PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 112(3):572-580. 1999. Megagidiella azul, a new genus and species of cavernicolous amphipod (Bogidiellidae) from Brazil, with remarks on its biogeographic and phylogenetic relationships

Stefan Koencmann and John R. Holsinger Department of Biological Sciences, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia 23529-0266, U.S.A.

Abstract.— Megagidiella azul, a new genus and species, is described from Gruta do Lago Azul, a cave in central-western Brazil. With a body length of more than 16 mm, this species is the largest bogidiellid recorded to date. In addition to its large size, the absence of a mandibular palp is a unique diag­ nostic character for the family Bogidiellidae and alone merits recognition of a new genus. The occurrence ofMegagidiella azul in an isolated, inland cave habitat marks another exceptional biogeographic record of a bogidiellid am­ phipod from South America.

Recent biological exploration of caves by Pleopods and uropods unmodified. Pleo- speleologists in several karst areas in Brazil pods biramous; outer ramus 3-segmented; has revealed many new localities for gam- inner ramus reduced, 1-segmented. Uro­ maridean amphipod and other pods biramous; peduncle of uropod 1 with subterranean organisms (Pinto-da-Rocha several ventrolateral (basofacial) spines; 1995). One such investigation in the Serra uropod 3 relatively long. Tel son about as da Bodoquena Karst of central-western Bra­ long as broad, with shallow excavation. zil resulted in the discovery of a new sty- Type species.— Megagidiella azul, new gobiont amphipod genus of the family Bog­ species by monotypy; gender feminine. idiellidae, described below. The specimens Etymology.—The generic name, referring were collected from a deep, subterranean to the relatively large size of the type spe­ lake in Gruta do Lago Azul (Blue Lake cies, is a combination of the Greek prefix Cave). “mega” (= large) and part of the family name. Megagidiella, new genus Remarks and relationships.—Bogidiel- Diagnosis.—Eyes absent. Body smooth, lids are relatively small amphipods, their unpigmented. Uronites not fused. Coxal body lengths generally range between 1-3 plates longer than wide, not overlapping. mm, occasionally exceeding 5 mm. With Coxal gills occurring on pereopods 4-6; adult specimens reaching a body length of sternal gills absent. Oostegites on pereo­ 16.2 mm, Megagidiella is an extraordinary pods 2-5, sublinear. No sexual dimorphism. exception. The more significant diagnostic Interantcnnal (lateral) lobe of head narrow­ character, however, is the absence of a man­ ly rounded anteriorly. Mandibular palp ab­ dibular palp, a morphological reduction to sent. Maxilla 1: palp 2-scgmented; outer date not reported in the family Bogidielli­ plate with 7 serrate spines; inner plate with dae (sensu Stock 1981). Apart from its size 3 apical plumose setae. Gnathopod 1 pro- and absence of a mandibular palp, Mega­ podus much larger than gnathopod 2 pro- gidiella closely resembles the typical mor­ podus. Pereopods 5-7 with narrow bases. phology ofBogidiella, s. str., e.g., gnatho- VOLUME 112, NUMBER 3 573

Fig. 1. Megagidiella azul, n. sp.. holotypc female (16.2 mm) from Lago Azul Cave, Bonito, Estado Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Note: buccal mass is shaded. pod 1 larger than gnathopod 2; pereopods margin of the outer ramus of uropod 3. 3-7 with narrow bases; coxal plates not Along with Artesia, from an Artesian Well overlapping, wider than long; 3-segmented in Texas, these are the only bogidiellids pleopodal outer ramus; reduced, 1-seg­known with setae on the rami of uropod 3. mented pleopodal inner rami. Minor excep­ tions from the general bogidiellid model are Megagidiella azul, new species a 1-segmented accessory flagellum and the Figs. 1-4 armature of the telson. Of all described bogidiellid species, a 1-segmented acces­ Material examined.— Holotype female sory flagellum is known only in 4 genera: (16.2 mm), allotype male (15 mm), and 3 Artesia Holsinger (in Holsinger & Longley paratypes (1 male, 1 female, 1 juvenile), 1980), Kergueleniola Ruffo, 1970,Marigi- collected by Adrian Boiler, 1 July 1991. diella Stock, 1981, andPcircibogidiella Hol­ Type locality.—Gruta do Lago Azul, singer (in Holsinger & Longley 1980). northwest of Bonito, Estado Mato Grosso The armature of the telson shows a re­ do Sul, Brazil. markable resemblance to that of Spelaeo- The holotype is dissected and mounted gammarus da Silva Brum, 1975, from caveson microscope slides in Faure’s medium. It in eastern Brazil: Megagidiella has 2-3 api­ is deposited in the Museu Nacional (UFRJ) cal and 3-5 subapical (lateral) spines per in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (MNRJ 13339). telsonic lobe in comparison with 2 apical The allotype and paratypes are preserved in and 3-4 subapical spines in Spelaeogam- alcohol and will be retained in the research marus. The combination of 2 apical spines collection of JRH under the catalog no. H- with more than 2 subapical spines is excep­ 3487. tional for bogidiellids. Moreover, the ar­ Diagnosis.—With the characters of the mature and shape of uropods 1-3 show genus. Largest male 15 mm, largest female noteworthy similarities in both genera, for 16.2 mm (Fig. 1). example, a row of long setae on the medial Description.—Antenna 1 (Fig. 2a) about 574 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON

