Texas high court weighs divorce Lawyer, attorney general battle it out before justices Cases could allow same-sex couples to dissolve out-of-state unions • DIVORCE, Page 6

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The Premier Media Source for LGBT Texas Established 1984 | Volume 30 | Issue 26 FREE | Friday, November 8, 2013 in the age of AIDS

Matthew McConaughey stars in ‘Dallas Buyers Club’, a history of Oak Lawn’s role in the early battle for AIDS treatment. But how right do the filmmakers get it? • COVER STORY, Page 14 toc11.08.13 | Volume 30 | Issue 26


• TEXAS NEWS 5 Doris Roberts stops by for benefit 6 TX high court hears gay divorce cases 9 Dallas engages its Russian sister city 10 Vatican surveys parishs on gay issues

5 • LIFE+STYLE 14 The story behind Dallas Buyers Club 16 Indie film about the gay Beat writers 18 Matthew Shepard murder re-told

• ON THE COVER Cover designed by Kevin Thomas

10 departments 16 5 Texas News 14 Life+Style 8 Pet of the Week 19 Caledar 8 Briefs 24 Scene 12 Viewpoints 26 Classifieds

11.08.13 • dallasvoice 3 instantTEA DallasVoice.com/Category/Instant-Tea

RECORD-SETTER | People hold up numbers for the total amount raised for LifeWalk at Wednesday's wrap-up party. The amount is a new record. (Chuck Marcelo/Dallas Voice) ENDA passes U.S. Senate cil seat. The Employment Non-Discrimination Act Robert Gallegos was backed by Gay and Les- passed the Senate 64–32 Thursday afternoon. bian Victory Fund but not the Houston GLBT Four senators were absent. Caucus. He will be in the runoff. Republicans Orrin Hatch and John McCain In Travis County, voters in House District 50 were among the Republicans who voted for the chose Democrat Celia Israel and Republican Mike bill that would forbid discrimination based on sex- VanDeWalle for a runoff in the special election to ual orientation or gender identity. Both Texas sen- fill the seat vacated by Mark Strama. Israel is les- ators voted against the bill. bian. White House Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett en- Elsewhere, several LGBT candidates won in couraged the Senate to vote for the bill. North Carolina races. “A majority of Americans assume there is a In Charlotte, incumbent city council member prohibition against discrimination based on sexual LaWana Mayfield was elected to a second term. orientation in the workplace. There’s not, and Chapel Hill Mayor Mark Kleinschmidt, who is that’s exactly why this is so important,” she wrote gay, ran unopposed for re-election, and lesbian in a press release. “It’s not just civil rights advo- alderwoman Lydia Lavelle ran unopposed for cates who support ENDA. Business leaders mayor of Carrboro. know that prohibiting employment discrimination Voters in the Detroit, Mich., suburb of Royal is good for business.” Oak approved an ordinance making it illegal to GetEqual spokeswoman Heather Cronk wrote, discriminate based on sexual orientation. “Today’s passage of ENDA is, indeed, a historic — David Taffet moment for our community and our allies.” But she said the bill had flaws. Former TCC director Tim Seelig “The broad religious exemptions in the bill ce- mented into law the very biases that the legisla- discriminated against by travel tion was intended to overcome,” she wrote. company when booking trip The bill now moves to the U.S. House of Rep- Dr. Timothy Seelig, who for 20 years was the resentatives. President Barack Obama has said charismatic artistic director of the Turtle Creek he will sign the bill into law. Chorale, and who for the last three has been in —David Taffet (where he’s led that city’s gay men’s chorus), is used to being out and proud. Houston Mayor Annise Parker And loud. Which is why a company called Best Vacations Ever is probably kicking itself for pissing re-elected to final term, Israel him off. makes it into District 50 runoff Seelig and his partner Dan England were Houston Mayor Annise Parker was elected to booking a trip together to enjoy the offer of a time her third and final term. She received 56.8 per- share, extended to them by the company. They cent of the vote and avoids a runoff. had planned a trip to Las Vegas but were told In her ninth citywide race, Parker’s sexual ori- same-sex couples were not allowed to book in entation was not an issue. the town known as Sin City. (They did offer Or- Parker faced seven challengers. Only one, Ben lando and NOLA as alternative destinations.) Hall, was competitive with a well-financed cam- But what doesn’t happen in Vegas doesn’t paign. He received 28 percent of the vote. His stay there. Seelig called media, and BVE reneged campaign imploded when it was reported he had on the denial, claiming it was not company policy, paid more than $100,000 in penalties in interest and offering to book them to Las Vegas, gratis. on unpaid property taxes. They declined. Other LGBT candidates competed in Houston BVE has since explained the policy and what races. they called a mistake, but Seelig wouldn’t have Mike Laster returns to city council after running any of it. We mean it when we say don’t mess unopposed. with Texas. That also goes for Texans — even for- Jenifer Rene Pool came in third out of six and mer residents. did not make it into the runoff for a citywide coun- — Arnold Wayne Jones

4 dallasvoice.com • 11.08.13 (&'"*!(&,"*&( (&,%"*&(&#$/ • texasnews 0##"-"*              Everybody loves Doris           '% ! - #&% &'($ '"&(%$#' $' The five-time Emmy winner was in " #','("'$"%)(&')# ('#")"$&  ! #$&! # #&% &$%( $#' Dallas recently raising money and ("% *!")&+'&% awareness for Ranch Hand Rescue &($%*"&%& ##)&" *& *& %.('"( & &($&(&( DAVID TAFFET | Staff Writer & %.&*!(('"( [email protected]   (-) * !!'    Doris Roberts wanted to hit . +++  !!')%($+#$" The star of the TV series Everybody Loves Ray- mond made a guest appearance on White’s new se- ries during the second season, and the script called for White to hit Roberts and then Roberts to hit her back. The cameras rolled, and White hit Roberts, who, in her 80s, performs her Doris Roberts and Bob Williams own stunts. And then the slugfest ended. After a break in Williams has taken Midnite to Scottish Rite Hos- filming, the producer decided Roberts wouldn’t pital on Oak Lawn Avenue in Dallas and as far as get the chance to clean White’s clock. Her reward Houston to visit with children with disabilities. But for taking one on the cheek was that the episode Roberts has a new project for Midnite. She wants pitting the veteran TV favorites against each other to take him to the White House so he can accom- became the highest rated for the sitcom. pany First Lady Michelle Obama as she welcomes While not engaged in throwdowns on the set, warriors who have lost limbs in Afghanistan and five-time Emmy winner Roberts donates a consid- Iraq. She hopes to bring national attention to erable amount of time to charitable causes. She has Williams’ work and bring Midnite’s story to the raised more than $80 million for AIDS and was the screen. chair of the Children with AIDS Foundation for Roberts association with the children and veter- years. Her energy and compassion also extend to ans is one tied by the spirit of survival. animals, visiting Dallas recently for a fundraiser for “I don’t give in. I don’t give up. I don’t settle. I Ranch Hand Rescue, the farm animal sanctuary in don’t take no for an answer,” she said. “It’s my "/""5 &1"!1%1))-1&"+104&))+,4%3" "001,##,/! )"%")1%&+02/+ "4&1%,21 Denton County that was founded by her long-time motto.” /"01/& 1&,+0,+-/""5&01&+$ ,+!&1&,+001/1&+$ 1%/,2$%1%" ##,/! )"/" 1  ,1" friend Bob Williams. And does she mind being interrupted by fans? 1%1*+6-)+0 "&+$,##"/"!1%/,2$%1%"  4&))&+&1&))6%3"+//,4-/,3&!"/+"14,/(03"+ “The animals make you smile and feel good,” Not a bit. 1%,2$%4"1("))*',/%")1%-)+0 "1+  &$+1%",,+)6--)+44"((+,444"44&)) " Roberts said, and the animals aren’t the only ben- “Let me tell you a story,” she said. “I was sitting &+++"14,/(11%/,2$%  &&0  #6,2%3"+6.2"01&,+0-)"0"#"")#/""1,$&3"20 )) eficiaries of her rescue efforts. While still living in in a restaurant in , and a woman ap-    !/*(0*%1 7!**!0  74442.1-4,$-#0#-+ , Williams suffered a stroke. Roberts proached me. She said, ‘God put you here.’” %4.!1(%,10!/%"%(,&!##%.1%$-01+!)-/(,02/!,#%!##%.1%$ found him and rushed him to the hospital and then The woman explained she was from Iran and later helped him recover. Later, Williams moved to lost her son in war. /!$5**%, !/#/(""*% $(0-,%!/5 Texas with his partner Marty Polasko, and he “You got me through,” she said. “I wanted to                founded the animal rescue facility. Roberts has live because of you.”  %$(#(,%       %$(#(,% been a supporter since. The woman said she would come home at the  %$(#(,% The fundraiser was held in a Flower Mound end of the day and turn on the TV. Roberts made restaurant and raised more than $50,000. her laugh and helped get her through a terrible pe- !3($%% -,!*$/!,%1- /(#*!..'-*6 “Everything was donated, and the checks are riod in her life.                 %$(#(,%  %$(#(,%  %$(#(,% still coming in,” Williams said. “If I have bad days, I think about that,” Roberts Roberts brought in entertainers Paul Horner and said. Jack Betts for the sold-out event, and Williams said But Roberts is too busy to have many bad days. the guests included law enforcement and Home- This year, she’s appeared in the TNT show Major land Security officials. The rescue facility works Crimes, two episodes of the ABC Family show closely with law enforcement officials by taking Melissa & Joey, the upcoming video The Little Rascals custody of animals suffering from abuse or starva- Save the Day and the film JOB’s Daughter set to be tion once the authorities seize them. released before the end of the year. Midnite, a miniature horse at the facility, is one Although she has played roles different from the of Roberts’ favorite animals. Midnite couldn’t one she made famous as Marie Barone, the self- stand when he arrived two years ago because he proclaimed domestic expert, and she’s not stuck on was missing part of one of his back legs, but a Fort the character, she did keep just one souvenir from Worth prosthetics designer fit the horse with a the set. prosthetic leg. Children who are facing amputa- In a 2001 episode, Marie takes an art class and tions visit the ranch and play with Midnite, which makes an abstract sculpture. When she realized the helps assuage their anxieties about their imminent sculpture looks like a vagina, she delivers one of surgeries. Wounded warriors who have lost limbs her classic lines. also find relief by visiting with Midnite. “Oh my God,” Marie said. “I’m a lesbian.” “To watch that horse prance and dance,” Roberts Roberts proudly displays the vagina sculpture /,3&!&+$-/&*/6 /"+! /"1,1%"  ,**2+&1&"0,# said. “If he can do it, they can do it.” her living room. • ))0,/1,/1%+!1%"02//,2+!&+$/"0#,/,3"/ 6"/0 11.08.13 • dallasvoice 5 • texasnews Texas Supreme Court weighs gay divorce Lawyer, attorney general battle it out before the justices in cases that could decide if same-sex couples can dissolve out-of-state unions

ANNA WAUGH | News Editor [email protected]

AUSTIN — The legal differences between states that recognize same-sex marriage and those that don’t collided in the Texas Supreme Court on Tuesday. Two same-sex couples who married in Massa- chusetts but now live in Texas want to divorce, but Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott is fighting it, arguing same-sex couples in Texas can’t divorce because the state doesn’t recognize their mar- riages. Jody Scheske, the attorney for the two couples, H.B. and J.B. of Dallas and Angelique Naylor and Sabrina Daly of Austin, focused his arguments on the validity of their marriages in another state. He further highlighted that only the parties petitioning for a divorce, and not the state, have a right to con- test it. The Austin couple was granted a divorce in a lower court. Abbott intervened and filed in the Third Court of Appeals, but the lower court’s de- cision was upheld. Abbott then appealed that de- cision to the Supreme Court. According to documents obtained by Dallas Voice, Abbott has spent $189,912.08 fighting the cases from January 2009 to July 2013. A 2011 law allows the state attorney general to intervene in cases that challenge the constitution- FINALLY HEARD | Jody Scheske, left, the attorney representing the two same-sex couples, speaks to people after the arguments on Tuesday, Nov. 5, outside the ality of a statute. Deputy Attorney General James Texas Supreme Court. Justices are expected to issue a ruling in the cases by summer. (Anna Waugh/Dallas Voice) Blacklock, representing the state, argued the con- stitutionality of the state’s ban on same-sex mar- Justices brought up property and other rights, hear the cases because of the different decisions by have considered themselves divorced for four riage was brought into the cases by the previous questioning how assets could be divided when a lower appeals courts. years. judges’ rulings. He said the state was, therefore, union ends without a legal process. He said the focus on dividing property and how “There’s no question that my clients were mar- justified to intervene and defend state law, which Blacklock said the assets would be divided in a the outcome would affect children involved were ried,” he said. “And the only place they can re- doesn’t recognize the same-sex couples’ marriages way to appease the parties. When asked about important to the impending decision, but he said solve that marriage is their state of residence.” for any purpose. children, he said the Austin couple has a child, but it’s hard to know how the all-Republican court Jonathan Saenz, president of conservative Justice Don Willett asked if a state has to first the case doesn’t deal with a child-parent relation- will rule. group Texas Values, said he thought the court recognize a marriage before granting a divorce, ship. “I’m cautious about any sort of predictions would rule in favor of the state’s marriage statute later mentioning that Georgia has a marriage The issue of taxes also was raised. Married when it comes to oral arguments because that’s in- and not allow the couples to divorce. amendment but allows same-sex divorce. But same-sex couples in Texas can file joint taxes be- evitably not an accurate predictor of how the court “It’s clear that this couple and other couples are Scheske said the couples’ marriages are valid in cause the federal government recognizes the mar- will rule,” Castillo said. trying to use divorce as a mechanism to undo our Massachusetts, and Texas laws relate to marriage, riage in light of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling Dallas attorney Peter Schulte, who represented marriage laws, and I don’t think the Texas not divorce, and don’t apply. He added the “treat- on the Defense of Marriage Act. J.B. in district court, said he was optimistic about Supreme Court is going to let that happen,” Saenz ment of Texas to those marriages doesn’t change Blacklock said the marriages were void in the the arguments. said. their validity.” state for every purpose. “Whatever they do, I think it’s going to have to The court doesn’t have a deadline to issue a de- In the matter of jurisdiction, Scheske said the Paul Castillo, staff attorney at Lambda Legal’s affect the broader base,” he said. “I think the court cision, but Scheske said he expects a decision by state family code doesn’t specify jurisdiction. Dallas office, said the justices asked questions was very concerned about more cases coming be- the spring or as late as the summer when the court Blacklock said both parties have challenged the about the “practical realities” of same-sex couples fore them. ...They really just want to resolve this recesses. constitutionality of Texas’ law in their cases. There- married in other states but live in Texas. issue.” “You really can’t tell what the court’s going fore, the attorney general has standing to defend “I was encouraged by some of the questions Scheske later said the Dallas couple has been to do,” he said. “We intend to prevail. I believe the law. that made it appear they are cognizant of divorce living apart since 2008. He added that if the that’s what will happen.” • “There is no way to grant a divorce without rec- is in fact different than marriage,” he said. Supreme Court sides with the state in the Austin For more details about the oral arguments, go to Dal- ognizing a marriage,” Blacklock said. Castillo said the court was likely pressured to case, the decision would remarry the couple, who lasVoice.com.

