'•V TOP FOOD HIES Dulles Has Surgery, Cancer Report Later

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'•V TOP FOOD HIES Dulles Has Surgery, Cancer Report Later , I- / THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 19TO| The. Weather ' Average Net .Press Run i Daily Pereesot •« C, 0. Westfeer Mm OIM % iPAto 1610111*01 ilattrijpatpr lEoptiing Iffralb For the Week Badiiig TJ‘i ■> . •* — -------- . ■ . '■ ......................... February Tth, lt58 Ugkt rais epdiag tkl* «v*aUM|. R}' Main St.; Kevin Irwin, WllUmtn- I Tolland Tpke.; Mra. Eather CTark^ partial olearlng. Law hi fiM SOe. Marine CpV Barry W. Small, son A rehearsal o f the. play, "The I RFD 2, Notch Ed., Bolton; UoMer Saturday, anew er rala^lat* U r,.and Mra A rA u r Stevene, Four Eaater Bunnlee," will b« held tlc; Mia* Catherine Chaae, 610 W. f o r i n c o m e t a x 12,882 53* Woodbridge St., and Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Small. Hospital Notes! Middle Tpke.; Mr*. Jeqnie Senk- i Bckela, Mountain Rd., Rockville; la day. High la 86*. ° . at St. Johme Poliah National ASSISTANCE. CALL Member ot tke Andit A b o u t T o w n Mrs. Don Piper. 28 N. Blm St., 1814 Church St., is taking part in bell. Jurovaty Rd., Andover; 'Robert Bard,,East Hartford; M™. a series of amphibious assault ex­ Catholic Church, at 10 a.m. •Sat­ Borean ef Oircalatkia. ; recently left on a .cruise to the -Patlenta Today, 196. Cheater Mohr. Emily Rd., Broad,, Shirley Mae Horn, Loehr A N b E R S O N Manchester-—A City of Village Charm ercises al Vieques, Ptierto Rlro. urday. A t 11 a.m., there wH* be \ Rockrtlle; Mra. Alice Rogeir*, RFD hold it's; West Indies. They expect to rtslt ADMITTED YEBTBRDAE:: Brook. 1 The »p ® «r Club mnU - with the Hllghth Marine Raglmtmt. catechiam and Instructions for 2, Mancheater; Mra. Jaj-ne Pier- Ml 9^7441 M l 9-0854 veeJily 8 *0 0 ^ ' n^Kht the porU of Port-au-Prince, Cur­ children making first holy com­ James Lockwood, 9 Margaret R d .;;[ BIRTHS YESTERDATt A; y r (naaained Adverttaing on Page 141 PRICE FIVE CENTS acao. La Oualra, Trinidad. Marti­ 'daughter to Mr. and Mr*. Howard aon and daughter, Nathan Hale MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY IS, 1959 tints' tor members end rrienasj Manchester Emblem Club is munion; and at 1 p.m., the teen- Willis Sttelej, 1420 Hebron ' A ve^ ' (SIXTEEN PAGES) nique. St. Thomas, San Juan and Gtaetonbijiry; Joseph Diaz Jr., jHuelaman, Dobson Ave., Vernon; Dr., Coventry; Mra. Jane McAleni- VOL. LXXVIir, NO. I ll •tartinff « t 8:30 aherp. " sponsoring a food sale Saturday i age bowling teams will meet et man and daughter, High Manor Nassau, I the Manchester' Bowling Green. Hertford; ’ Mrs. Theresa Johnaon, a daughter' to Mr. and Mrs. Almet from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Ludwig Rd., Ellington; -Mrs., Sullivan, Carpenter Rd., Coven­ Trailer Park. Vernon; Mra. Ber­ Dr. and Ure. Don A. Oulnen and j L.vnn Poultry Store, Parkade. A nice Diamond and daughter, RFD Manchester Barracks, Veterans Esther Arendt, 38 William St.; try. NOTICE Dr. and Mrs, Robert C. Walden] •election of baked goods donated I Roger Peterson. ,8S Lockwood of World War 1, and its Ladles Mrs. Elizabeth Woods, 130 Gien- DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: 3, Box 60, South Coventry. Jr. are vacationing at the Bucea- ■ by members of tha club will ' be St., will be Initiated Into the first Urges! Vene^TUe/a neer Hotel, S t Croix, Virgin Is- Auxiliary wish to remind members wood St.; Frederick MikoUte, Hedwi'g Palliardi*. Long Hill Rd., To the people,who have of the Council of Administration for asle. Connecticut chapter of Beta tanda Gamma Sigma,- a national honor­ Wapplng; Mrs. Marie Kialinger, Andover; Mr*, Hildur Olaon, 30 borrowed chairs frdm the meeting of the Department of Con­ 140 W. Middle Tpke.; Mrs. Lenora Church St.; Randall Grindal, GENERAL Death 1 d leasing Sunday Q u i e t f a r ary society for business majora, n r C necticut to be 8eld in the GAR ■Worlhv Matron Mra. Ella Oal- Bober, 92 Arnott Rd.; Brian Nich­ RFD 2, Weft WilUngton; Su**n Quish Funeral Home, We Dulles Has Surgery, Mary BushneU Cheney Aux- tonight at the university. Hail. Rockville, .Saturday night at 'lani of temple Chapter, Order of olson, Pleasant Valley Rd.. South Morin. 33 Creatwood Rd., Coven­ would appreciate your re­ luary. u s w v . has received an in­ 8 o'clock. I the Eastern Star, direcU attention try; Charlm' Smith, 16 Edmund T V S E R V IC E vitation to attend the installation ' A meeting of all the officers of Windsor; Carl fewenson, 124 Tan­ turning them so that oth­ Sales Control* [ to the Valentine card party to- ner St'.; Kathreen Campbell. 