan's Math Twiorial is sponsored by Campus visit www, these could Crusade for Christ, it will the correct ¢ be presented from a secu With my help, Math i: COMMENT class does not have to = Cam Serving TLC UL students for over 10 vis, Place GRECRENRTOG Ski 20 Mountains & Remembe

and view "Sesame Str Algebra, Topics, Elementary and Bus, Statistics, our ABCs? | I'rigonometry, Precalculus, Applied Precalculus, the tune “ne Applied Calculus, Calculus I, 11, HH and Diff, EQ you sing wi COMMENTARY CLASSIFIED i got f ping with ' 4} w of Ar Aibingtim hingt I.C.U, Student Discounts are available, | can, Monday - Friday with parental approval, send the bill home, 11:30 am. - 2:00 pm. & Slopeside Luxury Condos, Lifts, 5:00 pom. - 10:00pm. Rentals, Airfare or Bus & Live Bands Saturday ADS Bi00p.m, - 10:00pm.

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learn the alg en the preva life on camp car has a bu COWBOYS Arlington associates th One group o Thursdays a majority o Pay by the month, at least one week, With of students | not by the minute. -18 and over Free with Valid Student ID nities or sor is a major fc -$1 Longnecks til 11 sion on cam 40 a month. tinction fres -$2 Longnecks after 11 their peers Unlimited long distance and local, anytime. majors and -Live Texas Music whether the its credit, Gr starting September 28th ly not the o dent life div Music is ond on the breakdown personal e ct incoming s For just *40 a month and no contract, you can age to vote talk anytime and never run out of minutes. en it upon Cool phones, state-of-the-art network, and all A the calls you can make. Including long distance. Ho

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AMY HAL ADRIENNE ICU DAILY SKIFF Editar In Chiat: Amy Halllod Opinion Keer: than C oher Advertising Manager: Fouts Humphries Managing Editor Addenne Lang Sports Editar: Mu haat Dade Student Publications Director Robert Bohie LESLIE HO C1) Bas 198050. Fort Worth, TX 16129 Associate Editor Lode Honey Foaturas Editar jell Liew Business Manager Boo Fal Phone (B17) 157-7438 Fax (I 25011) | News Bditors Latkleen Thurber Jobe Phate Editor: fenriter Bickers! Production Managsr: Vicki Whistle KATHLEEN foal mms JokitHE 4 edu | arent Tranche Dosign Editars Roan Grosvet Kaliay Marler Director, Schlatter Schaal Tommy Thomann JENNIFER

® TCU Daily Skiff STATE OF EMERGENCY Thailand's Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has declared that the nation of Thailand is in a state of emergency due to rumors 4 Opinion of a military coup — Associated Press Cts Wednesday, September 20, 2006 |< 1e said, nts are THE SKIFF VIEW OOOFSPOOF » ROLF NELSON

vd even nay be Ridiculous rules require quick re-evaluation Geo ber nateral a soph- Gearing UP for Teves or, said o paddling, branding, drugs, reason that Greek and other student orga- Kon CR. » would forced drinking, theft, screaming nizations shouldn't be able to responsibly or scavenger hunts, engage in some of the prohibited activities # i pic that Wait? Scavenger hunts? If a sorority wants to hold a scavenger hunt le for a While an anti-hazing policy is essential where the new member has to follow clues to id, “But to the success of Greek and student life, find out who her “big sister” is, shouldn't the may be a president and alumni adviser be the ones to s aren't some of the specific restrictions bout.” bit extreme, decide if the event is appropriate? "eS POr- TCU's general hazing policy mirrors Tex- Although a sleepover could leave room for the big as state law stating that situations cannot hazing, it also could just be a good excuse to organiza- watch movies and spend time with friends le face, cause new members of student ind said tions any mental or physical discomfort, TCU has good intentions. It doesn’t want or ridicule. new members to feel abused and wants sue that embarrassment, harassment However, some specifics of TCU'’s policy, to ensure they have enough time to suc although created with good reason, may ceed academically, TCU should try to treat us like adults and should trust students to need to be periodically re-examined. pledges to drink exces- responsibly interpret a broader set of haz Clearly, forcing sively, engage in personal servitude or ing restrictions. Hall undergo belittling has negative effects, Some groups will break the rules, which but is there anything wrong with having is probably one of the reasons they were cre a scavenger hunt, playing extremely loud ated in the first place. But instead of adding another slightly absurd rule to the list, these ut Porn music or holding a sleepover? LC, If taken to the extreme, activities like groups should be punished individually these could lead to hazing, but if used in New ¢ additor Kathleen Thurber for the editor / rif the correct context, there should be no

