Matt Ball, | 128 pages | 05 Nov 2009 | ,US | 9781590561201 | English | New York, United States The Animal Activist's Handbook: Maximizing Our Positive Impact in Today's World - VegFund

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Bruce Friedrich. and Bruce Friedrich take the plight of the world's animals seriously and have dedicated their lives to ending their suffering. The Animal Activist's Handbook argues that meaning in life is to be found, quite simply, in turning away from the futile pursuit of "more," and focusing instead on leaving the planet a better place than you found it. The critical componen Matt Ball and Bruce Friedrich take the plight of the world's animals seriously and have dedicated their lives to ending their suffering. The critical component of creating a better world for all is thoughtful, deliberate, and dedicated activism that takes suffering seriously. The authors build a ground-up case for reasoned, impassioned, and joyous activism that makes the most difference possible, and suggest a variety of ways to live a meaningful life through effective and ef? Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published March 1st by Lantern Publishing Media. More Details Original Title. Other Editions 1. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Animal Activist's Handbookplease sign up. See 1 question about The Animal Activist's Handbook…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. May 21, Ginny Messina rated it it was amazing Shelves: animal-rights. Bruce brings an interesting background to his work—-coming to from employment in a homeless shelter that was part of the Catholic Worker movement—-and I ended up being pleasantly surprised by his point of view on animal advocacy. Together, these two seasoned activists have put together a guide that is motivating, inspiring and-—best of all-—useful. While there are many ways in which we can help relieve animal suffering and achieve , Matt and Bruce build a simple case for devoting efforts to promoting vegan diet based on three things: 1. The book is succinct, the writing style engaging and the emphasis is on being effective, not just active. The authors use examples to show how interactions with people impact success in producing change. They encourage discourse that is logical, kind and respectful and activities that are practical and outcome-oriented. It will happen—but it is dependent on optimal advocacy. View all 3 comments. May 17, Peacegal rated it really liked it. Do we want to add to the level of violence, misery, and bloodshed in the world, or do we prefer to make compassionate, merciful choices? Older advocates will be wishing they had this handbook in their early days and the younger crowd could be spared years of being blown off-course or even giving up on helping animals entirely. Indeed, bad activism can end up hurting far mo Do we want to add to the level of violence, misery, and bloodshed in the world, or do we prefer to make compassionate, merciful choices? Indeed, bad activism can end up hurting far more animals than doing nothing at all. Animal advocates certainly have their work cut out for them. There are hundreds of animal issues, from the high-profile to the obscure, but one issue dwarfs them all: factory farming. The authors explain why for them, focusing their efforts upon helping farmed animals makes the most sense: the greatest amount of animals, the greatest amount of suffering: The number of animals raised and killed for food each year in the US alone vastly exceeds any and all other forms of exploitation. The sheer number of animals involved is incredible: 10 billion animals slaughtered in the US alone every year. Yet, each and every one of those animals is a somebody just as capable of experiencing pain and fear as our pets are. Helping people change leads to Animal Activists Handbook: Maximising Our Positive Impact in Todays World animals suffering on factory farms. People who would probably take up arms if someone looked at their dog cross-eyed suddenly become very aloof and lackadaisical when it comes to the tremendous suffering on factory farms. You and I know the hostile stare, the patronizing laugh, the endless rounds of Defensive Omnivore Bingo. But what Animal Activists Handbook: Maximising Our Positive Impact in Todays World can control is our response. The text takes a more realistic turn when it notes, Most people are extremely defensive and capable of great rationalizations when it comes to personal culpability. Human nature leads us to focus on problems caused by others and dealt with by others. So, To be effective advocates for animals, we must honestly evaluate the world as it currently is, and then do our very best to reduce as much suffering as possible. Many activists want everyone to right this instant! But did you know that, because it takes approximately chickens to equal the flesh of one cow, an omni who just gives up eating chickens spares almost as many animals as a vegetarian? The authors write, Based on the raw numbers alone, the best incremental step a meat Animal Activists Handbook: Maximising Our Positive Impact in Todays World can take is to Animal Activists Handbook: Maximising Our Positive Impact in Todays World eating birds. Perhaps more applicable to every advocate is the fact that we hurt animals when we put up barriers where we may have built a bridge. What kind of vegetarian meals do you like? See what I mean about this book being a help to both newbie and veteran vegans? This title has been out several years now, so it is quite affordable. If you care about the well-being of animals and truly want to make a difference in how they are treated, please pick it up. View 2 comments. Mar 03, Lisa Vegan rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: everybody! Shelves: animal-rightsnon-fictionphilosophysocial- culturereviewedveganvegetarianreadbooks-male-author-or-illustzzz-5star. Thanks