A PROFILE OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN CARROT MARKET VALUE CHAIN 2017 Directorate Marketing Tel: 012 319 8455 Private Bag X 15 Fax: 012 319 8131 Arcadia E-mail:
[email protected] 0007 www.daff.gov.za TABLE OF CONTENT 1.DESCRIPTION OF THE INDUSTRY 3 1.1 Production areas 4 1.2 Production Trends 4 1.3 Production vs. Consumption of carrots 5 2. MARKET STRUCTURE 5 2.1 Domestic market and prices 6 2.2 South Africa’s Carrots Exports 7 2.3 Share Analysis 17 2.4 South Africa’s Carrot Imports 22 Processing 25 2.6 Market value chain for carrots 27 3. MARKET INTELLIGENCE 29 3.1 Tariffs 29 3.1 Non tariff barriers 31 4. GENERAL DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS 33 5. LOGISTICAL ISSUES 34 5.1 Mode of transport 34 5.2 Cold chain management 34 5.3 Packaging 34 6. COMPETITIVENESS OF SOUTH AFRICA CARROTS EXPORTS 35 7. OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES 38 7.1 Opportunities 38 7.2 Challenges 38 8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 39 2 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE INDUSTRY Carrot is a root vegetable usually orange, white or red, white blend in colour with a crisp texture when fresh. These colours still exist, with orange-red colour being by far the most popular today. The carrot has originated in Asia. The edible part of a carrot is the tap root. Carrots are considered one of the major vegetables consumed in South Africa. It is among the top ten most economically important vegetables crops in the world in terms of both area of production and market value.