COMMENTARY COMMENTARY Campus cliques separate students [nternet blogs invade privacy

Facebook is going the same route as Remember the days of updated on political propa don't feel the same way Xanga scared me from the beginning MySpace and Xanga Before, a student “Sesame Street” teaching us ganda. For this reason, music Take, for example, any The idea of posting a diary online, for all couldn't spend more than half an hour on our ABCs? Everyone knows involves the most person small group you've been split the cyber world to see, appalled me. Throw in the fact that not everyone on Xanga is my Facebook maybe writing on friends’ the tune “next time won't al, important and educated into purposefully, such as at walls, checking updates and altering some- you sing with me?” But in decisions we are capable of Frog Camp, a group interview age, although they might claim to be, and | or a classroom. The purpose knew | wanted nothing to do thing in his or her profile. But now there COMMENTARY any college making. If you think about COMMENTARY when partion | with it are "notes, which 1 still haven't found { [ a1 where Greek it, staking a claim to your of splitting up is two-fold i Adingtin | a specific purpose for, other than a sub- | life prevails, favorite musician, and shar First, it creates the opportuni Then along came | tle push toward blogging. Just like on that's out the ing that with the world, is ty to bond more easily with a MySpace, the same basic | concept as Xanga but with MySpace, users can start a daily journal for door and almost as intimate as select smaller group. Second, it pro more emphasis on the per the world to read allowing both you, as in prances ing a political candidate to motes coming together as a the writer, and your friends, as the read- Alpha, Beta, support, whole in an effort to achieve sonality profile, making the same goal it even easier for any ran ers, to kill a few more hours in front of the and Chi. Another separation is dom person to instantly computer Freshmen extracurricular involvement, Unfortunately, TCU is a Anahita Kalianivala find information about its I'he News Feed took it too far, and are forced to The organizations you devote campus that seems to breed concept might be fun Facebookers let the designers know it. | learn the alphabet again, giv your time and effort to speak this sort of cliquey division, users. | know this thought it was crazy when Xanga added en the prevalence of Greek volumes about yourself, even and it would be wise to fight in theory, but with so many people being footprints, enabling everyone to see life on campus, Every other if you don’t want them to against it. Succumbing to MySpace members and more logging on exactly what its users did on the site car has a bumpersticker that So freshmen, choose wisely division is a choice. We have every day, it's not a good idea For the time the News Feed was posted associates the drivers with Whether you are involved to realize we're all students And now, after a long, steady decline, it without optional limitations, | avoided with Greek, cultural or reli- of TCU, and our given goal is seems that Facebook has gone the same route, one group or another, and Facebook, not out of worry that others gious-affiliated organizations to become educated and, as Initially, 1 saw Facebook as a refresh- a majority of people wear might know what I'm doing, but because or Student Government Asso the mission reads, “to think ing alternative to the easily accessible, at least one Greek T-shirt a the new format was a direct invasion of week, With nearly 40 percent ciation, the cliques will begin and act as ethical leaders and stalker-friendly blogging domain of privacy of students involved in frater to develop. responsible citizens in the MySpace and Xanga. Facebook started With the addition of thousands of new nities or sororities, Greek life We're even separated into global community.” out simply as a way of connecting with new classmates, keeping in touch with users who are not currently in college, is a major form of social divi. the most trivial groups: which In an effort to lessen the trying the extra information that the News Feed sion on campus, The first dis- college football teams we sup- impact of cliques on campus, high school friends and possibly provides worries me more tinction freshmen have among port, whether we live on cam- we should focus on the things to find out the identity of that hottie in your religion class. Only chosen college It seems, like the brains behind many their peers — after their pus or commute, whether we that bring us together, such as students could see your profile other Internet communities, Facebook's majors and hometowns — is have a Facebook account and our nationally ranked football couldn't creators have shifted their focus away whether they rushed. But to whether we think the new team (Go Frogs!) and our out But the designers of Facebook from providing a safe, fun site that its credit, Greek life is certain- format is more stalker-friendly. standing academics be satisfied with their success. Choos attempts to get as many users as pos- It seems the purpose of As a last resort, we ing to ignore Facebook's original users ly not the only aspect of stu- sible for as many hours a day as possi dent life dividing our campus, cliques has evolved, They should take a hint from the as well as the purpose of its existence, Facebook to ble, Everything that once made Facebook Music is probably sec- now exist to divide us and TCU apparel being sold in the creators have opened different and refreshing is slowly being ond on the list of the social further separate us from each the Bookstore no mat anyone with an e-mail address. It will no replaced, and it won't be long until the breakdown. Speaking from other. We forget the original ter what shade, we all still longer be a safe haven for college stu Instead, it has become stance | have taken on other blogging personal experience, most purpose of joining shared bleed purple, dents to connect, ques sites will apply to Facebook also incoming students are just of interest groups is to celebrate another open site that leaves users commonalities — not band tioning their privacy erie Coop 1 sophomore news age to vote and have not tak- m major from Azle together against those who I'his change is a serious step down en it upon themselves to stay Honesty most successful policy for breaking up

