wNHka;r yd iajfoaY lghq;= iy m cs;ehl;lYty;fs;> khfhz rigfs; kw;Wk; cs;@huhl;rp mikr;R (khfhz rigfs; kw;Wk; cs;@huhl;rpg; gpupT) Ministry of Internal and Home Affairs and Provincial Councils and Local Government (Provincial Councils and Local Government Division)

W;=re m

tl khfhz rig> VwhT+u; efu rig> fSj;Jiw gpuNjr rig> fhj;jhd;Fb efu rig> nfhOk;G khefu rig> njd; khfhz rig> ghze;Ju efu rig Mfpa epWtdq;fspd; ghuhSkd;w mur fzf;Ff; FOtpdhy; Kd;itf;fg;gl;l mwpf;if njhlu;ghf epiyapaw; fl;lis ,yf;fk; 119(4) ,d; fPo; nfsut mikr;rupd; mtjhdpg;Gf;fSk; kw;Wk; mJ njhlu;ghf vLf;fg;gLk; eltbf;iffSk; ghuhSkd;wj;jpw;F rku;g;gpj;jy; (2017.06.06 ,ypUe;J 2017.12.08 tiu)

Colombo Municipal Council, , Kaluthara Pradeshiya Sabha, Kaththankudy Urban Council, Northern Provincial Council, Urban Council, Southern Provincial Council Submission of observations of Hon. Minister and steps taken with regard to the reports tabled by the Committee on Public Accounts in terms of Standing Order No. 119(4) (From 06.06.2017 to 08.12.2017) W;=re m

^2017'06'06 isg 2017'12'08 olajd&

wNHka;r yd iajfoaY lghq;= iy m


ʰˠ˔˘˳ɏ ˘˞ ȘŻ ʯʭˁˠ

¾ ˚˫˘ǐˡ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ 01 - 03

¾ ʻˡ˫ɭə ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ 04 - 08

¾ ˁʚ˔ˡ ȝ˫˳NJɵˠ ˦˝˫ˣ 09

¾ ˖ýƟ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˦˝˫ˣ 10 - 17

¾ ʵƱɞ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˦˝˫ˣ 18 - 21

¾ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ 22 - 33

¾ ˁ˫Ʈ˔ǦýƋ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ 34

˚˫əɣ˳ȼǦƱ ˦ˬʆ ʯʭˁˠ:-118

ʰˠ˔˘˳ɏ ˘˞:-˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ˚˫˘ǐˡ.

ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɜ˞ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ˦˙˧˫/ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃. ʵ˚˳˖˦˪. 1. ˁ˦ˢ ʳˣƮ ûɝ˞ ˦˖˧˫ ˣˬˠ ˁˡ ˚˫˘ǐˡ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ ˜ˢ ȝ˳NJˤˠ ˣə˃ û.Ƚ5.8. Ʊˢ 35,000 ˁˎ ʯǝˁ ʱƯ ȿ˖ˢ 2014 ˣ˦˳əǏ ɞ. Ƚɣˠ˘ ˉ˘˃˧˘ˠú ʆŹ˘ ˵˖ǧˁˣ 100,000 ˁˎ ʰ˦Ǧ˘ ˉ˘˔˫ˣú 4 ú ˖ 2015 ˣ˦˳əǏ ɞ.Ƚɣˠ˘ 19 ú ˦ʭĀ˞Ɲˁ ˣ˘ ɪˤ˫ˢ ˉ˘ ˄˘ƮˣˠûǦ ɒƮ ȝ˳NJˤˠú ˣ˘ ʯ˔ˡ ˖ 2016 ˣ˦˳əǏ ɞ. Ƚɣˠ˘31 ú ˖ ˵˖ǧˁˣ ǎˡ˒ ˦˧ ˳˘ʣǎˡ˒ ˁ˦ˢ û.Ğ˭. 28,000 ú ˚˞˒ ˣˤ˳ˠǦ ˣˬƋ ɫ˞ ʻˁƱ˳ɩ.ʳǦ û.Ğ˭. 14,000ú ˚˞˒ ǎˡ˒ ˁ˦ˢ ˳ɩ. ˁ˦ˢ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡɤ˳ȼ ˁ˫əˠˠ ʆǐûɝ˞ ˦˖˧˫ ȝ˞˫˒ˣƮ ʳː˞ú ˣə˔˞˫˘˳ɏǏ ˁ˦ˢ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ûɝ˞ˎ ʯ˚ ˦˝˫ˣ ˦Ʊˣ ˳˘ʣ˞ˬ˔.˳ȼ ˦˖˧˫ ʳː˞ú ȽˢǏ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ 2017 GFC Machinery ˘ˬ˞ˬƯ ˦˞˫˃˞ˎ ˣə˥˳ɏǏ ˢʭʈ ˁˬ˖ɬ ʯ˔ˡ ʼ ˦˖˧˫ ʳǎɜ˚Ʈ ɬ ʻˁ˞ ˢʭʈˣˎ ʯ˖˫ˢ ˚ˣˡ˫ ʱƯ ˜ˣƮ ǎ˘ˁˎ ʻˁƱ ˣ˘ ʳː˞ ʯˣˤɕ ˚˫ɜ˦ɜˁ ʈǐʈˁȼ ˳˘ʣ˞ˬƯ ɫ˞ ˳˧ʢƱ˳ˣǦ ȝƯú˳˥ʢ˚ ˳˞ƀú ˳ˎʣǦ 28-32 ȝ˞˫˒ˠú ˣ˘ ɪˠ. ʻ˳˧ɐǦ ˳˚ʣ˳˧ʣˡˣƮ˔ ʯʭ˃˘ˠ ˳ˣ˔ ˧˫ ˁˡǎˠ˫˘ ˁ˦ˢ ˁ˦ˢ ˳ɩˠǦ˳˃ʣː ˳˦ʢ˖ˣƮ˔ ˖ɉˣ ʯʭ˃˘ˠ ˳ˣ˔ ˁ˦ˢ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ɤ˞ ʆǐ ˁˡ˘ ˢǏ. ʳː˞ˁˎ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ˁˡ˘ ˜ˣƮ ȝ.˃.ǧ./˃.ǧ ˚ˬˣʇˠ.˳˞˞ ˁ˦ˢ ˘ȿƮ ˚ˬ˘ ˘ˬěǩ ˉ˘˔˫ ɪ˳ˡʤ˗ˠ ˞˔ ˳˚ʣ˳˧ʣˡˣƮ˔ ˳ˁʣȼ˳˚ʤ˦˪Ÿ ˳˔ʤˡ˫ ˳ˣǦ ˁˡ˘ ʯ˔ˡ ˳˚ʣɣưǦ ʯʭ˃˘ˠ ˳ˣ˔ ˁ˦ˢ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ûɝ˞ ˘ˣ˔˘ ˳ˢ˦ ʯ˚ǖˣɕ ˦˧ ȗˢ˫˦˪Źú ˳ˣ˘˞ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ˁˡ˘ ˁ˨˞˒˫ˁˡ˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜˠ ɪʆǦ ˖Ǧˣ˫ ʻˣ˫ ʱ˔.˘ˬˣ˔ ʻ˞ ˜ˣƮ ʻ˞ ǖˣɕˠǦ ȝƯˇĂˠˁˡ˒ˠ ˦˪˕˫˘ˠˎ˞ ˁ˦ˢ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ûɝ˞ ˦˖˧˫ ʳɢɤȼ ˁˢ˖ ˳ȼˣ˘Ʊɞ ˁˡ˘ ˜ˣƮ ȝ.˃.ǧ/˃.ǧ ˣˬƋǐˡˎƮ ʯˣ˦˪˕˫ˣ ˢˬȫ ˳˘ʣ˞ˬ˔.ʻ˳˞Ǧ˞ ˁˡǎˠ˫˘ ˁ˦ˢ ʯʭ˃˘ˠ ˳ˣ˔ ˖ ˚ˬˣʇˠ. ˁ˦ˢ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ûɝ˞ ˘ˣ˔˫ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ˁˬ˦˪˜˭ˣ ʯǝˁˡ˒˳ɏ ˘ƍ ʯʭˁ 6304 ˠˎ˳Ʈ ˳ȼ ˣ˘ ɪˎƮ ʻ˞ ˘ƍˣ ɪ˝˫˃ ˳ˣȽǦ ˚ˣư. ʻ˳˦ʢ˞ ˳ȼ ˦˖˧˫ ˳ˎǦːə ˁˬ˖ˣ˫ ƯȬ˘˖ ʯˣ˞ ˢʭʈˣ ˳˘ʣ˦ˢˁ˫ ˧ˬˡ ˳ȼ ˳˧ʢƱǦ ˞˔, ʆǐɪˠ ˧ˬû ˚˫ɜ˦ɜˁ ˳˞Ǧ˞ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˃ˬˎʚ ˣˢúˣ˫ GFC Machinery ˘ˬ˞ˬƯ ˃ˬǨ˞ ˦˖˧˫ ʆˠɥ ˳ˁʣǦ˳NJʆ ˦Țˡ˫ ƯȬ GFC Machinery ȚNJ˃ɣˁ ˦˞˫˃˞ˁˎ ˳ˎǦːˡˠ Șɜ˘ˬȾ˞ ˦˞˫˃˞ˎ ˳ˎǦːˡˠ Șɜ˘˞˘ ˢǏ. Șɣ˜˖ˣ ˁɞƟ ˚ˬ˧ˬǎɣ ˁˢ ȝ.˃.ǧ/˃.ǧ ˳˞˞ ˳ˎǦːˡˠ ˘˃ˡ ʇ˞˫ˣ Ʊˢˎ ʯ˘ˣ˦ˡ˳ˠǦ ˁ˦ˢ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ˁˡǦ˘Ǧ ˣˬˎɤ˳ȼ Șɜ˘ˬȾ˞ ˦˖˧˫ ʯ˖˫ˢ ʆˠɥ ˣˬː ˦ˎ˧Ǧ ˚ɜ˦ˡ ˳˚ʣɤʆˠ ˦˞˃ ʻúˣ ˖ˬ˘ˎ˞Ʈ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˁˡ˘ ˳ˁʣǦ˳NJʆ ˦Țˡ˫ˢ˘ ʰˠ˔˘ˠˎ ʯ˔ˡ ʼ ˦˖˧˫ ǨƯ˞ˠ Șˠˣˡ ˳˃˘ ʻ˳˦ʢ ʻˁƱˣ˘ ˁ˦ˢ ȝ˞˫˒ˠ ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫ƮƱˣ ˢ˜˫ ǐǦ ˜ˣƮ ˳˜ʣ˳˧ʤ ǐˡˎ ʯƍˁˡ˳˃˘ ʱ˔.ʻˁƱ ˁˡ˘ ʆˠɥ ˳˘ʣǎˡ˘ ˁ˦ˢ, ʻ˞ęǦ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ ʇ˞˫ˣ Ʊˢ Șɜʆǐ ˁ˦ˢ˫ʭ˃˘ˠ ƱˢǏ ɪǝ˞Ʈ ˚ɜǏ ˳ˣǦ ˁˡ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˁˢ ˧ˬû ûɝȼ ˁˎɒƱ ˁ˫əˠú˥˞ˣ ʆǐ ǖˣɕ ɪûƞ˞ ʆǐ ˳ˣȽǦ ˚ˣƯ˘ ʯ˔ˡ ʻ˞ęǦ 2016 ˣə˥˳ɏ ɞ. ûɝ˞ˎ ʯ˳ȗú˥˫ ˁˡ˘ ˜ˣƮ 407,803.50 ˁ ʰ˖˫ˠ˞ú˖ 2017 ˣə˥˳ɏǏ ɞ.569,653.73 ˁ

˚ˬˣʇˠ. ʰ˖˫ˠ˞ú ˧˫ 2018 ˣə˥˳ɏǏ ˉ˘ˣ˫ɜ ʆˎ ˳˖˦ˬȼ˜ə ˞˦ ˖úˣ˫ ɞ.734,823.33 ˁ ʰ˖˫ˠ˞ú ʵ˚ˠ˫ ʱ˔.ʻˁƱˣ˘ ˳˚ʣɣưǦ ˳ȩɢ ˁˡ ʯ˚ǖˣɕ ˁ˨˞˒˫ˁˡ˒ ʯǝˁ˫ɜ˳ɏ ˦˧˳ˠʤ˃ˠ ʱƯˣ ˳˧ʣɢʆȼ ʰˠ˔˘ˠ ˳ˣ˔ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ˞ ʆǐ ˳ˁ˳ə.

˜˦˪˘˫ʏˡ ˚˨˫Ʈ ʯ˚ǖˣɕ ˁ˨˞˒˫ˁˡ˒ ʯǝˁ˫ɜˠ ɪʆǦ ˳ˠʤˈ˘˫ ˁˡ ʱƯ ˚ɜǏ ʳǐɢ ˁ˦ˢ ˳˧ʣˡ˒ ȝ˳NJˤ˳ɏ ʶˡǦ ʱƯ ˳˃ʣɪ˚ˢˣɢ ˳ˣ˔ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡȽǦ ˚ˣư.ʻ˳˦ʢ˞ ˁ˦ˢ ˉ˘˘ˠ ˣ˘ ˦˪˕˫˘˳ɏǏ˞ (˃˲˧˦˪˕)ʯˣ˞ ˁˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ ˦˖˧˫ ˳ˁʣȼ˳˚ʤ˦˪Ÿ ˜ǐǦ

ˢ˜˫ Ǐ˞ˎ ʯˣˤɕ ˁˎɒƱ ʈ˖˫˘ȼ ˁˡȽǦ ˚ˣư. ˳ȼ ʯǩˣ ˦˝˫ ˜ˢȝ ˳NJˤˠ Ʊˢ ʻˁƱˣ˘ ˁ˦ˢ ȝ˞˫˒ˠ ʯˣ˞ ˁˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎƮ ˦˝˫ˣˎ ˖ˬɝ˞ˎ ʆǐ ˣ˘ Șɜˣˬˠ ˳˜ʣ˳˧ʤ ǐˡˎ ʯˣ˞ ˁˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎƮ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡȽǦ ˚ˣư.


ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪. ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃. 2 ˚˫˘ǐˡ ˳˚ʣǐ ˳ˣ˨˖ ˦ʭüˡ˒ˠ ʳǎ ûɝ˞ ˦˖˧˫ ˚˫˘ǐˡ ˳˚ʣǐ ˳ˣ˨˖ ˦ʭüə˒ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɢˢ 1993 ˦˧ 1994 ˣə˥ˣˢ ˳NJɵˠ ˒ˠ ˦˧˘ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ˁƋ˘ȽǦ ˁˎɒƱ ʆǐ ûɝ˞ ˦˖˧˫ ˘ˣ ʯˡȿ˖˳ˢǦ ˦˧ ˞˧ˉ˘ ˜ˬʭý˳ˣǦ Șʘ˳ˣɣǦ ˚˫ˢ˘ˠ ˚ˬȽƞ˳˞Ǧ ˚ʈ 2018.05.08 ǎ˘ ˣƮ˞Ǧ ɞ7,850,000/- ú ˦˧ ɞ 20,000,000/-ˁ ˒ˠ ȿ˖ˢú ˦˝˫˚ƯƱ˞˫˳Ę ˳ˠʤˉ˘˫ˣú ˞˧˫ ˦˝˫˳ɩǏ ˦ȼ˞˔ ɫ ˢ˜˫ ˳˃˘ Ưȭ ʯ˔ˡ 2017 ˞˫əƱ ˞˦ ˣ˘ ɪˎ ɞ. ʱ˔. 68,799,060/- ú ˒ˠ ˦˧ ˳˚ʣɤ ˳ˢ˦ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔Ʈ ʼ ʯǩˣ ʳǎɜ Șˠˣˡ ˣˤ˳ˠǦ ˳˚ʣǐ ˳ˣ˨˖ ˦ʭüə˒ Ȫȼ ˞˧ˢ ˚˞˒ú ˦ȼțˡ˒ ˁˡ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ˉ˫Ưˁ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɢ˳ˢǦ ˣɕ˫˚˫ɜˁˠǦ ʳˣƮ ûɝ˞ ˦˖˧˫ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɣ ˚ə˳ɏ˥˒˫ˠ˔˘˳ɏ ǧɝú˥˒ ʯǩˣ ʾɬǦ ˧ˎ ˔˫ˣˁ˫ɣˁ ˳ˣ˨˖ýŹ ʳǎ ûɝ˞ˎ ʯˣˤɕ ˳˞˞ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɢ˳ɢ ˳ˁʣǦĂŸ ǎˡ˫˚Ʈɫ˞ ǧ˦˫ ˣ˘ ɀˢɕ ȝƯ˚˫˖˘ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˳ˢ˦ ˳˧ʤ ʼ ˦˖˧˫ ˣˬˠ ʯˣ˖˫˘ȼ ˦ʏ˔ ˔ƮƮˣˠú ˚ˣƯ˘ ˜ˣ ưˡ˒ˠ ˁˡ ˣ˘ ȿ˖ɢ ˦˝˫ ʯˡȿ˖ɣǦ ˖ˬɝ˞ˎ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˚˫ˢ˘ ʱƯ ˜ˬɪǦ ˦˧ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɢˢ ˃əȴ˔ ˔ƮƮˣ˳ɏ ˳ˁʣ˞˦˫ɜ˦˪ ˳ˣƯǦ ʯǩ˞ˬƯˠ ˢ˜˫ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ ʳɢɤȼ ˚ˣƯ˘ ˜ˬɪǦ ʼ ˦˖˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ɪʆǦ ˳˃˘ ʱƯ ˁˡ˘ ˢǏ. ʼ ˦˖˧˫ ˦˝˫ ʯǩ˞ˬƯˠú ˳˃˘ ˦˝˫˳ɩ Șˠˣˡ ˉ˫Ưˁ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɣ ˚ə˳ɏ˥˒ ʰˠ˔˘˳ɏ ˳˚ʣǐ ʯˡȿ˖ɣǦ ˳˞˞ ˁ˫əˠˠ ʳŻ ûɝ˞ ˦˖˧˫ ˚˨˫Ʈ ǧə˳NJˤ ˚ɜǎ ˧˫ ˁː ˁ˫˞ˡˣˢ ˜ǐ ęɪʈ˞ ˁɢ ˚˫ˢ˘ ˳ˁʣ˞˦˫ɜ˦˪˳Ę ʻˁ˃˔˫ˣˠ ˢˬȫ ʱ˔. ʳýƮ ɫ ʱƯ ˜ˬɪǦ 2016.12.31 ˣ˘ ɪˎ ˁːˁ˫˞ˡˣˢ ˳ˣ˨˖˫ȼ ˁˡ˘ Șɜ˦˪ ʳˣƮ ûɝ˞ˎ ʻ˳˞Ǧ˞ ˳˞˞ ˁ˫əˠ˳ˠʏ ʳǎɜ ˁˎɒƱ ǧ˳ˠʤ˃ ˁˡ ʱ˔Ʈ ˳˞˞ Șɜ˦˪ ʳˣƮ ûɝ˞ˎ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ˘˫˃ɜˁ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜ˳ɏ ˳˘ʣ˧ˬû ɫ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ˜ǐ ˳˃ɫ˞˖ ʯƮ ˧ˬˡ ʱƯ ʯ˗ɕú˥ˁ ˉ˘ˡ˫ɢƱ˞˫˳Ę ȝ˗˫˘Ʈˣ˳ˠǦ ˜ˬɪǦ ˳ȼ ˦˖˧˫ ǨƯ˞ˠ Șˠˣˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ 2018.08.27 ǎ˘ ˦˫ˁļˈ˫ˣú ˚ˬˣˬƮɭ ʯ˔ˡ ʼ ʯǩˣ ˁˡȽǦ ˚ˣƯ˘ ˜ˣ ȝ.˃.ǧ./˃.ǧ ˚ˬˣʇˠ. ˳˞˞ ˳˞˞ ˁ˫əˠˠ ˁƋ˘ȽǦ ǧ˞ ûɝ˞ˎ ʯ˖˫ˢ ˁˎɒƱ ʆǐ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɢˢ ˃əȴ˔ ˔ƮƮˣ˳ɏ ˚ˣƯ˘ ˜ˣƮ ʻ˞ ˁˡȽǦ ˚ˣư. ˦˪˕˫˘˳ˠǦ ʳˣƮ ˣ˘ ˳ˢ˦ ˝˫˥˫ƴ˳ˠǦ ȚˣƮ˚Ʈ ʻ˳˦ʢ˞ 2016 ˳˖˦ˬȼ˜ə 31 ǎ˘ˎ ˜ǐ ęɪʈȼ ˁ˫ˢˠ ˖ˬǦɫȼ ˚ˢ ˁˡ ʱƯ ˜ˣƮ ʯ˘˫ˣˡ˒ˠ ɪˠ. ˳˞˞ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ˁˡ Ưȭ ˳˞˞ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɢˢ ˳ˣǩ˳ˣǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɢˢ ˘ˬˣ˔ ʳǎ ûɝ˞ ˦˖˧˫ ˘˫˃ɜˁ Ǐ ʱƯ ˉˢ ˧˫ ɪǐɣ ˦ˬ˚ɒ˞ ɪ˦Ǧǝ ˁˡ˘ ˳ˢ˦ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜˠ ɪʆǦ ɞ Ƚɣˠ˘ 100 ú ˳ˣǦ 2018.03.08 ǎ˘ ʯ˖˫ˢ ʰˠ˔˘ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ˁˡ ʼ ˁˡ ʱƯ ˜ˣƮ ʻ˳˔ú ʯ˖˫˨ ˳ˣ˨˖˫ȼ ˁˡ˘ Șɜ˦˪ ˧ˎ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ˁˎɒƱ ûɝ˞ˎ 2017.03.14 ǎ˘ ɪǐɣ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣˎ ʯˠƮ ˳ˣ˘Ʈ ʳː˞ˁ ˔˫ˣˁ˫ɣˁˣ ȚNJ˃ɣˁ ˦˞˫˃˳ȼ ǧ˨˗˫ɜǦ ˚ˬȽǧˠ˖ ʼ ˦˖˧˫ ˳ˣ˨˖˦ˬɢ ʳǎ ˁˡ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˳ˢ˦ ˖ˬǩȼ Ǐ ʱƯ ˜ˣƮ ˳ˣ˨˖ ˞˧ƱǦ ɪ˳ˡʤ˗ˠ ˖úˣ˫ ʱ˔. ˳ˁ˳˦ʢ ɬˣ˖ ˳ȼ ˦˖˧˫ ˔˞Ǧ˳Ę ȿ˖ɢ ɪˠ˖ȼ ˁˡ˘ ˳ˢ˦ ˳ˣ˨ǐǦ ˳˞ʣˡŻˣ ʇ˞˫˦ʏ˔ ˢʭˁ˫ (ȚNJ) ˦˞˫˃˞ ɪʆǦ ˧ˎ ˖ˬǩȼ ǎ ʱƯ ˜ˣƮ ʳː˞ˎ ýʙ ʯˠ ûɝ˞ú ʆǐ 2017.11.20 ǎ˘ ʆˎ ɪǐɣˠ ɪ˦Ǧǝ ˁˡ ʱ˔. ʻ˳˞Ǧ˞ ˉˢ ˦ˬ˚ɒ˞˖ ɪ˦Ǧǝ ˁˢ ˜ˣ ˉ˫Ưˁ ˉˢ ˳˘ʣˣ˘ ˜ˣƮ ˳˧ʘ ɪˠ. ʻ˳˦ʢ˞ ˳˞˞ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɢˢ ˦ȼ˚˫˖˘ ˧˫ ˉˢ˚ˣ˧˘ ˞Ɯːˢˠ ˞ęǦ ˣ˫Ľˁˣ ˳ˣǩ˳ˣǦ 2017 ˉ˘ˣ˫ɜ ˦˧ ˳˚˜ˡˣ˫ɜ ˞˫˦ ˦˖˧˫ ˚ˣ˦˫ ʱ˔. ɞ.79,485/- ˁ ɪǐɣ Ȫˢú ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ˔ˣǐˡˎƮ ˉˢˠ ˧˫ ɪǐɣˠ ˳ˣǩ˳ˣǦ ɞ. 114,440/- ˁ ˳˃ɪˠ ɒƱ Ȫˢú ˢˬȫ ʱƯ ˜ˣ ǧɝú˥˒ˠ ɪˠ. ʻ˳˦ʢ˞ ˳˞˞ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɢˢ ˳ˣǩ˳ˣǦ 2017 ˉ˘ˣ˫ɜ ˦˧ ˳˚˜ˡˣ˫ɜ ˞˫˦ ˦˖˧˫ ɞ.79,485/- ˁ ɪǐɣ Ȫˢú ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ˔ˣǐˡˎƮ ˉˢˠ ˧˫ ɪǐɣˠ ˳ˣǩ˳ˣǦ ɞ. 114,440/- ˁ ˳˃ɪˠ ɒƱ Ȫˢú ˢˬȫ ʱƯ ˜ˣ ǧɝú˥˒ˠ ɪˠ. ˳˞˞ ˁːˁ˫˞ˡ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ȿ˖ɣǦ ʳǎ ˁˡ ˣˬˠ ɭ ȿ˖ˢ ˘ˬˣ˔ ˜ǐ ˃˫˦˪Ʊ ˳ˢ˦ ʯˠ ˁˡ ˃˔ ɒƱˠˬɐ ˁ˫ˡˁ ˦˝˫ˣ ˳ˠʤˉ˘˫ ˁ˨ ʯ˔ˡ ˳˞˞ ˁɞ˒ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ʯǝˁˡ˒ āˠ˫ ˞˫ə˃ ˳ˣ˔ ˳ˠʣȿ ˣ˘ ˳ˢ˦˖ ǧ˳ˠʤ˃ ˁ˳˨ʢˠ.


ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɜ˞ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪. ˦˙˧˫/ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃. 3. 2011 ˳˚˜ˡˣ˫ɜ 24 ǎ˘ˬƯ ɪɹ˫˞ ˣˬŻȗ 2001 ʯ˳˃ʤ˦˪Ʊ ˞˫˦˳ɏ ʆˎ 2008 ʯ˳˃ʤ˦˪Ʊ ˞˦ ˖úˣ˫ ʯ˗ɕú˥ ˉ˘ˡ˫ɢ˳Ę ʯʭˁ 2/2011 ˖ˡ˒ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ȿ˖ɢ ʯɐˡ˫ˣú ˚ˬˣư˞ ˧˫ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˘ʣ˞ˬƯ ˇĀ˳ɢ˂˳ɏ 4.1 ˣ˃ǦƯˠˎ ʯǩˣ ʯǧˠȼ ˧˫ ɫ˞ ǧ˦˫ ˳˦ʢˣˁ ʯə˕˦˫˗ˁ ˖˫ˠˁ ȿ˖ɢ ˳ȝʢ˥˒ˠ ûɝ˞ ˔˫ˣˁ˫ɣˁ ˳˦ʢˣˁˠǦ˳Ę ˖˫ˠˁ ȿ˖ɢ ˡ˫ˉɕ ȝ˞˫˖ ɫ ʱ˔. ˳˦ʢˣ˫ ʯə˕˦˫˗ˁ ʯˡȿ˖˳ɢ ˳ɢˁȼ ˧˫ ˔ˣ˖ 2011 ˣə˥˳ɏ ʆˎ ˖˫ˠˁ ȿ˖ɢ ˠˬɫ˞ ȝ˞˫˖ ɫ ˘ˬ˔. ˃˒ˁ˫ǝˁ˫ɜ ˳ˣ˔ ʻɫ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˢ ɒƱ ɬˣƮ ʻ˳˦ʢ ˳˘ʣ˳ˁʣˎ ˳˦ʢˣˁ ʯə˕˦˫˗ˁ ʯˡȿ˖ˢˎ ˧˫ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ɫ˞ ȝ˞˫˖ ɫ˞ ˳˧ʢƱ˳ˁʣˎ ˳˃˘ 2015.10.23 ǎ˘ ˳˦ʢˣ˫ ǧɒúƯ ˝˫ˡ ʯˡȿ˖ˢ ˳ˣ˔ ȝ˞˫˖ ɫ ưˡ˒ ʯʭˁ 577 ˠˎ˳Ʈ ȿ˖ɢ ˁȽŻ ưˡ˒ˠú ˳˃˘ ˳ȝʢ˥˒ˠ ûɝ˞ ˳˧ʢƱ˳ˣǦ ɞ.1,055,546/- ˁ ɞ.1,055,546 ˁ ʯǝ˝˫ˡ ȿ˖ˢ ˳ȼ ˣ˘ ɪˎ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ʯǝ˝˫ˡˠú ˖ˬ˘ˎ ˳ˁʣˎ˦˪ ˣˤ˳ˠǦ ˳˃ˣȽǦ ˁˡ ʱ˔.ˠȼ ˳˧ˠûǦ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ˳Ę ʯ˔˚ʈɫ˞ûǦ ˚ˬˣư˞. ʳ˧˔ ȿ˖ˢ ˳˃ɫ˞ˎ ʆǐ ɬˣ˫ ˘ȼ ʳǎɜ˳ɏ Ǐ ˳˦ʣˠ˫ ˜ˢ˫ ʯ˖˫˨ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ˳˃Ǧ ʯˠˁˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ ˠˎƮˣ ʻ˞ ˳˞˞ ˃ˬˎɥˣ ǧˡ˫ˁˡ˒ˠ ˁˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ ˚˨˫Ʈ ʯǝ˝˫ˡ ˳˃ɫ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡ˘ ˢǏ. ˦˝˫ ˧˫ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˚˫ˢ˘ ʯ˞˫˔ɕʭˤˠˎ ˞ˬǎ˧Ʈ ɫ

ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡ˘ ˳ˢ˦ ˁ˫ˡˁ ˦˝˫ˣ ǧ˳ˠʤ˃ ˁ˨ ˳ȼ Șʘ˜˖ˣ ˁʚ˔ˡ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˚˫ˢ˘ ˦˧ˁ˫ˡ ˳ˁʣ˞˦˫ɜ˦˪ ˁ˫əˠ˫ˢ˳ɏ ɪ˞əˤ˒ ǧˢ˗˫ɝ ɪʆǦ ɪ˞əˤ˘ˠú˖ ʆǐ ʯ˔ˡ ˳ȼ Șɣ˜˖ˣ ˞˫˦ 01 ú ʱƱˢ˔ ˣ˫ə˔˫ˣú ˁˡ˘ ˢǏ. ˦˚ˠ˘ ˳ˢ˦˖ ˜˦˪˘˫ʏˡ ˚˨˫Ʈ, ˚˨˫Ʈ ˚˫ˢ˘ ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱˣ ˳ˣ˔ ǧ˳ˠʤ˃ ˁˡ˘ ˢǎ. ʻ˳˦ʢ˞ ʯ˖˫˨ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ˳˃Ǧ ʯˠ ˁˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ ˁȽŻˣú ˚Ʈ ˁˡ, ˁˎɒƱ ʆǐ ˁˡȽǦ ˚ˣư.

4. ˉˢ˘ˢ ʻʘ˳ȼǏ ˞˫ə˃ ˣˢˎ ʆǐ ˁˡ˘ ˧˫ǧ ˉˢ ˘˨ ʻɤ˳ȼǏ ˞˫ə˃ˣˢˎ ʆǐ ˁˡ˘ ˧˫ǧ ˳ˣǩ˳ˣǦ, ˳ˣǩ˳ˣǦ ˦˝˫ˣ ʯˠˁˡ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ȿ˖ɢ ʻ˞ ʯɥƮˣˬƋˠ˫ ˁˎɒƱ Șʘ˜˖ˣ ɪǝ˞Ʈ ˳ɢ˂˒ˠú ˁ˫əˠˠ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ˁ˨ ˚ʈ ˚ʚǐ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ˞˫ə˃ˠ ˚ˣƮˣ˫˳˃˘ ˠǩ ˢˬ˳ȩ. ˉˢ˘ˢ ʻɤ˞ ʆǐ ûɝ˳˞Ǧ ˘ˬˣ˔ Șʘ˦ˁˡ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˝˫ɪ˔˫ ˳˘ʣ˳ˁʣˎ ʯ˘Ʊɞˣ ʯʚƮˣˬƋˠ˫ˣǦ ǧʆˠ˫ˁ˫ˡˣ ʆǐˁˡ˘ ʯ˔ˡ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ʰ˖˫ˠ˞ˎ ˜ˬˡ ˁˡ ƯȬƟ ʯ˔ˡ ˳˞˞ ȿ˖ˢ ˣə˔˞˫˘˳ɏǏ ˳˞˞ Ā˞˳ɩ˖ˠ ɪǝ˞Ʈ ˚ɜǏ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ 2015 ˣə˥˳ɏǏ ɞ 215,874/- ú˖ 2016 ˉ˘ˣ˫ɜ ˳ɩ. ʆˎ őɣ ˖úˣ˫ ɞ 852,593/- ú˖ ˣ˘ ˜ˣ ˁ˫ˡˁ ˦˝˫ˣ ǧɝú˥˒ˠ ˁ˳˨ʢˠ.˳˞˞ ʯʚƮˣˬƋˠ˫ ˦˙˧˫ ˳˃ɫȼ ʆǐ ˁ˨˖ ʯʚƮˣˬƋˠ˫ ˁˎɒƱ ǧʆ ˁˢˎ ʆǐ ˳˘ʣɫ˞



˚˫əɣ˳ȼǦƱ ˦ˬʆ ʯʭˁˠ:-132

ʰˠ˔˘˳ɏ ˘˞:- ʻˡ˫ɭə ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ.

ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɜ˞ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ˦˙˧˫/ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃. ʵ˚˳˖˦˪. 01.2014,2015 ˦˧ 2016 ˠ˘˘ ˣ˦ˡ ˁ˦ˢ ʳˣƮ ûɜ˳ȼ ʯʭˤˠˎ ʯˠƮ ɪˠ˖ȼ 2014 ˣə˥˳ɏ ɞȘˠɢ ˣˢ Șʘ˳ˣɣǦ ɞ.21,654,905.00 ú ɭ 21,654,905.00ú ˖ 2016 ˣə˥˳ɏ ɞ.23,986,219.00 ú˖ ˣ˘ ʯ˔ˡ ɞ.23,986,219.00 ú ˦˧ 2016 ˣə˥˳ɏ ɞȘˠɢ 46,719,160.00 ˖úˣ˫ ʳ˧˨ ˠ˭˞ˎ ʯ˖˫ˢ ɞ.46,719,160.00 ú ʯ˚ǖˣɕ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ˁ˫ˡ˘˫ˣ ˚˧˔ ˖úˣ˫ ʱƯ ˚ɜǎ ʵȚˎ˫ ˖úˣ˫ ʱ˔. ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ɪˠ˖ȼ ˁˡ Ưȭ ʯ˔ˡ, 2016 ˣ˦˳əǏ ˦ˬ˨ûˠ ɒƱ ˳ˢ˦ ɪˠ˖ȼ ˁˢ ɪ˦˪˔ˡ 2015 2016 ȿ˖ɢ ȝ˞˫˒ˠ ʳ˧˨ ˠ˫˞. ˣˬŻȗ ˧˫ ˳ɩ˔˘ 13,016,9 8.96 34,033,829.67

ʳǦ˗˘ ɪˠ˖ȼ 1,938,113.50 3,284,564.18

ǧ˨ ʱǿȼ 109,100.00 533,800.00

ˣ˫˧˘ ʯɥƮ ˣˬƋˠ˫ˣ 555,712.40 806,711.24

ʯƯˁ˫ˢ Ǐ˞˘˫ 28,678.00 165,266.59

˔˫ˣˁ˫ɣˁ ˁȼ 8,337,686.14 7,894,988.32 ˁɞˣǦ˳Ę ˳ɩ˔˘ i.ʯ˚˳Ę ˦˝˫˳ˣʏ ˔˫ˣˁ˫ɣˁ ˁȼˁɞˣǦ ˳ˢ˦ ˳˦ʢˣˠ ˁ˨ ˁȼˁɞˣǦ 19 ˳˖˳˘ýˎ 01.10.2014 ˣ˘ ǎ˘ ʆˎ ˦˪ǃˡ˚Ʈɫȼ ˢ˜˫ǐǦ ʯ˔ˡ ˔ˣ˖ ˁȼˁɞˣǦ 40 ˳˖˳˘ýˎ 24.10.2014 ˣ˘ ǎ˘ ʆˎ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˚ɜǎ 24.06.2015 ˣ˘ ǎ˘ ˦˪ǃˡ ˚Ʈɫȼ ˢ˜˫˖ ʾʑǦˎ ʯ˖˫ˢ ˣˬŻȗ 2015 ʯ˳˃`˦˪Ʊ ˞˦˳ɏ ʆˎ ˳˃ˣ˘ ˢǎ. ʵú˔ ˁȼˁɞˣǦ˳Ę ˳ɩ˔˘ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ˔˫ˣˁ˫ɣˁ ˚˖˘˞ ˞˔ ˳˦ʢˣˠ ˁ˨ ˁ˫ˢ ˚ɜļ˳Ŏ˖ˠˎ ˣː˫ ˦˪ǃˡ ˚Ʈɫȼ ˢˬȪ˳˞Ǧ ˚ʈˣ ʯǝˁ ˣˬŻȗ ˧˫ ˳ɩ˔˘ ˳˃ɪ˳ȼ ʯˣˣˤɕ˔˫ˣˠ ʵ˖˫ɪˠ. 2016 ˣə˥˳ɏǎ ʆǐˁ˨ ˣˬŻȗ ȝƯ˦ʭ˦˪ˁˡ˒ ˇĀ˳ɢ˂ˠˎ ʯǩþˢˣ ʰˡȼ˝ˁ ˣˬŻ˚ ʳ˧˨ ˠ˭˞ ǧ˦˫ ʱƯˣ ʯ˳˘ýƮ Ǐ˞˘˫ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦɬ ˳˃ɪȼ ʳ˧˨ ˠ˭˞ ˳˧ʢƱ˳ˣǦ 2015 ˣə˥ˠˎ ˣː˫ 2016 ˣə˥˳ɏǏ ˳˃ˣ˘ ˢ˖ ˣˬŻȗ ˳ɩ˔˘ ˚˧˨ ˳˃ʣ˦˪ ʱ˔˃˳˞ˠˎ ʯ˞˔ˡˣ ʯ˚˳Ę ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫˳ˣʏ ˳˦ʢˣˠ ˁ˨ ˔˫ˣˁ˫ɣˁ ˁȼˁɞˣǦ 73 ˳˖˘˫˳˃Ǧ 30 ˳˖˳˘ý ˁ˦ˢ ʳˣƮ ˁˡ˘ ʯʭˤ˳ɏ ˳˦ʢˣˠ ˁ˨ ʯ˔ˡ ˳˞ʣʑǦ˳Ę ˣˬŻȗ ˧˫ ˳ɩ˔˘ ʯ˚˳Ę ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ʯˡȿ˖˳ˢǦ ˳˃ɫȼ ˳ˁʣˎ ʱ˔.

ii.ʯ˚˳Ę ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ʳǦ˗˘ ɪˠ˖˞ 2015 ˣə˥˳ɏ Ǐ ɞȘˠɢ 1,938,113.50 ú ɭ ʯ˔ˡ 2016 ˣə˥˳ɏǏ ɞȘˠɢ 3,284,564.18 ú ˖úˣ˫ ʳ˧˨ ˳˃ʣ˦˪ ʱ˔ ʻˠˎ ɀɣˁ ˳˧ʢƱˣ 2015 ˣə˥˳ɏ ʯˣ˦˘˳ɏǏ ʯ˚˳Ę ˦˝˫ˣˎ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˚˫ˢ˘ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤ˳ˠǦ ˢ˜˫ǐǦ ˜ˡ ˣ˫˧˘ ˧˫ UNOPS ʰˠ˔˘˳ˠǦ ʯ˚ˎ ˢ˜˫ǐǦ ˁȼ˚ˬú ˁ˦ˢ ʳˣƮ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˝˫ɪ˔˫ˁˡ˘ ˣ˫˧˘ˠ ˠ˘˫ǎ ˣ˫˧˘ ˦˙˧˫ ʳǦ˗˘ ˝˫ɪ˔ˠ ʳ˔˫˞Ʈ˞ ʯǝˁ ˳ˢ˦ ʳ˧˨ ˳˃ʣ˦˪ ʱ˔.


ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɜ˞ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ˦˙˧˫/ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃. ʵ˚˳˖˦˪.

iii.ʯ˚˳Ę ȝ˳NJˤ˳ɏ ˉ˘˃˧˘ˠˎ ˦˫˳ȗĉˣ ʳˣ˔ ˢ˘ ˁ˦ˢ ʳˣ˔ ûɜ˳ȼ ʯˣˤɕ˔˫ˣˠ ˳˧ʢƱ˳ˣǦ ʯ˂Ɯːˣ ˣ˫˧˘ ˝˫ɪ˔˫ ûɜ˞ˎ ʆǐɪ ʱƯ ˜ˬɪǩƮ ˁȼˁɞˣǦ ˳˦ʢˣˠˁˡ˘ ˳ˣˢ˫ˣǦˎ ʯ˞˔ˡ ˳ˣˢ˫ˣǦʏǎ ˳˦ʢˣˠ ˁˡ˘˜ˬɪǦ ʾʑǦˎ ʯ˖˫ˢ ʯƯˁ˫ˢ Ǐ˞˘˫ ˳˃ɬ ǧ˦˫Ʈ ʵú˔ ˣə˥˳ɏǏ ɪˠ˖˞ ʳ˧˨ ˳˃ʣ˦˪ ʱ˔. iv.˔ˣ˖ ˳˞˞ ˁ˫ˢ ˣˁˣ˫ǩ˳ɩ UNOPS ʰˠ˔˘ˠ ˦˞˃ ʼˁ˫˜NJ˗ˣ ʆǐˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ˁ˦ˢ ˣəĚˁˡ˒ˠ ˳ˁʣˎ ʻúɚ˦˪ûɜ˳ȼ ˣˬː˦ˎ˧˘ ˠˎ˳Ʈ ˁ˦ˢ ǎˡ˫˚Ʈˣ˘ ˧˫ ˳˘ʣǎˡ˘ ˁ˦ˢ ˳ˢ˦ ˣəĚˁˡ˒ˠ ˳ˁʣˎ ˡ˫Ƶˁ˫ˢ˳ɏǎ ˚ˣ˫ ˁ˦ˢ ʳˣƮ ûɜ˳ȼ ˣˬː˦ˎ˧˘ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˳ˁʣˎ ʱ˔.

v.ʯ˚˳Ę ȝ˳NJˤ˳ɏ ʵú˔ ˁ˫ˢˣˁˣ˫ǩ˳ˣ ǎ ʆǐɭ ˃ʭˣƱˡ ʵˣǐˡ ˳˧ʢƱ˳ˣǦJCBˣ˫˧˘ˠ˝˫ɪ˔˫˳ˁʣˎʯ˂Ɯː˃ʭˣƱˡ˳˘ʣ˜ʆ˘˫ ˦˪˕˫˘ȘɜʆǿˁˡʱƯʯ˔ˡɪ˳ˤʢ˥˳ˠǦ˃ʭˣƱˡʵˣǐˡʯˣ˞ûɜ˳ȼ ˣˬː˦ˎ˧˘˖āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˁˡ˘ˢǎ˃˳˞ǧ˦˫JCBˣ˫˧˘ˠˎʯ˖˫ˢ ʳǦ˗˘ɪˠ˖˞˦˝˫˳ɩ ʯˡȿ˖˳ˢǦ˦˚ˠ˫ʱ˔.

vi.ʵú˔ ˣə˥˫ ˁ˫ˢ˳ˠǦ ˚ʈˣ ʯ˚˳Ę ȝ˳NJˤ˳ɏ ʱƯ ɬ ˳ːʭě ʵˣǐˡ ˞˗˘ˠ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ȝ˫˳NJɴˠ ˵ˣ˖ɕ ʯǝˁ˫ɜ ˁ˫əˠ˫ˢˠ ˦˞˃ ʼˁ˫˜NJ˗ ɪ ˳ːʭě ˞ʷ˗˘ ˣˬː˦ˎ˧Ǧ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ɬ ʯ˔ˡ ǐȼɪʆˡɪ˳ȼ ˁˎɒƱ ˦˙˧˫ɬ ʳǦ˗˘ ɪˠ˖˞ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ʯˡȿ˖˳ˢǦ ˢ˜˫Ǐ ʱ˔. ʻ˳˦ʢ˞ ˣƱˡ ɚǎ ˚ˣƯ˘ ˝˫ˉ˘ ʻúɚ˦˪ûɜ˳ȼ ˁˎɒƱ ˦˙˧˫ ˖ ʯˣˤɕ ˣ˫˧˘ ʯ˚˳Ę ˦˝˫˳ˣ˞ ˦˚ˠ˘ ˢǎ. vii.ʯ˚˳Ę ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣˎ ʳː ˁː ˳˘ʣ˞ˬƯ ǧ˦˫ ʯ˚˳Ę ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣˎ ʯˠƮ ˦ƱǦ ˄˫˔˘ˠ ûɜ˳ȼ ˦˪˕˫˘ˠ ʯ˚˳Ę ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ ˜ˢ ȝ˳NJˤˠˎ ʾȩ˳˜Ǧ ʼˡ˫ɭə ˚ƮƱ ȝ˫˳NJɴˠ ˦˝˫ˣˎ ʯˠƮ ˉ˘˫ûə˒ ȝ˳NJˤˠú ˳˘ʣˣ˘ ˦˪˕˫˘ˠˁ ˦˪˕˫Ș˔ ˳ˁʣˎ ʱƯ ˜ˬɪǦ ʻ˞ ˦˪˕˫˘˳ˠʏ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ˁˡ˘ ˁ˦ˢ ǎ˘˚˔˫ ʯ˚˳Ę ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ˣ˫˧˘ ˝˫ɪ˔˫ ˳ˁʣˎ ʳˣƮ ˳ˁʣˎ ʱ˔.

viii.ʯ˚˳Ę ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ˁ˦ˢ ʳˣƮ ûɜ˳ȼ ʯʭˤ˳ˠʏ ˝˫ɪ˔˫ ˁˡ˘ ʆˠˢ˞ ˣ˫˧˘ˣˢ ʯɥƮ ˣˬƋˠ˫ ˦˙˧˫ ɬ ɪˠ˖˞ 2015 ˣə˥˳ɏ ǎ ɞȘˠɢ 555,712.40 ú ɬ ʯ˔ˡ ˳˞ˠ 2016 ˣə˥˳ɏǎ ɞȘˠɢ 806,711.24 ú ˖úˣ˫ ʳ˧˨ ˳˃ʣ˦˪ ʱ˔. ˔ˣ˖ ʯ˚˳Ę ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣˎ ʯˠƮ ˣ˫˧˘ ʆˠɢˢ ʳ˔˫˞Ʈ ˞ ˚ˬˡǧ ˣ˫˧˘ ˣ˘ ˜ˬɪǩƮ ˔ˣ ˖ ʳǦ˗˘ Ƚˢ ʳ˧˨ ˠ˭˳ȼ ˳˧ʢƱ˳ˣǩƮ ʻ˳˦ʢ˞ ˣ˫˧˘ˣˢˎ ʯ˖˫ˢ ˣ˫˧˘ ʯ˞˔ˡ ˳ˁʣˎ˦˪ˣˢ Ƚˢ ʳ˧˨ ˠ˭˞ ˳˧ʢƱ˳ˣǦ ˣ˫˧˘ ˦˙˧˫ ɬ ˘ːƮƱ ɪˠ˖˞ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ȿˢɕ˞ˠ ˔Ʈˣˠ ʳ˔˫˞Ʈ˞ ʯˠ˧˚Ʈ ˔Ʈˣˠˁ ˚ˬˣˬƯ ˜ˬɪǦ 2015 ˣə˥˳ɏ ʯˣ˦˫˘˳ɏǏ ˖ˬɜˠ ɒƱ ˣ˫˧˘ ˘ːƮƱ ɪˠ˖˞ ˧˫ ʯɥƮˣˬƋˠ˫ ɪˠ˖˞ 2016 ˣə˥˳ɏǎ ˖ˡ˘ ˢǎ. ix.ʯ˚˳Ę ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫˳ˣʏ ˁ˦ˢ ʳˣƮ ûɜ˳˞ ʯʭˤ˳ɏ ˳˦ʢˣˠ ˁˡ˘˳˦ʢˣˁɐǦˎ ǧ˨ ʱǐȼ ˦ˬ˚ɐ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ɬ ɪˠ˖˞ 2015 ˣə˥˳ɏǎ ɞȘˠɢ 109,100.00 ú ɬ ʯ˔ˡ 2016 ˣə˥˳ɏǎ ɞȘˠɢ 533,800.00 ú ɪˠ˖ȼ ˳ˁʣˎ ʱ˔. ˳˞ˠˎ ˳˧ʢƱˣú ˳ˢ˦ 2016 ˣə˥˳ɏ ˳ȼ ˦˙˧˫ ˖ˬɞ ɪˠ˖˳˞Ǧ ɞȘˠɢ 182,000.00 ú 2015 ˣə˥˳ɏ ʯˣ˦˘˳ɏǏ ˢ˜˫ǐǦ ǧ˨ ʱǐȼ ˦˙˧˫ ˖ˬɞ ɪˠ˖˞ ˳ˣ.


ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɜ˞ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ˦˙˧˫/ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃. ʵ˚˳˖˦˪.

x.ʳ˧˔ ˦˙˧Ǧ ˁ˨ˁ˫ˡ˒˫ ˳˧ʢƱ˳ˣǦ 2014,2015 ˣə˥ˠǦˎ ˣː˫ 2016 ˣə˥˳ɏǎ ˖ˬɜ˞ˎ ʆǐɬ ɪˠ˖ȼ ʳ˧˨ ˳˃ʣ˦˪ ʱƯ ˜ˣ ʵȚˎ˫ ˖ˬúɪˠ ˧ˬûˠ.

xi.ʯ˚˳Ę ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ˁ˦ˢ ʳˣƮ ûɜ˳ȼ ʯʭˤ˳ɏ ʻ˞ ˁ˫ˢ ˣˁˣ˫ǩ˳ɩ ˳˦ʢˣˠ ˁ˨ ˔˫ˣˁ˫ɣˁ ˁȼˁɞˣǦ 30 ˳˖˳˘ý˳Ę ˘ȼ ˧˫ ʯ˳˘ýƮ ɪ˦˪˔ˡ ˚˧˔ ˖úˣ˫ ʱ˔.

1. ʻȼ.ʻ˦˪.˦ȩˡ˫˦˪ ȿ˧˞Ɗ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 2. ʻ˩.˪ ʻȼ.˚˦˫Ʈ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 3. ʻȼ.ʯɐ.ʯ˦˪ˡȗ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 4. ʻȼ.˳˞ʤˆǦ˜˫Ȭ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 5. ɓ.ʻɢ.ʯˢ˫ȗǏǦ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 6. ʼ.ʻȼ.ʻļ.ʻȼ.ʵ˵˘˦˪ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 7. ʼ.ˡ˫ʆú ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 8. ˳ú.Șˡ˜˫˧ˡǦ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 9. ˳Ŏ.ɪú˳Ǧ˦˪ˣˡǦ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 10. ʻ˦˪.ʻȼ.˘ˣǨ˖Ǧ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 11. ʼ.˘˫˃Ǐ˚Ǧ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 12. ˳ú.Ȭ˧˫ɜ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 13. ʻ˦˪. ʻȼ.ˡʝú ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 14. ɒ.ʻ˦˪.ɜ˦˪Ƚˠ˫˦˪ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 15. ʻ˦˪. ȿ˦ȼȽɢ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 16. ɓ.ʻɢ.ʻȼ.ʯȾǦ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 17. ʻȼ. ʳ˦˪˦ǏǦ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 18. ʻ˦˪. ʻȼ. ɜ˦˪ɫˁ˫Ǧ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 19. ʼ.Ő.ʻȼ.ʳə˩˫Ǧ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 20. ɫ.ɝ.ʯ˘˦˪ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 21. ʻȼ.ʯɐ.ʻȼ. ȿŏȩ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 22. ʼ.ʻɢ. ˦ɤȼ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 23. ʼ.˞ŏNJ ȿ˧ȼ˞Ɗ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 24. ʼ.ʻ˦˪. ʯǧ˦˪ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 25. ʼ.ʰə.ʻȼ.˃ˡ˫ʝ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 26. ʼ.ʻȼ.ʯ˦˪ˁə ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 27. ˣɐ. ˘ŏȿǏǦ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 28. ƌ.ʻǦ.ʱǦˎǧ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 29. ʻɢ.ʻȼ. ǩ˳˦ɐú ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ 30. ʰə.Őˣˡ˫Ŏ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ


ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɜ˞ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ˦˙˧˫/ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃. ʵ˚˳˖˦˪. 02.˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ˦˙˧˫ ˳˖˞˧ɢ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ˁ˫əˠ˫ˢ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɢˢ ʳǎûɜ˞ ʵ˳˖˦˫ ˳˘ɢʆȗ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɢˢú ʳǎ ûɝ˞ ˳ˣǩ˳ˣǦ ˣˬː˦ˎ˧˘ ˠˎ˳Ʈ ʯǩ˞˔ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ˳˖˞˧ɢ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɢˢ 2013 ˣ˦˳əǏ ʵƱɞ ˘ˬ˳˃˘ʏˡ ˳ˣǩˣˎ ˘ˣ ˳˔˞˧ˢ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɢˢú ʳǎˁˡ˘ ˜ˣƮˢ ˳˘ɢʆȗ ȝ˫˳NJɵˠ ˳˦ʢˣ˫ ˣˬƋ ǎɒƟ ûɝ˳ȼ ˣˬː˦ˎ˧˘ ˠˎ˳Ʈ ȝƯ˚˫˖˘ˠ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ɞȘˠɢ Ƚɣˠ˘ 40ˁ ˣɕ˫˚˲Ư˳ˠǦ ɞ.Ƚ.40 ú ˢ˜˫˳˃˘ ʯˡȿ˖ˢ ˝˫ɪ˔˫ ˳ˁʣˎ ˳˞˞ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɢ˳ɢ ˚˨ȿ ʯǎˠˡ˳ɏ ˣˬː ƯȬ˒˖ ʻʏ ˦ˬ˨ˬ˦˪˞ ˦˧ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ˁˡ˘ ˜ˣƮ ˚ʈęˠ 2012.10.18 ˣˬǧ ǎ˘ ˚ˬˣˬƯ ˘˃ˡ ʱ˦˪˔˳ȼǦƱˣ ˦˝˫ˣ ɪʆǦ ȝƯú˳˥ʢ˚ ˦˝˫˳ɩ 19 ˣˬǧ ɚ˦˪ɪȼ ˣ˫ˡ˳ɏ ʯʭˁ 03 ˖ˡ˘ ưˡ˒ˠˎ ʯǩþˢˣ ˳ˁʣˎ ɞ.Ƚ.110 ˁ ɪˠ˖ȽǦ ˳˔˞˧ɢ ʯ˂Ɯːˣ ˳˞˞ āˠ˫ˣɣˠ ʻˣˁˎ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ˃ɞ ˦˝˫˚Ưˣˡˠ˫ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɢˢú ʳǎ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˘ˣ ɪʆǦ ˁƋ˘ȽǦ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˁˡ˘ ˢǎ.

˦ˬ˨ˬ˦˪˞ú ˦ˁ˦˪ ˳ˁʣˎ Ư˳ȩ.ɞ.Ƚ. 110 ˣə˃ ʯƋ 18,000Ǧ ˳˜ǐ ɪˎ ʻú ˣə˃ ʯƋˠˁˎ ɪˠ˖˞ ɞ.6000.00 ˣˬƋ ˔ˣ˖ ˳˞˞ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɢˢˎ ʯˡȿ˖ɢ ȝƯ˚˫˖˘ˠǦ ȿɥ˞ǧǦ˞ ˣ˘ ʯ˔ˡ ʻˠ ˦ȼ˞˔ ɪˠ˖˞ ˣ˘ ˣə˃ ˳˘ʣˢˬȫ˞ ˳˧ʢƱ˳ˣǦ ʯˡȿ˖ɢ ȝƯ˚˫˖˘ˠǦ ˢ˜˫ ˃ˬǧ˞ ʵ˳˖˦˫ ʯƋˠˁˎ ɞ.4000.00 ȝ˞˫˒ˠ ʳú˞ˣ˫ ˞˗ɕ˞ ˡˉ˳ɏ ʻˣˁˎ ʆŹ ˳NJˤ˚˫ˢ˘ ˘˫ˠˁˠǦ˳Ę ʵƮ˦˧˳ˠǦ ˠɐ.ʵƱɞ ˘ˬ˳˃˘ʏˡ ȝ˫˳NJɵˠ ˳˦ʢˣ˫ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˚˫ˢ˘ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤˠ ˞ęǦ ʯǎˠˡ˳ˠǦ ʯǎˠˡˠˎ ʯˡȿ˖ɢ ˣˬƋ ǎɒƟ ûɝ˳ȼ ˣɕ˫˚˲Ư˳ˠǦ ˳ˣǦ ȝƯ˚˫˖˘ˠ ˁˡ˘ ˢǏ. ˦ˬˢûˠɒƱ ˁɞ˒ú ˧ˬŹˠˎ ˳˘ɢʆȗ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ȿ˖ˢ ȩȼ ˞˧ˢ ʳǎ ûɝ˞ ˣɕ˫˚˲Ưˠ ˠˎ˳Ʈ ˚˨ȿ ʯǎˠˡˠ ˳ˢ˦ ˢˬȬƟ ɞȘˠɢ Ƚɣˠ˘ 40ˁ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˠʣ˖˫˳˃˘ Ư˳ȩ.ɞ.Ƚ.100 ˎ ȿ˖˳ˢǦ ʯƮƯˣ˫ˡȼ ˖ˬȽ˞ ˧˫ ˚˧˨ ˞˧˳ɢ ˣˬː ʰˡȼ˝ ˁ˨ ʯ˔ˡ ˣˬƋ ˣɕ˫˚˲Ư ˦˙˧˫ ʯˣˤɕ ˣ˘ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˚˫ˢ˘ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤˠ ˞ęǦ ʯǎˠˡ˳ˠǦ ʯǎˠˡˠˎ ʰˁ˫ˡˠˎ ˁˬȪ˘Ÿ ˞Ɯːˢˠ ɪʆǦ Ā˞˫ǩþˢˣ ɞȘˠɢ Ƚɣˠ˘ 05 ú ˧˫ ˔ˣƮ ɞȘˠɢ Ƚɣˠ˘ 05 ú ˚Ʈ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ˳ˎǦːə ˞Ɯːˢˠ ˔˞ ˖ ʳǦ˚ʈˣ ɞȘˠɢ Ƚɣˠ˘ 25ú ˖ ˔ˣƮ ɞȘˠɢ Ƚɣˠ˘ 21ú ʯǩ˞ˬƯˠ ˳˞˞ ˣɕ˫˚˲Ưˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˢ˜˫ ˜ˬęǦ ˳˞˞ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɢ˳ɢ ʯ˂Ɯː ˣˬːˁˎɒƮ˔ ˦˙˧˫ ʯˡȿ˖ɢ Ǐ ˳˘ʣ˞ˬƯ ʯ˔ˡ ˳ˎǦːə ˢ˜˫ Ǐ ˢˬȪ ʼˣ˫ ˝˫ɪ˔˫ ˁˡ˘ ˢǎ. ˳˞˞ ʯˡȿ˖ˢˎ ʯ˖˫ˢ ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫Ʈ ˣˬː ʱƮ˳Ʈ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ȝ˦ȼ˚˫˖˘ ˁȽŻˣ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˚˫ˢ˘ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤˠ ˞ęǦ˖ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ȝ˦ȼ˚˫˖˘ ɪʆǧ. ˁȽŻˣ ˞ęǦ˖ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ȝ˦ȼ˚˫˖˘ ˁȽŻˣ ˞ęǦ˖ ˳˞˞ āˠ˫ˣɣˠ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˁˡ˘ ˢǎ.

˳˞˞ ʯˡȿ˖ɢ ȝƯ˚˫˖˘ˠˎ ʯǩþˢˣ ʯǎˡ˳ˠǦ ʯǎˠˡˠˎ ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫Ʈ ˣˬː āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˳ˁʣˎ 2017.08.20 ˣˬǧ ǎ˘ ˃ɞ ʯĞ˫˞˫˔ɕƱ˞˫ ʯƯǦ ˳˞˞ ˁ˫əˠ˫ˢ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɢˢ ɪˣ˲˔ ˳ˁʣˎ ˚ɜ˧ˡ˘ˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˝˫ˡ˳˖˘ ˢǎ.

˔ˣ˖ ˡ˫ˉɕ ęƟȼ ˁȽŻ˳ɩ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪ ˞˔ ʵú˔ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɢ˳ɢ ʳǎûɜȼ ˣˬː ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ǧȚ˒˔˫ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪ ˚˔˫ (Professional Advice) ǧ˳ˠʤˉɕ ȝ˗˫˘ ˳ɢˁȼ (ʳʭŏ˳Ǧɞ ˳˦ʢˣ˫ˣ) Ʊ˞˫ ˳ˣ˔ ɣɒȼ ˠˣ˫ ʱ˔. (ʱȿƟȼ ʯʭˁ – 01)

˔ˣ˖ ˡ˫ˉɕ ęƟȼ ˁȽŻ˳ɩ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪ ˞˔ ȝ˦ȼ˚˫˖˘ āˠ˫ˣɣˠ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˁ˨ āˠ˫˚ɜ˚˫Ź˳ɏ ɪ˦˪˔ˡ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˣ˫ə˔˫ˣú (Comprehensive Report) ǧˣˬɚǎ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ˧˫ ɀˢ˫ˡȼ˝ˁ ʱ˦˪˔˳˞ǦƱ˳ɩ BOQ ɪǐɣ ʵ˚ˁˡ˘ ʰˡȼ˝˳ɏǎ ˦ɪ ˳ˁʣˎ ˚ʈˣ ʳˣƮ ûɜ˞ˎ ʯ˖˫ˢ ˁ˫ˡ˒˫ˣ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ɬ ˣ˫ə˔˫ˣ ˧˫ ˳˃ɪȼ ûɜ˞ˎ ʯ˖˫ˢ Ȫɢ˚Ʈ ˣ˫ə˔˫ˣ ˢ˜˫ ˃ˬǧ˞ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ˁȽŻˣú ȘʏŻˣ˫ ʯ˂Ɯː āˠ˫ Șʘ˳ˣ˔ú āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˁˡ˘ ˢǎ. (ʱȿƟȼ ʯʭˁ – 02)


ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɜ˞ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪. ˦˙˧˫/ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃.

03.˘˃ˡ ˦ˬ˨ʈȼ ˦˧ ˉˢ ˦ȼ˚˫˖˘ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤˠ ʼˡ˫ɭə ȝ˳NJˤ˳ɏ ˳˚ʣǐ ˳ˣ˳˨˙˳˚ʣ˨ ʳǎûɜ˞ ʵ˳˖˦˫ ɞ.Ƚ.193 ˁ ɪˠ˖ȽǦ ˳˔˞˧ɢ ˳ˣ˨˙ ˦ʭüə˒ˠú ʈǐʈ ˡˉˠ ˦Ʊ ʳː˞ú ˳˘ʣ˞ˬƯ ˜ˬɪǦ ˚ʈęˠ ˣ˦ˡ 40ˁˎ ʳǽ ûɝ˞ˎ ʯˡȿ˖ɢ ˦ˬ˚ɑ˞ˎ ʻˁˆˣ Ưȭ ʯ˔ˡ ˳˞˞ ʯǝˁ ˁ˫ˢˠú Ư˦˪˳˦ʢ ˚ɢɣˠˎ ʯˠƮ ʳː˞ˁ ʼˡ˫ɭə ˳˚ʣǐ ˳ˣ˨˙ ˦ʭüə˒ˠ ɞ.99,939,468 ˁ ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫Ʈ ˳ˣ˳˨˙˳˚ʣ˨ ˚ˣƮˣ˫ ˳˃˘ ę˳ɏˠ. ˣŹ˘˫ˁ˞ˎ ʳǽ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˘ˬ˳˃˘ʏˡ ˚˨˫˳Ʈ ȝ˗˫˘ ˳ɢˁȼ 2016 ˣ˦˳əǏ ˡ˫ˉɕ ʳʭŏ˳Ǧɞ ˳ˣ˘Ʈ ʳːȼ ˚˧ʈˁȼ ûʆˣú ˳˘ʣ˞ˬƯˁ˳ȼ ˦ʭ˦˪˕˫ˣ ˦˞ˆ ʻˁˆ˔˫ˣˁˎ ʻ˨˳˟˘ ˢǏ.˳˞˞ ȝƯɪ˚˫ˁˠú ˧ˬŹˠˎ 1987.09.20 ˣ˘ ǎ˘ ˚ɢɣǦ ˳˖˳ú ˳ˣ˨˖ ˦ʭüə˒ˠ ˦˝˫ˣ ɪʆǦ ˣ˦ˡ 33 ˁ ˁ˫ˢˠú ˁ˫ˡˁ ˦˝˫ˣǦ ˧˫ ʼˡ˫ɭə ȝ˫˳NJɴˠ ˦˝˫ˣ ʯ˔ˡ ʱƯ ˦˙˧˫ ˚ɢɣ ˳˖ˁûǦ ˁɢ˜ǐ Ā˞ˠˎ ˢ˜˫˃Ʈ ˁˡ˃Ʈ ʳːȼ ˜NJ˖ˎ Ǐ˳ȼ ęɪʈ˞ˎ ʯǩþˢˣ ˳˚ʣǐ

ʳː˞ˁ ʆǐ ˳ˣȽǦ ˚ˣƯ˘ ʯ˔ˡ ʻȽ ȿʚ ˁɢ˜ǿ ˳ˣ˳˨˙˳˚ʣ˨ˎ ʯ˖˫ˢ ʳː˞ ˜NJ˖ˎ ˢ˜˫˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢǎ. ˳˃ɫ˞ɞ.Ƚ 22.28 ú ˣ˘ ʯ˔ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ˳˞˞ ʳǽ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˳˞˞ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɢˢ ʳǽ ˁˡ˘ ȷȽ˳ɏ ˔ˣ˖ 2016.10.16 ˣ˘ ǎ˘ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ʳːȼ ˘ˣ ʯɐƯˁɞ ʻˡ˫ɭə ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ˜ˣ ˚ˣ˦ȽǦ ˳˞˞ ʳǽ ˜ǐ ęɪʈ˳ȼ ˣ˃ǦƯ˳ɏ 13(a) ˎ ʯǩþˢˣ ˳˖˚˫ə˥ˣˠ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤ˳ˠǦ ʯˡȿ˖ɢ ˢ˜˫˳˃˘ ˔ˣƮ ˣ˦ˡ 33 ˁˎ ˘ˣ ˜ǐ ęɪʈ˞ Ǐə˄ ûɜ˞ˎ ʯ˖˫ˢ Ư˳ȩ.˳˞˞ ˳ˣ˨˙ ˦ʭüə˒ˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˣ˘ ȿʚ ɪˠ˖˞

ɞ.Ƚ.193 ú ɬˣ˖ ˳˞˞ ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫ƮƱˣ ɞ.Ƚ.99.94 ˁˎɒƱ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˁ˨ ʯ˔ˡ ʳː˳ȼ ˚ˡ˞ ʯɐƯˠ ˧˫ ˁˎ ˢ˜˫˳˖˘ ˢNJ˳NJ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤˠ ʯǩ˞˔ ˳ˎǦːə ˦˪˕˫ˣˡƮˣˠ ˠ˘˫ǎˠ ˦˪ǂˡûɜ˞ ʵ˳˖˦˫ ˣ˦ˡ 33 ˘ˣ ˜ǐ ˞Ɯːˢˠú ʯǩ˞ˬƯˠ ˢ˜˫ ˃ˬǨ˞ ˞ˆ ˧ˬɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫˖ ęɪʈ˞ú ˦ˁ˦˪ ˳ˁʣˎ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˁˡ ʱ˔. ˠǦ˘ ˦˧ ˳ȼ ȝ˞˫˒˳ˠǦ ˳ȼ ˣ˘ ɪˎ ˳ˁʣ˚˞˘

ȿ˖ˢú ɪˠ˖ȼ ɫ Ư˳ȩ˖? ˠǦ˘ ˁ˫ˡˁ ˦˝˫ˣ ˳˞ʏ ˚˨ȿ ʯǎˠˡ˳ɏ ˣˬː ˦˙˧˫ ȝƯ˚˫˖˘ˠ ˁ˨ ɪ˞ʇˠ. ʱ˦˪˔˳˞ǦƱ˃˔ ȿ˖ˢ ɞȘˠɢ Ƚɣˠ˘ 99.94 ˣ˘ ʯ˔ˡ ˳ȼˣ˘ ɪˎƮ 90 % ˁ ˣˬː ʯˣ˦Ǧ ɫ˞ ˦ˬˢûˠ ɒƱ ˁɞ˒û. 04.ʯǩ˞˔ ˁ˫əˠ ˞Ɯːˢˠˎ ʯ˞˔ˡˣ ʆŹ˘ ʯ˚˳Ę ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫˳ɩ 2015, 2016, 2017 ˣˬǧ ˣ˦ˡˣˢ ˳˦ʢˣˁˠǦ 73 ú ˦˙˧˫ ˡ˫ˉɕ ˳˦ʢˣ˫ ʯə˕ ˦˫˗ˁ ˔˫ˣˁ˫ɣˁ ˚˖˘˞ ˞˔ ˁȼˁɞˣǦ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ʯˡȿ˖ɢ ˳ȝʢ˥˒ˠ ˁˡ ˘ˬ˔. ʯ˔ɕˣˤɕ˔˫ˣˠ ˚˖˘ȼ ˁˡ˳˃˘ ˜˙ˣ˫ ˳˃˘ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ɀˢɕ ˔ƮƮˣˠˎ ʯǩˣ ˳˞˞ ˁȽˁɞˣǦˎ ǎ˘ˁˎ ɞȘˠɢ 391.00 ˳ɩ˔˘ˠú ˳˃ˣ˘ ˢǎ. ʻ˳˦ʢ˞ ˞˦ˁˎ ǎ˘ 21 ˁˎ ˣː˫ ˣˬƋ˳ˠǦ ˣˬːˁˡ˘ ʯˠˎ ɞȘˠɢ 10,000.00 ˁ ˳ɩ˔˘ˠú ˳˃ˣ˘ ʯ˔ˡ ˳˞˞ ˁȽˁɞˣǦ˳Ę ˳˦ʢˣ˫ ˁ˫ˢˠ ˞˫˦ 06ˁˎ ˣˡú ˘ˬ˳˃˘ʏˡ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˚˫ˢ˘ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤ˳ɏ ˳ɢˁȼ Ʊ˞˫˳Ę ʯǩ˞ˬƯˠˎ ˢ˜˫ ʴˎ ʯǩþˢˣ ʯɥƮ ˳ˁʣˎ ˘ˣ ˚ƮɫȽ ɣȘ ˢ˜˫Ǐ ʱ˔.

˳˞ˣǦ ˳ˁʣǦ˳NJʆˣˢˎ ʯǩˣ ʯ˚˳Ę ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ˳˦ʢˣˠ ˁ˨ ˔˫ˣˁ˫ɣˁ ˚˖˘˞ ˞˔ ˜˙ˣ˫ ˃Ʈ ˁȼˁɞˣǦ 73 ˳˖˘˫˳˃Ǧ ˳˦ʢˣˁ ʯə˕ ˦˫˗ˁ ʯˡȿ˖ˢˎ ûʆǿ ˖˫ˠˁ ȿ˖ˢú ʯˠ ˳ˁʣˎ ˳˘ʣ˞ˬ˔. ˳˞ˠˎ ȝ˗˫˘˔˞ ˳˧ʢƱˣ ʯ˚˳Ę ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫˳ˣ̀ˮ ȿˢɕ˞ˠ ˔Ʈˣˠ ʳ˔˫˞Ʈ˞ ˚ʈ˜˭˞ˁˎ ˢúˣ ʱƯɫ˞ɐ. ˳ȼ ˦Ƚ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ʵú˔ ˁȼˁɞˣǦˎ ˚ˬ˧ˬǎɣ ûɜ˞ú ˳ˁʣˎ ʾʑǦ ʆˠ ˁˬ˞ˬƮ˔ ˞˔ ˳˞˞ ˚Ʈɫȼ ˢ˜˫Ǐ ʱ˔.

˔ˣ˖ ʵú˔ ˁȼˁɞˣǦˎ ˣˬːˁˡ˘ ǎ˘ ˃˘˘ˎ ʯǩˣ ˣˬŻȗ ˳˃ɪȼ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜˘ ʯ˔ˡ ʵú˔ ˁȼˁɞˣǦˎ ˢˬ˳˜˘ ˣˬŻ˚ ʳ˔˫˞Ʈ˞ ʈɥ ȿ˖ˢúˣ˘ ˜ˬɪǦ ˳˦ʢˣˁ ʯə˕ ˦˫˗ˁ ʯˡȿ˖ˢˎ ˖˫ˠˁ ȿ˖ɢ ʯˠ ˳˘ʣˁˡ˘ ˳ˢ˦ ʻ˞ ˁȼˁɞˣǦ ɪʆǦ ˔˞ ˔˞˳Ę ˁˬ˞ˬƮ˔ ˚ɜǎ ˦˪ˣ˫ǝ˘ˣ ʳɢɤ˞ú ˁˡ ʱ˔. ˳˞ʣʑǦ˳Ę ʳɢɤ˞ ˦ˬˢûɢˢˎ ˃Ʈ ʯ˔ˡ ʻ˳˦˞ʢ ˳˞˞ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ɀˢɕ ˔ƮƮˣˠƮ ˦ˬ˨ûɢˢˎ ˳˃˘ ˳˞˞ ˖˫ˠˁ ȿ˖ɢ ʯˠˁˡ ˳˘ʣ˞ˬ˔.

ʵú˔ ˁȼˁɞˣǦ˳Ę ʈ˝˦˫˗˘ˠ ˔ˁ˫ ɪɹ˫˞ ˣˬŻȗ ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳˞ǦƱ˳ɩ 2/2011 ʯʭˁ ˖ˡ˘ ˇĀ˳ɢ˂ˠˎ ʯǩþˢˣ ˡ˫ˉɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁ ʯə˕ ˦˫˗ˁ ʯˡȿ˖ˢ ˧ˡ˧˫ ˳˞˞ ˃ˬˎɥˣ ǧˡɬɢ ûɜ˞ˎ ʯˣˤɕ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡ˘ ˜ˣ ˖Ǧˣ˫ ʆŹȽ.


˚˫əɣ˳ȼǦƱ ˦ˬʆ ʯʭˁˠ:-123

ʰˠ˔˘˳ɏ ˘˞:- ˁʚ˔ˡ ȝ˫˳NJɵˠ ˦˝˫ˣ.

ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɜ˞ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪. ˦˙˧˫/ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃. 01.ʯ˚ǖˣɕ ˁ˨˞˘˫ˁˡ˒˳ɏǏ ˁ˦ˢ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ˳˞˞ ȝ˫˳NJɵˠ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ˣ˫əɿˁ ˣˬˠ˳ɢ˂˒ ʯǩˣ ˣˬː ˁˡɤ˞ ˦˙˧˫ 2015 ˣə˥ ˳ɏǏ ɞ.12,421,754/- ˦ˎ˧Ǧ ʯʭˁ 02 ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣ˫ ˠˎ˳Ʈ ˳ȼ ˦˞˃ ʯȿ˘˫ ú˖,2016 ˣə˥˳ɏǏ ɞ.13,718,752/- ú˖ ˣˬˠ ɫ ʱƯ ʱȿƟ˞ 02 Ǧ ˖úˣ˫ ʱƯ ˚ɜǎ 2015 ˣə˥˳ɏǏ Ưȫ˞. – ɞ.12529287.98 ˖ ʱȿƟ˞ 03 ˞ęǦ ˖úˣ˫ ʱƯ ˚ɜǎ ,2016 ˣə˥˳ɏǏ ɞ.12145842.89 ú˖ ˣˬˠ ɫ ʱƯ ˜ˬɪǦ

ʻü ȿ˖ˢ ˁ˦˨ ˁ˨˞˘˫ˁˡ˒ ˁˎɒƱ ˦˙˧˫ ˚˞˒ú˞ ˣˬˠ ˁˡ ʱƯ ˜ˣ ˣ˫ə˔˫ ˁˡȽ. ˳ȼ ʯǩˣ ˁ˦˨ ˁ˨˞˘˫ˁˡ˒ ˁˎɒƱ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˠʣ˖ˣ˫ ʱƯ ˳˦ʢˣˁɐǦ ˦˙˧˫ ˣˬŻȗ,ʯƯˁ˫ˢ,ǧˢ ʱǐȼ Ǐ˞˘˫ ˦˧ ˳ˠʣ˖ˣ˫ ʱƯ žˬúˎə ˦˙˧˫ ʳǦ˗˘ ,ʯʚƮˣˬƋˠ˫ ˦˧ ʆˠʚ ˘ːƮƱ ˁˎɒƱ ˦˙˧˫ ˣˬˠɫȼ ˜ˣˎ˖ ˣˬƋǐˡˎƮ ˣ˫ə˔˫ ˁˡȽ. 02.˦˝˫ˣ ɪʆǦ ɪ˃˒˘ ˧˫ ˁ˨˞˘˫ˁˡ˒ ˣə˕˞˫˘˳ɏ ʯ˝ɕǦ˔ˡ ɪ˃˒˘ ǧˢ˗˫ɜˠý˖ ˚Ʈˁˡ ˁȽŻ ˚ˣƮˣ˫ ˳˘ʣƯȫ˞. ʯ˖˫ˢ ɪ˃˒˘ ˧˫ ˁ˨˞˘˫ˁˡ˒ ˁȽŻ ǧʆ ˚ɜǎ ˚ˣƮˣ˫˳˃˘ ˠǩ ˢ˜˘ ˜ˣ ˣ˫ə˔˫ ˁˡȽ. 03.ȿʚ Șɜˣˬˠ ʱ˦˪˔˳ȼǦƱˣú ˳˘ʣ˞ˬƯˣ ʱˎɪˢ ʰ˖˫˧˘˫˃˫ˡˠ 2018.11.06 ǎ˘ ʆˎ ʰˡȼ˝ ˁˡ 2011 ˣə˥˳ɏǏ ɞ.14,037,636/- ˁ ȿ˖ˢú ˣˬˠ 2019.04.01 ǎ˘ ˣ˘ ɪˎ ˞˲˔ ˳NJ˧ 61 ˁ ȝ˞˫˒ˠú ˁˡ ʰˡȼ˝ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ʱˎɪˢ ʰ˖˫˧˘˫˃˫ˡˠ ʰ˖˫˧˘ˠ ˁˡ ʱƯ ˜ˣƮ ʰ˖˫˧˘˫˃˫ˡˠ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˳ȼ ˣ˘ ɪˎ ˣ˦ˡ 06 ˁ ˁ˫ˢˠú ʳú˞ɭˣƮ ˔Ʈˣ˳ɏ ˚ˣƯ˘ ˜ˣƮ ˁ˫ɞƝˁˣ ˣ˫ə˔˫ ˁˡȽ. ˞˧ˉ˘ ʯˣˤɕ˔˫ˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˠ˖ɫ˞ˎ

ʯ˳˚ʣ˳˧ʣ˦Ʈ ɫ Ưȫ˞. 04.ˉˢ˘ˢ ʻɤ˞ ˦˙˧˫ 2016 ˣəˤ˳ɏǏ ʯˣ˦˪˕˫ 2016 ˣə˥˳ɏ ˞˫ə˃ ˘ːƮƱ ʼˁˁˠú āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˳˘ʣɬ 879ˁǏ ˞˫ə˃ ˚ʚǐ ûɝ˞ ˳ˣǩ˳ˣǦ ˜ˬɪǦ ˉˢ˘ˢ ʻɤ˞ ˞˫ə˃ ˚ɥǐ ûɝ˞ ʯʚƮˣˬƋˠ˫ ûɝ˞ ɞ.939,357/- ú ˦˝˫ˣ ɪʆǦ ʯˠˁˡ˳˃˘ Ưȭ ʆǐ ˳˘ʣɫˠ ʻ˳˧Ʈ ˖ˬ˘ˎ ɪǝ˞Ʈ ˳ˢ˦ ˞˫ə˃ ˘ːƮƱ ˘ȿƮ,ʻ˞ ˞˫ə˃ ˠ˕˫ ˔Ʈˣˠˎ ˚Ʈ ûɝ˞ˎ ʼˁˁˠú ˦˪˕˫Ș˔ ˁˡ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˔Ʈˣ˳ɏ ˚ˣƮˣ˫˳˃˘ ˦˝˫ˣ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡ ˳˘ʣƯȫ˞ ˠ˘ʳ ˳˧ɐǦ ˉˢ ˘ˢ ʻɤ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˞˫ə˃ ˚ɥǐ ˁˡ˘ ˦˪˕˫˘ ˘ːƮƱ ûɝ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡǩ ˢˬ˳ȩ.


˚˫əɣ˳ȼǦƱ ˦ˬʆ ʯʭˁˠ:-136 ʰˠ˔˘˳ɏ ˘˞:- ˖ýƟ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˦˝˫ˣ.

˦˫ˁļˈ˫ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ȝ˗˫˘ ˁɞƟ

˖ýƟ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜˠ - 2006 ˉ˘ˣ˫ɝ ʆˎ 2012 ˣ˦ˡ ˖úˣ˫ ˁ˫ˢˠ Ʊ˨ ˳Ʈ ˚ˬˢ ˢú˥ 25 ú ˦ˬ˚ɑ˞ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ˡˉˠˎ ˦˲őˣ˞ ʆǐ ɫ ʱƯ ɞ. 18,034,057 /- ˁ ʯˢ˫˝ˠ ʯ˖˫˨ ˚˫əˤˣˁɞˣǦ˳˃Ǧ ʯˠˁˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡ ˳˘ʣ˞ˬ˔.

2017 őǧ 19 ǎ˘ ǧư˚Ư ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱˣ ɪʆǦ ɞ.10,656,614 ˁ ȿ˖ˢú ǎ˘ 30 ú ʱƱ˨˔ ˳˃ˣ˘ ˳ˢ˦ ʯ˖˫˨ ˒ˠ˃ˬƯˠ˫ˎ ˖ˬǩȼ Ǐ ƯȬ˒ ˜ˣƮ, ˢ˜˫ ǎ ƯȬƟ ǧˠȽ˔ ˁ˫ˢˠ 2007 Œɣ 19 ǎ˘ˎ ʳýƮ ɫ ƯȬ˘ ˖ ˘ƍ ˚ˬˣɝ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡ ˳˘ʣ˞ˬ˔. ˳ȼ ˦˙˧˫ ʏˢɩ ˁˡ ʱƯ 2014 ʾú˳˔ʤȼ˜ə 16 ǎ˘ ˚˨˫Ʈ ʯ˖˫ˠȼ ˳ˁʣ˞˦˫ɜ˦˪ˣˡˠ˫ ɪʆǦ ɞ.7,076,250/-ˁˎ ˔ú˳˦ʢɞ ˁˡ ˦˧Ưˁˠ ǧýƮ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ʳː˞ 2014 ʾú˳˔ʤȼ˜ə 24 ǎ˘ˎ ˣŹ˘˫ˁ˞ ɞ.740,000/- ú ˜ˣ ˡˉ˳ɏ ˔ú˳˦ʢɞˁɞ ɪʆǦ 2017 ˳˚˜ˡˣ˫ɜ 02 ǎ˘ ˖ˬǩȼ Ǐ ʱ˔. ʻ˳˦ʢ˞ ʳː˞ ɞ.600,000/- ˁˎ ʾȗȚ ʯʭˁ 342 ˞ĵǦ 2014 ʾú˳˔ʤȼ˜ə 24 ǎ˘ ˳˚ʥNJ˃ɣˁ ˚˫əˤˣˠˁˎ ɪý˒˫ ƯȬƟ ʯ˔ˡ, ʻ˞ ǎ˘˞ ʾʑ ʾȗȚ ʯʭˁ 343 ˞ĵǦ ɞ.7,076,250/- ˁˎ ˖ýƟ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜˠˎ ɪý˒˫ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ʾȗȚ ˳˖ˁ˞ ʻˁ˞ ǨƯˌˣˡ˳ˠý ɪʆǦ ɣˠ˫ ʱ˔. ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ / ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɝ˞ ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ / ˁȽŻˣ ˦˙˧˫ / ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪ āˠ˫ ˞˫ə˃

˵˘Ưˁ ˁˎɒƱ ˦˙˧˫ ʯˣˤɕ ʆˠʚ ˳˔ʣˡƱɞ ˖ýƟ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜˠ ɪʆǦ ɣȘ˳˃ʣǩ ʯʭˁ ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫Ʈ ˁɞˎ ʻ˳ˡʏˣ Ǩư˞ˠ ˁˎɒƱ ʆǐ ûɝ˞ SPDA/ACC/ FI/AUD/2016/1/(ii) ˠˎ˳Ʈ ǨƯ˚Ư ȝ˞˫˖ ɫ˞ Șʘ˜˙ ˁ˫ˡˁ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ʯȝ˦˫˖ˠ ˚˨ ɪˠ. ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱˣ ˳ˣ˔ ˳ˠʣȿ ˁˡ ʱ˔.ǨƯ ʵ˚˳NJˤ˘ ˖ýƟ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜ˳ɏ ʯ˗ɕú˥ ˃˫˦˪Ʊ ˳˃ɫȼ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ˢǐ˚˔ ʳǎɜ˚Ʈ ˁˡȽ. ˉ˘ˡ˫ɢˣˡˠ˫ ˳ˠʣ˖˫ ˳˃˘ ʱƯ ˞˔ ȝˁ˫ˤ˘ˠ ˣʭˇ˫ ˦˧˃˔ ˞˔ ȝˁ˫ˤ˘ˠú ˜ˣˎ ˁ˫ˡˁ ˦˝˫ˣ ȝˁ˫ˤ ˖ýƟ ˚˨˫Ʈ ȝ˗˫˘ ˳ɢˁȼ ˁ˫əˠ˫ˢˠ/ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˡ˫ˉɕ ˁ˨ ʯ˔ˡ ˳ȼ ˦˙˧˫ ˦˧˝˫ę ɭ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦˎ ˳˦ʢˣ˫ ˳ˁʣȽ˥Ǧ ˦˝˫˳ˣʏ ǧ˳ˠʤ˃ ˧˫ ˞ˬǎ˧Ʈɫ˞ ˞˔ ɪɞNJ˗ˣ Șˠˣˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡ˘ ˳˞Ǧ ǧˠ˞ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦˎ ɪɞNJ˗ˣ ˧˫ ˚˨˫Ʈ ʰ˖˫ˠȼ ˁ˳˨ʢˠ. ˳ˁʣ˞˦˫ɜ˦˪ˣˡˠ˫ˎ ɪɞNJ˗ˣ ˚ɝú˥˒ˠú ˚ˣƮˣ˫ ʯˣ˦Ǧˣ ʱ˔. ˚˨˫Ʈ ʰ˖˫ˠȼ ˳ˁʣ˞˦˫ɜ˦˪ˣˡˠ˫ˎ ɪɞNJ˗ˣ˖ ˞˔ˠ ʳɢˢ˫ ʆŹ ʳ˧˨ ǧ˨˗˫ɝǦˎ ɪɞNJ˗ˣ˖ ˚ɝú˥˒ˠú ˖ýƟ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜ˳ɏ ưǦǐ ưˡ˒ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ ˚ˣƮˣ˫ ˞˫˦ 06ú ʱƱ˨˔ ˣ˫ə˔˫ˣú ʳǎɜ˚Ʈ ˁˡ˘ ˜ˢˠ ˘ˬƯ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ ˧ˎ ˚ˣƮˣ˫ ʱƯ ɪ˘ˠ ˚ɝú˥˒ ˳ˢ˦ ˖ ˁ˫ˡˁ ˦˝˫ˣ ǧ˳ˠʤ˃ ˁ˳˨ʢ ˠ. ˳ȼ ˣ˘ ɪˎ ʯˣ˦Ǧˣ ʱ˔.ȽǦ ʻú ǧˢ˗˫ɜ˳ˠú ˦˙˧˫ ˖ƨˣȼ ˣˤ˳ˠǦ ɪɹ˫˞ ˚˫ɜ˳˔ʤ˥ˁ˳ˠǦ 2%ú ʯˠˁˡ ʻ˳˞Ǧ˞ ˳ȼ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ˖ýƟ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʱ˔. ʻú ǧˢ˗˫ɜ˳ˠý ˳ˇʤ˖˘˫ˣɣǦ ǧ˖˧˦˪ ˳ˁʣˎ ʯǝˁ˫ɜ˳ɏ ưǦǐ ưˡ˒ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ ˜ˢˠ ˘ˬƯ ʱ˔. ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ ˧ˎ ˚ˣƮˣ˫ ʱƯ ɪ˘ˠ ˚ɝú˥˒ ˣˢ ǧˣˬˡǎ ˝˫ˣˠ Șʘ˜˙ ˣ ǧư˚Ư ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱ˳ˣǦ ˁɞƟ ɫ˞ʇ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡ˘ Ƚˠęˠ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ˁˎɒƱ ˁ˨ ɒƱ ˳ˢ˦˖ ˁ˫ˡˁ ˦˝˫ˣ ɪʆǦ ǧ˳ˠʤ˃ ˁˡ˘ ˢǏ. ʰˁ˫ˡˠ Șʘ˜˙ˣ ǨƯ˚Ư ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱ˳ˣǦ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪ ɪ˞˦˘ ˢ˖ ɣȘˠ ˧˫ ȘʘƱɞ ɣȘ ʱȿƟȼ ˳ˢ˦ ˳ȼ ˳˞ʏǏ ˚ˬ˧ˬǎɣ ˣʭˇ˫ˣú ʆǐɫ ʱƯ ˜ˣ ˳˚Ǩ ˠ˘ ˦˞ˆ ˁ˫ɞƝˁˣ ʳǎɜ˚Ʈ ˁˡȽʆɪɢ ˘ƍˣˁˎ ʯ˞˔ˡˣ ˜ˬɪǦ ʆɪɢ ˘ƍˣˁˎ ʯ˞˔ˡˣ ˳˞˞ ȚNJ˃ˢˠ˫ˎ ˦˧ ˳˞˞ ȚNJ˃ˢˠ˫ˎ ˦˧ ʯ˖˫˨ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦˎ ɪɞNJ˗ˣ ɀˢɕ ʯ˖˫˨ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦˎ ɪɞNJ˗ˣ ɀˢˠ ˣʭˇ˫ ˣʭˇ˫ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ Ǩ˔ɕ˫ǩþˢˣ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡ˘ ˳ˢ˦ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ Ǩ˔ɕ˫Ǫþˢˣ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡ˘ ˳ˢ˦ ˖ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ǧ˳ˠʤ˃ˠ ʯǩˣ ɀˢɕ ʯ˚ˡ˫˗ ɪ˞ə˥˒ ˁ˫ˡˁ ˦˝˫ˣ ǧ˳ˠʤ˃ ˁ˳˨ʢ ˠ. ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱˣ (FCID) ˳ˣ˔ ˚ˬȽƝɣ ˁˡ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ, 2018.06.05 ǎ˘ ʼ ˦˙˧˫ ʯǝˁ˫ɜˠ ˚˫əˤˣ˳ˠǦ ˦˫úɿ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ˞˖ ʆǐˁˡ ʱ˔.

10 10

˦˫ˁļˈ˫ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ȝ˗˫˘ ˁɞƟ ˖ýƟ ˚˨˫Ʈ ɞʑƟ ˦ʭˇ˫ˡˁ ˁ˫ə̀ɕ˫ʭˤˠ

ɞ.5,329,069/- ú ˣˬˠ ˁˡ ʰˡȼ˝ ˁ˨ ʯȼ˜ˢǦ˳˃ʣː ˦ʭˇ˫ˡˁ ǧ˳ú˔˘ˠ ˧˫ ȝ˫˳ˠʤęˁ ȚʑƟ ˚˫˦ˢ ʳǎ ûɝ˳ȼ ˣɕ˫˚˲Ưˠ ʯ˔ˡ˞˃ ǎ ˘ˬˣư ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ˳˞˞ ˔˫˘˫ˠ˞ ˦Ʊˣ Ưȭ ˳˚ʥˡ˫Ɲˁ ˣŹ˘˫ˁ˞ûǦ ɒƱ ˝˫Ɯː ʯ˦˪˕˫˘˃˔ ɫ ʱ˔. ʯȼ˜ˢǦ˳˃ʣː ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ˦Ʊ ʳː˞ ˦ʭˇ˫ˡˁ ˁ˫əˠ˫ʭˤˠˎ ˚ˣˡ˫ ˳˘ʣ˳˃˘ ʰˡȼ˝ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ˳˞˞ ˣɕ˫˚˲Ư˳ɏ ʳǎûɝȼ ʯƮ˧ˬˡ ˖ˬȾ˞ ǧ˦˫ 2008 ʆˎ 2012 ˖úˣ˫ ˁ˫ˢˠ Ʊˢ ˖ˡ˫ Ưȭ ˳˞˞ ɪˠ˖˞ ǧ˥˪˛ˢ ɫ ʱ˔.

