THE NUNTIUS NATIONAL JOURNAL of ETA SIGMA PHI THE NUNTIUS NATIONAL JOURNAL OF ETA SIGMA PHI Volume XII NOVEMBER, 1937 Number 1 Editor-in-Chief and Manager Associate Editors GEORGE W. CURRIE WILLIAM JOHNSON, Lambda Professor of Ancient Languages University of Miss., University, Miss. Birmingham-Southern College GORDON W. COUCHMAN, Epsilon Birmingham, Ala. 513 N. Linn St., Iowa City, Iowa VIRGINIA LEE, Gamma Lindley Hall, Athens, Ohio Assistant CHARLOTTE WALTEMYER, Alpha Pi DORIS MURPHY, Pi 251 Springs Ave., Gettysburg, Pa. 4928 Farrell Ave., Fairfield, Ala. MAURICE CROWLEY, Pi 5229 First Ave., Birmingham, Ala. National Officers Megas Prytanis Megas Chrysophylax THEODORE C. PANOS, Epsilon CHARLES NAUGLE, Alpha Rho 933 River St., Iowa City, Iowa Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pa. Megas Protohyparchos ROSEMARY WILLIAMS, Psi Megas Pyloros Megas Deuterohyparchus WILLIAM WOFFORD, Alpha Phi MARY LOU WILLIAMS, Alpha Gamma Megas Epistolographos Executive Secretary FRANCES PROTHEROE, Alpha HAROLD B. DUNKEL, Alpha Megas Grammateus 48 Classics Building MARIE MERRITT, Alpha Delta University of Chicago Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Ga. Chicago, 111. Published four times a year, in November, January, March and May, by the national society of Eta Sigma Phi. The office of Publication is at Brmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, Ala. Subscription price is $1.00 a year. All payments of subscriptions should be sent directly to the Editor and Manager of THE NUNTIUS. Entered as sec ond-class matter November U, 1937, at the post office at Birmingham, Ala., under the act of Aug. 24, 1912. TABLE OF CONTENTS f '••?'"''''• - • * . Page THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE FOR 1937-'38 •- • By, Theodore C. Panos .r......r..,...:. _...- il-,/ 3 EDITORIALS .!.,...,, : :..
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