50% length of body. Peduncular segments gin with about 27 short setae and 4 angular 1-3 gradually decreasing in length distally. spines of unequal length. Dactyl about 80% Primary flagellum longer than peduncle, length of propodus. with up to 19 articles in adult specimens, Gnathopod 2 (Fig. 3b): Basis naked, without aesthetascs. Accessory flagellum 1- bearing only 1 short seta at distoposterior segmented. comer. Propodus bearing 18-20 short setae Antenna 2 (Fig. 2b) about half as long as (12-13 laterally and 6-7 medially), 5 spines antenna 1. Peduncular segment 4 longer near comer, and a single lateral spine at than segment 5. Flagellum as long as pe­ mid-palmer margin. Palm with distinctly duncular segment 5, with 5 articles. oblique, finely serrate margin. Dactyl about Upper lip (Fig. 2c) rounded apically, with 60% length of propodus. setules along distal margin. Pereopods 3 and 4 subequal (Fig. 4a, b). Mandible (Fig. 2h, i): palp absent; molar Bases narrow, anterior margins little ex­ prominent, rounded, weakly triturative, panded. Dactyls 24-27% length of propods. bearing 1 long, finely serrate seta; left la- Pereopods 5-7 (Fig. 4c-e) increasing in cinia mobilis 5-dentate, right lacinia 2-den- length posteriorly. Bases narrow, posterior tate, with serrate upper margin; left and margins very weakly expanded. Dactyls right mandible with 4-6, variably plumose about 22, 26, and 28% length of propods, accessory spines. respectively. Lower lip (Fig. 2d) bearing setules on All pereopod bases apparently without outer lobes and on distal margins of inner lenticular organs. lobes; inner lobes small but distinct; lateral Coxal plates small, wider than long; processes short with bluntly rounded cor­ plates 1-4 rectangular, plates 5-7 at least 2 ners. times wider than long. Maxilla 1 (Fig. 2e): Palp 2-segmented, Coxal gills (Fig. 4a, d) present in 3 pairs, with 3 apical setae. Outer plate with 7 ovate on pereopods 4 and 5 and sack­ comblike spines (Fig. 2f), bearing loosely shaped on pereopod 6. inserted setules on surface and in row along Oostegites (Fig. 3b, 4a, c) small, subli- medial margin. Inner plate with marginal near, occurring on pereopods 2-5 (not se­ setules and 3 apical plumose setae. tose in material examined). Maxilla 2 (Fig. 2g): Outer plate with ap­ Epimeral plates (Fig. 3c) with small, but proximately 24 naked apical setae; apical distinct distoposterior comers, bearing 1 se- margin of inner plate bearing about 17 na­ tule each in groove immediately above cor­ ked setae and 3 plumose setae; both plates ner. with fine setules. Pleopods 1-3 (Fig. 4f) similar. Inner ra­ Maxilliped (Fig. 2j): Palp 4-segmented; mus reduced, 1-segmented, with terminal 3 blunt spines along apical margin of outer plumose seta. Outer ramus 3-segmented, plate; apical margin of inner plate with 2 with 2 terminal plumose setae per segment. bifid (у-shaped) spines, 4 plumose setae, Uropod 1 (Fig. 4g) biramous, outer ra­ and 1 naked seta. mus slightly shorter than inner ramus; rami Gnathopod 1 (Fig. 3a): Basis naked, about 64% length of peduncle. Peduncle bearing only 1 short seta at distoposterior bearing 14-15 spines, 3 of which inserted comer. Carpus short, triangular shaped, along ventrolateral (basofacial) margin. with 2 setae on pointed posterior lobe. Pro- Outer ramus with 12 lateral spines and 4 podus almost twice as long as broad, ap­ apical spines. Inner ramus with 4-5 apical proximately twice the size of gnathopod 2 and 5 dorsomedial spines. propodus. Palmar margin oblique and even, Uropod 2 (Fig. 4h): Inner and outer rami finely serrate along whole margin, with 5 subequal, slightly longer than peduncle. Pe­ medial and 5-6 lateral spines; medial mar­ duncle with 6 spines. Outer ramus bearing VOLUME 112, NUMBER 3 575

