Perforce Training, 2010.1

Scripting Perforce


• Introductions

• Class Schedule

• About the Exercises

1 Perforce Training, 2010.1

Intended course audience

• Experienced Perforce users need to scripts

• Configuration management, build, and release engineers, and others

Prerequisite experience

• PfPerforce user and ddiitt administrator

• Writing scripts using Perl

2 Perforce Training, 2010.1


• DlDevelop scr ittfipts to perform common t tkasks

• Follow best practices

Uses of scripts

• Web browser interface to Perforce • Plug-in for an IDE • Back-up and recovery routines • Wrappers for Perforce commands • Customized d iff a nd me rge tool s • Conversion from other SCM tools

3 Perforce Training, 2010.1

Script examples in this course

• Automating processes • Generating reports • Sending email • Process support • Auditing metadata

Course Contents

• Preliminary Decisions • Perforce Commands for Scripting • Line Program (p4) • Application Program Interface (API) • Daemons • TiTriggers • Wrappers and Administrative Scripts

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Preliminary Decisions

• Setting Environment Variables

• User Authentication

• Client Program Interface

Preliminary Decisions

Setting Environment Variables

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Use global options

• Set environment variables in script p4 –p serverport –u username info

• Advantage: Overrides all other settings

• Disadvantage: Edit each script to change

Use configuration files

• Set P4CONFIG to a name p4 set P4CONFIG=config.txt

• Place config.txt files in script folders

• List environment variables in config.txt P4PORT=lemon:1909 P4CLIENT=script_user_reporter P4USER=script_user

6 Perforce Training, 2010.1

P4CONFIG example : P4CONFIG=config.txt


P4PORT=krypton:1666 P4CLIENT=scriptuser-prod config.txt P4USER=scriptuser


P4PORT=xenon:1666 P4CLIENT=report-writer config.txt P4USER=reporter



• Advantages • Configures many scripts • Active in specific directories

• Disadvantage • If P4CONFIG unset, script environment may change

7 Perforce Training, 2010.1

Use environment variables

• Set environment variables (Windows) p4 set

• List environment variables p4 set P4CLIENT= br un o_o w s (set) (set) P4USER=bruno (set)

Using environment variables

• Advantaggye: Easy to set

• Disadvantages

• May be accidentally changed • Depends upon shell being used

8 Perforce Training, 2010.1

Configuration order of precedence

• Command-line flags

• P4CONFIG files • Environment variable settings • Registry variable settings (on Windows) • Default value for environment variables

Preliminary Decisions

User Authentication

9 Perforce Training, 2010.1

Use login

• Works for all server security levels

• Usage: p4 login Enter password: UitldiUser script_user logged in.

Use a group to extend session

p4 group scriptsonly Group: scriptsonly MaxResults: 100000 Maxscanrows: 500000 MaxLockTime: 30000 Timeout: unlimited Subgroups: Owners: bruno Users: script_user

10 Perforce Training, 2010.1

Use a password

• Security levels 0-2 p4 -P Script_pass users

• Security level 3 p4 login -p Enter password: 9CC3EACDEFCC8C7020C134D6D333F46F p4 -P 9CC3EACDEFCC8C7020C134D6D333F46F users

Preliminary Decisions

Client Program Interface

11 Perforce Training, 2010.1

Comparing client program interfaces

Command Line Program Apppplication Pro gram Interface p4 Perforce C/C++ API One connection per User controls connection command Returns lines of text Tagged data available

Some language support Language derivatives available Java-native API (P4Java) Objective-C API (P4ObjC)

Tagging output: Command line and API

• Command line returns lines of text

• Format output by using -ztag p4 -ztag clients ... client bruno_ws ... Update 1104271684 ... Access 1104340062 ... etc. • Perforce API supports tagged data output

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Command line program: bypass an editor

• Redirect to standard output p4 change -o

• Read from standard input p4 submit -i

Command line program: Using Python

• Create Python marshalled dictionary object p4 -G job -o

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Sample Python Script and p4 -G Output