6 dallasvoice.com • 11.08.13

• localbriefs



! !   

Members of LEAGUE at AT&T presented a check to Resource Center for its Youth First program to offer training classes next summer to LGBTQ youth with the aim of helping them pass the GED exam. Pictured, from right, Youth First program manager J. Michael Cruz, Resource Center CEO Cece Cox, LEAGUE at AT&T CEO John Cramer, LEAGUE at AT&T CFO Theresa Bates, LEAGUE      at AT&T Dallas/Fort Worth President Jerry Laberteaux and LEAGUE at AT&T Dallas/Fort Worth   Membership Officer Rick Wilson. (Photo courtesy of Resource Center) "    • pet of the week This little guy doesn’t have a name yet, but he’d make someone a great pet and should be called Gentleman Joe. He’s a 2-year-old Chihuahua, is very laid back and friendly. He’s had a little hair loss but has been treated for it and will be back to his dapper looking self very soon. Please visit #A811320 at Dallas Animal Services Adoption Center, 1818 Westmoreland Road.

The Adoption Center is open 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday to Saturday and 12 noon until 5 p.m. on Sunday. All adopted pets are spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped. Standard adoption fees are $85 for dogs and $55 for cats. They also offer discounts on adoption fees for pets over 6 years of age, to any senior citizen that adopts a pet, and to anyone adopting more than one pet at a time. For more information, visit www.DallasAnimalServices.org, or find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/DallasAnimalServices. Photo contributed by Judi Burnett.

8 dallasvoice.com • 11.08.13 • texasnews Saratov cocktail Rather than ending a sister city’s relationship, Dallas is engaging Saratov on Russia’s anti-gay policy

DAVID TAFFET | Staff Writer [email protected]

Physicians visiting Dallas from sister city Sara- tov, Russia, are proud their city is more open and accepting to gays and lesbians than other parts of their country. “They’re proud of not being part of the terrible things happening in Russia,” said their host, for- mer state Rep. Harryette Ehrhardt. Over the summer, a number of American cities considered dropping their sister city partners in Russia because of an anti-gay law passed by that country. The law bans “propaganda of nontradi- tional sexual relations to minors.” But the law is just part of an anti-gay campaign that has accelerated under the leadership of Russ- ian President Vladimir Putin. Pride parades have been banned in Russia, and a number of violent attacks on gays have been reported. LOUD AND PROUD | A Russian delegation will The law is vague, so it is unclear how it will be see the Turtle Creek Chorale this weekend. used during the upcoming Sochi Olympics. LGBT athletes, coaches and spectators fear they will be “I went today, myself, which wasn’t an easy harassed, arrested or deported. thing to do,” she said. While other cities threatened to drop their sister Ehrhardt said the museum is a very good pres- cities, Dallas City Councilman Philip Kingston entation of the Bush presidency. suggested engaging Saratov. Ehrhardt also described Laura Bush as a friend. Former Dallas Mayor Pro Tem John Loza vis- She taught the former first lady at Southern ited Saratov twice, and he also called the city open Methodist University, and Bush credits Ehrhardt’s and welcoming. children’s literature course with sparking her in- Loza described Saratov as a city of about a mil- terest in libraries. When a library in a Dallas public lion people on the Volga River about 500 miles school was named after Ehrhardt, Bush was there southeast of Moscow near the Kazakh border. to dedicate it. “I took my partner David on my second visit,” Ehrhardt said the visit to the Bush library Loza said. “It didn’t seem to be an issue.” would be a good lesson in American politics func- Five physicians and their translator from Sara- tioning as it should. While Bush was governor of tov are in Dallas for the week. Ehrhardt said they Texas, the Legislature was controlled by Democ- are spending most of their time at Baylor Hospital rats. She said the parties disagreed on policies but observing and participating in surgeries. then worked together to get things done. That les- Ehrhardt is planning their evenings and week- son is one Ehrhardt hopes the Russian govern- end. On Nov. 9, the group will attend a performance ment can use to resolve its issues with its gay of the Turtle Creek Chorale. She made it clear to her community. guests who the chorale’s members are, and she said Turtle Creek Chorale spokeswoman Caroline the Russians were delighted to be attending. French said Artistic Director Trey Jacobs and When Ehrhardt served in the Texas House of members of the chorale would meet with the Sara- Representatives from 1995 to 2002, she sponsored tov delegation at a reception after the Saturday the hate crimes bill and anti-bullying legislation performance. and was considered among the most liberal mem- The concert is part of the city’s commemoration bers of the Legislature and a staunch LGBT ally. of the 50th anniversary of the assassination of She’s been a Pride parade grand marshal and is President John Kennedy. the only heterosexual winner of Black Tie’s Ray- The chorale will perform with the SoCo mond Kuchling Award. Women’s Chorus of Austin. The performance “I’m trying to plan nice things at night,” she highlights the fight for freedom and equality by said. those of earlier generations. • Ehrhardt also plans to take the group to the Remembering JFK at Episcopal Church of the Trans- George W. Bush Presidential Library and Mu- figuration, 14115 Hillcrest Road. Nov. 9 at 8 p.m. Tick- seum. ets at 214-526-3214 or TurtleCreek.org.

11.08.13 • dallasvoice 9 • nationalnews A kinder and gentler Catholic Church The Vatican sends out a worldwide Referring to gay couples, one question asks, sition on controversial topics. Catholics and Baptists,” the Reporter said. “What pastoral attention can be given to people “If the church is alive, then it should change The church’s stance on gays is the second survey to its members, asking for who have chosen to live in these types of to meet current needs,” she said. “It’s been stag- biggest reason Catholics have left the church, parish-level input on controversial union?” nant for too long, and it’s a good thing they’re according to research conducted by William J. Also, “In the case of unions of persons of the putting this survey out because the last thing Byron, a professor of business at St. Joseph’s issues such as same-sex marriage same sex who have adopted children, what can the church needs is another Reformation.” University and Charles Zech, founder of the be done pastorally in light of transmitting Anzalone is referring to the split in the Center for the Study of Church Management of STEVE RAMOS | Senior Editor faith?” Catholic Church, sparked by Martin Luther in Villanova’s School of Business. [email protected] Jennifer Anzalone, who moved to Dallas 1517, which created the Protestant denomina- Explaining the departure of so many from Massachusetts eight years ago, said she tions. Catholics, Zech said the church needs “a more When the Vatican recently announced it was pastoral approach to people.” Thus, the re- going to survey Catholics worldwide to get cently distributed survey that Gonzales, an ex- their thoughts on issues long considered anath- Catholic, wants no part of. ema, including same-sex marriage, Mark Gon- “What’s the church going to do with this in- zales of Lewisville said, “No, thanks.” formation?” he asked. “OK, they’re asking for “It’s too late,” he said. “After years of telling input, but do you know how many years it will me I was going to hell for being gay, years of take the church to change, even if it does? There telling me I was not acceptable in God’s eyes, are too many lay people, priests, bishops and the Catholic Church now wants to know what cardinals who will fight the church if it decides I think about how it should treat gays. Well, it’s to accept gays, allow the use of contraception a little too late. The damage has been done. Be- and let divorced people go to Communion. I’ll lieve me, the Vatican does not want me to an- be dead by the time it happens.” swer that survey.” Perhaps. The Human Rights Campaign re- The 39-question survey, sent out Oct. 18 to cently reported church leaders were the second- bishops around the world, is unprecedented, largest donors in the fight against marriage some church officials say. It’s a sign of the equality in 2012, investing nearly $2 million in Catholic Church opening up to change and in- the failed attempts to write discrimination into creasing pastoral care regardless of a believer’s the Minnesota Constitution and the fight background. against marriage equality in Maine, Maryland Still, Gonzales won’t budge. and Washington. “Think about someone who is in an abusive The United States Conference of Catholic relationship for years,” he said. “The abuser Bishops (USCB) also recently wrote members of tells the victim over and over that he’s worth- the Senate Committee on Health, Education, less, that he has no value and that there is some- Labor and Pensions, outlining their opposition thing wrong with who he is. The victim tries to to the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. change, but he can’t because you just can’t Bishop Kevin Farrell of the Catholic Diocese change how you were born. of Dallas wasn’t available for comment about “It’s like telling someone with blue eyes he the survey. has to have green eyes. So after years of horrible Diocese spokeswoman Annette Gonzales- abuse, the victim escapes. Then later, the abuser Taylor said the bishop plans to distribute the wants to talk about how the victim feels. Are survey online to make it accessible to the 74 you kidding me?” parishes in the diocese. Pope Francis, who some see as more progres- “Bishop Farrell needs the results by Dec. 15, sive than his predecessors, ordered the survey and they will then be condensed into a docu- distributed as an information-gathering tool be- ment that will be sent to the USCB,” Gonzales- fore the Synod of Bishops. The synod, ordered WARM EMBRACE | Pope Benedict XVI greets Bishop Kevin Farrell at the Vatican in 2012. Many people Taylor said. “Rome wants those reports by the to meet by the pope, is a gathering of the view Pope Francis as more progressive on issues in the survey, like same-sex marriage. (Courtesy photo) end of January [2014].” church’s bishops. They will meet Oct. 5-19, Like many Catholics, Gonzales-Taylor be- 2014, and is focused on the theme “Pastoral welcomes the survey. “That’s what happens when the church re- lieves the survey is a show of the pope’s “inclu- Challenges of the Family in the Context of “I never totally left the church, even though fuses to reform,” she added. “People leave.” siveness and kindness.” Evangelization.” I’m deeply troubled by its position on gays and According to the Pew Research Center, there Still, Mark Gonzales is steadfast in his refusal Information gleaned from the survey will be women,” she said. “There’s a lot about the are about 1.1 billion Catholics worldwide, and to participate. discussed at the synod. church I love, so I’ve had this love-hate relation- they account for the largest Christian denomi- “If the church really is open to change, then “The social and spiritual crisis, so evident in ship with it. I get angry with its homophobic nation in the United States. However, the instead of sending out this survey, it should today’s world, is becoming a pastoral challenge messages because I’m gay, so I learned to hun- church has been plagued with an exodus of its begin by getting on its knees and begging the in the Church’s evangelizing mission concern- ker down and walk through that storm because members in recent years. The National Catholic forgiveness of every person it has damaged and ing the family,” the Vatican survey said. I’m not prepared to leave the church.” Reporter said one in 10 Americans is an ex- hurt with its homophobic and misogynistic The survey, along with questions concerning Anzalone is hopeful the Vatican will change Catholic. teachings,” he said. “Maybe then I’ll believe the same-sex marriage, also solicits opinions on its position and evolve in its teachings and its “If ex-Catholics were counted as their own Vatican cares.” • contraception and out-of-wedlock relation- role in the world. She sees the survey as the be- religious group, they would be the third-largest To view the survey, visit TinyURL.com/Vati- ships. ginning of a transformation in the church’s po- denomination in the United States, after canSurvey.