ˁȽŻ ɪʆǦ ˧ǿ˘˫˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ ˣə˔˞˫˘ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦ ˪

˳˞˞ ɞ.Ƚɣˠ˘ 5.3 ˁ ȿ˖ˢˎ ˘˫˃ɜˁ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜ˳ɏ ˁ˨˞˒˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˠˎ˳Ʈ ˚ˬˣƯ ʵ˚˳NJˤˁ ˃˫˦˪Ʊ ˖ ʱƱˢƮ ʯȼ˜ˢǦ˳˃ʣː ˚ˬˡƝ ˔˫˘˫ˠȼ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬĵɢ˳ɢ Ưȭ ˳˚ʥˡ˫Ɲˁ ˝˫Ɯː ˣ˘ ˜ˣ ȝ.˃.ǧ./˃.ǧ. ˚ˬˣʉ ʯ˦˪˕˫˘˃˔ ɫ˞ Șʘ˜˙ ˚ɝĉ˒ˠú ˚ˬˣˬƮɫ˞ˎ ȝ˗˫˘ ˳ɢˁȼ ˦Ʊˣ ʯ˔ˡ ʻˠ ȿʚ ˣɕ˫˚˲Ư˳ɏ ʯǝˁ˫ɜ˞ˠ ˜ˢˠú ˳˘ʣ˞ˬƯ ˜ˬɪǦ ʼ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ˚ɝĉ˒ˠú ˚ˣƮˣ˘ ˣŹ˘˫ˁȽǦ 4% ú ˚˞˒ ˣ˘ ˳ˢ˦ ˘˫˃ɜˁ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜ˳ɏ ʯ˗ɕĉ ˉ˘ˡ˫ɢ ˳ˣ˔ ˧˫ ʻ˞ ʯǝˁ˫ɜˠ ˜ˣ ʯ˘˫ˣˡ˒ˠ ɪˠ. ʯˠƮ ˞˧ ˘˃ˡ ˧˫ ˜˦˪˘˫ʏˡ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤ˳ɏ ˳ɢˁȼ ˳ˣ˔ ȝ˗˫˘ ˳ɢˁȼ˳Ę ʯʭˁ CSS/7/4/02/2017 ˧˫ 2018.01.09 ǎ˘ˬƯ ɣȘ˳ˠǦ ˖ˬǩȼ Ǐ ˳˞ʏ ˚ˬˡƝ ˔˫˘˫ˠ˳ȼ Ưȭ ʱƯ ˜ˣ ˁ˫ɞƝˁˣ ˖Ǧˣ˫ ʆŹȽ. ˳˚ʥˡ˫Ɲˁ ˣŹ˘˫ˁȽǦ ɒƱ ˝˫Ɯː ʯ˦˪˕˫˘˃˔ ɫ˞ Șʘ˜˙ˣ ˚ɝĉ˒ˠú ˚ˣƮˣ˫ ˁ˫ˡˁ ˦˝˫ˣˎ ˣ˫ə˔˫ ˁˡ˘ ˘˫˃ɜˁ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜ˳ɏ 2008.03.23 ˣ˘ ǎ˘ ˚ˬˣƯ ˁˢ˞˒˫ˁˡ˒ ˳ˢ˦ ˁ˫ˡˁ ˦˝˫ˣ ɪʆǦ ˞Ɯːˢ ɚ˦˪ɫ˳ȼ Ǐ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ưˡ˒ˠú ʯǩˣ ʯȼ˜ˢǦ˳˃ʣː ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ǧ˳ˠʤ˃ ˁˡ˘ ˢǏ. ʻˁˆƮˣˠ ˞˔ ˔˫˘˫ˠ˞ ȘʏŹ ʳː˞ ˧˫ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬĵɢˢ ˚˞˒ú ɞʑƟ ˦ʭˇ˫ˡˁ ˁ˫əˠ˫ʭˤˠˎ ˚ˣˡ˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ˜ˣ ˘˫˃ɜˁ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜ˳ɏ ʯ˗ɕĉ(˔˫˘˫ˠȼ ˁ˨˞˘˫ˁˡ˒ ʯʭˤˠ/ˢʭˁ˫ ˳ˡ˦˪Ÿ ˧ɬ˦˪ ɣȽˎƊ)ɪʆǦ ʯʭˁ 29/02/29 VOL-X ˧˫ 2018.02.16 ǎ˘ˬƯ ɣȘ˳ˠǦ ȝ˗˫˘ ˳ɢˁȼ ˳ˣ˔ ˖Ǧˣ˫ ʻˣ˫ ʱ˔.

ʻ˳˞Ǧ˞ ʯȼ˜ˢǦ˳˃ʣː ˔˫˘˫ˠ˳ȼ ˳˚ʥˡ˫Ɲˁ ˝˫Ɯː Ưȭ ˜ˣˎ ûʆǐ ˳ɢ˂˘ˠú ˘˫˃ɜˁ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜ˳ɏ ˔˫˘˫ˠ˳ȼ ˁˢ˞˘˫ˁˡ˒ ʯʭˤˠ ˦Ʊˣ ˳˘ʣ˞ˬƯ ˜ˬɪǦ ʯȼ˜ˢǦ˳˃ʣː ˔˫˘˫ˠ˳ȼ ˳˚ʥˡ˫Ɲˁ ˝˫Ɯː ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗ˣ ˳˃˘ ʱƯ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃ Șʘ˜˙ˣ ˘˫˃ɜˁ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜˠˎ ˚ɝĉ˫ ˁˡ ˜ˢ˫ ˣ˫ə˔˫ˣú ˢ˜˫ Ǐ˞ˎ ˳˘ʣ˧ˬû ˜ˣ ʳ˧˔ ɣȘ˳ˠǦ ˔ˣ ǐˡˎƮ ˘˫˃ɜˁ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜ˳ɏ ʯ˗ɕĉ(˔˫˘˫ˠȼ ˁ˨˞˘˫ˁˡ˒ ʯʭˤˠ/ˢʭˁ˫ ˳ˡ˦˪Ÿ ˧ɬ˦˪ ɣȽˎƊ)ɪʆǦ ȝ˗˫˘ ˳ɢˁȼ ˳ˣ˔ ˖Ǧˣ˫ ʻˣ˫ ʱ˔.

˳˞˞ ˦ʭˇ˫ˡˁ ǧ˳ú˔˘ˠ ȘʏŹ ʳː˞ ˳ȼ ˣ˘ɪˎ ʯȼ˜ˢǦ˳˃ʣː ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ˦Ʊˣ ʱƯ ˜ˬɪǦ ˧˫ ˳ȼ ˣ˘ɪˎ ʯȼ˜ˢǦ˳˃ʣː ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ɪʆǦ Ascot Ambalangoda(pvt)Ltd ʰˠ˔˘ˠ ˳ˣ˔ ˳˞˞ ʳː˞ ˜ǐ Ǐ ʱƯ ˜ˬɪǦ,˳˞˞ ˣɕ˫˚˲Ư ˘ˬˣ˔ ʰˡȼ˝ ûɝ˞ˎ ɞʑƟ ˦ʭˇ˫ˡˁ ˁ˫əˠ˫ʭˤˠˎ ˧ˬûˠ˫ˣú ˳˘ʣ˞ˬƯ ˜ˣ ˁ˫ɞƝˁˣ ˖Ǧˣ˫ ʆŹȽ.


˦˫ˁļˈ˫ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ȝ˗˫˘ ˁɞƟ ˖ýƟ ˚˨˫Ʈ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜˠ ʑʭ˃˞ȝ˳NJˤ˳ɏ ȘʏŹ ʯúˁˡ 52 ˁ ʰ˖əˤ ˦˳˞ʤ˖˫˘ ˳˃ʣɪ˚ˢ ˧˫ ˦Ʈˣ ʯȴˉ˘˘ ˞˗ɕ˦˪˕˫˘ˠ ˳ˣǩ˳ˣǦ 2008 ʆˎ 2014 ˖úˣ˫ ˖ˡ˫ ƯȬƟ ɞ.25,259,638/- ɪˠ˖˞ ǧ˥˪˛ˢɫ˞.

ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˧ǿ˘˫˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɝ˞ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪ ˦˙˧˫ / ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃ ʳː˞ ɪǝ˞Ʈ ˳ˢ˦ ˚ˣˡ˫˳˃˘ ˣ˦ˡú ʱƱ˨˔ ʳː˞ ˚ˣˡ˫ ˃ˬǨ˳ȼ ˁˎɒƱ ˠˎ˳Ʈ ʳː˳ȼ ȷȽ ˳˞˞ ˣɕ˫˚˲Ưˠ ˦˫ə˕ˁ ˞Ÿˎ˞ˎ ˳˃˘ ʻ˘ ȝ˞˫˒ˠ ʯúˁˡ 50ˎ ˣˬƋ ˜ˬɪǦ,˳˞˞ ˚ˣˡ˫ ˃ˬǨ˞ ˳ˢ˦Ʈ, ˳˘ʣʻ˳˦ʢ ˘ȼ ʳː˞ ˞˗ɕ˞ ˡˉˠˎ ˦˙˧˫ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ ˞Ɯːˢ ʯǩ˞ˬƯˠ ˢ˜˫ ˃ˬǨ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ʴˎ ˚ˣˡ˫ ˳əđˠ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤˠ ˠˎ˳Ʈ ʈǐʈ ʯˣˤɕ ˳ɢ˂˘ 2018.01.08 ǎ˘ ˖ýƟ ˚˨˫Ʈ ȝ˗˫˘ ˁ˫əˠˠˁˎ ˚ˣˡ˘ ˳ˢ˦Ʈ ˁ˫ˡˁ ˦˝˫ˣ ǧˠ˞ ˳ɢˁȼ ˞ĵǦ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˚˫ˢ˘ ˧˫ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˦˝˫ ˁ˳˨ʢˠ. ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤˠ ˳ˣ˔ ˳ˠʣȿ ˁˡ ʱ˔. ˖ýƟ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˃ɞ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ ˞Ɯːˢ ưˡ˒ ʯʭˁ 693 :1 ʯǩˣ ˦˧˝˫ęƮˣ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ȝ˳ɩˤˠ ˠˎ˳Ʈ ˡ˫ˉɕ ˧˫ ˳˚ʥNJ˃ɣˁ ˦˧˳ˠʤĚ˔˫ ˚˖˘˞ ˠˎ˳Ʈ ˳˞˞ ˳˃ʣɪ˚˨ ȶȽ˳ɏ ʯúˁˡ 30 ˁ ȝ˞˫˒ˠˁ ʯ˟ ˣ˃˫ˁˡ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ˠŹ ˣ˃˫ˣú ˳ˢ˦ ˳ˁʤ˞˫ɜˁ˫ ˣ˃˫ˣ ʆǐ ˁˡ ʱ˔. ʳƯɜ ʯúˁˡ 20 ˁ ȝ˞˫˒ˠú ˳ˁ˳˦ɢ ˣ˃˫ˣ ˦˙˧˫ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ ʱ˔. ʑʭ˃˞ ˳˃ʣɪ˚˨ ȷȽ˳ɏ ȝ˗˫˘ ˃ˬˎʚˣú ɭ ˉˢˠ ˳˘ʣ˞ˬƯɫ˳ȼ ˃ˬˎʚˣˎ ˁļĽˁɢ ʰˡ ˉˢ ɀˢ˫ɹˠ ˳ˠʣ˖˫ ˃ǧȽǦ ˉˢˠ ˦˚ˠ˫ ʱ˔. ʻʏ ʱ˦˪˔˳ȼǦƱ Șɜˣˬˠ ɞ.ˢú˥ 10 û. ȝˉ˫ɀˢ ˳˃ʣɪ ˦ʭɪ˗˫˘ˠǦʏ ɹ˞ ˖˫ˠˁúˣˠ ˧˫ ˞ˬǎ˧Ʈɫ˞ ˞˔ ʯ˖˫ˢ ˁ˫əˠˠ ɞ. ˢú˥ 4 ûǦ ǧ˞ ˁˡ ʱ˔.

ʻ˳˞Ǧ˞ ˃ˣ ˃˫ɢ ˦˙˧˫ ʳǎˁˡ ʱƯ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬĵɣ ˧˫ ˳˦ʢˣˁ ǧˣ˫˦ ˦˙˧˫ ʳǎˁˡ ʱƯ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬĵɢˢ ˳ȼ ˣ˘ ɪˎ Șʘ˳ˣɣǦ ˳ˁʤ˞˫ɜˁ˫ Șɜ˚˧ǐ ˧˫ ˦ˬˁʈȼ ˞˗ɕ˦˪˕˫˘ ˦˧ ˳˃ʣɪ˚˨ ˁ˨˞˘˫ˁˡ˒ ˁˎɒƱ ˦˙˧˫ ˚ɜ˚˫ˢ˘ ˦ʭüə˒ˠú ˳ˢ˦ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ˠ ˁˡ ˝˫ɪ˔ˠˎ ˃ˬ˳Ǧ. ˳˞ʏ ʳƯ˧˫˦ ˔ƮƮˣˠ ˧˫ ˣə˔˞˫˘ ˔ƮƮˣˠ Șʘ˜˙ ʯˣ˳˜ʤ˗ˠ ȘƝ˦ ˈ˫ˠ˫ɟ˚ ûʏ˚ˠú ʳǎɜ˚Ʈ ˁˡȽ.


˦˫ˁļˉ˫ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ȝ˗˫˘ ˁɞƟ

˖ýƟ ˚˨˫Ʈ ʳːȼ ˳ˁʣ˞˦˫ɜ˦˪ ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱˣ

ˡˉ˳ɏ ʳːȼ Ǐə˄ ˁ˫ɤ˘ ˜ǐ ˚˖˘˞ ˞˔ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ˞ ˳ˣǩ˳ˣǦ ˃˫ɢˢ ǎ˦˪Ƶúˁ˳ɏ ȝ˫˳NJɵˠ ˳ɢˁȼ ˁ˫əˠ˫ˢ 06 ˁˎ ʯ˖˫ˢ ˜ǐ ˁɞˣǦ 22 ˳˃Ǧ ˧˫ ˔ʭ˃ɢˢ ˧˫ Ư˦˪˦˞˧˫ˡ˫˞ ˠ˘ ȝ˫˳NJɵˠ ˳ɢˁȼ ˁ˫əˠ˫ˢ ˳˖ˁˎ ʯ˖˫ˢ ˜ǐˁɞˣǦ 13ˁ˳˃Ǧ 2015 ˣə˥ˠ ʯˣ˦˫˘ˠˎ Șʘ˳ˣʘǦ ɞȘˠɢ 2,487,257.00 ˧˫ ɞȘˠɢ 7,566,776.00 ˁ

Ǐə˄ ˁ˫ɤ˘ ˜ǐ ˧˫ ˖ː ȿ˖ɢ ʯˠˁˡ ˳˘ʣ˃ˬǨ˞. ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˧ǿ˘˫˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ /ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɜƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪ ˳˞˞ ʯˠɪˠ ɒƱ ȿ˖ɣǦ ˳ˁʣˎ˦ú ˃˫ɢˢ ǎ˦˪Ƶúˁ˳ɏ ȝ˫˳NJɵˠ ˳ɢˁȼ ˁ˫əˠ˫ˢ 06 ˁˎ ʯ˖˫ˢ ʯˠˁˡ˳˃˘ ʱƯ ˜ˣƮ, ˖ˬ˘ˎ ʯˠ ɫ˞ˎ ˜ǐˁɞˣǦ 22 ˳˖˘˫˳˃Ǧ 2017.12.31 ǎ˘ˎ ʯˠɪˠ ɒƱ Ǐə˄ ʱƯ ȿ˖ˢ 2017 ˳˖˦ˬȼ˜ə ˣ˘ ɪˎ ˁ˫ɤ˘ ˜ǐ ˧˫ ˖ː ȿ˖ɢ ɞȘˠɢ 3,682,992.55 ú ʯˠ ɫ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ, ǧˡɬɢ ûɝ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡ˘ ˜ˣƮ, ˔ʭ˃ɢˢ ˧˫ Ư˦˪˦˞˧˫ˡ˫˞ˠ ȝ˫˳NJɵˠ ˳ɢˁȼ ˳ˁʣŸˏ˫ˤ ˣˢ ˜ǐ ȝ.˃.ǧ./˃.ǧ. ˚ˬˣʇˠ. ˁɞˣǦ 13 ˳˖˳˘ý˳˃Ǧ ʯˠ ɪˠ ɒƱ ˜ǐ ˧˫ ˖ː ȿ˖ɣǦ ɞȘˠɢ 6,740,996.00 ú ʯˠ ɫ ʱ˔. ʳƯɜ ʏˆ ˜ǐ ˧˫ ˖ː ȿ˖ɢ ˳˘ʣ˚˞˫ˣ ʯˠ ˁˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ ʆǐˁˡȽǦ ˚ˣư.

˃˫ɢˢ ǎ˦˪Ƶúˁ˳ɏ ˜ǐˁɞˣǦ Șʘ˜˙ ɪ˦˪˔ˡ ˚˧˔ ˦˙˧Ǧ˳ɩ.

1. ˳˜Ǧ˳˔ʣˎ (ʰə.ʼ.ƌ.ˁɞ˒˫ˡƮ˘ - ɞ.28,050.00) ˜ǐˁɞ Ƚˠ ˳˃ʣ˦˪ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ˜ǐˁɞ˳Ę ˣˬƋ˞˧ɢ Ț˔˫ ɪʆǦ ɜʆŸ ʯʭˁ H 208053 Ǧ 2018.05.28 ǎ˘ ɞ.54675.00 ˁ ˜ǐ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ˁˡ ʱ˔.

02.˳˃ʤ˘șǩˣˢ (ʼ.ƌ.ˇǦǖˢ˔˫ ɞ. 114,980.00 ,˳ú.ʼ.ŏ˘˖˫˦ ɞ.110,080.00) ʼ.ƌ.ˇǦǖˢ˔˫ Ƚˠ( ɞ. 114,980.00) ˜ǐˁɞ ɪʆǦ ɞ. 25000.00 ˁȿ˖ˢú ɞ.2018.07.30 ǎ˘ˬƯˣ ɜʆŸ ʯʭˁ H493969 ˞ĵǦ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱƯ ˜ˣƮ ɜʆŸ ʯʭˁ 283248 ˞ĵǦ 2018.11.13 ǎ˘ ɞ.50000.00 ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔.2019.03.07 ǎ˘ I283648 ɜʆŸ ˚˔ ˞ęǦ ɞ.50,000 ú ˧˫ 2019.03.12 ǎ˘ 26,360 ú I283648 ɜʆŸ˚˔ ˞ęǦ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔.

˳ú.ʼ.ŏ˘˖˫˦ ˞ˠ˫ ( ɞ.110,080.00) ˜ǐˁɞ ɪʆǦ ˜ǐ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ˁˡ ʱ˔. ( ʯʭˁ I 283216 ˞ĵǦ ɞ. 215,000.00 ˖, ɜʆŸ ʯʭˁ I 283221 ˞ĵǦ ɞ.51,200.00 ˖ ʯʭˁ I 283245 ˞ĵǦ ɞ.40.00 ˖ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ˁˡ ʱ˔.)

03. ˁˡǦ˳˖Ɲˠ - ʶˡ˃˦˪˞ʭ˧Ǧǎˠ ǎɪ˘ˬě˞ ȝˉ˫ ɀˢɕ ˜ˬʭýˣ (ɞ.304,248.00) 2019.03.01 ǎ˘ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ǧ˳ɩ˖˘ˠ ˠˣ˫ ʱ˔. ʯ˦˪ûɝ˳ȼ ǧ˳ɩ˖˘ˠ ˠˬɫ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡȽǦ ˚ˣư.

04.DFCC ˜ˬʭýˣ (ɞ.112,517.00) ʏˆ ˜ǐ ȿ˖ɢ ʯˠ ˁˡ ʱ˔. 2014.05.20 ʯʭˁ613754 Ǧ ɞ.106,579.00 ú˖ 2014.09.17 ʯʭˁ613940 Ǧ ɞ.103,199.00 ú˖ 2016.11.11 ʯʭˁ 616407 Ǧ ɞ.1,063,125.50 ú˖ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔.

05. ˔ˣˢ˞ - ęɢ˜Ÿ ˣǧ˃˳˦ʢˁˡ ˞ˠ˫ (ɞ.309492.00) ˚˧˔ ˚ɜǎ ʯˠˁˡ˳˃˘ ʱ˔. ǎ˘ˠ ɜʆŸ ʯʭˁˠ ȿ˖ˢ 2019.01.29 242255 112,000/- 2019.02.21 242389 112,000/- 2019.03.26 471237 100,000/-


ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˧ǿ˘˫˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ /ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɜƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪ 06.˳˘ʚˣ - ˢʭˁ˫ ˂ǧˉ ˳˔ɢ ǨƯ˃˔ ˦ʭ˦˪˕˫ˣ ( ɞ.396,000.00) 2015.09.08 ʆˎ 2016.09.08 ˖úˣ˫ ˜ǐ ȿ˖ˢ ˣ˘ ɞ.396,000.00 2016.09.19 ǎ˘ ʯʭˁ H 42420232 Ǧ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔.

07. Ⱦ˃˧˳Ę ˳˖ʤ˘ ˁɞ˒˫ˣư Ƚˠ (ɞ.250,125.00) ʏˆ ˜ǐ ȿ˖ˢ ˣ˘ ɞ.250,125.00 ˁ ȿ˖ˢ 2016.06.14 ǎ˘ ɜʆŸ ʯʭˁ 323679 Ǧ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔.

08. ˠúˁˢȿɢˢ (˜ǐˁɞˣǦ 14) I. ˳ú.ˣɐ. ˡƮ˘ʆɜ ˞ˠ˫ (ɞ.375,000.00) ɞ.270,000.00 ˁ ȿ˖ˢ 2017.01.16 ǎ˘ ɜʆŸ ʯʭˁ 286791 Ǧ ˦˧ ɞ.50,000 ˁ ȿ˖ˢ 2017.09.11 ǎ˘ ɜʆŸ ʯʭˁ 387694 ˞ĵǦ ɞ.320000.00 ˁ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ 2018.03.29 ǎ˘ ɜʆŸ ʯʭˁ G 388229 ˠˎ˳Ʈ ɞ.55100.00 ˣ˘ ˚ɜǎ ʆˠɥ ʏˆ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ˁˡ ʱ˔.

ɓ.˳Ŏ.ƌ.ʈ˃˔˚˫ˢ ˞ˠ˫ (ɞ.356,142.50) ɜʆŸ ʯʭˁ 388508 ˧˫ 2018.06.26 ǎ˘ˬƯˣ ɞ.100,000.00 ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔.

II. ź.ʻļ.ʈǧɢ ˞ˠ˫ (ɞ.24,750.00) ʆˠɥ ʏˆ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔. 2015.10.05 ǎ˘ ɜʆŸ ʯʭˁ 284385, 2016.01.28 ǎ˘ ɜʆŸ ʯʭˁ 285043, 2016.06.27 ǎ˘ ʯʭˁ 285797, 2016.11.01 ǎ˘ ʯʭˁ 286136, 2016.09.30 ǎ˘ ʯʭˁ 285989, 2016.11.30 ǎ˘ ʯʭˁ 286171 , 2016.12.29 ǎ˘ ʯʭˁ 286446 2017.08.04 ǎ˘ ʯʭˁ 387637 ˠ˘ ɜʆŸ ˚Ʈ ˞ĵǦ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔.

III. ːȩ.Ő.˳˩ʣǦ˳˦ʢˁ˫ ˞ˠ˫ (ɞ.23,625.00)ʆˠʚ ʏˆ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔. 2016.10.19 ǎ˘ ʯʭˁ 286125, 2016.11.30 ǎ˘ ʯʭˁ 285170 , 2017.01.21 ǎ˘ ʯʭˁ 276761, 2017.02.17 ǎ˘ ʯʭˁ 387065, 2017.04.05 ǎ˘ ʯʭˁ 387267, 2017.04.21 ǎ˘ 38752, 2017.11.07. ǎ˘ ɜʆŸ ʯʭˁ 387784 ˞ĵǦ ɞ.2000.00ú ˖ 2018.02.14 ǎ˘ ɜʆŸ ʯʭˁ G 318052 ˠˎ˳Ʈ ɞ.3000.00 ˣ˘ ʆˠʚ ʏˆ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ˁˡ ʱ˔.

IV. ʼ.ʰə. ˖ˠ˫ˣư Ƚˠ (ɞ.17,455.00) ʆˠʚ ȿ˖ɢ ʯˠˁˡ ʱ˔. 2017.06.29 ǎ˘ ʯʭˁ 387553 ɜʆŸ ˚˔ ɞ.10000.00 ˖ 2018.05.02 ǎ˘ ʯʭˁ388300 ˞ĵǦ ɞ.25905.00 ˣ˘ ˚ɜǎ ʏˆ ˧˫ ˖ː ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔.

V. ʼ.ɫ.ʆɜ˳˦ʢ˘ ˞ˠ˫ -˳Ǧˣ˫ʆˁ (ɞ.880.00) 2017.06.20 ǎ˘ ɜʆŸ ʯʭˁ 387513 ˞ĵǦ ʆˠʚ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔.

VI. ʼ.ɫ.ʆɜ˳˦ʢ˘ ˞ˠ˫ - ˁ˲ɿ ˁ˫əȽˁ (ɞ. 18,640.00) 2017.06.20 ǎ˘ ɜʆŸ ʯʭˁ 387514 ˞ĵǦ ʆˠʚ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔.


ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˧ǿ˘˫˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ /ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɜƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪ VII. ˳ˣ˳˨Ǧ˖˫ˣ ˣƮ˔ (ɞ. 2,357.94)

96/05 ˇĀ˳ɢ˂ˠˎ ʯǩˣ ˜ǐˁˡ ˚˲˥˪ˏ˫ʭˁ˘ˠ ˁˡ ˜ǐ ˁˡ ɣˠ˫˚ǎʭĽˠ ˦˙˧˫ ʳːȼ ˳ˡŏ˦˪ž˫ə ˁ˫əˠ˫ˢˠ ˳ˣ˔ ˳ˠʣȿ ˁˡ ʱ˔. VIII. ːȩ.Ő. ˗˘˚˫ˢ ˞ˠ˫ (ɞ. 23,808.00)

˳˞˞ ˜ǐˁˡˠ ˦˙˧˫ ɞ.10,000.00 ˁ ȿ˖ˢú ɜʆŸ ʯʭˁ G389008 ˠˎ˳Ʈ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔. IX. ˳ú.Ő. ˳˧ʢ˞ˇǦǖ ˞ˠ˫ (ɞ. 139,189.05) 2017.01.04 ǎ˘ ɜʆŸ ʯʭˁ 286721 Ǧ ˦˧ 2017.07.12 ǎ˘ ʯʭˁ 387588 ˞ĵǦ 2017 ˣ˦ˡ ˖úˣ˫ ʆˠʚ ˜ǐ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔. X. ʰə.ʻļ. ʈǧɢ ˞ˠ˫ (ɞ. 56,760.00) 2016.08.16 ǎ˘ ʯʭˁ 285923 ,2017.02.28 ǎ˘ ʯʭˁ 387096 , 2017.07.19 ǎ˘ ʯʭˁ 387599 ˞ĵǦ ʆˠɥ ʏ˃ ˜ǐ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔. XI. ƌ.˳ú. ˉˠɪĀ˞ ˞ˠ˫ (ɞ. 1,380.00) 2016.10.24 ǎ˘ ɜʆŸ ʯʭˁ G 286129 Ǧ ʆˠɥ ˜ǐ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔. XII. ɓ.ɓ. ˳ȗǎɜ˦˪ ˞ˠ˫ (ɞ. 1835.67)

2017.06.27 ǎ˘ ʯʭˁ 387387 ˞ĵǦ ʆˠɥ ʏ˃ ˜ǐ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔.

XIII. ʼ.ɫ. ȘˠƯ˦˪˦ ˞ˠ˫ (ɞ. 586,225.00)

2015.11.18 ǎ˘ G 284865, ˞ęǦ ʏ˃ ˜ǐ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔.

˔ʭ˃ɢˢ ˧˫ Ư˦˪˦˞˧˫ˡ˫˞ ȝ˫˳NJɵˠ ˳ɢˁȼ ˳ˁʣŸˏ˫˦ ˣˢ ˜ǐ ˁɞˣǦ Șʘ˜˙ ɪ˦˪˔ˡ I. Ư˦˪˦˞˧˫ˡ˫˞ˠ - ʻļ.ʻļ. ˳ȝʢ˞ˡƮ˘ ˞ˠ˫ (ɞ.81,000.00) 2017.07.17 ǎ˘ H 460514 ɜʆŸ ˚Ʈ ˞ęǦ ʆˠɥ ˖ː ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ˁˡ ʱ˔.

I. ˔ʭ˃ɢˢ ȝ˫˳NJɵˠ ˳ɢˁȼ ˁ˫əˠ˫ˢˠ ˳Ŏ.ʻ˦˪.ʻǎɜʉɜˠ ˞ˠ˫. - ɞʑƟ ʆ˘˞˫ ˤ˫ˢ˫ˣ (ɞ.6,190,560.00) ʆˠʚ ʏˆ ˜ǐ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔. II. ʻ˦˪.ȫ.ʻ˦˪.ʼ. ˚NJ˞ʆɜ ˞ˠ˫ (ɞȘˠɢ 19,800.00) ʻ˦˪.ȫ.ʇ.ʼ.˚NJ˞ʆɜ ˞˧˔˫ 2000 ˣə˥˳ɏ ʆˎ 2017 ˣə˥ˠ ˖úˣ˫ ʆˠʚ˞ ʏˆ ȿ˖ɢ ˧˫ ˖ː ȿ˖ɢ H446892 ˖ˡ˒ ɜʆŸ ˚˔ ˞ĵǦ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ˁˡ ʱ˔. III. ƌ.Ő. ˗ǩ˥˪ˁ ˞ˠ˫ (ɞȘˠɢ 616,000.00) ˜ǐˁˡˠ ʯˣˢʭě ˁˡ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ˘ˣ ʰ˳ˠʤˉˁˠý ˳ˣ˔ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ˞ ˦˖˧˫ ȝ˫˳NJɴˠ ˁə˞˫Ǧ˔ ʯ˗ɕú˥ ˳ˣ˔ ˳ˠʣȿ ˁˡ ʱ˔.

IV. ȫ.ʼ. ʈ˘Ǧ˖ ý˞˫ˡ ˞ˠ˫ (ɞȘˠɢ 19,008.00) V. ʈǨ˔˫ ˉˠ˞˫Ǧ˘ Ƚˠ (ɞȘˠɢ 30,272.00) VI. ˜ǐ ˳˘ʣ˳˃ɫ˞ ˞˔ ˳ˁʣǦ˳NJʆ ˁː ˁˡ ʱƯ ˜ˬɪǦ 96/05 ˇĀ˳ɢ˂ ˠˎ˳Ʈ ˜ǐˁˡ ˚˲˥˪ˏ˫ʭˁ˘ˠ ˞ęǦ ʯˣˢʭě ˁˡ ʳǎɜ˳ɏǏ ˳ȼ ˦˙˧˫ ɪˁɢ˚ ȝƯˢ˫ȵǦ ʳǎɜ˚Ʈ ˁˡ˘ ˜ˣ ˘˫ɪˁ ˧ȿ˖˫˚Ư ɪʆǦ ˖Ǧˣ˫ ʱ˔. 15


ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɜ˞ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪. ˦˙˧˫/ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃. VII. ƌ.ź. ˳˦ʢ˘˫ˡƮ˘ ˞ˠ˫ (ɞȘˠɢ 3,784.00) H446894 ɜʆŸ ˚˳˔Ǧ ʆˠʚ ʏ˃ ˜ǐ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ˁˡ ʱ˔. VIII. ʼ.ːȩ.Ő. ʆɜ˳˦ʢ˘ ˞ˠ˫ (ɞȘˠɢ 2,112.00) I 040265 ɜʆŸ ˚˳˔Ǧ ʆˠʚ ʏ˃ ˜ǐ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ˁˡ ʱ˔. ʻ˦˪.ʻļ. ˳˧Ǧɜ ˞ˠ˫ (ɞȘˠɢ 2,376.00) G 988080 ɜʆŸ ˚˳˔Ǧ ʆˠʚ ʏ˃ ˜ǐ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ˁˡ ʱ˔.

IX. Ő.ʼ.ːȩ. ˚NJ˞ʆɜ ˞ˠ˫ (ɞȘˠɢ 5,280.00) H4464555 ʆˠʚ ʏ˃ ˜ǐ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ˁˡ ʱ˔

X. ːȩ.˳ú.ɫ. ˁɞ˒˫˳˦ʢ˘ ˞ˠ˫ (ɞȘˠɢ 1,320.00) I 040469 ɜʆŸ ˚˳˔Ǧ ʆˠʚ ʏ˃ ˜ǐ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ˁˡ ʱ˔. XI. ʻɢ.ʻļ. ˖ˠ˫˘Ǧ˖ ˞ˠ˫ (ɞȘˠɢ 4,576.00)

H 446059 ɜʆŸ ˚˳˔Ǧ ʆˠʚ ʏ˃ ˜ǐ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ˁˡ ʱ˔.

XII. ș.ʻļ. ʰɜˠ˳˦ʢ˘ ˖ ʆɢˣ˫ ˞ˠ˫ (ɞȘˠɢ 1,188.00) H 446039 ɜʆŸ ˚˳˔Ǧ ʆˠʚ ʏ˃ ˜ǐ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ˁˡ ʱ˔.

˦˫ˁļˈ˫ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ȝ˗˫˘ ˁɞƟ(ɪ˃˒˘ ˳ņ˖ˠ - 4.5 ˧˫ǧ ˧˫ ˚˫ƍ)

˖ýƟ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤ ˧˫ ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱˣˢˎ ʯˠƮ ˣ˫˧˘ ʯ˘Ʊɞ 95 ˁˎ ʯ˖˫˨ˣ ˳˘ʣɪ˦Ǿ ˚ˣƯ˘ ɞ. 15,002,538/- ˁ ˧˫ǧ ˳˞Ǧ˞ ʯˣ˦˪˕˫ 123 ˁˎ ʯ˖˫˨ ɞ. 35,519,688/- ˁ ˳NJ˚ˢ ˧˫ǧ ˧˫ ʯˣ˦˪˕˫ 03 ˁˎ ʯ˖˫˨ ɞ. 3,016,310/- ˁ ȿ˖ɢ ˣʭˇ˫ ʱƱʚ ˧˫ǧ ˧˫ ˚˫ƍ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ʯˣˤɕ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃ ˃ˬǨ˞ Ǐə˄ ˁ˫ˢˠú Ư˦˳˪ ˦ʢ ȝ˞˫˖˳ˣȽǦ ˚ˬˣư˞.

ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ /ˁȽŻˣ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ /ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɝ˞ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪ ˦˙˧˫/ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫ ˞˫ə˃

ˣ˫˧˘ ʯ˘Ʊɞˣˢˎ ʯ˖˫˨ ˚ɝú˥˒ 16 ʳƯɜɫ ˣ˫˧˘ ʯˢ˫˝ ˧˫ǧ ʆNJǝ 95 Ǧ ˳ȼ ˣ˘ ɪˎ ˣ˫˧˘ ʯˢ˫˝ ʱƯ ˧˫ǧ ʆNJǝ 72 ˁˎ ʯ˖˫ˢˣ ɞ.13,458,861.65 ˁ ˧˫ǧ ˚˫ƍ ǧˡɬɢ ˁˡ ʱ˔. ˜ˣƮ,ʈ˘˫Ƚ ʯ˘Ʊɞ ǧ˦˫ ˚˫˦ɢ 116 ˁ ˳NJ˚ˢ ˧˫ǧ ʱƯɫ Ư˳˜˘ ˜ˣƮ ȿ˖ɢ ˣʭˇ˫ 2ú ˦˙˧˫ ˳NJ˚ˢ ʯˢ˫˝ ˧˫ǧ ʆNJǝ 123 Ǧ ˳ȼ ˣ˘ ɪˎ ˳NJ˚ˢ ʯˢ˫˝ ˖ˬ˘ˎ ǨƯ˞ˠ ˁˎɒƱ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ˁˡ ʱƯ ˜ˣƮ ˧˫ǧ ʆNJǝ 100 ˁˎ ʯ˖˫ˢˣ ɞ. 3,858,718.23 ˁ ˧˫ǧ ˚˫ƍ 1ú ˔ˣ˞ ʯǝˁˡ˒ ˁˎɒƱ ˳ˁ˳ˡȽǦ ˚ˣƯ˘ ǧˡɬɢ ˁˡ ʱ˔. ˜ˣƮ ȝ.˃.ǧ./˃.ǧ ˚ˬˣʇˠ ɀˢɕ ˣʭˇ˫ Ʊ˳˘Ǧ ˳˖ˁú ǧˡɬɢ ˁˡ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ˖ýƟ ˝˫ɪ˔ˠˎ ˳˘ʣ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˣ˫˧˘ Șʘ˜˙ ˣ˫ə˔˫ˣú ˚˨˫Ʈ ʯ˗ɕ˫˚˘ ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱˣˎ ʯ˖˫ˢ ɀˢɕ ˣʭˇ˫ˣ ˢ˜˫˳˖˘ ˳ˢ˦Ʈ ˳˞˞ ˁˎɒƱ ˞˫˦ 06 ú Ʊ˨ ˦˙˧˫ ʯǝˁˡ˒˳ɏ ˵˘Ưˁ ˁˎɒƱ ʆǐ ˳ˣȽǦ ˚ˣƯ. ɪ˦˙˫ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ˁˡ˘ ˳ˢ˦Ʈ ˦˝˫ˣ ǧˠ˞

ˁ˳˨ʢˠ. ˔ˣǐˡˎƮ ǧˡɬɢ ˳˘ʣɫ ʱƯ ˣ˫˧˘ ˧˫ ˳NJ˚ˢ ʯˢ˫˝˧˫ǧ ǧˡɬɢ ûɝ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡȽǦ ˚ˣƯ.


ʰˠ˔˘˳ɏ ˘˞:- ʯ˗ɕ˫˚˘,ʳːȼ ˧˫ ʳːȼ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ˞˧˫˞˫ə˃ ˧˫ ȝˣ˲ƮƯ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤˠ ˦˫ˁļˈ˫ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ȝ˗˫˘ ˁɞƟ ʯ˗ɕ˫˚˘,ʳːȼ ˧˫ ʳːȼ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤˠ ɪʆǦ ɣˠ˫˚ǎʭĽˠ ʯˣˢʭě ɫ ʱƯ ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫ƮˁɞˣǦ 17 ˳˖˳˘ýˎ 2016 ˣə˥˳ɏǏ ʻˁƱˣ ɞ.14,980,184/- ˁ ʻˁƱ ˁ˨ ʯ˃ˠ ˞˔ ˜ǐ (VAT) ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔. ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ /ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ /ˣə˔˞˫˘ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɜƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪ ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫ƮˁɞˣǦ 17 ˳˖˳˘ý ˦˙˧˫ ʯˠˁˢ ɒƱ ȿ˖ɣǦ ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫ƮˁɞˣǦ 14 ˳˖˳˘ý˳˃Ǧ ɞ.13,636,791.31 ˁ ȿ˖ˢú ˦ȼțə˒˳ˠǦ˞ ʯˠˁˡ˳˃˘ ʱ˔.ʳƯɜ ˞˫˦ 03ú ʱƱˢ˔ ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫ƮˁɞˣǦ Ư˳˖˘˫˳˃Ǧ ˳ˁʣˎ˦˪ ˣˤ˳ˠǦ ɞ.1,135,290.96 ˁ ȿ˖ˢú ˳˞˞ ʯˠûɝ˞ ʯˠˁˡ˳˃˘ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ˔ˣǐˡˎƮ ɞ.1,343,392.69 ȿ˖ˢú ʯˠ ûɝ˞ˎ ˚ˣư. ʼ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗ ʆǐˁˡ ˁ˫ˡˁ ɪ˦˪˔ˡ ˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃ ˚˧ƯǦ ˖úˣȽ. ˦˝˫ˣˎ ˣ˫ə˔˫ˣú ʳǎɜ˚Ʈ ˁˡ˘ ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫Ʈˁɞ ʯˠˁˢ ɒƱ ʯˠûɝ˞ ˦˖˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃ ˳ˢ˦ ˁ˫ˡˁ ˦˝˫ˣ ˳Ę ˘˞ ȿ˖ˢ ɞ. ȝ.˃.ǧ./˃.ǧ.˳ˣ˔ 386,857.57 . . ǧ˳ˠʤ˃ ˁˡ˘ ˖ ʆɢˣ˫ ȝ˗˫˘ ˳ɢˁȼ˳Ę ʵ˚˳˖˦˪ ˞˔ ˖ ˚ ˁə˞˫Ǧ˔

ˢǏ. ˁǦ˦˪žú˥Ǧ˦˪ ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱˣ ˦˞ˆ ęɪʈȼ˃˔ ɫ ʱƯ ˁə˞˫Ǧ˔ˠûǦ ɚ˖ɬȼ ȿ˖ɢ ǧ˖˧˦˪ ûɝ˳ȼǏ ˳˞˞ ȿ˖ˢ ˡ˖ˣ˫ ˔˜˫ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ āˠ˫ ˁˡ ʱ˔. ˔ˣ˖ ʯ˖˫ˢ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ˣ˘ ˳ˢ˦ ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫Ʈˁɞˎ ˖Ǧˣ˫ ʱ˔.˳˘ʣ˳˃ˣǦ˳Ǧ ˘ȼ ʳ˧˔ ɚ˖ɬȼ ȿ˖ɣǦ ˳˘ʣ˚˞˫ˣ ʯˠûɝ˞ˎ āˠ˫ ˁˡȽ. ˃˫Ƚƞ 250,304.12 ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫Ʈˁɞ ˳˞˞ ȿ˖ˢ ˳˃ɫ˞ˎ ʻˁˆ ɫ ˁǦ˦˪žú˥Ǧ˦˪ ʱƯ ˜ˣƮ ˖ˬ˘ˎ ʰəǂˁ ʯ˚˧ʈ˔˫ ˣɣǦ ˳˚˳ˢ˘ ˜ˬɪǦ ʳǎɜ˳ɏǏ ˳˃ɫ˞ˎ āˠ˫ˁˡ˘ ˜ˣƮ ˖Ǧˣ˫ ʱ˔.˳ˁʣˎ˦ú Șˠɫ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ɞ.35000/- ˁ 2019.05.10 ǎ˘ˬƯ ʳǎɜ ˖˫˔ȼ ˳ˇú˚˔ú ˢ˜˫Ǐ ʱ˔.˳˃ɫ˞ ˦˙˧˫ Ǐə˄ ˁ˫ˢˠú ˁˬ˚ ˁˡǦ˳Ǧ ˘ȼ ǨƯ˞ˠ Șˠˣˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ ʯ˳ȗú˥˫ ˁˡȽ. Ưˢˁ ˦˪˳ˎʤə˦˪ 706,231.00 ˳˞˞ ȿ˖ˢ ˳˃ˣ˘ ˳ˢ˦ ˖Ǧˣ˫ ʱ˔Ʈ ȝƯˇ˫ˡ ʱǦƊ ˳ˡʤ˦˪ ˖úˣ˫ ˳˘ʣ˞ˬƯ ˜ˬɪǦ ǨƯ˞ˠ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃ Ȫɢːə˦˪ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ ʯ˳ȗú˥˫ ˁˡȽ.


˚˫əɣ˳ȼǦƱ ˦ˬʆ ʯʭˁˠ:-129

ʰˠ˔˘˳ɏ ˘˞:- ʵƱɞ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˦˝˫ˣ.

ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˧ǿ˘˫˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ /ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˢ˜˫˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɜƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃ ȿ˳ˡ 258.3 ʯǩˣ, ʰƜƍˁ˫ˡƱ˞˫˳Ę ʯˡȿ˖ɢ ʯˣ˦˫˘ ęƟȼ 2015 ˧˫ 2016 ˦˙˧˫ ɭ ʯˣ˦˫˘ ęƟȼ 2017/09/14 ˣ˫ə˔˫ 2015 ˣ˦ˡ ʆˎ ʳǎɜ˚Ʈˁˡ ˳˘ʣƯȬƝ. ˣˬǧ ǎ˘ ǧ˳ˠʤˉɕ ɪ˃˒ˁ˫ǝ˚Ư (NNE) ˳ˣ˔ ʳǎɜ˚Ʈ ˁˡ˘ ˢǏ. 2015 ʯ˳˃ʤ˦˪Ʊ 31 ˖úˣ˫ ɭ ʯúȿ˖ɢ ʳƯɜˠ ɞ.5,855,800 ˚˨˫Ʈ 2017.08.02 ˣˬǧ ǎ˘ ˞Ǧ˘˫ˡ˞ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ ˚˫ˢ˘ ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱˣ ɪʆǦ ˳˘ʣȘˠˣ˘ ˢǏ. ˳ȼ ˣɕ˫˚˫ɜˁɐǦˎ ʻ˳ˡʏˣ ǨƯ˳ˠǦ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ʯ˖˫ˢ ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱˣ ɪʆǦ ʻ˞ ȿ˖ˢ ʰ˚ʈ ˳ˢ˦ ǨƯ˚Ư ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱˣ ˳ˣ˔ ɣɒ˞ú ˠˣ˫ ʯˠˁˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎˎ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃ˠú ˳˃˘ ˘ˬ˔. ʱ˔. ˔ˣ˖ 2018.03.23 ˣˬǧ ǎ˘ ʯˣˤɕ ˁˎɒƱ ûɝ˞ˎ ʆʏ ˁˬ˙ɫ˞ú˖ ˠˣ˫ ʱ˔. 2012 ˣ˦ˡˠ Ʊˢ ęǦ˳˘Ǧ ɪ˘˫ˤɭ ˁː ˦˫ȗȚ ˦˙˧˫ ˞Ǧ˘˫ˡ˞ ǎ˦Ƶúˁ˳ɏ˪ ˣɕ˫˚˫ɜˁɐǦ 30 ˳˖˘ýˎ ˣǦǎ ˳˃ɪ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˔ˣ˖, ˔ˣ˞Ʈ ʏȽˁȼ Ư˳˜˘ ˁː ʏȽˠǦ˳˃Ǧ ʳƯɜ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˚˫ˢ˘ ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱˣ ˳ˣ˔ ɞ. Ƚɣˠ˘ 6ˁ ˦˞˦˪˔ ȿ˖ˢ ʯˠˁˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ ˞Ǧ˘˫ˡ˞ ˘˃ˡ ˦˧˫ ȿ˖ˢú ǧ˖˧˦˪ ˁˡ ʱƯ˜ˣ ȝ.ɀ.ǧ./ɀ.ǧ. ɪʆǦ ˦˙˧Ǧ ˁˡ ʱ˔. ˦˧˳ˠʤ˃ˠ ˦ʏ˔ˣ ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱˣ ɪʆǦ ˁˎɒƱ , 28 ˳ˁ˳˦˳ˣ˔Ʈʢ ˣɕ˫˚˫ɜˁɐǦ ˳˖˳˘ú ˦˞˦˪˔ ȿ˖ˢˣ˘ ˁˡ˘ ˢǏ. ɞ.Ƚɣˠ˘ 4.97 ȿ˖ˢ Șˠɫ˞ˎ ʯ˳˚ʣ˳˧ʣ˦Ʈ ɪˠ. ʾʑ ˔ˣǐˡˎƮ 2019 ˣ˦ˡ Ʊˢ ˣ˫ɜˁ ˧˔ˡûǦ ʳƯɜ ȿ˖ˢ ˳˃ɫ˞ ûˠ˫ ʆŹ˳ɏ, ǨƯ˚Ư ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱ˳ɩ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪ ˢ˜ȽǦ . ˳˘ʣȘˠɭ ȿ˖ˢ ʰ˚ʈ ʯˠˁˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ǨƯ˳ˠǦ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃ ˦˙˧˫ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪ Ǐ ʱ˔ ˳˃˘ ʱƯ ˜ˣɐ. ǨƯ˚Ư ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ǐǦ ǨƯ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪ ʯǩˣ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡ˘ ˳ˢ˦ ȝ.ɀ.ǧ./ɀ.ǧ. ˎ ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ 2019.02.09 ˣˬǧ ǎ˘ ˳˘ʣȘˠɭ ʯúȿ˖ˢ ɞ.Ƚ. 4,362 ˳˖ǩȼ Ǐ ʱ˔. ˳ɩ. ˚˨˫Ʈ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤˠ ˧˫ ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱ˳ˣǦ Șˎ ʯ˳˘ýƮ 2016/12/31 ˣˬǧ ǎ˘ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ 145 ˳˖˘˫˳ĘǦ ˚˨˫Ʈ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤ ˧˫ ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱ ˳ˣ˔ ˦˪˕˫˘ ˞˫ɞ ˢˬȭ ʯˠɪˠ ɒƱ ɞ.24,363,340/-, ˚˨˫Ʈ ˦˝˫ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ, ɪɹ˫˞˃˔ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ, ʯ˦Ǩ˚ɭ, ˣɕ˫˚˲Ưˣˢˎ ˧˫ ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱ, ˞˗ɕ˞ ʰˠ˔˘, ɪɹ˫Ƚˁ ˧˫ ʯǩɒú˔ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖, ˚Ƌ ˡʏ˔ ǧˣ˫ƍ ˦˞˃ ɪ˳˖˦˪ ˃˔ɭ ʯ˦Ǩ˚ ɭ, ˣɕ˫˚˲Ưˣˢˎ ʯǩɒú˔ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ˚Ƌ ˡʏ˔ ˡ˦˪˦˫˳ˣǦ ʳˣƮ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ˧˫ ˣˬː ˔˧˘ȼ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ǧˣ˫ƍ ˦˞˃ ɪ˳˖˦˪ ˃˔ɭ ˧˫ ˡ˦˪˦˫˳ˣǦ ʳˣƮ ɭ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ˳ĘǦ ʯˠɪˠ ɒƱ ɞ. 33,195,148/- ˒ˠ ȿ˖ˢ ʰ˚ʈ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ ˞ęǦ ʯˠɪˠ ɒƱ ȿ˖ˢ Șˠɫ˳˞Ǧ ʯˠˁˡ ˳˃Ǩ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡ ˘ˬ˔. 2018/12/31 ˣˬǧ ǎ˘ ɞ. 8,933,915.47 ˖úˣ˫ ʯƍ

ˁˡ ʱ˔. ʻ˞ ȝ˃Ưˠ ˚˧˔ ˚ɜǎ ˳ɩ. , , , ɪɹ˫˞˃˔ ʯ˦Ǩ˚ɭ ˣɕ˫˚˲Ưˣˢˎ ʯǩɒú˔ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ˚Ƌ ˡʏ˔ ǧˣ˫ƍ ˦˞˃ ɪ˳˖˦ ˪ ˃˔ɭ, ˣ˦ˡ ˳˖ˁˁˎ ʯǝˁ ˁ˫ˢˠú 2018/12/31 ˡ˦˪˦˫˳ˣǦ ʳˣƮ ɭ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ 145 ˳˖˘˫˳˃Ǧ ʯˠɪˠ ɒƱ ɞ. ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ ɪ˦˪˔ˡ ˣˬǧ ǎ˘ ȿ˖ˢ 24,363,340/- ˒ˠ ȿ˖ˢ ʱƱʚ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˡ˫ˉɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁɐǦ ˳˃ɪˠ ˃˒˘ ɒƱ ʯúȿ˖ɢ ɞ.801,983,125/- ʰ˚ʈ ʯˠˁˡ ˳˃Ǩ˳ȼ ˁˎɒƱ (ɞ.) ˦˪˕˫˘ ˞˫ɞ ˞Ǧ˖˃˫Ⱦ ˞ŸˎȽǦ ˚ˬˣˬƮˣ˘ ˜ˣ ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ǧɝú˥˒ ˁˡ˘ 55 5,139,148.51 ˢǏ. ˢˬȭ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ ɪɹ˫˞˃˔ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ / Ƚˠ 24 2,431,360.24 ęˠ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ ˡ˦˪˦˫˳ˣǦ ʳˣƮ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ 21 1,276,156.72 ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ ˣˬː ˔˧˘ȼ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ 1 87,250.00 ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ ʻˁƱˣ 101 8,933,915.47 Șˠɪˠ ɒƱ ȿ˖ˢ ʯˠˁˡ ˳˃Ǩ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ʯ˖˫ˢ āˠ˫ ˞˫ə˃ ˃ǧȽǦ ˚ˣƯɐ. .