ing that you take this as a er person when moving on states, “Trix are for kids.” Hey, its Dr. Love again, but today, people too often with your friends when he to future relationships. You OK mavbe that was less OK, so I may not be a real feel the unnecessary urge or she wanted to sit at home license to bash your former will both be able to work of a proverb and more of a doctor, 1 just pretend to be to sugarcoat something that with you all night and watch flame’s heart in with bru tal honesty and leave them toward fixing flaws you may cereal commercial slogan, one at the Skiff. When we probably would be best reruns of “Family Guy” or have had in previous rela but it still applies ended part absorbed if it went down tionships A more realistic approach COMMENTARY one of this unsweetened, Another common white may be to say, “Hey, this article last This rule goes out to both lie we sugarcoat a breakup may be rough, but how week, we dis- women and men: So, have with is the old “1 still want about we not talk for a few cussed vari- you recently realized that to be friends” line Now weeks and then decide if we ous subjects your significant someone granted, in certain cases, want to be friends or not.” in regards to who seemed to give you being friends is always a I'his time of separation the begin- butterflies a few months ago viable option for those who will allow both parties’ ning stages now seems to only give you are no longer dating emotions to come down to of dating. headaches? It just might be Glenton Richards However, the fact that just a more stable and calm lev These are time to stick a fork in what the previous day you were el, in which case, it would that should was once a blossoming rela rules in dating telling vour best friend that then be more feasible to but tionship. always be followed, you hope you “never have determine whether you real have But you don't want to in my time at TCU, I to see his ugly face again” ly want to be friends or if have hurt that person's feelings. noticed these rules or that “just thinking of vou'd rather continue using many Oh, heavens no! | mean, been brushed aside you nauseous,” his or her picture for dart we're the generation that her makes times, practice “Sex in the City" ? in the ER of “Heartbreak is probably an indicator In part two of this article, grew up with Mr, Rog- Hopefully now, if you We are bombarded with Hospital.” Nor do I say that that you don’t want to be will dissect long-term ers and Barney telling us we you should only be honest friends ever do end up finding and, if it is we should be kind to one relationship counselors relationships out of some belief that both By stating otherwise, yourself in this situation, you another, no matter what, stressing the need for hon time to end one, how you're just playing mind with this advice, you may So instead, you just tell that esty within relationships parties will magically end can do it kindly but truth- games, not only with the try not telling that one lit Well, people should also up reunited in blissful love fully. I felt the need to dis- person, “Hey, it's not you. tle white lie and just being strive to develop a sense of in two weeks because of other party, but also with cuss this topic because | It's me.” yourself, This phrase makes honest honesty when ending these this newfound honesty most people may Now, is it really you? Or realized Rather, being truthful will me think of the thousand sdenton Richards is a senior radio go through breakups at was it his or her constant relationships. Now, I'm not advocat. help both you and the oth year-old proverb that wisely Votilm maor from Carvollion some point in their lives, jealousy of you hanging out