10 dallasvoice.com • 11.08.13 11.08.13 • dallasvoice 11 viewpoints P. 214.754.8710 l F. 214.969.7271 • 4145 Travis St., Third Floor, Dallas, TX 75204 Hours: Mon. –Fri. 9a–5p dallasvoice.com administration Leo Cusimano Publisher l 114 Back to you, Challulah Terry Thompson President l 116 Jesse Arnold Office Manager l 110 If I had taken a different career path, “Annie Mayhem is live in Dallas where we looked up the street and saw them chihuahua I’d have more money and hair have confirmed that a gang war turned the Oak dogs. I told my husband, ‘Earnest T.,’ I said, ‘git news&opinion Lawn area into a battleground. Annie, what can in the truck. There’s trouble comin’ ’round the Steve Ramos Senior Editor l 113 omewhere along the career path I took a you tell us?” corner.’ Well no quicker than he slammed the Arnold Wayne Jones Life+Style Editor l 129 wrong turn because it’s obvious the broad- “Challulah, I’m standing on Cedar Springs in door the fight was on.” Anna Waugh News Editor l 124 cast journalists are the ones having all the Dallas. Now witnesses are saying they knew this “Thank you,” Annie said. David Taffet Staff Writer l 125 S fun. They’re all movie star gorgeous, and they get battle was coming.” You can see behind me the A hand reaches into the screen, yanking the to engage in witty banter with one another about crime scene tape (I told you so) that police have witness out of view by his collar. The camera advertising the humidity, hair gel and what will crazy Lind- used to isolate the pans to the crowd on the sidewalk. Chad Mantooth Associate Advertising Director l 131 say Lohan do next. crime scene.” have their hands over their mouths, an indication David Liddle Account Manager l 115 They do all of this while I’m struggling with I’m glad she clar- of the horror that just occurred. Greg Hoover Classified Sales Director l 123 an editorial that, once published, will establish ified the appropri- “There are no confirmed fatalities, Challulah, Chase Overstreet Sales Assistant l 127 world peace. ate use of crime but we have been told that the French ambassa- It’s too late for me to change careers and go to scene tape. We dor has issued a formal complaint to the White National Advertising Representative Rivendell Media Inc. 908-232-2021 the dark side because as a friend so nicely put it, never would have House, and people we’ve spoken to are saying I don’t have the hairline for it. Broadcast journal- thought that it was they will boycott all French products. They are ists never go bald, and they end their careers with used to isolate a saying the poodles brought this on themselves art more hair than they had when they were 15. I’ve crime scene. Gosh, with their European snobbery and funny man- Michael F. Stephens Art Director l 132 heard that along with yearly salary increases, those TV people are ners.” Kevin Thomas Graphic Designer I 119 they get more hair. Except for Matt Lauer. Bless smart. Challulah Bankhead breaks in. “Annie, do the Steve Ramos his heart. “Challulah, wit- police say the street will ever be safe again?” Senior Editor multimedia We all know that most of the broadcast jour- nesses are saying “Well, Challulah, they’re saying it’s too early Chuck Marcelo Photographer nalists began their careers as models on The Price that the gang of chihuahuas (she pronounced it to predict. But there is one thing that is certain. Patrick Hoffman Photographer Is Right. You’ll notice during the news how nicely chihooahooas) came from around this corner, ran The citizens of this city won’t walk this street any- Israel Luna DVtv Director the TV reporters point to the buildings behind to this spot (she does her Price is Right motion time soon without recalling today’s tragedy.” them or pass their hands along the crime scene with her hand) where the poodles were waiting.” “Thank you, Annie,” Challulah says gravely, circulation tape as if it were a can of spaghetti on a game A man is pushed to Annie, and she puts her turning to the camera so she’s looking at the Linda Depriter Circulation Director l 120 show. We can’t do that in print journalism. Silly mike under his nose. “Can you tell us what you viewers. “You’ve just heard a you-saw-it-here- us. We have to rely on the reporter’s writing skills saw?” first live report from Dallas where police have to break down a complicated bond issue so fifth- “Well, I saw the whole thing,” he said. “Them confirmed that two gangs turned the city’s streets founders graders can understand it. Taco Bell dogs tore into them poodles and there into a war zone. We’ll have an update for you at Robert Moore l Don Ritz Just the other day I was sitting at my desk weren’t nothing left but the rhinestones from five.” when a newscaster interrupted my soap opera … their collars.” Of course, all of us print journalists were gath- affiliations I mean my editorial writing … with a special re- The camera pans to the ground littered with ered around the TV in the newsroom, fascinated Associated Press Associate Member port. rhinestones and what appear to be bows the poo- by the report. “This is Challulah Bankhead with a special re- dles had been wearing. But the seasoned reporters we are, accustomed port from Dallas,” she said seriously. From her “We weren’t surprised though. No ma’am. to wars, political scandals and di- tone, it would seem she was going to announce This fight has been brewing for a long vorces, we went back to our soap operas … I that plague had consumed half of the city. time. Thing is, those poodles had it coming. mean our editorial writing. • Prancing around here Steve Ramos is senior editor at Dallas Voice. He can like they’re too good for be reached at [email protected]. us Dallas folks. Heck, ©2013 Voice Publishing Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprint rights are available only by written consent of the publisher or senior editor. you could smell ‘em be- Dallas Voice is published weekly on Fridays. Each reader is entitled to one free copy fore you saw ‘em what of each issue, obtained at official distribution locations. Additional copies of Dallas Voice may be purchased for $1.00 each, payable in advance at the Dallas Voice office. with all that perfume Dallas Voice may be distributed only by Dallas Voice authorized independent con- they wear. That’s the tractors or distributors. No person may, without prior written permission of Voice Pub- speak poll lishing, take more than one copy of each Dallas Voice weekly issue. French for ya.” out Subscriptions via First Class Mail are available at the following rates: Three months “You’re saying you (13 consecutive issues), $65. Six months (26 consecutive issues), $85. One year (52 consecutive issues), $130. Subscriptions are payable by check, cashier’s check, saw the chihooahooas at- money order, Visa, Mastercard or American Express. tack the poodles?” Annie CAST YOUR VOTE ONLINE AT DALLASVOICE.COM Paid advertising copy represents the claim(s) of the advertiser. Bring inappropriate claims to the attention of the advertising director. Dallas Voice reserves the right asked like she was Bar- to enforce its own judgments regarding the suitability of advertising copy, illus- bara Walters trying to get trations and/or photographs. secrets out of Madonna. Will you see Dallas Buyers Club? Unsolicited manuscripts are accepted by email only. To obtain a copy of our guide- lines for contributors, send a request by email to [email protected]. “Oh, yes ma’am,” he said. “Them Taco Bell CORRECTIONS & CLARIFICATIONS dogs were on them RESULTS FROM LAST WEEK’S POLL: prissy things like Sher- Are you boycotting Ender’s Game? Dallas Voice accepts comments from readers about published man on . Like I material that may need correcting. Comments may be submitted •Yes: 50 percent to the senior editor by e-mail ([email protected]), tele- said, I was coming out of phone (214-754-8710 ext. 113) or via the U.S. Postal Service the bank with my hus- • No: 36 percent 298 votes cast (Dallas Voice, 4145 Travis St., Third Floor, Dallas TX 75204). band, Earnest T., and I • Undecided: 14 percent

12 dallasvoice.com • 11.08.13 11.08.13 • dallasvoice 13 LifE+StYLE cover story King of clubs

‘Dallas Buyers Club’ may play fast-and-loose with facts, but those who lived it say its portrait of a man driven to save lives during the AIDS crisis is just right

ARNOLD WAYNE JONES | Life+Style Editor [email protected]

CRAZY COWBOY | Matthew McConaughey shed 40 pounds to portray AIDS survivor Ron Woodroof — and those who knew Ron say he got the look (and the attitude) exactly right.

he poster for the Dallas Buyers Club — the he couldn’t find drugs in the U.S. market to stem was diagnosed with AIDS — not even HIV, but newly-formed AIDS clinic (a clinic which came movie (opening this week in the Angelika the spread of his HIV, he sought them out in AIDS — and had no T-cells. He was taking Pep- about only because of a lawsuit promulgated by T Film Center) about an underground AIDS Mexico and Japan. When the Food and Drug Ad- tide T [which is shown in the movie] and Com- activists in Dallas’ gay community). It was prob- treatment movement in the 1980s and ’90s — ministration balked at his efforts to sell grey-mar- pound Q [which was not]. He had this incredible ably there that Woodroof first became aware of prominently features the Dallas skyline. Aside ket drugs (with the help of a named ability to fit in, which is why it was accurate to Pounders, so when the doctor went into private from that image, the title itself and the protago- Rayon, played by ), he established the present him as [pretending to be a priest] to carry practice in September of 1989, Woodroof was nist at its heart, Ron Woodroof, the film will dis- Dallas Buyers Club: a members-only co-op drugs over the border. It does make a good story.” among his first patients. appoint viewers expecting to see familiar places where those who paid a fee could access the It’s “a good story” partly because it is based on “When I met Ron, he had already started Dal- (or even hear familiar names) from bygone days drugs he just “happened” to have. true facts largely unknown outside the HIV com- las Buyers Club,” he says. As in the movie, it of the gayborhood. (It was shot mostly in A lot of that never happened. munity during the frantic early days of the worked in real-life essentially as it is shown: .) There was no Rayon, no FDA raiding his busi- plague. The Dallas Buyers Club wasn’t the coun- HIV-positive people would pay a membership, Getting basics like geography wrong might ness regularly, no corrupt doctors on the take to try’s first such group — an under-the-table col- show up at Woodroof’s apartment with a pre- lead some to question the truth of the bigger Big Pharma. He was not a homophobe either, ac- lective of HIV-positive folks who united to scription and Woodroof would take it to Mexico story. But don’t mistake historical inaccuracies cording to those who knew him, but rather smuggle unapproved (but not illegal) treatments to fill it. (Pounders explains that even under fed- for outright criticisms — especially not in the openly bisexual. And the doctor who was from overseas while the FDA’s bureaucracy kept eral law, nonapproved drugs for personal use way the film tells an important history of AIDS Woodroof’s primary care physician throughout them out of the hands of the dying — but it was can be brought into the country legally, up to a that has long been overlooked. much of his treatment wasn’t a woman, but Dr. considered one of the most brazen. three-month supply.) What is not shown in the According to the movie, Ron Woodroof Steven Pounders, who’s still in practice today. And Woodroof was a compelling personality film is that doctors like Pounders were fre- (played by Matthew McConaughey) was a hard- You might expect that Pounders, who met (“I don’t think anyone who ever met him didn’t quently employed to administer the drugs intra- drinkin’, fast-lovin’, heavy-druggin’ homophobe with the screenwriter more than three years ago like him,” Pounders says) whose drive to keep venously. whose reckless behavior resulted, quite by acci- to have his brain picked for details about himself, and others, alive at all costs was a rare “In 1989, the only drugs we had were AZT, dent, in a diagnosis of AIDS by a caring physi- Woodroof’s life, might object to being changed glimmer of hope at a time when an HIV diagno- which was not strong enough but extremely cian (). At the time, doctors gave into a woman — even a beautiful one. But that’s sis was a death sentence. toxic, and Bactrim, which we aerosolized and him about a month to live. not the case. Not at all. Certainly Pounders saw that first-hand. He used to prevent pneumonia,” Pounders explains. But Ron was a fighter with a hardscrabble “It’s a movie, but it got a lot of very true facts had just finished his residency in Houston when Preventing pneumonia was the best way to keep Texas spirit. He refused to cede to death. When [right],” he says. “Ron was doing all that stuff. He Parkland Hospital hired him to work in its people healthy while their immune systems

14 dallasvoice.com • 11.08.13 QUEER CLiP: ‘DALLAS BUYERS CLUB’ In the 1980s, the one thing every straight man was sure of was that AIDS was a gay dis- ease. Other people got it — kinda because they deserved it. Rock Hudson? Closet case. Ron Woodroof (Matthew McConaughey) seemed to think that, too. He enjoyed tomcatting around with a parade of different women in be- tween scamming gamblers and generally raising hell. So the day he went into the hospital and found out that he had full-blown AIDS and barely a month to live, he knew the diagnosis had to be wrong. Back then, AIDS was a death sentence. And Ron was not prepared to die just yet. That’s the premise for Dallas Buyers Club, a highly fictionalized telling of Woodroof’s story — how, given a choice between the poisonous treatment from AZT or certain death, he picked the third option: Importing legal but non-FDA-ap- proved drugs from Mexico and Asia to keep him- GENDER-BENDING | In the film, Woodroof’s physician is Eve Saks, played by Jennifer Garner, left. In reality, Dallas doctor Steven Pounders, center, was his pri- self — and countless others — alive. mary care physician throughout his battle with AIDS. Mary Franklin, right, worked with Woodroof in the early days of the DBC. (Arnold Wayne Jones/Dallas Voice)

