A Review of Geological Records of Large Tsunamis at Vancouver Island, British Columbia, and Implications for Hazard John J
Quaternary Science Reviews 19 (2000) 849}863 A review of geological records of large tsunamis at Vancouver Island, British Columbia, and implications for hazard John J. Clague! " *, Peter T. Bobrowsky#, Ian Hutchinson$ !Depatment of Earth Sciences and Institute for Quaternary Research, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada V5A 1S6 "Geological Survey of Canada, 101 - 605 Robson St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V6B 5J3 #Geological Survey Branch, P.O. Box 9320, Stn Prov Govt, Victoria, BC, Canada V8W 9N3 $Department of Geography and Institute for Quaternary Research, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada BC V5A 1S6 Abstract Large tsunamis strike the British Columbia coast an average of once every several hundred years. Some of the tsunamis, including one from Alaska in 1964, are the result of distant great earthquakes. Most, however, are triggered by earthquakes at the Cascadia subduction zone, which extends along the Paci"c coast from Vancouver Island to northern California. Evidence of these tsunamis has been found in tidal marshes and low-elevation coastal lakes on western Vancouver Island. The tsunamis deposited sheets of sand and gravel now preserved in sequences of peat and mud. These sheets commonly contain marine fossils, and they thin and "ne landward, consistent with deposition by landward surges of water. They occur in low-energy settings where other possible depositional processes, such as stream #ooding and storm surges, can be ruled out. The most recent large tsunami generated by an earthquake at the Cascadia subduction zone has been dated in Washington and Japan to AD 1700. The spatial distribution of the deposits of the 1700 tsunami, together with theoretical numerical modelling, indicate wave run-ups of up to 5 m asl along the outer coast of Vancouver Island and up to 15}20 m asl at the heads of some inlets.
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