#!/usr/local/bin/python #Example script named

import marshal, sys true = 1 try: while true: vars = marshal.load(sys.stdin) print vars except EOFError: '' #note that these are two single-quotes

p4 -G user -o raj |dhl| {'Email': '[email protected]', 'Update': '2005/12/06 11:16:30', 'Reviews1': '//depot/dev/main/...', 'Reviews0': '//depot/www/...', 'FullName': 'Raj Bai', 'User': 'raj', 'code': 'stat', 'Access': '2006/07/06 15:16:30'}

Command line program: Using Ruby

• Create Ruby marshalled dictionary object p4 -R job –o

14 Perforce Training, 2010.1

Sample Ruby script and p4 -R output

# Example script named readruby.rb f = IO.popen("p4 -R user -o " + ARGV[0]) user_info = Marshal.load(f) p user_info

readruby.rb bruno {"code"=>"stat", "User"=>"bruno", "Email"=>"[email protected]", "FullName"=>"Bruno Batswan"}

Perforce’s derived APIs

• P4Per l

• P4Python

• P4Ruby

15 Perforce Training, 2010.1

Scripting environment for the exercises

• Use P4CONFIG to Set Environment Variables

• User Authentication p4 login

• Client Program Interface • p4 and API (using P4Perl) examples

Scripting Perforce

Exercise Setting the Perforce Environment

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Scripting Perforce

Perforce Commands for Scripting

Perforce Commands for Scripting

• General

• Review Daemons

• Data Mining

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Perforce Commands


Capture errors, warnings and messages

p4 -s opened -c default error: File(s) not opened on this client. : 0

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Submit without invoking an editor

p4 submit -d "Fixed results of sim scans." Submitting change 1825. Locking 2 files ... edit //Sim/Prod/MAIN/src/sim.c#36 edit //Sim/Prod/MAIN/src/scan.c#2 Change 1825 submitted.

Script efficiently

• Limit number of lines of data returned

• Narrow scope of Perforce commands • Refer to known workspace spec • Access small ggproups of de pot files

19 Perforce Training, 2010.1

List a single changelist

UiUsing a c lient wor kspace name p4 changes -m1 –s submitted –c raj-spruce Change 421 on 2001/01/07 by raj@raj-spruce 'Update sim to work reasonably on'

List several changelists

Using a depot path p4 changes –m10 //depot/www/... Change 1769 on 2006/12/11 by quinn@quinn-azalea 'Copy jamgraph example to web' Change 1763 on 2006/11/23 by hera@hera-amphora 'Jamgraph 1.0 is live.' ...etc.

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Perforce Commands

Review Daemons

Use a counter

• Set personal counter p4 counter notifyd 746 Counter notifyd set.

• Poll a counter p4 counter notifyd 746

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List all counter values

p4 counters change = 750 job = 4 journal = 15 notifyd = 746 ... etc.

Review daemon tools

• View changelists past counter value p4 review -t notifydy Change 747 bruno [email protected](Bruno Batswan) Change 749 brad [email protected](Brad Manners) Change 750 sam [email protected](Sam Maxwell)

• View subscribers for email notification p4 reviews -c 747 bruno (Bruno Batswan) laura (Laura Germain)

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Change your user profile

p4 user

User: earl Email: [email protected] Update: 2007/08/09 13:45:59 Access: 2008/03/07 16:45:05 FullName: Earl Ashby Reviews: Add “Reviews:” field if //Sim/Prod/MAIN/... running review daemon //depot/www/...

List recently edited/created jobs

p4 jobs -e "date>=2007/06/21" job002127 on 2007/11/19 by earl *open* ‘Fix parse error’ job002097 on 2007/10/21 by raj *closed* ‘Exit off’ job001931 on 2007/10/16 by gail *punted* ‘Web style’ job001762 on 2007/07/08 by raj *closed* ‘Scan func’

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List fixed jobs

p4 fixes //Sim/Prod/MAIN/src/... job000001 fixed by change 55 on 1999/01/19 by earl@earl-dev job000002 fixed by change 114 on 1999/02/28 by earl@earl-dev job000003 fixed by change 114 on 1999/02/28 by earl@earl-dev job000004 fixed by change 148 on 1999/07/19 by earl@earl-dev job000004 fixed by change 132 on 1999/04/30 by earl@earl-dev ... etc.