to my real world book club member and Goodreads friend Rachel who lent me this book, I got a chance to read this now. I wish that I had written this. Animal Activists Handbook: Maximising Our Positive Impact in Todays World praise is the highest that I can give a book. Please, just read it. This is a nearly perfect book. View all 15 comments. Oct 03, Meg rated it really liked it. A slim, but important, book. This book actually changed the way I view , which not many books can do. The book stresses the importance of activism and points out that by competing to see who can be "more vegan" or for Simpsons' fans out there, a "level five vegan" does more harm than good. Vegans shouldn't be concerned about one-upmanship or about the "may contain traces of milk and egg" in foods, but rather focus their energy on spreading the word about animal rights. The authors of t A slim, but important, book. The authors of the book are very intelligent and thoughtful and "know their shit. Jul 27, Rachel rated it it was amazing. I greatly appreciate the authors' Big Picture approach to veganism, which Animal Activists Handbook: Maximising Our Positive Impact in Todays World making your choices as vegan as possible while not stressing over small amounts of animal ingredients that may wind up in your food, especially when you are I've spent dozens of hours reading books like Meat Market, Dominion, Animal Liberation, The Pig Who Sang to the Moon, Living Among Meat Eaters, Vegan Freak, etc, and I love the way this book brought together so many of the important concepts in one small volume. I greatly appreciate the Animal Activists Handbook: Maximising Our Positive Impact in Todays World Big Picture approach to veganism, which means making your choices as vegan as possible while not stressing over small amounts of animal ingredients that may wind up in your food, especially when you are dining with meat eaters aka future vegetarians. Nov 28, Barbara E rated it it was amazing. I loved the thinking in this book and the appendices and resources are excellent. Nov 04, Magali rated it liked it Shelves:non-fictionvegan-antispecism. This was a short but very interesting read about animal rights activism. The two authors wrote about their experiences and tried to share the rules they created from their long experiences as activists. A lot of it was very interesting and opened a lot of possibilities. I have to admit that I had issues with the book. My biggest issue was that the authors said over and over how other issues were less important to them. I get that they chose animal rights as their work, as their fight, but I perso This was a short but very interesting read about animal rights activism. I get that they chose animal rights as their work, as their fight, but I personnaly can't accept to chose only one fight. I believe you have to fight against injustice and suffering as a whole, not only your little corner. I really feel the intersectionality of it all was really missing for the book, and felt at times that it was mostly written for straight cis white men. The Animal Activist's Handbook: Maximizing Our Positive Impact in Today's World by Matt Ball

Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. NOOK Book. The Animal Activist's Handbook punches way above its weight. Rarely have so few pages contained so much intelligence and good advice. Get it, read it, and act on it. Bruce Friedrich and Matt Ball argue eloquently that the good life is best achieved by working to end suffering and honoring the Golden Rule. Their embodiment of these virtues informs their activism on behalf of non-human animals, and gives this important and passionately written book a wonderful depth of spirit and feeling. John Dear, S. The Animal Activist's Handbook is full of good sense, thoughtful advice, and practical action on helping all of us to reduce the needless suffering of our fellow creatures. I recommend it. , author of Dominion. There is nothing more maddening than wanting desperately to change the fate of animals and not knowing how to go about it. This book shows you how to streamline your thoughts, present information, and be the greatest force you can be for these creatures who have no voice. It is a Animal Activists Handbook: Maximising Our Positive Impact in Todays World for a movement that is gaining ever stronger momentum. A 'must have' book for all animal advocates, particularly those new to the animal protection movement. As seasoned activists, Friedrich and Ball have gained the experience and wisdom needed to identify the best strategies for animal advocacy. Stephen R. Kaufman, M. You'll find the sample dialogs in this book are a Swiss army knife suitable for just about any situation. Highly recommended. Erik Marcus, Vegan. Their insights, anecdotes and sensitive, respectful strategies are essential for anyone who wants to effectively address the horrific suffering of animals in the 21st Century. This is not feel-good activism, but potent advice to achieve realistic change. The Animal Activist's Handbook offers invaluable suggestions for how to be as effective as possible in giving a voice to the voiceless. The plight of animals is so dire that we can't afford to engage in advocacy that isn't optimally useful in changing people attitudes about, and actions, toward them. This book is so much more than a 'how-to' guide for activists. The Animal Activist's Handbook will elevate your activism and forever alter who you are and who you want to be. Bruce Friedrich and Matt Ball are important voices in the animal protection movement. Their book is a straightforward, thoughtful, and practical guide to being the most effective activist you can be for your cause. , author of . A gentle little book with a kick-ass message. Home 1 Books 2. Read an excerpt of this book! Add to Wishlist. