The Derby School Register, 1570-1901
»;jiiiiliiiili^ 929.12 D44d 1275729 'I ^BNHAUOG^r CiOUi^H-OTiOM ALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 1833 01795 1531 . ^^-•^ THE DERBY SCHOOL REGISTER, I ^70-1901 /// prepanxtio)! : *• History of Derby School from the Earliest Times to the Present Day." : THE DERBY SCHOOL REGISTER. 1 5'7o-i90i . Edited by B. TACCHELLA, Assiiiaiit Master of Derby Sehool. LONDON BEMROSE & SONS, Limited, 4, Snow Hill ; and Derby, 1902. Sic *ffDeur\? Ibowe Beinrose, Ikt., ®.H)., THE PATRON OF DERBYSHIRE LITERATURE, THIS REGISTER OF DERBY SCHOOL IS MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, AS A SLIGHT ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF HIS GENIAL ENCOURAGEMENT AND INVALUABLE ASSISTANCE DURING ITS COMPILATION. ^ PREFACE. ,__ NO work is more suited to perpetuate the fame and traditions of an ancient scliool, and to foster the spirit of brother- hood among the succeeding generations of its alumni, than a Register recording the proud distinctions or the humble achievements of those who have had the honour of belonging to it. To do this, effectually a register ought to be complete in all its parts, from the first clay the school opened its doors ; and it is evident that such a work could only be the result of a continuous purpose, coeval with the school itself. Unfortunately that task has been deferred from century to century, and has become harder in proportion to its long post- ponement. But is this a. reason why it should not at length be attempted? As the usefulness, or, to speak more correctly, the necessity of such an undertaking has in these latter times become more and more apparent at Derby School, and as procrastination only makes matters worse, the editor decided some years ago to face the difficulty and see what could be done.
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