ˣˬŻȗ ˡʏ˔ ǧˣ˫ƍ ˢ˜ȽǦ ɪ˳˖˦˪ ęˠ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ˳ĘǦ ʯˠɪˠ ɒƱ ˒ˠ ȿ˖ˢ ʯˠˁˡ ˳˃Ǩ˞ˎ ʯ˖˫ˢ Șˠˣˡ ˔˫˘˫˚Ư ˁ˫əˠ˫ˢ ˞ęǦ ˃Ʈ ˜ˣ ȝ.ɀ.ǧ./ɀ.ǧ. ˦˙˧Ǧ ˁˡɐ. ˘ˬ˔˳˧ʣƮ ˁ˚˫ ʳˣƮ ûɝ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡ˘ ˜ˬɪǦ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ˁˡ˘ ˢǏ.


ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˧ǿ˘˫˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ /ǧə˳NJˤ ˢ˜˫˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɜƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃ 04. ʰˠ˔˘ ˦ʭĞ˧ˠˎ ʯǪ˳˘ʣˣ˘ ˚ɜǎ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˦˝˫ ʯˡȿ˖ɣǦ ɞ.3000/- ˁ ɪǐɣ ˃˫˦˪Ʊ ˧˫ ɞ.15,000/-ˁ ˞˫ʆˁ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˦˝˫ ˳ɢˁȼˣɞǦˎ ɞ.500/-ˁ ˞˫ʆˁ ýɣˠˎ ǧˣ˫˦ ˢ˜˫ ýɣˠ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˦˝˫ ȿ˖ɣǦ ˳˃ɫ˞ˎ ʯǩþˢɭ Ǐ˞ ˧˫ ɪǐɣ Ȫˢ ˳˃ɫ˞ ˧˫ ɞ.250,000/-ˎ ˃˲˧˦˪˕ ˝˫Ɯː ȽˢǏ ˇĀ˳ɢ˂˒ˠú ǧýƮ ˁˡ˘ ˢǏ. ˔ˣ˖ ʵú˔ ˁ˫ˢ ˳˃Ǩ˞. ʰˠ˔˘ ˦ʭĞ˧˳ɏ XIX ˣˬǧ ˣ˃ǦƯ˳ɏ 5:3 ʯǩˣ ʯ˖˫ˢ ʇ˞˫ˣƱˢ ǧˢ ǧˣ˫˦ ˳˘ʣ˞ˬƯ ˳˧ʢƱ˳ˣǦ ȝ˗˫˘ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ ˞ęǦ ʻ˞ ȿ˖ˢ ʯˠˁˡ ˳˃Ǩ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ ˳˘ʣûɝ˞. ˳ɢˁȼ ˧˫ ǧ˳ˠʤˉɕ ȝ˗˫˘ ˳ɢˁȼˣɞǦˎ ˃ɞ ʰˠ˔˘ ˦ʭĞ˧ˠˎ ʯǩþˢ ˳˘ʣˣ˘ ˚ɜǎ ˳˃ɫȼ ʆǐ ûɝ˞. ʰƜƍˁ˫ˡƱ˞˫˳Ę ʯǩ˞ˬƯˠ ˦ʏ˔ˣ ˳˞ˣˬǧ ˳˞˞ ˚˨˫˳Ʈ ǧˢ ǧˣ˫˦ ˳˘ʣ˞ˬƯ ˳˧ʢƱ˳ˣǦ ȝ.ɀ.ǧ./ɀ.ǧ. ˃ɞ ˚˧ʈˁȼ ˦˚ˠǩ ˢˬ˳ȩ. ʰƜƍˁ˫ˡƱ˞˫˳Ę ʯǩ˞ˬƯˠ ˦ʏ˔ˣ ˳˞˞ ˳˃ɫȼ ˁˡǩ ˢˬ˳ȩ. ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˳˞˞ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ȿ˖ɢ ˳ˡěˢ˫ʆ ˧˫ ʰˠ˔˘ ˦ʭĞ˧ˠˎ ʯǩþˢˣ ˳˃ɫȼ ʆǐ ˁˡ˘ ˳ˢ˦ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ˁˡ˘ ˢǏ. 05. 2011 ˣ˦ˡ Ʊˢ ˝˫Ɯː˫˃˫ˡ˳ˠǦ ʯǩ˞ˬƯ˳ˠǦ ˳˔ʣˡˣ ʵƱɞ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˞˫ə˃˦˪˕ ˞Ě ȝˣ˫˧˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜˠ ˳ˣ˔ ʰəǂˁ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤˠ ˞ęǦ ȿ˖ɢ ˢ˜˫˳˃˘ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˜˦˪ ˡ˕˳ɏ ʯɐƯˠ ˚ˬˣɝȼ ˁˎɒƱ 2018 ˣ˦ˡ Ʊˢ ˦˝˫ɩ ɪʆǦ ɞ. Ƚɣˠ˘ 32.2 ˣŹ˘˫ ˜˦ ˪ ˡ˕ 10ú ȽˢǏ ˳˃˘ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ɫ ʱ˔. ʵƱɞ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˞˫ə˃˦˪˕ ˞Ě ȝˣ˫˧˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜˠ ˳ˣ˔ ǧýƮ ˁˡ˘ ˢǏ. ˳ˁ˳˦ʢ ˳ˣ˔Ʈ ˣ˦ˡ ʯɬɞǐ Ʊ˘ˁ ˁ˫ˢˠú ʯˣ˦Ǧɫ ƯȪˠǏƮ ʻ˞ ˜˦˪ ˡ˕ ˣˢ ʯɐƯˠ ʵƱɞ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˦˝˫ˣ ˦Ʊˣ ʱ˔. ʻ˘ȼ ʵƱɞ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˦˝˫ ȝ˫˳NJɴˠ ˞˫ə˃˦˪˕ ˞Ě ȝˣ˫˧˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜˠ ɪʆǦ ûʆˠȼ ʯˣˤɕ ˁˎɒƮ˔ú ˳˘ʣ˳ˁɞǧ. ʻ˘ȼ ˜˦˪ ˡ˕ 8 ˦˙˧˫ ˞Ě ȝˣ˫˧˘ ˳˦ʢˣ˫ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ˞ˎ ɞ.Ƚ. 15ú ˳˘ʣˣˬˢúɪˠ ɒƱ ɪˠ˖˞ú ˳ˢ˦ ˖ˬɝ ʱ˔. ȝ.ɀ.ǧ./ɀ.Ƚ. ˦˙˧Ǧ ˁˡ ʱƮ˳Ʈ ʻ˞ ˣ˫˧˘ ˣˢ ʯɐƯˠ ʵƱɞ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˞˫ə˃˦˪˕ ˞Ě ȝˣ˫˧˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜˠ ˳ˣ˔ ˚ˬˣɝ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ ʰˡȼ˝ ˁˡ ʲƯ ˜ˬɪǦ ʻ˞ ˣˬː 2017 ˦ˬȗ˔ˬȼ˜ə ʯˣ˦˫˘˳ɏ ʳˣˡ ˣ˘ ˜ˣɐ.

06. 2011 ˣ˦ˡ Ʊˢ ʵƱɞ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˦˝˫ ˡ˫ˉɕ ˳˦ʢˣˁɐǦˎ ˜˦˪ ʵƱɞ ˚˨˫Ʈ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦˎ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤˠ ɪʆǦ ˳˦ʢˣ˫ˣú ˦˝˫ˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢǏ. ˳ˁ˳˦ ʢ ˘ȿƮ ˢʭˁ˫ ˃˞˘˫ ˢ˜˫ǐǦ ˜˦˪ ˳˦ʢˣ˫ˣ ʏˎȚ ʯ˞˫˔ɕƱ˞˫˳Ę ˃˞˘ ˞Ɯːˢˠ ɪʆǦ ưˡ˒ ˁˡ˘ ˚ɜǎ ʰ˖˫ˠȼ ˃˫˦˪Ʊ ʯˠˁˡ 2017/09/22 ǎ˘ˬƯ ɚ˦˪ɫȼ ưˡ˒ˠˎ ʯǩˣ ˳˘ʣ˞ˬ˔. 2017/09/29 ǎ˘ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ɫ ʱ˔. ˳ȼ ʯǩˣ, ʯ˝ɕǦ˔ˡ ˳˦ʢˣ˫ˣ ǧȽƮ˳ƮǦ ˜˦˪ ˡ˕ 05ú ˦˙˧˫ ɞ. Ƚ.9.5ú˖ Șˎ ǎ˦˪Ƶúˁˣˢ ˳˦ʢˣ˫ˣ ǧȽƮ˳ƮǦ ˜˦˪ ˡ˕ 03ú ˦˙˧˫ ɞ. Ƚ.6ú˖ ˖ˬɝ˞ˎ ʆǐɫ ʱ˔. ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ ˳ˣǩ˳ˣǦ ˜˦˪ ˳˦ʢˣ˫ˣ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ˞ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗ˣ ʯˠɪˠ ɒƱ ˳˦ʢˣ˫ ˃˫˦˪Ʊ ʰ˖˫ˠ˞ ȿʚ ɪˠ˖ȽǦ 10% ûǦ ʯƍɫ Ư˳ȩ. ˳ȼ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ȝˣ˫˧˘ ˳˦ʢˣ˫ ʰ˖˫ˠ˞ ǧʆ ˚ɜǎ ˦ˬˢʈȼ ˁˡ / ˁ˨˞˘˫ˁˡ˒ˠ ˁˡ ˳˘ʣƯȬǧ. ˔ˣ˖ ˃Ɵ˳˖ǩ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ɪǨ˔ āˠ˫ ˞˫ə˃ˠú ˳˃˘ ˳˘ʣ˞ˬ˔. ȝ˗˫˘ ɀˢɕ ǧˢ˗˫ɜ ˃ɞ. ʰƜƍˁ˫ˡƱ˞˫˳Ę ʯǩ˞ˬƯˠ ˦ʏ˔ˣ ʵƱɞ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˦˝˫ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦˎ ˜˦˪ ˳˦ʢˣ˫ˣú ˢ˜˫ Ǐ ʱƯ ˜ˣ ˦˙˧Ǧ ˁˡ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˡ˫ˉɕ ęƟȼ ˁ˫ˡˁ ˦˝˫ ǧə˳NJˤˠ ˞˔ ˚˨˫Ʈ Ǟˣˡ ˧˫ ȝˣ˫˧˘ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤˠ ˞ęǦ ˳˞˞ ˔ƮƮˣˠ ǧˣˬˡǎ ˁˡ ʰ˖˫ˠȼ ʯˠˁˡ ˳˃Ǩ˞ˎ ˳˞˞ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤ˳ɏ ˳ɢˁȼƱ˞˫ˎ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ˁˡ ʱƯ ˜ˬɪǦ ˦˙˧Ǧ ˁˡ ʱ˔.


ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˧ǿ˘˫˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ /ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɝ˞ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪ ˦˙˧˫/ ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɜƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃ 07. ˉ˘˫ǝ˚Ư ˳ɢˁȼ ˁ˫əˠ˫ˢˠ ˞ęǦ ǧýƮ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ˃ɞ ʰƜƍˁ˫ˡƱ˞˫ "ʵƱ˳ə ˣ˦Ǧ˔ˠ" ˣˬː˦ˎ˧˘ ʯʭˁ PCMD/1/4/23/4/4 ˧˫ 2011 ˳˖˦ˬȼ˜ə 19 ǎ˘ˬƯ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɝ˞ ˦ȼ˜ǦǦ˗ˣ ʳ˔˫˞Ʈ ˣˬ˖˃Ʈ ˔˘Ʊˡú ˖ˬɝ ˇĀ˳ɢ˂˒ˠˎ ʯǩˣ ʰƜƍˁ˫ˡˣˡ˳ˠýˎ ˞˫ʆˁ ʱ˔. ˔ˣ˖ ǎ˦˪Ƶú ˦ȼ˜ǦǞˁˡ˘ ˁȽŻ˳ɩ ˦˝˫˚Ư ˣˤ˳ˠǦ˖ ʳǦ˗˘ Ǐ˞˘˫ˣ ˳ˢ˦ ɞ.100,200/- ʇ˞˫ ˁˡ ƯȪˠǏƮ ˣɕˣ˦˪˕˫ ˣ˃ü˞ˣˢˎ ʯ˞˔ˡˣ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ ˞Ɯːˢ˳ɏ ˣˬː ɞ.327,600/- ʆˎ ɞ.497,600/- ˖úˣ˫ ʳǦ˗˘ Ǐ˞˘˫ ˦˙˧˫˖ ˣˬƋ ʳǦ˗˘ ˢ˜˫ ˃ˬǨ˞ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗ˣ ˉ˘˫ǝ˚Ư ˳ɢˁȼ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔. ˳ȼ ʯǩˣ 2013 ˣ˦ˡˎ ɞ. 1,507,800 ˁ˫əˠ˫ˢ˳ˠǦ ɪ˳ˤʢ˥ ʯǩ˞ˬƯˠú ˢ˜˫ ˳˃˘ ʱ˔. ˉ˘˫ǝ˚Ư ˣˬƋ˳ˠǦ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔. 2014 ˣ˦ˡ Ʊˢ ɞ.Ƚ. 1.17 ˳ɢˁȼ ˁ˫əˠ˫ˢ˳ɏ ʯʭˁ CSA/9/1/38 (i) ˧˫ 2014/08/27 9/01 ˣˬƋ˳ˠǦ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔. ˔ˣ˖ ˡˉ˳ɏ ˣ˫˧˘ˣˢˎ ʈ˚ə ǎ˘ˬƯ ɣȘˠ ʯǩˣ 2014/0 ǎ˘ ʆˎ ˞˫ʆˁ ʳǦ˗˘ ˳˚žɢ ˝˫ɪ˔˫ ûɝ˞ˎ ˇĀ˳ɢ˂˒˳ɏ ˘ˬƯ ˘ȿƮ ʈ˚ə Ǐ˞˘˫ˣú ˳ˢ˦ ˳˚žɢ ɤˎə 600ú ˧˫ ƌ˦ɢ ɤˎə 500ú ˢú ˳˚žɢ ˧˫ ˦˞˫˘ɕ ˳˚žɢ ˠǩ ˳˃ɫȼ ʆǐ ˁˡ Ư˳ȩ. ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢǏ. ˣˬƋ˳ˠǦ ˳˃ˣǩ ˢ˜˘ Ǐ˞˘˫ˣ ʯˠˁˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ ʆǐ ˳˘ʣˁˡɐ. ˣ˫˧˘ ǧ˥˪˚˫ǎ˔ ʰˠ˔˘ˠǦ˳Ę ǧə˳NJˤ ˚ɜǎ ˳˞ˣˬǧ ʈ˳˝ʤ˂˳˝ʤĚ ˣ˫˧˘ˣˢˎ ʈ˚ə ˳˚žɢ ˝˫ɪ˔˫ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜ɐ. ˦˫˞˫˘ɕ ˳˚žɢ ˝˫ɪ˔ˠˎ ˣː˫ ʈ˚ə ˳˚žɢ ˝˫ɪ˔˫ ûɝ˞ ƱɣǦ ˣ˫˧˘˳ɏ āˠ˫ˁ˫ˡˁȼ ˣˬƋˣ˘ ʯ˔ˡ ʻ˞ ˣ˫˧˘ˣˢ ˘ːƮƱ ûɝ˳ȼ ˃˫˦˪Ʊ˖ ʯˣ˞ ˳ɩ. 08. ˦Ⱦú˥˒ˠˎ ˢúɬ ˣ˦ˡ Ʊˢ VAT ɣˠ˫˚ǎʭĽ ˞Ǧ˘˫ˡ˞ ȝ˫˳NJɴˠ ˦˝˫ˣ ˳ˣ˔ ˢˬȪˠ ɒƱ VAT ɞ. Ƚ 0.197 ˦˧Ưˁˠ ˚ɝú˥˫ ˳˘ʣˁˡ ʳǎûɝȼ ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫ƮƱ ˣˢˎ ˦ȼțə˒˳ˠǦ ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫Ʈˁɞ˳˃Ǧ ʯˠˁˡ ʱ˔. ˁɐŸ˦ ˪ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗ɭ ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫ƮˁɞˣǦˎ ʯˣ˦˪˕˫ 16ûǦ ȝ˫˳NJɴˠ ˦˝˫ˣ ɪʆǦ ˳˃ˣ˘ ˢ˖ ɞ. Ƚ. 1.066 ʯˠˁˡ ˳˃Ǩ˞ ȝ˫˳NJɵˠ ˦˝˫ 07 ûǦ ˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ ʻˁûǦ VAT ˦˙˧˫ ˁɐŸ˦˪ ʵ˦˫ɪ˳ɏǏ ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫Ʈˁɞˎ ʻ˳ˡʏˣ ˘ƍ ˳˃ɫȼˣˢˎ ɞȘˠɢ Ƚɣˠ˘ ɞ. 12.3 ˳˃ˣ˘ ˢǏ. ˚ˣˡ˫ ʱ˔.(˘ƍ ʯʭˁ M/76/2018) ˚˨ˣˬǧ ˘ƍˣ 2019/01/14 ˔ˣ˖ NELSIP ˣˬː ˦ˎ˧˘ ˠˎ˳Ʈ ɣˠ˫˚ǎʭĽ ˳˘ʣɭ ǎ˘ ˚ˣƮˣ˘ ˢǏ. ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫ƮˁɞˣǦˎ ʯˣ˦˪˕˫ Ʊ˘ûǦ ȝ˫˳NJɵˠ ˦˝˫ ˁˡļĽ ȝ˫˳NJɴˠ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫Ʈ ˳˖ˁ ˦˙˧˫ VAT ɞ.Ƚ. ˳˖ˁ ɫʆǦ ɞ. Ƚɣˠ˘ 3.924 VAT ˣˤ˳ˠǦ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱƯ 1.2 ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ûɣ˳˘ʣļĽ ʵ˦˫ɪ˳ɏǏ 2018/08/06 ǎ˘ ˜ˣ ɪ˃˒˘ ˚ɝú˥˫ˣɣǦ ʯ˘˫ˣˡ˒ˠ ɪˠ. ˘ƍ ˚ˣˡ˫ ʱ˔. ˘ƍ ʯʭˁ M/550/18 ˧˫ M/551/18) VAT ˦˧Ưˁ˳ɏ ˣˢʭě˝˫ˣˠ ˚ɝú˥˫ ˳˘ʣˁˡ ȚǐýƋʳɞȗȚ ȝ˫˳NJɴˠ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫Ʈ ˳˖ˁ ˦˙˧˫ ɭ VAT˳˃ɫȼ 16ú ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱƯ ˜ˣ ȝ˗˫˘ ɀˢɕ ǧˢ˗˫ɜ/ VAT ɞ. Ƚ.0.647 ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗ˣ ȝ˫˳NJɴˠ ˦˝˫ˣ ɪʆǦ ɀˢɕ ǧˢ˗˫ɜ Șʘ˃Ʈˣ ʱ˔. ˳˚ʣɣʆ˳ɏ ˚ˬȽƝɣ ˁˡ ʱ˔. VAT ˳˃ɫȼ 16 ʯ˔ɜǦ ˳˃ɫȼ 9 ˁˎ ʯ˖˫ˢˣ˘ ȝˤ˪˒ ˖ˬ˘ˎ˞Ʈ ɪ˦Ǧǝˁˡ ʱ˔. ˣˢʭě VAT ˦˧Ưˁ ˢ˜˫˳˘ʣǐǦ ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫ƮˁɞˣǦˎ ʻ˳ˡʏˣ ɞ. Ƚ. 3.9 ʯˠûɝ˞ˎ ǨƯ˳ˠǦ Șˠˣˡ ˳˃˘ ʱƯ ˜ˣ ˦˙˧Ǧ ɫ ʱ˔. ʯ˖˫ˢ ˢˬȫȼ ûɜ˞ ˔˖ ûɝ˞ ƱɣǦ ˳˞ˣˬǧ āˠ˫ˣǦ ʯ˂Ɯːˣ ˣˢˬúɪˠ ˧ˬû ˜ˣ ˳˞˞ ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˔ˡ˳ˠǦ ˚ˬ˧ˬǎɣ ˁˡ ʱ˔. ˔ˣ˖ ʏ˃ ȿ˖ɢ ʆˠɢˢ˞ ʯˠ ûɝ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡ˘ ˳ˢ˦ ȝ.ɀ.ǧ./ɀ.ǧ. ˎ ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˖ˬǩȼ Ǐ ʱ˔ 09. ûɣ˳˘ʣļĽ ǎ˦˪Ƶúˁ˳ɏ ț˘˫ɜ ȝ˳NJˤˠ Ʊˢ ˞˧ˉ˘ ˳˞˞ ˁɞƟ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗ˣ ûɣ˳˘ʣļĽ ǎ˦˪Ƶúˁ˳ɏ ț˘˫ɜ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ǧˢ˗˫ɜ ˁ˫əˠ˫ˢˠ ʳǎûɝ˞ ˳ˣǩ˳ˣǦ ˚˨˫Ʈ ȝ˫˳NJɴˠ ˳ˡʤ˧ˢ ˧˫ ʻ˞ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗ˠ ɭ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˳˦ʢˣ˫ˣǦ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤˠ ɪʆǦ ʯúˁˡ 15 ˁ ʳːȼ ȽˢǏ ˦ˬ˚ɑ˞ ȘƝ˦ ʯƮ˚Ʈˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ʳː˳ȼ ʵú˔ ˳ˡʤ˧ˢ ˳˃Ǩ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ɞ.Ƚ 3.75 ˁ ȿ˖ˢ 2011/12/31 ǎ˘ ɪˠ˖ȼ ˳ˣǩ˳ˣǦ ˚˧˔ ˦˙˧Ǧ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɣ ʳǎˁˡ˘ ˢǏ. ˁˡ˘ ˢǏ. ˳ˁ˳˦ʢ ˳ˣ˔Ʈ ʻ˞ ȝ˳NJˤˠˎ ʯˠƮ ˳˚ʣǐ 1. ˝˫ʏˡ ˳ˡʤĚ ʯʭˤ ˉ˘˔˫ˣ ɪʆǦ ʯúˁˡ 5 ˁ ʳː˞ú ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤˠ 2. ˞˫˔˲ ˳Ǧˣ˫ʆˁ˫˃˫ˡˠ ˳ˣ˔ ˔˭Ę˃ú ˣˤ˳ˠǦ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ ʱ˔. ˳˞˞ ǧ˦˫ 3. ȘɜȽ ˳Ǧˣ˫ʆˁ˫˃˫ˡˠ ɞ.750,000 ˣˬƋ˳ˠǦ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔. ˔ˣ˖ ˳˞˞ ˳˃ɫ˞ 4. ˃ˬ˧ˬƟ ˳Ǧˣ˫ʆˁ˫˃˫ˡˠ ʆǐûɝ˞ˎ ȝ˕˞˳ˠǦ ȝ˗˫˘ ʱ˦˪˔˳ȼǦƱˁɞ ˣǦ˳Ę 5. ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ˵ˣ˖ɕ ǧˢ˗˫ɝ ˁ˫əˠ˫ˢˠ ʱ˦˪˔˳ȼǦƱ ˢˬȫ ˳˘ʣ˞ˬƯ ˜ˣ ǧɝú˥˒ˠ ˳ɩ. 6. ˵ˣ˖ɕ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ˳Ę ˳Ǧˣ˫ʆˁ˫˃˫ˡˠ 7. ˳˚ʣǐ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ǧˢ˗˫ɜ ˳Ǧˣ˫ʆˁ˫˃˫ˡˠ

ʯ˘˫˃˔ ˦ˬˢʈȼ 1. ˨˞˫ ˳Ǧˣ˫ʆˁ˫˃˫ˡˠ 2. ˵ˣ˖ɕ ˦˧˳ˠʤ˃ ˳˦ʢˣ˫ ˳Ǧˣ˫ʆˁ˫˃˫ˡˠ 3. ˧ˬ˖ ˳Ǧˣ˫ʆˁ˫˃˫ˡˠ 4. ˚ɬɢ ˳˦ʥ˂ɕ ǧˢ˗˫ɝ ˳Ǧˣ˫ʆˁ˫˃˫ˡˠ 5. ʯ˚ǖˣɕ ˁ˨˞˘˫ˁˡ˒ ˦ˬˢʈ˞ 6. ęˢǦ ˡ˕ ˘ˬˣˬƮɫ˞

ˠ˘ ʳǎûɝȼ ʆǐûɝ˞ˎ ǧˠȽ˔ɐ

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ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˧ǿ˘˫˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ /ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɝ˞ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪ ˦˙˧˫/ ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɜƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃ ˳˞˞ ʳː˞ ʯƮ˚Ʈˁˡ ˳˃Ǩ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ɞ.Ƚ. 37.5 ûɣ˳˘ʣļĽ ǎ˦Ƶú˪ ˳ɢˁȼ Ʊ˞˫˳Ę ęƟ˳ȼ ˔ˬǦ˚Ʈ ˁˡ˘ ˢǏ. ȝ˗˫˘ ʱ˦˪˔˳ȼǦƱˁɞˣ˫˳Ę ʯʭˁ KN/LA/21 ˧˫ 2016.07.27 ǎ˘ˬƯ ɣȘˠ ˞ęǦ ʵú˔ ʳː˳ȼ ˣŹ˘˫ˁ˞ ɞ.Ƚ. 5.0 ˜ˬɪǦ ʱ˦˪˔˳ȼǦƱ˃˔ ˁˡ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜ɐ. ʆˠʚ ʳːȼ ʯƮ˚Ʈˁˡ ˃ˬǨ˳ȼ ˁˎɒƱ ûɣ˳˘ʣļĽ ǎ˦Ƶ˪ ú ˳ɢˁȼ ɪʆǦ ˦ȼțə˒ ˁˡ ʱ˔. 10. ˚˨˫Ʈ ˚˫ˢ˘ ˳˦ʢˣ˫˳ɩ ǧɒƱ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ˳Ę ɪɹ˫˞ ˞˧ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ ˧ˬˡ ʆˠʚ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˚˫ˢ˘ ʰˠ˔˘ ʏˆ ɪɹ˫˞ ˣˬŻ˚ ɭ ɞ. 137,776,442 ˠ˫˚˘ˠ, ˞Ǧ˘˫ˡ˞ ǎ˦˪Ƶú ˣˬŻȗ ɪɹ˫Ƚˁ ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱˣ ˳ˣ˔ Șˠˣ˫ ʱ˔. ˠ˫˚˘ˠ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˚˫ˢ˘ ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱˣ ˳ˣ˔ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ ˘ˬ˔. ˞˧ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ ʏˆ ɪɹ˫˞ ˣˬŻ˚ ɞ. 115,690,253.42 ˳ɩ. ʯ˖˫ˢ ɪɹ˫ȽˁɐǦˎ ɪɹ˫˞ ˣˬŻȗ ˳˃ɫ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ ʻɐǦ ɞ.Ƚ. 20 ɪɹ˫˞ ˣˬŻȗ ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱˣ ˳ˣ˔ Șˠˣ˫ ˁ˳˨ʢˠ. ˔ˣ˖ ˳˃ɫȼ ȝ˞˫˖ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ʯ˖˫ˢ ʱ˔. (2019/03/29 ˣˬǧ ǎ˘ ʯʭˁ382559 ˖ˡ˒ ˳ˇú˚Ʈ ˁȽŻˣˎ ȘʘƱɞ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˜ˣ ȝ.ɀ.ǧ./ɀ.ǧ. ˦˙˧Ǧ ˞ęǦ) ʳƯɞ ɞ.95,690,253.42 ˞˫ʆˁˣ ɞ.Ƚ.10 ˜ˬęǦ ˁˡ ʱ˔. Șˠɫ˞ˎ ˞˧˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ɪʆǦ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡ ʱ˔. ˔ˣ˖ ˁɢ˃˔ɭ ɪɹ˫˞ ˣˬŻȗ ʯ˖˫ˢ ˚ɜǎ ˳˃ɫ˞ˎ ɪɹ˫˞ ˣˬŻȗ ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱˣ ˦˞˃ ˁˎɒƱ ûɝ˞ˎ ˁȽŻˣú ȘʏŻˣ˫ ʱ˔. ʵú˔ ȝ˞˫˖ˠ ˧˫ ʯ˦˫˗˫ˡ˒ˠˎ ˢú ɪɹ˫˞ˢ˫ȵǦ˳Ę ȝˤ˪˒ ˦ˢˁ˫ 2017 ˣ˦ˡˎ ˳˚ˡ ʯ˖˫ˢ āˠ˫˞ə˃ˠǦ ǧ˞ ˁˡ˘ ˳ˢ˦ ȝ.ɀ.ǧ./ɀ.ǧ. ˳ˣ˔ ęƟȼ ˁ˫ˡˁ ˦˝˫ˣ ǧə˳NJˤ ˁˡ ʱ˔. 11. ˞˗ɕ˞ ʯ˗ɕ˫˚˘ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤ˳ɏ ˳ɢˁȼ ɪʆǦ 2017 2015 ˣ˦ˡˎ ʯ˖˫ˢ ɪ˃˒ˁ˫ǝ˚ƯƱ˞˫˳Ę ʵƱɞ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˦˝˫ Œɣ 31 ˣˬǧ ǎ˘ ˣˬː ˔˧˘ȼ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ěɞˣˡ˳ˠýˎ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ęƟȼ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ɭ ˣ˫ə˕˫˳ɩ ˳˞˞ ˁɞƟ ʵƱɞ ˚˨˫Ʈ ʯ˗ɕ˫˚˘ ʯ˞˫˔ɕ˫ʭˤ˳ɏ ˳ɢˁȼ ɪʆǦ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ˃Ʈ ưˡ˒ˠ ˚˧˔ ˚ɜǎ ˳ɩ. ʯɪǝ˞Ʈ ˚ɜǎ ˘ˬˣ˔ ˚Ʈɫ˞ ˢ˜˫Ǐ˞ ˧˫ ʯ˖˫ˢ "ʵú˔ ˁɞƟ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ˚˨˫Ʈ ˦˝˫ ˚˘˳Ʈ 33(8) ěɞˣˡˠ˫ˎ ˣˬŻ˚ ˳ˢ˦ ɞ.428,482 ˢ˜˫ Ǐ˞ ˣˬǧ ˣ˃ǦƯˠ ʯǩˣ ʏˎȚ ʰƜƍˁ˫ˡƱ˞˫ ɪʆǦ ˃Ʈ ưˡ˒ˠ ʯǧƮ ʰƜƍˁ˫ˡƱ˞˫ ɪʆǦ ˞˫ɞ ˁ˨ ˳˘ʣ˧ˬˁ. ʼ ʯǩˣ ˃ɞ ʰƜƍˁ˫ˡƱ˞˫ ɪʆǦ ˃Ʈ āˠ˫ ˞˫ə˃ ˣˢʭě˳ˣǦ ˚ˣƯɐ. ʼ ʯǩˣ ˡ˫ˉɕ ˳˦ʢˣ˫ ˳ˁʣȽ˦˞ ˧˫ ˃ɞ ʰƜƍˁ˫ˡƱ˞˫ ɪʆǦ ˃Ʈ ưˡ˒ˠ ʯ˖˫ˢ ǧˢ˗˫ɜ ʯ˚˧ʈ ˳˘ʣˣ˘ ˚ɜǎ ƯȪˠ ɒƱɐ. ˔ˣ˖ ʾʑ˳˃Ǧ ûʆˠȼ ȿ˖ˢú ʯˠˁ˨ ˳˘ʣ˧ˬˁ ˠǩ ưˡ˒ˠ ˃ǩˢ˜ɐ. ˳˞˞ ǧ˦˫ ûʆˠȼ Șˠˣˡú ˳ȼ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ˳˘ʣ˃Ʈ˳Ʈˠ.


˚˫əɣ˳ȼǦƱ ˦ˬʆ ʯʭˁˠ:-96 ʰˠ˔˘˳ɏ ˘˞:- ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ. ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɜ˞ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ˦˙˧˫/ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃. ʵ˚˳˖˦˪.

01.2016 ˣ˦ˡ ʯˣ˦˫˘ ˣ˘ ɪˎ ʏˆ 1) ˡ˫ˉɕ ʯ˞˫˔ɕʭˤ ˧˫ ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱˣˢˎ ʯ˖˫ˢ 2016 /12/ 31 ǎ˘ˎ ʰ˖˫ˠ˞ ɞ. Ƚɣˠ˘ 4150 ú ˣ˘ ˚ˬˣƯ ɞ.350,848,264.62 ˁ ʏˆ ȿ˖ɣǦ ɞ.61,135,645.02 ú ʯˠ ˜ˣƮ ʻɐǦ 42% ú ˳NJ˚˨ ʯ˔ɜǦ ˁˡ ˳˃˘ ʱ˔. ˡˉ˳ɏ ˳NJ˚˨ 34 ˁˎ ʯ˖˫˨ ɞ. Ƚɣˠ˘ 41 ˁ ʏˆ ʼˁˁ 182 ˁ ʏˆ ˜ǐ ˣŹ˘˫ˁ˞ ˣ˘ ȿ˖ˢú ˁ˚˫ ˧ˬɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ȝ˗˫˘ ʯ˞˫˔ɕˣˡˠ˫˳Ę ʯǩ˞ˬƯˠ ˢˬȫ ʱƯ ɞ. 517,110,341 ú ˖ ˳˞ˠˎ ʯ˔ˡ ʴˎ ʯ˖˫ˢ ˁˎɒƱ ʆǐ ˁˡȽǦ ˚ˣư. ˡ˫ˉɕ ʰˠ˔˘ ˳ˣ˔ ˳˃ʣ˦˪ ʯǦ˔ə˃˔ ˜ˣƮ ˁ˫ˡˁ ˦˝˫ˣ ˦˫ˁļˈ˫ ˚ˬˣˬƮɫȼ ˧˫ ˡ˫ˉɕ ˳NJ˚˨ Șʘ˜˙ ˚ˣƯ˘ ˃ˬˎɥ ˧ȿ˳ɩ ʯ˘˫ˣˡ˒ˠ ɪˠ. ˳˞˞ ʏˆ ǧˡ˫ˁˡ˒ˠ ˁˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ ˦˪˕˫Ǩˠ ˚ɝú˥˫ˣú ʆǐ ûɝ˞ ˞ĵǦ ˡ˫ˉɕ ˜ǐ ʰ˖˫ˠ˞ ʯˠˁˡ ˳˘ʣ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ ʰˠ˔˘ ˣɣǦ ʯˠ ɪˠ ɒƱ ʏˆ ˣɜ˚˘ȼ ʯˠˁˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ ˳˧ʢƱ ɪ˞ʇˠ. ˁˡȽǦ ˚ˣư.

2) ʱ˔ˬȼ ˔˫˘˫˚Ư ˁ˫əˠ˫ˢ ˡˉ˳ɏ ˳NJ˚˨ ˣəĚˁˡ˒ˠˎ ʱƱ˨Ʈ ˳˘ʣɭ ˜ˬɪǦ 2019 ˣə˥˳ɏ ʆˎ ˔˫˘˫˚Ư ˁ˫əˠ˫ˢ ˡˉ˳ɏ ˳NJ˚˨ ˳ˢ˦ ˣəĚˁˡ˒ˠ ʆǐ ˁˡ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ʼ ʯǩˣ 2018/12/31 ˖úˣ˫ ˚ˬˣƯ ɞ. 11,643,382.27 ˖ː ȿ˖ɢ ʳˣƮ ˁˡ ęƟ˞ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɝ˞ˎ ʯˣˤɕ ˁˎɒƱ ʆǐ ˁˡȽǦ ˚ˣư. ɪ˳NJˤ ˁˎɒƱ ʯ˞˫˔ɕʭˤˠ ˦˞ˆ ˚ˬˣƯ ˦˫ˁļˈ˫ ˣˢ ưˡ˒ ˚ɜǎ 2000 ˣə˥ˠˎ ˳˚ˡ ˳˘ʣ˳˃ɫ ʱƯ ʏˆ ȿ˖ˢ ˣ˘ ɞ. 9,297,451.69 ˁ ʏˆ ȿ˖ˢú ˁ˚˫ ˧ˬɝ˞ˎ ȝ˗˫˘ ʯ˞˫˔ɕƱ˞˫˳Ę ʯǩ˞ˬƯˠˎ ˳ˠʣȿ ûɝ˞ˎ ʯˣˤɕ ˁˎɒƱ ʆǐ ˁˡȽǦ ˚ˣư. 2000 ˣə˥˳ˠǦ ˚ʈ ʆˠʚ˞ ʏˆ ȿ˖ɢ ˳˃ɫ˞ˎ ɪ˳NJˤ ˁˎɒƱ ʯ˞˫˔ɕʭˤˠ ʻˁ˃ ɫ ʱ˔.

3) ʯə˗ ˡ˫ˉɕ ʰˠ˔˘ ˳ˣƯǦ ʯˠ ɪˠ ɒƱ ʏˆ ȿ˖ɢ ʯˠ ˁˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ʏˆ ȿ˖ɢ Șʘ˜˙ ɣȘ ˞ęǦ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ûɝ˞, ˦˫ˁļˈ˫ ˚ˬˣˬƮɫ˞ ˧˫ ˦˪˕˫Ǩˠ ˚ɝú˥˫ˣǦ ʆǐ ûɝ˞ ˞ęǦ ʏ˃ ȿ˖ɢ ʯˠ ˁˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ ˧˫ ʏˆ ȿ˖ɢ ˚ˬˣư˞ˎ ʱƯ ɫ ʱƯ ˃ˬˎʚ ǧˡ˫ˁˡ˒ˠ ˁˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ ʯˣˤɕ ˁˎɒƱ ʆǐ ˁˡȽǦ ˚ˣư.

4) ˞˧ˉ˘˔˫ˣˎ ˣɜ˚˘ȼ ˳˃ɫ˞ Șʘ˜˙ ǧʆ ˖ˬǩˣƮɫ˞ú ˳˘ʣ˞ˬƯ ˜ˣ ˜ǐ ˳˃ˣǦ˘Ǧ˳Ę ˃ˬˎɥ ɪ˦Ǿ˳ȼǏ ˣˬˎʐ˳˃ʣ˦˪ ʱƯ ǧ˦˫ ˣɜ˚˘ȼ ˳˃ɫ˳ȼ ʯˣˤɕ˔˫ˣˠ Șʘ˜˙ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ˁˡ ˣɜ˚˘ȼ ˜ǐ ˳˃ɫ˞ˎ ʵ˘Ǧǐˣú ʱƯ ûɝ˞ˎ ȝˇ˫ˡˁ Țˣɞ ˦ɪ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ʯˣˤɕ ˁˎɒƱ ʆǐ ˁˡȽǦ ˚ˣư.

5) ʱ˔ˬȼ ˳NJ˚˨ ˦˙˧˫ ʯǝˁˡ˒ āˠ˫ ˞˫ə˃ ˧˫ ˳˘ʣɪ˦ǿǩ ˃ˬˎʚ ˚ˬˣư˞ ǧ˦˫ ʻ˞ ˳NJ˚˨ ˣɣǦ ʏˆ ȿ˖ɢ ʯˠ ˁˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ ʯ˚˧ʈ ɫ ʱ˔.

6) ˞˧ˉ˘˔˫ˣˎ ˣɜ˚˘ȼ ˜ǐ ˳˃ɫ˳ȼ ˚˧ʈˁȼ ˚˧˔ ˚ɜǎ Țʚɢ ˁˡ ʱ˔.

•˳˃ɫȼ ˦˙˧˫ ˳˃ɫȼ ˁɬʚ ˦Ư˳ɏ ǎ˘ˣˢ ˧˫ ˦Ư ʯǦ˔ ǎ˘ˣˢ ɪˣ˲˔ ˁˡ ˔ˬȫ˞.

•˳˃ɫȼ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ Online ˚˧ʈˁȼ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ Ưȫ˞.

•˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ ˜ˢ ȝ˳NJˤ Ʊ˨ ȘʏŹ ˞˧ˉ˘ ˜ˬʭý, ˢʭˁ˫ ˜ˬʭý ˧˫ ˳ˁʣ˞əˤɢ ˜ˬʭý ˞ĵǦ ˳˃ɫȼ ûɝ˞ˎ ˚˧ʈˁȼ ˦ˢ˦˫ Ǐ Ưȫ˞.

•ˣɜ˚˘ȼ ˜ǐ ˳˃ɫ˞ ˦˙˧˫ Credit Card ˚˧ʈˁȼ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ Ưȫ˞.


ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃. ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪. ʯǝ˝˫ˡ ˣˢ ˣƮ˞Ǧ ˔ƮƮˣˠ - 2019.04.10 ǎ˘ˎ 02.ǨƯ ɪ˳ˡʤǞ ˳˃ɫ˞ ʯǝ˝˫ˡ ˦˧Ưˁ ʯʭˁˠ ʯǝ˝˫ˡ ʯǝ˝˫ˡˁɞˣǦ ˳˧ʢƱˣ ˣŹ˘˫ˁ˞ ˣə˔˞˫˘

˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ˦˧Ưˁˠ ˦ʭ˂ɕ˫ˣ ˧˫ (ɞ.) ˔ƮƮˣˠ ɭ ʯǝ˝˫ˡ ǧýƮ ˁ˨ ʾɬǦ˳Ę ˘ȼ ˦˧Ưˁ 5 ˁˎ ǎ˘ˠ 01. ʯ˖˫˨ ɞ. 2006.04.27 1.ȝ˦Ǧ˘ ǨƯ 61,135.00 ʯǝ˝˫ˡˁɞˣǦ WN/CB/D/ʯǝ/2003/01(v) ě˒ˣə˗˘ ɪ˳ˡʤǞ ˳ˣ˔ 357,979.09 ˁ ˞ˠ˫ ˳˃ɫȼ - ʯǝ˝˫ˡ˃˔ ȿ˖ˢ ʯˠ ˁˡ (ʏˎȚ ʯʭˁ 19- ȿ˖ˢ ˳˃ˣ˘ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ ˘˃ˡ˫ǝ˚Ư) 6102 ˳ˢ˦ ɣĐ˔ˣ ˵˘Ưˁ 2.˳Ŏ.ʼ̀˪.ʻ˦.˪ ˣ˫˧˘˳ɏ ˖Ǧˣ˫ ʱ˔. Șˠˣˡ ˳˃˘ ɣˠ˘˳Ę ˞ˠ˫ ʳǦ˗˘ (ɪɹ˫Ƚˁ ɪˠ˖ȼ ˳˘ʣ˃ˬǨ˞. ˘˫˃ɜˁ Șˠɫ˞ ˳ˁʣ˞˦˫ɜ˦˪) 3.ˣɐ.˳ú. ɪ˔˫˘˳Ę ˞ˠ˫ (ȝˣ˫˧˘ ǧˢ˗˫ɜ) ʯǝ˝˫ˡ ʻˁƱˣ 61,135.00

ǧˡɬɢ ˁˡ ʱƯ ʯǝ˝˫ˡ Șʘ˜˙ ɪ˦˪˔ˡ

ʯǝ˝˫ˡ ˦˧Ưˁ ʯʭˁˠ ʯǝ˝˫ˡ ˦˧Ưˁˠ ˣŹ˘˫ˁ˞ (ɞ.) ǧýƮ ˁ˨ ǎ˘ˠ WN/CB/A/01/01/1996 2013.11.17 91,194.20 WN/CB/D/ʯǝ/2003/01(i) 2006.04.27 33,559.88 WN/CB/D/ʯǝ/2003/01(iii) 2006.04.27 64,429.83 WN/CB/D/ʯǝ/2003/01(ii) 2006.04.27 143,534.98 WN/CB/D/ʯǝ/2003/01(iv) 2006.04.27 55,319.40 ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡ˳ɏ ˧ǿ˘˫˃Ʈ 2000ˎ ʰ˦Ǧ˘ ʯ˘ˣ˦ˡ ʼˁˁ ˢˬɐ˦˪Ʊ˃˔ ˁˡ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ʼ 03. ˘˃ˡ ˦˙˧˫ ʈǐʈ ˵˘Ưˁ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃ ˃ˬǨ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˘˫˃ɜˁ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯǝˁˡ˒˳ɏ ˦˝˫ˣ Ʊˢ ˁ˨˞˘˫ˁˡ˒ ˞Ɯːˢ˳ɏ ʯǩ˞ˬƯˠ ˞˔ Ā˞˳ɩ˖ˠǦ ˦ˁ˦˪ ˁˡ ʱƯ ˜ˣƮ , ʼ ʯǩˣ ˚ˣƯ˘ ˘˫˃ɜˁ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ˚˘˳Ʈ ˜ˢ˔ˢ ȝˁ˫ˡˣ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˧˫ ˜˦˪˘˫ʏˡ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯ˞˫˔ɕƱ˞˫ ʯ˘ˣ˦ˡ ɪʆǦ ʯʭˁ 2015/19 ˧˫ 2019.01.09 ǎ˘ˬƯ ʯƯɪ˳ˤʢ˥ ˃ˬ˦Ÿ ˚ƴ˳ɏ ȝƯ˚˫˖˘ ˞˔ ʼˁˁ ʵ˚˳NJˤˁ ˁȽŻˣú ˚Ʈˁˡ ʻ˞ęǦ ʳ˧˔ ʯ˘ˣ˦ˡ ʼˁˁ ɪ˞əˤ˘ˠ ʆǐ ˁˡȽǦ ˚ˣƯ˘ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ˜ˣ ˘˫˃ɜˁ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜ˳ɏ ʯƯ˳əˁ ʯ˗ɕú˥ ˉ˘ˡ˫ɢ˳Ę ʯʭˁ ˃ǩ ˢ˜˘ 05/02/ʯ˘/˚ˬ/˳˚ʣǐ/˳ˁʣ˨˟/2012 ˧˫ 2019.04.09 ǎ˘ˬƯ ɣȘˠ ˞ęǦ ʯ˚ ˳ˣ˔ ˖Ǧˣ˫ ʱ˔. Șˠˣˡ ʻ˞ ɣȘ˳ɏ Șˎ˚˔ú ˧˫ ʯ˖˫ˢ ˃ˬ˦Ÿ ˚ƴˠ ˳ȼ ˦˞˃ ʯȿ˒˫ ʱ˔.