Fig. 2. Megagidiella azul, n. sp., holotype female (16.2 mm): a) antenna 1 (accessory flagellum enlarged), b) antenna 2, c) upper lip, d) lower lip, e) maxilla 1, f) enlarged spine and seta types of maxilla 1. g) maxilla 2. h) left mandible, i) incisor, lacinia mobilis, and spine row of right mandible, j) maxilliped.

8 lateral spines and 4 apical spines (2 long plumose setae. Inner ramus with 6-7 apical ones and 2 short ones). Inner ramus bearing spines and about 19 medial and lateral 5 spines along medial and lateral margins spines (some doubly inserted). and 5 apical spines (3 long ones and 2 short Telson (Fig. 3d, e) about as broad as ones). long; apex with shallow excavation (8% Uropod 3 (Fig. 4i) long, with subequal, length of telson); each half bearing 2 plu­ 1-segmented rami. Peduncle about 48% mose setae, 2 (sometimes 3) apical and 3- length of rami, with 2-4 spines. Outer ra­ 5 subapical spines. mus with 6 apical spines and 6 sets of Variation.—Morphological variation, spines along lateral margin (with 1-5 spines apart from usual differences between juve­ per set); medial margin bearing 4-5 long niles and adults (e.g., number of spines on 576 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON

Fig. 3. Megagidiella azul, n. sp., holotype female (16.2 mm): a) gnathopod 1, b) gnathopod 2, c) epimeral plates, d) telson, e) telson, allotype male (15 mm). appendages, flagellum articles, etc.), was Discussion observed most obviously in the armature of The type material was collected at a the telson. The number of subapical spines depth between 6 and 12 m from a deep, in the adult females (16 mm in length) var­ turquoise-blue lake inside Blue Lake Cave. ied from 2 to 5 per side, whereas both adult The cave is located at the southern edge of males (15 and 11 mm in length) had a con­ the world’s largest wetland area along the stant number of 3 subapical spines. In the Serra da Bodoquena in central-western Bra­ holotype female, a short third apical spine zil (Pinto-da-Rocha 1995). Because of the was inserted on the left telsonic apex (Fig. large cave entrance, the lake, about 50 m 3d). inside the cave, receives light during some Etymology.—The epithet azul is based on hours of the day (Pires 1987). The water in the name of the type locality and is used as the lake presumably marks the upper por­ a noun in apposition. tion of a subterranean aquifer. VOLUME 112, NUMBER 3 577

Fig. 4. Megagidiella azul, n. sp., holotype female (16.2 mm): a) pereopod 3, b) percopod 4. c) pereopod 5, d) pereopod 6, e) pereopod 7, 0 pleopod 2, g) left uropod I, h) left uropod 2, i) left uropod 3. 578 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON

