ISSF World Championships Cairo
Michael Diamond Overall World September 2001 Vol. 54 No. 9 Official Journal of the Trap Champion AUSTRALIAN CLAYTARGET ASSOCIATION INC. Print Post Approved PP349181/00364 ISSF World Championships Cairo Angelique Psarakis Susan Trindall World Junior Women World Junior Women Trap Champion Double Trap Champion NATIONAL EXECUTIVE Designed and Typeset by Midland Typesetters 30 Hubble Steet, Maryborough, Vic 3465 Patron Printed by Newsprinters Pty Ltd, The Right Honourable Malcolm Fraser, A.C., C.H. Melbourne Road, South Shepparton, Vic 3630 President Mr John H. Byrnes, No responsibility is accepted by the publisher for Chairman, Management Committee, Wagga the accuracy of information contained in the text, Complex illustrations or advertisements. The opinions PO Box 395, Waikerie SA 5330 expressed in this magazine do not necessarily Volume No. 54 Ph: (08) 8541 3209 represent those of the publisher. Issue No. 9 September 2001 Management Mr Bill Jones (Vice-President), Chairman, Finance ISSN: 1321-3903 Committee, Official Journal Of the 25 Links Cres, Port Macquarie, NSW 2444 Australian Clay Target Ph: (02) 6582 5662 Association Incorporated Mr Mark Bulluss, Chairman, Promotions & Development Committee 16 Exmouth Court, Leanyer, NT 0812 Annual Subscription Rate: $33 Ph: (08) 8947 4448 BH October issue closes August 20 Mr Allan Kenny November issue closes September 20 94 Central Ave. Derwent Park, Tas 7009 Ph: 03 6273 2199 Mrs Elaine Forward PO Box 68, Tambellup, WA 6320 Ph: (08) 9825 1137 Mr Robert Nugent CONTENTS PO Box 231, Roma, Qld 4455
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