2012 – 2016 ˁ˫ˢˠ Ʊˢ ˳ɢ˂˘˫˃˫ˡ˳ɏ ʱƯ ˳ɢ˂˘˃˔ ˳˔ʣˡƱɞ ʯǩˣ ʯ˘ˣ˦ˡ ʳǎûɝȼ Șʘ˜˖ ˚ˬȽƝɣ 1706 ú ˢˬȫ ʱ˔. ˳˞˞ ˚ˬȽƝɣ ˦˙˧˫ ˦˪˕˫Ǩˠ ˚ɝú˥˒ ʆǐ ˁˡ ʯˣˤɕ Șˠˣˡ ˳˃˘ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ɪ˦˙˫ ˃˔ ˳˘ʣ˧ˬû ˚ˬȽƝɣ 42 ú ˦˙˧˫ ʯǝˁˡ˒˳ɏ ˘ƍ ˚ˬˣɝ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡ ʱ˔.

x ˳˞ɐǦ ˘ƍ 15 ú ʯǝˁˡ˒ˠ ˞ęǦ ˦˞˕ˠˁˎ ˚Ʈˣ ʱ˔. x ʯ˘ˣ˦ˡ ʳǎûɝȼ 14 ú ˁː˫ ʳˣƮ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ʯǝˁˡ˒ˠ ˞ęǦ ǧ˳ˠʤ˃ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ʳǦ ʳǎ ûɝȼ 2 ú ˁː˫ ʳˣƮ ˁˡ ʱ˔. ˘ƍ 7 ú ˦˙˧˫ ˞˧˫ ʯǝˁˡ˒ˠˎ ȝƯ˳ˤʤ˗˘ ʯˠǐȼ˚Ʈ ʳǎɜ˚Ʈ ˁˡ ɪ˝˫˃ ˳ˣȽǦ ˚ˣư.


ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃. ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪. ˞˫ə˃ ˘˫˞ Țˣɞ(Street Name Boards) ʳǎûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ 2007 ˣ˦˳ə ˳˖˦ˬȼ˜ə ˞˦ 19 ǎ˘ 04.˖ˬǦɫȼ ˦˧ 2009 ˣ˦˳ə Œɣ ˞˦ 24 ǎ˘ ˣˤ˳ˠǦ ʯˣ˦˪˕˫ ˳˖ˁˁǏ ˳ˎǦːə ˁˬ˙ɭ ˘ȿƮ ʻ̀˪ ˦˙˧˫ Țˣɞ / ˃ˬǦƀ ûʆ˞ ˳ˎǦːə ˁɞˣý ʳǎɜ˚Ʈ ˳˘ʣɫˠ. ʻ˜ˬɪǦ ˞˫ə˃ ˘˫˞ Țˣɞ(Street Name Boards) ˞ęǦ ˢ˜˫ ʳǎûɝ˞ ˦˧ ˞˫ə˃ ˳˔ʣˡƱɞ Țˣɞ (Gantries) ˘ːƮƱ ûɝ˞ ʼˁ˫˜NJ˗ ˁˡ ˘ˬˣ˔ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ʰ˖˫ˠ˞ ˳ˎǦːə ˁˬ˙ɫ˞ˎ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ưˡ˘ˠ ˁˡ˘ ˢǏ. ʻ˳˦ʢ ưˡ˘ ˁˡ˘ ˢNJ˳NJ Șʘ˜˙ ˞˫ə˃ ˘˫˞ Țˣɞ(Street Name Boards) ʳǎûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ʯˣˤɕ ʯˡȿ˖ɢ ˞˫ə˃ ˳˔ʣˡƱɞ ˦˭ʐ˞ˁˎ Țˣɞ (Gantries) ˘ːƮƱ ûɝ˞ ˞ęǦ ˢ˜˫ ˃˔ ˧ˬû ˜ˣ Șʘ˜˙ Ưȭ ʯˣ˳˜ʤ˗˳ˠǧ. ˚Ʈɪˠ ʻ˞ ʯˡȿ˒ ʳŻˁˡ ˃˔ ˧ˬû ʯɒɜǦ ˳ˎǦːə ˳ˁʣǦ˳NJʆ ˳ˣ˘˦˪ ˁˢ ʯ˔ˡ 2010 ˣ˦˳ə ˳˘ʣ˧ˬû ˜ˣƮ ʯ˳ȝʢɢ ˞˦ ˞˫ə˃ ˳˔ʣˡƱɞ Țˣɞ (Gantries) 38 ú ˘ːƮƱ ûɝ˞ ˦˧ ˘ˣ ˞˫ə˃ ˳˔ʣˡƱɞ , ʼ Șʘ˜˙ Țˣɞ (Gantries) 10ú ʳǎ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˎǦːə ˁˬ˙ɭ ʯ˔ˡ ˞˫ə˃ ˘˫˞ Țˣɞ(Street Name ʰ˖˫ˠȼ Boards)1525 ú ʳǎûɝ˞ ˦˧ ˘ːƮƱ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ʯƯ˳əˁ ʯˣ˦ˡˠú˖ ˢ˜˫˳˖˘ ˢǏ.2010 ˔ú˳˦ʢɞˣú ˣ˦˳ə ʯ˳˃ʤ˦˪Ʊ ˞˦ 11 ǎ˘ ʆˎ ˣ˦ˡ 08 ˁ˫ˢˠú ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˎǦːˡˠ Șɜ˘ˬȾˠ. ˳˘ʣ˞ˬƯ ˜ˣƮ ˞˫ə˃ ˘˫˞ Țˣɞ(Street Name Boards) 1525 ú ˦˧ ˘ˣ ˞˫ə˃ ˳˔ʣˡƱɞ Țˣɞ (Gantries) ʯ˘˫ˣˡ˒ˠ 10ú ʳǎûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˚˧˔ ˖ˬú˳ˣ˘ ʯɒɜǦ ˁ˫ˢˠ ˢ˜˫˳˖˘ ˢǏ(ˣ˦ˡ 03ˁ ʵ˚ɜ˞ ɪˠ. ˁ˫ˢˠˁˎ ˠˎƮˣ).ʻ˞ ˞˫ə˃ ˳˔ʣˡƱɞ Țˣɞ (Gantries) 10Ǧ 02ú ˳ˡʤ˧ɢ ˇƱˡʋˠ Ʊˢ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ˳˔ʣˡƱɞ ȝ˖əˤ˘ˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˣǦ ˁˢ ɒƱɪˠ. ˚ˢȿ ˣ˦ˡ- ˞˫ə˃ ˳˔ʣˡƱɞ Țˣɞ (Gantries) 10ú , ˞˫ə˃ ˘˫˞ Țˣɞ(Street Name Boards) 400ú ʳǎûɝ˞ ˦˧ ˘ːƮƱ ûɜ̀˯˞. ˳˖ˣ˘ ˣ˦ˡ- ˞˫ə˃ ˘˫˞ Țˣɞ(Street Name Boards) 400ú ʳǎûɝ˞ ˦˧ ˘ːƮƱ ûɜ̀˯˞. ˳˔ˣ˘ ˣ˦ˡ- ˞˫ə˃ ˘˫˞ Țˣɞ(Street Name Boards) 725ú ʳǎûɝ˞ ˦˧ ˘ːƮƱ ûɜ̀˯˞. ˳ȼ ˦˙˧˫ ʈǐʈˁȼ ˢ˖ ɜˇƊ˦Ǧ ʯɬŸ˳ːʤə ˳˚̀˹NJ˃ɣˁ ʰˠ˔˘ˠ ɪʆǦ ʯ˖˫ˢ ʳǎûɝȼ ˁˎɒƱ, ˘ːƮƱ ˁˎɒƱ ˦˧ ʰ˖˫ˠȼ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ˞ ˦˫ə˕ˁˣ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜ɐ.

2015 ˣ˦ˡˎ ˳ˠǐ˘ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫˳ɩ 150 ˦ʭˣƮ˦ˡˠˎ ˦˞˃˫Ⱦˣ ˦˝˫ˣ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ưˡ˒ˠˁˎ ʯǩˣ ˦˭˞ ˃˲˧ˠˁˎ˞ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ɪʆǦ ǧˣ˫˦ ʯʭˁ ˔˧ƍ ˦ɪˁɝ˞ˎ ưˡ˒ˠ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ʯ˔ˡ 2015 ˣ˦˳ə ʯ˳˃ʤ˦˪Ʊ ˞˦ ǧˣ˫˦ ʯʭˁ ˔˧ƍ 120,000(ʵ˚ɜ˞ˠ 130,000) ˦˙˧˫ ǧˣ˫˦ ʯʭˁ Șʘ˜˙ ˦Ⱦú˥˒ˠ , ʯʭˁ ˔˧ƍ ˦ˬˁʇ˞ ˦˧ ˦ɪ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˎǦːə ˁˬ˙ɫˠ.˳˞ʏǏ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ɪʆǦ ʳǎɜ˚Ʈ ˁˡ˘ ˳ˠʤˉ˘˫ˣˎ ʯ˞˔ˡˣ ˳ˎǦːə ˁɞˣǦˎ ɪˁɢ˚ ˳ˠʤˉ˘˫ ʳǎɜ˚Ʈ ˁˡ˘ ˳ˢ˦˖ ˖Ǧˣ˫ ʆŹ˘ ˢǎ. ˳˞ʏǏ Șɜɪ˔ˡˠ˘ˎ ʯǩˣ ʈǐʈˁȼ ˢ˖ ˳ˎǦːə ˁɞ ɭ˳ɏ˖ ɜˇƊ˦Ǧ ʯɬŸ˳ːʤə ˳˚̀˹NJ˃ɣˁ ʰˠ˔˘ˠɐ.ʾɬǦ ɪʆǦ ɪˁɢ˚ ˳ˠʤˉ˘˫ˣú ˳ˢ˦ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ǧˣ˫˦ ʯʭˁ ˔˧ƍ ˦ɪûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˖ˬɜˠ ɒƱ ɪˠ˖˞ ˳ˎǦːə ˁɞ ɪʆǦ ˖ˬɝ˞ˎ ˳ˠʤˉ˘˫ ˁˡ ʼ ˦˙˧˫ 2018 ˣ˦˳ə ʯ˳˃ʤ˦˪Ʊ ˞˦ 11 ǎ˘ ʆˎ ˣ˦ˡ 15 ˁ˫ˢˠú ˦˙˧˫ ˞˫ə˃ ˘˫˞ Țˣɞ (Street Name Boards) ˦˧ ˞˫ə˃ ˳˔ʣˡƱɞ Țˣɞ (Gantries) ˘ːƮƱ ûɝ˳ȼ ˳ˎǦːˡˠ Ǐɜ˄ ˁˡ ˳˖˘ ˳ˢ˦ ˳ˠʤˉ˘˫ˣú ʳǎɜ˚Ʈ ˁˡ˘ ˢǏ. ˦ʭ˳ˤʤ˗˘ ˦ʏ˔ˣ ʻ˞ ɪˁɢ˚ ˳ˠʤˉ˘˫ˣ ȿ˖ɢ ˁȽŻˣ Șʘ˃Ʈ ʯ˔ˡ ʼ ʯǩˣ 2018 ˣ˦˳ə ʯ˳˃ʤ˦˪Ʊ ˞˦ 11 ǎ˘ ʆˎ ˣ˦ˡ 12 ˁ˫ˢˠú ˦˙˧˫ ˞˫ə˃ ˘˫˞ Țˣɞ(Street Name Boards) 1525ú ˦˧ ˞˫ə˃ ˳˔ʣˡƱɞ Țˣɞ 48 ú ˘ːƮƱ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ɭ ˳ˎǦːˡˠ Ǐə˄ ˁˡ ˣ˦ˡ 03 ˞˫˦ 03ˁ ˁ˫ˢˠú Ʊˢ ǧˣ˫˦ ʯʭˁ ˔˧ƍ 120,000(ʵ˚ɜ˞ˠ 130,000)˦ɪûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˎǦːˡˠ Șɜ˘ˬȾˠ.ʻˠˎ ˘ˣ ˞˫ə˃ ˳˔ʣˡƱɞ Țˣɞ (Gantries)10ú ˦˧ ˘ˣ ˞˫ə˃ ˘˫˞ Țˣɞ(Street Name Boards) 1500ú ʳǎûɝ˞ ˦˧ ˞˫ə˃ ˳˔ʣˡƱɞ Țˣɞ 15ú “LED” ûɝ˞ ˦˧ ˘ːƮƱ ûɝ˞˖ ʱƱˢƮɪˠ.(ʱȿƟ˞ 4-NO.121/2016 ęɪʈ˞ )

ʼ ʯǩˣ ǧˣ˫˦ ʯʭˁ ˔˧ƍ ˦ɪûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ɭ ˳ˎǦːˡˠ ˞ęǦ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ˢ˜˘ ʰ˖˫ˠȼ ˦˧ ȿ˖ɢ˞ˠ ˣ˫ʆ ˚˧˔ ˖ˬú˳ˣ˘ ˚ɜǎ˳ɩ.


ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃. ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪. ǧˣ˫˦ ʯʭˁ ˔˧ƍ ˦˙˧˫ ɭ ȝ˫Ę˗˘ ɪˠ˖ȼ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ɪʆǦ ˖ˬɞ˳ɩ ˘ȼ ˠ˘ ɪˠ˖˞. ɪ˦˪˔ˡˠ ȝ˞˫˒ˠ ʼˁˁˠˁ Șɜˣˬˠ ɪˠ˖˞ (ɞ)

ǧˣ˫˦ ʯʭˁ ˔˧ƍ 117,720,000.00 981.00 (House Number 120,000 (ʱȿƟ˞-5) plates) ˞˫ə˃ ˘˫˞ Țˣɞ 58,026.25 87,039,375.00 1,500 (Street Name Boards) (ʱȿƟ˞- 6) ˞˫ə˃ ˳˔ʣˡƱɞ Țˣɞ 5,135,874.00 51,358,740.00 10 (Gantries) (ʱȿƟ˞- 7) ȿʚ ȝ˫Ę˗˘ ɪˠ˖ȼ ʳƯɜˠ (ɞȘˠɢ) 256,118,115.00

2018 ʯ˳˃ʤ˦˪Ʊ ˞˫˦˳ɏ ʆˎ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ɪʆǦ ˘ːƮƱ ɪˠ˖ȼ ˖ˡǦ˳Ǧ ˘ȼ ˠ˘ ɪˠ˖˞

ˣ˦ˡˁˎ ʼˁˁ ˣ˦ˡ 12 Șɜˣˬˠ ɪ˦˪˔ˡˠ ȝ˞˫˒ˠ ˣ˫əɿˁ ɪˠ˖˞ Șɜˣˬˠ ɞ. ˞˫ə˃ ˘˫˞ Țˣɞ 2,852.00 3,025 8,627,300.00 103,527,600.00 (Street Name Boards) (ʱȿƟ˞- 6) ˞˫ə˃ ˳˔ʣˡƱɞ Țˣɞ 300,800.00 58 17,446,400.00 209,356,800.00 (Gantries) (ʱȿƟ˞- 7) ȿʚ ˘ːƮƱ ɪˠ˖˞ (ɞȘˠɢ) 26,073,700.00 312,884,400.00

˞˫ə˃ ˘˫˞ Țˣɞ (Street Name Boards) ˦˧ ˞˫ə˃ ˳˔ʣˡƱɞ Țˣɞ (Gantries) ˘ːƮƱ ûɝ˳ȼ ˳ˎǦːˡˠ Ǐɜ˄ ûɝ˞ ˞ęǦ 2018 ʯ˳˃ʤ˦˪Ʊ ˞˫˦˳ɏ ʆˎ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ˢ˜˘ ýɤ ʰ˖˫ˠ˞. ˣ˦ˡ 12 ʰ˖˫ˠ˞ ɪ˦˪˔ˡˠ ȝ˞˫˒ˠ ɞ. ˞˫ə˃ ˳˔ʣˡƱɞ Țˣɞ (Gantries) ˦˙˧˫ Ȫȼ ýʘˠ 56 245,699,712.00 ˞˫ə˃ ˘˫˞ Țˣɞ(Street Name Boards) ˦˙˧˫ Ȫȼ 3,025 34,797,600.00 ýʘˠ LED ˞˫ə˃ ˳˔ʣˡƱɞ Țˣɞ (Gantries) ˦˙˧˫ ȝ˖əˤ˘ 7 39,200,000.00 ˜ǐ ȿʚ Ȫȼ ýɣˠ/˜ǐ Șɜˣˬˠ (ɞȘˠɢ) 319,697,312.00

ʳ˧˔ ˁɞƟ ʯǩˣ ˞˫ə˃ ˳˔ʣˡƱɞ Țˣɞ (Gantries), ˞˫ə˃ ˘˫˞ Țˣɞ (Street Name Boards), ǧˣ˫˦ ʯʭˁ ˔˧ƍ ˦˙˧˫ ˖ˬɜˠ ɒƱ ˣ˘ Șɜˣˬˠ ˳˘ʣ˖ˬɝ˳˞Ǧ ˧˫ ýɤ ʰ˖˫ˠ˞ú ɞ. 888,699,827.00 ˢˬȫ˳˞Ǧ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣˎ ʏȽˣ˘ ɀˢɕ ˣ˫ʆ˖˫ˠˁ ˔ƮƮˣˠ

2018 ʯ˳˃ʤ˦˪Ʊ ˞˫˦˳ɏǏ ˳ˎǦːə ˁˬ˙ˣǩ ˢˬȬ˳ɏ ˘ȼ ˞˫ə˃ ˳˔ʣˡƱɞ Țˣɞ (Gantries) ˦˧ ˞˫ə˃ ˘˫˞ Țˣɞ(Street Name Boards) ˦˙˧˫ ˢˬȪˠ ˧ˬû ȿʚ ʰ˖˫ˠ˞ (RDA ˚˖˘˞ ˞˔)


ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃. ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪.

ȝ˞˫˒ˠ ʼˁˁ ˣ˦ˡ 12 ʰ˖˫ˠ˞ ɪ˦˪˔ˡˠ Șɜˣˬˠ ɞ. ˞˫ə˃ ˳˔ʣˡƱɞ Țˣɞ (Gantries) ˦˙˧˫ 57 700,000.00 478,800,000.00 ˦ˢˁ˘ ˢ˖ RDA Ȫȼ ýʘˠ ˞˫ə˃ ˘˫˞ Țˣɞ(Street Name Boards) 3025 1,068.00 38,768,400.00 1525 ˞˔ ˜ǐ ȝ˖əˤ˘ˠ ûɝ˞ RDA ˚˖˘˞ ˞˔ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣˎ ˣ˦ˡ 12 ˁ˫ˢˠú 517,568,400.00 ˦˙˧˫ ˢˬȪˠ ˧ˬû ʰ˖˫ˠ˞ ʳ˧˔ ˃˒˘ˠ ûɝȼ ʯǩˣ,RDA ˚˖˘˞ ˞˔ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ˢ˜˘ ʯ˞˔ˡ ʰ˖˫ˠȼ ˦˧ ȿ˖ɢ˞ˠ ˣ˫ʆˠ ˣ˦ˡ 12 ˁ˫ˢˠú ˦˙˧˫ ɞȘˠɢ (888,699,827.00 – 517,568,400.00) ˳ɩ. ʻ˘ȼ , ɞȘˠɢ 371,131,427.00 û. 05.ˁ˦˨ ˁ˨˞˘˫ˁˡ˒ˠ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡ˳ɏ ˄˘ ʯ˚ǖˣɕ ˁ˨˞˘˫ˁˡ˒ ˁˎɒƱ ȝ˗˫˘ ˣˤ˳ˠǦ 3R (Reduce, Șʘ˜˙ ˣƮ˞Ǧ Reuse, Recycling) Ā˞˳ɩ˖ˠ ɀɣˁ ˁˡ˳˃˘ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜˘ ʯ˔ˡ ʻʏǏ ˳NJɵˠ ˔ƮƮˣˠ ˧˫ ɪ˳NJɵˠ ˡˎˣˢ ɪɪ˗ ʰˠ˔˘ ˞ęǦ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜˘ Ā˞˳ɩ˖ˠǦ Șʘ˜˖ˣ ɪ˳ˤʢ˥ ʯˣ˗˫˘ˠú ˳ˠʣȿ ˳ˁ˳ə. ˳NJɵˠ ˧˫ ɪ˳NJɵˠ ˡˎˣˢ ˝˫ɪ˔˫ ˣ˘ Ā˞˳ɩ˖ˠǦ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɝ˞. ɪǝ˞Ʈ ˞˫ə˃ ˦ˬˢˬ˦˪˞ú (Route Plan) ʯǩˣ ˁ˦˨ ʻˁƱ ûɝ˳ȼ ˁ˫ˢ ˦ˎ˧˘ú Șʘ˳ˠˢ ûɝ˞ ˧˫ ʴˎ ʯǩþˢˣ ú˳˥ʢƴ ˳˞˳˧ɒȼ ˁˎɒƱ ʯǞú˥˒ˠ ûɜ˞ ǎɒƟ ˡˎˣˢ ˛ˢ˖˫ɑ ˧˫ ˁ˫əˠú˥˞ ˁ˦˨ ʻˁƱ ûɝȼ Ā˞˳ɩ˖ˠú ˦˙˧˫ ˝˫ɪ˔˫ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜˘ ˦ȼ˞˔ Ā˞ˠú ˣ˘ ʯ˔ˡ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ˖ ˳ȼ ˣ˘ ɪˎ ˔˞ ˁˢ˫˚ˠ Ʊ˨ ɪǝ˞Ʈ ˗˫ˣ˘ ˦ˎ˧˘ˁˎ ˧˫ ˁ˫ˢ ˦ˎ˧˘ˁˎ ʯǩˣ ˔˞ ú˳˥ʢƴ ˳˞˳˧ɒȼ ˁˎɒƱ ʳŻ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜ɐ. ʻ˳˞Ǧ˞ ʼ Șʘ˜˖ˣ ˉ˘˔˫ˣ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ʯƮ˚Ƶˁ˫ ˳˜˖˫ Ǐ˞, ˤȩ˖ ɪˁ˫ˤ˘ ˠǦƴ ˞ęǦ ȝˇ˫ˡ˒ˠ ûɝ˞, ˞˫ə˃ˠǦʏ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ûɝ˳ȼ Țˣɞ ˦ɪ ûɝ˞ ˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ ˳ˣȩ ʯːɪ˳ɏ ʱƱ˨Ʈ ûɝ˞ˎ Șˠˣˡ ˳˃˘ ʱ˔. ʻ˞ ȘˠˣˡˠǦ ƱʘǦ ˧˫ ɪǝ˞Ʈ ˁ˫ˢ ˦ˎ˧˘ˁˎ ʯǩˣ ˁ˦˨ ʻˁƱ ûɝ˞ ˞ęǦ ˣ˫˧˘ ˧˫ ˁȼˁɞˣǦ ˣː˫Ʈ ˁ˫əˠú˥˞ˣ ˁ˨˞˘˫ˁˡ˒ˠ ûɝ˞ˎ ˳ȼ ɪˎ ˧ˬû ɫ ʱ˔. ʻ˳˞Ǧ˞ ʳ˧˔ ʰˁ˫ˡ˳ɏ ú˳˥ʢƴ ˃˔ˣ ʳŻ ˁ˨ ɒƱ ˁ˦˨ ʻˁƱ ûɜ˳ȼ ˳˞˳˧ɒȼ ˁˎɒƱ ǧʆ ˳ˢ˦ ȝ˫˳ˠʤęˁˣ ʳŻ˳ɩ˖ ˠǦ˘ GPS ˔˫ú˥˒ˠ ˞ęǦ ˚ɜú˥˫ ûɝ˞ ʳ˧˔ ˡˎˣɢ ɪʆǦ ʳŻ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜˘ ʯ˔ˡ, ʼ ʯɒɜǦ˞ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ˞ęǦ ˖ ˔˞ ˄˘ ʯ˚ǖˣɕ ˁ˨˞˘˫ˁˡ˒ˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˠʣ˖ˣ˫ ʱƯ ˡ˕ ˣ˫˧˘ ʯ˖˫ˢ ˗˫ˣ˘ ˦ˬˢˬ˦˪˞ ʯǩ˃˞˘ˠ ˁˡǦ˳Ǧ˖ ˠǦ˘ GPS ˔˫ú˥˒ˠ ˞ęǦ ˚ɜú˥˫ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜ɐ. ʻ˞ęǦ ú˳˥ʢƴ ˁˎɒƱ ˣː˫Ʈ ɪǝ˞Ʈˣ ʳŻ ûɝ˞ˎ ˳˞Ǧ˞ ˞˧ˉ˘ ˚ˬȽƝɣ ʯˣ˞ ˁˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ ˖ ˧ˬû ɫ ʱ˔.

˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ǎ˦˫ ˁ˫əˠ˫ˢ ˦˙˧˫ ˁ˦˨ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ ˞˗ɕ˦˪˕˫˘ (Eco Kiosk) ȘʏŻˣ˫ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ǧˠȽ˔ ǎ˘ˠǦ ʏ ɚ˦˪ ˁˡ˘ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˁ˨ ˧ˬû ǖˣɕ ʻ˞ ˦˪˕˫˘ ˣˢˎ ɚ˦˪ ˁˡ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˠʣȿ ˁˡɐ.

ˉ˘˔˫ˣˎ ˖ ʻ˞ ˞˗ɕ˦˪˕˫˘ ˦ ˙˧˫ ˚ˬȽ˒ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˁ˨ ˧ˬû ˁ˦˨ ˜˫ˡ Ǐ˞ˎ ˧ˬûˠ˫ˣ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ˚˧˔ ˦˙˧Ǧ ˦˪˕˫˘ ˣˢ ʻ˞ ˞˗ɕ˦˪˕˫˘ ȘʏŻˣ˫ ʱ˔.

x ġǦ ˚˫Ʈ x ˳ˎʣɜǦˎǦ x ˳ˣʣú˳˥ʤɢ ɫǎˠ x ýȗȘˠ˫ˣƮ˔


ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃. ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪.

x ˳ˡʣúʆ ˣƮ˔, ˣˬɢˢˣƮ˔ x ʯɥƮ ˞˫ˣ˔

ɪ˳NJɵˠ ˡˎˣˢ ˝˫ɪ˔˫ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜˘ ˚ɜ˦ˡˠˎ ʏ˔ˁ˫Ⱦ ˦ȼ˞˔ ˔ƮƮˣˠǦ ˠˎ˳Ʈ ˁ˦˨ ˖˧˘ˠ ûɝ˞ ˧˫ ʻ˞ęǦ ɪǐɣ ˜ˢˠ ǧ˚˖ɫ˳ȼ ˔˫ú˥˒ˠ ˝˫ɪ˔˫ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜˘ ˣɕ˫˚˲Ưˠú ˳ȼ ˣ˘ ɪˎ ˳ˁˡˣˢȘŹˠ ȝ˳NJˤ˳ɏ ʳǎ ˁˡȽǦ ˚ˣư. ʻ˞ ʳǎ ûɜ˞ Western Power ʰˠ˔˘ˠ ˞ęǦ ʆǐ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜˘ ʯ˔ˡ ˳ȼ ˣ˘ ɪˎ ˦˞˦˪˔ ʳǎ ûɝȼ ˣɣǦ 50% ˁ ȝ˞˫˒ˠú ǧ˞ ˁˡ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ˳˞˞ ˣ˦˳ə ˦ˬȗ˔ˬȼ˜ə ˞˦ ˣ˘ ɪˎ ʻʏ ˳˞˳˧ɒȼ ˁˎɒƱ ʰˡȼ˝ ûɝ˞ˎ ǧˠȽ˔ˠ. ʯ˖˫ˢ ˦˞˫˃˞ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ʯʭˁ 67/2017 ˠˎ˳Ʈ 2017.12.08 ǎ˘ ęɪʈȼ ˃˔ˣ ʱ˔.

ˁ˦˨ ˉ˘˘ˠ ˣ˘ ȝ˞˫˒ˠ ʯˣ˞ ûɝ˞, ˘ˬˣ˔ ˝˫ɪ˔ˠ, ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ûɝ˳ȼ ˣˬː˦ˎ˧Ǧ ɪɪ˗ ˞Ÿˎȼ ˣɣǦ ˚ˣƮˣ˫ ʱ˔.

•˚˫˦ɢ ˞ŸˎȽǦ

•ˡ˫ˉɕ / ʯə˗ ˡ˫ˉɕ ˧˫ ˳˚ʥNJ˃ɣˁ ˞ŸˎȽǦ

•ǧˣʆǦ ǧˣ˦ˎ

•˳ɩǎˁ˫ ˘˫ˎɕ ˞ęǦ

•ʯƮ ˚Ƶˁ˫ ˧˫ Țˣɞ ˞˫˗ɕ˳ˠǦ

•ˤȩ˖ ɪˁ˫ˤ˘ ˠǦƴ ˝˫ɪ˔˳ˠǦ

ȝ˗˫˘ ˞˫ə˃ˠǦ˳˃Ǧ ˜˫ʏˡˣ Șʏˎ˫ ʱƯ ˚Ż ˞˫ə˃Ǧʏ ˁ˦˨ ʻˁƱ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˗˫ɜ˔˫ˣˠ ʯƍ ýː˫ ˁȼ˚ˬúˎə ˡ˕ ˳ˠ˖ɫ˞ˎƮ, ʻ˞ ˁ˦˨ ˧ǿ˘˫˃Ʈ ˦˪˕˫˘ˠˁǏ ʳ˧˨ ˗˫ɜ˔˫ˣˠûǦ ɒƱ ɪˤ˫ˢ ˁȼ˚ˬúˎə ˡ˕ ˣˢˎ ˚ˎˣ˫ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ûɝ˞ˎ ˳ˠʣȿ ˁˡɫ˳ȼ ǧˠȿ ˣɕ˫˚˲Ưˠú ˳ˢ˦ 2019 ˣə˥˳ɏǏ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɝ˞ˎ ʯˠˣˬˠ ˳ˠʤˉ˘˫ˣˎ ʱƱ˨Ʈ ˁˡ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˞Ÿˎ˳ȼ ˚ˣư.

ˁ˦˨ ˁ˨˞˘˫ˁˡ˒˳ɏǏ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˁ˨ ˧ˬû ˁ˦˨ ˣˢ ě˒˫Ʈ˞ˁ˝˫ˣˠ ʳ˧˨ ˞Ÿˎ˞ˁ ˡ˙ˣ˫ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎƮ ʼ ʼ ˁ˦˨ ˣˢˎ ˢ˜˫ ǎˠ ˧ˬû ǧʆ ʳʭŏ˳Ǧɞ˞ˠ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ɪ˦ǿ˞ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ˞ ˦˙˧˫Ʈ ˄˘ ʯ˚ǖˣɕ ˁ˨˞˘˫ˁˡ˒˳ɏǏ ˜˫ʏˡ ˡˎˣɢ ɪʆǦ ˖ ʯǩ˃˞˘ˠ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜˘ ˦ȼ˞˔ Ā˞˳ɩ˖ˠˎ ʯǩˣ ˁ˦˨ ˉ˘˘ˠ ˣ˘ ˦˪˕˫˘˳ɏǏ˞ ˳ˣǦ ˁ˨ ɒƱ ˣ˘ ʯ˔ˡ (Source Segregation), ʼ ʯǩˣ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ ʇ˞˫ˣ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˁʣˎ˦˪ 03ˁˎ ˳ˣǦ ûɝ˞ ˧ǐǦˣ˫ Ǐ ʱ˔.

˞˧ˉ˘˔˫ˣˎ ˳˧ʣ˙ ˳˦ʢˣ˫ˣú ˢ˜˫ Ǐ˳ȼ ʯˡȿƝǦ ˁ˦˨ ʻˁƱ ûɝ˳ȼ ˡ˕ ˔˞ ȝ˳NJˤˠˎ ˚ˬȽƝ ˜ˣˎ ˖ˬǩȼ Ǐ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ʼ ʼ ˡ˕ ˣˢˎ “ɪ˳ˤʢ˥ ˘ˢ˫ˣú” ˧ǿǦˣ˫ Ǐ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ʻ˞ Ā˞˳ɩ˖ˠ ˦˫ə˕ˁˣ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˁˡȽǦ ˚ˣư.

ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˁ˨ ˧ˬû ˁ˦˨ ɚ˦˪ ûɝ˞ˎ ʰˣˡ˒ˠ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ˳ˁʣˎ˦˪ ˣˢˎ ˳ˣǦ ˁˡ ʱƯ ɪ˳ˤʢ˥ ˳Ÿˢˡˠú ˝˫ɪ˔˫ ˁˡɐ.


ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃. ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻ ˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪.

ɪ˳NJɵˠ ˡˎˣɢʏ ˦˫ə˕ˁˣ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜˘ “ˁ˦˨ ˳˚ʣ˨” ˦ʭˁɢ˚ˠ ˳ȼ ɪˎ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ɪʆǦ ˖ ˧ǿǦˣ˫ Ǐ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ʻ˞ ˣˬːȘʘ˳ˣˢ ˳ȼ ˣ˘ ɪˎ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡ˳ɏ ʯƍ ʰ˖˫ˠȼ ȝ˳NJˤ ɀɣˁ ˁˡ ˃ǧȽǦ ˞˫ʆˁˣ ʆǐ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜ɐ. ʻʏǏ ˉ˘˔˫ˣˎ ˔˞ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ ˁ˦˨ ʯ˖˫ˢ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ ˦˞˫˃ȼ ˳ˣ˔ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ ȿ˖ɢ ˜ˣˎ ˚Ʈ ˁˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎƮ ˘ˬˣ˔ ˝˫ɪ˔˫ ˁ˨ ˧ˬû ǖˣɕ ʼ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˠʣȿ ûɝ˞ˎƮ ʯˣ˦˪˕˫ˣ ˦ˬˢ˳˦˘ ʯ˔ˡ ʻ˞ ˣˬː˦ˎ˧˘ ˚ˬˣˬƮ˳ˣ˘ ˦˪˕˫˘ˠ ˧˫ ǎ˘ˠǦ Șʘ˜˖ˣ ʯƮ˚Ƶˁ˫ ˧˫ ˤȩ˖ ɪˁ˫ˤ˘ ˠǦƴ ˧˫ ȿʑƟ ˳˚ʣ˔ ˣˬǧ ˔˫ú˥Ɲˁ Ā˞˳ɩ˖ ˞ęǦ ˉ˘˔˫ˣ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ˁˡǩ ˢˬ˳ȩ.

ʰˠ˔˘ ˧˫ ǧˣ˫˦ ˦˙˧˫ ˳˘ʣȽ˳ɢ ˳ˁʣȼ˳˚ʤ˦˪Ÿ ˜ǿǦ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ˞ ʆǐ ˁˡ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ʯˣˤɕ˔˫ˣˠǦ ʯǩˣ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˁʣǦĂŸ ˣɣǦ ǧ˥˪˚˫ǎ˔ ɪ˳ˤʢ˥ ˳ˁʣȼ˳˚ʤ˦˪Ÿ ˜ǿǦ ˖ ˳˜˖˫ ˧ˬɝ˞ ʆǐ ˁˡȽǦ ˚ˣư.

˄˘ ʯ˚ǖˣɕ ˁ˨˞˘˫ˁˡ˒ˠ Șʘ˜˙ˣ ˉ˘˫˔˫ˣ ɪʆǦ ʆǐ ˁ˨ ɒƱ ˣəĚˁˡ˒ ˁˎɒƱ ˦˫ə˕ˁ ˞ŸˎȽǦ ˚ˣƮˣ˫ ˃ˬǨ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ȝˉ˫ˣ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ûɝ˳ȼ ˣˬː˦ˎ˧Ǧ ʯ˂Ɯːˣ ʆǐ ˁˡɐ.

ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˁ˨˧ˬû ˳˞Ǧ˞ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˁ˨ ˳˘ʣ˧ˬû ˧ǿ˘˫˃Ʈ ˁ˦˨ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ȩɢ ûɝ˳ȼ Ā˞˳ɩ˖ˠ ˧ǐǦˣ˫ Ǐ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ʻ˞ęǦ ɪǝ˞Ʈˣ ʯƍ ˣ˚˦ɜˠú Ʊ˨ ˣˬƋ ˁ˦˨ ȝ˞˫˒ˠú ˃˜ː˫ ˁˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎ ˳˞Ǧ˞ ʯ˖˫ˢ ˁ˦˨ ȝˣ˫˧˘ˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˠ˘ ɪˠ˖˞ ˖ ʯˣ˞ ûɝ˞ˎ ˧ˬû ɫ ʱ˔.

ʯ˘ˣ˦ˡ˳ˠǦ ˞˫ə˃ˠǦˎ ˁ˦˨ ˖˞˘ ˦˪˕˫˘ ˧ǿ˘˫˳˃˘ ʻˠ ˣˬˢˬúɫ˞ ˦˙˧˫ CCTV ˁˬ˞ˡ˫ ˦ɪ ûɝ˳ȼ ˁˎɒƱ ʆǐ ˳ˣȽǦ ˚ˣư.

CCTV ˁˬ˞ˡ˫ ˦ʏ˔ ɪ˳ˤʢ˥ ˡ˕ˠú ȽˢǏ ˃ˬǨ˳ȼ ˁˎɒƱ ʆǐ ˁˡȽǦ ˚ˣư. ʻ˞ęǦ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ ʇ˞˫˳ɩ ɪ˳ˤʢɿ˔ ˦˪˕˫˘ ˉʭ˃˞ ˡ˕ˠú ˳ˢ˦ ʰˣˡ˒ˠ ûɝ˞ˎ ˜ˢ˫˳˚ʣ˳ˡʣƮƱ ˳ɩ.

2016 ˣə˥˳ɏǏ ˦ȼ˞˔ Șɜɪ˔ˡˠǦˎ ʯǩˣ ʯə˗ ʳʭŏ˳Ǧɞ˞ˠ ˦Ǩ˚˫ˡú˥ˁ ˁ˦˨ ˡ˙ˣ˘ˠú ˦˭Ǐ˳ȼ ˁˎɒƱ ʰˡȼ˝ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˉ˫ʱˢ ʾ˳Ʈˁˬ˳ɢ ˦˪˕˫˘˳ɏ ʈǐʈ ʳː˞ú ˧ǿ˘˫˳˃˘ ǧə˞˫˒ ˁˎɒƱ ʯˣ˦˫˘ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ʯ˔ˡ ʻʏǏ ȝ˳ɩˤ ˞˫ə˃ˠ ˦˭Ǐ˳ȼ ˁˎɒƱ ʰˡȼ˝ ˁˡ˘ ʯˣ˦˪˕˫˳ɩǏ ʱƯɭ ɪˤ˫ˢ ˉ˘˔˫ ɪ˳ˡʤ˗ˠ ˞˔ ʻ˞ ˁˎɒƱ ǧ˞ ûɝ˞ˎ ˳˘ʣ˧ˬû ɪˠ.

˳˚ʣɣưǦ ˖˧˘ˠ ûɝ˞ ˉ˘˔˫ˣ ɪʆǦ ˳˘ʣˁ˨ ɒƱ ˜ˣƮ ʻ˞ęǦ ʆǐ ˣ˘ ˧˫ǧˠ Șʘ˜˖ ʯƮ˚Ƶˁ˫ ˞ęǦ ˉ˘˔˫ˣ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ˁˡ ˚ɜ˦ˡˠ ʰˡú˥˫ ûɝ˞ˎ ˁˬ˚ɫ ʱ˔.

˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡˠ Ʊ˨ ˚ˣƮˣ˘ ɹ˞˖˫˘ ˁˎɒƱˣˢǏ ǧʆ ˳ˢ˦ ˁ˦˨ ˳ˣǦ ˁˡ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˳ˢ˦ ˧˫ ʻ˳˦ʢ ˁ˦˨ ˳ˣǦ ˁˡ˘ ʰˁ˫ˡˠ ˦˙˧Ǧ ʯƮ˚Ƶˁ˫ Șʘ˳ˠˢ ˁˡ ɹ˞˖˫˘ ˁˎɒƱ ˦ʭɪ˗˫˘ˠ ˁˡ˘ ȚNJ˃ˢɐǦ ˧˫ ˉ˘˔˫ˣ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ˁˡ ǧʆ ˳ˢ˦ ˳ˣǦ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ˁ˦˨ ʳˣƮ ˁˡǩ ˢˬ˳ȩ.

˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɣ ˦ˬˢˬ˦˪˞ ʯǩ˞˔ ûɝ˳ȼǏ ˔ŸŻ ǧˣ˫˦ ˦ʭüə˒ ˦˙˧˫ ʾɬǦ˳Ę ˁ˦˨ ˳ˣǦ ˁˡ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ʰˁ˫ˡˠ ˦˙˧Ǧ ˦ˬˢʈȼ ˣ˫ə˔˫ˣú ˢ˜˫ ǎˠ ɒƱ ʯ˔ˡ ʻ˞ ˣ˫ə˔˫ˣ ʯǩ˞˔ ˁˡ ˃˔ ɒƱ ˳ɩ. ʻ˳˦ʢ ʯǩ˞˔ ˁˡ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ʰˠ˔˘ ˳ˣ˔ ǧ˥˪ˁ˫ˤ˘ ˦˧Ưˁˠ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖ǩ ˢ˜ɐ. ʯǩþˢ˔˫ ˦˧Ưˁˠ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ˳ȼǏ ʻ˞ ˣ˫ə˔˫ˣˎ ʯǩˣ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡ˘ˣ˫˖ˬɐ ú˳˥ʢƴ ˞ŸˎȽǦ ˚ɜú˥˫ ûɝȼ ʆǐ ˁˡɐ. ʻ˳˦ʢ ˳˘ʣ˳ˁ˳ˡ˘ ˔ŸŻ ǧˣ˫˦ ˦ʭüə˒ ˦˙˧˫ ʯǩþˢ˔˫ ˦˧Ưˁˠ ˢ˜˫ ˳˘ʣ˳˖˘ ʯ˔ˡ ʯǩþˢ˔˫ ˦˧Ưˁˠ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ˳˞Ǧ ˚ʈˣ˖ ʻ˞ ʰˁ˫ˡˠˎ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡˣ˫˖ˬɐ ˚ʈ ɪ˚ˡȼ ˳ˁ˳ˡɐ. (˔ǧ ˁɬʚ ˳˦ʢˣ˫ˣ (Single Window Counter) ˠˎ˳Ʈ ˁ˫əˠ˫ɤˠ ǎ˘ 05ú Ʊ˨Ǐ ʻ˞ ˁˎɒƱ ʳŻ ˁˡǩ ˢˬ˳ȩ)


ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃. ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻ ˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪.

ɪ˳ˤʢ˥ ˉʭ˃˞ ǐˡˁ˔˘ ˔˫ú˥˒ˠ (Smart Mobile Apps) ˝˫ɪ˔ ˁˡ ˉ˘˔˫ˣ˳Ę ˚ˬȽƝɣ ˢ˜˫ ˃ˬǨ˞ ˧˫ ʻˠˎ ȝƯˇ˫ˡ ˖ˬúɫ˳ȼ Ā˞ˠ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˁˡȽǦ ˚ˣƯ.

ɪ˳ˤʢ˥ ˁ˦˨ ˜ǿ˘ú ˧˫ ʻˠ ɚ˦˪ûɝ˞ˎ ɪ˳ˤʢ˥ ˁ˦˨ ɚ˦˪ûɝ˳ȼ ˡ˕ˠú ˳ˠǏ˳ȼ ˔˫ú˥˒ˠ ˝˫ɪ˔˫ ûɝ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ ˳ˠʣ˖˫ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ʯ˖˫ˢ ɪ˳ˤʢ˥ ˁ˦˨ ˜ǿ˘ Șɝ ʱƯ ɪˎ ʻˠ ʯ˖˫ˢ ˔˫ú˥˒ˠ ˝˫ɪ˔˳ˠǦ ˳ˢʣɜ ˡ˕ˠˎ ˚Ɲɬːˠú ˢ˜˫ Ǐ˞ ʆǐ ˁˡɐ. (Smart Truck for Smart Bins removal)

ˉ˘˔˫ˣ˳Ę ˞ˬǎ˧Ʈ ɫ˳˞Ǧ ɪ˳ˤʢ˥ ˦˪˕˫˘ ˧ǿ˘˫˳˃˘ ˳ˁʣȼ˳˚ʤ˦˪Ÿ ˦˭Ǐ˳ȼ ˣɕ˫˚˲Ư ˦˙˧˫ ʯˣ˗˫˘ˠ ˳ˠʣȿ ˁˡ ʱ˔. (ʵ˖˫. ˳˃ʤ˔Ⱦ Țˡ)

ʳ˔˫ ʯƍ ˁ˫ˢˠˁǏ ˳ˁʣȼ˳˚ʤ˦˪Ÿ ˦˭Ǐ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˝˫ɪ˔˫ ˁˡ˘ ɪ˳ˤʢ˥ ˠǦƴ ˧ǿǦˣ˫ Ǐ˞ˎ ʯˣˤɕ ˁˎɒƱ ˦ˬˢʈȼ ˁˡ ʱ˔.