were depressed. That’s where he found a purpose. “When [Matthew] portrays a guy who’s racist But not everyone could take Bactrim. That’s “He doesn’t start off as this crusader for the and homophobic, and then his arc changes where Woodroof’s foreign drugs came in. cause. He’s not waving the flag. If anything, he’s slowly but surely without even realizing it,” Pounders treated dozens of DBC members, sav- a selfish son of a bitch who’s doing what he can Vallee says, “he’s going to become the ing or extending many lives. “That was incredi- to survive.” spokesperson of the gay community he’s been bly real about the movie,” he says. Still, some early reviews were critical of the bashing for years and years — that’s what [Mc- Still, McConaughey, Leto and director Jean- film, in part because it portrays Woodroof as het- Conaughey] brought naturally.” Marc Vallee know that they haven’t made a doc- erosexual and homophobic, which others deny. For Pounders, McConaughey’s performance umentary. Instead, they were aiming for “[The screenwriters] were really concerned was simply “uncanny — down to the look and something more sweeping: Using Woodroof’s how the community would react if they por- the hair and the beard,” he says. passion to reveal a truth about the treatment of trayed him as a straight guy,” Pounders admits. Mary Franklin, who worked with the real Ron didn’t die in 30 days, nor in 60, nor 100. AIDS during its precarious “plague” years. (Not “He seemed to me very comfortable in the gay Woodroof back in the early days of the Dallas He lived years longer, fighting the good fight with everything is fictionalized. McConaughey says environment, like any other gay man.” But he Buyers Club, says McConaughey also got the his grey-market drug scheme when the hierar- he based a lot of his character’s mindset on a adds that, in the context of the film, it makes for character exactly correct. chy of government and Big Pharma conspired to “Pandora’s box” of information: Woodroof’s per- a “better” story. Woodroof’s transition from bigot “He was a rebel, he was passionate, he was a ensure higher profits at the costs of human lives. sonal diary.) to champion of the underdog takes on more visionary and he was a great businessman trying McConaughey has often been a better actor than he’s given credit for. Since last year, he’s “The hard truth that I could see, and the way I power when framed as personal growth. In the to survive,” Franklin says. “[Back then], if you taken on out-of-the-box roles like a sadistic hit- approached it, was him getting HIV is what gave context of the film, however, making Ron a bigot wanted to live, or try something new, you were man (Killer Joe) and a closet gay journalist with him his purpose in life,” McConaughey says. — and having him befriend Rayon, who is com- out of the luck. [Ron] was not going to accept a taste for the rough stuff (The Paperboy), but “That’s the first time that he had something that fortable being gay — makes for more dramatic that. We were in a war with a disease, and any Dallas Buyers Club is his Raging Bull: A vehicle he grabbed ahold of for 24 hours a day, seven character development, mirroring how main- ammunition that was available was good ammu- with which he can silence the naysayers once days a week, every day, until he was here no stream society itself came to soften its condemna- nition. Ron said, ‘If I’m gonna die, I’m gonna do and for all about his acting chops. He com- he poster for the Dallas Buyers Club — the he couldn’t find drugs in the U.S. market to stem was diagnosed with AIDS — not even HIV, but newly-formed AIDS clinic (a clinic which came longer. That’s where he found a real identity. tion of gays. it my way.’” pellingly transforms his notoriously ripped frame movie (opening this week in the Angelika the spread of his HIV, he sought them out in AIDS — and had no T-cells. He was taking Pep- about only because of a lawsuit promulgated by And that’s what he did. The Dallas Buyers into a ghostly, wiry shell of flesh. As a Texan T Film Center) about an underground AIDS Mexico and Japan. When the Food and Drug Ad- tide T [which is shown in the movie] and Com- activists in Dallas’ gay community). It was prob- Club was not the first meds exchange of its kind himself, he’s at ease with cocky swagger and ef- treatment movement in the 1980s and ’90s — ministration balked at his efforts to sell grey-mar- pound Q [which was not]. He had this incredible ably there that Woodroof first became aware of to pop up during the AIDS crisis, but it did have fortless charm. And he’s not the only one to make waves. prominently features the Dallas skyline. Aside ket drugs (with the help of a drag queen named ability to fit in, which is why it was accurate to Pounders, so when the doctor went into private a reputation for being the most daring. And Jared Leto, as a drag queen named Rayon who from that image, the title itself and the protago- Rayon, played by Jared Leto), he established the present him as [pretending to be a priest] to carry practice in September of 1989, Woodroof was Woodroof’s take-no-prisoners attitude fueled it. helps Ron launch his business, gets to the nist at its heart, Ron Woodroof, the film will dis- Dallas Buyers Club: a members-only co-op drugs over the border. It does make a good story.” among his first patients. “He was the crazy cowboy. He was a rallyer, depths of the character without resorting to appoint viewers expecting to see familiar places where those who paid a fee could access the It’s “a good story” partly because it is based on “When I met Ron, he had already started Dal- but totally underground. He wasn’t gonna lay mawkishness or stereotypes. Jennifer Garner is (or even hear familiar names) from bygone days drugs he just “happened” to have. true facts largely unknown outside the HIV com- las Buyers Club,” he says. As in the movie, it down and let it happen, and he didn’t want strong as the one physician who wants Ron to of the gayborhood. (It was shot mostly in A lot of that never happened. munity during the frantic early days of the worked in real-life essentially as it is shown: other people to let it happen to them,” she says. succeed and numerous cameos (by Griffin Louisiana.) There was no Rayon, no FDA raiding his busi- plague. The Dallas Buyers Club wasn’t the coun- HIV-positive people would pay a membership, The movie also got that right. Woodroof did Dunne, Denis O’Hare, and Dallas Roberts) lend even the smallest roles heft. Di- Getting basics like geography wrong might ness regularly, no corrupt doctors on the take to try’s first such group — an under-the-table col- show up at Woodroof’s apartment with a pre- RAYON OF LIGHT | Jared Leto make frequent trips to Mexico (eventually using rector Jean-Marc Vallee carelessly peppers the lead some to question the truth of the bigger Big Pharma. He was not a homophobe either, ac- lective of HIV-positive folks who united to scription and Woodroof would take it to Mexico plays a fictional character in the a speedboat, Franklin says, under cover of night) story. But don’t mistake historical inaccuracies cording to those who knew him, but rather smuggle unapproved (but not illegal) treatments to fill it. (Pounders explains that even under fed- to purchase the meds that weren’t available in film with too-many anachronisms and inaccura- film of Dallas Buyers Club. cies, but those can ultimately be forgiven when for outright criticisms — especially not in the openly bisexual. And the doctor who was from overseas while the FDA’s bureaucracy kept eral law, nonapproved drugs for personal use the U.S. the final result is as powerful as this. way the film tells an important history of AIDS Woodroof’s primary care physician throughout them out of the hands of the dying — but it was can be brought into the country legally, up to a “He loved the adrenaline rush. He loved the — A.W.J. that has long been overlooked. much of his treatment wasn’t a woman, but Dr. considered one of the most brazen. three-month supply.) What is not shown in the whole excitement of going to get the drugs and According to the movie, Ron Woodroof Steven Pounders, who’s still in practice today. And Woodroof was a compelling personality film is that doctors like Pounders were fre- the whole nationwide network,” she says. (played by Matthew McConaughey) was a hard- You might expect that Pounders, who met (“I don’t think anyone who ever met him didn’t quently employed to administer the drugs intra- It wasn’t always simple, though. Woodroof drinkin’, fast-lovin’, heavy-druggin’ homophobe with the screenwriter more than three years ago like him,” Pounders says) whose drive to keep venously. never bilked members of the club for the price of never saw him when he didn’t have energy, whose reckless behavior resulted, quite by acci- to have his brain picked for details about himself, and others, alive at all costs was a rare “In 1989, the only drugs we had were AZT, the meds — they paid the same price he paid. He though I’m sure there were times when he did- dent, in a diagnosis of AIDS by a caring physi- Woodroof’s life, might object to being changed glimmer of hope at a time when an HIV diagno- which was not strong enough but extremely made money off the membership fees … and n’t. He was always proud of what he did.” cian (Jennifer Garner). At the time, doctors gave into a woman — even a beautiful one. But that’s sis was a death sentence. toxic, and Bactrim, which we aerosolized and found other sources of income. And more than 20 years later, those who were him about a month to live. not the case. Not at all. Certainly Pounders saw that first-hand. He used to prevent pneumonia,” Pounders explains. “He was always looking for how to pay for a part of the Dallas Buyers Club are proud to But Ron was a fighter with a hardscrabble “It’s a movie, but it got a lot of very true facts had just finished his residency in Houston when Preventing pneumonia was the best way to keep the thing,” Franklin says with a smile. “He was have been a part of it. • Texas spirit. He refused to cede to death. When [right],” he says. “Ron was doing all that stuff. He Parkland Hospital hired him to work in its people healthy while their immune systems full of energy — an unreasonable, crazy guy. I Chris Azzopardi contributed to this story.

11.08.13 • dallasvoice 15 L+S screen Indie ‘Darling’

ON THE SET | Gay director John Krokidas on the set on ‘Kill Your Darlings,’ in which he directs star Daniel Radcliffe as queer poet Allen Ginsberg.

It took first-time director of his magnitude: He offered to audition. says. “‘Absofuckinglutely.’” John Krokidas a decade “We went on an ‘actor date,’ which is like a ro- All the delays may have worked to Krokidas’ to make his portrait of mantic date in a lot of ways,” Krokidas says, advantage in the long run. Over time, he and “and he killed it — a dutiful son who shows one Bunn continued to massage the script, collecting the Beats. Is he finally side to the world,” while nursing secret gay scores of research about the people and the pe- ready for his close-up? longings, he says. Offers were made, castmates riod to create a film as authentic as they could were chosen, dates were set. swing on a tiny budget. But moviemaking isn’t ever that easy. “A lot of what we did was to constantly adapt The one condition Radcliffe imposed was that to a smaller and smaller budget,” he says. “We he first had to complete filming on a little movie tailored the parts to each actor,” including Rad- he was scheduled to shoot: The two-part finale cliffe, who is a huge fan of literature and espe- to Harry Potter, The Deathly Hallows. That would cially poetry — and a huge defender of gay put everything off by two years. At that point, fi- rights. ARNOLD WAYNE JONES nancing fell through. “He’s our best LGBT ally and always has Life+Style Editor But Krokidas is an inherently optimistic per- been,” Krokidas says authoritatively. [email protected] son. He drove through, finding a new cast Ironically, finding straight actors willing to (which at one point included Jesse Eisenberg, play gay wasn’t a problem — it was finding until The Social Network hit and, he backed away some who hadn’t just played gay. The cast ulti- ohn Krokidas may seem like moviedom’s tion by the mainstream press, except that Kroki- from playing another college kid). They then mately included such heavyweights as Michael overnight sensation, but it sure doesn’t feel das snagged for his leading man Daniel Radcliffe found new financing … until that fell through, C. Hall, Jack Huston, Elizabeth Olsen, Ben Fos- Jthat way to Krokidas himself. in one of his few non-Harry Potter screen per- too. (“It’s hard to find a financier willing to in- ter, Jennifer Jason Leigh, David Cross and Kyra It was just last month, the night before his 40th formances. And Radcliffe goes all the way, drop- vest in a first-time director,” Krokidas sighs.) It Sedgwick. The 24-day shoot in the spring of 2012 birthday, that Krokidas screened Kill Your Dar- ping trou, sucking face and even engaging in was taking forever to get the film made — in forced the creative team to be inventive; much of lings, his debut feature as a director, in New York same-sex sex on screen. And all without fact, about two years. the film was shot inside a convent, which hadn’t City — where the film is set and where he lives. Hermione or Hagrid anywhere in sight. That’s when Krokidas remembered he still changed much in the three-quarters of a century That means, technically, he was still in his 30s This was an unlikely journey for first-timer had Radcliffe’s email address. So he did what all since the events took place. And while it took 10 when he made his NYC debut. And he’ll take it. Krokidas, who began the filmmaking process in the conventional wisdom says you never do. He years from concept to red carpet to reviews No one just happens upon a movie career, and earnest about six years ago. That’s when, almost reached out to the talent directly. His request (most of which have been positive), Krokidas Krokidas has been hard at work on realizing his on a dare, he sent the script to queer-indie pro- was simple: Are you still interested in playing doesn’t seem to regret any of it. dream project — his only major project, really — ducer Christine Vachon. “Christine then flew out Allen Ginsberg? But hopefully he’ll be able to make the next for nearly a decade. That’s when his film school to meet me to convince me she should produce “He sent back a one-word answer,” Krokidas one quicker. • roommate and best friend Austin Bunn, first the movie,” Krokidas says, still a bit surprised mentioned a story he was considering turning she was wooing him. into a play: How, in the mid-1940s, college bud- The first step after that was casting the major dies and future Beat Generation icons Allen roles. From the start, Krokidas had a dream-cast Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac became involved in a in mind. murder involving Ginsberg’s friend and first “I made a list of all the actors under 25 who same-sex crush, Lucien Carr. Krokidas had never would be good in the role and came up with the heard even a whisper about this tale of gay sex, idea of Daniel,” Krokidas says. At the time, Rad- obsession and death. Almost no one had. cliffe was performing on Broadway Equus — his Krokidas convinced Bunn it would work bet- first foray into an adult, sexualized role. Kroki- ter as a screenplay, and the result, Kill Your Dar- das was almost certain he would be great as lings, is finally making it to screens across Ginsberg, the closeted introvert who comes out America (it opens Nov. 15 at the Angelika Film of his shell when he gets drawn into the spell Centers in Dallas and Plano). cast by the charismatic but unstable Lucien An independent movie about gay scandals in (played by Dane DeHaan). the post-war period might not merit much atten- Then Radcliffe did the unthinkable for a star

HAIRY PUTTERER | John Krokidas screened ‘Kill Your Darlings’ for an appreciative crowd at the Angelika Film Center last month. It comes out next week in Dallas and Plano. (Arnold Wayne Jones/Dallas Voice) 16 dallasvoice.com • 11.08.13 ON THE SET | Gay director John Krokidas on the set on ‘Kill Your Darlings,’ in which he directs star Daniel Radcliffe as queer poet Allen Ginsberg.

It took first-time director of his magnitude: He offered to audition. says. “‘Absofuckinglutely.’” John Krokidas a decade “We went on an ‘actor date,’ which is like a ro- All the delays may have worked to Krokidas’ to make his portrait of mantic date in a lot of ways,” Krokidas says, advantage in the long run. Over time, he and “and he killed it — a dutiful son who shows one Bunn continued to massage the script, collecting the Beats. Is he finally side to the world,” while nursing secret gay scores of research about the people and the pe- ready for his close-up? longings, he says. Offers were made, castmates riod to create a film as authentic as they could were chosen, dates were set. swing on a tiny budget. But moviemaking isn’t ever that easy. “A lot of what we did was to constantly adapt The one condition Radcliffe imposed was that to a smaller and smaller budget,” he says. “We he first had to complete filming on a little movie tailored the parts to each actor,” including Rad- he was scheduled to shoot: The two-part finale cliffe, who is a huge fan of literature and espe- to Harry Potter, The Deathly Hallows. That would cially poetry — and a huge defender of gay put everything off by two years. At that point, fi- rights. nancing fell through. “He’s our best LGBT ally and always has But Krokidas is an inherently optimistic per- been,” Krokidas says authoritatively. son. He drove through, finding a new cast Ironically, finding straight actors willing to (which at one point included Jesse Eisenberg, play gay wasn’t a problem — it was finding until The Social Network hit and, he backed away some who hadn’t just played gay. The cast ulti- from playing another college kid). They then mately included such heavyweights as Michael found new financing … until that fell through, C. Hall, Jack Huston, Elizabeth Olsen, Ben Fos- too. (“It’s hard to find a financier willing to in- ter, Jennifer Jason Leigh, David Cross and Kyra vest in a first-time director,” Krokidas sighs.) It Sedgwick. The 24-day shoot in the spring of 2012 was taking forever to get the film made — in forced the creative team to be inventive; much of fact, about two years. the film was shot inside a convent, which hadn’t That’s when Krokidas remembered he still changed much in the three-quarters of a century had Radcliffe’s email address. So he did what all since the events took place. And while it took 10 the conventional wisdom says you never do. He years from concept to red carpet to reviews reached out to the talent directly. His request (most of which have been positive), Krokidas was simple: Are you still interested in playing doesn’t seem to regret any of it. Allen Ginsberg? But hopefully he’ll be able to make the next “He sent back a one-word answer,” Krokidas one quicker. •

QUEER CLiP: ‘thor: the Dark World’ Continuity has never been the strong suit of the Marvel fran- chises. The Avengers didn’t even try to explain how Thor (Chris Hemsworth) made it to Earth after the gateway from Asgard had been destroyed, and Thor’s girlfriend Jane (Natalie Portman) barely figured into the story at all. So it’s a small surprise that Thor: The Dark World has plot holes big enough for Thor to walk through. But who cares about story when you have a mega- ripped blonde Nordic hippie flexing his biceps every 15 seconds? Still, it’s too bad the director, Alan Taylor, gives us only a few sec- onds of the shirtless God of Thunder, but it was enough to make the women and some of the gay men at the screening sigh. You’ll probably sigh at the pointless dialogue, muddled story and murky look that puts this Thor somewhere between Lord of the Rings and the Green Lantern. This is far from the best from Marvel. — A.W.J. One-and-a-half stars. Now playing in wide release.