AMY HALLFORD JOHN-LAURENT TRONCHE Editorial Policy ema ito LETTERS2SKIFF@TCU EDU. Letters must ADRIENNE LANG JORDAN COHEN The content of the Opinion page does not the left. The Skiff View is the collective opinion of and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board include the author's dassification, major and phone LESLIE HONEY MICHAEL DODD necessarily represent the views of Texas Christian the editorial board and may not reflect the views Letters to the editor: The Skiff welcomes letters ruimber Shift revarves the right 1o edit or reect KATHLEEN THURBER JEFF ESKEW University. The Skiff View editorial represents the of the individual writers. Signed letters, columns 10 the aditor Yor public ation To subenit a lett lottery bor style taste and wre restric thom editorial board listed to and cartoons represent the opinion of the writers JENNIFER BICKERSTAFF {view of the TCU Dally Skiff

TCU Daily Skiff THE DEBUT OF SANDI THOM Check out the Feature section on eatures for an album review of Sandi Thom's debut track, Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Gnarls went through virtu Marty Crandall. hu, The Flaming Lips and Tom ally the band’s entire debut The Raconteurs were the Petty & The Heartbreakers, record, including the song of focus of the AT&T stage Sat Matisyahu's set started at 4:30 the summer “Crazy.” urday as they ripped through p.m. and got the crowd jumping Friday night saw a division in their set and dancing along to his own the audience as the older crowd The band furiously beat out twist on reggae and funk. The went to see Van Morrison, while nine tracks off their debut album Flaming Lips took control of the the younger crowd made their including the hits “Steady, As stage as singer Wayne Coyne way to see john Mayer She Goes” and “Intimate Sec jumped into the crowd incased Maver put on an impressive retary”, as well as playing a in a giant plastic bubble. The set that was heavily made of strangely loud, raunchy version Lips’ set was truly a celebration new material off his new album of Nancy Sinatra's “Bang Bang of music as Coyne shot confetti “Continuum.” Mayer showed he (My Baby Shot Me Down)” into the crowd and half the stage had traded in his soft acoustic One of the better perfor was taken up by dancing aliens, “Your Body is a Wonderland” mances of the festival this year while the other half was taken style for several Stratocast was the set played by southern up with dancing Santa Clauses ers and longer hair. His new rockers , The The band opened with “Race electric-blues material meshed band started out with a new for the Prize,” then energetical- nicely with his older material song called “Snake Charmer” ly rocked through more current that had the crowd jumping and songs such as “The Yeah Yeah as Maver broke into slightly | revamped versions of past hits screaming. The rest of their set Yeah Song” and “Free Radicals” le such as “Why Georgia?” and drew from their latest record, off their newest release, “At War ‘My Stupid Mouth” the brilliant “Aha Shake Heart with the Mystics.” bh...