Perforce Commands

Data Mining

24 Perforce Training, 2010.1

Report depot data

• List directories p4 dirs //depot/* //depot/Jam //depot/Jamgraph ...etc. • List files p4 files //depot/Jam/MAIN/src/... //depot/Jam/MAIN/src/ - edit change 839 //depot/Jam/MAIN/src/Build.mpw#3 - edit change 839 //depot/Jam/MAIN/src/command.c#12 - edit change 839 ...etc.

Gather file data as tagged output

p4 fstat execcmd.h ... depotFile //depot/Jam/MAIN/src/execcmd. h ... clientFile c:\raj\Jam\MAIN\src\execcmd.h ... isMapped ... headAction edit ... headType text ... headTime 1106848927 ... headRev 2 ... headChange 30 ... headModTime 1106847314 ... haveRev 2

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Report on a single file

p4 annotate -ac jam. c //depot/Jam/MAIN/src/jam.c#37 - edit change 93 (text) 1-93: /* 1-1: * Copyright 1993 Christopher Seiwald. 30-93: * Copyright 1993, 1995 Christopher Seiwald. ... etc.

Search for patterns in files p4 -a -n -F -e "/* debug */" jam.c //depot/Jam/MAIN/src/jam.c#14:114: 1, /* debug */ //depot/Jam/MAIN/src/jam.c#13:114: 1, /* debug */ //depot/Jam/MAIN/src/jam.c#12:114: 1, /* debug */ //depot/Jam/MAIN/src/jam.c#11:106: 1, /* debug */ //depot/Jam/MAIN/src/jam.c#10:106: 1, /* debug */ //depot/Jam/MAIN/src/jam.c#9:96: 1, /* debug */ //depot/Jam/MAIN/src/jam.c#8:96: 1, /* debug */ //depot/Jam/MAIN/src/jam.c#6:93: 1, /* debug */ //depot/Jam/MAIN/src/jam.c#5:93: 1, /* debug */ //depot/Jam/MAIN/src/jam.c#4:93: 1, /* debug */ //depot/Jam/MAIN/src/jam.c#3:93: 1, /* debug */ //depot/Jam/MAIN/src/jam.c#2:91: 1, /* debug */ //depot/Jam/MAIN/src/jam.c#1:86: 1, /* debug */

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Report Perforce metadata

• Lis t a ll c lien t wor kspace specs p4 clients

• List client workspace specs by owner p4 clients –u bruno

Use -n flag to report status

p4 integrate -n -b SimMAINtoFLAT //Sim/Prod/FLAT/src/scan.c#3 sync/integrate from //Sim/Prod/MAIN/src/scan.c#12 //Sim/Prod/FLAT/src/scan.h#2 sync/integrate from //Sim/Prod/MAIN/src/scan.h#14 ...etc.

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Test p4 commands before writing script

• Learn data output format

• Experiment with flags • if API returns tagged data • Narrow scope of commands

Scripting Perforce

Command Line Program (p4)

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Module objectives

• Use p4 client program in a Perl Script • Use P4CONFIG • Capture error messages • Submit files without invoking editor • Chec k for success ful su bm it (exerc ise ) • Report results to standard output

Specifications for a submit script

• Script name is • Create a command string • Check for opened files in default changelist • Exit if no files opened • Submit files • Check for successful submit (exercise) • Print submitted changelist

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Construct a p4 command string

$p4c = "script_ws"; $p4 = "C:\\p4programs\\p4";

$p4 = "$p4 -c $p4c";

Exit if no opened files in default changelist

@@$pchk = `$p4 -s opened -c default`; if ($chk[0] =~ /error: File\(s\) not opened on this client./) { print "No files in default changelist to submit."; exit; }

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Submit files

$desc = "An automated submit from $p4c.";

`$p4 submit -d "$desc"`;

Print submitted changelist

$chg = `$p4 changes -m1 -s submitted -c $p4c`; $chg =~ /(^Change) ([0-9]+) (.+$)/; print `$p4 describe -s $2`;