Blue Lake Cave was already biogeo- distribution pattern is characterized by sev­ graphically significant prior to the discov­ eral regions with relatively dense concen­ ery ofMegagidiella azul, inasmuch as it is trations of species. For example, the South the only known locality in the western American continent shows the highest ge­ hemisphere for the extremely rare crusta­ neric diversity as opposed to the Mediter­ cean order Spelaeogriphacea. Prior to the ranean region where species richness is discovery ofPotiicoara brasiliensis Pires, higher but generic diversity is lower. To 1987 in Blue Lake Cave, the only otherdate, 18 species, distributed among 10 gen­ spelaeogriphacean known to science was era and subgenera, are known from South Spelaeogriphus lepidopus Gordon 1957 America (Fig. 5). from caves on Table Mountain in South Af­ The discovery ofMegagidiella azul in rica. One explanation for the occurrence of the interior of South America, approximate­ freshwater stygobiont spelaeogriphaceans ly 1000 km from the nearest coast, is bio- in caves on opposite sides of the Atlantic geographically significant because the vast Ocean is that these species are derived from majority of bogidiellids occupy ranges be­ a common ancestor which inhabited Gond- tween 100-200 km from marine coastal re­ wana prior to the separation of Africa and gions. South America shows a remarkable South America in the Early Cretaceous. Al­ pattern of isolated aquatic habitats, and has though it is tempting to speculate that bog­ promise for the future study of stygobiont idiellids and spelaeogriphaceans share a organisms and their environments. similar evolutionary history affected by Subsequent to the completion of the continental drift, there is to date no evi­ manuscript, we received additional mega- dence that the ranges of these groups form gidiellids from several new localities in the a generalized distribution track. Bogidiel­ state Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. These lids are recorded only from a few localities specimens match the description given in near coastal regions in northeastern and this paper and show the same morphologi­ northern Africa, whereas the freshwater cal variation as observed in the type spe­ amphipod fauna in central and southern Af­ cies. rica is composed primarily of epigean par- New localities.—2 juveniles (6 and 7 amelitids, and stygobiont ingolfiellids and mm) from Gruta do Mimoso, Bonito, col­ stemophysingids. lected by E. P. Costa, Jr., Feb and Jun, 1998; From an ecological perspective, it is im­ 1 female (12.5 mm) from Abismo do Po$o, portant to note that M. azul dwells in a large Jardin, collected by N. Moracchioli, Jun, lake of phreatic water. The extraordinary 1998; 2 females (13 mm) from Buraco dos size of this species might imply a correla­ Abelhas, Jardin, collected by E. P. Costa, tion of body size and available habitat Jr., Apr and Jun, 1998. space. An interesting parallel example of Comments.—According to Dr. Eleonora this phenomenon can be observed in the Trajano (pers. comm.), all specimens were amphipod family Ingolfiellidae. Most in­ found in large cave lakes. They occurred in golfiellids, like many bogidiellid taxa, are the water column at depths of 20-52 me­ less than 3 mm long and live in interstitial ters. Spelaeogriphaceans were also present habitats. In contrast to the norm, however, in Gruta do Mimoso, but they inhabited species of the ingolfiellid genus Troglole- only the benthic sediments of the lake. leupia live in large “open” cave lakes in central and southern Africa and may reach Acknowledgments 23 mm in length (Griffiths 1989). Bogidiellid amphipods have a near We are grateful to Dr. Eleonora Trajano, world-wide distribution pattern, occuring University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, for provid­ exclusively in subterranean habitats. Their ing us with the specimens of the new bog- VOLUME 112. NUMBER 3 579