ˁ˦˨ ʯˣ˞ ûɝ˞ ˦˖˧˫ ˳˃˘ ʱƯ ȘˠˣˡˠǦ

ʳ˔˫ ɪˤ˫ˢ ˉ˘˫˔˫ˣú ˚˧ʈˁȼ ˢ˜˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫, (500,000 ˁˎ ʯǝˁ ˉ˘˔˫ˣú ŐˣƮ ˣ˘ ˦˧ 600,000 ˁˎ ʯǝˁ ˉ˘˔˫ˣú ʻǎ˳˘˖˫ ˁˎɒƱ ˦˧ ɚûˠ˫ˣǦ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡˠ ˦˖˧˫ ˃˞Ǧ ˁˡ˘) ʳ˔˫˞Ʈ ˁ˫əˠ˜ʑˢ ˘ȿǐ ʳ˔˫˞Ʈ ʯƍ ˣ˚˦ɜˠú Ʊ˨ ˚ˬƯɝ ˚ˣƯ˘ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ ˜ˢ ȝ˳NJˤ˳ɏ ˁ˦˨ ˁ˨˞˘˫ˁˡ˒ˠ ʳ˔˫˞Ʈ ʯ˚˧ʈ, ˞˘˫ ˦ʭɪ˗˫˘ˠú ˦ʏ˔ˣ ˁ˨ ɒƱ ˦ʭüə˒ ˁˎɒú˔ú ɭˣ ˖ ˡ˳Ÿ ʯ˳˘ýƮ ȝ˳NJˤ ˣˢˎ ʰ˖əˤˠú ˢ˜˫ ˳˖ȽǦ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ˉ˘˔˫ˣ ˁ˦˨ ǧʆ ˳ˢ˦ ˳ˣǦ ˁˡ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˠʣȿ ûɝ˞ ˦˧ 3R Ā˞ˠ ˠˎ˳Ʈ ʯˣ˦˫˘ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˠʣȿ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜˘ ˁ˦˨ ȝ˞˫˒ˠ ʯˣ˞ ûɝ˞ ˳ˣǩ˳ˣǦ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜˘ ˞˧Ʈ ɭ ˁ˫əˠˠǦ ʯ˔ˡ,

˚˫˦ɢ ˣɣǦ ʳˣƮ ˁ˨ ɒƱ ˁ˦˨ ȝ˞˫˒ˠ ʯˣ˞ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˚˫˦ɢ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ûɝ˳ȼ ˣˬː˦ˎ˧˘ú ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ ʇ˞˫˳ɩ ˚ˣƯ˘ ʆˠɥ˞ ˚˫˦ɢˣˢ ɪǐ˧ɢ˚ƯˣɞǦ ˁˬ˙ˣ˫ ʾɬǦ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ûɝ˞ ˞ęǦ ʳ˔˫ ˦˫ə˕ˁˣ ˚ˣƮˣ˘ ˢ˖ ʯ˔ˡ ʻʏ ȝƯ˛ˢˠú ˳ˢ˦ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ʇ˞˫ˣ Ʊ˨ ˚ˣƯ˘ ȝ˗˫˘ ˚˫˦ɢ ˖ ʱƱʚˣ ɪˤ˫ˢ ˚˫˦ɢ ˦ʭ˂ɕ˫ˣú ˔˞ ˁ˦˨ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ˳ˣ˔ ˢ˜˫ ˳˘ʣ˳˖˘ ˞Ÿˎ˞ˎ˞ ˔˞ ʯ˝ɕǦ˔ˡ ˁ˦˨ ˁ˨˞˘˫ˁˡ˒ Ā˞˳ɩ˖ˠ ˦˫ə˕ˁˣ ˚ˣƮˣ˫˳˃˘ ˠǩ ˢ˜˘ ʯ˔ˡ ʯ˳˘ýƮ ˚˫˦ɢˣɣǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˁ˦˨ ȝ˞˫˒ˠ ˖ ʳ˔˫˞Ʈ ʯˣ˞ ɫ ʱ˔. ʼ ʯǩˣ ˖ɞˣǦˎ ˁ˭˞ ˜ǿǦˣˢ ˚˞˒ú ʰ˧˫ˡ ˳˃˘ʼ˞, ˔˞˫˳Ę˞ ˝˫ˉ˘ˠú ǎˠˡ ˣə˃ ˚˫˘ˠ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˔˜˫ ˃ˬǨ˞ ˣˬǧ Ā˞˳ɩ˖ ʯǩ˃˞˘ˠ ˁˡǩ ˢˬ˳ȩ. ˳˞˞ęǦ ˚˫˦ɢˣˢ ˔ˬ˘ ˔ˬ˘ ʱƯ ˁ˦˨ ˜ǐǦ ʳˣƮ ˁˡ ˔ˬǦ ˔ˬǦˣˢ ˳˜ʤ˔ɢ, ˳˚ʣɣưǦ ˖ˬȾ˞ ʯˣ˞ ˁˡ ˳ːʭě ˣˬǧ ˝ˠ˫˘ˁ ˳ˡʤ˃ ˚ˬƯɝ˞ ʯˣ˞ ˁˡ ʱ˔.

˘˃ˡˠ Ʊ˨ ˚ˣƮˣ˫˳˃˘ ˠǩ ˢ˜˘ ʆˠɥ˞ ˳˧ʤˎɢ ˦˧ ʰ˚˘ˤ˫ˢ˫ ˦˙˧˫ ˖ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ûɝ˳ȼ ˣˬː˦ˎ˧Ǧ ˚ˣƮˣ˘ ˢ˖ ʯ˔ˡ ʻʏǏ ʾɬǦ˳Ę ˦Ʈˣ˞ˠ ʰ˧˫ˡ ˦˙˧˫ ˖ ˢ˜˫ ǎˠ ˧ˬû ʰ˧˫ˡ ˣə˃ ʻ˳ˢ˦ ˦Ʈˣ ʰ˧˫ˡ ˦˙˧˫ ʰ˧˫ˡ ʻˁƱ ˁˡ˘ ʰˠ˔˘ ˳ˣ˔ ˦˲őˣ˞ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˳ˢ˦Ʈ ɪˤ˫ˢ ˣˤ˳ˠǦ ʻˁƱ ˣ˘ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˁ˨ ˧ˬû ˁ˦˨, ˁ˦˨ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ ʰˠ˔˘ ˳ˣ˔ ˦˲őˣ˞ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˳ˢ˦Ʈ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ʯ˔ˡ ˁ˦˨ ʯˣ˞ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢǎ.

˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡ Ʊ˨ ʻˁƱ ˣ˘ ˦Ʈˣ ʰ˧˫ˡ ˦˙˧˫ ˢ˜˫ ǎˠ ˧ˬû ʰ˧˫ˡ ʻˁƱ ˣ˘ ˦˪˕˫˘ ǎ˦˪Ƶú ˞Ÿˎ˳˞Ǧ ˧ǿ˘˫˳˃˘ ʻ˞ ˦˪˕˫˘ ˣˢˎ ʻ˞ ʰ˧˫ˡ ʻˁƱ ˁˡ˘ ʰˠ˔˘ ˧ǐǦˣ˫Ǐ ˦˲őˣ˞ ʻ˞ ʰ˧˫ˡ ˳ˁʣˎ˦˪ ˦Ʈˣ ʰ˧˫ˡ ˳ˢ˦ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ˞ˎ ˳ˠʣȿ ûɝ˞ ˞ęǦ ʯˣ˦˫˘ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˠʣȿ ˣ˘ ˁ˦˨ ȝ˞˫˒ˠ ʯˣ˞ ˁˡ ʱ˔.


ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃. ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻ ˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪.

ˁ˦˨ ǎˡ˘, ˳˘ʣǎˡ˘ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˁ˨˧ˬû ˦˧ ˳˘ʣǎˡ˘ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˁ˨˳˘ʣ˧ˬû ˳ˢ˦ ˳ˣǦ ˁˡ˘ ˳ˢ˦ ˉ˘˔˫ˣ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ˁˡ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ, ʻ˞ ʻú ʻú ˣə˃˳ɏ ˁ˦˨ ʻˁƱ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˦Ư˳ɏ ǎ˘ ˳ˣǦ ˁˡ ʻ˞ ǎ˘ ˣˢǏ ǧˠȽ˔ ˁ˫ˢ˦ˎ˧˘ˁˎ ʯǩˣ ʻ˞ ʻú ʻú ˣə˃˳ɏ ˁ˦˨ ˳ˣ˘ ˳ˣ˘˞ ʻúɚ˦˪ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜˘ ʯ˔ˡ ˳ȼ ˦˙˧˫ ˉ˘˔˫ˣ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ûɝ˞ˎ ʻ˞ ǎ˘ ˦ʏ˔ ˖ˬǦɫȼ Țˣɞ ʻú ʻú ˞˫ə˃˳ɏ ˦˧ ˣƱ ʰ˦Ǧ˘˳ɏ ȝ˖əˤ˘ˠ ˁˡ ʱ˔.

ǎ˘˚˔˫ ˚ˬˣˬƮ˳ˣ˘ ˉ˘˔˫ˣ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ûɝ˳ȼ ˣˬː˦ˎ˧Ǧ ˳˚ʤ˦˪ˎə ˞ęǦ, ʯƮ˚Ƶˁ˫ ˦˞˃ ˳˃ɐǦ˳˃ˎ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ûɝ˞ ˞ęǦ, ȝˇ˫ˡˁ ˡ˕ ˞ęǦ ˧˫ ɫǎ ˘˫ˎɕ ˞ęǦ ˞˘˫ ˳ˢ˦ ʳŻ ˁˡɐ.

ˁ˦˨ ˳ˣǦ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˉ˘˔˫ˣ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ˁˡ ǧʆ˳ˢ˦ ˳ˣǦ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ˁ˦˨ ǧʆ ˳ˢ˦ ʻúɚ˦˪ ûɝ˳˞Ǧ ˳˘ʣ˘ˣƯ˘ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ˘ˬˣ˔Ʈ ˉ˘˔˫ˣ ʯ˔ˡˎ ˳˃ʣ˦˪ ˉ˘˔˫ˣ˳Ę ʯ˖˧˦˪ ˦˧ ˳ˠʤˉ˘˫ ˢ˜˫ ˃ˬǨ˳ȼ āˠ˫˳ɩ˖ ǧˡ˔ ˳ɩ.

ǧˣ˫˦ ˞ŸˎȽǦ ˁ˦˨ ˳ˁʣȼ˳˚ʤ˦˪Ÿ ûɝȼ ˦˙˧˫ ˳˘ʣȽ˳ɢ ǧˣ˫˦ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˁʣȼ˳˚ʤ˦˪Ÿ ˜ǐǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ʯ˔ˡ ʼ ˦˞˃ ˁ˦˨ ˳ˁʣȼ˳˚ʤ˦˪Ÿ ˁˡ˘ ʰˁ˫ˡˠ ˖ˬú˳ˣ˘ ɪ˦˪˔ˡ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˚Ƶˁ˫ˣú ˖ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖ɐ. ʻˠˎ ʯ˞˔ˡˣ ʼ ˦˙˧˫ ˚ʈ ɪ˚ˡ˞ú ˖ ˁˡȽǦ ˉ˘˔˫ˣ ˔˞˫˳Ę ǎˡ˘ ˁ˦˨ ˳ˁʣȼ˳˚ʤ˦˪Ÿ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˠʣȿ ˁˡ˘ ʯ˔ˡ ʻ˞ęǦ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ûɝ˞ˎ ˳ˠʣȿ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜˘ ˁ˦˨ ˦ˬˢûˣ ɒƱ ˞Ÿˎ˞ûǦ ʯƍ ˁˡ ʱ˔.

ʯƍ ʰ˖˫ˠȼˢ˫ȵ ˣƱˣˢ ˳ˣ˳˦˘ ˉ˘˔˫ˣ˳Ę ʈ˝ʆNJǝˠ ˔ˁ˫ ʾɬǦ˳Ę ǧˣˬ˦˪ˣˢ ʻˁƱˣ˘ ǎˡ˘ ˁ˦˨ ʻˁƱ ˁˡ ˃ˬǨ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˁʣ˨ ˚ˬ˧ˬƯ ˁ˦˨ ˜ǐǦ 5000ˁ ȝ˞˫˒ˠú ˢ˜˫ Ǐ ʱ˔. ˳˞˞ęǦ ˉ˘˔˫ˣ ˔˞˫˳Ę ˁ˦˨ ʻˁƱ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˳˚ʣɣưǦ ˁˣˡ ˝˫ɪ˔˫ ûɝ˞ ʯˣ˞ ˁˡ˳˃˘ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ʻ˞ęǦ ˳˘ʣǎˡ˘ ˁ˦˨ ʯ˔ˡˎ ʻˁƱ ˣ˘ ʯȘɜʆǐ ˳˚ʣɣưǦ ȝ˞˫˒ˠ ˖ ʯˣ˞ ˁˡ ˳˃˘ ʱ˔. ʳǎɜ ˁ˫ˢ ˣˢǏ ˳˞ˠ ˔ˣǐˡˎƮ ˣɕ˫ȗ˔ ûɝ˳ȼ ʯ˖˧˦ú ˖ ʱ˔.

˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡ˳ɏ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˣ˘ ȝ˗˫˘ ʈȘɜ ˳ˣ˨˖ ˦ʭüə˒ ˁ˨˞˘˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠǦ ˁˬ˙ˣ˫ ʾɬǦ ˧ˎ ˳˚ʣɣưǦ ˝˫ɪ˔ˠ ʯˣ˞ ûɝ˞ˎ ʯˣˤɕ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪ ˢ˜˫ ǐǦ ʯ˔ˡ ʻʏ ȝƯ˛ˢˠú ˳ˢ˦ ʱ˔ˬȼ ˦˞˫˃ȼ ˔˞ ˳ˣ˨˙ ˉ˫ˢˠ ˘ˬˣ˔ ˝˫ɪ˔˫ ˁ˨ ˧ˬû ˜˧˫ɥȼ ˧ǿǦˣ˫Ǐ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ʴˎ ˦˞˫Ǧ˔ˡ ˔ˣƮ ˣɕ˫˚˲ưǦ ʳǎɜ˳ɏǏ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɝ˞ˎ ǧˠȽ˔ˠ.

˚ʈęˠ ˣ˦ˡ 6-7 ˁ˫ˢ ʇ˞˫ˣ Țˡ˫ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡˠ ʆĨ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ˠ ˳ˣȽǦ ˚ˣư. ˚ʈęˠ ˣ˦ˡ ˧ˠˁ (06) ˁ˫ˢ ʇ˞˫ˣ Ʊ˨Ǐ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡ Ʊ˨ ʳǎɫ ʱƯ ʵ˦˪ ˳˃ʣː˘ˬęɣ ȝ˞˫˒ˠ 520û. ˉ˫Ưˁ ǧˣ˫˦ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜˠ (NHDA) ˧˫ ˘˫˃ɜˁ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜˠ (UDA) ˠˎ˳Ʈ ˘˃ˡ˳ɏ ʳǎɫ ʱƯ ǧˣ˫˦ ˳ˠʤˉ˘˫ Ā˞ ˦ʭ˂ɕ˫ˣ 75û. ˘˃ˡ˳ɏ ˳Ǧˣ˫ʆˁ ˉ˘˃˧˒ˠ ˖ ˣˬƋ˳ˣȽǦ ˚ˣư. ʻ˳˧Ʈ ˄˘ ʯ˚ǖˣɕ ˁ˨˞˘˫ˁˡ˒ ʯʭˤˠ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˁˡ ʱƯ ɪɪ˗ ˁ˦˨ ˳ˣǦ ˁˡ ʻˁƱ ûɝ˳ȼ ˦˧ ʯˣ˞ ûɝ˳ȼ ˣɕ˫˚˲ưǦ˳Ę ˦˫ə˕ˁƮˣˠ ˳˧ʢƱ ˳ˁʣˎ˳˃˘ ˄˘ ʯ˚ǖˣɕ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡˢ˘ ȝ˞˫˒ˠ ˦ˬˢûˠ ɒƱ ˣˬƋɫ˞ú ˦˫˳ȗú˥ˣ ˳˚Ǧǩȼ ˳˘ʣ˳ˁ˳ə.


ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃. ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻ ˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪.

˄˘ ʯ˚ǖˣɕ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˦˖˧˫ ˳˞Ǧ˞ ʻ˞ Ā˞˳ɩ˖ˠ ˣː˫Ʈ ˤúƯ˞Ʈ ûɝ˞ ˦˖˧˫ ˳˃˘ ʱƯ ȘˠˣˡˠǦ ˁ˦˨ ˁ˨˞˘˫ˁˡ˒˳ɏǏ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˁ˨˧ˬû ˁ˦˨ ˣ˘ ě˒˫Ʈ˞ˁ˝˫ˣˠ ʳ˧˨ ˞Ÿˎ˞ˁ ˡ˙ˣ˫ ˃ˬǨ˞ˎƮ ʼ ʼ ˁ˦˨ ˣˢˎ ˢ˜˫ ǎˠ ˧ˬû ǧʆ ʳʭŏ˳Ǧɞ˞ˠ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ɪ˦ǐ˞ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ˞ ˦˙˧˫Ʈ ˄˘ ʯ˚ǖˣɕ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ûɝ˳ȼǏ ʯǩ˃˞˘ˠ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜˘ ˦ȼ˞˔ Ā˞˳ɩ˖ˠˎ ʯǩˣ ˁ˦˨ ˉ˘˘ˠ ˣ˘ ˦˪˕˫˘˳ɏǏ˞ ˳ˣǦ ˁ˨ ɒƱ ˣ˘ ʯ˔ˡ (Source Segregation), ʼ ʯǩˣ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ ʇ˞˫ˣ ˦˙˧˫ ǎˡ˘ ˁ˦˨, ˳˘ʣǎˡ˘ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˁ˨ ˧ˬû ˧˫ ˳˘ʣǎˡ˘ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˁ˨ ˳˘ʣ˧ˬû ˁ˦˨ ˳ˢ˦ ˣə˃ Ʊ˘ˁˎ ˁ˦˨ ˳ˣǦ ûɝ˞ ˧ǿǦˣ˫ Ǐ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ʼ ˦˙˧˫ ˉ˘˔˫ˣ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ûɝ˞ˎ ˖ ʯ˂Ɯːˣ ʆǐ ˁˡȽǦ ˚ˣư.

ˁ˦˨ ʻˁƱ ûɝ˳ȼǏ ˳˞˳˦ʢ ˳ˣǦ ˁˡ ʱƯ ˁ˦˨ ˚˞˒ú ʻˁƱ ˁˡ˘ ʯ˔ˡ, ˳ˣǦ ˳˘ʣˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ˁ˦˨ ûʆǐ ʯˣ˦˪˕˫ˣˁ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ɪʆǦ ʳˣƮ ûɝ˞ú ʆǐ ˳˘ʣˁˡɐ. ʻ˳˞Ǧ˞ ˁ˦˨ ˣəĚˁˡ˒ˠ ǐəˣˢ ˣ˘ ʯˣ˦˪˕˫ˣǦʏǏ ʯ˖˫ˢ ǧˣ˫˦/ ʰˠ˔˘ ˔ˣǐˡˎƮ ˳ˣǦ ûɝ˞ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗˳ˠǦ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ˁˡǩ ˢˬ˳ȩ.

˳˞˞ęǦ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˁ˨ ˧ˬû ǖˣɕˠǦ ʯ˳˘ýƮ ˁ˦˨ ˦˞˃ Ƚɹ ɫ ˁ˦˨ ʯʭ˃˘ˠ ˳ˣ˔ ˠˬɫ˞ ˦ȼțə˒ ˣˤ˳ˠǦ˞ ˣ˨úˣ˫ ʱ˔. ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ ˁȼˁɞˣǦ ˦˧˫ ʯ˳˘ýƮ ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫Ʈ ˦˞˫˃ȼ ˣˢˎ ʯˠƮ ˁȼˁɞˣǦ ʰǏ ú˳˥ʢƴ ˁ˫əˠ ˞Ɯːˢˠ ˖ ˳ȼ ˦˙˧˫ ˳˧ʣǎǦ˞ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ˁˡ ʱƯ ʯ˔ˡ ʾɬǦ ʼ ˦˙˧˫ ȚʑƟ ˳ˁʣˎ ʱ˔.

˦˭˞ ǎ˦˫ ˁ˫əˠ˫ˢˠú ˦Ʊˣ˞ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˁ˨ ˧ˬû ˁ˦˨ ʻˁƱ ûɝ˳ȼ ˞˗ɕ˦˪˕˫˘ (Eco Kiosk Center) ʻˁˁˎ ˣː˫ ˣˬƋ ˦ʭ˂ɕ˫ˣú ˚ˣƮˣ˫˳˃˘ ˠǩ ˢ˜˘ ʯ˔ˡ ˉ˘˔˫ˣˎ ˖ ˚ˬȽ˒ ʯ˖˫ˢ ˦˪˕˫˘ˠǦˎ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˁ˨ ˧ˬû ǖˣɕ ˦˲őˣ˞ ˝˫ˡ ǎˠ ˧ˬˁ.

ǎ˦˫ ˁ˫əˠ˫ˢ ˞ęǦ ˦Ư˳ɏ ˳ˣǦ ˁˡ ˃Ʈ ǎ˘ ˣˢǏ ʯ˖˫ˢ ˗˫ˣ˘ ˁ˫ˢ˦ˎ˧˘ˎ ʯǩˣ ˳˞˞ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˁ˨ ˧ˬû ˁ˦˨ ʻˁƱ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ʯ˖˫ˢ ˡ˕ ˣ˫˧˘ ˳ˠʣ˖ˣǩ ˢ˜˘ ʯ˔ˡ ˳˞˳˦ʢ ʻˁƱ ˁˡ˘ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˁ˨ ˧ˬû ˁ˦˨ ʻˁƱ ûɝ˳ȼ ˞˗ɕ˦˪˕˫˘ˣˢ ˃˜ː˫ ˁˡ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˠʣȿ ˁˡǩ ˢˬ˳ȩ.

˞˫ʆˁˣ ʻú ʻú ǎ˦˫ ˁ˫əˠ˫ˢ ˞ęǦ ˁ˦˨ ˳˚ʣ˨ˣɢ ˚ˣƮˣǩ ˢ˜˘ ʯ˔ˡ ʻ˞ęǦ ˉ˘˔˫ˣˎ ˔˞˫˳Ę ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˁ˨ ˧ˬû ˁ˦˨ ȿ˖ɢ ˜ˣˎ ˧ˡˣ˫ ˃ˬǨ˳ȼ ʯˣ˦˪˕˫ˣ ˦ˢ˦˫ ˞˧ˉ˘˔˫ˣ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˁ˨ ˧ˬû ˁ˦˨ ˳ˣǦ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ʵ˘Ǧǐ ˁˡ ʱ˔. ˳˞˞ ˁ˦˨ ˳˚ʣ˨ˣɢ ˚ˣƮˣ˘ ȝ˞˫˒ˠ ʳǎɜ˳ɏǏ ˣˬƋ ûɝ˞ˎ ˖ ˁˎɒƱ ʆǐ ˁˡȽǦ ˚ˣư.

ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˁ˦˨ ʻˁƱ ˁˡ˘ ʰˠ˔˘ ˦˞˃ ˦ȼ˜ǦǞˁˡ˒ˠ ˁˡȽǦ ˔ˣǐˡˎƮ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠˎ ʯˣˤɕ ˚˧ʈˁȼ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ˞ˎ ˁˎɒƱ ˁˡǩ ˢˬ˳ȩ.

ˁ˦˨ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˧˫ ʻʏ ˣˬ˖˃Ʈˁ˞ Șʘ˜˙ˣ ˚˫˦ɢ ȝˉ˫ˣ ˖ˬǩˣƮ ûɝ˳ȼ ˣˬː˦ˎ˧Ǧ ʯ˂Ɯːˣ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜˘ ʯ˔ˡ ʼ ˦˙˧˫ ˚˫˦ɢ ˞ŸˎȽǦ ɪˤ˫ˢ ˦˧˳ˠʤ˃ˠú ˢ˜˫ ˳˖ǩ ˢ˜ɐ.

˳ȼ ˣ˘ ɪˎ ˁ˦˨ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ûɝ˞ˎ ʯ˖˫ˢˣ Ǐə˄ ˁ˫ɤ˘ ˣɕ˫˚˲ưǦ ˳ˢ˦ ʯɞˣúˁ˫ɥ ˦Ǩ˚˫ˡú˥ˁ ˁ˦˨ ˡ˖ˣ˘ˠ ʳǎûɝ˞ ˧˫ ˳ˁˡˣˢȘŹˠ Waste to Energy ˣɕ˫˚˲Ưˠ ʳǎûɝ˳ȼ ˁˎɒƱ ˳ȼ ˣ˘ ɪˎ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˳ˣȽǦ ˚ˣư.


ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ˣə˔˞˫˘ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˧ǿ˘˫ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃. ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻ ˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪.

Waste to Energy ˣɕ˫˚˲Ư˳ɏ ˳˞˳˧ɒȼ ˁˎɒƱ 2019 ʾú˳˔ʤ˜ə ˞˦ ˣ˘ ɪˎ ʰˡȼ˝ ûɝ˞ˎ ǧˠȽ˔ ʯ˔ˡ ˳˞˞ ˣɕ˫˚˲Ư˳ɏ ˳˞˳˧ɒȼ ˁˎɒƱ ʰˡȼ˝ ˣ˘ Ʊɞ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡ˳ɏ ʻˁƱ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜˘ ǎˡ˘ ˁ˦˨ ˧˫ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˁ˨˳˘ʣ˧ˬû ˳˘ʣǎˡ˘ ˁ˦˨ ˳ˁˡˣˢȘŹˠ ˁ˦˨ ʯʭ˃˘ˠˎ 2017 ˞ˬɐ ˞˦ ʆˎ ˔˫ˣˁ˫ɣˁˣ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜ɐ.

˳ȼ ˣ˘ ɪˎ ʯ˖˫ˢ ˦˪˕˫˘˳ɏ ʳː ˚˧ʈˁȼ ȝ˞˫˒ˣƮ ˳˘ʣˣ˘ ˜ˣƮ ʼ ʯǩˣ ˳ȼ ɪˎ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜˘ ˔˫ˣˁ˫ɣˁ ˁ˦˨ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ûɝ˞ ʳǎɜ˳ɏǏ ˘ˬˣˬƮɫ˞ˎ ʆǐ ˣ˘ ˜ˣƮ ʳːȼ ˳˃ʣːûɝ˳ȼ ˦˧ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ˠ ûɝ˳ȼ ˦ʭ˦˪˕˫ˣ ˞ęǦ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ˳ˣ˔ ˖Ǧˣ˫ ʱ˔.

˳˞˞ ˔ƮƮˣˠ ˧ȿ˳ɩ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡ˳ɏ ˵˖ǧˁˣ ʻúɚ˦˪ ˁˡ˘ ǎˡ˘ ˁ˦˨ ˧˫ ȝƯˇĂˁˡ˒ˠ ˁ˨˳˘ʣ˧ˬû ˳˘ʣǎˡ˘ ˁ˦˨ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ûɝ˞ˎ ˳˘ʣ˧ˬû ˣ˘ ʯ˔ˡ ʻ˞ęǦ ǧˣ˫˦, ˡ˫ˉɕ ˧˫ ˳˚ʥNJ˃ɣˁ ʰˠ˔˘, ˚˫˦ˬɢ, ˣɕ˫˚˫ɜˁ ˦˪˕˫˘ˠǦ, ˳ˡʤ˧ɢ ˧˫ ˳˧ʤˎɢ ʰǏ ʆˠʚ˞ ˦˪˕˫˘ˠǦ˳˃Ǧ ˁ˦˨ ʳˣƮ ûɝ˞ˎ ˖ˬƋ ˜˫˗˫ ʆǐˣ˘ ʯ˔ˡ ʻ˞ęǦ ˞˫ə˃ˠǦʏ ˁ˦˨ ˳˃ʣː˃ˬʇ˞, ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡ˳ɏ ʯˢʭˁˡ˒ˠˎ ɪˤ˫ˢ ˜˫˗˫ ʱƯ ɫ˞ ˧˫ ʻ˞ęǦ ˦ʭˇ˫ˡˁ ˣɕ˫˚˫ˡˠˎ ˃ˬˎʚˁ˫ɝ ˔ƮƮˣˠú ʱƯ ɫ˞ˎ ʳːˁː ʱ˔.

ˣǦǎ ˳˃ɫ˞

Ⱦ˳˔ʣˎȿɢˢ ʯˣˎ ȝ˳NJˤ˳ɏ ˚ɬɢ ˦˙˧˫ ˣǦǎ ˣˤ˳ˠǦ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ɪʆǦ ɞȘˠɢ Ƚɣˠ˘ 908ˁ ȿ˖ˢú ˣɜǦˣˡ ˳˃ˣ˫ ʱ˔.

1987 ˣə˥ˠ ˣ˘ ɪˎ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡ˳ˠǦ ʻˁƱ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜˘ ˁˬɣˁ˦˨ ˁˬ˨Ɲ ˚˫ˢ˞ ʯ˦ˢ ˣěɞ Ȫ˞ˁˎ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ʯ˔ˡ (ʻ˞ ȷȽˠ ˣə˔˞˫˘˳ɏ ˘ˣ˳ˢʤˁ Ăː˫ʭ˃˒ˠ ˳ˢ˦ ˝˫ɪ˔˫ ˁˡɐ) ʻʏǏ ʱƯɭ ɪ˳ˡʤ˗˔˫ ǧ˦˫ 1988 ˣə˥˳ɏ ʆˎ 1990 ˣə˥ˠ ˖úˣ˫ Ⱦ˳˔ʣˎȿɢˢ ȷȽˠˎ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡ˳ɏ ˁ˦˨ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ˁˡ˘ ˢǎ.

ʼ ˦˙˧˫ ˖ ɪŹǦɪˎ ɪ˳ˡʤ˗˔˫ ʻɢˢ ɭ ǧ˦˫ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ɪʆǦ ˔˞ ˁ˦˨ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˣ˘Ʈ ɪˁɢ˚ ˦˪˕˫˘ ˳˦ɫ˞ ʆǐ ˁˡ˘ ˢ˖ ˘ȿƮ ʻ˞ ˁˎɒƱ ˦˫ə˕ˁ ˳˘ʣɫˠ.

ˣə˥ 1995 Ǐ ˳˞˞ Ⱦ˳˔ʣˎȿɢˢ ȝ˳NJˤ˳ɏ ˔ˣǐˡˎƮ ˁ˦˨ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ûɝ˞ˎ ˳˘ʣ˧ˬû ˔ƮƮˣˠˁˎ ˚Ʈ ɭ ˜ˬɪǦ ʯ˖˫ˢ ˦˪˕˫˘˳ɏ ˳˞˳˧ɒȼ ˣɣǦ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ʳˣƮ ɪˠ. ʳǦ ʯ˘Ʊɞˣ ˁ˦˨ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ûɝ˳ȼ ʯˣˤɕ˔˫ˣˠ ʳŻ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˣ˘ˣ˫˦ˢ, ʼˁˢ, ˣƮ˔ˢ ˳˜ʤȘŹˠ ˧˫ ˉ˫ʱˢ ʰǏ ȝ˳NJˤˠǦʏ ˧ǿ˘˫˃Ʈ ˦˪˕˫˘ˠǦˎ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ɪʆǦ ˔˫ˣˁ˫ɣˁˣ ˁ˦˨ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ˁˡ˘ ˢǎ. 2001 ˣ˦˳əǏ ˦ȼ˞˔ ˳ˎǦːə ˚Ź˚˫Źˠˎ ʯǩˣ ˳˔ʣˡ˫˃Ʈ ʰˠ˔˘ˠú ˳ˣ˔ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ȩɥ˞ˬǦːɢ ȝ˳NJˤ˳ɏ ˳ˁʣȼ˳˚ʤ˦˪Ÿ ˣɕ˫˚˲Ưˠú ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫ƮƱˣú ˢ˜˫ ǐǦ ˘ȿƮ ʯ˖˫ˢ ˳ˁʣȼ˳˚ʤ˦˪Ÿ ˣˢ ě˒˫Ʈ˞ˁ˝˫ˣˠ ʯ˳ȗúɿ˔ ˞Ÿˎ˞ˎ ˢˆ˫ ˳˘ʣɭ ǧ˦˫ ʻ˞ ˣɕ˫˚˲Ưˠ ˦˫ə˕ˁ ˳˘ʣɭ ʯ˔ˡ ʻʏ ýƟ ˁǦ˖ú ǧə˞˫˒ˠ ɪˠ. ʻ˞ āˠ˫˖˫˞ˠˎ ʻ˳ˡʏˣ ˢ˜˫ ǐǦ ʵ˦˫ɪ ǧ˳ˠʤ˃ˠú ˞˔ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ȩɥ˞ˬǦːɢ ȝ˳NJˤ˳ˠǦ ʳˣƮ ɭ ʯ˔ˡ ˳˞˞ ˔ƮƮˣˠ ˠˎ˳Ʈ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡ˳ɏ ˁ˦˨ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ɪˁɢ˚ ˦˪˕˫˘ ˳˘ʣ˞ˬƯ ˚ʈȪ˞ˁ ˁ˦˨ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˘˫˃ɜˁ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ʯǝˁ˫ɜˠ ˞ęǦ Ⱦ˳˔ʣˎȿɢˢ ˁ˦˨ ˜˧˫ˢ˘ ˦˪˕˫˘ˠ ˁ˦˨ ˜ˬ˧ˬˡ ûɝ˞ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ˳ˣ˔ ˔˫ˣˁ˫ɣˁˣ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢǎ.

˳˞˞ ˦˞˦˪˔ āˠ˫˖˫˞ˠ ʯ˔ˡƱˡ ɪ˳NJˤ ʰ˗˫ˡ ˠˎ˳Ʈ ɪ˖ɕ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ˧˫ ʳʭŏ˳Ǧɞ˞ˠ ɪ˦ǐȼ ˦ʏ˔ Ǐə˄ ˁ˫ɤ˘ ˣɕ˫˚˲ưǦ ûʏ˚ˠú˞ ˳ˠʤˉ˘˫ ɭ ˘ȿƮ ʯ˖˫ˢ ȝ˳NJˤˠǦʏ ˚ˬ˘˘ˬěƟ ȝ˜ˢ ˞˧ˉ˘ ɪ˳ˡʤ˗˔˫ ˧ȿ˳ɩ ʻ˞ ˣɕ˫˚˲ưǦ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɝ˞ˎ ˳˘ʣ˧ˬû ɪˠ.


ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˧ǿ˘˫ ʯƍ˚˫ƍ ǧˣˬˡǎ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ǧə˳NJˤ āˠ˫Ʈ˞ˁ ûɜ˞ ˦˙˧˫/ˣə˔˞˫˘ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫ˁ˫ɝƮˣˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˃Ǧ˘˫ ˢ˖ āˠ˫˞˫ə˃. ʯƍ˚˫ƍ/ˁȽŻˣ ɪʆǦ ˢ˜˫ ˳˖˘ ˢ˖ ʵ˚˳˖˦˪.

06.˳ˁʣ˨˟ ȝ˳NJˤ˳ɏ ˉ˫Ưˁ ˉˢ ˦ȼ˚˫˖˘ ˧˫ ˉˢ˚ˣ˧˘ ˞Ɯːˢˠ ˞ęǦ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡ˳ɏ ǎˡ˫˚Ʈ ɫ

ʯɪǝ˞Ʈ ʯɒɜǦ ʆǐˣ˘ ʱƯ ˉˢ˘ˢ ˳ˣǩˣˎ 500 km ˚˞˒ ȝ˞˫˒ˠˁ ˘ˣ ˉˢ˘ˢ ʻɤ˞ ʆǐ ˁˡɐ. ˞˫ə˃ ˁˬƝȼ ˁˎɒƱ ˧˫ ʼˣ˫ ˠ˕˫ ˳˞˞ ˣɕ˫˚Ưˠ ˦˙˧˫ ʰʆˠ˫ǩ ˦ʭˣə˗˘ ˜ˬʭý˳ɩ ˖˫ˠˁƮˣˠ ˢˬȫ ʱ˔. ˖ˬ˘ˎ

˔ƮƮˣˠˎ ˚Ʈ ûɝ˞ˎ ˣ˦ˡ 100 ú ˚˞˒ ˚ˬˡƝ ˳˞˞ ˉˢ˘ˢ ˚NJ˗Ưˠ ǧ˦˫ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡ˳ɏ 49 %

ʆǐˣ˘ ȝ˞˫˖ˠ ˁ ˚˞˒ ˉˢ ȝ˞˫˒ˠú ʯ˚˳Ʈ ˠ˭˞ ʆǐ ˣ˘ ˜ˣ ˉ˫Ưˁ ˉˢ ˦ȼ˚˫˗˘ ˧˫ ˉˢ˚ˣ˫˧˘ ˞Ɯːˢˠ ɪʆǦ ˖Ǧˣ˘ ˢǏ.

˳˞˞ ˣɕ˫˚Ưˠ ʰˡȼ˝ ˁˡ˘ ˢNJ˳NJ ˣə˥ 2015Ǐˠ. ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡˠ ˳ˁʣˎ˦˪ 4ˁˎ ˳ˣǦˁˡ ʼ ˦˙˧˫ ɪ˳ˤʢɿ˔ ɭ ˳ˁʣǦƴ˫ƮˁɞˣǦ ˞ęǦ ˉˢ˘ˢ ʻɤ˞ ʆǐ ˁˡɐ.

˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ˣ˃ü˞ ˣǩ˳ɏ ʯ˚ ˦˝˫ˣˎ ʯˠƮ ˞˫ə˃ ˁˬƞȼ ˦˙˧˫ ʯˣ˦ˡ ˢ˜˫ Ǐ˞ˠ. ˘ˣ ˉˢ ˘ˢ ʻɤ˞ ʆǐˁˡ ʯˣ˦Ǧ ɪ˃˦ ʻ˞ ˞˫ə˃ ˘ˬˣ˔ ˠ˕˫ ˔ƮƮˣˠˎ ˚Ʈ ûɝ˞ ˉ˫Ưˁ ˉˢ ˦ȼ˚˫˖˘ ˧˫ ˉˢ˚ˣ˫˧˘ ˞Ɯːˢ˳ɏ ˣ˃ü˞ú ˳ˣ̀ˮ.

ˁˬƝȼ ʆǐ ûɝ˞ˎ ȝ˕˞˳ˠǦ ʼ ˦˙˧˫ ʯˣˤɕ ˳˚ʣɣ˦˪ ˳˖˚˫ə˔˳ȼǦƱ ʯˣ˦ˡˠ˖ ˢ˜˫ ˃˔ ɒƱ ˳ɩ . ˳˞˞ ˣɕ˫˚˲Ưˠ ˉ˫Ưˁ ˣˤ˳ˠǦ ˣˬ˖˃Ʈ ˣ˘ ʯ˔ˡ ʻ̀˪ ˦˙˧˫ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ țə˒ ˦˧˳ˠʤ˃ˠ ˢ˜˫ ǎˠ ɒƱ ˳ɩ.

ȝ˞˫˖ˠǦ ǧ˦˫ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡ˳ɏ ˚ǎʭĽ ˁɞˣǦˎ ˦˧ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˘˃ˡˠˎ ǎ˘˚˔˫ ˦ʭĀ˞˒ˠ ˣ˘ ˞˧ˉ˘˔˫ˣˎ ɪˤ˫ˢ ʯˣʏˡ˔˫ˣˠǦ ʆǐ ˣ˘ ˜ˣˎ ˚ˬȽƝɣ ˢˬȫ ʱ˔. ˳˞˞ ˣɕ˫˚˲Ư˳ˠʏ ˁˎɒƱ ǧɝú˥˒ˠ ˦˙˧˫ ˳˘ʣ˳ˠýƮ ˔˫ú˥˒ Ā˞˳ɩ˖ ˝˫ɪ˔˫ ˁˡǩ ˢˬ˳ȩ. ˳˞˞ ˣɕ˫˚˲Ư˳ˠʏ ȝ˃Ưˠ ˦ȼ˜Ǧ˗ˣ ˦˭˞ ˦Ư ˳˖ˁˁˎ ˣˡú˞ ȝ˗˫˘ ʳʭŏ˳ǦɞˣɞǦ ˦˞˃ ɚ˦˪ɫȼ ˚ˣƮˣǩ ˢˬ˳ȩ.

ʻ˳˞Ǧ˞ ˦˭˞ ǎ˘ˁ˞ ˡ˫ƶ ˁ˫ˢ˳ɏǏ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫˳ɩ ǧˢ˗˫ɝǦ ˳˞˞ ˣˬːȪȼ ǧɝú˥˒ˠˎ ˢú ˁˡǩ ˢˬ˳ȩ. ˡ˫ƶ ˁ˫ˢ˳ɏǏ ˦˪˕˫˘ 30 - 40 ˁ ȝ˞˫˒ˠú ˚ɜú˥˫ˣˎ ˢú ˁˡǩ ˢ˜ɐ.

ˉˢ˘ˢ ʻɤ˳˞Ǧ ʯ˘Ʊɞˣ ˉˢ˘ˢ ʻɦ ˦˪˕˫˘ˠǦ ˉ˫Ưˁ ˉˢ ˦ȼ˚˫˖˘ ˧˫ ˉˢ˚ˣ˫˧˘ ˞Ɯːˢˠ ˞ęǦ ˠ˕˫ ˔ƮƮˣˠˎ ˚Ʈ ˁˢ ˖, ʱ˔ˬȼ ʯˣ˦˪˕˫ˣǦ ˣˢǏ ˳ˁʣ˨˟ ˞˧˫ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ ˞ęǦ ˦ȼțə˒ ˞˫ə˃ˠ˞ ȝƯ˦ʭ˦˪ˁˡ˒ˠ ˁˡǩ ˢ˜ɐ.


˚˫əɣ˳ȼǦƱ ˦ˬʆ ʯʭˁˠ : ʰˠ˔˘˳ɏ ˘˞: ˁ˫Ʈ˔˫ǦýƊ ˘˃ˡ ˦˝˫ˣ .

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SWÕ>I HÙ[D €MÚà ‚KETG ‚KÖz[G JT>¶ãN« –ß 4àMT[I ;± P@ÛE –ß 3ETKÚ[E HJåH©Ú –ß POÕ>ÜHØCG2Eå . Iܘ© Y@M¶>ã ÄHT 11 4[DÜ® ) . 4MØ@IT¤Ý 10) @Â> ŠP@T„>ã ·ØC[IÜ® YET‰MTNß HÕZ>ä® E[Mš , © 2}ÜH[CJT> Y>TÙ© YETCßHTG Y@Jà>´Ô>T> ÄHT .4MØ@Ý Úà ¯}¶ Y@ÞJÜ HØCG 04

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4Eå PKMTä†à Iä²Ý EäZHT[EJ €[M[I @ÝHÛEIT> YE Û«Y>Tã´PEä¤ ®[>Ü HCÕ>ã zM @Iß܂ÔxåZLå 12) 4[DÜ® )

16 ¤µPTà 2[CJTNÝ >TDÜHØC ¤µ / / ¤[LHT©>[NÖ @ Y@ÞEà EäZHT[EJ FCP}Ô[>Ô¤ ¤[LHT©>NTà / POÕ>ÜHØC P‰¯[L>ã 8©Ô>ÜH©Ý H Û«[K>ã FCP}Ô[>>[N Y@JàH©ÚE

4ÛE YET[>„å ;± >T‡ ITPØCÚà 06 ‚KZE@ Y@JMTNß 2³PM>Õ>´Cå H¤[J YETCßHTG 22 ¤ÚE[>JTNß>ˆCÝ 4±Û« 2017.12.31 3Ý >Ô¤ ™ØYC©Ô>ÜHØ©, 2LŠC ZPÙ}J ±HT . 3,682,992.55 –ÙC >TM ¤ÚE[> Iä²Ý ¤}ZJäLÚ YET[> 2017 EÙCÜ HDÝ 2LŠCÜHØ}±ÜH«Cå EÕ>T[M Iä²Ý }@ÝH à •ßÔ>ÜH©Ý, æRISTKTI ‚KZE@ Y@JMTNß ‚ ¶>ˆà 13 ZI³Ý CAO / AO ¤ÚE[>JTNß>ˆCÝ 4±Û« 2LŠCÜHC ZPÙ}J ¤ÚE[>Ü Y@JàH©Ú«Ý. ·†GTß. HDÝ Iä²Ý EÙCÜ HDÝ ÄHT . 6,740,996.00 2LŠCÜHØ©ãN«. 8×zJ €³[PJTG ¤ÚE[> Iä²Ý EÙCÜ HDÝ >TM ETIEƒå† 2LŠØ©Ô Y>TãPEä>TG FCP}Ô[>>ã ZIäY>TãNÜH©xåLG.

>T‡ ITPØC ¤ÚE[>JTNß>ã Hä†J ŠHKÕ>㠂åP±IT² .

01. YHåYETC ( 3ß . 9 . “ . >±KÚG – ÄHT. 28,050.00 ) ¤ÚE[>JTNß 4LÛ«ãN«Cå ¤ÚE[>JTN å ÂÚE I>å Hä²ÖØ© 4MÔ>Ý H208053 4GTà 2018.05.28 3Ý > ÄHT 54675.00 ¤ÚE[>Ü HDÝ Y@³Ú ¯}Ô>ÜHØ©ãN«.

02. Z>TG‚ÀPM ( 9 . “ . @ÛKMET ÄHT. 114,980.00 , Z> . 9 . {GETR ÄHT.110,080.00 ) 9 . “ . @ÛKMET (ÄHT. 114,980.00) ¤ÚE[>JTN GTà ÄHT. 25000.00 HDÝ 2018.07.30 3Ý >JET> Hä²ÖØ© 4MÔ>Ý H493969 4GTà Y@³ÚEÜHØ©ãNET>¶Ý Hä²ÖØ© 4MÔ>Ý 283248 4GTà 2018.11.13 3Ý > ÄHT. 50000.00 Y@³ÚEÜHØ©ãN«. 2019.03.07 3Ý > I283648 Hä²ÖØ}GTà ÄHT. 50,000 :°Ý 2019.03.12 3Ý > ÄHT. 26,360 4[G Hä²Ö Ø© I283648 4GTà Y@³ÚEÜHØ©ãN«.

Z> . 9 . {GETR (ÄHT.110,080.00) ¤ÚE[>JTN GTà ¤ÚE[>Ü HDÝ Y@³Ú ¯}Ô>ÜHØ©ãN«. (Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý I 283216 4GTà ÄHT 215,000.00 :°Ý Hä²ÖØ© 4MÔ>Ý I 283221 4GTà ÄHT 51,200.00 4[G°Ý Hä²ÖØ© 4MÔ>Ý I 283245 4GTà ÄHT 40.00 4[G°Ý Y@³Ú ¯}Ô>ÜHØ©ãN«.

03. >KåYE~J – 7±>æIÕSÛJ ŠYF¤I IÔ>㠀 PÕx (ÄHT 304,248.00) 2019.03.01 3Ý > 4² 2†ŠÚEà 2­Ü‚[PÔ>ÜHØ©ãN«. ™NÜ YH²PEä>TG 2†ŠÚEà 2­Ü®PEä>TG FCP}Ô[>>ã ZIä Y>TãNÜH©xåLG

04. DFCC PÕx ( ÄHT . 112, 517.00 )

€³[PÜ HDÝ 2KŠCÜHØ©ãN«. 2014.05.20 3Ý >J 613754 3Ý 4MÔ>ÚGTà ÄHT. 106,579.00 ¶Ý 2014.09.17 3Ý >J 613940 3Ý 4MÔ>ÚGTà ÄHT. 103,199.00

17 ¤µPTà 2[CJTNÝ >TDÜHØC ¤µ / / ¤[LHT©>[NÖ @ Y@ÞEà EäZHT[EJ FCP}Ô[>Ô¤ ¤[LHT©>NTà / POÕ>ÜHØC P‰¯[L>ã 8©Ô>ÜH©Ý H Û«[K>ã FCP}Ô[>>[N Y@JàH©ÚE

¶Ý 2016.11.11 3Ý >J 616407 3Ý 4MÔ>ÚGTà ÄHT. 1,063,125.50 ¶Ý Y@³ÚEÜHØ©ãN«.

05. EPMI – ± xàHØ P>Z@>K ( ÄHT . 309,492.00 )

‚åP±IT² 2LŠCÜHØ©ãN« > Hä²ÖØ© 4MÔ>Ý HDÝ

2019.01.29 242255 112,000/- 2019.02.21 242389 112,000/- 2019.03.26 471237 100,000/-

06. YF³P – 4MÕ[> YHäZLT‡J ·Ø©ÚETHGÝ. ( ÄHT . 396,000.00) 2015.09.08 3Ý >„à 4±Û« 2016.09.08 3Ý > P[K„MTG ¤ÚE[>Ü HDITxJ ÄHT. 396,000.00 HDÝ 2016.09.19 3Ý JJ H 42420232 4GTà Y@³ÚEÜHØ©ãN«.