13 St.; Mra. Mary Cervini, 216 Oak et o«eera of Manche.'ter Barracks. I the. Manchester Italian American ers may have the pnvilege The Bryant College Alumni As­ i morrow at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Crestridge Dr., Rockville; Julius SL; Raymond Duchaine, .80 Hyde Ntght* # Z « 9 P Phia ParU Aired at Probe World War I Veterans. Sunday at ! Society will be held tomorrow Manchester S t a t p ’ Rep. sociation of Greater Hartford will Temple, which is open to members Beer, 14 Talcott Ave., Rockville; St.; Mra. Riith Hanaon. 234 Green of using them. 3 p.m. at the VFtV Home. hold a cocktail parly at the Stat- and friends. Mrs. Esther .A Cox. ; night'at 7:30 at the chibrooms. TPJ.,. Ml 8-6481 D".vid Barry today urged an 1 Mrs. Marion Humiaton, 40 S. ^1- jRd.; Mra. Catherine Tracy, -468 ^_____ Iiombardozzi from a Caracas, 'Venezuela, Feb. 13 ler Hilton Hotel. Hartford on Feb. ■ 27 View St., chairman of the com- Parker 3t.; Richard Bryan, 170 Washington, Feb. 13 (/F)— end to certain Sunday sales The midweek prayer meeting St. Christopher's Mothers Circle ton St.; Mrs. Alice Carey, 7 S. death sentence at Apalachln btit 22 from 4 to 7 p.m. For reserva­ j mittee, states that players may The President of a New York restrictions and to “ gaslight- (4>)— Romulo Betancourt was at the O vation Army Citadel to­ tions and information, alumni may I choose any card game they wish. 'w ill meet tomorrow night at 8:18 fined him 110.000, apparently for inaugurated today a« the first Cancer Report Later night at T:30 will be followed by City association of jukebox contact Walter J. llmvack, RFD 1 Refreshments will be served in at the home o f Mrs. Rosetta Bot- getting out of line in the coin ma­ era legislation that has been Bible study and dlacua.iion at 8. chine buatneas. freely elected presideht of No. 2. Slmsbtn'.v. the banquet hall. _____ - lum. 41 Falk'nor Dr. operators told today of re­ permitted to last into the 20th The public is I n v i t e d . __________ ceiving death threats in bat­ Kennedy alao told the commit­ Venezuela in a decade. He tee that members of "The Syndi­ centurj'.” . , tling what he called phony Barry asked the Legislative pledged a government dedi­ cate’’ in th* Gary, Ind., area pulled cated to honesty, democracy gangster-oacked unions. 1,000 pinball machine* out of bais General Ijiw Comn.ittee to ap­ t< Albert 8, Denver, preaident of and other place* Wednesday night, prove a bill he introduced that and economic development."*. Successful the Mualc Ojteratora of New apparently because of the com­ \ uld permit .Sunday sales of rer- Steel-helmeted troops were de­ York, Inc., teatifying before the mittee’s invealigation. ] tain items Viormally sold in phar- ployed 10 put down any demon­ Senate Racket* Committee, did Gary, he said, is "one of the ! maoles and drug stores, stration* by follower* of ousted O peration jf ' not aay when he received the most critical areas” involved in : . 'The bill was one of 10 dealing dictator Marcos Perez Jimenez threat*. the committee’s investigation. He j with blue laws on which hearings and other political foe.s of the SO- .snid the mBchlnes were of a type were held this morning in the Han year-old moderate Leftist. But the '•V He aaid both he and hi* w-ife More Love Money had received anonymoua threaten­ that could be used for gambling, j of the House of Representatives, at short and sir.iplt ceremony in the Performed TOP FOOD HIES ing telephone calla. Denver told of the need for help j the .‘State Capitol. They prompted capitol passed without incident. to combat gkng.ster* in a state- ; a demand for tighter restrictions Belancourt wept as he heard Call* to hia wife, Denver related By W ARREN ROGEBA JR- Lota of t«fld«r. lovkig car* . -•In reply to queationa, included ment placed in committee records, on what a spokesman for the an old comrade in their Demo­ Denver said his association , Roman Catholic Church called the cratic Action Parly, Congress Washington, Feb. 13 UF )— tiiaf's what a huslMiid n**cis. And wgminga that hia activity gainat iiitinnii -waa too great “ to allow me speaks for 160 members operating j increasing commercializstion o f’ president Rav.l Leoni. recall the Secretary of State Dulles to­ on* of th* b*«t way« to k**p his to live.” , 8 000 of the 11.000 jukeboxes in , Sunday. ' suffering and death of parly mem­ day underwent a hernia oper­ Denver alao. said that he had New York. He said the 11.000 Barry said competition from ber* in.the jalla and concentration ation which was pronounced h*ort U to s*rv* him his fewerit* and lukeboxes provide a return of more , large stores imposed an.
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