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Scripting Perforce

Exercise A Submit Script

Scripting Perforce

Application Program Interface (API)

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Module objectives

• Write a generic P4Perl script • Run a command

• Check for errors

• PdtProcess data

• Python and Ruby examples

Specifications for a simple P4Perl script

• Script name is • IitiliInitialize P4iP4 ins tance • Select server level compatibility • Connect • Run a command (p4 info) • Check for errors • Process data (print data) • Disconnect

33 Perforce Training, 2010.1

Initialize P4 instance

use P4;

$p4c = “script_ws";

$p4 = new P4;

$p4 Æ SetClient( $p4c );

Set server level compatibility

$p4 Æ SetApiLevel( 67 );

Perforce Knowledge Base Articles: “Perforce Protocol Levels” and “Perforce Server Levels”

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Set script name

$p4 Æ SetProg( “Template” );


$4$p4 Æ Connec t() or die ("Canno t connec t to server. ");

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Select output mode

• Tagged mode (on by default) Normally returns hash reference $p4 Æ Tagged(1);

• Standard mode Normally returns array of $p4 Æ Tagged(0);

Run a command

• General syntax $p4 Æ Run("p4command", "flags", "filespecs");

• Example

@res = $p4 Æ Run("info ");

36 Perforce Training, 2010.1

Check for errors

if ($p4 ÆErrorCount()) { @err = $p4 Æ Errors(); foreach $str(@err) { print "Error message: $str \n"; }

Check for warnings

} elsif ($p4 Æ WarningCount()) { @wrn = $p4 Æ Warnings(); foreach $str(@wrn) { print “Warning message: $str \n”; } } else { # Other data integrity checks }

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Process tagged data

if ($p4 ÆIsTagged()) { foreach $str(@res) { %hash = %{$str}; while (($key, $value) = each(%hash)) { pp$y$rint "$key => $value\n"; } } }

Process standard data

else { foreach $str (@res) { print ($str, "\n"); } }

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$p4 Æ Disconnect();

Scripting Perforce


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import sys, types from P4 import P4, P4Exception p4 = P4() def init(): p4.api_level = 65 p4.exception_level = 2 p4.prog = "Python Template" p4.client = "script_ws" try: p4.connect() except P4Exception: print "Cannot connect to the server." sys.exit(1)

Python function getdata

def getdata(cl): try: res = return res except P4Exception: for e in p4.errors: print "Errors: " + e p4di4.disconnec t() sys.exit(1) for w in p4.warnings: print "Warnings: " + w

40 Perforce Training, 2010.1

Python function printdata

def pp()rintdata(r): if not (isinstance(r, types.NoneType)): for i in range(len(r)): if (p4.tagged): dict = r[i] for key in dict.keys(): print "%s :: %s" % (key,dict[key]) else: print r[i]

Python MAIN program def runstub(c): data = getdata(c) printdata(data)

# MAIN PROGRAM init() p4.tagged = False cmd = "info" runstub(cmd) prit"int " \n \n" p4.tagged = True runstub(cmd)


41 Perforce Training, 2010.1

Ruby p4template.rb

def init begin require "P4" $p4 = p4.api_level = 65 $p4.exception_level = P4::RAISE_ALL $p4.prog = “Ruby Template" $p4.client = "script_ws" $p4.connect rescue P4Exception print "Cannot connect to the server." exit end end

Ruby method getdata

def getdata(cl) begin res = $ return res rescue P4Exception $p4.errors.each { |e| puts( e ) } if not $p4.errors.empty? $p4.disconnect exit end $p4.warnings.each { |w| puts( w ) } end end

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Ruby method printdata

def printdata(()r) if not r.empty? if $p4.tagged? h = r[0] h.each { |k,v| puts "#{k} => #{v}"} else puts r end end end

Ruby MAIN program def runstub(c) data = getdata(c) pp()rintdata(data) end # MAIN PROGRAM init $p4.tagged = false cmd = "info" runstb(tub(cmd) print " \n \n" $p4.tagged = true runstub(cmd) $p4.disconnect