07. ±I ™>SZ> ZETG >±DTP• ( ÄHT . 250,125.00) €³[P ¤ÚE[>Ü HDITxJ ÄHT. 250,125.00 HDÝ 2016.06.14 3Ý JJ 323679 3Ý 4MÔ>Ü Hä²Ö Ø}GTà Y@³ÚEÜHØ©ãN«.

08. JÔ>M¯àM (13 ¤ÚE[>JTNß>ã) I. ± Z> .[P. KÚGz (ÄHT. 375,000.00) ÄHT. 270,000.00 4[G 2017.01.16 3Ý > Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 286791 4GTà Iä²Ý ÄHT. 50,000 HDÝ 2017.09.11 3Ý > Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 387694 4GTà ÄHT. 320000.00 HDÝ Y@³ÚEÜHØ©ãNZET© 2018.03.29 3Ý > Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý G 388229 4GTà ÄHT. 55100.00 8åLPT² @>M €³[PÜ HD¯Ý Y@³Ú ¯}Ô>ÜHØ©ãN«.

± . à . ZA . “ . ¦>EHTM ( ÄHT . 356, 142.50 ) Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 388508 Iä²Ý 2018.06.26 3Ý >JET> ÄHT. 100,000.00 Y@³ÚEÜHØ©ãN« II. ± . œ . 8Ö . ¦à ( ÄHT . 24,750.00 ) @>M €³[PÜ HD¯ÝY@³ÚEÜHØ©ãN«. 2015.10.05 >J Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 284385,2016.01.28 >J Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 285043,2016.06.27 >J Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 285797,2016.11.01 >J Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 286136,2016.09.30 >J Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 285989,2016.11.30 >J Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 286171 , 2016.12.29 >J Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 286446 ,2017.08.04 >J Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 387637 8åLPT² HDÝ Y@³ÚEÜHØ©ãN«. III. ± . CÜ . ‘ . YHTåZR>T ( ÄHT . 23,625.00 ) @>M €³[PÜ HD¯Ý Y@³ÚEÜHØ©ãN«.

18 ¤µPTà 2[CJTNÝ >TDÜHØC ¤µ / / ¤[LHT©>[NÖ @ Y@ÞEà EäZHT[EJ FCP}Ô[>Ô¤ ¤[LHT©>NTà / POÕ>ÜHØC P‰¯[L>ã 8©Ô>ÜH©Ý H Û«[K>ã FCP}Ô[>>[N Y@JàH©ÚE

2016.10.19 >J Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 286125, 2016.11.30 >J Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 285170 , 2017.01.21 >J Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 276761, 2017.02.17 >J Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 387065, 2017.04.05 >J Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 387267 , 2017.04.21 >J Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 38752, 2017.11.07. >J Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 387784 8åHPä†GTà ÄHT. 2000.00 4[G°Ý 2018.02.14 >J Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý G 318052 4GTà ÄHT.3000.00 3xJ @>M €³[PÜ HD¯Ý Y@³Ú ¯}P[CÛ«ãN«

IV. ±I 9. 3ß. EJTP• ( ÄHT . 17,455.00)

@>M €³[PÜ HD¯Ý 2KŠCÜHØ©ãN«. 2017.06.29 >J Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 387553 4GTà ÄHT.10000.00 4[G°Ý 2018.05.02 >J Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 388300 4GTà ÄHT.25905.00 8åLPT²Ý €³[PÜ HDÝ Iä²Ý EÙCÜHDÝ Y@³ÚEÜHØ©ãN«.

V. ± . 9 . . z Z@G - PŠC ( ÄHT . 880.00 ) 2017.06.20 3Ý >„à Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 387513 4GTà @>M HD¯Ý Y@³ÚEÜHØ©ãN«.

VI. ± . 9 . . z Z@G - ŠP@TJÝ ( ÄHT . 18,640.00 ) 2017.06.20 3Ý >JET> Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 387514 8åHGTà @>M HD¯Ý Y@³ÚEÜHØ©ãN«.

VII. YPYMÛETP PÚE ( ÄHT . 2.357.94 ) 96/05 3Ý 4MÔ> ¦ä²€±HÝ ‚K>TKÝ ¤ÚE[>„[G ¯>܂MÔ>ƒØ© ¤ÚE[> H¶Ô>T> >T~>ã HPTNß 2³PM>Úä¤ ¯å[PÔ>ÜHØ©ãN«

VIII. ± . CÜ . ‘ . EGHTM ( ±HT . 23,808.00 ) 4Ô¤ÚE[>„ä>T> ÄHT. 10,000.00 4[G Hä²ÖØ© 4MÔ>Ý G389008 8åHGTà Y@³ÚEÜHØ©ãN«. IX. ± . Z> . ‘ . ZSI@ÛK ( ÄHT . 139,189.05 ) 2017.01.04 3Ý > Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 286721 ÂMÝ Iä²Ý 2017.07.12 3Ý > Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 387588 ÂMÝ 2017 P[K ¤ÚE[>Ü HDÝ ¯µP«Ý Y@³ÚEÜHØ©ãN« . X. ± . 3ß . 8Ö . ¦à ( ÄHT . 56,760.00 ) 2016.08.16 3Ý > Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 285923 ,2017.02.28 3Ý > Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 387096 , 2017.07.19 3Ý > Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 387599 ÂMÝ ¤ÚE[>Ü HDÝ ¯µP«Ý Y@³ÚEÜHØ©ãN«. XI. ± . “ . Z> . AJŠÔKI ( ÄHT . 1,380.00 ) 2016.10.24 3Ý > Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý G 286129 ÂMÝ ¤ÚE[>Ü HDÝ ¯µP«Ý Y@³ÚEÜHØ©ãN«.

19 ¤µPTà 2[CJTNÝ >TDÜHØC ¤µ / / ¤[LHT©>[NÖ @ Y@ÞEà EäZHT[EJ FCP}Ô[>Ô¤ ¤[LHT©>NTà / POÕ>ÜHØC P‰¯[L>ã 8©Ô>ÜH©Ý H Û«[K>ã FCP}Ô[>>[N Y@JàH©ÚE

XII. ± . à . ‘ . ZH æ ( ÄHT . 1,835.67 ) 2017.06.27 3Ý > Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý 387387 ÂMÝ €³[PJTG ¤ÚE[>Ü HDÝ Y@³ÚEÜHØ©ãN«.

XIII. ± . 9 . . ‚JæR ( ÄHT . 586,225.00 ) 2015.11.18 3Ý > Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý G 284865 ÂMÝ €³[PJTG ¤ÚE[>Ü HDÝ Y@³ÚEÜHØ©ãN«.

EÕ>T[M Iä²Ý æRISTßKI ‚KZE@ Y@JMTNß ‚ ¶>ˆå ¤ÚE[>JTNß>ã Hä†J ŠHKÝ

i. æRISTKTI – ± . 8Ö . 8Ö . ‚ZKIKÚG (ÄHT. 81,000.00) 2017.07.17 3Ý > Hä²Ö Ø© 4MÔ>Ý H 460514 ÂMÝ @>M EÙCÜHD¯Ý Y@³ÚEÜHØ©ãN«.


i. ± ZA. 8æ. 8 ¹ J – 6±SW­ zIT Y>TØC[> ( ÄHT. 6,190,560.00 ) @>M €³[PJTG ¤ÚE[>ÜHD¯Ý Y@³ÚEÜHØ©ãN«.

ii. ± . 8æ . ˜ . 8æ . 9 . HÚIz ( ÄHT . 19,800.00 ) ± . 8æ . ˜ . 8æ . 9 . HÚIz 2000 3Ý 3Ù}à 4±Û« 2017 3Ý 3Ù© P[K @>M €³[PÜ HDÝ Iä²Ý EÙCÜ HDÝ H446892 3Ý 4MÔ> Hä²Ö Ø}å ÂMÝ Y@³Ú°ãNTß

iii. ± . “ . ‘ . E­è> ( ÄHT . 616,000.00 ) ¤ÚE[>„[G 4KÚ«Ö Y@Þ«ãNZET© ®J ¯EØCTNß ;±P±Ô¤ POÕ¤PEä>T> ‚KZE@ [>Ú YET‰à H~ÜHTN±Ô¤ ¯å[PÔ>ÜHØ©ãN«.

iv. ± . ˜ . 9 . ¦GÛE ¤ITK ( ÄHT . 19,008.00 )

v. ±I ¦—ET AJITåG ( ÄHT . 30,272.00 ) ¤ÚE[> POÕ>T[I >TKDÚGTà 96/05 3Ý 4MÔ> ¦ä²€±HÝ ‚K>TKÝ ¤ÚE[>„[G ¯>܂MÔ>ƒØ© 4KÚ«Ö Y@Þ« 8ß P±Ý >TMÕ>ˆà 4Eä>T> ITä² FMå 2[CZPT [G ¯å[PÜHET> >CäH[C ENH 2†ŠÚ«ãNTß.

vi. ± . “ . œ . Z@GTKÚG ( ÄHT . 3,784.00) 2017.03.30 3Ý >J H446894 3Ý 4MÔ> Hä²Ö Ø}GTà @>M €³[PJTG ¤ÚE[>Ü HDÝ 2LŠCÜHØ©ãN«.

vii. ± . 9 . CÜ . ‘ . z Z@G ( ÄHT . 2,112.00 ) I 040265 3Ý 4MÔ> Hä²Ö Ø}GTà @>M €³[PJTG ¤ÚE[>Ü HDÝ 2LŠCÜHØ©ãN«.

20 ¤µPTà 2[CJTNÝ >TDÜHØC ¤µ / / ¤[LHT©>[NÖ @ Y@ÞEà EäZHT[EJ FCP}Ô[>Ô¤ ¤[LHT©>NTà / POÕ>ÜHØC P‰¯[L>ã 8©Ô>ÜH©Ý H Û«[K>ã FCP}Ô[>>[N Y@JàH©ÚE

viii. ± . 8æ . 8Ö . YSå† ( ÄHT . 2,376.00 )

ix. G 988080 3Ý 4MÔ> Hä²Ö Ø}GTà @>M €³[PJTG ¤ÚE[>Ü HDÝ 2LŠCÜHØ©ãN« ± . ‘ . 9 . CÜ . HÚIz ( ÄHT . 5,280.00 )

H4464555 3Ý 4MÔ> Hä²Ö Ø}GTà @>M €³[PJTG ¤ÚE[>Ü HDÝ 2LŠCÜHØ©ãN«.

. ± . CÜ . Z> . . >±GTZ@G (ÄHT . 1,320.00 )

I 040469 3Ý 4MÔ> Hä²Ö Ø}GTà @>M €³[PJTG ¤ÚE[>Ü HDÝ 2LŠCÜHØ©ãN«

. ± . 8à . 8Ö . EJTGÛE ( ÄHT . 4,576.00 ) H 446059 3Ý 4MÔ> Hä²Ö Ø}GTà @>M €³[PJTG ¤ÚE[>Ü HDÝ 2LŠCÜHØ©ãN«.

± . ‘ . 8Ö . 3 JZ@G E zàPT ( ÄHT . 1,188.00)

H 446039 3Ý 4MÔ> Hä²Ö Ø}GTà @>M €³[PJTG ¤ÚE[>Ü HDÝ 2LŠCÜHØ©ãN«..

¤µPTà 2[CJTNÝ ¤[LHT©>[N €PßÚ Y@Þ«Y>TãPEä>T> / H Û«[K[J >TDÜHØC ¤[LHT©>ã / Y@JäH©Ú«PEä>T> EäZHT[EJFCP}Ô[>>´Ô>T> ¤µPTà POÕ>ÜHØC 8©Ô>ÜHØ©ãN Y@JäHT©>ã. 2†¶[K>ã PT>GÕ>ˆå ŠHÚ«Ô¤ PT>G Z@EITG @ÝHPÕ>ã 95 à 4ÜZHT« PT>G Z@EITG 6 J 16 Š@TK[D>ã @ÝHPÕ>ã 72. Ô¤ 6 J Ä 13,458,861.653xJ Z@EÕ>ã Iä²Ý Iä²Ý ƒ¤JT> 4OÜ®>[N •ßÔ>ÜHØ©ãN«. 6ãNZET© ¦GTƒ ŠHÚGTà 116 Y@TÚ«Ô>ˆå Z@EITG @ÝHPÕ>ã 123 à 4ÜZHT« Y@TÚ«Ô>ˆå HTC@T[M>ˆà Y@TÚ«Ô>ã Z@EITG @ÝHPÕ>ã 100Ô¤ 6 J Ä 3,858,718.23 3xJ Z@EÕ>ã Z@EÝ 2[CÛ«ãNZET© 02 Iä²Ý 4OÜ®>[N •ßÔ>ÜHØ©ãN«. HDÝ ZIT@}Ô¤ ELZHT« @ØCÚ«CGTG HDÝ ZIT@} Âå†à 4KÙ© •ßÔ>ÜHØ©ãNZET©YEå IT>TD FCP}Ô[>>ã >àŠÚ [DÔ>NÚ«Ô¤ 6 J HDÝ ZIT@}Ô¤ – IåLÚà ¯}P[CÛ«ãNZET© 01 @ØC FCP}Ô[>>ã 8©Ô>ÜHØ©xåLG. 4å­Ý – FCP}Ô[>>ã ZI³Ý•ßÔ>ÜHCTE PT>G Iä²Ý Y@TÚ«Ô>ˆå Z@EÕ>ã 8©Ô>ÜH©P«ãNZET© •ßÜHEä>T> FCP}Ô[>>ã 8©Ô>ÜHØ©xåLG. 2« Hä†J ‚.>. 6/>.6 ·†GTß. E>Pà>[N 4[DÜ® 01 à ¤†Ü‚CÜHØ©ãN«. HTP[GJäL PT>GÕ>ã Hä† 2†Ô[>[J

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54 Colombo Municipal Council, Eravur Urban Council, Kaluthara Pradeshiya Sabha, Kaththankudy Urban Council, Northern Provincial Council, Panadura Urban Council, Southern Provincial Council Submission of observations of Hon. Minister and steps taken with regard to the reports tabled by the Committee on Public Accounts in terms of Standing Order No. 119(4)

(From 06.06.2017 to 08.12.2017)

Ministry of Internal and Home Affairs and Provincial Councils and Local Government (Provincial Councils and Local Government Division) No. 330, Union Place, Colombo 02.


Name of the Institution Page Numbers

¾ Pnadura Urban Council 01 - 03

¾ Eravur Urban Council 04 - 08

¾ Kaluthara Pradeshiya Sabha 09 - 10

Southern Provincil Council 11 - 20 ¾

¾ Northern Provincial Council 21 - 25

¾ Colombo Municipal Council 26 - 37

¾ Kaththankudy Urbern Council 38

Parliamentary Session No: 118

Name of Institute: Urban Council Panadura

Shortcomings identified by the Committee/ Procedures adopted For Rectification of Instructions issued by the Committee Shortcomings/For implementation of Recommendations /For the Present Performance 1.The increase of the amount spent for the Having a population of over 35,000 within the 5.8 disposal of garbage in year 2014 is Rs.4 square kilometers in Panadura Urban Council Million and in year 2015 it is Rs.19 Million Administrative area and being thickly populated and and Rs.31 million in 2016 where a population of nearly 100,000 are daily moving, there is a collection of about 28,000 K.M C.A.O/A.O stated that at present the disposal daily which are decaying and non-decaying garbage. of garbage has been assigned to the Company Out of this amount about 14,000 K.M. are decaying named GFC Machinery and the garbage daily garbage. collected amounting to 28-32 Metric Tons is disposed to a land in Dambuwa Sedawatta Our Council is not possessing a land sufficient for Veyangoda. C.A.O/A.O stated further that this performing the activity of final disposal of garbage. garbage will be sorted out and separated and While bids were called in year 2017 for the purchase polythene and plastic are separately of a land for this purpose the only bid offered for this disposedEnvironmental and these materials was rejected as a result of not having environmental will be recycled. It was stated that although qualifications required for this purpose. Therefore Tenders had been called, the minimum bid disposal of garbage had to be done at Pohorawatta was ignored and matters were explained by yard and Karadiyana garbage yard. C.A.O/C.A regarding the offer of the Tender to the Company named GFC Machinery and However, upon the public objections raised Garbage regarding the offer of this Tender the contract Management Authority has informed us to stop the was given to an Institute fulfilling all relevant disposal of garbage at Pohorawatta Compost Yard. conditions and thereby it is expected to Although a request were made again for the disposal conduct the cleaning work efficiently within of garage at the same place there is no response the Urban Council Limits. received so far. In the meantime, disposal of garbage at Kadirayana garbage yard has also been stopped and the relevant Case is pending in Kesbewa Court under Case No.6304. Under these circumstances, the Tender was offered to GFC Machinery Private Company who had fulfilled all conditions, with in intension of preventing the liable environmental and health wise problems. Programs of encircling those who are doing unauthorized dumping of garbage within the Urban Council limits are now implemented jointly with the Environmental Police and legal proceedings will be taken for this purpose and the amount of garbage so collected has been now reduced to a great extent.


Shortcomings identified by the Committee/ Procedures adopted For Rectification of Instructions issued by the Committee Shortcomings/For implementation of Recommendations /For the Present Performance 2. A loan of Rs.7,850,000/- and All the collected non-decaying garbage will be Rs.20,000,000/- had been obtained systematically sorted out within the garbage yard and the respectively from the Local Loan Relief Fund material which could be recycled will be sold and thereby and Peoples Bank in year 1993 and 1994 for an income has been received in year 2016 as the construction of Panadura Public Market Rs.407,803.50 and in year 2017 as Rs.569,653.73 and Complex and by the month of March 2017 from January to December 2018 earned an income of although loan and interest of Rs.68,799,060/- Rs.734,823.33. Collected polythene will be bailed and had been paid only the Ground Floor has been will be given to Holsim Institute with the co-operation of completed and according to the observations Garbage Management Authority, As suggested by the of National Building Research Institute it has Western Provincial Council Garbage Management been decided that there is a risky position Authority action is being taken to issue the left over food owing to decay of concrete in this building and garbage to the Farms in Horana area which are raring pigs. therefore the building is in a condemned Further, arrangements are made to issue compost bins to position and accordingly the steps taken by the minimize the accumulation of domestic garbage. Urban Council. Accordingly action is being taken to minimize the garbage According to the recommendations of the collected within the Council area and the cost to be National Building Research Institute as the incurred by the Council has been reduced to a great extent. Lease Agreement of the boutique rooms has For the purpose of taking prompt action after the new expired orders had been given to remove the administration a proposal made by the present Chairman persons engaged in business in the boutique was adopted on 08.05.2018 at the General Meeting rooms by 31.12.2016 but it was not possible to relating to Panadura Public Market Complex building. remove these persons and even the payment of Accordingly, requests were made to obtain the approval rent has been suspended and C.A.O/A.O. from Local Government Commissioner for grant stated that action is being taken to institute financial provisions or to bear the expenditure from the legal proceedings. It was revealed that this Council Fund required for the construction of temporary building is in a condemned position and news trade stalls after removing the businessmen from the paper advertisements has been published in all Public Market Complex Building. For this purpose the three languages to vacate this place. It was concurrence has been received from the Local also revealed that a sum of Rupees 100 million Government Commissioner for doing this work from the has been allocated by the Urban Development General Fund of the Council after obtaining approval from Authority for the construction of this building the Council. again and until then the persons doing business had been informed o build temporary In the meantime, a discussion was held on 27.08.2018 trade stalls in another land belonging to the under the leadership of the Director General Urban Urban Council and to spend their money for Development Authority for attending to the future this purpose and no rent is paid . It was activities and accordingly activities relating to completion observed that an electricity bill of Rs.79485/- of this work promptly are under way. had been paid for the months of January and The relevant Institutions were informed to disconnect the February 2017 for this building and a bill has water and electricity supplies in this building for which been received for the payment of the period of lease agreement had expired on 31st Rs.114,440/- for water and electricity further. December 2016.When the officers of Electricity Private It has been proposed by the Committee to Company had come on 14.03.2017 Traders had raised recover as rent the amount incurred for the objections. But electricity has been disconnected from construction of these boutique rooms out of 20.11.2017 by Morawa Lanka (Private) Company .It has the funds of the Urban Council and regarding been orally this matter it was ordered to take judicial stated by National Water Supply and Drainage Board proceedings Water Supply that water supply also had been disconnected.

2 Shortcomings identified by the Committee/ Procedures adopted For Rectification of Instructions issued by the Committee Shortcomings/For implementation of Recommendations /For the Present Performance 3.Although action should be taken under From the month of August 2001 up to the month of Section 4.1 of the Circular No.2/2011 of August 2008 remittance of Employees Provident Fund Director General Pensions dated 24th February contributions has been delayed owing the a Financial 2011 to remit the contributions of casual and Overdraft and lack of funds. temporary employees to the Secretary and However, remittance of contributions has not been Accountant of Employees Provident Fund delayed from year 2011.Owing to the delay in the and as a result of remitting with a delay to the payment of money Finance Committee has taken a Employees Provident Fund and to the decision under decision No.577 dated 23.10.2015 and Employees Trust Fund, without doing so a the payment of the amount of surcharge of surcharge of Rs.1,055,546/- is being paid now Rs.1,055,546 has now been completed. However, installment basis . action was taken to pay this surcharge subject to investigation to be made in future regarding any lapse For settling this problem the Committee caused on the part of the relevant officers and to ordered to take action with the intervention of recover the same from such officers. Regarding this the Ministry of Provincial Councils and matter an investigation was conducted by the Provincial Administration and orders were Investigating Officer in the office of the Assistant issued to Western Provincial and Provincial Commissioner Local Government, Kalutara. In the Administration Department to supply a report meantime a Committee has been appointed and action within 01 month is being taken for recovery from relevant the officers

4. Money recovered by the Council relating to A systematic register is maintained relating to the damages caused in the process of laying damages caused to roads in laying water pipe lines. water pipe line had not used again for Repair work after the laying of water pipe lines is done repairing the damaged roads after completing in a proper manner and at present this procedure is such work and the money had been credited to implemented in a systematic manner revenue of the Council and the Committee had observed that this amount was Rs.215,874/- in year 2015 and Rs.852,593/- from January to July in year 2016.


Parliamentary Session No:132

Name of Institute: Eravur Urban Council

Shortcomings identified Procedures adopted For Rectification of Shortcomings/For by the Committee/ implementation of Recommendations /For the Present Performance Instructions issued by the Committee 01. A sum of Rs. Although the expenses of Solid Waste Management Unit in 2014 was Rs. 21,654,905/-, Rs 21,654,905.00 and Rs. 23,986,219.00 in 2015 that was increased as Rs 23,986,219/- and Rs. 46,719,160.00 in 2016. The reasons of this increasing are given below. 46,719,160/- had been spent on garbage disposal Description 2015 2016 in the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 respectively. Salaries and Coolies 13,016,928.96 34,033,829.67 The reason for the notable Fuel Expenses 1,938,113.50 3,284,564.18 increase in the money spent in thw year 2016 Uniform 109,100.00 533,800.00 Vehicle Repair 555,712.40 806,711.24 Overtime Payments 28,678.00 165,266.59 Salaries paid to the Casual Staff 8,337,686.14 7,894,988.32

I. 19 staff among those who worked as Casual/Substitute basis at our Council, have permanent appointment on 01.10.2014. Another 40 staff were got permanent on 2015.06.24 with effective from 2014.10.24. But their salaries were paid since 2015 August.

In case of we had to increase the casual staff’s salary after they were got permanent, and the basic salary increasement as per the Salary Revision Circular in 2016, the expense of Salary in 2016 was increased than 2015.

In addition to the 30 staff among those who worked as casual, were worked at the Solid Waste Management Unit. Their salaries were also paid from the Council fund.

II. Although the fuel expenses in 2015 was Rs. 1,938,113.50 that was increased as Rs. 3,284,564.18 in 2016. The fuel usage of the heavy vehicles those donated by the Local Government Ministry and the Dump Track Vehicle which donated by UNOPS Organization in the end of 2015 were increased. This is the main reason for these increasement of fuel expenses.

III. Since we had to use our vehicles continuously for Waste Water and Solid Waste collections and had to pay overtime payments to our staff those who have worked more than their duty time, these expenses were increased.


Shortcomings identified by Procedures adopted For Rectification of Shortcomings/For the Committee/ implementation of Recommendations /For the Present Instructions issued by the Performance Committee

IV. And also, on that particular period we had a project with UNOPS. According to that project we segregated the garbage as Composed Waste and Landfill Waste in the night times too. (Specially the night duties covered up the Main Road)

V. Also, during the flood period we used our JCB engine to remove the blocks those make flooding and had some special projects to control flood disaster. In this occasion fuel for the JCB was distributed by our council.

VI. To control Dengue decease in our area after the rainy season, we had some Dengue control projects with companying Eravur Medical Office of Health. In that period fuel for the Fogging Activities were distributed by our council (Still we are providing fuel for the Fogging activities). And also, we gave our vehicles for the container collection.

VII. Since the Slaughter House which belongs to our Urban Council is situated in the administrative area of Eravur Pattu Divisional Secretariat Division due to the Lack of Space in Eravur Urban Council area, those wastes also were collected by our vehicles.

VIII. The expenses for all the vehicle repairs in 2015 was Rs. 557,712.40. But in 2016 that was increased as Rs 806,711.24.

The Vehicles in this unit are very old, and also due to the Fuel Price Change, Maintenance Expenses Increase according to the Vehicle Spare Parts Price Increase and the Poor Economy of our council, all the vehicle repairs those need to make by the end of 2015 were repaired at 2016. Those are the reasons for this increasement of this maintenance expenses.

IX. The Uniform Expenses of Solid Waste Management Unit Staff was Rs. 109,000.00 in 2015 and Rs. 533,800.00 in 2016. Rs 182,000.00 of 2016 expenses were expensed during the end of 2015 and the uniform expenses are the reasons for this.

X. Because of these reasons, the expenses in 2016 was increased than 2014 and 2015.

XI. The Name list of 30 Casual Staff who have Worked at Our Solid Waste Management Unit is below:


Shortcomings identified by the Procedures adopted For Rectification of Committee/ Shortcomings/For implementation of Recommendations Instructions issued by the Committee /For the Present Performance 1. M. S. Sabras Mohamed - Health Labourer 2. F. M. Fazath - Health Labourer 3. M. I. Asraf - Health Labourer 4. M. Mohanbabu - Health Labourer 5. U. L. Alabdeen - Health Labourer 6. A. M. H. M. Unais - Health Labourer 7. A. Rasik - Health Labourer 8. K. Prabakaran - Health Labourer 9. J. Vikneswaran - Health Labourer 10. S. M. Navaneethan - Health Labourer 11. A. Nagatheepan - Health Labourer 12. K. Buhari - Health Labourer 13. S. M. Rafeek - Health Labourer 14. U. L. Rismiyas - Health Labourer 15. S. Musammil - Health Labourer 16. U. L. M. Ameen - Health Labourer 17. M. Issadeen - Health Labourer 18. S. M. Risvikhan - Health Labourer 19. A. G. M. Irfan - Health Labourer 20. V. T. Anas - Health Labourer 21. M. I. M. Mujeeb - Health Labourer 22. A. L. Saleem - Health Labourer 23. A. Majeed Mohamed - Health Labourer 24. A. L. Anees - Health Labourer 25. A. R. M. Rafi - Health Labourer 26. A. M. Ashar - Health Labourer 27. Y. Najeemudeen - Health Labourer 28. D.G.N. Antony - Health Labourer 29. L. M. Nuzaik - Health Labourer 30. R. Jeewaraj - Health Labourer 02. Although Rs. 40 million had been A board decision to build 03 stored building instead of the 2 obtained from the North East Local storied building approved for NELSIP project and finished Service Improvement Project (NELSIP) 1st stage work from the allocated money which is 40 Mn in 2013 to construct a 2 storied building through the NELSIP Project, was made on our 19th Board fro the Urban Council, the council had Meeting as decision no 03 which was held on 2012.10.18 and rejected the design and the estimate and a that decision was executed by our Hon. Former Chairman new plan had been made to construct a 3 storied building at a total cost of Rs. 110 Because of the allocations for this building were not received million, divided by 18,000 square feet is fully, the politicians who were ruling in that time tried to get over Rs. 6,000/- per square feet, exceeding allocations through the central government. Then they the standard cost of Rs 4,000/- per square allocated money for this building stage by stage through the feet. The funds allocated by the NELSIP Local Government Ministry. had been used for the construction of the Specially the ground floor works fully constructed from 40 ground floor. The Cabinet Appointed Mn which is allocated as 1st stage allocation by NELSIP Tender Board had not given its approval Scheme. The next 36 Mn were donated stage by stage by the to the project as required for projects Local Government Ministry. Those are 5 Mn, 5 Mn, 25 Mn costing over Rs. 100 million and the and 21 Mn. The Contract works for this fund were done by tender has been awarded by the the Provincial Procurement Committee, Local Government Procurement Committee of the Council. Ministry and Local Government Department.


Shortcomings identified by the Procedures adopted For Rectification of Committee/ Shortcomings/For implementation of Instructions issued by the Committee Recommendations /For the Present Performance The contract works done stage by stage according to the allocation and the building was handed over by Hon. Prime Minister on 2017.08.20.

And also, as per the Committee on Public Accounts Report we sent a letter to The Deputy Chief Secretary (Engineering) which requested a professional Advice about this building works. (Annexure - 01)

Also, as per the Committee on Public Accounts Report we have taken steps forming a committee to get the Comprehensive Report, Original BOQ & Amended BOQ for the items already fixed and removed and the explanations given for that with the approval for removing the air-conditioning, lighting and other equipment. (Annexure - 02)

03.The Ministry of City Planning and Eravur Market situated in Mosque land for 40 years Water Supply had agreed to provide because we do not have a suitable government land to funding to construct a three storied market build the market with the agreement. complex at a cost of Rs. 193 million and The above land was selected for the market on 1987.09.20 the Chief Secretary, Eastern Province had as per the Lease Agreement which signed by two mosques entered into an agreement with the State and Eravur Urban Council because of we do not have any Engineering Corporation during the year land facilities. 2016 to construct this market complex at the xontract value of Rs. 99,939,468/-. This market complex is being constructed We both parties took necessary actions to extend the Lease on a land obtained by the Council on lease Agreement to 33 years according to the section 13 (a) in basis for a period of 33 years from two the Lease Agreement which prepared on 2016.10.16. We mosques for a total lease payment of Rs. did the agreement for the period of 33 years to confirm the

22.28 million and that the Council had ownership and the stability of this land. obtained funds from the Ministry for this Rs. 99.94 Mn was the estimated amount for the first stage construction stating that the Eravur Urban work of this market and the construction works are Council is the owner of the land on which this building is being constructed. The completed above 90% so far. (Annexures – 03, 04) Committee inquired as to whether the contract awarded at a value of 99.94 million rupees in order to avoid obtainind approval from a Ministry Appointed Tender Board even though the total cost of this market complex was 193 million rupees. The Committee inquired as to how much of this amount has been spent so far.



Shortcomings identified by the Procedures adopted For Rectification of Committee/ Shortcomings/For implementation of Instructions issued by the Committee Recommendations /For the Present Performance 04. Public Service Provident Fund money In 2015, 2016, 2017 as we need some additional staff to had not been remitted with regard to 73 our Urban Council we appoint substitute staff and paid employees who are in excess of the them Rs. 391/- per a day as per our financial conditions. approved cadre. We paid Rs. 10,000/- for those who worked more than 21 days in a month. And, we extend their service period for each six months and issued them new Appointment Letters as per the approval of the Secretary of Provincial Local Government Ministry.

Because of our Urban Council had a huge financial crisis, we did not deduct any EPF or ETF contribution amounts from these 73 casual staff who worked here under these conditions.

Since we paid for our casual staff in day basis they have got a low salary. For that they requested that do not deduct any EPF, ETF contributions from their salary. So, we consider their poor background and did not deduct these contributions.

As we consider the staff’s benefits, the action has been taken to give the solutions through the EPF Board to the above staff according to the Pension Department Circular 2/2011.


Parliamentary Session No:123

Name of Institute: Kaluthara Pradeshiya Sabha

Shortcomings identified by the Procedures adopted For Rectification of Committee/ Shortcomings/For implementation of Instructions issued by the Committee Recommendations /For the Present Performance Spend Rs. 12,421,754/- in 2015 and Rs. according to the records of the expenditures of this 13,718,752/- in 2016 for disposal of the Pradheshiya Sabha Rs. 12,529,287.98 spent for 2015 and wastages in Waste Management Rs. 12,145,842.89 spent for 2016 under the programme no

02 Health Services as follows, I informed that these amounts spent only for waste maagement activities.

Kalutara District Programme no 02 Health Services Year 2015 ( Allowances for Waste Management) Rs. Cts. 201-1 Salaries and Wages 5,739,905.00 201-4 Special Allowances 2,918,084.17 201-2 Overtime and Holiday 582,151.03 Allowances 201-3 Uniform 92,000.00 203-2 Fuel and Lubricants 1,711,874.78 204-1 Machines and Equipments (Repairing of the vehilcles 493,273.00 reserved for Waste disposal) 205-3-8 waste Management (Buyings of compost bnins 992,000.00 for distribution) Total 12,529,287.98

Kalutara District Programme no 02 Health Services Year 2016 ( Allowances for Waste Management) Rs. Cts. 201-1 Salaries and Wages 4,752,832.00 201-4 Special Allowances 4,249,575.65 201-2 Overtime and Holiday 527,898.53 Allowances 201-3 Uniform 96,000.00 203-2 Fuel and Lubricants 1,482,778.71 204-1 Machines and Equipments (Repairing of the vehilcles 566,218.00 reserved for Waste disposal) 205-3-8 waste Management (Buyings of compost bnins 470,540.00 for distribution) Total 12,145,842.89

I furrther informed that, the money spent for the salaries for the servants used for waste management, overtime, uniform allowances, fuel for tractors, repairing and maintenence activites accordingly. 09 9

Shortcomings identified by the Procedures adopted For Rectification of Committee/ Shortcomings/For implementation of Instructions issued by the Committee Recommendations /For the Present Performance Not conducted the Audit and Management I report that the Internal Audit Officer has been appointed Committee and conducts the relevant Audit and Management Committee in relavant manner. Not able to use the Ettavila crematorium i kindly informed that, the Ettavlla crematorium was by the general public since 06 years started on 06.11.2018 and around 61 bodies were burned completed which was started in 2011 by by 01.04.2019 and also crematorium is in working spending Rs. 14,037,636/- without Total condition. Cost Estimates.

The Sabha has collected Rs. 939,357/- for The roads broken down for distributtion of water pipes breaking of the roads in 879 occasions in were not repaired in 2016 due to non operatation of the year 2016. but the Sabha had not been road reparing unit. whereas a road reparing unit has taken actions to repair those roads established and operated now. therefore, actions have been taking for repairing of roads broken for distributtion of water pipes


Parliamentary Session No:136

Name of Institute: Southern Provincial Council

Major Facts Discussed Southern Provincial Development Authority

The direct loss of Rs. 18,034,057.00 to the government made by supplying 25 lakhs of tea plants from the year 2006 to 2012 has not been charged form the relevant stakeholders. The debtor has been informed on 19th June 2017 by the Attorney General’s Department to settle the amount of Rs. 10,656,614.00 within 30 days, however any legal proceeding was not initiated after the expiration of the provided period to settle the debt. It has been informed by the Government Assessor on 02nd February 2017, that the land provided as a saving which has been valued and issued the certificate on 16th October 2014 by the Provincial Revenue Commissioner for Rs. 7.076,250.00 has the actual value of Rs. 740,000.00 on 24th October 2014. Furthermore, the said land was sold to a private owner for Rs. 600,000.00 under the deed no. 342 on 24th October 2014, it has been sold to the Southern Provincial Development Authority on the same day for Rs. 7,076,250.00, and both deeds were written by the same lawyer. Shortcoming identified by the Committee / Actions taken to correct the shortcomings / to Instructions given by the Committee implement recommendations / for current proceedings

The committee was displeased with the delay in All relevant information were submitted to Attorney legal proceedings against the contractor. General’s Department under file no. SPDA/ACC/FI/AUD/2016/1/(ii) by the Southern Provincial Development Authority. The receipt for the payment of legal consultation fee is attached herewith. (Attachment 03)

The statement used by the Director General of the The investigation was conducted against officers and Southern Provincial Development Authority was Provincial Revenue Commissioner with orders and taken as a fraudulent statement by the committee intervention of the Southern Provincial Chief and ordered to take actions against officers those Secretariat / Provincial Public Services Commission who have been participated to it. and has been completed. The committee ordered to held an investigation Disciplinary investigations conducted against the against the Provincial Commissioner of Revenue officers who has no powers for decision making of and the other high rank officers who requested the the Southern Provincial development Authority have statement, and to submit a report within 06 months. been completed. Two percent (2%) of the gratuity must be charged from one officer as the punishment. One officer has been released from allegations. (Attachment 04) Furthermore, it is ordered to take necessary actions to request from the Attorney General’s Department Actions to be taken for the deceased officers was for the accuracy of disciplinary investigations requested from the Attorney General’s Department conducted for the officers who has no powers for and the request letter and the replies are attached decision making of the Southern Provincial herewith for the kind consideration. (Attachment 05 development Authority. and 06)

The committee also ordered to proceed legal actions for the financial fraud against this person As the order of the committee to proceed legal and relevant officers in addition to the civil case as actions for financial fraud in addition to the civil the fraud is clearly visible. case, it has been informed to the Financial Crime Investigation Department (FCID) and authority has provided evidences on 05.06.2018. (Attachment 07).


The main points discussed

The project of constructing the Ambalangoda Tourist Bungalow and the Practical Training School have been abandoned halfway after spending Rs. 5,329,069 and the valuable antique items possessed by this rest house have been misplaced. The money spent on this project during the period from 2008 to 2012 was unproductive due to the abandon of the project, which started without acquiring the ownership of the land from the Ambalangod Urban Counci to the Ruhunu Tourist Bureau.

The weaknesses identified by the Measures taken in order to rectify drawbacks / committee/Instuctions given by the implementation of recommendations/ current operations committee

Chief Accounting Officer/Accounting Kindly inform that as per the letter of Chief Secretariat no: Office informed that the consultation fee CSS/7/4/2/2017 and dated 9.01.2018 to the Secretary of the is also included in the sum of Rs. 5.3 Ministry of Megapolis and Western Development and to million and it is revealed that this amount the Director General of Urban Development Authority is 4% of the total cost of the project. which is under the purview of the above said ministry, instruct to conduct an investigation over the misplacement It is ordered by the committee that an of antique articles which were in the Old rest House investigation is to be conducted and a Building that was under the management of Urban report should be submitted to the Development Authority since the Chief Secretariat has no committee with regard to the misplaced authority powers to conduct an investigation over the valuable antique items possessed by the above matter. (Annex 01) old Rest House. As per the decision of the Management Committee held at Urban Development Authority on 23.03.2008, it was informed by the Director of Urban Development Authority ( Rest House Management Section/ Lanka Rest House Ltd) by the letter bearing no: 29/02/29 VOL – X dated 16.02.2018. to the Chief Secretariat that the Urban Council agreed to hand over only the land and Rest House building to the Ruhunu Tourist Bureau on an agreement. (Annex 02).

Further, Director of Urban Development Authority (Rest House Management Section/Lanka Rest House Ltd) informed the Chief Secretariat that the Urban Development Authority is unable to submit a report since there is no documentary evidence available about the misplaced antique items. Hence, it is unable to investigate the matter and submit a report about the action taken regarding the antique items.

Kindly inform that Ruhunu Tourist Bureau has been unable to restart the project since at present the land of the Ambalangoda Rest House belongs to the Ambalangoda Urban Council and this land has been rented to Ascot Ambalangoda (Pvt) Ltd by the Ambalangoda Urban Council.


Major Facts Discussed

Southern Provincial Development Authority

Useless investment of Rs. 25,259,638.00 for the Adarsha Samodana Farm and Animal Breeding Center of 52 Acres in Hungama

Shortcoming identified by the Committee Actions taken to correct the shortcomings / to / Instructions given by the Committee implement recommendations / for current proceedings

The committee ordered for the formal Acquisition of the land has been started and the acquisition of the land and to successfully documents has been forwarded to the Ministry of Local implement the project within one year or Government and Provincial Councils through the acquisition of the land to the central Southern Provincial Chief Secretary for the cabinet government to use for a suitable activity by approval on 08.01.2018 as the land area is greater than the line ministry. 50 acres. (Attachment 08 and 09). Under the Southern Provincial Cabinet Decision No. 693:1, 30 acres of the land is cultivated with mango under the Public Private Partnership programme of Participatory Development Access. Alovera is cultivated as an under cultivation. The rest of 20 acres were provided for banana cultivation. (Attachment 10) Lack of water, which is one of the major problems of Hungama farm was resolved by providing water from Kachchikal Ara reservoir. Estimated cost is Rs. 10 lakhs. (Attachment 11). The work has been done with Rs. 4 lakhs with the labor and intervention of Community based farmers organizations. Buildings constructed for cattle sheds and employee housing has been developed and used for alovera refinery and processing centers, and for administrative complex for the farm management. The past and present situation of the farm is presented with few photographs. (Attachment 12)


Key issues discussed

Land commissioner’s Departmrnt

Long - terms tax amounts & fine amounts had to be recurved as Rs.2,487,257.00 and Rs.7,566,776.00 respectively, as at end of year 2015 from 22 tenants relevant to 06 Divisional Secretariat under the Galle District and 13 tenants relevant to Tangalle & Tissamaharama two Divisional Secretariat on behalf of granting state lands on the basis of long-term leasing.

Instructions given by the Committee / To correct the shortcomings / implement the shortcomings identified by the Committee recommendations / actions taken for the present operation

A portion of this sum has been recovered and An amount of Rs.3,682,992.55 has already been the amount to be settled will be settled by recurved as long-terms tax and fine amounts which December 2017 and the CAO / AO will be had to be recurved as at 31.12.2017 from 22 tenants deployed. said relevant to 06 Divisional Secretariat under the Galle District whereas an amount of Rs.6,740,996.00 has already been recurved which had to be recurved as tax and fine amounts from 13 tenants of Tangalle & Tissamaharama Divisional Secretariats. Actions are being taken in order to recurved balance due tax amounts and fine charges immediately.

Details on Tenants of Galle District are as follows,

01. Bentota (R.A.D. Karunarathna -Rs.28,050.00)

Lessee has already died whereas his elder son has already settle the due amount of Rs.54,675.00 dated 28.05.2018 by the receipt no. H208053.

02. Gonapinuwala (A.D. Chandralatha – Rs.114,980.00, K.A. Jinadasa – Rs. 110,080.00)

Mrs. A.D. Chandralatha (Rs.114,980.00)

Tenants has already paid Rs.25,000 by the receipt no. H493969 dated 30.07.2018 whereas an amount of Rs.50,000 has also been paid by the receipt no. 283248 dated 13.11.2018. Further, an amount of Rs.50,000 has also been paid by the receipt no. I283648 dated 07.03.2019 and furthermore Rs.26,360 has also been paid by the receipt no. I283648 dated 12.03.2019.


Instructions given by the To correct the shortcomings / implement the recommendations / Committee / shortcomings actions taken for the present operation identified by the Committee

Mr. K.A. Jinadasa (Rs.110,080.00)

Tenant has already fully settled the due taxes. (has fully settled as Rs.215,000.00 by the receipt no. I 283216, Rs.51,200.00 by the receipt no. I 283221 and Rs.40.00 by the receipt no. I 283245)

03. Karandeniya- Uragasmanhandiya -Divineguna Community Based bank (Rs.304,248.00) final notification has already being referred dated 01.03.2019. Actions are being taken to send removal notice.

04. DFCC Bank (Rs.112,517.00)

Due tax amounts have already been recurved such has been paid as Rs. 106,579.00 by the receipt no. 613754 dated 20.05.2014 and Rs.103,199.00 by the receipt no. 613940 dated 17.09.2014 and Rs. 1,063,125.50 by the receipt no. 616407 dated 11.11.2016.

05. Tawalama – Mr. Gilbot Wanigasekara (Rs. 309,492.00) Has been recurred as follows,

Date Receipt no Amount 29.01.2019 242255 112,000.00 21.02.2019 242389 112,000.00 26.03.2019 471237 100,000.00

06. Neluwa – Ceylon Petroleum Cooperation (Rs. 396,000.00 Has been paid as an amount Rs. 396,000.00 by the receipt no. H42420232 dated 19.09.2016 for the tax amount during 08.09.2015 – 08.09.2016

07. Mrs. Meegahage Dona Karunawathi (Rs. 250,125.00) An amount of Rs. 250, 125.00 has been paid as the due tax amount by the receipt no. 323679 dated 14.06.2016

08. Yakkalamulla (14 tenants)

i). Mr. K.Y. Rathnasiri (Rs.375,000.00)

Rs. 270,000.00 Has already been fully settled all the due amount as Rs.50,000.00 by the receipt no. 286791 dated 16.01.2017 and Rs. 320,000.00 by the receipt no. 389674 dated 11.09.2017 whereas Rs. 55,100.00 by the receipt no. G388229 dated 29.03.2018.

Mr. U.J.D. Sugathapala (Rs. 356,142.50)

Has already been paid an amount of Rs. 100,000.00 by the receipt no. 388508 dated 26.06.2018


Instructions given by the To correct the shortcomings / implement the recommendations / Committee / shortcomings actions taken for the present operation identified by the Committee ii). Mr. T.H. Sunil (Rs.24,750.00

All the due amounts have already been settled. All the due amounts have been settled as by the receipt no. 284385 dated 05.10.2015 and by the receipt no. 285043 dated 28.01.2016 and by the receipt no. 285797 dated 27.06.2016 and by the receipt no. 286136 dated 01.11.2016 and by the receipt no. 285989 dated 30.09.2016 and by the receipt no. 286171 dated 30.11.2016 and by the receipt no. 266446 dated 29.12.2016 and finally by the receipt no. 387637 dated 04.08.2017.

iii). Mr. W.G. Fonseka (Rs. 23,652.00)

All the due amounts have already been settled. All the due amounts have been settled as by the receipt no. 286125 dated 19.10.2016 and by the receipt no. 285170 dated 30.11.2016 and by the receipt no. 276761 dated 21.01.2017 and by the receipt no. 387065 dated 17.02.2016 and by the receipt no. 387267 dated 05.04.2017 and by the receipt no. 38752 dated 21.04.2017 and by the an amount of Rs.2,000.00 receipt no. 387784 dated 07.11.2017 and finally by the an amount of Rs.3,000.00 by the receipt no. G 318052 dated 14.02.2018.

iv). Mrs. A.R. Dayawathi (Rs.17,455.00)

All the due amounts have been recurved due taxes and due fine charges have been paid as Rs.10,000.00 by the receipt no. 387553 dated 29.06.2017 and an amount of Rs.25,905.00 by the receipt no. 388300 dated 02.05.2018.

v). Mr. A.V. Sirisena – Residential(Rs.880.00)

All the due amounts have settled by the receipt no. 387513 dated 20.06.2017

vi). Mr. A.V. Sirisena – Agricultural (Rs.18,640.00)

All the due amounts have already been paid by the receipt no. 387514 dated 20.06.2017

vii). Welendawawatta (Rs.2,357.94)

Has already been reffred to the land registrar’s for the tax registration followed by lease displaying in terms of the circular no. 96/05

viii). Mr. W.G. Dhanapala (Rs.23,808.00)

An amount of Rs.10,000.00 has been paid by the receipt no. G389008 under this lease. 16


Instructions given by the To correct the shortcomings / implement the recommendations / Committee / shortcomings actions taken for the present operation identified by the Committee ix) Mr. K.G. Hemachandara (Rs. 139,189.05)

All the due taxes amounts have already been paid by the receipt no. 286721 dated 04.01.2017 and by the receipt no. 387588 dated 12.07.2017 up to year 2017.

x). Mr. R.H. Sunil (Rs.56,760.00)

All the due taxes amounts have been settled by the receipt no. 285923 dated 16.08.2016 and by the receipt no. 387096 dated 28.02.2017 and by the receipt no. 387599 dated 19.07.2017 .

xi). Mr. D.K. Jayawickrama (Rs.1,380.00)

All the due taxes amounts have been settled by the receipt no. G286129 dated 24.10.2016 .

xii) Mr. U.U. Pedirics (Rs. 1,835.67)

All the due taxes amounts have been settled by the receipt no. 387387 dated 27.06.2017.

xiii). Mr. A.V. Piyatissa (Rs.5,86,225.00)

Due taxes amounts have been paid by the receipt no. G284685 dated 18.11.2015.