Saturday, the New Orleans break” as they blew through I'he Lips left the crowd sat bred jam band Galactic got the King of the Rodeo,” “Taper Jean isfied and ready for the eve “Bob has th crowd dancing at the AMD Girl” and the perfect set-ending ning's main event, Tom Petty You woul stage. They jammed their way “Slow Night, So Long." Singer and The Heartbreakers MATT MARI wtf photographer through several wordless songs Jared Folowill seemed irritated Petty took the stage at 8:30 Thousands of people waited for the fifth annual Austin ( ity Limits Music Festival to kick off on Friday in Zilker Park in Austin with extended guitar, keyboard that the band was limited to a p.m. and stuck mostly to a great and saxophone solos, including short 45-minute set due to Willie est-hits set list consisting of such Quigmans Music festival delivers days of entertainment stunning instrumental covers Nelson's headlining set songs as “Learning To Fly,” "Mary of Led Zeppelin's “Immigrant Sorry we're playing through Jane's Last Dance” and “1 Won't BY MATT MABE the festival was planting grass rain to help. There were also Song” and Jimi Hendrix's “Man these songs so fast Folowill Back Down.” The band had to Staff Reporter in Zilker park to eliminate the more water stations added to ic Depression told the crowd. “They're trying leave the stage due to a sudden I'he 2006 Austin City Limits dust-bowl incident of last year keep fans hydrated I'he Shins were another to kick us off up here” rainstorm. After about a 20-min Festival was once again held when the wind made the park On Friday, the first big act big act to see as they took the Once Nelson started his ute rain delay, the band came at Zilker Park in Austin for its look like a Sahara sandstorm to play was Gnarls Barkley AT&T stage. They played their opening song, Whiskey Riv back and finished the rest of fifth year, and it proved to be Another improvement was who played at the headlin- two “Garden State” soundtrack er,” it signaled it was time to their fantastic sing-a-long set yet another successful year for the weather, Last year, temper ing AT&T stage at 4:30 p.m hits ‘Caring is Creepy” and chill out and enjoy the rest of ACL never seems to disap the three-day event as more atures got up to 108 degrees In typical Gnarls fashion, the New Slang and also broke the cool Saturday evening, point and it has become one than 50.000 people filled the with little clouds or wind. This entire band took the stage as out some new material that will I'he final day of the fe sti- of Texans' favorite festivals park each day, according to year, while it was still hot and scientists, while She Blinded be on their new record, which val had a triple header on the With an atmosphere and a the ACL e-mail newsletter MUZE it least there was cloud Me With Scien ¢” played as should come out in the next AT&T stage as the final three lineup like this year's, there's I'he first obvious change for cover wind and even a little they came out few months, said keyboardist acts set to play were Matisya no questioning IS SUCCESS, REVIEWS OF THE WEEK MUSIC MOVIE ‘Outsider’ wanders aimlessly By JOHN-LAURENT TRONCHE he album does have its standout News Editor tracks, however, such as “This Time (I'm Yet & DJ Shadow made a name for himself Gonna Try it My Way)” and “Backstage globe with “Endtroducing...,” his 1996 debut Girl," a story of a one-night stand told which flows so perfectly it's hard to through raps over a greasy blues line tell when one track ends and another and a drum solo, When Shadow invites begins Q-Tip and Lateef to contribute vocals Six long years later, Shadow finally the result is the most fun vou can have issued his official sophomore effort, “The with hip-hop since Outkast in 2003 Private Press.” Equally as moody as the One-third of “Outsider” works beau first album, “Press” also showed Shadow tifully and sounds great, one-third could do more than just dark, instrumen deserves airplay on any run-of-the-mill tal hip-hop. Tracks like "Walkie Talkie rap station and the other quite simply and “Mashin’ On the Motorway” revealed doesn’t work at all an appreciation