11.08.13 • dallasvoice 17 L+S books

Gay author’s controversial re-telling of Matthew Shepard case bound to A Laramie project confuse hate crime’s legacy

The Book of Matt by Stephen Jimenez (Steerforth Press At first blush, The Book 2013); $26; 360 pp. of Matt seems like any Sometimes, you don’t know what to think. You hear both sides of a story, other true crime book, al- both conflicting. Rumors are whispered, denials issued, and you’re left to beit one that’s tedious, oc- make up your own mind. Right or wrong, there are some things you’ll casionally off-topic and never know for sure. And that goes for what’s inside The Book of Matt. sometimes melodramatic. In early 2000, Stephen Jimenez went to Laramie, Wyo., to start work on a Jimenez obviously did abundant research for this book, and his extremely story for which he thought he had an “abundance of detail.” He had, in fact, lengthy list of interviewees and often-anonymous “witnesses” proves that. planned on writing a screenplay about the murder of Matthew Shepard. And yet, if each page of this book was imbedded with nitroglycerine, it Laramie residents were friendly, he says, and it didn’t take long to find couldn’t be any more explosive. Jimenez, who is himself gay, makes a lot of the prosecutor who won conviction of the two men who murdered Shepard. allegations that seem to be based on rumor and leaps of conclusion, and he’s He hinted to Jimenez that there was more to the story than the news media not often very complimentary. He leaves the reader with an impression that had reported. there was a lot of putting-two-and-two-together here that, face-value, did Intrigued, Jimenez dug for information and consequently, he says, discov- add up but that left uncomfortable questions niggling in the back of my ered corruption and odd loose ends in the Shepard murder (and other mind. cases). He spoke with witnesses and with people who knew Shepard and Furthermore, Jimenez asserts that Matthew Shepard wasn’t killed be- his killers. And, he claims, with some who were overlooked or inadequately cause of a hate crime, but that he was murdered because he was involved in interviewed by officials during the investigation. He believes that he was a drug “family” to whom he owed money. Indeed, several of Jimenez’s physically endangered many times because someone wanted him to stop “witnesses” claim that Shepard was “friends” with his killers long before his asking questions. death, which could alter Shepard’s legacy, even if it does not negate the fact The reason for that, perhaps, was that what he says he found was shock- and horror of the crime. ing and not what people have come to believe. It involved drugs, sex-for- Here’s the thing: only three people knew for sure what happened that hire and at least one man who, Jimenez indicates, can’t tell the truth. And night — one is dead, one gives “contradictory statements” and one’s not because of what he learned, Jimenez asserts, “I will offer here what I believe talking. That leaves open a good bit of finality to this story, but you can read to be a more accurate account of the violent events set in motion…” on that The Book of Matt if you want, and make up your own mind. • night in October 1998. — Terri Schlichenmeyer




18 dallasvoice.com • 11.08.13 life+style friday 11.08 Dallas Summer Musicals stages ‘Lord of the Rings best bets in Concert’

It’s a symphonic concert. No, it’s theater. No, it’s a movie. Actually, it’s a bit of all three. Dallas Summer Musicals invested in a massive stage production of The Lord of the Rings (it still hasn’t come to the U.S.), but you can get a taste of what they had in mind with this friday multimedia presentation, 11.08 which features Howard Shore’s Oscar-winning score Kinsey Sicks perform (played by the Dallas Pops) ‘dragapella’ at Majestic while excerpts from the film play above. It has the scope of They are America’s favorite opera, only with a movie and beauty shop quartet who no annoying trailers. perform in drag, and even though there’s not a lot of DEETS: Fair Park Music Hall, competition for that title, the 901 First Ave. Nov. 8–10. Kinsey Sicks are still DallasSummerMusicals.org. harmonious fun with their four-part song stylings and friday 11.08 campy sense of humor. And the concert Friday even Oscar-nominated director Lee Daniels feted by Dallas Film Society benefits Dallas’ own Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Lee Daniels scored his first Oscar nominations directing and producing DEETS: Majestic Theater, Precious, and he’s on the short-list 1925 Elm St. 8 p.m. again for his latest film, Lee Daniels’ The Butler. But the gay filmmaker (and bestie with Oprah) has also worked on some of the edgiest indie films of the new millennium: The Woodsman (about a child molester), Monster’s Ball (Oscar for Halle Berry), The Paperboy (Southern Gothic gay sex) and more. The Dallas Film Society holds a dinner honoring Daniels on Friday, including a Q&A with film critic Elvis Mitchell, then on Saturday there will be a screening of one (or more) of his films (details have not been announced).

DEETS: Hall of State at Fair Park. Red carpet begins at 6 p.m., program at 7:30 p.m. DallasFilm.org.

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11.08.13 • dallasvoice 19 calendar highlights

LEWIS, NO MARTIN Lesbian entertainer Zoe #-! " Lewis performs her music # and storytelling at the * #$ "& "$ Shooting Star Ranch in Red Oak Sunday. (Photo courtesy Eileen Counihan)  !$ !'#$  "# $$!#$ "$0!!$$!#$ $$!($,+-++ #'#%*! & !"# $$. #%%.! . !%0"#%&$ )/ $   *$%*$ !!#$

ARtsWeeK: NOW PlAyiNG retrospective of the gay artist’s eclectic work. Dallas #' !%"!% !  0 Museum of Art, 1717 Harwood St. Through Jan. 12. THEATER Special exhibition fee: $16. DallasMuseumofArt.org. Avenue Q. The foul-mouthed, gayish musical returns to Ai Weiwei: Circle of Animals. The controversial Theatre Too, with most of the original Dallas cast intact. Chinese artist re-imagines zodiac figures of the Chang Theatre 3, 2900 Routh St. in the Quadrangle. dynasty. Crow Collection of Asian Art, 2010 Flora St. Through Nov. 24. Theatre3Dallas.com. Through March 2. Free. CrowCollection.org. Dante: Inferno. Mark-Brian Sonna’s fall Halloween Dallas International Art, Antique and Jewelry Show. )"#$$  - #! %&$&!#!  ' %! - show, a revival of his take on Inferno. Stone Cottage The five-day event returns, with luxury items from top Theatre, 15650 Addison Road. Final weekend. &,'-.     3!    # ! 4 designers. Dallas Market Hall, 2200 Stemmons $23–$25. MBSProductions.net.  /,*'(*5'&)2+(-2,-,& 5###. $% !.6  ')1, Freeway. Friday–Monday, 11 a.m.–7 p.m. $20. Nine. Lyric Stage moves out of Irving for its Downtown DallasFallShow.com. Dallas debut with this staging of the great musical Nine, directed by Len Pfluger. City Performance Hall, 2520 Flora St., Nov. 8 and 9. LyricStage.org.      fRiDAy 11.08 Oswald: The Actual Interrogation. This regional premiere opens in time for the 50th anniversary of the COMEDY # JFK assassination. Casa Manana, 3101 W. Lancaster The Kinsey Sicks. The dragapella group performs Ave., Fort Worth. Nov. 9–17. CasaManana.org. their comic beauty shop quartet. Majestic Theater, 1925 Elm St. 8 p.m. $25–$45.     The Lord of the Rings In Concert. The Oscar-winning score by Howard Shore is peformed by the Dallas Pops FILM Orchestra. Music Hall at Fair Park, 901 First Ave.    Lone Star Film Festival. The seventh annual event Nov. 8–10. $15–$85. DallasSummerMusicals.org. continues though the weekend with a lineup that  !    " Of Mice and Men. Steinbeck’s classic tale, with Van includes several gay-interest screenings, including the    Quattro and Elias Taylorson as the doomed friends. upcoming holiday releases August: Osage County and Theatre Arlington, 305 W. Main St., Arlington.     Philomena. AMC Palace Theater at Sundance Square, Final weekend. $22. TheatreArlington.org. Fort Worth. For a complete schedule and passes, visit      Santos: A Wandering Soul. Twenty years after the LoneStarFilmFestival.com.    death of Santos Rodriguez, which affected civil rights in Dallas ever since, comes a play focusing on the tragedy. COMMUNITY    Presented in English. Final weekend. Teatro Dallas, High Tech Happy Hour. The monthly mixer comes 1331 Record Crossing Road. $16–$25. to Komali, 4152 Cole Ave. 5:30–7:30 p.m.   214-689-6492. TeatroDallas.tix.com.        True West. Sam Shepard’s comedy-drama about rival '4/("(!+/-$"(!)(5(+&+ brothers. KD Studio Theater at the Trinity River Arts ,2$/0,/0$.,+$ Center, 2800 Stemmons Freeway. Through Nov. 17. sAtURDAy 11.09 .$"0()$4/%1+"0(,+ COMMUNITY $!)0'$)!0$#$31!)4/%1+"0(,+ OPERA Third Annual Holiday Toy Drive presented by The Carmen. Bizet’s masterpiece kicks off the Dallas Original Cupcakery and The Hearts with Hearts. Dallas Opera’s new season, dubbed By Love Transformed. Holocaust Museum, 211 N. Record St. 6–8 p.m. Please Winspear Opera House, 2403 Flora St., bring a new unwrapped toy. TheHeadWithHearts.org/ Nov. 10 at 2 p.m. Nov. 11 at 7:30 p.m. DallasOpera.org. toydrive.

FINE ART CONCERTS Jim Hodges: Give More Than You Take. A living Remembering JFK. The Turtle Creek Chorale sings with Austin’s SoCo Women’s Chorus for this chamber --,(+0*$+0/1$/6!0 browse submit piece. Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration,  !(.2!4. !..,))0,+ • • 14115 Hillcrest Road, Nov. 9. Holy Trinity Catholic For a more complete Commu- To submit an item for inclusion !))0,#!4    Church, 3815 Oak Lawn Ave., Nov. 10. 8 p.m. $25. nity Calendar online, visit in the Community Calendar, visit 214-526-3214. !))!/!)$$#("!))(+("",* Tinyurl.com/dvevents. Tinyurl.com/dvsubmit. 20 dallasvoice.com • 11.08.13 HUMOR An Evening with David Sedaris. The gay essayist WeDNesDAy 11.13 performs exceprts from his most recent collection, TELEVSION Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls, as well as other American Horror Story: Coven. creator Ryan works. Bass Performance Hall, 353 Commerce St., Murphy’s third run at the series, featuring, as always, Fort Worth. 7:30 p.m. BassHall.com. gay content (as well as a lesbian star in ). FX at 9 p.m.

CONCERTS sUNDAy 11.10 Josh Groban. The romantic baritone performs. WORSHIP American Airlines Center. 2500 Victory Ave. 7:30 p.m. Cathedral of Hope. Gay-affirming church of the $46–$96. AmericanAirlinesCenter.com. United Church of Christ congregation has two services. 5910 Cedar Springs Road. 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. CathedralOfHope.com. The ONE Church, 5427 Philip Ave. Services 6 p.m. Dallas1Church.org. this week’s solution COMMUNITY Fiesta Latinoamericana! Dallas International Festival presents this celebration of Hispanic culture. Automotive Building at Park Park. 10 a.m.–7 p.m.

CONCERT Zoe Lewis. The lesbian musician and comic performs. Shooting Star Ranch and Retreat, 1007 Batchler Road, Red Oak. 2 p.m. $20 donation requested.

MONDAy 11.11 RELEASE PARTY Holidazzle Encore! The new CD of Christmas tunes by DFW Actors Give Back, for which proceeds benefit local charities, is launched with a release party. Kalita Humphreys Theater, 3636 Turtle Creek Blvd. 7–9 p.m. DFWActorsGiveBack.org.  # ?-5<:3=/A55 +5/B 9-+./(3;2  2+66/5:70 />5@#/5/+:/. 7=3/: %%#$!" 

