FOCUS FALL 2007 11 Sports News Sports News Carri E Q Ui Nney
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FOCUS FALL 2007 1 2 FOCUS FALL 2007 FOCUS FALL 2007 3 BOISE STATE UNIVERSITY 5)&1&3'&$5450$,*/( FALL 2007, VOL. XXXIII, NO. 1 10 ‘V’ FOR 456''&3'035)/$0 6 VALOR BIGGER & Maj. Vaughn Ward FOCUS from the Class of '94 BETTER '"/0/:063-*45 is awarded the Bronze 14 Boise State’s fall Star for heroism in TAKING enrollment sets a state Iraq. CARE OF record and reflects a BUSINESS /08 boost in both quan- 0/ tity and quality. Boise State research- %7% ers make preparing 12 your business for a pandemic as easy as 0650'5)&#-6&JTBEPDVNFOUBSZ GRIDIRON rolling the dice. MPPLBUBHSPVQPGIJHITDIPPMBUIMFUFTXIP GRADS DBNFUP#PJTF4UBUF6OJWFSTJUZ GPVOEBmSTU 7 ZFBSIFBEDPBDIXJUIBCMVFDPMMBSFUIJDBOE HEAD OF Four recent gradu- OPOPOTFOTFBUUJUVEF BOEXFOUPOUP ates make the cut as DPNQJMFBQFSGFDUSFDPSE5IFJSTFBTPO HER CLASS DVMNJOBUFEJOB#$4CVTUJOHoWJDUPSZ National Football PWFSQFSFOOJBMQPXFSIPVTF0LMBIPNBJO Communication pro- League rookies, bring- 33 XIBUNBOZIBWFDBMMFEUIFHSFBUFTUDPMMFHF fessor Heidi Reeder ing the total of former HONORED GPPUCBMMHBNFFWFSQMBZFE is named Idaho’s top Broncos in the NFL ALUMNI #POVT'FBUVSFT'PVOE0OMZPOUIF%7% professor for 2007 by to nine. the Carnegie Founda- Governor C.L. &YUFOEFE4DFOFT ABOUT THIS ISSUE: 'VMM-FOHUI*OUFSWJFXT tion for the Advance- “Butch” Otter and Boise State’s campaign to raise $175 million was an- #FGPSFUIF#MVF #BCZ1IPUPT ment of Teaching. his wife, Lori Easley nounced in late August during the celebration of the 0SJHJOBM5SBJMFS This marks Boise Otter, lead a list of five institution’s 75th anniversary. Destination Distinction: State’s 11th honoree honorees recognized The Campaign for Boise State University strives to unite since 1990. the campus and community in a single goal: excellence. with Distinguished This issue’s theme section outlines the four areas of the Alumni awards. campaign’s focus: students, faculty, academics and facili- ties. Join us on a journey of discovery through our Destina- tion Distinction campaign. Cover photos by John Kelly and Carrie Quinney. Cover design by Drew Roberts. /08"7"*-"#-&0/-*/&"5 12 XXXBNB[PODPN XXXCPJTFTUBUFCPPLTDPN DEPARTMENTS XXXPVUPGUIFCMVF%7%DPN FIRST WORD 5 CAMPUS NEWS 6 SPORTS 12 DISCOVERY 14 ¥"SUT"MMJBODF"NFSJDB --$"MM3JHIUT3FTFSWFE PHILANTHROPY 30 ALUMNOTES 32 10 2 FOCUS FALL 2007 FOCUS FALL 2007 3 first word Campaign will benefit Boise State and the community s you may know, on the occasion of our university’s 75th supporters of our athletic programs, and our corporate neighbors anniversary in August, we officially launched “Destina- in the Treasure Valley and beyond — to name a few. Our academic A tion Distinction: The Campaign for Boise State Univer- deans will be fully engaged in this effort since a good many donors FOCUS sity.” The announcement of this first-ever comprehensive campaign, wish to focus the impact of their gifts on a specific college, depart- Max Coursey FOCUS is published quarterly by the Boise State Office of with an ambitious $175 million goal, was without a doubt the most ment or program. 208.841.5362 Communications and Marketing. important announcement of my presidency. And by help and supp- The success of this campaign is essential if we are to complete ort, I don’t mean just dona- [email protected] PRESIDENT: Bob Kustra our journey as a metropolitan research university of distinction. The tions or gifts. We will cer- PROVOST AND VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS: Sona Andrews campaign will provide critical resources for student scholarships tainly need those in abun- I Support BSU Alumni! VICE PRESIDENT FOR FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION: Stay Ahead of the Market with Stacy Pearson (MPA, ’95) and continue the long-established tradition of teaching excellence dance, but we know that at Boise State. It is a comprehensive campaign in that the funding not everyone has the same New Listings and Price Changes VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS: Michael Laliberte VICE PRESIDENT FOR UNIVERSITY ADVANCEMENT: Howard Smith will be for academics and athletics; for students and faculty; for pro- capacity for giving. We also E-mailed Daily. VICE PRESIDENT FOR RESEARCH: Mark Rudin grams and buildings. will need our friends and FREE FREE $500 $500 DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING: Frank Zang Why do we need a campaign like this? It became clear to me supporters to talk about the Receive a FREE home Five hundred dollar soon after arriving at Boise State that it was time for us to join the importance of the campaign, inspection when you contribution toward EDITOR: Bob Evancho (MA, ’93) ranks of private universities and an increasing number of public uni- make introductions, and CLOSING COSTS buy a home with me. STAFF WRITERS: Kathleen Craven, Julie Hahn, Mike Journee, versities that utilize comprehensive campaigns to raise critical pri- help set up