for the cocky and the In May 20006, once he had finished mix Paramount Pictures comical, respectively ing the album, Shadow described it as the Four best friends Left to Right; Kenny (Eric Christian Olsen), Chris (Casey Affleck), Izzy (Michael Weston), and Michael (Zach Braff) are all facing his week, DI Shadow (Josh Davis) best he's ever made but acknowledged it's crises in “The Last Kiss,” a comedy-drama about life, love, infidelity, forgiveness, marriage, friendship and coming to grips with turning 30 finally releases “The Outsider,” his third deviation from previous material studio album in 10 years. It was two In some ways it's a risky record he said on his Web site, “It's going to thirds worth the wait ‘Last Kiss’ gives love 2nd look Tk Outsider” sounds like a compilation turn some people off And | think I'll instead of an album, which may have lose some fans, On the other hand, | invites been Shadow's ultimate goal: a desire to know I'll gain some new ones. That's By MICHAEL DODD Meeting a young college coed, played Award winning movie “Crash, avoid being labeled a trip-hopper, hip a fair trade in my mind Sports Editor by Rachel Bilson (“The OC”), Michael explores further contrasts into hopper or turntablist, It's his first album hough “Outsider” is a far cry from the Scrubs” star Zach Braff follows takes advantage of her obvious attrac Michael's story line with the Octob to feature collaborations on nearly every Shadow of old, it's hard not to respect up his "Garden State” success with tion to him and decides to create introduction of Jenna's parents, track, with names such as David Ban him for trying something completely dif a story about love and the decisions some of the excitement he wants played by Blythe Danner (“Meet Keynote s ner, the Heliocentrics and E-40 ferent, Let's just hope this messy foray is that go into it in “The Last Kiss," Casey Affleck ("Ocean's Twelve™), the Fockers”), and Tom Wilkinson Outsider” is well produced, but that's a one-night stand While many moviegoers will Eric Christian Olsen ("Beerfest”), ("Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless not to say it's a good album. Whereas look for this film to be a sequel to and Michael Weston ("Garden Mind"), who have been married his first two albums moved so effort ‘Garden State,” this story is much State”), co-star as Braff's best more than 30 years and are going lessly through the tracks, "Outsider less quirky and more grown up friends who create a contrasting through many of the same prob feels disjointed and confused, It's as if Braff plays Michael, a character look into Michael's life. Each of the lems facing Michael and Jenna's Shadow threw all his songs in a bag, whose life has turned out exactly as four friends is at crossroads in their three-year-old relationship shook it up and let them spill out in no he planned and seemingly hoped lives, Affleck plays a married man Just as with “Crash,” Haggis once specific order onto the record, (For the for, a fact that now bores him and who must decide between staying again seems unable to fully grasp worst in track progression, see “Bro sets him off on a search for sponta unhappily married for his child or the message he is trying to convey ken Levee Blues” followed by “Artifact neity and fun, Even the unexpected escape a loveless marriage. Olsen in “The Last Kiss." Although it is (Instrumental). revelation that his girlfriend Jenna, plays the stereotypical bachelor, and smartly written, the idea of whether Turf Dancing,” "Keep ‘Em Close” and played by Jacinda Barrett of “Lad Weston plays a character whose love is truly open to forgiveness is i The most dan Dats My Part” fall flat; they're boring, i der 49,” is pregnant with his baby heart has been broken by the one never fully revealed in the movie EOE RTE] 1 { repetitive and pale in comparison to a { is still not enough to surprise him, woman he has ever truly loved : don't Hive the { I'his movie is not for those who i similar track like “3 Freaks.” Avoid listen i but it does provide the impetus for At the beginning, Michael seems have a sugary view of love, but