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Members save with free shipping everyday! See details. Overview Matt Ball and Bruce Friedrich take the plight of the world's animals seriously and have dedicated their lives to ending their suffering. The Animal Activist's Handbook argues that meaning in life is to be found, quite simply, in turning away from the futile pursuit of "more," and focusing instead on leaving the planet a better place than you found it. The critical component of creating a better world for all is thoughtful, deliberate, and dedicated activism that takes suffering seriously. The authors build a ground-up case for reasoned, impassioned, and joyous activism that makes the most difference possible, and suggest a variety of ways to live a meaningful life through effective and ef? Bruce Friedrich is the co-founder and executive director, and popular speaker on food innovation. Show More. Related Searches. Last year, Heidrich, a health education specialist, was named one of the 10 fittest women Last year, Heidrich, a health education specialist, was named one of the 10 fittest women in America by Living Fit magazine. This is a remarkable accomplishment for a woman who had a mastectomy and other cancer treatments 20 years earlier. View Product. An Unchanged Mind begins with a clinical riddle: Why are American teenagers failing to develop An Unchanged Mind begins with a clinical riddle: Why are American teenagers failing to develop normally through adolescence? We are presented with case studies from a therapeutic boarding school for troubled teenagers: All new students had been deemed treatment failures Creatures of the Same God: Explorations in Animal. I don't know why you're spending all your time on this. That was the reaction of one of 's fellow students at King's College, London, when Animal Activists Handbook: Maximising Our Positive Impact in Todays World was studying theology in the s. As a diplomat's son, star athlete, and Harvard Law School graduate, in the early s, As a diplomat's son, star athlete, and Harvard Law School graduate, in the early s, Joseph Holland had a world of opportunities awaiting him on Wall Street and in corporate America. Instead, Holland moved to the inner city, driven by and Gifts of the Spirit. Thomas Keating has spent over fifty years in sustained practice and devotion to the spiritual Thomas Keating Animal Activists Handbook: Maximising Our Positive Impact in Todays World spent over fifty years in sustained practice and devotion to the spiritual life. The results of this creative, humble activity are now summarized in his remarkable book: Fruits and Gifts of the Spirit. As Father Keating says, For four decades, has had a front seat in the , For four decades, Kim Stallwood has had a front seat in the animal rights movement, starting at the grassroots in England and working his way up to leadership positions at some Animal Activists Handbook: Maximising Our Positive Impact in Todays World the best-known organizations in the Animal Activists Handbook: Maximising Our Positive Impact in Todays World, including Compassion Before primatologist Patricia Chapple Wright became the world's foremost expert on lemurs, she was enchanted Before primatologist Patricia Chapple Wright became the world's foremost expert on lemurs, she was enchanted by another primate—Aotus, the owl monkey, or monkey of the night. But along her journey to discover the behavior of these unique nocturnal creatures, Wright Homilies of Joseph Boyle. For many years, congregations have been inspired, challenged, and charmed by the homilies given by For many years, congregations have been inspired, challenged, and charmed by the homilies given by the monks who live at St. This collection of homilies captures the vitality, wit, and spiritual wisdom of Abbot The Animal Activist's Handbook - VegFund

Advocacy tips. Effective communication. Social Animal Activists Handbook: Maximising Our Positive Impact in Todays World. AR trends. Book reviews. Community outreach. Film screenings. Food sampling. Grant programs. Innovative outreach. Online campaigns. Paid-per-view PPV. Plant-Based Health and Nutrition. Volunteer spotlight. In this handy, page book, the authors share their tested techniques as vegan advocates. The goal, as they argue, is to eliminate as much suffering on the planet as possible. The best way to do this is by choosing a vegan diet, thereby boycotting the brutality that is inflicted on billions of animals raised for food. It is just as important to influence others to accept this diet since two vegans save twice as many animals as one. Ball and Friedrich use their combined, longtime experience as animal activists to explain how to communicate the message most effectively. When people ask questions about veganism, they advise using the Socratic Method and sincerely listening:. By asking questions, we can help people to understand that making compassionate choices is a simple extension of the values they already hold. For example, most people do care for animals and believe Animal Activists Handbook: Maximising Our Positive Impact in Todays World they are capable of suffering. The book also addresses how to deal with impending burnout, suggesting that advocates should keep a sense of humor as best they can, and also be involved in many, varied groups. For example, advocates can wear t-shirts that promote the cause or put bumper stickers on their cars or laptops. The book ends with an upbeat and convincing argument that the tipping point toward veganism is not so far away. Posted in: activistactivist handbookActivist TipsAnimal Activists Handbookanimal advocacyBruce FriedrichFarm SanctuaryMatt Ballveganvegan bookvegan book reviewvegan guidevegan outreachvegan tipsveganismvegfundvolunteeringvolunteerism. Filter By Date:. Filter By Category:. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.