80W 70W 60W 50W 40W

Fig. 5. Geographic distribution of bogidiellid amphipods in continental South America: (1) cooki Grosso & Ringuclct (1979); (2)B. gamma riformis Sket (1985): (3) B. neotropico Ruffo (1952): (4)B. (Dxcti- cogidiella) ringueleti Grosso & Fernandez (1988); (5)B. (Dyer.) talampaxensis Grosso & Claps (1985): (6)B. (Mesochthongidiella) tucumanensis Grosso & Fernandez (1985): (7)B. (Stygogidiella) honnocollensis Grosso & Fernandez (1988): (8)B. (Sryg.) lavillai Grosso & Claps (1984): (9)Eobogidiella purmamarcensis Karaman (1982): (10)Marigidiella brasiliensis Stock (1981; see also Siewing. 1953): (11)Megagidiella azul. n. gen., n. sp. (background darkened for emphasis): (12) Patagongidiella danieli Grosso & Fernandez (1993) and P. mauryi Grosso & Fernandez (1993) (both in same locality); (13) PseudingolfieUa chilensis Noodt (1965); (14)Spelaeo- gammarus bahiensis da Silva Brum (1975) andS. spp. 580 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON idiellid amphipod for identification and gen. del noroeste Patagonico (Neuquen. Argen­ study, and to Adrian Boiler for collecting tina).—Bolletino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale. Verona 17:357 372. the bogidiellids from Blue Lake Cave. We ------, & R. A. Ringuelet. 1979. Fauna subterranea also thank the Graphics Office at Old Do­ de las aguas dulces de la Republica Argentina. minion University for generating of the dis­ I. Dos nuevas especies de Amphipodos del gd- tribution map. This study was supported by nero Bogidiella.—Limnobios 1:381-394. a РЕЕТ grant from the National Science Holsinger. J. R.. & G. Longley. 1980. The subterranean amphipod crustacean fauna of an artesian well Foundation to JRH (DEB-9521752). in Texas.—Smithonian Institution Press 308:i- iii, 1-62. Literature Cited Karaman, G. S. 1982. Critical remarks to the recent revisions of bogidiella-group of genera with study of some taxa (fam. Gammaridae). Contri­ da Silva Brum. I. N. 1975.Spelaeogammarus bahien- bution to the knowledge of 126.— sis g.n. sp.n. de Anfipodo Cavcmicola do Brasil. Poljoprivreda I Sumarstvo Titograd, 28:31-57. (Amphipoda-Bogidiellidae).—Atas da Socieda- Noodt. W. 1965. Interstitielle Amphipoden der kon- de de Biologia di Rio de Janeiro. 17:125-128. vergenten Gattungen Ingoljiella Hansen und Gordon. I. 1957. OnSpelaeogriphus, a new cavemic- Pseudoniphargus n. gen. aus Suedamerika.— olous crustacean from South Africa.—Bulletin Crustaceana 9:17-30. of the British Museum of Natural History (Zo­ Pinto-da-Rocha, R. 1995. Sinopse da fauna cavemicola ology) 5:31-47. do Brasil (1907-1994).—Papeis Avulsos de Griffiths, C. L. 1989. The Ingolfiellidae (Crustacea: Zoologia (S. Paulo) 39:61-173. Amphipoda) of southern Africa, with descrip­ Pires, A. M. S. 1987.Potiicoara brasiliensis: a new tions of two new species.—Cimbebasia 11:59- genus and species of Spelaeogriphacea (Crus­ 70. tacea: ) from Brazil with a phyloge­ Grosso. L. E., & G. L. Claps. 1984. Tercer Bogidiel­ netic analysis of the Peracarida.—Journal of lidae (Crustacea Amphipoda) de la cuenca del Natural History 21:225-238. Rio Grande (Jujuy, Argentina).—Neotropica Ruffo, S. 1952.Bogidiella neotropica n. sp.. nuovo 30:223-231. Anfipodo dell’ Amazonia.—Rivista Svizzera di ------, & ------. 1985. Distribuci6n geogrdfica de Idrologia 14/1:129-134. la familia Bogidiellidae (Crustacea, Amphipo­ ------. 1970. Descrizione di Kerguelenella macra n. da) en la Republica Argentina, con la descrip- g. n. sp. (Amphipoda Gammaridae). Studi sui ci6n de un nuevo subg£nero у una nueva es- Crostacei Anfipodi LXVTT1.— Bolletino del Mu­ pecie.—Physis (Buenos Aires), Sect*. B. 43:49- seo Civico di Storia Naturale, Verona 18:43-54. 55. Siewing, R. 1953. Bogidiella brasiliensis, ein neuer ------. & H. R. Femdndez. 1985. Una nuevaBogi- Amphipode aus dem Kuestengrundwasser Bras- diella (Amphipoda Bogidiellidae) hiporreica de iliens.—Kieler Meeresforschungen, Band 9, la provincia de Tucumin (Argentina).—Neotro­ Heft 2:243-247. pica 31:201-209. Sket. B. 1985. Bogidiella (s. 1.) gammariformis sp. n. ------. & ------. 1988. Un caso de simpatria de tres (Amphipoda) from Equador.—Bioloski Vestnik especies del genero Bogidiella (Crustacea, Am­ 33:81-88. phipoda) en el noroeste Argentino, con la de­ Stock. J. H. 1981. The and zoogeography scription de dos nuevoas especies.—Stygologia of the family of Bogidiellidae (Crustacea, Am­ 4:64-78. phipoda), with emphasis on the West Indian ------, & ------. 1993. Nuevo genero cavemicola taxa.—Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde (Amster­ austral de Bogidiellidae: Patagongidiella n. dam) 51:345-374.