Mailing lists at DESY with SYMPA

SYstème de Multi-Postage Automatique

HEPiX Spring 2006 – Roma – Italia

Dirk Jahnke-Zumbusch

DESY Hamburg

Germany Outline

HAMBURG • ZEUTHEN ƒ SYMPA • SYstème de Multi-Postage Automatique • Comité Réseau des Universités (France)

ƒ the DESY-environment ƒ reasons to leave PMDF ƒ project objectives ƒ attractive features of SYMPA ƒ conclusions

HEPiX spring 2006 Mailing lists at DESY with SYMPA – Dirk Jahnke-Zumbusch DESY–IT 1 Reasons to leave PMDF

HAMBURG • ZEUTHEN DESY-environment: Hamburg (700 lists): ƒ ~ 7,000 ƒ old PMDF Version 5.2 addresses ƒ old PMDF needs Solaris 7 ƒ ~ 5,800 registered persons ƒ old hardware ƒ ~ 800 central lists in total 2 x Sun Ultra-10 ƒ ~ 30,000 distinct Îchange is necessary subscribers anyhow ƒ 3 different e-mail inbox Zeuthen (100 lists): server Hamburg: UNIX + Exchange Zeuthen: UNIX ƒ Majordomo ƒ MIME issues HEPiX spring 2006 Mailing lists at DESY with SYMPA – Dirk Jahnke-Zumbusch DESY–IT 2 Requirements

HAMBURG • ZEUTHEN user requirements: administrative requirements: ƒ web interface – ease of use ƒ reliability ƒ self-service configuration of ƒ web interface personal list behavior ƒ delegation ƒ distinct subscription options ƒ dynamic import of subscribers • mail ƒ easy integration into existing • digest for high frequency lists infrastructure (tech. & org.) • pausing during holidays ƒ virtual domains • archives (Web, ZIP) ƒ not yet another plethora of ƒ easy adaptation to local needs passwords… ƒ fulfillment of user requirements ƒ internationalization ƒ smooth transition HEPiX spring 2006 Mailing lists at DESY with SYMPA – Dirk Jahnke-Zumbusch DESY–IT 3 attractive features of SYMPA

HAMBURG • ZEUTHEN ƒ all user requirements named on ƒ reliability; used by many the previous slide are satisfied organizations ƒ delegation ƒ easy integration into existing infrastructure (tech. & org.) ƒ password only needed for list owners and web interface ƒ database backend ƒ self-service password ƒ multi-domain management ƒ easy adaptation to local needs ƒ multiple remote data sources ƒ basic RSS functionality ƒ list attribute management ƒ written in • inheritance of parameters for lists ƒ command line interface • specifically override parameters ƒ no changes for subscribers

HEPiX spring 2006 Mailing lists at DESY with SYMPA – Dirk Jahnke-Zumbusch DESY–IT 4 web interface features – refined – 1

HAMBURG • ZEUTHEN ƒ the web interface requires a password except for the most basic functionalities ƒ the username is the e-mail address or alternate e-mail, or LDAP UID ƒ self-service password management get the password on your own request immediatly ƒ the web interface looks similar for all roles ƒ searchable archives, ready for download ƒ document repositories

HEPiX spring 2006 Mailing lists at DESY with SYMPA – Dirk Jahnke-Zumbusch DESY–IT 5 hierarchical organisation features – refined – 2


super listmaster ƒ per server robot listmaster ƒ per robot (“virtual server”)

ƒ per list family [email protected]

editor ƒ per list [email protected] [email protected] owner ƒ per user subscriber

HEPiX spring 2006 Mailing lists at DESY with SYMPA – Dirk Jahnke-Zumbusch DESY–IT 6 delegation features – refined – 3

HAMBURG • ZEUTHEN ƒ role based administration • list masters aka “root” Î per server & per robot • list owners Î handle subscriptions & list configuration (basic/privileged) • moderatorsÎ distribute or reject messages • subscribersÎ receive & probably send e-mail ƒ enable list owners to tune list parameters themselves ƒ some training has to be provided ƒ may be defined by data sources ƒ basic workflow Î request list, “unsuspicous”, acknowledge

HEPiX spring 2006 Mailing lists at DESY with SYMPA – Dirk Jahnke-Zumbusch DESY–IT 7 list attribute management – general features – refined – 4