meetings between when you sell your home Sherry Squires (Paid at closing.) with me. vate funding. We simply cannot have our students bear the financial potential donors and those FREE FREE $500 $500 PHOTOGRAPHY: John Kelly (BA, ’91), Carrie Quinney brunt of shrinking state support. working on the campaign. (BFA, ’02) Search all MLS listings on: EDITORIAL ASSISTANT: Melissa Jensen I am delighted to report that tremendous progress was made Think of those who may have GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Drew Roberts (BA, ’05) during what is known as the “quiet phase” of the campaign, which attended Boise State and left STUDENT ASSISTANTS: Allison Corona, Lisa Flores, Michelle preceded the August announcement: the area but who may be in George, Natasha Gilmore, Melissa Harris, John Lewis, • In the past 16 months the number of employees with the Boise a position to contribute to Bridget Salazar State Foundation has grown from 19 to 32, a 68 percent increase. their alma mater. If someone ALUMNI NEWS: Mark Arstein (BS, ’90), Rhiannon Horn Each of our seven academic colleges has or soon will have a devel- who fits that description comes to mind, please feel free to contact (BBA, ’03), Jennifer Wheeler, Renee White (BA, ’97) opment director who works closely with each college dean in his the appropriate dean or development director or my office. ADVERTISING SALES: P.V. Quinn & Co., 1520 W. Washington or her fundraising efforts. (Our most recent hires are featured on In this issue of FOCUS, you will find a special section begin- Street, Boise, ID 83702 Phone: (208) 385-0338 page 30.) ning on page 16 that puts human faces on the campaign and illus- • The campaign has already benefited greatly from the guid- trates our four most important needs: support for students, support ’s PUBLISHING INFORMATION: FOCUS’ address is Boise State town University, 1910 University Drive, Boise, Idaho 83725- ance of Bruce Matthews, vice president of Campbell & Company, to assure an outstanding faculty, support for academic programs own Walk to Shopping, 1030. Phone: (208) 426-1577. Letters regarding editorial D Value! a consulting firm for nonprofit organizations. As a specialist in and research, and support for capital renovation and expansion. Ad- Best matters should be sent to the editor. Unless otherwise the area of metropolitan universities embarking on first-time cam- ditional information about the campaign, the members of the steer- Casual to Fine Restaurants, specified, all articles may be reprinted as long as appropri- paigns, Bruce has been an excellent fit for our initiative. ing committee, a breakdown of the target amounts for each area of Basque Block, BoDo District, ate credit is given to the author, Boise State University and FOCUS magazine. Diverse views are presented and do not • A 16-person steering committee comprised of prominent need and how the funding will be used, and other information can Edwards Theaters, necessarily reflect the opinions of FOCUS or the official community and business leaders spearheaded the launch of the cam- be found on our Web site at policies of Boise State University. Old Boise & Night Life paign, and two of our most illustrious alumni, Micron CEO Steve paign/. ADDRESS CHANGES: Send changes (with address label if pos- Appleton and Boise business owner Allen Dykman, have agreed to This campaign is the most ambitious fundraising effort in the sible) to the Boise State University Alumni Office, 1910 co-chair the campaign. annals of Boise State. The support and interest that I have seen • Earn Free Nights or U.S. Savings Bonds University Drive, Boise, Idaho 83725-1035. If you receive • Thanks to contributions such as the recent $2 million pledge since we announced our goal have encouraged me greatly. I believe duplicate copies of the magazine, please notify the Alumni from the Kissler Family Foundation for a new nursing/health, well- that the spirit of this campaign will generate genuine excitement on • Deluxe Continental Breakfast • Free High-speed Internet Office at the above address. Friends of the university who wish to receive FOCUS may do so by submitting their ness and counseling building (page 30) and a recent $5 million com- our campus and in the community and will invigorate and embold- Conveniently located in close proximity to BSU! names and addresses to the Alumni Office. Address chang- mitment from the Yanke family (page 31) we have already raised en our supporters to join us in this quest for distinction in all that es can also be sent by e-mail to [email protected] $77 million of our $175 million goal. we do. One Block from the Boise Convention Centre and the Qwest Arena In short, we are on a roll! Please join me in this most exciting campaign as we lift Boise E-MAIL: Readers may contact the FOCUS editor by e-mail at [email protected] But this will not be an easy task, to say the least. If this cam- State to new heights and strive to serve our students and community 1070 Grove St.