ing to “What Have | Done” altogether AMAZON COM Michael to look for changes he so to be the only true happy-in-love is instead, a realistic portrayal of desires in his life character, but the four friends inter the effects love can have on the Although most people might be twining story lines of his friends human psyche, Some are unaffect ART scared by the idea of having a baby emphasizes the monotony he is ed by it, others are torn apart, But before marriage, Michael is more faced with in his relationship for many, especially Michael, love Museum features Japanese artist frightened by the fact he is not I'he script, written by Paul Hag is a dull part of life, unlike this unnerved by the impending birth, gis, author of last year's Academy thought-provoking movie, By JEFF ESKEW I'he most breathtaking photo Features Editor graph in the entire collection is a I'he Modern Art Museum of Fort 1997 image called the “Church of I'he other piece of art that stood one particular category. Every room If you're looking for something Worth is offering a retrospective Light, which is a simple picture out was Sugimoto’s “Sea of Buddha,” offers a completely different style than different to do, go check out "Hiro Defended in | exhibit of one of Japan's most famous taken from inside the church of which is 33 joined panels of nothing the preceding, and it's difficult to say shi Sugimoto: End of Time" for truly Richland Hills, the same name and is a part of the artists for the first time but individually designed Buddha if one is better than the other splendid work, Hurst, Euless, I'he exhibit titled “Hiroshi Sugi Architecture” series statues that extend across 60 feet elsewhere in moto: End of Time” displays 30 years I'he church was designed by Tad of wall space, of Sugimoto’s photographs includ a0 Ando, a Japanese architect, shows I'he work is done in panoramic @® magnolia *No promises ing his series “Seascapes,” "Diora a cross-shaped opening in the chapel style and the low lighting of the room «Any fine and mas,” “Theatres,” "Architecture that is Supp wed to serve as a ray of makes the “Sea of Buddha” entranc Films Selected by Hiroshi Sugimoto are not inclu hope for those who visit ing and mysterious representati Portraits,” “Conceptual Forms” and “The World of Geisha” (1973): Oct. 7, 2 p.m, “Sea of Buddha Also included in the "Architecture Along with the exhibit, Sugimoto “Ten Dark Women” (1961): Oct. 14, 2 p.m. James The majority of Sugimoto's photo series is an out-of-focus photograph of also selected a number of Japanese “The Water Magician” (1933): Nov. 4, 12:30 p.m. Atto graphs are taken in black and white the World Trade Center taken only two films he thinks complements his pho “The Face of Another” (1966): Nov. 4, 2:30 p.m. 3024 “People can project their own years betore the attacks occurred tography “Blind Beast” (1969): Nov. 11, 1 p.m imaginations with black and white Sugimoto said the photograph almost Most interesting about Sugimoto is Fort Wort! “Tokyo Drifter” (1966): Nov. 11, 3 p.m. photographs that they can’t do with seems "ghostlike” to look at now after that, unlike many photographers and 81) “Tokyo Kid" (1950): Nov. 25, 2 p.m color photos,” Sugimoto said all that has happened artists, you can't pigeonhole him into www. Jar dss

