City of Fresno General Plan and Development Code Update Master Environmental Impact Report

C.2 ‐ Native Society Inventory of Rare and Endangered

First Carbon Solutions M:\DriveT@VOL1\shared\31680016 ‐ Fresno General Plan MEIR\Fresno GP MEIR_FINAL 7.22.14\31680016 Appendix Dividers Fresno MEIR 7.22.14.doc

CNPS Inventory: Plant Press Manager window with 12 items Page 1 of 1

CNPS Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants

Status: Plant Press Manager window with 12 items - Wed, Aug. 15, 2012 18:12 c • During each visit, we provide you with an empty "Plant Press" for collecting items of interest. • Several report formats are available. Use the CSV and XML options to download raw data. Reformat list as: Standard List - with Plant Press controls

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open save scientific common family CNPS Castilleja campestris ssp. List succulent owl's-clover Orobanchaceae succulenta 1B.2 List California jewel- californicus 1B.1 List dwarf downingia Campanulaceae Downingia pusilla 2.2 Eryngium spinosepalum spiny-sepaled button- List Apiaceae celery 1B.2 List California satintail Imperata brevifolia 2.1 List Madera leptosiphon Polemoniaceae Leptosiphon serrulatus 1B.2 List Poaceae inaequalis Orcutt grass 1B.1 List hairy Orcutt grass Poaceae Orcuttia pilosa 1B.1 Hartweg's golden List Asteraceae Pseudobahia bahiifolia sunburst 1B.1 List Sanford's arrowhead Alismataceae Sagittaria sanfordii 1B.2 Tropidocarpum caper-fruited List Brassicaceae capparideum tropidocarpum 1B.1 List Greene's tuctoria Poaceae 1B.1

DELETE unchecked items check all check none 8/15/2012