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Across 51 Waffle choice 1 Dancer Taylor 52 2013 movie about two married gay men 5 Anal insert from a UFO? forced to live apart 10 Cole Porter’s “Well, Did You ___” 57 Jodie Foster’s ___ Driver 14 Hollywood canine 58 Cowboy’s rope 15 Early caucus participant 59 Cinder suffix 16 Abercrombie & Fitch event 61 Where to find hot buns 17 Portrayer of Ted 62 Everglades wader 20 Suburgatory daughter 63 Auctioneer’s word 21 Org. offering AIDS coverage 64 Computer company’s erection? 22 Fashion photographer Herb 65 Catch in a trap 23 PC display 66 Defied radar 25 Modern Family family member 26 Portrayer of Ben Down 31 Warming in relations 1 Warsaw agreement 33 Lorde of verse 2 Queens tennis stadium 34 Give some lip to 3 Versatile vehicles 37 Female flyer 4 Shags on the carpet? 38 Like the “fruit loop” section of a city 5 Wrestler’s victory 39 Mouth, slangily 6 Gossip columnist Barrett 40 With 44-Across, portrayer of Jorge 7 Got a little behind 44 See 40-Across 8 Lower, to Lorca 47 Pittsburgh pro 9 Bambi’s aunt 49 Some may be iron 10 Nose rubbers 50 Tool with jaws 11 Bottomless 12 Gobs 13 Layers in the barnyard 18 Apiece 19 Spot on a cliff 24 Hereditary chain 25 Antonio’s Evita role 26 Novelist Rona 27 One of a wheel’s nuts 28 Lupino of Women’s Prison 29 Take a crack at 30 Entree 31 “Jabberwocky” starter 32 “Hold your horses!” 35 Performed like Rufus Wainwright 36 Sites for three women in a tub 41 Stationary acceleration 42 Peace Nobelist Wiesel 43 Streetcar and more? 44 Change places 45 Russian saint 46 Nala, for one 48 Give up an office 49 Put in shackles 52 Composition of some beds 53 Alternatives to asses 54 Poet Teasdale 55 Unappetizing food 56 Pronoun for Proust 57 Stranded driver’s need 60 Dipstick word

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11.08.13 • dallasvoice 23 life+style scene

Blake, Lee, Mikey, Dannee, Kevin and Ginda at Joe’s/The Brick. Tony, Megan and J.D. at the Round-Up Saloon on Halloween.

Spin Fall Edition features DJ Michael Tank from Fort Lauderdale at TMC: The Mining Company on Nov. 9. … Layla LaRue presents Miss Texas FFI Pagaent at Large on Nov. 10 in The Rose Room. The show stars Donet McKim and newly crowned Miss Texas FFI 2013 Toni R. Andrews. Sofia McIntosh hosts. The evening is dedicated to 2006 winner Whitney Paige. … Win copies of Night Time, My Time, the debut album from Sky Ferreira featuring the single You’re Not the One on Nov. 8 at Station 4. … JR.’s Bar & Grill has two album release parties this week. On Nov. 11, celebrate the release of Celine Dion’s new CD Loved Me Back to Life and on Nov. 12 mark the debut EP from songstress Banks. Win free copies while supplies last. … National Leather Association holds its monthly bar night at Dallas Eagle on Nov. 9. That night, Leather Knights holds Military Man-euvers, a fundraiser with raffle, auction, military haircuts and uniform contest. On Nov. 10, Dallas Bears stage a turnabout show. … DJ La spins all the favorites at Eden Lounge on Nov. 9 on the rooftop bar. The football games are on all afternoon on Nov. 10. … Trinity River Bears meet at Club Reflection on Nov. 10 followed by a cookout. … Cowtown Leathermen meet at Changes on Nov. 11. Texas Gay Rodeo Association meets on Nov. 12. … The Imperial Court de Fort Worth/Ar- lington celebrates the birthday of the Empress with a Birthday Turkey Roast Show at Best Friends Club on Nov. 14. … Anton Shaw and the Bang Ups are at Sue Ellen’s on Nov. 8. Ciao Bella appears on Nov. 9 and Calico Jak stops by on Nov. 10. Bella and Darla are the hump day entertainment on Nov. 13. … Kristin Majors performs at Alexandre’s on Nov. 8 and Shelia P and Infinity entertain on Nov. 9. • Photos by Patrick Hoffman. Robert, Damon, Patrick and Joey at the Round-Up Saloon on Halloween. To view more Scene photos, go to DallasVoice.com/category/photos.

Brandon, Betheny, Kevin and Hugo at Station 4. Sergio and friends at Woody’s Sports & Video Bar.

24 dallasvoice.com • 11.08.13 Herman and Dominic on The Strip. Jay and Grant on The Strip.

Gretchen on The Strip on Halloween. Bo at Zippers. Greg at BJ’s NXS!

Serge, Rene and Paul at TMC: The Mining Company.

11.08.13 • dallasvoice 25 DVClassy » On Facebook and Twitter REAL ESTATE MOVERS MOVERS EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT For Rent

to advertise » 214.754.8710 POSITIONS FOR HOLA, PART-TIME 2/1.5 SPACIOUS VOTED BEST MOVERS 3 YEARS & COUNTING! to shop » dallasvoice.com/classy OAK LAWN CONDO SERVICE BUSINESS HOUSEKEEPER Groundskeeper Plus Maintenance, Located in small quiet complex. All amenities WAREHOUSE/JOBSITE SUPERVISOR including hardwoods, W/D, covered parking, Computer Literate, References Required classy manicured pool/gazebo area, small pet OK. Drive to job sites, check production & quality control. 5700 Morningside “M streets” $925 + elect. 214-526-8334 3:00 to 4:00 pm, get crews in to load & 214-826-6161 unload Service trucks. Drivers License with no index » 11.08.13 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 214.349.MOVE DWI’s. Mon – Fri, 7:15 – 4:15 pm, Work 2 Sat. a month, Realtors Realtors Realtors Knox/Henderson • Uptown $625 - $1050 ½ day either morning or afternoon. $11 to $12 per Hr + OT. UPTOWN INDIVIDUAL Experience Counts! SEEKS PART-TIME Real Estate ...... 26 SOMERSET APARTMENTS OFFICE POSITION • On The Travis Walk • 4418 TRAVIS 18+ YEARS SUPPORTING THE COMMUNITY PERSONAL ASSISTANT Realtors ...... 26 Quick Books Enterprise Solutions, Word & Windows. 1& 2 Bedrooms Available www.FantasticMoves.com Self motivated, organized, phones, Quiet gated community, covered parking, two pools, TXDMV 00521440B DATA ENTRY & COMPUTER SKILLS A PLUS For Sale ...... 26 filing, faxing & mailing. SRealty.biz W/D in some units, pets welcomed, easy access to Katy Trail. For Rent ...... 27 Debbie Sutton Mon – Fri, 7:00 – 4:00 pm. $11 to $13 per Hr (40 Hrs). 214-526-8997 1/2 MONTH FREE 214-526-3810 To Share ...... 24 & Gary Bilpuch EED OVERS BENEFITS: Movers ...... 27 N M ??? Best Move Realty TheCondoGuy.com in DFW Health, Holidays, Vacation & Pension. Employment ...... 27 •Buyers >> iwantMovers.com Fax resume: 214-637-4479 Personal assistant wanted, Business Opportunity . . . .27 HONDO PARK AQUALITY MOVING EXPERIENCE AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE! Licensed & Insured Movers or email, [email protected] 10-15 hours a week. A "BOUTIQUE" •Sellers 6 Different Floorplans Family owned•No hidden costs Job Wanted ...... 27 Dougwingfield.com Hardwoods • Granite Countertops Local & Long Distance Movers call next day 214-630-3999. house hold and business duties BROKERAGE CAN Downtown View • Tropical Pool • Hot Tub 469.759.9022 • [email protected] 972-941-8000 Insurance ...... 28 •Property must have reliable transportation Exercise Facility • Large Walk-in Closet • Balcony MENTION THIS AD FOR A 10% DISCOUNT www.BestMoveInDFW.com DOT# 000595113B MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Downtown location pay negotiable Services ...... 28 Management Remote Control Gated Entry • Covered Parking dallasvoice.com upon experience Computer Services . . . . .28 214.522.8436 Ideal for college student etc.or person Pets ...... 28 2544 Hondo Ave. Dallas, TX 75219 DallasGayAgent.com .com Dale’s Area Movers Sales Consultants interested in realestate Home Services ...... 29 SRealty.biz 214.522.5232 Updated 1 Bedroom 1 Bath txdmv 000589368B Oak Lawn • Dallas wanted for Mad Outre, [email protected] General ...... 29 STARTING AT $700 UP TO $795 FREE Exact Online Quote 214-586-1738 MK Jackson's custom designs. AirConditioning/Heating . .29 Representing Sellers & Buyers ALL BILLS PAID + BASIC CABLE Please call 817.933.5751 or email GayOakCliffAgent.com 972-929-3098 OR 1-888-Dr-Move-1 Needing F/T Cook and P/T kitchen help Plumbing ...... 29 FOR 20 PLUS YEARS 2 STORY LOFTS & TOWNHOMES [email protected] FREE Boxes, Tape & Bubble Wrap. Call For 10% off! Promo Code 228. with at least 1 yr exp. Fax to 214-941- Cleaning ...... 29 SUSAN MELNICK for details. VIRGINIA COOK, REALTORS 8144 or email [email protected] Personal Care ...... 30 dfwluxuryagent.com EMPLOYMENT Psychotherapists ...... 30 The Melnick Job Wanted Real Estate Team AIDS Arms, Inc. is seeking a Bilingual Items For Sale ...... 30 TOP TEAM 2011 & 2012 JRs and Station 4 Massage ...... 30 Care Coordinator to provide a range of DallasVoice.com care coordination activities and is now seeking fun Announcements ...... 31 [email protected] REAL ESTATE I am a Personal Assistant individualized recovery and treatment and energetic people to join our Travel ...... 31 SusanMelnick.com Dallas Voice Classifieds For Rent ( I CAN PROVIDE YOU ) support to project clients. Interested amazing team! Competitive pay, great 5950 Sherry Ln. Always Make Me Smile. www.dallasvoice.com Trustworthy dedicated services candidates should complete an benefits, friendly environment, and up- Ste. 110 INCLUDING: GGRREEGG H HOOOOVVEERR Dallas, Tx. 75225 www.dallasvoice.com online application at http://www.aid- ward movement! Details online at PLACE YOUR AD TODAY Organizing/ Personal Classifieds Account Manager www.dallasvoice.com MOVE IN SPECIAL!! sarms.org/about-header-with-toggles/ PartyAtTheBlock.com Classifieds Account Manager errands /Offices duties/Appointment 214-754-8710 Small Quiet Complex www.dallasvoice.com 1 BEDROOM, 1 BATH scheduling/Pet care/House Greg Ext. 123 $675 ALL BILLS PAID cleaning/Travel arrangements/ Floral Delivery Driver Needed, www.dallasvoice.com REAL ESTATE Large closets, hardwood floors. Pop Diner is looking for experienced, Events/ Clothes & Grocery shopping must have a clean driving record, hard working servers, short order PHONE: For Rent 4114 Newton Ave. Dallas 75219 www.dallasvoice.com 214.801.8355 must know the dallas area. cooks and bartenders, 214.754.8710 214-526-4390 [email protected] contact All Occasions Florist apply in person with resume at EXT. 123 214-528-0898 3600 McKinney in the West Village. FAX: 214.969.7271 PARKFORD OAKS APARTMENTS www.dallasvoice.com AIDS Arms, Inc. is seeking a medical God Accepts You! Seeking - E-MAIL: www.dallasvoice.com records coordinator (MRC) with clinical A contemporary Worship Leader. [email protected] experience. Medical Records experi- Musicians who want to play for www.dallasvoice.com Worship. Singers who want to BEST KEPT SECRET ence required. Interested candidates Need a little help to get sing for the Lord. BUSTER IN OAK LAWN should complete on-line application at If you are interested in serving in this Classifieds Promotion Specialist • Intrusions Alarms through your day? http://www.aidsarms.org/about- way call 214-520-9090 Andrew Collins • Washer/Dryer Included Check out the Dallas Voice EMPLOYMENT header-with-toggles/. • Entertainment Serving Bars Massage Classified Ads. Business Opportunity 214-668-8287 • Creek Views Available FARNATCHI PIZZA & WINE PHONE: AIDS Arms, Inc. is seeking a nurse IS NOW HIRING! 214.754.8710 [email protected] Reduced Rent On 725 Sq.Ft. Dunhill Floorplan practitioner or physician assistant with For: • Servers • Cooks •Drivers PLUS $100 OFF 1ST Full Month One Bedroom Community FOR SALE OR LEASE HIV clinical experience. Interested For day & evening shifts. Experience AN OAK LAWN & URBAN SPECIALIST Starting as Low as $795* with a large enough parking lot candidates should complete online is necessary. Apply in person (Look & Lease Special on a 12 Month Lease) to get a mixed beverage permit. FAX: HELPING THE GAY COMMUNITY application at with Rafeek at 3001 Knox 214.969.7271 Mention This Ad & Receive 1/2 off PLUMBING IN EXCELLENT WORKING ORDER (75 Hwy & N Central Expressway). BUY & SELL THEIR HOMES 214-520-0282 3851 Cedar Springs http://www.aidsarms.org/about- E-MAIL: of your application fee. parkfordoaks.com SERIOUS header-with-toggles/ 972-900-7050 • farnatchi.com INQUIRIES [email protected] 214-357-6575 ONLY 26 dallasvoice.com • 11.08.13 DVClassy » On Facebook and Twitter REAL ESTATE MOVERS MOVERS EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT For Rent to advertise » 214.754.8710 POSITIONS FOR HOLA, PART-TIME 2/1.5 SPACIOUS VOTED BEST MOVERS 3 YEARS & COUNTING! to shop » dallasvoice.com/classy OAK LAWN CONDO SERVICE BUSINESS HOUSEKEEPER Groundskeeper Plus Maintenance, Located in small quiet complex. All amenities WAREHOUSE/JOBSITE SUPERVISOR including hardwoods, W/D, covered parking, Computer Literate, References Required classy manicured pool/gazebo area, small pet OK. Drive to job sites, check production & quality control. 5700 Morningside “M streets” $925 + elect. 214-526-8334 3:00 to 4:00 pm, get crews in to load & 214-826-6161 unload Service trucks. Drivers License with no index » 11.08.13 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 214.349.MOVE DWI’s. Mon – Fri, 7:15 – 4:15 pm, Work 2 Sat. a month, Realtors Realtors Realtors Knox/Henderson • Uptown $625 - $1050 ½ day either morning or afternoon. $11 to $12 per Hr + OT. UPTOWN INDIVIDUAL Experience Counts! SEEKS PART-TIME Real Estate ...... 26 SOMERSET APARTMENTS OFFICE POSITION • On The Travis Walk • 4418 TRAVIS 18+ YEARS SUPPORTING THE COMMUNITY PERSONAL ASSISTANT Realtors ...... 26 Quick Books Enterprise Solutions, Word & Windows. 1& 2 Bedrooms Available www.FantasticMoves.com Self motivated, organized, phones, Quiet gated community, covered parking, two pools, TXDMV 00521440B DATA ENTRY & COMPUTER SKILLS A PLUS For Sale ...... 26 filing, faxing & mailing. SRealty.biz W/D in some units, pets welcomed, easy access to Katy Trail. For Rent ...... 27 Debbie Sutton Mon – Fri, 7:00 – 4:00 pm. $11 to $13 per Hr (40 Hrs). 214-526-8997 1/2 MONTH FREE 214-526-3810 To Share ...... 24 & Gary Bilpuch EED OVERS BENEFITS: Movers ...... 27 N M ??? Best Move Realty TheCondoGuy.com in DFW Health, Holidays, Vacation & Pension. Employment ...... 27 •Buyers >> iwantMovers.com Fax resume: 214-637-4479 Personal assistant wanted, Business Opportunity . . . .27 HONDO PARK AQUALITY MOVING EXPERIENCE AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE! Licensed & Insured Movers or email, [email protected] 10-15 hours a week. A "BOUTIQUE" •Sellers 6 Different Floorplans Family owned•No hidden costs Job Wanted ...... 27 Dougwingfield.com Hardwoods • Granite Countertops Local & Long Distance Movers call next day 214-630-3999. house hold and business duties BROKERAGE CAN Downtown View • Tropical Pool • Hot Tub 469.759.9022 • [email protected] 972-941-8000 Insurance ...... 28 •Property must have reliable transportation Exercise Facility • Large Walk-in Closet • Balcony MENTION THIS AD FOR A 10% DISCOUNT www.BestMoveInDFW.com DOT# 000595113B MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Downtown location pay negotiable Services ...... 28 Management Remote Control Gated Entry • Covered Parking dallasvoice.com upon experience Computer Services . . . . .28 214.522.8436 Ideal for college student etc.or person Pets ...... 28 2544 Hondo Ave. Dallas, TX 75219 DallasGayAgent.com .com Dale’s Area Movers Sales Consultants interested in realestate Home Services ...... 29 SRealty.biz 214.522.5232 Updated 1 Bedroom 1 Bath txdmv 000589368B Oak Lawn • Dallas wanted for Mad Outre, [email protected] General ...... 29 STARTING AT $700 UP TO $795 FREE Exact Online Quote 214-586-1738 MK Jackson's custom designs. AirConditioning/Heating . .29 Representing Sellers & Buyers ALL BILLS PAID + BASIC CABLE Please call 817.933.5751 or email GayOakCliffAgent.com 972-929-3098 OR 1-888-Dr-Move-1 Needing F/T Cook and P/T kitchen help Plumbing ...... 29 FOR 20 PLUS YEARS 2 STORY LOFTS & TOWNHOMES [email protected] FREE Boxes, Tape & Bubble Wrap. Call For 10% off! Promo Code 228. with at least 1 yr exp. Fax to 214-941- Cleaning ...... 29 SUSAN MELNICK for details. VIRGINIA COOK, REALTORS 8144 or email [email protected] Personal Care ...... 30 dfwluxuryagent.com EMPLOYMENT Psychotherapists ...... 30 The Melnick Job Wanted Real Estate Team AIDS Arms, Inc. is seeking a Bilingual Items For Sale ...... 30 TOP TEAM 2011 & 2012 JRs and Station 4 Massage ...... 30 Care Coordinator to provide a range of DallasVoice.com care coordination activities and is now seeking fun Announcements ...... 31 [email protected] REAL ESTATE I am a Personal Assistant individualized recovery and treatment and energetic people to join our Travel ...... 31 SusanMelnick.com Dallas Voice Classifieds For Rent ( I CAN PROVIDE YOU ) support to project clients. Interested amazing team! Competitive pay, great 5950 Sherry Ln. Always Make Me Smile. www.dallasvoice.com Trustworthy dedicated services candidates should complete an benefits, friendly environment, and up- Ste. 110 INCLUDING: GGRREEGG H HOOOOVVEERR Dallas, Tx. 75225 www.dallasvoice.com online application at http://www.aid- ward movement! Details online at PLACE YOUR AD TODAY Organizing/ Personal Classifieds Account Manager www.dallasvoice.com MOVE IN SPECIAL!! sarms.org/about-header-with-toggles/ PartyAtTheBlock.com Classifieds Account Manager errands /Offices duties/Appointment 214-754-8710 Small Quiet Complex www.dallasvoice.com 1 BEDROOM, 1 BATH scheduling/Pet care/House Greg Ext. 123 $675 ALL BILLS PAID cleaning/Travel arrangements/ Floral Delivery Driver Needed, www.dallasvoice.com REAL ESTATE Large closets, hardwood floors. Pop Diner is looking for experienced, Events/ Clothes & Grocery shopping must have a clean driving record, hard working servers, short order PHONE: For Rent 4114 Newton Ave. Dallas 75219 www.dallasvoice.com 214.801.8355 must know the dallas area. cooks and bartenders, 214.754.8710 214-526-4390 [email protected] contact All Occasions Florist apply in person with resume at EXT. 123 214-528-0898 3600 McKinney in the West Village. FAX: 214.969.7271 PARKFORD OAKS APARTMENTS www.dallasvoice.com AIDS Arms, Inc. is seeking a medical God Accepts You! Seeking - E-MAIL: www.dallasvoice.com records coordinator (MRC) with clinical A contemporary Worship Leader. [email protected] experience. Medical Records experi- Musicians who want to play for www.dallasvoice.com Worship. Singers who want to BEST KEPT SECRET ence required. Interested candidates Need a little help to get sing for the Lord. BUSTER IN OAK LAWN should complete on-line application at If you are interested in serving in this Classifieds Promotion Specialist • Intrusions Alarms through your day? http://www.aidsarms.org/about- way call 214-520-9090 Andrew Collins • Washer/Dryer Included Check out the Dallas Voice EMPLOYMENT header-with-toggles/. • Entertainment Serving Bars Massage Classified Ads. Business Opportunity 214-668-8287 • Creek Views Available FARNATCHI PIZZA & WINE PHONE: AIDS Arms, Inc. is seeking a nurse IS NOW HIRING! 214.754.8710 [email protected] Reduced Rent On 725 Sq.Ft. Dunhill Floorplan practitioner or physician assistant with For: • Servers • Cooks •Drivers PLUS $100 OFF 1ST Full Month One Bedroom Community GAY BAR FOR SALE OR LEASE HIV clinical experience. Interested For day & evening shifts. Experience AN OAK LAWN & URBAN SPECIALIST Starting as Low as $795* with a large enough parking lot candidates should complete online is necessary. Apply in person (Look & Lease Special on a 12 Month Lease) to get a mixed beverage permit. FAX: HELPING THE GAY COMMUNITY application at with Rafeek at 3001 Knox 214.969.7271 Mention This Ad & Receive 1/2 off PLUMBING IN EXCELLENT WORKING ORDER (75 Hwy & N Central Expressway). BUY & SELL THEIR HOMES 214-520-0282 3851 Cedar Springs http://www.aidsarms.org/about- E-MAIL: of your application fee. parkfordoaks.com SERIOUS header-with-toggles/ 972-900-7050 • farnatchi.com INQUIRIES [email protected] 214-357-6575 ONLY 11.08.13 • dallasvoice 27 EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT PETS PETS INSURANCE HOME SERVICES HOME SERVICES HOME SERVICES HOME SERVICES HOME SERVICES General General Air Conditioning & Heating Plumbing Plumbing