TCU Daily Skiff FAMOUS QUOTE TODAY IN HISTORY “Television has done much for psychiatry by 1793: After more than two centuries as a royal palace, by spreading information about it, as well as the Louvre is opened as a public museum in Paris to the need for 1 aitred Hitchcock VF el Un vara D 4 Wednesday, September hy 2006 contributing cnm— A — a —— = iar Quigmans . pH SUDOKU PUZZLE TODAY'S ’ CROSSWORD i ANC oO Sponsored by: akers. — er —— Sponsored by:

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TCU Daily Skiff | TOMORROW IN SPORTS The soccer team prepares for a weekend of games beginning with rival SMU. Wednesday, September 20, 2006

smarathons as professional athletes. After I finish my Team starts from scratch studies over here, | will train more for marathon races. One of my brothers has a By MICHELLE NICOUD time of 2 hours 8 minutes s Staff Writer in the marathon, The men’s tennis team opens Q. Why did you decide EST, 1902 its season Thursday in Waco to come to TCU? | S—— at the Baylor Intercollegiate A. I found TCU on the Web Tournament, TCU runner Festus Kigen site, and 1 applied. I commu- Sophomore Kriegler Brink nicated with coach Anderson, said this season will be one of Kenyan hopes to Q. How does it feel to be and he was willing to recruit learning about each other and looked to as the leader of the me for his team. In January, the break 5,000 record transition, TCU team? board of admissions accepted By MARCUS MURPHREE “We are starting from scratch A. Now I'm still young, and | me to the university Staff Reporter = new coach, small team, new By ALEX ZC only have one month of train Q. What is your favorite Q. How long have you been guys coming in,” Brink said. Stall Repor ing, so I am still coping with event to compete in? Head coach Dave Borelli said Fair Tr running competitively? the place, because it is really A. I prefer track with the A. This is my second year he is approaching this season able in Fr different from Kenya 5,000 meters, | have a time running competitively. I've as multistep process to improve student a Q. Which runners did you of 14 minutes 30 seconds in been training the last two years every player's individual game. resentatiy look up to while growing up? the 5,000, but I am looking at back at home with both track Seeing how the players hit the Services | A. | used to like watching improving and breaking the and cross country. | started in ball at the Baylor tournament, At the ¢ Paul Tergat. He is the world ICU record of 13:47 set by 2005, now it is 2006. | have where there will be 30 Intercol- semester record-holding marathoner. | Kip Kangogo. I don't really been running at TCU for only legiate Tennis Association ranked Frogs for come from a family of mara like the 800; I am more of one month though players, will be the initial step, ed in its thon runners. Our mom used a long distance runner, 50 Q. Did you run in high he said, trade cof to represent our country, and I really like the 5,000- and school? “It's a good chance so far and Bytes, Bi both my brothers are running 10,000-meter races A. | used to run in meets, one step toward becoming better but | was not serious in high players,” Borelli said, “This year school. 1 used to run in the is more related to the individu class, but that was all als rather than the team. We're SKIFF ARCHIVES Q. Would you like to have just starting again, and my real Senior men's tennis team player Radu Barbu reaches for a volley during a match an Olympic Trial? major concern is, first and fore at Baylor last season, The Frogs begin their season Thursday with the Baylor A. | would like to have that most, the improvement of each yercollegiate Tournament in Waco at some point player on the team. If they all Q. At what age did you improve, then things are going to be going Four returning players and two transfers, start running’ in a good way.” Stuart Row, a junior from Trinity Universi A. | really started at age 20. 1 As the former women's coach, Borelli said ty, and Chris Biro, a graduate student from didn't race much back in Kenva he does not anticipate altering his coaching Arizona State, make up the squad, Borelli because | was too little strategy said Q. What were the race con- “I think the most important thing is to Brink said the six men are still young as ditions in Kenya compared focus in particular with these boys and the far as camaraderie goes, but he looks for to Texas? idea that it's important to stay on process ward to developing relationships with his A. I ran a time of 24 or 25 and try to play an individual approach to fellow teammates, minutes for the BK back at becoming a better player,” he said, “Even though, we have four coming back, home, at a much higher alti The team prepares for tournaments by we are still a young team,” Brink said. "I think tude. Now | am expecting to splitting time on the court with time in the we can build good team spirit by getting to do much better than that weight room, senior Andrew Ulrich said know each other and working hard Q. How did it feel being “We've been practicing hard and making Each player understands that hard work unable to race last weekend? sure we keep up our lifting and making sure got him to his current level of play and is A. Actually, 1 missed that our bodies are in good enough condition so motivated to improve, Borelli said race because my coach could that we can handle multiple matches in one “Player for player is really appreciative of schedule me a day to rest so | day,” he said, “We're used to playing three what they have and where they are,” Borelli TCU Media relations could possibly do better in the Festus Kigen was named Mountain West Conference Men's Cross Country Athlete to four hours a day, so that's not really a big said, “That's always a good place to start, upcoming race at Texas A&M of the Week over the weekend at the Texas A&M Invitational in College Station deal for us.” I've got six really great kids.”

Freshman int near Colby H, Lig ig

By JOANNA Stall Repoy

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