World Food Daily Situation Report Programme 23 August 2005


The remaining 176 trucks loaded with maize en route from Cotonou have now crossed the bypass into Niger (carrying 6,790 MT).

As of 22 August, a total of 3,186 MTs has been distributed to 215,544 people in the first round of general distributions.

The current shortfall of WFP’s operation is 31.1 million US dollars, corresponding to 42,564 metric tonnes of food.


No security incidents to report. The country of Niger is under security phase 0, with the exception of region which is under phase 1.


All international staff (TDY, missions and long term CO staff) are now in place. The WFP sub-offices are fully functional with international Heads of Sub-Office at each office.

VSAT installation is complete in Maradi and is being installed in and then the team will move on to .


4.1 Target populations/beneficiaries

WFP, the National Food Security Mechanism (DNPGCA1) and NGO partners are collaborating closely to reach the 2.7 million people that the Government’s National Early Warning system has determined are in urgent need of food aid.

For the first round of general distributions, WFP food will reach 1.89 million beneficiaries and the rest will be covered by the DNPGCA, PLAN International and Catholic Relief Services2 (CRS) pipelines. In September, WFP and its partners will conduct a second distribution to the 1.7 million most food insecure beneficiaries.

4.2 Food Distributions

For the 1st round of general distributions, WFP is collaborating with ABC Ecologie, Africare, CARE International, Caritas, CRS, GOAL, IFRC, PDR/ADM and World Vision.

WFP has thus far dispatched a total of 5,460 MTs of food for these distributions, enough food to feed 318,388 people.

1 Dispositif National de Prévention et de Gestion des Crises Alimentaires- an institutional mechanism made up of the Government, donors and UN agencies responsible for the management of the national reserves of food and cash. 2 Please note that CRS purchased food as a one time activity and has no immediate intentions of maintaining a continuous pipeline in Niger.


1st Round General Distributions- Dispatches Departmen Beneficiarie Partner Region t s MTs ABC Ecologie Tillaberi 45,927 812

CARE Maradi 20,013 302 GOAL Zinder Goure 13,580 260 GOAL Zinder 5,285 77 GOAL Zinder 9,100 160 GOAL Zinder Zinder 13,580 200 HELP Tillaberi Tera 5,495 151 PDR/ADM Tahoua Keita 124,873 2,196 World Vision Maradi 36,400 555 World Vision Maradi 22,519 382 World Vision Zinder Goure 17,710 305 World Vision Zinder Mirriah 3,906 61 TOTAL 318,388 5,460

Distributions through the first round of general distributions began on 8 August by ABC Ecologie in the department of Ouallam. In addition to ABC Ecologie, GOAL, PDR/ADM and World Vision have all begun distributions. Below is a table of actual beneficiaries and metric tonnes distributed.

1st Round Actual Distributions Beneficiarie Partner Region s MTs ABC Ecologie Tillaberi 71,820 872 PDR/ADM Tahoua 68,677 1,026 World Vision Maradi 32,254 553 World Vision Zinder 14,672 252 GOAL Zinder 28,121 483 TOTAL 215,544 3,186


Niger EMOP 10398.0 requires a total of 57.6 million US dollars. Overall, the operation is 43% funded, having received 26.5 million US dollars in contributions. The current shortfall is 31.1 million US dollars, corresponding to 42,564 metric tonnes of food.

Despite the recently confirmed cash contributions to EMOP 10398 (enabling the purchase of an additional 600 MT of pulses), WFP continues to face a significant shortage of pulses for August and September. Given financial and logistic constraints, it is not envisaged that 100% of the pulse requirements for the two rounds of general distributions can be made available in time. For this reason, WFP is reviewing the potential to reduce the ration of pulses (from 15kg to 10 kg) in the second round of general distributions. The pipeline below takes this into account.

Efforts continue to be underway to ensure that arriving commodities are targeting regions so that requirements of levels 1 and 2 (where needs are most acute) are prioritized.

2 In the below pipeline, the months of August and September have been joined so that the overall requirements and food arrivals for the two rounds of General Distributions (as well as the supplementary feeding during this time) can be reviewed together.