HAMBURG • ZEUTHEN ƒ parameters are inherited top-down ƒ site, robots, families and lists may have different attribute values if needed (and allowed) ƒ ~ 50 parameters defining a list Î “types” = presets of list parameters are offered ƒ families used by DESY-registry generated lists (groups of accounts Î lists of e-mail addresses) • fix parameters nobody may change, e.g. “closed” for subscription/unsubscription • leave attributed variable for list owners, e.g. URLize, subscription mode possibilities, …

HEPiX spring 2006 Mailing lists at DESY with SYMPA – Dirk Jahnke-Zumbusch DESY–IT 8 list attribute management – list families features – refined – 5


ƒ management of large number of lists with xyzzy similar properties IT … subject [% subj %] ƒ XML-input visibility noconceal [% IF sql %] … include_sql_query ƒ list template: skeleton of … sql_query select address from v_ml \ configuration file, XML- where ns=[% sql.ns %] \ and grp=[% sql.grpname %] variables are filled in [% END %]

lang fr,us ƒ parameter constraints: archive.period days,week,month visibility conceal,noconceal defined for each parameter shared_doc.d_read public shared_doc.d_edit editor

# only listmaster can edit user_data_source ƒ list editing: which role may user_data_source listmaster write # other parameters can be changed by owners alter what parameters default owner write

HEPiX spring 2006 Mailing lists at DESY with SYMPA – Dirk Jahnke-Zumbusch DESY–IT 9 integration features – refined – 6

HAMBURG • ZEUTHEN ƒ clearly separated units; facilitates changes • user interfaces: web and e-mail are widely accepted • middle tier: SYMPA utilizes common products for integration • database tier: usage of familiar systems (MySQL, PostgresQL, http-access) • template mechanism facilitates adaptation to local needs Web Services config tt2 client AXIS files files SOAP database Apache SYMPA back-ends modules Oracle client FastCGI Browser sympa bounced LDAP archived client MTA task_manager http MUA Postfix sympa_soap

client tier middle tier database tier

HEPiX spring 2006 Mailing lists at DESY with SYMPA – Dirk Jahnke-Zumbusch DESY–IT 10 adaptation to local needs features – refined – 7

HAMBURG • ZEUTHEN ƒ control of list behaviour (scenarios)

• lots of sensible scenarios included • who may (un)subscribe, add or delete subscribers ? • who may send e-mails ?

is_subscriber([listname],[sender]) smtp -> request_auth is_subscriber([listname],[sender]) smime,md5 -> do_it

• what kind e-mails are allowed ?

match([header->Content-Type],/multipart/) smtp,smime,md5 -> editorkey ƒ control of appearance via templates / TT2

seperation of scenarios and templates per robot

HEPiX spring 2006 Mailing lists at DESY with SYMPA – Dirk Jahnke-Zumbusch DESY–IT 11 data sources features – refined – 8


ƒ different backends possible include_ldap_query port 389 host • Oracle (MySQL, PostgresQL, Sybase) suffix ou=People,dc=univ,dc=fr scope one • LDAP timeout 10 filter (& (mail=*)(group=xyz)) • http(s)-based attrs mail select first ( • other mailing lists within SYMPA • files ƒ used for including • subscribers • owners • moderators • scenarios (only using static files possible)

HEPiX spring 2006 Mailing lists at DESY with SYMPA – Dirk Jahnke-Zumbusch DESY–IT 12 miscellaneous features – refined – 9

HAMBURG • ZEUTHEN ƒ X.509 certificates • user authentication (e-mail) • client authentication (web) • encryption (e-mail) ƒ bounce management (2 stages: warn/kick) VERP-enabled = unique return-path ƒ subscription modes e.g. URLize Î leave attachements @ SYMPA ƒ file/document upload

HEPiX spring 2006 Mailing lists at DESY with SYMPA – Dirk Jahnke-Zumbusch DESY–IT 13 Conclusions

HAMBURG • ZEUTHEN ƒ lots of really useful features providing a highly configurable system ƒ DESY still has not yet checked out all possibilities ƒ SYMPA development since 1997 ƒ more than 4,000 sites using it ƒ e.g. manages 20,000 lists with SYMPA ƒ fast responses from the CRU team ƒ more configuration will go into database ƒ improving of history / tracking mechanism ƒ SYMPA is definitely worth having a look at ƒ

HEPiX spring 2006 Mailing lists at DESY with SYMPA – Dirk Jahnke-Zumbusch DESY–IT 14 HAMBURG • ZEUTHEN

Any questions ?

(any answers ?)

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