Details on tenants under the Divisional Secretariat Tangalle, Tissamaharama

i.Tissamaharama – Mr. H.H. Premarathna (Rs.81,000.00) All the fine charges have already been fully settled by the receipt no. H460514 dated 17.07.2017

Divisional Secretariat Tangalle

i.Mr. J.S. Edirisooriya Ruhunu Cinema hall (Rs.6,190,560.00) All the due amount had been paid.

ii.Mr. S.B.S.A. Pathmasiri (Rs.19,800.00) All the due taxes and fine charges during year 2000 – 2017 have already been fully settled by the receipt no. H446892

iii.Mr. D.G. Dhanushka (Rs.616,000.00) Lease agreement has already been nullified whereas has already been referred to Director regional Industry in order to grant such to a new investor.

iv.Mr. B.A. Sunanda Kumara (Rs.19, 008.00)


Instructions given by the To correct the shortcomings / implement the recommendations / Committee / shortcomings actions taken for the present operation identified by the Committee v.Mrs. Suneetha Jayamanna (Rs.30,272.00)

Navy commander has already notified that actions are ready to be taken in order to submit to the alternative beneficiaries in the future after the in validation by lease displaying in terms of the circular no. 96/05 since conditions have been violated due to non-payments of taxes.

vi.Mr. D.T. Senarathana (Rs.3,784.00)

All the due taxes amounts have already been fully settled by the receipt no. H446894

vii.Mr. A.W.G. Sirisena (Rs. 2,112.00)

All the due taxes amounts have already been fully settled by the receipt no. I040265

viii.Mr. H.S. Hendry (Rs. 2,376.00)

All the due taxes amounts have already been fully settled by the receipt no. G988080

ix.Mr. G.A.W. Padmasiri (Rs. 5,280.00)

All the due taxes amounts have already been fully settled by the receipt no. H4464555

x.Mr. W.K.V. Karunasena (Rs. 1,320.00) All the due taxes amounts have already been fully settled by the receipt no. I040469.

xi.Mr. L.H. Dayananda (Rs. 4,576.00)

All the due taxes amounts have already been fully settled by the receipt no. H446059

xii.Mr. P.H. Ariyasena de Silva (Rs. 1,188.00)

All the due taxes amounts have already been fully settled by the receipt no. H446039.


Short commings identified / by the Action taken for the correction of short comings for Committee / advice given by the committee the implementation of recommendations / for current operation.

The Chief Accounting Officer / Accounting Damage loss of Rs. 13,458,861.65 has been settled in Officer said that only 16 investigations on regard to 72 vehicle damages. Out of 95 vehicle damages vehicle accidents remained unsolved, and that up to now. Tsunami had caused property damages to 116 Schools and that legal activities with regard to Damage loss of Rs.3,858,718.23 has been settled in regard two financial frauds had been finalized and to 100 property damage occasions out of property damage that legal process with regard to one financial occasions up to now. fraud was in progress of present. Out of three financial frauds to have been settled and a case has been filed in the court in respect of the financial fraud relevant to the department of education of the Southern province.

The committee ordered to submit a report on unused vehicles and to solve and finalize these The settlement of further unsettled vehicle and property activities within 06 months. damages is being done. (detailed annexed here with – Annexure 01)


Focal Points Discussed. Ministry of Education, Land and Land Development, Highways and News. 17 Number of Contractors Who Have Got their Registration Canceled by the Ministry of Education, Land and Land Development, Highways and News Have been Paid and Amount of Value Added Tax Rs.14,980,184/= in Year 2016.

Defects Identified by the Actions Measured in order to Rectify the Defects /in order to Committee/ Instructions Implement the Recommendations / for Current Operation. Given by the Committee. Orders have Already been An amount of Rs.13,636,791.31 has already been fully recovered in Cash issued to the Chief from 14 Contractors among 17 Contractors. Further an amount of Accountant / Accountant Rs.1,135,290.96 has also been recovered on installment basis from other 3 as to present a report to contractors. Whereas an amount of Rs.1,343,392.69 is still available as due the Committee Followed amount. The relevant information on this an actions which have already by Recovering these been made are given below chargers within 3 months Name of the The Amount Actions Already Taken to Contractor To be Recover. Recovered. Rs. De Silva 386, 857.57 Actions have been Taken to Retain Constructions. this amount during retain amounts are released from an industry Contracted with Department of Industry- Southern Province upon the guideline made by the chief secretary. Further contractor has already been notified to Settle the relevant amounts. If not actions shall be taken to recover the aforesaid retain amount immediately.

Gamini 250,304.12 Contractor has informed that he Constructions. would settle this amount and has been unable to settle currently due to his present economic difficulties. However he has informed to take necessary actions to be settling the due amount in the future. A Postdated Check dated 10.05.2019 Value of Rs.35, 000 has been granted in order to settle a portion. I expect to take Legal Actions in case of spending unnecessary period of time to be settle the due payments.

Thilaka Stores 706,231.00 I Expect to take legal actions since no & Rose responds have been made even if the Builders. notices were sending to settle this due amount.


Parliamentary Session No:129

Name of Institute: Northern Provincial Council

Action taken by the committee to rectify the Shortcomings identified by the committee/directives shortcomings/implement the given by the committee recommendations/current status 01.The Financial Statements of the Governor’s Trust Fund Final Accounts for the years 2015 & 2016 was had not been submitted to audit since the year 2015 in submitted to Deputy Auditor General (NNE) on terms of PFR 258.3. 14/09/2017. 02.Imprest balances aggregating Rs.5,855,800 had The letter had been forwarded to the Hon Attorney remained unsettled by the Department of Local General Department to proceed the legal action Government up to 31 August 2015. In this regard, action against trade owners of on had not been taken to recover the outstanding imprest from 02.08.2017. Further letter of reminder was sent to the respective Departments. pursue action on 23.03.2018.

The C.A.O. / A.O. stated that the imprest aggregating Rs. 6 million had been released to the Department of Local Further, the department has also taken action with Government to pay compensation to the traders of Mannar support of Mannar Urban council to recover the District due to the 30 shops by fire during the 2012. balances from trades owners who are still have the However, 28 traders had failed to settle the amount shop. It was informed to owners to pay the balances totaling Rs. 4.97 million. He further stated that legal action by four installment within end of year 2019. had been taken in consultation with the Attorney General's Department to recover the unsettled amount. Rs. 4.362 Million is currently remaining as unsettled The Committee directed the C.A.O. /A.O to pursue action imprest as at 09.0.2019. in accordance with the legal advice as the matter had already been referred to the Attorney General's Department for seeking legal advice. 03.Action had not been -taken to recover the loan balances The outstanding loan balances to be settled by other aggregating Rs.33,195,148/- due from the officers who Provincial Councils Ministries and Departments, were & transferred out of the Provincial Ministries and Central Institutions, retired & deceased , released to Departments to other Provincial Ministries and projects, gone abroad on no pay leave and vacated Departments, retired, deceased, Released to projects, gone post have been reduced to Rs. 8,933,915.47 as at 31st abroad on no pay leave, vacated posts and interdicted. December 2018 out of the outstanding loan balance of Rs 24,363,340.00 to be recoverable for 145 of The committee observed that the balance of the advance to officers as at 31.12.2016. Progress of the un settled Provincial Public Officer Account as at 31 December 2016 amounting to Rs. 801,983,125/- which includes loan balances as at 31.12.2018: outstanding loan balance amounting to Rs.24,363,340/- Details No of Officers Amount as at recoverable from 145 officers who were retired ,deceased, 31.12.2018(Rs) released to projects, gone aboard on no pay leave and Transferred out 55 5,139,148.51 Retired/Deceased/Death 24 2,431,360.24 vacated Post Over two years and the progress of recovery Vacated Post 21 1,276,156.72 of outstanding loan are slow. The C.A.O. / A.O. stated that Interdicted 1 87,250.00 proper action had been taken to recover the outstanding Total 101 8,933,915.47 balances and even the relevant Embassy/ High

Commission had been consulted with the objective of Continuously follow up action is being taken to recovering the outstanding balances of officers who had recover the outstanding balances. gone abroad on no pay leave. He was of the view that the outstanding balance in its entirety could be recovered or would pursue action to write off any balances after taking all possible steps to recover them.


Action taken by the committee to rectify the Shortcomings identified by the committee/directives shortcomings/implement the given by the committee recommendations/current status

04.A monthly rent of Rs. 500/- had been recovered from Circular had been issued to pay monthly electricity the Secretaries who had occupied the houses which were charge Rs. 3000.00 and rent Rs. 15000.00 for each rented out by the Provincial Council contrary to the Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries from the fund of provisions of the Establishment Code. These houses were the Provincial Council. This facility had been fully furnished with household items to the Value of over Rs. 250,000/- and electricity and water bills of those granted to the Secretaries and Deputy Chief houses had also been paid from the provincial Council Secretaries with the approval of the Hon. Governor Funds. Further action had not been taken in terms of as there were no quarters available in province. section 5:3 of Chapter XIX of the Establishment Code to recover rent, electricity and water bills from those occupants for occupation of rented houses.

The Committee stated that these payments had been done without considering provisions of the Establishment Code.

The C.A.O. / A.O. stated that this facility had been granted to the Secretaries of Ministries with the approval of the Hon. Governor, as there were no quarters available in the province.

The Committee directed C.A.O. / A.O. to look into the matter and implement decisions so as not to be contrary with the provisions of the Establishment Code and Financial Regulations as far as possible.

05. Provincial Council had purchased 10 buses at a cost of Transfer the ownership of the buses to the Northern Rs. 32.2 million from the funds obtained from the Ministry Transport Board have been completed in the year of Economic Development and distributed to the Northern 2018. Transport Board without obtaining approval from the General Treasury during the year 2011. However, the ownership of those buses still at the Northern Provincial Council even after lapse of three years. Hence, arrangements had not been made with Northern Transport Council. Hence the expenditure of Rs. 15 million incurred for 8 buses to provide staff transport services was treated as avoidable expenditure.

The C.A.O. / A.O. stated that action had already been initiated to transfer the ownership of the buses to the Northern Transport Board and it would be completed by the end of September 2017.


Action taken by the committee to rectify the Shortcomings identified by the committee/directives shortcomings/implement the given by the committee recommendations/current status 06.Staff transport facilities are provided by the Provincial As per the decision taken in the meeting which was Council to the officers. However collection of revenue held on 22.09.2017 headed by the then Hon. Chief from the officers were not made as per the rate fixed by the Minister, Transport services provided by the Srilanka Transport Board. In this connection five buses Northern Provincial Council were permanently were engaged to Local services at a cost of Rs 9.5 million terminated w.e.f 29.09.2017. and three buses were engaged to out district transport services at a cost of Rs 6 million. The revenue collected on the officers transport services was less than 10% of the total expenditure. In this connection revenue of the transport services were not properly planned and managed by the revenue officers and no actions had been taken to regularize the transaction.

The C.A.O/ A.O stated that approval had been granted by then Hon. Governor to provide transport facilities to the Provincial Council staff. However, as per a recommendation made by the Provincial Council Public Accounts Committee, the Secretary of the Ministry of Fisheries and Transport had been given directives to take appropriate measures to rectify the situation by collecting the revenues.

07.Although the Governor has entitled a monthly fuel The then Hon. Governor played the key role in allowance Rs. 100,200/- only, the monthly fuel allowance implementing the “Uthuru Wasanthaya” ranging from Rs. 327,600/- to Rs. 497,600/- had been paid programme, Chairmen of District coordinated to the Governor contrary to the circular No. committee of all 5 districts in the province, Board of PCMD/1/4/23/4/4 dated 19th December 2011 of the Ministers’ responsibilities in addition to the Presidential Secretariat. As a result a sum of Rs. Constitutional responsibilities with the tasks to be 1,507,800/- had been overpaid during the year 2013 and executed within the stipulated period, a special Rs. 1.17 million overpaid during the year 2014. Further, it approval had been obtained from the Presidential was observed that payments for different types of petrol Secretariat for the additional fuel allowance. such as super petrol and normal petrol had been made though there was no provision in the circular to supply As per the Presidential Secretariat letter number super petrol to the Government vehicles. Action had not CSA/9/1/38(i) dated 27/08/2014 fuel allowance is been taken to recover the over payment. paid 600 Litters of Petrol and 500 Litters of Diesel monthly with effected from 01.09.2014.

With regard to the Super Petrol, the manufacturers recommendation was tabled and differences between the two Petrol types are minimal when compared to the maintenance of this type of luxury vehicle for the optimum performance of the engine as opposed to the ordinary petrol which curtail the operation & Maintenance cost radically.


Action taken by the committee to rectify the Shortcomings identified by the committee/directives shortcomings/implement the given by the committee recommendations/current status 08.VAT payments aggregating Rs. 12.3 million had been VAT payment of Rs 0.197 Million by Mannar made by one Urban Council and seven Pradeshiya Sabhas Pradeshiya sabha has been recovered fully from in 16 instances in the Northern Province to the contractors contractors. engaged in civil work without verifying the validity of

VAT registration for the year under review. Further, it was observed in audit the VAT payments aggregating to Rs. A case for payment of VAT amount Rs.1.066 3.924 million had been made by the 02 Pradeshiya Sabhas Million by Kayts Pradeshiya Sabha has been filed in in 03 instances to the contractors who were not furnished Kayts Court against the contractor (Case No VAT registration numbers in respect of NELSIP project. M/76/2018). The first sitting was held on

The C.A.O. / A.O. admitted the fact that 16 payments had 14.01.2019. been made without verifying the validity of VAT registration. He stated that 9 issues out of the above 16 A case for VAT payment of Rs.1.20 Million by payments had already been settled and legal action to Karachchi Predeshiya sabha has been filed in recover the payments aggregating 3.9 million had to be Kilinochchi Court against the contractor. Case No taken in respect of 7 remaining issues for which the contractors had not submitted active VAT registration (M/550/18 and M/551/18) numbers.

The Committee emphasized that proper procurement Policy entry for the payment of Vat Rs 0.647 Million procedures to be strictly adhered by the institutions in has been lodged by Puthukudiyirupu Pradeshiya order to avoid recurring such irregularities and directed the sabha against contractors to take legal action. C.A.O. / A.O. to take action to recover any amounts due and submit a report to the Committee. 09.Although a large extent of state lands were made At the mentioned land following buildings were available at Poonakari in the district of Kilinochchi a sum constructed: of Rs. 3.75 Mn had been paid of 31st December 2011 by 1. Out Patient Department 2. Maternity ward the Provincial Ministry of Health for acquisition of 15 3. Male wards Acres of land to construct MOH office building at 4. Female wards Poonakari. Even though 5 acres was already owned by the 5. Office of the Medical Officer of Health Department which was donated by the public in August 6. Quarters for Medical Officers 2010. As a result Rs. 750,000/- was overpaid. Further, 7. Quarters for Health staff valuation reports from the Chief Valuer of the Valuation It was planned to construct following buildings in Department was not obtained prior to making the payment. due course: 1. Children’s' ward

2. Quarters for Para medical staff 3. Quarters for Nursing Officers 4. Quarters for Public Health Midwives 5. Wastage Management System 6. Garage for Ambulance

Rs. 3.75 Mn was deposited to the account of District Secretary, Kilinochchi for the purpose of this above said land acquisition. Valuation report was sent to Divisional Secretary - Poonagary from Chief Valuer of the Department of Valuation by his letter No. KN/LA/21 of 27.07.2016. The land was valued for Rs. 5.00 Million Rupees. The Land acquisition process had been completed by District Secretary, Kilinochchi.


Action taken by the committee to rectify the Shortcomings identified by the committee/directives shortcomings/implement the given by the committee recommendations/current status 10.Pension contribution of Rs. 137,776,442/- made by the Other than Jaffna Municipal council, the all- officers of the Local Government Services had not been outstanding balance has been settled to the Pension remitted to the Director of Pension by the Local department. Out of Rs 115,690,253.42, Jaffna Authorities in Jaffna and Mannar district. Municipal Council has settled Rs 20 million by

The C.A.O./ A.O. stated that action was being taken to pay cheque No.382559 dated 29.03.2019 up to now and the pension to the respective pensioners. Replying to a balance amount of Rs.95,690,253.42 will be settled query of the Committee what had caused the delay in down by monthly Rs.10Mn. installment basis. making payments, the C.A.O, / A.O. stated that it was due to the issues prevailing such as no proper identification of the pensioners. He further stated that a Committee had been appointed to proceed with the work related to the delayed payments of pensions in collaboration with the Pensions Department.

The Committee directed the C.AO. / A.O. to complete the task before the end of year 2017 as a considerable delay had already been caused and a severe injustice had been caused to the pensioners.

11.The Secretary to the ministry of Education Northern During the examination of Report of the Auditor province had made irregular appointment to the teacher General on the Financial Statement of the Northern who had been terminated from the service on 31 July 2007 Provincial Council for the year ended 31 December by the Secretary to the line Ministry of Education and 2015 which was tabled at the meeting of Committee payment of Rs. 428,482 had been made as salary in respect of the above mentioned officer. on Provincial Public Accounts which was held on 25.7.2018 and 31.07.2018 respectively, the following decision was taken by the committee as The C.A.O./A.O stated that the service of the respective follows: teacher had been terminated on disciplinary grounds and subsequently he had forwarded an appeal to the Hon. “According to the Provincial Council’s Act section Governor. The Hon. Governor had referred the Matter to 33(8), the decision taken by the former the secretary to the Provincial Public service commission and the respective teacher had been reinstated by the Hon.Governor had not been changed by the existing public service commission. He further explained that as an Hon.Governor. Therefore, the decision of the irregularity had caused in his reinstatement, his service Hon.Governor in his discretion is final. would be terminated after the approval of the Hon. Therefore, the officer could not be affected by the Governor had been received and action would be taken to decision taken by the Public Service Commission recover the dues. and Hon.Governor and the recovery had not been

made.” (Annexure 03) The committee directed the C.A.O. /A.O to study the issue thoroughly and send a comprehensive report detailing the facts, whether the school is a private or government Therefore, further action had not been taken by the school, who is the appointing authority, whether the relevant authorities. termination of the teacher had been properly done, whether the reinstatement had been properly done and the current situation of the issue within a month to the committee.



Parliamentary Session No:

Name of Institute: Colombo Municipal Council

Shortcomings identified by Action taken by the committee to rectify the shortcomings / Implement the committee/ directives the recommendations / current status. given by the committee

01.It was revealed before the 1). Out of the outstanding amount of Rs. 350,848,264.62 that was due from Committee that the outstanding government ministries and departments as at 31.12.2016, a sum of Rs. income by the end of the year 61,135,645.02 has already been recovered. Approval of the Chief Minister has 2016 was Rs. 4150 million and been granted to write off the outstanding amount of Rs. 41 million relating to 42% of it was the assessment 34 government properties, and necessary action is being taken in that regard. taxes of properties and the Steps are being taken to collect the assessment taxes that are outstanding from outstanding of Rs. 517,110,341/- of 182 units of government state institutes through negotiations by visiting those institutes and by carrying properties was included in it. out on-site examinations to resolve the prevailing issues relating to The reason for not collecting this government properties. outstanding tax income was inquired. 2). As some embassies did not belong to the category of government property, embassies have been categorized under government property since 2019, and accordingly, necessary action is being taken to correct the account by removing the fine of Rs. 11,643,382.27 that had existed up to 31.12.2018. As per the negotiations conducted with the Ministry of External Affairs, necessary action is being taken to refer to the Chief Minister to get the approval for writing off the outstanding amount of Rs. 9,297,451.69 that had remained unpaid before year 2007. Ministry of External Affairs has agreed to pay all the amounts that are outstanding after year 2000.

3). Necessary action is being taken to recover the amounts that are due from semi-government institutes by informing them of the outstanding balances through letters and to conduct negotiations and to carry out on-site examinations to resolve the issues regarding recovery of outstanding amounts and existence of outstanding balances.

4). As it has been understood when resolving tax payers’ issues that there is no proper awareness among people about paying assessment tax, necessary steps are being taken to put up advertising boards to persuade people to pay assessment tax by raising awareness among them about the need for paying assessment tax.

5). It has been difficult to recover the outstanding taxes due from certain properties due to judicial action and unresolved issues regarding those properties.

6). Facilities have been improved for people to pay the assessment tax as follows:

x Keeping the payment counters open during weekdays and weekends for people to make payments; x Providing online payment facilities; x Providing facilities for people to make payments through the branches of Peoples Bank, Bank of Ceylon and Commercial Bank within the Colombo Municipal Council area; and Providing facilities to pay assessment tax through credit cards.


Shortcomings identified by the Action taken by the committee to rectify the shortcomings / Implement the committee/ recommendations / current status. directives given by the committee Present situation with regard to surcharges – as at 10.04.2019 02.Legal action had not been taken to Surcharge Certificate Surcharge No. of Reason Amount Present collect the amount of No. Certificate surcharge (Rs.) situation Rs. 357,979.09/- for five surcharge issued date payers certificates related to and their illegal payments. names. 01. 27.04.2006 1. Mr. Illegal 61,135.00 Surcharge WN/CB/D/ʯǝ/2003/01(v) Prasanna payments payers Gunawardane (Former – No. 19 have been Mayor) – 6102 informed 2. Mr. J.A.S. Settling in writing Liyanage fuel to pay (Retired expenses their Municipal Commissioner) of the surcharges. 3. Mr. Y.K. vehicle. Vithanage (Transport Officer) Surcharge Total 61,135.00

Details of surcharges that have been settled

Surcharge Certificate Surcharge Amount (Rs.) No. Certificate issued date WN/CB/A/01/01/1996 17.11.2013 91,194.20 WN/CB/D/ʯǝ/2003/01(i) 27.04.2006 33,559.88 WN/CB/D/ʯǝ/2003/01(iii) 27.04.2006 64,429.83 WN/CB/D/ʯǝ/2003/01(ii) 27.04.2006 143,534.98 WN/CB/D/ʯǝ/2003/01(iv) 27.04.2006 55,319.40

03.Steps taken in We have been informed through the letter dated 09.04.2019 bearing reference regard to the 05/02/ʯ˘/˚ˬ/˳˚ʣǐ/˳ˁʣ˨˟/2012 of the Additional Director General of the Urban unauthorized units in Development Authority that a list of about 2,000 unauthorized units identified in the the Municipal Colombo city has been prepared, and a methodology has been prepared to take Council. appropriate legal action regarding that on the approval of the Board of Management of the Urban Development Authority, and that the Minister of Megapolis and Western Development, in terms of the powers vested in him under the Urban Development Act, has appointed an Advisory Committee under the provisions of Gazette Extraordinary No. 2015/19 of 09.01.2019, and the aforesaid unauthorized units are being investigated through that Committee. A copy of the said letter and the relevant gazette notification have been attached hereto. As per the documented information available in the record- room for the period of 2012 – 2016, 1706 complaints have been received regarding unauthorized constructions. On-site investigations have been carried out and necessary action has been taken regarding these complaints, and action has been taken to file cases at courts regarding 42 complaints that have not been able to be resolved:


Shortcomings identified by Action taken by the committee to rectify the shortcomings / Implement the committee/ directives the recommendations / current status. given by the committee

x out of them 15 cases have been settled through the courts; x court orders have been issued to remove 14 unauthorized constructions, and 02 of those constructions have already been removed; revision applications have been submitted to the high court regarding 07 cases and they are being heard at present. 04.It was revealed that the Although tenders were called on two occasions, i.e. on 19 December 2007 and income received from on 24 July 2009, for construction of street name boards, no tenderer had hoardings/gantries was not at a submitted tenders for that. Therefore it was decided by the Colombo satisfactory level and there was Municipal Council to call for tenders once again combining construction of no income assessment in that street name boards and maintenance of gantries. That decision was reached regard. based on the understanding that the funds required for construction of street

name boards could be obtained through maintenance of gantries.

Tender conditions were revised so that the said objective could be achieved, and tenders were invited in April 2010 for maintenance of 38 gantries and for construction of 10 new gantries, and an additional permission was granted for the construction and maintenance of 1525 street name boards. The tender was awarded for a period of 08 years beginning from 11 August 2010.

Time was given as follows for construction of 1525 street name boards and 10 new gantries (subject to a maximum of 03 years). Two (02) of those 10 gantries were to be constructed in hospital square and were to be allocated for displaying information of the Colombo Municipal Council. First year – Construction and maintenance of 10 gantries and 400 street name boards. Second year - Construction and maintenance of 400 street name boards. Third year - Construction and maintenance of 725 street name boards. The private company named Richardson Outdoor, which was qualified for this, is successfully carrying the relevant construction activities and maintenance work and is giving the income. As per a decision made by the Colombo Municipal Council in line with the 150th anniversary of the Council that fell in year 2015, it was decided to fix house number plates for each and every household by the Colombo Municipal Council, and tenders were invited in August 2015 for the survey on house numbers for 120,000 (maximum 130,000) house number plates and for making and fixing house number plates. Further, the tenderers were also asked to submit alternative proposals in addition to the proposal presented by the Colombo Municipal Council. On this occasion, too, Richardson Outdoor Private Company was the qualified tenderer according to the specifications. As an alternative proposal they had proposed that the cost for fixing house number plates by the Colombo Municipal Council should be borne by the tenderer himself, and for that they had proposed that the tender for maintenance of street name boards and gantries be extended for a period of 15 years from 11 August 2018. The Finance Committee accepted that alternative proposal with certain revisions, and accordingly, the tender for maintenance of 1,525 street name boards and 48 gantries was extended for a period of 12 years beginning from



Shortcomings identified by the Action taken by the committee to rectify the shortcomings / Implement the committee/ directives recommendations / current status. given by the committee 11 August 2018, and the tender for fixing 120,000 (maximum 130,000) house number plates within a period of 03 years and 03 months was awarded to that company. It included construction of 10 new gantries and 1,500 new street name boards and converting of 15 gantries to “LED” and maintenance of those gantries. (Annexe 04 – Agreement No. 121/2016)

Accordingly, the income and the financial gains received by the Colombo Municipal Council through the tender for fixing house number plates is as follows:

If Colombo Municipal Council had incurred the capital expenditure for house number plates, the cost that the Council would have borne is as follows:

Description Quantity Unit Cost Cost (Rs.) (Rs.) House number plates 120,000 981.00 117,720,000.00

Street name boards 58,026.25 1,500 87,039,375.00

Gantries 5,135,874.00 10 51,358,740.00 ( Total capital expenditure saving (Rs.) 256,118,115.00 If Colombo Municipal Councils incurs maintenance cost from August 2018 onwards, the total cost that the Council will have to bear is as follows:

Annual Expenditure Unit cost Description Quantity expenditure for 12 years per year (Rs.) (Rs.) Street name 2,852.00 3,025 8,627,300.00 103,527,600.00 boards (Annex 06) 300,800.00 Gantries 58 17,446,400.00 209,356,800.00 (nnex 07) Total maintenance cost (Rs.) 26,073,700.00 312,884,400.00 The rent income earned by Colombo Municipal Council since August 2018 by extending the tender for maintenance of street name boards and gantries is as follows. Income for 12 Description Quantity years (Rs.) Ground rent for gantries 56 245,699,712.00 Ground rent for street name boards 3,025 34,797,600.00 Display tax for LED Gantries 7 39,200,000.00 Total ground rent / tax cost (Rs.) 319,697,312.00


Shortcomings identified by the Action taken by the committee to rectify the shortcomings / Implement the committee/ directives recommendations / current status. given by the committee

According to the abovementioned facts, the financial benefit that Colombo Municipal Council will get by bearing no cost for Rs. gantries, street name boards and house number plates, and by 888,699,827.00 receiving a rent income.

If tenders had been invited in August 2018, the total income that could be received for gantries and street name boards would be as follows (on RDA basis): Unit cost Income for 12 Description Quantity (Rs.) years (Rs.) RDA ground rental considered for 57 700,000.00 478,800,000.00 gantries Display tax on 1525 street name 3025 1,068.00 38,768,400.00 boards The income that Colombo Municipal Council can get for a 517,568,400.00 period of 12 years on RDA basis According to the above calculations, the additional income and the financial benefit that the Colombo Municipal Council will get on RDA basis for a period of 12 years is Rs. 888,699,827.00 – Rs.517,568,400.00 = Rs. 371,131,427.00. 05.Present situation with regard to waste Waste management activities in the Colombo City are carried out mainly on the 3R management. (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) methodology, and special attention is paid towards the methodologies that have been adopted by various local institutes and those in foreign countries as well in waste management.

Implementing the methodologies that are used locally and in foreign countries.

Preparation of a garbage collection timetable according to a proper route plan and supervision of field operations according to that timetable are a standard methodology used in developed countries for an effective and efficient garbage collection system, and at present, Colombo Municipal Council, too, is carrying out its field operations within its area according to a proper running chart and a timetable. Further, the Council has taken steps to raise awareness among people about this matter by distributing leaflets, giving publicity through announcements using loud speakers, putting up notice boards by roadsides and by publishing in the website of the Municipal Council. At present, the Council has been able to manage its vehicles and workers more efficiently by following those steps and by collecting garbage according to a proper timetable.

Moreover, developed countries use GPS technology to examine whether garbage collection operations that should be carried out in the field as mentioned above are properly implemented practically, and similarly, Colombo Municipal Council, too, examines through GPS technology whether the vehicles that are used for solid waste management activities in its area are following the relevant running plan. Through this the Council has been able to carry out of field activities more properly and also to minimize complaints from the public.

Eco Kiosks have been established for the District Offices of the Colombo Municipal Council, and recyclable materials that are collected on scheduled days


Shortcomings identified by Action taken by the committee to rectify the shortcomings / Implement the committee/ directives the recommendations / current status. given by the committee

are collected at these Kiosks and are sent for recycling.

Further, people can come to these Kiosks, which are established in the following locations, and can hand over recyclable waste to these Kiosks:

x Green Path x Torrington x Vauxhall Street x Kuppiyawatta x Roxy Watta, Wellawatta x Aluth Mawatha

A project for burning of waste under standard, environmentally friendly conditions that are used in foreign countries and for using technology for generating electricity through that is being constructed in Keralwalapitiya area. Construction work of the project is being carried out by a company named Western Power, and about 50% of the construction work has been completed at present. It has been planned to commence its operations in September this year. The said company entered into an agreement with Colombo Municipal Council on 08.12.2017 under agreement No. 67/2017.

Awareness programmes on minimizing generation of waste, reusing and recycling have been conducted at various levels as follows:

x at school level x at government, semi-government and private institute level x from house to house x through street dramas x through leaflets and notice boards x using loud speakers.

Budget proposals for 2019 contain a proposal for implementing a pilot project to use smaller garbage compactors to collect garbage in narrow roads situated away from the main roads, and to load the garbage collected by those smaller compactors on to large compactors with high capacity at identified locations for transporting the garbage for final disposal.

According to the standard methodology adopted by other countries, too, in solid waste management, solid waste should be sorted at the very place where waste is generated (Source Segregation) in order to maintain the quality of recyclable waste at a higher level, and also to give the proper, final engineering solution for each type of waste, and accordingly, a methodology has been introduced for Colombo Municipal Council area to sort garbage into three parts.

With the view to providing a high quality service to the public, a “special whistle” has been introduced for garbage compactors in order to inform the people that the garbage compactors have come to their area, and that method is being implemented successfully.


Shortcomings identified by Action taken by the committee to rectify the shortcomings / Implement the committee/ directives the recommendations / current status. given by the committee

A special trailer that is separated into several parts that are covered is used to collect recyclable waste.

The concept of “waste fair”, which is successfully implemented in foreign countries, has been introduced by Colombo Municipal Council, too, at present, and this programme is currently implemented monthly mainly in the low- income areas in the Colombo City. Through this programme people get the opportunity to sell their recyclable waste to recycling companies and get money and to give reusable items for reusing. When this programme is conducted, people are informed of the date and the venue of the programme through leaflets, loud speakers and using new technology such as Facebook.

Compost bins have been distributed among institutes and house free of charge, and special compost bins made of concrete, too, are distributed for providing according to the requirement.

Awareness programmes are conducted continuously in order to raise awareness among people about maintaining the activities of sorting of garbage, which should be done by people, at a satisfactory level.

The method of bailing has been introduced for recyclable waste and also for identified, non-recyclable waste, and it helps store more waste properly in a smaller area and also helps minimize the cost for transporting waste.

Arrangements are being made to install CCTV cameras to identify unauthorized garbage dumping locations on street sides and to prevent people from dumping garbage at those places.

Action is being taken to purchase a special vehicle that has CCTV cameras. It is expected to use it as a mobile vehicle to cover specified locations within Colombo Municipal Council area. In 2016, a suitable land was identified in Othekele in Ja-Ela for commencing the construction work of a semi- engineered sanitary landfill according to the standard specifications and designing of the sanitary landfill was completed. However, construction of the sanitary landfill could not be completed due to the huge public protest that was raised when constructing the access road to this site.

We are committed to protecting the environment by informing people that polythene should not be burnt by people and by educating people through leaflets on the damage that could be caused by burning of polythene.

During Shramadana programmes carried out in Colombo city, people were asked to properly sort the waste, and awareness was raised among organizers of Shramadana programmes and among people through leaflets that contained information on how waste should be sorted, the waste that is properly sorted are removed.


Shortcomings identified by Action taken by the committee to rectify the shortcomings / Implement the committee/ directives the recommendations / current status. given by the committee

When getting building plans approved, a report containing the plan for sorting the waste should be submitted together with building plans for apartment complexes, and the plan for sorting garbage should be approved. Clearance certificate is issued to institutes that get such plans approved. When issuing the certificate of conformity, examinations are carried out at field level to find out whether action is taken in terms of that report. Certificate of conformity is not issue to apartment complexes that do not take action in terms of that report, and even after issuing the certificate of conformity, follow-up is done to find out whether action is taken properly. These activities are fulfilled within 05 working days under the ‘Single Window Service’.

A methodology is in place for receiving public complaints using a special mobile phone technology (a smart mobile app) and for responding to such complaints.

Arrangements have been made to adopt the technology to use a special waste bin and to use a special garbage compactor to remove those bins (smart truck for smart bin removal). When this waste bin is filled, a message is sent to the lorry by the bin using its technology.

Attention has been paid to identify special locations with the intervention of people and to commence projects to make compost. (Eg: Gothamipura)

Necessary arrangements have been planned to introduce special machines that can be used to make compost within a very short period of time.

Steps that have been taken to minimize waste generation

Waste management in Colombo Municipal Council area, from which a large number of people obtain facilities (an area in which over 500,000 people live, and to which over 600,000 people come for their day-to-day needs and for employment), which is terribly busy, but spread in a very limited area, is extremely difficult and is a very complex process that should be done with proper organization; however, giving an example to the other parts of the country as well, Colombo Municipal Council carries out a lot of activities to direct people to hand over properly sorted waste and to minimize through 3R method the amount of waste that is sent for final disposal. Such activities include: Principals of all the schools situated within Colombo Municipal Council area were called and an awareness programme was very successfully conducted to raise awareness among schools to minimize the amount of waste that is removed from schools. As a result of conducting that programme, a large number of schools within Colombo Municipal Council area including the leading schools are implementing their internal waste management system very successfully to the level that they do not need to hand over their waste to Colombo Municipal Council, and the amount of waste that is handed over by the other schools, too, has been minimized. The measures adopted by those schools include getting the children to bring food only in food containers and keeping a separate container for themselves to drink drinks. By adopting these measures, schools have removed the waste


Shortcomings identified by Action taken by the committee to rectify the shortcomings / Implement the committee/ directives the recommendations / current status. given by the committee

bins that had been placed in the school premises and have minimized dumping of polythene and bottles in the school premises thereby minimizing the spread of dangerous diseases such as dengue. Awareness programmes were conducted for all the hotels and restaurants, too, that are run within the city and during those programmes they were asked to handover the waste food that is suitable for consumption by animals directly to institutes that collect such waste food for consumption by animals, and to handover the recyclable waste that is collected in large amounts directly to garbage recycling centres, and instruction were also given to take steps to minimize generation of waste.

Places where the waste food suitable for animal consumption collected in the Colombo city can be handed over have identified at district level and those institutes have been introduced to those places, and they have been directed to hand over such animal feed directly to those institutes, and thereby, the amount of garbage that is sent for final disposal has been minimized.

People have been asked to sort the waste as biodegradable, non-biodegradable recyclable and non-biodegradable non-recyclable, and days of the week have been allocated for collecting each type of waste, and each type of waste is collected separately on those days according to a set timetable, and notice boards have been put up along each street and in Watta areas displaying to people the days on which each type of waste will be collected.

Programmes that are carried out daily to raise awareness among people through posters, by going from house to house distributing leaflets, through advertising vehicles, and street dramas are implemented properly.

Colombo Municipal Council does not limit the waste management process to raising awareness among people on the need to sort waste and to properly collecting the properly sorted waste, it is also engaged in going back to people and obtaining their views and suggestions. Households are provided with compost bins free of charge to make compost using household waste, and a detailed leaflet is also distributed giving information about how compost is made using waste. In addition to that, a follow-up is carried out about this, and people are directed to make compost using the biodegradable waste collected in households, and through these measures, the amount of garbage that is sent for final disposal has been reduced considerably.

For the wellbeing of the people living in low-income Watta areas, 5,000 green coloured waste bins have been distributed among them in order to collect the biodegradable waste collected in their households. Through this people have minimized the use of polythene bags for collecting garbage, and also, the amount of dirty polythene that is added to non-biodegradable waste has been minimized through that. It is intended to expand this programme further in future.

The managements of the leading supermarkets that are operated in Colombo City were called and were given necessary instructions to minimize the use of polythene, and as a result, some of the companies have introduced


Shortcomings identified by Action taken by the committee to rectify the shortcomings / Implement the committee/ directives the recommendations / current status. given by the committee

reusable bags to their trade networks, and another project is due to be implemented parallel to this. Colombo city has undergone a rapid development during the period of past 06 – 07 years. The number of towering buildings that were constructed within Colombo city during the period of past 06 years is 520. The number of housing schemes that have been constructed under the National Housing Development Authority and Urban Development Authority is 75. Residential population in the city is on the rise, too. However, due to the success of various programmes implemented by the Solid Waste Management Division to sort waste and to collect sorted waste, and to minimize waste, a considerable increase cannot be seen comparatively in the amount of solid waste that is disposed.

Steps that have been taken to recycle solid waste and to further strengthen that methodology

In waste management, according to the standard methodology, solid waste should be sorted at the very place where waste is generated (Source Segregation) in order to maintain the quality of recyclable waste at a higher level, and also to give the proper, final engineering solution for each type of waste, and accordingly, a methodology has been introduced for Colombo Municipal Council area to sort garbage into three parts as biodegradable, non- biodegradable recyclable and non-biodegradable non-recyclable, and raising awareness among people about this is carried out continuously.

When collecting waste, only the waste that has been sorted in this manner is collected, and on no occasion does Colombo Municipal Council remove waste that has not been sorted. Further, when sorting of garbage has become weak, the relevant institutes/households are further educated on sorting of garbage.

This has completely prevented recyclable materials from being sent to the yard mixed with other waste. Field staff including workers of the Municipal Council and workers of other contracted companies have been educated thoroughly on this matter and they have been trained for that.

Each district office maintains more than one recyclable waste collection center (Eco Kiosk Center), and people can come to these centres and can directly hand over recyclable waste to these centres.

District offices deploy the relevant vehicles for collecting recyclable waste according to the relevant running timetable on the allocated days of the week, and the recyclable waste that is collected in this manner is stored in collection centres and is sent for recycling.

Each district office holds a monthly waste fair, and it provides people the opportunity for earning an income by selling their recyclable waste at this fair, and it also encourages people to sort recyclable waste. Arrangements are also being made to increase the number of fairs that will be held in future.

Coordination with institutes that collect waste for recycling is improved and action is taken to provide facilities required for further recycling.


Shortcomings identified by Action taken by the committee to rectify the shortcomings / Implement the committee/ directives the recommendations / current status. given by the committee

A programme is implemented continuously to educate the school community on recycling waste and on the importance of recycling waste, and a greater cooperation is received for that at school level.

As a long-term project for the final disposal of waste, construction of the Aruwakkalu sanitary landfill and Kerawalapitiya Waste to Energy project are being implemented at present.

Operations of the Waste to Energy project are due to be commenced in October 2019, and until operations of this project are commenced, biodegradable waste and non-biodegradable, non-recyclable waste that is collected in the Colombo City has been temporarily disposed at Kerawalapitiya waste yard since May 2017.

Land Reclamations and Development Corporation has informed the Colombo Municipal Council that the relevant place does not have sufficient space at present, and that the temporary waste disposal that is done at present will have to be stopped in future accordingly.

Under these circumstances, it becomes unable to dispose biodegradable waste and non-biodegradable, non-recyclable waste that is collected daily in the Colombo city, and therefore serious disturbances are caused to removal of garbage from all places such as households, public and the private sector institutes, schools, business places, hospitals and hotels. This could result in creation of heaps of garbage along roadsides and causing of great disturbances to the beauty of Colombo city thereby causing problematic situations to the tourism industry.

Payment of Compensation

Colombo Municipal Council has paid over Rs. 908 million from time to time as compensation to families living in Meetotamulla area.

Until 1987, garbage that was collected from the Colombo city was dumped at a marshy land close to Kelani Bridge (At present this land is used as Navaloka Stadium), but because of the public protest that was raised there, garbage collected from the Colombo city was dumped at the land in Meetotamulla from 1988 to 1990.

However, as public protests were raised from time to time against this, Colombo Municipal Council looked for alternative places to dump garbage, but it was not successful.

In 1995 a situation arose where garbage could not be dumped any further in Meetotamulla area, and Colombo Municipal Council withdrew from carrying out operations in the relevant location. After that, as temporary measures, the Council dumped garbage at identified locations in areas such as Wanawasala, Ekala, Wattala, Bopitiya and Ja-Ela in order to fullfil the requirement of disposing garbage.


Shortcomings identified by Action taken by the committee to rectify the shortcomings / Implement the committee/ directives the recommendations / current status. given by the committee

In 2001, a contract was awarded to a company that was selected through the accepted tender procedure for implementing a compost project in Bloemendhal area, but as the quality of the compost made there did not reach the expected level, that project failed resulting in the creation of a huge garbage heap there. Because of a court order that was issued against that process, Colombo Municipal Council withdrew from Bloemendhal area, and under these circumstances, in a situation where there was no alternative place to dispose the waste that was collected in Colombo City, the Urban Development Authority awarded the garbage dumping site at Meetotamulla temporarily to Colombo Municipal Council to dump garbage. During this entire series of activities, a number of long-term projects with scientific and engineering solutions under foreign aid were proposed, but those projects could not be implemented because of the strong public protests that were sparked in the relevant areas.

06.Unsystematic digging in National Water Supply and Drainage Board is replacing the decayed water the roads in Colombo and the pipes with new ones along a distance of about 500 km in the Colombo city. delay in restoring them to the Contribution of the Asian Development Bank has been received for this proper condition. project. It was informed by the National Water Supply and Drainage Board that about 49% of the water supply in the Colombo city is wasted because of the pipe line system that is about 100 years old. .

This project was commenced in 2015. Under this project, Colombo city has been divided into four parts and pipelines are laid by contractors that are specialized in that.

The responsibility of the Colombo Municipal Council is to grant permission to dig the roads belonging to the Council. It is the responsibility of the National Water Supply and Drainage Board to restore the roads to the previous condition soon after laying the pipelines.

Before digging the roads, the necessary approval has to be obtained from the Police Department as well. As this is a nationally important project, Colombo Municipal Council should extend its fullest cooperation to implement this project.

Complaints have been received against the great disturbances that are caused by long delays to the residents in the Colombo city and to the people who come to the Colombo city daily. Various technological methods are used to monitor the activities of this project. Meetings are held with the chief engineers every two weeks regarding the progress of this project.

Further, officers of the Colombo Municipal Council examine these sites at night every day. About 30 – 40 sites are examined at night.

Although the National Water Supply and Drainage Board, after laying the pipelines, restore the relevant places to their previous condition, Colombo Municipal Council reconstructs the entire road on certain occasions.


Parliamentary Session No: 57

Name of Institute: Kattankudy Urban Council

Shortcomings identified by the Action taken by the committee to rectify the shortcomings / committee/ directives given by Implement the recommendations / current status. the committee 01.The garbage disposal is not Under the project “Zero Solid Waste” the solid wastages from ten satisfactory in Batticaloa and wards are collected and separated as biodegradable and non-bio surrounding areas degradable and boa degradable wastages are made in to compost from non-degradable wastages things which can be recycled are separated and the rest of them are send to koduwamadu land fill. Now in 2019 more action are taken for composting with the arrival of the Kawashima Machine.

02.A Ferry used for passenger The owner ship for the ferry has been changed to Kattankudy Urban transport service between Kinniya Council from Road Development Authority. and Trincomalee had been brought to Kattankudy in 2012, incurring a The siecessaly steps have been taken for the above for ferry cost of Rs.323,550/- to be used for according to recommendation for the committee of the Board of transport service from Service year 2018. Kokkadicholai and also the Divisional Secretariat, Kattankudy had spent a sum of Rs. 489,500/- for the repairs of the Ferry. The Ferry has been idling up ti 15th September 2017 and inquired about the state of the ferry.

03.The library building complex The agreement has been nullified and the building along with assets that has been valued at Rs. has been taken over by Kattankudy Urban Council and committee 125,000/- per month by the has been appointed to carry out the valuation for the assets taken Department of valuation had been over from the above organization. rented out for Rs. 5,000/- per month The necessary steps have been taken to declare those assets as the in 2014. assets of the Katankudy.

38 cs;sf> cs;ehl;lYty;fs;> khfhz rigfs; kw;Wk; cs;@huhl;rp mikr;R (khfhz rigfs; kw;Wk; cs;@huhl;rpg; gpupT)

fkd' 330" hQkshka fmfoi" fld A+dpad; gpNs];> nfhOk;G 02. No. 330, Union Place, Colombo 02.

tl khfhz rig> VwhT+u; efu rig> fSj;Jiw gpuNjr rig> fhj;jhd;Fb efu rig> nfhOk;G khefu rig> njd; khfhz rig> ghze;Ju efu rig Mfpa epWtdq;fspd; ghuhSkd;w mur fzf;Ff; FOtpdhy; Kd;itf;fg;gl;l mwpf;if njhlu;ghf epiyapaw; fl;lis ,yf;fk; 119(4) ,d; fPo; nfsut mikr;rupd; mtjhdpg;Gf;fSk; kw;Wk; mJ njhlu;ghf vLf;fg;gLk; eltbf;iffSk; ghuhSkd;wj;jpw;F rku;g;gpj;jy; (2017.06.06 ,ypUe;J 2017.12.08 tiu)