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Specifications for a release notes script

• Input • Depot path • Revision range • Number of changelists to process

• Output • List of changelist numbers • Description for each changelist (exercise) • List of jobs fixed (exercise)

Get a list of changelists

# Script name is relnotes. pl

# Initialize P4Perl, connect, then:

@cmd = ("changes", "-s", "submitted", "//Sim/Prod/REL2.1/src/... ");

@chg = $p4 Æ Run(@cmd);

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Process data

foreach $str (@chg) { %hash = %{$str}; print ($hash{"change"}, "\n"); }

Scripting Perforce

Exercise A Release Notes Script

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Scripting Perforce


Daemons learning objectives

• What is a review daemon?

• How users subscribe to get email • Write a review daemon script • Use Perforce counters • Check for Perforce job updates

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Specifications for a review daemon

• Input • Changelists to review

• Output • Email changelist descriptions to subscribed users • Update review daemon counter

• Option • Email edited jobs to subscribed users (exercise)

Main program

# Script name is p4review. pl # Initialize P4Perl, connect then: checkcounter(); while(1) { poll_server(); ($sleeptime); }

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Initialize review counter

sub checkcounter { $p4 Æ Connect() or die ("Cannot connect to Perforce server."); $p4 Æ Tagged(0); @data = $p4 Æ Run("counter", "review"); $rc = @data[0]; if ($rc == 0) { $p4 Æ Run ((,,);"counter", "review", "0"); } $p4 Æ Tagged(1); $p4 Æ Disconnect(); }

Poll the server

sub poll_server { $p4 Æ Connect() or die ("Cannot connect to Perforce server." ); @data = $p4 Æ Run ("review", "-t", "review"); if ($#data > -1) { foreach $str (@data) { %hash = %{$str}; $chg = $hash{change}; revi($h)iewers($chg); } updatecounter($chg); } $p4 Æ Disconnect(); }

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Check for reviewers sub reviewers { ($chg) = @_ ; @cmd = ("reviews", "-c", $chg); @data = $p4 Æ Run(@cmd); if ($data[0] =~m/^HASH/) { @@(c1 = ("describe" , "-s",,$ $ch g); @des = $p4 Æ Run(@c1); sendoutmail(@des, @data); } }

Get the changelist data

sub sendoutmail { (@users) = @_; $cdes = shift(@users); foreach $str (@cdes) { %%g%{$};change = %{$str}; $chgno = $change{change}; $desc = $change{desc}; }

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Send out mail

foreach $str (@users) { %user = %{$str}; print "To: $user{email} \n"; print "From: daemon\ \n"; print "Subject: Changelist $chgno submitted. \n"; print "Description: $desc\n"; } }

Update review counter

sub updatecounter { ($chg) = @_; $p4 Æ Run ("counter", "review", $chg); }

50 Perforce Training, 2010.1

Adding updates to jobs reporting

use ::L oca l;

# create a jobreview counter # time() returns local Unix time.

$p4 Æ Run("counter "", jobreview", time());

Check for newly modified jobs sub checkforjobs { $p4 Æ Tagged(0); @data = $p4 Æ Run ("counter", "jobreview"); $p4 Æ Tagged(1); $tchk = @data[0]; @jobs = $p4 Æ Run("jobs", "-e", "date>=$tchk"); foreach $str (@jobs) { @users = jobreviewers(); sendjobemail($str, @users); } updatejobcounter(); }

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Check for job reviewers

sub jobreviewers { @data = $p4 Æ Run ("reviews", "//depot/jobs"); return @data; }

Additions to the review daemon script

• Add jobs to email

• Update jobreview counter

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Scripting Perforce

Exercise A Review Daemon

Scripting Perforce


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Triggers learning objectives

• Supported trigger types in Perforce • Best practices when writing triggers • Implementing triggers • Install a “submit policy” trigger • Install a “workspace check” trigger

Supported trigger types

• Password authentication

• Changelist processing • Form manipulation or validation • Job fix adds or deletes

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Use triggers to enforce policy

