Salvador Calvo Redondo

Age: 50

Nationality: Spain

Hola Salvador! Welcome! What made you decide to sign up for the Grand to Grand Ultra? I'm attracted to races that involve strength and suffering. If suffering wasn’t part of them, who would bother to address challenges such as an ultra race, with the investment of time and effort that lead up to it? And sometimes, if all goes well, we learn that what really gives quality to life aren’t things that are fixed and immobile, such as the results, numbers or rankings, but rather what is intangible, when all your thoughts break their bonds, your mind exceeds the limits, your consciousness expands in every direction and you see a wonderful new world. For me, the G2G has all the attractions that a long distance runner or adventure runner dreams of.

Your running resume is truly impressive! How long have you been running and what is your training schedule like? I’ve been running for 30 years now, but started racing in 1982. I was not always a runner, I’m a mountaineer and a kayaker. I work as a computer specialist for the government in Leon, a small town in the northwest side of Spain. I am surrounded by mountains, which is ideal for outdoor training. I only work in the morning, so normally I train in the evenings for two to three hours from Monday to Friday. During weekends, I do 8-11 hours of training in the mountains, especially in the summer. If I’m not racing on weekends, I would stay in the mountains all day. During winter, I love downhill skiing. Salvador’s Running Highlights: ( 2005: Maraton Alpino del Fraile (Palencia): 1st place Diagonal del Fous (Isla Reunión): 145 km: 11th place Traversera integral Picos de Europa: 55 km.: 1st place Xtreme Trail Pajares-Trubia (Asturias): 88 km.: 1st Place 2007: Great Wall Marahon: 1st Place Traversera Picos de Europa (Asturias, León, Cantabria:1st place Maratón Internacional desierto de Gobi (Mongolia) – 1st place Ultramarathon Boavista (Cabo Verde) -150km – 1st place 2008: RacingThePlanet : 250 Km: 1st Place Zegama-Aizkorri (Guipúzcoa): Campeonato Europa: 42 Km: 19º - 1st Veteran Maratón Extreme Canfranc: 42 Km-:1st place Ultra Trail Aneto: 64 Km. – 1st place Transtica (Costa Rica): 196 km. – 2nd place 2009: Cruce de los (Argentina-Chile): 105 km: 1st place RacingThePlanet (): 250 km.: 1st place Andorra Ultra Trail: 95 km. : 2nd place Transvulcania (La Palma, Canarias): 83,3 km.: 1st place Jungle Marathon (Brazil): 229 km.: 2nd place 2010 RacingthePlanet Australia: 250 km. 1st place Campeonato España carreras por montaña: Sabiñánigo(Huesca): 38 km. 2nd place team Ultra Trail Aneto (Benasque-Huesca): 96 km. 2nd place Altos Tatras (Eslovaquia-Polonia): 170 km. 1st place Tor Des Géants (Italia-Valle de Aosta): 336 km. 2nd place 2011 Russia-Siberia: VII Baikal Ice Marathon: 42km. 2nd place The Track Outback Race (Australia): 590 km. 2nd place Maratón de montaña Canfrac (Huesca): 42 km. 1st Aneto Ultra Trail: 96 km. 1st place Transcarpathian Hiking Road: 280 km 1st place Carrera de Montaña Villalfeide-Polvoreda: 20 km. 1st place 22 a 31: Ultra Trail Chismes Dolpo-Annapurna (): 380 km. 1st place