Limber Paws I HEAR YOU’RE HOT! Pet-Care Associate Wanted - Full STYLIST WANTED service pet-care facility in downtown, Station Rental Available Animal Massage Therapy Relieve Arthritis, looking for an energetic, responsible, Lease Specials!!! Call or come by. HINGLESHINGLES Hip Dysplasia, Anxiety & More. SS Jade Air Air Conditioning, Heating & Remodeling TACLB014472E Full Service Plumbing reliable, motivated, animal lover. Must Salon Aura on the Strip\ Matthew Gallager, CSAMP • 806-789-2544 ROOFING have vehicle for transporting pets. 3910 Cedar Springs Rd. [email protected] ROOFING PROMPT EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE We specialize in satisfying our customers with prompt & quality 10/hr. Send resume to Dallas Tx 75219 VISA, MC, AMX, DISC [email protected]. 214.443.0454 SERVICE•SALES•INSTALLS plumbing repairs to every part of your home or office. Experience a plus! • ROOFING ALL MAJOR BRANDS WATER HEATERS • TOILETS All Occasions Florist is looking RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL for full time & part time help for TARGET • GUTTERS 214.522.2805 214.923.7904 GAS LINES • WATER LEAKS. ® an entry level floral designer. REALTORS , experienced or new, sought MARKETING jadeairdallas.com Call or come by. • DRYWALL SERVING THE GLBT COMMUNITY FOR OVER 20 YEARS ! M-36149 for hi-tech, aggressive, mobile brokerage. 469-644-8025 3428 Oak Lawn Ave. Dallas, Tx 75219. Dallas Voice Full / PT welcome. MLS, residential 214-528-0898 and investor specialist. Classifieds • ELECTRICAL WAY TOO HOT? Amazing splits. Learn to succeed, don't 214-754-8710 ext 123 S & H PLUMBING pay annoying franchise fees. Allstars RODDY DE LA GARZA GROUP, Cory Smith Electric www.dallasvoice.com Air Conditioning AFFORDABLE QUALITY PLUMBING BROKER, 214-306-7786. 214-729-8429 Heating TREC 431113 www.dallasvoice.com “BBB” A+RATING Commercial - Residential SERVICES Insurance Claim Specialists 24/7 EMERGENCY REPAIRS Slab Leaks, Water Heaters, Fixture Sets Computer Services $50 Off Summer Special! LOCALLY OWNED • FAMILY OPERATED Rough Ins, Top Outs and More... 972-248-3322 Call: 214-554-6013 Strengthen Your Business COMPUTER CONSULTANT dfwshingles.com Allstarselectric.com PC HELP 19 YEARS EXPERIENCE • TECL 21671 • TACL B42489E Licensed & Insured LIC#M-39910 NETWORK SUPPORT www.dallasvoice.com VIRUS REMOVAL - $50/HR. www.pyattconsulting.com www.dallasvoice.com Home Repairs &Construction CARPENTER • H OME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALIST Painting, kitchen & bathroom remodeling, wood Rehabbing Distressed Properties Cell 214-228-4617 www.dallasvoice.com flooring, stucco waterproofing, plumbing, Remodeling Kitchens • Baths • Decks electrical,decking, fences. Free Estimates. Will work alongside home owner Bright Make-Ready • Any Job Big & Small! with needed tools and expertise or complete the project alone Grow Your 214-557-4531 All Credit Cards Accepted. Call Bill: 972-998-2427 Idea www.dallasvoice.com HOME SERVICES www.dallasvoice.com Business! Painting DALLAS

HOME SERVICES VOICE THE Air Conditioning & Heating PAINTER CLASSIFIEDS Dallas Voice INTERIOR - EXTERIOR 25 YRS EXPERIENCE, FREE ESTIMATES, EXTREMELY MATICULOUS 214-754-8710 EXT 123 LIC.# TACL-B30781E TONY R. 972-754-1536 Mr.Roy CLASSIFIEDS Heating &Air Conditioning [email protected] We Service ALL makes & models! 214.754.8710 Central Heating & Air Systems • Troubleshooting & Repair DALLAS VOICE CLASSIFIEDS Custom Home Installations • HVAC Tune-ups & Inspections dallasvoice.com 24/7 Emergency Service 469-831-8577

SCOTT BESEDA STATE FARM INSURANCE IMMIGRATION ATTORNEYS SCOTT BESEDA Helping you attain DISCOUNT RATES WITHOUT DISCOUNT SERVICES • 214-219-6610 your rightsMember DGLBA.orgafter DOMA 214.688.7080 | TurinLaw.com 60 Years Combined Experience • Board Certified Immigration Specialists