• Authenticate passwords against an LDAP server • RELNOTES file always submitted with *.c files • Submit to “rel1” codeline fixes least one job • Add “reviewed by:” when changelist created • Evaluate edited forms for correctness • Begin a build after submit to “dev” codeline • Prevent users from deleting branch specs

Script efficiently

• Follow best practices in scripting

• Check Perforce release notes for optimizations

• Time your scri p t’s execu tion

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Avoid common errors

• Writing data to the server

• Recursive triggers

• Attempting workspace operations

Implementing triggers

• TtTest scri itlllpt locally

• Install on test server

• Deploy on production server

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Enforcing a submit policy

• Trigger name is checksubmit . pl

• Run as a change-submit trigger

• Enforce a codeline policy: edits of *.c files always include a RELNOTES file update .

Enforcing a workspace configuration policy

• Trigger name is checkworks pace. pl

• Run as a form-save trigger

• Enforce a workspace creation policy: no client workspaces can be saved with a “wide open” view e.g., //Sim/... //my_client/...

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Scripting Perforce

Exercise Implementing Triggers

Scripting Perforce

Wrappers and Administrative Scri ptin g

58 Perforce Training, 2010.1

Module objectives

• Modify Perforce form using P4Perl

• List unwanted user created configurations

Examples of build wrappers

• Create temporary client spec • Sync to changelist or label • Create label spec and tag files • Email users build results • Automate submit of objects

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Specifications for temporary client spec

• Edit a cli ent spec

• Modify options • Modify view • Save client spec

Get the client spec form

# Script name is

# Initialize P4Perl, connect, then:

$cl = $p4 Æ GetClient();

@data = $p4 ÆFetchClient($cl);

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Modify the client spec form

foreach $str(@data) { %%{$}%hash = %{$str};

$opt = "noallwrite noclobber nocompress locked nomodtime ";

$hash{Options} = $opt;

@wv = @{$hash{View}};

@wv = (" //Sim/Prod/MAIN/src/... //$cl/src/ ..." ,

"//depot/www/... //$cl/www/..."); $hash{View} = \@wv; }

Save the client spec form

$p4 Æ SaveClient( \%hash);

$p4 Æ Disconnect();

61 Perforce Training, 2010.1

Scripting Perforce

Exercise Creating a Temporary Client Spec

Sample wrapper scripts

• Add custom tools to P4V • Launch third-party tools. • Run command line commands • Get latest files based on have list • Automate routine integrations

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Sample administrative scripts

• Enforce branchinggp polic y • files that need merging • Back up database • Delete obsolete client workspaces • Delete obsolete labels • Ensure client specs used from single host

Specifications for a client spec abuse script

• List client specs with blank Host field

• List users who own too many client specs

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Main program

# Script name is

init(); checkforhosts();




sub init { # Initialize P4Perl, connect, then: $workspacelimit = 2; }

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Check for Host abuse

sub checkforhosts { @cls = $p4 Æ Run("clients " ); foreach $str (@cls) { %hash = %{$str}; $h = $hash{"Host"}; $w = $hash{"client"}; if ($h e q "" ) { push (@hlist, "No Host for $w \n"); } } }

Workspaces per user

sub workspacesperuser { @u = $p4 Æ Run("users"); foreach $str (@u) { %hash = %{$str}; $un = $hash{"User"};

65 Perforce Training, 2010.1

Workspaces per user continued...

@c = $p4 Æ Run("clients", "-u", $un); if ($#c > $workspacelimit) { push (@clist, "User $un owns $#c workspaces. \n"); } } }

Print results

sub printdata { print "List of HOST abusers: \n\n"; foreach $str (@hlist) { print $str; } print “Over $workspacelimit workspaces \n\n"; foreach $str (@clist) { print $str; } }

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Scripting Perforce

Exercise Detecting Client Workspace Abuse

Recap of exercises

• Setting the Perforce environment • Using p4: submitting files • Using P4Perl: creating release notes • Codeline policy enforcement: triggers • Creatinggpyp a temporary client spec • Detecting client workspace abuse

67 Perforce Training, 2010.1

The End

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