Cereals Pulses Oil Sugar CSB HEB TOTAL August and September 2005 Estimated Requirements 39,487 6,480 910 198 2,661 101 49,651 Opening Stocks 3,038 23 323 - - - 3,570 Scheduled Arrivals: WFP 35,858 4,860 500 - 3,136 101 44,454 Borrowings (Repayments) 2,351 1,650 390 - - - 4,391 Available vs. Requirements 100% 100% 100% 0% 100% 100% 100% Closing stocks/(Shortfall) 1,760 53 303 (198) 847 - 2,764 October 2005 Estimated Requirements 3,590 1,077 153 122 1,525 - 6,467 Opening Stocks 7,177 1,602 75 - 475 - 9,514 Scheduled Arrivals: WFP 2,000 210 510 366 1,050 - 4,136 Borrowings (Repayments) (1,064) 300 (90) - - - (854) Available vs. Requirements 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% n/a 100% Closing stocks/(Shortfall) 4,523 1,035 342 244 186 - 6,329 November 2005 Estimated Requirements 3,590 1,077 - - - - 4,667 Opening Stocks 4,523 1,035 342 244 - - 6,329 Scheduled Arrivals: WFP - 382 - - - - 382 Borrowings (Repayments) (2,003) (550) - - - - (2,553) Available vs. Requirements 70% 80% n/a n/a n/a n/a 89% Closing stocks/(Shortfall) (1,071) (211) 342 244 186 - (510) December 2005 Estimated Requirements 3,590 1,077 - - - - 4,667 Opening Stocks - - 342 244 - - 772 Scheduled Arrivals: WFP 600 700 300 - - - 1,600 Borrowings (Repayments) (600) (1,488) (300) - - - (2,388) Available vs. Requirements 0% -73% n/a n/a n/a n/a 0% Closing stocks/(Shortfall) (3,590) (1,865) 342 244 186 - (4,684) * MTs funded through the IRA (and which need to be repaid) are included the pipeline.


The remaining 176 trucks loaded with maize en route from Cotonou have now crossed the bypass into Niger (carrying 6,790 MT). Some 105 trucks are already heading towards Niger EDPs, and the balance should complete customs formalities at the Niger border today.

Another airlift of 105 MT CSB from Italy is arriving this afternoon. It is envisaged that there will be one last additional flight of 36 MT, which will complete the 950 MT planned in the airlift, on 31 August.

WFP is putting in place a humanitarian air service and the airplane is in place in . A flight schedule is being developed taking in account the closing hours the airport due to runway repairs.

Niger Stocks 21 August 2005

Cereals Oil Pulses CSB HEB Total In-Country (MT) Niamey 26 0 9 256 7 298 Maradi 1,471 71 150 1,692 Zinder 965 17 90 90 3 1,165

3 Tahoua 878 154 60 250 1,342 TOTAL 3,340 243 309 595 10 4,497

Commodities in transit as at 22/08/05 Metric Tonnes Mode of At point Received Origin Commodity transport of origin* In transit at EDP Total MTs Brindisi CSB Airlift 38 105 807 950 Lome Rice Truck 0 1,079 4,018 5,097 Lome Rice Truck 960 6,589 2,451 10,000 Lome Rice** Truck 12,325 1,675 0 14,000 Cotonou Maize Truck 0 6,790 235 7,025 Abidjan Pulses Truck/Rail 400 0 0 400 Cotonou (LP) Rice Truck 0 410 1,547 1,957 Cotonou (LP) Rice Truck 0 1,372 0 1,372 Nigeria (LP) Pulses Truck 1,282 126 166 1,574 Nigeria (LP) Pulses Truck 426 0 0 426 Maradi (LP) Oil Truck 0 441 59 500 15,431 18,587 9,283 43,301


The UN Secretary General Koffi Annan is in Niger today and tomorrow. In accordance with the wishes of the Government, the SG’s visit will focus on medium and long term development activities. Today the SG will flew from Ghana to Zinder and will returned to Niamey this afternoon. The 24 August will be devoted to meetings in Niamey with the Government, UN and partner organizations.

WFP Senior Deputy Executive Director Jean-Jacques Graisse arrived in Niamey today and will stay until 26 August.