Limber Paws I HEAR YOU’RE HOT! Pet-Care Associate Wanted - Full STYLIST WANTED service pet-care facility in downtown, Station Rental Available Animal Massage Therapy Relieve Arthritis, looking for an energetic, responsible, Lease Specials!!! Call or come by. HINGLESHINGLES Hip Dysplasia, Anxiety & More. SS Jade Air Air Conditioning, Heating & Remodeling TACLB014472E Full Service Plumbing reliable, motivated, animal lover. Must Salon Aura on the Strip\ Matthew Gallager, CSAMP • 806-789-2544 ROOFING have vehicle for transporting pets. 3910 Cedar Springs Rd. [email protected] ROOFING PROMPT EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE We specialize in satisfying our customers with prompt & quality 10/hr. Send resume to Dallas Tx 75219 VISA, MC, AMX, DISC [email protected]. 214.443.0454 SERVICE•SALES•INSTALLS plumbing repairs to every part of your home or office. Experience a plus! • ROOFING ALL MAJOR BRANDS WATER HEATERS • TOILETS All Occasions Florist is looking RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL for full time & part time help for TARGET • GUTTERS 214.522.2805 214.923.7904 GAS LINES • WATER LEAKS. ® an entry level floral designer. REALTORS , experienced or new, sought MARKETING jadeairdallas.com Call or come by. • DRYWALL SERVING THE GLBT COMMUNITY FOR OVER 20 YEARS ! M-36149 for hi-tech, aggressive, mobile brokerage. 469-644-8025 3428 Oak Lawn Ave. Dallas, Tx 75219. Dallas Voice Full / PT welcome. MLS, residential 214-528-0898 and investor specialist. Classifieds • ELECTRICAL WAY TOO HOT? Amazing splits. Learn to succeed, don't 214-754-8710 ext 123 S & H PLUMBING pay annoying franchise fees. Allstars RODDY DE LA GARZA GROUP, Cory Smith Electric www.dallasvoice.com Air Conditioning AFFORDABLE QUALITY PLUMBING BROKER, 214-306-7786. 214-729-8429 Heating TREC 431113 www.dallasvoice.com “BBB” A+RATING Commercial - Residential SERVICES Insurance Claim Specialists 24/7 EMERGENCY REPAIRS Slab Leaks, Water Heaters, Fixture Sets Computer Services $50 Off Summer Special! LOCALLY OWNED • FAMILY OPERATED Rough Ins, Top Outs and More... 972-248-3322 Call: 214-554-6013 Strengthen Your Business COMPUTER CONSULTANT dfwshingles.com Allstarselectric.com PC HELP 19 YEARS EXPERIENCE • TECL 21671 • TACL B42489E Licensed & Insured LIC#M-39910 NETWORK SUPPORT www.dallasvoice.com VIRUS REMOVAL - $50/HR. www.pyattconsulting.com www.dallasvoice.com Home Repairs &Construction CARPENTER • H OME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALIST Painting, kitchen & bathroom remodeling, wood Rehabbing Distressed Properties Cell 214-228-4617 www.dallasvoice.com flooring, stucco waterproofing, plumbing, Remodeling Kitchens • Baths • Decks electrical,decking, fences. Free Estimates. Will work alongside home owner Bright Make-Ready • Any Job Big & Small! with needed tools and expertise or complete the project alone Grow Your 214-557-4531 All Credit Cards Accepted. Call Bill: 972-998-2427 Idea www.dallasvoice.com HOME SERVICES www.dallasvoice.com Business! Painting DALLAS

HOME SERVICES VOICE THE Air Conditioning & Heating PAINTER CLASSIFIEDS Dallas Voice INTERIOR - EXTERIOR 25 YRS EXPERIENCE, FREE ESTIMATES, EXTREMELY MATICULOUS 214-754-8710 EXT 123 LIC.# TACL-B30781E TONY R. 972-754-1536 Mr.Roy CLASSIFIEDS Heating &Air Conditioning [email protected] We Service ALL makes & models! 214.754.8710 Central Heating & Air Systems • Troubleshooting & Repair DALLAS VOICE CLASSIFIEDS Custom Home Installations • HVAC Tune-ups & Inspections dallasvoice.com 24/7 Emergency Service 469-831-8577

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Need A Therapist? Dr. Gary Kindley, D.Min. LPC-Intern WOODY’S IF SOMEONE IS ROOMING OUNGE Supervised by POKER G L Edward Richards Randy Martin, MA, LPC-S 214-392-8247 BULLYING YOU Freeroll Poker Tournaments GAY BAR FOR SALE OR LEASE OR SOMEONE ELSE Upscale Barbershop / Men’s Salon M.A., L.P.C. • Anxiety/Grief In the gayborhood with a large enough parking lot 3 Critical Qualities You Should • Addictions PLEASE tell your school teachers, BRICK • Thursdays 5610 Lemmon Ave. ( Inwood & Lemmon ) Expect From Your Therapist! principle, counselors, and parents. After it • Depression Game Starts at 7:30 to get a mixed beverage permit. Woodysgroominglounge.com • A therapist who is is proven that the person you turned in is non-judgmental & compassionate • LGBT Issues Nightly prizes & $500 Grand prize! MENS CUTS • COLOR • A therapist who participates a bully then you will receive a $100 reward and gives you feedback • Relationships For More info go to: PLUMBING IN EXCELLENT WORKING ORDER MASSAGE • BACK WAXING • A safe environment in which to be from Debra’s Bully Busters. Negative EAR/BROW WAXING open and discuss your feelings. www.drgk.org pocketrocketsdallas.com MANSCAPING • Sliding scale for anyone who name calling and harassment about sex- 3851 Cedar Springs has lost their incom e. 817-312-9919 ual orientation or anything else is harmful Walk Ins Welcome Day, Night & Sat. Appointments to all of our children. Whether they are SERIOUS 214-522-2887 214-766-9200 wellmind.net 3906 Lemmon Ave (Above LaMadeleine) gay, lesbian, bisexual, , or Volunteer Needed!! 214-357-6575 INQUIRIES straight. We are working to raise money Be part of an exciting team and ONLY now. Please contact me on Facebook make a difference in someone’s life. ITEMS FOR SALE ITEMS FOR SALE ITEMS FOR SALE FALL SPECIAL anytime at Debra Henry – Wear. Volunteers will be trained to conduct $35/Hr. $55/1.5 Hr. HIV outreach in the GLBT commu- SWEDISH MASSAGE BY CHAD LIGHT TO DEEP nity working along side of trained Limber Paws

469-855-4782 025786 MT NEW HEIGHTS EVERY NIGHT Risk Reduction Specialists. For Arapaho / Tollway DON’T LET ED GET IN THE WAY OF MassageByChad.com more information contact Sonny Deep Tissue • Trigger Point • Sports • Reflexology YOUR PERFECT RELATIONSHIP! Blake @ 214-522-8600 Ext. 236 Animal Massage Therapy Results on your first visit! New “Sublingual Tabs” Prescription Looking for a new cuddle buddy? Relieve Arthritis, Honda VTX 1300 C Massage North of NorthPark Do you wanna ride? Medication JOIN SPECTRUM Find your perfect match at the Hip Dysplasia, Anxiety & More. Full-body Swedish • Not affected by food or drinks DFW Humane Society. DIVA Volleyball Fall League 2013 & Sports MOTORCYCLE RIDING CLUB, Come Play with Us! Contact: 11 years experience • Quickly enters bloodstream the largest GLBT motorcycle group in Adoption is the loving option For Sale $4,000 In-Calls & Out-Calls [email protected] Matthew Gallager, CSAMP • 806-789-2544 • Starts working in minutes the region. Please visit: 972-721-7788 Michael Winsor RMT, • No waiting, free office visit http://www.dfwhumane.com” or visit www.divadallas.org 214-207-0543 spectrum-mrc.com to learn more.” [email protected] All male staff | Private office visit Dallas Male Medical Clinic BACK BY LARGE DEMAND 1/2 PRICE MONDAYS Call today! 214.237.0516 DallasMaleMedicalClinic.com Tranquil Massage TRAVEL TRAVEL By J.R. Time Share For Sale Time Share For Sale MT - 021814 Swedish • Deep Tissue Society for companion animals need vol- Little Fish 214.991.6921 unteers. Please contact [email protected] In A Big Pond? PUERTO VALLARTA Dallas Voice Classifieds Brian Roel TIME SHARE FOR SALE (July 17 - Aug.18th) Outcalls Can Change That. Massagetherapybybrian .com Dallas Voice Classifieds 214-924-2647 Placing An Ad Is Easy Blue Seas Resort With Private Beach (Next To Blue Chairs) 214-754-8710 Just Call 2 Bedroom / 2 Bath plus Greg ext 123 www.dallasvoice.com 214-754-8710 In Fun Unique Old Town Location 214-274-7741 www.dallasvoice.com Ext. 123 www.dallasvoice.com 469-245-8457

IMMIGRATION ATTORNEYS SSCOTTCOTTBBESEDA.COMESEDA.COM Helping you attain your rights after DOMA 4411 LEMMON AVE. DALLAS, TEXAS 75219 214-219-6610 Member DGLBA.org 214.688.7080 | TurinLaw.com 60 Years Combined Experience • Board Certified Immigration Specialists


Need A Therapist? Dr. Gary Kindley, D.Min. LPC-Intern WOODY’S IF SOMEONE IS ROOMING OUNGE Supervised by WARNINGINARNW G POKER G L Edward Richards Randy Martin, MA, LPC-S 214-392-8247 BULLYING YOU Freeroll Poker Tournaments GAY BAR FOR SALE OR LEASE OR SOMEONE ELSE Upscale Barbershop / Men’s Salon M.A., L.P.C. • Anxiety/Grief HOT GUYS!GUYS! In the gayborhood with a large enough parking lot 3 Critical Qualities You Should • Addictions PLEASE tell your school teachers, BRICK • Thursdays 5610 Lemmon Ave. ( Inwood & Lemmon ) Expect From Your Therapist! principle, counselors, and parents. After it • Depression Game Starts at 7:30 to get a mixed beverage permit. Woodysgroominglounge.com • A therapist who is is proven that the person you turned in is Dallas non-judgmental & compassionate • LGBT Issues Nightly prizes & $500 Grand prize! • A therapist who participates a bully then you will receive a $100 reward MENS CUTS • COLOR and gives you feedback • Relationships PLUMBING IN EXCELLENT WORKING ORDER MASSAGE • BACK WAXING 214.615.0100 For More info go to: • A safe environment in which to be www.drgk.org from Debra’s Bully Busters. Negative EAR/BROW WAXING open and discuss your feelings. Ft. Worth pocketrocketsdallas.com MANSCAPING • Sliding scale for anyone who name calling and harassment about sex- 817.282.2500 3851 Cedar Springs has lost their incom e. 817-312-9919 ual orientation or anything else is harmful Walk Ins Welcome Day, Night & Sat. Appointments to all of our children. Whether they are SERIOUS 214-522-2887 214-766-9200 wellmind.net 3906 Lemmon Ave (Above LaMadeleine) FREE to INQUIRIES gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or listen and Volunteer Needed!! 214-357-6575 straight. We are working to raise money reply to ads! Be part of an exciting team and ONLY now. Please contact me on Facebook FREE CODE: Dallas Voice make a difference in someone’s life. FALL SPECIAL anytime at Debra Henry – Wear. ITEMS FOR SALE ITEMS FOR SALE ITEMS FOR SALE For other local numbers call: Volunteers will be trained to conduct $35/Hr. $55/1.5 Hr. TM HIV outreach in the GLBT commu- SWEDISH MASSAGE BY CHAD 1-888--888-1 MegaMates LIGHT TO DEEP 24/7 Friendly Customer Care 1(888) 634.2628 nity working along side of trained Limber Paws

469-855-4782 025786 MT NEW HEIGHTS EVERY NIGHT 18+ ©2013 PC LLC MegaMatesMen.com 2528 Risk Reduction Specialists. For Arapaho / Tollway DON’T LET ED GET IN THE WAY OF MassageByChad.com more information contact Sonny Deep Tissue • Trigger Point • Sports • Reflexology YOUR PERFECT RELATIONSHIP! Blake @ 214-522-8600 Ext. 236 Animal Massage Therapy Results on your first visit! New “Sublingual Tabs” Prescription Looking for a new cuddle buddy? Relieve Arthritis, Honda VTX 1300 C Massage North of NorthPark Do you wanna ride? Medication JOIN SPECTRUM Find your perfect match at the Hip Dysplasia, Anxiety & More. Full-body Swedish • Not affected by food or drinks DFW Humane Society. DIVA Volleyball Fall League 2013 & Sports MOTORCYCLE RIDING CLUB, Come Play with Us! Contact: 11 years experience • Quickly enters bloodstream the largest GLBT motorcycle group in Adoption is the loving option For Sale $4,000 In-Calls & Out-Calls [email protected] Matthew Gallager, CSAMP • 806-789-2544 • Starts working in minutes the region. Please visit: 972-721-7788 Michael Winsor RMT, • No waiting, free office visit http://www.dfwhumane.com” or visit www.divadallas.org 214-207-0543 spectrum-mrc.com to learn more.” [email protected] All male staff | Private office visit Dallas Male Medical Clinic BACK BY LARGE DEMAND 1/2 PRICE MONDAYS Call today! 214.237.0516 DallasMaleMedicalClinic.com Tranquil Massage TRAVEL TRAVEL By J.R. Time Share For Sale Time Share For Sale MT - 021814 Swedish • Deep Tissue Society for companion animals need vol- Little Fish 214.991.6921 unteers. Please contact [email protected] In A Big Pond? PUERTO VALLARTA Dallas Voice Classifieds Brian Roel TIME SHARE FOR SALE (July 17 - Aug.18th) Outcalls Can Change That. Massagetherapybybrian .com Dallas Voice Classifieds 214-924-2647 Placing An Ad Is Easy Blue Seas Resort With Private Beach (Next To Blue Chairs) 214-754-8710 Just Call 2 Bedroom / 2 Bath plus Greg ext 123 www.dallasvoice.com 214-754-8710 In Fun Unique Old Town Location 214-274-7741 www.dallasvoice.com Ext. 123 www.dallasvoice.com 469-245-8457

IMMIGRATION ATTORNEYS SSCOTTCOTTBBESEDA.COMESEDA.COM Helping you attain your rights after DOMA 4411 LEMMON AVE. DALLAS, TEXAS 75219 214-219-6610 Member DGLBA.org 214.688.7080 | TurinLaw.com 60 Years Combined Experience • Board Certified Immigration Specialists

11.08.13 • dallasvoice 31